. ! I 'I WANT ADS Want art rrroivr at any time, but lo Insiue ni)('r rlaenlflratloa nnit lx prcm-iunl Ix-for Id o'clock ra for Hie rvenliiR rtlt'ioa and before T:30 for morning anil Sunday edition. Want mis ierele.l after such hour vlll luvf tttrfr first ln-rrtna wader the heading "Too Lata to Classify. f.tsil llATKH K()K W.VT APS ISKM LAIt CLASSincATION One Innertinii 1 5 rent er word and 1 i cat rr woitl for in-l anbaequeBt tort Ion. Kach Insertion made on odd ilaja, ili mm per wrd. P ln.e er month. Kates apply to either The "r r hnnday llee. Always count ! word to a line. Want aM for The, Ilea may be T't at liny of tho following drug atorea one 1 your "comer drord"t" " i. re all branch office for The nee ana jour ail will be Inaerted Just promrtly and en the aame rate the main office In The Bee bulldln MeTentrenth and Farnam Sta: Albaih, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Uanni Drug Co.. ll N. lth Ft J'..raiiek,S. A.. 1W2 H. lth St. Leimnn Fhermscy, Benson, Neb. Hemls Fatk Pharmacy. IM and Cuming. Hlake-BreJtsh. WW Hhrmen Ave. Cllftoa Hill Pharmacy, 2318 Military Ave. CauKtjIln. C. n.. 472f Leavenworth st Crlasey Pharmacy. Mth and Lake. Connev pharmacy. KM South Mth . Cermsk. Emll. 1204 6 South mb Bt Ehler Co.. iwi Leavenworth Ft. Foster A Arnold!, 11 North 36th Bt Kreytag. J. J. 1914 N. 34th Bt Freggcr Drug Co., 1903 North Mt St. r'torar.ce Drug Co., Florence, Nab. ireen'a Pharmacy, Park Av. and Faeino. tireenough Co., 1028 Bo. loth St. Greenough & Co.. loth and Hickory. Goldman Pharmacy. tttb and la van north fits. , Johsnran Drug Co.. fth end Spalding. Johnson Pharmacy, 293) Farnam 8t. Htin-com Pirk Pharmacy, lijol 8. I9th At. Hlnterlong Drug Co., flat Ava. and Far ram St Hoist, John. 684 North Mth St. Huff, A. I. 2914 Leavenworth St Kin. H. B.. 22S8 Farnam. Keuntia Plac Pharmacy, 2302 N. 4th St lathrup Pharmacy, 24th and Hamilton. t lares. Fred I. 2019 Central Blvd. tonmouth Pharmacy, Ud and Cuming. Patrick Drug Co.. 1603 N. 24th St. nrnK'Ka uruf t.,o. , i.i n una aiiio. Schaefer's Cut Prtoa Drug Store. 16th and Ch Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cumin. DEATH AND FDHEHAL NOTICES WALKER Catherine, aged 81 yeara, July 11. at realdenca of her aon. F. T. Walker, 423 North Thirty-ninth street Ilemaina at realdanc until Wednesday 4 p. m. Funeral services at Humphrey, Neb., Thursday at a. m. WELLMAN-4Jmuel M., father of Edward M. Wellman, died at Danbury, Conn. Funeral from reeldanea of E. M. Wall man, 2110 8. 83d Bt., Tuesday at i p. m. Interment In Forest Lawn cemetery. t CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere appre ciation and heartfelt thanks to our many friends arid lodges for the many acta of ktndneea shown and floral trlbutea given at the death of our husband and father. Mra. Emma Levy and children. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses war Issued: Nam and Realdenoe. ' Age. Balvator lngalls, Omaha..; 26 Grovanna Uudera, Omaha 19 Reginald M. Irving,' Pullerton,' Neb 61 Rebecca U. Wilbur, Taunton, Mass 16 Will Williams, Arkansas City, Ark 23 Franota Fiiato Salisbury, Mo it Antonio' Palnlerl, Dee Moines...........'... 24 Ingnazla BchlllacL Xes Molnea 18 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTIMAN UNDER TAKER. crobalmer. 1614 Chicago bt D. lt. W-lo69. PII0T0 SUFrilJ Kodaks and cameras. The best develop ing ana tlmsblng In the city. - MEOEA'iH STATIONERY CO.. Photo lcpartmnt, liith and Farnam Sta. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE. In aunu to suit 310 He lildg. l'honi riAiiir 9Jti. UNION LOAN CO. CLASSKa FOR SCHOOL. GIRLS: bowing Tuesday, HU0 t m. Drawing; Wednesday, 9:3U s. m. I Six leaaons 11.60. . Claaae becU July 11. . 98c AWLKITE SAFETY RAZOR, With i blades, sell at U. A be a Her Grand pharmacy, ltth and Howard. OFFICE STATIONERY J.V- Kotera Leary.Cp 1MB Jackson. , D. Udt. Corner Shoe 'Repair. 3423. Leavenworth. " All leading druggists. Harding Ice Cream Co. . , FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell'a loe cream. If C. J. Moore, 4T.1 Hamilton Bt. will come to The Bee of floe within, three days we will give him an order for a Quart brick of this tine east cream. ED. R0TirERY5chl,t". . v. Una of Uquors and cigars. . Cafa In connection. ill a. nth at MISSOURI FILTER, 310 8.- 30th, - D.. 71t MHS. M. F. MORRILL, china decorating. Btudio. 3 Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR CRAWFISH call H. 3683. MONEY saved on painting, paper hang ing. decorating paper; wholesale;, quick Z?rkt- r,,k', A- C. McGutgan Co.. Crounae Block. Opp. P. O. Douglaa 3662; A-1863. W.'s. Heaton. American furnaces. H. 35B3, The New Elk Hotel. Now open, all outside rooms. 86c and tta by .day; week. 82 up. 81f N. 16th. D. 7287. DRINK Grandmas Wild Cherry Phos phate, tonlo. and blood purifier; better aad cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. lOo. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO, lOKU Farnam; Ind. A 3821; Douglaa 4760. We do picture Framing and Glaslng EPLC1AL DISCOUNT this month on Paint ulass, Varalahea and Wall Paper. D. W. DUODKON, plumbing H. 1S6. WIL1X)W BPRINGB beer, liquor, clgara. Band wiohea ALEJC JBTTEd, 13u3 Douglaa. B. F. WL'HN. eyeglass repairlna. 4U Brandela Bldg. THIEU Cut Price Tailoring, 71 South 16th. MAGOARD Van 4V Storage. Pack, move, ature and aUlp 11. IL goods. D. 1408; B-t42e. ROACHES, A NTS, BEDBUOel, FLEAd AND RATS exterminated from your prem ises under guaranteed contract; estimated free; Bugdead Liquor Inaeotide, Sue; large can powder, !bc. -Call or write Riley Chemical Works. . second floor Or u nee Block, opposite postoftlce; by mall prepaid. Phone Douglaa 3US. DAVID COLZ CREAMERY COMPANY. TWENTY per cent leaa than Omaha prlcaa. HOME FURNITl RE CO.. Twenty-founh and L Bta.. South Omaha. E. ROWE, WELL BORING. Benson 34a. OCR luetter. duplleatlag work la unex celled. A trial with convince you. Both hones. W eejicrn Duplicating Co.. euO Bee llluifc I'aaady Co.. P W Cor. 14th and Douglaa. BUY AND BELIJM'Jr,"r Honda. Uwi x u K-ci-a'' Writs fue lasuranca. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) OMAHA Kurnltur Repair Work. D. 241. DOUGLAS Prlntlna- Co. Tal. Douglas 641. HAKIA" W. McVEA .JVa JOnBINO A SPECIALTY. Tel. HAR. 4il LYNCH BROS. HEATING AND PLIJMBINQ. REPAIR WORK. 170 Jackson St. D. 14TT. PICTURE framing, one-third cheaper than department stores: moat select atock of framed picture at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 7M 8. Wth St. Phones louglaa 104, Independrat A-K5t 8. II. Cola Sign Co. O. 27W. V Farnam. EAT KOSHER HOME COOK1NO ARK INS. 8I 8. 16th. 'UPSTAIRS. PLUMBING. Huber Foreman. 318 S. 30th Beautiful Concordia Park: 29th A Center. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNOATE. china firing. 70 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Webster t7a JOHNSON A FLODMAN, men's clothing and furnishings. 218 N. lth St TCDlA KS SUPPI-IER AND l.UlitnO AMATEUR FINISHING DEMPSTER'S. 308 8. Uth St., 1218 Farnam Bt IJnVTlF'.N Well boring and pump work. uuu'r'" Phone Webster IMS. SfOIE COSTELLO'B Omaha Cut UllU1Uj plug. 608 N. lth Bt TOU'LL always be harpy If your wedding ring comes from Urodegnnrd's, lit S. 18th Bt At the sign of the crown. COAT and PANTS to order, 817.60. Maa-Carthy-Wilson Tailoring Co., 304 B. 16th St AN EVENING at Lake Manawa la well spent If Mr. Fergtson. 3303 N. 2th fit will coma to The Bee offloe within three days we will give him a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. AUTOMOBILES HONK!; MASH AUTO HONK TEAR TOP Smaah Wheels HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND, 13th and Harney Sta. 1 Murphy Did It REPAIRINO. PAINTING. TRIMMING. WRITE for list of second-hand auto moblles. Some exceptional bargains In run abouta and flve-pasaenger cars. MITCHELL MOTOR CO. AUTO LAMPS rerrt Plating and Enameling. Excelalor Plating Worka, 3105 Farnam. ,. Douglas ,2sa FOR SALE A bargain. International de livery machine, first-class order and uaed three months. 324 N. Utb Bt Tslephone Douglaa 1st. NEW and 2d-hand autos. Derlght Omaha. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mr. Rosa, 2681 Spauldlng Bt, will coma to The Bee office within three days ws will give him an order for a 60 cent box of O'Brien's candy free. FOR BALE Five-passenger touring oars. SS-horse power, In excellent condition. For sale cheap. 1117 Farnam Bt BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of bualness, call on OANOBTEAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8361. VARIETY STORE Cash business; popu. latlon of town, 10,0u0; financial difficulty reason lor selling. Address x" 46, Bee. FIRST class restaurant and pool room for sale, cheap, Call at 617 N. tttlu , FOR BALE Reatauranf In one of the beat towna In the state; 3 lots, 80x130 ft, 8-reom frame building. In Center' of bual ness portion. Address Box 6tU,. Douglas, W yo. A OOOD newspaper plant for sale, cheap. ATheleaae of the Klron hotel; good money made by right partlea; for sale cheap. CLAUBON BROS.. K1RON. 1A. in HALE Practically new three-story brick bualness block on beat street In heart of down-town business district In Des Moines, Iowa. Will accept cash or farm lands, or part cash end part farm lands and make suitable terma on balance. Write me for full particuiara. ueo. x. mse, do, 610 Fleming Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. TENANT wanted for 80-room hotel In northwestern Iowa town; 1,000 population; only hotel; will lease for one year; partly furnUhed. Call Web. U8. P. C. Anderson, 2217 Wirt St., Omaha. FOR BALE Best paying saloon In Kansas City; wonderful location, with long time valuable lease; very profitable business; an extraordinary opportunity for man able to Invest about xzu.uuu. Aaaress x , care nee. -I TO SPECULATORS We are forced to sell some amall FIG BEARING OR CHARDS In aouth Texas. Rent covered for ten veara bv notes, investment edUHJS N per cent average. Address O. J. K... IS DOUtn Bin Bt., council niuua siraTiTiRiNT uid confectionery and MAmiM Km. mm A K m I V If tk n MAIL Good reason f6r selling. ' Address Look DUK ie, -w. M-.n' i. 1 r n c 1 , . - " mt t.Ml.i mwA druggists' sundries a&d flitures. together with lung estaDiianea pny;cian s pracuue worth 83,000, for quick sale 31,300 cash. Also desirable location for dwelling with fair Improvements. . at" reasonable price. Reason for selling, ags and 111 health.. Ad dress Dr, I. T. Van Neaa, Neola, la. man and chef, furnished hotel ; If paying K.M.itlAn will Huv furniture. ' ..Tunntlon town preferred. Address Hamilton, Eno Hotel, Terooni, eo. . - CAN YOU FEAT TH3ST tsioS will buy a 82.600 gtlt-edsed ' first mortgage, three years, 6 per oent Interest; secured by land worth 810,000.. Be-quick. 8. E. Wait (17 Bee Bldg. ONE grocer 716 N. lith Bt iry store. QlaoOvelll Si Rod la. RaaxatatsT Haaveaa fas Sale. U-ROOM roaming and boarding house for sale cheap. Just east of Twentieth Bt Must be sold by the 16th. Answer to L. 7. Bee. . ' ' ' be A BOOSTER for the national rams of base ball. If R. L. Aylward. 1U1 Brlgga Bt, will come to The Be office within three days we will give him a ticket te the ball game at Rourke park. . m AmU.1iI fl. w..im k mI4 a. once; will sacrifice; party leering city. n a. ate W Bl DOi A-v U. - CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist,' manicuring, hair dr easing, hair goods. City Natl Bk. D. 3833. DR. ROT, 1603 Farnam Bt Douglaa 007. DENTISTS BAILEY MACH. 3d floor Paxton. D. MH6. A COOL PLUNGE In Lake Manawa will overcome that hot feeling. If Mr. Alex ander, 4324 Franklin Ht., will coma to The Bee offloe within three days we will give him a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. . DETECTIYES EACK ELLIS. 308 Neville Blk.. 14th ud Harney; both phonea, Tyler 11M; A-3767. OMAHA Secret Benrtoe Detective agency. Inc., bonded. - paxton Blk. D. all; A-UU AMeVaLLAN , 308 irrvllle block, phone Tyler 1136 or A-2767. - . , , . CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Blk. 4 DRAINAGE J. J. BTUBBb. room 416. First Nat bank. W. J. McEathroo, O. E.. 610 Paxton Blk. I)Td surveyed. Bruce 4V Btaudevan, Bee Bll. '. .- . ... - TlTPTU1 situations vanted ii lllLaJLa SERVANT GIRLS BSBBSBBMassBBBSSBBVaBBaBagagegeaga-ssasgga The Bee will run your ad for a situation or a servant girl free until you get the desired result. Telephone Tyler 1000. DRESSMAKING i Dresamaker will sew by day. Doug. 7261, Terry's Dressmaking College. ZOth As Far. DRESSMAKING dona, 366 No. Soth Ave. B-2V04. Mattlaon. Modiste. Doui. 4f03. 2110 8. 10th. EXPERIENCED dressmsker. engage- menu by the day. Call Doug. 3961. FIRST class, reasonable. Web. 390L EDUCATIONAL MOBHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COL LEGE Fine new building; all business branchea taught. Our graduates are in de mand. Enter at any time. Get our catalog. MOSHER ft LAMl'MAN, 17th and Farnam Sta., Omaha. First Bummer Term . BOYLES COLLEGE la Now Open. TUDENTB ADMITTED ANY DAY. Omaha's largest and most successful Com merclal College. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue la free. Ad dress H. B. Boviea. President Omaha, Nsb. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL HARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. 6293 ; 813 8. 14th. Sill BENNETT ELEC'L CO. Electric fans, hot point Irons, guaranteed. POTH ELECTRIC CO., repairing dyna moa and motors a specialty. D. 6k37. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS. dynamos, motors and repairs. La Bron, 813 B. 12th 8t. Doug IS 2175. ' EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN PICNIC LUNCHES SDiSS WILLOW PLUMES made from your old and new feathers. 1963 8. 11th. S. Sokolot. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without eiecti'io needle or injury to the. akin; lady attendant 40 McCagus Bldg. WILLOW PLUMES made from your old or new feathers. 2326 S. 12th. D. 6666. ( GAL. Shogo Lithla water; fl. D. 8S73. CUSTOM made corsets. 63-60 and up. 609 Bee Bldg. F"RTr.MfTFT Hand Laundry. Ladles' and XjlvvU. Chujren., ciothea a Bpe- cialty. All hand work. Price reasonable. 2802 Farnam. Phone Harney 6834. FLORISTS A, DONAHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. A-10UL HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam Bt L. HENDERSON, 1513 Farnam. D. 1213. CUT FLOWERS and designs. 309 N. 16th. FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS HAVE your FURNACE cleaned and RE PAIRED. Don't wait until fall, when you cannot secure EXPERT MEN. JOHN HUBB1E HARDWARE CO., 3407 Cuming St . TsL Doug. 111. T j tiT Telephone today to JJon t Wait hv o" ur"fe: .... - -"Jglll VI UUl WssVVVr heater cleaned and ready for fall uee. . T . nmA.Tn . . vunnA. DiUVsi MUfAltl WOK.KB. 1206-6 Douglaa St. Douglaa 360. A-8621. FOR av family dessert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If George W. Miller, 2716 Ohio St.. will come to The Bee office within three days ws will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. HELP WANTED EMALE ' Clerloal and Of flea. WK GUARANTEE POSITION OR NO CHARGE. Stenographer, Produce 365.00 Stenographer, Insurance 60.00 Stenographer, ' Mfg 800 Stenographer and Bookkeeper, Mfg... 40.00 Ass t Bookkeeper, grocery experience 40.00 Stenographer, out of town 60.00 WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N.. 762-3-4-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. Stenographer (grain), S6S. Stenographer, private aec'y., 346-870. CO-OPEKATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-16 City National Bank Building. ; Fsvctory aad Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdreestng. Op pen helm parlors. Prices very reasonable. MORE ladles and school girls for deco rating sofa pillows at home; experience unnecessary. Call forenoona. 2307 B. Uth. Housekeepers aad Deaaeettes. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM BOLVED The Bee will run your Domestic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee , office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED A girl for general house work. Mra. N. P. Fell, 2026 Dodge. Phone D. 364. WANTED A' cook and watreas. House No. 3, Fort Crook, Neb. WANTED-Ooed laundress by ths week; good pay. The Creche. 124 Harney. WANTED Mladle-aged lady aa house keeper; one who can furnish good refer ences; good position to ths right person; Jood wagea will be paid. Write F. Dlestsl. llllard. Neb. . WANTED Competent second glrL 3120 Davenport . Harney 6a. WANTED Maid for second work. Old People's Home. 3214 Wirt Bt WANTED 14 or 16-year-old girl to help In arnllv eti n mn Kama alk. not vt - w w. gav asvasaog. uifUlah Pa, , 3Mh Bt Call Douglaa 3176. TAKE a boat ride on Lake Manawa. We will give a pair of round trip tickets to Mr. Haberstrol, 4028 Hamilton 8t, If he will come to The Bee office within three days. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. Jerry Austin, 313 8. 38th Ave. Harney 2626. GOOD girl for general housework. 8526 Farnam. Phone Harney 896. , WANTED Competent housekeeper at 6S0i Burt St Phone Harney 477a WANTED Young gui te help care for baby. 1614 N. Utb Bt WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 634 North 40th Bt WANTED A good girt for general house work; ImI wagea. Phone Harney two, or oail 8604 Harney. WANTED A washwoman. Doug. 6830. WANTED Oirl te assist with ho use wont, no washing; plain cooking. 608 A. 29th St YOUNG girl to take care of baby 14 months old from 7:30 e. m. to 4 p. m.; no Sunday work. 206 California. GIRL for general housework, or one to assist with housework. 636 8. 23th Bt. WANTED A girl to assist with house work. iJouglas tevu. WANTED Good woman tr general housework: good- - sges; two la family. 1'buos Uarney .'sOSt, HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Demesnes Caat'd. WANTED A g1r! for general housework. 630 North 22d street. WANTED girl to take care baby, 313 a month, evenings off. not afraid of work. 1STJ2 Dodge street, side door, corner Dodge and rth street. GIRL for general housework, or one to to assist Did South 2th Bt. Harney 8042. Mlecellaaeeaa. TOUNQ women coming to Omaha as strangers srs Invltad to visit tbe Young Women s Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they aill be directed to aultabie boarding places ar etberwtae assisted. Look for our Use tiers' aid at tbe Union station. WANTED A limited numbsr of girls for telephone work. Apply at operating de partment Nebraska Telephone Co. WANTED Experienced nurse: refer ences required.' Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy, 620 8. 38th St. Harney 853. HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. Browning, King & Co., want a first-class hat man to take im mediate charge of the hat de partment of their Omaha stored Address, giving age, previous experience and references. Browning, King & Co., 16 Cooper Square, New York City. AGENTS Wsnted at once, first eiaaa K) position; big commission. Write today, rtlass eupplpCo., Brown Block, Oman Neb. FIRE insurenoe agents wanted In every town or village to write Insurance on easy payment note plan; snap for hustler. 6j3 Chemical Bldg.. St Louis. Mo. Clerical aad Office. WANTED Male stenographer and assist ant cashier. Permanent one preferred with experience In life lnsurancs office. Call 726 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED Man for city collection. Ex perience unnecessary. Call 403 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. WE ARE CONSTANTLY GETTING CALLS for competent office' help. Call and see us If looking for employment CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. ' 1016-16 City National Bank Building. Factory aad Trade. . Drug 8torea(snaoa).Joba. Knleet Bee Bldg. WANTED aiasler for aash and door fac tory; out-of-town position. Address L 666, Bee. WANTED Carpenter to build poroh. 4621 Military Ave.11' WANTED A saddle maker. Give ex perience and references. Write J. H. Wil son Saddlery Co., Denver, Colo.. r- WANTE1D First-class steamfltter to act aa foreman on government work. Experi enced man who can read plana required. P. O. Box 382, Ottumwa, la. Xllaoellaaeana. ' 8.000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write for list. Franklin lnatltuta, Dept 216-G. Rochester,. N. Y. WANTED Railway mall clerks; average 81,100; preparation free for coming Omaha examinations. Franklin lnatltuta, Dept 218 G, Rochester, N. Y . YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Avs. and 17th Bt, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our trav elers' aid at the Union station. SEVERAL young men, Omaha or vicin ity, to fit for railway mail clerks, post office clerks and letter carriers. Salary 8M to 376. Promotion. Addreaa P. O. Box 7t3. Chicago. ' WANTED Men to learn barber trade; an army of our graduates running shops depending upon us for barbers; many Jobs waiting; few weeks qualifies . by our method. Can't be had elsewhere. Bee us or write. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th Bt GO OUT to Roarke park and root for Omaha. If B. P. Healy. 623 N. 30th Bt, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the baae ball game. . WANTED Colored boy for porter In hotel. 110.00 per month and free use of shine ' stand. Board and room. Good home for honest boy. Turner hotel, Cen tervllle, B. D. - 3100 MONTH AUTOING. AUTO 6CH OOL, OMAHA. NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harse aad Vehicles. . PROF.' a7"bT ELROD breaks and trains all klnda of horses; sat UfacUt guaranteed. 3101 a, lith. Her. tut. FOR SALE All kinds of good horeea. 318 N. 31at BU 'Phone Douglaa 60u. FOR SALE A young team, 6 and 6 years old, city broke, weigh about 2.300 lbs.; will sell it light Addreaa 3326 S. , Uth Bt, Omaha. ' FOUR-year-old mare, trotter stock; buggy and harness. Call Harney 2643. WHEN you spend your money spend It for the best there Is. If A Williams, 3016 B. 34th Bt., will come to The Bee office within three ' days we will give him an order for a 66-oent box at O'Brien's candy free. LOST AND FOUND QUIVETX. Pressing and Re 1811 Farnam. IX (?. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Oman t Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether ihsy left it la tee Street cars. - Many articles each day are turned la aad the conit'Sny la anxious to restore theaa te the rightful owner. Call Douglaa 43. CMA11A COUNCIL BLUFF aTREK7 RAILWAY CAM PAN Y. LOST plain black cravanet from the Omaha club. Call Douglas 3167 for reward. LOST Diamond braoelet Tueeday morn ing on Missouri Pacific from Kansas City. 84j0 reward; no questions asked. Return to Mra. R. J. Dimming. 307 South 37th St IOST Hamilton gold hunting ease watch, chain and charm; name of owner In back of watch case. Return 401 Merchants Nat bank. Reward. MONEY TO LOAN 1LAHY AND CHATTELS. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping bouss and others, without security; eacy payments. Offlcs In 67 principal citlea. ii... c.,1 i KJ.., k.Mk Ui. f . marly N. X. L, bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattel NOTICE TO ALL If you were positive that our rates snJ terms were the best In the city, wouldn't It pay you to see us when ynu need muney ? A comp.rson of our latej wl.h those of other companlss will convince you that this Is the place to borrow. 31.20 is the weekly payment on a 8.0 loan (or 6 weiks. Other pamenta In the same priror tlon. If you need money a rite or phone State Morgage Loan Co. R-12 Arlington Block. Ull Dodge Bt Phonea: Douglaa 266; Ind. A-2465. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO, 320 Bee Bldg. Duug. 1366, A-1366.' WC FLATAT71514 Po1 Btr DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO., cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleanere. 804 8. 16th; 303 8. 17th. Doug. 41U. EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City offlcs. 216 8. 17th. Doug. 8M; Ind. B-134L VERNOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., fireproof storage, household goods, pianos and baggage moved, packed and rhlpped. Warehouse 1608 Burt Bt Tyler Ills. Office 7th and Leavenworth. D. 2166. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES ALVIN E. POOLE, violin Instruction. S166 Farnam. REMBRANDT studio. 16 per cent d e count on Portraits, July and August. GO OUT to Rourke park and root for Omaha. If R. D. Platner, 1331 N. 20th Bt, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad IUonu. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-K1L LARGE, cool, strictly modern room, suit able for two gentlemen, with excellent board In private family. 630 8. 36tb Ava. Phone Harney 6830. FINE front room, with board In private family, suitable for two men or man and wife; strictly first-class. 704 N. 23d. Doug laa TOSS. LARGE, wall furnished front parlor, ault abie for two or three persons. First class horns cooking. 3610 Dodge Bt LARGE southeast and two connecting rooms;, large yard with shade. 106 No. 26th st. . MODERN furnlahed room with first class board near three minute car service, or walking distance. Phone Harney 3333. . TWO nicely furnished front rooms with board; everything striotly modern. 2407 Harney. NICELY furnished rooms, with good board. In desirable, modern home. 123 S. 26th Ave. ONE or two beautifully located rooms with board; walking dlstanoe; large yard, shade trees, veranda, etc An Ideal place for summer. 206 8. 38th Ava. Famished Rooms. NEWLY furnished room. 1708 Jackson. 2126 DeUGLAS, two south rooms, newly furnished. TWO furnished rooms. TsL Wsbster 6873. 2613 N. 30th Bt. i WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; white porcelain bath tub. 101 B. 26th St NICELY furnished room. In good locality, all modern conveniences, refined home for lady employed. 220 N. 23d Bt Tel. Red 4232. ONE nicely furnished room, all modem, with couple; good neighborhood; walking distance. 'Phone H. 4963. DEWEY European Hotel, ma A Fai-nan, NICELY furnished room, Han scorn park and Field club district, oci ear line. Phone Harney 716. , . .- 1470 BO. 16TH 8T second floor, large, cool and olean rooms; everything strictly modern; prices reasonable. D. 7367. LIGHT and airy; nicely furnished. Easy walking distance. Modern. References. 320 North 26th Bt. Red 7045. NICELY furnished front room, with bed room; very pleasant 230 N. 13th Bt. 2666 St. Mary's Ave., one nloely furnished parlor, strictly modern, with piano; good location, walking distance. Douglaa 4432. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern, walking distance, with private family. 3503 Bt Mary's Ave. Red 2977. LARGE ROOM suitable for three, and small back room, clean, cool, reasonable. 1814 Dodge. LARGE south room, cool and well ven tilated. 1306 Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished, cool rooms, strictly modern, private family. Har. 8786. 830. COOL and clean large well furnished front room and alcove on bathroom floor; nloe hath, hot-and Ice water; both tele phones; walking distance; Leavenworth ear and and one-half blocks. . 3663 Bt Mary's Ave. FURNISHED reom. 626 South 13th. WELL furnlahed rooms, striotly modern; walking dlatanoe. 3803 Dewey Ave. Douglas 640L TWO strictly modern rooms th private family. Harney 6473.. THREE elegant front rooms, large porch, main floor, close In. no sign en house. IjO North 30th. ONE or two extra fine rooms; fine furn iture; walking dlatance; no sign on bouse. 830 N. 30th. EXCEPTIONALLY deslrabls large front room, 6 windows, close In; smaller room aiao. 614 N. 33d. Red 4864. i -I TWO furnished rooms, close In. 'Phone Douglaa 8476. FURNISHED rooms and board; striotly modern, for gentlemen only. B 8666. 117 North 36th. DE8IRABLE rooms, beat of board; block from center, 613 Be. 13th Bt HALF BLOCK from postoffloe, cool rooms, 83 and up.. 213 N. 17th Bt STRICTLY modern and neatly furnlahed rooms, plenty of hot water; one room suitable tor two gentlemen. 216 N. 19th Bt 1321 CHICAGO, one cool sleeping room for two men. man or wife, - also light house-keeping rooms. TWO furnished rooms. 88 and 310. Strlr-ly private family; good locHtlon; references sxchangsd. . Phone Red 6423. NICELY furnished rooms In private fam ily, all modern couvortlencoa, 3047 Dodge at. OFFERED FOR RENT Faralsaed Room atlaaed. N1CELT furnlahed bach parlor m private family; will rent only to young ladlea; everything modern. 203 Dodge 8t. LARUE room, suitable for three, and small hack room, clean, cool, reasonable. 1M4 lodge. A LI, the first floor of my modem house, completely furnlehed, piano Included, for rent. Tenants must furnish references. 11. L Coombs. 2ti21 D Bt., South Omaha, Phone South 1306. ' Hotels apd Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th St. DODGE HOTEL. 18th and Dodge; all cool outside rooms; specie! week rate. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkl'y rata THE ATLANTIC Hotel. 1400 Cass Bt. Ogden Hotel ??- ,ru,w.ekRo,m' Famished Houses. FOUR-ROOM modern apartment; fur nished. Webster 44&6. Aparlaaeats and Flats. COAL will be plentiful next fall, but steam-heated apaitments will be scarce. Better secure that vacant one at The Hunter, 25th and Docge. Telephone Doug la.i 4133 SUPERB nothing like l or 6 room fUt all modern. 136 N. 23d Sf. FOR RENT Six-room modern flat . 41 N. Uth St THREE and six-room flats. Martls Block, Uth and Webster. 6-ROOM apartments, completely modern, cargo Bldg.. Bo. Omaha; abovs 630 N. 81th. 6 rooms, ISO" Farnam. modern; suitable location for offices, studios, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wish ing homes adjoining. THUS. F. HALL, (33 Ramge. D. 7406. A-4406. VERY modern 6-room apartment on West Farnam St; beautifully located. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM BT. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he haa made Omaha famous with his candy. If J. Hendrlckson, 1427 N. 17th St. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a so-cent dox free, . I- 23C8 KO 24th St.. ooiv 6-room modern fist 326. Phone Web. 378. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THE WARDROBE, 2016 FARNAM. Doug. 1739. FIVE room new upper modem Bt Louis flat opposite Bemls Park, 3317 Cuming ritrset , , FOR RENT. $30.00 e-rooms new modern brick flat 820 No. 16th St 817.50 6-room corner brick flat 1066 So, 10th St. ROBINSON AND WOLF. 43E Paxton blook Phone Douglaa 2413. r- 818 FOR alose-tn 6-room modern flat. Vacant on or about July, 30. Inquire 1138 No. 18th Bt AUGUST 1st beautiful flat nloely deco rated; strictly modern; ground floor; easy walking distance; near car. 2423 Poppleton Ave. Faralehed HoaselceeBtasT Roaavs. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms, good neighborhood; gas and bath; all modern. 2707 Dodge. H. 6666. 2669 ST. MARY'S, large, clean, cool house- Keeping rooms; suits oi two rooms each; south exposure, good bath and refrigerator. L1QHT housekeeping rooms, oool and modern; In good location, on ear tins. wr.ising aisxance. nw uoaga. LAKE MANAWA Is the coolest place to be found. If Mrs. C. A. Terry, 3923 Bur dens St., will come to The Bee office within tnree aays ws win give ner a pair oi round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. TWO or three rooms, with bath, second floor; light housekeeping If desired; private family; good location, eloae In. Tel. Har nev 4781. SUITE of nicely furnished front rooms for light housekeeping, 34 60 per week. Also nloely furnished housekeeping room. 33 per week. 616 N. 20th Bt. FOUR very desirable furnished rooms for housekeeping to couple without children; references required. 366 N. 40th Bt 8 ROOMS furnished, 313 a month. 308 So. 21st. THREE rooms, modern exoept heat 2326 South Uth St 630 BO. 36th Ava. a suite of rooms; water In kitchen, modern, plenty of shade. FOUR striotly olean. modern rooms fur nished complete for light housekeeping: light and airy: very desirable for man and wife; yard and screened poroh; one block from Sherman Ave. car. 2603 N. 18th Bt Tel. . Webster 1130. 205 N. 23d. two nloe housekeeping rooms, modern; private entrance. Phone Tyler 106L ' TJnfaralenad Rooms. 2613 NORTH UTH AVE Four nloe rooms with bath. Gaa ateve furnished. 313 per month. Phone Douglas 6136. ,!.. . Haaaea aad Cetttaaraa. MODERrf' T-room houae opposite Haa scorn park, 140. Phone Harney 1666. NICE six large room house; flrst-claat condition, close In. 833 8. 21st Bt H. 3706. SIX room cottsge, all modern exoect heat 1021 South . Twenty-fourth Bt 2503 MAPLE ST. five rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 822.60. . Hall Distributor Co.. A-4406, D. 7406. BOUTH BIDE HOUSES. Two t room housee close In, one at 2833 Dewey Ave., and one at 2631 Harney St all modern, combination fixtures, full base ment, large rooms, 337.60 caoh. N. P. Dodge & Co. 16th A Harney. 8EVERAL modern houses In good lo calities. Several partly modern housee and housss not modern. Chris Boysr, 32d snd Cuming Sts. 'Phones: Douglas 3049. B 3043. Om. Van A Storage Co. packs, mores, it ores household goods. Fireproof storage; 604 B. 14th. Branch. 309 B. 7th. Tel. D. 6163. A-1336, T-ROOM modern houss, 60S North 32d St, 826. Phone Douglaa 916. JAMES BISHOP, furniture moving and storage; two men, 31 an hour; specialty of hauling planoa. 'Phone Web. 2134. B-1467. DOUBLE house. HI J -131 6 South 32d St; six rooms on each slds, 830 each. Tele phone Douglas M0. 83 MONTHLY rents a good piano. Hoape Co., 1613 Douglaa 8t Benson Transfer Uoveg Furniture. D. 1696. Om. Vaa 4k Storage Co. pscks.movee.stor- boueehold good. Fireproof storage: 804 . 14th. Branch. 309 a. 17th. Tab D. ui. A-1U4, 304 South 33th, 846 a month; all modern. 8 rooms. Tslsphone Douglaa 4040. UNEUUALLED, central. T-room houae, SO N. Ud. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen s Delivery Co.. Tel. Doug. 334. City office 216 B. 17th Bt, Bee .Bldg. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern, at 113 a 44th St., on W. Fernair- Dundee Una Tel, Harney 8361 or Douglas 644. TTmiiai n 9 arts of the city. liOUSeS . Crelh Bone ds Co., Bee Bldg. FIVE-ROOM modern house, 8730 N. 20th; reference required.. Dr. J. C Moore. m . rr. k . . tnm all. mnA k.Kv I . I riJ3 m.i w . - -- . w dish of Dalsell's Ice cream. If E. Whedock, 2221 Leavenworth St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we win give mm an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream free. FOR RENT 6-room cottage near Farnam car. 3740 8. 9th Bt Harney 1660. "iioHT-R(X)M HOUSE. MODERN EX CEPT FURNACE. NEWLY PAPERED AND PAINTED, 8 PER MONTH. PLUS WATER RENT. u6 DECATUR. PHONE WEB. 1660, . . OFFERED FOR RENT Heaeea aad tallages t oa t-room cottsge. 1911 So. 10th. PIANO tuning and repairing. Chaa. IL Thatcher. D. 6ul. NEW, all stuoco. modern residence 311 N. ttth Avs. 3X. Red 2047. Housee. Ins. Rlngwalt Branilela Th. Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modern hmme, In govd condition; large corner lot and ehada trees; rent 323. W2 Ohio t. il ly-lsl lAtnrop St. Tel, B-3244. , NICE 6-room cottasa. modern heat. XS water paid. ,13 Wirt St. except BY JULY 16. FIRST-CLASS NEW 8 ROOM. MODERN KXCKI'T HEAT. COT TAGE; GOOD NKHSIIUOHIU'OP: TWO BLOCKS FROM IMTH I'KKKT CA It LINK: MIST HE SEEN TO RE AC I'RKCIATEP: NO CH1I.DRKX. CALL WEBSTER lM!i. TWO cottages, 42AS-420I; N. nth Bt, one 113 SO. other F. D. WEAD, 1S1 Farnam. MODERN holme, 615 N. St'.th. 7 rooms, fine location See us for particulars. F. I. WEAD, lsOl Farnam. OMAHA Express Co.. 41 N. ITth.'D. 13!. 814 (V TT AGE, city water, sewer, elec tric light. Webster 1371. Stores and Offices, FOB RENT AUG UST 1. Room No. M6, on the seconil floor of the raxton Bldg., facing 16th St., and just opposite the paBsenger elevators, now oc cupied by Miss Holland, the dressmaker, who Is making a change. Best retail lo cation in the city. Apply W. Fnrnara Smith & Co., 133) Farnsm Kt. Tels.: Douglas KXH ; Ind. A 1064. For Rent Business Property 3-story brick bunding, 214-tlu South lith St., 33xti0 ft; one or two fronts and will remodel to suit tenant. Freight elevator. Cement basement, alley and rear entrances. Fine location, one-half block from new W. O. W. Bldg. and Pailon hotel. Can lease from Aug. 1. Look at this. INTERNATIONAL LAND AND INVEST- MENT COMPANY, 210-12-14 Bee Bldg. TWO offices. 2d floor Crelghton block; also stote at 116 N. 16th St. Alfred Thomas, Agent. 306 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. BRICK store- building. No., till Harnee street, three stories and basement Chart. s I Saunders, 2)1 South. .Uth . street Phoas Douglas 178. FOR best grocery and meat market In city, with fixtures; a snap . 220 N. 23d. TWO new store rooms,' 20th and Lake. Apply 2008 Lake St Office Space Will divide use of desirable offloe, furnUhed, and services of stenog-' rapher and bookkeeper.- Separate Srlvate rooms. - Address M 667, maha Bee. - DESIRABLE offices fa the Continental Block; either In suite or single. Alfred 1 Kennedy, 209 First Nat l Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters. - BUY an 1 C Smith V Bros, typewriter. B. F. Bwanson Co., Distributers, 1316 Far nam Bt TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAXES Sold, rented and repaired. Typewriter Inspection Co., Inc., 664 Brandels Bldg. Phone. Ind. A-4413; Douglas 4D37. I TYPEWRITERS. Hot weather prices Remington, 313; Smith Premier, 8J0; Oliver, 326; Under wood, 340; L. C. Smith, 840; Monarch, 40; Jewett, 310; Chicago, 36; Densmore, $12: Fox, $16. Large stock to seleot from. Full guarantee. B. F. BWANSON CO.. 1314 Farnam Bt City. Mlsoel la asses. 3-HAND tools aad rubber hose. 416 M. lata. SAFES Overstocked with . aeooad-hand safes .all sixes and makes; bargains. Amer ican nuppiy t-o., liiv irarnam Ht i FOR BALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar flxturea. Easy payments, Brunswlck-Baike-CoUender. 407 So. 16th. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's dssk. oak fin ish, for sale at $10.00. Apply George R. Wright Bee Publishing Co. WHAT does a name meant If reu wan to know just try O'Brien's candlea. If J. N. Kennedy. 104 N. Uth Bt, will come to The Bee offloe within three days we will give him an order for a 60-oant bog of O'Brien's oandy free. FOR BAU& Hamilton Dtaaa. Her. 177 A-1807. FOR BALE cheep One black broadcloth long coat suit brown velvet dress, green oroanoioui jaoset suit; practically new. Will be sold for fraction of their value. Mra. F. J. McShane, Jr. Phone Har. 3431. New and second-hand safes. 1813 Farnam. FOR SALE CHEAP Traction threahlne- eutflt Addreea Y-76, Bee. FOR BALEl-Good water Dower elevator for sale cheap. Apply at the Gate City r urnnure -o. OSTEOPATHY Alloa Johnson, 808-1 Brandels Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, 634-6 Brandels Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red -TUT wtT.t.iRn K.nnv 0111, hum rs, Nat Bank. Tyler 1630; Ind., A-U64. HIRAM A. 8TUROK8. reg. attorney. 666 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas Betie). PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Uuiin treatment, stomach trouhla. Tie Margaret Halloran, 322-3 Neville Blk. D 7761, DR. BURKE, diseases of women, Omaha. SHAMPOO treatments. Mrs. Steele, ex aiMiilirJU Mrt opar't'r, 107 B. 17th, 3 ft - " 1 1 1 11 iMtur for rheumtlrn. Ladies, fl; genti- n Ml 1 nt lanrl aTm ras en 1-1 U a 8t sUV la, gtA.aew. era.. o. " m swass. sua., 6T IV 63 MAUNET1C llTi?miiumx ADELIGHT hair food grows hair. Mma. Frayer, Megeath bta. Co., liih and Farnam UNITED Brethren church eervice . 16:36 a. m., 8 p. ra. lth and Lothrop. JAMES CORR ELECTRIQ COMPANY moved to ws a. mn nt JJougiaa 13U. Good Samaritan 7iuIo, V J Ave.. Coun-U Bluffs. La. . um mj MR8. SNYDER. Swedish nuui. fc.tv.. radiator and vibrator treatment The Dunsany, Flat 1. 10th and Pierce. Doug. atoo. MASSAGE VtfXuV THE SALVATION ARMY solicits ..... clothing, In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and stll at 134 N 11th Bt, for coat of col'ectlon to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4126 and wagons tit SWEDISH massaga masoeUa treat..,. ... Mm', Ali' l " X7U "oufc Douglaa 1666. ws -eJjp I i ( i Si V r r 4 t i