BRIEF CITY NEWS j ' Rave Print tx. ats alcwia AAsrtttwt to rnelteM. x. rwicwin. Jr son c the 1st J. fenlA- tft. trnT rttl solicitor of the Vmhm - ...... in iv v nn?s nates ieomi wurti W. Witatui iM of the Mans trptrtBwiil .f Kl.r m1T', baa MpiH f-orn that pwmn. He win be tn hj-r of a m manufacturing cornrier.y ia UraaU lnd, t the future. Sow Apartment InM- A Tuno-Toora annrtment building is brim oreclee at rNE Jackson street tor C. B Umbtr. Sit ftouta Teonty-orienlh svettue. The struct urs w 111 be cf Itiii, containing aloe ftur-fi-ns It Will be completed (taMr -la it a cost tl&.M. "" Tvwno wot lili Throe Nebraska """ r vtm ijB Monday night, ClMtk. WUher airS riattwnsulh. Ekcer for bght BoriT:kle, tn these flares tk mate wu dry. Tfranoraturee. however, Monday and T -Say wierra not aura as wour injur tne crop la any way. The air waa cool, with the sua giving plentiful raja cm the Zantds of grain. . aTamss CDgs atonal -. A tall haa en ' Issued to all old students oT Blrajo collem, Klrare, O.. who reside te Ontht or vicia ter. te iwn la tbe oftioee of tbe Trow-tiriflse-IVoirter company. M-41 Crty Na- tieuaj i-aik building, tint Monday at 10 clock tor the pin-pen f turming a Hiraia orgeniiation in Omaha. AS Towns raBand Cars Ijemanas ft ears aad epeciaJ trains for Feurtk of July trip ars coming In from a: I over Ne braska. Iowa, beula Dak eta. Celorads aad I )'frm!i. te ti neadquartm-a Cfioea tn ' Omaha. Am uauaJ tbc dmnanda are tar PUJif tku txr railroad vauld ba aMa , to, ljuiid!-rfl of toa-na vtehinc trains I lir tbfiir ooivhratiuna. Baamliaa ! Vacl Imnia of KaccUiai. Jdo la u Oman looking for bia uocla, WUIulb T. Fry, aba casta to ibla tj- twtibtj-tao ara aya aid haa not bona fiaari (mra X r tiia rU.Uvr -vr alnoa. Ur. lmtus haa requnt4 tba polioa to amtlat turn In the aearrb. Ha ataiaa tba,t tiiw uncla ta about 62 roars old, if Urine ( t tba jireeiii time. ' battajr Carriar la a4 CwBtM PoataJ Ct. -ur fc. ii. Walkiaa. aba u aver ooma wtib at last Thursday aXtarnoa mhCa amltmt bia rarular cullaottoas and ba haa bat-a In a racarloua condition int, was taken ta tba 81. Bmaxd baapl UJ at Council Blufla Monday afternoon la aji uaootiauloua oandltioa. Uia dootsrs Lava Iruia itupa (or aita reaeverjr. OCBiajad Oaaa BVTaiaa Notica that the aujirero court of the stale has reversed the ftndtna of tba dlrtrtot court, awarding 4amaFea of r.W to Kra. Rhoda GUUiand, waa reoeiiMd bf John A- Punn. rat jr attarsejr. Tueadar morning.. Mra. GiUUand feU and ausiatned a fratitured wnut while croseing EMatol au-aet at Twestr-alzth etrert. be brought suit aalnat tba city for damages aad was awarded CfcXt The case waa ap aealad br tha cltr- CHANGES IN Y. W. C. A. STAFF rrLl Ptf iiIm Mtieaana av am twites few Tfeetr taw tWerai changes are taking jjia.cs in the cxecatlva force at the Taung Womm I Christian aaaaclaUoa, Mias Floreao J. A14 baa given tip bar osltios as phi ! cal director aad wlU leave todajr ta as utns similar work In a private school la Ttaltiroore- Her rlaoe win te filled tero purtHy bj Una Mabel Salmon, wrba will tw swimming lessons 'la the T. W. C. A 1 pool and smwrviss tennia and other out eleor sports at Grsiworka camp. Carter atlas Rata Tompeett will berla a series f lessons te flaa sewing ta school girls whs are too busy tn the winter ts attend the claaaea. Hiss Tomnwett is taking ths filaoe tfmptirarilK of Miss Gertrude Ely, domestic arts director, wtoo it Attending a T. W. C A. oonfieno of aaaociationa in 1 wertern cities, at Caecade, Colo. Miss Ully it. Strong, geoeral aecretarr. ta attending the Cascade conference whicfc began last Tuesday aad after its close win star la Colorado for the remainder of bar month's vacation. Among the eecretariea wha will attend ths Lake Geneva T. W. C A. oonferenoe July li ta R, are atlaa riora 8. Keeney. Miss Ora K Jobnaua, Mra Clara Mead, Miss Othel GL Headea aad Miss norenoa O. Ulleroa. PAVEMENT MUST COME UP City Ertoerr Craig, After lirisd Tost, Decide Soflal Brick ,aIU Sot Do. 4 ..... . .. . Practically all tha brick pavement laid a Tweaty-ftrst street, between LeaveB-. worth and Mason streets will bave to be taken up and new brick blocks substituted. This, ultimatum was delivered by George W. O-aig, city engineer. Tuesday morning. Work oa the paving was stopped last Fiaoar br Assistant Engineer Camped, w he cecided that tbe brick betas- used waa cf -ava tnJeriar quality. A second test made Monday verified the first tsata. and tba brlik waa ordered out. - ' rw.mi nas tne contract to pave the otroet with Buffalo bleck. " j "Tbe officials of the company watched ' tba aaats Moaday.- said Mr. Craur "Tbev I agreed that tbe brick was of aa inferior 1 quality and wlU ds ct'erjthmg possible to . remody tba lot. 1 '. , 3 DIES FROM EFFECT OF DR'KK aoiw iriwua (J7 Un.N j VUlaaas Ua, ks Mad pre for Moan. Fsaai Dyta , ta Uia Bowaa. - Wlfliara Col Una, aged S years, aa em ploye of the water worka was found dying ta bis room, 1U Chicago 8t at :S o'clock Tuesday morning. He had beea drinking heavily duruf ib last tew days, and wsm to bis room late Monday aight. At .3w this morning, Mra. OdeU. the landlady. beard him fB est of bed. Together wit uw woarsers ens west te Collins room aad found Ki oa tbe floor gaajurx. Be fewe tbe io'.lcir ambulance and It. Pp;iers arrived the oiaa a aa dead. Curauer Oeai y bus taken charre ef the body. Collins' aister-la-laJS'. Mrs. Margaret CuUuia. bvet at 1UI Ivor t k Twenty-lourta nrel, South Cmtaha 1 Whooping oeugh is not nttiuperous when the oeucn. is ket tease and expert oratloa easy br grvuui Ct.ambtrrlaia's Cough Rem. ody. 3 1 haa bean cae4 la snaay rf dc-mlrs of this diaeaae wits pwtect swocesa. Fot ale try all dealcra - . hlriam A Ohao ai L-ew Far Idrnma Tours via Washington ts Atlantic CHy and either Seaatre Re sorts. New Tork. Buoioa and New England petals. Ti-kct on saw daily until Sept. aftth Lor returs ttmtt Uberai stopevor pjlvliccea Conauit nearest Ttrket Arit fur paruculara or addraes W. A. Preston. T. r A. or a. N Auaua. i p. A, Cliioaa Bwtldlnc Pvvwaita. Te1d Cote Creamery company. TH3 mite Tenth st reet. concrete factory $4t. V. K PetiikrloB. sUt Hiokory imel, anoi- WINTER WEEAT YIELDS HIGH 5f VirMkA Cirp. Jow Bfitf Cut, Fft ter TLia Expected. ( BT WTATHIi HA'Bp 03 OATS KrMrlH te n. wrw lt-r4 te BVr Is t t-rr retatwea Htn iml Irrr. la- Vul af KaJa Vwetwres KH Wedatar. Kebracka farmers are fcarrerting their wnrter wiMat. la many places tb grewe's a threshing and leading wheat imtnedi- rte!f f( ahtpmr-nt. They figure that the went high price of grain )urtifre thtJr seiUng at mu rather thaa boldtr.g. Cms reportp m Nebraska ra lmads Indi-i-a e that t yield of winter wheat will br better thaa n et-tlmated a week ago. In the Immediate vicinity of Omaha tba ernp w n average M per rent a full crop, Per een In the s utheiarfern part of tt state. 4 I-er cer.t In the n-trHbothofid of L'hooIb and Grand lxland and f p" "Bt la ajortl.eaMefta Nebraska. Near MrCook and la the central west of the state th J eld is very small, only IP per cut being fcari-evted. Is the far wert sad aoritiweeter paru of the state, where dry farm in and impatlon mfthed are em ploved. god will reeuH- Tba br vestlTig la a Utile later In thee parta ' Oats are reported as "liarflly worth cut-tins.- Iry weather waa bard on eat, bar ler, rye. spring wheat and much of it was fired at the bottom. Other graina devt jd too rapidly and bfigan to bead when th rtaiks were fire or a;a mches from the ground. Barley nd wheat have still a chance to pull through with the rains of Ponds y and Baturday, but as laiga crops will be reaped. - Cwra la Gees' Cwwwltlwsu Cora 1 declared te tie la the best condi tion, s (fording to reputis of the Burling ton. Ttiios Pacific, Kurthwestem and Rock Inland roads. The dry weather did not bun 11 and It has been possible fnr the farmer te keep It practically clean of weeds and f ra. Between Ccford and MoCook. where nt.t much corn is rained, sllgbt damage was reported, and la the very southwestern part A the state next te the northers bor- der of Kansas st me of It Las been burned up. Oa ths Orlesni and Bt. rViiicii brancnes cf ths Burlington la Kansas the zailure of the own crop is the worst that has been experienced was built In there. sisoa the railroad Pwtata Crap Ssaall. Potatces have generally suffered for want of rain and the Triors are aooord Ingly high. The rains of last week will aid some la bring ing the potato crop through, but they will be small and dry. Pastures and meadows are at the point where tbey need rain, but a few good downpours will rull them through in fine shape. Fruit is dorng well, with prospects for a Mi apple crop. " ano Beinnern south rakcta oats are doing better thaa any- Where la Nebraska. Potatoes add bay crops are alee doing better there under t-ripatlon and dry farm metliods than la the oentral part cf Xrbraska. Salt Lake Singers Will Invade East Fkmoui Tabernacle Choir Amiighig fa aji ZngwgrmtBt Here in October. George D. Pjper, manager of the Salt Lake theater, haa arranged for tbe tour of Tbe Tabernacle chtflr' of Bait Lkc City se that Omaha will bear that crgaiiisatlfa oa Wednesday, CMtober & The choir haa maaa many tours along tba Pacific ccauft. but has never beea east cf the Rocky mountalna. They plan flatting all cities between rtah and New Tork. leaving their lme oa Ociober a and sin ring at Che- ennf, Omaha, Chicago and Cleveland and pcwKiMy other points cm their wsy st. ' There will be a party of trained mu stoians in tbe party, which will Include an orchestra of twenty and aome cf the best trained soloists in the country. Evan Stephen is tbe director of the choir and be will be assiKted by J. J. MoClerian, the tabernacle organist. MILWAUKEE WILL MOYE ITS CITY TICKET OFFICES to Rowss Sow OcrooWed by the a Lssrk, Owateal by Brawalela. The city ticket offios of the Milwaukee railroad is ts be moved from the gVouod fiuer comer room of tbc Pairtoa block at Klxteema and Farnam streets, to a room I now occupied br the Boston lunch room at Nil Pamam street about October 1 Although tbe deal has act beea formally announced, it la aaid thst tbe t'nited Cigar (itorea company will obi a. a part of tbe room w hy h now is occupied by the rail road rflce. The room will be dlridod Into two parts, ths Pamam and Sixteenth streets side te be taken by the cigar store and the other room on Sixteenth street win be leased fur other purpoaea rn.,Hn , -. OWNERSHIP OF PUP DISPUTED " " r- beflla aad Mra. Flarw Brown Prepasiaar for Battle ta lice fairt. ' A bull pup. tnin In soft toothed Infanrv. , : rt,Ka"u' ter Balu' 01 lKPLi niirues la JusUos lender s court, and to get possession if him John C. ShefUn and Mra. Flora Browa are rcparrag ta w Wsal battle. Ttie dc resioes ta thhe mean Time with CotistsMt Henry Mlddendorf. SheT.ln sas the owner of the sire cf the papular pup and Miss Brcwn possessed the mother. The pup. whe may be called SarOaaapolia for short, aas one of twins. His sister waa sort te Chk-ago as a present ts a trtrad of Miss Wilson'a Ttit sire cf Sardanapolis was polaunHd and Shefla claimed his share of ths family. Mias Brown rrf uned te give the dog up ' and a replevin was breunht. Justice uet-dfT was astounded to ba told -by C. H. Kubat. a: lame y for giieriin, that ! he waa prrjudioed m lv. case tn far or of ' tbe mother cf ej-danailis. and der.i-d a .' change of venue wbea it was asked. Thr decicmg f just is suits Justice wbosa doa Bardatiiipolis 1 s leral mind and j be welcomes tbe knotty problem, which is ; , te be decided ia a mnath. If aa better way has sucrested Itself In that time the . sword cf Bolomoa will be called late play, t Marrtan lireai The fellowtng roarrtase iekued us te noon today: Name and Adareaa: laui G-tacbniaaii. Crmaha.. tautrse Meckti. tnaalia.. Ptaaley Foua. Omaha ., Atifa Gorlick. linm.a Andrew Graff. Omaha Lx-aiiic Slack, f imat.a Fnul E Koboutrk. Oanaba. icenscs wore Age: SI tt M Xi -ene.v - .. hi - Zt Mrr kvrailra. tx .'alter M. Buchanaa. Sioui City S4 Orraicnne M. tuiaei:y. Kiocs City Tt , Jet s Kagrf-ac Boutk Omaha.... 54 1 Anna 14 mam Snuta Omaba. ....... ....... a trwt Uarsun pianswrnsth . s Lwa Maurer. Plattemoath a George W. Paird Omalta Jo-blns auaujka, nmth IS Aiiij ktA,: Hoae for Helpless . May Be Established by Rev. C. W, Savidge Ee i Warkimr a lrpMitio U Bj Betinkle Trvftrtj , Xear Ilortscc. A borne for ievilir s s be'ng pwntewip'.ate bv Rrv. Charlea "W . fridge cf the House ii m m secure proper as - 1U establieh suck an insula- tba Booklrverr ronteat wia probably be ilrw oa a piece ef property aear rierenoe. ! ta fnH awtr wttbia the pext ten da'a. The property ta mmd is Wain f-et, cn j Tbe official data for tba Hosing of the wblch are many trees and a cottage. It I contest is Sunday, lair 1 Arter deck Is held at H im. and Vr Sartdga ha an i of tba earning of that day Do mora citit-a on it tor ten daya. j answers win be rerwlved. The need of eur o a hnma was forced -upon ' W m take many hours before the force the mind of Mr. Fanire. who la bow car- j workers wni be able ts make ad ap ing for several Invalids st bis Hoase of ' PreciaMe dent la tba pile of answers thst Hope- If he secures the riorenoe property be win evert a new eottace ta coet several Ll.oi.ea aVJlars. II,s plan te finance the proct is to ak taxations of ta each from 1 W peopla Holdup Victims Identify Prisoners Police Think tkat They Ere tie JCea B-eEjiciuible for Kazj Eecest Eobberiei. The roll can cf victims of th cmaoy recent holdups la Omaha at the pofioe sta tion was answered by several people w be bad dell voi ed their valuables te tbe three youthful prisoners under arrest for the rob beries. The identification of Msraa and Filbert was positive la three bastancea and the negro. Bam Baxter, was also pointed cut as baring takes a leading part la twa of the holdups, Sana owned vp ts many mora, Tba three prisoners have already broken down sufficiently ts admit having per pertrated five or six holdups, bat seem con fused regarding the datea and locations. They have also admitted that ths caan proceeds cf ths robberies bad beea "rut BP" evenly between the members of the fnK. while otbw valuables takea from ths i victims had been sold ta .varioaa pawa- ' """P or usposed ox In other waya and tba proceeds split tip between tbe three. TROUP MAKES RULING . CLOSING HANSON CASE Job a H. Harte Is fclm JwAs-wteat Aealast atcstawmat Prwpertr ta ass af Sir,7K.s. A ruling made by Judge Troup la dis trict M111T4 Tl .u u .. A. . ' suits arising cut of the banptcy d j suicide of Tolf Hanson, proprietor of the iD-fatsd Hanson cafa and rivea Jeha H Harte. contractor, a mechanics lien of against tba property owned by 137.071 Ousts ve E. Bbukcrt. who leased the origi nal building and the aita te Hanson. Judge Troup held that as action taken by Bhukert in having a federal court can cel the lease made Harte's claim against Hanson operative against Ehukart. Blrtha sal Death.. Births Prank and Teresa Moravec, 112 North Thirty-fifth street, girl; Hugh and Mary McAleer. 1 North Eighteenth street, boy; G. and Angela Borgna, 11( South Thirteenth street, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Getheua, 07 North Twentieth, street, boy; Bea and Sarah Vendetta. S2 Pierce street buy: Vinoent and Albina Novotny. Hki Bouth Thirteenth street, boy; James and Thereea Freeden, 4fcC Popideton avenue, nrl; Fred and Vera Engle. North Bevomeenth street, srirl: F. and C. Itonri. iai Bouth Twelfth atreet, girl; William and Margaret Henneesy. fi Bouth Ninoteentfa street, girl. iJeaths Mra. Catherms fwvie, . tVS Bouth Nineteenth street; Babr ddghlll, I year. K Franklia atreet; p. R. Greenlun. C. ITS evuth Twenty-fourth street; John litalon, lii. lwuglas county botipital: K. F. E. Km, . iwr, Ht. Mary'a avenue; Thomas E. Kakins, lA. ft. Joseph's hospital: Henry B. Read, -O; CI ark son hospital: Leonard te. 1 year: Jefferson, la.; Rachael E. Fletcher, so. Presb.vterian hospital; Carroll Potter, 4, S3 City National tiank building. How to Make the Babies Comfortable in Summer Chicago EeaJth CommiEsioner'i Eule. Baby's First, dross the baby in a clean cotton diaper, a gauss shirt, and a light cotton alia. On extremely hot days tba cotton slip may bo dispensed with. If the baby is delicate more clothes may be required. Abdominal bands should net t.V " " . used unless ordered by a doctor. Pinning blankets should bo discarded; baby should ba allowed frca action of tts legs. Baby's Bath Second, baby must havo a tub bath every morning about the sum hour, but never Immediately after feeding. Regularity counts far much. IX ne bathtub is available use a common tub. but bars it clean. The water should be a trifle (I de grees Fahr) warmer than the baby's body. Uae a thermometer to ascertain the tem perature. Babies win enjoy baths la the right kind of mater. Csa a good non irritating aoap. In but weather you may ; add to the baby's comfort by alas giving it a late afternoon nponge bath. If you permit your baby te crawl oa tbe flour 1 U0MT RUNNING V 3Z,'z- TRADE MARrt"v 0 Special Demonstration WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Of MEW SEWING f 1ACH1NES WHEX IVURV LADY CALXR tlllX KECtlt K A SOn cnR FREE For thcM two :) vcial low prices wlU ts made oa tie follow -lug tcacbicfca: wr A WUaoB, iop heal WWler at W llsoa '. . '.1'. '. '. '. '. '. . '. '. '. Eineer, drop Lead I. Ill '.'.II'"""" Pingta- Ringer ...."" tenetic .-."...."...".."."."."."." IX5Djetc A mericam .".". ".".". Crowa """ HAYDEN BROS. IXX CL.1S STREET EXTRA hCE OMAHA. 1. LVSL'DATl, JlMi APPRECIABLE DENT IK TIKE Worker. STJ Find tJut Book.leTtn' Anivcrt Prrsert Bif Tuk. WAITS KOTOI CLZAS A5D 02X3) raeetteas Cawtewtaat Adda rawwilst Uia !rtea aad Brlwe WIIMaa. ws te Arre-p rasawwe A sea 4aek KakMI Cr. 1 Tb sorting of answers te the pisules n are being stacked vp every day. Speed will be used in going through tba answers. A system of checking baa beea devised which will help the workers ts rush their Job to aa ond. Tbe method ta be weed win be tnost erpedltloac AH those sets which bsve C ft era answers wrong will be grouped to gether, and ee with those containing six teen, seventeen, eighteen, and so en. Various kinds cf packages continue ta arrive with answers. One set ts ta bock form with a leather cover. Each picture ta dTe ta water colors. Prill another ta bound ta stiff rod leather boards. Draartaaw ow rovers. Several sots bave pretty drawings oa the cover. One of these Is so well dons that it took good enough for tba cover design of some popular xoagaalna. It Is needless to say ts those whose answers coma ta with no decoration that the beauty of tba setting will la this eon test not affect tba value of tba answers as prise winners. Ths decorations 1ms sot count a bit tn the awarding of priaea, Hundreds of letters are still coming ta from contestant. Most of them are orders for coupons, but many contain Qusstioss which the contestants want answered at once. One facetious writer put the fol lowing postcrlpt ts his letter; "Please have tbe Apperooa automobile cleaned up and filled with oil before you Bend It ta my house the morning after I am declared a winner. His wish will ba respected. Admire First Prlso. The salesrooms of tbe Apperooa Automo bile company bave beea visited by many people whs wished to see tba big Ap per son touring car which win bo given as the first prise la the Booklovors con tost. This car ia exhibited in tba salesrooms at IHB-ot Famaa street aad will be kept there until after tbe prises have been awarded. The second prise, a fS aVnote Kimball player piano, ts exhibited at the store of A, Hoope. where a duplicate of ft win play la concert for you if you will visit the store, Tbe third prise is a SoUO lot la A. P. Tukey A Son's Her addition. Fourth prie is a (300 Columbia Grafocola Kogent and worth cf records. It is exhibited at the Columbia Phonograph company's agency. 1EU-U Farnam street. CARELESSNESS BASIS OF SUIT Exseramws Lvr Ki rrsst we la the Kara aod Mrs. Mahler ta Reoalttaar Fire. Alleged carelessness on the j.iLrt cf an exjireesmaa In placing a can of kerosene ia a range while moving household effects and neglecting to remove the can upon arrival at the destination is made the basis cf a suit for K,iK damages filed by Mrs, Axina Kahler against the Kxprees man's I "oil very ooaipast in district conn Tuesday, la the roauJtrog firs the plain tiff alleges that aha was asriously burned about tba faos and arms. F. K. Rextord. &r Rw Tork Ldfe Bldg., Kansas City. Mo., says: "'I had a severs sttack of a cold which nettled tn my back and kidneys aad I waa la groat pala from my trouble. A friend recommended Foley Kidney Pills aad I used twe bottles of them aad they have done me a world of good." For aale by all druggist. keep the floors dean and wash the baby's hands after It has crawlod. BaVy"s Sap Third, baby requires lota of fresh air; tbe mors it gets the bettor its chances of being a atrang. healthy baby. tor mU .m. .win. . k. , t - l 1 uwmm mwov niwT uupunam lptn purs air. la bot woatbor keep the baby out of doors as much as possible. Permit tutps In the open air. la a shady place, removed from dust aad protected from files. Ton can rig up a good Bleeping place with chairs, and ever these hang mosquito netting. When ths baby Bleeps Indoors os that the windows are opened at night as well as day. Never have the baby sleep la the same bed with aa adult Baky-s Xrinh Fourth, there seems to be a woeful lack of appreciation of the fact that baby must faavs water to drink. Many times when a baby cries all it wants ts a drink of water. To be safe use water which has been balled and cooled. Never put Ice ia the water; it must not be los cold. REGISTERED Ow f 17.50 SI 5.O0 $12.50 Sti.OO 520.00 S3.00 frti.OO S3.00 H HOME mi. 'The Yanlcee makes records for the Victor JCow yoa cxn enjoy in yrvar home the biff none hits that helped to make Georte M. Cohan to popular w-jth theatre-coeri. The three records jus issued are Cohan through and throuch perfect reproductions of his Toice and manrterisma. "Arms of America March" Any Victor 5cacf will ff'iacEy pliy these rvccrdi lor yoa, and ft're yea a Jnly anpplement which ccm tains a com plete list of new Birirle- aad donbleaced Vtctor Recaruk, with a detailed description of earn. Out today with the July list of new Victor Always nan Victor Raoords plsyodwitJa Victor Needles there ia ton other way to ret tbe oaoqualed Vtctor toco. Victor Talking Cos, DDE3 GEO. E. MICKEU Mg I5A tun KoTBty aV 1 w NN J54 ttpttwtj, UP TO DATE CUT MAKING TELEPHON C YOUR OSDESS AND THE- WILL CALL BRAMBLETT ENGRAVING CO. IMCOalPORATEO OMAHA AC9B9HtK&, SaMBB'B.HBBKIrBTJnTBB Doodle Boy" played by Pryor'sBand Pry or' 1 new march every Quality a military march should possefvS stirring martial strains, creat brilliancy and melo diousness. Played by his crura band with a Fpirit and absolute precision seldom attained in mili tary band renditions. anwaw 11 11 Records Caan&on, N. X. nn itrttts. Cmsha. CoudcII Cliffs. X . Snappy When you think Tcnning you think of tnap, acr he likes and drinks won Snappy drink, snappy player the two go to gether as well as if they were made for each other. Whether you are athlete snthnciichr sknnt Crri-C Dclicioci Refreillng Sc Everywhere nend 2c otams for our booklet, "Ths Truth About Coca-Col " aad that clever and useful Beonnjj drracc, tba Coca-Cola Perpetual Counter.' THE COCA-COLA COMPAXY Atlanta, Ga. a THE MAN who goes about in be- grimmed, perspiration covered, wrinkled summer garments, would remo3e! his appeirance. if he knew bow nicely we clean and press a 2-pc suit for only $1.25. Just f.bone Tyicr ltOO or Auto. A-2!i and get posted. Pay exj.reha one ay on ahipments of work amounting te f 161 or over. Vp Town rteoelving Station at branoeia Stores Pompeian Room. DRESHER BROS., 221143 Farnam Street ILiSimtrJ Otlupositli Lcaia Wkere It's Bl ts Ftxa Thin "ting About boylng: laa? Want so know can oil and camaia beat awUed tor oartaim farnilaj? Oar Land Btrnti gtvoa froo tnlar&atloa about soU, cUaalo. ooactUoaa all aru 4 tho ooBBtry. Wa havo gatberad ata Ant can tall yoa what pom anal re tn Inarm. Writ tho Lai. latormattoa Earoaa. f) e TweiiUcta Coctory r armor. Omaha. Keb, today ad year cuooUoaa will gs( Broiapt ar'ratloi Free InfioFirttationt aohines and Company 1513-15 Douglas St. OMAHA, NEB. of HWh life, go. No or fan, youUl be as I. TLT.. ft THrtt-Qacnctirig Whenever rem see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola series On Sale at I BJQBWJ