Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIIF, BEE: OMAHA. FKIPAY. JULY 21. 1311.
a r 1 4
nrr riomiT ret sal
Balance Easy Terms
Mate the Lot of Happy Hollow and Dundee
A an Idee Inrilln. . . t.
'2. ,h MALL AMOUNT or MONET INVESTED, lots In this suburb
imuI.S.i wT- " unexcelled around Orntht. A reasonable building restriction
lnsurehlgh--las Improvements.
S The extensive public improvement mad thht year ar attracting more anl
7TV0E' ,n,5, '' -r planning and atartlrt beautiful homes. THIS
t;"w th" W"1- l bur anl profit by tha futura Increase in prtcee, as wall
M erunng Ju-t tha right location
. Ptat. arte and full Information upon application.
tftjMO T en-room restdenc.
CltV- IX'.Hl nffM
I lsNlna-TTKm. modern residence, hot water heat East front en Turner Park.
ne5"J -ttbm,t "F reonaie offer te.ea.tern owner.
J Wm corn,r-ftn h"u u w
I 1. 500-Nine-room, modern nous oak finish, pared street. One block from b St
1 WD;'roKTT,l.7, ,ou""- ,oc-t,(
"nfU? .old rt3Bml,nl' ""r1b of Kount" Flmc- Ohtr lota nearby re-
waZv' 'J .,OUt? .front iot 0,, C"" ,trt- ne-r Vtfy - term fur two lots on fturt tt between Slst and ild In Dundee. Convenient
J2..n.0t IVf- "f's-hborhood bave .old for from WUO to 11.080 each!
"f.uAh.t fT""1" r.,a nd -" raved street. All improvements in
csciini neignDornooo:.
rr ,ot i!5" feet, ln tn w" rarnam District. Easy terms.
edjomlng"1 " n S4UI "lf,et- iU" north of 8t" Uooil- n-w torM
tWranUn 'kcZHtf1 CuforoJ- easy walking dlstanc Ideal
George & Company,
City National Bank Building. . . ' '
Elegant, New 5-Room
Cottage Close In
Just eflipiteu. in our net addition.
Umrr Place," near Ubermaa Ave. and
Fpruce -ts.. within 15 to W minutes waU
of the poetofrire. one of tha finest and
oaat built cottagea on tha market today.
J 1" strictly modern in every respect, oak
finlah In living rooms, oolonr.ada opening,
high-grade combination lighting and
plumbing fixtures throughout; bg. roomy
attic; fine cemented bsjyement. with flrst
ciasa fumade and laundry: on a street of
new homes. Eos owner after f p. m. at
130 Aprute St.; or phono thla office for
appolntmenta during the day. If looking
for an ideal little home at a reasonable
price and on reasonable terms, be sure
and, sea this property.
Scott & Hill,
Douglas SKIS.
' $2,650.
Will buy a gwd T-room home place; all
modem conveniences except heat; large
. good as new; S additional outbuild
ings; nice shade and fruit trees, perma
nent walks, fences; lot 60x177. south front,
half block to car, fine, high and sightly;
location In northwest part of city; J lots
If desired. Hare a a Chance te make soma
money. ' ...
4SS Ramga Bids'., ttth and Harney Etreeta.
y 8-R. House-$3,250
Easy Terms
Library. "' "living room, dining room,
kitchen, one bed mom or den. and bath be
low; three bedrooms opatalrs; modern ex
cept electricity; east front lot, paved street
and permanent walks. A very delightful
home, two blocks from car ltn and very
cheap. . ... ,
J. H. Dumont & Son,
Phone Deuglaa tta.
ldOs Pamam BL
Bowthwast of Haaacom park. very large
waU arranged rooms; oak flnlah, modem
In every way, fine lot ttxltt. Thla la a
fine new home bargain for aoms "e. Price
only iS.TCO: IKOM cash balanca to suit, or
will consider exchange for vacant lot,
email house or cheap auto and seme money.
let quick: for It won l last long. M Bran-
dele Bide., Douglas 1663 or W ebster 4tL
nelii'Bviwi ey-ivrutig uvuge , B"u wni,
chicken houses: fruit trees, etc. 6aU S. Kth
Bu Webster leOa.
POR BALE It you want a farm or farm
landa la southwest Alabama, we have all
klnde, specially a.falfa. earn and cotton
lead, frwnr 1W te UM scree. For full In
formation write to us. Hefner Camp Kealiy
Co.. Akron, Alabama.
BE&T fruit and general arming lands
for price m U. -, In Searcy t-o , Am. bead
far booklet showing to to lis land aear
tuw. W. si. Henaua. LaeUe. Ark.
LjOO ACKfci rut Doituui uu, m nttiv
Newark, tie per acre; t.ntia Fine oiung
grove, Florida. Forty tl.iou. OUm
liargalnav A. A beJuMiaua, Newark. Af
Vines s.
X3J A.. SMOOTH. 1'i nU. railway atauon.
1M farced. ) cuiL, smail buue. iau weua
two public roads, t . i I niua iiana
1 rust ce.. Keai il LepC --.,. i. Ark -
fruit belt; oak and hickory timber: mild
ciiuiAts. pure water, free range; V So to
l.ii Addreaa DepC A. Jones A Co., fvtu-
V jaa, t sol. out. M In culc. 13 black aifa..a
r clover laud; fair Imp.; good nencubor-
" hooai. I. Xe. I ml, trom town of i.imi, nea
P. Oi and eohowi; nearly a.l smooth us
' land; as cuic, bai. timber, 2 etover, 4 a.-
1 faifa, beaxla orciieTd, UJ leuce4 bo-
' tight; extra good -r. residence, store.
lodge bitig.. new bars, aiu red saca
Vtv" good emuinuntu, deu.uiful Wcauoa
abunJaice fcooo water; t-'.ott, suujevl w
year ssan bo; terms easy.
VvM. uiLkv.SK.
Marahei, sire.
fruit and general farming leads
far nrfee in U. S-. b Searcy Co.. Ark. nead
for booklet showiug U u land
lawn. W. M. Heneon. Leaiie, Ara.
M TRACTS of lautd ln tne cwi aad at
faifa district f uetta land; blaca sou, good
,11B1rTiT lende will uouuie in value la tares
jeers; now rent lren a tu e pee wn
Wnte ue what you aai
Ptae Bluff, are
All ciassse ef timber, farm and fruit lands
la Arkansas, Louisiana and Muataaippt,
green p w Is per euro. W me i. U. siey.
.olds. Camden, Ara.
COTTON plantation; acres, elegaat
10-room dwelling, p'al teuaut bouees.
ued bam aua uuioiiui .ia, rich. auu-K
Voant; Mill grow bale ooiiou er a
eora per acre' woven teire fence, JM acres
eultivailoo, lk4 nteaxnantable tuuber, ouatu.
weed; beailbfi.i Wvsuuu, t baiea irout syvU
town, eood uaignboi hovd, ttr scnool ajid
church; price e-D.swi, resaonabie teruaa
tedreea jwiiuiou e& inu, iwt awuuit
A. i.xlHl'liorK.l' cut-off umeer
land; much fine timoei yet uu laud; 1 Ui I
aui. from Euisa bpilna. tins tor fruit.
rejkca aad general taiaung, euec
bejaeAt. In tuiuioveU tinie. tie te Wa
Eureka Ara.-
la aiuail sad laige tiacts, price tie per
..-a n.l un IjT UAltiCUIlcra lilitlnu
KooeXt li. Chew. Ctxark, Ark.
WHEN answering advertisements four J
In fas Want Ad eulussaa. pi eaaa aseniHw
The Bee, ,. .
il I Trust Co, Cili a nut. ra- -
f V y OZARK.LA.ND CO, Oravette. Ark--
i V Blocs ranchea, lrnl Iti ni berry tie4e,
V tl j Anail tiiciA laetallmsat piss; tewa sray-
syV oO' us.nea huua. V. rice ua.
. . . ,.. . ... - ..
excellent neighborhood. Lot Miia feet. Owner has left
n " rim das Co-
(Can tinned.
tt ACRES, close te town. Saakatcbewan;
17 acres ln wheat; lis acre; third ease,
aaiance to suit. Write ler larraa Ut
Brwlie St.. Port Williams. Oat.. Can-
I OWN a section of sood
situated less than twa miles from growing
town In Saskatchewan. W ill sell for ttt par
acre. Address, M. J. Carrethera, P O. aVes
Til. Winnipeg Manitoba.
PARK lands la the Canadian west, town
lets In railroad divisional points, property
In V at re us. the Car la bad of America,
Write W. M. Oalbraitn, Watreue. nee.
OOLXEN wheat lands for sale. Im
proved and unimproved prairie farms, any
else. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Woodheed
coy. Watroua, Saak..Caav '
REAL ESTATE I bave a large list of
lands ln the Goose and Eagle lake dwtrlct.
So better in Canada. U. P. Leech. Koee
town, bask.
NORTHWESTERN Colorado wheat landa
tl2M to lis per aura. A tew improved
farms, $20 to tSS. Write i. B. Remhaxeu
eterUng. Colo.
lO-ACRI best Irrlgsted farm, Colorado,
finely Improved; new 10-room dwelling,
uairi; potato cellar holds lu wariuaua, m
scree wheat; W acrea alfalfa; no waste
land; every foot under old water rlut,
have another (urm. can't work both, u
miles north of Deavar, e miles south of
Greeley. C. A. Uregary. a Ataca iiid .
Denver. Colo-
Finest Idaho Horse Ranch
4M cree best faruUna i-nu, i.ut'luved,
In center of vast free range; 114. uwx For
tornis and particulars address owner, B.
C. bertloson, iCmmett, Idaho,
1.10g-ACRC fam T mliea southeast Bee
sett. Rock county, Nebraska; toe acrea :a
corn thia year, lajgo acreage la timothy
and clover; good est of improvemanta
Price, ti-i.o per acre; ene-thud eaaa. Bal
sa ce easy term at per oent
t P . L T B ig,
8lux City, la.
Is ACRES. Caoa county. Iowa, farsn a
pruved aid well kcaied. price, per
acre; my equity ta IIC4M. Want southern
Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No In
tated prices considered. One ls-horae
power portable gasoline engine for what
hve youT Address C W. McCauatlaad,
Casa county. Lornh. la.
ttO-ACRE aetata, all the very enotceet of
land, nothing aioer m the state. ej,e er
BMtre of improveoneata aal In good ahape;
miles from two good towns. Must be
old and soon. I have the sxoiumv hand
ling of thia Price, ! per acre. Karon t
delivery; w cash, belaocs e1 per ceaA
M. Emery. North wood. Is,
Ke ACRES and 171 acres ef aeuthera
lews land, improved, well located, good
soil, right prloe. for sale or trade;
equity In brick store building; a first-elaee
;ncrme property, for aaje er trade, quia,
oa laud, meichandise or auiomwbilea. Ad
eress Boa t. DtagonaU !
FOR SALE Exeellent fo-acre tarn la
corn and blue grass belt. Adams eounty.
lewa: farm all well fenced, m acres hog
tight. loO acres tiled, and all In exceJleai
suitivation: 13-room house, large brick
cellar with cement floor, cement wa k-i,
.arge new barn and mil. wHh good Pair
oanka engine, new r. g house, itber out
buildings, ell in good repair: good stock
And barnyards, large grove and soed sr.
chard, four good wells, excellent water, I we
winamuis. ror luriner particulars addre
Mrs Anna K. Nash. lUs High eX, Des
Uolnee, la.
FOR SALE OR TRAIAai-My equity la m
section of raw laud. 2 m.ies of (Mirenta, 7
miles Kit Carson and miles Wild Horse,
Cheyenne Co.. Colo ; wa U. P. Ky.. lays
goud. ena,luw water district; 1 mile te
nver: altalf grown auuceaafully nearby.
Price t-v oer acre; encumbrance (X2M, ou
liolisl at pe.' cenC due atay U. Wlrl
trade the euuity. tl.ieu, (or residence f'
equal value. 1 else bave seetiea Jotamg
'.in. hi. u la eivar, tu trade fur town prop
rty. 6sme price. Would carry each tl.uS
ou this si psr cenC Waiter H. 6eyd.
Newtoa. la.
FOR SALJC Twe lots, numoera and 17
biock E. fc-nglewood addition, Hignlaad
Fark. Address J. H. Bennett. OskAluosa.
POR SALE Splendid farms, well In.
ntoved, ranging in proe from VA V Ij per
-ww- tm .'i w e tauu. in wau ua
u oved Communities, near Iowa eud e.-noo.e
1 here Is no more ferule or beautiful part
of tha state than Qseeeiai eouoty. Writs
or psruvbiara A. MWIlitvud, ateie
Sir-acre fa.m ia roaliontas Soutity; ear
ccr right in t-.wti; bu one bloek from
depot ax.d areamary; tea-roam bouse nicely
lurnjaheu, line grove aad dull treee; beau
.iiul bul'oii s.te lacing souib; cattle uaia
MkM, M-fuot pusu, staochuwa for about
,,iiy came; to ai.o btue; rootu far lue tost
.( bay; a)e feed fuller, com gitader aad
i-l .re power geaoiiue engine, brse u-i a
tor It uoroea tut hay hiti and giam l a.,
amdmill and three water taaas; farai
iiuced in iA le acros uueiiat.
1 rice, no ye ecre ua vtiy ewey mt
i. A CARROLL. Hoife. Ia
Ub-ACt-k. improved farm. 1 miles from
M.srn Clti, t milce tr im sma i tewa. Wi
n acre, easy terms and spieadld baraein.
U4-acie URiiiiprovod farm 12 SBiies frcai
. asam y. .'Vs nil. Er xii tw j al ter Iowia
eo! aa acre. We have the beet bar
geiue in Uorthsia lews. Come jau see as.
Mason City. 1m.
; acrea. IS nilies cut; Iju acres ln woeat;
w delivered to buyer, leve, rich, deep eoii.
.ood aeii aad windmi.'t. Brag; terms
Ulnar wheat and aiXeita au,d, all nut
end nr . I a Mnumii.. h.r
XM ACRES, lw miles out. JOS la wheat,
w to buer, baiaace pestuee. Tbe late raia
ad aaow aaeures biauper eswp; level as a
tivwr; tu ju per acre, eeraiAv W. As, Cat
uertson. ecott City, ken-
WE have some ehotoa baraalaa t
wheat and aitaifa iaada tar sale la
aad Ruaft counuea; write for list ef farm
sargaina. America iavestJBeat -iraar.
rloieingtoa, Aa.
Here Is one. I am wanting tnonev pretty
bad and have the following bargain ta
offer to anyone who has a little money
to handle It: I have a fine, solid secttoa
of land, lays I miles from tha county east
of Wallace county. Ksnsaa, which N as
fin a section as will be found In the (;
la s fine: good, rich soil; no rock, no -and,
no (tp. fine heet water: good climate.
Thi land Is sll free and clear: sood title.
Thia la a land and to turn thin land by
AuauM I I viii put the land down lower
than any land on the market In Wallace
county for this class of land; til oar
acre takes It. and I will take a food resi
dence properly up ta H.tfD. must be clear,
will consider hardware stock: sny food
stock worth S3 If clear: l bOt cash and
will carry balance on land at per cent
Interest. Here Is a fine chance to make a
nice turn, at cash prices. Address owner,
box Dt, Smith Crater. Kan.
tat ACRt-8. six miles from Jdlneola, tot
acres in wheat, one-tnlrd t buyer; new
rom bouse, stable, well, mill, tank, pas
ture fended; rV?b. black soil; haa raised
food crop every year since broken out;
treat bargain, per acre Terms TBs
or C Beard Land Caw atineola. Kaa.-
CM ACRES, s nniee good town; fenced,
well improved; all smooth land; rich black
soil; good orchard; R P. D ; phone- fine
surrounding S6S; good terms; wl'J ex
change for bard ware. Implements or sev
eral merchandise, W. U. Mott, UertnguAB,
xjg ACRES la alfaira; 10-room house,
large barn, granary, eta; two miles to
Larnrd. Pawnee county; M acres pasture,
balance In cultivation; rich, deep soli, s bun
dance ef wster. wellg and mills; Li.joU;
tsrma. Bunta Realty Co, Hutchinson.
VERNON parish. Lav: the tend ef eon-
shine, soil, climate, niaraets water, health.
good; pncea cneeip; write Lewviui xeai
Estate and Improvement Co.. C M. Me
Farland. See y.. Leeevilie, Lav
LOUISIANA farm and timber landa
good for truck, corn, cattle, etc.; on ac
count ef cotton peet. cheapest lands oa
markeC Had. Eldar A Benoit, Monroe,
MICHIGAN. 1 sections beat stock and
grain land In atate: on lake and stream,
near town; must sacrifice; It per acre.
Arm field A Qillmore, 117 N. Dearborn St.,
Chicago. 111.
FARM, SNAP Hi seres level prairie
land, ke la crop, balance pasture and
meadow; good buildings, t acre. Morehart
A Atchison. Mankato. Minn,
LANDS No. Kd, 1 acres 7 mllea
Twin Cities; good tillable soli; state map
mailed with eV-page book for tu eenta
Hobert Land Co., Fhem Bldg, Mlnayeap
eUa. Minn
FINE farm home. C acrea. miles
from good town; black loam soil. Ail
fenced, large frame dwelling, barn, gran
ary, machine sneda, sto, 14 acrea la field,
el acres timber, balance eiover and Uiu
thy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. Hi
per acre, one-third eaah, balance easy
terms. U. J. slolb. Foes to a, Minn.
I HAVE a farm of HO acrea H miles
from good town. 30 miles from Minneapolis,
.00 aces undir culuvetion; about a acres
meadow, Umber; can all be opened
up, rich sou. gooa nouse, barn and ether
buildings. Price. 132 per acre. Also ID-acre
(arm twe miles from good town; et acres
under plow, la acree limber, good rich soil,
t-room bouse, twe barns and other out
buildings, windmill, floe natural grove, or.
chard lost commencing to bear. Price,
U WO, easy terms. Wnie owner. Charles
E. rweiiaun. Eik Rler. Minn,
19.000 equity ta good quarter In southern
Minnesota; quarters two miles from
good town, having bouse 16x30. new barn
eXxtO, with gable roof, small granary and
fence. Want machine, sloes of dry goods.
Price SM per acre. BenJ. A Cone, Window,
proved farm In Murray eounty. Minnesota,
has first-class buildings, fenoea, epiendi.
grove, orchard, two miles from town.
Write John Uoldea. ir, Oarvtn. Minn.
101 ACRES U n lea front Bt Paul, t amies
from Roseisont; sd fenced, black leant soil:
ts acres cultivatwl. balance pasture and
black oak timber, only l per acre foe Ira
edtate sale, hall cash
llo-acre Imprevel farm M mllea front St
Paul, 1 mile fro n Rich Valley stall en;
Dine-room house, w indmlll. large barn and
other buildmaa. all In good condition;
black loam soil, clay subsoil; always beea
cultivated by owner; IN acrea under alow,
I acree fruit trees, mostly apples, aeJaaoe
t od timber land, special price and terms
W. P. A R. yr. Monty. Pioneer Proas
Eldg, St, Paul. Mlrus.-
8 END for a list ef ear fine lmprwved
fcutbern Mtnneeetn lands; we have hun
dreds of pleased customers. C. E. Brown
Land Co, Offices Madelia aad New Rieh
lend. Mine.
If you are thinking et imnigratins:
thia year, write us for descriptive liter
aiure of eur landa ia Minnesota, North
Dakota and Montana. Ws can suit yon
e matter what yea want aad where
ou want It, and can eed you anywhere
treea et acres to l.tOO. WUllam B. Ulbaoaa.
Lech Bos A Cormorant, Minn,
to. 000 acres la St. Loula and Carlton
counties. Mlnaeeova, near dtlea ef Du
lutb and Superior, at price within the reach
ef all; to HI aa acre; eaay terms; four
teen railroada bow entering these two eiUea
furnish cheep and quick transportation. A
I1U.u00,mO9 steel plant new building by the
United States Steel corporation near landa
Soli la fertile and well adapted to dl veri
fied fai-miae. dairying and garden truck.
Ka long hauls er transportation charges,
but right at the doom of the beet markets
0' the Uutted Statee. with e easts nt - rnt
and high prtoea. Writs for full tntormsuea.
Boston Duluth Farm Land Caw tent At
worth Bldg, Duluth. .Minn.
FOR SALE Mw acree et coed new hard
wheat land. aear Walhella. Pembina
county. North Dako'a. For partlcuiara ad
aress owner. A. I 1 ice ass. SI Third Ave,
N, Minaespoll-. Miaav
FOR SALE One or the beet and cheapest
far ma ha the Misesaippi Delia, oenaiaiing of
Lets) aores, 700 acres a cniUvaU4o, in sua
flower county. For p. ices and larma write
te me. J. IA &.M, Selma. Ala.
MISSOURI FARMs - None bettor oa
sarin. Hie til y improved 10 acrea, raises
uijftnJUwS. too. other decided bargain
Write im. GuliajB stealty Ce.. tiullam. iU-
M-ACBfi tana, aU eulUvated; fine
bam. feiieea, flrst-elaas condlUoa
spring! water; I miles front tooa; 1
una ralUwad. boutneast Missouri 1
gratloa O, Piedmont, Ma.
STOPI Doa't go a step farther thaa
Douglaa county, down In the beautiful
llurH. MIm ..iriklii.' e 1. SU
e.e per acre, all ether crops In proporUoa.
ciieapest good land ea earth, te (at per
acre. Free information. Uross Heal a.staie
Ce, Ave, Mw.
FOR SALE gf farsoA large and small,
between MieeUalppl end Mlesourt rivers,
aiaiaae tat per acre. Write for big price
list. William Crewa, Wrtqht City. Me.
THIRTEEN seetieas in Lewsoa ceuaty.
aear eidney, one ef tte best to was la the
Veilewaiuae veiley; alee have other lands
that we are in any alas farm yea
--- " " -- wwwm. i.w mtm rignb
The Hay ward Land fa.. Glendias. Mont.
FOB SALE Finest farm ta Lea vea worth
touaiy. Breaddua farm of m acrea. t
milea from Fort Leeveawenh. M.tot arte
lesMlence. sis) 4a-year-eid wslnuta. let sugar
atapie trees, natural gas, twe lelepaewe
tree delivery. I'e, miiee from eenta Fa sis
tleo; eaanvna premiana mad wru,e Mra. i
U sUsby. iAot FeUx l. at. Joset e. AAe.
Farms any aise tor sale. U0 te 1150 peg
acre. Improved er unimproved, case, bet
time, er l-AU caeh bai. tea years at AA
Write your wanie. Flity-tive ouiee east e
K.aaeaa City en C A. R. M.
HlgginsviUe. Mo.
MISSOURI farm. Bd acres; B-
aarn, lot acrea wheel. Jul acrea eora. iavai.
black dirt. 1 miles railroad, tee acre. ,Ca
E. M-cfcsUp Keaity Ce. EUWriy. Me. .
Meet a.
POR SALE Bitter Root Valley U er
bae fruit land: eul water nakt best ea
aoa ef the valley Cae proauaiuun tor awb
ivtalaa; lair buuaiuas. easy i
Bv U. eAS7ta Bli
Meate aa Con 1 1 e eed.
the eonvng term ststs. tllSg to 3 per
earre. Write for deecrlptien. fhaw A
Clark Land Company, Uachney Bldg., S.
Paul, Minn.
Ob-ACRB homestead relinquishments re
sale; also one hotel, sue bakery, one general
store, one saloon, ens feed store. Addresa
Cher lee P. Brown, Oalsta. Mont
GOOD farm land In Yellowstone county.
Montana, at reasonable prices. Write for
Information. Cheap rate eicurston. J. J.
W att, 2U3 Locust St , Omaha. Neb.
Land Snaps
To eloe an estate e offer the following
lands at less than half their value:
!) a res, Blaine Co., Neb., pxHi.
Iiw acrea, banner Co, $.
&!0 acree. Holt Co.. Il.m
MO acres. Thomas Co , Pi.HW.
Terms, half cash.
Farmers Land Co
1014 'City Nat'L Psjik Bldg., OmahA Nth.
109 ACRES In Chaee county. NebraaKa.
n mllea south of Elsie: if taken soon win
lake tU.&ti an acre; this Is a good quarter
section and can all be farmed: will taks
a good 1IB or UU automobile on the deal
end carry the balance. F. A Uarland,
Charlton. Ia
FINE tet-acre ranch, I- mit.-i rron, to 2.
I quarters tarns hay. balance wild tiay and
pssiure; U acira level, balance eiiKh;v
rolling; heavy black soil; twe flowing
wells, i-room house, barn, granaiy ml
chicken bouse, telepuone; ts miie to school.
This Is an excepuonaliy fine ranch and a
nap. Will sell on easy vrrme. tieoigo K.
Collins, owner. Atkinson. Neb.
K acree St milea trom Emerson, Neb ;
fine Improvements, land las good; can
make splendid terms, and the price Is tit
to S2e less than adjoining places are being
priced St. For particulars rail on rr w;its
HOMESTEAD JB0 acree for CjO in cash:
bout 3D miles out; good plow land; not
sand. Another one for (175: K2S cash and
tit a month. J. A. Tracy. Klnsball. Nsb.
tOO-arre ranch. 414 miles from Schnyler,
Neb.; 100 acres In corn, balance blue areas
and clover pasture; running water through
tbe ranch; soil black, sandy loam, suitable
for cutting up into small farms Thia ia
an exceptional! fine ranch and a snap.
Will sell on sssy terms.
W S. KINO. Owner,
tit McCague Bid.
NEW TOWN on Union Pacific extension.
In rich Irrigated country; good opening for
merchants ln all lines. Address, Castle Rock
Land Co., McOraw via Mlnatare P. O.,
Soott'a Bluff county, Nebraska.
North Dakota.
WB ef the finest rartne ta Blchlast
ecunty, eonslitir.g of Mt aores ef good,
productive land, joining W yodmere. Fin
rga buildings, lots of fruit nice giov,
and nsver-failing flowing welL Price
KT.W per acre. Easy term Mama
faulaoa Land C. Wysdmwa North Da
FOR SALE A a exceptionally fine 100. I
Biles ot elevator, six mi lee ef Wyndmera
good, heavy, black soil. Wild Mice rivet
through paature. Fine new bulMing. web
sf excellent water, windmill, etc AA per
acre. Ibis Is a snap. Luck ben IA
Wyatlmere, North Dakota,
AUCTION SALE North Dakrtn: choice
Wells and dtuieiiian county farms at puBut
auction J una 0. lLi, on easy terms. Writs
lor Information. A. F. Bale nor, eevlaa Mgr,
eykssioa. X. D.
POR SALE! Quarter section fine land.
Dunn county. North Dakota. Good crops.
So acrea good unimproved land near school
and railroads, prentice, Wis. Wm. hhep
hard. 114 W. 32d SC. Minneapolis, Minn.
TWELVE fine farms Irl North Dakota
for sale at reasonable prices and easy
terms. Write for particulars. J. J. Watt,
IU3 Locust SC. Omaha, Neb.
Urease 1
POR SALE-100 acres rsxiiewe apple, pear,
cherry, .rape land la tbe iweat. six miles
from tewa, one mils trom railroad: aoU
deep volcanic as The Pallas. .Or, arise
er tuning una - r
too acrea, e miles front town. new. mod
ern house, barn., tenement; Be pea prune,
bearing; LK0 young uees, l,i grape vines;
good water; wood. Or will sell at aores
with ii i mi rove men vs. investigation
souolted. C. H. Websivr. Tbe Leilas. Or..
oath Cerellew.
LANDS 4SO0 per awe made growing flg
(or preserves en the Island Orchard oa
easy monthly payments, bee Island orchard
Company, charleatea. B t
Seeth Dakota.
FOR BALE Section good, raw land: all
fenced; govt flowing wall; 0 miles treat
Plenkingtoo. S. D. For particulars write
1. a. O Mailay, Pbllip, S. .
We have a list f Edmund county land
for sale at noui tig and up per acr if
Interested write us for par tic mars and we
will send our prices and pocket map. if
you own land In South Deketa list It with
ua Our mono ia "A Square Deal te Buyer
and Seller." Give us a chance to prove eur
Statement, Has veld Land Co, Ming. Ed
munds eounty. South Dakota,
WILL exchange choice farm land near
Pierre, the capital ef South Dakota, tor
good Iowa or Nebraska land: wnat bavs
yeu to offer 7 West Land Co, Pterre., Ix
Close te the Minnesota Has; heavy black
soil; clay subsoil; lies very level and ail
under cultivation. Must ba sold within at
day a to close en eetate. Half of thia year's
crop goes with tne price, ttt per acre,
eesy terms, tA.uflO will handle It end It id
a auap. No stune no foul weed
Address W. F. McUee. lake Preston, at, i.-
This Is the land we hav Free home,
steads; relinquishments and deeded ume
or particulars writs P. O. Wonder A Co,
Buffala Gap. A O.
Fair Improvement Price, tAOOO. Equity.
Ha Alalia Real Estate Co.. Akasa
b IA
40P-ACRB eora farm, out from Sloue Peiie.
excellent Impre enaenta. large a-rove ass
fruit; all ln cultivation, price for quiet eeie
fee. easy terms; also :) well improvkd, easy
tsrma, and let acrea unimproved. Theee are
h.rsj.ln. fur mitl. an la Kl A k.. . .
eener. Sioux Pall B D-
WE are tubdi vidian t,W acree ef fertile
farm land In J acajou county, bpiendie
crope every year. KainfaJl about right, it
incbe Fur eeenriptioo. plat and nrieea
ej rite
tU E. Houatoa 4L. aa Amoni Tai
BAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot ol
Tex home of the peper shell pecan. Ws
caa buy land fur you er Invest monev. I
per cent net to you eecured by mertgags
theae lands. Correspondence solicited. Re
fer to Flrrt Natl bank, Hen base. Nail
beak. Ward. Murray ft Co. and tbe mem
bers in eon n i eaa from Texas. aveliey
Burleson Ce, San Saba Te.
Buy orchard and garuea lauds aear
Uoaatoa, tne greauast and moot prosper,
eus city la the sou Lu weal, where values
are going up all tne time and fortune,
made in real catate ln abort while. Eaay
lenns if OesireU. Addreas K. C Robert
sen. Vela Tex, and a la-acre farm ia tha
Rio Grande valley, wnere the farmer a
rash Income la as perpetual as ths day
that eorae end ga H. H. Jackson. Tut Fust
National baa Bldg, Uouioo. Tax.
WRITE for Information about the in
land atnpire," tuao Spokane, lis metropoll
taima, fruit lamia, citv prupe.-ty. Make
eur your headquarters and Informa
tion bureau when la eur aty. low A
sua i cut, tu AeUMieue Mia, spuaaaa
Wy see lag.
FOR SALE WO acres ta Larajale
County. Wyoming. In Go idea Prairie dis
trict; siutable for farming: now stoeksd
eith eatiie aad ekeep.- will sell with reach;
will exchange for eestera Nebraska er
lew term J. T. beli. owner. Cheyeaa
WYOMING farm and stock reach; tra
eewved, tanned, well watered, kst acrea
Will be Bold best offer next sixty dey
Write ewnea Ava drew W.Uevn, Parker.
E exrhsage properties ol insnt 11. K.
Culver. U it O N. U. Bldg. IX TMI.
FOR SALE or ssrhange for Columbia
0.. property, six-room cottage In dairMe
resident portion of Omaha too Brunsoa
U.dg.. Coiumbu O.
WILL sell T-room. all modem house; t
blork from Farnam. L'.wO; monthly In
rallmenta C&. Good hums for largs family.
Or wl'.l exchange for rental prierty and
pay some diflerenc Address. S Obi. Be
1 HANDLE exchanges everywhere. For
results see me. Drsn, tl7 Bee bldg. D. 130X
50-room I-story brick hotel, furnished
complete In one of the beet towns In Ne
braska f-.lot for building and furniture.
Will trade for Improved farm.
tno-acre Improved farm In Knox county,
Nebraska. I sets of buildings, cssh price,
mono: wants smaller improved farm In
southeastsrn Nebraska
tl3-lS Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
I have a gilt-edged first mortcsfe ef
CMO: also one for tJ.SOO. each secured by
land worth tlO.Oio, each drawing I per
cent interest; will exchange either ef
theee for a good reaidenre of equal value;
give full particulars, location and price In
first letter. Box 470, city.
SECTION of land near Aberdeen, S. D .
to exchange for good city Income property
or Improved Iowa farm Address Y tl.
EVERT person knows D. J. CRrlen
because he has made Omaha famous
with his candy. If Carl Reheehnd. 3106 8.
list 8t. will come to The pe office within
three days we will glva him an order for
a 00-cent box free.
WANTED City loans and warrants, w.
Farnam Smith A Ce, 1X30 Farnam sc
CITT snd farm loans. Beneon ft Myers
Co. C4 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg.
MONET TO LOAN Payne Invsstmeat Ce.
Representing the Pens Mutual Life In
Co.. with aaaats of ever tUT.ooii.aoo. I era
rrepej-ed to eocept all the good loans of
fered on Improved Omeha real estate
Business and residence loans made wt le
ant delay.
City National Beak Bidg.
"GARVIN BROS, td floor N. T. Ufa UOt
to oa Improved property. No detey.
WANTED City loan raters Trust Ca
LOANS to home owners and home build
tr with privilege ef making partial par.
ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, set
First National Bank Bldg.
FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxeil'a Ice
cream. If E. A. Sciple. 1911 N. I&th St, will
come to The Bee office within three dva
wg will give him an order for a quart brick
of this fine ice cream.
CITY and farm. JOHN N. FREX7SR,
OMAHA Property and Nebraska Land
BU New Omaha National bank Building.
1100 to I10.0U0 made promptly.
P. a
aad, weed ttldg.. ISth and Farnam.
L-U Brandeis Ineaier Bldg.
Ce, Omeha
kloks tit
5 Jl 5Vd ?.n J" mni fmr Property W.
" 7i ' B. ME1KLE. tot ftma Rlda
CLEANING, Presalng. McLeland. tailor
bherman Ava
TAKE a boat ride on Lake Manawa Ws
will give a pair of round trip tickets to
Henry Nitt. Franklin at. If he will
come to The Bee office within three days.
BEST price paid for Id band furnltura
carpets, clothing and shoe Tel. D. am.
POR flrst-eiass practical nurse call D.
TOT Nfl man wilahe. n.,.l.l, 1.
, iU i MU1
shop to learn the trad A 721, Bea
LADY wants noeitinn ea hnukn. i.
rooming house or hotel In the city. C 7U.
WANTriVB, .ia..i, ,.,
nigh, watchman; old realdent of city; tem-
maa responsiois. call Tel. Harney
FOUNTAIN-Toung man want,
poeitlon. Fully competent, t years' ex-perleni-e;
can make any drink. Sam Las
kus, log No. 18th St, Omaha
dt.P? wishes position taking care
taTalld. K ;0 Bee.
of an
WANTED By a widower. 45 years of
Age. a practical farmer, a poeitlon as man
q otherwise: would take It on per
;-?8t .f r,efernces Write for full
particular. J. w Lambert, 227 Western
Ava, Muskegon, Mich.
IRONING er cleaning. B-fbtt.
BUNDLE waxhlngs wanted, rough or
flniahed. Call Douglas 4SBW.
dSu.?.. to"" day work 04 v -'-
LADY want day work. Douglaa 717.
DAY work wanted: prefer cleaning:
a day. Phone Web. 0635.
BOY of 1 wants work; experienced
stock room. Phone Harney, HQ.
A YOUNG German woman wants few
places during the week for houee cleaning
or washing. Mrs. Hehn. 203 California
St. rear house.
f . T nr mm . . .
" . mr window wasning ear
pet or rug beating; floor waxed and pol
ished. FIRST-CLASS laundress want, ladles
bundles; hotel work preferred. Douglas
WORK by moral young man. age a.
What have you? Address D 7J4. Lee.
MIDDLE-AGED, reliable woman wants
to take charge of rooming house: ran fur
nish references. F 73. Bee.
BOY. U years old. wants work ot snr
bind; has had experience running elevator
I hone B-2MS8.
WOMAN wants light work. bV2 .V. 30th St
DAT work wsnted. Saunders. South BU
LADY with 3-year-old child wants posi
tion aa housekeeper. Call Harney ZMO.
GIRL of 10 wishes employment to tsks
cars of children or help do housework;
Catholic family preferred. Call At lot So.
IDth St
LADY wants dav work; any kind, tm
Na 24th. Mo. Omaha
YOI'N'G lady wants position sa house
keeper in city. A n. Bee.
WANTED By A-I colored man cook; do
meat or pastry cooking; have good ref
erence, city or country. 1014 So. 11th Bt.
TOl'.N'il MAN. stenographer and book
keeper wants pomtloiL Moderate salary.
Address Guy T. Ward. Cedar Creek. Neb
Route 1.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants clean
ing er ironing. D. 41M.
YOI'N'G MAN desire, position as sales
man. S3 N. 23d. South Omaha
MARRIED WOMAN, atth S children,
wants washing st horns. Mrs. Klnnsy, L77
Vine St, Council Bluffs.
elesled bids will be received until 11
Vclof-a noon July 71 for the conerructlon
of a iaundrv- banding at the Hospital for
Insane et Harting NehraiWa. flans snd
specifications sre oa file at the hoapital.
r.fflor of secretary of atate and Commis
sioner of Public Leads and Buildings. Lin
Secretary Board ef Pub 11 Landa and
Building j JyUdJt
lOt STATION .Tenth aad Mas ai
tnlne Paelfle
Psn Pran. Overlaid Let am
China and Japan P. M a 4 0B pm
Atlantic sCxpraas
Oregon Esprese .. all S pm
Los Angele Limited... a 17 46 pm
t'enver Special a 7 04 am
Centennial !taie Spec 1 all 30 pm
Colorado Fxcrees a I pm
Oreson-Wssh. Limited all SO pm
North Platte Local a I 15 am
Grand Islsnd Local ll pm
Strom burg Local blMl pm
a 7 40 pm
a I 44 pm
ll am
a t 10 pm
at pm
a T 77 am
el? " is
a t so pm
a I J" pm
a 4 4R pm
alO l am
b 1 30 pre
Ckteaaw, Beck Island et
"orky Mountain Ltd .all M
The Mountaineer a :4i
Orneha tay Express
Oilrage Loral lasa....bt0 K
Chlcsso Expreee a 4 10
Pes Moines Ixk-.I Pass a 4 77
Chicane-Nebtaka Ltd a I OS
ant alfl
am a 7
.... at
am blO
pm a 1
pm all
pm a I
SB pm
R am
X pm
19 pm
.10 pm
It pm
:47 am
The Mountalaeer a S 01 am a t
Loral Pas to Lincoln. a f el am ....
Cola-Cal. Express a 1 18 pm a 4
Okl. A Tax. Express a t. 00 pm all
Chl.-Neb. Ltd. Lincoln at
Rocky Mountain Ltd..i0i6pm aU
atlaseart Peetfte
40 ant
00 pm
K am
M pro
SO am
K. C. ft St L. Ex...
K. C. ft SL L. Kx...
M pm
-klceaja) ft Northvreeter
Twin Cltv Express a 7:46 am
Ftoux City Local a Ik pm
Minn. Dakota Ex. ....a 7 00 pm
Twin City Limited .a 14 pm
Minnesota Express
Carroll Local a 7.-00 am
Daylight Chicago a 7:4 ant
Chicago Local w m
Colorado-Chicago , a j.IO pm
Chicago Special a ( 01 pm
Pacific Coast -Chicago... a :X om
Los Angeles Limited.. a t 90 pm
Overland Limlteu a 7 pm
Carroll Local a 4 30 pm
Fast Mail a I SO pm
Cedar Rsplds. Sioux City
and Omaha
Centennial State Urn 17:40 am
Long Pine a I 00 am
Norfolk-Dallas a t 00 am
Long Pin.--Lincoln ....a 1 la pm
Hastings-Superior b 1:14 pm
Dedwood-Hot Springs. t tv pm
Casper-Lander a 14 pm
Fremont-Albion bi t pm
a lo to pm
tin pm
a t 15 am
a 7: SO am
s 11 -00 am
a t:10 pm
al0:40 pot
a A.-S i,ir
a J IS pm
a 4 49 am
a t-a pm
all 10 pra
s l& ara
ak) oo am
a 1.36 pm
.a nm
11:11 pm
all -00 am
10:la pm
a :!0 pm
b 1:20 pra
a 6 hi pm
aU.OO ara
b 1 C pm
Ckl. ae, Milwaukee
Overland Limited ....t1:S0pn
Omaha Chicago Ex....b 7:16 aa
Perry Local a 4:i am
Colo.-CaL Express ....a t 00 pm
Colorado Special a 7 41 am
Perry Local t.U pm
11 ant
11 00 pm
I IS pm
4 60 am
U16 pm
Waee.k .
Omaha-SC Loula Ex.... 4 30 pm a I. IS ara
Mail and Express a 7 01 am all li pm
e tan by Lei (from C B )b 1:09 pm blO:U am
Cklcaare area Wsatsra
Cotcago Limited t 36 pm
Twin city Limited I B pm a
Twin City Express. .....a 6:00 am a
Chicago Expreaa a
7 48
Local Paasengir
..a 11 pm
llliaola Ceatrel
Chicago Express a 7 00 am a
C bices o Limited .......a :o pm
Mina-dC Paul Ex b 7:00 am ..
Mjibv-SC Paul Lul .u pm a
I us am
Bar I la tee Statte "tutk aad Ms
Denver ft California... .a 4 lu pm
Puget Sound Express. .a 4 10 pm
Nebraska point ...... ..a 1:20 am
black Hills a 4.10 pm
uDcia Mail o 1 Al fin
Northwest Expreaa ....all. pm
Nebraaka points ..a tJJ am
Nebraska Express a 1:1a am
Lincoln Local
Hchuylar-Plattamoutn -b J OS pra
Lincoln Local a 7 :2u pm
Platumouth-lowa a 1:11 am
Bellavue-Plattsmoutb...aU.M pin
Chicago Special a -7:15 am
Denver Special 11:J6 pm
Chicago Expreaa a A20 pm
Chicago Fast Express.. t: pm
Iowa Local a 1:16 am
Creaton (la) Local b I. to pm
PC Louis Express a 4:30 pm
K. C. A St Joseph alO 46 pm
K. C. ft St Joseph....- 1 16 am
K. C. ft be Joseph (HI pm
a l . ta pm
1:4 pm
:1 pm
a l:4i pm
U:i oui
J. wo am
a 4.10 pm
:10 pm
b 1:0k am
bl Ai am
a 7:60 pm
a I .&4 am
a 1:40 pm
all :1s pm
a 7:00 pm
I. 56 pra
a 1:00 am
alO jo am
410:4S am
ail:46 am
a 46 am
a :14 pm
Webster Statte
-lStk and Webster.
Mleeoarl Paelfle
Pnrt Arrive.
Auburn Local ...b 160 pm bll:6t am
St. Pant, Mlaaeepells ft
Sioux City Pas 2 5
Twin city Pass b I 41 am "
Sioux City Local o 1:26 am
Emersoa Local b 6:66 pm b I M am
(b) dally, except Sunday. (c Sualay
only, ia) dally.
Ixndon Pari. Hamhnre
tllHMle. lul Tl 1 U Mv...
... . . - .. - num. tu.
Aug U A"w1' " PeaiisrlTanli,
will call at Plyaeatb and Ckerbeor.
-Rltl-Carea a la Carte Reauaraot.
teco4 Cskls Only.
110 DATS
ea ta
r the gtaaaw-SIp
UT.aoe Tsas)
The tma ta leave
New Verb Oeteker
tl. U1I. The si Lea
ta leave See Bme
dace yae. A Wit
West Baa
Aaeesi Bvaet tries
la Oct., 1112. Fate,
tit, bj laras era la
ics Vleteels
Celaa. 1. AOS tea.
Bambartr-Amarleaa Una lo
aeap a a, teAgw. xaa, eg
local agent.
Clearing House to
i Decide on Examiner
Suggestion Made by Comptroller of
Currency Will Be Discussed in
Omahs Friday.
A meeting of the governing board of the
Omah Clearing Houss association will be
called some time Friday by the chairman
of the governing board, Frank T. Hamil
ton of the Merchants National bank,
and the finding of thla committee wll be
reported to the clearing house association
at tha next meeting of that body. -
"Of coursa I can not speak for the com
mittee, and therefore rfcn not say whether
of not the proposed Idea of having a
clearing house examiner will ba adopted,
but I consider It with favor, and I can
safely say that there Is a good chance
that It wll be adopted. There Is no hurry
about the matter, however, and it may be
several months before anything more 1
done In regard t It."
This statement was made by Mr. Hamilton
Thursday afternoon and his Idea seems to
correspond with tbe consensus of opinion
among the others In Omaha
The recommendation, of Comptroller
Murray of Washington. ssklng the
clearing house associations of omah
South Omaha and about thirty other cities
to adopt the new plan, were published In
detail soma days age.
Ask that People wltk l.lakt Work to
Be Owa Telephoee to Aese
elated Charities.
The directors of tliu AHaec.ated Charitlea
ar asking that the public In general make
som effort to glv work to tb men and
women a ho are dependent and are willing
to do something. The office of the Asso
ciated Charities, If a.llf'.d can furnish
men and woman fr odd Jobs around a
houee, for help In gardening, dum washing
and .weeping and all the thing that can
be dons by any willing worker.
Preient City Councilmen Ar? Beffin
ninff to TTiink o( 5ew Berth.
www, .,r
Several ef the teearttjwra Have
Already Espreeeew Thole tale,
tlea of Keterla It see If
der Neve Rale.
Although the voters of Omaha have not
been given a chance to decide upon a, com
mission form of government for Omahs.
the polttli-lsns In snd sround the city hall
now filling public office are beginning to
think over the situation and art getting
ready to get Into tha game as soon as pos
sible. The commission which Ja to . rule
Omaha will consist of seven' men. each
receiving a salary of W.OflO a year and glv.
Ing his entire time to the work of ad
ministering on department of 'the city
Nearly every on of trie present odunpll-
men of Omaha has announced ot porm will
announce his willingness to be a randtdate.
No politics will be allowed In the campaign,
but fourteen men must be named from
which the seven will be chosen.
Mayor J. C. Dahlmsn will undoubtedly be
a csndldate. Councilmen M. P. Punkhoiiser.
Fred Schroeder. Thomas MfOv-rn, Lowi
Berka and probably A, C. Ku(Cl are all
expected to be candidate, and Bulldlnic
Inspector Charles Wlthnell Is understood
to b preparing for thg race.
Problem in Fractions
Upturns the City Hall
Politiciiru Are Thrown Into Stew hj
Problem Submitted by Gas
Commissioner. .
Turn a scientist lxee upon a building full
of politicians and the result Is confusion.
AU day Thursday there were daxsd' poli
ticians wandering around the halls of the
city hall muttering over and over and
over. "Take three -eights of - eevsnteen
steenths and multiply no subtract no
well, anyway, take three twenty-fourths
of six-sevenths and the square root of
two-tenths Is eto." ' - -
Prof. C. F. Crowley, "gas commissioner,
was looking perfectly Innocent when he
came down to his office Thursday morn
ing, but when he went away at noon there
was an aura of black magic gild devilish
ingenuity about him.
Upon everybody that came into. hi. office
during the morning he sprung this prob
lem. Two boys buy one loaf of bread for S
cents; on pays S and one 3 rents for
their proportionate shares. A third boy
cornea along whistling "The Song of the
Kerry Dancers" and offer to trade in a
marble, worth 1 cent; real ctt's-eye
agate, worth 4 cent.; hi. tooth brueh.
worth cent and a half, and anything else
that he possesses valued at 1H Cents, for
third Interest In the loaf of bread. Just
why the market should be so bullish on
one particular loaf ot bread tha problem
does not atate. The two original eapital
lsta accept the lamb offer and .ell him
a third Interest. .The question le. how
much should each of the capitalist re
ceive If each boy at the close of the deal
la to have a third Interest?
Prof. Crowley ssys the first boy shnul-t
receive the tooth brush, extra possession
worth a cent and a half and the; cat's-eys
agate for hla share, while the second Dor'
gets only the 1-cent mgrb!. .. r ,
Having been told the- answer,-the poll
tictans are tearing out great gobs of heir
and chewlrig Innumerable souvenir pencil
trying to find out lust why what I what
Tom and Birdie Drop
from Joyous Height
a-sgasajaa ' J-
They Spend All Their Money on Their
Honeymoon and Ask Charities
for Help. . ...i, -
Thomas West ana hi wfTe, Birdie.; hav
ing taken upon themselves the state of
matrimony, surveyed the field of tha west
ern United State for some place In which
to apend quiet self-absorbed 'honeymoon
and chose 8t Joseph. Equipped with all
the money that Thomas' had saved In year
of labor, they went to at Joseph and in
blissful quiet forgot the rest ef the world.
Tha money, which seemed1 inexhaustible
a long as It held out. was lavishly spent
Then on dy they wok to ftnd them
selves penniless. Thomas started out to
look for a Job, and tha only place ha con 1,4
J think of that needed a man of Just hi
caliber wa. Hastings. Bo "h' secured
enough money from friends ky fit. Joseph
to get to Omaha and applied here to the
Associated Charities for transportation on s
to Hastinga He told how his 'wife m
faint with hunger since her .return to '
earth from honeymoon forgetfulness, and
he begged a crust that he might atify
himself withal. Being In-appearance a
husky and healthy Individual, the Asso
ciated Charities concluded that after being -fed
be probably could get to Hailing with
out further assistance.
Street Cleaner Has
Lost His Week's Pay
Pulls the Bills from His Pocket
When He Takes On t His
Tom Donlon, a paper picker employed by
the city, came back to the comptroller's
office after drawing hla pay Wednesday
and reported that he was as poor as he
had been in the morning. He Id .hired tu .
pick up scraps of paper from ' the street -and
receives SIS a week for that. service.
Wednesday when he received" a' HO bill
and a tl bill he thrust thcwr.lnio his
pocket with his hsndkerctiier oVef"'thern to
keep them In. When be pulled 'out the
handkerchief out came hla week's salary
Now ho Is wondering If the person who
picked up the money will be hunexi. enough
to give It back to him.
Bebtee Strangled
by croup, cough or colds ar lns(htly re
lieved and quickly cured with Dr. Kings
New Discovery. Wc and 11. For sale, by
Beaton Drug Co.
Relldlear Parasite. . --.
B. Kbener. va South Klf tv-.t-ond frsme
dwelling- tl.0K: F. M. Henderson tni
Frederick, alterations, tooth Janirs Neville.
Jl foiilh sixteenth. aiteraTJons, 1 000;
Joseph Kuril. 4M5 North Thirty -first ave
nue, frame dwelling, tl.'WO.
Sesassee tieardaaa ea Mlrkejl Plate
Bead. . . 1
Chicago to New York aad return. 127 u, ,
Boaton and return, 13000. Low rate to
other eastern destination. On aale daily
Liberal stopover Inquire of toe!,, ages',
or writs John Y. Calahaa. Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent, 06 West ' Adams
street. Chicago. ., .
Hi It nrr. Better Buaier That is vhat Ilea
advertising will do for any iexrltirrtote f
business. v ' '