-v i ! I i i ; i WANT ADS ( ; Want aria rgceivexi at enjr time, bat to Insure proper classification tniit be presented before 12 o'tiark m. for the evening edition and before TtSO for morn In (j and Sunday edition. M'ant ads received after each hour will hare their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Claeslfr.'' CASH. KATES KOIl WAVT ADS. KKGLLAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 i centa per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent In sertion. .Each Insertion made on odd tiara, 1 U cents per word. $1-00 P line per month. ItatM annlw la alt. Th DaltV OT Sunday Bee. Always count aU vrortlt to a line. i ' i Want ads for The Bee may be yeft at any of the following drag orr" one Is your "corner druggist"- "' are all branch offices for The Bee your ad will be Inserted Just aa promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The Bee building Seventeenth and Farnam Stat Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Baum Drue Co., Mil N. 16th St. Mtranek, S. A., 101 8. 16th Pt. . Beneon Fharmaey, Benson, Nb. Bemla Park Pttarmacy, 2M and Cuming. Blaka-Brsdlsh, 1902 Bhrmsn Ave Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2211 Mllltsry Ave. Csughlln, C. R.. 472N Leavenworth St. Crlsaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lsks. Coonsy Pharmacy, 1221 South lth St. Cerpiak. Emll, 1204-1 South 13th St F.hler a: Co., fc01 Leavenworth St. Foster Arnold I, 213 North sMh St. Freyjag. J. J. 1914 N. 24th Bt. Fregger Drug Co.. IX North Mth St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park An. snd Paeiflo. Greenough Co., 112 Bo. 10th St. Greenough A Co.. loth and Hickory. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leevea worth Rt. Johsnaon Trug C.n., Wth and Spsldlng. Johnson Pharmacy, 2920 Farnam St. Hanacom Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. 29th Ave, Hlnterlong Drug Co., list Ave. and Far ram Rt. Holat. John. K North lth St. Muff, A. L., W Leavenworth St King. H. P., 12M Farnam. Kountts Place Pharmacy. 2301 N. 14th St. l.athrop Pharmacy. 24th and Hamilton. Marea. Fred I. 201 Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, 13d and Cuming. Patrick Drug Co.. 162 N. 24th St. Keratoma Drug Co., 24th snd Ames Ave. Bchaefer's Cut Pries Drug Store, Wth and Chlcaso 8t. . Walnut Hill, Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DR.ATH AND fUNERAL KOTICBS BROWN Mre George P.. aged years, Tii.a. w Iitlv A 1Q11 Bh. la ntwIvMl h her husband and two daughters. Mrs. Ella : Michel and Mrs. Oeorae Atkins. Funeral Friday afternoon at 1:10 o'clock 1 from residence, 2436 Parker street. Inter tnent Forest Lawn cemetery. . The funeral of Mrs. Mary B. MoClung will be held from her home. Z3Z Locust Bt., Friday at 1 p. m, Interment at Forest Lawn. ., ; ' , LODGE WOTICB. MONDAMIN lodge . No. UL Fraternal Union of America, will hold a basket plo rlo next Suliday afternoon at Elmwood park, to which all members and their friends are Invited. Each family will pro vide lunch .for their respective numbers. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Deaths Julia A.' Jenkins, 13, Immanuel hospital; John Miner, a. necona ana c ; Ckllln T r Vm 1 MM Mouth Twelfth; Bplro Oavrllovlo,' 2. 808 South Ninths George A. .warns, ai, i. josepns hosDltal: Cordelia A. Harmon, 7S. U4 Pierce; Mrs. Grace- iAfferty. M. U4 Sherman avenue; Thomas Miller. 73, I4S1 Parkeri F. D. Heyeussa, .4B. 317 .Williams: Anna Perkins. 26, -'IkZ Uordan. Joanna sa. iower, 17. 2t Farnam. Births Roy and Vlra Bay den. 4527 North Twenty-first, girl; G. and G Rosaetto, 1247 South Thirteenin, gin; u. ana . vurco, .no. 0 . . . L ..... k. 1 . Ik.ak.M n4 Rosls Cutler 1730 South Thirteenth, boy; John and Mary uaugnerty, iia norm Eighteenth, girl; David and Evelyn Peter aan. 2807 Gold, boy: Bert and Delia Policy. Flfty-eeventh and Jackeon, boy; Roy and Clara Myers, toil California, alii; Walter and Auguata Krouse, Sixteenth and Can ton, boy; Earl and Janet Clay, tUOi North BeventecntA,, Ku . MARRIAGB LICENSES. The fallowing marriage licenses have been Issued! : ' Nam a and Residence. . . Age. Benjamin Palmer, Omaha 23 Winifred Llngle, Omaha 30 Arthur T. tie vie Benson (over) 21 Ella L. Stevens, Benson (ever) 11 Hans C. Psterson, Omaha. 14 Anna Kobe, Omaha 21 Frank Fleming, Rescue ,. 38 Annie Steysfcat, Llnwood 22 William Brown, Omaha ft Llssls Russell, Omaha N Everett 'M. Davis. Superior 40 Mary A. Cross, Llnooln 41 William Mossbergsr, Teltamah... n MatUe Cline., Tekamah U Ralph W. Keeling. Omaha. 31 Fern Ho mar, Omaha 17 Howard B. Batten, Edgar ,...".v 11 Bessie L. Bishop, Ed war 23 Thomas Keith. Ida Grove... ....a.. It Dslma Llaenby, Ida ttrova 22 Howard C, Rowei, Slouz City to lanthe M. Robinson, JCnoxvllle.. 37 50U D COLD VEDDINGRi ng lCL$9 7 EDH0LM3 1! LO Sixteenth & me ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN VSkIw embalmar. 1414 Chicago St. D. !, JB-lhM. PHOTO SUPPLIES Kodaks and cameras. The beet develop ing and finishing ta the city. MEUEATH STATION KRT CO, -Photo Department. Ulh and Farnam Bta. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATE, in sums to suit. 110 Bss Bldg. UNION LOAN CO. Y. W. C, A. CLASSES FOR SCHOOL QIRLS: Sewing Tuesday, : 30 a. m. Drawing Wednesday, :J0 a. m. Six leeaona 1.60. Classes begin July 11. 98c AWLK1TE 8AFETT RAZOR, with 7 blades, sell at 12. Abes Her Grand Pharmacy, liiih and Howard. OFFICE STATIONERY fiSZ Kotera ft Leery Co Ibct Jackson. Dle. KODAKS UPI'LIES m r twtlit . MATEUR FINISHING DEMPSTER'S, M S, Uth be. I2i Faraaai aftl BARKER BEOS. PAINT CO, Farnam. Ind. A SS21; Douglas 47(0. We do picture Framing and Olaalna SPECIAL DISCOUNT this month on pamti jlaa. VnmUliM and Wall Paper. D. W. PUGDEON, plumbing. H. Uet. H. K. Bl'RKET Undertaking Co. have moved from ill N. Wth St. to U Leaven oni tt. Cornsr Shoe Repair. H21 Leavenworta. ICE CREAM "r1.lnrflH',clr br"d- MISSOURI FILTER. 116 B, xh. D. 4714. MRS. M. F. MORRILL, china decorating. Etudiu, U Braudeis Theater UM. . J ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) FOR CRAWFISH call H. 2563. MONEY saved on painting, paper hsng hiM, decorating paper; wholesale; quick v-ork. Call A. C. McGulgan Co.. Crounas Ulock. Opp. P. O. Deuglss 3662: A-1K3. VIRGINIA DARE WINK 7ta! a large bottle. Klein Liquor Houae, ill N. Itth fct. W. 8. Heaton. American furnaces. H. IM. The New Elk Hotel. Now open, all outside roome, 16c and 60c by day; week, 13 up. 117 N. lath. D. 7287. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNGATE. chjna firing. 170 Brand-la Bldg. Tel. Webater 69i6. DAVID COL3 CREAMERY COMPANT. PICTURE framing, ons-thlrd cheaper than department stores; moat select stock of frsmed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 8. ltth SI Phones Douglas 1064. Independent A-2S6L JOHNSON FLOPMAN. men's clothing and furnishings. 211 N. lbth St. LYNCH BROS. Laino aid REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477. WILLOW SPRINGS beer, liquors, cigars. sandwiches. ALEX JETES, 1302 Douglas. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS. 11 S. Uth. UPSTAIRS. MAGOARD Vsn ft Storage. Pack, move. store and ship H. H. goods. D. 1401; B-24H. Ba H. Cole Slga Ce. D. 27N. Ult Farnam. TOU'LL alwera be hacpy if your wedding ring comes from Brodegaard'a. Ui S. lite Bt. At the sign ef the crown. WE LIKE LITTLE REPAIR JOBS. FRELINO at STEINLE. Trunk Factory. Hi Farnam. PLUMBING. Huber ft Foreman. HI S. 20th TWENTT per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L 8ts., South Omaha. SMnK"T COSTELLO"8 Omaha Cut OJlVHl plug. Mt N. 16th St. E. ROWE, WELL BORING. Benson 246. Beautlfu: Concordia Park. 69th ft Center. ROA8HES, ANTS, BEDBUGS, FLEAS AND RATS exterminated from your prem ises under guarantee contract: estimated free; Bugdead Liquor Insectlde. 40c; large can powder, sza. call or write Kuey Chemical Works, second floor Crounse Block, opposite postofflce; by maid prepaid. Phone Douglas 3662. -. . HOYDEN Well Boring and pump work. . OUR luettar duplicating work Is une eelled. A trial with convince you. Both phones. Western Duplicating Co., 400 Bee flag. Casady Co., B. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. BUY AND SELL-r?in.Bo:n OMAHA Furniture Repair Works. D. 2481. DOUGLAS' Prlntlna- Co. Tel. Douglaa 141. XT A TT V HT Vf t7T7 A PLUMBING JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Tel. HAR. 401 LAKE MANAWA is ths coolest place to be found. If N. E. Worley. 2611 Hamilton St., win come to The Bee office within three days ws will give him -a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. AUTOMOBILES HONKlJSTHONK HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAP DRUMMOND, Uth and Harney Sts. ONE OVERLAND, tour-twissenger. fully equipped. This is a bargain If taken at once, 1600. J. 1m Sternberc. 81&-S13 b. 18th St.. Omaha, Neb. No trade . proposition neea sddiv; , FOR SALE A bargain. International de livery machine, first-class order snd used three months. . 934 N. Uth bt. Telephone Douglas . ISm. Murphy Did It REPAIRING. PAINTING. TRIMMING. WRITE for list of second-hand auto mobiles, some exceptional bargains In run' a bouts 1 snd five-passenger cars. MITCHELL MOTOR CO. FIVE-PASSENGER Midland, model 14 rtambier, in good shape, at a bargain: one 4&-horse power bus. also other second hand cars. 3614 Leavenworth. NEW and 2d-hand autoa. Delight. Omaha. GO OUT to Rourks park and root for Omaha. If E. L. Daldter, 2218 Burt Bu, will coma to Ths Bee office within, three days ws will glvs him a ticket to ths bass ban game. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET- in or out of business, call on GANGbHAU, vi xe JOiag. lei. u. USUI VARIETY STORE Cash business; popu. latlon of town, 10,uu0; financial difficulty reason tor seiuua. auum s ea. WANTED Young or middle-aged mas wim capiiai to lane an active Interest la one ef the best paying business proposi tions in Omaha. Must bs capable ot tak ing complete management. . s'ar. full . par ticulars aoarees U ws, bee. DOCTOR' 8 location free; muat be a reg ular, with experience; reference and mar ried; central Nebraska town; plenty ef pusmw. aamm a as. vmrw nta EVERY person knows whe D. J. O Brian is because he has mads Omaha famous with tua candy. IX A. iu Geddis, lmv No. V. fi will AAm lA Th. nffln. t t . three a'aya we will give him an order lor m T mrir. nnnl vaam All - four pool tables, ene etUlard tabio, aaow FOR BALJv Or rent W rooms furnishail: a snap to the right party: good reason for selling, call uougias esw. OROCERT In good location, north part of city, doing good business, for sals or will uaae for rea as Lata. Aaaress R sU. FOR bale one well and complete equipped Institute for ths t-day treatment ef the llauor habit: formula for same fur- msnoa vurcnaser ana aemonstrated. A dress Box 3U. Urand Island. Neb. FIRST class restaurant and poet room 1VT VBU UI . ifU, FOR SALE Restaurant, In one ef ths uk iwwin iu ui , a aois, WTIW It., s-room frame building. In centsr of bual nees portion. - Address Box Wl, Douglas, A GOOD nswspapar plant for sale, cheap. A anaD. The lease of ths Ktron hotsl; good money maus vj ris iiw, ivir sais rnasp. CLAUSON BROS K.LHON, 1A. 1231 BUYS lunch room that is worth 1400. CHIROPODISTS MONHSIT, chiropodist, manlcurinr hair dressing, hair guoda. City Nat l Bk. D. 3uA DR. ROY, UOs Farnam St. Douglas 1407, DENTISTS BAILKY ft MAC II. Id floor Paxtoa, D. let. DETECTIVES ZACK, El LI 8. 101 Neville Blk.. Itth and Harasy; wu pnonoa, J jriar iu; A.-17H. OMAHA Secret Service Dstectlve agency, inc., bunded. 4i- Paxton Blk. D. Ui. A-Ui JAMES ALLAN, 301 Nevllls block. Phone Tyler 11J or A-i.s;. CAPT. T. CORMACK. ill KARBACH Blk DRAINAGE J. J. STLBUa, room ttf, rirst HUL beak. nH3)T!T3 SITUATIONS V ANTED gj JliL3 Aji SERVANT GIRLS The Bee will run your ad for a situation or a servant irl free until you get the desired result. Telephone Tyler 1000. DRAINAGE (Continued.) W. J. McEathron, C. K.. 110 Paxton Blk. LOTS surveyed. Brucs ft Standeven. Baa Bldg. DRESSMAKING Dressmaker will ssw by day. Doug. 7M4. Terry's Dressmaking College 20th ft Far. DRESSMAKING done, tt No. 31th Ave. B-2W4. MattleoB. Modiste. Doug. 4001. 1410 B. lOtV THERE is beautiful mw danelna ne- vlllon at Lake Manawa. If William Plck- evsky, 3M4 Hamilton St., will come to The Bee.otfloa within three days ws will glvs him a pair ef round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. 1 EXPERIENCED dressmaker, engage ments by ths day. Call Doug. toCL FIRST class, rsasonabls. Web. 8901 EDUCATIONAL First Summer Term BOYLES COLLEGE Is Now Open. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAT. Omaha's largest and most successful Com mercial College. Bnslness, Bookkseplng, stenography, ielegraphy. Civil Service and Salesmanship. Ths catslogus Is free. Ad dress H. B. ttoyles. President. Omaha, Neb. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamos, motors end repairs. La Bron, 111 o. 12th St. Douglas 217. HARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. 6283; lit 8. 14th. BUMMER ONLY STARTED. KEEP COOL. WOLFE ELEO. CO., lZ FOR a dainty dessert lies DsJzell'i Ice cream. If R. G. Savage, 1M4 N. 26th Bt., will come to Ths Bes office within three days we will give him an order for a quart bnck of this fins ice cream. S51LBENNETT ELEC'L CO. Electrlo fans, hot point Irons, guaranteed. POT H ELECTRIC CO., repairing dyna mos and motors a specialty. D. li37. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN PICNIC LUNCHES Kx,.; 1804 1772 WILLOW PLUMES made from your old and new feathers.. 1S61 8. 11th. S. Sokolof. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric neeuis or injury to the skin; lady attendant. 407 McCagn. bldg. WILLOW PLUMES mad. from your old or new feathers. 23 S. 12th. D. 6566. 1 GAL. Bhogo Uth la waters 11. D. 1172. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1607 Farnam. D. 10U1. A-1001. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam Bt. L. HENDERSON, ltlt Farnam. D. 1211. CUT FLOWERS and designs. 200 N. 16th. FURNACES AND REPAIRS llA v rj your r unrtALfi omnw wio rwa-i PAIRED. Don t wait until fall,- when oufl . . . I2 v ncriT TT KJ I JOHN HU8SIE HARDWARE CO., 2407 Cuming St. Tel. Doug. 1118. BE A BOOSTER for ths national gams of bass ball. If G. Walker, 606 N. 23d St., will come to The Bee office within three days ws will glvs him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. HELP WANTED rEM ALE - Ag-eats Bad Saleswomen. WANTED Three experienced and three inexperienced salesladies tor exquisite educational proposition. Salary and com mission. Call or write 102 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Clerical auag Of flee. TAKE NOTICE. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE UNLESS POSITION SECURED. Ass't Bookkeeper, grocery store 140.00 Stsnographar, out -ot town 66.00 Stenographer 46.0U Cashier 40.00 WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS N., 7M-1-4- N. Y. Lifs Bldg. Faetery amft Trades. x- GIRL8 to learn ' halrdreeslng. Op pen helm parlors. Prloes very reasonable MaeMkssg'era a4 Daasestlae. WANTED Lunch counter girls. Apply, aaaaager. Union Station restaurant. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domestic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to Ths Bee offloe or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED A girt tor gsnsral tteuae werk. Mra N. P. Fell. 30 Dodge. Phone D. as. WANTED A girl tor second work. Davenport St. Phona Harney tt. tm WANTED A cook, good Wages. Mia farnam BC Apply WANTED Competent girl for cooking; Be washing. 1611 Jackson. Harney 146. WANTED Toung girl to assist with housework. 210 S. 26th Ave Harney tsah WHAT does a name mean? It you want to know just try O'Brien's randies, xt F. Hagalln, 1111 No. 26th St., will corns to The be. office within three days we will give him an order for a 10-cent box ef O'Brien's candy free. WANTED A girl for chamber work and welting; must have reference. 1331 8. 36th Ave COMPETENT girl for gsnsral house work; no laundry work. Call Harney at tul 8. tut Ave WANTED Ctrl to cere for two children and assist with light housework. Mrs. P. p. Blackburn. 3067 Popplston. Phons Har ney 1M)L GIRL OR WOMAN FOR G ENTERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD HOME. LIGHT WORK. CALL AT, 43U FAKNAM. PHONE HARNEY 441. WANTED Girl tor general housework; no washing or Ironing; fair wages. 2010 N. 10th St. Webater la 10. WANTED1 A good cook. bst ef wares. Mra. L. C. Nash, Telephone Florenoe XA. WANTED A middle-aged lady ae house keeper. USl llh Bt. WANTED A girl to assist la light house work. . Douglas hou. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; no washing. Harney 714. GIRL to assist, with housework and da cooking. 201 So. 2fcth Ave Phone Harney A GIRL for general housework. 1311 N. MUi 6L, South Omaha. A'&uas bout UM, HELP WANTEDFEMALE m Restekeeien fad Damssttrs Cent'. WANTED A nest young girl to assist with light housework snd hslp care for children. Ona who csn go home nights. Csll Thursday.- 24u Cbarlea St. I FAMILY of three, small house wants girl for general housework. No washing, good wages.. 210 go. 37th St. WHITE girl to assist with general hou as work. 116 Linn Ave., Benson, Nsb. WANTED A reliable colored woman, not young, for general house work; cooking plain. References. 4121 Farnam. H. 1440. GIRL to asalst in house work. White girl preferred. K40 Cepttet Ave. Harney tia. WANTED A eecood girt; geod wages. Kit Farnam. COMPETENT cook; feed wages; i washing, mi Florence Blvd. Web. IT. CHAMBERMAID and waltr.se Private family. Reference 1331 So. 16th Ave Hotel and Rsstaarsvat, WANTED Woman who can wait en counter and cook short ordsrs. Apply im mediately at Klrby's Restaurant. 2221 Vin ton St. Ml.ecllauieewa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as Strangers ars Invited to visit the Yeung Women's Christian association building si 6t. Mary's Avs. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to sultsbls hoarding plaoee er otherwise ssslsted. Look for eur trav elers' aid at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Saleeaaest aad Bolleltere. WANTED I solicitors, muat speak Bo hemian. To puch men can offer perma nent employment proposition of highest order, bubuut references In first miter. M 60. Bee . THE NEW 1911 Encyclopedia Atlaa and Base Ball History frse wltn Collier's. Stu dents and Inexperienced men are earning 116 and up weekly. Call before 10 after 3 226 Paxton block. THE best treat for wife and baby la a dish of Dslsell's Ice cream. If L. Hildlnger, 1714 N. 26tb St., will come to The Bes offlcs within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fin. Ice cream tree AGENTS Wanted at once, first class proposition; bin commission. Write today, baitless euppiy Co., Brown Block. Oman Neb, f FIRE Insurance agents wanted In .very town or vlllags to write Insurance on easy psyment note plan; snsp tor hustlsr. , aJ Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. PRODUCERS of the highest grade are offered an opening with a rated house, the largest of Its krnd In ths world, to sell an advertising service to retailers In evsry line, through Neh..: Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana and. west, on straight commis sion; as the preposition is on. which from 15,000 to llO.Ouo caa be made by a hustlsr, references are - required. No floaters, no "expenses advanoed trlflers need apply. Territory Is melting fast. Apply to field manager,' Felix Lehmann, care Wast Hotel, Sioux City, .- 1sl -er - call personally Satur day and SundaJ. i WANTED Have fins opening for first class salesmsn. On. who has been In the f rocery line preferred. Fine opportunity or a man whn want a IHnif K I m . i with a high class concern and build up a Business or his own. Address In conn denes M 710, care of Dee. ' T - eye. clerical and Offtee. do OUT to Rourke nark and mil fn Omaha. If Charles Kalller, 2210 Ohio St., will come to The Bee office - within three Anvm wa will rlv. hlvM tl.V.I n . u w t. game at Rourke park. Factory and Trades. Drug Btores(snaps).Jobs. Knlset, Bee Bldg. WANTED Planer men. ono who under stands all about machine and capable of turning out machine capacity; will pay 3&a per hour to right .men. , Carbon Timber Co., r'ort Steele, Wye EXPERIENCED auto driver and repair man desires position. Small town pre ferred. Address P. A. T., L. Bx. 27. Tren ton, Neb. WANTED A first-class horaeshoer: nay 1S.M for nlns hours a day; no booxer; ateady )od. juari juorian, xzs.pi. KB, Lincoln, Neb. Mlscsllasiewwe. 6,000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. W1te for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 216-G. Rochester, N. Y. ' BOT More money In one day may be earned with us than . during an entire week In other way. Applicants muat b. bright, neatly dressed, clean hands and face. We want the manliest boy In the city. Com. early, prepared for work. Flsher-MoOil! Co., 401 N. Twenty-fourth St, South Omaha, Neb. UC- ...J100 MONTH AUTOINO. .O. AUTO BCHOOL. OMAHA, NEB. Largest and best, write. WANTED-Railway mall clerks; average 11,100; preparation free for coming Omaha fxiimlnatlons. Franklin Institute, Dept. 216 O. Rochester, N. Y . BOT More money in one day may be earned with us than during aa entire week In ether ways. Applicants must . be bright, neatly dressed, clean hands and faoa. We want the manliest boy In the eity. Come early, prepared for work. Erie Nelson, Mil Capi tol Ave.- Omaha, Nob. YOUNG . women coming to Omaha aa strangers ars Invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Avs. nd 17th Bt.. where thay will ba dlrscted to sultsbls boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for eur irev elera' aid at Lb Ualft station. . HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous :oatlad. WANTED Men to lesrn ths barber trsde; thoussnds have become successful shop owners by our system snd send to us for barbers; we muet supply them; learn now and accept a job that tavs well; elean inside work; fsw weeks completes: sea th. want column for banbers needed; tools given; wages finishing; diplomas granted; particulars mailed to distant applicants; call If possible Moler Berber College, 111 S. Uth St. WANTED for the convention ef sheet metal contractors August 1-11, a repre sentees familiar with trade, to take charge of sir exhibit. Address Paul R. Buehwaid. LauravUle, Md. HELP WANTED M ALB OR k'ICMALE. MEN and women for soliciting. Good money. Easy work. Call 2011 California after I p. m. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Mersee aal Vehicles. PROF. A. B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of horses; sat isfaction guaranteed. 2101 (. 4sth. Her. 3to&. FOR BALE All kinds of good horses, til N. 21st St. 'Phone Deuglss bftJO. LOST AND FOUND f iTTT VlT.Tclen,nS' Pressing and Re- t"- ' pairing. 1U1 JTaream. D. !74i. PERSONS having lost aome artlcl. would do well to call up ths office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whetuer thay left It la ths street care Many articles each day are turned In and tb. comiauy Is anxious to restors them w ths rtabuui owner. Call Douglas 4s. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFK eTRKBl RAILWAY COMPANY. , STRAYED from Georgia and Poppleton avenuea Sunday, June 1, collie pup, body and head tan, nose, tail and feet white 110 reward for return. Phone Douglas 1237. LOST A diamond bracelet Tuesday morn ing, on Missouri Pacific from Kansas City. 13u0 reward, no questions asked. Return to Mra. R. J. Dinning, 107 South 17th. LOST Brown bay mare about years old, weight L300 pounds; ons colt, 1 months old; also ona big bay horse, I yssrs old weight 1.M0 pounds. Rewsrd for Informa tion. American Full Weight Coal Co., 1602 Davenport St. ' TAKE a beat ride on Lake Manaka. We will give a pair of round trip tickets to Pheob. Overholt, 2422 Charles St. If shs will com. to The Bee office within three days. , ISO REWARD. For return of Bulck runabout modal; battleship gray; No. 26; shop motor num ber 891 Taken from Uth and Douglas streets. Omaha, Juna 80. No questions asked. STANDARD OIL CO. I LOST Package of letters 'on south-bound Florence car Wednesday morning. Finder please return to H. A. Beremsn, 17th and Jackson fits., and receive reward.- LOST Squars locket. " Pictures inside C. W. DeLamater, 401 Karbach Blk. MONEY TO LOAN IALART AND CHATTELS. I I I M M lit I I I M II WHY THROW AWAY MONEY t Rv not seeing us before you proeurs a loan on your furniture, plane, ware house receipt or salary. We do not publish misleading rates nor misrepresent; our methods are oleen; no publicity; sxcellent ssrvlos; liberal discount for payment before due. . WE GUARANTEE OUR RATES ARE POSITIVELY THE LOWEST. Call, write or phone. Our agent will corns to you at once f desired CITY LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 20-11 Douglaa Blk. Opposite Hayden'g. Phones: Douglas 2169 Ind. A-26M. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strlotly private . NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. 220 Bee Bldg. . ' Doug. 1361. A-1H6. UOIET loaned salaried peopls, women keeping house and others, without security; easy payments. Office In 17 principal cities. Tolman, 101 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. L. Bldg. NOTICE TO ALL If you ware positive that our rates and terms wsre ths best In ths city, wouldn't It pey you to see us when you need money? A comparison of eur rates with those of other oompenles will convince you that this la the place to borrow. 11.20 la the weekly payment on a 160 loan for (Y) weeks. Other pamenta in the same propor tion. . If you need money write or phone State Morgage Loan Co. R-U Arlington Block. lbU Dodge St, Pnenes: Douglas 94M; Ind. A-2466. W Cj FTjATATT151 Dodge Street DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN ft STORAGE CO., elsana your carpeta oa your floors; electrlo vacuum cleaners. M 8. Mth; tot 8. 17th. Doug. 4161. EXPRESS MA N' 8 DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage aty otrloe, 311 U. 17th. Doug. 34; Ind. B-UiL VERNOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., fireproof storage household goods, pianos and baggaga moved, packed and shipped. Wershuuae 1601 Burt B4. TyWr Ult. Oftcs 7th and Leavenworth. D. 216. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES ALVIN E. ttfi Farnam. POOLE, violin' instruction. REMBRANDT studio. U per cent ie count on Portraits, July and August. OFFERED FOR RENT Beaueg aueal Keeaaa. O. M. X. hauls trunks. D. til, A-MU. ONI er two beautifully located rooms with board; walking dtatenoe; large yard, shade Uses, veranda, etc. Aa Idsel place fur swausasr. ' tut a. 26th Ave. t COOL, clean rooms, Hanseom park dls trtot with exosllent board. Phons K. 13a. AN EVENINT7G at Lake Manawa la well spent If Mra. N. Melcbes, 241 Seward St, will corns to The Bee office within three days ws will give her a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. LARGE east front room with board.. XU 8. 36th St Phone Douglas 1138. LARGE, cool, strictly modern room, suit a We. tor twe gentlemen, with excellent board In privets family. 124 8. 'Mth Ave Phone Harasy M30. FINE front room, with board ta privats family, suitable for two men or man and wife; strictly Drst-elees. 704 N. 24.- Deug las TWA OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Rons eatlaaei. ,..- 1 1 . . n .nit. iiAnur,, wii i i in (i iitiin, , .... , - -n i,.r,nnl Klrat clanS boms cooking. 2510 Doiigs St. EXCEI J.ENT tsW. board 14 a week; also cool rooms. 1610 Harney. rarslihrl Heesia. HALF BLOCK rooms. 12 snd up. from postofflce cool 212 N. 17th St. TWO furnished roome Tel. Webster 1971 2611 N. 20th St. COOL furnished rooms, clos. In. Dodgs. Harney 23U. 2601 DELIGHTFUL, breexy south rooms, prl vste balcony, large shady porch, strictly modern, choice people. 2324 Harney. Doug. 3091. 3313 DOUG LA 9. nice cool south room. Phone Douglas 6131. WELL furnished rooms; wslklng dis tsnee; whits porcelain bath tub. 101 8. 2uth St. NICELY furnished room, in good locality, all modern conveniences, refined home for lady employed. 120 N. 2;!d St. Tel. Red 42:::'. ONE nicely furnished room, all nvde:n. with couple; court neighborhood; walking distance. 'Plitne H. 49X TWO furnished rooms, 11 and 110. Strictly privets fsmlly; good location; references sxchsnged. Phone Red K-3. DBWKY European HeteU 11th ft Farnara. CLOSE-IN, nlcsly furnished, cool rooms for summer; all oonveniencee 1707 Dodge NICELY furnished room, Hanseom park and Field club district, oa oar line Phons Harney 714. WHEN you spend your money spsnd It for ths best there Is. If Joe Arohlbold. 1611 No. 2eth St., will come to Ths Bee office within three days ws will glvs him an order for a 0-cent box of O'Brien's candy fre.. 1470 SO. UTH ST., second floor, large, cool and clean rooms; every thins strictly modern; prices reasonable. D. 7367. FOUR strictly clean, modsrn rooms, fur nished complete for light housekeeping, Sultsbls for man and wife, on. block from Sherman avenue car line. References ex changed. 2608 North 18th St Tel. W. 1180. LIGHT snd airy; nicely furnished. Easy walking distance. Modern. References. 24) K'nrlh 2Mh Kt. RM 7046. NICE, large front room In Hanseom psrk district 3023 Mercy St. Phone H. 4063. TWoilarga, clean rooms; strictly private; bath; walking distance 2601 Harney. Har ney 2173. NICELY furnished front room, with bed room; very pleasant 120 N. 19th St ONE or two rooms, private family. 1127 Mason. 2605 St. Mary's Ave, on. nicely furnished parlor, strictly modern, with piano; good location, walking distance. Douglas 4442. 4 XI IQtK H. miuftra Vl 1rn la fc. ul rooms ,'two blocks from postofflce. TlREE elegant front rooms, large porch, main floor, clos. In, no sign on huuss. 320 N. 20th. STRICTLT modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water- on. room suit able for two gentleman. 311 N. 19th St NICELY furnished, cool rooms, strlotly modern, private family. Her. 17115. ONE nlcelv rurnisned, large, airy room, Uth and Farnam Sts. Call Doug. SCt. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, eult sbls for 2 young ladles or gentlemen. 2047 Dodge St FURNISHED rooms and board, strictly modern, for gentlemen only. B 266C 117 North 26th. FURNISHED room with bath. Ult Chi cago. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern, walking distance, with private family. 2602 St Mary's Ave. Rod 2977.. . , LARGE ROOM suitable far three, and small back room, clean, cool, reasonable. 1814 Dodge LARGE, cool room, reasonable. 1808 Can- ltol Ave. . 1920 DODGE ST. Cool sleeping rooms, eonable. ... LARGE south room, cool and well ven tilated. 1906 Capitol Ave. 120. COOL and clean large well furnished front room and alcove on bathroom floor: nice bath, hot and ice water; both tele phones; walking distance; Leavenworth car and and one-half blocks. 2661 St Mary a Ave Hotels am Apaurtxeeate. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th St DODGE HOTEL, 11th and Dodgs; all cool outside rooms; special week rate. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkl'y rate THE ATLANTIC Hotel. 1401 Caes Bt FOR a dainty dessert uss Dslsell's In cream. If Charles Carlson. Ult N. 26th St. will come to Ths Be. office within three days w. will giv. him an order for a quart brick 01 mis iins ic cream. Fsralikel Heewee. FOUR-ROOM modern apartmearti fur nished. Webster 4463. FOR RENT The finest cettajre en West Okobojl at Egralharve Springs, cooking and lighting by gas. Ten rooms furnished. Also two six room cottages on seme beech furnished. Wra. M. Doyle. Montgomery, la. 701 South 29th St Finely finished and decorated residence every modern con venience for a complete home Barn for garage. Never offered for rent before Will lease to first-class party for 176 per month. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St AiMirtBaseta sal Vleta. THE CENTRAL 626-27 So. 11th St. brand new, modern, np-to-date apartment building; refrigerator, ahadas and gas stoves; everything com plete. Throe rooms 127.60 In summer, 132.60 with heat; 4 rooms 137.60 In summer, 142.60 with heat. Can be seen any time. 22d and Vinton St., 6-room flats, modern, sxcept heat; good condition; first and aec ond floor; 121 and fc!l each. D. V. Bholea Compsny, City National Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 4ft COAL will be plentiful next fall, but steam-heated apartments will bs scaron. Better securs thst vacant on. at Ths Hunter, 26th and Dodge Telephon. Doug las 4132. SUPERB nothing like It 4 er flet. all modsrn. 3M N. CM Bt. FOR RENT Six-room modsra flat. H, ill N. litv St THREE and six-room Data. Marti Block. Kith and Wsbster. a-ROOM apartments, completely snodern, Bcargo Bldg., So. Omaha; above 130 N. 14th. 1 rooms. 1KP Farnam. modern; suitable location for offices, studios, deatal er dressmeklag rooms, sto., for tenants wish ing homes adjoining. liiOa. F. HALL, 431 Range D. ISA A -44. NEW modern S-room aparxmsni: wais teg distance oa oar line; su3 North Twenty. lounn stresi. VERY modern s-roora apartment on West Farnam St; beautifully located. ' JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THS WARDROBE, toll FARNAM. Doug. 1729. reraUk,4 xtoaaoltecolaaj , NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms, good ni-igtioursooa; gaa eae sate; all sBeOera. wh AJeege. js, ssse. OFFERED. FOR RENT Keralshed lloasrkerplng Rooms. 1 S t'S. mitte, clean, cool houaa' I , , suits of two rooms escfi, I SMS ST. MARY": keeolns rooms: south exposure, gooil lutth snd rrfrtgeistor. LIGHT houoekeernil looms, ' erol and modern; In rood locstloti. on Car lias, w.-Jklng dl'tsnce. 24.'6 Didge. . . Two rooms furnlshi-d for light house keeping; as ranfte and electric lights. I.J so. 18th St. NICELY furnlched room for light housekenplng; gooil neighborhood, clos. to car. l IMh Ave. I'hune Web. 63(4. FOR RENT Nicely furnished first floor apartment for light housekeeping; shads and porches: gas furnished; fins location. 614 8. 28th bt. TWO very nicely furnished rooms for hnuat keeping. Good Ventilation. 18th and Karnnm tt. OooJ ref rlijerstor and gas toe in connection. Call Douglss 234. TIIRF.K r-'oms, modern sxcept tsat. Pouth 12th St. . 324 SUITE of nicely furnished front rooms for light housekeeping. 14.60 per Week. Also nicely furnlnhed hoiiMekeepIng room, 13 per week. S16 N. 'th St. tslaralthed Rwoma. 2619 NORTH 19TH AVE. Foiip nice room with bath. Uaa stove furnished (U per month. Phons Doug. 6136. ROOM 5 11.60 and uo. Ill S, Uth Bt UNFURNISHED rooms, bath room JL ators room, outside porch. No chUdrsn vvrjbr' Modern sxcept heat. 217 No. Uth St. THREE rooms with use ef electric light gas. cooking ranga. hot and eold watsr steam-heated, telephone, porch back snd front. Inquire Kneeter, Ladles' Tailor, liu Farnam St,, Doug. 1742. Hoaaoa aal Cottagtea. PIANO tuning and repairing. Chaa. H. Thatcher. D. soil. DuWriLli house. 1313-1316 South Bd St; six rooms on each side, 130 aach. Tele phone Douglaa 4040. 23 MONTHLY rsnts a good piano, Hospe Co., 1613 Douglas 8u ' 2S0J MAPLE Kt., five rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 122 6a Hell Distributer Co. A -4406. D. :40s. Om. Van ft Storage Ce. pecks.moves,stor.e household good. Fireproof storage; let A 16th. Branch. 30 H. 17th. Tel. p. elM. A-itu, 304 South' 38th, 146 a month; all-modem, I rooms. Telephone Douglas 4040. FOR RENT-Down to 120 If takan at once. Seven rooms, all modern; tht-ee bed rooms; In fins condition. Good horn., toil Jackson St. Telephone Red 6264. JAMES BISHOP, furniture moving and storage; two men, 11 an hour; specialty of hauling pianos. 'Phone Web, 2114. B-1497. Benson Transfer Moves Furniture D. use, UNEQUALLED, central.' T-roora bouse no n. tid. .. . NEW, all stucco, modern residence 111 N. Mth Ave Red 47. ' .. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Kxprsssmsn'e Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. iM. City office. 211 & 17th St., Bee Bldg. . Houses In all parts of the city. Craig h Sons ft Co.. Bee Bldg. KIGHT-ROOM house, modern, at 112 a 44t.i St., on W. Far narp-Dundee line TsL Harney 1361 or Douglas 644. Houses. Ins. Ring-wait. Brandels Th. Bldg. SEVERAL modern housss In good lo calities. Several partly modern housea and bouses not modern. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming fits. 'Phones: Douglaa toil, B 304s. MODERN 7-room nouss opposite Haa scom park. 140. Phone Harney 1MB. t 1 1 , NICE sis large room house i flrst-clsst condition; dose In. 133 8. 21st St. H. 2706. 8IX room cottage all modern except heat. 1021 South Twenty-fourth. Sf, 2601 MAPLE ST.' rive rooms', -modern sz- ospi lurnace. .-ou. uaii LMsuihutor Co.. A-440S..D. 740.. Om. Van ft Storage Co. packa.moTwav store household goods. FlreDroof storas-ar au a 16th. Branch. 309 8. 37th. Tot D. 4163. A-ltJii 7-ROOM modern bouse. In rood nnii. tion, large corner lot and shade trees- m Bi244. isis jueinrop 7-ROOM modern house. BOS Mart xM nt tl.380 (-room bouse crtr wetar. lot Its. 1910 Central Boulevard; will sell on terms. C. E. Smith, 404 Bee Bdg Deuglss 1167, A-3367. CLOgnMIf COTTAOlB. 104 Bo. 36th Ave, a t-roora. eO snsilw n. newly daoo rated oottags, wltBte eeay walking distance, ' tJR. PAYNE ft fi LATER CO. Bole Agents, ttn Floor, Om. Nat Xk. Bldg. 701 a TH SL Frnsry ttnlehed end deo orated residence, .very modern coovoitsnce for a ootnplete home. Ben for garage. Never offered for rant before. Will lease to flrst-olase party for ITS per month. W. Farnam Smith ft Co-. 1120 Farnam St EsLEOANT bungalow m West Faroara district; fins shade; finished In tmeelon; fine flropleoe and bnllt-tn booh oa a as; hot water heat; nice lawn. Pboae Doogiaa M60. Price HI per month and water rent 8tesre a4 OttWas, For Rent Business Property t-story brick building.' 214-XI4 South 14th St, MxtO tt; one or two front and will remodel to suit tenant Freight elevator. Cement basement, alley and rear entrances. Fine location, ono-halt block from new W. Os W. Bldg. and Paxton hotel. Can lease from Aug. L Look at this. INTERNATIONAL, LAND AND INTJ35T MENT COMPANY, 210-11-14 Bee Bldg. TWO offloee. Id - floor Oat gh ton Mock; also store et 111 N. Uth St. Alfred Thomas. Agent First Nat l Bank Bldg. BRICK store building. No. 1114 Harnse street, three stories end basement Charia I- Saunders, tu South Uib street Pbuss Douglas 171. Office Space Will divide use of desirable offloe. furnished, and servloas of stsnog rspher and bookkeeper. Separate private rooms. Address M 647, Omaha Bee FOR best grocery and meat market city,-with fixtures; a snsp . 2S0 N. 23d. In DESIRABLE offices In ths Continents! Block; slther In suits or single. Alfrtd Kennedy, 209 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE Veraltwve.. FOR BALE At a bargain, mahogany offics furniture, nearly new: sufficient for two rooms; also rues and Oliver type writer and stand. Address Box 697, Omaha. Typewriters. 'BUT en L. C. Bmltn ft Bros, typewriter B. F. Bwanson Co., Dlstributere 1(11 Far nam Dt. TYPEWRITERS- tr.r. uawo d.m rented and repaired. Typewriter Inapeulloa ixn oranasis iag. rTion. Ind. A-4411; Douglss 4J37. NT 4m Oliver typewriter from th Oliver Typewriter Co, Tel. Douglas Kill. BB a booster for the national gams of bsse ball. If A. Kohn, 2422 N. 24th St.. will come to The Bee office within three daj we will give him a tickets to th 6im h.u game at tvourae pars. Mlseelleaeeee. CHTFrONII. AA4 gag rtage, UU. ewftA MsV A A X V 1 U I V -V awe s eftaM. M as)