Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Ilea aad Cetteaea -Ceatlaeed.
OOM, modern. IJI. 2706 Howard.
J Thoroughly modrn. 1 room. In first
lass condition; hot water heat and electrio
Ight. 221 N. Irtth St.
Fhrn Douglas 7W.
1411 Cunlln t hlUa w ,f ' f Kth
between Hsrnay and froM-town Unas, -r.
ind nail, hot water hest. tneai lor lirn
amlly or roomers, excellent c ndUln, I6".
1011 Omaha Natlmai. Pong, or A -1151.
Evening or Sunday, Ha nay 1134.
Nirre tlx large room hone; flrst-rlnas
eonoitlon; clou in. au a. 21 it fit. II. iTtft.
s . -. .
EIGHT ROOMS. Jim Boulevard, near
fr bsrn-$l6. R. L. Baldwin A Co., 610
First Nat l Hank Rid.
BUMMER COTTAOE-Furrilshed, at
Bayfield, Wis 'Phone Douglas 255
(BIX-ROOM modern house, Mil Lafavette
Ave., Bemls Park, choice neighborhood.
Wbttr 30CA
If.fl California, 10 room. 140.
1127 South lift St., 10 room. 130.
Two 4-room apartments, cloe In.
1-ROOM house and barn. K. 1S08 Oust St.
ISO MAPLE ST. five room, modem -apt
furnace. t22.SH. . Hall Distributor Co.,
A-44ot, D. 740.
takfffl. Van Storeys Co. parks. movee.stores
lousnnolfl goofls. Fireproof storsge; 804 8.
tth. Branch, 80 8. 17th. Tel. D 4162. A-1335.
THE BEST treat for wire and babv la a
dish of Palrell'e loo eream. If Geo-ge
Plane, S14 Notth 27th Pt., wl'l coma to The
office wit' In threi c"avs we w 11 g ve
llm an order for a quart brick of this fine
lee cream free.
2"2S Farnam, I roornn. $.16.00,v
M2 Capitol Ave., 126.00.
Dfl7 Jarkon. 7-room, modern, 130.00.
tit Seward, 7-room. 120.00.
119 B. 29th St.. 6-fwom, 121,00.
And many others. '
F. D. WRAP. 1801 Farnam 8t
torea aaa Offices.
For Rent
t-story brick building with full cement
basement, 1.1x60 ft., with freight elevator
and alley and rear entrance. Loeated at
SM and 21 So. 14th St.. block from new
W. O. W. Bldg. Will fix up to ault tenant.
Can lease same Aug. 1. Look at this If
rou want to rent a building. Fine looatlon
n buMness district Apply
P. 8133 , 210-11-14 Bee Bldg. A.2371
.1S0S Farnam St, either first or aecond
F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam Bt
TWO office, 2d floor Crelghton block;
also atoie at 111 N. 16th St. Alfred Thomas.
Agent, rirst Nat l Bank Bldg.
BRICK store building. No. 1214 Harnsf
treet, three atortes and basement Charles
i keuaaere, ill koutk mb atreeu Pboo
ftiiouglaa ITS.
FOR best grocery and meat market In
city, with fixtures: a snap . 220 N. 23d.
DESIRABLE offlrea In the Continental
BliKiki either In Suite or single. Alfred
Kennedy, 2uv First Nat l Bank Bldg.
140A-0R Howard, restaurant location.
Cfflce In Wead building.
F. D. WKAD, Ml Farnam St.
130.00 Nice larae etore room and aood
basement, 1064 8. 20th St
iS Faxton Block. Phone Douglas 141t
FOB '"ALEV-At a bargain, mahogany
flloa fitrnltura, nearly new: sutfielent for
two rooms: ale . rugs and Oliver tie
(prlter and stand. Adareee Ha i7, Omaita,
ALMOST new buffet and velvet carpet
02 Pleroe St
FOR 8ALB At bargain, mahogany
Office furniture, nearly new: sufnclent for
two rooms; also rugs and Oliver type
writer and stand. Address Box (Ui, Omaha.
ijINI.NG fuimlurt-. mdioum (urn.iuie,
frlgerator. gas range, hall tree, Edison
aptiepnune, bed Mining, matlreMS, ward-
rugs ana other furniture. Cheap, Si
. Trpeerrltera.
BUT an L. C. Smith Brog. typewriter.
B. F. Swansun Co., iistrlbuters. lilt Far
ram St.. .
We have a large stock of all the standard
makes In snghliy used - and rebuilt ma
chines that we want to turn into cash.
J'nces to V mfgr's. We sell on payments
r rent and l t 7 months' rent apply, call
or write tor large bargain list
1S14 Farnam St., Omaha.
rfUleci anl lepaiied. Tyijuwrller Inspection
Co., Inc., iM Brandeis Blag. l-'hons. Ind.
uouglas 4iw7. '
NEW NO. 10 Visible Smith Premier type
wilmc. baigaln. B. L. Baldwin Co.. 610
I irst Nat I Bank Bldg.
1 RENT an iIVr typewriter from th
Oliver .Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglua 2319.
Mlacrllaaeoaa. (I SALE.
By virtue ot art order of the dlstrlot
Court of luglas county, 1 shall iell at
ubilo auction fur cash on Monday. July
mi, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the OMAHA
A1LWAY CLL'B looms, aecontl tloor
l.arker block, the lollowing aeecribid prop-
i iy, io-wii;
ue roller-ton desk. 1 fiat-too desk. 1
desk chairs, 1 National cash register, 1
oavenpuit. 4 cuanlon cualrs It arm cnalrs.
1 library table, 9 drink tables. U chairs to
match, 11 dining tables,' 4 chairs tu match,
gas lamps, 1 Ice-water cooler. 1 hat
rack, 18 billiard chairs, 1 pool tables, . 1
billiard table, 4 cue racks, 44 rues, 1 ball
racks. I ball baskets. 1 upright gas range.
1 steam-table, cooking utensils, dlahes, sil
verware, table linen. 1 kitchen sink, 1
serving table. IS electrlo light futurei. 2
rugs. 1 strip matting, in cimpidors.' 1 waste
bankets, 260 cigars, about 14 gallons whisky,
about 100 cans fruit, vegetaliles, meat, etc..
Li bar soap, U gallons floor oil. 1 case
Lamp's beer, dasn bottles, decanters,
glaaaej, etc.
411-414 Barker block.
BARBER chair. Ind. B-Jl.
SIX-FOOT (bookkeeper s desk, osk fin
ish,, for sale at 11U00. Apply Qeorge K.
Wright Bee PubiUhlng Co.
I-HAND tools and rubber hose. 416 N. 16th.
SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
safes .all slses and makes; Amer
ican Supply Co . 1110 Farnam St.
"TOR SALE CHEAP-Bllllard table, par
lor .else. 'Phone Douglaa 2i.
1 FOR SALE Full couixe scholarship In
Omaha Commercial college, liberal dis
count. Apply H. Brown. 3411 N. 3m .Mt
Webstof M1.
FINK KimballVhapel organ; International
IHtch; bargain, ft N. ltith.
i lxl-FX)T 10-ounce, 6 foot wall tent and
k y A-1 condition, 1JS. Frank J Hughe.
rt'ebeter 47S4.
f ' HAVING dlnpoeed of my suburban home.
. I have a ln H V. gasoline engine on hand
which I had Intended using in connection
with my vsi-r thnf alT' never
I been used: will sell for 136. A (kit. Bee.
Alio Johnson, lot Brandels Theater Bldg.
Katheryn Nikolas, (34-f Brandels Theater.
EVERY person knows wbo kt J. O'Hrlon
(a because he has made Omaha famous
1th Ms candy. If Mra. T. L. Whierht.
lN:4 Wll)ls Ave., will come to The Be
office wuhln three davs we will give her
ao order for a to-cant box free
O. BARN ELL, Pa ton Blk. Tel. Red-TllT
W1IJJRD FIDDT. V. S. Pat. Office offl-
elal eolicltor. VM City Nat Bank. Tyler liW.
HIRAM A. 8TUROE8, re, attornoy. 4
Brandls Theater Bldg. Douglaa IWB.
Massage treatment, stomach trouble. Dr.
Margaret Hailoran. 222-1 Neville Blk. D 774L
UH. BURKE, diseases of women, Omaha.
SILVA1IH JO f "tmenU. Mra. Steele, ex-
1UUU1 vc ptl.t 0p.r t r, nn a t7th. i fi.
mdved to 201 8. lih bt. Douglas lai.
YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha a
strangers are invited to vialt the Young
V omen's Christian association building at
seventeenth St. and 81. Mary's Ave., where
tbev will be directed to suitable boarding
places or otherwise assisted. Look for our
traveler's aid at the Union ataUon.
UNITED Brethren church service 10:30
a. m., I p. m. Uth and Lothrop. 1
MAPSAQE Swedish movement; nothing
better for rheumatism. Ladles, 11 ; gentle
men, U.60. Apt. 1, U02 Farnam. Hrs., I to 1.
Good Samaritan fcl 7H"j;
Ave., Council Bluffs, la,
MRS. SNTDER, Swedish massage, hatha,
Uunaany, Flat I, 10th and Pierce. Doug. 430.
AD ELI OH T hlr food rrowa hair;
M me. Ii rtyr bImk as.c' t. uw
Farnam. ' "a
clothing, In fact, anything you do not
need, we collect, repair and sell at 114 N
11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy
will call oa wagoua
HINDOO TABLETS will build, braoa,
strengUien. too. BBLL DRUO c6.
MAS3AOE Mrs. RittenhouH 1 K Old
Boston Store Bldg.
STRICTLY private confinement home.
We find homes for babies where mothers
aLTaa tlftt as 111 at IA naea 4fAa aU.a kc a .
port St
Qladdlsh Pharmacy, Uth and Dodga.
WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing
machines. Ind. A-106S. Douglas 1661.
Uth and Harney . St.
BATHS ?a,lt 'w " massage. Mme
St., 1st floor, front, room I.
. aiicii ot vnicago.
ion ft mh
Douglas 7m6.
A COOL PLUNOB In Lake Manaw. will
overcome that hot feeling. If Charlea
Deck, arm B, 4th fit. will noma to The Be
office within three day we will give him
a pair of round trip tickets to Lak
Lew W.Raber, Printer
klE HALL Ptg. Co., 10t S. 14th. Ind. A-i&lA.
PHONE IND. A-2620 for o "elntlng!
Lyngctad Printing Co., Mth and Capitol Ave.
oMLDtAN,D ur- . Trust Co.," 1714 Fr.
H. H. Neala, prea.; J., Campbell, seo, D. 1H6
PETER JESSEN, Jr. Co., Tel. Doug. 2292.
REED ABSTRACT CO.. Oldet abstract
Office In Nebraska, M Brandels Theater.
teenth floor City Nat l Bank Bldg.
Faperhanglng, wallpaper reduced.' H. 1904.
McMULLEN ,ob ,work nd repairing;
contracting. Doug. 1030.
N. RAiMOND. 117 N. 20th. Doug. 7714.
Sewer and water connections put In by
Fred Hansen. 811 No. Uth St. Uoug. il
S1MONBON A NORBY. furnace and tin
work. V. 1440. .
West Farnam
Owner Going Away
Offers st a bargain the new and modern
10-room residence No. 121 S. Mth Ave.; hot
water healing; finest of plumbing, elec
tric light, and gas fixtures, mantels, etc.
Just far enough from Farnam St to avoid
noises and dust. - -
111 Board of Trad Bldg.
A modern brick- block of four houses,
with biroh woodwork upstair and down,
polished floors and all convenience. Price,
UO.ouO; Income. $1,100 per year; location
within one mile of the p st ffloe; th r
ougnlv well built and Ire than 1 year
old. If sold at once owner will out price,
as he wants to buy another plrca of real
estate on which he has an option. See ut
promptly If you want a bargain. No trades.
Tel. Douglaa 690. 16u6 Farnam St, Omaha
Yes, last week w advertised a t-room
modern house (but heat) at t727 Chicago
St., with 'a small house In th rear. Th
front house rents for IA and th house In
th rear for 110 per month, total rant being
1420 per year, or 10 per cent an 14.200. W
offered thl property at $3,000 and It was
simply overlooked. We will offer It again
this week at the same price. 00 down and
the balance like paying rent.
O'Neils Real Estate
& Ins. Agency
, V.t Farnam St
Phones Tyler 1024, Independent A-2S11.
611 N. Itth St., South Omaha.
Phones South 114, Independent F-1191
Insurance, Heal Estate.
1M1 B. 10th St. Phone, Douglaa IfiM,
FOR KALK-A buelness lot .a bargaia If
lakan st one. Tor partlouiars aAdree
M. a Bog TV7. 1 raoiaav. Nobs
New Cottage
1 1.100 TAKES IT Urge room end
bath room; cemented cellar; porch, flna
view; close In; 120 ch, balance monthly.
Union Loan and Investment Co.. lit Be
Bldg. Phono Douglas t04.
Big Lots
in Florence
$175, $200, $300
Located within two block of car Una and
macadam road on terms of 110 down and
16 a month. Some ar only on block to
car; high and sightly ground; big lots,
tO-ft frontage. These prices are far below
what they are actually worth. If you want
to 4ook at these lots today, call up phone
Douglas lflnt.
HASTINGS A HTtYDEN. 1614 Harner St
FINE new l-room house, best locution In
Kounts Place, gas and eleotrlclty. furnace,
ready for occupancy, In one week, $4,0UO;
1500 oaah. balance same a rent.
F. D. WEAD, DWi Farnam. -
C. Fred Harrison and Oeo. T. Morton for
business bargains, tit Omaha Nat I Bank
FOR SALE If you want a farm or farm
land In southweat Alauama, w have all
kind, especially aifalfa, corn and cotton
land, from 100 to 1,000 acres. For full In
formation writ to ua. Hefner Camp Realty
Co., Akron, Alabama.
BEST fruit and general farming lands
for prtc In U. 8., In Searcy Co., Ark. Send
tor booklet showing 16 to tit land near
town. W. It HtswQ, Leslie, Ark.
1.6O0 ACRES rich bottom land, els miles
Newark, tlO per aote; terms. 'Fine orange
grove, Florida. Forty aores; 17,6ou. Other
bargalna. A. A. Handeraon, Newark, Ar
kansas. 281 a:, SMOOTH, JV, mt. railway station.
100 fenced, 40 cult, small bouse, tw wells,
two publia roads. 12,600. Union Bank )
Truet Co., Heal Eat Dept. Searoy. Ark.
1M, t mt out 10 In eult, 120 black alfalfa
or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor
hood, 16, 200, t ml, from town of 2.00U: near
P. O. and sohooli nearly all smooth up
land; W cult, baJ. timber, 26 elover: 4 al
falfa, t bearing orchard, U6 fenced hog
tight; extra good 4-r. resldenoe, store,
lodga bldg., new barn, dark red sandy
loam; good community; delightful location;
abundance good water; U.aOU, subjeut w e
year loan tbOO; term easy.
- WM. UlLMuKJf,
Marshall, Ara.
1,600 A. UNIMPROVED cut-oft Umber
land; much fin timber yet on land) 6 to 7
mt from Eureka Springs; fine for fruit;
ranch and general farming; 17 60. Special
bargain In improved farms, 110 to UH.
WM. JttNKlNS it CO., v
Eureka Springs, Ark.
Ail classes of timber, farm and fruit lands
in Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi
from 16 to per acre. Write J. i. Rey
nolds, Camden. Ark.
COTTON plantation; 4W aares; elegant
10-room dwelling; plenty tenant houses;
ood barn and outbuildings; rich, hiack
loami will grow bale cotton or it bushels
corn per acre: woven wire fence, loo acres
cultivation; 200 merchantable Umber, hard
wood; healthful looatlon; 4 miles from good
town; good neighborhood; near suhoel and
church; price IJO.OOO; reasonable term
Address Johnston 4t Weill, car Southern
Truet Co.. UtUe Rock. Ark.
60 TRACTS of land In the corn and al
falfa dlstrlot of Delta land; black soil; good
schools; lands will double' In value In three
yeare; now rent from U to t7 per aere.
Writ us what you want
Pin Biufl. Ark.
OZARK. LAND CO.. Oravetta, Ark.
took ranohee, fruit farms, berry fields,
mall tract. Installment plsn; town pron
srty, Businsas houses. Write ua.
BEST fruit and general irminv lana
for price In U. 8., In Searcy Co., Ark, Send
for booklet showing 16 to 116 land nar
towL. W. M. Hanson, Leslie, Ark. -
' Cse.4.,
GOLDEN wheat lands tor sale, Im
proved and unimproved prairie farms, auy
site. Alberta.- Saskatchewan. Woodhead
coy. Watrous, Saak., Can.
REAL ESTATE I have a large list of
lands In the Goose and Eagle lake dtatrtot
no better In Canada. H. P. Leech, Huh
town. Bask.
FREE valuable Information to Canadlar.
land seekers. Frank Crawford, Ware block,
220 acres, 1 mile from railroad station;
ten miles from city of 14,000; under new
fence and In winter wheat; first crop,
be v oral crops easily pays for th land.
Part cash, balanc terms. No trades. Rea-'
on for selling, closing partnership. Price
160. Big bargain. UUUam Realty CO.,
Gilliam, Mo. ,
I'iO aorea In wheat; lit acre; third cash,
balance to suit Writ for terras. UN
Brodl St, Fcrt William, Ont, Can.-
FARM lands In th Canadian west, towa
lot In railroad divisional point, property
In Watrous, the Carlsbad ot America,
Write W. M. Galbralth.... Watroua. Sas
katchewan. ., .
I OWN m section of good wheat land
situated less than two miles from growing
town in YasKatcnewan. win sell for 120 per
ere. Address, M. J. Carrothers. P O. Box
177, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
NORTHWESTERN Colorado wheat land.
112.60 to 11 per aero. A few Improved
farm. MO to W. Write J.' a Reinhardt
Sterling. Colo.
1G0-ACRK best irrigated farm. Colorado;
bnely "Improved; new 10-room dwelling,
vaiu; po'ato cellar holdx lu carloads, w
Screa wheat; 60 acres alfalfa; no waste
land; every foot under old water rlgbt;
nave another farm, can't work both; 40
milea north of Denver, 40 miles south of
Ureeley. C. A. Gregory, 4Ue Mack Bldg..
Denver, Colo. -
1st ACRES, Case aounty, Iowa, farm to
proved and well lecated; price. 112i per
tore; my equity Is 116.600. Want southern
Minneeota or Dakota land, clear. No In
flated prices considered. One 10-horse
Kwer portable gasoline engine for what
ve you? Addreas C. W. McCauatlaud.
Case county, Lorah. Ia.
section bf raw land, 1 m.Jej of Borenta. 1
mile Kit Carson aad t milea Wild Horse.
Cbevenne Co., Cola; on U. P. Hy., lays
good, shallow water district; 1 mile to
river; alfalfa grown aucceaefully nearby.
Price,. M per aure; encumbrance H.ZjV, op
tional at t pe, cent, due May U, ii4. Will
trade the equity. I1.S60, Cur residence e'
equal value. I also have hi section joining
th.s which Is clear, to trade for town prop
erty. Same price. Would carry back ll.bOt
on this at t per oent Walter 11. Boyd.
Newton, la.
FOR SALE BY OWNER tO-acre farm In
low as favorite corn belt, only thirty-five
miles south of Omaha; all In cultivation;
fertile, well Improved; grove, fruit treee;
uujoining proeperoua railroad town; south
west corner one block from depot; good
school; three churches. Address owner. Bog
U. I'erdval, Fremont county, Iowa,
FOP. 8AL.E Excellent 240-acre farm In
com and blue graas belt Adams county,
Iowa; farm all well fenoed, do acre. hg
tight, 160 acres tiled, and all In excell'-M
cultivation; 12-rooin house, large brick
ctllar with cement floor, cement wa ks,
arge new barn and mill, with good Fair
usnkk engine, new hg house, iiher out
buildings, all In good repair; good stuck
und barnyards, lame grove and Sana or
chard, four good wells, esei-titnt wet, r. .we
windmlls. For further particulars addra-s
Muiaee. la.
FOR SALE Splendid farms, well Im
plored, ranging in from t to I.10 pr
acta. This Is shukoa Iowa land. In well fan
pioved oonimuaillea, near lorn a and aohooia
1 here Is no mora fertile or beautiful part
of the state than Osceo'a county. Write
or particulars. T. 8 Redmoud. Sibley.
FOR SALE Tw lots, numbers t and 17,
block K. fcnglswood addition. Highland
Para. Addreas J. H. beuuett O.kaluuea,
140-ACRB eetate, all th vary ehotceet (
land, nothing nicer In the state. tfi0ut or
more ot improvements all In good shape;
l mile from two good town. Must bs
old and soon. I have the exeiuslve band
ling at this. Prloa, t per acre, March t
delivery; cash, balance 6 per cent (A
M. Emery, North wood, la.
lkVACRB Improved farm, f miles from
Mason City, I milea from email towa; 171
an acre; easy terms and splendid bargain;
lM-aore unimproved farm II miles from
Mason City, m miles from two ether town
only M0 an acre. We have the beet bar
gain In northern Iowa. Come and ee as.
Mason City, la.
l.IOt-ACRB farm T mile southeast Baa
sett, Rock county, Nebraska; M aores in
corn this year, large acreage In timothy
and clover; good set of Improvements
Price. 111.60 per acre; ene-thlrd cash, bal
ance eaay terms at t Per cent
220 r. U A T. Bldg.,
Slavs City. Ia.
WANTED A feed stock of general mer
chandise, tt.OM te lit. 00, In exchange for
good farm near Rolfe, la., and oash; farm
eontalns 164 acres, six-room bouse, barn,
16x40. Price, not an sore, subject to M.T4i;
equity, IS.tWk F. H. Loomer, Rolf, la,
HO-acre farm la Pocahontas county; cor
ner right In town; building one block from
depot and creamery; ten-room house nicely
furnished; fin grove and fruit trees; beau
tiful building aite facing south; cattle barn
44x80, M-foot posts; stanchions for about
fifty cattle; two alio bin; room for 100 ton
ot hay; alac feed cutter, corn grinder and
It-horse power gasoline engine; horse bat
for 16 horses, with hay loft and grain bins;
windmill and three water tanks; farm
fenced In six fields; 70 aores hogtlght
Price, 1106 per acre on very easy terms.
j. a. Carroll, Roifa. is,
ISO ACRES and ITS acres of southern
Iowa land. Improved, well located, good
soil, right price, tor sale or trade fz,o0
equity in brick store building; a ftrst-olass
Inccnie property, for sal or trade, quick,
on land, merchandise or automobile. Ad
dress Box a. Diagonal, la.
HAY land to lease, 100 aores, for shar or
cash. P. Finch, Humboldt, la.
FARM, 160-acra, for tale, t"j miles from
Knox Mil, la.; 2 sets huilduiKS, . ,iuiee hug
fenced, 60 acres small grain; crop goes
with farm It sold before tnreshihH: 10 acre
corn; running water all time; under good
fence; two large orchards; other fm talso;
good reason for selling. Address A. O.
Davis, Knoxvllla, la,.
FOUR miles east ot Council Bluffs Most
of It seeded In alfalfa: smooth uoland. not
over one-fourth acr wast; 4-room house,
neany new; gooa cellar, large porch, good
wen ana wina mui, cistern, with pump In
kitchen; fair barn, new crib, rranarv and
wagon shed; chicken house; two paetures
fenced hog tight; nice yard and garden
with shade, shrubbery nd fruit, 14,600,
11,000 cash, balanc easy terms at t par oent
105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs.
820 ACRES 46 in alfalfa: 10-room hoi.
large barn, granary, etc. ; two milea to
Larned, Pawnee county; 60 acres pasture,
balance In cultivation; rich, deep Soil, abun
dance 01 water, wens ana mills: ta.buO:
terms. Bunt Realty Co , Hutchinson,
640 ACRES, six miles from Mlneola, 601
acres in wheat one-third to buyer; new
4-room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas
ture fenced; rich black Soil; has raised
good crop every year sine broken out;
icreat bargain. .35 per acre. Terms. The
Roy C. Beard Land Co., Mlneola. Ken.
240 acre. 2Vi miles out; 120 acres In wheat;
tt delivered to buyer, level, rich, deep soil;
good, well and windmill, ts.ttO; terms,
other wheat and alfalfa lands, all slses
and prices. L. Ft ttohuhmachar, owner.
Meade, Kan.
129 ACRES, V miles good town; fenoed,
well improved: all smooth land; rich black
soil; good orchard; R. F. D.; phone: fine
surroundings, 66; good terms; will ex
change for hardware. Implements or gen
eral merchandise. W. U. Mott He ring ion.
WE have some Cholca bargalna In corn,
wheat and alfalfa lands for sale in Benton
and Rush counties; write for Hat of farm
bargalna. American Investment company,
Holsington, Ken.
220 ACRES, 14 miles out 200 In wheat;
H to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain
and snow assures bumper crop: level as a
tloor i 122.6O per acre; term. W. B. cui
bertson. Scott City, Kan.
y Loalslana.
VERNON parish. La.t th land of sun
shine, soil, climate, niarset water, health,
good; prices cheap; write Leeaville Real
Estate and Improvement Co., C M. Mu
Failand, Sec'y., Leesvllle, La
LOUISIANA farm and Umber lands,
good for truck, corn, cattle, etc. ; on ac
count of cotton pest, cheapest lands on
market. Hall, Elder 4V Bencit, Monroe,
12,000 equity In good quarter In southern
Minnesota; quartan two miles from
good town, having house 26x20. new barn
12x40, with gable roof, small granary and
fence. Want machine, stock of dry goods.
Price 100 per aore. BenJ. A. Cone, Window,
4,400 acres, mora or lei Improved, South
Cass, Todd and Wadena counties Th
horn of red clover, wild hay, Braln and
vegetables. Selected farms in the RAiN
BELT. SO acre and up. F.rst class laal
Investment Price, 110.60 per so. a 2.0
ash, balance long tima at 8 par cant A.
J. Schlrmar, lowa Falls, la.
10,000 acres In St Louis and Carlton
counties, Minnesota, near eltlea of Du
luth and 6uperior, at priue within the reach
of all; t to til an aore; easy terms; four
teen railroads now entering these two cities
furnish chsap and quick transportation. A
110,000,000 steel plant now building by the
United States Steel corporation near landa
60II Is fertile and wsll adapted to diversi
fied farming, dairying and garden truck.
No long hauls or transportation charge,
but right at the doors of the best markets
of the Utlted HtAtes, with constant demand
and high prlcee. Write for full information,
boston Duluth Farm Land Co., iM At
worth Bldg.. JJuluth, Minn.
If you are thinking ot immigrating west
this year, writ us for descriptive liter
ature of our landa In Minnesota, North
Dakota and Montana. We can suit you
no matter What your want and where
Ewant it, and can soil you anywhere
40 acres to 1.000. William E. otbbea
Bos Cormorant Mlaa.
LANDS No. 660, 1W aore 71 mile
Twin Cities; good tillable eoll; stats map
mailed with 46-page book for lu oenta
Hobart Land Co., pbemx Bldg., Minneap
olis, Mifro.
A SNAP; MUST BB QUICK; 100-acre Im
proved farm In Murray oounty, Minnesota:
has first-class buildings, fences, splendid
grove, orchard, two miles from town.
Writ John Hoidon.jr.. Garvin. Mlnn.-
let ACRES 16 mil trom St. Paul. 1 milt
(root Rosuwont; all fenoed, black loam soil:
60 acre cultivated, balance pasture and
black oak timber; only 62e per acre for 1m
tii.ulate tuie, half ca.h.
180-aore improved farm U miles from St
1 aui, 1 mile from Rich Valley station;
nine-room house, windmill, large barn and
other buildings, all In goou condition;
black loam soil, clay subsoil; always besn
Cultivated by owner; lsO acres under plow,
7 Acres fruit trses, mostly apples, balanoe
.' od limber land, piice and term.
W. F, at B. W. M'irlty. Pioneer press
Bldg.. St. Paul. Minn.-
I HAVE a farm ot 130 aorea JVj miles
trom good town, 10 miles from Minneapolis,
.Ou aces under cultivation; about to aores
meadow, balancs timber; can all be opened
up; rich soil, goou noute, barn and other
buildings. Price, t.12 per aore. Also tO-acre
larm two miles from good town; 4o acres
under plow. 16 acres timber, good .ion soli,
t-room bouee, two barns and othur out
buildings, windmill, fine natural grove, or
chard Just commencing to bear. Price,
13 400; easy terms. Writ owner. Charles
E. awaiiaon, Eik Bit sr. Mlua,.
SEND for a list of our tine Improved
s uihern Minnesota landa; we have hun
dreds of pleased cuutomere. C. K. Brown
Land Co.. Offieee Madelia and Near Rlon
land. Minn
FINE farm home. 120 acrea. I mile
from good town; black loam soil. Ail
fenced: large tram dwelling, barn, gran
ary, machine sheds, etc. )e0 scree la field,
0 aore timber, balanoe elover and tim
othy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm, taf
per aore. ooe-thlrd cash, balsnce easy
terma. M. J. Koto, Foestoa. ktioa.
flaaeeeta Coatlaae.
FOR SALE MO acres ot good new herd
wheat land, neer Walhalla, Peinbine
county, North Dakota. For particulars ad
dress owner, A. Lurassa, 121 Third Ave.,
N.. Minneapolis, Minn.
FARM, SNAP ISO acres level prairie
land, loo In crop, balance pasture aad
meadow; good buildings, 176 aere. Moral tart
Atchison. Mankato, Minn.
THIRTEEN sections In Dawaon county,
nar Sidney, one of the beet towns la the
Yellowstone valley; also have other lands
that we ar retalLag In any also farm you
want Write your wants. Prices are right.
The Hay ward Land A., Glendlne, Mont
FOR SALE Finest farm la Leavenworth
county. Broaddus farm of 180 aorea, A
milea from Fort Leavenworth, tt.oot bring
residence. 600 46-year-old walnuts, 100 sugar
maple trees, natural gas, two telephone,
free delivery, lit mliee from Santa Fe sta
tion: examine premise and write Mra, 1.
L. Xlrby, tiot Felix Kt s)t Josepu, Mo.
Farms any also for sale, 130 to 1154 per
aore. Improved or unimproved, H cash, bai.
time, or l-lu cash bal. ten years at t-t,
Writs your wants. Fifty-fly mile east of
Kansas City on C. A A. R, It
, HlgglnsvlUa. Mo.
FOR SALE 06 farms, large and small,
between Mississippi and Missouri rivers,
average 136 per aore. Write for big price
list William Crsws, Wright City, Mo,-
Farms, ranches, orchards, town property,
unimproved tracts, cheap. BRANDti-V1LLB-EOSHKONONO
CHEAP. Farms to trade for merchandise
or land. Box U6,. Wast Plains, Howell Co.,
MISSOURI FARMS Nona better on
earth. Highly improved ISO aorea, ralaee
anything, IM). other decided bargnlna.
WrlU us. Gilliam Realty Co., UUUam, Mo.-
6TOPI Don't go a step farther than
Douglas county, down In the beautiful
Oaarka, raise anything; corn 10 to to bush
els per acre, all other crops In proportion;
cneapeai gooa una on eartn, 40 to s?u per
sere. Free Information. Uroes Real a.stat
Co., Ava, Mo.
tO-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine bouse,
barn, fsnoes, flrst-olass condition; fine
spring water; I miles from town; 7 mile
trom railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi
gration Co., Piedmont, Mo.
MISSOURI farm, K0 aore; t-room house,
barn; 100 acres wheat 200 aorea corn; level,
black dirt; 1 miles railroad, too acre. Chas,
E. Huckstep Realty Co, Ulsberry, Mo.
r jn DAiii. viio ui me ii. , iiu unvauevf
HIT Bl 1, 0 W . . 1. J . - .
1.60 acre. 700 aores In cultivation. In Sun
' flower county. Fot prices and terms writ
10 me. e. u. xt n k a. i.i, aim.
th coming farm tat. 112. M to $20 per
aore. Write for description. ' Shaw 4k
Clark Land Company, Hackney Bldg., St
feui, sunn.
130-ACRB homestead rellnauishments for
ale; also one hotel, on bskery. one general
etore, one saloon, one feed store. Address,
Charles F. Brown, Oalata, Mont
FOR BALE Bitter Root Valley XX acres
fin fruit land; old water right, beet eeo-
lion ot m. raiivy tine prvpoeiuuo lur BUO
dlvlslonl fair buildings, easy terms. Ad-
u 1 mnm wwnvr. at. jvwtav oteveoavuiei
FINE 40-acr ranch, 12 m.'iea from town,
I quarters tame hay. balanoe wild hay and
pasture; 400 aores level, baltinoe slightly
rolling j heavy black soU; two flowing
wells. 5-room house, barn, granary and
chicken house, telephone; H mile to school.
This is an exceptionally fine ranch and a
nap. Will sell on easy tarms. George E.
Collins, owner, Atkinson. Neb.
100-acre ranch. 4H mile from Schuyler,
Neb.: 100 acres in corn, balance blue srass
and clover pasture; running water through
tr.e; aoii Diaox, aanay 10am, suitable
for cutting up Into small farma. This 1
an exceptionall tine ranch . and a snap.
Will sell on easy terms.
W. S. KING, Owner,
lit McCagu Bldg.
too acre 6Mj milea from Emeraon, Neb. 1
fin Improvements, land laya good'; can
make splendid terms, and the price is lu
to $0 less than adjoining plaoee are being
priced at. For particulars rail on or write
HOMESTEAD 620 acre for 1160 In cash;
about 20 mile out; good plow land; not
sand. Another one for 1176: 126 cash and
$10 a month. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb.
100 ACRES In Chae county. Nebraska,
12 miles south of Lisle; If taken soon will
take $17.60 an aure; this is a good quarter
section and can ail ba farmed; will taxe
a good 110 Or 1811 automobile on the deal
aim carry the balance. F. A. Garland.
Charlton, la
120 ACRES. 6H miles from Rosalie, Neb.,
7-room house, barn, granary, corncrlb,
fenced and cross-fenced, 66 aores In timothy
and clover; price, t& an acre. Address
Box 44b. Lyons. Neb.
North Dakota.
'ONE of the finest farma In Richland
ocunty, consisting of 2J6 acres of good.
firoduotlve land, Joining Wyndmere. Fins
args buildings, lots ut fruit nice greet
snd never-failing flowing welt Price,
tr.i.BO per acre. Eaay terms. Mama
Paulson Land Co., Wyndmere, North ta
FOR SALE Aa exceptionally fine 160, I
milea ot elevator, six milea of Wyndmere,
good, heavy, black soil. Wild Rlcs rlvsr
through pasture. Flna new buildings, well
et excellent water, windmill, etc., io per
acre. This la a snap. Lock Bog U
Vt yndmeie. NortA Lekola.-
AUCTION SALE North Dakota; choice
Walla md Stutsman county tarms at puollo
auction June t. 1S11, on easy terms. Writ
for information. A. F. Belcner, Sale Mgr.,
Mykeston. N. D.
ICR BALE 160 acres choices apple, pear,
cheri)', grape land In the west, six mile
trom town, ons mile from railroad; soil
deep volcanio ash. The Dalle. Ore., prlxe
winning land.
100 acres. 1V mile from town, new, mod
ern house, bain, tenement; 860 pear prune,
bearing; 1.600 young trees, 1,000 graps vines;
good water; wood. Or will sell to scree
with all improvements. Investigation
solicited. C. Ii. Webster, 'i'hs Dalles. o.
eathv Carolina.
LANDS 1600 per acre made growing fig
for preeervea on the Islands. Orohards on
easy monthly paymsnt. tea Island Orchard
Company. Charleston, 8. C
toatk Dakota.
Clots to the Minnesota lins; heavy black
oil; clay subsoil; lies very level end all
under cultivation. Must be sold within W
days to close an astats. Half of this year
crop goes with the price, $23 per acre;
easy terms. $4,000 will handle It and it Is
a snap. Ne stones, no foul weeds.
Address W. UcGee. Lake Preston, a. v.-
FOR SALE Section good, raw land; ail
fenced; aix't flowing well; t miles from
planklngton. 8. D. For particulars write
J. E. O Mallay. Philip, 8. D.-e
WILL exchange choice farm land near
Pierre, the capital ot South Dakota, for
good lows or Nebraeka isnd; wnat have
you to offer? West Laud Co.. Pierre. d. U
FOR SALE ISO scree Impioved, vslley
term land, Brule coui.ty, riuulh Dakota;
runulng water, telephone and rural mail,
eaay term. Adaies the Whllbeck 4k
Lombard Bank. Kimball, H. D.
400-ACRE corn farm, out from Sioug Falls,
excellent Improvements, large grova and
irun; all In cultivation, price for quick aula
6, easy terms; alro S4u well Improved, eaay
terms, snd Its) acres unimproved. These aie
balsams (or quick sale. K. A. ailvlus.
owner, tiloux Fells. 8. D-
VSe have a list of twiinuud county land
lur aula at iruiu iu ami up per acre. If
interested write us for particulars snd w
.viii send our pi n ek anu pocaut mup. ii
you owa land tn South Dakota list it with
u. Our motto Is ' A rtquar Deal to Buyer
und belter." Give us a chance to prove our
Statement Mastoid Land Co., Mine, Ed
munds oount. kouth I 'as ota.
. Fair Improvements, prtc, $6,000. Equity,
t:,et. Akatka heal Estate Co.. Akaaka,
toath Dakota-
ihle i th land we have. Free home
steeds; relinquianmenta snd deeded landa
For partteulara writ F. U Woader Co.,
Buffalo Gap, k. D
SAN SABA VALLEY, the gamen spot of
Texae, borne ot the paper shell pecan. W
can buy land for you or Invest money, I
per cent net to you eeo u red by mortgsge on
these landa Correspondence soUclted, Re
ts' to First Nat l bank, ban kaba Natl
bank. Ward, Murray A Co.. and the mem
bers In congress from Texas. Kellev
Burleson Co.. San Saba. Tea.
Buy orchard and garden land neat
Houston, th greatest and most prosper,
us ctty In the southwe.t, where valuea
sre going us all the time and fortunes
made In rear eetat In short while. F-asy
rmt If desired. Addrese R. c. Robert
son. Vela, Tex., and a lt-acr farm in th
Rio Grand valley, where tha farmer's
cash Income aa perpetual as the days
that come and go. S. H. Jackson, Tut First
National bank Bldg, Houston. T.
WE are subdividing 1,100 aorea of fertile
farm land In Jackson county. Splendid
cropa every year. Rainfall about right 44
inchea. For oeeorlptlon. plat and prlcee
writ . .
Ill E. Houston Hi., kan Antonio, Tex
WRITB for Information about th "In
land Empire," also Spokane, It metropolis.
Farm, fruit land, city property. Make
our office your headquarters and informa
tion bureau when in our city. IUWA
REALTY CO.. 411 Llndelle Blk., Spokane.
WTOMINd farm and ttook ranch; Im
proved, fenced, well Watered. 20 acrea.
Will be sold best offer next alxty davs.
Writ owner. Andrew Wilson, Parker,
FOR BALE 10.000 acre In Laramie
county, Wyoming, In Oolden Prairie dis
trict; suitable tor farming; now stocked
with cattle and sheep; will sell with ranch 1
will exchange for eastern Nebraska or
Iowa farma. J. T. Bell. Owner. Cheyean.
WE exchange properties of merit. H. H.
Culver. 112-11 O. N. B. Bldg. IX T866.
Equity of 117.27.00 In 1.161 aores In Mis
souri ; ti, 760.20 due on land. Want inooma
property or merchandise.
J. W. BLACK. Marshalltown, Is.
LAKE MANAWA Is the ooolest place to
be ft und. If S. O. Pope, UC2 So. 20th St.,
will com to The Bee office within three
day we will give him a pair of round trip
tloksta to Lak Manawa.
FOR reliable sales and exchanges, ses
t. M. LKAM1NG. 6U Brandels Bldg.
FOR quick result ses Dean, tl7 Be
Bldg. Douglaa 1202. (
I bay several cholca orchard home to
exchange for farma la Nebraska, Iowa or
These orohards ar In th beautiful PaU
sew fruit dlstrlot
Write for particular.
H. R. HOUGH. Palisade, Colo.
WILL sell 7-room, ail modern house; S
blocks from Farnam, $2,600; monthly In
stallments 125. Good horn for large family.
Or will exchange for rental property and
pay soma difference. Address, 8 tot, Bee,
WANTED Clt loan and warrant.- W.
Farnam Smith 4k Co., lis) Farnam t t
CITT and farm loan, Benson 4k Myer
Co. 424 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg.
'LOANS to home owners and home build
ers, with privilege ot making partial pay
ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 601
First National Bank Bldg.
OMAHA Property kad Nebraska Landa
WIS New Omaha National Bank Building.
CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRCitfSR.
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
Aiwavg on band and for gal in
Amounts from $300 to $S,000.
412 New York Lifa Bldg.
cheap money.
Representing th Psnn Mutual Lit Ins.
Co., with astets of over $lli,0u0.0ou, I am
prepared to accept all th good loan of
fered on. Improved Omaha real estate
Business and residence loana mad with
ut delay.
City National Bank Bidg.
OARVIN BROS., Id floor N. Y. Lite. IMM
to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay.
MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co,
s 1 1 .
$160 to $10,0(4 made promptly. F. u
aad, wad iiidg., Uth and Farnam.
Ilu-liil Bi auueie i neater Bldg.
wanted, farm loans. Kioke tn?.
Co., Omaha.
5 & fi Vo ou C,,JT "nd t"n Property. W.
O X b MEIKLE, 206 AainTe Bldg
WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co.
1100) WANTED;
Will pay 10, per oent interest and give aa
security a first mortgage on a good 640
acre ranch. Improved. In western Neb. ;
worth lt.000. This Is for quick action on y.
Box 47, Omaha.
FOR a dainty dessert use Dalcll's to
cream. If R. E. Price. 710 Nrrth 2fcth Ave .
will come to The Bee of f ot within thiee
days we will give him an order for a quart
rinoH or mi rine ice oream.
BEST price paid for Id hand furniture,
ear pets, clothing and shoes. Tsl. D. 1071,
8ELNER pays good prices for furniture,
earpeta.jilotnes and shoes. D. 6401.
WANTED TO RENT Well furnished
housekeeping rooms fur two adults, mother
and son. Give full particular In tint
letter. Q. F. Jenkins. Bee Editorial Rooms.
WHEN you spend your money spend It
for the best there is. If Mrs. H. O. Torm
prltt, 11 N. 2uth St, will come to The Bee
office within three days ws will give her
an order, for a 00-oent box of O'Brlea'a
candy free.
FOR first-claa practical nurse call IX
FOR those who are aeeklng employment
The Bee will run your situation want ad
FREE until you get tha desired results.
Bring your ad to Th Be ofXlue or tele
phone Tyler l.oow.
LADY wants day work. Web. 2471
POSITION Dispensing soda In the even
ings from 7 p. m. until closing and on Sun
days and holiday. Addreas K-tttt, care Bee.
experienced colored
houseman. W. H. D., 410 Barker Bldg.
SITUATION wanted by an experienced
architectural draftsman: can superintend
construction. Address P to&, Bee.
TAKE a boat ride on Lake Manawa.
We will give a pair ot round trip tlcketa
to Mr. Russell, 616 8. 16th BL, If hs will
come to Th Be office within three days.
MAN wants position as Janltar ay porter;
must rsy wage enough for married nsaaw
C 7. Bee.
LADY wants weaning. 607 So. 23d St
MAN wants position farm hand; hat
had much experience. I (tn. Bee.
YOUNG men, It years of age. wlnhes
work In some store: have had experience
In grocery store. Address W. M. Ollson.
Uen. Del., Omaha.
FIRST Class carpenter wants carpenter
work of any kind In country. 4o2l Military
Ave. Phone Webster $4SA
.1 .
WANTED By an experienced grain mn,
well acquainted with the grain trade or
Nebraska, sober and Industrious, position
aa traveling for consignments with a good,
reliable firm. Address Y 63, car Bee.
UNION STATION Teatttt aad MM'.m
train Pacific
Depart. Arrive,
Pen Fran. Overland I... a t:46 am a 7 40 pm
China and Japan F. M.a 4:06 pm . a $:46 pm
Atlantio (Cxpress a I 46 am
Oregon Express alt:25 pm a 6:10 pm
Los Angeles Limited. ..a 11:46 pm a H pm
Denver Special a 7:04 am a 7:27 am
Centennial tte Bpeol.a11:SO pm alt 25 am .
Tolorado Express a I SO pm a 4 60 pm
nregon-Wash. Limited. ati to pm a 1 JO pm
North Platte Local a 1:1(1 am a 4'4ft pm
Orand Island Ical....a 6:W pm al0:M) am
Stmmburg Local bl2:41 pm b 1:10 pm
Cklr a-. Mllwsske Jt St. Paal
Overland Limited a T pm 1:11 am
Omaha Chicago E....b 7:1$ am
Perry Local a t:6S am 11:00 pm
Colo.-Cal. Fmpress ,...a oo pm I K pm
Colorado Special a 71 am t:M am
Perry Local b 1:11 pm pm
v. iHlh
Omaha-St. Louis Ex. ...a t:M pm a 1 16 am
Mall and Express a 7:02 am' all: 16 pm
Btanb-y li (Trom C R )b 1:00 pm bl0:l6 am
Ckleasrn nre.t Wntere
Chirmm limits - IK
Twin City Umtted...,..a 1:36 pm a'74tam
7 win city aixpresa a t:00 am a t SO pm
Chicago Express a :4 pro
ocai t'aanenii-r a 6:l pm
Mlaeoarl rarttle
K. C. A St. I. Ex a 8:20 am a 7:40 ant
K- C. A St. U Kx allil pm a 1:60 pm
Jkloaao A North weatera
Twin City Express a t:46 am al0:20pm
Sioux City Local a 2:46 pm a l:2S pm
Minn. A Dakota Ex a 7 00 pm a 1:16 am
Twin City Limited a 1:46 pm a 7:S0 am
Minnesota Express a 11 :00 am
Carroll Local a 7:00 am a t it Pm
Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am al0;4v pn
Clucago Local ala:i pm a im
Colorado-Chicago ,..,..a e:l pm a 8:1 pm
Chicago Special... a 1:02 pm a :4 am
Los Angeles Limited.. a 160 pm allM pm
(IVBflund 1 j mil .n ..... M , UM
Carroll Local a 4:20 pm all);00 am
Fast Mall ,.,a t:30 pm a 1:26 pm
Cedar Rapids. Sioux City
and Omaha m S.w m
Centennial State ijm.... 11:40 am ' ll:lt pm
Long pin a 1.00 am aiiKWam
Norrntlr.netltte a BAA .1A.1R K
Long Plne-LlnColn ....a 1:16 pm 1 1:90 pm
riastings-Buperior o i:i pm b 6:20 pm
IlMltm'Anit.Mnl &JrM.ln 4 .U I.M u
Casper-Lander a 1:66 pm ail:00 am
r remont-AiDion ..b t:sv pm b 1:61 pm
llllaola Central
Chicago Express ...a 7 00 am a 1:46 pm
Chloago Limited a t:00 pm a 1:00 am
Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex b 7:00 am
Mlnn.-Bt Paul Ltd a 4:00 pm a 1:00 ara'
Ckloago, Hook lalaad A Paelflow
?ocky Mountain Ltd.. all. IS ara al0:26 pm
he Mountaineer a :4u am a 7:46 am ,
Omaha Day Express a 4:10 pm '
Chicago Local Psss....bl0:S5 am bl0:19 pm
Chloago Express a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm
Dea Moines Local Pass.a 4:27 om an il m
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.. a t:01 pm a 7:47 am
I Wa,Hi'. , ,
The Mountainetr a 1:01 am a 1:40 am '
Local Pass. to. Llncoln.a 1:4 am
Colo.-Cal. Exprsss ....a 1.16 pm a 4:00 pm
Okl. A Tex. Express.. a (:00 pm all:46 am
Chl.-Neb. Ltd. Lincoln a K:6t pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd..ai0:46 pm ail: HO am
BarllaCtoa kta,tleav lotk mmtl JUaeea
Barllaajtea - '
i ... Depart. Arrive.
Denver A California..,. a 4:W pm a i:4& pm
Puget Sound Express., a 4 it) pm a l:4e pm .
Nabraaka polnta a 1:20 ara a s:10 pm
Blaok Hills a :10 pm a 1:46 pm
buicoln Mall .......,....b 1:20 iiu pm
Northwest Express ,,..ell:M pm a 7:00am
Nebraska points a $.20 am a 1:10 pm '
Nebraska Express a 1:16 am a t:10 pm
Lincoln Local b t:vt am
Bchuyler-Plattsmoutn ..b 1:06 pm bl0:2v am
Lincoln Looal a 7:26 pm a 7:60 pm
Plattsmouth-lowa a 1:12 am a t:60 am
Bellevue-Plattmouth...aii:M pm a 2:40 pm
Chicago Special a 1 :16 am ail :U bra
Denver Speolal all:d6 pm a7:Wpm
Chicago Express a 4 20 pm a I:t6 pm
Chicago Fast Express.. a t:S0 pm a 1:00 am
Iowa Local a t:l6 am aio.w am
Crsston (la) Local b 1:80 pm bl0:46 am
St. Louis Express a 4:30 pm all:45 am
K. C. A St. Joseph. ...'..al0:4S pm a :46 am
K. C. A St Joseph a t It am a t:lt pm
K. C. A bt. Joseph a 4:i pin
Webster tatlea
ItUaoart Pacific
-lbtb ml Webster.
-'-.-' i. jtrnve.
Looal b 1:60 pm bll:66 am
io, St. Paal, Mlaaeapolta A
Depart. Arrive.
Auburn Looal
Depart Arrive
Sioux City Express b 2:26 pm bll vt pm
I 1 m Si r. SB I 1 gM I Jm -. . . .
Blou. City PaV.V.'.V.V . :
iwm city raa b t:46 am
biuux city Local... c 1:26 am
Emsrson Local b 1:66 pm b t:lt ara
lb) dally, except Sunday. tc Sunlay
only, ta) dally.
Deeds fUed for reoord July I, 1911:
Fred Petereen and wife to Mary
Polio, lot U. block 1, Patterson's
'Irst got
The Byron Reed company to Kllpat
rick Bros, company, let 1, biook
4, Reed's fifth j
A. L. Reed and wife to same, same
description 4 MO
William Haydan and wlf to Helen
C. O Brlen, lota 17, 11 and It, block
13. West End 17,000
City Trust and Bar Deposit company
to Logan I. Gray, lot 116, Red
man's sub eg
Ralston Townslte company to War
ren W. Hall, lot 10, block 8, Ral
ston 17 .
Anderg F, Peterson to John Okar
lund. lot 145, Kenwood SO
Oak C. Redlck and wife to Edward
Rogers, lot 12, block 44, KounUe
Place eat
Josephine H. Weldenfeller to Hast
ings & Hsyden, lot 7, Ames' aecond. 1
Ed 'Johnston and wife to Henry I.
Plumb, part of tot 21 and 12, Hlme
baugh Plaes 1
Berk-l?hrlsteneen Rsalty company to
Joseph F. Wlctna, lot t and It,
block 7. Military add 600
City Trust and Safe Deposit compsny
to John Ebnet, lot 76, Redman's
ub M
Mary A. Vosburgh, administrator,
to Garrett P. Wllg, part lots 1 and
1 block I. Deer park 1.300
Thomas Cuplta and wlff to Thomas
Vacek et al, part lot 16. block 1,
M. Donovan's sub :., 1.TO0
Ralston Townslte compsny to Susan
OBrlen. lot 13, block 12. Ralston ... 173
Mlohael ) Dlggtn and wife to Nora
Dlggln lot 4. block t. Fowler Place 1,200
George Oarloch and wife to Emma
L. Dutton. part of lots 26 and 2s,
block 10. Bemls park 7.300
John K. More et al to Annie Cole,
lots 21 and 22. block t. Clifton Hill.. TWO
William W. Ysrger and wife te PUh-
ard O K refts. lot I, block 6, MoCav
ock A O Keeffe's I
Cady Land company to Ben Wolf,
lot 2. Godfrey 'a add , IW
Sophia Fleishman and husband to f.
Levy et al, lot llv block 2, Lowe's
ub V
Harry Fisher and wife to A, J. Sea
man, lot 11. block L and lot I, block
t. Mayn add. U
Fort Logan. Celorale. July t U SeslaA
proposal ta triplicate will t tar-tve4 are
until llauo a. m. July ?t 1Y, Ur fntmik.
ing and delivering i .S pcntrA ot T.
retiulred durtag flsraJ rear r ,'
20, 1111. at Fust Lees. Ccinrate. KvVmr,
turn furnished nn si lrv. Cavvwlnv-s '
ta be marked Trtls for Cxf. st Fart
Logan, Colorado. T T. FriautU CaauOa
and uartrm s at sr. C- 8. Army.
JV k4rA-4r0A-ea .