Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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rnn bee ' (jmatta, TnrRso'AY, .ttly'i.v $.
U"J t 1 fe-'-J- i-t-Jx. -
a z, i n e
Fair Yomen of the White Housed
!l.iww wgggsa
P a if e
When lUlaJrd..'Ulro,..yica prsl-'
Htnt,.VM.flli4-tw tlit death of. President
Tdyfit,n-4m 'tRe nflwi-of - Mf hkuU,
hi wife, AbUraM Rawer FHImor. became
th mletrwt 'tt'VVhlt Mnuaa. Whan
h first mC'M.-'Fllritor.h.-wa . cloth-.
Ir' irPrmlc--r4. during th wlptar
montR -Wlier 'tn'fc New- York, lilac
MhonL' , 'ln.-'W --:-.-:, .., .
Their arly".-married , dwy wr,pept In
Erie' reunty,"whlo:h'r-w'.t'''4jiat tlm .a
! wllderlteaa :olr' ths frontier .I In - a am a 11
' hour Tjullt by Mn' ltilmort t "own. bands,
j Ha had now become a-lawyer, and In Ws
, wife ha fnunVaqti)tclle;tual helpmate, wjio
I : cneerea ana. inepireq cm in mow rany
i dyBv While af,tacce Vy lh continued
her school. teacblP sv.,,'7
It was pt nyr October following
"f? ir.f'1 Taylor's,, geat,h tyiaV Mrs. 'Fillmore
'wm aiU tp leays per. JimV Vh Buffalo and
' Join her buabariCJn he"Whft',Hou. "Her
rnuig t .yerj; . animate, ana aunougn n
appeared at jjlfopnajf 'luiicttbris In 'her
hoin whenever, jof k?b ith shrank from
publ(a beer-axlon..'rt(i.iyft 'to a youthful"
and daurWle'f tlia diftlea devolving
upon her. " f ' " 1
A treat want which Mra. Fillmore Telt
In the execuVrVB'wanaoiwa. library.
Mr. ' nnntore'Moardancly- asked-. and - re
ceived froas j- Bgra--n : Appropriation
and selected 'a'nselaebWa-illbras.i' which .waa.
lnetallied"-1nv rrm-itar the. second- floor,
e.-WJ ,rrT
".".! i,.- ,,,., . . . .
liwarrletf antwmntngr)e-ialiamMa tka ,cllbata4
, atat,Tir,frlewd1rktar!t' amaaement
and the 'wirKT 'HWiftiWhciy-eaaHta: -why?.
! Peaa aha real l$f e?er ' a!nglabdt -M
tha Joy
'B and Jart ot dometWtjritx l'a
Jn'thkt,aha ftfii h lehty; f
; aelf-avld
Chance fo wealhe"iha.trlrrftnlal ahaeklaay
but A ataadfast fefuia tdfloM Indicate a-J
j parfeot "Watu'faclfon Vita h(f present mod'
i of lft." -: ..
i Pwhap tnVreal YeaaArawhv wanj'-Iair
Tnd other wUe-womM ma1M -Told maid,"'
baehelbr' girl." br Vfiatater.rroU' prefer
1 to call them, ) teyar not o much
enamored of nifornd"pca tVaT Oi right
, man, never. earnV ilqi'g Irf eeh rnati' who
propoed..'ihej'V,aW 'm'? fault' fwHkh(
thoua'h .alluhr at the time. ''Woufd hay
growa,lnt, i ubearaMa hiigbear.' ' the;l
knew. Jf (ter nafeaiary 'to 'meet th !
ma.avlvery 'd,.,;:J ''l ' ' ' n
Woaumla .Intuition, or thVfaculfy of dTa-'
repnlng character alrnpej' at Ja gtKnca, ha
n ine paaia or many reiuaai. ji coura
tliere are maay wtfrlm-twh da-,not ,car to
axerMse Hhein tntIUn H the.choloa of A
huHbandi'Or: thay ook4jWth Alalproy
ant ya upouHieke adflalrerevaw.few narr
, liagea woohlwvaT taua pjaca
They.- loaa natc ya.HO . ttta faults and
; take a ahaire bt HjaJaUf tkf tufun, vvr, or
i e( murrrlrKr ttte4r wBHPpltt for Pi. reJ
, of eilateaoa, vfij-nmtKi ti t
Oner'w.iiiii Maai'N(MittnMd'v-statw . of
alngla tadrLnWkaafl. AOftOnlgma, to,
her friend, -aayai-i'l l- .
"Th first propo Ioraofvd waa from a
, man who anwerede tart tho- daaorlptlom- of
the averwafcjrla1a,;i,j;haj.ll., was neither
, - Jg.r tr-:. , .
; . 1 , , , , ,, n I,, , i , ,
V.v.t. t e-fiar, i -LerrtencyMrri
Judgroamt(-4 vomta' fk
lona -wHtlbaveWldaly-manifest rwhethe
.mystery of their.aeigln -la sawaled, svrltea
Theodora Bean, In the New Tork Telegram.
Borne meif'tn'i'Yoom Vn"Plfth"Avriue' are
VmempeT? "6f"he tavtloftl Lad lea Tailor'
aJId DremaVrV kVsolauVn aba they are
I holdlpi;' "fVj!dnrreiw;" ;-' '
Hush. ' not a' irord", ' not 'ai r4ei to rh
i outa(da Vp'rT4 .''iJdftrtA irom- Pari ' are
i hovarfpg 'neaV.VrWoYofYhaten"
and their acceoYlertraWi)l Wt 'Hhera trf
the Hue de'la' Pa3jc'ani Velf them 'ai' c'r4--
; bang ie.cyak p .; ..
The tailors approacuea tne meeting room
. .. . . i. v.".. - &nAmw' .. n
I cuifuiuirmt' i'rS "rHM ""
they -ttifce Ift.W 1!TViy giv
the sign jpwjAg hereby ytejrare' sworn
to protect tb American woman a fashion
able future; -.-
Thfcy'Vemovsd'thMr toptoaU and smoked
glasses, chatted'' fnetr'rnbber and fanned
tbelr5 tialftty VoluttecT 'beardrd faces with
rW:are'aAPUnamaa; -.
"AVVwi alonef aAed a man.'
'Turn'npe'flgit8i-td'''mltter U It I
not we "muxt e sufe only our member
ar jp."reent'Tane4' anatheri '"'
Th man With (tie longest' whiskers aaked
to step out Into th corridor; pleka.
Aren't you waiter If. Bartholomew V
I asked.. 'The national secretary."'
N.f. W.loUd.;V'rg'V" iW 1 a
secret oonierenc; w wm let you Know
the raault."" ' - .' .
"Wnenfi'M t-i- .
0y,BeptmV,'''!Wy.- if wa- permit
ot4 nerbf ;fntormaaen to' eacap before
that"Umeirodf'w;oi, thevproduct bf our
brain. "wflTB' etrflclted:, -
"I your imr V HeStroy Paris faahlons
la 'ttrta- ;',eonpracV'"kB:anst,t,rancr
The" man ehlfid tnV beard' returned to
the room' ai ' rekipar4 with ' the pres
ident. amA"h.' "Blftfiia. ' - -
Mrl' TJlalne'uitd ljwr "anlf Sribrant' tone.
eipla(nlng purpose waa hb to destroy
Paris stytearout to improve upon them.
Another came' forward. Ua waa JrU J.
Hlckaon, and than a third. A. M. Orean.
.".'' I't'nnfir.' H
tf .4; t -Vl." .'it-.
mf WIN ':
il 1'. iivl SMI
m n(. i ' -"'
4 Ill's t ro- i:
(n 'of ." 'I-'.-
.'if ' .-vfrT. k
v'- '! y ')
I a- I-V "w. I j' t
i r cl,V;i' .. "J t
fCtt '" ' v '"
Th kwsllrwtt
r,.'-,t 1
l.ii 1. r
which.. la today one "of the' pwat 'aitfacHW
WhMI Mr. Fillmora'a averra acptrad M
wife, looked forward to a hatD 'rtftre-
ment.' .Hr drea m . waa hp .to 4a, realiedr
She' took a aev'erei eold -tn th:, dayvof
treriaeht Plerce'e lnauairnqfl,'kna' 'flfed
at Wtllard;a,.hptel .ln VVafhUigJtao.ol.ha
Ma Of 'Maroh.- Washington irvin atatad
that "ntia receive her deatk wtaiYtiTn) wWH
atandj'ng bt .hla( a,ld. thiVcoia': rnajhl.i
terrao of the , capltol ,'UeterUafi,.to, the
Inauvural addreaa of Mr- Fillmore' a
(C(iyilb ': bjt th'v 5 tiiexel4,,e.J
teri of fact -He waa not'flte. WBr-'
really stupid? Ha waa H'-W)rf VMi wnuM
(ommenpiac route, never aapfcrlna;fbtna
hclKhrk por Xnklng to tne epMffetef ?l4
and Imagination. My IntuHlqn .iif;mJ iiift
if .1 accepted him' I should bat'dconwd.'-to
long year of humdrum xlirfW'1nw'Mfb,
he would become more. h& Vorjllift 'in' hi
hway and more, ayere o reeeivlng freel)
iruma, more ana more i cenUCa rna,t,' l
should be grateful to him for selecting ma
to ' be ihia '. ' 6-coura -'Jf.lfMjpedtJila
"The next man -who ask4 1o.)d marry
him waa the poasessor of Temperament.' I
knew the marriage ceremony often changed
thla. I fasclaaring . traltoiitwtoCfthaCOteaa
fascinating, one -of tempex. arul p .1 re
fused to become a atave to h,ts a Hie tie gifts.
"Another man wanted tb'nould me,' but
as ir .hougtftmy iharacter Va wufffcte'nfty
welf formed already X decllflad it try ,
experlment'.';To a 'wwrnahbrkriy' spirit Vlfls
rhOul'dlng' proces wobld' ihnly-ava' been
the name for a perpetual erferdf dlseSrf',
or else a married life choked with the
emolderlng fire 'of dlscArltent and sttppfes
ion. " ' -;
"The man who practiced rnifl eeono'mlea
during 'Ma cburtahlp 1 declined Wffhout a
regret. "Carried life with V mfi'eT Is" the
moa traglr fate of atl.'' u " ' ''.'
. .."My'frlenda -wU3 Vre Carried"' naVJr ftften
iha'mort n Ufepve t do
not regret my faculty for looking lnfo.'th
future ahd ieelng' men not a they are but
as uiey, wui do several yeara
. i ., r i i . .. ,. -1 . ... !
.2 u.
"If you. will go away now aiaTaaynoth
Ing of what you have beard and suspected
here, then In the mlddl. tf Ajuguyt Xprome
Is you. on my word ii a'tallor and' a-
gentiemaa, ' t win ehowytrtr- aBmy e
model. Wa axe, the'JueeaaC w muet
nBten.toutha..spkaamAoa. aH .tafli-ciUea
repreaented,' rtrnlerfl TJri iffliiesia n-
"Sklrta will no so-akortaatats mm
b' twemy-aia -Inches, "'.bagaai'Mr BtaJw.
"You mustn't say so much," cut la Mr
Qrean. rW haven't 'dae1ded4rk'C :Vt
Have yoo decked tO"d awatyHrtfh H
Personally,' I bave.'aad"I -arh Wreaa a
petiUon algned 'by' all -tie eleVlry'.rta1 wtitl
ai other, aaklng th aAortsilbtf to" destroy
ita influence 'or at naaJfrnagufe' 'lt'
. "Do you thmk' thla : could be?,lcc5om-
pttstied by having "algljt '"hr "Xu roy:ot
ruff lea stitched at 'th bofto'm of a akjrt,
ail' wired, of course,' d 'as not to interfere
or Intrude .upon., IheTpuJUne, sdentibr,
oi xne asaiea" . ,
-Pcalbly.- .saJd l..., .,; '
! 1 1 i l II "e u r-v
Om i .tba petotoa.
"What mad you mutilate, thla, handsome
new bookT" ' asked the ohvtciaoa wife.
"The first thing yoa d!4 vu toottt, out
a portion of it and throw It away..
"Excuse me, my dear." waa the regret
ful aos war. .'.'It . waa jprafesjaqnaii tnattnot,
The poctloa you refer ta waa labeled : p-
pecdlx.' " Waahlnglon ataav erv '
Had a naplyV-.-""-
. New .Mlnlater Now- Just on thing aaore.
before I- aocept ahta harga.Have ejoingot.
a "upplyr
Deacon Well, yea; though w never said
anything to the last "preacher about it. I'U
how you where it r,' and get yea a Key,
but ' I tel! you you'll 'nse W;b Just;
carefuj, abojui.jialng it jai tha xest i u,
.rat WatlaaJ.,r r. m ...
rirat.toall Bor-Wd beitar- good."'
Bocond mJl Boy WTIyT "
' First : enuUl" Boy I . aaro: doctor
motaer . ta.4aJi a plenty of - eaeetee....Wom
ana Home Companion. v
. -. . '.1 . :ir..-v .'' -T v".K-
, ' !'
:-Trotibl6.m;the 'Border
- ' .. . I
: i- '. r., ......
" . i --CI'' . "! V. - tJjt ' '
""f rriwf,s I 1' tf Wl I
mm- ten mm:
, TW 1 aa V 'i :i i . 1 T BB
s: jl' ' .1.. ;, "..1 -1 .' v .- i-.'..
Uagi highawt, hejf stoat
tiniTf. wtt-tt
i oKV WMAT 1
1 6IT, CH0C1ATE."
AH rifE 10ST PlM
7 '
loretta's Looking
i .
. There la a letter here on. my desk that
would make any woman . grind her teeth
with rage, and any fair-minded man hunt
up a buy 'whip. ItU from the wife of a
bad provider.
I cannot get' money enough to dresa our
two lUfltOren decejitly.' I have to haunt
remnant .aaiee.-ana going-out-ox-Duaiaess
places 'Mf torment.' If the grocery bill runs
la few doUaravlarger than usual. I am
treated to a dressing down that makes me
boll with Indignation. I try to explain that
w have, had guests, men that 'be brought
borne to dinner, but It doea no good. If I
should set out a dinner that m.barrassed
him before his friends, I'd get scolded for
that. I am never allowed to have money
enough to feel comfortable. The bill all
Kt through - hi handa andar settled by
aim. Thla make ma seem like a nonentity
to the butcher, the baker and the rest.
If it were not for the' children. I would
not continue to endure It. It's too humiliat
ing. Tou. Loretta, are always patting men
on the back. I wish you could know thla
creature, who make the life of one of your
atstera a perfect torment. I guess you
would sharpen your pencil and make a
few punctures In him. I wish you would
do It without knowing him. I should like
to read la print what I should aay In speech
If I dared. ' ''
All light. Abused Wife, my pencil Is
sharpened. The worat that you think and
feel la not bad enough to fill the measure
of condemnatloa which your bad provide
merits. " He .la a churlish curmudgeon. Ha
la engaged in the despicable and unre-
tnuneratlve bualneaa of sqoeesing blood
from a turnip. Tou ar th turnip. And he
will' keep on' with his fiendish extortion
M long. M you continue to play turnip.
Such a -hideous , hanks of a man needs to
bo shew, Mo-duty.- If her cannot It,
then some on must open hi eyes.
Those two children whom, you must clothe
from bargain counters are his, aa well aa
yours. The glory of sacrificing for them
caa become too much of a good thing
wbea th mother does it all.
. I would bo willing to wager that yon
were . an Ignorant little girl when you
married. Tou "didn't know how to do a
Utag And thla naturally akinfilnty part,
ner of years began then to regard you aa
try's gt It
10Vf CHoil-ATE.) favE WH0)1 '(YEP, TKEf El , S
X 14
Tm w rrtan rBjanMi oxw i mu. tax
f NOPE, ME 1
lwl YWH A WlCKlty
? "
ONI. 0 Pf M
Glass-She Holds ifc Up to
a sort of non compos mentis. Bott his' meth
ods have -forced you to learn. Tou ought to
have done It before you married! But now
It la time' for you to aay, '"Mf.'Cfoseflst,
the running of bur home Is top. expensive.
It la costing my health, my dignity, my in
fluence with the children, and their Ideal
of what hpro should be, Tou pursue busi
ness, method- In your buslneesp- and - then
show' yourself an-utter Incompetent In ap-'
plying the same tactics to the more Im
portant Institution fit -which -you ar th
head. I have learned through , bitter ex
perience how little It taicea -te. run our
homo . in money. But I haveaald In far
more valuable ways. I)"
"Now, from ' today, 1
shall spend nor
Tola by'the Troubled Tourist
Tv been touring about the city a bit
since I saw you last." said th Troubled
Tourist as he sank Into a seat beside ma
"I began touring In. th subway; -but.' b
Uev me, I wound up In a taxicah.
- TTh only, reason I left th taxidab waa
1 yi
cC szK;
m awn tvr.
.L : Him
yauje ni a
ctOT C UiS
th e Bad Provider
t ;
- IV
money and leas of the other priceless
things. I want to keep my health for you
and the children. I' want them to grow up
to respect you aa a man who la kind and
fair. Now they think you are a niggardly
tyrant, who force their mother to be a
lave. I will not allow myself to, ipdulge
the mistaken notion that I am. serving
them by proving to them that their mother
is a groveler and a half-Idiot. If you can
not aea thing my way once, we'll dissolve
tht partnership that you abuse, tho home
that you desecrate.? , ' 'V ;
' It's ' a clear business proposition.. ,Mak
rt that way. Don't blubber! If your scrubby
id sortmp of a husband doe, not see It,
I shall be surprised.
bcu.I had to in order to thrash' th
chauffeur for not Installing an electric
faa la his wagon. - ".'.,"' '
' "He whipped me first, though, and so I
didn't get a chanc to Instttuta th reform.
I Intended If I got the electric fan put In
to go further and Install an Ice box and
Sideboard, so that - each - taxi - would . bo
perfectly appointed for an evening's 'rids;
but, as I. told you; tho chauffeur wa un
reasonable, and sweltering mankind has
lost a boon. .
'I want a nice oool ride op town,' I told
th chauffeur when I picked him ' out,
and, mind you, keep off th hot asphalt.'
"What do you think thla la, a cross
country taxIT demanded ' the chauffeur.
What you want la aa aeroplane.
"Might be an Improvement.' I said.
getting In, then w could hit only tb
high places. Go ahead.'
. "W made several stops, for the evening
was warm, and then. I had tho argument
about . th vehicle's appointments. But,
never mind. I'm going to Introduce tho
hot weather fixtures yet. - It will aav
lot of .climbing In and out of taxi a"
(Copyright. WU by th N. W. Herald Co.)
Th Kay to the Situation Be Want Ada.
Wesley D. Alcorn, 3518 Manderson St.
XsHe F. Alrorh,'3328 M&nderson St...
Ernest Abrahamsou. 1210 SouthTweaty
Margaret Arcm,1 3S0S Korth .Twenty-fourth 8t. . '. . . .Lotfirop
Thayer ferlgbtweU. 44H'North Twenty
Robvrt W. Refg, J10 Oold St. . . . .
Ethel M. Butter&eld, 3683 South Thirty
Minnie Bible, 191 Cuming St.
Agnes Boresyk, 252i South. Twenty-sixth
Rogers' Bosdfk-h, 1314 Oarfleld AVe.
Morris Baum, 1443 South. Fourteenth
Frieda. Bahrrflan..l?03r!t an Camp Ave
Lethe. M.-Ctaenavert, -60 North Sixteenth St. .
Agnes' CardMigb.9 Shf rmah .At . . . .'...... '. .
Dorothy -1. Chains. 13.1S -SQuth Third St.
LMcIa. C,.rDeirT, Sputh Nineteenth
Ruth filing. 13 South Thirty-first
Albert EthoXer, 1513. Canton St,...
Thornwild FrederickBeai. JJ4 8; North'
Jennie FlrshL. lJ6:Clrk Sti'.. ..
Susie L'Fea?ori, 9X1 South Thirty-sixth St., ..... .Columbian .1891
Frank Vt-French. 71'4-North Seventeenth St Cass ..1902
Tonla Goodsoi),;42X9 Frnm St. Saunders '..1903
Eleanor Goodrich, 4032 Cuming St Saunders 1905
Max Glvotinsky.JS 13, North Twenty-third St Kellom 190t
James A. rGlenger, 2339 Meredith Ave...
Margaret E. Henntngs,' 2720 Franklin St.
Lillian Holstrom, 42 U -Miami St
Clarence Hunter, 3301 Corby St..
Evelyn Johnson, 3625 Lafayette Ave.....
Wesley E: Jensen, 3018 Lindsay St
Ed Bryan Jackson, 2160 South Thirty-third St High . j . .1890
Edith Jones, 4932 Capitol Ave...... High ... .M1I94
Annie Kuncl, 301 William St. ... : Lincoln ;.. . t . . i . ;1908
Llbble Keoupa, 4113 South Ninth St....
Bernard Landow, 2302 Howard St.
Robert B. Melvin, 610 South Thirty-eighth Ave
Margaret V. Nlchlas, 814 South Twenty-fifth St., .;. .Mason ,
Henry Nef, 4004 North Twenty-ninth St. '. ..... . . . High .
Hugh O'Connor, 1022 Georgia Ave. ... . . . ; Park ...
Howard L. Olsen, 3461' Miami St .......Long.,
Merle Olmstead, 3534 North Twenty-eighth Ave . . . .Lothrop
Beatrice' Peterson, '8415' Dewey Ave... . .... ....... Farnam
woBepuiue in. r Biers,-! u roria 1 wenty
Brayton Page. 1525 South Fifteenth
Pauling Pregler,43 4,South Twenty-third St. ...... . High
Eunice T. Plotts 4540Torth Thirtieth
John H. Payne, 1616 North Forty-first
ftella M. Ralbouxn, 3412 Lake St. .............. .Howard Kennedy.. 1,893 .,
Art Rouner, 1004 South Seventeenth St. .......... .High ...'. ......1895
Aaron Richards, 3124 Burdette St. . . .". .'. .;, .Long , .', i ; i. ,1996 '
Sakarlas Slleln, Seventh and Seward Sts. ......... .Casa ......... . . V1899 -
Richard Bhaffner, 1 70 i North Thirty-sixth St Franklin . . . , .1905 A
Leona Schwelser, 1606 Spring St. .Edw. Roaewater..1899
Harold Sullivan. 3219 Sherman Ave......'. Sacred Heart.;. ,.1896
Charles Selhelmer, 2517 Parker St. Long -v. , . .vi-. .1901
August SsesesnyV 2 7 OOvSouth -Twenty-fifth St Im. Conceptton.',.M:1899 .
Richard l..Toozer,-J523 Wirt St Lothrop .'.1900
La Verne,678- routh Twenty-eighth St. . . . . . . .Farnam .. .i.XWt.
Susie Wyman, 3416, California St. . .Webster .vtv. . . 1994 '
Lillian H. :WaidoUch, 4022 North Thirty-third St. . . ;lournoute) ark. ;.1904
Annh' Weitfs, 520 Nttrth Sixteenth 8t. Cass . . . . ,1904
Bennle Welch, 1405 Ohio St.... ..Lake .. .Vi... 1901
Bern ice JJimmerrnn. "2724, Manderson St Lothrop ,....,..,1903.
'fiiley's Favorite Poem
j 1.
Editor of The Be Home Magaslne Pag;
lov Riley's verse. Some choice piece
of his are appearing In the Sunday Issues
of The Bee and,' toe, In beautiful attire.
. Th editorial. Rlley, 'Tleld and Nye,"
waa an ideal tribute to the -Indiana poet.
Th sonnet to Nye la fine. 'I'd never seen
it and am., therefore thankful for the
copy. .J v.
In an old scrap book I have a page de
voted to 'Riley, ahd among the cllpplnga
there ,1 an anonymous piec of verse
which, it Is said. . he (Riley) many years
ago declared Waa hia favorite English
poem, and that he long tried to find the
author, but without success. I am sending
it. so that your reader, especially those
who lov Riley, may have It.
- Bmvs Lve.
He'd nothing but .hi violin:
i i nothing out my song ' ,.
But we were .wed when akle were blue
ana summer oays were long;
And when we' rested by the hedge.
The robtsH came and told
How they tiad dared to woo and win
When early Spring was cold.
We sometime supped on dewberries, -Or
slept among. -the hay.. - -
But oft the farmers' wives at eve .
Came out Jte hear-ius play
The rare old tones, the good old tunes I
w could not starve for long
While my man had his violin
And I my sweet Jove song.
Tbe world haip ayef'gone well
Old man. si ooe w were one:
Our homeless wand'rtnaf down th lanes-
A Summer Idyl
J. x "; "
at XeVaw
,' n nsMlat n.w.i
ttit Dewey Av. , o
.Monmonta Pnrk..190 Park...l0a
- seyenth St.. High . .... . i ..lBt
- fifth Are.'. . .Saratoga
. . .-.'1905
. ;
. . .Windsor' . ..vl04
. . .Windsor . . .10
. . .Kellom ,'. t .v . . illOl
. ,.lm. Conception. .'.'.18 IT
. . .Edwv noBca'atclfOl
. . . Comenlus" , , . . . 1 2
- third Bt.
St. .'
.Vinton .. , . . , kV.ll98
.Holy Family . .t.lsl9
;taa : .';:5v;' V;:i3A "
. Park . .1.4 '. . . i .'.1899 .
. Germ. Lu,theran , ..i 90 1 ';'
.High .i'.-j-f. i . . iV'.189I
.Edw. Rowater..,19l
St. . . : . .
Nineteenth St Hlgbr "i-vrjC.
.'Kellom ...'.. ..
i. if.
.Clifton Hill 1903
'.Long i ... .1900
.Clifton HHl.'V. . .'.41901
.Howard ;Kermedy.i;i903
.Franklin ....... tl902
.Howard Kennedy. .1901
. . . Edw.' JRoBewater,.'.J897
. ..Farnam ..v.,.. .1902
. . .Columbian. .'.";. ..1901
- sevenin di.. ixing . . 1 . .
''' e f 1 8 7
' ! ' La -
St. . . .... ... .Comenlus
awJa IV OS
,,e.aa 4a Vtev
St. . .-. . . .Central. Phrk.". . J.1905
Ave. ....... -Walnut Hill. .-.. 1898 ..
It long ago. waa dona 1 ' -'. -
But those who wait for gold or gear,
- rr nouses ana lor nine -
Till youth's sweet spring grow .brown
and sere ' v 1
And love and beauty pine
Will never know the Joy-of heart' "
inai met witnout a rear
When you had but' your violin '
And 1 a song, my dear.
Is it any wonder, Mr. Editor, that this
poem won . such high pra'ee from Riley?
Respectfully, CONSTANT RJSADSfL '
Mr. Lately Married But. . dearest, I .
thought we had planned to. go to, th pera
this avenlngr " .
Mra Ditto T, love; but I have changed
our mind. Puck.. t ,, ' -
A Wba,, J
I wish I could sail wher th leeoergs ar
And Idle wher walruses hide,'
Or sit on th norther most -point In Alaska,
And dangle my feet In th tide,
rd like to slid down on th aid of a gla
cier, In enow at the bottom roU.-t. '
How fine It would be, ha the teeth of a
bliaxard, . -,..'- ir..-
. To alt on the top or th pol. . 7 .1 -
-. . .. .
To live, la an lee covered Keklmo eaMn, ,
wunr wr DiuDDer ana even:
Icicle, fork to assist in Ih-caUnaw
nti .11..
the thoucht Is too murbl
Alsa, I am hampered by getting a-living.
1 nw inouana n u ail SUM at stcK.
I have to stick-'round In this sun frUsled
And buy my Ic ereejn by the hrlok. ' ,
(Copyright. Wll, by the N- T. UeraU Oo
r , 4