Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. FKIDAY. JULY 21, 1911.
-BBJ . I i 1 "
... - -
Democrat! Look Upon Selectiom ef
Chairman u rail of Portent
"reaer Stayer lri ef I.larwla
Heelaree Mr. Bryaa Waa Always
Blga! a Bis; Jef.
ferl' (kolo rieea.
From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. July 30 Pp'lal.) News that
.Mk Harrington of O'Neill had been
selected a temporary chairman of the
democratic stste convention waa takaa by
many of the rtftnorriti of this city a an
Indication thut the "Harmon and Har
mony" branch of th party la planning a
coup which will mult In a daub with
llryan over presidential prospects rather
than the aftermath of th liquor claah
which occurred at the, slat conventloo laat
Tha fact that Mr. Bryan in naming- bla
Itet of available timber for tha highest
fflca In tha land Cava out names of every
prominent party man except Governor
Harmon of Ohio Is supposed to be tha chip
on his shoulder which Is to be knocked off
by tha faction of tha democratic party
which of lata has taken treat glee In doing
things contrary to the beliefs of tha Com.
Tba reported selection, however, of a
man opposed to Mr. Bryaa and bis
doctrines la looked upon by many of tha
democrats as being in tha nature of a
bomb shell hurled Into tha democratic camp
and one that will be productive of much
disorder when tha convention gets down
to business at Fremont neat Tuesday. Sev
eral of Lhoee who expressed themselves on
tha matter have tad Ira tad that after all
Harrington's elee-atioa to tha platform win
mean that his tremendous activity as a
floor leader will be entirely cut off and
that it will be productive of more harmony
thaa if tha Holt county man were allowed
to alt wtta tha rest of tha delegates at
tha convention. .
T. W. Brown. wtyee reported candidacy
fas the) go.asapntilp mast year Is matter
of finch talk In tha party at tha present
Urn saM about tha eelectloa today: -Such
otSeei la emfalr. unjust and uncalled for."
Ha STimmad p the view af tha mora radical
of iSa. Bryan's friends. "It behooves no
tnaai t mustlsn Mr. Bryan's ainosrlty
aloe any Una noon which ha wishes to
ijaass aa epiniee." continued Mr. Brown.
"UK Bryan Is, and always baa been right
a national gnostics a, and for any set of
man. ta this atata aa pedal ly, te opposa
him la rank folly. I have sot. nor aaa I
Botes ta par nay attention to tha letters
now flying broadcast between various
members ef tha party.'
Tha selection af A. W. Jeffs of Omaha
for tha temporary chairmanship af tba
combos republican stata convention Boat
generally with tha approval of local mem
bora of thai party.
f telle Verer Bxplalma.
J. E. all liar, candidate for the demo
cratic nomination for regent of tha atata
university, has received a letter from ex
Govemor Ehalleaberger In which tha Alma
man asserts that ha meaat ns opposition
to tba local man whsn ha signed a petition
requesting that tha same of Charles Knapp
of this city be placed upon the ticket for
that place.
Mr. Bhallenberger'B hacking of Kaapp has
caused eonslderabla comment In this city
aa wall as other parts of tha stata, and
tha tact that they are direct opponents,
this action was thought to be an afloat to
Mr.' MUler. Tha former state executive
In explaining tha matter to Mr. Millar
assarted that Knapp's petition bad been
seat to him In a personal latter and be
fore ba had heard Intimation to tha effect
that Miller Intended to make the race. Ha
declared further in bis letter that he had
a thought that political capital locally,
would be made of the Incident.
Hake ra reseat aa Haass.
Tha atata of Nebraska yesterday through
Auditor Barton made aa Jnttlal payment of
Sis, upon tha Ftaak reaidenoe recently
purchased by tha State Board of Public
Lands and Buildings for uas as a hospital
or India" eat consumptives. The Institution
was lately located at Ksarnsy In accord
ance with the provisions of tha Bushea
act passed at the lata session of the legis
lator which appropriated ( for tba ee-
tabUshment of tha now hospital. Tha
building purchased, by tha State board
cost the stata faiOOS. and tha first warrant
In payment for the plao waa directed to be
delivered ta XL D. Gould, a former state
senator who- now resides ta tha Buffalo
county seat.
Ta Baeat reediasT Rate.
Tha Union Stock Tarda oamnany of
South Omaha has applied to tha Stats Ball'
way commission for permission to maks
a raise In feeding rates. Tbsy ask for a
rais to S3 per ton tor hay and $Lh par
bushel for ours, which they assart ta the
commission hi the price now etfscttrs at
Could Uy Pin In Creels. Four Long
Yean of Eczema. Only Relief in
Scratching. Used One Set
of Cuticura Remedies.
Hds Entirely Well.
X ran trathfufly say Cutlenra Bame
diss have cured ma tour long years
of LSi .ma About four years ago I
noticed soma tittle pimples coming on
my lulls finger, and not giving it any
aUeatMn. U saoa became worse and
spread ail ever my hands. If I would
have thent in water for a lour time,
laey would burn lika ftre aaa largo
cracks would omm, I could lay a pit
ia than. AJVsr aslag all tha ssJtss I
could think at. I want ta three eluTsreat
doctors, b all did aaa aa good. Tha
only relief I gut was aoratrting.
" ISe after hearing so much about tha
wonderful OtUwr. Bsaiadias, I pur
chaaad one oonapiets sot, and after oaiaf
thant three days say hands were muca
batter. To-day say aaada'ara enlireiy
wnU, aaa as aeiag all I ased." (Blgaed)
Mas ttta Karber. R. . D. X. bpnag
Laka, MicK. SopC It, 110.
No sti oarer srblaaoa thaa this ooatdj
ba gtraa of tha saooss aad acaoosay of
tha Ouurura Hsmodtea ia tha traatmati t
of tortunag. dia&gumig humors of tha
stia. siate hei bath with Cuuoura
6uap and a geatla anouating with CuU
sora Omtssant are ofaaa sufouaaat ta
aJfvrd snaoaadiaU r&tiaf ia tba most dia-
and permit rest aad sleep
eiae fails. Cuticura Beap and
Clstaaeni are aouaQr affective ia pre-
aernag. punfyug and baajuttfring the)
kin, sualp. hair aad bands.
Although Cuticura Kuap (2S&) and
fuuoura Ointmeat (10c.) are sold
throughout Who world, a Lberal sarnpia
of aexA. with SJ-p. book on tha skin aad
scwJ t will p mailed free en appiicauoa
in Foster Vrof A Cbena. Corp Peps,
IB, Baaus. Mass.
- - - -t r .
Detailed Census of
The director of the ran sua has announced the population of 8hertdan county.
according to Its minor dvil divisions, as
Paver precinct
Ptngham precinct
Box Hutle precinct
Clinton precinct
Ellsworth precinct
T. t anstnn precinct
Gordon precinct, Including Gordon village..
Gordon village ,
llay prtnirs precinct. Including Hay Springs village.
Hay ftprlng village
Hevwood precinct
Hunter precinct. ,
Klnkaid preclnt
lakenide pre Inct
Milan precinct ,,
MlnnUnka precinct
Mirase precinct
Niobrara precinct
Pine Creek precinct
Ttanrh precinct....,
Reno precinct
Kunntnjr Water precinct
Ruhr1'le precinct. Including Rushvtlle
Ruehvlile village....
Schlll precinct. ,
Sharp precinct
Pprtng Lake precinct
WTtlte Clay precinct
Volf Creek precinct
'Wounded Knee precinct
the Kansas City and St. Joseph markets
and which will soon ba In force at Sioux
City, rresent rates at tha South Omaha
feeding ysrds are $30 per ton for- hay and
fl per bushel for corn. A hearing on the
matter will be held before the commission
August 1 in this city.
aloe Mea aa Grill. .
The excise board today listened to testi
mony In the case of Hoos and Fres and
I-eonard Bauer, two firms of liquor deal
ers in this city, who are charged with
having sold beer to 'William mil. a 17-)rar-old
lad now under sentence to the
stats reform school at Kearney. The case
lasted practically tha emirs day and no
Indication as to ths verdict was given out.
Kew Biik at McGrew.
Ths McOrew Stata bank of MoOrew,
Scotts Bluff county, has tiled articles of
incorporation with the atata banking board.
It has a paid up capital stock of fliM0 and
has in addition toCM on hand which will be
retained by It for the depositors guarantee
fund. The Incorporators ars 1- M. Lord ef
South Omaha. C. C. Franklin of Morrill
county, P. W. Burk of McOrsw and C. II.
It alia a a Plea la.
Tba Italians of LJneoln held their second
annual picnic today at Custerman park,
southwaat of ths city. Nearly 40 natives
of Italy ware preeeat. Tola morning Gov
ernor Aldrich addrsssed the picnickers on
"Ths Duties of Citisenshla." Judge Frost
also speaking. A band was present from
Omaha which lent musle to the occasion.
The outing continued until lata this even
ing, bass ball games aad otheg events be
ing scheduled.
3ereeraara Maasloa A blase.
Fire, supposed to have started because
of defective wires, burned a hole about
eight feet square In the roof of ths gov
ernor's mansion this afternoon. Before the
flra department succaeded In extinguishing
tha flames ths governor, assisted by his
oIQce force, had carried most of the furni
ture from tha first and second floors to
the porches. They did this because they
feared that damags might result from
The flames wars discovered by Governor
Aldrich. One of tha servants sounded a
warning- She said sba detected aa odor
of smoke. Tba governor then rushed up
to tha ball room on tha third floor where
he discovered smoke Issuing through the
casings of ths windows. Ha turned in an
alarm and then busied himself kf removing
rugs, bedding aad other things from ths
Ta reach tha Camas the firemen bad to
run a hose up the stairways. They naa
little trouble in extinguishing tha blase.
Tha calling of ths third floor was damaged
by water, but the entire loss Is not great.
Had tha firs started In ths night ths
building would likely have been destroyed.
rasanarey'a Caaa If.
The advisory board of pardons heard the
application of Charles Pumphrey of Omaha
for a pardon this afternoon. Pumphrey is
saa af throe young man who were con
victed of the brutal murder of Ham Pack.
a Chinaman of Omaha, tor the purpose of
robbery. Governor SaaUenbarger commuted
Pumphrey's sentence to seven -yaxs oa aa
application mads by John O. Tetaer, who Is
r a member of tha advisory board of
pardons. Mr. Yelcer has furnished the
board with all of the information ha used
in tha former hearing and will not par
ticipate in tha bearing.
Tha commutation of Governor Bhallen-
berger was granted on the plea that Pum
phrey was not guilty, that he waa drunk
and fell la with Mullen, aad Alaaack. who
committed the murder and that bs took
ao part in tha kUllnaV
Bow Cr.ass KallasT.
Food Commissioner Jackson baa issued
tba following bulletin la regard ta ths pay'
meat for cream on delivery:
"Owing to soma objections to a recent
ruling of tha stats food, drug and dairy
oonuniasioosr regarding tha payment of
cream oa delivery, additional facta are sat
forth by tha department. This ruling is
known as rsculatloa No. f and published
as such la tha rules and regulation, of the
department. It reads as follows:"
Kaauiatlan No. s: Tha accurate testing of
cream for Its butter fat la aa eperatioa that
requires great care and exaotneaa at every
step, it requires at least tnirty minutes to
make a teat and It is imuoaalble for the
saent to teat the deliveries of cream as they
sre received and give ths test ths asosseary
tune aad attention wnica It requirea to
Insure accuracy.
Pursuant to the above facta. It Is hereby
ruled by the food, drug and dairy commie
sionsr that samplee ( cream shall be
grouped and teated at the close ofeacb day's
receipts or ths lotiowtng morning, l as
mpiee to be kept in close jars wnue
being bald.
Ia order to prevent aay evasion of the
above ruling It hi further ruled that the
payment in whole er in part ror cream saau
be suspended until the following day, or
tne time of the next aeitvery.
Payment for cream, pr'.T to the day fol
lowing delivery as a means sf securing
business or of taking advsnuge ef another
operator te a violation of tba rule and puae
kthabie under the law.-
The object of this ruling Is to obtain
aore accurate testing of cream, it la a
common praetlos In cream sectlona for five
of six patrons to remain about the station
waiting for their cream check. This bothers
the ooerator. and la his basts be cannot
stake an accurate teat aad caaea are on .
record where no test was mads by tho .
e para tor, hut the patron's former test re- ;
f erred to and he Is paid at the rate of the
former teat er near enough to It to causa j
as objection from the patron.
It will be aeaa that there Is ao tecoaveni- I
eaoe to the aptroa after the first delivery
as each delivery thereafter his cream check
will be-w siting for him.
A similar ruling baa been m effect In
Kansas for several years and has prevta
aattafatcory In every respect.
bch operator waa furinshed wtth a copy
of this ruling with his aew permit and ail
Inspectors are Instructed , to enforce It ;
strictly snd la case of aon-compllance to '
file complaint wti.o ths evidence Is ob j
Bat lata Meet ta York.
YORK, N-. July (Special Official
notice aaa Just been gUva that tlie Ne
braska Baptist state coaveatioa will be
bald at Terk the second week la October.
Nebraska Counties.
jna. w. lew
7rn .iS3 k.1
11 ( m
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W M 461
1JQ 1J3 4
JU tit
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171 K ia
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130 1M
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i;i m m
Equalization Board
liaises Live Stock
Findi Values Generally Low and
Increases Are Ordered Along"
the Line.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 30. - Special.) Tha State
Board of Assessment sitting as ths board
of Equillsatlon, has adjusted the value of
rattlo, horses and mules over the stata by
imposing aa Increase upon many of ths
countlei. Ths increass of 20 per cent was
ordered on the value of the three kinds
of live stork in Box Butte. Garden. Hooker
and Kimball. An increase of 36 per cent
on horses was ordered In Grant county, and
In McPherson county aa Increass of M per
cent. In Banner, Grant and Hooker coun
ties, a 2S per cent raise was ordered on
mules; a 30 per cent raise on mules In
Merrick and McPherson counties, and a to
per cent Increase In Perkins county. Forty
per cent arise on the valuation of cattl
In Perkins county was also ordered. Aa
Increase of SO per cent on Garden county
hogs was ordered, as well as 40 per cent In
crease on the same kind of animals In
Hayes county.
Another meeting of the board will be held
hers tomorrow for ths purpose of hearing
railroad tax commissioners on ths value of
railroad property In this state, which Is
taxed for city and village purposes.
EIeUea Called t Veto aa Beads for
New Hlh Sckoab Water Plant
H early Completed.
CHAPPELL, Neb.. July JO. -(Special.)
There was a special election called for
August 10 by the Board of Education to
rote on a proposition of Issuing 112.000
bonds for the erection of a new high school
building. The population of the district has
grown so rapidly In ths last two years that
the present building has outgrows its use
The Union Pacific railroad is making ex
tensive Improvements along this part of the
road. It is putting down a largo well and
erecting a steel tank of SS, 000-gallon
capacity. It is also arranging to put In
new stock yards in tha end of town and
has tha grading for the second track al
most completed between here and Jules-
burg, Colo.
This part of the country has boon favored
lately by two or three light showers, tba
last one being about one-half of aa Inch.
The corn Is standing up well and doing
fins. Harvest hsa begun aad there will be
quite a bit of small grain raised. The
pastures are green and lots of good grsxlag
land, ao that stock is faring exceedingly
well. The pots. toe crop, however, will
rather light.
Work on the water works and electric
light plant ia progressing nicely, and It
will be but a abort Ume now till the job
will be completed. The large tower and
tack are almost done, and the wires for
the lights are all strung, and the machinery
will bo Installed In about ten days. Whan
this Is completed Cbappell will ba one of
the beat lighted towns along ths road.
Keareey Lad Deelaawd laaauae.
KEARNEY. Neb July .-8peclal
WU1 J. Heithecker waa found Insane by
tha Buffalo county Insanity commission
lata laat evening aad sent to the asylum
st Hastings. H si th acker's case created
a good deal of comment when tha par'
tlculars became public Sines Friday he
has been confined In the rooms of his
chum. Bud Humphrey, who tried to keep
bis condition secret ta the hope that he
would recover his mind. Last night he
escaped from tha rooms and Humphrey
revs eh aaa, but was unable ta catch him.
Deputy Sheriff Beds Laugh ton joined the
pursuit and captured tha Insane lad ia a
short time. It la said that tha young
man's condition Is due ta brooding aver
a girl who had Jilted him. He is a musician
and a member of a local band.
Bias HIU Mas Killed by TreUm.
HILDRETH, Nab., July XX (Special. )
George Hague of Blue HIS was killed at
that place by the southbound freight Mon
day. Ha was crossing ths tracks which
run slds by side, soma distance south of
the station. The eastbound passenger
train end the southbound freight came out
at tha same time that rooming, the en
gines running almost even, aa unusual oc
curence. Mr. Hague noticed the passenger
engine and stepped off the track onto the
parallel track and directly in front of the
freight angina The body was terribly
9 - '
Home County Endorses Congretiman
for United States Senator.
Ceaveatlea Ala Baea aa Re
Faewrtas; tba Naaalaatlaa ad Sea
star La Felleete af Wtscaa.
sta far President.
M'COOK. Neb.. July SO. 'Special.) The
republicans of Red Willow county held
their county convention in Indlanola yes
terday. F. M. Klmmell of McCook was
hairman and W. A. Reynolds of Indlanola
The following delegates to the state con
vention wars selected: C. E. Lid red, J. F.
Cerdeel. U. O. Etherton, Lon Cona. W. A.
Reynolds. Charles Skalla, Don Thompson,
F. M. Klmmell.
The following resolutions were adopted
by the convention.
We, the republicans of Red Willow
county in convention assembled, pledge
our faith and allegiance to the principles
of republicanism as set forth In the dec
laration of principles of the National Pro
gresalvs Republican league and the State
i'rosreeaive Republican league of Ne
braska, We reaffirm our faith In tha policies
advocated by Theodore Rooeevelt while
president ot toe United btatea aa ex
pounded aad practiced by the able and
fearless leaders of D roar as si re republican
ism, Senator Robert M. La Fottetie and
Congreaamea George W. Norm.
VI a heartily coia send these real and true
representatives ot the people for their pa
triotic ana courageous ertorts In ths con
gress of the United States to overthrow
the present system, whioh puts the dollar
above the man and operates to the exclu
sion or real represents tion or the people in
national affairs and for tha benefit of the
favored few."
We commend their patriotic opposition to
ths so-oalled Canadian reciprocity scheme,
which m Its present form Is a vicious at
tempt to collect a still larger tribute from
the farmers for the enrichment of the
manufacturers of ths east
We believe that the leadership of the
republican party in the next national cam-
paisn should pass from the reactionary
element, which is now In control, to the
prosressiva wing of the party, as so ably
represented by the real In.urxent senators
snd representatives, and ws hereby declsre
our hearty support of the fesrleaa senator
rmm litconsin, Robert M. la r ouette.
We take great pride In presenting to the
voters of the state of Nebraska our hon
ored fellow cltlxen of this county, vice
president of the National Progressive Re
publican league. Congressman Oeotre W.
Morris, ror ths United states senstorsnip,
knowing that he will In the future, as in
the past, devote all his time and energy
to the welfare of the (Treat ma, or eor
people, and we commend his every offi
cial act and rejoice In his honor and
Other resolutions endorse the administra
tion of Governor Aldrich. favor the nom
ination of Charles B. Eldred for Judge of
ths Fourteenth district, commend the work
of State Senator Joha F. Cordeal and Rep-
reaentatlre Frank Moore in the last leg
islature. The primary law. direct election
of United States sens tors, the Initiative
and referendum ars also endorsed.
JT Contests for 7tataatlaa fee iee-
eral Of flees.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. July JO. 8pe-
e'-sl) In tha approaching primaries, so far
as ths filings Indicate, there will be no
competition for most of the offices ef ths
county, though for the sheriff nomination
there will be three candidates on each side.
Ex-Chairman Lassen of The 'county board
BhertfT James Dnnkel snd his relative, Abe
Latter, have filed for th. democratic nomi
nation, and former Chief of Police Hoag
land. Edward Bolts and J.' W. Oerdes, the
two latter young aad well-known farmers.
have Cled for the republican nomination.
O. H- Geddea, formerly employed In the
Union Pacific shops In this city and now
farming In tha southern part of the county,
will contest for the republican nomination
for treasurer. Fred C Langmana will
hara no opposition for ths democratic
nomination for clerk of the district court
aad no oa baa Bled for tha republican
nomination. Miss Dora Kails has filed for
th republican and democratic nominations
for superintendent of ths publlo schools
and has no apposition on either slds; Go
E. Neumann, has filed for ths republican
nomlaatlon for oounty clerk, has no op
position and no one haa filed for the demo
cratic nomination; Judge Mullln has filed
for tha democratic nomination for county
Judge, hsa no opposition, and no one has
filed for tha republican nomination. In two
districts no one haa filed for ths republican
nomination for county supervisor leaving
the present Incumbents without opposition.
c aaa county is for cobbbt
Candidate far Saprasae Jadge Heads
Caaaty Delegatea.
BEATRICE. Neb.. July . (Special Tel
egram.) The republican, af Gaga county
held their convention here this afternoon.
with a large attendance. J. H. Case beer
of Blue Springs was chairman and H. L
Harper of this city, secretary.
After considerable sparring resolutions
endoratas President Taft aad Congress
man C. H, Sloan ware adopted. The mi
nority report of tha committee, which en-
dorsad tha Taft administration, brought
forth considerable dleciiaaion Representa
tive Fllley assailed tha reciprocity bill,
labeling It free trade under a cloak. C J.
McColl of this city spoke In favor of the
A resolution endorsing J. K Cobbey of
this dry for supreme Justice and calling
for all republicans to gtvo him their loyal
support at tha primaries, waa unanimously
Tha delegates ta tha state convention are
as follows:
J- Cobbey, A D. Spencer, Dan Klllen.
C. O. Hill. C. N. Hinds. H. J. Dob be a V.
K seeing, Samuel Rinaker, George Frolick,
H. G. Tether, I. C. Emery, Pultea Jacks,
Jama Crawford. E. B. Drake. E. L. Heve
lone. J. H. Case beer. P. H. James. Morn.
rreeamaa. 8. C. Van Riper. J. v. Craig.
H. L Harwer. G. N.
Douglas, G. G. Doug-
las. Edward Johnaon and
ti. M airing -
Ota Cvaaty niiaara.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., July JO. (Spe
cial.) Those who have filed for office In
this oounty are: County Judge. B. 8. Lit
tlefleld, democrat, aad A. A, Blschof.
republican. District clerk. John "Cupid"
Miller, democrat County treasurer, Charles
Johnson, republican, aad M. C. Berry,
democrat. Sheriff. E. H. Fischer, repub-
Mcaa; Joha Martin, democrat, and Carta
E. Buess, democrat. County clerk. Louts
Stutt, democrat, and Frank C. Nicholson,
republican. County commissioner. Henry
Fastens u, democrat; J. J. Walker,
democrat; Theodore Waberlng, democrat.
aad Henry Win ten. republican. County
superintendent Charles Speedie, democrat
County surveyor, Charles Sbaaaee,
democrat. Coroner, H. G Karstena. re pub
He. n, and John Faasbondsr. republican.
Clay t'eaaty Deleaatlsu
CLAY CENTER. Nab., July . (Spe
cial.) The republican county convention
waa bald here today aad resolutions wars
passed endorsing CDagressmaa N orris. Gov
ernor Aldrich aad representatives la con
gress, aad d eels ring for ths progreastve
principle of the republican party. Ths
resolutions were parsed unanimously. No
mention waa made of the administration, er
of Beaaier Brow a. The following deiegatas
were chosen to attend the state convention:
A. A. Gait. P. A. Caldwell. Edgar: W. F.
Johnson, H G. Thomas, W. T. A) tin. Har
vard, C. H. Epperson, D. M. Nettlelon,
Fairfield; J. M. Jones. L B. Htlner. Ciay
Center; A. H. Lewis, Homer Gray. futton;
J. E. Hits, Spring Ranch; Nels Nelson,
Rosa Caonty Eaderve Senator aad
President Taft.
KEAR.NET. Neb., July BV (Special Tele
gram.) Tha Buffalo county republican con
vention waa held hers this afternoon and
tha following delegates ta ths (tats con
vention wers elected:
Gilbert Ball, Freeman Marryman. Dr. J.
P. Norcroee R. A. Eaton. R. L. Hart, H. F.
Flint, Charles Miner. C, E Linn, A. H.
Morris, Chsrles Flsklgroes, E. E. Gardner,
N. P. McDonald, T. Herman son. E. C.
Calkins, -E. D. Gould. R. K. Grammar.
The following resolutions wers passed:
Ws commend the administration of Presi
dent Tsfu Without fear of friend or foe
and with great ability he baa pursued a
consistent upright course which. In his
honest Judgment would best promote the
interests ot tne people. under his ad
ministration the powers of the government
have been strengthened sgalnet those who
would encroach on the rishls ot the people.
the great trusts have been brought under
euojection to the law, powerful male
factors have been brought to Justice.
Legitimate commerce has been fostered and
firotected. an active Interest has been taken
n the peace and progress of the world
snd especially of our oa country and
the progressive pollutes of the Roosevelt
administration have been efficiently ap
plied In national affairs. We heartily
enooree The record ta congress of Senator
N orris Brown.
Vr 1th no special interest behind him and
only the cause of the people to help him.
no nas attained a standing and influence
Ir, the greatest legislative' body in the
world that pays high tribute to his ability
ana industry. He has stood for republican
principles at all times and with great tact
ana activity nas helped to mould the legls
Istton of the nation. The proposed amend
ment to the constitution of ths United
States states, providing for a nr.tional tax
on large Incoraee, of which Senator Brown
was the author, la likely to be adopted
by more than the required number of ths
states snd win be a notable achievement.
The station he has attained and the ex
perience he has acquired will enable him
to be of stftl greater service to the state
and nation In ths future and we pledge
to him our confidence and support.
we approve tne administration of Gov
ernor Aldrich and the republican state of
ficers as honest, fearless, able and. Just.
Resolutions commending ths candidacy
of Judgs F. G. Hamer for the supreme
court and Judge B. O. Hostetter for district
Judge were also passed.
C. W. Klbler of eKarney was chosea
chairman of the county central committee.
Cedar Ceeaty Delegation.
HARTTNGTON, Neb., July .-(Bpeclal
Telegram.) The republican county conven
tion met at Hartlngton this afternoon and
elected the following delegates to the state
convention: F. P. Voter, W. F. Schrlren,
C. F. Furley, Dr. I. Brown, Q. A. Kerley,
J. C. Robinson. H. L. Peck. D. F. C roach,
C. C. Bacon, J. E. Knapp and V. G. Briden
bough. Farmers Organize to
Fight Union Pacific
Four Hundred Land Owners Will Take
Cue to Supreme Court InTolring
Width of Eight-of-Way.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. July M. -(Special.)
What la said to be the most com
prehensive suit yet brought in tha courts
of this state to test the validity of the
claims of ths Union Pacific Railway com
pany to 400 feet right-of-way through th
counties Is said to be contemplated In the
taking up of the case In the district court
for Dawson oounty, entitled Union Pacific
Railway Company against Tashby, ths de
fendant being earner of lands along ths
right-of-way. Aa organisation of several
hundred farmers between Grand Island aad
Cheyenne haa been effected and It Is stated
that before the organisation la completed
there will be upward of 4M members, to
fight ths case through to th laat court.
Over 11.000,000 worth ef property. It la
claimed, will ba represented In the litiga
tion. T. J. Maboney af Omaha aad W. A.
Prince af this city hava bean engaged as
counsel by ths organisation. Ths validity
of the 1SS2 and 1M4 congressional grants and
their meaning aaa to be tested.
ClrUesta Waat Extra lewl.a of tha
Council Hear Pretests
Agwla.t Meters.
K BARNEY, Neb.. July 10. (Special. -Tha
gathering storm of opinion against
the municipal owned water plant broke out
last night when a petition signed by 100
consumers of water was presented to the
city council requesting that a meeting ba
called soon for tho purpose of giving the
patrons of the plant aa opportunity to ex
press themselves on ths rates In affect.
By municipal order, meters are being in
stalled la every horns to replace the old
flat rats system. It la those on ths flat
rate who ars objecting moat ta ths charges,
although they hava in ao ease been In
creased. The meter charge has been re
duced by a large per sent, despite th fact
that during th drouth it waa difficult to
supply ths town with enough water to save
tha lawns. Soma consumers claim their
charge for water is mora thaa tl a day.
whereas It haa not been mora thaa Ua a
quarter heretofore. Investigation of some
of these claims hava proved that the meter
was not read right and In ether cases the
administration haa found that tha expense
baa been materially reduced under munici
pal ownership.
Ctaataaawar. Castas at Fatrbwry.
FAIRBURT, Neb., July M- (Special
Arrangements hava been mad to hold ths
seventh annual Falrbury Chautauqua In
the City Park auditorium from August U
to XL Aa exceptionally Strang eatertaln
ment and musical program has been ar
ranged for this season. A new departure
has beea made In the rnanagecnent aad
ewnershlp of the ehautaaqua this year.
Ever sines IMC, when the cautauqua was
established. It haa been managed aad
financed by Frank L. Rata aad It haa had
a moat successful record. This year the
Chautauqua la la tba hands of a stack
aompaay. com posed af cttlseas ef Falr
bury and vicinity. The officers of the
ehautaaqua are Luther M. Nelson, presi
dent; Frank L, Rata, secretary; A. Lynch,
vie president; Milt Coffmaa. treasurer.
Geaeral Stew at Alaa BebfceaV.
GRAND ISLAND. Nee.. July J0- (Spe
cial.) The general star ef J. W. Modesltt
ef Alda waa robbed, th thieves, however,
raining entrance only ta tha baeraaeet.
They carried away about worth of
canned goods. A handoar was used by
avsans of which to get out of the village,
aad this was traced to a point near Shel
ton. where It was taken off th track and
run tnte some timber. It Is supposed to
be the work ef hungry hoboes.
Wear) Strwek by Train.
NDBRASKA CITT, Nek. July St. (Spe
cial Pearl Pramptea, a colored man,
same la tram tha country yesterday aad
lay dowa for a rest on the aide af the track
and a passing traia aroused hisn, and he
raised up la time ta ba struck by tha en
gine aad kaecked off th rail, bat th
wheels pass.d ever his right hand and
Take Your Choice of
All Our Men's
$4.50 "Regal" Oxfords
Tako Your Choice of
All Our Mon's Straw
Hats, Saturday at
They are $2, $2.60.
Any Panama
"nre nousc or
j jL ( T1
Reservation Is Open
Rflrttr at Mtnci. A.u4ut 14 1o Stpttmhtr 2
Fort Berthold Indian Reservitioa is open at lat to white settle
ment, under tha Homestead Laws. Any American citigen who
A used his homestead bunarifht or who does pot own more
thaniob seres of land, may file. Fortunate winners have the
opportuniry of procuring 160 broad seres of North Dskcts farm
io land, from Uodn Sam, o long time payment; price t ft.50
k awe, . .
150,000 Acres
sre now peoj ind regifUauon ran bs made at Minot.t'Jorta. Dakota, :
" btween August 14 and September a, 191 1. Write today for
our free Fort Berthold folder which tell, you how, when and where to .
tie and the method of drairlng.
c LEEDY, General Immigration Agent
115 Great Northern Building. Saint Paul, Minnesota
Round Trip, Dally
OC08M-2SX0 $OfM.
0 Detroit ub
w Toronto 09
d& Kisgsra F&Ha Hid
in ftooiri 34.00 $!OW
OC Eoifalo HO
I! n, 41.00 11 45.00 SIOSi
Hit Bostca Hi
Ftst trmns tmnttnUnt kntrt makt Jirtct anntctunt in Cbuai
with mil luut tail. LUtrtd rttum limits mnd
fnmrmbU ttsprvrr prrdUia.
Yea travel la luxury aru. enjoy
1401-1403 Fanum Strtrt,. Ommba, Nti.
severed the same. X quart bottle half full
was found near htm. His Injuries wers not
H lid rath t Have CaralvaL
KIUDBETH. Nee.. July Jfc (Special V-
carnival meeting was held Monday sight
and plana for a carnival to be held the
last three days la August discussed. It
waa decided not to employ a carnival com
pany, but te provide entertainment ef a
different nature. ' Among ether thlaen. tt
waa settled that aa airship be secured te
give aa szhlMtloa each day.
Alleged Bar alar Geea Baesx t I eve a.
VALENTINE. Nee.. Julr saWBaaeial 1
Sheriff Ryan from Sidney, la., arrived her
to get oca Welter Everyhaa from Sheriff
Roeaeter of this place. E)varrham la wanted
ea the charge of burglary and was feuad
oa Alfred IlorTla' reach south at Weed
Lake Sheriff Roeaeter aad eroua-ht her and
put is Jail till the lows sheriff arrived.
Has Thief riaade Oalltr.
VALENTINE, Keb.. July -(BpclaI -Clark
Benedict, who waa brought hara last
week from Wyoming by Sheriff Roeaeter en
the charge of horse steeling, pleaded
guilty before the caunty lodge aad ha
awaits the arrival ef the district judge, who
will hold a special session and give him his
Tenia Reek Lsr Officers.
TAB LB ROCK. Neb.. Joly J (Special
The newly elected officers of Capitola
Rebekah lodge No. lit. Independent Order
af Odd fellows, were installed at their
haa last evening by ths district deputy,
33, 93.10 Grades
at 93.48
Until September 30
tltt ui 33.10
Saratoga Spffl
Ktv York City
AHsnilc City
Mrs. XI C. Sctam. The officers Installed
are as follows: Mrs. Mary Cosard. N. O.;
Mra Amy Marble. V. O.; Miss Nells Irwin,
secretary, and Mra C. El Bcl.m, trees arer.
r Several r 11 seed.
PXATTSMfXTTH. N.B., July M.-8pe-elaX)
Alva Stull. tha s-year-old son of Mra
Henry Stull. residing twe miles north of
the dty; bad his skull crushed this morning
by being kicked by a horse. After an
eperatioa tha boy . regained consciousness
aad his chaaeaa ef recovery arc considered
Caaaterfslt Del lave
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys
Dr. King's New Life nils, for constltpatton.
malaria and Jaundice. For sale by Beatoa
Drug Co.
Ber gvertaasly lajared.
BEA TRICE, Neb., July (fpeclel.)
A la-yeex-old boy by the name of Salter
was kicked in tba head by a boree in
Waldo's livery hara at TJewttt today and
sustained a fractured skulL lis was
brought te the United Breikrea hospital
her toalght. where h was operated upon.
Ph rat elans believe he will recover.
Ths woman at today wha . haa good
health, goad temper, good sense, bright
eyes aad a lovely oomplexloo, tha result of
correct Irving and good digestion, wins tha
admiration of the world. If your digestion
Is faulty Chauaberlala's Stomach aad Liver
Tableta will correct It. for sale, by all
The Key to the situation-nee Waat Ada.