B m IlvS TAT E REAL ESTATE CITY PKOPKRTY FOR SALE (Continued." ' REAL FSTATF CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE - (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE (Continued.) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAKCH LAN It FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LUMl FOR BALB FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR BALE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE Kansas Coat laard. Montana -Con tinned. Sooth Dakota- .'ontlaoea. THE OMAHA - SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 25, 1911. b ....... .. . ... . . i. - ... 7t M I 11 1 frr..... Ir. nMf ii mi i . 1 , ri . . . . . '.A it ufe- ART HOME FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Price Reduced $1,000 Alone In Its Class New and Distinctive Design Thlg elegant home of 7 large rooms and sleeping porch, with first story and porch 9x32 ft., of brick laid colonial style, and second story In stucco; carries out th "Craftsman" or "Straight Line" Idea of architecture. Base ment has toilet, laundry, vegetable room, with shelves; coal and ash bins, cemented basement under entire porch. First floor has tiled vestibule, mir rored door In reception hall, large living room, with, handsome oak and tapes try; brick mantel, on one side of which is an L-shaped, bullt-ln bookcase, and on the other side an L-shaped, built-in seat. These features form a-nook which Is very attractive. The dining room Is large. Is paneled In oak and has beamed celling and window seat. Kitchen: built-in china closet and cup boards; two coat closets; second story has four large bed rooms, with ample losets; one room has mirrored door, two closets, window seat and Is finished Rath !in!le;1.00fln,8he ln ,mah0any two In natural curly birch. fnhin.7 .. ? .r and WaI1, 2(64-inch beveled mirror and medicine eablnet; fine atUc; artistic screened sleeping porch. L vBrul(1 bJaM llght fIxture" and brushed brass hardware, with cut class Sd mF,rLf,00f 1" "nlshe,d ,,n oak' except the k,tcne. id u fn ma"" fcnd gum. Carton furnace and first-class plumbing. This fine home (competed two weeks ago) was built by day labor and of teTyltatmKttZ t faces east and south on the corner of 36th and Poppleton avenues Owinst! ray continued Illness this beautiful home will be Told at . ry loS fSr? New 6-Room (House-Walking Distance ; Open Today t $500 Cash Dalance Jn monthly payments, Just like rent will buy you one of the prettiest homes In Omaha No. 2802 Dodge Bt.; re ception hall, living- room and dining room finished In oak; kitchen In hard pine with fnapls (loom; three large bedrooms and bathroom finished ln pine white enameled. Stairway to attic; full basement with ce ment floor, sink, coalblns and a good fur. You n seleot the lighting fixtures; yard will be sodded; cement walks now'ln; a very attractive house with large, airy rporas. Price 14,000; come and look the house over this afternoon, It will b'e open from 2 until 4 p. at Any other time by appoint ment. The Byron Reed Co. Both Phones. 212 8. 17th. Good Time to Buy This Home AT 1804 LOTHROP ST. Seven rooms and reception hall. NSW. - Light oak finish, hardwood floors; hot water heat; full basement; four bed rooms on second floor and modern bath room; clothes chute to basement; 'stairway to floored attic. A well-built house. It shows for IV Self. South front lot, 40zlt4, on paved street, and a fine location. Just the right distance to car. Price re duced to $4,700. House Is vacant. Go out and see It. x W. H. Gates Boom 644 New -Omaha Nat l Bank; fildg. Phone Douglas 1294. ; Great Bargain 6n South 16th St 240 feet frontsre offered for the first lme and at only 130 pr front toot. We sold 100 feet within on block of this property recently fur 45 per front foot. If you are loosing lor an investment this should in terest you. Property situated between porcae and Martha streets, east side of Jtiih tst. ; every toot of property to grade; Paving In and all paid. The owner needs the money, hence this price. Can make terms. ' W. FABNAM SMITH & CO., 1330 Farnam 8ts. Tels. Doug. lu4, A-lu64. ' WANTfn, VACANT LOTS 3X) IMPBOVE IXili OWNERS , Why carry that vacant lot and pay rent M the same timet We Can Furnish the Money to build you a modern home If you have tguod ln clear. No charge for plans or peciflnatlons. You an pay the loan the same as you are now paying rent. Hastings ukyden, itn Harney Bt. UAK'IAIN la ttenson pmiierty; t-room and' bath, electric 1 1 k h t a. cily water, per manent wsiks; all kinds el fruit; full lot and one half and barn; easy terms; price t-fiOU IfeMOU XJ. . s OUilg. 5 I J . -waoftpv-J $500 GASH Buys 8 rnnma nil ... . bulanpA ""i rifnum district; pay " cu uwner will take cottage or lot In trade; wants smaller place! Want An Offer- FOr 7-ronm mnilftm itr i t .. cathedral; chance to get a bargain as owner " "en asKing .300-tell us what you will give. Bemis Park, $4,500 Eiktht room Ytc, wattst. k vi t oprner lot faclni? boulevard. Owner hae left city: wants offr. K Kountze Place, $5,300 "'" ""- ruuiiia; a new no use and all modern; best part of district; got to sell: price no object. DUNDEE 4912 TJundprtvnnri A . i. I III. IIUUBB 1UI the money In Dundee. Look today if you ran: new and n.v.r Anonnu,. .,. . inside and out; well built; lull two stories nu .ii.iv;; crmeni ariveway. You can buy ihla house for 15,600. Terms reasonable. Cathedral District Just Hat4d. 8-ronm mmlArn - 'M.a u, asvw UVUDDi four nice bedrooms; built for a home, and uuw i no uoat new nuuBea in tnie aistnct. Glover Realty Syndicate 1219-22 City National Bank. Douglas 8963. Home Bargains Why pay renjt when you can buy that nice 6-room house at No. 2727 Chicago street, all modern but heat? This house is good as new and Is now renting for $25.00 per month. There is also a small cottage In the rear that rents for 110.00.- We can sell you the whole business for $3,000 and make you easy terms. If you are ln the market for a home, or an Investment see this property and you'll buy It. O'Neil's Real Estate & Ins. Agency 1S05 Farnam Street, Omaha. Tel. Tyler 1034; Ind. A-3S13. 512 North 24th Bt., South Omaha. TeL So. l2j Ind., 7-1192. ABSTRACTS Or TITLE. MIDLAND Guar. Ik Trust Co.. 1714 Far. li. li. Meals, prea; J. Campbell, aeo. D. ii&i PETER JES3EN, Jr., Co. Tel Doug. LSI HEAL HSTATIfi DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO. eldest abstract eifice la sbrasaa, ht Uraadete Taeatea real, estate title thust co, ucuia tlvor. city Ivat. bank RiSg. BllLUERS' IN FORMATION CARL THOMPSEN. cement and ariok or it. ITU N. IbUL Web. UU, B-14U. Papsr hanging, wallpaper reduoed. H. 1S04. WIH T C and clsters dug; sodding, graj II 1-iUlAJ U1 gtneral oi k. eh. it;0. MnMTIf T VM Job work and repairing; lCilULOiM evntracung. DougT Ja M VSOXUY BRICKLAYING. PLA8 TER1NO, CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORE, ESTIMATES FREE. N. RAYMOND. Ill N. svth. Doug. rise. PLUMBING u v" Valkenberg. aailsfsctlua guarautved. W-s7. 11US N. U HMONSON NORUT. furnace aad Lav work. DC 244ft. Walking. Distance Coma this evenulns; and lnnect the new 7-room house at 1607 South Xoth Ave. Re ception hall, VixU ft., with ventlbule en trance; living room, 12x14 ft.; dining room, 13x14 ft; kitchen, 12x13 ft., and large pantry and rear entranoe. Four large bedrooms, with roomy closets on second floor two windows ln each room. Large attic, 8 ft. basement with coal bins, laundry facilities and gas tank heater; excellent furnace. riret floor finished in beautiful oak, second floor finished In natural birch, with oak floors; full length bevel plate mirror ln one bedroom.' Possession at Once Owner now living In house, but can move out on a week's notice. This house Is only four blocks east of Hanacom park. House was finished In May. Will be decorated to suit buyer. Call owner at Red 7797 or call this office. Will take In good lot or a pay ment of 1800 cash and easy monthly pay ments. Hastings & Heyden 1414 Harney Bt FOR SALE A business lot ,a bargain If taken at on?e. For particulars address M. E. F., Box 797, Fremont. Neb. BUT direct from owner. Bargain almost new, strictly modern home. In boulevard park. East front; nice lawn. 8904 N. 17th 6L Web. 8162. HERE IS SNAP. My new, modern bun galow, must sell at sacrifice. M-628, Bee. 249 Harney, newly furnished rooms for rent, modern. Douglas 493S. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton foe tuslness bargalna lf rimaha Mat'i Baas. REAL ESTATE FARM AMD K.1ACU LAND FOR BALK Arkansas. ' 1C0, 6 nil. out. 10 ln cult, 120 black alfalfa or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor tiooa Ij, M), an, from town of k,uuu; near r. O. and school; nearly ail smooth up land; 86 cult., bal. timber, lib clover; 4 al ia) fa, s bearing orcnard, Ua fenced hog tight; extra good 4-r. residence, store, loose blag., new barn, dark red ' sandy loam; good community; delightful location; abundance soou water; t.i.6vu SUDjeci to ft year loan toOO; terms easy. WM. lilLiuuKE, Majshail, art. BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICB. ' All classes of timber, farm and fruit lands In Arkansas, Louisiana and MisalsaipBt, from to to M P" aura. Writs J. D. Rey nolds, Camden, Ark. CUi'lU.N plantation; 4S0 acres; elegant lw-room dwelling; plenty tenant houses; uod bam and outbuildings; rich, black loam; will grow bale oottvn or ft bushels corn per aore: woven wlrexence, 20U acres cultivation; ftM merchantable timber, hard wood; liealthtul location; 4 miles from good town; sued neighborhood; near school and churoh; price L,(M; reasonable teruia Address Johnston 4k Wsills, oars atoutaern Trust Co.. Little Rouk, Ark. 60 TRACTS of land In the corn and al (alia district of Delta land; black soll good schools; lands will double la value ln tores years; new rent from (6 to li per sore. Writ us what you want F. C. HOLLAND, Fins Bluff, Ark. 233 A., SMOOTH, 1ft ml. railway station. 100 fenced, 40 cult, small house, two wells, two public roads. L.,wU Union Bank Trust Co., Real Est Dept., bearcy, Ark. BEST fruit and general farming lands tor price In U. 8., In Searcy Co., Ark. Send for booklet showing 6 to' 116 land near town. W. M. Henson, Leslie, Ark. 1,600 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off Umber land; much fine timber yet on land; I to 7 nil. from Eureka (Springs; fine for fruit; ranch and general farming; (7.60. Special bat gain In improved farms, 110 to 140. WM. JENKINS CO.. I Eureka Springs, Ark. 1,600 ACRES rich bottom land, six miles Newark, 110 per acre; terms. Fine orange grove, Florida. Forty acres; 17,600. Other bargains. A. A, Henderson, Newark, Ar kansas. OZARK LAND CO., Qravetta, Ark Stock ranches, fruit farms, berry fields, sinall trauts. Installment plan; town prop erty. Business houses. Writs us. I Cassis. GOLDEN wheat lands for sale. Im proved and unimproved prairie farms, any sice. Alberta. Saskatchewan. Woedhead coy. VSatruus, Bask., Can. REAL ESTATE I have a large list of lands ln the Ueose and Eagle lake district, bo be tier in Canada. H. . Leech. Rose town, busk. FARM lands In the Canadian west tows lots In railroad divisional points, property In Watrous, the Carlsbad of America. Write W. M. Oalbraith, Watrous,. Sas katchewan. JJ0 ACRES, close to town. Saskatchewan; 170 acres In wheat; H acre; third cash, balance to suit. Write for terms. 124 brwdle St., Fcrt Williams. Out. Can. I OWN a section of good wheat land situated leas thau two miles from growing town In Saskatchewan. Will aell for U0 per acre. Address, M. J. Carrolhers. P. O. Bex 177, Winnipeg, Manitoba. FREE valuable Information to Canadian landseekers. Frank Crawford, Ware block, Omaha. Callforalsw California Land In tracts of 10 to 20 acres or more, suit able for growing oranges, lemons, grapes, peaches, all kinds of vegetables and alfalfa; located in the heart of the famous San Joattuin valley and almost ln the dooryard of the thriving cities of Merced and Fresno, buy now; do not delay; price from fee to 1160 per acre. Including', free water with the land. For further Information address or call on B. Meyer, 606 8. 26th Ave., Omaha, eb. Te:ephoue, Douglas !. FREE literature will be sent to anyona Interested In the wonderful Sacramento valley, the richest va.ley In the world; un limited opportunities; thousands of acre available at right prices; the plaoe for the man wanting a home In the finest climate on earth; no lands for sale; organised to give reliable Information. Secretary Sacra mento Vailey development Association, feacramento. Cat. FARMS for homes ekers, California and Oregon; new country; farming, fruit, stock raisinf, dairying, homeateads; free book let L. F. Curtis, Comr. N. C O. Ry. Lhona, Nov. California Coatlaaed. CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN COLONY LAND, TEHAMA COUNTY Why not live, and expend your energies where It Is sure to count. Remember that Tehama county, California, has a record of no crop failures In all Its history. When you sow you are sure vou will reap abundantly. Your work yields good re turns. When you plant you, are sure to gamer a narvrsi. It la a country of no thundert no cv clones or hurricanes, plenty of Water and goou. aeep, ncn sou. We want you to see the land. Visitors to the property report In glowing praise. An other excursion will be run by the Luth eran Colonization Company on Jury 6. Round trip, toO. Make your reservations early. Trowbridge-Bolster Company. Selling Agents. 404 City National Bank Bldg. Colorado.' 160-ACRB best irrigated farm, Colorado; finely Improved; new 10-room dwelling, barn; potato cellar holds 10 carloads; on acres wheat; 60 acres alfalfa; no waste land; every foot under old water right; have another farm, can't work both; 40 miles north of Denver, 40 miles south of Greeley. C. A. Gregory, 409 Mack Bldg., Denver, Colo. 180 ACRES of good, smooth prairie land within 8 miles of Sterling, Colo., 220 per acre. 160 acres food prairie land within 8 miles of Padroni, Colo., and 14 miles of Sterling tor $17.60 per acre. MORTON ft WALDO, Sterling, Colo. NORTHWESTERN Colorado wheat lands. $12.60 to $15 per acre. A few Improved farms, $20 to $26. Writs J. B. Relnhardt Sterling. Colo. Illinois. 68-AC RE Illinois farm, M mile from R. R. station; good dwelling, orchard and spring. Price, $60 per acre if sold at once. Ben F. Kagay, Effingham, 111. Iowa. 180 ACRES, Cass county, Iowa," farm Im proved and well located; price, $126 per acre; my equity is $16,600. Want southern Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No in flated prices considered. One 10-horse power portable gasoline engine for what have you? Address C. W. McCaustland, Caas county, Lorah. la. WANTED A good stock of general mer chandlse, $9,000 to $12,000, ln exchange for good larm near Rolfe, la., and cash; farm contains 164 acres, six-room house, barn, 86x40. Price, $100 an acre, subject to 18,740; equity, $8,000. F. R. Loomer, Rolfs, la. FOR SALE Excellent 240-acre farm In corn and blue grass belt Adams county, Iowa; farm all well fenced, 00 acres hog tight, 160 acres tiled, and all la exoellent cultivation i 12-room house, large . brick cellar with cement floor, cement 'Walks, large new barn and mill, with good Fair banks engine, new hug house, other out buildings, all in good repair; good stook snd barnyards, large grove and good or chard, four good wells, exoellent water, two windmills. For further particulars address Mrs Anna M. Nash, XUi High St, Des Moines, la. FOR SALE Splendid farms, well im proved, ranging in price from ISO to $30 per acre. This is choloe Iowa land, ln well im proved communities, near town and ecltooia There Is no more fertile or beautiful part of the state than Osceola county. Write for particulars. T. 8. Redmond. Sibley, 240-ACRE estate, all the very choicest of land, nothing nicer ln tha slate, $6,009 or more of Improvements ail In good shape; KVi miles from two good towns. Must be sold and soon.. I have the exclusive band ling of this. Price, $K per acre, March 1 delivery, to cash, balance 6H per cent U. M. Emery, North wood, la. 850 ACRES and 17) acres of southern Iowa land, improved, well located, good soil, right price, for sale or trade; $7,uS0 equity ln brick store building; a first-class income property, for sals or trade, quick, on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad dress Box 8, Diagonal, la, 1,100-ACRE farm 7 miles southeast Baa sett, Rock oounty, Nebraska; 200 aores In corn this year, large acreage In timothy and clover; good set of Improvements. Pries, $2. 60 per acre; one-third cash, bal ance easy terms at 6 per cent CARL TENNIS. 220 F. L A T. Bldg., Sioux City, la. FOR SALE Two lots, numbers I and 17. block E. Englewood addition. Highland Park. Address 1. 11. BenneU, Osaalousa, la. U0-ACRE Improved farm, T miles from Mason City, 2 miles from smalt town; $76 an acre; easy terms and spiendld bargain; 14-acie unimproved farm 12 miles from Mason City, 2H miles fxom two other towns, only $40 an acre. We have the best bar gains in northern Iowa Come and ses us, MASON CITY REALTY CO, Mason City, la. A REAL ESTATE SNAP. 820-acre .farm la Pocahontas oounty; cor ner tight In tuwn; building one block from depot ai.d ureamery; ten-room house nicely ILrnished; line grove and fruit trees; beau tiful building site facliig south; cattle barn 44x 80, 24-foul posts; stanchions for about lilty cattle; two silo bins; room for luo tons ct hay; also feed cutter, corn grinder and lt-lioise puwer gasoline engine; horse bars tor 16 horses, with hay loft and giain bins; windmill and three water tanks; farm fenced ln six tlelds; 7u acres liogtight Price. $106 per acre on very easy terms. J. A. CARROLL, Rolfe. la FOR BALL OR TRADE My equity in hk section of raw land, 2 miles of Sorenta, 7 miles Kit Carson and 9 miles Wild Uerse, Cheyenne Co., Coio.; on U. P. By.; lays good, fehallow water district; 1 mils to river; alialfa growu successfully nearby. Price, V-u per acre; encumbrance $1,260, op tional at pe- cent, due May 18, i14. Will trade the equity, $l.6u, tor residence of equal value. 1 also bavo W section joining this which Is clear, to trade for town prop erty. Same price. Wouid carry back $l.u0 on this at I per cent Waller U. Boyd, Now ton, la. 824 ACRES, I miles good town; fenced, well Improved: all smooth land; rich black soil; guud orchard; R. F. D. ; phone; fine surroundings, tu; good terms; will ex change for hardware, Implements or gen eral merchanuiss. W. 11. Molt. Her lug ion, Kan. WE have some choice bargains In corn, wheat and altalfa lands for sale la Benton and Rush counties; write for list of larm bargains. American Investment company, noising ion, Kaa. 40 ACRES, six miles from Mlneola, 800 acres In wheat one-third to buyer; new 4-room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas ture fenced; rich black soil; has raised good crop every year since broken out; great bariialn. $36 per acre. Terms. The Roy C. Beard Land Co., Mlneola, Kan. 8J ACRES, lVt miles out Jo In wheat; to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain and snow assures bumper crop; level as s floor. LSI 60 per acre; terms. W. B. cul berteon. Scott City. Kan. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP 240 acres. 1 mllea out; 130 acres In wheat; Vi delivered to buyer, level, rich, deep soil; good well and windmill. $6 260; terms. Other wheat and aU'alfa lands, all sises and prices. L. a, fcchuhmacber, owner, Meade, Kan. CM ACRES In alfalfa 1 10-room ttnusa large barn, granary, eta: two miles te tarned. rawnee county; ts acres pasture, eaianco In eultlvatlen; rich deep soli, sbua gases of water, wells and mills; $2l.luS; terms. Bunte Realty Co., Uuichiasea, Kas- WANT real farmer, renter or buyer; take part traoe on wv-acre larm at lioxle, Kan, Thomas McKlnny. LonUlnaaw CRNON parish. La.s tha land of sua. shine, sell, climate, markets, water, health, geod; prices cheap; write Leesvllle Real Estate aad Improvement Co., C M. Mo Farlaad. Beo y. Leesvllle, La. LOUISIANA farm aad timber laada geod for truck, corn, cattle, eto.: oa ae ccunt of cotton peel, cheapest lands es market Hall. Elder Benwt. Moare Louisiana. FOR SALE Louisiana reclaimed land 1,000 acres, $37.60; limited time; nothing nner anywnere; aiso ou.uai acres marsh, $2 60. Powell, 123S First Nat Bank Bldg., Chicago. UUoaeeeiiav, FOR BALE ifiO acres ot good new hard wheat land, nesr Walhalla, Pemblne county, North Dakota. For particulars ad dress owner, A. Lucasse, 247 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. ATTENTION, HOMESEEKERS, If you are thinking of Immigrating west this year, write us for descriptive liter ature of our lands In Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana. We can suit you no matter what you want and where you want It, and can sell you anywhere from 40 acres to 1,000. William E. Gibbons, Lock Box 8. Cormorant Minn. FARM. SNAP 230 acres level prairie land, 200 ln crop, balance pasture and meadow; good buildings, $& acre. Morehart & Atchison, Mankato, Minn. LANDS No. 660. 160 acres 78 miles Twin Cities; good tillable soli;' stats map mailed with 46-page book for 80 cents. Hobart Land Co., Phenlx Bldg., Minneap olis. Minn. $9,000 equity In good quarter In southern Minnesota; quarters two miles lroro good town, having house 26x30, new barn 82x40, with gable roof, small granary and fence. Want machine, stock of dry goods. Price $90 per acre. BeuJ. A. Cone, Window, Minn. 116 ACRES 16 miles from St. Paul. 8 miles from Reseioont; all fenced, black loam soil: 10 acres cultivated, balance pasture and black oak timber; only $J6 per acre for Im mediate sale; half cash. 130-acre Improved farm 18 miles from St Paul, 1 mile from Rich Valley station; nine-room house, windmill, large barn and other buildings, all ln good condition; black loam soil; olay subsoil; always been cultivated by owner; 180 aores under plow, 7 acres fruit trees, mostly apples, balance od timber land, bpecial prloe and terms. W. F, 4k R. W. Morlty, Pioneer Proas Bldg.. St Paul. Mlnn.- I HAVE a farm of 820 acres thi miles from good town, SO miles from Minneapolis, 109 acres under cultivation; about 60 acres meadow, balance timber; can all bs opened up; rich soil, good house, barn and other buildings. Price, $38 per acre. Also 80-acre farm two miles from good town; 40 acres under plow, IS acres timber, good rich soil, (-room house, two barns and other out buildings, windmill, fine natural grove, or chard Just commencing to bear. Prloe, $3,609; easy terms. Writs owner. Charles E. Swanaon, Eik River, Minn, SEND for a list of our fins improved southern Minnesota lands; we have hun dreds of pleased customers. C. K. Brown Land Co., otfioes Madella and Nsw Rich land, Minn. CO 000 . r' r 1 n H, T mil. ....a t, . . . . - "i canton countlea, Minnesota, near cities of Du luth and Superior, at prloo within the reach Of all: 8 to 112 an .nr.- ...u ......... . , - - j iviu teen railroads now entering these two cities minimi uueap ana qtucx transportation. A $10,000,000 steel plant now building by the uuitea Dimes oieei corporation near lands. Sol) la f.rMI. and m-.ll i. , tied farming, dairying and garden truck! no iuiii ii. ui. er transportation cnargeB, but rlvht at I H. rf nnr. i . v. . 1. . ot the United States, with constant demand and high prices. Write for full Information. o.oiiiu as uuimu rum ivano wo., Mis) At worth Bldg., Dulutb. Minn. FLOODWOOD SETTLEMENTS, ST. LOUIS COUNTT. NEAR DULUTH Farmers, gardeners and dairymen wanted. Ideal climate, rich soil, abundant rainfall, ar.ur rrnti. Ham. .1 w,A ; .. ' own line frequent train service. Best mar- Aiuerioa. rncn low. rerma easy. Wnm...Mb., ...IdI.J 111..... . ... u.v.. iiiuBirifa litera ture free. Write LAND COM R., D. & L R. 'v., at4t t vi viu 131 UK., xuiuin, Minn 1TT fgi lm hnma ffsA a.-as. . w uva. ssaw nVUi CBt, lllliel frAIYI gf AfMl tnwn Klatbr -1 1 . nOsa : lnVrsTSn tV ma rlauA t n ary, machine bda, eto., 160 acru In field! IA .nr.. , I rr k.r K.l.nn& . . - . -" vivir anu tim othy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. 836 per acre, one-third cash, balance easy terms. M. J. Kolb, Fosston, Minn. A SNAP; MUST BE QUICK; 300-acre tm- S roved farm ln Murray county, Minnesota; as first-class buildings, fences, splendid grove, orchard, two miles from town. Write John Holden, jr., Garvin, Minn. MtManrl. maple trees, natural gas, two telephones, free delivery, lfe miles from Santa Fe sta tion; examine promises and write Mrs. J. THIRTEEN section In Dawson county, near Sidney, one of the best towns In the Yellowstone valley; also have other lands that ws are re tail jig ln any size farm you want. Write your Mania, Prices are right The Hay ward Land kfo., Ulendine, Mont FOR SALE Finest farm Ul Leavenworth county, Breaddus farm of 160 acres, 1- miles from Fort Leavenworth, $6,wuu brics residence, 6u0 46-year-old walnuts, luw sugar L. Klrby, 1W8 Felix St St. Joseph, Me. IN MISSOURI. Farms any slas fur sale, $30 to $160 per acre. Improved or unuiiproved, Va cash, bat lime, or 1-10 cash bal. ten years ai .a. Write your wants. Fifty-five uiues sast ot Kansas City on C. Si A. R. R. WALTER C. CHILES RE ALT T CO.. Higglasville, Mo. FOR SALE 66 farms, large and small, between Mississippi and Missouri rivers, average $J6 per acre. Write tor big price list William Crews. Wright City, Mo. MISSOURI FARMS None better on earth. Highly improved lsu aores, raises anything, $Ml. Other decided bargaiua Writs ua Gilliam Realty Co., Gilliam. Mo. ETOPI Don't go a sup farther than Douglas county, down In the beautiful Ozarks. ralss anything; corn 80 to 00 bush els per acre, ail other crops In proportion; cheapest good land on earth, $6 to $20 per aero. Free Information. Gross Real Estate Co., Ava, Mo. 80-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fins bouse, barn, fences, first-class condition; fins spring water; t miles from towo; 7 miles from railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi gration Co., Piedmont, Mo. MISSOURI farm, $50 acrea; s-room house, barn; 100 acres wheat 2u0 acres corn; level, black dirt; $ miles railroad, $w acre. Cbas. E. Huckstep Realty Co., Elsberry. Mo. LISTEN! 40-acre Imp. farm, $686. Terms. Other farms. McUrath, Mountain View, Mo. Mnatnan. FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley K acres fine fruit land; old water right best sec tion of the valley fins proposition fur sub division; fair buildings, easy torma Ad dress owasr, H. O. Lew;, bievansvllie. Moat , l. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA, the coming farm state, $12.60 to $J0 per acre. Write for description, i Shaw A Clark Land Company, Hackney Bldg., St Paul, Minn. 820-ACRE homestead rellnqulshmenta for sale; also one hotel, one bakery, one general store, one saloon, one feed store. Address. Charles F. Brown, Oalata. Mont- Nebraska. FINE 640-acre ranch, 12 mliea from town, 8 quarters tame hay, balance wild hay and pasture; 4o acres level, balance slightly rolling; heavy black soil; two flowing wells, 6-room house, I barn, granary anil chicken house, telephone; V mile to school. This Is an exceptionally fine ranch and a snap. Will sell on easy terms. George E. Collins, owner, Atkinson, Neb. 200 acres 6Vt miles from Emerson, Neb.; fine Improvements; land lays good; can make splendid terms, and the price Is $10 to $J6 less than adjoining places are being priced at For particulars rail on or write J. K. LENNOX. ALLEN, NEB. 100 ACRES In Chase county, Nebraska, 12 miles south of Elsie; If taken soon will take $17.60 an acre; this is a good quarter section and can all be farmed; will take a good 1910 or 1911 automobile on the deal and carry the balance. F. A. Garland, Charlton, la. (11) $6,300 for 60 head of cattle, six horses, farm tools, household goods, and will throw In 6J0-acre farm with new frame Improvements, all 10 miles north of Keystone. Haw's this for a snap? (S) 280-acre farm, Knox county, Ne braska; nice, new improvements; 10 miles from Crelghton; owner wants to go to Europe and says sell for $36, which is $5 under prevailing pries. (27) One of the very best finest half section farms ln Antelope county, Ne- orasxa, near urunswick; only $U5; finely Improved; lava perfect: beat of aoM. Thin la a decided bargain and should attract you. J. A. ABBOTT. Real Estate. 806 Brandels Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Well Improved Elkhorn Valley 80 Acres WltVlIn wn mil.. rf . o-,.n4 and orchard; reasonable terms If' taken 0WI1. A fine liar nf RA 130 IDA .rM -m- ing county farms. write or can EVANS REALTY CO., Wiener, Neb. THESE are cash deals. All or. Heller bargains than you can get elsewhere for tne money. (36) Here's a samnle. . For a short time only, 320 acres, 2 miles from Ooodland, Kan., perfect black land, only $26 per acre, easy terms. Can you beat It? (3) LOOK AT THIS. A perfect 80-acrs farm, S miles from Greenwood, Cass county Nebraska; good Improvements, lays fine, drains perfectly, blackest soli, no objectionable feature, only $112.60 per acre. This Is extra good, worth mors. iii) xs per acre, two sections Improved, 10 miles from Keystone, Nebraska, 400 ..II. IMIU. 1111 .....I.., VW V. hay. It's a grand bargain. Let me tell you about it. J. A. Abbott, u Brandels eiag. tiougias 3U0b. I : n : (OH BALIS. . V 800-acrs ranch. 4W mllea from Schuvler. Neb.; 100 acres ln corn, balance blue srraaa ana ciover pasture; running water tnrough tne rancn; sou Diack, sandy loam, suitable for cutting up into small farms. This is an sxceptionall fine ranch and a snap. Will sell on easy terms. W. S. KINU, Owner, 816 McCague Bldg. North Carolina. WANTED Settlers for nation's garden spot of eastern N. C; free farms obtained by club plan. C. T. D. Co., 617 Southern Bldg., Wilmington, N. C North. Dakota. ONE of the finest farms In Richland ccunty, consisting of 2tf8 acres of good, firoductlve land. Joining Wyndmere. Fine arge buildings, lots of fruit, nice grove and never-falling flowing well. Price, $67.60 per acre. Eaay terms. Mania Paulson Land Co., Wyndmere. North Da kota. FOR SALE Aa exceptionally fine 1M, $ miles ot elevator, six miles of Wyndmere, good, heavy, black soli. Wild Rice river through pasture. Fine new buildings, well of excellent water, windmill, etc, $66 per acre. This is a snap. Lock Box 1A Wyndmere. North Dakota. AUCTION BALE North Dakota; choice Wells and Stutsman county farms at publlo auction June 9, 1911, on eaay terma. Writs for Information. A. F. Belcher, Sales Mgr., aykeston, N. D. READ our booklets, "Why They Move to North Dakota" and "Dirt That Grows Dollars." They'll interest farmers; they're free. Writs Northern Immigration Asaocla tion, Fargo, N. D. Oregon. FOR SALE ISO acres choices apple, pear, cherry, grape land In the weat, six miles from town, one mile from railroad; soli deep volcanic ash. Tbs Dalles, Ore., prise whining land. 160 acrea, 2tt miles from town, new, mod ern house, barn, tenement; 860 pear prune, bearing; 1,600 young trees, 1.000 grape vines; good water; wood. Or will sell 80 acres with ail improvements. Investigation solicited. C. H. Webster, The Dalles, ui WOOD RIVER FRUIT LAND. I am authorized by owners to make a quick sale to highest bidder of their 1,120-acre tract of fruit land in the famous Hood River (Oregon) Valley; land Is surveyed and subdivided into ten-acre tracts ready for retail. Bank references furnished show ing 41iat tract Is a desirable fruit proposition. Splendid oportunlty for a group of "wide-awake" men to buy this land at a bargain and make 200 per cent or mors on investment by retailing Write or call at ones for full in formation. WILLIAM E. HITCHCOCK. 1 Weat Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn. I 1 OREGON fruit and farm lands: sizes 8 acres and upward; developed orchards In Willamette Valley; prices right und terms liberal; free fare to purchasers; agents warned. Oregon Apple Orchards Co., Ail Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Ore. Sonth t'irollna. LANDS $500 per acre made growing figs for preserves on the lslanda Orcharda on eaay monthly payments. .Sa Island Orchard Company. Charleston, 8. C ; i . Sonth Dakota. X ACRES IN DEUEL CO.. S. D. Clote to the Minnesota line; heavy black Soil; clay subsoil;, lies very level snd ail under cultivation. Must be sold within 30 days to close an estate. Half of this year's crop goes with the price, $36 per avre; easy terms, $3,0u0 will handle It and it is a snap. No gravel.no stones, no foul weeds. Address W. F. McGee. Lake Preston, B. !. FOR SALE Section good, raw land: all fenced; good flowing well; $ miles from Planklngton. S. D. For particulars write J. E. O Malley. Philip, B. D FOR SALE! 160 acres lmpioved. valley farm land, Brule county. South Dakota; running aater, telephone and rural mail; easy terma . Address the Whitbeck A Lumbard Bank, Kimball, a. D. WILL exchange choice farm land near Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, for good Iowa or Nebraska land; what have you to offer? Weat Land Co., Pierre, S. D. AT CAT VA THE KING OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS. This Is the land we have. Free home steads; relinquishments and deeded lands For particulars write F. O. Wonder 4s Co Buffalo Oap, S. D SOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR SALE. Ws have a list of Edmunds count v i,nn lor saie ai Hum ,19 and uu per cr. i interested write us for particulars and ws win scnu our prices ami pocket map. if you own land In South Dakota Hat It with us. Our motto is "A Square Deal to Buyer and Seller." Give us a chance to prove ,. statement. Haavold Land Co., Mlna, Ed- inunus county, ooutn Liaaoia. 1 etw-Ai. ru, corn farm, out from Sioux Falls, excellent Improvements, large grove and fruit all In llltlu.linn n.ln. fnT. . . . . 1 . . 1- , - - - . - ... ...., i v . u . if uiu. PMie V&6, easy terms; also 240 well Improved, easy terms, and loo acres unimproved. These are bargains for quick sale, it A. Silvlua owner, Sioux Falls. S. D. ONE-FOURTH -SECTION FIVE MILES FROM TOWN. Fair Improvement.. lric. IT. fiixt Vonitv $2,400. Akaska Roal Estate Co., AkariA. 6. D. (13 300-acre farm In Huirhna muntv' South Dakota; best land in townahiu- owner gone to Europe, left deed at bank anu says taite 6. it s so cheap It must go at that price quick. You should gst It j. a. Annui x, rteai instate, 806 lli andoia Bldg., Omaha. Texas, WE are subdividing .300 acres nf e.rtn. farm land ln Jackson county. Splendid crops every yer. Rainfall about right 44 Inches. For description, plat and prices 1 writs ; JOHN RJCHET A CO., 218 H. Houston St, San Antonio, Tex TEXAS INVESTMENTS. Buy orchard and garden lands near Houston, the greatest and most prosper ous city ln the southwest, where values are going up all the time and fortunea made ln real estate In short while. Easy terms If desired. Address E. (J. Robert son, Vela, Tex., and a 16-acre farm In the Rio Grande valley, where the farmers .-o.. ..."u..." u ucipoiuai as tne aaye that come and go. S. 11. Jackson. 706 First National Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex. SAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot of Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. Wo can buy land for you or Invest money, 1 per cent net to you secured by mortgage on these lands. Correspondence solicited. Re fer to First Nat l bank, San Saba Nat'l bank. Ward. Murray & Co., and the mem bers In congress from Texas. Kelley Burleson Co., San Saba. Tex. RIVIERAr-Oulf noast Tm fin. r.m. ing, fruit, truck section: unsurpassed health resort For Information writs owners, Theo F. Koch Co., Unity Bldg., Chicago, 111. ' GOOD Texas Stats Lands, $1.60 to $5 acre; l-40th down, balunce forty years. Texas School Land Publishing Co., Houston, Tex. Utah. Buy Land in a Small But Growing City That's the Way' Others Got Rich Ogden, Utah, the Gateway to the Nsw West; ths Inter-mountain country, with all of its vast wealth of undeveloped resouroes Is the Jobbing, manufacturing and railway center of this entire section. Buy Ogden real estate now. It Increases ln value, slowly, sursly and conservatively, every year. You can get RICH if you will in vestigate the chance there is for you hers at Ogden. Ths Weber club, an association of gentlemen, a business men's club formed for tha purposs of helping in the growth of the city and numbering among Its mem bers the most conservative men of ths community, employs a PAID official tor' give you exact, explicit and corrsct in formation. Have no fear ln addressing us. TILE SECRETARY The'Weber Club OGDEN, UTA1I. INVESTORS MAKE SURE MONEY SEVEN PERCENT CERTAIN 7 7 7 Improvements going on at all times In a country which Is growing In population, productiveness and wealth, make necessary the Investment of more money than ths country Itself may own. Murray, Utah, offers to the cautious Investor the ideal chance to double his money. Mid-West banks pay $ per cent to 4 per cent on sav ings. Murrsy, Utah, offers 7 per cent net. The secretary of the Commercial Club will tell you of this; his information may bo verified by reference to aiiy Salt Lake City bank. IF YOU SAVE ANY MONEY FOR IN VESTMENT BE SURE TO WRITE. THAT WILL COST NOTHING AND IT MAY MAKE YOU A GREAT DEAL. The Murray Commercial Club, Murray, Utah. WRITE TO WILLIAMS BROS., Real Es tate, Murray, Utah, for full, complete, re liable information concerning this city. Huxy factories, farm lanus. town lots that may be bought for less than their value, ARE A FEW OF THE OPPORTUNITIES WE CAN TELL YOU OF. Write today. Opportunities for Farmers I can invest your surplus cash where It will bring you greater returns than it will be possible for you to secure elsewhere. Send me your name today and I'll keep you ln touch with western opportunities as they arise. I Will Guarantee 8 Net GEO. J. KELLY, - Ogden State Bank Bldg. Ogden, Utah. WESTERN OPPORTUNITIES Utah lands sra being filed unnn mora rapidly lhan lands In any other slate. Utah Ir rich In ooal and Iron and attract Ing great attention for Its exoellent fruits. Salt Lake City la the greatest R. R. cen ter west of Chicago, will be an Important manufacturing city, la the world's greatest mining and smelting center, an educational center and Ideal home city of the conti nent. The most perfect four-scaion climate in ins worm. v Ws can offer to the rlsht man exclusive sale of 60 to 200 choice building lots, close in, cement walks, shade trees, rlty water, car line, building up rapidly $175 to L) per lot; Ua cash. $7.60 per month. Address HUHBARD IN VESTMENT. CO. 44 W. 8d South St. Salt Lcks City. I I . , ' i ''-nL.JJr A.