Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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All Carrier' Stations Will Be Cloied :
After Next Sunday.
a... M 1 WA
J THE BEE; OMAHA', FRIDAY, JtTXT. 301911. ' Jt J
j.... ,,1 . i . i i. wama"ajLij& 1
rrrxTriTTA r sea r mst m , i i r "1
SB. UI)-'-yJJ & ; Y W AT bwksw I'
..err . letter Will Be Cr4
rr Jut mm Befere Chsase
' Wm Ordere.
On and after July all carrier stations,
with ths exception, of the Union depot
postal will b closed on Sundar. Sunday,
July I, will be tba last Sunday 'on whlc?i
letters will X distributed from tha carrier
windows, as has been tha custom In this
city for a number of years. Tha announce
ment of the Huhday clditnf was made
Thursday morning;.
It Is tha deslra of the Postofflea depart
ment that oMefflca clerks be allowed one
day's rftt each week and co-operation of
tha publib la making tha Sunday closing
effective la asked by tha authorities. The
usual Sunday collections will ba made.
Tha closm will necessitate extra work on
tha part of tba carriers on Monday morn
ing. However, it la optional with tha car
rier 'Whether . ha distributes "his mall on
Sunday or not. . .
At . the main off lea Union depot pos
tal station the following schedule will be
observed :
Una general delivery window and one
tamp window will ba open from lv:30 a.
m. to U m.
Carriers' department, registry and money
order divisions will be closed.
Incoming . mall will be distributed to
boxes and- lobby will remain open a
usual that box patrons may secure tlieir
Persons or firms desiring to make a
practice ef securing their mull on Sundays ,
may rent boxes at the main ofiloe lor inai
Persona other than those having doxps
whose mail Is delivered at street addresses
and who anticipate the arrival of Impor
tant letters on 8unday may secure them
through tha general delivery window dur
ing the haurs It Is open by leaving a writ
ten order at the office of the superinten
dent of delivery not later than t p. m. on
the preceding Saturday. Such orders will
he good . for one day only and will be
taken ut with each delivery.
Special delivery matters received Sun
days or null for which persons leave spe
cial delivery stamps to be affixed after
It reaches the postofflce will be delivered
by meesengers aa usual.
Outgoing mall will ba dispatched aa for
merly and mall deposited In downtown
street letter boxes will be brought to the
main office for dispatch under present
Sunday schedule.
Street car collection service extends over
the principal street car linea and persons
In the residence districts who deelre mall
to be dispatched Sunday will Insure dis
patch .of. same by depositing In boxes on
street . oar - line.-
g""-lt,u"cn- Hsuft... ASr n M
. i i i at i "tiiiiiti ii
b a m m li iiii ii ix
Otto Tfconipson Falls from Second
- T'loor to Basement of New
V.'.'' lloose.
Otto. Thompson waa precipitated from U.e
second floor of a house he Is erecting at
IK South Twenty-fifth street Into the
basement," and It Is believed that he has
been Internally and seriously Injured. He
resides t S711 North Thirty-seventh street,
and was taken to his home In tha police
auto after having been given attention by
the department surgeons.
Tor summer diarrhoea In children al
ways' glvs Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor c II, and
a speedy euro Is certain. For sale by all
1. I
Genuine Bargains
Hen's Oxfords
All $3 S0 md 54 &c or
BUcki and Tin.... VU.O O
All $4.50 Button t?Q f r
or Blocker...
All $6.00 Single QC
Sole Nettletens $$aOD
iTo Hake Room far
Early FALL Shoej
314 Strath 15th -t.
Oar Sale is the real sensation
it tke home el the Tomcat.
Pa Fourke'e Ntifkbor.
It Quenches Thirst
This Refers to "SIZZ"
Tou are invited to cal at our lth and
bodga atret stare and get a free drink of
Pits, tha delightfully refreshing summer
' ttlxa la Something new It's In dry form,
b'easantly flavored orange, lemon sarsa
baritla and root beer.
' It Is easily carted when traveling, and
hen added to cold water makes a aatl-.
fylng drink. It Is no medicine; Just a
pleassnt, healthful drink.
. Hold 1n 'generous slsed bats at ISc. 10c
and 1 00.
A drink free at our drug store If th and
Dodge streets.
Sten & McGonnsll Drug Co.
romt stokes
au a Ail of Taaaa
The Year's Greatest
emnarit Sale
Will Take Place Friday
We have included in this sale only the newest and most de
sirable wash fabrics which go on sale in the basement.
Yard-wide standard light
and dark drera percales
perfect mill
lengths, at, yd..
New and beautiful colorings and
dealgna. In fine .batistes, flazon,
organdies and lawns; hundreds
of styles at a great saving; at,
yard 5f 7 ni 10
Linens that are suitable for making dressea, suits, coats; also very
desirable for children's wear. All the natural linen grounas wun
arlous colored cherlcs and stripes. They are 25c, 85c
and 40c values Friday we offer another lot of 86
pieces that have Just been received; at, yard.
Bleached Muslin, soft finish, very
good grade, yard wide; CAn
8 2 -In. fancy checked and striped
Scotch Zephyrs; per 1Ae
yard, at JVC
Large assortment Dress Prints,
including fancy Indigo q I
, 0?,
blues; at, yard. ,
Remnants of plain
and fancy corded
tissues, floral de
signs, also checks
and dots,
at, yard . .
Friday. at. yard.
Remnants of Colored - Curtain
Bcrlm and White Cur- 9Lf
tain Swiss, at, yard '2'
Yard-wide soft fin
ished Long Clotn,
the regular $1.25
values, in 10-yard
bolta; at.
per bolt
Egyptian .Tissues, sea
son's choicest styles,
dress lengths. A sav
ing of 10c on each yd.
here; on spec- f C
clal counter, yd. 1V
Remnants of Silks . 39c & 29c yd
3,000 yards plain and fancy silks, black' and all colors;
foulards, messalines, peau de cygnes, dress taffetas, pon
gee silks, black surrahs, black and colored )Q OQa
satins, etc. Worth up to 75c a yard, at wvmtdv
All Bilk, and satin taffeta; also
Dresden, fancy checks and
stripes black and all colors
for hair bows, sashes, m
etc. worth up to 3 5c 1 S O
a yard; at, yard V
double heels and toes; at, pair. ......
Women's embroidered initial all
linen handkerchiefs; also men's
hemstitched all linen very
special at, 1(1 1
each 1VV
Special Bargains in Basemtnt
Boys1 Clothing for Summer Vacation
Boys' 50c Bloomer
Boys' 1 3 double breast
ed Khaki Suits, ages
7 to 16; beet -fl A
vacation suits jl. Olf
will so at ,.
Boys' 60o Shirt Waist
douses, black sateen,
blue cham- uia
bray, striped ' ZIC
madras, etc....
Boys' 75c Khaki
: Knlckerbock- ACm'
i er PanU. .. . . TC
Boys' 11.60 Base Ball
Suits shirt, pants,
belt and
Men's " S2.K0 Working
rants, strong mater
ial, well
made, side
buckles, at.
Boys' 50c
- Summer
f j-k
is witn Bl
10c i
All silk and satin taffetas;
also moire and gro grain;
all colors, widths up
to No. 9, at, yard. . . . '
Special Sale Women's Hosiery
"Women's fine lisle and cotton hosiery, allover lace, fancy
embroidered black, white, pink, blue, tans . 4
Women's pure Milanese and lisle
gloves, long gloves in. black,
brown and tan; short gloves In
brown, tan, gray and
white; at, pair
Children's SOo Romp
era, short or long
Dutoh , .
Boys' and Girls' In
dian Suits and Boys'
Toung men's and small size men's 17.60 and $10 two-piece Outing
Suits at 82.50 These suits are odds and ends of several seasons;
uioHuy ugHi coiora, uut excellent. ia quality, jusi tne Art f IS
suit you want for outing or fishing during your Sa hi!
........ . v M a v V
Entire I omen's Cloak and Suit Dept.
Any Dress, Any Suit; Any
Cloak, Any Costume, Any
Skirt in Our Entire Stock
No Hatter Whether
the Former Price was
$25, $35, $40,
$50, $60, $65 or
See the Wndow Displays
All Omaha Is Waiting for This Sale
It Will Be the Greatest Bargain Event in Tears
Measure The Dee against other local paver e in
respect of quality as well j quantity of timely
news and interesting mrtides from dmy to day
and TheDees superiority will be demonstrated'
It's the straight and narrow path
we have taken in this Pre-Inventory Sale. Just one
object ju$t one determined on to get ri&,of every
nichef worth of goods possible before we take in
ventory. Note how we have gone about it.
Another Startling Nine O'clock
Sale of Garments Friday Only
, The one we held last Friday wns such a success that we
believe the special pte-inventory prices we are making wiN
cause this one to be as good as its predecessor. One lot of'
'" Lingerie Dresses
-V Linen Dressea
; White Rep Skirts (all
White Linen SklrU,
, The, dresses are worth up to $10.00 each nnd the skirts
are) the $5.00 to $7.50 sort.- Assortment is composed of
about 200 garments so there will be style and sizes for all
if you come early in the day.
, Positively none sold before nine o'clock.
I eavy .Duck Wash Skirts at $1.25 ,
A splendid value made of a good, heavy quality, black and blue
duck .with .white polka dots also shepherd checked designs. Plaited
and plain gored models as you may wish.
Corsets oh the
Bargain: Tables
of the Main Floor, Friday, will
be priced ' so that not ono
should be left by noon.
There are all lengths ' and
descriptions of corsets In all .
slses, made of batistes, cou
tlla and brocade corsets
that sold from 1.00 to I! 00.
snd which must be moved out
before we take stock In this
department So Friday, or
while they last, choice.
A Cleanup in the
Wash Goods Store
One lot of" odds and ends of
wash goods that are worth tip
to ISo the yarj. are priced for
Friday's selllnr at Ho for
yard. .
There are noods suitable for
almost every Deed to which
wesh fabric can be put and
the range of patterns and col
orings Is wjde enough to sat
isfy If you Come early In the
day. Don't miss. It! .Up to
18c values. H, . .
We To d You Yesterday ,
It Was Coming v
and it will be here Saturday the blg
nest and inor Important men's furnish
ings event of the year.
The Greatest Sale of
Hen's Fine Shirts
In point of variety, excellence of ma
terial and workmanship, and supreme
value-giving It will be the biggest and
best shirt sonsntlon ever known or pre
dicted In this city. ?- .
If you have 69c
: ! ; If you have 89 c
.' If you have $115
to spend for a shirt save It for thli
sale. In fact. It will pay you to buy an
entire six months' supply at this sale.
Further particulars, Inc. tiding ' the won
derful values, will be announced In de
tail n the next lesue of this paper.
ee Harney Street Windows.
Special Pricing in Linens
and Domestics
7ax90-lnob Bestead Bed Sheets of an
extra 65c quality. Friday 3o
Tba' Best Aaierleaa Calicoes made. In
. all of the latest patterns and fast
colorings that regularly sell at 6c
,the y"d, Friday onjy o
17-lnoh,' Extra Heavy Weiffbti Un
bleached Use Crash.- that, regu
larly sells at 7 He the yard. Fri
day, at .'. , '
mil Slse Xenomea Bed BTpreads, In a
good variety of assorted patterns
the kind we regularly sell as a spe
cial at $1.10 for Friday only, 8o
Summer Needfuh From
the Hardware Store
$2.00, all metal Hose Basis, Friday,
at, each .'. 91.49
Universal Bread Mixers, four loaf
size, at .'. . .Bl-98
Oblong- Bread and Cake Pans, worth
18o each, at 100
Savory Double Boilers and steam
Cookers see them demonstrated
Friday four different slies
at 86o to 91-7"
Tao ' Jao rirslsss Oooksrs finely
made, perfectly aanltary and highly
practical, at 818.03
40e Urtwalst and Sleeve Irons, to
close out 80
$3.50 Bathing Suits at $1 69
A lot of broken sizes made of fast black and navy blue materials;
well finished in every part. Taken from our regular $2.75 and
$3. B0 lines and specially priced for Friday's selling, at $ 1.69.
25c for a Pair of Women's Slippers
Seems ridiculous, doesn't it? And it is. But we are determined
that nothing that la not strictly new and clean, shall be In our stocks
when we begin writing down what we have done in this department the
past si months. Hence the bargain. . ' r . .,.
. w mie am ana nam suppers sugnuy
soiled; pink, and blue .satin slippers,
black canvas bath and. bedroom' sllp
pers, some oxfords and high shoee and a
few pairs of children's slippers.
All are small sizes, of course.
One lot of women's white can
vas oxfords in small sizes,
.all good, new, clean stock,
Friday only, the pair, 98c
: $8.00 Small Size Oxfords at $1.48
About ISO pairs of women's small size oxfords' that are specially
nne fou everyday, wear vlcl kids with low heels and either turned or
welted soles regular $3.00 values, while they last, $1,48 the pair.
Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday
,H --I
it lb. Back Pria of i-11 jam Peanut
tia.t's tribal! . It -V
m m vru I, - a hi t.y i.arv
Full Cream Cheese, Ktv
10 stamps, the lb. .Vk
(Virginia B-wies Cheeoe,
and 10 stamps, lb. 8oo
Bottle EddyTs flalad
Mustard, and i stamps
' for - 100
Bennstt's Beet Coffee.
and 20 stamps, lb. SAe
lbs. Bennett's Best
Coffee, and 0 stamps
for 81.00
1 lb. Bennett's Oolden
Coffee, and 10 stamps,
for. 8S
1 lb. assorted Teas, and
00 stamps ao
1 lb. assorted Tees, and
40 stamps 480
1 pkg. Tea Sittings, and
10 stamps ISO
t large cans Columbia
Milk .,, . ., 8So
Cream of Rye breakfast
food, and 10 stamps,
for IS
snd 10 stanios ....aoe
10 ban. Beat 'Km AH
Soap, for SSc
SOc Jar Tea Garden Pre
served Figs, for ..SOo
Oaliaway Patented
Flour Sifter, and 10
stamps aoo
Quart can Franco-American
Soup 86o
bars Electric . Spark
Soap SOo
Large Jar Queen Olives
for i 85
Pint can Oalllard's Pure
Olive OH .40
H lb. can B. C. Baking
Powder, and 10 stamps
for 13o
Can Marshall's Preserv
ed Blosters. and 10
stamps aoe
1 lb. hand picked Navy
Beans Bo
I cana Van Houten Co
coa, and 10 stamps 8oe
3 pscksges Star and
Crescent Macaroni or
Spaghetti, and 10
stamps for ASo
pkgs. Capitol Mince
meat 8oo
1 can Brockport Sliced
Pineapple, and (
stamps 10o
Quart can fi. W. C.
byrup ..: loo
30c can Old Mission Ripe
Olives ISo
1 can Hnlders Pork and
Beans, and 10 stamp
for loo
2 cans Snlder's Pork and
Beans, and 10 stamps,
for aoe
Whole Jap Rice,' lb. AO
Cream honey Cookies.
the pound ISo
1 lb. bricks Bennett's
Capitol Butler guar-
antej full weight. 8So
Choice Country Butter.
the pound 840
Any Ladies'
Silk or Wool
Any Ladies'
The Greatest Value Giving1 Sale in
Omaha's History. ,
If Here Early Saturday You'll Have
No Regrets Later.
j-6uUy fjv QtAaWgft CaOr C-v Ctuiv. C-' C
Iced Water Melons ,.40o to SOo
S large California Cantoloupes. . . 85e
Per crate $8.60
Market-Basket New-Turnips . ...3O0
12 bunches New Spring Onions ..loo
12 bunches New Radishes loo
Aberdeen "Snow White" Flour, Per
sack ll.'SS
4 Cakes Maglo Washer Soap 160
10 bars "Heat 'Km All" Soap ,.86o
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per qt. . .So
1-lb. Vermont Maple Sugar 16o
for Friday
IRe Tin Imported Sardines 9o
Iced Ten, cooling nn'l re fresh Inn,
should he iiKe't freely this hot weoMi.
er: It cotH but . 5c ppr gullou; we
sell It mlxel nlieitrly fur use, at, prr
pound, fri'iu 40c up.
'Lotus'' Spiers, finest qualify, rre
parcd In air-tight cans, h1. per
can lOo, COo, 850
Courtney's "laotus-Ankola" Coffee
the best In the world, per lb ...35o
Three -pounds! for $1.03
G3vcg C&LrWc fou? (uA QtUkW Cr''' CUH C3 '
Let Hoving Experts Do Your Moving
If you've planned to move thla month, phone us today. The best
recommendation of our service is the (act that we're always busy mov
ing household goods.
-' Ample equipment, courteous, capable, willing men, and an exper
ience' covering 25 years must certainly merit your serious thought.
' Phone Us v .
SI 0 South 17th Street. Ground Floor I lee IUdg.,' 17th BC Side.
Phone DougUs 894; IndL A.1S14.
Souvenir Opening
We are now located at 1611
Howard St. We cordially in
vite yoii to call and look over
the line of Handsome Presents
given absoluety free with Union
. Pacific Profit - Sharing Checks. ,
As a special inducement we '.
will give as a
A. Decorated
China Plate
In addition to the usual Checks-with
Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts, Cocoa,
Chocolate, Baking Bowder, Corn
Starch, Etc.
Why Not Take a
Vacation "
Many business men spend the entire summer
away from their offices, depending upon the long
distance Bell Telephone lines to Jkeep them in
touch with their business. ' r-- '
During your vacation you should rely upon the
telephone. You will thn be free from care, for
you will know that you can be reached at once
should important matters require your attention.
Uut if you are confined to your desk, the tele-,
phone will enable you to reach your wife oriam
ily, though they may be hundreds of miles away,
summering at some pleasant resort.
Nebraska Telephone