Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1911, WOMAN'S SECTION, Page 5, Image 13

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Nracteristicj of Wirrta S. Stoae,
niae from aa Hinkl Farm 14 ta
Lraaerefel, f Taeeaaa
"-aeelmen litlnrrt
f HI Metaaga.
One crisp morning in .pternber. ir.
c'en-llmbi. smooth-faced young man
d'cglng pemt-holes on the edse of a farm
In southeastern Iowa. The six feet of hla
lithe and upstanding frame, the glow of
health and youth In hla cheeks, th vigor
and strength with which ha forced hla
hovel deep Into the earth, made him a
figure, that fit naturally Into the apadoua
outdoor picture. Suddenly th shriek of a
locomotive amote the air and from the dis
tance came tha rumble of an approaching
train. The youth pauaed In hla work aa
the engine whlatled again, thla time much
nearer. He stood leaning on Ma apada aa
the swiftly drawn cara awept acroaa Ma
vision and disappeared In tha wooda. leav
ing a trail of amoke over tha tree tope.
The boy flung down hla ahovel. strode
back to tha farmhouse that perched on the
crest of a elope, changed hia clothea and
walked down to tha little town of Aln
worth, one and a half mllea away. end
took tha train for Eldnn. tha headquarters
of that dlvtalon of tha road.
That Bight ha ws flrlnr a Rock laland
engine. With the flrat coal that ha hurled
Into tha fiery maw of hia locomotira ha
began a career big with algnlficance to
the men of hia craft throughout tha whole
of North America.
That man waa Warren 8. Stone Today
he I grand chief of tha Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers, auprema head of a
hoat of nearly TO.Ooo men. who are veated
with a larger responsibility than any other
group of worker and who com Brine the
mode) labor organisation of tha world.
When young Stone heeded tha call of tha
cab that crisp autumn morning out In Iowa,
back in the "70a, ho waa not eiactly fol
lowing a awl ft Impulse. Tha deeira had
been crystallising In hla mind for lorn
time. Hia two brother were conductor
on the Rock Island, which cut acroaa the
family farm. To him they were Invested
with a peculiar glamour because they cam
horn with stirring tale of tha road.
Mr. Stone waa a, huaky coal ahoveler.
When he started firing ha weighed 187
pounds, he waa als feet tall and a giant
In strength. Hla flrat Job waa on a
"pusher" engine, used to help the regular
angina shove car up a steep grade. Hla
first regular run wu aa fireman oa a
freight that traveled between ESdon and
Wilton Junction. Ia., en tha astern dis
trict of the Missouri division of tha Rook
Island. Later on tha run waj extended to
Rock Island.
Prophecy Cease Trae.
There Is nothing even mildly exciting In
the chronicle of those early days. To usa
Mr. Stone's own phrase. "There was no
herolo performance." But one interesting
thing happened that la well worth mention
ing Mr. Stone ran between E3don and Wilton
Junction, where the dispatcher for that
division were located. Ore day there waa
a new train dispatcher on tha Job. Ha waa
trim, alert, wtda-awaks and energetic Ha
had begun bis railroading by wooding en
gines on tha Burlington. Then ha worked
aa a section hand. Ha studied telegraphy
at odd moments, mostly at night, and waa
now a full-fledged train dispatcher. Tha
men of th train crw, particularly Mr.
Stone, liked him. for ha never was lata
and alway had a ready word of kindly
greeting. Many made tha prediction that
ha would not remain a dispatcher all his
How keen waa that ena of prophecy la
attested by tha fact that tha smooth-faced
young man who handed aut tha flimsy slip
at Wilton Junction was no other than w.
C. Brown, now president of tha New Tork
Central llnea. master of en of tha great
est transportation system of tha country
Tha two ambitious men who met on the
arrow train platform In Iowa back in the
(A did not face each other until each had
risen to high station.
A Fall-Fledged Esglaeer.
Altogether Mr. Stone fired for flv year
In 11M he became an engineer, and for
nineteen years ha worked on tha light aid
of tha cab. He faced th usual trial of
hla calling, but there waa nothing sensa
tional or even dramatic In hi experiences.
He did not. for example, guid a passenger
train aafely over a trembling or name-
rldden treetl. nor did he tick to hi cab
In any wild ride down a mountainside.
A a matter of fact, aav ta "fill In" oo-
caalonally. h nvr ran a paaaenger train.
HI own Ma af heroism U th railroader
or any other man wh doe nil jod aay oj
day and doe It well.
Neturaily. on of th flrt thing that
Mr. Stona did whan ha becam an engineer
wa ta Join tha brotherhood. It did not
eceur ta th obscure country engineer then
that h was taking at that moment me
miut important step of his llf.
For yeare thla organization haa been
making Its way to a peculiar eminence.
Jt was not only dua ta th high character
f tha man. their Inherent was af loyalty.
and their almost ubllm devotion to ha
ardoua duty, but alao t th fact that they
rigidly tood by th rule which they laid
down for themaelve.
Their contract were sacred things, and
wo matter If they worked a harasnip to
tha order, they were lived up ta In th
strictest letter of th law.
Before long Mr. Stona becam ecretary
and treasurer of hi local division. Then
ha became local chairman. Thla put him
en th general committee of th order oa
the Rock Island, and brought him tftte
contact once a year with the principal offl
ciala of tha road at Chicago. In VOt he
w made chairman of this general cam
will make 'Ants disappear
from any house within
twenty-four hours
At JQrccrsand Drujjgista
When the
I m
Nvr wa sweet charity ao thoroughly
appreciated a on Friday, when a hundred
or mor shut-In wer given tha ft ret real
enjoyment of th1r live. Under the-direction
of th Associated Charltiae tha In.
firm, tha weak and tha deformed wer
given an outing, which Included a Joy ride
In big maehlnee and a booateoua picnic
upper served on th lawn of one of
Omaha's beauty spot. Crutehea were for
gotten, dim rooms wer banished from th
mind and miserable Uvea war refreshed
In th maae of free-given cheer. Llttl
children, who have never known a happy
moment, and older persona, who misery
haa been intensified by th memories of
happy childhood, all Joined In tha merry
party. Tha past wa forgotten and all
Joined In breathing th fresh, pur air and
drinking In tha glories of nature. Even th
blind could Imagine the refreshing verdure.
Th outing for th hut-in waa arranged
by the charitable organisation of th city.
A call had been sent out from th chari
ties for twenty-five auto in which to carry
tha unfortunate, and tha charitable owner
ponded cheerfully and quickly. The
machines wer driven to th home of th
crippled and th picnicker were taken
for a tour of tha Omaha park and later
plcnlo auper waa served at Riverview.
mitt. He was running big engine all tha
But he waa doing more than this. In
tha regular meeting with hla brother and
In th Important conference with officials
of tha system, he began to Impress a quiet
efficiency. H wa terse and epigram
matic of speech, but what he had to say
had meat In It. and it generally hit th
mark. Hia post aa general chairman took
him ip and down the line, and wherever
he want employer and employe remembered
him. People began to speak of "Young
Stone of the Missouri division" as a per
son of force, a man to be reckoned with.
So conscientiously did h perform his
work as general chairman that the engi
neers of the Rock Island voted him a
salary and asked him to retire from the
road and devote ail hla time te their In
terest. Thus, in IKS, he forsook hla cab
never to return to th throttl. When h
retired, he hsd not risen to b a paaaenger
engineer. There were still two men abea
of him In the "pool."
Other things likewise bad not stood fell X
He saw the Rock Island grow from
1. 500-mile litem Into an empire ef mort
than 12,000 miles. Hla own brotherhood
bad risen, from humble beginnings to a vaiit
power In th industrial world. Ita head
and watchdog wa tha veteran P. M.
Arthur, who had been chief since 1174.
Callod te the Chief talaahlp.
The gray-haired cnieftain, who stood
head and shoulders over anything that th
world bad yet produced aa a labor leader.
and who had carried the order around In
hi head and hla heart eo long, waa Bear
ing the end of hi long and loyal service
One hot July day In 1101 be fell dead while
making a labor addree at Winnipeg.
. dramatic situation developed. Be
yond the Canadian border the eld chief lay
dead; at Cleveland, hi first assistant. A.
B. Toungson. the man slated ta succeed
him. was dying.
Some one had to take tha vacancy at th
head of th brotherhood.
Ail th while Mr. Stone wa down la
Indian Territory adjusting soma griw
aacea. Ha waa away about two weeks, and
moat af the time was spent la obacura,
aimoat inaccessible places. He waa at
tending to business, unmindful of the fact
that destiny waa working overtime for
On reaching his homa at Eldoa a tele
gram came from Cleveland tendering him
th post of grand chief. Ha accepted and
hastened to headquarter.
Meeting, Diftlealt SHaatlea..
He faced a staggering situation. Her
waa a locomotive engineer who had never
had one day office experience In hi life;
who had never dictated a letter, and who
knew nothing of th routine of administer
ing te a large body of men. Yet he waa
up against th task of being the real active
head of mor than 40.009 of hla fellow men
who carried 173.000,000 insurance. A room
full of mall had accumulated.
To add to the difficulty of the situa
tion, Mr. Stone found that Mr. Arthur had
carried all tha detail of th office in hi
mind; he had kept no organised system of
past decisions, and had not maintained any
files for reference.
About 4 o'clock that afternoon of the
first day th office fore (hut down th
desk and went home, as had been their
custom. Mr. Stone waa left alone In the
throne.reora of his new power, but It looked
pretty desolate at that moment. He walked
ta the window and looked down on th
busy squar. at th boat of people hurry
Ing homeward. Then he brought hi fit
down on th window sill and aald:
'Thla Job must be done and It will be
Prom that day began a new era In the
life of the brotherhood; the epoch of sys
tem, order, expansion, and constructive
and economic development In every quarter.
Th way to reorganisation was difficult.
In th first place. Mr. Stone had only been
appointed to fill an unexpired term. Ths
next year was a conveutlon year, and the
. --c
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, . ; -
Shutins Had Their Outing at Riverview
K .-I
w- .:.f
1 Pil 'ill .
Is. ti t M r
III 111 I V kt V
p0 qhe QF, TEE3EDT-im " WEO WERE Jtf
meeting wa held at I Angeles, Cal.
Her wa a real ordeal. The new chief
had never presided over anything but a
mere handful of hi fellow engineers, and
had never mad a speech la his Ufa. Now
he had to fac several thousand engineer
who knew every angle of the work and
there I always some hostility to a new
man in a big organization.
But he was game and confident. "It
other men can do this thing. I can at least
try my best," he said. He had been so
busy during the period since his appoint
ment that he had had no time to study
parliamentary law or even learn the con
vention rope HI main dependence for
thla waa T. S. Ingraham.
The convention had only been In session
a few days, and had hardly begun to run
smoothly. During th morning session. Mr.
Ingraham waa presiding. At tha close of a
speech on th policy of the organisation, as
he turned to hand the gavel to Mr. Stone,
i suddenly toppled ever dead. One
or death had stepped in at a critical
eriod In Warren Stone's career.
Mr. Stone waa thrown absolutely on his
own resource, yet he met the ordeal with
such dignity, such quiet but affective fore,
that when th time cam for th election of
a chief he received fifty mora votes than
were necessary an th first Informal ballot.
Tha brotherhood doe not believe In nomi
nating speeches. His (lection was then
mad by acclamation. .
The Steae Method.
It did not take the brotherhood many
month to find out that it had a real leader.
H stood for an Iron Interpretation of th
law of th order. Many labor organisa
tions regard contracts merely as Instru
ments to be broken. It 1 different with
th railroad engineer.
Th (lightest deviation mean revocation
of charter. This authority rests with th
grand chief, and th only body to whom he
New State Tuberculosis Hospital at Kearney
V4 ,
This ts a her the Slat Board vf. Public
Lands and Buildings has located the nsw
tuberculosis sanitarium at Kearney. Neb.,
purchasing for that purpose the Elmwood
aanitortum from Dr. Oeorglna Grothaa.
The property, which waa formerly known
as the Frank residence, waa built at a
coat ef over IA0.0O0 snd In 199? and 13M was
remodeled and used for a private sanl
teiium. The house ta built of Colorado
red aandstone and la three (torlea and a
basement, a lth roof of Imported French
: V4f 'F a - j -
1 answerable Is th convention, and this
only meets every two years.
Here Is th way Chief Stone stood by his
obligations: In IX tha brotherhood made
a working agreement with th Interborough
Rapid Transit company governing the
motormen on th subway trains. Employed
on th subway were members of various
other unions, most of them affiliated with
the Amalgamated Electrical Workers.
Pome cf these unions become dlsssfsflel
and ordered a strike. The motormen went
out. This waa a flagrant violation of their
agreement with th Interborough. Mr.
8ton hurried to New Tork, and without
even going near a striker, revoked their
charter and suspended every member of the
division. Sl In number.
Thla Incident Illustrates on of th char,
aetertstlc attitude of th brotherhood. It
will not permit Its member to Join any
other labor organisation. The purpose la
not monopolistic, but protective to aii in
terest. If th engineers wer permitted to
Join other bodies, they might he called out
on a sympathetic strike In which they had
no Interest or grievance, and would then
break faith with their employers.
Evidence of th big, broad, generous
policy of th brotherhood la shown In Its
"open shop" feeling. It doe not compel
any man to Join in order to run an engine.
It 1 content with fixing condition under
which any engineer may work. Instead of
regarding th nonmember as a leper. It
really act as his friend. Any engineer
who Is not a member of the brotherhood
can have hi grievance adjusted by the
brotherhood, and hi case has precedence
ever those of members. The result is that
Instead of th union seeking the man, tha
man. In thla case, seek the union.
Fewer ef the Organisation.
The transportation wisards of the coun
try have found Mr. Stone always firm but
fair. The way ha forced soma western
tin i t
fill I . ft"i JtWVi-u Jaw ,
tile. The grounds contain more than thir
teen acrea and have a goodly lot of elm
and other trees from six to ten Inches in
diameter. They are adjacent to tha Kear
ney canal and have Irrigation privilege
that make the place an ideal ona for the
purposes for which th state will us It.
In fact 1 ha been pronounced only second
to the George A. Joslyn property in
Omaha as to beauty and permanency. The
location at Kearney. In the central part of
the state, make th Institution easily ac
jrv; -.1 w'-.
i - ... .caJYMJ. wrWM .an. askr1-' ".)' " ' " . ' k '--
a r
roads to a wage agreement is typical of
the way he goes about hia task.
He saw the eost of living rising mountain-high,
and yet no appreciable Increase
In the wagea of the engineer. When ha
went to the heads of the various roads they
said, "We are paying aa much as sny other
This was th truth. Mr. Stone urged an
Increase in wages, but tha railroads could
not see it.
Then he did a characteristic thing. He
divided th country into three sections.
The roads of each of these could be han
dled or negotiated with as a unit. Then
he asked the general managera of the roads
of ona section (the western), to meet with
him for a wage conference, and they paid
no attention to him.
Mr. Stone then prepared to order a strike
on a doxen roada. A strike of locomotive
engineers Is a serious thing. Ninety percent
of all the engineers of ths country are in
the brotherhood, and you cannot trust 11m.
tted trains to cubs. The general managers
suddenly found time to meet Mr. Stone.
A memorable conference followed. Fifty
five roads were represented. On one ide
of the long oak table aat Mr. Stona and
four assistant grand chiefs, and behind
him th fifty-five brotherhood chairmen of
those roada. On tha other side of tha table
sat ten general managera. In reality it
was a battle between ten men and flv
men, and the flv men won out.
Vnder his quiet, merciless logic, every
argument fell away. Th result of th
meeting was that the wages of engineers
were raised from I to U per cent.
High Ideal.
So it has gona In score of episode.
Each one reveals soma phase of hi btgh
Integrity and his unswerving sense of duty.
Th brotherhood believe, among other
things, that a man shall pay his honest
debts. A case ones arose concerning an
f ' I
, V.
cessible, being on th main line of th
Union Pacific railroad and on tha Bur
lington road, with branches. Th eleva
tion at Kearney being M7 feet, la alao a
desirable altitude for' an Institution for
tuberculosis sad patient can hav every
advantage that climate and pleasant sur
roundings may afford. Dr. Georgtna
Grotban will close bcr Kearney offic this
fall and take a European trip and while
there take post graduate work at aom of
the beat school in Germany.
7 r
.7 V
engineer who had taken advantage or tne
j bankruptcy !aw t avoid psylng his ob-
ligations. Vha Mr. Stone bard of (his
1 he said to the man:
"Tou par your debts or the organisation
will see that ou ceese In n i member of
'the ord' r ' The rran raid his dobts.
No other labor oranlitirn laj t.e wor'.J
exerclws such a rtg d cenorhlp ver the
moral of Ita men. Therefore, the man at
the head of It muet be the very personifi
cation of Its Id' at in charade;.
It only remalna to speak of one more
mdem-e'of his vision snd Judgment When
he was a young engineer spooling over the
fowa pralrla he dream-d of a permanent
home for the brotherhood. It took shape
aa a lanre. Imposing structure, rearing its
many-storied height in a great city, dedi
cated for all time to the good of the ordrr
When he became chief he advocated the
Idea, but at first It waa derided. From
convention to convention he took his pro-
Ject. Finally his colleagues said:
"Tou can build If you don t assess us."
All that Mr. 8tone wantrd was authority.
He devised the financial plan, and th
reault la that today, without one cnt of
xtra cost to the brotherhood. It owns a
magnificent twelv-story office building In
Cleveland, O.. prolably the finest struc
ture of the kind In the community, repre
aentlng an investment of ll.JjO.OM and
yielding a net Income of JsoKvj a year.
Thla will no doubt be devoteJ to the ihar
Itable work vt the broth -rhood. which is
considerable. One of Its tenants Is the
Lake hore railroad. It Is probably th-
first time In history that a great railway i
system rented from a labor organization.
Both In and out of his craft, Mr. Rone
has received many honors. Theodore
Roosevelt found him a man of his own
kind, and made him a member of the in
ternational Peace commission which Is the of th Nobel prise fund. He Is
a member of the executive committee of
th National Civic federation.
Such la tha type of man who has rl.-en
from tha rank to be the head of nearly
70.0 men who carry HM.CmO.0tX In insur
ance in their brotherhood. When you come
to sum up hi personal achievement you
find that It may be atated In two simple
He dominates his fellows and he keepa
hia word. As such he personifies the high
est type of Industrial democracy Hugh
Thompson In tha Railroad Man s Maga
Apartaneat Heste Snaagerlee so fern
part that Tenant Tsrs Areaad
la Hall.
May a young married couple live In a
one-room apartment and still observe the
emenltle of life?
Th completion of a new apartment
house near Michigan avenue. Chicago,
makes It possible to answer the question
in th affirmative.
The ingenuity of Chicago builders In ef
fecting space economy and In the adoption
of numerous disappearing devices has
I worked marvels In reducing the necessary
I also of the apartments of city dwellers.
The one-room apartment for young cou
plea Is the Ideal toward which they have
been reaching, and they have arrived.
The bride who believes she must have a
Hat of four or flv room In order to keep
up .appearances must now change her Idea.
Her alster In a one-room flat may put up
a better "front" to callers.
In future the young housewife may rise
in the morning and. by giving the bed a
slight push, make it disappear Into ths
wall. She need not even make It up. be
cause the compartment Into which It dis
appears la ventilated from an outside air
shaft. Another compartment conceals a
tiny kitchenette and pantry, from which
she may prepare breakfast.
After hubby leaves a few minutes' work
over the dishes snd with a broom com
pletes her household duties and sh ta
ready to shop or visit.
Don't think th apartment haa any ear
marks of the bedroom or kitchen or din
ing room when her work is completed. It
has been transformed into a cosy little
sitting room. The one-room apartment
makes the young housewife independent
of maids and the labors of household
In other apartment buildings being
erected in Chicago there are additional de
vices which help to make living in small
quarters a pleasure. There is the dis
appearing gas range, for cooking and
baking, and tha disappearing smoking
stand, with places for pipes, tobacco and
smoking utensils. By pressing a few but
tons in the wall ths room may be trans
formed Instantly Into either a kitchen,
dining room, parlor or bedroom or den.
Chicago Record-Herald-
DstBcna F Bailxt.
This Institution la tueonly ona
la til central west wltn aeparata
building situated In their own
ample grounds. yet entirely
distinct and rendering It possible
to classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
nonmental diseases, no others be
ing admitted. The other Rest
Cottage, being designed for and
devoted to tha exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful cara and spe
cial nursing.
wBeSyXV i''.' M ssaB
I ' - f T n . - ' Jir. I
V 4 I; 1 1"3 l II . r leV
Ai-A .
Collegriate Degree, Academic Depsrtmest, Vnlreraitj
cellrst farllltles caTfered for trie education of Young Women.
Music and Art, Domestic Science.
Ona mile from Dubuque. Fonr and one-half hoar's ride from Chicago.
Direct railroad connections with Omaha, tit. Paul and ht. Louis. Extensive
grounds iXnerlea. Private rooms. Normal Course. Gramauer Department,
Duslnesa Couraa.
For cataJoeue, address SISTER SUPERIOR.
Dry Cleaning
to Combat
Torrid Clime
Dresher Bros. Render Much
Beneficial Service During
' the Warm Spell.
Nrxt 10 the coding drink, the d i .til
ing art hs as m uh to Jo with !i.i.-.r
hit wtather terrors . any other one
thing, for. do.n t one f-e'. varttv cooler
when ones at;. re la spotlessly clean?
It fl-.ay tie a mere h pnotlo effect, but
the fct remain, nevertheless, tiit sucM
I of a h 't stuffy feel'.nn d-parts Immediately
I when soiled attire is rep aced by clean.
Immaculate ciothe.
j And it lan't at all expensive to keep
j one's clothes In excellent summer condi
tion. Tl'.e better the Job of cieaninn, how
ever, tHe longer the garni nt stas clean.
l'reher Pros, th iargist western drv
cleaning and iyclni establishment, -1113
Tarnam e rvt. huve compiled this little
summer cl.ining H"t, un l you should re
sort to It often.
White Dressi s. ! 30 While Waists. 3-
t.Inen Pulis Lawn treses. t; .v
Sweaters. 50c MK t'nderwear. suit. 7V
Men s Two-H ce Suits. $1 r-N"ecktles. 10c
-Silk Gloves, l'V 'White' Shoes. Ui: White
Gloves. Kc :orstt. ii-c-Karasola. 5V--l'an.
i.ic Veils, :3c Lac Kerchl-'fs,
fiOc rimes, per Inch. c etc.
Phone Tyler l'l or Aut.i A-22S, er leave
work at DreshT. The Tal'or. 1513 Farnam
street: or at receiving station In Fompeian
Riom of Brandels Storee. Kxpress paid
one way cn shipments of work amounting
to $3 cr over.
Tea. 1, S4O0 ut tor 71 dsvi. including shore
excursions Sound tha World Tour, .-ept.
IS Oct. -1 ani niotitnlv till Jan.
Vfi B. Bock. loJt Farnam tft . Omaha,
rraak C. Clark, Timea Kids. New York.
De Miracle
The Best Hair Remover
Ever Offered the Public
The excellence of De Miracle Is too
widely known U nee I comment. The
specially Interesting thins Is that we
sell this preparation as well as other
Ie Miracle product at smartly re
duced prices, not for one day. but
very day. You can buy them at our
toilet gquds department st
91.00 bottles cut to 79c
92.00 bottles rut to 91.60
50c Cream cut to 32c
15c Soap cut to 10c; 3 for. . .23c
Not Th best proof that De Mir
acle ta the standard depilatory of the
world la that It haa stood the test of
time. It was the greatest selling de
pilatory ten years ago, and still en
joys this enviable reputation.
SBxmafAV a Mccoirnu obvo
Cor. 18th and Dodge Ita
Cor. ICth and Harney St.,
Cor. S4th and Farnam St.,
aor-a vortk ism st.
Developed for.....tRALL
FILMS developed for S centa a roll. AH
sues 12-exposure, 10 cents a roll. Moat
Careful and Batlafactory work guaranteed.
110 Bromide Enlargement a from any of
your favorite Negatlvea. 25 cei.ts each,
bend for our complete Price List and a
Handsome Photograph FREE.
ui'r' iss rij nu.
Tates tt to 114 per Week
steaseves saeraea '
kslr rr.e Mir a,r mt '
saie eer. i mm mmi r
atie sae reliaie
ilaury ku. Uni battle (!.
lee. r eiet n-ee-
Madame Josephine Le Ferre,
IS a-baataat Su. ralia4aw raw
Sold by Beaton Drug Co.. the Bell Drug
Co., and The Bennett Co., Omaha.
. r.
k e t r
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Affillatloo. E.
ConwrrTatorj of
when You Take 1
I Your Vacation!
B Leave your silverware end other 3
I valuables in our burglar and fire- H
B proof storage vault. H
B Th eharee te nominal rheaoer H
I than insurance and then, some tilings H
ran't be replaced vlta insurance
money. B
Phone for rites. Douglaa H9. gj
Omaha Safe Deposit!
& Trust Co. I
Omaha stations! Bank Building.
Street Entrance, 1614 Taraam. H
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