V THE BEE: OMAHA. SATTRDAY. JULY 15. 1911. 12 The ee' ( 0 ) I L- Women ! tkcr I ' Ml res! r x r How to Train a Wife The Hopeful Housewife tad been iprel Ire f ! dey la town, Shopping, runcheae end the fr a tin had f iven such Sa lm petus te 1-er wnrnt!OTtl power that dinner was aJl ever before the Confirmed Comnattr led sotten in a word. Bat et the end ( a kmi Iliad. Including her trareis from shop to a hop. the detailed mm of her tnddar meal and the plot of the play aha bad witness a. he eaked per functorily: "ld you meet aaybody yea know T" "Oh. yes. lota of people!" eh eselalmoa briirbUr. Three of my friend and on of yours that nice, agreeable Mr. Winters Ton Introduced to as obm at the the ater." At 'tho mention of "htr. Winter," tha Cor. fi rmd Commuter rave hie rolublt spouse a eonr look. "He's bo rriend of mine," ba said a verajy "yost tha most casual acquaint ance. Where Jtd yog meet hl-ar "la a drug store. Ha Insisted on paring tpr tnr soda sater." aba aowered "I thought ha wii a great friend of yeura , He spoke of you ru admiringly." "Hah! I suppose so." tho Commuter snorted. "Ha said." the Hopeful HDe-r1f aV bled on. -you were each aa exceptionally 'brilliant man that before yon wore mar rted your friends all thought Fate would ntrfke a balance by giving yon a Tory or dinary tittle wife, and that they were all ao perfectly delighted when yon married ana!" "Huh? said the Commuter coldly. "So roa let a cheap tnaaber get away with yoa that way! I thought yoa had mora earn!" Instantly a look of pained bewilderment oversepreed tha infantile feature of tha Hopeful Housewife. "Why. I doat know what yoa mean!" ha exclaimed. "Of course yon don t" ha bitterly ejac ulated. "Women alwaya let their silly vanity carry them away, ao they don't recognise vulgar flattery when they aee It Too don't suppose that fallow ever gave about me. do you? He waa Just ainr my name to pay your compliment." T don't really think that?" waa hla wife' a Incredulous question. 1 den t think IV-I know if m.A tt had tha right amonnt of arnee tbey would And then things out for thenv- fm tired of waroiaa- roa an the tlma about man! In not JJous-tber never waa a dm with leea Jealously la hla cUspoettioa than X. but I wiah yoa wouldn't )at youraelf ba Imposed opoa by cheap Cattery. Why. a mu of 'Winter' a typ haa only one thought when ba talks to a woman, and that la to wonder how ha can tart a nirtatloa with her! I know men. aad I know what I an talking about, and tt aeema to ma tha right aort of wife wouldn't need to be told such things. Har womanly Instinct ahouid warn Iter of tba approach of aoch a reptile!" Almost every womaa who works to not doing tba work aha would like to do nor tba work which aha thinks aha la Cttfd by right of temperament aad taleet. She ors aot at a ehosea profession, but at the task which seamed expedient at tha tlma aha entered tha Industrial arena. Often beeaosa her work is not absolutely con geal! she grumbles at bar lot aad gee on rebel 11 rg against a fata which keeps her tied down with not a chance of change. It la this very grumbling, by tha failure to make their work likable, that many women add to tho weight of their daJly labor. If they would- only regard their work In the right light they could get a great amount of good out of doing the thing they do not like to do and by doing it wall. Such self-discipline Is good for very woman, and If the girl who grum bles will Changs her point of view and look upon her dally work as tha means by which aha will improve her character and broaden her outlook on Ufa, aba will fieri re a great deal of benefit from, tha dreaded dally task. And. Incidentally, the deadly routine will ao longer seem a drudgery. In our everyday work wa learn thinga that no amount of aass and comfort eowld teach ua. Wa learn the value of accuracy and action, tba power of cheei f ulaooe and self-denial, aad greater than ail these thinga la tha lsason learned la self -control and self-reliance. All along tha Una wa leara things which help ts make op stol idity of character and which make super ficial pleasures seem the allly and useless things they really are. The womaa who la la business, oven though that busineas ts not to har liking. 1 ' i A Word to the Business Woman ' j Told by the Troubled Tourist hty latest tour of your charming eity haa disclosed the fact that a new drink la probably bora every minute, like the pro verbial sucker." remarked the Troubled Tourist, aa ba meditatively flipped a piece of lea around tba bottom of hta glaaa. "N wonder Alabama a going wet again after thla spell at weather. After a week of this brand of atmosphere a revered bridga was probably a dripping solution of "TOO DON'T Drixk ENOVOH." general saturation compared to tba dry ness of Alabama. "When U rot ta be sa hot around here they were picking baked applea out of the orchards ia Connecticut, aad leaving frankfurters out ta the aua to cook aowa at Ceetey Island. I begaa to read up eoaas ba -aba to drink, for I decided that aae J "A LOOK OF PAIXED BEWILDER MENT OVEMFRKAD THE IXFAK TILE FEATfRES OF THE HOPEFCL HousEwint.- Only If has a rattlesnake and aha heara him ratUa," ieerad his wife lightly, -tuppoee he'a a copperhead or a iwaccasia aad approachea aoiaeleeal yr SuddeaJy, howerer, aba read in tba countenance of the Confirmed Commuter that tha anattar waa too eertaua far Mia humor. ' rerbapa yaa are right," aba betas wits a phlioaoahio aigh. "Perhapa I bava toe aw faith la aaem. Mra. Browa aara aa. Tou know her. Fhe'a that Tory pretty divorcee we met at tha seashore hast ausf mer. She says ao mu ou ba trusted, that they are all alike only looking for a chance to flirt. She said abe thought my faith Is yoa waa perfectly beautiful aad that aha eetly hoped I would sever toee It. be aaid the days that she believed la her husband were the happiest to her life aad that aha only wished aha hadn't been compelled to realiao that aH xnen were de ceitful. She aaid" -If reu'H excuse bb.' 'aaid tha Com muter idly. '1 won't hate a say snore of roar friend's cheap erittelsm. I'm not aura that I care to have you know a person who entertains' euch Ideas! Nothing la mora beautiful than tha confidence or trust of aa tmeophlatJceted woman. Every maa respeeta h! Every maa tries to de serve it!" "Bat. my dear.- his wife tnterruptad. har face tease with amasemeet. If that la ao why did you tell me to beware of Mr. Winters? Why did yoa talk about my silly vanity T Why? "Why I don't know why tha Con finned Coanmotrr Interrupted tragically. A maa'i a fool for trying to explain things to a woman, anyway! Tou don't understand yoa will never understand mer (Copyright, jfiL by tha N. T. Herald Co.) haa untold ops t unities of developing her self along tha lines that really count In Ufa. Her Idle alster. whom sba may envy because of bar apparent chance to culti vate culture, baa Uttla opportunity of de veloping self-reliance or self-control- And It is. after all. thaea e.ualirjee which are nost to be desired tn woman. Wa often hear of tha dignity of labor, but very few of na realise the large amount of dignity aad culture there is la our daily toll. This is tha ago of hard work aad bralna, but tha brains without tha bard work are of little avail. Success la per spiration, not Inspiration, aad the woman who works at bar dally task, determined to get the most out of It. whether she hkes her profession or not, la tha one who ia going ta sTioceed la Ufa aa wall as la her work. c Potted Philosophy Tha greatest ambition any maa can have is to be happy. Talent has a gar tlma speeding tha coin earned by genius. Tba man who aadarvaJuea himself ta never overrated by others. He who is ashamed of honorable poverty would be proud of dishonorable richea. The young man need oil man's head, and the old man needs tha young man's heart Tba maa who bopea to waka np aad find himself famous shouldn't depend opoa aa alarm clock. Philadelphia Inquirer. J cool drink about every five minutes waa a good eaoagb average for me. "I started In oa mineral water taut I road a warning from some fellow who aaid water m great quantities during a hot spell waa dangerous, at liable to drown th constitution, ar rust It. cr sosaethmg ke met. tie recommended milk, ao I swore ft oa water aad took ta milk. I had ran. sumed about eight quarts la the apace of a tew hours whoa I happened to notice a "'tie Itaen that aaid swgar waa bad la the hearted tons aad that milk had tea much sugar la It to ba wholesome. Iced saraa parllla waa etroagly erged aa a substituta. T switched to tha Iced aaraaparilla aad waa proceeding ta take aa extended course of treatment la the aame when I waa solemnly advised that tha only way ta keep cool these torrid days waa to partake of lea cream sodas. I bad fairly entered aa aa lea cream soda ergie of ooeeUderable preteasloDs whoa I stumbled over another "What to Priak ta Hot Weather lntonaetloa u reaa that aald the aaly thing that could possibly auss tha thirst duria a hot tve backet af load tea with a lemoa in It I did fairly well with the Iced Ua nr. til I waa called ap ea tha 'phene by a bibulous friend of mine, who tr-l-fr-l oa my Joining him la tha nearest cats and Impartlag the weighty secret that tha aaly tain to drink ta warm weather waa a gin rlckey. I obliged aad waa taaking r escape whea a Georgia colonel whom I mat oa one of say tours blew la aad aaid ba would new save my Ufa by haad tag ma the aaly summer drink a saint Julep.. "Becaasa. ouh." said my Georgia friend, earnestly. -I realty think the trouble with you Is that yoa dea't drink aaough. (Cpyrlgt, WU, by tha If. T. Herald Ca-J Is Tone Taete teed' "Ret Tour Actlon oa Things Above." ViOfOians. tX Every life la cor.stantly giving expree aioa ta likes snd dislikes. The basin -r tnaa at the cafe Indicates his tastes 1 selertloa and rejectioa of foods. Two glr . cbooHng bats prefer different effects. At the band concert one hearer thrills st the sextette from "Lucia Ltmrn'-moor." an other la enthusiastic over "Ofrallsla and Bcdc!Ia" So In home and shop. In con cert ball aad library, at work and play, we daDy reveal our tartes and preferences. And we cannot help doing this, for all ac tion and sprech are expressive tastes. This apparent commonplace becomee sig nificant ahea we come to reaJiae that taste Is the Index to character the revelation of the moral ststas of the Individual. There are some tates of mhich wa may Justly feel proud. There are others which reveal traits which we might well be anxious to hide. It Is often comparatively rar to de serve ourselves by alleging plausible mo tives for questionable actions. We may argue that to learn bow to live we must run the whole gamut of experience aad we may thus attempt to excure "wild oats," In discriminate theater-tolr.g. promiscuous reading, fondneaa for the dance. We mav declare: "The Sabbath was fried tnir wnmrs - and thua attempt to Justify our desecra tion of the Lord's day in frivolity and worldly amuae-nents. We may any we are too tired to attend church, and with auch excuses we may fool ourselves and lmar'n wa have convinced eihra. but the wise observer win sea la our "wild oats" a weak surrender to vicious desire; In our love for tba theater tha subordination of ln toilact to sensation; la our reading of pemldooa books a thirst for the vulgar and vicious; la our love of dancing the craving for unhealthy aad unheaJthful physical pleasure. r Loretta's Looking Glass-Held Up to Man Who 1 1 '' " n..,sa iJ.,1 L.1 I 111 11,-lhiiH' V .J.l.Lai.tUi-JiU.M "Mr. Bore-headed Boar withes me to tall you how sorry be la that he cannot coma tonight. He ba haa a severe headache." Toa are Mra. Bora-headed Bear; aad. for tha thousandth or ao time, you are lying tor tha old animal, whs sits at home nursing his head. Every one knowa he Is a sore-head. And every one knows that you are fibbing. He haa aa headache except tha oaa that is a chronic complaint. Ha usually haa it whan a dinner ta ntatloa comes ts you. Being: one of those tender-spotted creatures, he Is alwaya nursing allghu. If the dinner tn- tiiauen comes irons tna wile of a with whom he haa had a tiff at remote data la hla history, ha win aot accept because ba la still brooding over tha alight. Ha la so beastly la his extreme al&ahaaea that he continues to show his bearish nature by utterly overlooking the fact that yoa have some right to conald erecloa. A man's Ufa is -full af Uttla disagree ments, small fusses, that naturally rise la tha course of competitive business. But this sore-head bear of yours never for gets any of them. He numbles and mow tha them and, even when he ia aot actively encaged at that, ha tacks them away la the hack of hla braia ao ha can drag them out whea some social advance cornea from tha Individuals who may have been to 1 MjesA91 9T er the i-w- s"r "" " a "'""Jv CARL E. BADER, I-astor Pearl Memorial M. E. Chur ch it Is disoonoertiag to leara that these expressions of our tastes reveal to men our grave deficiencies In character. But this !w Is not merely an embarrassing publica tion of our weaknessos; It may serve aa a most valuable revelation to ourselves. We will find soma things that will shock 'ua aad reduce oar conceit. Were we mere automatons externa! !y controlled eelf-knowledre would be useleaa But we are personalities with power of choice. We hsve Individual will, which makee each maa a potential kins' la tha kingdom of himself. Will is not merely to blame. A maa who la not a member or tho I reus family puts these small differ ences away with tha and of the matter that caused them. Certainty, ba does not ex pect his wire ta turn sorehead, tea, and blp aim worry wlta the quarrels aa If they wara bones When yoa make your excuse for your husband, a feeling of disgust . rises la tha hearts of tha host and hostess. They know that you are prevaricating to spars your own and yeur husband dignity. They know that you think he la behaving kka a spoiled child Instead at a grown maa. They pity you. and they condemn you at once. It makes them a V.i resent ful that you should aaem ta think that they are ao unintelligent that they will accept your excuse unsuspectingly. They are certain that your sorehead did not so much aa send as apology for not coming. They are aura that you came alone la a kind of desperate determination not to give cp a friendship with the wife of tha maa who bad incurred your husband's dis pleasure. Probably tha host cannot even recall the exact circumstance of the disagreement. Ha Just vaguely recalls that there waa one. He feels sorry for you that yoa have to suffer for tha bearlahneas of your life-partner. But neither hoe teas aor host la deceived by your He; and they think leas MirtftflTNE . An'SAY. cone Ateijj vlH r 2 MiSE RUN Til fHftiNttt WtUICfrf djSES-3 V riL-5f rJ Qq (ST) t- 7j (r "AT 3 c . be exercised la securing what taste de 9ends; K may be need te manipulate and cultivate our tastes themselves. Emersoa says. ' Toltroonery Is the acknowledging aa Inferiority to ba lacurabla. It Is the business of every true men and acme a te cultivate noble tar tea. For tartee aot only reveal they make character. And ther5 is somelh'ns rtsrtlitig ta the thought that we can be what we (-house to be. Piul, writing to the Celoaeiane. said, "fet jour affection on things abare." Not ""Oh. that you liked the best thinga," but "set cur affection" on tho? hcavenlr prises. Determine to seek what you earn l te like and you will eventually love what you seek. It ia a busintas Lke rroceflure which suc ceeds becauae it works In harmony mith tha infalLt.le laws cf God. If all things are wlthla our reach, certainly we want tha best, the thing ab-r. And what are thess? Welt there's chsracter. That's cer tainly above money, ease, temporal posi tion. So we'll set our affection on chsr acter, and since all the world admits tbat-j Jerus Christ is th one perftct charscter known to men, we will set our affection on the character of Chrlrt. Than we want a system of education. Again we turn to Christ, for His teaching is above all other, and we adopt Hie teach ing aa our rule for life. It la set forth la the book, so e must have that. And now with the character aad teaching of Jesus Ctirtn included la our affection we David Bowman, 601 South Fortieth Bt mVaV,. Baltxer. 110 South Twanty meat. find that the higher things wtl,,vr. - have chosen h.v. actuary become pleasure flcbui Brd7. Poppleton At to us and we come to like the thinra that Bm BwC. 11 Sooth Eighteenth St Ood likes, and therefore know that we are like God. "Set your affection on things above, not on things an the earth." And "When Christ, who Is our life, shall be manifested, then shall ye also with Him ba manifested In glorr." is Sore-Headed Bear of yon for tailing It. "Does aba think wa cannot sea through her excuses T" your friends ask each other whea the bear aad yea are being dis cussed. What makes yoa perjure youraelf while yonr sore-head alts at home auralng hla grievance? stop lying for him! If ba Is a disagreeable, surly, splenetic sore-bead. yaa need aot try lJLa, U U,j ogiy. ra-natured. unforgiving tamoem. Aad yea need aot become a Madame Sap phire, Tea have a right te your frtenda certainly aa meca aa ha haa a right te his enemies. Have them. Let him sulk la his bear-pit. But do aot try te salve your pride by telling what la aot true. It tails to serve the purpose. Aad. grad ually, yea will Impress upon your frtenda tba fact that yea torn a not ill-suited Partner for your grumpy husband. Bore head and Sapphire! What a combination! It is one that ahouid never be formed. Prevent it by refusing te apologise for tha bilious beast who will aot be Ceeseed Wrens;. "And your husband gave "B9.0C for that old bookr "Tea," replied Mra. Comrox. "To show how much you rare for liter ature. I auppoae? 'No. To ahow bow little we care for 850.00ft. "Washington Star. fTJ A u-iM ru. Mri'fae A RAISE VMIFIS f ASH t ff, feteej w.iui tri AH I ttTCHt f PsfirS lTtP - kXTX- 1 II It In rer, DtL-a -junior birthday boopl Th. -J Pr I -VAAAU Ata LllJf CLW mr 1 AI.MKNA M. ELT. 1130 Kinney Street. SATURDAY, Xante aad AAdrf-, ilHie Alperln. 0JU North SUteenth jWiJUara Anderson, 5SS South Thirty-fourth John A. Anderson, 1191 Ohio 6t Milton Barmettler, J60J South Twentieth St Viola N. Brown, 21 J South Twenty-eighth Are... Hulda Carlson, JJ17 South Twentieth St Marcel J. Clark, 3 4 IS Boyd St. . Pearl P. Case, 25IS South Ninth St. . High Ill I Helen Campbell. 102 North Eighteenth St Central 1S93 Raymond G. Durka, 3 SOI Farnam St Hlg;h 1SI3 Walter Ianilewlci. 4JJ9 North Thirty-sixth St Monmouth Park.. .ISIS Dorothy Davit. 6011 North Thirtieth St Miller Park 19tS Almecce Ely. 2120 Blnnay St Lothrop 101 Clare Foley, 2J2i Burdette St Sacred Heart 10 Roy Feltman. 714 South Eighteenth 8t... Leavenworth ISM France Frank. 1210 South Twentieth St Mason .: 102 Louia Fellman, (06 South Thirteenth Et Leavenworth 1S0J Willie Francla. 1S12 Ohio St ...Lake 1001 John Craaco, 271 J South Twelfth St Bancroft 1817 George George, 1201 South Thirteenth St Pacific If" 03 Josephine Goettaehe, 1718 Van Camp St High ,..1818 Elaie Gkaaeman, 4701 North Fourth St Sherman ,..1818 Alfred Hook, 2431 South Nineteenth St Caatellar 103 Lee Thomas Huff, Sanford Hotel ..Central . Harry Holtgren, 812 4 North Twenty-second St Saratoga Acnea Hubicek, 1817 South Fourteenth St Lincoln . Edward Heslop. 4821 North Twenty-seventh St. .. .Saratoga Oscar Has. 2156 South Nineteenth St Walter I. Horton, 4534 North Fortieth Leslie T. Johnson, 4238 Grant St Harold Johnson, 3220 Woolworth Ave Clara M. Kemph. 1120 Dorcas St Julie Kessler. 2S17 South Twenty-fifth Marie Laurie. 1718 William St Garrard Leeds, 2015 Lea ren worth St Helen Lerlnaon, 1831 North Twenty-fourth Grant Ed Lanu. S24 North Serenteenth St .'..Central 18 Gertrude Meyers, 341S Blondo St. Beanie Meyeraon, 883 North Twenty-fifth Carl Magnuaeen. (03 Locust St Lyail Matthews. 2515 North Nineteenth Donald Miller. 3511 Seward St Emma B. Nollmann, 581 South Thirty Fred Peterson. 1803 Ontario St Julia Pardene, 1122 South Thirteenth Adolph Preacher, 1817 Ohio St Edward Ryan. 313 South Thirty-sixth Mary J. Stefan, 820 Homer St Grace L. Snygg. 3638 Hamilton St John Sobetskl, 2807 South Boulevard Frank SteJskaL 306 Woolworth Are Sophie Strmad. 1015 Homer St Sarah Sniuer, 2003 Paul St Bertha Siegal, 1316 South Nineteenth Flora Tobin, 1036 South Eighteenth St John ValentL 618 Pacific St Mabel Venn. 3617 Blondo St Viola Wainright. 2116 Laird St Lothrop 1J05 George E. Whitney. 823 Pierce St.... Pacific !!".1838 Emma Weible, 2318 South Thirty-second St Windsor V..1801 Geraldine Woods, 708 South Twenty-sixth St Mason .V1888 Gordon Watson. 4138 Grant St Clifton Hill."..!J ! !l808 Helen E. Westergaxd. 1713 North Thirty-third St Franklin -.1S37 Lertne O- Toder. 4116 Nicholas Bt Walnut Hill Iii04 Some Silhouettes of the Sidewalk r!?7 Wanta buy a busts Cbistofo' Columb'T Sella cbeapa musta Make beesnls hum! Thus, through winter rigors. Or whea summers reek. Tony hawks hla Cg-ures, Modern aad antique. From hla well-died basket Julius Caesar frowns. What lies near? Doa t ask tt Busts la whites aad browns. Modern faces stupid. Flippant. Preachy things. Bathing girls and Cupid With arrawa, bow aad wings. Delia Robbie's pretty Children lie between Venus and a gritty Bust of Edmund Ksaa. A bra haa Lincoln's traglc Mask looks sad If forth Near a mighty magic Bear from out tha North. And above bis treaauree Tony smiles with glee. Though, meanwhile, he measures Tear capacity. Innocent aad breeay He answers yeur "Hallo." If be thinks you're aasy High bis price win go. A feeaithy lookteT womaa dressed la dees ssourr-ir. atcnued aau th ecalaa aad requested the grocer's clerk ta ascertain her weight, lie looked. Sad said. "One hundred aad furtr Miisia" "Toa mads a mistake of twelve pouads la that wosoaa's weight, aaid another maa who had alee watched the hum he weighed Ud pouade Inrlras ec lea" Widows and Worry VVC VwCJL CD LOl C X . I. y 7 x' K.J V. CLARA KEMTF. IUk Lotca Street. July 15, 1911. School. Year. 1J01 . -lll St Caaa St High ..Ult 101 ..High im ..Vinton 1S5 . . Bel l(v . .Vinton 181 ..Vinton ..10J ..Fimim 1105 . .Cattellar 10I - thlrY 6t Monmouth Park . . ,1 8 S ....1881 1883 '...1838 ...188S ....1888 ...1837 1304 1832 1E8C ,..1800 St... St... .. .....High Central Park. Clifton HU1.. High Lincoln ..... St. Joaeph. . . . Comenlus .. . . ...1S34 Park 1001 St Long 10S 01 . . . . LOEg . . . . Webster ...Lake . . . Lake . . . . Franklin ...High ....Vinton ...Pacific . . . .Lake , ...Columbian .... ...Bancroft Walnut Hill... . . . . Im. Conception . , . . . Train .Vinton . ...ICellom ....... . . . . Caatellar . . . . Leavenworth . Pacific ...1833 ...1800 ...1888 ...1301 .. .1803 ...1833 ...1835 ...1804 ...1801 ...1804 ...1637 ...1886 ...1897 ...1803 . . .1898 ...1697 ...1903 ...1833 ...1903 Ave. St - third St St St..... St..... Long 1903 BT BOBBIK BABBLE ' But If you're a wise oaa Name the price yourself. And carry off a prise one For your mantel ehelf. While Tony goes off smiling To find aa carter maa. Aad. childlike and beguiling. To cheat him if be caa. tCopyrigbt. 1TJ. by the K. T. Herald Co.) aha aevar would have forgiven me If I bad bald her so. That woman a husband died about ate weeks aso. Bhm baa gained ervee pounds la that time, but to keep bar la good humor with herself I tad te mak her think aha had lost tlva I don't now why It is. but anybody who haa suf fered a bereavement aeema te think tt a diagraca te take oa fleas. That womaa haa besa weighed three time since her husband died. IU.J would be shacked If she knew abe had gained right along. FortuaaLely aha ts too near-alghted te read ua scaiea aerseu. ao It as easy te -I aaow inec- aaid the clerk, -but she Is wasting easy