12 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JUNE 23. 1911. 1EYIYE NAVIGATION INTEREST - War Department Annonacei Office Will Not Be Opened Here. OMAHAlfS WILL BECOME ACTIVE Cumalnlsirr Gelid Sara tkat ! Get Resells It Will Wot Par end Mlesoert Rive Navigation ronTfM. The War department ha communicated ti the Commercial club Ita attitude In the establishment of the office of chief en rlneer for the tipper reach of the Missouri river. Rebert Shaw Oliver, assistant to the ecretary of war, write that the de partment cannot see fit, with the laat ap propriation for Missouri river work, to establish an Independent office for an en gineer In charge In Omaha. When It wa announced that Majir Shu's, who has charge of the Improvement work on the entire river, would devota most of his time to the Improvement of the stream between Kansas Cltv and St. foul, It was decided that the Omaha district would suf fer from lack of supervisory attention. As the river had been divided Into two reaches, one from Pt. Louis to Kansas City and one from Kansas City to Bloux City, the river Improvement committee of the Commercial club decided that Omaha was the logical point for the office ef the engineer In charge of the upper reach. The Question was taken up with Senators Hitchcock and Brown and through then wHh the War department. Promote Posalar I a teres t. Despite thla set baok. however, the river Improvement committee of the club, which John L McCague la chairman, plana to promote popular Interest In the situation before the next session of congress. Meet ings will be held and every effort be made to interest the national' representatives In the necessity for the Improvement bf tha river between Omaha and Kansas City. Despite the fact that tha War department has failed to lend Its approval to the cable and brush system of bank protection, the confidence of the committee In this scheme is Immutable. Its adoption again will be urged. Thla Is a plan which Omaha engineers have approved. It constats of anchoring brushes to tha bank by cables, and In this way sand bars ar formed and banks are extended. ... Referring to the Missouri River Naviga tion congress on which for two years Omaha depended for the advancement of Its Interests In 'river work. Commissioner J. M. Guild of tha Commercial club, says: "Omaha has been leaning; on a reed If it expects to get practical results from that organization. The time has com for It to take steps' In Its own behalf." The members of the liver Improvement committee In addition to Mr. McCague are J. I Paxton, vice chairman; H. T. Clarke. O. W. Craig, R. B. HoweU, Stock ton Heth, W. B. Jardlne, W. B. King-. C. 8. Montgomery, W. T. Page, C. H. Pickens, F. D. Wead, J. R. Webster and H. W. Yates, Jr. Big Office Building to Be Erected Soon for Bell 'Phone Co, Structure to Be Built on Douglas ' Street to Cost in Neighborhood of Sixty Thousand. Extensive Improvements ar ' being planned by tho Nebraska, Telephone com pany. Changes In tho office force necessi tate additional room add a building at least four stories high on a lot between Eight eenth and Nineteenth streets on Douglas will be erected. Tha structure will cost f cn.ooo or mora.- i- - The new building will be fireproof, built of steel, with terra oott walls. It villi have all tha modern appliances of office buildings. The plana have not been fin ished. It la probable that they may be changed and a building several , stories higher put up. The building will be about IM feet deep, with a fifty-foot frontage on Douglas street. The completion of the proposed building wlll give the telephone company an entire block of office buildings on Douglas street. The new building will be occupied by the offices of the Omaha district, the Nebraska accounting department and - tha local ac counting offices. Switchboards and other mechanical apparatus, with part of the local office force, will remain In tha build ing at Eighteenth and Douglas streets. The two upper floors of tha Kennedy build ing at Nineteenth and Douglas streets will still be occupied with general offices. Workmen now are clearing tha lot for the proposed building, excavating will be started within a short time. WORK ON CHURCH IS RUSHED North Presbyterlaa Place of Wor ship Will Be Ready fw Orea pssey This Year. The work on the North Presbyterian church Is being rushed and the dome roof will' be completed next week. Tho church will be ready or occupancy not later than January L The committee m charge of the buiTSThg has been able to keep the cost within the original estimate of $40,000 and Is certain that no more funds will ba renuirxi tk. aeatlng capacity of the church will bo aout Logo, or thla number 550 seats are la the auditorium and 4M In the Sunday school room. The feature of the building will bo tha lighting and ventilation through twelve windows in the dome. A contract for a $2,000 steam heating plant waa let recently. A Leadlar California Dragglst. "Pasadena, Cal., March I. uu.-Foley Co., Gentlemen: We have sold and rec ommended Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for years. We believe It to bo on of tha moat efficient expectorants on tha market. Containing no opiates or narcotics It can be given freoly to children. Enough of tho remedy can be taken to relieve a cold, as it has no nauseating results, and does not Interfere with digestion. Tours very truly, C H. Ward Drug Co c. I Parsons. Seo'y and Treaa." Oet tho orig tnal Foley's Honey and Tar Compound ts the yellow package. CARTAN MAKES RECORD TRIP Joaraer from Loadoa, to Oaaaka la Jt Sevoa Dtti ajr Boat , Hall. From London to Omaha in Jut seven days. That la pretty fast traveling, but It Is the record made by Harry Cartan when he reached here Sunday, stopping over to visit with his children an route to San Franclaro. Ur. Cartan had left London ex actly seven days before, going- by rail to catch the Lusitanla and making New York In leas than five day a. quick connections enabling him to finish the trip of 1.195 mile in Just seven days by the calendar. A Horrible Deatst Ifsulta from decaying lungs. Cure coughs ind weak lungs with Or. King's New DIa-tqvtry- Mc and (1.00. For sale by Beaton Prog Co. ' hu si n i II ij m I n i l i i n i Here are the bargains REMNANT DAY 10 SPECIALS IN OUR BASEMENT Eammcr Lawns and Batistes, tn new floral design, figures, dots,' tripes and checks, large assort ment of beautiful colorings dress lengths, at, yard Plain blue, tan and pink chambray ic-7ic Fancy Ginghams for children's wear waists, dresses, etc., the quality la absolutely A the best, yd.. . C Printed Lawn Rem nants, light and also stripes, deslr- able long I lengths, yd.. OJl 3, 6 and 8 yard lengths fine Pillow Tubing, the 20c ,kr..":..12ic dark colorings; on sale at, yard . . . Dress Prints medium and dark styles; on sale fore noon only; at, Ql n yard ...... 3v Remnants of Thousands of yards fine embroidery edgings and inser tions, also fine French vals and insertions, platt vals, torchons and fancy wash laces; all kinds Ql n worth 10c yd., big bargain square, at, yd 0 gC Medium and Wide Embroidery Edgings Insertions, Gal loons and Galloon Beadings; hundreds of 4 A0 pretty designs worth 20c a yard: at. yd lUC 18-lnch fine embroidered flounc- Ings, skirtings, corset coverings. Insertions and galloons worth to 40c a yard; big bar- . 4Qm gain square, at, yd.. ..... laC Remnants of Summer Wash Fabrics C n Mala Floor AH the cut' pieces and remnant pieces of Eollennes Rosco silka ' i"n wwivw ana jacquara and Durbar suitings, 27-inch silk etc. worth 60c and lc a yard aquara at, . yard Summer Dress Goods at 39c Yard SB-Inch and 40-inch Summer Dress Goods, In various weaves, black and white checks, pencil stripes, serges, novelty dress goods, white and black saltings, OvC $ Two Big Specials Basemet Carpet Dept. 3 Matting Samples; one yard Remnants of Carpets IV3 m lnnc trnrfVi nr t 11V I TaAa a .. fel long, worth up to 40c Friday, at, each. .... 10c Special Sale Next Saturday Children's Wash Dresses A Big Purchase From a New York Manufacturer Positively the greatest opportunity ever offered in Oma ha to buy children's summer dresses at reduction in price Sag) BRANDEIS STORES EJUS HAT Round Trip, Daily t) I" 00 arid 26.00 CO Detroit $QQ60, 32.00 ind 34.00 w Toronto $-3 A 00 and 34.00 d& Niagara Falls $f)00 ind 34.00 u Buffalo llflGO, 41.00 ind 45.00. 4U Boston Fait trains st ttnvtnlent hours vAtk ell finei tait. Litem faverabl ttoptver privileies. , You travel in luxury snu enjoy "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" TICKET OFFICES 1401-1403 Farnam Street, Omaha, Net. I'll vnriMl Schroeder Would , Raise Taxes Paid for Occupation Has an Ordinance to Introduce Into . the Council Next Tueiday Evening'. , . An ordinance amending tha prevailing occupation tax ordinance ao that public service corporations will have to pay . t per cent of their groaa business as taxes. Instead of S, .will be Introduced into, the city council next. Tueeday night, t The measure haa been drawn by Coun cilman Davie. , The- Twelfth ward repre sentative says he haa been aaked to Intro duce tha ordinance "by request" and haa been told that It will have tha support of a majority of the members of tha council. The ordinance waa drawn and ready for presentation last Tuesday night, but was delayed pending the action of the council on the six for a quarter ticket ordinance. The occupation Ordinance, passed In IMS, and which went Into effect la September of that year, netted the city a revenue of I11&.968 last , year, according to figures In the comptroller's office. " Of this sum the street railway company paid M.IU.18. the Omaha Cas company $l.S3.ii the electric Crreat ( ala of V Wonea's r $run jatoraay. that save you money Striped and Checked Tissues, In pink, blue, gray, red, lavender and tan colorings; many with embroidered designs. Very de sirable for summer A C wear, at, yard Itlly Bookfold Fancy Dress Ginghams also very goad grade apron check ginghams, at, yard t Soft finished, yard wide Long Cloth bolts of 10 yards will be sold QQg Yard wide Bleached Muslin, good grade. In mill remnants; on sale beginning at 1:30. Plenty of salespeople. No m waiting. Per yard, J. Embroideries Sample pieces and remnants of alio vers; all kinds; H to of a yard In each length will go on sale, each, 15c In patterns, Himalaya crepona, fine tissues, all go on bargain " ..." 15c i . ;uo ivuj, YVU1 IU up IU $3.00, at, each 08c Until September 30 SOOtO, 31.80 ind 39.10 GO Saratoga Spgs. 35 00 Montreal iyiflOOind 45.00 Now York City S1OB0 md 44.50 HQ Atlantic City S1Q35 and 46.35 44 - Portland male rtct ttnntcUns in Chicai return limits and I light company tlft.on., the Nebraska Tele phono i company SS1.S73.79, while various other companies paid smaller amounts, ranging from 164 to $460. Besides the occupation taxes, the public service corporations pay royalties which amount to S per cent of their business. ' When the original occupation tax' was passed, some doubt waa expressed as to Its legality, but Its validity waa upheld reoently by the supreme court of the state. It was after this decision. It Is said, that plana were started to revise the ordinance. Should the ordinance be revised, an ad ditional revenue of about 176,000 will ' be paid In annually. HUSBAND WILL NOT HOLD BABY , ... Mrs.' Marie LaaaT Aaks tao Caart Give lie a Divorce . f roaa Clareaee, Suit for divorce was brought In district court Thursday by Mrs. Maria Lang, of Benson, against her husband, Clarence A. Lang.' One of . the complaints that she seta forth In the petition is that her hus band would not hold the baby. Buy it now.: Now la the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is almost certain to b needed before the summer ts over. This remedy haa no superior. For sale by all dealers. .......... EAST mm si.. r j h v si . i s s is v x $ llLJLiiiM Every Time You Ask for S. & When the Clock Strikes 9 We'll Flac: oa Silt About' ISO U'omas Dretiei at $2.95 Summer Night Gowns 59c One lot of new nainsook and muslin night gowns in low neck and short sleeve styles, trimmed with laces and embroideries,' an ideal weight for these hot summer nights, choice of ten different styles at the very special price of 69c. Choice of Any Bunch in the Millinery Store Friday only we will offer you your choice of each and every bunch of flowers In our millinery store, including all of our fine imported lilacs, American Beauty roses, large and small roses, forget-me-nots, silk violets, geraniums, tea roses, daisies, sweet peas, and many other beautiful flowers that are worth from 50c to $1.60 the bunch, at 19 cents. Millinery Bargains for Friday Only Great Opportunities for the Home Trimmer Untrlmmed hats made of fine hair braids, white only, at .'. . . . .98 Rough straw hats ft! black and burnt only, at lf) Women's sailor hats,, in black only, at 19 Children's and misses' leghorn hats, at 39 Children's and misses' white duck caps, at .... . gt Shoes on the Bargain Tables Friday Bargains in Both Quality and Pricing We think this- Item is about the greatest women's shoe bargain we hava offered thla seaaon. One lot or women's tan RuitBla calf, black cravenetted, grey cravenetted and patent colt Oxfords, with either turned or welted soles, that have been selling all' (1 qse season tt 13.60, Friday, at If Your Feel Are Small Enough vou can ret a rood nalr of ahoea or Oa- fords for 80 Friday. Lot consists of women's leather Oxfords and high shoes, white canvas Oxfords, aatln slippera and Rolled pink and blue slipper. If the sizes were not very,: verv small OK two to four they wouldn't be , Summer Corsets fee v Underpriced Excellent hot weather corsets of extra quality batistes and coutll have medium long skirts, medium high busts, and lace trim ming and are equipped with good, strong hose , supporters, regular $1.00 values, at 49 One lot medium hip, high bust corsets made of batiste, boned with non-rustable boning, trim med with lace and equipped with good hose supporters; regular $2.60 values, at 98 1 Women's and Children'a , Hosiery One lot of women's and children's white lace hosiery, in all sizes. Is r-peclally priced, to close out. at 9 Fairs for 8S0. Also one lot; of children'a school hose that will be fine for vacation wear, regular 16c values, at 3 Pairs for 25c Wash Goods Remnants and many wash goods In the bolt, worth, up to 2 be the yard, will go Friday at 8c. Assortment Includes so many kinda we cannot give definite description, but mention among the most prominent ones,-voiles and ba tistes In a wide range of beautiful patterns, rriaay 5c the Yard Dress Goods Remnants All remnants accumulated from the past six weeks, heavy selling will be closed out at half, the regular prices Friday. There are goods suitable for coals, suits, women's and children's) dresses; a big collection in lntha. varying from one to six yards, at Half Price To Help Keep Down t-lb. Can B. C. Baking Powder, and 100 atamps. at $1.00 Bennett's Best Coffoe, and 20 stamps, at 35o ' t lbs. Bennett's Best Coffee, and 60 atampn, ' at ...81.00 1-lb. Assorted. Teas, and 76 stamps, at 88o 1-lb. Tea Sittings, and 16 stamps, at... .. 16o Quart Caa S. W. C. Table Syrup. at....lOo 4 lba Cleaned Currants. ' at '.. 860 Bottle Solder's ' Catsup, and 10 stampa, at. .83o ( lba. 7e Jap Klce. at S5o Bottle Assorted Pickles,' snd 10 stamps, at lOo J Cakee York Hoae Vio . let Toilet Soap, and 10 stamps, at ........ 85o t Large Carta Columbia Milk, at ......... 8o . Pint Can Galllard'a -Pure Olive Oil. at 400 Bottle Sntder's Chile Sauce, and at Jar Peanut ilk atamps. at 15o 1-lb. litmon Cookies, specially price at 18o Pkg. Iten's Tourist and Graham Crackers, ane 10 stamps, at lOo 14-lb. Sack Diamond Crystal Table Salt, and 20 stampa. at ,...85e ( pkgs. Sterling Gloss Starch, and 10 stamns, at 85o Quart Can Franco American Soup, and 10 , stamps, at ...85e 1-lb. Full Cream CneeJte, and'10 stamps, at BOe 1-lb. . Virginia Bwias Cheese, and 10 stamfia. at 85e 30c Jar Tea Garden Pre served Ft re, at ISe 10 Bars Beat ,'Em All SoaD. at 8Se One Dozen Boxes Safety Matches, at ,6e Spend a Dime, H. Stamps. Assortment is composed of colored lawn dresses, some colored linen dresses and a lot of lingerie dresses. All are good styles and are regularly priced at $5.00 to 110.00. While they last only $2.95. Positively none eoW at tliat price before O o'clock. About 60 white skirts, made of ducks, linens and English rep, and worth from Qi $J Rfl t 94 Kf V Friday ,at Our Entire Stock of "Double Service" House Dresses made of the very fin est percales, In a variety of pretty patterns and regularly sold at $2.60 and $3.00 aj n c'. 51.69 A Special Lot of Walsrtsvon Sale Friday One lot of women's white lawn and lingerie waists that have become slightly soiled from handling; regu larly priced at $1.25. Friday, choice, t 40. Women's Bathing Suits at $1.69 Value $2.50 Mads of navy or black, twilled ma terials, have sailor collars trimmed with soutache braid. The kind we have alwaya sold at $2.60, Friday, at, $1.69. oi Flowers 19c Friday at Special Pricing in Linens and Domestics 7Sx0-lnoh Beamed Bed Sheets of an extra 65c quality, Friday, 380 The Best American Calicoes made, in all of the latest patterns and fast colorings, that regularly sell at Be the yard, Friday only 6o 17-laoh, Extra Heavy Weight, Tn bleaohed X,lnen Uriah, that regu larly sells at 74o the yard. Friday, at to roll Blae Hemmed Bed Spreads. In a good variety of aauorted patterns the kind we regularly sell as a spe cial at $1.10 for Friday only. 8o Sale of Lawn Mowers "Bob White" lawn Mowers, In 12. 14 and IB-inch sizes; worm from $3.00 to $3.76. any size. Friday, or while they last .....(2.85 15.00 "Meadow X-ark- X.awa Mowers, In 14 and lf-lnch stzes. are marked at S3.75 "Mound City" Ball Bearing X.awa Mowers, in 14.' IS and 18-lnch sizes; regular $1.00 to $7.60 values. 14.88 Screen Doors at Special Prices $1.28 Painted Bereen Doors, complete with hinges, screws, hooks and eyes, at ,880 $1.60 Natural Finished Screen Doors, any aize, furnished complete. Fri day, at 81.85 $1.76 Fancy Finished Screen Doors, complete, at 81.48 Hammocks Are Cut in Price Complete lines of Hohefeld's and Palmer's Hammocks are here for your choosing, at the following prices $2 00 Hammocks, of all kinds, 81.48 $2.76 Hammocks, in styles, 83.85 $4.60 Hammocks, in 4 styles, 83.60 $(.60 Hammocks, ' in 4 styles, 84-88 $8.00 Couch Hammocks, at 86.76 $10.00 Couch Hammocka, at ....88.50 $13.60 Couch Hammocks, at.. ..$10.88 hat Grocery Bill 20c Can Beauty Aspara gus, at 15o Cans Hulled Beans With Chicken, and 20 stamps, at .85o Extra Quality Mush rooms, specially priced at. per can 85o Bottle Haarmann Vine gar, and 6 stampa. lOo 10 stamps, 86o Butter, and Bennett's Oapltol Cream ery suiter, special of fer, per lb. OAn brick, at 4C Can Marshall's Preserved- Bloaters,' and 10 atamps, at . ...SOo Large Jar Gulett's Mus tard, and 20 atamps. at 15a Bottle Maraschino Cher ries, and 20 stamps, at 850 Bottle Bennett'a Capitol Extract, - and 20 stamps, at ........ l8e .DON'T WORRY, ft 1 L3t rJlj 5 Kir I A 'WBsmiMix At the Southeast Corner 12th and Farnam Streets is the Much Talked About Omaha's Newest Bargain House The Fair Store The nam everybody Is speaking of for the reason It Is the wage earners', may it be man, woman or child, store Here is where you can supply your eelf and family at prices no other tore In Omaha can meet. There are many other reasons why the Fair store Is getting famous. Friday morning at t o'clock, we place on special sale several sample .ltocka at unheard of low prices. Read every item carefully, It will pay you. Men's DEPARTMENT. Men's $4 00 Silk Shirts, the cost style, collars attached, cream and gray colors, all sizes; your choice lor $1.48. Men's mohair $1.80 Shirts, collar attached, seventeen colors to choose from; your cnolce, 74c. Men's Black Sateen Shirts, ull sizes, 75c value, go on sale at Sic. Men's Blue Chambray Shirts, light and me dium welshts, all sixes, 76c value, for J4o. Men s and Boys' Blue Work Shirts, 2Rc value, for 10c. Men's Work Shirts, polka dot or striped pst terns, KOo at other stores, your choice for 29c. Men's Pyjamas, many colors to choose from, a $2.00 value, all sizes, your choice 8c. Men's Muslin Nlaht Gowns, cheap at 7!c, on special" sole for 8c. A lot of Men's Drawers, $6c value, all sizes, on special mile for 15c. THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S 75c and $1.00 Lingerie and Lawn Batiste Waists samples slzea 34 to 14; very special bargain. 19c. No more than 2 to each customer. La dles' Tailored Waists, regular $1.50 values, all fancy colors, your choice 39c. Ladies' 75o Black Petticoats, 39c. Ladies' $2.00 White Petticoats, trim med in embroidery and laces, 89c. A special bargain In soft silk PerBlan effect trimmed $5.00 Petticoats, go at $2.48. White Muslin Petticoats, a LI. 00 value, at 45c. Ladles' 35c awn Dressing Sacks go at 8c. Wo men's full lenKth Percale Wrappers, a $1.00 value, on sale at 35o. Ladles Persian effect Wrapper, In Princess or loose model, a $2.00 value, your choice, 74c. House Drestes. $2.60 value, go at $1.48. House Dresses, sailor collar with a tie. good value for $2.00, on special hale, ftSo. Iodles read every item carefully, it will pay you. $2.00 Combination Suits for 98c. $1.50 Combination Suits for 74o $1.00 Combination Suits for 45c. Ladles' -'tillpa, Nlsht Gowns and Chemise, round and square neck, models full length, a $1.00 value your choice for (9c. i Ladles' 36c Ribbed Union Suits. In cluding extra sizes, your choice. 19c Ladlas1 16a Ribbed Vests. 6c $5.00 Ladles Wash Dresses, a pret ty assortment take your choice for $1.98. Ladles' handsome Linen Tail ored Suits, $10.00 values. $2.4$ La dies' Liner. Coats, $6.00 value. In this special sale, your choice. $2.48. $16.00 Lingerie Dresses, trimmed in embroidery or laces, your choice for $4.98. Ladles' Linen $2.60 Skirts, any, $1.48. Ladies' black cotton $2.60 Voile Skirts going at $1.39 Ladles, take advantage of our Siik Kimono bargain, $5.00 values, in ninny color, now on sale at $2.74. Ladles' $15.00 Voile Dresses, only a few left, take your choice for $6.98. Ladles'. 15a value black or tan Ribbed Hose, 9c. Ladles' 35c value, all colors. Silk Finished Hose, all slese your choice 19c. Ladles' pure silk Hose, $1.00 values, several colors, always on sale at 39c. Ladles, take advantage of our special low prices on trimmed and untrlmmed hats. $2.00 value for 60c, and $5.00 hats go at 98c. HERE ARE A FEW SPECIALS IN THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. NOTE OUR LOW PRICES: 60c Children's Night Gowns, 16c. Dresses. Hges 2 to 6, values up to $1.00. your choice for 26c. Children's Dresses, ages 7 to K, values up to $2.00, on special sale at 48c. Chil dren's .and Misses' tan and black 160 hose, now on sale at 8c. Children's Fancy Half Socks, 25c value, at 90. Children's and Misses' 76o Trimmed Straw Hats. 25c . , kTVil i. W i -8 ..S. " Vi -tEVV s V 1 Vt J. -I " "1-''r,f' irtiMirtlF nmnTsUl .A'Vl SHwaaMisaaasaBHHSMSHiiaBa.ai ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS All correct forms in curreni social usage engraved In tho best manner and punctually delivered when premised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated, 1210-1212 HOWARD IT. , Uon "eviss- H.ainidl Biipeao Learn Where It's Best to Faro Thinking about buylnf UndT Want to know tha oil snd cllmata best suited for certain farming T Our Land Bureau gives fro Information about soli, climate, conditions In all parts ot tho country. r W have gathered data and can tell you what you deslr to learn. Write the Land Information Bureau-. The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neb., today and rour Questions will get prompt attention. Free: InSoFroatlori, WATCH UO CROW 1 - lItXtll til. - ' j Men's Porosknlt or Ribbed Under wear, either In shirts or drawers, $5a value, many colors, on special sale at 20e. Men's Union Suits, half sleeve, balbrlggan, ecru collar, 11.00 value, on special sale. 40c suit Men's 16c Msck, tan and fancy colored Hoe, 7c. Men's 25o Silk Finish Hose, all sixes snd colors, 20c. Men's and Roys' 60c leather Belts, 18c. Men's and Boys' $1.00 Leather Belts. S5e. Men's 2c Kubbcr Collars. 20 styles, st 10o. Me i s 60c Fancy ami Work Suspen ders, 17c. Mens $1.00 Fancy lre Suspenders at 89c. Mens 16p Wssh Ties st 7o. 26c Mens Silk Ties at 12c, and Men's 60c Silk Ties, 26c. Men's 10c White and Fancv Hand kerchiefs So, and Men's 15o White Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 7c. Men's 76c Silk Handkerchiefs. 75c Save your ehlrt sleeves and buy a pair of Black Sateen Oversleeves, IRe vslue for Ro. Carpenters snd me hanlos should buy our 25c mechanics' Aprons, c. Men's $5 00 I'annma Jlats onlv $1.PV Men's $4 00 Panama Hatt, $1.48. Men's M 00 Straw Huts. $1 24. and Men's $2.00 Straw Hats. PS". Men's $1 00 Straw Hut. 50c, Men's 60c Straw Hats. 25c. Men's and Hovs' 60c Dress Cans. 4p. Spe cial sale on Men's $2 Oft rants, only Jflc. Glen's $(5 00 l'anta Rolng nt $2. "5. Visit our men's suit department be fore huvlnjr elsewhere. You will ba convinced that we offer $IR. $20 snd $25 Men's All Wool, In fancy or blue serc, worsteds and cassimere 8tttte for $9.76. DEPT. OFFERS MANY BAKUA1N8. i ne Mens Department now fin ishes with Oxfords and Shoes. Note our low prices: Men's $1.60 Canvas Shoes, 9&p Mens $2.60 tan. gun metnl and box calf oxfords, lace or button, going at $1.24. Men's $4.00 kid patent, (an. box calf, velour and pun metal, high or low heels, lace or Iy0" .oxfords, all to go in this sale nt $1.08. Our Famous Shoe Department of fers temarknble bargains In Pumps, oxfords and SanUala for children, men or women. 76c values in Children's pink, blue or white Canvas Oxfords, slr.es to 8, on special wi'le, your choice, 4 5c. 86c values, blue or white Children's Canvas Oxfords, sizes 8' to 12, your choice for 50o. $1.00 values, white or blue Chil dren's Canvas Oxfords, elzes 1214 to 2, your choice for 65c. Children's Leather Sandals sizes 6 to S, regulur selling p'iro. 7Rc. now on special sale at 45c sizes 8 to 12, 85c value, now on speclnl sale. ROo; sizes 12 to 2. values $1.00, now on special sale at 65c. 4B0 pairs Ladles' Pumps tind Ox fords, $2.50 values, patent, vie! kid or gun ineUI, all sizes, on special sale, your choice, $1.24. 288 pairs Ladles' Oxfords and Pumps, $4.00 values, they are Good year welts and hand turned soles, French, Cuban and Conservative heels also button, lace or straps, sizes 2 to 8, take your choice for $1.74. 6 pairs of Ladles' 18-button Whits Canvas Shoes, sizes 2H to 7 4, a $4 value, every pair bench made, not ' machine, special sale price, $2.24. Now men, take advantage of your greatest . opportunity for greatest bargains offered in Omaha. You should not overlook our Butt Case and Trunk Department.. Just a few special prices for Thurs day, Friday and Saturday: $10.00 Leather Ballast Suit Cases go at $6.98. $8.00 Leather Ballast Suit Cases go at $5.98. . $ 00 Leather Ballast Suit Cases go at $3.98. $5 00 Leather Ballast Suit Cases go at $2.98. $4.00 Suit Cases. $2.48. $1.00 Suit Cases. $1.98. $2.00 Suit Cases. $1.24. $1.60 Suit CaHes. 89c. Remember for 19 years In on loca tion rne jair tstore. Money funded If not satisfied with values. Fair and square dealing our Jif our FJ motto always. If you appreciate real values and bargains, come to the STATIONERY aa I u 5. v