THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 25, 1911. HELP WANTED MALE Mlscellaaeoa atlaaed. , MA NT A MAN WHO HAH TAKEN for granted that there vu no work In the navy be would like, on Invesilgatlon has found more agreeable work there thin In civil life. This la because there is such treat variety of positions In the navy. A man may find work aa trarnan. ma Chlnlst, fireman, stenographer, bookkeeper, mufli-lsn, carpenter, bin knilth, alilp fit ter electrician, boiler maker, cook, stew ard or waiter. If lie knows a trade, he can enter at higher pay; If he doesn't, he can en Imt aa apprentice seaman. Navy life la healthy, the work pleasant, opportunity for promotion and for saving money excellent, and chance to learn by study and travel unequaled. Association with men of Rood character and ambition makes navy life a wholesome, helpful en vironment. The Navy department never urges men to enlist, only to Investigate navy opportuni ties. It is worth the while of any man 47 to l years of ae to look Into the subject of taking four pears' training In the navy or of making the navy his life's work. Call st Navy Recruiting Station. P. O. Bldg., Omaha. Neb., and ask all the ques tions you wish, or send for Interesting free book, ''The Making of a Man Wars man," or address, Bureau of Navigation, Box 209, Navy department, Washington, D. C WANTED Special edition man to assist In Industrial number of country paper; references required. Address Y 62.' care Bee. National Auto Training Assn. Omaha, Neb. Actual experience In ahes and road work: competent Instructor. TO ORADI.NO CONTRACTORS We have two places needing grading down, vis., 2224 Mason St., prihably 10.000 to yards, and N. E. corner of 27th and Daven port, near 6.000 yards; maybe you have a place for thona and can use the dirt. CHAS. E. WILLIAM 9GN, 1501 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. MEN and women easily make over 130 weekly growing mushrooms In cellars, sheds, boxes, etc.; market waiting; free booklet. Hiram Barton, W. 48th St., New York. 16 PER 100 upward made tacking signs, distributing advertising matter; no can vassing; send 6c stamps; secure price list paid and territory. Bhepard's Agency, Lebanon. N. H WANTED One or two single men for horse breeding farm near Nebraska City: wages $70 per month and board; must have experience with stallions and han dling horses generally; state experience, references, where employed last year and when can take position. Address Y 68, care Bee. ' WANTED Married man for horse breed ing farm near Nebraska City; house fur nlnhed; must have experience In feeding and caring for horses; state experience, references, wages and where employed last two years. Permanent Job for right man. Address Y 70, car Bee. MEN wanted. Cuming St. Omaha Painty Co., KM WANTED High-class chef. With few , hundred dollars to operate small cafe In the new Hotel Plasa, Fourteenth and How ard street Call mornings and ask for manager. WANTED Railway mall clerks; average $1,100; preparation free for coming Omaha examinations. Franklin Institute, )ept tit O. Rochester. N. Y. MEN wanted; can qualify In few weeka for positions waiting; no previous experi ence necessary; learn the barber trade; see the want column for barbers needed; top wages; tools given; call at once or write from country. Molar Barber college, 110 8. 14th St. $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer; steady work. 8. Bcheffer, Treas., 1W J. Chicago. ' GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Regular fall examinations will soon be held In every state. Thousands of appointments to be made. Full particulars free aa to dates, places and salaries, with sample questions previously used. ires Tuition ' and "Positions Guaranteed" explained. (lend for circular, 237 Nat'l Cor. institute, waanington, u.. c . . . BE A DETECTIVE Earn from $100.00 to Hi per month.: travel an over the world. Write C. ,T. Ludwlg, 76 SoarrUt Bldg., Kansas uity, too.' - DEPARTMENT store buyers, salesmen. advertising men, etc, seeking opportunities for advancement should see want page of Dry Goods Economist sent free. Address Dry Goods Economist, $31 West Stl St., rew torn.- MAN wanted to represent manufacturer in your home territory. New line of goods. Good pay. Tailor-made suit In 60 days: no expenses necessary; Just so you are honest and energetic. Write at once. F. B. Jen nings. 6032 Finch Bldg., Dayton, O. r- W ANTED Man to travel In Nebraska. Good pay and tailor-made ault In 80 days; experience unnecessary; reliable firm. Write for particulars. J. E. McBrady ft co., unicago.- DON'T prepare tor any civil service ex amination without seeing our Illustrated catalogue. Free. Columbian Correepon dence College. Washington, D. C 1 11 $25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distribute samples ror big wnoieeale bouse. C. H. Emery, 199 K, Chicago. LIVE man to operate business at home; make $300 week: no canvassing. No caol- tal. Tremendous demand, money dally. Particulars rree. Wm. vickers, Hagermen, N. M. WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried men. between the ages of m and $5. cltlsena of the United States, et gooa cnaracter ana temperate habits, who ran speak, read and write the Engllsd language. For Information sddIv to re. rrultlng officer. Thirteenth and Douglas rts., umana. Ken.; Massachusetts Bldg., nioux my, la. ; ii . win t., Lincoln, rueo. ; jiu n. sa rst., urana isiana, iseo. HELP WANTED I ALU OH rUMALB. WANTED Men or women solicitors for every town, small article: 100 per cent profit. Call or write Royal Sales Co., 6607 Brandels Bldg. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE T A RYDTCN horseshoeing. J.A.lViyijiX, BLACKBAilTlhNO. 4ZU 14. 34th Bt Webster Ind. B-Uli. $37$ Candy Wagon for. i6 Top tstanhope, new, for $.35 Light 3-sested top surrey Lu6 Fine top Stanhope M DRUMMOND, Utb AND HARNEY. .$75 . irt TEN bead of good work horses; also wagons and harness, buggies and single harness; casn or easy payments. u N. 2tlx St., barn. FINE family horse, high-grade rubber- tired phaeton, light spring wagon, two sets harness. iZM rarnam St. Tel. Har. Ij07. PROF. A- B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of horses: Sat taction guaranteed. 2101 8. 43th. liar. KtiS. e FOR SALE Horses, colts, two heifers. cows and $ young bulla Benson 136, tiprlng Lake t rull 1' arm, uenoon. ONE Miller hack, good tires, good top la first class shape; price (700. Douglas rireei siaoiea, tuu tuiw Caws. TWENTY fresh cows and ten springs J. Jensen, 12d and Valley. Harney 255 LOST AND FOUND rl T I WrF Cleaning, Pressing and Re- pairing. UU I r aruam. 1). 3iil PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office et the Omaha si Council Bluffs Street Hallway company to ascertain whether iay tail U la airect car. Many articles each day Are turned la end the company Is anxious to restore thorn te the rtahUul owner. Call Douglas is. tMAUA at COUNCIL BI.Ul'l'S STREET IU1LWAI UWrAMI. -4 LOST, black silk umbrella, straight cork banaie, gota cap. rteward. He turn 4-8 N, turn street. rneae narney ssi. LOST AND FOUND Continued.) THE bft trrat for wife and baby Is a f.tsh f PalzrU's lee cream. If Mrs. It Tal bot. 2516 Hamilton, will come to The B e office within three days we will give hr an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream free. .IjOST Sunday, June V. red leather memorandum book, containing letters ad dressed to owner; no value except to owner. Reward. Return to tVS S. 30th Ave., or I'hone Harney $755. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAP HLE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding FILES. Wo postpaid: eumples free. Bher man ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, BKnORGRKN" Consumption Cure. A new discovery and positive cure for con sumption. Send for booklet. John Bertel son Co., 11S1 Broadway, New York. MONEY 10 LOAN ALAR V AND CHATTELS. 1 1 r i i i i i t i t t i i t i WHY THROW AWAY MONEY! $ $ r.v not seeing us before you procure a $ 1-ie.n on your furniture, piano, ware- I l.ouse receipt or sslary. I We dn not publioh misleading rates I rtor misrepresent; our methods ars I Hunt no nubllcity: excellent service: I liberal discount for payment before due. WF. GUARANTEE OUR RATES ARE POSITIVELY THE LOWEST. Call, write or phone. Our agent will Corns to ynu at once If deHred CITI LOAN AINU TBIBI V.VJ.. 10 11 Douglas Blk. Opposite Hayden's. $ Phones: Douglas 8159 Ind. A-26S6. $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ NOTICE TO ALL If vou were Dosltlva that our rates and terms were the best In the oity, wouldn't It pay you to see us when you need money f A comparison of our with those of ether companies will convince you that this Is the place to borrow, $1.30 Is the weekly payment on a bu loan lor t weeks. Other payments In the same prtt,or Uua. If yon need money write or phone btato Mortgage Lroan Co., R-12 Arlington Block. HUH Dud He St. f hones;. Douglas mgo; ind. a-mho. DIAMOND LOANS AT lVa7 n laras loans: smaller loans at 2H and W. C. FLATAT), ffi?K.r!5! CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.., 220 Bee Bldg. , Doug. 13Z6. A-USC afONET loaned salaried DeoDle. Woraaa keeping house and others, wl.hout seaurlty, easy payments. Office In 67 principal eitlea citnan. 601 oroaha Nat. can a uiag. ve Sierly N. V. L. Bldg. .MOVING, STORAGE. CLEANING OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. eleaas tur carpets on your floors; electrlo vacuuis siamaera swt It. 1SU; mm sw Hue. axiug. usa EXPHlbbbMAN'S DELI V It K If CO. Me lua. luioiture Packing: tlreurooi storaga City office, tit H. mo. Doug. XM; lnd. U-Uti. MUSIC. ART. LANGUAGES en? Piano tuning. Call Web. 207$, and E itififj--!. np u, ,.1.1 nroDoaiUon. OFFERED FOR RENT ttssial mm Kaaama. t iiflB park AVE. Large, cool room, with the best of home-cooked board, suitable for yno; reasonable rate; private. ' vuw niruir.ioks anth ajid s'arnara. Rateei Blcgie. as to $40; double. $os te $oi ClKItl nr. fWO DS1&UL11UI1V lUVSlW IWU.., with boards walking distance! large. yard. shade trees, veranda, etc Aa idsa.1 place or summer, zue . tn r niraiRi m.R board and large, southeast. furnished room for two gentlemen; $80 each ler monthl evorything - modern; private lamuyi wiikihi uibwiiw. wvm- O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-JS11. dbsirablE summer house, furnished rooms with board. U$ & 8Mu Ave. ktch; clean, airv aouth front room: also board If desired; plenty of hot water. 2610 Harney. Phone Harney 2947., BOARD and rooms In good locality, all modem conveniences. Iu02 N. 17th. Phone Web. 8678. SIX ladles or gentlemen to board and room; price reasonaoie; nice nonie. au Webster 1646. XAr. UUW OOI ruum, 1 1 1 v: li jr niuuai n. 5U South Mth St. Douglas 7931. rast front room with alcove. tl2 8. 26 tb St. Phone Douglas 818s. Faralshed Booms, rvn furnished roams. TeL Webster sTTk $61$ N. totb St 1411 DODGE ST.. south front, double par lors; cool and moaern. OUTSIDE room newly furnished, 170$ Jackson. WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; white porcelain bath tub. 101 8. 26th St. rSni. neatlv furnished room with all modern conveniences; private family: close to car line, zuw Bristol. t.ipflE. cool furnished room, modern house, 86th and Jackson. Harney tssl.' SOME nice rooms for gentleman or man and wife. 218 N. Utb Bt. vtfF.l.Y furnished room. In good locality. all modern conveniences, refined home for lady employed, w r. xi u iei. nea ua r Douglss. two very desirable, newly furnished, cooi, ciran, suuin ruouis, in pri vate family. AH the privileges of a home. Gentleman preterrea. raierences. riKic nicely furnished room, all modern. with couple; good neighborhood; walking distance. 'Plions li. wu. CLEAN newly furnished rooms. $1.(0 per week up; also housekeeping rooms; all modern; everything lurnisneo. ens s). th Ave. TWO east front rooms; nicely furnished here; every thing moaern; gentleman pre ferred. 608 8. Hth St. TWO nicely furnished rooms, nice shade and lawn, modern nouse. private larauy. BUS Capitol avo. rrniuf iiiu. o-mo, not DAVENPORT, cool, neatly furnished front room tor gentleman. One block north ef postoioce. LARGE ROOM suitable for three, and small back room, clean, cool, reasonable. 1S14 Dodge. DEWEY European Motet. Utb 4k Parnaiav ans K fiat, ntoe rooms, everything mod ern, walking distance, cooi and pleasant. TWO furnished rooms, $8 and $10. Strictly private family t good location; references exenangea. room nan nj, i WALKING distance. well furnished rooms single or ensulte, on Farnam St.) nice, cool place, shady yard; svtry tiling moaern. (itww v. 831$ DOUGLAS, nloe cool aouth room Phone Douglas 6135. NEWLY furnished large room: also smaller one. $8; thoroughly modern, close In. 616 N. S3U. sted sou. NICELY furnished room, Hanscom park and Field club district, on car line. Phone Harney 713. STRICTLY modern snd neatly furnished rooms, plenty or hot water; one room suit' able for two gentlemen. $1$ N. lSih St. CLOSE-IN, nicely furnished, cool rooms lor summer; all conveniences, nvj uoage. TWO large, clean rooms: strictly private bath; walking distance. 2008 Harney. Har ney U.S. CLOSE IN. two or three elegantly fur nished rooms for light housekeeping. Call lius vapitoi Ae. OFFERED FOR RENT ed Rooms Caatlaaed. NEWLY furnished. In modern . house. 2vlS Chicago, LARGE modern room to rent (II Bo. Kth til COOI neatly fumlshrd room In quiet neighborhood; everything modr-m. KM Capitol Ave, Pbons Harney . U4L STRICTLY modern southeast Isrpe room for one or two gentlemen. 2507 Famam. D. Mhi LIGHT housekeeping UK Dodge. rooms. . modern. NICELY furnished, cool room, strictly modern, private family. 3.116 Charles. LARGE room, for two or four men. 719 N. 22d. lis S. Mth. nicely furnished rooms. Tel. Tyler 1147. NEW and elegant furnished rooms for rent. D7 8. 2sth Bt. 'Phone Harney 6112, Independent -HTH. TWO furnldhed rooms for rent. 1Z10 8. 7th St 'I'hone Douglas 7194. FRONT parlor, suitable for three, on Farnam, near JMh. Douglas 7727. r- FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, sleo Bleeping rooms. 824 North 16th St. Phone D. 1444. r- 14fiS South 10th street; nicely furnished rooms, modern. I'hone Douglas 6240. r- TWO. all-modern, sleeping rooms: walk ing distance; one block from car line. 1014 South 28th street. 1911 DOUGLAS Newly furnished, strictly modern rooms; no sign In window; w&klng distance. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern, walking distance, with private family. 2M2 St. Mary s Ave. Red 2977. NICELY furnished front room, with bed room; very pleasant. 220 N. 19th St. NICELY FURNISHED rooms; all modern house; walking distance.: Douglaa 6006. Hotels aad Apartmeati. Ocden Ilotfl Council Bluffs. Rooms, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for ger. tJemsa. THE CHATHAM. 110 & 11th St DODGE HOTEL, Mth and Dodge; all cool euulde rooms; special week rats. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkl'y rate. Famished Iloaaea. FOUR-ROOM modern Apartment: fur nished. Webster 4468. EIGHT-room, modern, elegently fur nished house at 24tt Burt, for summer months. Cheap to desirable tennant. NICELY furnished -room apartment, rent very reasonable fof summer. Room 8, Davldge Hlk., 18th and Farnam Sts. FOR RENT FURNISHED. $.16.00 On Manderson St., near J6th, -room mod.; for long time. $r.00-On 28th St.. near Pacific, 8-r. mod. $76.00 West Farnam diet., on Harney, nesr 86th, 9 rooms, modern. For i months. D. V. SHOLB8, City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49. ELEGANTLY furnished 8-room ariart- ment In the Strehlow for rent during July and August; reasonable. Apply D. B. Ams den, Brandels millinery department. FURNISHED house for rent. Julv and August. Tel. Web. 189. EIGHT-ROOM house, 1915 Spencer. Apartments and Flats. SUPERB nothing Ilka It 4 or 8 room flat, all modern. UO N. (3d St. TO LET. July 1. for one year or more. A fine corner apartment of 8 rooms at 30th Ave and Pacific. Bargain. $40. Wright A Lasbury, 606 So. 16th St. Phone Doug. 162. 63U 8. 26th Ave., attractive 6-room flat. second floor of practically new brick, strictly modern. In best condition, $35.00. Phone Harney $186 . CLOSE IN APARTMENTS In - THE STERLING, ' (Cor. 19th and St. Mary's Ave.) Apartment No. T, 4 rooms, $35. 00. Apartment No. 23, 8 rooms, $32:CO. Apartment No. 85, 6 rooms, $46.00. These apartments are strictly modern and up-to-date, with gaa range, shades. curtain rods, hot and cold water and Jani tor services rurnisnea. DAVX-E? JL HI 1T1PO ""Cl Sole Agents, 6th Floor Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR RENT Six-room modern flat. StO: 419 N. ISth St. FOR RENT Five-room apartment In Tb Uintah. Apply 418 Omaha National Bank Bldg., or call Douglaa Ues. FLATS FOR RENT. 22d and Vinton Sts., 6-room mod. bricks. first and second floors, $21 and $23 each. THE CENTRAL 625 S. 18th St., brand new $ and 4-room apartments; everything complete and up-to-date; 127.60 for three rooms In summer and $32.60 with heat; $37.50 for four rooms In summer and $42.63 with heat. D. V. 61IOLE9 CO., City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49. SIX-ROOM sDartment In the Barnard. APPly 418 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1SS6. THREE and six-room flats. Mertts Block, 16th and Webster. 6-ROOM apartments, completely modern. Bcargo Bldg.. Ho. Omaha; above 620 N. SUh. 6 rooms, lOT f arnam, mpaern; suitaoie location for offices, studios, dental or dressmaking rooms, eta, for tenants wish. Ing homes adjoining. 'lUUft jr. 1 AljlA as nauia O. J 406. A-4408. THE STANDARD $23 SUMMER BARGAIN. Six big. cool rooms, thick walls, extra ventilation, hot water, gaa range, shades, private hall, fine finish, steam lisat, Jani tor. Very desirable. PAYNE SLATER CO., Sole Agents, 6th Floor Om. Nat,. Bk. Bldg. NEW modern 6-room apartment: walk ing distance on car line; 402 North Twenty fourth street. ELEGANT t-room Apartment for rent Phono Webster 4328. FINE 4-ROOM APARTMENT IN THE CALIFORNIA. SEE JANITOR. D. 5237. ELEGANT UDDer St. Louis flat, colonial style, opposite park. 8317 Curalng St.. $33. BT July 1. 6-room ground floor apart ment In the Alma, with first-class apart ment accommodations, v-x-w. narncy APARTMENTS. 110 S r., 2921 Douglas St 120 s-r., li us iiun en, 30 6-r., 2808 Dewey Ave. $7.60 8-r.' Lafayette, 17th Ave. and Jackaon St , $60 l-r. Lalayette, inn avo. ana jaca son St . utunuic at wo., th Floor, City National Bank Bldg. ALSATIAN 119 8. 35th St., Just one left; 5 rooms and bath: heat and Janitor service furnished, first floor; south apartment $50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1536. 210 S. 17th St. FIVE-ROOM apartment In Brlnvllllar. $37.60. Oakrldge Inv. Co. Douglas tlbl. N KW. 6-room. finely arranged apart ment, atrlctly modern, steam heat. Cornish apartments, southwest corner 10th and VN 11- h.m Ufa W. Farnam Smith Co 1320 Farnam St. CLOSE IN APARTMENTS. Seven rooms and bath, heat furnished; located In heart of city; $55 per month to desirable tenant PETtKS TKL PT JO.. Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' STRICTLY modern 8 or 6-room apart- ment, oesiues iia.ii uu vu. w.,., decorated and large rooms; In Davldge block, lath and Farnam; low rent for tne THE Manuel and Howard two-room apartments. $20 to $35; eight-room flat toil. H. Gross, list and Howard Sis. VERY modern five-room apartment on Wit Farnam St.. beau It run y located. JOHN W. ROUUINS. Wd FARNAM BT. TEN-ROOM flat reasonable; a money maker; retiring from business. 1814 Dodge. Call afternoons. OFFERED FOR RENT Arartmeats aad rials -Caatlaaed. $r N, 17th St., close In. new. -r.; $.rro. J. W. RASP CO., 689 BRAN DEIS BLDG. ' 1 FOR RENT-FLATS, -room stenm heated flat, strictly mod ern, 91 8. 13th St. J0. -room Tat, IM2 S Mth St. $10. FELL P1NKF.RTON CO.. 2i3 Board of Trade Bldg. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, steam heat and every modern convenience. Cor nish apartments, southwest corner 10th and Wtlllam Ht. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. Faralahetf HoasekeeylaaT Kstai. $ FURNISHED rooms, with private fam ily. In modern home; good location; walk ing distanca. 603 S. JStU St. NICELY furnished light rot ins. 1719 Cuming street. housekeeping FOUR completely furnished roms for housekeeping to couple without children; refeiences lequired. KM N. 40th St. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms, good neighborhood: gns and bath; all modern. 2707 Dodge. II. 6686. Room for light housekeeping; also slngls room. 2213 Douglas. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 617 So. 18th. ROOMS, single or en suite. Shady lawn; housekeeping allowed. Phone iuul. 2224 Chicago St. CHANCE for couple; pretty home; cheap rent; lawn; shade awning; privilege of buy ing furniture on payments or will rent va cant. H18 So. 40th St., Leavenworth car line. TWO modern, furnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance; $16. $06 South 23th Ave. Douglas 7216. $20. COOL and clean large well furnished front room and alcove on bathroom floor; nice bath, hot and Ice water; both tele phones; walking distance; Leavenworth car one and one-half blocks. 256$ St. Mary's Ave. Uf aralahed Rooms. LARGE, cool, unfurnished rooms, slngls or ensulte. Good location and all modern conveniences. 2701 Dodge. THREE unfurnished rooms, bath, store room, outside porch, modern except heat. 2617 N. 18th St THREE rooms, modern except heat 2326 South 12th St. ' 8 ROOMS, good location; reasonable; no ohlldren. 4229 Harney. 'Phone H. 4265. TWO rooms partly moder.1. 2218 Charles. TWO modern unfurnished rooms cheap. 1570 Spalding St- Web. 8667. LAKE MANAWA Is the coolest plsce to be found. If J. G. Minor, 2427 Charles St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will rive him a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa, T llaosc) and Cottages. FLATS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ON THE FOL LOWING: 2508 Sherman Ave., 5-R. strictly mod., $27.50. ' 1723 S. 29th St., 6-R. strictly mod., choice location, $35. 812 William St.. 4-R. strictly mod.; close to B. & M. depot, $.12.60. 612 S. 19th St., b-il. ttrlctly mod., and Very close In, $.15. 2504 St. Mary's Ave. a 7-R. strictly mod ern and up-to-date "St. Louis" flat. In a choice residence district. $40. 308 No. 22d St., 10-R., close In. A bargain st $40. $fH Dewey Ave., T-R. strictly mod. brick building, within walking distance, hot water heat, $41. 608 N. 21st, 9-R., close In. $50. Sole Agents, 6th Floor Om. Nat. Bk Bldg. I HOUSE8. 2956 Harney St., rooms, modern, $45. 611 8. SOth Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $32 1113 S. 28th St., 7 rooms, modern. $28.60. 1133 N. 17th St., 6 rooms, city water. $18. 1511 S. 28th St., 7 rooms, modern, $25. N. E, Cor. 2fith and Douglas, 8 rooms, olty water. $18. 1629 N. 22d St-, 4 rooms, city water, $14. 2323 8. lfith. 5 rooms, city water, $1250. 1047 S. 80th St.. 8 rooms, city water, $10.60. 2314 Hickory St., 8 rooms, well. $9. 2214 D St., 8. O., t rooms, city water, $9. 301$ Ames Ave.. S rooms, city water, $6. GARVIN BROS.. 854 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. I HOUSES FOR RENT. 4-r. cottage, 14th and Ohio, newly papered and painted, $10. 616 N. 17th St., 5-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat, $25. 1619 Elm St., 5-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat, $20. 1317 8. 32d St.. 8-r., all mod. house, only $28. 2G32 Dewey, 8-r., all mod., close In, $37.60. 6-r. flat. mod. ex. heat. 1W2 N. 24th. 120. 4-r. flat, mod. ex. heat, 2815 Dewey Ave., 113.60. S-r. flat, mod. ex. heat, 1828 Dwey, $7. S-r. flat, mod. ex. hear, 70S 8. 16th, $15. 709 8. 27th St., 3-r. flats, only $7. N. P. DODGE & CO., 16th and Harney. 1 2412 Capitol, 9-room and hall, hot water heat, for close-in home or roomers. $70. 622 No. 26, corner California, -room. hot water heat, one Dioca west oi creignton, 8)16.00. 702 North Fortieth, 8-room, near new Cathedral, 836. 4328 Charles, 8-room, all modem, $20. S. W. Twenty fourth and California, $ room new apartment, third floor, new; heat and water paid, $36. only $30 till October 1. 604 North Twenty-eighth Ave., 4-room, $8. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat'l.. Douglas or A-21&3. 2238 Charles, 6 rooms, 816. 2.J.J5 Carifornla, 10 rooms, $40. 1127 South Slst St., 10 rooms, $50. Two 4-room apartments, close In. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. 631 S. 22d St., 10-r. all mod., $40. 100S Paclflo, 4-r., part mod., $13. 26M Evans St., "7-r., all mod.. $30. 4233 Harney. 6-r.. all mod., $26. BIRkETT A. TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754; A-1754. ' WEST FARNAM SPECIAL x.317 Dodge St.. an 8-room. strictly mod' ern brick dwelling, In a select residence district, t . wyw ' or iTTj-n rn minx OB C Sole A genu. $th Floor Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. . 1 rooms. 1504 So. 26th St $7.60 $ rooms, Sl4 So. 18th St $8 00 7 rooms. 8620 N. 2th St $iaoo 10 rooms, modern, 4211 N. 24th 8t $20 00 7 rooms, modern, 1300 So. 28th St $27.60 $ rooms, modern, 2813 Poppleton $27. 60 10 rooms, modern, 2412 Cass $40.00 6 rooms, $16 So. 36th St $16.00 W. B. ME1KLE, VX luunge Bldg. 616 So. 27th St, $-r. mod. flat, $30. (11 So. 27th St., 8-r. mod. flat. H0 BEMIS-CARLBERO CO., $10-312 Brandels Theater. 7-ROOM modern, hot water heat 8214 Cal ifornia. Harney 4001. 8-ROOM modern house. 80th and Corby: Inquire H. Rachman. Webster 167a. Houses In all parts of ths city. Crelgh Sons at Co., Bes Bldg. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern, st 113 & 44th St., on W. Farnair-Dundee line. Tel. Harney 8801 or Douglas 444. DOUBLE house, 1313-1316 South $2d 8t; six rooms on each side. $30 each. Tele phone Douglas eotO. . 8609 MAPLE St., five rooms, modem ex cept fumeee. $28 $0. Hall Distributor Ce A-44WS, D. 740. MODERN T-room house oppoelte Han scum park, $40. Phone Harney lixA. Om. Van 4k Storage C: packs, household goods. Fireproof storage) (64 9. 14th. Branch. Sue S. llih. Tsi. D. 4U. A-UU, got South ttth, $46 a month; all modern. $ rooms. Telephone Douglaa 4040. FOR RENT Six-room house, modern ex cept heat, 316.00 per month. $618 Buiney St 'Phone Webstar 1708. UNEQUALLED, central, t-room bouse, tau N. 1U1. Houses. Ins. Rlngwalt Brandels Th. Bldg. ELEGANT new 6-room modern apart ment, Bemls park, Harney $176. 8321 Cum ing. DUNDEE e-room house; modern, liar ney eu9L OFFERED FOR RENT Iloaces and Cat! a ares Coat laved. FOR RENT. $40 Finely flnlnhed 7-room modern house (four bedrooms) Hanscom park. Itft Ml s. ' rid St.. 10 rooms, modern, in good condition. 140414 N. list St., i-room modern house; electrlo light tnew fixtures); will paper to stilt. $.'& 204 N. 2Sth Ave.; $ rooms, modern, now bring put In fine condition. California M.. new 6-room modern cottage. $.Toii6 N. Soth, new 6-room modern house. $.10 Northeast corner 29th and Shirley, new C room modern house. $27.SOl&S8 S. 2Xth Ave., 6 rooms, modern, (new). $27.602723 Jackson St.. 8-room modern houee; new plumbing, new furnace; fine condition. t:J-"-812 .N. 83d.. rooms, modern; hot wster heat. We have rented all but this house on this corner to desirable tenants. $2ft 3015 Dewey, 6 rooms, modern; owner pays water. I.'J 2624 Charles; urana new e-room. an modern cottage; fine. $22.AO 1517 Ohio St., neat s-room modern cottage. $182439 Emmet, 7-room nouse: gas, city woter, toilet; good condition; large yard. $16.50-2721 Charles, s rooms, modern ex cept heat; good condition. $16 007 Cedar St., 6-room prica coiiage, with bath and toilet. $141U Paclflo St., 6-room cottage; gas for cooking; city water. $252220 N. lth St., S-room moaern uric flat. In good condition. $14 Six rooms In brick liat, wun win toilet. 231S N. Jl"t. , PETERS TRUfT eo.. Omaha National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT. 1945 S. 28th St.. 8 rooms, mod. except heat. I"60. ' . . . ... SOOH Seward.. 4 rooms. Darn, i. 2124 N. Mth. 4 rooms, part mod., $12 60. 2643 Capitol Ave., 6 rooms. Close In, $17.50. 8un Seward. 6 rooms, $12. 2025 Spruce, 6 rooms, mod. except heat. lis. 647 8. 26th Ave.. 7 rooms, mod. except heat. $20. . v . 1R21 Howard, 7 rooms, mod. sxcept heat. i ... . . .... 2i09 Bristol. 8 rooms, moa. except. . 911-15 8. 11th. $60. S522 Cass, 7 rooms, large yard, $18. tt2 Wirt. 8 rooms, all modern, will be vacant June 26, $40. ttill Pierce, 8 rooms, an moaern, THE BYRON REED CO., Phones Doug. 297, A-8834. 81$ 8. 17th Bt HOUSES TO LET. 410 N. 22d Bt. modern and very desirable. W6 . . .-v 1302 8. Slst St., 10 rooms, moocm, earn, 1S06 8. 80th Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $30. 1808 Grace St., 10 rooms, $27.60. 2002 N. 18th St.. 5 rooms, $17.50. 2008 and 2010 N. 18th St, 10 rooms, mod ern, $25. 2924 Hamilton St., 6 rooms, partly mod ern. $10. 3042 Cass St., 8 rooms, 836. 1038 8. 22d St., $ rooms. $18. Id and Spring Sts.. 4 rooms, $10, 916 N. 16th St.. 8 rooms. 311. W. FARNAM SMITH 4V CO., 1820 Farnam. t FOR RENT. $S.50-Three rooms, 1424H 8. Mth St. $16 Six-room modern brick 1654 8. 20th Bt $18 Seven-room house, 1820 Paul St $15 Five rooms. 2623 Lake St. ROBINSON At WOLF, 435 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas $418. 2706 FARNAM. $ rooms, modern, $50. 2218 Clsrk St.. $ rooms. $10. 1219 S. 16th Bt. rooms. $17.60. This flat for colored family. R1NGWALT BROS. i BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. FOR RENT. $7 00 8-room cottage, fine growing gar den, big lot, plenty of shade. $l0.00-66th and Pratt, 4 rooms, new, H acre. $14.00 56th snd Plnkney, S rooms, new, 1 acre. $20.00 2"?19 Decatur, $ rooms, all modern. $2.60 2769 Webster. 7 rooms, modern. ' APARTMENTS. $50.00-8 rooms, 114 N. 18th St.; strictly fine. , $40.00-4 rooms, 114 K. 18th St.; strictly fins. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 8. E. Cor. 15th and Farnam. Doug. 1781. A-1188. ViVtl I V- U . J . A ' . ...... - 7-room, modern, 123 N. 40th St, nice ' lawn, shade and shrubbery, well lo- cated .$30.00 7-room, modern, 641 S. 87th St., within easy walking distance. $27.60 JOHN W. ROBB1N8, 1802 FARNAM ST. 8114 Tsylor Bt, new 6-r. mod., $19.00. 1470 8. Mth St., fins 4-r. mod. flat $18.00. J. W. RASP CO., 689 BRANDEIS BLDG. HOUSE8. $28.60 6-r. modern sxcept heat, 4201 Cuming St. $26 -7-r. modern, 2810 Grant Bt. $80 6-r. modern, 820 North 87d St las 8-r., all modern, 4824 Webster Bt GEORGE ft CO., 8th Floor, City National Bank Bldg. THE BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. Elegant new bungalow, consisting of large living room, with fireplace, good sited dining room, two fine bedrooms; nice large convenient kitchen, with com plete pantry and entry; splendid bath room; hot water heat; big basement; big lot, 60x130. Must be seen to be appre ciated. For further particulars call SCOTT & HILL, Douglas (816. 807 McCague Bldg. B. W. 28th and California, 8-r. and hall, hot water heat, large corner lot on Harney line, 1 block to Creighton college, $t. 702 N. 40th, opp. Cathedral, Farnam line, 8-r., $36. a. W. 24th and California, new brick apartment 3d floor, summer $30, winter $35. 4328 Charles, 8-r., all modern, i block to car, $20. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. or A-2163. THE best trsat for wife and baby is a dish of Dalzell a Ice cream. If Mrs. F. H. Hauls, $419 Caldwell, will come to The Bee office within three days we wi.l give her an order for ft quart brick of this line Ice cream. 8017 Jackson St., 7-room cottage, bath, gas and new furnace, $2160, to rellaul permanent tenant Tel. Med 6264 or apply 607 N. 19th St ' NEW, all stucco, moder N. 8$tn Ave.-$C0. Red 8047, modern residence $1$ FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage; large lawn; 6710 Florence Boulevard. 8002 VINTON 6T. Eight rooms, modern: two lota and a quarter; good shade and fruit trees. $36.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1636. 210 8. 17th St SEVERAL modern houses In good lo. calitiea. Sevsral partly modern houses and houses not modern. Chris Boyer, 22d and CunUng Sts. 'Phones: Douglas 8049, B 2049. A NEW modern 6-room cottage, within walking distance, south aide. Key at 660 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. -4 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. convenient to businnrs center; water rent paid; !.0O. I. N. Hammond, $33 Board of Trade. FOR RENT F'our-room moflern apart ment, 607 rVn. 2sth St, or phone E. J. Brown, Harney 4141. i- HODCKN Itirnisned elgnt-Tooui house; Bemls park. Phone liar. 2i0. FOR RENT 4 large barn, thoroughly modern,', may be used tui garatfe. $14 Park Ave. Phone Harney 947. FOR RENT Thoroughly modern, 8-room house, quarter-Sawed oak flooring; hot water neat; eiectno light N. tn Bt Call Douglas 4037. I- EIGHT large, fine rooms, 8431 Dewey Ave. All modern, combination fixtures, In first-class condition; walking distance; Only 837.60. N. P. DODGE dt CO.. 15th and Harney. ' FOR RENT Fine, newly papered apart ment. rooms and bath at K&otft Bo. hith bt. lift. Webster tw. NICE six large room house; first-clara condition; Close In. 833 B. 81st Bt. H. I7u6. DUNDEE, new, all modern house, 461$ . . ' L . . 1. . I I V. ..... k. M . . v. cu.irr di. i ut, tuuiu iniui, near car, fos. I ci. jiaruay FOR JtENT 2813 Cuming, (-room new modarn except neai; ior coiorea people. tall Douglas 4.- HOUBE 608 N. 23d. N. Jackson. Douglas UdO. C. Leary, Ut HOUSEHOLD OOODB sacked, forwardadl cnaa rraigBi raias; buoy its aaa atortsev ICxpreasinau'S Dallvry Ce Tel. Doug. IsA tVtty Ilium. lis . 12 LS kt. Pe mam, OFFERED FOR RENT Mosses aad Coltasjei oatlnaed. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING: r?3 S. 1sth, 6-r. all mod. x. heat, $17. Franklin. 6-r., all mod. except heat. A bargain St $22. 2210 Ohio. -r., all mrd. except heat; $2.'.i0. 8017 Jackaon. 7-r., all mod , convenient to car line. A bargain at 82 60. 2fl04 Decatur, 7-r., all mod. ex. heat, $21. 1M S. 27th, 7-r., all mod., choice location; $21 60. 12.' Jackson, S-r., strictly mrd., within walking distance; $27.60. S116 N. 24th, 8-r., all mod. ex. heat, $27.60. 1618 Yate. 7-r., strictly mod., tM. 1618 N. th. 8-r., strictly mod., newly decorated: $31 Mil spruce, T-r., rtrlctly mod., Sk 243 park Ave., an 8-r. strlotly mid. de tachrd bonne, newly decorated throughout. In flret-olass condition; $35. 11$ 8. SMh Ave., 6-r., all mod., West Far nam district; $35. 4V4 Seward, 8-r., strictly mod., $37.50. 823 B. S7th, a brand new. strictly mod. 8-r. house, In a select residence district; $40. 8S Farnam, 8-r., all mod., ohotce loca tion; $40. 1301 s. 85th Ave., an 8-r. strictly mod. de tached house. In Field Club district; $45. We have others. See our list before you move. PAYNE it PLATER CO, Sole Agents, 614 Cms ha Nat. Bank Bldg. $25 EIGHT rooms, stlrctly modern, hot water heat, large rooms and clonets; large kitchen cabinet; large front and back porch; cistern; newly papered; 1613 Vinton. SEVEN-ROOM modern house. 809 Park Ave. Beautiful lawn. J. I. Kemp, 351) Leavenworth St Key at office. Both phones Bensbn Transfer Moves Furniture. D. 1606. tare and Offices. STORES. 824 South IRth St., fine store room and basement, modern front; will lesse on favorable terms. (18 South 16th St., will be remodeled with a new front; has good basement; rental $100 per month. (17 South 16tli St., good store room and basement. $55 per month. 1216 Farnam St, 22x110 feet 8 stores, $185 per month. 3719 Leavenworth St.. good store room, $22.60 per month. GEORGE A CO., 9th Floor, City National Bank Bldg. TWO offices, id floor Crelghtos block! slo store St U4 N. 1.1th St Alfred Thomas. Agent 8M First Nat'l Bank Bldst ' LARGE garage, capacity for two autos, barn for horse and buggy chean. Douglaa 4439. h STORE BOOM AND WAREHOUSE, 1414 Harney St. Four Stores and basement 83x128 ft Will subdivide; electric elevator, ateam heat modern show windows and steel cell ing; rentsl $360 for entire building. See us ror rate on single floors. I GEORGE ft CO., 9th Floor. City National Bank Bldg. BRICK store building. No. 1214 Harnse street, three stories and basement Charles L. Saunders, in South 18th street Pbous Douglas 179. FOR best siooei s and meat martrfe la tiiy, with fixtures; a snap. 820 N. 8W DESIRABLE offices In the Continental Block; either In suite or single. Alfred Kennedy, 2o9 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. OFFICES AND ROOMS FOR SAMPLE LINESt Very desirable SDace In the Webster- Sunderland Bldg., ltth and Howard Sts.; rental $16 per month up. Rooms as large as 88x66 feet GEOROIB A m.. th Floor, City National Bank Bldg. -1 TWO ' new storerooms and anartmenta above, 20th and Lake; first-class location for drug store. Apply 2008 Lake St. I " WAREHOUSES. Space 66x182 feet with lnsfde trackage. ltth and Jones Sts.; rental $1,260 per year. r ive noors ana basement .1208 Howard R. 19114 . -un.i mo IrtA ...... will subdivide If desired. two warehouses, 8 and 4 stories, near 16th and Harney Sts.; rental on applica tion. GEORGE ft CO., 9th Floor, City National Bank Bldg. 1406-08 Howard, restaurant location ' JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. OFFERED FOR SALE Fwniltar. FOR BALE At a bargain, m.hftnn. office furniture, nearly new: sufficient for two rooms; also rugs and Oliver type writer and stand. Address Bos (97. Omaha. HOUSEHOLD goods 4k Fur. $620 Cuming. FOR BALE CHEAP Sideboard rtlnlnu table and four chairs: artod nnndHinn $408 Chicago St BED. oak bookcase. Pigeonhole bookcase. Commode, chairs, kitchen cabinet liltchan furnishings. 8008 Farnam. Harney 4077. FOR SALE Furniture and an S.rnnm flat. Full of roomers. Furniture strictly new and first class. Leaving city. Must sell at once. 2220 Douglas. DARK oak. 185 sideboard, good aa new. $25; good 'leather couch. Mrs. C. Brandels, 2102 Leavenworth. 'Pione Douglas It. kol.1, top quarter-sawed oak desk. Call 807 Brandels Bldg. ' t FTKPl larva ra V 4 .-.. ,t..i i - . u, .viuitig I'cu, 1 1 on raiise; all In fine condition. 4220 Farnam St. Tel. ... ... f. Ml.. . 1 nll .... , ntr. nvi, MAM On INV Hlnlnir rnnm ... with other household furniture. Apt 6! Tho Winona, 'Phone Harney 6378. FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room flat, with or without piano: very reasonable: can rent flat. Inquire 1510 N. 80th. Mesleal Instrasseats. MAHOGANY WI-rTier Miiat a.ll ft onoe, $100 cash. & 621, Bee. HIGHEST grade "Steck" upright ma hogany piano, almost new, 4220 Farnam 8t. Tel. Mar. 8507. CORNET for sale cheap, or trade; brand new Conn B flat oomet, sliver and sold plated; also B flat BOSTON MUSICAL c-oknet. including attachments. 674 Brandsls Building. A ORAFHOPHONE, a shady lot And music flowing free. Heat then Is only half as hot Just try It once and see. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. 1311-18 Farnam St Typewriters. ' CIRANCE SALE ' TYPEWBITERS Ws have a large stock of all the standard makes In slightly used snd rebuilt ma chines that we want to 'turn Into caea. Prices 14 to tt mfgr's. We sell on payments er rent and let I months' rent apply. Ceil or write for large bargain list U. F. B WAN BON CO., INO, 1114 Farnatn St. Omaha. BtiU'OND-H AND tvn.wrll.r. mnIA -.- paired. Central Typewriter Ex'chanse. lUrr Farnam. BUT ukC Smith ft Brea typewrite'. It F. Swansea) Co.. Distributers, lut Far aaa It TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKRS Rnld rented and repaired. Typewriter Inspection Co.. Inc.. 684 Brandels Bldg. 'Phona. Ind a -i; xjougias sail. KJbNT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas t19. FOR SALE Latest model Oliver tvnt. writer; iihki aa new, at a great bargain r-noiie iwuiiu auw, or write nit Farnam bl eecona iioor.- r UNDERWOOD latest model: ursciiaallv new; inasv viivr. w, ova. Stlaaellaaaaaa. New and secondhand safes. 1818 Farnam. CARRIAGES and harness, slnrla and double. Dr. Vance. 81$ Brandels Theater. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, fur sale at $1000. Apply George R, Wright Bee Publishing Co. FOR SALE Two fine residence lots In West Farnam district Inquire Red 6100. I-HAND tools snd rubber hose. 414 N. Utb. OFFERED FOR SALE sllscellaneoaa. (oa tinned. P A F"Kn Over-trcrted with second. hanA. safes, all slses and makeai bargalna. AmetJ lean uppiy .o. inv r arnam M. 98c AWI.H1TE SAFETY RA70rr ! 1 blades, sells at $3. Ales lle 1 Grand Pharinaoy, 10th Howard, t J CHMOLLER A- MUELLER gold ' $78 S bond. 178 Dorcas. Douglas 41M. TWO WAGONS, lister, grinding etona mowing machine, 1 stove. $ sets of har ness. Web. 6742. ORRIEN CHOCOLATES ars famoiia everywhere becauee they are the best If it. .:arey, im Moutn i wrnty-third St.. will come to Th Bee office within thnee dava we will give him an order foe a eo-nanr box frre. BAR FIXTURES, rhean. 24-font m.. nognany oar, wun mirrors. Address George W. Stover. Eatnn Hotel. Wichita, Kan. SOME fine banking office fixtures fnJ nam i-iirni. Anarimi IjOCM. XIOX 11 I&. Unl coin, .-eDrasKa. TWO fine eight-foot floor rases, plate gl iu'b. xsarsajn. oua .-n. loin. FOR SAT. R French nlata mlrr.. h.... 633 K. 22d St. for mt.m.i!i.liii.v..j Tk.i.i, . naee. In good condition; 24-Inch fire pot) -it-iiuiu iicaier, sumcieni ior eignt rooms! Ish to sell account enlarging my house. L. Meyer, 210 8. 36th St. -1 OPTICIAN8 TRIAL CACTI fne .U cheap or trade; complete equipment. Room 1 1 . 1 , 1 . OAK roll-top desk. 4 ft: fine condition. 4220 Farnam St. Tel. Har. 8507. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. 308-t Brandels Theater Bide j Katheryn Nikolas. 684-8 Brandels Theaterj PATENTS D. O. BARNELU Paxton Blk. Tot Red 5 WILLARD EDDY. U. B. Pat Office off! clal solicitor. 1630 city Nat. Bank. Tyler laiaj HIRAM A. 8TURGES, reg. attorney. Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug-las 8409. 3 PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY i Nervous debility, stomach trouble. Dr.: Margaret Halloran. 8Z2-8 Neville Blk. D.77U1J DR. BURKE, diseases of women. Omaha.' Sll AAUJOntrt"len"' expert operator. JAMES CO Hit ELECTRIC COM PANE aioveu to an av. iwn bt Douglas alia, YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Touna Wnm.n'a Ch.lU. v..l..lH . . I I Seventeenth street and Ht Mary's Ave.i where they will be directed to suitable boarding places ' er otherwise sselsted. Look fur vuc traveler's aid at the Uaioa btation. KATITSi 6alt Kow nd massage, Mme. -LAAO Allen of Chicago, lu 8. 17th oi., iv iioor iron i, room i. iougias 7666.' HINtinr. Tini.fTl in K...ia w . " .. . wutiu. awana i tUcDStbcn. Wa BEIX DHUO CO. ! I J N I T h T VV-at rifan nktie-MK eA.awa - - u vuui -s eoi viW AV.JV a. m.. 8 p. m. 19th and Lothrop. Good Samaritan M Ave., Council Bluffs, . Iowa. MRS. SNYDEB Bwaril.k n....... radiator and . IKr... 1. . .' . I " TV. . a.v. juuauuoii,, J lift Dunsany. Flat 8. 10th and Pierce. Doug. 4380, AnRI.I(1HT hala fiuul k.i. --- nivwa uwr sea Mme. Frayer, Meseath Btat'y Co Uth and. Farnam. THn HAt.VlTinM i uuv u. ... - -- . - v. . wa.u. bhii. clothing, in faot anything you do net f,'.. ! coUct. repair and sell at 184 N. Uth fit. tor coat of collection, to the war thy poor. Call 'phone Douglas tut aai wagons will call. MASSAGE TREATMENT. Mrs. Stesle, 107 8. 17th,8d floor, room 6. WM KENT ..J ..i ii . machines. .Ind. A-1663, Douglaa 1668, t -- -...h iouwc an. hiiiui or hwim . KifUlDJUV KJ X 1-1-111 - ' 16th and Harney 8m. BEBT nerve hraear fne man ti -- Narva rand Villm tl ts. Ar'" man ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Ua&aocA ILTw. t3l... aa. -. .uiiuiuuuaL sue uia ii os ton btoraBldg. MARMAniC H.l.k . ' aiv.qiiiviu; notmng batter fur rh.umui .in T .. . " . men, $1.60. Apt 1. Uua Farnam.Vrs.. $ I u X MAGNETIC ir:meBi' Brott, mi Prof Harrltt PhnVuaTJaloat doctor HTBirTt.V n.l..... ., ' 1 M T m i t. """"""mc"' nome. .r . : - " "M m wuere moiners 5.a.le 10 car tor tham- " Uaven- . . 88-DAT BLOOD REMEDY Oladdlsh Pharmaojr. Uth and Dedge. e.SAiRTY -wana flrst-olaes eecond-hand P Si n" bdrooro- Address Bas, ouruivruuuuB nair. warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation frea and ir.nfM..n.i. fill ttivD m .. . . guaranteed. Miss Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. YOUR anwina- mnhln. If repaired br i warranted. Tel. Web. 668. 2302 N. 2ist st r WANTlCn-Infnrrn.tln- - - . .... . . - - - - m V- "'a ex. w wiirnntuuuil Sf J'iUi!.e,.ot ,:flonJ H. Thomas, who died at Malta, Mont, January, mi. Was i.l r!1..V?y r"8-" resident of Montana and la AA.i(l to n&v riaH tiarruhKAi.aM l - - - y -- uiwLiirig in ur lira r pes Moines, la. Address B. O. Lee, Malta, a,1?1, f,1 tor wlfe n1 b-by i ...a., o. vaucu ice cream, ir airs. E. Ii Johnson. 1K17 N. $7th St., will come to Th. Bee office within three days we will givt ;ir an oruer ior a quart brick at this finul ice cream. POULTRY AND PET STOCK a Norm a rATfl Thoroughbred An aitirns ior saie cneap, ir taken at once. Phone Harney 1348. 1318 8. Slat St. SAVE TIIE ailCKS ""'!n' of white diarrhoea. NOW Is the time to ave them; glwe them BOB WHITE'.S nun- imrrnoei remedy and avoid losses. Send 60c todsy for a large box Doetnald. Hob White Co., 4704 Ames Ave. Phone n ru.inr ano.- FOR SALE One male bull terrlor pup, three months old, $14 Two female bull tenior'pups, three months old, $8. Harney 6745 or call at house. 1005 N. 29th St 1128 CLARK-Splts pups for sale. Web. 687$. -I TAKE me out to tha hall ama. If J Bell Is. 1811 N. 85th St.. will nnma in The Bee office within three days ws will givo him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke para. PRINTING UES HALL Pttt Co., 108 B. 14th. Ind. A-JL24. PHONE IND. A -8620 for good printing. Lyngsuwl Printing Cos. Uth aad Capitol Ave, Tiint W VoLni P..'nn. TelsDhona ii.imuci.tuuici Dousla. 1018J BEE BLDQ. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WANTED TO BUY BEBT price paid for 8d hand furnft irej earpets. ciotuing ana shoes. lL V. sWl. BELNER pays good prices for furniture, carpets, clothes aud shoes, D. UOL A BICYCLE. J 626. Bse. QO OUT to Rourke perk and root for Omaha. If J. E. Boyne, 11$ N. $5th St. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the base ball game. $ to 7-PAHSENOER car for cash; must be a bargain and In first-class condition. A 434, Bee. WANTED One Ideal Cement Block Machine with pallets: must be ln good shape. Write P. O. Box 111. 'Lexington, Neb. eY" I M I I I ' i M I