THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JUNE 1011. i 7 e ark. 1 OFFERED FOR SALE Farwltare. R SALTS At L oarsaJa. mtHnnM fflee furniture. Marly , suf foi two room.,, rua and Uim typi. wrVar ana nut ilartw Box m,. Chaia! HOC SEHOLP good A fur. 39 Cumin. " FOR SA LE CHf..Mi,rt iS'VJrt lour thlr- g1 eondjUoi 4 Chicago Su FOR fALt-gli hot Michigan steel rV lT' eVC".'1 V MJOt 0,rT"r leavio city. 1.4 N. SMa el. Phone Red fee). FOR SALE i room, furniture wlta or without rio at reasoDsbls price, in quire lil M. 3la EL fcD. oak bookcase, pigeonhole b ok case, commode, chair, kitchen caw net, k:'rn..n furnishings, .( Farnam. Hereby MasieaJ laetraaacaiav. Put MUSIC tn Tour borne, and not . Tb ,wet CONTENT It bring. Ji Influence for GOOD will f,ot Above all other things COLUMBIA FHu.(AtRAJH CO.. UU-U Farnam t-t. MAHOOANI Fischer piano, aim eeil U noa, (li cash. iil. Bee. GUITAR, nearly new. Instruction book Ml ttmirg pip CHEAP FUR CASH. Photj Harney e17. Typewriters. IEOONTV HAND typewriter, sold, re. Bwjred. Casual Typewriter iix causa, lat tuiaa, CLEARANCE SALE TYPEWRITERS Wa hv a large block of an th standard snakes la slightly used tad rebuilt ma chine that a want turn uaia cuk Fiice la H mfgr'e W ali en payment r rent ana let 1 meth rest apply. CaW ar writ a tor larg bargain bat. a. F. B WAN SON CO, INC, lilt f areata bt, Omaha. v . BCTT u U C Satis Hretv tywaiim B. F. Sseesow Cs. DtetriSuiera. Las eer WHAT doe a aame meanT If you want to know Jtit try o bnmi candle. It Catherine Shields. fj North 21st St, South Omaha, will coma to 2 La be office within three days wc will riva tier an order for a o-cent box or O Brten candy free. TTPEWRlTERi ALL. MAK KS Pold. rented and re-paired. Trp-ewriier Inapectlba 10 . inc. fcM iiranaois ttiOA. rboaa ln. A-U2, Aoulas 4M7. KENT an Oliver typewriter frorn tna ouar iypwrnar t. i ai. AJouciaa aim. Mlarllaaaaa, rlaw a T ir and bacoadhand aafea 1RI Farnam. SXX-FOOT bookkeeuar s deak, oak tla- tih. for aala at Appiy Oaory H. Wnfht. be pabuahutc ca. ID HAND tools and rubber, fid N. Utah A rK8 Oeareteekad aafaa. ail alaia aad mekaai aaa uppi Caw Ulfi feraeia a. 98c AWLRITI SAFETT RAZOR, with 1 b.a4a. aata at vi. Aba ller Grand Pharmacy, ltta Howard. CHMOLLEB at MUEL4JR toii H3i lorcaa. lufiaa lM. TWO WAGONS. Uter, rrtndlns stona inawind; tnacina, 1 btova, 2 acta 01 bar- seas. wab. I.U HOl'fHOU rood a for aaJe: 1earin ally; must seil at enca. CaU AJOuAlas K . ar raaldance N e. Unb 6L CARRIAGES ar.d hamet. air.rle and fouUa. 1st. Vance. 1U Brandala Thaatar. FOUR hole Jewell caa ranca. as rood aa new. f.JM. W. 8. Coa. BW No. lth St. FOR BALGSeeond-hand Thatcher fur- raoe in rood condition; H-tncn fire put aeendid hair. aufficlent for atrbt rooms aUb to sell account an lu'f ns my house. a. U Meyef. H9 ao. KU OSTEOPATHY AJtee ie , aat-t BraJBdels Theater Vide TAKE ma out to the ball came. If A- Reed. 2108 Vlntoa Pu. will come to The Km office wrtmn three dsra wa will rlva - kii. f-lr t. th. KaII u.m at Rourka Katherya NUelaa. Ct4-t Brandeie Theater. PATENTS - t. O. BAlUtlU Paatoa BiB. Tea Red TUi wn LARD 1U)DT. U. a. Pat. Office oifi del seticiter. lasv Clljr Nat. baaa. Tyter liaft HIRAM A. gTUBGE reg. attorney. Bracoaia Toeater bid. M PERSONAL UECHANO THE RAPT v . u 1 1 mn t atomacA trouble. TT. alargarrt HaiiOiaa. Z3-t NctUIs HiM. D.77a. CR. stUKivE. Iliimi ef wemeo, Omaha. KJLECVKiC CoMPAJi f ln eat . ta TUUMi huMU ac IHwiriaa uu, auaftaar aia viiea u -e-i ue leuas VI m s vni " aaoiaiMia auldia( at ai mu-wrnL aad ac huuy s Are .w. um. eiu s directed w autiaaia tu.ri- ye t lfl Aeua f Mar utnat a w a t-. 4 n-no SaH alow and massage. Wmt OAAIW Alien of cnlcaco. Ka e. 17lh be, Ut tiwor troal. room i- uonaiaa aa. MK8. SNVUEK. Sedlsh maaasra. baths i ana vl orator ithumiil 1 ni u-ssjiy. 'let a Wta ana i-iarce. uou. aus. tike host ride on Lkt Manawa. w . ..I v . idir Ol inunu trilf UAVia M st laalhisuB. SVnf evoutn icnin n. 11 n U1 ouoie te Abe sea oiuct iuiui uin Good Samaritan t Ave, C'ouucu BluXla. leas. CNll'EU atretbreB chairh servtee MS a s m. link and Luthrop. HINDOO 1 ABLET wtU bulid. a. lae. SAU. kiatbis tu ADELIGUT hair food grows hair; aae Mma t raar. ateaeeui dial jr Ca, 1MB and THE BALVATION ARMY aoUolUi reel aft cleiaiaa, la I sot. aayxaing yea ae ae Bead. We coiiec. repair aod aeil tl IM .1 lith Bt. tar cuet ef coiiec-ua. w tae wee tar toxar. tail a agues win aeil WC RENT aad repair all hinds of sewing mv lnd. A -leu, Lougiae lass. NEoKASKA. CYcLa CO lata aad Harney eta BEST nerve breeer for men. Ureys Ikerve Feea PtUs. U box. aestiaid. Mer 1 4. McCocxieil Drug r, on.ana, Naa Mseaaga aire tuttaaaeuae, M Old Boa tea BtfcM B.UA. MA5-RAOE wediea ssevsBeat: aothmj beiter ler raeuiaauMa. Lsdiea SI; aeaue- slds. Apt. A. isus rtruo. nra. s le a MAGNETIC treuR-AAt. prat Harr.U. PaaeuraiuaMcal doctur. XI aV?vi 1 CIV Baths, and Eleotrta VI AOOil . t or y treatment, htiss Lang. CU N. lit a at. Lpataora STR1CTLT pnvats confinement boma W t find biMnes Ijt baoMss antra motnars not aoie te cara for litem. m1 lvcn' poet kL aVDAl BLOOD REM EOT. Cksddisa paarwacjr. lta aad Oadae. II svnK TREATMENT. Mra hteele, ALAiJiXAUIi U7 a Kih, Jd r.oor. room a. PRINTING FHOKB IKD A has for Lyasis Prvaimsl Ca, Mth aad caseiei Ave RlEa MALL Ptg Ce, a A 1st a. lad. A-Kat 1 -wi for 1 V wa,.. . HEN yew spend your money spend It the beet there Is. it J Heidnxiel. Vl Kouth !?th Sc. will come to Th Bee of fice wit km three ears we will give him aa a '-dec for a aa-cent bos of O bna'i candy Zrea PRINTING tCeauaued.) Lew V. Raber, Printer rlSTeTrJa EEH FLDO INTRANCI O.N Cul'SI. REAL ESTATE lUTaiCTI r TITLE. MIDLAND Ouar. Treat Ca, K14 Far H. H. Neele, prea ; J. CarapbeO. awe, D. M PETER JE&SEN. Jr . Cm. Tat. lai. Bat HEAL EITATB DEALER REED A TRACT CO . aldaat atietraat oo s Miarwks. aa niaadaai 1 REAA. ESTATE TITLE TRL'BT CtA. FU- taeath Oeor. City Kat. Henb kUeeV BlILDERS IXFORMATIO CARU THOVPSEN. eemeat aad brVch wars. 1711 N Xxh. Waa. &2U. B-iaO. A. J. Iraiand. meson, aa X. Mta. B.U7h f r 1 PtTHV Carpenter. Btdldar ta v nti ikuun w sstA 111 v iMv Paper hanrlns. wallpaper reduced. H. UDa. UT'T T .C and ctMera dur; aoddtnr. grad J IBt. reneral work. Web. CTa. Mcmullen "--r- XfAKOVKY BRICKLATINO. PLA.e-AA-rvOVAA TtR1-0 CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK, ECTlUATEd FREE. N. RAIMU.VD. 117 N. Wa. Ioaa. Hst. PLUMBING feJ. r"J Z?.l? Battefactlon guaranteed. W-st7. 17T N. M elMONSON A NORBT. furnace and t?a- work. D. ; CITT PROPERTT FOR IALI Closing Out KOUNTZE PLACE We hare soma choice lots at Terr low price on Plnkney. Evans and Pratt streets between Ilat and Mth EL Sewer, water, raa. cement aaJka; building restriction. l to K7L Easy Tar ma. Norris & Martin, Phone Doug. i-Te. 100 Bee Bide DUNDEE BUNGALOW AT Jo at completed new a. Dundee. Has hard wood t'm.h .nn full atsa rraarmrnt hm lik-lnv wwvm .. dining room, large closets: in fact, a fine homL Price, tJ 0 Want offers today and tomorrow. First ofler wiUun a miie 01 reason win t accepted. C THIS tNAP. ERNEFT SWEET. D. ICt 13 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg. $3,C00 Easy Terms 7 Rooms, Oak Wa have or wa hmi k . .1. Ai.. 7-room cotlarea. between Jith Ave. and r7th, on Plnkney St- facing- University of Omaha park, fine district and beautiful etreet, ailh trace on huth aide a. Mouses are S rooma. oak finished downatalra, two rooms, unfinished, upstairs; excellent aad complete la every detail, with laundry, etc It will pay you to lnvesTJcate tfaeaa cot- tares, as their value cannot be equalled for uiui pnee in xne aty. BARNES dc WILSON. Bee Bidr. liouriaa Mti. $1,550 Snap Easy Terms BRAND NEW i-ROClM fOTTiCE Nicely finished, poliohed floors, electric lUtnts, cemented cellar, large attic, good lot. well situated tn V. W. nert of citv Thia la a neat little home bargain and on terms easy enoun lor any one. RUSSELL A McKJTRICK CO.. 15th and Harney. 422 Rungs Bldg. 5 Rooms South Side $2630 Dandy five room, modern except mat. on a mg soutn trtot 101 7vU2. In a good neighborhood. Located near Seven teenth and hpnng Sts. Suitable terms can be arranged. This Is a fine little home. Scott L Hill Douglas li. W, &lcC-ue Bldx. TWO ELEGANT HOMES Built rtftit. Located r.ght- Priced right. No. 1 lays in Kouatxe Place: has stven .eoms and bath. Vary lot. anlh shrub bery and sbade trees. No- 1 in Weft Fatnam d;rtrict; has seven rooms and sleeping porch. Fine lot; places are strictly all modern and la the best neKnoernuoo 01 vne caiy Inside finish and decoration the very best- lndividue.ity sna gcoi iate mown tnrougnout. 11 you are locking ir a noma that is right let us show you these N'ORIn'TRiiSI ItllALTT CC'.. Ill Bti Bldg Phones: uougias, 1x1; Webster. JUx Dundee Bargain 8 Rooms, $2,900 Owner leaving city and must sell a-roera home; well buiit. apiendid large and a.ghtly lot. tn fine location. This is a bargain. One block from car line: house strictly modern and ta good coadiuon Have quoted this way below actual value for immediate saie. It wUl pay you to investigate BARNES WILSON. Bee Bldg. Douglaa 3M1. Rare Bargain T went -seventh and Cass, aui sil modern, I-room noute. full cement basement, laun dry, furnace, water heater, firep.ace. etc . finished in oak. birch, ehite enamel and tard pine. This goes direct from tas owner at s bargain, anl consider lots In ex change Telephone Harney . Harry H. Putnam. Ll Burt. Sa ft- lot on Twenty-fourth street, block from Miller prk. I lot on Evans street by University ef Omaha. II lots west of Fort Omaha. Must sell. Cad eener. Dotig. s6( or Web, bee. A Real Bungalow 5020 CAPITOL AYE. DUNDEE Five guud rooms, bath and large aluc; complete. y modern throughout; for good reasoa. which a a will axpiain If latere led. caa sell thia classy home at actual cost. Ar you tciereeted? Glover Realty Syndicate. Sole Agents- Deug:a Bad. A four room house north ef Q street, aear Thirty -eighth. South Omaha, only with full front lot. Easy terma With htUe expecse for repairs, will brlngf from li te t.J rert per aoonth KEAL LSTATE TITLE-TRUST COM PANT Uid City National Bank Bldg, Tei. D. IWT C Fred ttarnaea aad Oee T. Martea fa b eiarss bargaiDa. bid taaaa bial l baaa. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTT FOR flLL (Continued.) Good Corner Lot ON EASY TERMS Located one block north of Amee Ave- twe blocks west of Immanuel hospital. Has sewer. wstr, etc, tn and paid, furround Ixg neighborhood new being bshiy Im proved. Cash prices for neighboring lots rare from le to w. Special prtce for quirk sale of this property, MS. Bmall paymect down an4 ba'ace monthly. Call OWNER Webster IMS. In West Farnam. $500 Cash Exreptionel terms for eight rooma strictly modern, well located. Tou ran buy this house for 4.KA balance to suit. Glover Realty Syndicate. lTl-2 City National. Doug. 0(1 South Side Home Bargain Fin all room, smelly modern house. built by owner for a boms about four years ago: ntoaiy painted and papered: big east front lot txl!. nice lawn and shade; paved street Price l as been reduced from 3.75e to P a. W hat will you give? Make us an offer. Scott & Hill Douglas ffU. yr, Met ague Bldg. FOR SALE A busineaa lot .a barratn If taken at on -re. t or parucuiars aouraae M. E- F, Box 7W. Fremont. Neb. BUT direct from owner. Bargain almost sr strictly modern boma In boulevard park, last front, nice lawn. iM N. i;th st- Web. tlat. REAL ESTATE WARM AXD RJL.NCM LAND FOR SALB tjrsj A. VN IMPROVED cut-off timber Und: much fma ttmoer yet on land; s to I mi. from Eureka Springs; fine for fruit; ranch and general larmicg; , .sa rpeciau bargain in improved fsrms, 1 to tea. WM. JENKINS & CO, Eureka springs. Ark L ACRES rich bottom lead, six miles Nisark, Ila per acre; terma Fine orange grove. Florida. Forty acres; rT.j.w. other bargalna A- A- bendereon. Nawera. Arkansas- is. niL out. 1 In cult. 1JI black alfaita er clover land; fair imp.; good aeigfiour hood, a. Due. s mi, irom town of 11), near P. O. and school; nearly ail smooth up land; as cult-, bei. Umber, clover; 4 al ts, fa, t bearing orcnard, U fenced hog tight; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge bidg, new barn, dark red sandy loam; good community; deughlfal location; ebutuUnce eood wster; VSoOii, subject ta s year loan MO; terms eaay. WM GlLMuKE. Marshall, arc BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. All ciasses of tlmoer. farm and fruit lands ta Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi, from fc to J per acre. Write J. U. kimf bo ids, Camden. Ark. (ui'lu pniauon; 4st acres; eegant lA-room dwelling, pienty tenant houses; good barn axd outbuiidiRgs; rich, biack ioaxn; will grow bale cotton or vs bushels com per acre, woven wire fence, acres cultivation; merchantable umber, hara eood; beaithJul iecauon; miiea irom good town, good neighborhood, near school and church; price SAUM: reasonable terms Address Johnston at Wellia. cara Southern Trust Co, Lime Koca. Ark.- - ... M TRACTS of land in the corn aad J faiAa district of Deita land: fclacA eoii goxtd sciKiols; lands will double la value in uire years, now rent from 10 A," per acre. Ant us what you want. f c Holland. Pine, Am. Z3 sV, SMOOTH, f-i nit railway station. lu fejeed. an cult, small bouse, two aella tao public roads, (.oua Lmon Bank at Trust Co.. Real Est. Dept, Searcy, Ark BEST fruit and general farming lands for prtce in U. S . la Searcy Co, Ark, Send for booklet showing In to Li land near town. W. M. Hanson. Leslie. Ark. OZARK LAND CO.. CJravette, Ark Etock raachea. fruit Itntu berry fieida, small tracts, installment plan; town, prop erty. Buaineaa houses Writs us- Caaaaa. GOLDEN wheat landa for aala Im proved and unimproved prairie farma, any sixe. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Woodhead coy. V a trims. Ssas, Can REAL ESTATE I have a Urge list of lands in ths Goose and Eag-lc leka district, so betisr in Canada. H. f. Leech. Kose tuin, Saaa- FARM landa In ths Canadian west, town lots in railroad divisional points, property In Welreua. lbs Carlsbad of America. Write w. M. Gelbraith, Watroua. ka'.chawaa. XJt ACRES, dose to town. Saskatchewan: 17 acres in wheat; tl acre; third cash, balance to suit. Write tor terms, 14 Bronte St, Fort Williams, Ont, Can. 1 OWN a section of good wheat land situated less than two miles from g re wing town tn Saskatchewan. Will sell for SJv par sera Address, M. J. Carroiher. P. O. Box l. .". Winnipeg. Manitoba. 1 RiE valuable mformatioa to Cananiaa laiidseekere. Frank Crawford. Ware block, Omaha. Cels tde. l-ACRK best Irrigated farm. Colorado; finely improved; new M-room dwelling, uarn; potato cellar nolo h cariciaa, e, acres a beat; a acres alfaifa; no waste laad; every foot under oid wster ngnt; ihsva another farm, can t work both, ail aulas north of Denver, m miles south of .Greeley. C. A. Gregory, ed Mack Bldg, jLHDver. Colo. I NORTHWESTERN Colorado wheat lands. i to (la per acre. A few improved Urtni. tX te Ui- Writ J. B. Reishardt. Sterling. Colo. lat acres tn Eastern Colorado, deeded snd clear nice and level with immediate proapert for Irrigation from private dit.-h This ! a first-clasa inveeiment. Write for tnf.jrmauon- Price. IJta per sera First Stat Bank, v. iggtna. coio. lews, FOR SALE Two lots, number t aad 17. block E. Lngiewooa addition. Highland Para- Address J. n. Dennett, twvkslacaa. WANTED A good stck of general mer cr.andise. 000 to rLiW, is eictAi fe for gucd larm near Ko'fe. la, ar.d cash, fartr contains 1&4 acre, six-room houe. barn, p,xs. Free. 1100 aa sere, subject t l.Tj; equ.ty. fi-twO. F. R Loomer. Rotfc. la I l'SACRE farm 7 mi 'as southeat Baa sett, Rock, eoucty. Nebraska: acres m corn this year, larg acreage in timothy snd clover; goed set of improvement price, t Pr sere, sne-third oaaa. Bal ance easy terms at per cent. CARL TENNIS. ZM F LAT. Bdg, blous City, Is FOR SALE Splendid farms well in pioved. rar.ging in from 10 te gw per CJe Thia ib choice leas land, m well im proved evor.mua.tiea. hear Iowa and sci.ooa There is bo mure ferule or beautiful pan of the state than Osoeoia county. V rite for paruculars. T. S Kedmoad. Elbtey. leVACRX estate ail th vary choicest of lend. Bottling nicer m the state, t&Ou or mote ef improvements sil La good shape, .1 miiea fruaa two goud towns. Must he sold snd took I ha th exclusive haad of thia. Price, tas per acre. Marui 1 irjverv : t cash, be.s.'e i'e per ceat, vA M. Emery, North wood. Is. Ed ACRES and IT! acres af soatbera loss lend, improved, well located, guud soil, light price, for sale or trsde. I..JUV equity la brick store bu.tding. a fli-al-c. isriee property. I V sa.e er trade, ajuicx. ea land, merchandise or auiomotulaa. Ad areaa Bos a. Lisgouel, lav REAL ESTATE FARM AD RAICH LAID FOR ALB lw Ctlaeed. A REAL ESTATE KNAP. SJe-acre farm IB Porabontaa eounty; eer Ber right In t am: b.iir.g one Mock from depot aid creamery; tea -room beuae nicely furniphed. fine grove sad fruit tree; beae tilul building s te faeirg sMtrt; cat Us rara . te-foot posts, stsnchlcns for about csttie; ti alio bins; room for ld tons cf fcay; sier feed cutter, corn grinder an ls-horse power gasoline erg'.De; horse barm li borsee. with bay loft aad grain ana. windmill end u-ree water taaks; farni fenced tn all f eda; 7 acres bogtight. Price, fx par acre oa very easy terms. J. A. CARROLL. Relfa. la FOR SALE OR TRADE My equity In ecuoo of raw land. I icllee of orenta. I muea KU Carson and I mues Wlid Horse. Cneyenne Co.. Ch.o ; ea U. P. Ry.; laye good, aha.iow water district; 1 mile te rlTer; slfslfa grown sucoeesfuily nearby. Price. U per acre; eocumbraoce tT.&e. op tlunal at per cent, dua May U. Will trsde the equity. tl.Ke. for residence of equal value. 1 a'ise have a sectioa oinlng this which is clear, to trsda for town prop arty. Same price Weuid carry back Ilea oa this st par caul. Walter H. Beyd. Newton, la. FOH BALE Excellent 2aVacre farm In corn aad blue grass belt. t.r counts", lsa. farm all aeil feooed. av acres hv g tight. U acres tiled, and all In exreleni cw.uvatlon. U-roum house, large bnca cellar with cement floor, remetit wa k. aj-ge new barn and mut, with good Fair bancs engine, new bog house, other out buildings, ail la good repair; good stock anl barnyard, large krove end aoed er- ahard. four goud wella excellent waur. iw wmcm.lis. l or furtaer Drucu.ars aAdreJ strs Anna AA- Hash, lass St.. Dee Moinea, la. I'd ACRES, Caaa eounty, Iowa, (arm Im proved and weu located, price, Li. per acte. my eau-ty is L Mart aouthera Minnesota w Dakota land, clear. N in- f.ated prices considered. One 10-horse Pvaer portable gasoline angina for a bat havs you? Address C. W. McCsustlacid, Cass county. Lor ah. la. , UeACRE improved farm. 7 miles from Masr.a City. I nruiee from small town. 17a an acre; easy terms and sptendid bargain. Aev-ecre unimproved I arm 12 miles fro Maeoo Oty. tm miles frv.m twj etner bvu euir rv u acre, we nave U'lS nest bar gains in northern Iowa Come and ere us, UASON CITT REALTT CtX, Mason City, la. acre tract of rich black loam with clay subsoil in Monona county, lows, six mues from three g.od towna 2 acres in crops snd tame gras. LJ acres of rough pasture lend a ell set with young Umber. v acres of the pasture land fenced bog Ught a airres in alalia- Land ail ft need. Two Bets of good buildings in pro portion to sixe of farm. Gwod ssiem of water works. School bouse on the farm. This is a first cies stock farm and a tine opportunity for the right man. Price Lwi t per acre with very easy terma En cumbrance. 113.000. Mieht consider part trade for clear westers iond or Omaha res idence property. T. C. TuRHlSvN at COMPANY, mi Citv NeuutaJ Lank Build ing. Omaha, Neb. l'ho-ie Dougias llul. t3i ACRES. V miles good town; fenced, wed improved; ail smooth land; rich biack soU; god orchard; R F- D. ; phone; t-na surround lags. ; good terms; will ex change fur hardware. Implements or gen eral merchandise. W. AL Mou. Herinrwa, WE have soma choice bargains In corn, wheat and a.fa-lfa landa for saie in Benioa and Rush counties; write for list of farm bargains American Investment company, Hoiaingxon. Ken. M ACRES, six miles rrotn Mineola. iM acres in wheat, one-third to buyer; new 4-room house, stable, well. mill, tank, pas ture fenced, rich black soil; has raised good crop every yer since broken out; icreat bacain IX per acre Terms. Ths Rey C Beard Land Co, Mineola, Kan. LM ACRES, l'e miles out, 300 in wheat; t to buyer: balance pasture Tne late rain and anew assures bumper crop; level as a floor; tS H per acre; terms W. B. Ctii bertson. Scott Oty. Kan. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP 16 acres. 1- miles out: Ut acres In wheat; 1 delivered to buyer, level, rich, deep soil; rood well and wmdmllL K.SO: ' terms Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all aixes and pncea t scnuhmacher. owner. Mesde, Kan. n ACRE- la alfalfa: la- larga barn, graaary. eta: twe mUee te Umea r-aweee cteiuiiy; as acres pestara selance la culttvatleai rich deep sofl, sbue daaee ef water, watis and mills; m ; 11 1 ma, Beats Resit Oa, II acrbiBsaa, Kaa. LeaAelesa. TERNON parish. Lav; the laad ef saiae sou. caanaie, msrfceta. water, brt 1k seed; prices cheap; write LaaavUie sveai as lata aaa uaprevemeat va, v. v ariaad. nee y LOUISIANA farm aad timaer laaaa gbed tor truck, cora, cattla eta; ea ae .uat ti cotioa peat, rnsapsst laaoa ,e market, ball, Elder , av Sweat, svearee ATTENTION, HOMESEEKElta, If yen are thinking of Isumgraung this year, write us for descriptive liier a.ure of our isnds la Mianeaols, North Dakota and Montana. Wa caa suit you bo matter what you want and where ou want It. and can sell you anywber frwm acres to L,M. Wulisin E. Ulhbuna, Lock Boa a Cormorant. Mma. FARM. SNAP ZM acres level prairie l,4 e I, rmn hAlarvet mjtitn anI meadow; good building. 7 acre. Morehart st Aicnison. aitniiin. si inn LANDS No. to. 10 acre 71 miles Twin Cities; good tlllsble soil; state map maiied with ti-pags book for hi cents. Hobart Land Co, Pbemx Bldg, Minneap olis. Minn. & 60S equity In rood quarter la southern Minr-esoia; quarters tao nulea Irom good town, hav-ing house ZSxIu, new barn sol, with gabi roof, a mail granary and fence. V sat machlae, acock of dry gocda 1- rice (7W per acre. Beaj. A. Con. Wlnoow, 1 ACRES U miie from SC Paul, t miles from Roaeioont; all (enced. black loam sod, ev acres culuvaied. baimaco pasture and b.ack oak umber; only U per acre for isv meoiate sale; naif (Sk liu-acr improkad (aim U miles from Bt. Isui, 1 mil from Rich Valley stauen; tune-room house, amdmul, .aiga bar 11 aad ether fcuiid.njis, ad m gooa conoition; bisck loam soil, cisy subsoil; always been cultivated by owner; la acres under p.ow, I acres fruit trees, mostly sppita, baianc s-od vmoer isnu. puce and terias. W. F. A R W. M-inty. Piuncer rresa tldg, St. Paul. Mtr.a.- I HAVE a farm of U acres r miles from good town, 3t m.Ws from MinnespoLs, ice scies urid.r culuvation; aoout M acre meadow, baiaie uoiber; tax ail be opened up, ncn soil, goon nou. barn and other buildings Pnu, per acie. Also aacr farm ta miles from good town. acres under plow, lit acre un-ber. good rich soli, l-room house, tee barns and other oui buiiuttigs. windmill, fine natural grove, or cnard just co run en erg to bear. Price, tiO. eaay terms. Writ ner. Charies E. Swaiison. E.k River, Mina FOR SALE MB seres of good new herd "h". K 1!" S'ftZZ 'iolu one mil... from . r abroad ;"eui! tlcssia!r2Srr2rdU'Ava!: ii T v-. N, Minneaiolia, 6 END for a list of our fins Improved cut hern Minnesota leads; w rave hun dred ef pirated customers C. K Brown Land Co.. Office Msdelia and Kt Usd. Mina sO.Otw acres tn St- Louis and Carltoa counties. Minnesota, near Cities of Du iuth aad Superior, at price witnm th reach 01 a.i 1 10 u u acie: eaay terms, four. teeo railreeds now entering tnese two dues furnish Cheap sad Quick usJMaortatios A liUAJu.i steel pdint now building by th United States Steel curporauoa near Isnda Soil is terms snd eeii adapted to diverai tied larnuiig. a.ry ir.g snd garden truck. Kj long hauls er ireaspertsuoa chargas, but right st th doors c( the beet markets s the 1' 1.11 d Slates, with coastent demand and high prices. Write for full mLM-msuon. Boston A L-uiuth Farm Land Ce, an) At worth Bldg, Lu,uta, Mina FINE (aim horns. t seres, I mde grom good urn; blsis loam aeU. Ad feaoed. aerge frame a oiling, bam, gran ary, macma aheds, etc, le acres ta fieid. acres umber, baiaacs ciovar aad un othy aad meadow, loeal dairy farm, tav per acre, one lairs casn. terms, at- s. Hoie. t'crsistent Advertising U the Load to Big Rat urns REAL ESTATE FARM AXD RAhCM LAX U FOR SALB Miaaeewta I ee tinned. A SNAP", MUST PE QUICK; Fa-arre Im proved farm In Murrev euurtv, Mmneeota: has first-ciasa bwidinga. fences, sptendid grove, orchard, two tnl'ee from tewa. V rue John Holdea. ir, Garvin. Mtna. Mtesaart. THIRTEEN sections In Daweoa county, near tdney. ore ef the best town! in the VW.oe stone val.ey; see have ether lands that we are re' la any atss farm yoa eant V rite your esnta Prices are right. The Hayeard Land J-. Oieadiaa Mont. FOR SALE Finest farm In Leavenworth county, Broaddue tarns of m acres. 1 miles from Fort Lea res worth, gv.aa) brtea residence, ha ts-year-old walnuta, 1J0 sugar trapie trees, nsturai gas. two telephoces. free delivery. 1 from benta Ke sta tion: examine premises and writs Mrs. J. L. KJrby. lhd Faux St. hi Joaepb. Me. IN MISSOURI. Farms any mse for sale, IM ta (IS per arm. improved or unimproved. H caah. bei. time, er 1-10 cash bei. tea years at t-a W rite your wanta Flfiy-fivs miie seat of Kansas City on C A A. R R. WALTER C. CKILtS REJLLTT CO, HigginariUa. Ma FOR SALE as farma, large and small between Mississippi and Missouri rivers, average per are. Writs for big price list. William Crews. Wright Oty. Me. MISSOURI FARMS Nona better ea earth. Highly Improved IM acres. rakas anything. Other decided bargains. ' Wrtt GUliam Realty Ce, GUIlam. Ma- STOPI Don't go a step farther then Douglas county, down In the beautiful Oxarka. raise anything; corn to s bush els per acre, all other crops in proportion; cheapest good land on earth. Hum per ,cr-. "ee Info Mo. Free Information- Oreaa Real Esiat MISSOURI farm. Ed acres; g-room bouse, barn; lot seres wheat. . acres corn; level, black dirt; 1 miles railroad. K acre. Chaa E. Huckstrp Realty Co.. Eliberrr. Mo st)-ACRE farm, all cultivated: fine house, barn, fences, first-class eoaditloa: fine 1 aprtng water; I miles from town; 7 mi from railroad. Southeast Miaeeuri Immi gration Co.. Piedmont. Mo Meataaa. FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley S3 acre fin fruit land: eld water right, best sec tion of th valley, f n proposition for sub division: fair buildings, easy terms Ad dress owner. E. O. Lewis, StevensvUie. Moat- WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA. th .coming farm slate, til U to t3 per acre, W rite for description. Shaw A Clark Land Company, Hackney Bldg, St. Paul. Minn. Z3S.ACRE homestead relinquishments for saie. aiao one hotel, on bakery, on general store, one saloon, one feed store. AOdresa Charles F. Brawn. Galata, Mont, Xerth Dakota. ONB of the finest farms la Rtchlaea ccunty. consisting of sts acres ef good, productive Land, joining Wyndtnere. Fine larg building, lots cf fruit, nice rrovs and never-facing flowing weiL Prioa t;jd per acre. Easy terms Msrua Psulsoa Land Co., WyBdmera. North Da kota. FOR SALE An exceptional r fine las. I miles ot elevator, six miles of Wyndmere, goed. heavy, bleck aolL WUd Rice river through pasture Fine new buildings, waii af excellent a at sr. windmill, etc. LA per sera This is a snap. Lock Bos IX vAyndrBere. North Dakota. ) acres In McLean Co., N. D. ; IM acres In crop. Pienty of mcistur this peas .n Wonderful crop. Buildings new. Ew per acre. MRS. IDA NEFF. ill Bee Bldg. AUCTION SA LE North Dakota; choice WeiiS and Stutsman covin ty farma at puolie auction June . UU. on easy terms Writ for information. A. F. Belcher, Sale Mgr.. Sykeston, N. D. ewth Dsksts. 19 ACRES IN DEUEL CO., S, D. Clot to th Minnesota line; heavy black soil; clay subsoil; lies very level and ail under cultivation. Must be aold within M daya to close an estate. Half of this year's crop goes with ths price. SK per acre; easy terms, tl.mO will handle It and it la a snap. No stones, no foul weeds Addrer W. F. McGee, Lake Preston, S. ti. Klv-ACRE com farm, out from Sioux Falls, excellent improvements, large grove and fruit; all In cultivation, prtce for quick sal pti, easy terms; also i well improved, easy terma, and 16s acres unimproved. These ar bargains for quick sale. R. A- Siivlus, owner, Sioux Falla. S. D ALFALFA THE KING OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS. This is ths land we have Free home- steed a; relinquishments and deeded '-rd For particulars writ F. O. Wonder A Ce, Buffalo Gap. S. D- SOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR SALE. Wa have a list of Edmunds county land lor aaie at trom tl and up per acra If Interested write us for paruculars end we wui send our prices axui poc Act man. u. you own land in south Dakota list it with us. Our motto is A Square Leal to Buyer and Seller." Give us a chance to prov our list em ent Hasvoid Land Co, Mica. La- munas county, south uakoiA, ONE-FOLRTH SECTION FIVE MILES FROM TOWN. Fair Improvements. Price. Ss.gM. Equity, 12,411. Anill Real Estate Co., Akassa, 6. D WILL exchang choice farm land near Pierre, the capital of Soutn Daaota, tor good Iowa or Nebraska land; a bat have you to otter T West Land Co.. Pleris.A. u FOR BALE 16 acres Impioved, valley farm land. Lruie county, booth Dakota; running aatar, telephone and rural mail, easy terma. Addresa the Whitiwca at Lumbard Bank, Kimball, S. D. FOR SALE Section good, raw land: ail fenced; tw4 LoeUug well; f mil (rota Piaakinsion. S. D. For particulars aril J. E. OMailay. Philip, S. D Rehraaka. FINE StO-ecre ratich. L7 miles from toes, I quarters tarn hay. balance wild nay an pasture, em acre level, oaiance siiiii rolling; heavy slack soli; two Lowing hcis. s-rocm house, barn, s'enaiy . chicken house, lelepnone, miie le achuoi This u an excepuonaily fine ranch ana a snap. Will Mil un easy terms oeorge a 101 una. owner. Auunson. Neb. . X) acres l1 miles from Emerson. Neb; fine improvement, laad las oed, caa mak spiencid terms, and tii price is tM to 5 less than pieces ar being priced at- For particulars csll on or rue J. K. LENNOX. ALLEN. NEB. lee ACHES in Chase county. Nsbreaks. 12 miles south of Lisie; if laeea son wiu tali L. an acre; uus is a good quarter section and caa ail e farmed; wiu lake a good 1.-1 er Irll auiomeoiM ea the sea. ana carry th Balance. F. A- Oarlaad. Chariiun. la Ongss. 'Y" -.tV ,r .V " fT": 1 '"C"'C 1 emooiS land. I )s acrea. - miles from law a. new. mod- era house, bars tenement; ke pear prui. bearing. l. young tiers, grape vices, good ester; wooo. Or will sell s acre iih all improvements. lnveeusuoa WMidtea. C. li- wv truster, i n Lsiles. Oi eel a Carevllsva. LANDS Bta) per acre mad grewins Caa tor preserves on the 1 alarms Orchras on monthly paymenui- eee Ielsnd Orchard Ccmpaay. Chsrleetoa. A C Teaaa. WE sre subdi riding LXd seres of fartil farm land in Jackson count... Spinaid crops every year. Rsicfa.i about nsht, te inches. For deaoripuon. plat and price write JOHN R1CHET A CO, til E. Houston St, Saa Antoaio. Tex TEXAS IUVESTMENTS. By srenerd sad garden lands aeej Houston, the grestesi snd most prosper ecis city in the acuta west, where value are going up all the Um and fortunes mad is real estate in abort wails Eaay term if desired. Address E. C Robert nm, Vela. Tea, and a 1-ecre farm la tn Ij , 1 - . .. . . . . . - ,1,- t . - j cmn iL"-0:x J as perpetual a day i National Kenk Bldg, Houston. Tsx REAL ESTATE FARM AXD RAX CB LAND FOR SALB RAN SABA VALLET. the garden ewe ef Texaa, home ef the paper shell pecen. Ws can buy lend for you er Invet sroney, 1 per cent net to yoa secured by mortrag these lands. Comepondeace solicited. Re fer to llrl Sat I beck. San babe Nat l bank. Ward. Murray A Co, and the mem bers In congress from Texaa. Eeiiey Burieeon Ce, Saa Saba. Tax. W yeas I a at. WTOMTNO farm aad etwra rsich: ti proved, fenced, wall watered. n i'lll be eetd best offer pest a'.xty daya WHt ewaer, Andrew Wiieoa, Far kat. FOR SALE Hem arree ta Laramie county. Wyoming, tn Ooidea Pratrts dte tnrt: sin table for farming; now stocked with cattle and abeep; ertil sell with ranch: ill exchaags for eastern Nebraska er Iowa firms J. T. Bell, Owner. Cheyenne, tn ye. WE CAN show ysu many thousand acres where thia year's crop will pay tor the land, cron failure nnknowa. beet climate and water, ao hot winds, present prtrea, fiLM to t per acre, eaay terma, Beatty, Plae Bluffs, Wye Waeatwsrteaw WRmC for iBferrratloa a beet the "Tn laad Empire." siae Spokane, its avtroeaelia, Farma fruit Landa aity property Mak ear eCftre your headquarters aad Informa tion bureau when IB ear city. IOWA REALTT CO, ill Liadelie Blh, fpokaae. V FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit H. H. Culver. IU-1 u N. B. Bldg. D. TKs. FOR reliable sales and exchanges, see D. M. LKAM1NG. Brandeia Bidg. RAILROAD eating house doing a monthly bueineta of from 11. a te tXaud, tor sale or trads for land. Address A-l. car Be. Palisade-Colorado I have several choice erensrd horses te exchange tor farms as Nebraska, lows or atiesourt These orchards are la the beautiful Pae aaoa fruit district, nt for paruculars H. R, UOUUH. Pal laad a. Colo. FOR SALE or Exchange Irrigated fruit and track ranch in Kennewlck valley. 1 allies from avennewick. Wash. In high stale of cultivation. In best improved part of valley. Set to apples, pears, grape asparagus and etraa bernea. Beet ot so cial and school advantages. R. F. D: and telephone Price. Sl.e.d cash or will trad for farm in Miss basin. Write, giving particulars. W. O. Plait, R. F. D. No. L, Kennewlck, Wash. A COOL plunge in Lak Manawa will overcome that hot feeling. If Mrs W. A. Ehlers. 70t Bancroft St, 1U com to Th Be office within Three days w will giv her a pair of round trip tickets to Lak Manawa. WESTERN LAND FOR OMAHA PROP ERTT. Joo. L Barber. KM City Nat l Bans. FOR SALE or exc bangs, equity in tea room house, fine location, on ear line, north id, good repair. For cottage ar good vacant propeny. phone Harney aaa. REAL ESTATE LOANS IniKI to liAm. mm 11.1 . ri Koma W ...l era. wita privilege of making parual pay. cnencs r.i-Msu.iiy. . a. lausAS, SSI First Aauonai cvsak Aviag. CHEAP MONET. Representing the Pesn Mutual Life las. Co.. with assets of over U. .isd.duu, ( sra prepared to aocept all the good loans of fered ea Improved Omaha real aetata buainess aad residence loans mad with out delay. THOMAS BRENNAN, City National Bank Bldg. LOANS MADE ON IMPROVED CITT REAL ESTATE. BUTTON REALTY CO, ... BUILDING. I10U to tTO.aut mad promptly. F. va3d. Weed tldg, lsth and Farnain, MONET TO LOAN Pays Investment Ce. CITY and far. JOHN N. FREN7EM. FOR a family dessert use Dalsall'a le cream. If M. Thetro. Lett South U St.. will com to The Bee office within three day wa mil giv aim aa order lor s quart Dncs 01 inis tine ice cream. LOW RATES, BEMld-CARLBEKG CO Xle-U Brandeui Tceaier Bldg. GARVIN BROS. Sd floor N. T. Life. KM to tlwI.WAi oa improved property. No delay. WANTED City loan and warrants, w, Farnam Smith A Co.. 1U Farnam c WANTED, FARM LOANS. C, OmahSL Kloka Ibt. WANTED Oty snaaa. Peter Trust Ce. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Leads O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 101 New Omaha National Bask Building. REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have you anything ta offer the farmer af lewa? Any cheep laad for higher priced; s general merchandise at or tor land ar any kind of exchange T Or have yen some tend tou want to sell for cash? The mnm Paper that reaches th Iowa far me; is the Des Moines Capital ; 41, (AM circulation dally; rate aingl lnsemae, 1 coat a word: ix Insertion. 4 cents s word. Do Motsee Dally Capital. Le Moines, la. .TAKE raa out to the ball game. If C. n . . till Cr.s.BK Tavaat v.t.. k AUaer, VA.1A w-w wvxit -gvui U BMJfJhgrX, win C4ro t Th B ffxr viviua thr days will riv hrm a UrkM to ihm bvj erav ma a t ftrlllrka ra.T aT STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE Pictureeque St Lawrence Routs Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDuN. Havre, Krasee Fortnughily boa PHILADELPHIA and Boston to G.asgow Spleadid soenery. ehoneat paasagc, low reiea. Any local agent or ALLAN A CO.. General Agents. LS N. Dear bora Sc. Chicaga ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW TOKK, LONlONLsJcRY rn.SU GLASGOW. NEW YORK AND NAPLES DinECT. B-ngie or Round Trip Tickets between New Tors and Scotch, English, lnsn and all principal Continental p-jid.s at attracuv rates. Send for hook of informstion. Superior Accommocauons Excel.ent Cul aiaa. Apply promptly for Rsserv.t.oa t local agents st Aacnor Line er HE.viLER ScjN AAtOo, General Agenta. Cbicsgo. LI. SUMMER RESORTS IF lul ar lousing tor a cool, quiet aad auedy piece for rest sad lecrestion, come to Wlldeood Rsncn, oa tne bank; of a beautiful mountain stream, fine ashing. rite is C. M. Gregory. Centennial. Wye. THE beet treat for alt and baby la a dish of I aisel. s ice cream. If Wui Wig gin. aid South 24th Acs. will com te The rvs office aithin three dsys we will giro him an order f jr a quart brick of this fine ice cream. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow H, privet , party, oa tlJ.000. city property. K Ot, Bee. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for td hand ruraitrfre, carpets, ciuthiag and ahwsa. Tel. D. S7L THE LoadoB psys nighes prices for eeo-oad-basd clothing; panu eapecislly. Will rail for. 14 N. InL F-1M. South 777. SELNER pay good price for furniture. . .i . ,iiM.M .mi - - - ri Ol A BICYCLE. J tut Bea WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST class practical Bursa caa gage at ewca Uou 7A TOU NO gin wishes position as aura ga-L C -, Be. WANTED Day work, heusecteaalng a washing. Call Webster TOUNil woman with kindergarten train ing d eei res position te care for young children. Address M R R, irJ Map ipl street or phone Webeter wa. TOCNG woman, experienced teacher, wlanes position U car for children Ad- dree L, R. F, PCI Map) St.. or phone Ma Webeter. POfrTION aa porter ta eal or club; fair tnixoiectet; stranger In city; kmg e- peiic; white; Irwh. F. L. Gay. 1J A"oulaa. Phone A-l.ttK TOUNO lad r waats position as hmiee- keeper; neat and reepeciabia O. d. Be. WANTED Br young widow of refine ment peett ton as hsusekeeper. Oty Awdreea X at, nee. s nnv .tnii 001 1 1 on In rtrintira shoo: twe years' xperrae Hi feeding. call D. A3. A MIDDLE-AGED man wants poet t ton as assistant baker; three years' experience Call D. UZi. A YOUNG maa wants pos tlon as rardy maker; I years' experience. Call D. vl LEAGAL NOTICES JiOIU'E TO tX NT HA CTU RE STATE BCILD1XGA Plans and speclficstions a ill be prepared) and en file in the office qf the secretary of rtst and commlener of public lands and buildings for the erst buildings te ee constructed as provided by appropriation made by th SSd session cf the Nebraska, legislature, vis. I Buildings for Hospital for laaane. Lincoln tlJflt 1 Hospital building (or S. dt S. horse, lirand Island IMOg 1 Laundry building at Hospital (or Insane. HeMings '" 1 School of Agriculture, CurtlB 74. 1 Lnning room addition at S. and 8. bom. Milford LB) I Ptnlng room addition at Feebl Minded Institute. Beatrice . Plans for th bulldincs at Graad Island sre row ready for inspection. ADDISON WAIT. Secretary. Board of Public Landa and Juildmga. Sealed bids will be recetved at the office .w, c - ,t r-v .f Ktst TJroln. Ne braska unUI noon June 3". 13L for the 1 - . m . ti.i. .nM eonsioerauon 01 a ....... th Main of th School, for th Deaf with the Main lor ine cman .icj Plsn and specifications ar on file at th office of the CMy Engineer of Omaha. AL'1.11 t T."N "AH c , . Board of Public Land and Buildlr.g. JSdPt OCEAN STEAMSHIP? HAMBURO-'AMERICAN Load oa Paris -Hamburg; Clevelen. Jl L ! A M I Aw.rte. Jsly 11. tyeam.lvsnl ... Jalr Oraat. Jaly tt, etts-Csr S la Cuts elasrset. Will nil st Plraisvi'k as CfcarWvrs H .mn I cw entr jwni rn at B-uiexsa mAJCBTystVAKXmiCAT LISTS. 15 Wast Baadelph 8V, Caiaagw, CL, m local agent. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATIOX Teata aad Mm ea tales Pacific t . - Depart San Fran. Overland L a k am China aad Japan F. M a 4 t pm Atlantic Express Oregon Expreea all -M pra Lea Angelea Limited. ..a U 46 pm Denver Special a 7 M am Centennial Stat Spec'I all pm Colorado Express .......s 1 pm Oregon-Wssh. Limited air 50 pro North Platte Local a I U am Grand Island Local a I pm Etromburg Local oil il pm Arrive, a 7 5 pm a ( at pm a it am a l it pm a I 3 pm a T:!7 am all s am a 4 Ml pm a I pm a 4 45 pm aid J am b 1 39 pm Omh-Ft. Louts Ex. ...a P Mall and ExpreV aTtdam Stacb'y Ld tfrom C B )b ti pm Sales et Ksrlkwettera NORTHBOUND. Twin City Expre a 7:l am Sieuz City Local a I S p Mtna. A Dakota Em a 7 pm Twin City Limited a I 46 pm Minnesota Express EASTBOUN.D. Carroll Local a 7:0 am Iay light Chicago a 7.4 am Chicago Local all is pm Coioredo-Chicsgo a :1 pm Chloago pecial a d pm Pacific Coast -Chicago... a t.S pm Los Angeles Limited. ..a Fid pm Overland Limited a 7 hi pm Carroll Local a 4 pm Faet Mall a s.J pm a I IS am all U pm bsv:U era a Xlpta a 13 pm a 1 am a 7 so am all ,-O0 am a t t pm all a am a 1 21 pm a 1 a pm a f am a 1 a pm all s pm a U am a 10 am a t .B pm Cedar Rapids Sioux City snd Omshs P WESTBOUND. Long Fin I no am all -) am Norfolk-Dsns. iMM" Long Pine-Lincoln ... a J 14 pm a t 3 pm Hasangs-Superlor b MS pra h pm Desdwood-Hot Spring a I ii pm I pm Casper-Lander a 1:U pm all am Fremont-Albion b t pra kl ttpa rklesAare, Bek lsiaad A Pa elf EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd..el7- am The Mountaineer a .4a am si S pm a 7 41 am s I D pm bio i pm a l it) pm si; II pm a 7.47 am a sm i'djia all asm a 4 -a pm All . a am Omaha Day Express Chicago Local Paas....bl0 15 am Chicago Express a a. is pm T llntnmm Inr.1 Pill A 4 17 pm Chicago-Nebiat ka Ltd. .a 4 0g pm w tic. The Mountaineer a 01 am Local Pass to Lincoln a I s' sm Colo.-Cl Express ....alUpm Okl. A Tex. Expras.-a : pm ChL-Ne. Ltd. Llncola - Kocky Mountain Ltd.. aid 4 pne ill! sola Ceeitral . . Chicago Express --- 7 am a l td pea . l'hlceo Limited a 4 t pm a f M am Mmnv-St. Paul h,x iieua Mina--SL Paul Ltd a 4 u pm a IM ass Chicaga treat Wesitra Chicago Limited .......a I I pm Twin City Limited a l av pro a 7:4 am Tain City Express a 4 am a Se pm ' Chicago Express k I d pm Local Passenger -S I li pm ' hl , Mllwaavkee A bt. I Overland Limited .. ...a 7:M pm Omaha Chicago Ex... b T.15am Ptrr "Local a o am Colo -Cat. Lx press ....a : pm Colorado Special a 7 2 am perry Local b s-is pm Mlaweart Peeltle K. C. A St- L. Ex a J sm K. C A St. L. Lx alios pm t.U era pm t zi pm I K am 17 . am s 14 am iM pm Bartlagtea talleav. er Ilea tea Lien ver A California . Puget Sound Lxpreaa Nebrssks points Bisck liilia Aioooln si sil Set I Express .. Nebraska points Nebraska Express.... Lincoin Local Schuyler-Fiat is mouth Lincoln Local Plaitsmouth-Iows .... Be i le v ue-P tat tsmou th . Chicago Ppectsl tienver Special Chicago F-xprea Chicago Fast Express lows Local Creeten llai Local... St. Louis Lx press .... IC C. t. Joseph.... K C A St- Joseph.... K. C. A St- Joseph-... -lwth aad Masts lepart .a 4 In pm a 4 l pm -a I J am -a t.l pm .0 1 Jv m .all la pra ..a ita a I.U am .. 1 46 pm .a 7 -a pm a l am ,.ai: M pm till am .all at pm ..a 4 3 pm I I li pm .a 14 am b I M pm ,a 4 a pen .aid at pm .a I li am ..a 4 .At pm Arrrva i li pm t ta ptu 4:1 pm A I ti pm i;.u pm lie am a l pm a 4 1 pm b ca am bl J am a 7 i pm a I a am a i t pm all U pm I pm a I id pm il am 10 M am bl 6 am all tl am a t am M pm Webeter ltatlea Itlk and Webeter. Mlaeeart reelfte Depart. Arrive. Aubarn Local b t pm bll S sm Ckteasja. St. Pwal. Mleeee pells A Omaha Depart. Arm Sioux City Express t pox but pm Omaha Leoai ..... lis pm Sioux City Pass-. ...... c 3 pm Teat tity Pass b at sm Sisux UHy Local ,.cl 2i Kmsrsoa Local -b tat pm UHim ibi daily, except Sunday tcj Suatsy only, -ai daily . ee , 'V I "