Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Wit, kimer, flrtlea aad naU
plrtaree tke brat ef entertala.
rit, tastrartleas, tmiirarit,
PAGES 11 TO 20
WlTlNTlTTrT Refrigerators Candy Specials IT71TljKu(i,,l,(Jl Brownie Kodaks Ribbon Specials jf5)TPTTi y"nj"CT
i V If ll if ill II Century Refrigerators mart. of B nnffeta Chocolates tlia i k I J V I j I f all A "astmaa rocns Kodak and e-tnob. all HUk Taf feea I j fll If J W
1 WW 71 M I M ll lit 11 selected ssh box hoi.U SS pounds of kind with the soft, creamy renter. 1 I VI I M If Si which li easy to Iob.1 and operate mil In all color, and a flew Una of inch I I l U I lJ I II
1 LidJL I J. 1 Jjf, l odorless, enameled llninit: liberal regularlv Rno lb. Saturday SOo. 20c I lils4XJ 1 I fiA, is aUa m J to run No. t for txS nibbon.. worth Sio and 5o the yard, 1 liMXIA 1 leant I M sjUs l
I 11 - ... . . . . f r""'1 chamber, and rounded corner. box fresh Baited reaanta at 10c Dixie I 1(1 ... . . . f plrture., a.O0 No. 1-A. for Hx4V Saturday. 18. 1! and i I 1 r.i.! . Cu.rUl.J. II
U' Emitting for EmjbodjL BESS2& "S?S Th STSS rSa Sss:1""- EurjthisE fa ETOjicdiL frAS' K- ' "" "- Kit.'Sja SiBf " t"-"-1 EYBrythlng lor Eireryliod)
You WiM Forget the Discomforts of Summer if You Shop in This Big Cool Store
nil)) , . 2
Pure White Sum
mer Hats on Sale
Saturday only we will offer a large
variety of women's trimmed bats,
made of the highly fashionable white
chip and Milan straws and trimmed
in the Tery latest summer fancies
large French bows, imported flowers,
etc. hats that are worth from $10.00
V 116.00 each, at, your choice.
And Some $6 and $7
Trimmed Hats, $3.98
These hats are made from fine hair
braids and pretty Mllans,. In styles that
are copied' from the very latest 1m-
Borne are plain tailored, some are
trimmed with flowers only and others
with combinations of handsome trim
ming materials. All are pure white,
summery hats and can be purchased
at no other place for less that $6.00 or
Our special Saturday price
Buys the Very Finest Men's $18.00 to $25.00 Suits
You will not be able to find their equal in a special sale,
or otherwise, at 515.00, or even more, this Saturday
There's a Reason! It isn't often that the lightning strikes twice in the same place
and ft isn't oftenUhat we are in as good a position to offer the men of Omaha and vicinity as great clothing values as they can get at this store for
$12.75 Saturday. The last installment of the big special purchase arrived Thursday 250 more of the finest suits we have ever known to be sold in
a regular way at $18.00 to $25.00.
Hand-tailored in every vital part, silk sewn seams, canvas shrunken, newest
down-to-the-minute two and three-piece styles they are values that compari
son will show cannot be duplicated at the price in this city.
That is quite a broad assertion to make but listen! We have been years and years building the reputation of our Men's Store and making
"Bennett Quality." We can't afford to lose this reputation, and consequently we insist that all our clothing must be of a certain standard, and better if it
can be made so. The above suits are valued on a basis of "Bennett Quality" the very best that can be procured to sell at the price. That is why our con
fidence in this great bargain.
Assortment consist of the finest all wool worsteds, cassimeres, fancy mixtures, etc., in the wanted shades of tan, brown, blue and grey, as well as
a splendid range of fancy stripes and mixtures. There is an ample size range for all. requirements and styles to fully satisfy the tastes of the ultra-fashion-able'young
man and the man inclined to conservative modes. -
Specials in separate trousers, auto coats and other men's wearables will add interest to this opportunity.
Boys' $6.00 to $7.00 Suits at $5.00
Newest Early Summer Styles for Boys 6 to 16 Years of Age
Only about 250 in this lot, made of strictly all wool materials in the
most popular shades of tan, brown, blue and grey. They are hand tailored
throughout and finely finished down to the smallest detail. The most of
them have two pairs of pants to match.
Another lot of Boys' High Grade Suits that were made to sell at $4.00
and $4.50, will be on sale Saturday at $3.45. Norfolk and double breasted
, styles the majority with an extra pair of pants for boys from 6 to 1G
years of age. Saturday, $3.45.
A great collection of tub-tested wash suits, in all
of the newest styles, priced according to ma
terial and quality, at $1.00 to $3.00 the suit.
800 Pairs of Knickerbocker Pants V?tZVt.otw& h toTtS
on special wale Saturday, at 48o and S9ov Boys' khaki rants, In all sizes. 6O0 the pair.
Rnvs' TlrkiiA Wlct A new lot of Puritan Blouse Waists In all of the choicest colors
1Juya ;UIOUSC Vfai3lS .tylea for Boys' wear. 80s iand 89o each. One Jot 'of i7o
fvt.tiui ini'uap waisis in wmie ana inn coinr, nave auacnea collars, Saturday, owe
. ' T 1 nova Rirtw Hit. fr.nh T-f t a Vhnlrl ITati an Whit. T.Ik.h Ual. dm nrloitrl
according to the material, at BAo. Mo, 91.00 and 91.00 each.
boys' Hats
Various Men's Furnishings at Less
Regular $2.00 and $2.50 Soft Shirts in Many New Styles, $1.39
Every one was purchased new this season and from makers, who
have attained the enviable reputation of the very best shirts at any price.
This special lot is of the very finest silk and linen mixtures some in fine
striped patterns and others in solid colors all with the popular French cuffs
attached. 'Choose from white, cream, grey, lavender, tan and blue. All
sizes. , . . "
Men's Light Weight Summer Night Shirts, with V necks pr collars
attached, cut extra long. Specially priced at 49c and $1.00 each.
Men's light weight, summer pajamas, in
solid colors or stripes, $1,00, $1.25 and
$1.50 the suit.
$1.50 Balbrlggan Union Suite at 91.00 the
Men's regular $1.00 porosknlt Union
Sulta at 590. . '
Men's 60c Porosknlt Shirts ' and Drawers
jat 38o the garment. !
J Ien's ROc Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers at
SSo 'the garment.
Men'a new Waah Tiesextra values at
lSe each or two for flSe.
Also Big Reductions on All Our
Straw Hats
All . the straws that are good and all the
styles that are favored may be had at these
reduced prices $2.50 straw hats at $1.50;
$3.00 straw hats at $2.00; $3.50 straw hats
at $2.50, and $4.00 straw hats at $3.00.
. All $0.00 genuine Panamas at $5.00,
and all $5.60 genuine Papamas at $4.50.
20 Per Cent Discount on All
Guaranteed Willow Plumes
We have always made it a point to
regularly price plumes of the same
quality lower than any other store in
Omaha and as an extra attraction for
Saturday's shoppers.
From 8 A. M. to
1 P. M. Only,
We will deduct 20 per cent from
the regular prices on all of our guar
anteed' willow plumes. Prices now
range from $5.98 to $40.00 and there
ire black, white and colors for your
choosing. Any of them will be held
a reasonable time for you on the pay
ment of a small deposit. Satisfaction
la guaranteed or your money gladly
$2.00 and $2.25
Waists at $1.00
One big lot of Women's White Lawn
Waists that have been selling at $2.00
and $2.25 each, broken Unas and sizes,
while they last, 91.00 each.
Nainsook Gowns at $1.00
Six new styles of women's Nainsooa
Gowns trimmed with dainty lace and em
broidery; low necks, short sleeves and
slipover effects; the best you have ever
seen priced In a regular way at 91.00
Children's Bonnets and
Summer Dresses
Saturday you can buy any Straw Itl
or loutt for children from one to four
years of age, at Just kail prloa.
White Iawn and Unen Dresses that
are slightly soiled Irom handling and
were made to fit children from two to
six years of age; regular $2.60 and $$.00
values at 91.00.
Toilet Goods
25c Rice Powder at ..ISO
15c Talcums, 10 kinds at So
Pond's and Ricluucker's 25o Talcum
at loo
Colgate's 26c Shaving Cream and Pow
der at 10
25c Bathaaweet Bath Powder at . ...lo
2&c Sanltol Tooth Paste at ISO
60c Pebeco Tooth Paste at 39o
60c Stillman's Freckle Cream at ....3S0
26c Qulnegg Shampoo at ISO
60c Kottle Hind's Honey and Almond
Cream at 3So
SOo Perfumes in Assorted Odors, the
ounce 30
1 lb. Faraflne. worth 20c. at ........ 13o
1 lb. Borax, worth 16o at ., lOo
25c Bottle Hire's Root Beer ISo
26o Bottle Imperial Root Beer lOo
1 TT
Ra . ry aW se Is. Stec, : ' . - Ma . ry sat ae Ma
Our Entire Stock of Popular Music 1
Offered for Saturday Only at . . , . JLUv
So many people were so surprised at this same wonderful offer
last Saturday that we have decided to repeat it again this week.
It mm Just exactly what it says nothing withheld or reserved;
the entire stock of popular music at 10c for your choice. Included
will be this new number:
"When the Band Plays at Night" 10c
You can rest assured that we will always have the new ones
as soon as they are oft the press and this new waits song will
especially appeal to the young folka as well as all ethers wkro ars
fond of waits music. Saturday 10c (
384 Standard Classics at 2 l-2c the Copy
Not room enough to mention all of them here, - V
but this list will give you an Ides of the sale: OllOiCG
The Palms Heather Rose t
Whisperings of Love Heather Bells I 1
Zampa Overture Polish Dance " .
Con Amort Martha "
Gen. Smith's March Flower Song (Wj S. .
Falling Watera Scarf Dance
Old Oaken Bucket Evenlnr Star. Eto.
A Dig Song Concert by Springer and Nesbit
Mr. George Springer, who haa so capably demonstrated In our
music store, will be assisted Saturday by Mr. Arthur J. Nesbit.
of the State University Glee- Club of Lincoln. As a vocatint and
pianist there are very few In the state the equal of Mr. Neablt.
Hear him.
Women's $25.00 Serge Suits
Now Priced at $10.00
And Some Other Good Saturday Bargains
This is a final clearance of all tailored serge suits
and since they come from our regular stock It will not
be necessary to tell more concerning the quality and
style. There are serges in tan. navy, black and white
With black hair line stripes. Regular $25.00 values, at
White Serge Coats at $12.00
.We.uhav? s-rouped into one lot all of our White Rerge
Coats that have been selling at $17.50, $20.00 and $25.00
and marked them for Saturday's selling at $12.00. Some
of them have large shawl collars of black satin. The
weight of the fabric is right for the summer evenings.
Linen Finished Auto Dusters at $2.95
Just one hundred of these useful garments in
full length, straight box back, double breasted
styles. The collars can be buttoned up close
around the neck or left in natural collar style, as
dealred. Suitable for all kinds of travallng . wear
aa well aa for auto use. Sisea range from $4 to
44 and they are worth much more than our special
price of $2.95.
Wash Dresses on Sale Saturday
Made of high grade Ginghams and striped tissues in
many pretty combination eftect all sires in the assort
ment Regular prices range fro..i $8.00 to $9.00. Saturday's
price, $5.00.
The last of the Special Fujchase of House Dresses There
will be sizes to fit you if you come early In the day. Low
neck styles, with elbow sleeves, made of neat figured and
checked materials. Actual $2.00 dresses, while they last
for 81.28.
Closing Out Some
Knit Underwear ,
Woman's 91. Italian Bilk Teats In
colors and white, Saturday, - 91-St.
Woman's Italian RUk , Tests, hand
somely embroidered: regular $4.04 and
$5.00 values that have become slightly
soiled from display, Saturday 93.SO.
Women's 91.50 Empire Style Union
Molts with lace trimmed, wide um
brella k-neea, Saturday, all slses, S the
suit. 1
oys' SOo Bummer Welrht, Xaee
teag-th Union Bolts with short sleeves,
all sizes, Saturday, 35e the suit.
Hosiery Specials
Women's Fast Blaok Fine Cotton Hose,
with white feet, and tan and white lace
hosiery at l&o the pair. '
Woman's Tine Bilk Usle Mose, with
wide garter tops snd double soles, three
pairs for 9l.OO.
Misses' snd Children's Xeroerlsea lisle
Hose in pink, white, tan, light blue and
black; 25o qualities at l&o the pair.
Women's Gloves
Women's Tonr-Button Milk Gloves with
tucked wrists, all sixes, and black, whits
and colors, 91.85 the pair.
Townes IB-Button Length Bilk Oloves
with double finger tips and reinforced
tops, all shades and sizes, 91.00 and 91.79
the pair.
Women's Short and Xonr Xilsls Oloves
In all shades, regular 60c values, at 8o
the pair.
Children's Blbow length Milk Oloves
with double finger tips, all aires In white
only, an extra special number, at 9L00
the pair.
Footwear Bargains for All the Family
We direct special attention to the large girls', misses' and children's pumps and slippers of
canvas, patent colt f nd dull leathers in instep strap and two-strap styles. TheTe is a wide
range for choosing ana 11 you mane u a poim iu wine m mum
ing, you will not be rushed for time. 50c to $3.00 the pair, as the
price and quality may warrant.
Women's. Misses', boys' Youths' and Little GenU Black and
White Tennis Slippers. Saturday Morning Only. 39c the Pr.
,,..-. tu-iMidt of elk hide. $2.00 and $2.50 the pair.
Hoys' Sample Oxfords Worth $3.00 the pair all are size 4 in D and E widths only Saturday,
at $1.48.
Woman's $3.00 and $3.50 Oxfords and Pumps at $1.95
600 pairs right out of our regular stock two-eyelet ties, in black and tan, dull and patent colt
leathers; and patent colt Oxfords, with cloth tops the kind we regularly, sell at $3.00 and $3.50,
siies IVi to 6 only; Saturday, $1.95 the pair.
Women's $3.00 Dull Leather Pumps Patent colt pumps and velvet button Oxfords; Saturday,
'$2.25 the pair.
Men's $8.00 Oxfords at $2.00 the Pair
Every pair of our men's regular $3.00 Oxfords Jn the store, go at the above price Saturday
only. Nice, tan Russia calf Oxfords that will do a great deal In keeping your feet cool thla eummer.
All Bathing
Suits Yill Be Sold
Saturday at the
Very Special Dis
count of 20
porting Goods Mectloa.
Women's Handbags at i to i Off
There are leather bags, silk and fabric bags, Eucde bags in
all colors eveiy size and style and all leathers at a third to a
half less than th y cost you early in the season.
Four Lots at $1.49. $249. 33 98. $498
Xt Bo. One Includes Bags worth frera $2.00 to $S 0 11-inch Blaok Satta Baca with
oxidised and stiver frauiea, Lor.ther Bags with double baadkea and gold naim plate
for engraving- and some plain bags of real morocco; all oelors In the aa- i(l
aortnieot ?a.-7
Let Bo. tn Inoludes bags worts from l.St to $$ 00 floe goat aal bags with
oxidised silver frames and colored atlk llalnga with Inside parses to malnh. Im
ported pig- akin bajrs la small si sea and all colors, snail band puraea iA
wiui strap backs; aJ at , ."V4-7
IVot Be. tiiai Inetad hacs worth $1 SO ta SS.00 flaawt sftfc bags with silk linings
ar.d Geruiaa jramaa. real goat aeal bags with riveted frames and taa. leather
Linings, some have fittings; large pig skin bags in parel tan and blue C (jft
with g-e'd and tUicr frem aad siodt aeaUiar linings: all at
Iot aTe. l"ea--IocJudee bags worth up to $10.00 real seal and German silver frame
batta. pig team bass with contrasting; leather unicga, aua large ki-iaca t J qb
sal bags. A. wsfidecfal tot at i...V-" -"m ir 1 u Hi nun
bea wsfiderfal tot at
-e . aT
Pork Loins, at,
the lb...v. ....
'Pork Roast, at,
the lb
Fork Butts, at,
the lb
13 lbs. Leaf
Lard, at
Best Pot Roast,
at, the lb
Shoulder Steak,
two lbs., at. . .
Lamb Stew, OCT.
., at....-wiv
seven lbs
Boiling Beef,
seven lbs., at
No. 1 Small S)i -Bacon,
at,lb. . 1-- at
Calumet Bacon 1 1 1 A
at, the lb.... 11 2C
From 8 to 10 p. m. only.
Pork Chops, at,
the lb.. JC
Pure Lard, at,
per can.
Vegetables for Your
Sunday Dinner
Extra Fancy Large Juicy Iiemons
Worth 35c the dozen. 2C
Home Grown Cucnmbero
Large size, each
Extra Fancy Rocky Ford Cantaloupes
Large size, guaranteed
sweet 2 for ,
,Vew Potatoes Extra fine, C
worth 75c the peck, at..:...0UC
Extra Fancy Wax Beans " I
The quart, at "jC
Iju-ge White Heads CauUnower
:rh: 10c, 7i2 and 5c
Extrg. Large Oranges Worth r.
45c the dozen, at 53
Extra Fancy Tomatoes fli
Large basket ejUC
From the Hardware
20c Guaranteed Garden Hose, at, the
'foot 15g
$1.39, Covered, White Enameled
Comblnettes, at 98
30c Galvanized Refrigerator Pans,
at '.-15
25c Floor Rubbers, at 10 1
10c Metal Can Openers, at 5
10c Wire Fly Killers, at 5
7c Tin Handled Strainers, at. .. .2
10c Tamplco Scrub Brushes, at 3
20c Heavy Wire Carpet Beaters, 12
25c Kitchen Cleavers, slightly rusty
at 5
All Aluminum Screen Wire, at, per
foot 2t
Save by Buying Groceries Here
6-lb Can B. C. Baking
Powder, and 100
stamps, at 91.0O
Bennett's Best Coffee,
and 20 stamps, at SSe
$ lba. Bennett's Best
Coffee, and 00 etampi,
'at 100
1-1 b. Assorted Teas, and
7$ stamps, at Sao
1-lb. Tea Sifting., and
II st am pa. at.... loo
Quart Can 8. W. C.
Table Eyrup, at.,..10o
4 lbs. Cleaned Currants,
at i....aoe
Bottle Bnldera Catsup,
and 10 suunpa, at..S3o
$ lba. Te Jap Rice, at SSe
Bottle Asaorted Plrltlea,
and 10 stampa. at lee
$ Cakea York Koae Vio
let Toilet boap, and 10
stamps, at l&e
$ Large Cana Columbia
Milk, at S&o
Pint Can Galllards Pure
OUve Oil. at 400
Bottle Snlder's Chile
Sauce, and 10 stamps,
at aoe
Jar Peanut Butter, and
15 stamps, at l&o
1-lb. Lrmon Cookies,
specially price at 13o
Pkg. Iten's Tourist and
Graham Crackers, and
10 stamps, at 10e
14-lb. Back Diamond
Crystal Table Salt, snd
10 stamp, at . ...S6e
pkgs. Sterling Oluss
Starch, and 10 stami.s.
at aso
Quart Can Franco
American Soup, and 10
stamps, at 85o
1-lb. Full Cream Cheene.
and 10 stamps, at BOe
1-lb. Virginia Swiss
Cheese, and 10 stamps,
at So
lOo Jar Tea Garden pre
served Figs, at 16o
10 Bars Beat 'Em All
Soap, at Sfte
One DoMm Boxes Safety
Watches, at be
I00 Can Beauty Aspara
gus, at ISe
S Cana Hulled Beana
With Chicken, and 30
stamps, at SSo
Extra Quality Mush
rooms, specially priced
at. per can aso
Bottle Haarmann Vine
gar, and $ stamps, loe
Menaett's Capitol Oream
ery Matter, Special er
ror, per lb. 4JA
brick, at aWC
Can Marshall's Pre
served Bloaters, and
10 stamp, at ....aoe
Large Jar Olllett's Mus
tard, and 10 stamps.
at 16c
Bottle Maraschino Cher
ries, and 10 stamps.
at 35o
Bottle Bennett's Capitol
Extract. and 20
stamps, at lae
Kitchen Cabinets
These cabinets are strongly made of
solid oak and highly polished.
Top of specially seelcted poplar. They
come in two sizes with prices aa fol
lows: 26x40-inch size, at. $4.25
28x48-inch size, at $5.25
A Clearance in the
Picture Store
To reduce our stock and to make
room for other things now coming In.
we offer
A Discount of 21 on All
Framed Pictures
now priced at $1.00 and upwards. Th
stock consists of about 2,000 etchings,
pastels, oils and water colors, artisti
cally framed in the most handsome
woods and deelgns Just such pictures
as you want for the home, for the of
fice, for the club or for wedding pres
ents to the brides of June.