Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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are BM rrir . !.
I riMtlte TH- -Te;
t Three m
" w-.- IT" an 1 n a at. .
"dj" to.ia U Corel mas s. aa
e-aratioei tens Ueerve L d-r M.
1' -ii.,k fm Th mas H. Chad-
V d , He.-n Lin nan frcta Jerome
CTO h-x Tr-strlct tw The Cen
tral school district shows a mm of atxty
2' CTr"i'" the rjiwi nirtf4
""wirsdsr corning. The 1T1 I gurea are
. e. M:iW lJi for )., nir of the
T?iTkT a ere glrie end 3W bora. All dia
trios save the Ed e ar Kowwater. Laaa
- Pag fie have bea returned. Thirty
lrrr snow a net gain of int.
Arrange Xage Meeting R. p
tarr. cfty attorney t Loup cur. Neb
d fxlic of tBe League of Net) rat a
ilunkrtrallriea, ta an .Omaha vietter. Mr
ho la the gaevt of Lou s Berka.
preaiilBiJi at tlx city mien, ta bore to
"M'Wim tor tha annual cooven
U1 leaa-us. which win ba held la
tboaha abowtthd middle af November.
. Chicago Inau-uctiofie
ha-'e r-crtvul fruoi tha bum a of
the Cmahx naval recruiting
station- to tha effect that beginning July
a.1 roorojta (hall ba sent, to Chicago, ln
of M Francisco. At tha prrwat
Ume Ox rerurtB ara ant to tha training
otaum at aa FraneLaco. but a aew tra
M't Ttt arporaUre mmiii wiS b
npened. ) Chlcage 'oa July L
Tee, Strong ta ArcsaaeBt Because ba
eca of aa aa ara
. maat Harry Xaaaky snuat a Land triaJ ia
Ea La-Sara Juatlca court on a efear at
att,t ao4 balt-ry. Muoak la aa aiac
tilciaa aad U accuaa4 oatac a - nln
aa Sjtm Vraaa wham ti two got
tatai a Hauta orar a ptar of work at
Trantj'-WntJi and Laaveawona. A Jury
f alz win ba caJWd for Saturday aftar-a-oa.
l ataravaaaaa, Vjl-WlilJa ao tfcalr way
ta tha aiark Tkaradar vmurntng Laaua
ril,u. Bviaa- iw Bhlna aorOi at TTor
caea. an4 Murina Tracer of nu Joaaa
"tp. T baid oa by taraa aaaa at Twa-ty-are,.aa
aad BJur atracta. Ixraia had
ta. wtoeft robbera rSrad B4za af. and
Trmmry eaatnbatad W erata ta Oh aot.
Trcr aja bad a Siia ravuvar f ar oa
ac ooaaakaaa. bat tlk koMaa aat sot ta
packet nrau
ta raOaaaa OfTioaa wrniam
lmm. for maay yaara paat tha anparia
endeBf of taa Omaha division at the Puil
aaa coanaauiir. iaa reaijnad hia pamnian ta
taiia cfracc July 1 Mr. Lucaa win ba aaa
caadod by J. B. ElluU at Facaria, Maba.
H. Keller. ka haa acted aa chief atark to
Kr. Locaa In the Omaha t-fTopm. wUI alsa
' raaira ta taka effact; 3j 1. Ha wtU nt.
b-wa-ar. eaaaa aerrtca aitoawtber. but w
V aaaia-nad va other dutlea with tha eota
paay. H.' E. raulknar at tha Cbicaca gwa
nu fWs will taka tha piaca ef Mr. JCel
la. .
WiH tar ahaal Board Fiva aaptr
Mta to a meoiberablp aa tha Board of Ed.
wcaUos f!U-d for BUcaa Thu;ada.y BMiraac
Two, Jaha J. Fa'ar af bJT South Talrir
fiftb atract and William A. Scntth f lift
South Thirty-Citk acreet. aeek to aerea tha
peupia of tha Sintk ward. Thraw. Haarr
A. Fattar at ZjU( Mapie. Hear W. Mayara
af CU North ForUe h ctrMt aad Dr. Oraot
W. WUUama ot 2S Btnoey a (real, waot
tha Tvamh ward Job. Dr. WUHaaai hi a
tneacbar of tha heard, but rettraa tha yaar.
A& ara rrpubUoaaa.
U aa. Bast ba aTaim Oiiana
Crawa. T jxara aid. from Nawbara. atratlad
tela tha aft. ca at tha iaaanatad Cbaritlaa
Thuradar abrulnc Hi aya waa badly
dlBcoIctrd at ha bora a loot eat oa ta
" faiiad-"Ha- waatad ta ha aaot ta a haa
ttal, whara ha aeuld. dia. ba aatd. Ba anaa
aaot ta tha couaty hirrr'tai Growa aoakt
Siva ao tofocmatfcaa at 'ttttT. athor Uau
ha halped build tha Untoa Pactfla railroad
forty yaara ao. Ha had aa raSattraa, ha
aaid. aad ooald pot ran am bar whara ba
aaa aaaa lor caa kaat tan
Laborer Victim of
- Heat Prostration
Jka Williainj Oraeom. Wail at
"Wrk em Frmxilia Street vii
it Takes. Some.
, at ta Oark atraat.
araa proapuraiad by tha boat at I a'clock
Thursday aftarpeoa wfaUa at work with
etJwra raawdaltaa; a building at MiM Fraak
Ba atraat. Wtuiama waa takaa ta poaca
hoadijuartara. whara aid waa oaa by Caa.
Blahop aad Pcppara, aad later ha
takaa ta hia
ary bm
Kra. Aibert Bdhotas waa aiaetad
ary mat bur of tha Oradaata
pptTiafhah. at Jf ehraaka. a
at tha piw-
Ajt a araetino ot tha iram-laHrai, batd at
tfca rrash Air oaaaa, F'.akth aad BueroR
atraota. Chia acUoa waa takaa la ainaanbi
. tha af Kra. EdankaVa affarta ta tartbar
Htm ouh of tha aaaaclaaoo. -
. ILapurta at tha Tubareuloata
wMab waa baal la Daawar laat
taada y Waa LUOaa B. Btuff of Unoola,
2 eh, walla htiaa Kaa Poraay at tha Vbmt.
hkoT Muraaa aaanr laOaa. sara a retail
of dia coarantlPB. haul La Haataa aarly ta
Maw Mas Stovwoa. who baa
traot duty aa bursa at tha baalta daparu
BBaot, ul lb tha taraa at tha Freak Air
eassp beat waak. 1
hahlaa at tha ouna
vash:?tcj is pleased
.: with kvi'j superintendent
m Kaa.
- Kra. EUea Ppaarar K
daou ot tha Beard af aXwaadoa af Waab-
Sha-tca. D. C , ptaaat through Omaha aa
bar F ta taa FVaaetaea, Cat, Tharaday.
'ba ta abas ha atxaad tha Xaooaai Eta.
aatMoal ma nla Mna. which ma n n Jauy
I ta a
' "abina-tB hi saach elated war aum
torn X. Dandaoa aa tha i -"ininni af
chanuk" aaid Kra. Kuaaay. Tar aaaay
years we bare beaa uib a aaaa of tha
aa Iter af Dr. Eavvtdaua. That wo bad ta
aaaa w Oaaaha ta gat hisa I
we bed a bawa hira aad we
Dr. CaiKHia. wba hi tb Waiaiagtoav wffl
twtura ta Oaaaha Moadoy. Ha wiU atXaad
haavtag bast TwsaAay.
SPkht ta
hawa tha V
Cherfy as taka dlarrbaaa
aSlaa tad ta Hiaiaaiy bjaaibaaabl
Maaa aaawaawi Jatea tba ababr
Caay Paaja.
Tlaa riidiiat ad tha Heard
aavtsaam iann TbaanmaA taba
k eata bs apara rwa aco aaaaa
aad aaaa aaeorad
aJ-a "tawa. aauaaa rwa hae CbavaabaraUa'a
Cwho. Cholera aad Daarrfc.ea baawniy at
haad aad taka a dawa aa tha Brat appear
aaaa at tha awataa For aaaa by aa seaJara,
' Big .Vault Serl7 Filled witi Book-
loTen' Solationi.
ha Had It web Tmm aw ala)d
m Maeb la aa Edawatlvaal Way
aa ta Pi at Gaa fta
iaelr4 by aW.
Tha aartlcg of anawers In tha Boektorer
ennet W1U be etarted next week. prebaMy
" Monday. There la a big tafc before the
l"rka. tor the aoawera number tata the
Thousands. DarHig tha laat twa daya they
Iisto eoma tnta the buatnesa office cf Tha
Bee by the hundreda aad now the big roars
In which tbey are stored is nearly bunmed
Tha Fee's BooUorera' contest hat
aroused, so tar as caa he ascertained, more
renerai Interest than waa erer before
evtnrea in a rompetltioa. Never before ts
the history of westera aewapaftertlom haa
a Book lovers' rrmtaH wh anything Ilka
the scope rf the present one beea at
tempted. Heretofore great dailies have
excited fiithusiasfn of their readers by of
fenng prtaaa for Bierttortoua poem a, eaeaj'a.
plara or masirai eompnaitiooa.
la Tha Bee a contest subscriptions have
seen a seonndary emasdersaoa, so far aa
the readara have beea ooDoenied. They
bars takes ears of themselves. There haa
beea ao a le agreeable soliciting forced upoa
thuaa who have tried for prtaaa.
Ft a a ataloyed Great Cootewt.
Tha foUowlag letter from a eaatastant hi
tha southern part of tha stats sbowa bow
well the BoekloTera fuu haa been an
preeiated: -Plsasa sordoa na for a taw woe la I
wish ta aay ta regard to tha coatest. I
hara beea in guessing beea before, but
never have secured so much educarioaaJ
tua. aad. at the same time, a ruoMng up'
of a rusty mernory of school girl daya.
"I send through thta mail my solutions
to tha poaatea. Whether I wta a prise or
aot. I have already won much amusement,
and a knowledge ot books which,! caa place
ia tha baada of my childm."
Wedding Bells
Tha marriage of Mass Blanche Roerwatex.
daughter of tha late Kr. Edward Bose
arater, and Mr. MIKoo Ben Newman was
aoleannised thl morning at tha home of the
bride mother. Mrs. Bdward Roarwater.
Rabbi Fradertrk Coha ot Temple Israel
Tha bride nieces. Kiss Anna Fell and
Klaa Nellie Elgutiar. clad m dainty white
lingerie gowaa over greea silk and wear
nvg corsage bouqurta ot pink sweet peaa.
stretched whit ribbon to tha living room
share tha reronaoay eras performed aador
a canopy at asnaragna fern. Tha best maa
as the grco2.'a brother, Kr. Joseph l
The bride was given away by fcer brother.
Mr. Victor Roeewater. ?ha wore a white
lingerie gowa aver whits satia smhroMeied
ta ao exquisite design at ansa of the valley
acd tnrr.raed tn fUlat laoa. Her boutiuet
waa of hits ceaturia aad Ullea af the
vaJley tied with a a ha war of riohona aad
lace scarf.
Tha rooms of tha capacious bouse were
mains ataily daoaratad wtth fhrwara. The
ebaadellera were bMdea by asparagus
ferns aad showers of white sweet peaa aad
ribbons. Ia tha hbf room baaksta of
Brides rosea ornamented the mantel pteca.
while baskets of KDarney ma as. centuria
and fern wore aiaa aaed la daoaratloa. The
roeoptlosi room waa a bower af Atncrteaa
Beauty rosea, palms and ferns. whUo the
haJl --where tha muatckaoa were
waa doaorated with palma. Tha
waa twteod with ajroaragrta fern and tha
wet peats hold aaaa-atj of KJLaraay
The docoraxloa of the
made into a erttabte Jana garden with
baskets fdsd wttb cetituila. gypeophUurn,
rtnitrira and ferns hanging from Use "rt
added a novwl tsoch.
Attar the eeramoay the wedding break
fast waa aai sd ta tha dining room whara
tha bEldai party was seat ad la aa aleove
Hoad wttb sweat Peaa and KUlarney
rosea. Tha cental pious ot the dining table
waa arraaged ta tha form af a kuidarahpe
gardaa af rases and aantiirta. Tha gooats.
shoot asventy m bamber. were seated at
Sadia Cotmaa. Xlaa Bella Caiman and Kr.
and Kra. X. A. Schwananherg. an af 3ove
laad. aad Kra. Harasaa Henaa. aab.
af the groom, aad Miss Edith Oborfoldar of
Kr. aad Kra Nawsaaa wOl be m hone
after Hpl amber L at the NsruaiBdis apart-
I Km O. K. Barnea af in Seatb Twoaty.
alghth su ist. was snyotlCsd Wednaaday
sight apaa bar rerura bomo from a yialt ta
Woopmg Water he Ond bar stittcaas bunmed
fall of baby rtotlikig and other aradea af
apparel that did not b fa org ta bar.
Her amiaiir at waa great wbaa the first
thing she aneawataaed at anparklng bar
waa a pile at dainty baby toga. Dig
ipsr lata tha aaaa aba found a bat
mora and than called tor the poiksa.
Officer Daa Labor, who mveorJgatad.
dleoovwrad that Kra. Blrnsa bad. hi sTattsna-
efT the Loaveaweeth car. bvkea a suitcase
similar to bar tn, which was later turned
ia by tha aanilniiua at the ear Hr,
Twenty -fourth and Tmtoa streets. Kra.
Barnes' suitress was returned ta bar aad
the mavarirk aaaa turned over ta tha aoiloa.
It may boooma sanaaai-y ta T"'iH
jaAa Milrhaa- lag aa tha result af aa aera.
swat am si Hug Tharaday morning aa tha
eovntar ta tha roar af tha City National
bank. Matches, wba la a driver employed
by tha Monroe rrwoar-r and Uwtmm
Seward street, waa delrrormg goads ta the
laoTaiiraut m that bjninryg when bis last
eg waa caagni m the sluaaai. The log
was broken aad tha foot aoeeswiv . i
Ha was treated at the- ofSoa of the nance
aad waa lexer taken bs be Ja
' ImI as
WAaHINaTOIf. Jane ai-lwakdoat Taft
seat ta tha senate today the fiillsolin
nmtiutloM: Envoys sxtrsortttnary and
Bxtniatare pieetpatsnlls ry. WUllavm B. atuaw
sail af Caatrlot ot fwitimbsa ta tha Dsouns
aaa ranubhe; Braa K. Toung. Sontb Cs
hota, ta fnuto; Vic noisy A. Orovatad
sxac Wat . Hear Jersey, aa Hoadaraa. K.
reict vai Dodge, Kaaaachuoatta ta Pan.
una; Lewie KJnafela. haw Tark. ta Caofn
rnilows tha Drat eeoe of Dr.
lClg-B brew
Lata Filla. tba yafalaaa
arraagthcoi ywa. Gnarantaed.
by Beaton Drag Ca,
ta E--B- i
stew. Ck. K. waves Cote Wrwo
Awaits s CWIaasat.
Meota vrteb nnala tarUnt Wkib
OoUwartaar TTremlea Tb on
day baralaa.
Fire Houses to
Be Ordered Downj
Building Ini pectar sn They Art Too
Dilapidate, ta B AHawei
to Stand.
Tws Tra hoosea. u.- irsted st "Hrteenth
and Isard streets. arl the other oa Tenth
street between Farnam and Douglas
will he eemdrtiaed by the Hi'4
f;r coininlsslonei . sera Charles H. V,th
eell. building tnaperior.
"Both are ss dilspvilBted that tier tre
dangerous to the bres of too firemen.
says WlthselL "Eery ttma a act wind
blowa. the Brvwuai have to get out tor
fear tha buildngs wUI collapse."
The builtCnga wiU be declared a nawanca
and win be ordered torn down.
Ik ia la the only course left open, ear
Whhnell. -It wfll coat too much moner
to repair the bulldlnga and permits should
not bo issued for the Izard street house,
as It ia a frame bunding. The city e-il
have to seek other quarters for ths angina
The No. 1 company, a fire turn com
pany, ia quartered ia tha Isard atrntt
bouee. Tha building, a frame structure,
has been used for Cra purposes since LK.
hen It was removed from Twentieth and
Izard streets. Tha structure haa atood
about thirty yaara.
X umber four headquarters, where an
other Cra angina company hi boused, at
Teeth aad Dougiaa streets. Is a brick
strut'turo. but tha constant vibrations,
orcaakmed by passing traina, baa wracked
the building. It waa built in UaX
A bond Issue of nm.oTS) ta replaco these
bosses was voted down at a special oieo
tioa Tuesday.
Sagacious Pigs Are
Ralph Doud's Guineas
Their Owner ltart Cat Sereral Idvwai
a Say to Keep Then ia a
Good Hosuir.
The diet in bed condition of the neighbor.
hood at Forty -first and Capttot avenue
okusod by a farm of guinea pigs haa beea
reacted and the neighbore have come to
the ooni-lualoa that the pigs ara a blessing
tauftand of a nuisance. For weeks it waa
almost Impossible for residents tn that
part of the city ta cut their lawns be
eauoa as soon aa the merry rattle of the
mower waa hoard echoing dowa tha street
the - several hundred huty throated pigs
set op n pandemonium of squealing. They
wanted the green grass ta eat and with
the Intelligence of their kind know that
tha clatter of the mower meant good food
gtnng to waste.
There swiwd to be ao beJn for the
situation until Ralph Doud, who operates
the pig in rub at ore. at 111 North Forty
flrst street, offered to relieve the aitua
Ooa by doing the grass cutting himself.
Tha intelligent nig, seeing that their ewa
lord aad master waa doing the cutting and
knowing that the. fresh grtca grass would
corns to them, autbsidod.
Doud haa to cut ail of his neighbor'a
tawna to get enough green stuff for hia
several hundred -pets. It la something ot
n task, too, bscaosa whoa he has cut mora
than enough grass for all tha pig ha had
whan ha started ha always has to go ahead
and cut another lawn or two to feed to
the new ones that have been bora dartng
tha cutting. Ha oars that only one thing
prevents profit m the guinea nig business.
As soon ss the dealers, af whom there ara
only "a tew in the retted States, gat a
price eata Wished several bow generations
of pigs are bora the ant day or so and
lha market slumps.
Corporation taxes, duo oa or before Juno
B) at tha office of tha teternal revenue ool
lector at the federal building, are -g
m thia year better than ever before, and
It Is believed that there will bo vary few
delinquents whoa the hooks ara i lusail Fri
day eight.
Every year the eurputattona ara num.
Pel led to send to the Internal raven us da-
by Kay 1 a statement ot the
tetmna for the year, and tram theao
statements tarns ara levied, which tail due
oa or befors June Ml The arporatlana
become dohneoont after ( e'easek of Jane
91 Notice ia then sent out giving the de
linquent corporations tan daya la which
ta pay the taxes, aad If at tha and af that
time they ara not paid tha matter Is
turned over bs the United tataa dtstriot
attorney for eoilecticB In the United Btataa
Tha body of Joey Vance. Jaaltrera af the
Gibson acboet. who Jumped into tha rrver
near her bomo Konday night, waa found
floating at tha water near Fifth aad Crown
Btioeta Thursday mar leg. While at sap
per Konday the woman had a quarrel wtth
bar relatives beraitaa her portion af beer
at the evening meal had been rsdiioad tram
three to two glasses. Josy bad partaken
at a glnee of whisky before supper aad
when her relatives mat at ad tha whisky wag
ara than equivalent ta a Brihiwaw af baey
aba ran oat of the house and Jumped mta
the river. Caronsr Crosby took aaarga ot
the body.
Paabtn. am as i
time ago ana af tha ataft ef Borko pitch
ers haa again tost hia doav y-g
teams did n't bring Daaay rack far that
pup for JU Lamia h, SB3 South WlTtoaiith
street, reported the doc lost agsaa There
day. Danny spenda bis Boars ttma la the arm
tar training hia dog and ---reTmg ducks,
ia the Biiimiiei ba plays baas baa and
hunts the dag. It la a fina palntar. black
swaraajr tn tha Big Blue Serge Suit
wartn cam to Sb-sh-aaydea
d Fay Aawoaaaaonta ta Cot
Hsaaood by Lao Dolt eg
Thta month.
an a Wba Dievat Herself
waa gave la Btefawd Tbtsdl
Cheap of Bees.
Maylw I eeblawrew Bauaw'y
Danny Dreamer
Wow wa amy nraCS by R. Take Paaay
rvtsey PQbv Kite, at OL Whloag, na
wsuoer at, liiia. O, nagos -ywr oaaaa
sere' say apea aad I sw&aat ' awe 'ewx" auat
tzuauha tat Faaey Tl.aay rTaa. Par 'aula
by aai arssgatta.
High Browed Youths . K0 HOPE FOR TUBER EATERS
Invading WnnllvWpstL . jm . !
Invading Woolly West
Scionj of Wealthy Easterner. H exi
ts ie ia Omaha Enroite to
Pcioeja of the most promient anil wealthy
famillea of the eajt. twenty b-1a from 14
to 31 years of age. paawed through Omaha
Thursday earoute to Wyoming to the aa
aual summer encampment n4d there br
C. C. Moore. They spent si moat the en
tire day m Omaha.
The twenty boys will remain until p
teraber ta the west. They will be each
given a horse to sue by Mr. Moore, sad
the Prty will make a LWO-mile horse- j breaking price level on tha new crop. But
back ride through the Rocky mountain i dealers predict thst new potatoes wtll hold
and Teikrwstone park. np in the neighborhood at Alt ta a a
la the party are Sidney Oraa of Orange, bufhel all summer.
X. J. ; Kempt on Taylor of Philadelphia, Whst Utile relief would come from the
sos of F. W. Taylor the engineer who baa ' Nebtaska fields haa beea discounted by
worked eat the economical methods of do- the long ex-.ating drouth.
tng work ; Cass Gilbert, Jr whose father C. L Porter, manager of the Courtnev
recently designed the forty story Wool- j store.' declares that "the Nebraska crop
worth building m New Tork; Clai-enc ! wi" not be a drop in the bucket.'
Davidson, jr . son of the great New Tork "There are no potatoes m tha fleida of
wholesale coffee mee. lunt: Harird!" southwest, sad I do not aeo where a
Webb, sea of the big Washlngtoa lawyer;
Lester Schevde. era of William C. Scbeide.
manager of tha Balkaa Insurance com
pany; John Gila Fail and his two cousins.
John ttallaja and F. H. HaU, jr.. eons of
John G. Fail aad R. H. Fall, the Water
town. Fkv, lumber kings; John Sherman
KcCulIom. grandson of Senator John Sher
man and a Washington hoy; Daniel JLry
Turner of Mara Island Naval Tarda; L
Wabur Fox. Jr bob of the glass eye mag
nate; a son of Dr. Mandohlaonn of New
Tork; Clark bob Crane, son of Harold O
Crane, the Chicago maaufacturer; James
K Beck, jr., eon of the B'andard Oil law
yer; Hugh Joseph ot Newport, a eon of
Vincent Josephs, ths big real estate .taier
of Chicago; a son of Theodora Hicks, the
New Tark capitalist, aad a son of George
B. Evaaa, tha Pmladelphia
druggist. .
Well Dressed Man
Arrives Barefooted
Hia Only Pair of Shoes Had Beea
Stolen from Bum oa the
He waa a nice appearing man; even thooa
who laughed admitted that. In hia face
there waa determination, also a great hurry
and a decided idea of revenge.
Ho disembarked from the Klasoufi Pa
cifle train at the Union station Thursday
in what might be termed a most profane
aiionoa. Then a amile flitted ever the
faces af ths bystanders, for. although
dream d tn the top-notch of fashion and
carrying two bulging suitcases, 'the maa
James MarkeU of Little Rock. Ark.
waa barefoot- His shoes had been stolen
in the Pullman car while the train was
drawing lata Oanaha.
Before continuing hia Journey to Duluth
MarkeU went uptown and bought a pair of
Ho had Brought everything crtra
la thooa suitcases except aheea. and It
waa a decidedly mean robber who took
advantage of htm ta that way. he de
clared. Mar-tell also left a massage for
the man who got those shoes very Inter
esting, but unprintable ainaain
Autoists Prepare
to Drive tb Tekamah
Fourth of July Zaeet at That Place
to Attract Big- Crowds
from Here.
Wumaroua picnic parties ara arranging
to spend tha Fourth sf July at Tekamah
tkla year, where tbey win ba able ta enjoy
a lunch la the pretty groves at that place
and sea tha splendid card ef horse raons
tn tha afternoon. Laat year more than
fifty automobiles were driven to Tekamah
from Omaha, for the racea aad It Is esti
mated that twice that many will go this
year. Tha roada to Tekamah were never
m better condition, making one of the
moat rise sin t drives out of Omaha.
Kra. J. P. Wagner, Charged with the
Delistarsey of Aaalo
aver, is Boauad Ov
Irs. J. P- Wagner, who was arrested with
a maa giving tha name ot Wagner at 1SU
Howard etioat. Sunday night, June 23,
charged with forcing Annie Ptskorney, a
young Bohemian girl Into white slavery,
waa held to tha district court by Judge
Crawford tn police court Thursday morn
ing. Wagner waa discharged, aa tt bad
been shown he baa Bean regularly employed
at the una eatabtiahment during tha laat
flvo years and could not ba directly im
pucntad ia tha case.
Tha stata waa represented by George
Magney. natstant county attorney, aad F.
S. Howell, Bsslatint United States district
attorney, waa preseat to sea tf the evidence
warranted ths government prosecuting tha
case BSdar tha new white slave statute.
The pitiful tale of the young girt. toiqV
her native Bohemian tongue, through aa
interpreter, a Wilt ad the sympathy ef tha
spectators. 'Bar tais of torture, so simply
aarrated. reused many fierce glances to be
directed towards ths Wagner woman and
the manner fat which tha poor girl waa
trapped fcota the dea of vice waa revolting,
Kra. Wagner waa nommltted to tha county
Jail ta default of Cae bail.
Offer Any Waoasua's
Clash, Belt aw Sblrt la
Km tire Stoeax fee gig.
For one day only we will offer your on.
restricted choice of aay women a d-aa.
Lost urea, tailored suit, tinea suit, cost ar
akirt m our entire stock at Ca.
Kany ot these garments hare beea sell
hag tt Et Ml tl and on. Will be rh.
amailng bargain over been beard af
Saturday. Jury J. at
BHjfXDET3 trroaEa.
wi ail
M BBab eTLaaV
a Wot
Base BlUilaii av aanataa a. -im.
W. aV baas, law Pajrwaot, p. jgeew
aV, (a, Saasiaa, aOvb aad P-rinm Baa,
Z 1311.
Declared Price Will Hotct Around (3 1
a Battel All Sunnier.
It Woe Mewed that- Obloboasa ood
Arbaoaae YeeMa Would Relievo
roodltloow hot narlasa He.
parts Cons frees There.
The potato fields of Oklahoma and Ar.
kansaa will furnish no retlrf for the con
sumer of potatoee this summer. It hss
been predicted thst with the advent of the
Oklahoma and Arkannaa emps there would
be a reductioa from the present record-
supply is to come from. Rata would aot
help now. ss the crops have been burnt
up and what potatoes are left are amail
aad hardly fit for the market.
"We will have to get along with prices
at the preseat level until lata tn the Bum
mer or early tn the ZalL Then there la a
probability that we may obtain part of
the Caaadiaa crop, which should coma In
In September. Until then, however. I ex
pect potatoes will remain somewhere
around H ceo ta a peck-
With due acknowledgement to the
high price that obtains tn Omaha at pres
ent, the consumer In this city is ia not as
bad snaps for potatoes as la Chicago, la
that city the tuber ia selling for tU
a pork. This condition is reused by the
fact that Chicago has not tha supply
facilities possessed by the Omaha commis
si on men.
Shipments from Virginia are being re
sorted to by Omaha coram ssion men. A
car of tha tubers Arrived in Omaha from
that state yesterday. It is aot eonataered
probable that many cars will ba nbtahied
there because the New Tork n-afkst do-
maiwia the product of the
Iowa Corn Fields
Are Looking Fine
Joseph Hayden Sayi Ee SeTer Saw a
Better Prospect for a
Big Crop.
The crops of Iowa never looked better
than at the present time." said Joseph
Hayden. head of the firm of Hayden Bros ,
who took a daylight tide across the state
that he might view the crops. Kr. Hayden
was returning from New Tork.
"There ia a much more optimistic feeling
la New Tork than I have noticed for some
time.- said Mr. Hayden. "I talked with
maay men and they are all in good spirits.
The banks bava more money than ever aad
jibe demand for money is still fairly good
with tha interest rata low.
"Reports of splendid corn crops la tha
west are having their Influence In the east.
The color of the crops in Indiana and
Illinois as well aa lowa is good and tar
bodes a splendid yield of oars."
The police have beea called upon ta pro
tect the Edward Boea water pabile school
building from the deprodstions of a gang
af youths who ara blamed, for the destruc
tion of conaiderahlo propei ty around the
bunding recently.
The Janitor of the school has reported
that fct has been customary for large crowds
of youths to congregate about the build
ing every evening, between T aad U o'clock.
They play havoc around the plaoe 'hue
they are playing games. Caataia Deinpeey
has ordered tha policemen who patrol that
neighborhood tn warn the boya a gain at de
stroying property and to make arrests If
Many os 'a Cold Beaaedy Rellrves tha
bead, throat and luaga almost imaaediats
lv. Checks Fevers, steps Discharges of
the Boae. ukes away all arhea aad palna
rsused by colds. It enrea Grio sd ati
trtsste Coegba sad prevents Pneumonia.
Write Prof. Manyes, 63rd aad Jefferson
Bra.. Phlla, Pa, tor naxUcal advtcg ah
aaintely tree.
ftST UJ BLilTI It 58TSL1 UD D511.
Msa Wunuvi Soorarwa tnrr has been
Bare hm ever blXTT TEABs bv sirLLiOWS mi
biOTI4Jua kr taerr CHlLlg.l Wiiiua
nOTTHlNQ, with PSkPKCT bTCCKim. b
OOTHE1 the CE1D. SjFTF the OOafg,
AIXAiBaa raw ; ccefs WIIUCOUC, aad
r the beat reaacdy lor bLakkauEA. tasu
aniaaelv baruueaa. be sure aa aak tar Mrs.
wianasw's snoisuag bvrun,'
NERVES ork Bad ywuthtl vigor
w AaO gana ao a result ef ever
FOOD PllXi They
yea aa
ti 3or I Boxes t2.St bv mall
KKJCbstAAT b bteOOtrVatXa, BBTTO) OOa
Cos. loth aad Bwege Oti neea
uvii did coacrAJrr,
trwaaaytvaala, July g riaa. Oraet ..--Jmlr M
-. Jelr H-'Fies Uaaals .-Jwiw m
i am Carta laiaia
tlai'ii i m Caaia aaly. JWIU aaii ac atoeaaaa
"WU1 ''! at nramtt ana CWtmr.
aMtrmo-kbitrCag uii.
lit eat iuuiuulfn M, t-Aicagu, ill., or
Local Agent,
Coaawtatat as Made that Teethe Are
Play-two aweo Arweusdi Se BoV
ward Moot saws rhosa.
Express Train Speed
Acroavs the) Atiantio vU
Ccxrijriii e.nlnla TnsSotlAatlia
F i m aw rtiiiaora sail Thsradars Utn Row Turk as
Eavreataaaa Cunnoouuoa Uivjug3 imaa bar Coa
fanerttai puiuta (Paj j 1 11 bourai. nry hixury of
auuuern sea travel, roof canaa, oaaly orcheatraj eoa
oerta. t aeauua ruiaina. daily Okies-gymnaai tua jiorary,
aativaliaa Naval diadiiine. wirnu aa aad t-s
us mass tie- paraamat aaiety.
La Gaseogne. July a.
La bavuia. July 1L
La Lorraine, July It.
AASinsaal earners ad
Chicxce. Julr tT
La Touraine. Jeiy S7.
w. Juy S7.
laod rarmaaa
aaaaa, baa,
La feaioie, Aug. t-
wPVWawawkaBavB wHbbp Tp4v aPVusLsMas
tsaa, ataakt J. SV. sMywaldo, ISM
Vaot. Agv, & b S. W. kvy, Oaaa
You Still lave
a Ciaice
To Win Thi3 Wonderful
Player FiaiHG3
Second Prize in Bee
Booldovers' Contest
aj . ,, . ... .i"L" ' ili-li-.- ! -'li'S-U g- - 9
'wj irr n I A L
Value ffiTfTiO.OO
Not evervhodv
but everybody would like to. The 88
Note Kimball Player Piano, worth
$750, which is the second grand prize,
will furnish music for you, whether
you play or not. It is a wonderful
instrument, and will make some home
a happy place for every member of
the family . Even Grandma can play
af ah m aP sb m
this instrument. It sister wants to play
it without the mechanism, she simply
hnc tr lift n 1
- "--- ' ss.o mm w-w a war- w -war s a,
hibited at the A.
Douglas street.
a a afi ,w aavAT s a a n i a w a.i .
Contest Does Not Close
Until 6:00 P. II Sun
day, July 2
All ptizzles may be
bought at Bee busi
ness office for 75c,
with title catalogue
$1. 5c extra by mail.
See Kjmliall Plavp.r at f fip A
Hospe Store, 1513-15
' I
I "
rnn nlnv n ninnn
a i n w r v
ess. naAW J Wae . dVoaf W-eiaW
Hospe store, 1513