"V -g - - ... ll J WANT ADS . Want Via iwItHI at any time, oat to Insure propr classlflcatioa raust b prv-sehtcd before 12 o'clock m. i the evening edition and beforp 7:30 for morning and Bandar edition. Want axis received after sach hour will bare their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES FOU WANT ADS. IIMJIXAK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1M rents per word and 1 rent per word for earn subsequent In sertion. Each Insertion made on odd days, 1H cents per word, fl-BO per line per month. Hatev apply to either The Dally or f uaday Dee. Always count sU words to a line. Want a da for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug stores one Is your "corner druggist" they are all branch offices for The Bee and your ad will be Inserted ltit as promptly and oa the same rates a at the main office In The Bee building Seventeenth and Farnam streets: Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Raum thug- Co., 21 N. Wth St Feranek, S. A., 1401 8. 18th St Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb. Bemts Par Pharmacy. 83d and Cuming. Blske-Brarilth, 1901 Sherman At. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2218 Military Are. Catighlln. C. R.. 472S l.eavenworth fit. Crlasey Pharmacy, t4th and I.ka. Cboney Pharmacy, 2128 South 18th 8L Cermak. Emil. 1204-8 South ISth St Ehler A Co.i 11 Leavenworth St. Foster at Arnold!, tlJ N. th St Freytag, J. J 114 N. 4th St. Fresger Drue- Co., 1 N. lth St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park At, and Pacific. Greenough Co.. l"a S. 10th St. Greenough A Co., 10th and Hickory. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven worth Sts. Johanaon Drug; Co., ?4th and Spalding. Johnson Pharmacy, t30 Farnam fit. Hsnscom Park Pharmacy, 1501 8. 29th Are. Hlnterlong Drug Co., lint At, and Far earn St Hoist John m N. Wth St Huff, A. L., ISM Leavenworth Bt. King. H. 8., 223 Farnam St. Kountaa Place Pharmacy, 2303 N. S4th St Tathrop Pharmacy. Mth and Hamilton. Mares. Fred L, fll Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, 88d and Cuming. Patrick Drug Co., 1 N. 24th St. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Are. 8chsefers Cut Price Drug; Store, Mth and Chicago Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. . MARRIAGE LICENSES. , . I The following marriage licenses have been granted: Name and Residence. Age. Albert L. McFadden, Clay Center, Kan.. 23 Kuth A. Ream, Wilson, Kan U Ouy C. Miller. Logan, la SI Evelyn M. Pa Pue, Logan. Ia 20 Alfred Petti t, South Omaha 28 Eva Wilson, South Omaha 19 Carl Wolff, Blair... 23 Tilda Kuhr', Blair... Robert Anderson, Lincoln 40 Lllll Helton, Lincoln . 88 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN tmbalmer. 1614 Chicago St D. luto. B-U6, MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE. In sums to suit 810 Bee bid. Phone Dour ttua. UNION LOAN CO PHOTO SUPPLIES Kodaks and cameras. The, best develop ing and finishing in the city. MEOKATH STATIONERY CO., Photo Department 16th and Farnam Sts. OFFICE STATIONERY 'T KOTERA LEART CO. Tel. Douglas lfeuu. After August 1st 716 & ieth St Corner Shoe Rapair. 2S28 Leavenworth. ICE CREAM HM"oU Hyglea brand. Harding Ice Cream Co. ED ROTIIERYBohUt Atl u" cigars. Cafe in connection. Ill ti. 14th St LYNCH BROS. heating and j j. j.i vxj. XJijiD. PLUMBING. REPAIR WORK. 1701 Jackson St D. 1477. AN EVENING at LaJcs Manawa la well spent If Mlee N. Jones, 118 N. 27th Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. SMOKE COSTELLOS Omaha Cut -JUg. MK N. 10th St, IIARRi"rV. MoVEA B"? JOBt. .sQ A SPECIALTY. "Ut DAV1 COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Beautlfu; 'Concordia Park, ttth A Center. MISSOURI FILTER, 816 S. tOth. D. 4711 TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L 8ta South Omaha. K. ROWS. WELL BORING. Benson let. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINO ARKINS.. 314 8. 15th. UPSTAIRS. Louie Ahko, best Chinese cafe. 1417 Doug. BOYDEN w,n boring and pump work. a uii.t Phons Webster 1888. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNOATE, china firing. 870 Brandslg Bldg. Tel. Webster mi. Caaady Co., S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. BUY AND SEUcV KODAKS SUPPLIES AND . t-V,tVi AMATEUR FINISHING DEMPSTER S. 308 B. 16th St, Uli Farnam .B- WURN' 'yes-lass repairing. MI Urandeia BJdg. . THIEU Cut Pries Tailoring, 71 South MAGGARD Van A Storag-e. Pack, move. Store and ship H. H. goods. D. 101; B-I42S. The New Elk Hotel. Now open, all outside rooms, 86o and too by day; week. 83 up, 817 N. 16th. D. 7287. W. 8. II eat on. American furnaces. H. 86. OUR lustter duplicating work Is unex celled. A trial with convince you. Both I'honas. Western Duplicating Co., 400 Bee ildg. .. OMAHA Furniture Repair Works. D. 24SL YOU'LL always be happy If your wedding ring cornea from Brodegaard's. 114 8. lwn Bt. . At the slga of ths cruwn. COAT snd PA NTS to order, 817 60. Mso-Carthy-W llson Tailoring Co.. 104 8. lh Bt D. W. DUDGEON, plumbing. H. 1968. DRINK Orandma's Wild Cherry Phos phate, tonlo and blood purifier; better and cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. 10c. BARKER. BROS. PAINT CO., 1009 Farnam. Ind. A SRI; Douglas 4760. We do ploture Framing and Olaxing. SPECIAL DISCOUNT; this month on Paint lilass. VarnUhea and Wall Paper. WILLOW SPRINGS beer, llquer, cigars, aaauwlcbea. ALEX JETEB. ltt Douglas. DOUGLAS Prtntlne- Co. Tel. Douglas 4t PICTURE .framing, one-third cheaper than department stores: most select stock of framrd plcturea at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co.. 7u7 8. Win ft Phones Douglas MM, Independent A-26L 8. H. Cols Sign Co. D, 2768. 1216 Farnam. f:rl?nrVthe magaatne man. 2423 8. " v''2h, Omaha. When your magazines aspire call Douglas Tits. ELASTIC Stockings. Supporters and Bandagra. Stork always new, because we sell so many. Trusses fitted. Everything guaranteed, W. U. Cleveland Drug Co., The laige Surgical Supply house, 1410-1 Harney s ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) LADIES and gents' shine parlor, 220 B. ISth St. TLUMBINO, Huber A Foreman. II S. 20th JOHNSON A FLODMAN. men's clothing and furnlshlnzs. 211 N. lth St. Rteamftttlng; repair work. Call Ind. B-1773 AUTOMOBILES HONK! SMASH AUTO 'HONK TEAR TOP 'Smash XV H ao 1 HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMMOND, ISth and Harney Sts. . EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien la because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. M. Uauman, 1316 S. nth 8t, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-eent box of O'Brien's candy free. AUTO LAMPS ra?redHA,f,tkr.nd.Ro-f nating and Knameung. uxceisior riaung Works, 2106 Farnam. Douglas 130. Murphy Did It REPAIRING. PAINTING. TRIMMING. FOR SALE A bargain, International de livery machine, flrst-claea order and uaed three months. 284 N. 16th Bt Telephone Douglas 1H WRITE for list of second-band auto mobiles. Borne exceptional bargains In run abouts and flve-paasenger cars. MITCHELL MOTOR CO. NEW and Id-hand auto a. Darlgtt Omaha. FOR SALE One second-band Bulok truck, cheap. McCord-Brady Co. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call on GANGBTttAD. 404 Bes Bldg. Tel. D. 23A7. FOR BALE Money-making millinery business; town of 1.0U0; Interests calling owner eisewnere; ww pnoe to early buyer. Address Box 162. Ogalalla, Neb. FOR SALE Half Interest In large den tal practice In Omaha: last year's cash business 111.000. Address P. T. Barber, Dental Supply Co., Omaha. FOR SALE General merchandise stock; invoice about f.Ouo; located about 130 miles west of Omaha. Established business; clean stock; sales, $18,000 annually. Owner wishes to retire. Address Y 23, Omaha Bee. FOR a family dessert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If Mrs. G. LlgglU, 2920 N. 24th St, will corns to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. VARIETY STORE Cash business; popu. lation of town, 10,000; financial difficulty reason for selling. Address Y 46. Bee. FOR SALE Restaurant and confection ery, doing a first-class business; have good reasons for selling. If taken soon. Address 418 Norfolk Ave.. Norfolk, Neb. FOR SALE Dental office, S. Neb., fix tures, modern, nearly new, location first class;' business good; Invoices tl.OOO; busi ness 23,600; cheap for cash; reason. 111 health. Address V 88, cars Bes. FOR SALE Meat market 2930 Leaven worth Bt FOR BALEBakery and confectionery In town of 1.200 people, two railroads, only bakery In town, doing excellent business. Write for particulars. Y 87 Bee. WHO IS ITT WHERE IS HE 7 The man who wants the best stock ranch In Kansas. If interested, address the Allen County Investment Co., Longton. Kan. HARDWARE for sale. 27.000 stock, best town in northeastern Kansas; doing good business. Sell on account of aicknsss. Ad dress Y 90, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Good ' stock of hardware, furniture and Implements In good farm ing country. Box 21, Malmo, Neb. WANTED Location ror short order res taurant In eastern Nebraska town of 600 to 1,200 people. Address Y-92. Bee. f CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. chlropodlHt. manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat Bit., D. 2888 DR. ROY. 1606 Farnam St : Douglas 6407. DETECTIYES ZACK ELLIS. 306 Neville Blk.. 16th and Harney; both phonea, Tyler 1144; A-2767. OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency. Inc., bonded. 42g- Paxton Blk. D. 1319; A-1311 JAMES ALLEN. 80S Neville block. Phone Tyler 1136 or A-2767, 16th and Harney. CAPT. T. CORMACK, (17 KARBACH Blk. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH. 8d floor Paxton. D. 10K6. THERE is a beautiful new dancing pa vilion at Lake Manawa. If H. R. Baldwin, 2429 Decatur St., will come to The Bee office within three days we win give him a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. DRAINAGE W. J. MoEathron, C, E., 110 Paxton Blk. J. J. STUB BS room 416. First Nat bank. LOTS surveyed. Bruce A Standevsn. Bee Bldg. DRESSMAKING Dressmaker will sew by day. Doug. 74. Terry's Dressmaking College. SOth A Far. MattUon. Modiste. Doug. 4908. 2410 8. 10th. FIRST clasa reasonable. Wab. 8911. FANCY DRESSMAKING neatly done. 2611 Hamilton St EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COL LEGE Fine new building; all buainrst branches taught. Our graduates are in de mand. Enter at any time. Get our catalog. MOBHt; K LA MAN, 17th and Farnam His , Omaha. Summer Term BOYLES COLLEGE Is Now Open. " STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. Omaha's largeat and .most successful Com mercial College. Business, Bookkeeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue la free. Ad dress H. B. Bo vies. President. Omaha, Neb. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL HARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. 6293; 816 S. 14th. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS. dynamos, motors and repairs. Le Bron. 813 8. 12tb tt Douglas 2176. I ' . ' rVTH jtLJStrt Riu uu repairing ayoa mos and motors a specialty. D, M37. WHAT does a name meant If you want to know Just try O'Brien s candles. If Mrs. John Wenninghoff, Si'M H. Slitli Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60 cent box of O'Brien's candy free. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN PICNIC LUNCHES fS; 1904 into. D 6;;i WILLOW PLUMED mads from your old and new feathers. UuS a. Uth. 8. Bokolot WILLOW PLUMES mads from your old or new feathers. UJ 8. Uth D. 6664. CUSTOM-MADE Corsets. Corsets re paired and cleaned. Brock Corset shop, si Bee Bldg. MAN or Woman tlo In business for yourself at home; 826 starts you; handle your own money; earn 830 weekly. Ad drees L 741. Bee. CURTAINS LAUNDERED. 2K1I UUiiiLXO Ley Ave. Tat H. 1JA ii The Bee will run your ad for a situation or a servant girl free until you get the desired result. Telephone Tyler 1000. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. A-10UL HESS A 8WOBODA, 1(16 Farnam Bt L. HENDERSON, lfil9 Farnam. D. 1211. PUT FLOW EltS and designs. 209 N. 16th. FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS HAVE your FURNACE cleaned and RE PAIRED. Don't wait until tall, whoa you cannot secure EXPERT MEN. JOHN HU8BIE HARDWARE CO., 2407 Cuming Bt TeL Doug. 1111 Don't Wait EysLZ j-'vsa ii steam or hot waUr heater cleaned and ready for fall use. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-s Douglas St. Do aulas BOO, A-S63L HELP WANTED FEMALE ClarlesJ am 4 Offtea. FEMALE. Stenographer 4S 00 Aaelatant bookkeeper 140 00 Stenographer itio.00 Stenographer 160.00 No charge unless position Is secured. WESTK-N REFERENCE A BOND ASB'N. 754 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED A lady book clerk. Haydan Bros., Book Dept. Factory mmA Trades. GIRLS to learn hairdreaslng. Oppen hslm parlors. Prices very reasonable. GIRL to learn halt-dressing. 418 Paxton block. FOR a daintY AmmmMrt n.wn. . cream. If Mrs. A. Harmon, 614 Pine St will come to The Bee office within three day a. we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. i HauckNftn and Domestics. GOOD' girl for general housework. 862S Farnam. Phone Harney 899. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Ths Bee will run your Domestlo Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. DESIRABLE women between U and 40 years of age, residents of Nebraska, wish ing general hospital, laundry or dining room work may find good employment by addressing Lock Box A, Ingleslde, Neb. GIRL for housework; small family, isao South Mth. WANTED A girl to assist with house work; no washing. 608 S. 29th. WANTED A girl from 14 to 16 to come afternoons to take care of I little girls in exchange for piano lessons; competent teacher In charge; In neighborhood of 26th and St. Mary's. Harney 2122. A GOOD, competent cook: good wages, no laundry work. 4S23 Florence Blvd. Webster 870. GIRL for general housework. 2143 Chi cago. Red 6825. WANTED Woman or girl, neat and competent, to work in very small family; cood home. 'Phone Harney 27 H. . I- WANTED Competent youna woman as nurse for children. Mrs. W. J. Foye. Ill S. mi. WANTED Maid to assist in housework and care of children; no laundry, 2408 Bris tol Bt. , 1 GOOD girl for general housework at 620 North 22d. WANTED Good girl for fsnsral house work; must bs good cook; no washing; wages 86 a week. Apply 2804 Harney St GOOD girl to take care of baby and as sist with light housework; references re quired. Call B-3381. Mlacellameoaa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers ars invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisied. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. A LITTLE spare time each day from now until August 19 will pay you well In com missions in addition to winning one of the prizes In The Bee's "Ad Getter" contest. Call on or write Be Want Tad Editor, Omaha Bee. wantbo- Expenenoea nurse; refer ences required. Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy, 620 a 88th St Harney 861 WANTED Young lady for refined vau deville sketch. 1811 Capitol Ave. Phone A. 2366. HELP WANTED MALE- lleltors. AGENTS Wanted at ones, first elasa proposition; big commission. Write today, bartless Mupply Co., Brown Block. Onuu fceb. I WANT a man to sell an old line life insurance special policy in Iowa. Salary and commission, The Western Mutual Life Insurance company, Home office: Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa. Factory and Traaes. Drug 8tores(snaza.Joba Knlest, Bee Bldg, WANTED By August t Linotype ma chinist operator, nine hours, 86. Must be able to deliver trie goods. No transportation. Card man preferred. Barnstormers save stamps. Address Times, Fort Morgan, Colo. Bf tecellameoes. WANTED Gasoline engine man: must be experienced. inquire Manawa park or phone 460. UO 3100 MONTH AUTOING. ;N AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE. WANTED Two reliable men to take charge of route; married men preferred. Alamlto Sanltaryy Dairy, 1812 Farnam St. WANTED A young man or boy to work In grocery store. 2664 Cuming tit. LIVERY AND BOARDING A. Melcher, Livery, Feed, 1616 Leavenworth LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Moroca and Vehicles. AREYOU BUGGY WISE OR AUTO FOOLISH t Answer ut by coming In and buying an open or top BUGGY at lesa than factory cost. A dozen Special Buggy and Car riage bargain!. These are medium-priced vehicles. If you want a fine high grade Buggy talk with ua. We've got 'em, but not at half price. Bee DRUMMOND, 18th and Harney Sts. FOR SALE All kinds of good h dries, ii N. Bust Bt 'i'hoas Douglas WuO. K?V? SITUATIONS V ANTED LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse nil Vehicles CnlUHl. HORSE for sal's, L000 lbs. Doug. C64S. FOR BALE No. 1 driving horse, weight 1,200 lbs.; also 1 little pony, harness and buggy; lady or boy can drive It 4916 Web ster. Harney 6739. FOR BALE Best family driving mars In Omaha. 900 lbs. 6 years eld. 833 Neville block, Omaha, Neb. LIGHT delivery wagon, O 640, ear Bee. FOR BALK Driving horse, 9-year-old mare, harness and carriages. Call at ths effios of W. Farnaai Smith A Co., 1120 Far nam street LOST AND FOUND PERSON'S having lost soma article would do well to call up ths offloa of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway oompany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and ths company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48 OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THB5 WARDROBE, 2016 FARNAM. Doug. 1729. FOUND one lot silverware. Apply Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company. LOST In the New Omaha National bank bldg., gold watch; monogram on back, a. D. K.. Return to C. B. Keller's offloa, Omaha Nat'l. bank bldg. Reward. ENGLISH brlndle bull dog, strayed or stolen from 2809 Davenport St Liberal re ward. ' WILL the lady who Is known to have found a string or goia oe&as Wednesday In Orkln's Douglas street store,, kindly return same to Orkln's Douglas street store at once. . MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. N0TICEt0 ALL If you wore positive that our rates and terms were the best In the olty, wouldn't It pay you to see us when you need money? A comparison of our rates with those of other companies will convince you that this is ths place to borrow. 31.20 - Is the weekly payment on a 850 loan for 6) weeks. Other pa) ments In the same propor tion. If you need money write or phons State Morgage Loan Co. R-12 Arlington Block. lfillH D.ua St Phonss: Douglas 2464; Ind. A-24w. CI FLATAUl514 "od Street Diamond loans at 5 CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 22"ee Bldg. Doug. '12(4. A-1S5A, MONEY loaned-salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security; easy payments. Office In 67 principal cltlea Tolman, 603 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. L Bldg. A COOL PLUNGE In Lake Manawa will overcome that hot feeling. If I. W. Sher man. 1309 S. 31st St, will come to The Bee office within three days we will rive him a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING maua van a RTOR AGIC CO.. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners, sut b. iho; b d. ihu. wu. vu. nvnnpacuiwa TW.l .1 VW. Tt T m..Mo. Ins; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City of floe. 216 8. 17th. Doug. 384; Ind. B-1341. VERNOR TRAN6FER AND STORAGE CO., fireproof storage, household goods, pianos and baggaga moved, packed and f hipped. Warehouse 1508 Burt St Tyler 1118. Oflos 7th and Leavenworth. D. 2158. FERRJN, Moving A Sfg. Tyler 1200;B-1786. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES ALVIN E. POOLE, violin Instruction. 8156 Farnam. REMBRANDT studio. IS per cant dis count on Portraits. July and August OFFERED FOR RENT Board aw d Rooms. TWO nicely furnished front rooms with board; everything strictly modern. 240 Harney. LARGE, cool, strictly modern room, sult abls for two gentlemen, with excellent board In private family. 820 S. 26th Are. Phona Harney 5430. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. (U. A-MIL board; private family; West Farnam. Call Harney 46. ONE or two beautifully located rooms with board; walking dlstanoe; large yard, shade trees, veranda, etc An Ideal place tor summer. 206 & 25th Ave. O'BRIEN'S chocolates are famous every where because they are the best. If W. F. Vernon. 1X24 N. 27th St., will come to Ths Bee office within three days we will give him an order lor a 60-cent box free. BOARD By day or week. 2822 Farnam street MODERN furnished room with first class board near three-minute car service, or walking distance. Phons Harney 8389. NICELY furnished front parlor with board; walking distance. 2610 Dodge. Famished Rooms. TWO nicely furnished rooms,' en suite or single; modern, 221 S. 26th St. 2d Apart TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webstsr Mil 261 N. ta tit - LIGHT snd airy; nloely furnished. Easy walking dlstancs. Modem. References. IM North 25th St lied 7045. LARGE south room, cool and well ven tilated. M Capital Ave. THREE elegsnt front rooms, large porch, main floor, close in, no sign on house. UO Nurih Mh. NICELY furnished room In good locality; all modern conveniences; refined home for lady employed. 220 N. 23d St Tel. Red. 4332. TWO rooms, all modern, good location, private family; gentleman preferred. Phone H. 4731. 816 N. 21 it St.. for gentlemen, beautiful large front room in private ail modem home. Call or phone Tyler 1016. PLEASANT furnished rooms, with or without board; cool porches; lawn. Phons Webster &U5. DKWKY ICuropeaa Hotel. t A Faroaia. DESIRABLE rooms, best of board; block from center. US 8. 13th St 2u6 N. 23d. nicely furnished large front room. Tyler uax OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Boems Cestlssei. NICELY furnished back parlor In private family; will rent only to young taaies; everything modern. am uoage bt. NICE large rront room in nanecom park district 8023 Marcy St Phons H 4063. NICELY furnished room, modern, aleo trlo light; 810 per month; 2664 Douglas St Phons Harney 1667. THREE modern rooms. Red 8071. NICE, oool, housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms on jjoage ana ninur Unas. 11 North 0U Bt ONE or two extra fine rooms; fine furni ture; walking dlstanoe; no sign en house. 826 N. 80th. ONE nteety furnished room, all modern, ..ill. Ji.ttM with nrlve.tA funllv. 9hti2 wjkiii "'- r a. w . .-u ' Awa TOmI 2977. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern, with oouple: good neighborhood; walking distance. 'Phone H 4983. 2036 FARNAM Cool south rooms; mod ern; gentlemen; shade, lawn and porch. Phone Doug. 4ZL 620 South 17th St Phone Douglas 6810. LARGE front parlor, suitable for two; with board. 2118 Douglas. Douglas 8178. STRICTLY modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water: one room suitable for two gentlemen, sis in. urtn ni. NEWLY furnished front room, two pre ferred; board if desired; rent reasonable, everything modern; close In. 2618 Dswey Ave. THE best treat for wife and baby Is a dish of Ialzeirs Ice cream. If C. J. Schar mann, 2706 Plnkney 6t, will come to The Been office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. NICETLY furnished front room near Han scorn park. Call Harney, 4015. COOL front parlor; also other cool rooms; reasonable; 1H blocks from postof flce. 1814 Dodge. Hotels sad Apartments. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkl'y rata NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. U0 S. 18th St DODGE HOTEL, Uth and Dodge; all cool outside rooms; special week rate. THE ATLANTIC Hjptal. 140 Cass St finnan TTntl Council Bluffs. Rooms UgCien XlOiei j2 to 87 per week. Famished Hoases. FOtnt-ROOM modern apartment: fur nished. Wsbster 4468. Apartments aad Flats. UPERB-nothlng like It 4 or room flat aU modem. US N. 23d Bt. FOR RENT Six-room modern fiat f. 418 N. Utn St . THREE and six-room flats. MarUs Block. 16th snd Webster. 308 S. 24TH ST.. cozy 6 room modern flat 825. Phone Webster 978. FIVE-room, uteam heated flat The Ma son, 31st and Mason Sts., 840.00. Apply 822 Brandela Theater Bldg. Douglas 157L 6-ROOM apartments, completely modern, gcargo Bldg.. So. Omaha; above 680 N. 84th. 6 rooms. 1800 Farnam. modern; suitable location for offices, studios, denral or dressmaking rooms, etc., for ten aula wish ing homes adjoining. TUOS. F. HALL. 428 Ram fa D. 7408. A -4404. MVU room, steam neaieu a m Dunsany. 10th and Pierce Sts., 126.00. Ap ply 322 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 157L 2623 CASS 'ST. A brand new, five-room, strictly modern a. I . w... . 1. tram r.nD. ru uuun nut n.ici n " . .... . p i refrigerator, shades and curtain rods fur. nlshed. This flat is sound prooi ana win be completed August 1. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Sole Agts.. 6th Floor, Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Famished Hoasekeeplac Rooms. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms, good neighborhood; gas and bath; all modern. 2707 Dodge. H. 66M. THREE rooms, modern except heat 2326 South 12th Bt FURNISHED housekeeolns' rooms. 8116 Chicago St TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport E60 SO. 26TH AVE, modern front room; light housekeeping. Reasonable. WALKING distance, car one block, fine location. Must see to appreciate. With or without piano, no objection to muslo or practice. Newly papered, furnace heat, gas, nice bath, plenty hot and Ice water, both phones. 818. 2663 St Mary's Ave. 630 SO. 26TH AVE A suite of cosy rooms on bath room floor; new furniture; mod em; walking distance. Plenty of shads. TO quiet couple, suite of housekeeping rooms, all modem, very reasonable. 648 So. 26th Ave. Untarnished Hoaaelteeplnsf Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms: modem; heated; private family; walking distance. D. 63. 2223 Burt. led Rooms. UNFURNISHED rooms; reasonable; water, gas, bath. 2570 Spauldlng. FOUR blocks from court house, 3 large rooms, ground floor, 315. 623 S. 20th St. . ONE or 3 unfurnished rooms, new, mod era;, private family; close in. D. 6167. Hoases and Cottages. NEW five-room bungalow, 2884 Blnney Bt, completely modern;. Hall Distributor Co., 433 Ramgs Bldg. Doug. 7406; A-4406. 2608 MAPLE ST. five rooms, modern ex cept furnace. 822.60. Hall Distributor Co., A-4406. D. 7401 SIX room cottage, ail modem except heat 1021 South Twenty-fourth bt 7-KOOM modem house, 602 North 82d Bt, 825. Phons Douglas 816. JAMES BISHOP, turanure moving and storage; two men, 81 an hour; specialty of hauling pianos. 'Phone Web. 2184, fl-1407. DOUBLE house. 1213-1316 South 82d St; six rooms on sach side. W each. Tele phone Douglas 4040. 88 MONTHLY rents a good piano. Hospe Co., Uli Douglas St Benson Transfer Moves Furniture. D. last Om. Vaa A Storase Co. peks.iBoves.str-i eusebold good. Fireproof storsge; 64 . Mth. Branch. tu A I7ia. Tel. D. ! A-UU 804 South 3t b, 846 a month; all modern. 8 rooiuti. Telephone Douglas 4040. OMAHA Express Co, 414 N. 17th. D. 8364. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern, at U8 A 44tb ft., oa W. Ferneir-Dundee Use. Tsi, Barn 8M1 ar Douglas lea, OFFERED FOR RENT lloaaos aad Cottages-Coatlaaod. HOUSEHOLD OOODS parked, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expremnieu a Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. xm. City office. 216 S. 17th fct. Bee Bldg. UNEQUALLED, ventral. 1-room bouse no n. tJd. 8STH AND BURT. East front, one block to Farnam ar Cum ing lines, ons block to cathedral, close to stores; 8 rooms and hall; newly decorated; splendid bssemsnt; big trees; first floor trimmed In oak, with fireplace. 2ttth and California, blink to Crelghton, I rooms and hall, hot water heat 8w. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National. Douglas or A -2161 IfoilRRA " Parts of ths olty. HOUSES CrJgB Son, Co., Bes Bldg. PIANO tuning and repairing. Cbaa. H. Thatcher. D. K)i. Houses, Ins. Rlngwalt Brandels Th. Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, In good condition; large Corner lot and shade trees; tent 3.X 1M2 Ohio St Apply 1818 Lathrop bt. Tel. B-3244. . MODERN, 8-room flat opposite Hanscom park, 332. 6-room house, modern. South 33d Ave., 8.U I'hone Harney bSM. Two houses; wsll water; rent, 110 each. One house; city water; rent 313. One house; city water; rent 816. Phons owner. P. S. Rosander, 206 8. Cot ner Ave., Benson. Phons Benson 538, 872 8. 18TH ST. Elsrht noma mmnlitaiv modern. 836. Thos. F. Hall, 438 Rarage Bldg. Phones Douglas 7406, Ind. A-4406. FOR RETNT Excellent (-room Tat 614 No. 83d Bt 822.60; good neighborhood; fine view. Tel owner. Rod E2A4. 10n Pacific Bt, 4-r., part modern 818. 20il2 Chicago, 6-r., modem except heat 815. 2602 Chicago, 8-r., part modern 39. 4233 Harney St, 6-r., all modern 126. 833 8. 21st St.. 6-r.. mod. except heat 823. 1512 Ohio Bt, 4-r., part modern 817. 2574 Evans, 7-r., new, all modern 830. 2038 Pierce St., 6-r., part modern 116. BIRKETT A TEBBENS. 423 Bsa Bldg. D. 4764; A 1754. Stores aad Office. FOR BENTAUOUST 1 On tha second floor of tbe Paxton Bldg., facing 16th St., opposite the passenger elevators, now occupied by MIbs Holland, the dressmaker, who Is making a change. Best retail location In the city. Apply, W. FARNAM SMITH & 00., 1320 Farnam St. Tela.: Douglas 1064; Ind. A-1064. 1808 and 1813 Farnam St Tel. Har. 8486. TWO offices. 2d floor Crelrhton ttlnw also store at 116 8. 16th 8t Alfred Thomas. Agent 308 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR best grocery ana meat market In cuy, wiu luiuru, e, snap . luu n. lid. Office Space Will divide uss of desirable offloa, furnished, and ssrvioes of stenog rapher and bookkeeper. Separata private rooms. Address M 647, Omaha Bee. TWO new nice storerooms, excellent lo cation, jwb iase si. t . Ronacek. AT 706 S. 15TH ST. Room 20x00. sunnllnd with steam heat, now being put In fine condition: price reasonable. Pjh.lr.rU5 trust uu., ivth and Farnam. 4 LARGE store room, new front 1707 N 24th. Webster 1266 OFFERED FOR SALE Fornttore. brary and poker table for private use. A . . . I - , i I i.iuL-aa .Irsltrl It'aiiH ms v UIU Vt 17th St. Phone Doug. 3128. FOR SALE Household goods consisting of one coal range, kitchen table and chairs. 1 iron beds, couple dressers, rocking chairs and tables, Icenox. can Harney 6738. Call from 8 a. m. to i p. m. FURNITURE of 8-room house, mostlr now, by piece or lot cheap. 218 No. 26th St Phone B. 8365. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES Sold. rented and repaired. TYPEWRITING IN SPECTION CO., Inc., 684 Brandels Bldg. . . J. . ,,.. .... .r.w BUY an L. C. Smith A Bros, tvoewrltae B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers, 1316 Far nam St TYPEWRITERS. Hot weaeher prices Remington. 811: Smith Premier, $20, Oliver, $26; Under wood. 346: Ijt C. Smith. 340: Monarch. 840: Jewett, 310; Chicago, 86; Denamore, 812; Fox, 315. Large rtock to select from. Full guarantee. B. F. SWANSON CO.. 1314 f arnam Bt., uty. Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 8918. Mlseellaweoaa. I-HAND tools aad rubber hose. 416 N. ltta. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures. Easy payments. Brunswick-Balks-Collender. 407 Bo. 16th. 6 aFES Overstocked with second-hand ssfes .all sizes and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co.. U10 Farnam St WHEN you aoend vour monev srjend it for the best there Is. If E. Walkup, 2216 S. 10th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a 60-oetu box of O'Brien's candy free. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, for sale at 610 05. Apply George R. Wright Bee Publishing Co. CHICAGO Upholstering A Mattress Wks. We sell mattresBes retail, wholesale prices; gen. furn. repairs; 2d-hand furniture bought and sold; mattresses and springs made over. ina. v-sw. it n. Bt, bo. umana. New and second-hand safes. 1818 Farnam. GOOD hand cultivator with aooessorlss. N 584. Bee. OSTEOPATHY Alios Johnson, 308-1 Brandels Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. 634-6 Brandels Theater. LAKE MANAWA is the coolest Place to be found. If John Grants, 461 Hickory St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give hint a pair of round trip ncKets to iAa .Manawa. PATENTS D. O. BARNKLL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red-7117 HIRAM A. STUROES. reg. attorney. CM Brandela Theater Bldg. Douglas m. WILLARD EDDY, Solicitor; 1430 City Nat I Bank. Tyler 1530: Ind. A-1864. PERSONAL DR. BURKE, diseases of women, Omaha. STI A ipnn treatments. Mra. Steele, ex II Aluril op,r't'r. 1 8. 17ih. 8 fL MASSAGESwedlsh movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ladles, 81; gentle men. 8160. Apt 3. lsu3 Farnam. Doug. a021. f A I1VVTIP Treatment. E. Brott, 710 i-ta.u tath Bt., 2d floor. AL'C'JUltJJl A IISAJ I g,vw iwws 'evil , aSM (USA Fray or, Hcf ttUb fct. Co., Uib ftnd Fmu a rtTT tntfH ,.! ayuul swsSksBBSa kail V Good Samaritan Avs.. Council Bluffs, la. MASSAGE Nwedlsh movements; excellent for rheumatism, nervous snd kindred ail ments; treatments, 8100. Drs. B. Piibbo now snd Harriet L. Joy. Suite 401 Wars Blk., Ml B. 1Mb St. Tel. Douglas 2786. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, . In fact, anything you do not need. Ws collect, repair aad aril at 134 N. Uth St for eoet of collection to the worthy pour. . ait Boas wugiaa tuk aa wags will sail, v PERSONAL (Continued.) JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPAi moved to 3 ti. utb bt. Iougiaa 1U1. THE best treat for wife and baby Is a dish of Daliell's Ire cream. If Mra Krlrhe wlth, 1616 N. 23th St. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fins lea cream free. f ASSAflKrREATMENT- Mra Bteela," MAkX)AUa1(B a luhi id floor, room a. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braoa, Strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO. ( MECHANO THERAPY massage treat ment stomsch trouble. Dr. Msrgaret Hal loran. 222-3 Nevlle Blk. D. 7761. Open after 1 TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaslxted. Look for our traveler's aid at ths Union station. MASSAGE B'th a,t aromatle WilOOAUL treatment Mme. Allen of Chicago. 108 Bo. 17th St, first floor. IX 7666. WB RENT and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-1063. Douglas MM. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. ISth and Harney Sts. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdlsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodga. Massage Rlttenhousa. 308 Old Boston Bldg. MRS. BNYDER, Swedish massara. bath Dunsany, Flat 8. 10th A Pierce. Doug. 4880. STRICTLY private confinement home. Ws find homes for bablee where mothers are not ablo to oars for them. 1618 Daven port St POULTRY AND PET STOCK HOtMER pigeons, too pair. Otto Wolff. 2904 Ames Ave. Web. 6637. FOR BALE One English bull terrier: a good watch dog. Call 4816 Webster sr TeL Harney 6739. PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Printer rSugTeVfo! BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. RIES HALL Ptg Co., 10 a 14th. Ind. A-8U4 PHONE IND. A-2620 for ro1 nrtntlngl Lyngutad Printing Co.. 16th and Capitol Ave. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLB. MIDLAND Guar. A Trust Oo 1714 Far. H. H. Neals, pre.; J. Campbell, sec. D. 2801 PETER JE88EN, Jr. Co.. TeL Doug. 2283, -i REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT COV oldest abstract offloe In Nebraska, Sot Brandela Theater. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Flf- ' . teenth floor City Natl Bank Bldg. BUILDERS' lit FORMATION. BIMONRON A NORBT, furnace and tin work. Doug. 2440, CITY PROPERTY FOR 1ALI HERE IS A CHANCE TO BUT DIRECT FROM OWNER This house was built for ' a home. Is built of best material and the workmanship is of the best It has recep tion hall, parlor, dining room, with colon nade between; two large bed rooms with large closets; kitchen with hot and cold water and cistern pump; large pantry; large bath room with beet of white enamel fix tures, bath tub, toilet and lavatory. An 8-foot pomh runs across the whole front of the house and there la a back porch. The cellar is cemented and has separate coal bins and hot and cold water. Cement walks all around the house. The best of eleotrlo light fixtures. Elegant shads trees and set to young seleoted fruit Elegant lawn. Two elegant up-to-date chicken houses. Full screens for every window. Including cellar. House faces south on a 60x128-ft. lot perfectly level. All floors are double, -' top oak, highly polished and then waxed, r A finished horns in every particular. This , place has cost owner nearly 83.000, but he ' wtll sell at a discount If you want this elegant new home at a bargain call at 1008 McKinley St., comer Burnam Ave., Benson. Two blocks north new brick school house. Do You Want a Home Within Walk ing Distance? If so look at HM If. Wth St. rooms and bath; modern tn ovary partkmlar new furnaos, new plumbing: In fact bullsV ing Is as good as now sjul will bo thorn when lots or toe now nousos are in tns scrap pile, can sell this homo oat terma at a bargain. R H. Landeryou, 441 Boars of Travda, ToUl Doug. tXEl; Ind, A-anX eras mwwicv n im n ,,.,. m . k water beat ooraer lot, shad. Part oaaa. balanos to suit Call Owner. Web, tSL a Only $2,500 Eight rooms, modora, S81I Caldwell. Lot SOxlITj paring paid. W. H. Gates. 644 Now Omaha National Bank Bldg. 'mono Doug. 124. 8-ROOM modern house, with hot water heat on south front lot 60x126. Has never been occupied. Prloo -4,00S, with mortgage of 31.800. Nonresident owner authorises us to take automobile In part payment M EACri-KON HaALlI CO., Phono Webster U6L 1824 Lake Bt NINE-ROOM p rival corner noma: mod ern Improvements; reasonable, if boua-hl . from owner; 81,000 down, balanos on eaaj terms. Inquire at 2701 Dodge. HOUSES FOR SALE TO BE REMOVED Two five-room oottages, northeast comer 17th and Jackson streets. Submit bids GEORGE & COMPANY 6th Floor. City National Bank Building. FOR BALE By owner, oomnletelv mad. ern cottage, bungalow effect, just built, ol latest styls and finest material, located at tftli aud Ames, in Prairie Park district: easy terms. Address, A. B. Roberts, 2721 Fowler Ave. Phone Webster 4863. NORTH 39TH Near Cuming, close to cathedral, one blk to stores and Farnam Una, shads a-plenty, newly decorated, oak trimmings, fireplaua paving paid, walks Just put in. Ownei hss cut price and will take 81.000 cashi balance like rent. Leas at 840. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1016 Omaha National. Doug, or A-sm COUPLE houses to move, one In South Omaha, in fine location; also good build ing kit cheap, within a stone's throw price of house 8276; price of lot (100, and both on essy terms. REAL kviTATE TITLE-TRUST CO., Uth Floor City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for business bargains. 816 Omaha Nat'l Bank COTTAGE at Lake Manawa; furnished, cheap. D. 3uM. IN SOUTH FARNAM DIS TRICT NEAR 28th & FARNAM An all modern B-room house; full slse basement; owner leaving olty and must sell, and has put a pries that will move It If sold within ten days. 33,000 will buy It and can make terms to suit. This Is the best buy In Omaha today. Toland & Wiley Hi Bos SkLg. Dogla ggg. rtf St" V mi 1 r L I