Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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M lawellaiaew.. Cawtll
court or Iwiji county, I shall sail at
public auction for cash on Mrndav July
IWTVt,-,'! " OMAHA
BAIL WAT tLLB room, oond f oof
Barker Work, to foUewtng described Prop
artv. to-wit:
Or roller-top da, 1 flat-ton 4k. I
Seax ehaira, 1 N.uonaJ cu reg-iate- 1
(UTtnpnrt, 4 cushion ehaira 11 tum chair.
I Ubrnrr tab! I drink Ubk M chair to
match. M evnmg udim. 44 chair to match.
gas laou-a. 1 ire-water eomer, j hat
rar. It billiard chairs, t pool table 1
billiard tabic. roa rack. 44 ew, I bail
racks. 1 bail bask eta. 1 upright gaa ran,
1 ateern-taCe. cooking atsnsiis, dishes u
ewrw.r. tool Unen. 1 kitchen a) nit. 1
rvmg tabla. IS electric light fixture. I
rua. I Birp mat tin, w eusptdora, 1 wast
basket. 4 rlgar. about 14 aiior-s whisky
about V eena fruit vegetable, meat.
S bars aaap, U gallon rioor all. 1 ease
Lamp a beer, 4aah bottle, decanter,
kiase'i. ate.
4U-414 Barker block.
fOR SALE Pull course acnlarhtp tn
Pmaha Comnferclsi college, liberal de
taunt. Apply H. Brawn. Ml N. .h St
Wabatar JOtL
SIX-rOOT boekxeejte- auk. sak fin
ish, for sal at titti. Apply Geor- K.
WrlhU Baa Publishm Co.
S-HAJO tool aad rubber boa. Cf f. Mra.
SATES Overstocked with anoad-hud
pates ail alaaa and maim; bargain. Amer
ican Supply Co, 111 Faxnaia St.
and second-hand safe, nil riniim.
FOR SALE Partly fnlsb4 twenty
lowr foot sail boat. Call Rod 434.
ORIENTAL smoking tabaee . perfume.
Try It. Sample 2oc. Leek box 13, Sous
City, la.
TOn SALE New and aeeoad-hand Nl
Bard and pool table. Wa lead tha world
In cheap bar fixture). Ease payments.
ISnuaswlck-Baike-Coiiender. 40T 6a. loth.
FOR SALE Camera, 4Hx, Goes Ian as.
fc -t LiMTPTrwnna est.
Alio Johnon, Brudm Theater Bids;.
Katherm Nikolas, 434-t Braaaela Thaatar
I). O. BARN ELL. Paxtoa Blk. TaU RJ-71IT
WILLARD EDDT, Solicitor, Uwtt City
riann lyiar i. ina .
UTRAM A. STURaES. rag. attpntay. SM
eraaasia inaaaar cuu. uouiiu aaaa.
Mi r troaunciai. atomach troubl. Dr.
alargant HaiiMaa. SHt Blk. O T74X
EVERT paraoav kaowa wba D. J. O'Brien
k4 ha"a""t n haa mada Omaha famaua
with hi caady. If Jaa. Beatty, a.
3th Be wul coma bo Tb Be otlic wttnla
thr day w wul 43 a aim aa erdar tor
Lie BLHaJC aia
af wosvan. Omaha.
CI I A XfPflO traaXmanta- Mr. Stael. z-
?in A Al rJKf (ft pr r. tm a. 1.1a. 1 u.
vva ta k IMA M liousla Ul
M UIVFTK! - Treaonent. E. Brott, UU
AXELIGHT hair food grawa hair. Hot
Frayar. Mrseath eta. Co laJt and Faraaaa
UNITED Bratfereji ahuroh aervto
a nu. t p. a. IMh and Lothrap.
ItAhSAGS Swwdlah nmTemeat; nothtak
bat tar tar rbaumatians. I ania, tl; gaau
maa. (Laa, Apt. X BS Faraaaa. Ura. a to k.
Good Samaritaa
At CouncU Blaffa. la.
TOCNQ WOMEN eomtas ta Omaha a
atraacars ar mm) to ytait th Y jun
,Wocnwa a CBrlbbaar aaaociauoa buiidmc at
Beventaanth St. aad bu Mary a Ava, where
tbey wul be alractad to aultabl boardiaa
plaoaa or eiharwia aaaiated. Look for aar
traer" aid at Cn Lbmb atattoa.
MRS. 8NTDER, Swedlah maaaac. hatha,
radiator and Tlbra'utr treatment. Th
Iunaaay. Flat a, hah and: Pierce. Ltoug. elaa.
f AS4 A CiV TREATMENT. Mr. Blaela.
MAaaAUl 1. a. 17th. Id Boor, room i
A COOL PLUNGE In Lak Manawa will
vereom that hot feellna. If tt. C. Ptr-
aon. 2) Charlea St., will oom to Th Be
lie ertthin tare da a wa will alva him a
pair 01 rouoa trip Ucketa ta Cue Macawa.
THE SALVATION ARMT solicit eaat-off
cloth ink, la ttut, aoytnina you do not
need. W collect, rpur aad aeil at 134 N.
11th SC. for coat 3f coliactioa to th worthy
poor. Call phea Dougiaa CJ aad wasuoa
wui caa.
HINDOO TABLETS will build, era,
atreogthea. iwe. MLL DRUG CO.
MASSAGE Mrs- Rlttanhoiiae,
Boston Btor Bids- .
STRICTLT pnvata cenfmemant boma
AVe find home for bahw whr mothara
ar not able to car fur them, gdi LaTen
Pert BC
Gladdlah Pharmacy, Uth aad todsa.
WE RENT aad repair ail kinds of aewlnd
anacaine. id. A-luaa. Lkmj as laal.
lath and Harney Sta.
n ATTI1"! ait glow aad massage, kmc
4X0 Alien of CMean. h S. I7tk
nt.. let tlaor free, room L oula ;.
Lew W. Raber, Printer rLtu'n.
IUES HALL PtE- Co-. VM S. lh- Ind. A-K-4.
PHONE IN D. A-XM tor w wintlna.
ZrnCLiad Pnaua Cev, Uth and Capitol Ava
MIDLAND Guar. Trust Co.. 1714 rar
H. at. NeaJe. prea; i. CamueeU. sac IX jaai
REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract in Nebraaaa. X Branueia Theater.
teeata Iixf City Nai l Beak Bltl
lffT7T T FJ Job work and rplrmg:
alCJlLI.Ur,.l contraccaa. Lou. k
I. Kalku.S'U u: N. ath. Xlous-
Paperhansina. wallpaper reduced. H. 1S04.
FOR a family desaert ua Dalsell'k lc
cream. II T. E. Hill. 1AJ4 No. Ath St,
will com t Tb Be oflua within three
daya we will give htm aa order fur a quart
hru k of Una Una ica craaaa,
auMuNaON NOHBT. furaaa aad CBr
rk- D. Mm.
citt piopKirr rrn sals
Six Room House
Three Fine Lots
Good 4-room house at I35S Grand Ava-
wlta ground having fruntaae of 14 feet
and depth ut ls foet ilooj weii. cistrrn.
cament blocs at liar. Owner would trade hie
euuity far vacant pro(Mrty or email eticum.
bared cottaga r wouid sell 00 eeay terma
It la rl'je a hoot, church and atorea
Larated oa a. ih. level irround. eoaknaaadin
J tae view, ta good aignborhood.
Scott L Hill .
Dougiaa 1L
XTT McCagu Blda.
FIN B lot. rloae ha. some bTiprovemaaia;
tM caah. balanvo 4 per ceak U 7L Be.
riTT orriciAi. koticb.
a mora ataartw tat
012. NINETY HOUSES" 1thl" tha laat ltitaa
JJJa Ouada. Hollow and
J "2 pant In atr-wt improramnta
T 'nn appy Hollow. Thla maana
a uiuaxfj lUlUfm
fjlHyl OfklaTLhaa'al aMldaaaa at)--- . .
. .ioa uisincx will TBI
adntak-a of tha country ar anloyed. to-
a w ooiiTaniMjoaa of tha city.
. nonow aaa uuvtt. or
an a-ra or two In Falracr ta aa Idaaj
apot for a hoin ar a aaf and aura a
PRirr.4 tnr tuww.w . ..
. i-'vji r-J. I . rut wnn
pnira and full tnformauoa caa b aeurd
tth Floor Qty Kafl Bank Bid.
Looking For a Home
Raad about tbia brand naw ona. ut
rdy to mova Into; larv vaotlbul
ntranra. fin parlor and dining room,
with window aaat arranetniit la dtnlnr
room: colonnada opanina betwn parlor
and dlnina roomi oak ffnlah In all tht
room; two apiandld bad rooma: vary eoa
janlantly arrancad kitrban, hartna; entry
tor rafrl(wator and pantry; cholca com
bination liprhtina; f1turaa; outaH collar
entrance; dandy cemrniad bwanent, with
laundry Mnk and flrat claaa hot air
f-irnar; bi roomy attic, partly floored;
forty-foot BOUtll (root lot T -m than KlwU
to Fharman Av. nar car and within IS
U J mm u toe walk down town. It la a
little rm. Aak t a It. Price, n.V;
eaay tarn Thl cottag-4 l well built In
every reapact and should not ha o4anrf
wun me cneap. throw toawther rarlety of
Scott & Hill,
Doukiaa mil.
107 McCa-ue Bids.
Look - Who's - Here
with a proposition that ahould appeal to
j--, u,, inciKi, mi just um ame. am
independent not dependent. The Peeoa
vaJIv K'aw 14 ..u. n . ..
that la within your reach. Do not let It
"UB!r" 'r,'t th flneet cllmat.
1 - -"-aa, 1'irnij w. BHvl aUlw aifwlt'
claaa market farllltir. w have an In-
.u.irm pmpoauon mat ia noth sal and
world for those with. I una; troubl-crt
01-uwa anvimnff; no crop fail
ures; no oppreaalTe beat nor exeeaelTe
COMf All M, 1 r n..M - . : . .
10 to t acres, 11 within one to four mile
an up-u-ata tnnny wtrn
town of le.OM. Our prtoea ar right and
tarma mmm - . . , .
let that eontaiaa both Illustrations aad
facta wall worth your caaatdaratlon. Com
to our rflc and let ua snow you phot
graphs and tell you mora about it, ""The
half ha not been told." . .
.iujciiuja ciuii.i I t-t-1-, all t mag
Phooaa: I 132. W. just.
XTT AVTl SYliwt WW iw-w
4?M V )i ta tm m k
all ffnodatm aiant h mm 1 am a .hImij -
front lot, fin shade, paved street, la a
nwaauuui uwiu aa sine nomas ana on tb ear
line. The property was sold about tw
rra ago lot M.swa. ioa preaent owner
wants hla money and will aacrtfioa tha
plaoe for U.3M. It ta new. rented to a
ochi imun tor auai per annum. What
better Invest man t eould yon aak? The lot
alona Is worth tl Son rwi va.i , em
aad S2S per month? If aa, coma ta aad aaa
8. E. Cor. lath and Faraam.
Doug. 17SL A-llSI
Good a-room house, water, gas, eewer
toilet, cement walka. paved street, eloae iti
and valuable location, near !4th and Leav
enworth. A bargain at Cam Tou caa
aecupy part and rent balance of house for
nearly enoutxn to cover monthly payment.
ioos into tnia. ve nave other Ilka It-
Russell & McKitrick Co.,
42 nam a Bid., lata and Jrlarne.
n.lOa Five-room cottar, city water and
(raa. south of Hanscom park.
tLSkv Seven room house ua S. kta SC. naax
In; Is a good buy.
U. Fiv-ruom cottage en Mapta St. near
14th: modern except heat.
$2.190 faix-room house, modern except beat;
near ZM and Laird Ha
CMD-Ntw bungalow on full lot; 1 a aaap;
moaem except nest.
tit Be Bids. Douglas SaHA-Ota.
GOOD, comfortable, modern noma
House not new. but wall built and
In aplenaid repair and oondltioa.
Eight room, aaat treat. SM aad
Maaun street a. Handy to Park Ava
and Leavenworth street rare. Cloea
tu Flfcid club and Ha Decora Para
Full lot, fruit and (had breae. ce
ment walk and cellar, good steel
range goes with the bouae. Very
cheap. Phone Harney 4i or In
quire 13 So. SU Btreet.
At Kit Bancroft St, wa have for aala a
dandy a-room outtage uat corapltd and
ready for occupancy. Electric lirhta and
gaa, but aa city water yet. Th wnr will
take lea money loan it coat him ta build it
and il H tor tMi cah; balance tJ4 per
month. Price only ti.M0. If you have an
ambiiloa. t own t bom, bore s aa oppor
s. E. Cor. lth and Fsrnam,
Daig. 17U. A-Uat.
To build a St. Louis fiat would b oa
Nth and Davenport Sis. W have a lot
&4 fret wide and U2 feet deep, facina" aouth
oa Davenport street- For quick aala caa
be purchased for K-M.
W. J. Dermody Investment Cb
IU4 City National Bank Bla-.
FOR SALE A buetoes lat .a bargain If
taaea at vse. r'or paj-ticuer . a 1 rn aa
it. aU a . Bos 791. Frenxtet. Kb.
C- Fred Harrlsoa and Geo. T. Morton tor
huiiinnae barkSina. kia u 11. aha Nat 1 Ban
lortuauua writ 10 ua Ualiev Camp Beany
cav. AArua. A ulami,
la, t ml out. 14 ta cult, Ut black alfalfa
or ikuver land; tUur imp.; wvi aeinaer
aeoe. Pv smb. s nu. inata una u iLuat, Bear
P. o. and achooi. nearly aU sinwca up.
uajul. k cult.. Lai- Umber. 2s evr; 4 at
.;. s bea na urcird, 1 lm-eit beg
utu. estra aod 4-r. raauletne. a4ta.
wuse . m bera. avara rail aaauy
bjmuai giMjJ couunoa.i ; deiiaaitui locauea.
abuuuuce imi nut, tuia, eimjovt w .
year aua tas; teroa eaay.
Mat. i4ialk.HaU
BEST fruit and
tor ante la U. V.
wy Cm, Avt.
Cur hwveiet ahowin-
Va W.
FOR BAT K If you want a farm ar farm
lauoa la aouth weel A!aoama, we have ail
k aeuecially a-faiia. cora and ttsa
1. 1 al uiu Fur fuii Im
rf",'""'TTT Tta! aT'i'l" ''"""i.iMJi'l mi-'i1' "HI' 'i"TCTWi '" ' " i"'-IJ j J ' aaajaaw-awaai
1 A Beautiful Ludivig
I "Olk 1C1A
uau y m aim & ctii.u
Valued at 5750
On Exhibition at Haydcn Bros.
Is the Fix st Prize
in the
Bee's u Ad-Co ttcr"
You can. help some contest
act win this beautiful prixa
by giving' them a want ad
when they call on you.
You are helping them and
aalatmg your business at
.he same time.
LiM ACRES rich bottom land, aia miles
Newark, tl per acre; terma Fine e-an
grove. FlorUla. Forty acre; tT.fcM. 4 jam
kargalna. A. A. Henderson. Newark. Ar
al A.. SMOOTH. Vm au. railway atadea
Ilk) fenced, at euil mail houa tw wua
tw pubuc roada, L". Lnion Bank
Trust Co.. Ral ia. lepa, aearcy. Ark-
lu ciasaas of timber, farm and fruit lands
ia Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi,
from ia t Lb Pr aura, Wru J. IA By
aotda. Cuumb. atbv
COTTON plantation; 4!n) aa; aleuaat
hVrooin dwntna; Plenty tenant bouses:
good bara and ouibuiloinxs; rich, niack
loam; wui grow oaie cviuia or 19 Dueaeis
corn per acre; woven wire lance, m acres
cultivation; aid merchantable timber, bar-
aood; healthful locauon; 4 aulas irom good
town; aood neighborhood; near school aad
church; price IA.ftv; reasonable terma
Addrea Johnston a Weilia. ear aouuam
Trust Cou Llttie Rock. Ark.
tt TRACTS of laud in th com aad al
falfa disuiot of Deita land; black soil, good
acnewLs; lands will aoultl in vaiu m three
(ear; now rest Irom la t par aura
Vnt us what you want
Plna Bluff. Ark.
OZABJC LAND CO.. Otartta, Ark.
uxJi. raacnaa. iruii anna, perry uetaa
small tracta installment pian; towa prop
art, Buaiaaaa house. Wru -
Ufm A. UNIMPROv-ED eat-oft tlmsef
land; much fine timber yet on laud; 4 ta j
mL from Eureka Spnn; cine for fruit,
ranch and general terming; fTJA, Specie
beiisWB ia improved farms, (10 ta tea.
WM. JENKL'o'S 4k CO.
Eureka Sprlnga Ark.
BEST fruit and g on era! arming lands
for one m V. B.. In bearcy Co.. Ark. Bead
for boeaiiet abowlng (k to Hi land Bear
tswa. W. M. Henaoo, Laa 11 a. Ark.
OLDEN wheat laada- for - aala - lav
pewved and unimproved prairie Xarma, aay
aiaa. - Alberta, aaasaicnewaa.
cay. W axreua, Baaav. Can.
REAL ESTATE I have a larg Met af
bead la ta Gooaa aad Eacla lake district.
batter ta Canada. U. P. Leech. Boss
town. Bask
FREE valuable Information ta Can ad lei.
laad aeekera Fraclt Crawford. War btock.
IS ACRES, rloae to town. Saskatcbawaa;
I7 acraa la wheat; ti acre; third cash,
balance ta suit. writ for terms. 12
Brodl SC. Fcrt WUllama. OnL. Caa
FARM lands ta the Canadian wee, tew
lata In railroad divisional point a, property
tn Watroua the Carlsbad of Antnca,
Writ W. M. Oalbraita. Watroua aaa
kaichewaa. I OWN a aacOoa af goad wheat laad
situated las tbaa tw mile from krewia
towa la Saskatcbawaa. W ill aeU for 34 Per
acre. Aadr, M. J. Carrocber. P. O. Baa
t.t. Wlanlnwg. Manitoba.
NORTHWESTERN Colorado wheat lands.
1ZA ta tU per acre. a few improved
larma. Ik w pi, Write J. B. Binbardt.
SterUnS. Cola.
laVACRE seat tmcated farm. Coloraae:
Caeiy Improved; naw IA- roum dwelUna,
uiin; putato cellar holds 10 cafioaoa,
acrea wheat; 4 acra alfalfa; aa waeta
laad; viy foot under aid water right.
Lav an at bar tana, can't work both; 4
auias aorta of Leaver. J mile aouth el
Qreelsy. C A. Ufory. Mack aud,.
Leaver. Colo
19 ACRES ta Eastera Colorado, deeded
and clear, nice and level with immediate
prospect tor irrigation from private ditch.
1 hia la a first claaa investment. Writ
tor laformauoa. price fLLas par acra
Firat a tat Bank. Wlggma, Colo.
FOR SALE OR TRADE My equity hk W
Secuoa at raw land, aWe of nureata. f
aulee Kit Caraoa and t mile WUd Uura.
Coeyaao C, Coio ; ua C P. By., lays
good, anailuw water district; 1 mil t
river; altalta arawa succaealuliy aearby.
Price, tM par acr; encumarano tLi&e, 01
llonal at I pea- caul, due May U. wit. Will
trade the awulty. fLfcie. tor real dance e'
ettual value. 1 aiaa bae W senium Jouung
lUia whi.u is deer, tu iraue lor twwa prop
erty. Sanaa prlca Wuuia carry hack 11. a
ea tbia at per oeuu W attar 14. Boyd,
Newtwa. 1.
1(4) ACRES. Caaa unty. Iowa, farm lm
pruved aad ttil Icuaied, price. Lm per
aoa, my equity is tiaav. Wact suuthera
ja.aiieta r aaauta, laad. cieatr. N ia
Laled prases cvoatderea. laa ls-tiur
pvaar poriaala aaeoiia olae tar what
a,e your Addraaa C W. MoCaiieilai.a.
caa awauti. Laiaa. 1.
FOR SALE Excel lent 19-acre farm la
corn and biue aiaa belt. Adams eount.
low a. larm ail well fenced. acre, k
ubi. lia acrea tiled, aad all la eaxeilaa.
cuuvaiwt U-rauw hvuse. targ brick
asilr wiiu cement flur, cement wa k.
sift aew bara and null, with good Fair
uimk ofc:n. aew h house, j.ber sue
buildiags, all ta good repair; goo aiucx
aa laiMaids. la-i H9 grove and good er
chard. tour gocd well exaclieai aur. tw
wiudoiilla. lur (uiincr iMiucnn adtireA
Mra Anna M. Naaa. las Hiaa at, lies
FOR SALE Splendid farma well lm
pieved. racgina ia from te tu td pr
.ci Tbia a ch-oa towa bxad. ia waU Uav
pi wved cwmmuailiea. aaat ..Q aiid aciioo.a
Then ia au aaur fertile ar bcauiul part
cf the state than ueceuia ewunt. Wnt
tor parlacutar. f. d vdiiMi.. SibMi .
LkaVACRJ faraa T aoatlvaaat Baa
aett. B-ra aout.iy, Nebraaaa; sua ara m
iwu in. year, uuge acreake ia uiuwthy
aad uever; goad aet of impr'vsaeiua
pita. UM t acre, aas-thud caah. Ba
aaa eaay lain -a at 4 per act
Ca&L la.NNia.
t r. L 4 T b aa,
Sioux, City, lav
WANTED A goad stuck ef geaarat
.) l Hl.i). la tl.-. b.
gjud term aaevr Ba.te. ta.. aaa eaaa, ta. .
cuti tain U4 acta, vx-nwa bouse, beru,
xt rra. tiai aa acre, ewbjcvt t,
auvU. ta.wa F. B. Loom, Batia. a.
Ut-ACRB Uuprsvad tarra. T aula from
Me City, t B.iLa tr,a aeta.l twwa. W.
a acre; eaay taxtua and spieamd barai.
1U4 acre luuui proved fares 11 milea Irvaa
Via ia dir. i auB tr m tw.j tew. a.
auu 4t aa aaa a bas toe beet aar in aortheta Iowa. Coana tu. a ua
Bate City, la.
lew Ceetlaaed.
1V ACRE estate, all the vary abolceat at
bind, nomine; nicer la th atata. 9t.aa or
aior of lmprovemants a.1 la good abape;
Yr miles f rum tw good tuwna Must be
suld and soon. I have tb exciualva kaad
l:ng of this. Price, tit per acre. Marcu ;
aeUvery: cash, baiaiics tw par oant. ei
M Emery, North woed, la.
FOR SALE Tw rota. B umbers t and 17,
biock E. Bnciewood addltlota, Hiahland
Park. Address J. H. Bennett. Oakaloo.
HAT laad ta lease, sat acrea. for share ar
caah. P. Flnca. Humboldt. Ia.
rae-scr farm la Pocahontas county; aar
nar light tn town; building oae block front
depat a(.d areamery; tea-room boua aioely
furnished; fine grove aad fruit trees; beau,
tifui building at laatna; south; csttl barn
44xe, 14-foot posts; - stanchions for about
titty cattle; two alio blnaf. room far lot too.
ef bay; alsi- teed cutter. ora grinder and
M-hors poWr gasollue enala. bora ban a
tor 15 borae. with bay loft and gram bin.;
windmill and three water tanks; farm
fence In aix fieids; Ttt acrea hogtighc
Pnc. tlvS per acre oa very eaar taraaa
J. A. CARROLL. Haifa. Ia
ES ACRES and 171 acre at soathara
low land. Improved, well located, good
soil, right price, for sal or trade; 7.04
tqulty la brick store building; a flrst-claa
inorni property, fo aala ar trade, quick,
aa land, march and laa or automobile. Ad
drees Box t, DlaeTonal. lav
WE bar soma enolce bargain In ear,
wheat and alfalfa laada for aala In Ben to
aad Rusk counties; writ for list of farai
auimaa amencaa laveatmant
eat ACRES, I1 miles out. X tn wheat;
I buyer; balance pasture. Th lata nua
and anew assure bumper crop; level aa a
Uoor; ld-av par asre; tenaa. W. at. Cat
uartson. tooott Qty. KaA.
' ACRES, elx mile 'from Mloaola,
acraa la wheat, ane-thltd tn buyer; naw
4 -roe 71 bouse, (labia, wen, mill. tank, pas
ture fenced; -rich, alius. eott; has raised
(ood crop every yar"rs1nc broken ut.
treat bargain.' 135 per'me-re. arms The
Bay C Beard Laad Co.. Mineola. Kaa.
14 acrea lt miles out. tag acre la wbeal,
hi delivered ta buyer, level, rich, deep eoll:
good well and wmdmlti. tu.Xj; terma
Other wheat and alfalfa laada. an aisea
aad prta L. t. Baaithmacaar. swear.
Mead. Baa.
Rkt ACRES, b mile rood town; fenced,
well improved; all smooth land; rich black
soli; good orchard; R. F. D ; phone; fine
aurrwundinaa. Ks; good terma; wU ax
Chang for hardware, lmpiameata ar gea
ral merchandiaa. ". U. MoU, Harmaioe.
Ct ACRES X la a! fair: KVroora bouea,
larr bara, granary., eta. ; - tw mile to
Lamad. Pawnee county; W acre pasture,
balanca la aultlvatlon: rich, dees soil. aoue.
daaca ef water, well, and nulla; CXwd;
atunia steaity ca. Mutcainaon.
VERNON pariah. La.; tha land of aua
shine, eoll. climate, huaraeta water, health,
good; price cheep, write LeeevUia Heal
Estate aad Improvement Co, C. M. Mo
Farlaad. SeCy, LeaavUi. La.
LOUISIANA farm aad Umber lands,
good for truck, corn, catUe. etc.; on ac
count of cotton pest, cheapest lands on
market. Hall. Elder dt Bcncit, Monro.
at laa
IV 009 equity la good quarter In southern
Minaaaoia; quarters twa miles from
good town, having boua stxJa new bara
ol4s. with sable roof, email granary and
renoe. w ant mar nine, Steele 01 dry good.
Prtc tb per acre. BaaL A. Cone, Winduw.
Mina acrea la St. Latuis and Carttaa
eounuaa, Mianaaaia. near due at Du
luta and Superior, at prtc within tha reach
ef ail: I ta 111 aa acr; aay term; four
teen railroad aow otarinx thee tw a ties
fumten cheap aad quick trans port atioa. a
(lv joa.oe ateel plant naw building by tb
United blate Stl aarparauan near tanda.
Boll ia ferula aad wail adapted to diversi
fied fanul-. aaixyuik and garden truck.
Na km haul or ti-aasportatia charge
but ncnt at tha door of tha beat Bieraeu
o tk Lulled btalea, with oesatant demaad
and high pnoaa Writ tor full tnformauoa.
avoetoa at uuiuta t arm iao caw aa) At-
Luiuta. Mica.
FINE farm boma. CM acre, t milea
from good town; black loam aoiL Ad
la need large tram -dwelling, barn, grae
ary, niaehia sneila. eta., ta avor ia tietd.
e acrea umber, baiana stover aad um
thy aad meadow. Ideal dairy term. W
per acre, ess third caaa, tie am e aaay
larma, M. J. bvoia. S oaatoa. auaav
LANDS Na tea. lev aar Tt
Twta Cities: goad tillable eoti, stat map
mailed with aV-pag ttoak fur m caata
Hubart Land ta. paaata Bta..
FARM. SNAP CB acrea level prairie
land, xa) la crop, balance pasture aau
aieadow; good btutdiaaa. 4a acta. Moreiiari
at AUiblaon. al anaelo, M ma
.44 ACBJlS li not e from tot- Paul, I milea
.rotu Buacatent. au teaord. botch lean U,
i acrea vuiu.ated. uaiant;e paature aad
a.ack ak timber ; only tat per acra tor lav
meoiale aai, haif ca.K
lAi acre impieved faim It mllee from SM.
Paul. 1 Bu.e trota Kth Vailay ataliea.
uloe-rootn i.euee, icdniui. targe baiu aad
Lbar buiMiaaa aVl la guua eocditiun;
biacx loam mui. clay tubaoa: always beea
suiilvatad by owner: us) acre under Bio w,
I acres fruit U-eea, mostly apla. bslaaas
od umuer lane twett a. ice ana taroaa.
VV. F. A R. W. M jrtljr. Ptuaaar iTaea
blda.. at. Paul. Mlna.
I HAVE a farm ef Ut acta 7 aulas
tram good Ion, at ntulaa trout Minnai,4.,
,uv ui,U r cuiuv.Uia, abut av acrea
auaadw, bauxiic Umber; caa ail be opened
ti, nch uii, goo notut. barn and tber
builatnga price. Ut par acra Aia 10-aAS-e
lama twa 01 ilea from good lowa, a acie
under plow, li aeie tax, bar, goad naa eeti.
t-tuum house, tw aartta aad suvar -builutugs.
wtndmlil. fla natural greve, r.
si.aru Jual cunnaaaanl ta beat. Prusa,
(J ju; eaay larsaa. W rut uwaer. Caarlt:
B. kaa am. But Blvar, Mlnav
SEND for a list mi eur Ca ln proved
ai uibera Mincaawia laaus; we have 'Ma
trexl. of piaeaad citatomer. C B. Rrowa
Laad C.. ottiaea Msdelia aad Pie suea-
!ai. Miaa.
FOR SALE Mt aar et Cued Bow bard
whtat land. Beer Waihaita, Pwtatun
euaiy. Nona Daseta. Far particuiar ad
trwaa ewaar. A. Uura as. JU Third Ave,
N, M nneejolta, buata.
'A ! M ASD RAACH I.A0 rO lit
If ytu ar thinainf a( nnmiriin waat
I tbia yaa writ ua for acnpti lltf-,.-ira
of our land ta MmnnU, Martk
I ano'a asd Montana Wa caa puit yo
b aiattar what yaaj want and whar
' want It. and raa aaii yu mar
twi a kctm to 1.4O0. Wuliaia . otoatiaa,
, Lack Baa a. Cormorant. Mioav
A 8NA kirr BS QUICK: -aV Inv
I provad farm In Murrar county. aLnnaaoia.
nn Drst-ciaa bulidmc. raocaa, apiandia
ortjham, tw mi.aa irum tawo
rtla John HoJdaa, r liarria. JMinaw
THIRTEEN a action la tawaa couaty.
ar Sidnay, ona ul th boat twa la tb
Yatlowaton railey; aia bav otbar laixia
that wa ar rwtaaLaa in aay ataa farm 7 a
a ant. rlla yvur wanta Prtua ar rtahh
Tb bayward Land Uianoina atooC
1 rOR SALE Finest farm m LaavaaworU
aouaty, Broaddua farm of la acraa, 1
autaa from tort Laa van worth. .( brie
raa danoa. tut 4a-yrax-old walnut. UJ auaar trva. natural gaa. twa lalapooaaa
fra dallvary. l ul.aa tram tfaata Fa ata
uon; aamin pramiaaa and wnta Mr, i.
L. fcUrby. Uua FaUx at. a4. J . Ma.
Farma any aiaa fur aa.. MO ta KS4 par
acra. Unproved o uaimprovad. H caah, bai
uma. or 1-111 caah hai. tan year at A
, nia your want. Fifvy-Qva aula aaat f
; Kumi City on C A. R. R.
; HiXglasrui. Mil
I FOR SALE 5 farma. larva and amaU,
, attam afiaaiaaippl aud Mtaauuit nvwra,
avra tii per acra Writa for bi( prtoa
' llau 'William Cram a. Wrlcht City. M. -
earth. Highly unprvd 111 acraa, raises
aaythms. t!4. Other decided bergaioa
Writaua. GiUiam Realty Ca, tilillam. Ma
STOP! Don t ko a stop farther than
Leu .as county, dow la th beautiful
Osark. ralae anything; corn M ta go bush
els per acre, all other crop in proportloa;
cheapest good land un earth. $5 to 13) per
acra Free Information. Urosa Raal b Slal
Co, Ava, Mo
ACRE farm, all culUvated; fin houaa,
bara. fencaa, flrat-clasa eondiiioa; Da
spring; water; S milea from tow; I aula
from railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi
gration Co., Pledmoat. Me.
MISSOURI farm. Sat acr; 4-room bousa
barn; It scree wheat, M acre corn, level,
black dirt; t miles railroad, tea acre. Chaa
E. Huckstep Really c. Blsberry. Ma
FOR SALE On of th best and obeaneat
farma in the Misafsaippi Delta, consisting af
Lad acrea. acre in cultivation, tn bun
flower county. For price and terma writ
to me. J. D. Rings. Selma. Ala.
the aoming farm Btata 112.M ta PB per
acra Writ fur deacrtptlon. Shaw A
Clark Land Cumpany, Hackney Bldk , St,
Paul. Minn.
OS-ACRE komeataad rllnqulshmnt for
eaae. also on botet, on bakery, on grnaral
star, aaa aaloon. ona feed ator. Addraaa
Charias F. Brown. Qalata, Moat,
I VA U.O-roill.T JWV . mj I Wf . W, pnVt
Aae fruit land: aid water right, best seo
Uoa of the valley Ca propoaiiiua for sub
division; fair kuadinx. easy term. Ad
drea war. B. O. Lewis. BieveasviLa
FINE tvaj-Ber ranch, 12 rnlie fi f IB towa,
I quarter tame hay, balance wild hay and
rolling; heavy black aotl; tw flowing
wells, a-room hou barn, granary aim
chicken house, telephone W mile to aeboel.
This is an exceptionally fine ranch and a
snap. WUI sell oa easy terma Gearg E,
Collins, owner. Atklasoa No.
tna-aer ranct, 4 14 mile from Schnvler.
Neb. : 104 acres in corn, balance blue erase
and clover pasturv.; running water through
tb rancn; aoll black, aandy loam, auitakia
tor tuiung ap tato amall- Cans Tola ta
an axcepuonall - tine reach and a aaap.
Will aatl on eaay terma
W. B. BIN (is Owner. -tit
McCagu Bid.
HOMESTEAD acre for tltt In cash;
about 20 miles out; good piow land; not
aad. Another oa tor 1175: tS caah and
till a month. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Nab.
U ACRES ta Chaa county. Nebraaaa.
12 miles south of Elate; if tax en soon win
tax HtJdt an acra; thla la a good quarter
section and caa all be farmed; will take
a goud IHI or 111 automobile oa the deal
and carry tha balanca a. A. Gartaad,
cuarttun. Ia
tot acrea St miles from Emerson, Neb ;
flue improvement, land ls good; caa
make apiendid tvrms, and tha price la tl
to tea lea than adjoining place are being
priced st. For particulars nail on or writ
ONE f th finest farm m Rich! set
ecunty, consisting of 29 acrea af good,
productive land, joining Wyndmer. Fla
large bulldin-. lat of fruit, aice greva
and aevar-taiiinc flowla waiL Ptica per acra. Eaay term. Mama
Pauisaa Laad C, wyadsasr. Nertn ue
k OH SALE Aa excerptional'y fine lta, I
Klles ot stevator, six miles of Wyndmer.
good, heavy, black aoll. WUd Rio rivet
taioukh pasture. Fko new biutdiaxa, welt
af axcelleat water, windmill, eta.. ai par
aur. tat la a aaap. Lack Bex IA
vylmi. Borta Laaota.
AUCTION SALE North Dakota; choice
Vt oil and Stutsman county farms at puuuc
tiuuva June a, UU, ua eaay tcruia S rite
tar iBiormauoav A. F. Betcaer, aala Mr,
a, Saavun. N. L.
Farced to sacrifice W alao 10 acre beat
Cherokee Indian farms, rich, deep, blaok
soiL bartly Unproved : cloea te county aw
ricueet county of America in natural re
sources, real Bargain tor coaaervauv in
vestor. Please investigate. Will trad
tr luerchanoia. ur ant thing I can turn
Into mone. Cheap for cash. Any reason
able oiler acccpieo. ,-u commission. All
lettsis auswered. Address owner, box 1W
jjirneiia Nb, or pnun xtctUHin tu,
a OR SALE Its) acre cTbasee appi. pear.
chart . kra land in the west, six mile
Irom to 1 oa mile (rum railrutd; aed
deep volcanic aaa. l a Lallea, ura. prise
wiomng laa a.
14 Brcree. W milea from towa. aew, Boed
er house, baa a. tentHnent; Be pear prttb.
briak. LBd yauua ueee, l.uus araia vlnaa.
guu water; wood. Or will cell at acres
with all lm rovemenis 1 nvaai igai mis
aoucltao. C. tt. w aOaicx. in laiaa, ute-
bewtb Carellaa.
LANDS tHt per acr made arowiag la
tar preerva en the Inlands urcswue aa
aav atuathty peymeuis. nm isiauu etrcaatd
.umpuny. Charleston, a C
swath DaBota.
Clot to the Minneeel Ua; heavy black
ami: elav auoauii: lies very level aaa ail
under cultivation. Must be aoid within
tn to rloae aa aetata. Half of thta year s
ciop tuta with the price. 4ia per acre:
eaay terms, tt.tfub will candle it aad 11 is
a Soap. Jtv gravel, nu aiwtiea. to idui weeua
Atuuses V. . r - Motaa. Laa Pieatoo, a. u.
FOR SALB bectlon goud. raw land: ail
fencvu. twl floe lux wail . t mite rro 'a
PtanxiCK'-ua. p. U. For tarucuiai wnit
J. B. U Maiicy. Ptuup. a u
WILL exchange choice farm laad Bear
puna tna cauiial ef douta Daawta, fur
auotl Iowa or Nebraska laad; wnat bav
ou to ulter I West Laaid Co, PWra.A U.
FOB SALE ltd seres unptaved. valley
farui land. Brule counly. auutb Daaota,
ruitaiag water, telephone and rural atau
aac terms. aOdna the Wbitaeca 4
Lumbard Baek. Kimball. kV D.
Vts have a uat ef temutuK couaty land
.u. m. a. uvtt. a-t aua per acre. It
m tares tea write ua tur pauutiwuara aaa as
in tHKi.d our price ana iwctt sttp. l&
you wa taad tn buuik latirfa Uat it aua
u. Our motto 1 ' A aquare Leal to Buyer
ud aariiu. oive La a to prove., wr
eceteawat. naavoia 1 an ta, aiina- a
uiusoa cuubu, Buuth Laaota
aa-ACRE corn farm, out tram Sieua FaBa,
eauaiieat tmtro wneiita, large gruva a
trull, ail la cuiti aiioa, prtoe lor quicl aaua
aaa, eaay t.ruia , ml. c las waul improved, la. .
laraa, and la arva unimiaravad. Thra ai
bargains fur quick sai. M. A. buvl
wber, kaaua Fans, 8. 1.
Beth Dakota
Fair Improvements. Prlca, Si KsV Equity.
i:.eWL AAasaa BaeU Estai Ca, Akatta
Thl I th land w bava Fro bom
steads; relinquishment and deeded lanua
i or particulars writ F. O. Wonder A Co,
Buffalo Gap. d. D.
FOR BALE improved t acr farm In
Dewnl eounty, 8. D , with all personal
property, including St bead of eeitia. t
bead of born a s aeita all farm ma
chinery, etc., for tM per err. W ill accept in good tnoetn property If sold in
next sixty daya A W. Allen. Caa by,
SAN SABA VALLEY, th gardea spot of
Texas, bom of th paper shell pecan. W
oaa buy land for you ar Inveai money, 1
per cent Bet t yea secured by mortaaa oa
tbesa lands. Corrwspoadeae aoll alt. Re
fer to First Nat'l bank, ban baba Nat'l
bank. Ward, Murray dt Ca, and IB mem
bers tn congree from Teaaa. B-atlay-Burleaoa
C, aaa Saba. Tea.
Buy ere bar aad gardea laada neat
Houatoa. th greatest and most prosper
ous alty In th southwest, wber vaiuaa
are gting up ail th time and fortunes
made la reel estate in all art while. Easy
terms if deaured. Addraaa E. C Robert
son. Vela. Tax, aad a i-acr farm la tha
Rio (iranda valley, where th farmer
caah Income la aa perpetual aa th day
that com and go. S. H. J ac eon. ?ug First
Natianal Bank Bldg, Houston, Tax,'
WE are subdividing X,jtm acre of ferOls
farm land in Jackaoa county. Splendid
crops every year.' Rainfall about na-ht, 44
lachaa. For aeam Ipuon. plat aad prlca
tU B. Heuetoa 8u. Baa Aatonla Tex
WRITE for Information abont th nn
land Empire." alao gpokaaa its metro foils
Farm, fruit Mtada dty property. Make
our of fir your beadq-iarter and Informa
tion bureau when in ur dty. IOWA
RKALTT CO, 4U LlndeU Blk, Spokaaa
WTOMINO farm and stock ranch; Im
proved, fenced, well watered. Ms acrea.
Will be sold best offer next sixty daya
Writ wnr. Andrew WUsea. Parker.
FOR SALE naw acrea ta Laramie
county. Wyoming, fax Geldea Prmtrl die
Uict; au.tble for farmlna; Bow stocked
with catti aad aheap; wui sail with ranch;
will exchange tor e aster Nebraska or
Iowa farma J. T. Bail. Owner. Cheyaaaa,
WE exchange properties of merit. H. H,
Culver. 412-U O- N. B. Bldg. IX TMb.
I have aeeeiai auolo otauard bom ta
4Cbang- tor (arm la Nebraaaa. Iowa or
Thee areharda ar la th beautiful Pah
aaao fruit diatnet.
writa for paruculara
H. SL HOUGH, Pal laad. Col.
FOR EXCHANGE t3t acre gtock ranch;
M acre now la alfalfa. M acrea raore
ready ; to aow. t art of Improvomenta
Beat ranch in o ill hem Kanaaa. Worth
ttu.eut. Incumbrance tlAsW. Will trade for
clear, rental property, land la lew a, aorth
Mo.. 8. E. Neb,. N. E Kansas, or Illinois,
or tor mercbanois. Addraaa Owner, Lock
Box a, Lonston, Kaa.
TAKE me out to th bail gam. .If A,
Gordun, ZUt Locust Sc. will cum to Th
Be utile within tare day w will giva
him a ticket to th ball gam at Kourk
FOR reliable Bale and xohangwa. as
U M. LEA MING, set Brandeta Blda.
FOR anlck recuita Bee Daaa, CO B
Blda. Daaclaa Lad. ;
WILL aeil T room, all modem houaa: I
blocks from Farnam. S2.SW; monthly In
tauimants iSk. Good boma tor large family.
Or will xcban- 'for rental property aad
pay soma difference. Addraaa. S tot. Bee.
FOR SALE or exchange. 1,100-acr ranch
tn western Neb.: ha running water and ad
acrea under cultivation; ha Sla,uU0 worth
of Improvement; la acres af alfalfa; will
aeU or eunatder good eastera laadflno (27
nee a?n
raue-acr ranch on tha Big Laramie river.
Wyoming: baa La. As) worth of Improve
ments; MOt acre under irrigation; ranch
la Joined -by over lw sections of govern
ment land and forest reserve; will take
soma good income property or consider
soma good eastern land; price Xm per acra.
Brown dt Grlftla. Cairo, Neb.
FOR 8ALB ar trad tor automobile, resi
dence property la Hastings, Neb. Addrea
w. Lock Box iz. wiicax. Nab.
FOR SALE ar exchanr for Columtraa
O . property, six-room cottags ta desirable
resident portion ot Omaha, M Brunaoa
aidg.. Columbus. O.
HAVE western Iowa farm land and In
come property to trade oa western So.
Dak. ranch land. What bar you? Address
Be 700.
ANTED City loaaa aad warrant a W.
Smith dt Ca, 1ZJ Faraaaa at.
CITT and farm loana. Bsnaon At Mjrars
Co. t-4 Omaiia Nat'l Bank; Bui.
LOANB ta bom ewwers and home build-
era, with privilege of maaun; partial pay
ments semi-annually. W. H. THuMAmS.
First NaUonai BaaB Blag.
41ARVIN BROS., td floor N. T. Ufa. S5t
to tisv.iwu lUi prove property. N delay.
8 eoreaem tins th Pen Mutual Ufa Ina
Co.. witn asaet vf ever tUi.eun Oue. I as
prepared ta accept all tha good loana af-
el aa improves mnaaa real aetata
Uuaineaa aad raaideace loaaa mad wick-
out aetay.
, CRy National Baak Btda.
s very where because tney ar th bast. It
W. w ou! worth, ia -Nona 1 weniy-ttth St.
will cum lo the Bee of lie within thr
days w wul xiv him aa order Xur a ee-
cout box tree.
CITY and farm. JOHN N. FKE.V7SH.
OMAHA Property aad Nebraska Laada
O KEEsB REAL Lo'iAial CO..
bU4 New cinatia National Kaaa Bulldlag,
at Ca
La to mad promptly. F. IX
ttaad, Wasd Bldg, lata and Farnam.
Xmm II f BiauUaua xueavter Buiav
Cc, omaha. .
WANTED City loana. Peter Trust Ca
Will pay 14 i-er aeut niarot aad give a
eecuntv a first mortaee aa a good t
acie ranch, improved. In western NeK;
worth tt.svd This Is tor quiaa actloa oa y.
Bex 474, umtha.
BEST price paid for M hand furniture,
carpets, clothing and abuse, lee. D. aVTL
FOR a dainty desaert use Dalxell's Ira
cream. If M Peterson, Ut. No. kt-h St.
wul com to Th Be eUice within thro
days will give him aa order for a quart
brick of this Laa Ice cream.
BELNER pay good arte tor furniture,
carpet, eaoinee aad a nor. IX aetL
WANTED ta buy lavalld'a reclining
roller chair. Call Haraey UU.
Ing tha aa. tw moder anfuraisbsd mini
ltn ouaro, or uwant a er -rooia
inent. Addrosa J 4,4, Be.
. FXR flrst-das prartiaal nurse call U
4 60S
WXR tbone wha ar seeking amplovnent
Tha He will run your situation want ad
FKEK unui you gat th deaired result
Bring yttur ad to lb be v(Uc ar tele
phone Tyler l.axv. ...
TOUNG man. It year cf aa wish
work ia some store.' hsv had experience
In grocery a tore. Addraaa W. M. Gllnen,
Iran. DeL. Omaha.
FIRST rlasa rarpentar wants carpenter
work of any kind In country. aSS Military
Ava Phone Webster tiV
WANTED SI titat Ion as eiat'rmary f!r--
Address t North 17th street.
FIRST class machinist and et1ner
wants poaluon; wiu go a tit of city. Ad
tree F sTl, Be.
TOUNG man with clerical experience da
rtre pnaaiea ef aay bind. 10M a. uth.
TTIT-' Vn T,. i-w ... .
-j 'an-w promts atnr
firt In physician- or dentist offle. Ad-
'-nT caahlaa wlabe pos'Mon ar will
iibat:tute PHoae !le'aa 7r
CNION STATION aad kaa aa
rioa rweirie ;
, Depart. " Arrive.
an Fran. Overland I., .a am a T net
China and Japan F. M a t1S pm a t pnt
Atlantic iCxpree a t aj ant
Oregon Expreca all SS pm a 1 ) pm
Lo Angeles Umlted... U s pm a 13 pta
Denver Special a T4 am a T 17 am
Centennial State "pec 1 all JB pm aUStn
Colorado Expreaa a I JO pm a 4 M pm
Oreron-Wash. Limited alr." pm a t 5 ma
North Platte Loral. .....a t:lS am- tlpm
Grand Island Local a 5 M pm alh-.w am
Strombur. Loral Ml 41 pm b I B pm
Chteaa, Rack I sta ad at Paeirtew
Rocky Mountain Ltd. .all s ant alt S pm
The Mountaineer- a t.ta am a 7 am
Omaha ray Expreaa a 4 W pm
Chlcairo Ieal Pass.. .. bit K am bl it pm
F,h,C7 K'P1". 4:l pm a 1:1 pnt
Dee Mcdnaa Im faaa m. a tn
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd Id pa a T 47 am
The Mountaineer .... ..a tr1 am a t:4t am
Local Paaa. to Lincoln a at ant
Cola-Cal Exprea ..a 1 U pm a 4 et am
OkL 4V Tex. Expreaa. a t.t pm all at ant
ChL-Neb Ltd. Lincoln ; "... a t M pm
Reeky Mouataia Ltd..alv:t pm aUt.M La
Mleeearl PaeKla '
5- C. PL L, Ex .a lM 7 4 am
K. C. 4 bt L. Ex all pta a t At pm
k Tt erlb ateoita a
Twin City Erpre-s.., a 7 44am
Sioux City Local a 1 pm
Minn. Dakota Ex.. ...a 7 a pm
Turin City Umlted a 1.4S pm
Minnesota Express . ..;
Carroll Local ....a TStt am
Daylight Cbioaca ...,..a T 40 am
Chicago Local sL.u. pm
Cvilorado-Chlcaa'o a m.W pm
Chicago Special a 4-tU pm
Pacific Crast-Chlcxn...a 4 K am
Lea Ang-etes Limited, .a & pm
Overland Limited a I S pm
Carroll Local .-...a - pm
Fast Mall a lit pm
Cedar Rapids. Sioux City
and OmaSa
Centennial Stat TJm.... If ell am
Loac Pin a t .dt am
Norfolk-Dallas ..........a t.flt am
Long Pine-Lincoln ....a t 15 pm
HastUlsw-Stinerlor b 1 IS pra
twad wood -Hot 8prlnta.a 1 M pra
Caspar-Lander ,:.a t:NC pm
Fremont-Albion b l:9t pra
iH B pm
a I J pm
a t IS am
a 7 am
alias am
tl pm
al:4t pm
a i .P,
a I j pax
a 4 ani
a t r om
all 39 pm
1 Hi aua
M-w am
a l.m pm
.a r-m
U lt pta
all am
alt.U pm
a . pm
b t a pm
I I " pm
all am
b l:6t pa
rhB -arav. St tleraaeve at St. Paat
Overland Limited .. ...a T S0 pm t:ll aaa
Omaha Chicago Ex h 7:1a am
Perry Local ,.tl tn 11 -44 pm
fo!n.-f.l 17. rm mmm . ttt a z 1
- ...w . w fin ...a Vnt
Colorado Special ......a 7 42 am lit am
Prry Local . b t.14 pm U tt era
Oroaha-SL Louis Ex.-sv t:SB pm a t It am
attui ana repress a T'UZ am aii'ia pm
Staab'y Lcl tfrom C R )b I 40 pm bl:U aaa
Chic a Cewat Wearer at .
Cutoagw Limited . ......a s pm
Tv City Limited .a l:ts pea - a 1:41 am
Twin City Bxures....a l.w m ttSns
Ctlcagjo Bxprea v a t:4t pax
Local Passenger ....... a : pat ...........
LUlaata teateal ' .
Cblcadro Exprea ....a 7 t asa a 1.41 pea
ChBaco Limited .-a .) pea a Is) aca
Mina-at. Paut ax. h I -tw sua
MJWb-et. Paul Lta.. a : pax a a
BarlUtartoa Statt.
. - -
Bar Hats a - .
" fieaart-
a l:4a pm
a t 4a put
aa .lt pea
a t:ei psa
aU-ie aa
a 7: aa
a 4.KI pm
a t it pm
b I k am
!: aa
a J .64 pm
a tAt am
a 1:4 pa
aU.U pm
a 7 v pm
a l.te pa
a l td aua
alt: at am
bW i am
au:4t am
a t s aa
a tat pea
Denver dt California a 4 It) am
euaret SauiiiI b-: . 1j rmmm m. a lu i,m
Nebraska potata ......a am
Blaok Hill a 4.1 pnt
Lincoln stall ...a 1.J tiut
North weal Bxpraa ... all Jt pu
Ieraaaa points a aaa am
Nebraska Exprea,.. ...a 1.1 am
Lincoln Local
bchuy ler Piaitsmoeth b t pa
Ltnouin Looal ..........a 7:at pm
Plattsmoutb-Iowa a 1:11 am
beile vue-Plat tatneu th. ali P yua
Chlcavo Special a 1 Ml am
Denser Special -all. J pm
Chicago Bxprea a 4.20 pm
Chicako Fast Bx press, k 4. SO pm
Iewa Local a 4. US am
Crwston tla) Local...,. 1 pen
St. Lcula Express ....a 4 SO pm
KL C. St. Joseph alv:4 pra
K. C at Be Joseph.... .a all am
K. C A st Joseph a pm
Wabatar ttattest tsth aad Wewetee.
Mlewaart Faetfta .
Depart.' Arrrva
Anbum Local b t:B aa bu tt am
CKaewaras St- Past, Mlea pella dt
.b Z:2& pa
blLtt pm
c t'1 nm
Sioux City Exmreaa
Omaha Local
Sioux City
a t:M aa.
'i win City Pass
Sioux City Local...
Emerson Lecat
b daily, except
niy. dally.
....b I d am
t:'j am
... kl i pm b t tt am
Sunday. ' (o, Suatay
Lsdoay Parts Hambor
astenka. Jvlr it. 11 a. M.
Sreet, Ndy
Aaa- Via..
tt eepras. La ace I a, as at
Aae, A
.1ta-r"arHee s Is Carte Retttnat
aill eall at Pirate at aaa: ftearnf
lit Weal Hancoipu eu, i.bicau. li;.
Local Agan. -
E. V. Parrisli Will
Succeed: Campbell
Bevomei Publicity Afent of Commer
cial Qub Wiea Campbell Goet
to Minneapolit.
Debate as to who wouidvb th successor
of Will A. Campbell aa director cf th
publicity bureau of th Commercial club
wa settled yestvrdsy afternoon, when the
publicity commit tee. of which C. C. Roaa
water is chairman, elected E. V. Parrtsh.
(in Woolwortb avenua. Mr. Pamah waa
chosen from a large field ' of applicants.
Mr. Campbell will Bav the service of
th bureau oa July La. Hi auccesaor will
aasum his duties a short' time after ihat.
Th new director takes up th charge of
advertising Omaha wuh an excellent re,
ord a a newspaper man behind him. Since
last January b baa beea a reporter on
Tha Be, "covering" th cn y hall. Prior
to hi service with Th Be, h waa la
newepaper work In Be Lout, where he
waa with tha St. Louis Republic for six
Tb report of a subcommittee which has
baea consider-in- tha merits of th sap tr
ams for th office, waa s copied by hs
committee ef th whola This subcommit
tee wa composed of Mr. Pa water. Rom
Miller and W. F. Baxtes. Caaeideraiioa
a to who would uoreed Mr. Campbell
ha areupted the Cumntute fur more ihn
twa Beets.