Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Council Bluffs.
Council Bluffs
Revenue Agents j
Refuse to Publish !
Holders of Permits
County Affairs and Management Gen
eral Theme in Bluffs.
fHtrmr( of Oirrrbariri IMscoverrd
Mikrt I.oim Mat anI" Discloses
I'nosoal l.ntirw In Handling"
liiinlf HanliirM,
The errors disclosed by the checkers' re
ports of tho Irregularities In the county
auditor's office was the chief theme of
conversation In Council Bluffs yesterday.
The action of the Hoard of County Super
visors In selecting two very capable men
lo make a full examination of the records
in all of the county offices disclosed a
condition that brought criticism to the
board Itself. The board members appear
to have been unacquainted with business
methods required In the larger enterprises
and were guided by the advice given them.
The srestest omission appear to have
been neglecting to examine Into the ditch j
digging details and not Insisting upon
vouchers for everything paid out. They I
relied upon the auditor for guidance.
County Surveyor Npetman, who accom
plished the remarkablo feat of working 44
days In eleven montha at 6 a day and ex
penses, has been called upon to return pay
drawn for 103 days. $S18. During the
eleven months he put in 214 days for
Pottawattamie county and 220 for Mills
county In drainage ditch work.
Statement of, llefnnda.
Following Is a statement made yesterday
of the overcharges discovered by the
checkers and refunds secured and turned
back Into the treasury:
C. H. Lieuch, overpayment In wit
ness fees
Bert Brown, error In extension In
payroll V"V
C. F. P. Froom, overpayment in
witness fees
Thomas Kennedy, overpayment by
auditor, J. P.....
Spraxiie Foundry
1.00 i
u a n it f not urine:
pruKUt- r j ' - . ft
nnmnmv. error In footing 1-w
J. H. Mayne, overcnareen.
C. H. Sternberg A Sons, error In
extension :: 'a
3. C. Kelley, errors In footing ana
Morehouse & Co., overcharges and
Charlotte "Dry" d'eii.' error In division
of fees
It V. Innes. redemption fees
IV. V. Innes. gopher claims
j. M. Tolllnger.. deputy clerk
office, Avoca, errors and omis-
slons ,(;man" deputy sheriff's
office, Avoca, errors and omis
Brown. clems omuo,
184 46
4. GO
ell Bluffs, clerical errors
Total W'233 39
Assoont Discovered but Uncollected.
O. J..Larsen. witness fee. June. 19ft
overpaid, w j cenis ..-.
EP"li Cook." ' efror 'in" floating "claim
Mrs'Vary ' Blgley.' ' witness ' fee re
jected, paid by . -
New Nonpareil company, paia oy
warrant No. 82631. overpayment m
publication, official baiiois ...........
Overcharge In election P'VSTnt 850
No. W:u, overpayment, m f 130 00
Ov.rcKe KecUonprociimation::
Total 284 70
To error In extension of rM& ?,
To R,enrror' "in ' ' extension" of " bridge
To error'"ln" extension of bridge
claims ".
Attorney General Cosson Fails in
Effort to Secure Names of
Licensed Persons.
There's a clash between the government
revenue department and the state of Iowa.
The first round of the battle has been
fought and the advantage Is all with the 1
revenue collectors. 1
Last winter, for the purpose of making ,
the liquor laws more strenuous and far- i
reaching, the Iowa legislature enacted a j
law requiring the county attorney In all of ,
the counties to procure from the revenue
department a full list of holders of per
mits to sell liquors, and to keep that list
posted In a conspicuous place In their of
fices so that It would be open at nil times I
to public Inspection. j
l hat appeared easy enough, but many or
the county attorneys sought a little advice
from Attorney Goniral Cosson, who has
posed as the head and front of the anti
saloon forces in the state and Is the author
of some very drastic legislation affecting '
saloon interests approved two years ago. j
The attorney general told them that all j
that was required was to wrlto a polite re- 1
quest to the revenue collectors of the vari
ous districts asking for a complete list of
all of the holders of government permits j
In the county represented by each county ,
Prior to this there was considerable dls- '
cusslon of the subject and the revenue col- j
lectors in the various parts of the tftate I
took advantage of the opportunity to con- '
suit In advance with higher authorities In
the department. The advice given was re- ;
fleeted, apparently, In the action of Reve- '
nue Collector Weaver of Burlington, who ,
was the first revenue official appealed to.
The letter written to him asked for a full '
list of permit holders in Des Moines county,
particularly those held by clubs, secret and
fraternal organizations. Collector Weaver's
reply was short, sharp and Incisive. It In
formed the Burlington county attorney
that those records were the property of the
government and that he could find nd war
rant for their publication In the manner
Indicated. On the contrary, the ethics of
the department were all against such a '.
thing, and he was compelled to decline
compliance with the request. I
Attorney General Cosson has taken the j
matter up with the department and the
announcement was made yesterday that
be had failed to secure assent of the de
partment to comply with the state statute, i
He said he would have to go to Washing- 1
ton and see if he could not secure a modi- '
flcatlon of the decision of the collectors.
County Attorney Capell was one of the 1
first to comply with the new law and
wrote a respectful letter asking for the In-
formation. Local revenue men say that It 1
Is very doubtful If the heads of the do- '
partment at Washington will accede to tho ,
request. They say all that Is necessary Is
for any club or fraternal organisation to .
post the government permit In a conspluu- ;
ous place In the room where the refresh-
ments are dispensed and permit the local '
collectors or government Inspector to have
access to It whenever desired.
S 3.22
L. Cwn "j'afiuar'y'."i'lj''w
fund, one voucher short with
claim filed vi""",7
Sisters of Mercy.
Bluffs, la.. Insane fund.
April. 1009. Amount of 'alrn.
V.D5.S6: amount paid, 5K).t,
overpaid l""'
Carbon Coal Co.. January,
1910. to error In extension or
To charge for weighing coal
for 1909 and 1910 sot.h-.m
Eight deeds, transfer record
not reported VV Lk
One estray notice not reported. .60
Nine change of titles not re- ?
NMne7n Knwi'ioanil'ii'oO w'nI'MiM
Certified copies and trans-
scripts fw
Office expense account, short-
age of vouchers ..... .-..
August Pundell. returning bal
lots, amount n"""""'
amount paid. 4.M; overpaid..
E E. Stepman, overcharges....
H A. Qulnn. lumber com
pany, claim filed August 2.
1910. amount, S4R.08. reduced
bv board of supervisors,
ppptember 13, 1910. to S42.76.
Amount overpaid
618 00
. Total W'100 28
Amt. Due
t-. nni rn omitted In
insane account January 5. 1MB. ...., 3.00
A. T. Fllcklnger, one case omitted
in Insane account J
K. II. Uelse, B. of H., June 1909.... l.w
inatira returns 100
T,.irk &ntimhr ses-
J nvouurs iwF"-f ' 200
Lou Green." error In extension, Sep
tember- session V ".'. j
Gilbert Hass. pay roll, road fund.
September 17. 19t0. error In foot
Robert' ' Keating." ' November t 1909.
error in extension in claim filed ...
Carbon Coal Co., November. 1909
v"r'",' In .-.tension of
Hesmoil, 1 w. -
.....?.. ". ivmw 13 1909. error
In extension of claim filed .......... 8.00
Wllllsm v.ana. oucn
per cent discount retained........ 73.89
KiH'ers or Riercy m v .-.
in fnotlnar calm
.fit.mhrr 10. 1910 B.52
.... in nmiii'nir charire. Sep-
"LX' ii" Kid . . . "
tj.. In rlnim filed 10
C' K Iwls, claim flVd In domes
tic animal fund. pp. 4S5. claim
O W Coffelt. road fund. pp. 4.14 50
T F McCaffery. clerical errors
sheriffs office, balsnce due him as
shown In our report of his office.. 10.87
George W. Spencer, error, extension
of claim , i '
Allan Bullls, error, extension of
claim -
Total I1617
' Real Kstato Transfers.
Real estate transfers as reported to The
Bee July 14 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
James W. Kercheval and wife to
Charles T. Kercheval. lot IS In block
In lCvans' Second bridge addition
to Council Bluffs, la., w. d $ 2
J R Owens to Bernard Spltsnagle. lot
13 In block t. Wilson Terrace addition
to Council Bluffs, la., w. d 1.100
Inimta-ratlon A sent of Union Pacific !
Road Expire Suddenly at !
His Home.
George W. B. Westerdahl, for many yeirs
Immigration agent of the Union Pacific ;
Railroad company, died suddenly yesterday !
morning of heart failure at his new country
home on north Broadway, Council Bluffs. !
Mr. Westerdahl had been III tor several '
weeks, but his Illness was not of such a j
character as to excite alarm, and few of i
his friends were apprised of It. i
Mr. Westerdahl had been with the Union
Pacific far more than twenty years, always '
in the land department. For more than half !
that time he had been chief Immigration '
agent. Ills personality and peculiar fitness
for the duties of the office made him a
most valuable man, and his services were '
fully appreciated by the management. In
the discharge of his duties he came Into j
contact with many of the prominent men
of the country and counted many such as
personal friends. When James A. Garfield
was secretary of the interior, he always
asked to have Mr. Westerdahl assigned to
his train whenever he passed dver the
Union Pacific lines. A similar request was
made by President Roosevelt's country
life commission.
Mr. Westerdahl made .his home in Coun
cil Bluffs during the greater part of his
life, residing for many years on North
First street adjoining the girlhood home
of his wife, who was Miss Edith Allen.
Mrs. Westerdahl died thirteen years ago 1
shortly after the birth of their only child, j
a son, Allen. A few weeks ago Mr. Wester- 1
1 .1 i 1 hmicrkl Viji VpbI. .V nt... am X. . V. I
Broadway, just Inside the city limits.
Mr. Westerdahl served four years as a
member of the school board and for one
year was Its president. He was active in
Masonic circles and was a member of
Bluff City lodge No. 71. and a Knight Temp-
if.i uu rainiiirr. iurmg me loci iiiree years
he was associated with J. Q. Bone In hand
ling Union Pactflo lines. He was very suc
cessful In his business deals and wtthtn
the last few years had accumulated 150,000.
He recently bought a tract of 1,000 acres
of land in Deuel county, Nebraska.
Death found Mr. Westerdahl in the prime
of life. He had Just completed his thirty
seventh year. He Is survived by his father,
C. J. Westerdahl of Omaha, and two
brothers, C. C. an employe of the Omaha
postofflce, and Arthur, residing In Los
Angeles. Another brothen T. C, died a few
weeks ago.
The funeral will be held Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock from St. Paul's Kplscopal
church. The services will be conducted by
Kev. John William Jones. Excelsior lodge
No. 269 and other Masonic bodies of which
he was a member will have charge at the
grave. He will be given a Masonic burial
with full ritual of the order. The pall
bearers will be selected from the member
ship of the Knights Templar body. Burial
will be in the family plot at Falrview.
Two transfers, total.
Oseeola Newspaper Finn Bnraed.
CRESTON. la., July IB Firs of an un
known, origin destroyed the plant of the
Osceola Democrat yesterday, entailing a
loss of 15 .000, with but .13.200 tnsuranco.
Ths buildlug was a perfect wreck with all
fixtures, though it Is thought the lino
type machine may be repaired so It can
be used. The paper was published by E. T.
Miner Killed ay Fall of Toal.
SHERIDAN. Wyo.. July IS. (Special.
Franl Pardol, a minor at Diets. Is dead
as the result of a fall of coal. His skull
and breast were crushed.
Ths Key to the Situation lie Want Ads.
Crawford Assessment Derreasest.
DENIBON. la.. July 15. peclal.) The
county auditor has completed his tabula
tion of the recent work of the assessors.
He finds that Crawford county has
twenty townships six miles square; that
441.929 acres of land was assessed at t7,0u0
less than 18.000,0u0 and that the total as
sessment of all property Is $28,117,000. This
Is $300,000 less than last year. There were
In feeding In January 14.000 head of cattle
valued at S&7.322, and In the county 93,791
hogs valued at S469.500.
Hor Kills Baby Nephew.
NEWTON, la.. July 15.-8peclaI.y-Not
knowing the gun was loaded and snapping
It at the child, who was. creeping on the
floor, Harold Trotter, aged 9 years, shot
tnd Instantly killed his 10-month-old
nephew, Leota Trotter, yesterday after
noon. The charge blew off ths back of
the baby's head. The child was the only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trotter.
ImMimfM- mpIwi
111 -mU--v a -symmlm
Freedom of the Plains
A Home in the West Means Manhood, WomanhoodNew Life
Thousands Are Coming From the East
This section offers opportunities not found in any other part of the
United States.
Cramped conditions, which prevail in the east, do not exist here.
People are flocking to the west
They are buying land.
There is no possible way in which they can lose.
Nebraska and Iowa lands, as well as Colorado and Wyoming and the
far western states, are growing more valuable every day.
Now is the time for you to buy.
x Buy Nebraska land, Iowa land, land in the Dakotas or Wyoming. It
will be gold some day.
After awhile the man of moderate means will not have an opportunity to
acquire any of this property.
Live land agents and real estate dealers are keeping you posted through
The Omaha Bee about lands in the West.
Read what they say.
Watch the property offered in today's paper.
The Bee should be valuable to you now. Call Tyler-1000 and ask ques
tions. Or write us if you wish to buy or sell, addressing Omaha
Bee Land Department.
We are glad to give information about property advertised, or about
those who list it