TIIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 14, N 1 ' T A TTTl T TV T Sm i 1 TVI Ml TV C TV 7 m ii r j f r j r-tr 1 1 T"i cr t iith tt mm it n i icir iii t-i on i nnrn -"l-i i- m inn i ia Tt" ui i -ryv i i e -e-m yxAAciiict jlyu.ho jfrxYvay YviLii jLto lvxuiiico, vjiaiito aim x iiimco jljlc iui riioL i HOMES AKKEI SWATFEST Girt tie EiniM' Eix "KAne-yinr U Zm CId Seorei. XECXASCS IS TEE IIS 5CIEX Laaees Safely M the Ball Feer Ttssea to F1 Tln I Kntw AhN i Dews a Mttle Statrrtas; ' fee Htsaerlf. Br wielding the willow with ferocity ef Aemona. and being ably etsled t eumer wos errors by tbc opponents, ths Boufkes took tbe second fame of th ain Is tram De Moines yesterday afternoon by tbe tmeee of 17 to 2. RlwiM AM the burling tar tbc Bourkes and held the dean-tar to e t u hita. For the visitors Hrustos started tb tm ana for twa Innings held th Bourses aa hits and ae run, but n th third tb Imom boy get busy and clouted out (our kits, which netted them five run. Th Tiext inning Heustoa M Pi t sthletes down Itbevt either a kit or run. In the fifth four mora hits and throe errors gave the Btiut kee Ov mora runs. Heusiou, tb pride of the Des Molar twirling staff, was tboa Jerked and Mltcbtl sent ta th rescue, but he raa into a anas end tn the three Innings be fired from the mound be was found fnr nine bits and seven runa. Notwithstanding the fact that they were lowing, tbe deserters put tip a clever uphiD game until tbe odds were ae sn-erwhermtng tbat tt was Impossible to ea.tr fa up. Errors tbea came Is aurh a fashion as te call a pretest from the fan. Kores, expndk.il)', played a rotten game at third and could set get going at any time, la the latter Jrt of tbe frame be was sent ta the bench AVnd Beracbe, a pitcher, was sent te bis lilacs at third. Schlptca rata la Pebe. ta tbe sixth in ntn after tbe Rourke tiad tacked the gam safely away, Skipper Zun put his SKJbs la tbe field for a UUle ractloe, Agncw was sent ta ta catch and jHaraorney was sent te first 1a place of Kaae. Pwkornejr ebowed up stood and bas tbe earmarks f a rood first tiaawnaa. He jrtared first life's eeteraa. and at tbe bat ham mured ant a stntfe to twe times up. XTVrr aettlns; on base la tbe seveatti . tmilac be frot fcuer aad pilfered tbe seoond aark and beat It bom from that place a a ait bjr Tbemaeoa. Tbomaaea was acaia tbe big bows tor beat center fielder la the Western learue. Urn bandied twe difficult cbaaoes at center with ease, and at bat wss a whirlwtoA. la five times at bat be clouted out four bits, twe of which were doubles. His four bits breufbt ta atx of tbe Omaha runa Kneaves Jho came in for smne cle-er plartng and ales shewed that be could us th stick Siimself. 2a free times up a aaade three tuts. XTttrweW. tuoted as tbe grweteet catcher 4a the Westers league, went te pieoes res- teroar and while these aam pieces were floating around la apace the Bourses managed t steal eight ha ass. Tbomaaea cored his three runs by steeling home, completing Double stasia. Arbogaat aad Agnew were both la good ahape and hut cmt Ztes Modaes maa tnaaaged te steal Tbe tacky en was Qrebam, whs stole aee smd la tbe aoooad inning cCf rbogast. etoore: OMIHi. ah r. n. r Tink. x t A. X. 3 1 Kane, lb lilt Porkorner, I Thomeeen. , t . eVhooaover, If , 4 trott. i i S . Williams, , ,, ICnesvea, as.. Arbopatit, Arnew. .. P-bodea. P Totals- C 17 17 DEI MOINES. ATI. K. H. O. A. Curtis. lf.. Cillisa.a, ... 1 r Jtia, cr e"ar, lb. Korea, 8b. llerai'.he. St An6reon. rf... "Graham. Sb I'laiowski. Teueton, p . ...... Z Jtf'trhell, p , 1 Facbaat 1 Tt)t.la M t 7 21 4 7 Batted for Mitchell ia the ninth. Oiuaba Runs -J7 Hits . 44l4) 17 Xes M glass Runs .. M M 1 t M 1-1 Kits 4 111I11 7 Twe-haae hits: Kaeaves 21. Thomasna fit. Korea. Mattiiik. Wild pitch: F.hoden. First base on balls: rrf Kb noes, i: eff Heuatoa. i. Hit with pitched ball: Kane, eitrufk out: Ry Rhodes, H: by Heuston. i bv Mitchell. I Sacrifice bit : fcrbnoeever fnulea bases: Kane, Porkomev, NiehofT fl 'bomasoa Sl. Kaeevea. Willlama. Graham. lft ia baeea: Omaha, r. lt Motnea. 4. Hits: On Kbodea. 7: ff Hewstos, I m five lnnlnrs: eff Vncheli. ft In three tnntnem. Iieutue plsy; lick t NehorT ta Porkornev. Time: l.a Umpire: - Cierke. TOrEKA ALLOWED BIT HIT by Seers ef Twa Ke4htag. fEVA. July ir-OBriea lld Tnneka to one bit and fenver wen a bard fought gkjne. I to t Clark kept th hit aeil Bfattared. Score: TOPEKA. " " AB. R. H Hsfford. In. 4 Kiug. cf I O. A. E. S I Hwrher. rt. ..... I 4) Kdsieiiin. ha. g V imaey. is I a 'tuimaa, if. ... I Vt!. Sn. 1 Cnw. e. ..... 'lerfc, p. ... t 1 Iturhin Totals . .... ....... i, s ab. n. 4 1 27 32 1 o 11 A. Llrrvd, lb iilmnre. ST. 4 4 4 uud;, rf. .4 J4ealt. rt . 4 f i'uillm. Ah t 1jti. is. I ft.rtev. sa. 4 Frembea. . ... I 4) O Bnea, p. 2 Totals B 2 "Batted for Clark le binth I 27 Toiieka ........ iH-uver Twe-base hit 4)IB 1 Pa. Ltiioaet. Ifcuitite Ware: 4 ofletr liart d t 4 Hearer and Linn nut ii. I.ae on bans- T Clark. Waierlee 4 1: off fihrtea 2. Struck eut: Pr Clark. : I lianeries' Wtllbi aad Johnson; Shackle v O Hncn, Impirea: Morgaa and'fnrd Henorls. and Harrington. Knapp. IIBl'I SOKE 4 T ST. trktril FTsw ntrsert Irr aN aad All As Hit alaa-a. FT JOfrTPH. Jut IS ftlnux Crtr peerd ut St Joseph tat a ai.Mtgttig atstrh here t"d. fur ph'hnr w. r used and all were hard tut. The erare was 11 te ttccare: ElOlTf C1TT. AB. R H fl A Andrea Sb. A 1 I A 1 Siem. lb... 12 11 j rw. if 1 2 1 t-ta-tmaa w- .. 4 1 I 4) A T hruir. In t 3 I v 4 Nvaiu. e 114 4 4 Holmes. ' cf .... till BaxtH-r rt A 2 I 4 W altller f - 1 Wl!s,.n P 1 I 1 Ai auiet. rt 2 J Standing of Teams W1CFT. lCACTK. 1 KAT"I UtACJt'K. Wl-lr-ti m.UI'rt Iw -r t 9 .a rbllaotma C ta . IiiwNi St tl jr, New Terk...7 II FWfWe 4 K .frhicee s -t. Joeerh...4v K .KJ'Ht. Louis. ...M C .f." Pteu Clty..5 T, .MB rtttefcurc ... -fcWi Omaihs 4 .M Dnrtimui E O AT. Teeeka K 4 .llWFtreoklra ... Iee Mnmea l 1 Xkt Biwrtoe It t .ZR AHLiL AWK. AMER. lEAOl'E. w.irrtj w.L.r-t Oolimibue .. IK .ii Tetrett M ?4 .BT Kansas Oity .Ml mileTi!a Minneapolis 4 41 .WB New Terki.41 K .Mt Milwaukee 4? 4 .4W c"hcaas ..4 W e-t Taiil....M2 4 .4M maelnn 41 M lnii-:ile ..4" 44 .4iiMtad ...a 41 .4l Toede 4? 4 4. WeetitnrtOB .T. 12 M2 ln1'air-e 4 4."t 1 raw SI JT1 LEJkOI-K 1 MINK. G-XT. W.I.prtl WUM Fremont M 94 AK Falls Oltv...r7 51 Superior . . . .M 94 .fM Rhenaadoah & .Si.l Orand 11 A J X .Her Auburn .....Tl Tt -R1 Peward . riarlnda ... .14 JS HaKtlnre ... J .fcn Humbnidt ...Tl .43 Kearney r? n -4SB Neb. City. ...a S . Columbus ...KM JJ Tork JfipUfcT) i miieirt meeelte. WESTERN LEAGUX. ree Mrrtnea. t; Omaha. 17. Woes Citv. n: fn Jnseph. . JPTiver, T; Topeka. . J Jmtln. Z: Pueble, L NATIONAL. LEAGUE, ft Louis, : Boetna. Ctiiraro. t: Brooklj-n, . 1-iTteburs:. 4; New Tork. a. CmcutnsU. Philadelphia. 1. ABFIUCAJI l.KAGL'E. Boston ! Clilcao. 1. N-w Turk. 1; 6t. Louts. Pillert-h'hla, T; Tetrolt, . Waahlnc-ton. I. Cleveland. 7. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Mttmee polls, i; Kansas City, a. Cnlumhua t; Lnulet-llle. . Indiana polls, i; Toledo, 2; tea innings. NKKRKA STATIC LEAOUK. Columbus, 2i Grand iHland. I. Fremont, A. Kearney, t. Superior. (Seward. . Hastings. ; Tork, 7. MINK LEAGUE. Clarlnda. t; Shenandoah. L Himibitkn. 4; Nebraska City, . FaJls City. u Auburn. &. Ceasee Teaay. Weetera League Ies Moines at Oeiaha. BHui -!itj- at St. Jneepb, Itenver at To peka. Lincoln at Fuebla. National learue Bt, Loots at Boston Chlrego at Brooklyn. Ftttenurg at New Tork, Cincinnati at Fhlladelphia. American League- linei on at Chicago. New Tork at fJt. Louis. Philadelphia at Iwtrett. Wanhmrton at Cleveland. a men nan Association fit. f'aul at Vfl waukee. Mmneapolia at Kansas Oty. CtWumbus at Loulrv-ille, Indianapolis at Toledo. Nebraska State Laesrue Pnliimhm Orand Island. Fremont at Kearney, Su perior at Reward, Hastings at Tork. Mins Lteague 4.arinca at Shenandoah, Humboldt at Nebraska City, Falls City at Auburn. Towns ..... 1 1 II H. O. Totals 4 11 ST. JOSEPH. a a. R. Keny, rt 4 t Powell. If , B. Retily. 2b i J B. willing. cl- A I Bortoa. i . ( l Shaffer, lb 1 4 Ooaeett, c , . 4 4 Mmtikc. ss 4 Hamilton, t 1 Ka-uftnaa, p . I e Jnhnsoa, p. 1 4 'Kerns . . 1 Freemaa 1 E. 1 1 1 1 1 Totals .. M 27 32 'Batted fnr Wllaun la seventh. "Batted for Johnsoe ta ninth. Baa for Kerns ta a lath. Slou CJty.: J 1 1 I 4 1 11 St. .Joseph J 1(14 111 110 eHuiea taawea: Kelly. B. BeiHy S. Bor tca -iik, Gossett, Uamllton, Aadreaa B). T. Belli y, Holmee 2t. Jjouble play: Etraea e Dawson, eacrifice hit: Powell. Three base totts: Barton, Hamilten, Towne, Stem. Twe-baae hits, family (2), Borten. Keity. Struck out: By Kaufmea. ; by JahxumB. l; by Blleon, ; by Barber. J Banes ea balls: Off Kaufman. 4; off miller, X: eff Wilson, 1; .off Barter, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Wilson, 1 Kits: Off Akaufmaa, is la six innings; off Johnson. I in three innings; off Killer, 4 ia tws and a third innings; off Wlleon, la three and twe-thirus Innings; off Barber, i in three innings Left on bases: St. Joseph, 11; Sioux City. 1SL Time; 4. Umpire: 14 1 Kos. LECatl IT" rjRaVOIt LOSES GAMS Aatelepea Bui It te Pwvble hp Twe PUEBLO. July 11 Aa error by Bnch toldu. a sew man. gave Linoola today's game ia the fifth inning, Z to 1. Both pitchers were aooorded sensational support. Score: LINCOLN. AS. R- H. O. A. E. Cola, cf ... 4 Cobb, rf rttndun. lb.. . . . . S KcCormirlL, II.. 7'bemaa, lb .... 4 Gagnier. a I Cockmaa, 2h I MoGraw, 4 fibmsn. p...-. S Totals. Beehtoidt. cf. . tierrer, ei Heiden. 11... Koerner, lb.. Hughes. Ia.., Iavis, rf Claire. 5l , Ctemocia. C JackaoB, p.... Ttnaa 10 1 i 27 11 2 Lincoln sssele 47 Pueble lee4-l Stoles bases: Cobb. Cockmaa, Two?baee hita: Thomas :i. Cola 7hree-bas hit. ('Imom. Louhle plays: Dair t Hughes to Koemer. Hurbes te Be-eer te Koerner. Gatmier to I unaon t Thomas. Struck out: By Jackson. 4: by Lhman. 4. First base on bail: Off Jackson, 4: off F.hnmii 1 Time: 2:4s. Umpires; KaakeU aad I (or ham. REflLTI THKEE4 LEACIE kee-k lalaad Iheleata rVerta by Seere f Flaw le 4ae. QUINCT. III.. July 32. HOrs wild threw j enabled lavenport to tie the scar tn th .ninth, vjuincy baited nut a victory, A te 4, in the eleven! h Soore: IHi vultwy . ... . kill Daveapon . 4 II 4 Tlettrrtef: Spencer and Foraer: Neisua au4 Coienian. ' ROCK ISLAND. July 12. Rock Island de- i tested Peoria. A te 1. lnoa) , tTts a aa elected 4 I from the ground la th ninth. core: 4) RH.F-. itflck Island - All i Peoria ..............j:..: 1 J - Iiarrerlea. Weods and Jacoh-ea: Havllk 1 'and Jscoha T.BCATUK. IH July U Decatur da - ifeaieo Waterioe Aoda. Smith busne run I was lb longest bit ever sees os tb j ilecatur - .. All t DUBUQUE., la.. July II Webster's pilrh mg gave Iiubuuue a vAcbory ever th lead- we. i te i. oour era. . te 4. boure: An b. !lubuoue .... ..... 1 14 Dant iU . 111 Batteries: Webster and Kreix; Luomis and Massing. Cowse Tt CRETE. Neb.. Jury 11 (Special The Crete teams players tttrned tbe tables ea FrieBd yraiardur with a acare ef lot sets le the guod. Atcree: T 1 Champ and Edatoasoa ar'H"! Perry aad Ceckia -. 4-4 "' Jiitaue and lrek agahtst Simtands and Gntaaunea, -4 A-X. r OBiotmt LCBltlMt Corilt 11-1. 4-2 C I rrak acaJnst Ltversaami. 41 4-a. 4-1 tC t perry a:atns4 Hacker, s-4 i T 1 f ii iionniss egainat Juisoa 4-1 l if! Chaint ties Irani afaiBM yillMi , and traae. 44 I C Perry svnd Cecals against tareaamaa "iaad Si mm tea, e-a. M i t ST 32 t PUEBLO. AB. R. H. O. A. Sj I e e 1 4 4) 4 7 4 I 1 - tills 11 lie t 2 t 1 a l 2 i ' rrrntn r ttttt ntm r t-tt t riT cb Teun Geta Six Eita, nt Cerocrt JLtM Set Eardtr. GEATD nLUn) TEIKS CCLUXTTS Thlra City O SEWARD. July U (Special Telegram l Bupoiior defeated Seward today. X te t. In a weO played game. Glbsoa and Wheeler were beta pitching reed ball. Gibson hav ing a little -better support thaa Wheeler. Each side got six hits. Superior got Its eonres m the fifth taming, getting twe tw-e-bagger and a single. Score: strxRioB. era-Atm. Uld.lt illd.it ATtm. t 4 It atraH. 4 111 PlM-tiMl. at.. 4 - 4 IHimr. it... 4 1 i rt.... t s.rt. 3k 11 MnP-woll, HUM H-nr.. ?.... I epfflhaan. c I i 1 1 Knhlnaim. H. 4 I 1 r rw tu. R4 ( f .ih-n. ta.. t 4 IH'kf'U, lb 4 111 1 Luoaa. lb.... t M Or. h I (It te-nlK. ... I 1 eikm, 1 1 WManr, p... 1 114 TntrnM B 4 SET II 1 TMals. S2 IVX t Superior .. 4) J 0 1 6eward Te-e-baes hits: Honinson. T Bockewita, Orr. Glbaon. Beaee on halla: Off Wheeler. 4. !minte plays: Hansen te Lucaa. Struck out: By Wheeler, S: by Gibson, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Wheeler, L I'mpire: Held. Time: 1:10. . reBa blui W las A grata. GRAND lLAJCTJt. Kcb, July lL-Speeial Telegram. V Grand Island won another run from tbe Ihsooverers today bv pounding out the ball. Harrmaa kept tbe few hits off him scattered, while the locals bunched bard bits off Xelatr and Hay. MrLear's borne run in the fifth was a feature. Score: CkAKS TfOAVP. CotA-Jtm iH.Cl.l t AB M O A K r. t A 1 4 Melxen. If . 1 1 1 Smllll as... t 1 4 K Brews, te 4 111 WrKlnhK. HI 4 Oimham. lb . I til Milan, rt... 1 B Prvva, at 4 1 1 S Mariiw. is... 4 its rri i. er 4 Ar'erms. lb 4 I 11 branh it ... Jntwre.. ... I II CarSMt. Jb 4 JM 1 er4. h I 1 t Atw. C....4 1 BKtnu, .. 4 1 1 Twiatt. B 1 Hm j. a X I Total .St I IT I Tntala at 4 34 11 Columbus 1 1 ) Grand Island lllel 7 ISerned runs: Columbus. 1: Grand Island, I Two-base hits: B. Brown. Armstrong. Jnkeret. Hartman. Three-base hit: Harris. Home run: Mrlnar. First base on balls: Off Ieleir. I; off Hay, 1: off Hartman. 1. Struck out: By Delatr, 1; by Hartman. 1 Left on bases: Columbus, : Grand Island, Passed balls: .J ok erst, Agnew. Umpire: Mcliermott. it Take Cleee eme. KHABNKT. Neb.. July 32 Speclal Tele gram, r Fremont defeated Kearney again today in a close game. Kearney's new pitcher, Wynkoop. tanned seven men and made a hit with the fans. Score: Fa KM rtvr KEARVEY. ABB.O.A.S U10 11 PUmSaan. Sb. 4 I 1 A 1 U Orsr. e - 1 1 F-ulm. lb... A H lnt. m.. 4 14 1 Jtmineci. d.. Ill rkM. tb... 4 1 I Bnhmt. rt... X Jxrrntt, rt... 4 II r-.tf e , I IXank. tf.. I t t Turn. rr. 1 0tr. lb I t 1 rer. 1 I It rnte. tb... 1 1 Tbesisra. m 4 t 1 aai'ktru. ct 1 feolsiaaiB. P4 I 1 4 a yntan. I t "B Omr I Totals.' C ft 1 "Ballten 1 Total. T SI 11 t Batted fnr Magerfcurth In ninth. Batted for Wynkoop ia ninth. Kearney ... .4 4 l 1 1 1 J Fremont 2 1 t 2 0-4 Earned runs: Kearney, ; Fremont, 2. Bases en bails; Olf W-nkoon. 4; off Holm barf. A. Tato-beae bits: Jarrott. Hotro lrg. Paglea, Claw. Struck out: By W-n-koop 7; by Holmberg, i. Left m basea: Kearney, k; Fremont. C. Tnree-baae bit-. Jarrott. Hit by pitched ball: By Holm berg. 1- Time; l:4u. Umpire: Garrett. V mU.u Emn Are tewtlr. TORK. Neb, July 11. (Special Tele gram.i Tork lost te Hastings today in a slow game. Five pitchers ere used and the hits were plenty. Tork's errors were oostly. while Hastings played an errorlees gajne. e s thumb was injured by a Xuul tip in the alxth and be was farced to re tire. Score: HAST WU&. TORK. As M.O.A.E V W I OAX Wsuna. 3a.. I ill BTt. rf....4 l rnnu, a. I 1 1 I (Smith. lb..A till ftnaurr. 4.. I! ! I I HenniMW. II 4 I 1 Katx. lb 4 til Hn. c!....4 1444 mote. lb. .-A 1 1 ruytib. lb...- 11 O 1 lea. r!. t I liio. m I 11 IWeilr. tt-c t I Ilerllns, Bb. . I J Klttts. U... i 1 Copjl. -.. Ill Oh, c t I Tmfmaa. Bill. Wllkiaa, p..,4 1 4 J t Sbonar. a X 4 1 J -K.ilJ Oitb, 1 Tvuus. . ..17 31 27 IA 1 Totals U 11 XI M iiatted for Darling 4n the ninth. Hastings , J 2 4j e 1-4 TorkT- -2 v2l Home runs: Bromley, Smith, Watsun, Coppie. Twe-base hits: bromley. Dtoe Bases on balls: Off Timmersman. 1; off Wilkin. 4; off Hill. L Struck out: By Wilkma, ; by Sboner, 1; by Orth, X. Tmubie llav: luce to Smith tn Psyne. Hit br pitched bail: Darling, Kling Furt man. Time: 1JU. Umpire: Edgara Anderson to Come to Defend His Title Country ii liiiij TJp t the Eif Clay Court Teuiii Tourutr T&eut The management rf the National Clay Court Tetmls tournament which is sched uled tar the Field club courts early in August. Is removed from tbe doldrums, and tbe causa of tbe removal is nothing less than tbe Information which arrived by Thursday morning" mail that F. G. An derson will bs aa hand to wield his racket ia defense of the doubles title, previous report te the contrary notwithstanding. Anderson acquired tha title last year along with Waiter T. Hayes, the Chicago crack, and the letter ef Thursday cam from Mr. Have himself. He assures tb management that alxbourh Anderson's business engagements will prevent Tnetr ,.i.. t. ih. riikan tuumeri" east a tt Five BeAeer liil Ceiadtalteea, Wae Try at Xre rihkf tt wllTtajTe considerably more thaa mere d.y tiirht. Several Important measure, business engagements te keep tb twaia a-er take, up by th. "ecutlv commtt away from tJtnah.v tee, which will have a great deal ef eTrt Along with the . inlormatio. anent oa the bowling for the "f Aadersoa . plajmg. there arrived a werlt- Chief among tbe rules adored wtiichwil! able eelug f en tries from mea who are J hold doss the high scores was that m expert racqurters and whs wiU add class I abo'ishing ths loaded or dope hall, te already clary field Among the which is ted by Pearly all famous bowl is Charles Foley of KaB Franclsoo. a-ba. era. i 1 .k. tnrfie raaat Another rui which was adopted, ana i. double m 1M, and was ta the fma.. this I rear with Sumner Hard, , the pair losing Uo Fiuafly and McLaugtOia m a hard fought !.. . Tb. weu knowa MeQuieto. brother, of V, Vleok, Tex will alee cum te Omaha, Harvey Mcuunrtoa is noiorr ex toe ju-aait- ... ..... hamnlmtsrrtn. while Paul It wea tbe a-ulf stales bolters at New Orleans last pear. The twe will p'ay ttether la doubles and ebon 14 tuake th pair almost unheal able. Jae Armstrong nf St. Paul, tmanv piua ef Mmaeeta and wertera imerool leglate champion has also entered, aa has Joiia Adams, ruaner-us ia the Minwesnta tourtiamtatt. and H is aware thaa likely that the twe wiU play together Is doutuea. B caw AthartAe I aatl . Julia Hoi as baa beea emplot ed 4y th Tel Jed suaut aa physice-i culture ttirentu ivt tn Ixtys' and gtrui rlasaes of tnubt and r-oi-t h timtha He arrives in tmaba lautt Thursday, wnai here truss Boltenua. ber b baa beea emilived ta ttils liua til aura lur a numb of laarc. Asbtly a Twa Ml v Is lean that tb euro way ts tore a eoVgh tar cold As wrta Dr. Kiag's New Diacevery. tec and ma Far aai by assies Drug Ca. CUBS FAIL TOMD BIG LEAD Brooalja Taxci Vj1 &UDC by Score f Six to TiTe. LLVL5 1'IIVK KKS ULE ErTLOTED I see I y Hit by Teeler W Iwaiaa Baa la Hilt IUM-b ef Three fblres Ileht rs as Wild. BROOKLTN, July II Brooklyn took an uphill gam from Chicago today, a timely hit by Teoley sending ever tbe whining rue ia the ninth. Seven pitcher were used. Each ef the three Chicago pitchers was wild. Score: BB.O08tl.TJC CHJOAOO ABB O A K UI D.1I Parch, nt ...4 I t Bhectwra, It., t 1 1 3 Iiaufcert, lb.. 4 I 4 1 hott. rf . . 4 1 3 Wbiet. B I 1 Hnftmtn- lb . t 1 11 Mutrael, tb. till M Em an. Ib 4 1 1 4 (WMS, Tt.. 4 4 I !"-!. Ib I 1 1 I 1 Tnrler. as... I 1 t 1 1 Tinker, . I 1 t I C B EtitTaa. Ib I I I OnMM. cf.... 4 I t k-vin. c I 11 ItnMt. e I 1 i Smalea, 1 1 Or) p Beit. I t Tiirhm. 1 "Txr 1 km p 1 B-henB. p 1 1 Tm-rttmmt .. Tvtsa U" U 1 rber. ... Tmals JD t n t "Twe out when winning run was scored. Batted for Bell in fourth. Batted for Scbardt in eighth. Chicago . 1 I 1 a a a Brooklyn 1 1 I 1 left on bases: Chicago, 9: Brooklvn. H. Two-base hita Dauhert. Erwin. Three haee hits: H. Zimmerman, Doyle. Secrt fioe f lira: Dauben, Iavidaon. Sacrifice hits: Sheckard, Cole. Stolen base: Goode. Ioul.le plays: . Zimmerman to Hummel te Iiaubert, Brwia te Hummel, Schulte to Doyle. Base on balls: Off Scanlon, J; off Hchardt. 2; off Cole. ; off Kichie. 2; oK Brown, L Struck out: Bv Snanlnn. 1 : by Srhardt, I; by Bucker. I; by Cole. by Richie.. 2. Hit bv pitched hall: H. Zimmerman, by Srhardt. Hits: Off Scan lon. t in three and a third Innlrir. off Sr-hardt, I in four innings; off Rirtiie. 4 tn three and a third inning. Umpires: Idem and Brennaa. Caurwlaala Pweed atalL , BOFTON, Jury 11 St. Louis hit tbe ban hard during the early mnrngs and defeated Boston. Lrrors by Tenner and Sweeney in the third, followed by Konetchy's home run, betted three tallica. ' Score: FT. um BOSTOfN ttHO.it uin.it Dncrlns. lb. 4 14 1 Snniisj. 3b. 41241' Hiiwr. .. 1 1 4 Tense;, la.. 4 II 1 El II.. K A S Harms. . .. 114 4 4 KmMoBT. lkl in I Him. it... 4 1 1 4 Kam. it ... I 11 killer, rt .. . I 11 ittanmr. lb.. 4 11 InserUnt, Ib. t 4 Oak. ef....4 11 (kilns, a. 4 lit PrwMbaa, a 4 1 I 4 I rwberty, tt. I I I I 1 Btaeta, 4 21 . s... 1 X 0 Metiers, p.--X 1 Tnti SI 11 37 XI I Bpmtt Tatals n 17 11 1 Batted for Mat tern tn the ninth. Boston ., nlSSflll 3 St Louia. 14114440 1 I Two-base bits: Ellis. Inrerton. Three base hits- Hersog, Konetchy. Home runs: Konrtchy, Breenahan. Hersot Wits: Off Wesver. 7 in lour inning: off Msrtern. 4 ir r r t Innlnra VI i ! Imm n ball OCf Strui out: By Wesver, 2; by Sttele. 2; by BtatterB, 1. Time, 2:12. Umpires: Johnstone and Eaeon. PfelUbne ftesrc la If lath. PHTLADKLPTTIA. July 13 Keefe's wlld ness enabled Philadelphia to score the only run -of the game -ith Cincinnati. Score: PHILAIELrHlA. " CIJSC3KKTI. AB.B.0.A.B. il.10.it lata, lb ... I 4X1 Pieibai. tf. I 1 1 T-l I, at.. I t 1 BeM. nf 4 1X44 Lolam, lb... 4 4 4 1 Muhltnel. lb 4 111 4 WsMti. it ...4 I aUlsbeu, Tt.. 4 1 - LsHotm, lb.. 4 11 tans. m.. 4 1111 Thw . If . I I 1 I Umm. lb X 1 1 4 1 Iiodio, c - 144 I .mm: lb 14X1 Imola. c ... I m XAclMaa. c 4 I X ateote. X lab, 4 4 4 X4 Tstala a 4 27 II Totals Jl T24 14 Twe out when whin In r run was made. Cincinnati Philadelphia aeeeel 1 Twe-base hits: HoblitseL Downey. Struck out: By Keefe. 2; by Moore, k First base on balls: OCT Keefe. 4.; eff Idoore, i Time: 2:00. Umpires: Frary and O Day. tVAaata BAat Wap e Vlrterr- NEW TORK", July 33. Leifield made a failure of trying to hold the New Yorks today and the locals ran away from Pitts burg. Leifield was batted out in tlie fifth. Clark did some hard hitting for the visitoa. IdcGraw was baniaiied by Fa nexan for dlxpntmg decisions. Score: Ant TCihiL. PITTfiPl Kfl. nunr. Ab M.O.A.E. TH...I. tf 4 l e I Drme. lb till Imvlt. lb... I X A 1 lUut. ol..- 1 Un.utwMaa f M S ft 4 ClArkC. Jl A 4 1 U 1. rl II B UM. W...4 X X hJrkle. lb 4 X A 4 Sillier. S.... 4 I X Bnaw.llf at.. 4 X 4 1 Hunter, lb I 1 It Fmrmt, at.. A I f X 1 ci. w llem. it 4 1 S Kverm 4 II Olbwm. e.... X 1 1 A Wlawa, c I 1 'mpbell .. Ximcka, ..-. 1141 Simon, c-.... 1114V ttfwIA. .! 1 Totals.. . II 37 I Cardaet, p.- X I Totals- a 14 24 12 1 Batted for Gibson in the sixth. New Terk 1 Pittsburg 1 2 14 Bases on errors. Pittsburg, 2. Left on bases: Pittsburg, 31; New Tork. 10 Basse on balls: Off Leifield. 4; off Gardner, 4; off Itrucke. 4. Struck out. By Gardner. I- by Iruoke ,- . Home runs: Doyle, Myers. Tiiree-baee hits: Clarke. Devore, Bnodgress. Two-Lane hltsT Clarke, Byrne. Sacrifice hits: Murray, BridweU. Stolen 'ii.na Clarke, Hunter 2). Doyle. Murray. rouule plav: Bridwell to Doyle Passed ball: Mvers. Wild pitches: leifield. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Leifield. Fletcher. Hits: Off Leifield. 1 ia four and tws thlrde innings: off Gardner. X m three and one-third tnninea. Time: 2:ft. tmpire. Rigler and Finneran. KEW BOWUNG RULES ADOPTED treea CU BlUAe' Wterre ale Me with Boeb m' EcstlT Csaaealttea. 'BiUie" Webber, well known la local bowling circles, returned Wedneaday from Chicago, where be has been attending th meeting ef the executive commltte of the American Bowling oongreea Webber and hi friend were guests of Ctmrtes Co nUskey at a box party at a Sot-Boat on game. Cnmtskev. aa president of the Amerioaa Brra-ling oongreaa. took an active part In , tht two-day meeting which closed Which grew eut d o:n. - existed hetweea tbe Amerce, i congress and tbe Brewed Malts ia wttt ICJtv at tbe tournament last pear ax ! Leubv wa. that allowing e -ubsti- j rules t bowl at a " ine n . ( ea tb congress ts tn aca.unmB i bowler from ever howling at a natmnal tournament. BTDCKBOTT ABB 1CU4L TIB TBtArty-SIa Hsaee Ftaresl ta Me4rspslA taa 4pea Cavaeapiaaehip. ENGLEWOOD. N. J, July 1S.-J. J. Me twrmott. aauoital golf champion, and jiI bert NK-hola of Wlimingten, last., tied tor th head at tr end ot tbe first thu-t-ais boles at Ih Metrepolitaa Oetf asaiKuaUoa opea elieaipamaii! ettn acmes 4f i4 at te EngiewstKl Country ciuh today The yeutic champioa cams te the lure ia the ar"emeoa with a 4 Tbe prise lortn le4 eig Kreen -iel eoor went te wald htrby. th Enrlewood errjtteur. wits made b aia h eet-oud round. His total 4 14A tor tbe tturtr-eix botes t larrt him ea avrt ferns with Jamee ot tt Phlisnelphia Country ciua. Poraimant Aavertismg A the aLaad ta Big G3BB SCOES IH TEE NINTH AtlJftici Lone te Tirm for Tkird SuccesiiTt Time. EIGHT TO blVLS IS ITKAL SCCILE Cwbh Wets alr Twcluirt at tbe ftst Movers st. fAei di eed La rttee Clsrsi Stria e Twe DETROIT, July 11. Cobb scored from first oa Delehaaty s alngl ta th ninth and thla run gave Detroit its third su ores si v victory ever Philadelphia. Score: PKTROrT PHKAXHOL.PVIla. ABH 0.A.C AB M. OA C Jotm. tt All lor ft A 1 I Pnan. e..... 4 4 X tlrln, of... 4 X X I Cans of I I Strana. if. X X wmr. rf 4 1 I num. Ib ... 4 111 Irt wtr. l It! lmT ib...l 1 Mimartj. lb X t I blwrvhr. lb.. 111 f Laary, Xb.. I X 1 Ihtth. at 4 14 1 Btanaa, e X I X I 4 Tbna, I Ulltn, .... lilt brnol, ... 4411 fiomnm, p.. Pender, p.... sobmidt ....1 TnbS B T It 1 Totals II 12 17 14 I One out when winning run scored. Hatted for Lsuitte in eighth. Philadelphia 1 1 1 4 Detroit . 1 4 2 1 i Two-base bit: Cobb. Hits: Off Mor gan, ft in seven and orient hird tn nings; off Bender, 1 tn one inning; off le.fi tie, 7 in eight innings. Struck out: By Morgan. 2. by Bender. 2, by lafttte, 2. Bases on bslls: Off Morgan. 7; off Lafitte, b. I'imt: 2:3S. Umpires: ltneen and Per rtne. Sea Leee Pltehere Battle. CHICAGO. July IS In a pitchers' battle between Waleh and Collins Boston de feated Chioago today. 2 it 1 A double, triple and a single gsve Boston its scores. Tws hits, a saenfloe and an out gave Chi cago one run. score: pormv. Chicago AS H O S E Afi.a.P.A .C Simimt. rt -.. 4 X Wrlntrra. rt. 4 1 t (tarener, lb . 4 41 4 Iw shorty, R4 Bpamkw, ol .i 4 4 4 Callahan, ot. 4 1 !. It 14 4 Bndta. Jh.... 4 1 Trk. aa. ..I 1 Bniaar. lb... 4 12 1 Xncte. Xb.... 4 II 1 Taantihlli. Xb 1 4 1 l"arrisan. e .X 1 t Cn-han. a.l 1 1 Wllllaaaa. lb 1 1 IX 4 SullKaa, X 1 Collins, p X 1 Fbvaa. a Walat. p Total X I 37 It 1 Tmaia..... U A 37 17 ' Boston .....) 2 v Jl i Chicago s . e 1 a 1 Two-base hit: Xbiirle. Thrve-haae bit: Carrigan. Sacrifice bK. Sullivan. Left on bases: .Chicago. A; Boston. 4. Bases on balls: Off Walsh. 2. Hit by pitched ball: Collins, by Walsh. Btruck out : Bv Co! ling, 4: by Walsh. . Time: 1:4b. Umpires; Egan and Sheridaa. St. Lewlo Teasa aetltfa FT. LOUIS, July 31 The local team came to life today and won a game from New Tork. Score: FT. lont rrw TORK. ABR.O.A.E ABH.OAg Bhteten. til., i 2 1 rentals, nf . 1 t 1 1 Austin, lb... I 1 I ! Wnlter. A 1 4 1 S'wannr. rf . I X Hartsall, Ib. I 1 X Hatllnau. Xb 4 2 1 f raa. It X 1 Hnaun. B....I 1 Kntrht. aa... 1 1 Strnhenm. 4 X X Cheaa. lb ... X 1" 1 1 Otaa. lb 1 14 1 Maaner. 3h.. 1114 Wallaaa, am.- 1114 PwaaneT. c.. I I I 1 1 Pielaoa. ....! 14 1 IFrrt. r 1 X BTrmaett. 1 1 Totals a 2 17 II I Fuxsaral4 . 1 Tot la S A 24 11 4 St. Louis ell l 3 New Tork... . 0 0 1 1 Home run: Austin. Bases en halls: Off Brocket!, 2: by Nelson. A. Hits: Off Ford. 2 m four inning Time: 1 JL. Umpires: O'Loughlin and Connolly. Ssst abrfeat beaatwra. CLBTlELANT. O.. July 32. Cleveland again defeated Washington. Johnson waa lilt hard throughout, but the ei'ruia behind him in tbe fourth caused the loss of the game. Score: - 43LCVE1AJCP. WAKHrwrrrw; ABB.O A.K. AB B.O.A Oraarr. If 4 144 Milan, el 4 1 1 tUane, at 4 X I 1 fccnaeter, lb. 4 1 1 4 Jaeaana, rt.. 4X144 t.rrrwtf. t-Zb X I 4 1 Stovall, tb... 4 11 1 4 Oaaaler. rt... A 1X4 Blrsi-baat. of 4 14ft 4 Walker. IT... 4 I 44 nmn. f s 4 SJanHrMe, am.. 4 1X11 Turner, lb 4 114 4 Ctm'baav at I I 4 4 Platter. 4 X 4 4 4 Crone. 1 4 4 4 8 KraPS, .. 4 1 4 4 4 Brltr?. a 4 I labnoon. .-. 14 4 4 "312111 1 Xaitratt 1 4 4 4 Totals.. Total .M t 34 13 2 Batted for Cunningham ta the eighth. Cleveland .41 I I 1 1 M ) 7 W ashington 0 1 1 I ft 6 Twe-base hits: Jackson, Fisher. Milan. Three-base bits: Krapp. Jackson. Bases on balls: Off Krapp. 4; off Johnson, 1. Struck out. By Krapp, .; by Johceon. A. Time. !:. Umpires: Eani and Mullin. To Boost the Iowa Cross-State Highway Automoliiliste from All Conntiei from Clinton to Council Eluffi SLert in KaTiiAlltOWIL MAKSHAILTOWX, la.. July 13- I Spe cial At a meeting of automobile owners and good road enthusiasts held tn this city yesterday a permanent organisation if the Iowa Official Transcontinental Route as sociation was formed and the following officers were elected: President, W. G. Haskell. Cedar Tlapida; vice president, G. & Goodell. Tama: secretary, W. C- Rollins, and treasurer, W. F. Coan. Clinton. The following vice presidents, en for each count', were also chosen: Pottawattamie, O. B. Toa-ne, Council Bluffs; Harrison, Fred Eeabury, Logan; Crawford. Dr. R. M. Coon, Xtentaon; Greene, J. E. Moas, Scranton; Boone, a. G. Gold th wail. Boone; Story. William Fltrpatrlck, . Ne-ada; Mar ahall. George W. Darling, Marshalltowa; Linn, Georg Gibson, Cedar Rapida; Cedar. O. B. Hover, Clarence; Clinton, Fred Den nett, Clinton. DON LABOR TROTS A KILE IN FASTEST TIME OF YEAR tisane's Meaat Wlsie lill Trwt at lallaaapelit frees Al tea ley la St4)S 1-4V. INDIANAPOLIS, July 12-Following is the summary of tbe grand circuit races held at th local track today: First Tsoe. 2:11 pace, purse. $1 : Annte Laurie tDeani won. Twinkling Dan Mur pny second. Electro Hal i-inborn I tiiii-d. Three heats. Best tin: ilV Seoond race, 1-12 trot, purse IS.eu: Ant LeyburB tixwrtl won. Electric Todd ale Ixinaidi socund. Johrmr G. iLoomia) third. i Three beats. Best time: 2:0T ThU4 ru ? uaos. nurse 11.W4': V SrtoT i McMabon i rjet. "r. JZT "iOT,,r"Ti-v ' , - irot, puree. U,ot: Doa It., Klmiuii woo, Al Stanley Wl.ite- 4 k , Wili Ul I ," T fifth. Emboy .McCarthys d.stanmd 1 My taiTt ecrau:nen. j we nr. i ii:U,V (Best tin tronea tut seaaoa D1ETZ TEKKIS TOURNcY IS TO START ON SUNDAY Caaru Rave fAeea Flaea I f aat Ataey Ttrsea Are Etatettl la the Eeest The Diets club starts Its annual tennis loiiTT ntont Sunday asortimg at t. s'dleck, te cetionua every evening, aatur day afteraeoa aad Sunday until finished, Ths entry at this tournament A try far th largest in several years, there being about ft-t-three entries le data. There are quite a few (xsateaiAer for tb cbampisaasbtp ef tha club this year, namely. W. H. Platner. James W are. L. N. Plataer. F. J. E-ans and K-. D Evana. It As auhe likely that coai of the abuva ansa will play V. fi. SpriPmsa. the preatatt holder ef the club trr.atrjiintibliij cup. L C. BATS WAY TO VICTORY Wiatitr ritcitr MTalki rirrt Thr Xem i Tint OUYATH KAXZ5 L0JT5 EOKE SUX HI Will eed PTesser 4e4 Tse Btr4V.ee et Three Mea, " KANSAS CTTT. July 12-Th Mmneapoll pitcher were merfectlve agamst th Kan sas City batters todsy. ehile Poeell held th visitors te four hita His op bad in ning wa th first, when be walked the three first men to the plate. Ccavath' hem run was oh of th longest ever cured on these ground, clearing tb right center section of th fence. Kore: KANBAS CTTT hnKKKAPnU AB H.O.A X AB H O 4 K Barrwas, lb.. B 111 I Oae t... 4 411 Cammr. ct.. t X X mil. lb. I t 1 1. B .... A II tOvrath IT . I 1 I 1 Patt. rt 4 X 1 1 William. 2b 4 1 4 X B' mi ii in a. lil 1 IJ I t tnnu eT. 4 1 Cm niiea, aa I X 1 1 1 BTah. at I 1 1 I 4 beraa. lb . I X I r Fw-i. ib....4 4 P-Cenner. . I I 4 X Smith, e. 4 2 X 1 IL 41 tat a 1 1 m ULL, I 1 1 Totab Si M 31 14 I UnMU, p.,. 4 rweno 1 4 4 4 kllllMr .. I 4 4 4 4 Tatals It 4 14 11 I Ratted for Leverett tn the seventh. v Batted for Lmidell in the ninth. Kanssa City 1 lift I 1 IIIRniUB ...... .. .W WW, . 1' v w , Mome run: fravatn. i nree-nase nit: Gardner. Twe-base bits: Williams, O'Con nor. Struck out: By PtrselL 2; by IrftudeU. 1. Baees en balls: Off Cave, j; off Lev erett, I; off Loudell. 2; off Powell, k Hit: frrf csvet- 2 In one inning: off Leferett, 14 la five innings; off Loudell. I In t-e in nings Buses on errors: Minneapolis I; Kansas Cltv. Left on be res: Minne apolis. A; Kansas City. 4. Stolen bssea. Barbeau (II. Gill. RacrlOre hits: Gardner, Bower-men. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Bier halter and Handiboa. Lmtevtlbs Wlas at Lsust. LOTISTTLLE. July 12 After losing elrht straight games to Columbus the loulm ille lik Mav nrtwl 4ta etvt viollWT rtf tbe i season from the visitors. This was also Ieibhardt's first defeat ef the seseon on the road after pit chins seven winning con tosts. Cbenev wss effect! x-e in all ssv the sixth inning, when tbe leaders scored all their run. Hnghee" batting was tbe feature, be drivmr te three of the Iocs is" runs, with as many singles. Catcher "Tubby" Spencer, recently released by St. Paul, has been awarded by President Chrr ington ts Lnuievlile and is eit)iecled t report at tmoe for flutj . Soore: LOnBVrbLI. COWWBt'B AB HXi.A C AB.H.O A C Pfaar4. aa . 4 1 1 I O Rmrrfca. Xb 1 1 I Bttlawttt. Ib 4 t X 4 Rt'etrman, If I 1 1 1'laber. If ... X ClmsaiutB. rt 4 1 1 Haoan. rf .. X limns. Jh... 4 I I I Orl ahav. lb t 1 11 Pe-nna. Ih .l 4 11 StanatwT. Bb I Mahlln. aa . 4 tilt Stanler. ef. . I 1 1 I (nmll, ct... 4 4 Hushes, e... I It Walah. r 4 1 I Cbaney. p... . X 4 X ft lelhbsrdt, p. 4 X 4 X 4 Ttnaht X 27 11 Tatals C 3 94 M 4 Louisville 1 1 4 Columbus .... dee 2 a Stolen bases: Stanley, Hughes. Twe-base hits: Leibhardt. Fisher. Three-base hits: Hulswrrt. Ortmshsw. Sscrifice hits: Hlnch mtn. Cheney, Stansburt. Double pls-s: iKtwns te Mahlmg, Howard to Hulswrrt te Grimshsw. Struck ut: Bj- Chenej-. : by ljeibhardt. t First base en balls: Off Cheney. 2; off Leibhardt, 8. Pasend ball: Hughes. Time: 1:46. Umpires. Ferguson and Hayes. Toledo 1 Aeterteae la Teeth. TOLEUO. O.. July IT Toledo took the game from Indianapolis after ten innings. The locals tied the soore in tbe eighth. Be ore: TOLT.no. . INDIAN APOlyf AB.a.OA K AB H.O.A. g Nllaa. Sb.... 4 A A HnTtman. St. I 1 X Majo er. -rt4 3 1 WoaSruft. It. 4 11 Ha ak'pjt. lb I 14 1 1 KalUoaa. Tt. 4 1 X 4 Huma. It.... X PI I I liraaer. tb...' 4 114 Fliok. rf 14 114 era, lb 4 4 A Brankta, Sb.. I I I I Rltur. 4 1 t 1 I Iionohuc, .. X 4 4 4 I Wlliausa. 3b. 3 411 Oknaeb. e.. X X 4 1 IMnn. at. 114 4 Muuat. as.... 4 14 4 I Btlbb. 4 1 3 4 Jamaa, p 11414 Htokstan ..1 1 4 4 4 TotaJS B 414 XI Fwna. of.. 1 1 T incline ...! Tatals... -.14 IBll I One out when winning run was tnnae. , "Batted for Flick in the eighth. Ban for Hickman In the eighth. Toledo 12 Indianapolis letev : Two-base hits: Nile. Carisch. Butler. Hickman. Three-boss hit: Hitter. Baees oa halts: Off Webb. 2; erf Jsroes, 2. Struck out- By Webb, 6; by J a mea, 4. Time: 1:4a. Umpires. Owens and Ed dinger. Agv-d Caster Maa Dead. EROKEN BOW, Neb... July 32. Special Telegram.) James Willie of the McKiiiley neighborhood, died last night, his son find ing the body when ths father failed f re spond to a call for breakfast. The twe were living alone, Mra. Willis having died a year ago. Funeral sen-toes mill be held Tbursdcy at the home. Burial will be th the cemetery bete. Four children, among them . E. Wlmmer, editor of tb Corn stock Nea s. live in the county. Deceased was past 7ft years. Death was due to apo plexy. nun THE Laundry B&g saj-s: lt' fun to peck at col lars going through the laundry stunts. Some lookg lad and some lock sad very sad. I can always pick out the Corliss-Coon kind in a jiffy. They're the glad ones. They can make more trips to the laun dry than any others I know ot Try them." n BaffBBaAVAffATafaBVBWAawaaVaw 1 Bn BBaa ..shassw- jr oawawawjsssssssss-- r A TRIUMPH IH THE ART OF EREW1HG I THEU.OIAJG EE EE raoatlty TrstdW hastaiarti . LVaaa. IMaart. 1ieaee M sbsls taatn laaVj ss ffrail B-ltVL TOMMY EORN TAKES 2:15 HOT Gfldinf Slept TLrre Tart Kilt, iiisg- ia Etxt-irtt Efntt. 11 ?AC K TO LOU CEXETTE Mare Beata Pvtsaee aa Heerr F Stepptaa rteet Mile la til A e SI baa Cep4ers 4rea Tret la blew Tlsse. WEST POINT. Neb., July IS Special TelegramACxaaha day was made unieu by the largest attendance ef tb seaeoa at a rare meeting la this clrrult. Tb grand stand was too small t held the crowd. Starter Bonia ef Fremeat gave tm ef hi characteristle speeches, whitb hit the test of tb crowd eiartly. He eulerlsea Anton I'sota. tbe guardian angel of th local rar course, tbe on te whom la greatest measure 1 due the euneen of this Sear's meet. Over ISi visitors from Omaha arrived thla morning and helped te re II eta tbe monot ony. Pollns'lng hi th summary: Trotting. 2:11 rlee. puree eB Tommy Hern, b g., by Otto Wilkes. Ill The Legislator 14 1 Freddie C . 14 4 Belle Tolu 4 12 Louise ................. Ill lr Charles K. Cole 14 1 Time. 2;1HV. 1:14. 2:U- Pacing. 1:21' class, puree t44: C. R. O.. b g.. by IKiTOtun HOT 1 1 1 Helen Whitman.. 2 2 2 Harry K. Thaw fc:llT H ...2 11 ... 4 Time. 2:. 33V 2:2T. Trotting, I:S elasa. pure t4t: Ben BIims, br. g by Ubert Ryaa.. Ill Oma F 2 2 2 Hun Totus 4 14 Banda Boss 14s Time. 1.2. I.TTV. 2.3a. Pacing. 1. 11 class, purse 4I: Los Christie, h. tn.. by Doctor L. ... ft 1 1 Primus t 2 2 Homer F . Ill Time. 2:32, 2:11. 11 A special feature ef this tneetlng was a twe mile automobile race. Higgins to Sell His Team to the Buyer NamedbyT. O'Neill Xany Weuld-Ee Purciiam Are 5ew in Omnia to DeJ with Kr. HifeTrillA. la order that there win he harmony among tbe e-ners of th various team ia th Western league, John Higgins. owner of the Des Moines tram. Thursday afternoon stated that he -ill leave whs shall be the purchaser of his franchise in the hands ef Tip O'Neill, and that he will sell hi team te tbe man named by the president of the IA esters league. W. M. Huttetilucker. who was reported by a Des Moines paper te have purchased tbe team, was la Omaha Thursday to ae Higgina, hut no conclusion wa reached ia aa interview with Mr. Higgins. who said be did not car 1 whom be aold th team, as long as it was approved by tbe president of tbe league aad the board. Twe Des Moines business men weie Bios la the city on Thursday with a view of getting la the plum, hut Higgins cut them short with caustic remarks about not wanting ts sell his team. NEW UMPIRES AND PLAYERS Wester Lee awe Aiets Twe leateater 24MAere frees Defsset asssat PUEBLO. Coin.. July 33 Frank label, manager of tbe Pueble cluh. ha purchased five new player from tbe Kansas State league which, it is understood, disbanded today. The players are Pitchers Maple ef Great bend and Laganeur and Routt of Mo-Fbcrsoa.- and Outfielder Rochtoid and la flelder FaTkenberg of Great Bend. Ail of the new mm are eAiwcted tureiort here to morrow. ' Presiuent O'Neill will introduce two new umpires today, ha vine eecured Knapp aad Weaver from the -defunct Central Ksnsss league. Knapp will make hat Western league debut at Tueka and Weaver at St. Joseph. ISsitroes for Cits T Entries are coming in last for the city tenuis tournament. About forty have- en tered bo tar and It is expected that that many more will band in their semes belore Friday night, when all entries must bs a This year s tournament will b larger thaa Uiose held in previous years. Ijrobalply the most ! i popular stvle cvr a' " a Y m I designed. 4:in. front is the same style, but lower in front -2in.. BWffTBBaaaajaB ajaajt Corliss-CoDrf Hand nm Made AjlLZii& CfrliaB.Cx V Cv Mkera. it taastAABWaarasM2a2saBaJ