WANT ADS iant ad received) at any time, but v insure roMf classification must pit-armed before 13 o'clock m. for '.liu evening Kilt ion aol before 7:30 'or morning and Hundaj edition. Want ad rerelTed 'after (wh hoar will hare tholr first iiMtertlon under the heading "Too Late to Clarify." CARD V THANKS V wlh to retlirn-our heartfelt thank to the I. O. O. V. No. ltt for their sym pathy and attendance at the death and ileltekah Lodge No. 14 Eastern Star, ladies' auxiliary of M. of K. T. and frlenda for th lieautiful floral offerings at the funeral .r William MrDrrmld. .M11S. KiVA MDEitMID AND FAMILY. We do most heartily thank the kind friend and neighbor, especially the fulth ful mi rue who klndiv assisted diirlnir the sickness and death of our beloved mother, alen for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mi. .George O t'lark and family. Mr. A. K. Devlne and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Uervyman and .family. ,. i U : 1 BIRTHS AD DKATHI, Births P. M. -and E. M. Burn. 2363 South Ninth street, boy; James and Jessie Janecfk. Omaha. Uen. Hoip, girl; H. A, and Gertrude Hoges. 541 Mouth Twenty fifth avenue, li-jy; Hotert and Anna Mc Auliffe, 3219 Hewerd, boy; Mr. and May Kvans. 13 North Twenty-fourth, girl; Charles and-May Ilovee. 307 West street, twins, girl and buy; Henry and Sarah Payne, Methodist hoapltat, girl: John and Francis Relfschneldcr, 1214 South Seven teenth, boy. Deaths Joe Lobla! 3.' 2009 Paul; Baby Burn. 1 year,' 2.m Hoiith Twenty-ninth; lira. Kstherlne Bellamy, 56. Wise Memorial ii pltal; Beby Fase, 1 yenr, 20U9 Paul; Kldora E. Pler, 82; 2400 Harney; Frank Johnson, 06, Irumunuel hospital; Kath-c-Mne Welbls, 64, Presbyterian hospital; Clmrlea Grow, 6N, 2."2j Caldwell; Edward Helse, II, Omaha General hospital; Louise M Kowltier, 41. ' Soil' Gold; Barah J. t'ooper, 63, 1410 Nortn Thirty-third; James M. Osboin, 6115 Capitol avenue; Elmore Taylor, 25,' fourteenth and Capitol avenue. MARRIAGE LICENSES. License to wed- -were Issued to the following: Name and Address. Age. 9 Henry kv P. Peterson. Omaha .. Amelia F. Davis, Omaha Harvey J. Wolf. Omaha .. J MaV H. Curtla. Omaha '. 22 Harold M. Anderson. Omaha 17 Dorothy B. Phillips, Omaha 20 Louis Simon, Omaha...., .' 28 Bmayda Erzsobet, Omaha 22 Claud F. Dunning,' Omaha... .....24 Pearl M. Goble, Omaha 24 William P. Walsh, Omaha 28 Unda M. Miller. Omaha... 26 Albert G. Norman. South Omaha 22 Nettle N. Norman, South Omaha. 27 Michael R. Sullivan. Atkinson...; 87 Agne E.. Clark, -Omaha 20 Richard B. Jenlsoh, - Auburn ; 23 Etta Decker, Waterloo 22 Otlbert" E. Fhelp, Ottumwa 24 Cora B. Mitchell, Ottumwa 21 Martin L. Healey, Omaha (over) 21 Anna M. Morln, Omaha.; (over) 21 Oswald Knechenhoff, Benson 22 Mathilda Heldt, Benson 22 Alfred Erie Hollander; Omaha 24 Elln Sign E. Johnson, Omaha 26 SOU DCOID WEDDING-RINGS i wc 5Lxfecnfu-Harne ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, Ver. imbalaner. UU Chicago 61 D. ltU; u-iua. PUOTO SUPPLIES . Kodak and cameras. . Tlu beat develop tng and finishing in th city. MaiituJiVH OlAllOAl RY CO., Photo Dept. 1 Ibttt ana y arnam Bta. MONEY '1J LOAN LoW HA'iii., in aums 40 auit. 10 tie. itldg. i'nune Uuiu. jmm VIUOINIA DA Kb W1NK-750 a large VOlMfi JIVIU Iiouilt SJ4 n. lbta OU OUR letter duplicating work la unti eeiied. A trial wm uoiwlnc you. Both phones. Weatern DupUcaung Co., 402 n Mlriit PICTURE framing, one-third cheaper than aepanment stores; most select stock of framed pictures at reauced price. Omaha Art ana Frame Co.. Iv7 S. Wto. Douglas ltftH; ind. A t&aL Man's Clothing & Furnishings 218 N. Uth. H. Col, ttiga Co. D. 176a. Ull Farnanv DRUOS at cut prices; freight paid oa all iiu oraers. catalog us tree. Sherman McDonnell urug .o oroafta, Neo. YOU'LL always to happy if your wedding ring come from brodegaard'a. lit & Wio bt. At the algn of th. crown. WS LIKE LITTUB REPAIR JOB . FRKLLNO 8TEINLE. Trunk Factory. uul Famam. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINCI. AUXINS. .21 & lftn. UPbTAlRS. TWENTY per cent lees than Omaha price. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Tw.nty-tuurih and L t Bkiutb Omaha. LYNCH BBOS. fatino0 REPAIR WORK. 1702 jackaon M. D.'UTI. THERE la a beautiful new dancing pavil ion at Iak. Manawa.- If C. Beaser. 2102 Kim St.. will come to The Bee office within thre. day w will give him a pair of round trip ticket to Lake Manawa. 1,009 l.turhead. good bond paper: 1 000 billheads, l.ouo buslnoas cards; II. 60 per 1,000. Estimate and samples free. Other printing. l7r r,r,,nu,l: Co-. Omaha Commercial College Bldg.. lrth F arnam. Htxl tboa. The New Elk Hotel. Now open,' all outside rooms. 26c and 60s by day; Week. 22 up. U7 N. 16th. D 7287. MRS- CHARLES C. HUNQATE. china flrlpg. 970 Brand.la Bldg. Tel. Web. J;i DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 94L lCECBEAMH'rtln,,,,H,,1e brM i,. , A" ialng druggists. Harding Ice Cream C 1 - MAOOARD Van ft Storage. . Pack, move, ater. and snip U, H. gootia, D. 14ut; B 242s. PLUMBINO-Huber Foreman, 211 8. loth. Both Phones. SCALE 8. . HCALaiti Independent Seals Repair Co.. Uv tkt. Uth Mt. lad. A-SMJ. Corner Shoo Repair, 222 Leavenworth. Casady Co., 8. W. Car. 14th and Douglaa, e-LJ OitJula Wrll tlr- inauranca. W- & H EATON, Harney 3t6i. Amarleaa furnaces. MISSOURI FILTER. 21 8. 20th. D. 4714. OFFICE STATIONEIiYgicun'. Kotera & Leery Co.: UOS Jackson. D. VM. ED BOTHEBY fh,, r" , . s of liquor and cigar. , Cafe id connection. Ill g. 14th sc. MRS. M. F. MORRILL, china decorat ing, studio KjJ Brandala Theater Bldg. FOR CRAWFISH oall H 2SO. D. W. DUO PEON, plumbing. U. 19SC TAKE m out to' th. ball gam.. If E. t. Merldlth. 2424 Hamilton .St.. will com. to Th. Be. offtc. wuhln three day w will .lv. a ticket to the ball gam. at Rourko lrk. , BARKER. BROS. PAINT CO., ' . Famam. Ind. A-Jl. DougU 4764. do Picture Framing and Olaalng. ..s.iAL DISCOUNT thl month on Paint. Cilana. Varalshe. and Wall Paper. WILLOW SPRINGS beer, liquors, elgara. 1 Slid Miches. AI.KX JHIt, im Douglas, ANNOUNCEMENTS Continued. ) DA VIP COLE CREAMER1 COMPANY. MONET saved on painting, paper hang ing, decorating paper; wholesale; quick work. Call A. C. McOulgan Co., Crounse Block. Opp. P. O. Douglaa SibZ; A-1X Y.W.C.A. BWIMMINO LESSONS. . . Monday and Thursday afternoon; Tuesday and Friday evenings. Association members, 10 lessons..'. DM Oymnasium member, 10 lessons 2.00 Clauses begin June 27. SAfOIvR C08TELLOS Omaha Cut E. HOWE, WELL I. .NU. Benson 245. BOYDEN Well work. boring and pump Web. IMS. i vwaivo.AUXTEUR FINISHING DEMPSTER 8. Jus . 16th t, Ml Farnam St ROACHES. ANTS, BEDBUGS. FLEAS AND RATS exterminated from your prem ises under guarantee contract; estimate free; Buvdead Liquor Inaectlde. 4oc; large can powder. 2 Sc. Call or write Rlltt j Chemical Worka, 2d floor, Crounse Bik, uiioaiie posiouice; uy mail pi-epaia. Doug. 1662. THE best treat for wife and baby Is a dish of Daliell Ice cream.' If Mr, G. W. Church. 2411 Seward St.; will come to The Bee office within three day w will give her an order for a quart brick of thl fin ice cream free. AUTOMOBILES honk: SMASH AUTO :honk TEAR TOP Smash Wheels HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMMOND 18th and Harney St. gtKIlV 4...-i t . m . . . - .aw . i rqulppml. Thin Is a bargain it taken at nnr.. . j H I I t. . . ... n. ... tit., Omaha, Neb. No trad propwltion NEW and 2Uband autos. Darignt. Omaha. FOR SALE At a hararaln - 'R.nM twelv-panger slght-r.elng car- compile w.th top; good aa new. Marlon Automobile v-o., iiui-i r arnam ut. ... " EVERY person knows who D. J. O' Brian is, because he has mad. Omaha famous wnn ni canoy. jr John Epplen, 251 So. 10th St.. will come to The Be. office within three days we will give him an order for a eu-ceni pox rree. Garter car THE LONO-LIFED MACHINE. NO CLUTCH TO SUP. NO GEAR TO STRIP. CABTEKCAB NEBR. CO.', 1117 Farsm St. v SECOND-HAND cars, all kind. 914 Dodge FOR HALE A haj-nJn. Tnjmtlr.rl A- livery machine, first-class order and uud three months. 924 N. Uth Ut. Telephone FIVE Midland touring ear. Rambler. newly painted, 2400. One 46-horse power bus, T0u. All in good running order, tola Lieavenworw. Klrsh, 1724 No. 27th Bt., will come to The nee omce wunin mree aays we will give him a ticket to th. ball gam. at Rourk. para. BUSINESS CHANCES TO UET in or out of business, call oa OAJ4GKMTAD. 404 Be. Bldg. Tel D. UJ. ICE BUSINESS FOR SALE. Locateu 111 noiinwest Iowa, county seat town of about 2,200 population; con sists of eight room modem bouse in first class condition, good barn, cement block Ice house, 100 feet long, 22 wide, and 24 hlvh. full nf In at hruant i-i AMI All these buildings are situated on half oiock distant irom post office, on. block and about three from ice field, two Ice wagons and all tools for cutting- and handling ice. Also one out lot of about iwu acres, ueea lor . pasture, no com petition. This is a first class business and a money maker. Investigate if you ..wit viuo .woivwj iu i yvur . money. Prl- 210,000 and give possession at once. George A. Taylor, Room . Piatt Block. Sao City, la. VARIETY STORE Cash business; popu. lation of town. 10,000; financial difficulty reason for selling. Address Y 46. Be. FOR SALE N.w Air Dome fully equipped, seats 900. Price 21,400. Address 8. C. Warren, Mlchelson Block, Grand Isl and, Neb. WANTED Young or middle-aged man with capital to take an active Interest in on. of the best paying business proposi tions in Omaha. Must be capable of tak ing complete management. For. full par ticulars address U 666. Be. WANTED to retire, will sacrtfloo th. best paying coal business In the city, grand opportunity for any one wishing- to BuiKTiv r ruwr mio in. coai Duslness, For particulars address H 4U4, Bee. DOCTOR'S location free; must ba a res alias attlih anaUnna m . 't " atroiniu,q1 iirno aa mar ried; central Nebraska town; plenty of IrtWIUBSIB. - BV- A WO, VArtf BANKRUPT took of drugs and fixtures will be sold to the highest bidder -on June 28 at Shubert, Neb.; big chance, coma. J F. Shubert. trustee, Shubert. Neb. GROCERY and notion ator. for sal cheap. O 630, car. He. TAKE me out to th. ball gam.. If E. D Morldlth, 2424 Hamilton Bt.. will come to The Be. office within thre. days w. will glv. him a ticket to th. ball gam. at Rourk. park. ... CHIROPODISTS jiunhu i, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, nsv gooaa. juy rai I ut. D. 2332. DR. ROY. UOS F arnam St- Douglas 1407. DENTISTS BAILEY MACIL Sd floor Paxton. D. iota, A COOL plung. In Lak. Manawa will overcome that hot feeling.. If Ed Wlttlc 2026 80. 21st St.. will come to Th. Be. office within three days w. will give him a pair of round trip tickets to Lak. Manawa. .. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Servlo. Detective agency toe, bonded. 4JS-9 Paxton Bik. D. 1219; A-UuV CAPT. T. COKliACK. 617 KARBACH Bik. ZACK ELLI8. 2 years experlenoa. 2u Neville Bik., 16th and Harney. Tyler 112. JAMES A LI .AN, 201 Neville Bik.. teenth and Harney; phone Tyler UM six- DRESSMAKING Terry's Dressmaking College, 2th 4k Far. WANTED aewtng by th. day. B-276I. DRAINAGE i. I. BTUBBH. room 416, First Nat l hank. W, J. McEathron. C. E-. 610 Paxton Bik. TAKE a Boat rtda on V nr. will .lv. a nalr nt . Mrs. F. Oerroandt. 2018 Oak St., If she will come ib 1 ne nee oince wunin three days. EDUCATIONAL First Bummer Tim BOYLES COLLEGE la Now Opeav STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAT. Omaha's largeat and most suorvasful Com. mervial College. Business. Bookkeeping. Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Service and Ealeemanahlp. The catalogue U free. Ad draasH. B. Boyle. President. Omaha. Nett. HT lUUruiun iun bitti.i. . .... sured. Julia . Vaugho. Bamg. Bldg. I p1 ii Mi The Bee will run your ad for a situation or a servqnt girl free until you get the desired result. Telephone Tyler 1000. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL dynamos, motor and repair. La Bron. 212 s. 12th ft. Douaias H7& HAKTHUN KLEC. CO.. D. 61SW; 216 8. 14th. SUMMER ONLY STARTED. KEEP COOL. WOLFE ELEC. CO., Sill BENNETT ELEC'L CO." Electrld fan, hot point irons, guaranteed. poth rt.iyTRtp rn n.Mn mo and motor a specialty. D. 6a27. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN WALL PAPER cleaning. D. C&SL A-teai, . SWITCHES from combing. 91.60; sat puff free. Mr. Eck. 1760 Leavenworth S:. . WHEN you spend your money spend It fir th. best there Is. If D. Shanahan, 2402 Ho. 11th St., will com. to The Bee office within three days w. will glv. him an .order for a .OO-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. ' Upholstering, furn. repairing, low prioe. Ekwall Co., 1812 St Mary s. D. 6018: A 2739. PICNIC LUNCHES f-JSJ ' 6 hel. Shogo Llthla water, Del.. 21. D. 3B.'J. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric needle or Injury to the , skin; , lady attendant. 4u7 McCagu. Bldg. OO OUT to Rourke park and root for Omaha. If F. H. Trote, 1312 No. 26th St., will com. to Th. Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the base ball gam.. WASHING and lac curtain. Tyler 1258. Phons WILLOW PLUMES made from your old and n.w feathers. 1952 S. 11th. 8. Sokolof. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Famam. D. 1001; A-1001. J. H. BATH. 1C2 Harney. Douglas 2004 HESS V SWOBODA. 1418 Famam St. . L. Hendsrsoo. 1619 Farnutn, Douglas 1211 CUT FLOWERS and design. 209 N. 16th. FURNACES AND REPAIRS HAVE your FURNACE cleaned and RE PAIRED. Don't wait until fall, when you cannot secure EXPERT MEN. JOHN HU8S1E HARDWARE CO., 2407 Cuming St. Tel. Doug. 1116. TAKE m. out to th. ball game. If Dan Klrsh, 1724 North Twenty-Seventh St, will come to The Bee office within three days w. will give him a ticket to th. ball gain, at Rourke park. HELP WANTED FEMALE AsasitA amd kWU.swosa.aw FOUR ladies' 'to travel. Salary and ex penses paid weekly. Room iA, Hotel San ford. . . Clerical and Ufftc. WB INVITE YOU to Investigate one no. to-dats method of placing competent help. Mere ar. tour positions lor immediate ac ceptance. Stenographer (Lincoln), $66-276. Stenographer (insurance), ((16. , Stenographer (real estate), 266. Bookkeeuer and atenourauher. Wvnmln. 276. . - CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-itt City National Bank Bldg. Factor r Trades. helm parlor. Prices very reasonable. GIRLS WANTED No exDerlenca n,... sary; Kimball Laundry, loll Jackaon. EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted at once. 1. A. Medlar Co., 416 S. 14th. Heuelteers ssd Casc-stles. iauiiii 01 mree, small nous., want girl tor general housework; good waa-ea. ilO 8. 37th. . WANTED A good cook, best of waaea. lira. L. C. Nash. . Phons Florence 223. WANTED A competent girl for mn.r.i housework. Apply 1720 South 'l'hlrtv.. ond Ave. Phone Harney 1604. WANTED A wash weman for Monday references required. 4206 Dodge. H. lii! EXPERIENCED cook in family nt ihPU grown people. 244 N. 18th, Tel. Douglas & U1RL for general housework. Mrs Hsrry Wllllnsky, 1613 N. 2oth St 'Pnone Webster 2762. WANTED General housework girl; good wages. 'Phone Harney 6J22. 4816 Dous las St. WANTED Girl for housework: no wash. lng. 608 8. 29th. GOOD a-lrl tor ceneral housework- 11 family; good wages. U3i S. 34th. 'Phons Harney 24)6. . WANTED Experienced girl for aeneml housework; family of two persons; good wages. 4019 Farnam. . ! W1WT ET1 A mnA.n - I. . I ' . . .... . . w,.,k,,w vwn, W1BU et9- nnH t r I vnnfl wum Vfra TmA umu 4823 Florence Blvd. ' WANTED First class washwoman. Call Douglas 6890. GOOD arlrl for aeneral hnnu.nrk r- 1 ! vuubiu now. , . I 422 N. 19th St W A VT TT X A mir a .uM In 1 1 v. housework. D. H. Harding. Ki4 N. Mth St WANTED An axDerlenoeA sank Phnn. Douglas 2471. WANTED Girl for general housework. 202 N. 30th St. Phone Harney 288a. wiNnrrui IH in . . i - I,.. housework; no washing. 6u8 8. 20th St GIRL for general housework. 6216 ft Kth Ave. Uatela sad Rsstaaraatts. WANTED Lunch counter girls. AddI. ssanager. Union Station restaurant MlSMllaVB.OSVB. Strangers are In vl text to- visit the Young wu.vh m .1 . i,n.u UUI1U1 U at 6t Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they Mltl k. A 1 t A A ...lt.1,1. ) , , Al mr AtkkrwtBA mI,iI ImI, ..... tiers' aid at the Union station. BE A BOOSTER for ths national earn of baa. ball. If C. A. Ztll. 1411 No. 26th St., will com., to Th Bee office within three days ws will givs him a ticket to the dsii gams at nourae para. HELP WANTED MALE Ageata, Hellers aad halesasss). SALESMEN Tha best selllnx nronosltlon in Omaha. Collier , the national weekly. wiin me new 1911 encyciopeoia atlas ire. Inexperienced men earning 36 and over per day. Special department for students. CmJI 3 to a, suits 1A. Paatou Block, TD1 SITUATIONS V ANTED M SERVANT GIRLS HELP WANTED MALE Poatlaa.d. AGENTS WANTED. 100 PER CENT profit to sell th. Howard Hunf.y Harness Hook, the only patent harness hook on the market; something every hoiseman wants to bang his harness on. To show It is to sell it We are sol agents. ... DAY-MORSE T22 Brandels Theater Bldg. Omaha. Neb. WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH a HKT.I.IMfl RKP. J.'RD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH J Mis- LAROE4T AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN THE WORLD AND LEARN inn BUSINESS. T 271. BEE. WANTED Travallne- collector, nuhllsh lng house; single man preferred, age 28 to o years, salary to start with 21 per week and railroad fare. Best of references and surety bond required. Must be a worker. Answering give age, previous occupation ana reierences. is -66, Bee. aul.n is-Wanted at once, first class trupoaitiou; big commission. Writ, today, aitless uppiy Co., Brown Block, Omaha, jnso. WANTED Two high class state manag ers for a new store itxture, without com petition; commission. 2JU0 to 2500 per month. Trlflers please do not answer. . Address ine Buckley Specialty Co., Lima. Ohio. CHALLENGE BAFETY 8 WING All round picnic-maker for children. Best $l.iu sener ever. Use on porch, tree or uuoiway. Biuaent sola eignty-iiv. rirst week, lady twenty-eight first two days. Write at once, Chautauqua Manufacturing u., Valparaiso, ina. WANTED Collector for city, publishing house accounts. Single man preferred, age 28 to 36 years. Best of references and surety bond required. Salary ' 16 per week. An swering give age, previous occupation and reierence. M-Mti,- $ee. "A producer of the highest grade is offered an opening with a rated house. the largest of its kind in the world, to sen an advertising service to retailers on straight commission. Aa the Drnrjoaltlon is one in which from 25,0u0 to 110,000 can be nitioe ty a hustler references are required. No floaters or "expense advanced' trlflers need apply. For Nebraska, Dakota, Wy oming ana Montana apply to neia man ager, Felix Lehmann, care of West Hotel Sioux City, la. State date and place of meeting it in Nebraska or call Saturday or eunaay at saia address. STOCK SALESMAN wanted who can sell stock. One man mad. H.OuO commission between June 20 and June 24. Salary It preierrea. ' i oiuana Be Co. mulls. Clerical nail Of tie. WE can place several bookkeepers, sten ographers, Salesmen, and office clerks at once. . . . WEST'N REFERENCE eV BOND ASS'N 762-3-4-6 N, iY. Ufa Btdg. ; utL MAN for shlDplng. -clerk, manufaoturlng piant. Aaareas m sxs, - Bee. . . !.. .1 steady position; reference required. Raphl act i-reo uo,, i.un r arnam. WE INVITE YOtr to. call on us and IN VESTIGATE our irWhod of placing HIOH GRADE help. Jrlere ar. lour for Immediate acceptance. v Bookkeeper, lumber firm, 276. Bank clerk (experienced), 960 Bookkeeper (experienced), ti6. Stenographer and bookkeeper, Wyoming, 'CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg.' ' Factory aad Trades. Drug 8tores(snaps).Joba. Knlest Bee Bldg. GOOD blacksmith will find steady em ployment at good wages. German pre ferred. Inquire at Andreas P. Hansen, Bchleswlg, Iowa. WANTED A saddiemsker. Write direct to Th. J. H. Wilson Saddlery Co., Denver, Colo. Give experience and references. Ml ellai 6.000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Writs for list Franklin institute, Depu 216 -O, Rochester, N. Y. Un 1100 MONTH AUTOING. . X AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA. NEB. KJf LARGEST AND BEST. WRlTAi WANTED Special edition man to assist In industrial number of country paper; reference required. - Address Y 62, oar. Bee. WANTED Rail way mall clerks; average ll.luu, preparation free for coming Omaha exainlnatioiis. Franklin Institute, spb lis U. Hucheater. N. Y. MEN wanted; can qualify In few week for positions waiting) no previous experi ence necessary; learn the barber trade; see the want column toe barbers needed; top wages; tools given; call at once or writ, from country. Molar Barber college, 110 S. 14th St Persist enr Advertising Is ths Road to Big Returns. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace amd Vehicles. J A KYDEN "horseshoeing. U... IXXUSUVt, BLACKSMlittlNG. 4212 N. 24th St Vk ebaUx aoJU, Ind. K-U4, ejib canuy wagon for slifj Top btanhope, new, for V 6 Light 2-seated top surrey.... 7 ( 76 ' s l-iue top btaniiope s DRUMMOND. lklh AND HARNEY. PROF. A. B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of horses; sat isfaction guaranteed. 2101 S. 48th. Har. 386. ONE Miller hack. good, tires, good top; in first class shape; piles, floO. Douglas Street stables, Uth and Douglas. LOST AND FOUND tJIIIVrETclo,u'ln- Pfssalng and Re U1 A-'-t pairing. 1SU tarnam. D. 3244. PERSONS having lost some srtlcls would do well to call up the office of th. Omaha, A Council Blufrs bireet statlway oompaa to asceriala wutiur they Iwi it Stxeet cars. Many articles each day ars turned In aad ths cuaipauy la anxious to restore tlvam i. the rlgtillui owner. Call Douglas 4. OMAHA sc COUNCIL BLUr r STREET RAIL WAV CA-IMPANr. LOST Small, yeilow alliru.nr Kw.k . talnlng 106 in currency and N. Y. Ex- Lhange. Amount. Ilou payable to M J avis only. Excnange dated Iienver June 22. 1H11. Book lost In Omaha Friday morning In or nrar Rom hotel. Liberal reward if returned to proprietor Rout. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF P1L10 CONK3 Burt m. sdy for Itching, bleeding or pfutftKL-ng PILES. 60o poAipaid; sauipiss free, hher Bac si McConnall Drug Co.. Omaha, MONEY TO LOAN ALAHY AND CHATT3CLS. CHATTEL" LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private, NEBRASKA LOAN CO tM Bee Bldg. Doug. UIA. A-UH MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels Contlaaed lltiltlltllttSiS3 i t t i WHY THROW AWAY MONEY t 9 Hy not'seelng us before you procure a $ loan on your furniture, piano, ware s' house receipt or salary. I W do not publish misleading rates nor mlsrspreeent; our methods are I "lean; no publicity; excellent service; I liberal discount for payment before I due. WB GUARANTEE OUR RATES ARE POSITIVELY THE LOWEST. Call, write or phons. Our agent will come to you at once if desired CITY LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 20-21 Douglas Bik. Opposite Hsyden's. Phones: Ddusrlaji ft1FA Ind a9aim I M I I I I I I ( M I I I I I I NOTICE TO ALL If you were positive that our rates and terms were ins pest in th. city, wouldn It psy you to see us when vou n1 mnnv A comparison of our raiea with those of uioer companies wtii convince yo- tha this Is the place to borrow. tl.M Is th weciciy payment on g 350 loan for 6 Weuks.' Other navmenta in ih. mi rtr,.t t,r. Uosi. If yon need money writs or phons oiaio Mortgage JLoan Uo., Arlington Block. 1611H Dodge SL uuuEe, AJougia X4e; ind. A-2406. DIAMOND LOANS AT 1 en larae loans: sm.n.. n.n. - W. C FLATAU, Tlephon. Red Wit U14 llwift -u.-.,. LAKE r A V A x,-A I. u. i . , P. found. If Mrs. E. Baltier, 2910 8. 23d St. Will Come tn Th. Du i.ui- 1 TZi. .. u .w"'.l.ve.nr a PaJf of round nioi 10 Aax. Manawa. MONEY loaned salaried people, worn. ati uiupn, wi.nout security . easy payments. Office la 17 principal oitlse viuimu, u umtni nai. sans Ulag, t Mv. . ... . . phisJ. .MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN m. mtiiua.il- i . if.r"rL".u" our "rs; electric "vacuum cleaners S04 H. jtth; 309 M. 12th. Doug. 41U JAMBS HIKHflP nnvh. ..r..... T1-- rSJi 7 J n"vl"v,l 'ny place in city with ! V n nour. epeciaity of haul lng piano at li oO. Phone Web-2184, B-1407 i T.f i i.""110,'." "; t"piof siora.a MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES FltEE plano tuning, Call W eb. 2073. and a air tfr (Ino.lal -sn rvnu I I n " -ws HptlvsaM Vfv'tUUU- OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Hoobbb.. 1106 PARK AVE. Larsn. cool room, with the best of home-cooked board, auitabia ror two; reasonable rate; private. IhS UAtJuELAiKK' 'Ail n .nil k-n Kates; Single, ate u u, auuoie, to to 3m, l- UXMlx or two beautifully located mom with board; walking diatAUios: lura-a vara. shad, trees, veranda, etc. An ideal piac lor summer. a e. am Ave. AN evening at Lake Manawa is well spent If M. W. Stoley, galo Jackson St. will come- to The Bee office within three days ws win give him a pair of round trip uoaet to Aaae jnanawa. DESIRABLE board and lars-e. aouthaat furnished room for two gentlemen; 20 each per iiiuuiu, evcryming moaern; private lamuy, waiainF aiBisnce. AJoug. 10SW. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611, A-2611. DEblRABLB summer house, furniahed rooms wiin ooara. o. Zblit Ave. EAST front room with alcove. 212 n ih oi. x-none aoukiss sis. iinuu toi, mus ana souin rronr rnotn with board, in private family; modern l.ome, in Kountxe place, on 24th car l,na married couple preferred; terms reason. able; use of piano and 'phone. 8806 North Z4tn. r-none weDster tot. GO OUT to Rourk. park and root fnr Omaha. If F. H. Trote. 1313 North Twen ty-sixth St., will com. to Th. Bee office within tnree aays we win give mm a ticket to tn Daas oau game. Farmlahed ReMtaaa. rwo furnished itaaia Tat. WstaiA. an mot. . tuw v. 2412 DODOS ST.. south front double niir. iors; cooi ana uiuuarii. OUTSIDE room newly furnished. I7t- jacaaon. , , WELL furnished rooms: walk in itia. lance; waits puroeiBAn dhlq tuo. 101 K. Din Bt. WHAT does a nam. mean 7 If vou want to know just try O'Brien's candles. If O. N. Rosenblat, 2420 Caldwell St., will com. to Th. Bee office within three days we will give nun an oraer tor a vO-cent Dox oi u orien s cauay ire.. NICELY furnished room, in good looaiitv all modern conveniences, refined home for laoy empioyea. sav ii. jua bu lei. Ited 4232. 2126 Douglas, two very desirable, newiv turitisnea, wwi, euuvn rooms, in pr- aie xuniiy. ah tiiv viivjiegti ok a nome. Uentieman preierrea. rteierenoes. ONE tiloely furnished room, all mrui.A. with couple; good neighborhood; waiklnv J . . . n n. ' Pl.i.n. U CLEAN newly furnished rooms. 31.60 ner modern; everything furnished. 64S s. 2bth Ave. TWO east front rooms; nicely furnished here;' every thing modern; gentlemdji via Urred. 602 a. 24th St TWO nicely furnished rooms, nice shad. ana lawn, moaern no use, private family ton Capitol Ave. Phone Ind. B-2ol. 1701 DAVENPORT, cool, neatly furnished front room for gentleman. Ons block north of postolflc. LARGE ROOM suitable for throe, and mall back room, clean, cool reasonable. U14 Dodge. D3SWKY Kuropaeta Hotel. Uth Farnaia. TWO furnished rooms, 33 and 310. Ctrtctly privats family; good location; references exchanged. Phone Red 64J3. WALKING distance, well furnished rooms, ulng le or ensuits, on Farnam Hi nice, cool place, shady yard; everything modern. 222 Farnam St THE beat treat for wife and baby I a dlab of Dalsell's ios cream. If Nora Blnk ley, 1630 No. 2th St. will come to Ths fat office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fins Ice cream. . NICELY furnished room, Hanscom 0ark and Field club district, on car Una. Phons Harney 716. COOL, neatly furnished room in quiet neighborhood; everything modern. 2bl Capitol Ave- Phons Harney tU4L CLOSE-IN. nicely furnished, cool rooms for summer; ail conveniences 17u7 Dodge. TWO large, clean rooms; strictly privats; bath; walking distance. 3603 Harney. Har ny 3173, OFFERED FOR RENT Karalshed Hsora oatlaaed. STRICTLT modorn southeast large room for one or two gentlemen. 2607 1 arnam. D. 6sb6. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern. 24?6 Dodge. NICELY furnished, cool rooms, strictly modern, private faintly. 3313 Charles. NEWLY furnished, in modern house. Mi Chicago. 1911 DOUGLAS Newly furnished, strictly modern rooms; no sign In window; walking distance. ONE nicely furnished room, all mndeYn, walking distance, with private family. 2502 St. Mary's Ave. Red 2977. NICELY furnished front room, with bed foot"; very pleasant. N. 19th St. NICELY FURNISHED rooms; all modern house; walking distance. Douglas 6006. 24 Hsrney, rent, modern. newly furnished rooms Douglas 4!38. J for COOL room; new. modern home; housekeeping mom. 2015 Chicago. also 1 In. 26t COOL furnished rooms, close Dodge. Harney 2355. STRICTLT modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water; one room suit able for two gentlemen. 31 N. 19th St. LARGE front room, modern. 2223 Dodge. BE a booster for th. national game of base ball. If C. A. Zlll. 1411 North Twenty-fifth Bt.. will come to The Bee office within three day we will glv. him a ticket to th. ball game at Rourk. park. 2313 DOUOLAS. nlc. cool south room. Phons Douglas 6126. Hotel had Apartments. Otrden Hntpl council Biurfs. Room. NICELY FUKNI9HED ROOMS for gen tlemen. . THE CHATHAM. 110 & Mth St DODGE HOTEL, 13tli and Dodg; all coo, utslde rooms; special week rate. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkl'y rate. Famished House. FOUR-ROOM modern apartment; fur nished. Webster 4468. FURNISHED house for rent, July August. Tel. Web. 139. and EIGHT-ROOM house, 1915 Spencer. NICELY furnished 4-room apartment, reasonable, to responsible parties. Phons MODERN. 6-raom Mtlin fnr .Tnlv ml August. Cheap to th. right party. Web. 1793. FOR RENT Furnished house on West Harney St.: first-class and atrlntlv mrul.rn wiiu complete in every detail; very reason sbls to good party. TeL Douglas 6496. Apartmeats aad Flats. SUPERB nothlna- Ilka It 4 op I ram iiat, ait moaern. M M. 33d Bt FOR RENT Six-room modern flat 340; us n, ism Bt. 4 SIX-ROOM lOAitnunt In tha R.m.M Apply 418 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. D. 1861 FOR RENTFlvB-room anartm.BI tn T)t. uiaian. Appiy us omasa national Baas mug., or tutu Douglas last. FLATS FOR RENT. 22d and Vinton Sts.. 6-room mn4 hrii-ba first and second floors. 121 and 122 .aaii THE CENTRAL 625 8. 18th St.. brand new 3 and 4-room apartments: everything uuuiliieia ana up-to-aate; i(.t0 lor three rooms in summer and 132.60 with heat: $37.60 for four rooms in summer and 342.60 wiin neau D. V. bHOLRS CO., City Nat Bank Bldg. . xei. uoug. 49. J oiiuLiui moaern s or o-room anan- ment besides hall and bath room; newly decorated and large rooms; in Davldge block, lHh and Farnam; low rent for the summer. Bee me now. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1S02 Famam, ' 6 AND 6-room modern St - Lula flA cneap. item bo. ittn. THREE and six-room flats. Martia Block. inn ana w cosier. 6-ROOM apartments. cotr.Dletelr modwn. Ecargo Bldg.. So. Omaha; above 620 N. stth. D rooms, asv. r arnam, modarn; suitabls location ror olrlcea. studios, dental aw dressmaking rooms, etc, for ten an is wish mi coinei adjoining. iuuft '. iIAUa u rUungs, D. 7406. A-440. NliW modern 6-room apartment: walk ing distance on rr line; ttt North Twenty- lourtn street. FINE 4-ROOM APARTMENT IN THE CALIFORNIA. SEE JANITOR. D. 6237. THE Manuel and Howard two-room apartments, lu to 1; eight-room flat b0. H. Gross, 21st and Howard Sts. VERY modern five-room apartment on West Farnam bt.. beautifully located. JOHN W. ROBBINS, lou2 FAKNAJtf ST. TEN-ROOM flat reasonable: a money- maker; retiring from business. 1814 Dodge, can afternoons. ' Famished HoaseatcsplagT Hen NICELY furnished light housekeeping rotms. 1719 Cuming treet. FOUR oomoletely furnlsnsd raoms for housekeeping to couple without children; reieiences required. in. eoth St NICULY furnished light housskeeDlna rooms, good neighborhood; gas and bath; all modern. 2707 Dodge. H. 6686. 320. COOL and clean large well furnished front room and aloove on bathroom floor: nice bath, hot and Ice water; both tele phones; wanting 'distance; LeavM worth car on. and one-half blocks. 2663 St Mary's Avs. CLOSE IN, two or thr. .l.gaatly fur nished rooms for light housekeeping. Call 2606 Capitol Ave. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, cool and modern; In good location, on oar line: walking distance. 2426 Dodge. t'afaralahed Rooms. LARGE, cool, unfurnished rooms, slnaia or ensulte. Good location and ail modern conveniences. 2701 Dodge. THREE rooms, modern except heat 2321 South 12th St. 3 ROOMS, good location; reasonable: no children. 4229 Harney. 'Phons H. 4266. , Hoaaes and t'ottagtes. 2412 Capitol, (-room and hall, hot water heat, for close-In home or roomers, $70. 622 No. 26, corner Call torn la. 9-room. hot water heat, one block west of Crslghtoo. $6 00. 702 North Fortieth. 3-room. near new Cathedral, $36. 4328 Charles, 3-room, all modern, $20. S. W. Twentyfourth and California. 6- room new apartment third floor, new; heat and water paid, $36. Only $30 till October 1. rtA North Twenty-eighth Ave., 4-room, 38. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 OmaJia Nat l.. Douglas or A-21XJ. (14 So. 27th St., It. mod. flat, $30. 612 So. 27th St., 6-r. rood, flat, $30 BEM1S-CARLBERG CO.. 210-312 Brandels Theater. louses la all parts of th city. Crelgh Son & Co., Bee Bldg. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern, at 112 d. 44th St., on W. Farnarr-Dundee Una. Tei. Harney 3&tl or Douglas 644. Houses, Ins. RIngwalt Brandels Th. Bldg. FOR RENT Hlx-room house, modarn ex. cept heat, $16.00 per month. 3616 Blnnsj- bt 'Phons W abater 17W. DOUBLE house. 1313-1316 South 32d Bt: six rooms on each aids, $30 each. Tele phone Douglas 4O40. KM MAPLE St. fir rooms, modern . cept furnace, $23 6. Hall Distributor Co, A-4406. D. .. Om. Vaa A Storage Ce. packa.moves.stnre boueehold goods. Fireproof storsge; 304 t, Mth. Branch, su tL intu Isi. D. 4 I.J. A-ISA THERE Is a beautiful new dancing pavil ion at Laks Manawa. If C. Beaaer. 2103 Elm St., will come to The Bee office within three day w will glv. him a fair of round trio tickets to Lak. Manas; a. OFFERED FOR RENT Hssmra aad lattaaea oatlaaed. MODERN 7-room house opporit Haa scorn park, 340. I'hons lUrncy 4 South stl, 24i a month; sit modern, 3 loom. Telephone Douglas 404a UN EQUALLED, central 7-room house, So N, 23d. Dt'NDEK l-rwim house; modern. Har ney Wl. FOR RENT. , i 3S50-Three room. 14-44 l"tl t. 3lftSlx-room modern brick, 1H.S4 a 30th St lis .even-rooni house, ll-A) Paul 8ti 316 Five rooms. 2:'3 Lake Ut. ROBINSON WOLF. , 435 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 2413. 017 Jsckson St., 7-room ottngp, bath, gas and new furnace, $-J GO. to reheule rn-rmanent trnant. TeL Red 60 or ap,ly 607 N. 19th St ' FOR RENT A large barn, thoiotiirhly modern; may be ustnl as garage. 614 1'nrK Ave. l'hone Harney 947. 8KVERAL mod..Tl houses In good lo calities. Several partly modern houses and houses not modern. Chris Buyer, 2Ji snd Cuming St.- 'Phones: Douglas 2019, B 2iM9. A NEW modern 6-room cottage, within walking distance, south Bide. Key at 660 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, convenient to business center; water rent paid: 330 00. I. N. Hammond,' 3S2 Board of Trade. NEW, all stucco, modern' residence J1J N. 38th Ava-taJl Red 2947. MODERN furnished eight-TOom house; Bemls park. Phone Har. 2660. r- FOR RENT Thoroughly modern. 8-room house, quarter-sawed oak flooring; hot water heat; electric light. 222 N. 26th St. Call Douglas 4037. ....... FOR RENT Fine, newly papered apart ment. ( rooms and bath at 2225V So. Pith. Bt. 1B. Webster 698. , KICK six large room house; flr!t-eleg condition; close In. 833 8, list St II. 2706 HOUSEHOLD OOODS parked, forwarded! rbeap freight rates: roorlrg snd storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co.. Tel. Doug. 34, City oftice. Sit S. 17th St. lea Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, 80 Perit A vs. Beautiful lawn. 3. I. Kemp, 2.l Leavenworth St Key at offloe. Both, phonea Benson Transfer Moves Furniture, p. IBM. . THE lower psrt of my home. big rooms large porch, yard,- etc, furnished or un furnished, to responsible party; In walking distance. Call Tyler 1679. T-ROOM modern, hot water .heat $214 Cal ifornia. Harney 4091., FOR RENT Three-room house, J9S7 Mar. tha. Inquire 2812 No, 16th St. Phon B-625S. - 26-ROOM house, unfurnished,- very desir able, easy walking distance, all modern, heated by owner. See this splendid op portunity to make money.- Victor Diets. Tel. Douglas 9. Stores and Of flees. For Rent a-story brick building with full cement basement, 33x60 ft, with freight elevator and alley and rear entrance. located at 214 and 216 So. 14th St.. H block from new W. O. W. Bldg. Will fix up to suit tenant. Can leas, same Aug. 1. Look at this If you wsnt to rent a building. Fin. location ' In business district. - Apply INTERNATIONAL LAND & INVESTMENT CO., ... D. 3183 210-13-14 Be. Bldg. A 27 TWO offices. 3d floor Crelghtoa blocii also ator at U N. Uth St Alfred Thome. Agent 303 First Nat l Bank Bid. BRICK ator building. No. 1214 Hame street, three stories and basement Charlkg L. Saunders, 211 South 18th street Phons Douglas 179. ,roR .best grocery and meat market la) siIY-wlth fixtures; a snap. 220 IX. 2M. DESIRABLE offices tn ths Continental Block; either In suits or single. Alfred Kennedy. 203 First Nat l Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOR SAf.E Fsirmxltar. FOR SAT.E At a bareaJw. m.hMM. sffloa furniture. Marly new: sufficient for two rooms; also rugs and Oliver typs wrltar and stand. Address Box 6V7. Omaha. HOUSEHOLD goods 4b Fur. 2620 Cuming. FOR BALE Furnlturs and an a-mnm flat. Full of roomers Furniture strictly n.w and first clsss. Leaving city. Must sell at onoe. H 641. Boe. r- DARK oak, $86 sideboard, good as new. $26; good leather couch. Mrs. C. Brandels, -2102 Leavenworth. . 'Phon. Douglas 1UU6. MAHOGANY dining room set oomnleta. with other household furniture. Aul r The Winona. 'Phone Harney 6371 . LEAVING CITY Will sacrifice nearlv new furnlturs for 6 rooms, also Jspanes. and oriental ourioa. Harney 4838, 8620 Hamilton. TAKE m. out to th. ball game. If J. A. Camden, 1610 Charles St., will coma to Th. Bee offlc. within three dara we will glv. him a ticket to th. bal gams at Rourk. park. Masloal Iastrsmeata. A ORAPHOPHONB, a Shady Jot And music flowing free. Heat then la only half as hot-. Just try It once and sea. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. 1311-11 Farnam St . Typewriter. CLEARANCE SALE '' TYPEWRITERS ; We have a large stock of all tha standem make In slightly used and rebuilt ma chines that ws want to turn into cash. Prices to H mfgr's. W. sell on payment or rent and let 7 month rent apply. Call or writs for large bargain list a. r. bwanson CO.. TNC, 1314 Farnam St.. Omaha. SECOND-HAND typewriters. aoM. re paired. Central Typewriter ICxchange, U07 Farnam. BUT an I. C. Smith A Krn rnt..H, B, r. Swaaeoa Co.. Dtsertbuiera. Lua nam St TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES Sold, rented and repaired. Typewriter Inspection Co., Inc.. 684 Brandel Bldg. 'Phon. led.. A -4412; Douglas 4937. -1 KENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. . . , .7 . j-iougia cji. Mlaoell...... New and secondhand ssfes. JJ1S Farnam. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, for sale at $10 00. Apply Georce K, Wright Bee Publishing Co. FOR SALE Two fin. residence lot in West Fsrnsm district. Inquire Red 6100. 2-HAND tools snd rubber hose. 41$ N. 16th. SAFES Overstocked with seeond-hsnd ate, all slsss and makes; bargains. Affiar lesn Supply Co. 1110 t'trusn Si. OQ- .AW,LRITE SAFETY RAZOR, with VOC J. bl"- slls at 32. Abe s Her Grand Pharinaoy, 16th Howard. BAR FIXTURES, cheap, 24-foot ma hoghany bar, with mirrors Address Georg. W. Stover, JT.aton Hotel, Wichita, Kan. FOR SALE French plats mirror, cheap. 633 S. 22d St. TAKE me out to the ball gams. If J. A. Camden, 2i0 Charles St., will corns to Th. Be. office within thre. days we will glv. him a ticket to the bsll gams at Rourk. park. OSTEOPATHY Alios John. )-( Brandels Thaater Bldg, Katheryn Nikolas. 634-$ Brandel Theater, PATENTS Ik O, BAJtwaUX Psaiosi iUs. Tsi. Jtsd tUI -4