Tim BETl: OMATTA", TvDKFTnAT, JUNE 2?, 1911". .1 Ll".i... I 1 D MAM I DJLp EXTRA SPECIAL WEDNESDAY Imported Linen Crash Suiting 10r WORTH 25c, 35c and 45c YARD, at, YD JLVU , Unquestionably the best linen bargain ever offered. ( All the natural shades with colored checks and stripes,' each' one "prettier than the other." Everybody knows the popularity of this smart, cool 'summer material. Very desirable for suits, dresses, coats and children's wear. Two windows have been devoted to this display. Worth more than three times the sale price. Every yard perfect and sold from the bolt "Wednesday' at, yd.. . $125 Wide Embroidered Skirtings 69c Yd. ,45 inch e3-wide; new wide band effects, also 27-inch fine There's no "dull season" with (licoil Between sea sons, we clean up the surplus stock and keep our best tailors ac tive by adding AM EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS to your suit' order without extra cost. ' Suit tnd Extra Trousers $25 to 545 l(Q)c . let, floral,' blind relief and combination ef- . fectsf-wprth up to $1.25 a yard, n,t 69c 18 and 22-inch fine Swiss -and . Nainsook embroidered Flounc . . Inga, .Skirting and .Corset Cov ; , eringa -all choice new designs. Mad 7 wertn 50c yd., ")Cm .atTyard.. ....aWC Fine French and German Val. Laces and Insertions; also dainty crochet and cluny ef fects many to match -worth 10c a yard at,' yard , 5 c ALL THIS WEEK t Aft nl Fl-am r.ncf raiinn a n rl Snf American Lady and Lyra Corsets r " ' ; This is your opportunity to be fitted to just the right irjodel of American Lady or Lyra Corsets for your indi-' rtidnal figure. Mit-e A. M. Day, the experienced demon strator from New York, is with us, and will show you the art of developing your figure into the correct lines of - the present mode. - . A visit this week will be much to your advantage. BOYS' $i;00 WASH SUITS at 30c '!Thee are practical, washable vacation suits for boys.., Tj.tn Busfiian and Sailor styles. They regularly Bell at ' $1.00,: each. A most, extraordinary special on A ..second 'floor, old -store,, at ...... i ....... .JYv BRANDEIS STORES II S' I I ., i ! mnmninmum UT '-' Incite confidence and invite prosperity. They, add a producing power to your lit 54 , ; erature. ' ' . ';' Our Drawings, Halftones, Zinc Etchings, have that 6tamp of superiority. '"' Our quotations cost you nothing. 5 '"'Our suggestions are Free. Baker Bros. Engraving Co. 1216 Howard Street. Omaha, Neb. : BAILEY ( MACH D E N T I k T & rest equipped dental office 1n the middle weal. HtRheat credo dentistry at riatumim pricca. porctiialn (lillns. Juil like the tooth. All Inelruineuta .xrefuliv eternized alter ea THIRli FIXMJK. I'AXTON ULOCK Corner Otb and Karoaoi Ktrects. Omaha, Neb. HEALTH FORCE TO BE CUT i- . . . . . ' Dr. Connell Notifies Nnrte that She . . Will Be Off the Pay Boll. lack or iwds the keason ' Mia StM lnaa ftrrm Told that .! Mratr Wm Bilu Low la tho lloaJta Department, ' ' . . ttiriaf Htrtrknt. DlamlaftaU autong the employee of the 'health commissioner's office are planned fry Dt, R W. Connell. dty health commla Sloner. Threo dieelarsea are be ns conald ered. thoee ald to be elated for d wnlel , bains; two Innpectora Dan Horrlgan and ' Bam Kothwell and Mine Nan Stevena, a trained nurse, who was added to the force In February.. atlts Stevena ctyud Tueaday mo.Tlng that her arrvteee would be diapenved with. Vpr. Connelf to'd roe that the department arould not liate joftltl nt fun.U for the Veer and for thls.reaaon 1 would be re lleved." akl aha . , ; Neither H-xrlgen nor Rothwcll would af firm the report-, tliat thiy at-re to su. but their names ,are mentioned as the prob- aviw Vfliw. . r,itiLMu j wm u. iiiw ii u uryii L' inent, In the abeeuoe of the health com Salaatoner, could not confirm -the report. ' Foley Kidney J'tlls contain Just' the In fTcdleets neoeeaery - to recuiate ' and Mfiffhafl.lha.iftlnB nf tha kldneva and bladder. Try them yourself.' For sate by aji Srusiss. - Bids Are Received for Paving South Thirteenth Street Park Board Will Arrange- to Operate a Swiiumin?; Pool at Miller Park. Plda for paving south Thirteenth street from Vinton atreet south to the city limits wro opened by the board of park.com mlaaionera at a eitectttl meeting; Tuesday morning. Two were submitted, one by. E. D. . Van court, who asked 11 US a square yard for Moberly brick block and the ether by Hugh Murphy, a ho submitted an esti mate of 2.t a uuare yard for Purlngton brick. Both were referred to the city en gineer tor tabulation. The estimates, will be dlM-usxed Wednesday afternoon at an other meeting of the board. Swlmmlrt will again be permitted in Miller pork lake. On complaint of resi dents, swimming waa stopped about a week ago In the lake, but the members decided to "build two dressing rooms and to permit bo)'s to enjoy the sport., A suggestion by Mr.' Watson that a bathing house be built at Rlvervlew park was met with disfavor by other members and - the project ' was abandoned. BLUE SCRQE SPECIAL A full Blue,'. Black or Gray Serge Suit with an eitr pair of trousers of same or striped material 525 lL .sstfr sCaKssMsssBa?nTr7v' 'r-mammB. TAILOR WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS 209-11 South 15th St. Women's Oxfords With the short skirts that the women are now wearing It behooves every woman to look well to her Ox fords. Handsomer footwear was never mode than the new Oxfords ws are now shoeing. Black, tan or suede lesthers. The knob toea and dainty perfora tions two. three or four hole eye lets, etc.. etc. g $3.00. $3.50 ip to $4.00. We sometimes feel that It is almost useless to viuote prices, as the su periority of our ' shoes lies In the quality, and we want to show our shoes to prove It. FrvS . sf hoe Go. THE 8HOER8 10th and Douglas Streets. QWw wSTX swry a. f OMAHA'S PUSH J J) II rOO OSHTJ5K . fl "Specials" for Wednesday i ' ' large cans Underwood Her ring, In tomato sauce . . . 20c t large cans Norway smoked Sardines, In olive oil ... 20c 16c can imported Sardines, in olive oil i c -lb. can Franco-American Potted Beef , ', . 10c Quart Jars Large Queen Olives at ... ..... ROc Qt. jars fine fresh Celery Rel- .ish 20c Qt. Jara Chow Chow 20c Cheese, for picnics, Jars, 10c, 15c aud . , 25c Cottage Cheese, Blue Label. Apricots, Ertry Time You Spend a Dime Ask for S. & H. Stamps. . Wednesday is the Red Letter Day of Our Pre-Inventory Sale The selling of the past two days has made new records for a Pre- Inventory Sale In this store and we expect the selling mark to go even higher tomor row. As an extra Incentive to be here Wednesday we will give. 10 S. & H. Stamps Absolutely FREE To all who bring their books to our' Pre mium Parlor on the balcony of the Main Floor. This rule is imperative you must bring your books with you to secure the ten free stamps. If you are a new customer, or do not have a book, we will give rou a book and 20 free stamps, if you come to the Premium "Parlor Wednesday only. Also, it will pay you immensely to look around the store. Every department has something specially priced. Down Go the Prices on Summer Coats and White Serge Suits Every; one must go before inventory and these prices will show' that we mean exactly what we say. The assort ment includes white serge suits, white serge coats, pongee, coats and, rajah coats aH in good summer styles as follows: 39 $25.00 White Seres Suits 25 $30.00 White Serge Coats. I And 37. $25.00 Rajah and Poncee CoaU. at. choice . . That all may have an equal chance positively none sold before 9 o'clock, Wednesday morning. nks- Plcnlc Fruits, foo oer bas ket ....... 600 I.arne basket Tomatoes 85o Water-nirlons, lce-J .... 40e to 5o 'Florida . Pineapples, each 10O-150 ' Per crate $J.B0. 4 fancy California Canteloupen for , 35o j . er ''rate .-.". QvmV -ourWi 3tray fJsvjrtiVgi ABOVE ALL 111 QUALITY The Yellose Peril. Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishes when Dr. King's New Ute Pills are taken. Guaranteed. He. For sals by Beaton Dru Co. For Homo Consumers! ' -PHONE- 1 Doug. 119; lr.d.A-2119 rJm.J. Doekhoff Retail Dealer. Office, 803. So. 7th St. !$10 Women's Footwear Extra Special One Lot of $3.00 Pumps at $1.98 One Lot of $2.50 Oxfords at 98c LOT NO. 1 Is composed entirely of high grade summer pumps, reaae or rinest bea Island fabric and equipped with solid leather soles; finished in a thorough, work manlike manner in every detail. They have a single strap over the Instep, which prevents all slipping ai me neeis and other discomforts, so usual in pumps. - Regular $3.00 values, for Wednesday. $1.98 the pair. LOT NO. 2 Includes good syles of two and three-eyelet, white canvas Oxfords, In sizes 2 to 44 and widths D and E only. They were formerly priced at $2.50 the pair. For Wednesday's selling only, 08c. VK To Help You Save on Groceries 1 lb. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, and 30 i ID. AaSOl' at (e'd'i .30 Teas, and 60 stamps. ' T .1 BO 4 lbs. Cleaned Currants.. 850 Bottle Kitrty Salad Mustard, and ft stamps, 'at lOo 4 Pkss. Capitol Mincemeat....'. ..85o Can Orated Pineapple.. lOo tOc Can Richelieu, Long White Asparagus, at 30o 1 Dos., Helns Dill Pickles, and l' stamp j, at 800 t-lb. Pk., Hterllng Glosa Starch, ami 10 stamp, at .23o Pint Can Gal Hard's Pure Olive Oil. at 40o Larue Cnn Sntder's Pork and Beans, and 20 f tamps, at 80o Bottle Haarmann's Vinegar, and S stampa. at ..loo 4-lb. Pkg, Gold Dust, and 10 stamps. at aoo 3 Cakes ,York Rose. Violet Toilet Soap, and 10 stampi 85o Jar Peanut Butter, and 16 stamps. 16o , 2 Cans Van HOuten's Cocoa, and 10 atamoa. &t Quart Can S. W. C. Syrup, at. .5o . .XOe Meat Bargains for Wednesday Only Veal Chops, the lb., 10c Veal Stew,' the lb., 5MjC Best Sirlion Steak, the lb., at ..14V2C Best Porterhouse Steak, the lb 17MsC Corned Beef, the lb., A S12.00 Felt Mattress for S8.25 .... An extra special for this Wednesday of our Pre inventory Sale only. A luxurious felt mattress made of the very best art ticking and felt, with Imper ial, edgy Crown centers, side straps . and round corners a regular $12.00 mattress for only' . , $3.25 Also Iron Beds at $2.00 to $14.50 And llrass Beds at $12.25 to $33.00 A Complete Line of Springs to fit any tied. Your Summer Vacation Plan It Now! In preparing for your Summer Vacation you will be interested in the facts we can place in your possession about the many delightful lakes, fishing and hunting resorts in Wisconsin, Minnesota and northern ,1 Michigan, with their hundreds of hotels, boarding-houses and camps. - ; fl Then, there is the big game country , in the Rockies. J Splendid train service and low rates in effect all summer. "The Best of Everything The North Western Line Full information and descriptive booklets free on request. TICKET OFFICES 1401-1403 Fantam Strut. Omaha, Neb. Kwmt People ate becoming more and more interested in IhB development of the Great Northwest. And The Bee, which has been untiring in creating this interest, is read by a vast throng. Advertise your land in The Bee. QIZHInHHI.nl HDC ll!UrMTnDV ORf t A I ii iiiiaiiiiisiiiii rnrai iiip j i i n 1 1 i i aw- vkiin iiiiiiufiL. I iiu ill v 1.11 1 uii I vni.k A SALE THAT SMASHES PRICES MORE AND BETTER BARGAINS FOR WED- NESDAY 75c Embroideries, 19c Wednesday morning we will place on sale a big line of Ba tista and Irish Crochet Bands, Edges and Galloons, .worth' from f33c to $1.50 per 'yard all in one lof, your choice, per yard : 19c Dcst Muslin Underwear Bargains Ever offered. Best quality and best fitting garments to He' had.' -Ladles' $1.60 Princess Slips, in white, pink, blu andMarsnder every garment perfect all go at :t . . . 7: . . .' 49 Ladles' fine Lace and Embroidery trimmed Princess Slips, made of fine cambric and muslin, all sixes, worth up to $7.50, at $1.50- Sl;98. 82.50' and. . ?. ,$3.t)8 lAdies' $13 KUp-Over (iowm at 49c Mads of fine arabrV, lace and embroidery trimmed, tucked yokes, with silk ribbons at. neck, all made 64 Inches long with 80 inch skirt, short sleeves big special, t :.1 .Vj-." 49 Laulles' Gowns, Combination Suits Richly made and trimmed with fine linen, lace and embroidery, all new designs, and worth "up to $2.60; big special, at 08 Ladies $1.25 Combination Suits and Drawers Best 'bargain aver of-' f ered, go at 49 Ladies' Mne Whit Skirts Lac and embroidery trimmed, worth more then double theprice. at , . 81.50 and 81.08 lavues Muslin Corset Covers and Drawers Regular 60c aualTty. all neatly trimmed with lace and embroidery, at. 250 Specials in Domestic Doom Wednesday 86-inch Percales, neat patterns, goods that always sold at lV4c, yard at , Figured Batiste, good assortment of colors and patterns, i 6c goods, at, ryf r,d ' 10 Paisley, Persian patterns, good colors, 16c values, at. yard-f ( .'vSloJ Plain White Lawn, 27 Inches wide, extra fine 12 Ho -val ties', "at per yrd ; ...V 7Hif Merceried Batiste, In fancy bars and stripea, goods that always eold at 16o, Wednesday, at, per yard . "ICW 72i90 SheeU, good values for 60c, Wednesday, each . . .! Y. nR AXl f18, Kood value" fop 76c- Wednesday, each : k1 4 6x36 Pillow Slips, always sold 16c. each .-. ??S 86-lnch Bleached Muslin, 10c muslin for ..... ' " "yu S 86-lnch Unbleached Muslin. 8Hc muslin for ....'.'.'.1 "'",' 86-lnch Bleached Cambric, 10c grade for .'.." 7 ' High Grade Wash Goods Dcparlmt. ; SPECIALS TOIL nam and fancy striped , Pongee, for shirting, always sold 26c. at, is Madras, 86 Inches wide, neat pat terns, goods that always sold 39c all at, yard 25 Flaxon, all good patterns, 16c grade, at, yard JOtf WEDNESDAY Poplins, In all shades, at, per. .-Ww'---,50 30' z5 36-inch Percales, neat patterns at, a yard . 12H Good Dress , Ginghams, fancy, plaids and stripes, at, yard 15 Batiste, all good color, and pat terns, at, yard ... . nX2M Voiles, In all colors, at, yard 25 Specials in Jewelry Department $4.00 and $6.00 gold filled Bracelets, guaranteed 20 years,' 1 60 patterns to select from ,i' 91.08 Gold LaValliers, cOral, turquoise and emeralds, $6.00 sJues..J50 Misses' solid Ring Sets or Signets, $2.60 and- $3.005 values 81,25 nd : ;;; t ; ' Si.tsO Sterling silver Box, pens, special .'. . . ; 50 Solid gold Beauty Pins, $1.60 values ; 75S All $1.00 hand carved Barretts and Bordeaux 25s Gold filled Fobs, guaranteed 10 years, $2.60 values I5 $1.00 Watch, guaranteed 1 year ; . $1.00 Alarm Clock, guaranteed one year . . . ; ; .'. 35 Extra Specials in the Rug Department Blglow's Electra and Smith extra quality Axmlnster Rugs, all new fall patterns, 9x12 size, S10.08 Extra quality Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size, $16.60 values, at $12.75 Beat Body Brussels Rugs, 6 frame, 20 patterns in tbia new line, 9x12 size, $82.60 value 825.00 One lot Sampla Velvat Rugs. 9x12 size, up to $26.90 'value, to close t $13.75 Flags for Fourth of July Fast color U. S. Flags, on staff with gilt heads., ',, 12-inch size, 6c each, or 6 for 18-inch size, 9c each, or 6 for Vi, ,.. . . , 24-lnch size, 16c each, or 6 for .v. ... n a 1 .... u . 1. a oRa ...h mm a OU'lUll Bl17, it CBI.U, VI V AUI .p.. ........ 4 8-inch size, each r..nn U.i nllnn Dnn. . -11 -1 vutiuu uuuung 4. mgB inni LUi uj B, m fin aizoa " 4 5 73 6X8 size ...... .".;.V.V 08 All Croquet SeU at One-Third Off IgoUr lriro . . . . i 25 80 $1.35 15c Read the Big Grocery Sale for Wednesday This will bo a apeclal stock reduc ing- sala prior to Inventory July 1. 19 lbs. best Granulated Sugar., fl.00 48 lb. sack Diamond 11 Family Flour for $118 10 bars Beat 'Em All or Diamond C Koap .N... 26c Condensed Milk, per can 740 Cora Flikes. pkg- 6o Urape-Nuta. pkg" 1 Gallon cam Alple 0i? Gallon cans Golden Pumpkin .... ?6o 1 lb. cana Aasoi ted Soups .... 7 He Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, per pkg L 7 Ho Tne beat boda Crackers, per lb. ..o 8 Jbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch 26o 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can 4c Tall cana Columbia ltlver Salmon at UHo Large bottlo Purs Tomato Catup, Worceater Sauce or Plcklea . jHe txx xjibt or nn mumi BBASOK BOX ROW Medium also .each 'w" Medluni slze.'Uhaen ;., SOo Medium lara-S aixe, each 8V,n Medium larKe alio, cloien ...... uo Larae Mlxe. each .' lie Ijirse s lie, dozen ...... i ... . 11.10 Kxtra larxs aise. each 11 Ho Kxtra large a lie. doaen 1 1 . 4 0 IHB TAX,K OP OlCaXA ' BtaTOBSTB rXBatX TXOCTASI.ST rmioxs Fresh Pea quart . . . i . . . ( . . . Io 8 bunches freah ftadlahee. ..Co Fraah iiom Grown Cauliflower, ach at . 8o bunches Onions for bo t bunches freah Heera for . w-.',... to 4 bunches freah (.rrpta .,,,,;, Io 4 bunches fresh Turnip ,',.... Io Large Cucumbers, each Io t Green Peppers fija Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb.' . ... 7 He t larse bunches fresh Pieplant ..to Fancy Wax Beans, lb 10c 1 bunches fresh 1'arsley . j. . . 6c , - ij 1 1 1 1 Cool, inviting -offices give comfort during the long hot days, of summer. THE BEE BUILDING affords rooms that are thoroughly TenttlaUd and clean to make them refreshing offices with' a cheeftnl, rsgallns; atmos- nhere. New elevators are now being Installed that will gira some of the mosi rapia servicw iu nu m,. Here are a few choice offices - that are vacant jvtst at present. BOOM 30a Almost dlrwJlT in fror .'. pasaenser alsrator on third flor. Th( la an exoeptior.aiW sood loe Ion on aocount of .conrenlence and having a south front. Kantai price. lr month ......... ........ .MIW BOOM 41S-41S A dealrahl. suits on (M fourth floer next to the City Hall. v.r COOl n aummer and ri 5s reaacnabls. per jnonth .3b.0O , BOOM 41 Oood Inside office. 1IH1TH, with a vault In connection. In. aide rooms are cooler In aummer than outside, ins pries sn Wis per month la .r 1T.IJ BOOM SOS la 14x18. feet In slut, eleo faclns on the Court.. This loom Is well Ushted and rapt, per month ,1s . , .lV .. . y . ' .aiS.OO . . i i !..'. t . :i . ,' r . ; j'j' i The Neu) elevator are being inetelled. A . -; ; The Bee Building Xompany t: Bee Business Office. 17th and Tarnam St?. . - P -USBP-