Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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WWe are Pushing Sorai
'c'i.-, Km. and
Ladies' 60c ilt. Uauze
Vmu, at 3 for 50
L !!' 1 5c Vesta la floe Lisle or
Cottoa. at 12 H
Ladles' 10c and He Oaase Vests.
la white sad colors, st ) 5C
Ladles' 60c Jersey Ribbed Union
Baits, lace trimmed, la extra or
regular sixes, at 25s
Ladles' Porosknlt and fine Lisle
Union Suits, made In all styles.
worta to 1.25, at -49
Lades' 62.00. 63.00 snd 64. 0J
Itallaa 8111c Vests la white, pink.
blue, st ..$1.08 "d $1.45
Ladles' Kayser Silk Jersey Ribbed
Vests ia ail colors, at . . . .50?
' "A
Special Shoe Sale
A big lot of Men's Box Calf, Patent Colt and Vici Kid and
Elk Skin Shoes former price $3.00; for quick (Jfl no
selling $170
Women's Patent Colt Button or Blucher Oxfords; also one
and two traps, in patent or gunmetal, that have &4 no
been selling for $3.00 vlei0
Boys' and Youths' $1.50 and $1.73 good, solid, serviceable
Shoes, just the thing for vacation wear, qq
A clean up of Misses' and Children's Slippers f A A
former prices up to $1.75... vleUU
v- $2.50 Handbags $1.19
Faacy Geld and Silver Mounted, Seal Grain Hand Bags
With moire lining and coin purse; worth up to frf A
$2 50; on sale Saturday Vlelt
Ladies' Neckwear
60 Plaaea Lace Collars
61.00 Plaaea Lace Collars
26c Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs.
16e Linen Handkerchiefs
15c Lace Edge Handkerchiefs
IVe Sell Fsrnitart at tht
Right Ptkt
Saturitj Is Ftrnitart 0a
$1.50 Golden Oak Tabour-
ettes 75c
$1.25 Golden Oak Tabour-
ettes 50c
$25.00 3-piece Parlor Suite,
leather ....$17.50
$3.85 Arm Rocker, quarter
sawed oak ..$2.50
$3.75 Large Arm Rocker,
golden $2.75
$1.65 Solid Oak Brace Arm
Dining Chair $1.20
$14.50 Gliding 4-passenger
Swing $11.50
25 per cent discount on all
Lawn Goods for Satuniav
$15.00 Brass Bed, full size
for $11.85
Xothiaf to Do ait Study f Don't Too.
BcIIsts It
utut f y"tg of the co-eds
of tko Rlk Jink tke. H B.
aa Hwah4 Tradltiaaa Wkire
tvia Bth Cbsjs
gat. Ok. wfeea a gtrt gs t soilsg. that's
the a4 ( all fua. e)h's tbs most sober-
stojsa creatur who vr studied Greek. b
csjs ska's Ittisr going to k taught to b
womaa, who would at say "Darn!" ovor
a, bra4 fudge ooekiag. or she's traia'.ng
to k a aaraoa of sultur. who sould un
heHatlngiy trao Its etymology If sa 4x1
say tt.
Tea. tndtwdy. It s a sad. sad world ror
jft such whoa ambitions r parents have
ostiMd them te waor ths laurela and
BsajTigsts smfl. asaavl. when all tbsir
is Wa impulse are ror piam uifiwa am
tk tkrUimg traaaiaUo that usually runs
KU as again, Billy; I'm at angry."
Nothing to 4 but study; nothing to
say kut Isssons; , aothing to think but
acoklams snd all for three or four long
aoaxs, whan you gt your degrea as Maid
)f Arts and are entitled to your f.rt
frm-trmm laugh.
Was that a WoUosley girl who snick.
gred. Jus theft or a Cornell eo-ed? Or
Sid tt com from the highbred nostrils
ft!usn Underwear
Ladles' and Misws' Bsthing Silts.
at 4 Pr.ce: all new styles.
Children's 25c Knit Vests and
Pants, at lOt?
Ladles' 62.00 Combination Butts
snd Gowns, nicely trimmed snd
perfectly made, at DS
Lailes' 50c Muslin Corset Covers
and Drawers, at 25t
Ladies' fine Skirts snd Prinrets
Slips, worth to 63-0O, st ?2.50
Sl.GS and 81. 50
CluMren's Muslin Gowns, si -9
Children's Muslin Drswers
t ywc
Children s Muslin Drswers
at . . . . .12He25t d 3f
60c Rompers at. 3 tor $1.00
TOCKnre BAaaAxira
Laiie K!n QuaiHy Silk KmbroMerv
.-t-k;ns. in black and ail (ni,it
at Me; 3 pairs for i.m
l-adles. Menu and 3iildren'a M rk
m. alt kln.In. at 3 for S5o
Ladies' tl.uu and 1.30 S'lk Stone
nna. at e aa 4o
tnli-li-ens ,5c Black Bsteen H.oom
';" S5e
Ladies- Fine Cotton an'l Mereertzel
Blockings, at as sad 1S-,
sst roa uxai woicxs t sne-
dally adapted anit very satisfactory
In every respect. We sll and rec
ommend them.
Prices. B3.00, S4.0O. f 3.00
vtarner. Kabo. R. 6 ci., W. H., Thom
son's Ulovefiittlng, C. B., L
Hprlte. shown In a large anrt-
nient of modes, up from 91.00
Corsets for Summer Wear Lieu.
cool coret long, medium an-1
. trle. st...4, 7So and Me
f I 00 Brassieres 44
75c Bras ere 1 '.Se
!&!' sad Children's Tsacy Far.
ols st Oae-Half Prise,
Children" ic Parasols. In all colore.
t 100
All the Misses' Parasols that sold for
i'.c up to c. at. . Just Mmlt Price
Some All J-ilk.
Indies' All Ci k P:msls Abo it two
dozen left. Persian, fancy striped,
some plain: also white linen em
broidered. Saturday only
.at Jut Half Price
Ladies and Uents' Umbrellas, Ameri
can taffeta ago
and Handkerchief
Extra Specials In 9ur
High Grade Linen
For Saturday's Selling
Turkish Towels, hemmed
and fringed, cream or white
worth 30c; Saturday. 25c
Turkish Towels, oriental,
enow white, hemmed, full
size, worth 25c; Saturday,
Full size, knotted fringe, Bed
Spreads, plain or cut cor
ners, worth $3.00; Saturdar,
t ml size hemmed Marseilles
Bed Spreads, assorted pat
terns, worth $3.98; Satur
day, each $2.50
f fair Bryn Mawr?
No tun at a girl's ollege?
Weil, maybe not th kind of rowdy,
slaughter that happen when Oier la a
bowl fight at one of th men's universi
ties, where they tear th pants off the
enthusiastic participants sad leave them
parUcepa crlminls. which signifies Eden.
Ilk snd ashamed. 1 But plenty of happy
days Just th same.
Caafeaaieas of Co-Nl.
A Cornell co-ed's coafertvtona would make
Interesting, oven thrilling, reading. One,
aot Tory long ago, a co-ed at Cornell, of
the communicative freshman age. wrst to
a dearest friend, under th moat awful
secrecy, soma of th things that happened
to her when th bloodthirsty sophs hased
her. gh said shs struck; surprise, all
"Saturday night.- th sophs notified
them, by invitations appallingly decorated
that wer foretastes of the wrath to coma,
and by word of mouth so darkly fearful
that, as th week wore on. not a few of
th poor freahies wer badly scared. Ths
on kindly hint urged them not to wear
good d roast, but be prepared for tbl
Th freshman class, trembling, but da
voted martyra. assembled outside th gym
door and war pried apart la group of
Cv by watrd figure gunned In black,
with masks and high-pointed hats te
match. Each scared quintet was ted down
th short flight of step to th floor and
to th cruel mercies of a doaea green, rod
and black devils, who seised them aad
pinched them and poked them. In th aaml
, darkness, for all th lights were out ex
Store Closes Saturday IMlQlit at
Unequaled Silk Dress
Saturday)Hudrfs lk Dresses
n n ; -valued to or more
M0rning)6O on sale at, choice, for
Plain Facts About This Great Sale Our Cloak and Suit Buyer, now in New York City, made
the early part of thi week the greatest bari;iiri purchase of high grade seasonable Silk Dresses
we have ever hnd--embrni'ing Foul -'-I. Mossa linos. Taffetas and Pongee Silks all new and crisp.
1 gf o
ST OT Our buyer aires from New
Tors ha has bought several lot of
ladles' Fine Linc-ena and Marquisette
WaiiMS at a mere fractloa of their value
for aatvraafs aalilBf.
rise M arulsstte and Chiffoa Waists A
clearing- sals of our entire strrh. Satur
day, at ialt paica
iallss Waists Pine Marquisettes an I
linsiries. In large variety, all new. all
sizes, high and low neck, made to sll
to Ji.00, Saturday, choirs I1JI
Ladies' Waists 25 different styles to
select from, all sizes, made to sell to
$3 50. Saturday, choice 9&c
Also Felt Hats in pink, light blue, grey, oxford, brown and grey
Price $i. 98, $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00
Straw Hats that sold to S6!50, choice
Special Sale on Cut
and Silverware
$1.00 Watches 7&s
$1.00 Alarm Clocks 69c
60e Shirt Waist Rings 25
4 dot. Rogers' Tea Spoons
tor 75
Casseroles with silver
plated holders . . H Price
2plece Chest of Rogers'
Silver $5.50
$1 fancy Hat Pins ..50
sOe fancy Hat Pins '. -25
$10 Mesh Bags ..$7.08
$3.00 Mesh Bags. $5.93
$6.00 Mesh Bags. $4.50
$4.00 Mesh Bags, $2.00
$3.00 Solid Gold Shell
Set Rings $1.00
Large size Racine Clothes Bas
ket for 49o
$1.50 Ironing Board 9Sc
Buffalo Egg Poacher 39c
Any size Dripping Pan. . .10c
Mrs. Potts' Irons 79c
10-gal. Garbage Can 79c
6 Wooden Coat Hangers. 10c
Miracle Washing Machine, $H
value, for $8.50
Wilson Tosster 15
6-fesr Guaranteed Wringer.. $3,
60-foot Cable Clothes Line. . . . 12
Ring Lawn Sprinkler 45
Family Scales f)8
Bread Board 2'3
Electric I roa (guaranteed! . .$2.98
F&tt Try HAYDEN'S First
cept on, which, covered with green paper,
gave th most uncanny glow Imaginable.
Th victims were forced to sit on the
floor, whll the devils howled and shrieked
around them, inflicting pokes on which
ever freshmaa happened to be nearest.
Thea the president of ths sophomore
class, togged out In sheets and carrying
a walling black eat. mad a speech, tame
screens, that had hidden a portion of th
mom. were drawn away, to reveal a great
caldron. Into which three witches were
Pouring th nfsblood of a fresh le. who had
ba already sacrificed, whll a large audi,
ne of sister witches chanted admonitions
to th scared free hie, and directed their
attention to th fat of on girl whose
svrd head, projected from a sheet,
dripped blood to boat th Princes Lam
bail. fllaataa; th Pledge.
All . st one th chanting witches
shrieked forth a harrowing "Amen! ' and
swooped down oa th freshles. bore thm
to a corner and mad them slga th rules
In blood at toast that's what It looked Ilk.
They pledged themselves thus:
I hereby solemnly swear aad affirm to
abide by these rules It 1 do not, may I
share th fat of th bloody victim bo
tor mo:
Whea a sophomore come to my door I
will feed bar.
I wtu never fuss In Sag drawing room
after M p. m.
I promise to hold a friendly conversation
with each professor at the end of th hour,
for his good.
I promise to beeom salted dowa within
a reasonable length of time
They were hustled over to another cor
ner, given a lantern te light tixeir way
riGGS to
Taffetas; we offer the entire choice
collection st one price.
Saturday , .
300 Ladies' and Misses' Wssh Dresses In lawns snd ging
hsms. tnsde la very choice pretty summer styles. Intended
to sell up to 15.00, Saturday's Clearance Sale SI. 40
Immense assortment of Ladles' snd Misses' white and col
ored dresses lawns, ginghams snd cotton foulards and
fancy mulls, the prettiest of this season's sty Us. values
to $12.50, Saturday's Clearance Sale, choice $3.05
200 Ladies' long Pongee Silk snd Cloth of Gold Costs, that
sold to $20, ia Saturday s Clearance Sale, choice . .$6.95
Indies' Waists, Jut BcoiTd Manufac
turers' entire stink. tne bl lot of
Pretty Lawn snd Lingerie Waists, In
sertion and embroidery trimmed, regular
va ue to $1.50. Saturday BS
Saturday la Our Children's Pact.
Lot 1 Bia- lot Children's Pretty, Neatly
Made ffull Dresses that sold to $150,
eisarirx price. Saturday CSs
Lot 2 ("nildren's Colored and Whits
We eh Dresses, the kinds that have
mud? our department popnlar all sea
Mtn and have sold up to li&O, Satur
day's clearing sale price MS
Domestic Room Bargains
; for Saturday
Croquet Sets at' hi regular price
i SO "et at tzoo
J 09 beta at ' tlM Sets at tlM.
1 Lot of Pictures, values up to $0c. Saturday special IS
Camera complete with which you can actually take pleturea.
special for Saturday XS
Envelopes that sell in a regular way for lc, Saturday Special 3e
1'tc Writing Tablets. Saturday special 5
ISe Novel wtth cloth cover, special ltH
Jap Napkins sold all over for so doxen. Sat. special, hundred, 10O
60c Cook Books with 1.200 recipes Saturday special l&s
Stenographers' and Reporters' Nuts Tablets, the ic kind,
Liquor Department Specia's
Maryland Rye Whiskey $ years old, per full qt. 75c; Per Gallon CT2.50
Fine Old SunkUt California Port, Sherry and Muscatel Wine, per full qt. 50
Home Made Grape Wine. Red or White, per gallon $1.00
2 -quart bottles High Grade Beer for ....25
You Can't Mford to Throw Money Away
bt Trading at Hayden's for Groceries pu Sav Fnm 25 ta 50Yo
IS lbs best Granulated Sugar ....ft.S4
! bars Beat-'Km-All or Diamond C soap.
at lie
48-lb, sack best High Grade Diamond H
Fancy Hour $1 1-
10 lbs. best white or yellow cornmeai lie
liallun cans ;lden Pumpkin -ic
(gallon cans Appies lc
Brnmangelun. Jeilycon or Jello. pkg.. 7 He
1-lb cans assorted Suups. Campbeira. 7pC
Condensed Milk, per car 7 Vac
The best Soda Crackers, lb. Ic
The best Crisp Pretzels, lb ic
The bent Crisp Ginger Snaps, lb. ....c
Corn Ktakes, pkg SWc
Grape Nuts, pkg 10e
4 l'.a. fancy Japan Rtce..18c quality, .'5c
li s. rd Japan Rice, m quality, 2 c
Yeist T'otm, pkg 3.-
srsciai. XtXMOST aata SATtrmDaT
Lare fancy Umoni, regular Joe sixe,
per dncen 20c
through the d.m halls of learning and
some chewing g.ira to make them stick
to it. They were danced around one more,
and then all the witches vanished In t
yelling whirl and the ordeal was over.
Every girls' college has Its class rival
ries and contests of wit that help en
liven the school year from beginning to
end. The sophs at Cornell are chagrined
if th freshlrs manage to pull off aa even
lng picnic beside Triphammer falls on
Bee be lake without sophomore approval or
interference, and when th rejoicing fresh
les hav th unmitigated nerve to parade
back la lock-step formation singing "We're
Here Because We're Her," and march
around th gym. it la provocation enough
to warrant th sophs stealing their dining
room and compelling th presumptuous
freshles to cat where they can which Is
in th main dining room, so there is no
harm don to their hungry bodies, though
their spirits nwy suffer.
Boas E La karat a Plana.
But usually vca th most trying of
college ordeals are leas serious affair so
far aa horse play go, and more elab
orate ia their planning. Whea a rush, liks
th famous hair rush of th co-eds of th
University of Cincinnati, happens it Is
generally Impromptu, as that was.
A group of Ogoats (Pa.) students some
years ag had on last, new girl from th
wst to. lnltiat before th school year
could be considered properly under way.
Th western girl had dodgsd and evaded
them and meanwhile delighted all th atu
Senta. old and new, with her Imitations
of ths school's womaa principal. At said-
O O'clock
fre.h from the makers' hand?. Llegant
qualities: neat patterns, made
after most favorite model" of present sea
son styles n aking this sale pre-eminently
th best of the year as the style? are abso
lutely new aud the values to $20.00 or more.
Choic-o Saturday at $4.95.
Come early if you can BUT
,COMl even if late.
Clearance Sale of Fine Silk
Dresse;, gfife $W.OO
To close out our stock of mid-summer Silk Dresses, em
broidered Foulards. Pongees, Messalines. Rajahs and
Uttto Tots' Imported Bates Dresses
Very pretty snd popular. 1 to yean,
clearing sals, Saturday . .Ona-Kalf Ttiem
Ladles' Fine Gingham Underskirts, that
sold to 11.60. Saturday S9s
Ladies' Percale Wrappers, all sices, gojj
styles and good colors, valuea to tl -
Saturday Beo
Ladles' Fine Taffeta and Measallne Petti
coats, plain colors and fancies, sold ta
17.50. Saturday, choice S3. 9 5
Ladies' House lresse. In lawn and per
cale, all aiaes, in pretty styles, worth
to II 90. choice eaturday So
Butter and Chase Ttlcmm That Axe Mot
coatreuss ty SSs UimaHa Trust
The best Creamery butter. In carton or
bulk, per lb the
No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb. .......He
'No. 1 Dairy butter, per lb. 10c
' '.he best No. 1 selected Kggs, do...17Hc
I Kuil Cieajn Cheese, per lo lie
j Neufchat1! Cheese, eactt c
n wsausr bmi mot Airset alayaec's
Vsgstabls Prices Ths Talk of OamaJia
i bunches tread l arruls or Turnlus. .o
3 Lunches fretn Beets
. . .he
ljirge heads freslt Cabbage
b unities .tresh Radishes
bunches freh Onions ....
Wax vr Green Besna. lb. .,
Guvd Cooking Apples, pack
New Potatoes, perk
Fancy r:pe Tomatoes, lb. ...
. ..
. . .its
. ao
, .4c
Larre. julcv Lemons doa.
California Plums or Peaches, basket. 6 do
night, with th halls darkened, th older
girls prepared a full bath of cold water
and lay in wait for th last victim. Whea
the steps they expected sounded along th
hall they rushed her and haled her to th
icy bath.
The shocked tones of the principal's voice
bade them desist. But they had heard the
western girl's Imitations too often to be
scared. Into the tub went the prisoner
a thorough sousing. Then an electric light
was turned on.
Wall, they had made a mistake; It was
the princljai, all right,
Th 3Sae;erade.
Th real spirit of a woman's college can
be seen, with a total a been c of these tor
ture chamber Ideals, whea th girls glvs a
masquerade, that delight of the femlnlns
3uL Even- so serious an Institution as the
Woman's Medical college la Philadelphia
can produce an exoluaivsly feminine mas
querade party that draws th mala element
as honey draw filra. yet bars them at th
doors, ss though Adam alone had been
shut out of Eden.
Th freshmen students there, one year,
bad turned th tables on the sophs snd had
rushed them until new clothes were needed
for nearly the whole soph class. Kemors
came lata, but not too late to bar th op
port unity for making amends. Th fol
lowing year, th promoted freshmen, ss
sophs, paid for the big spread to which
th promoted sophs, aa Juniors, sat dowa
after th masquerade and dance.
But It waa a manles feattval throughout.
Th escorts wh brought th danoers te
th college bad to stand outulde and
shiver. Whea a crw4 f stud en is from
Best Quality Men's
Than Halt the
Mea's I..V. a and $20 Pyjamas at WV
All kinds and colors, every suit wsr
rsnted perfect la fit and quality, all extra
well made of fine madras, great bargain.
Mea's and Boys' fl.OO Night Shirts at 4tfc
All made of fine cambric, made extra
long and full alxe. nicely trimmed snd
good qusltty pearl buttons, all sixes
from II to 1.
Mea's aad Boys' Collars and Tie Beta at 1 0c
Men's 60e 811k Knitted Four-la-Hand
Ties at, I for f0
Mea's SOc aad 75c 8ilk 8oeks at 25
Men's the Socks, all klnda. at .-12
Best I'mJerweaU1 Bargains to be Haxl Any.
where Also best Qaality and best Fitting.
B. V. I). I'nioa Salts at 00r We will also
sell Porosknlt fine Lisle Jersey Ribbed in
white, pink, blue or ecru, every suit
gusrsnteed perfect la fit snd quality,
made to sell st $1.60 and S3. 00. all
Men's 14 0 Mk L4sl Union Suits. In w hite
snd color, short or long sleeves,
tea's S1.4M TJalea aorta, mil klsos, at 4c
uea's 6O0 Xfareerlsed Vadar Sblrta. aS .,..10
Men s iMIbrigsan and Lisle Shirts aad Draw
ers, black, white and colors, all sixes, worth
to XI 2i. st SSo, SSs aa 8e
llan's I lua r ntu -I Qi(ka irit st mAtitha at
pa r fr-
Throw Away Your
Soiled Straw
Every Straw Hat Reduced.
Buy a new one at hi and less
regular price.
A l-rge lot of soft and stiff straws
all shapes and kinds of braids
Porto Rico. Milan. Manila. Mack
inaws, etc. worth to il. 60
t 85
Every straw la our regular
stock at one-half price:
14.00 Hats for 92.00
93.00 Hats for S1.50
92 50 Hats for $1.25
92.00 Hsta for Sl.OO
A resl sale of fine hand made hats.
Men's, Boys' and Children's
Straws, worth to 10c, at. , . 15
Men's, Boys' and Children s
Strsws, worth to 9100, at. 25
Trunks and
t :V I'm
The largest selection of trunks, bags and rait
cases la the west, oa sale bow at a saving to you of
Extra Specials
in Crockery
8-oz. Bell Glasses, 6 for 20c
10-oz. Bell Glasses, 6 for 25c
Fancy Sherbets, 6 for. .20c
Japanese Cups and Saucers,
6 for 50c
White Austrian China Cups
and Saucers, 6 for. . . ,65c
Cake and Bread Plates.. 9c
Decorated Bread and Butter
Plates, 6 for 25c
Brass Fern Dish with lining
for ...65c
Decorated Cups, Saucers and
Plates 18 pieces for 98c
medical colleges arrived and demanded ad
mission In the na me of science, they wer
bidden depart with all host. Even th
band that furnished th music was ta sn
ot her room and rumor had It that they
were blindfolded and chained to th floor.
Th dance had all th Joy of complete free
dom from trammels and the fledgling
woman doctors had the time of their
live. San Francisco Chronicle.
A Parkaae of Cold Comfort with
Legal Trtsnsatasm Headed a
Cay Deeel ve.
The appellate term of th suprem court
of New York. Justice 8eabury. Guy and
Bijur. decided tkat whea a man deceives a
woman whom he asks to marry him regard
ing bis financial condition and irreproach
able character she may set that up as a
defense la a breach ef promise action.
Jacob Gross, empivftd ty th clothing
manufacturing firm of 8ol Gross ft Co.,
sued Helen Hachsteia in the dty court for
tlv.OtMS damages for breach of promts to
In her defens Mia Horbstela says that
he bad promised to marry the plaintiff in
December XI. U00; that -the plaintiff repre
sented to her that he was receiving S3
per week from the clothing firm of Sol
Gross Co.. and that h had a M per cent
Interest la the business, gh declares that
ah found his representations to be false
aad that she refused to marry him. 8ba
slae declared that she found mat the de-
-7?tLiarnt STOP! :, 1 1
Furnishings a Less
Regular Price
SOe nY.jT'
The Greatest or All Shirt Sales
We bought two of the biggest lota
of Men's Fine Shirts ever sold to any
house la Omaha. This big p arenas
has every kind of a shirt made la all
the aewest colors and styles, of the
Tery best shirtings, made with separ
ate collars, collars attached or with
out collars, turn back cuffs, coat
style. Every shirt ta this big lot
guaranteed perfect In ewy way, fit
and quality cannot be better. If you
had them made and paid 94.00 each
for them. They will go la three big
All the Shirts worth to 1.60 will
be 40
All the Shirts worth to 3.00 will go
t 60
All the Shirts worth to t-00 at 08
.fessasssaj- -
Suit Cases
Trunke worth 910.00 to 925.00
oa sale at, $7.45 to $17.50
Bags and Suit Cases, worth 95.00
to 925.00; oa sale
-t $3.05 to $16.50
Cut yoar vacation expanses be
fore you start by buying here.
Drugs and Toilet
For Satardafs Selling
tie Hire's Root Beer Extract for lte
tic bar CuUcura goap for ITS
t for 3&
lte bar 4711 White Ross Glycerin
Sow for ioa
10c Jap Rosa or Palm OUvs Soap, at
t bars for IS
19c Williams' or Col gal s Shaving
Soap for So
26o sis Dr. E. L. Oravos Tooth,
Powder for loe
Five bars f Ivory Soap for IS
Large sis Pompelaa MsssagS Croam
for see
ic sis BtlUmaa's r Berry's Prorki
Cream for Mo
tie Jar Paroxld CYaaia for 15
0c Hind's Uonsy and Almond Cream
for Ss
Ho can, of finest quality Talcum
Powder for Sa
11 09 also pur Hydrsea Peroxide
for SSo
lie sis pur Hydrogen Psruxld at
S bottle for so
15c box Bat a Bait, whll they last, s
$2.00 doubl briatl Hair Bmshea.
for tl.00
II. it Bath Brush. tachsbl han
dles, for Ts
tl.00 2 -quart . Ooodyoar Fountain
eyrfng for 9lM
ll.ft J -quart Rapid Flow Fountain
By rinse for SO
91.00 Wellington gyring and bottle,
guaranteed for I yr. for ...gsea
feasant's character was not Irreproachable;
teat he contracted bills that he reused to
pay; that h wss addicted ta fihw
and that aha learned that he had Dawned
an engagement ring which she had given
nun ana wore in Its stead aa Imitation ring
to deceive her.
The plaintiff demurred to tha
tut tha dtnumr waa ir. a w t .1
Delehanty of th city court and th plain-
tur appealed.
Presiding Justice Beaburv wrltea
"A a
opinion, la which all concur. Ha save!
engagement to marry Is essentially differ.
ent In Its purpose from every ether contract
nnown to law. In considering what act
would Justify one In rescinding th sgree
mnt tbs law keeps In mind the purpose
sought ta be accomplished by tha u.
roent Itself. Where, however, the plaintiff
na been found guilty of fraud la Inducing
th defendsnt's promise to marry, or ef
fraudulent concealment, these facts may be
shown as a Justification for tha refusal to
perform the contract and I think It ea
safsly be affirmed that misconduct by one
ef th parti se, leas than would Justify a
divorce after atarrtags. would Justify a re
fusal by th ether to enter bits a contract
ef marriage."
Mia Hocbstela also put up s couster
claim for damage on the fraud and deceit
aad both the courts hold that her claim Is
good. New Tork Sua.
Hot Weather She a.
A social lion la frequently a good deal of
aa sea.
It ia tough to have to beat tha carpet
when ye waat te whip th stream. Bostoa