12 THE BEE: OMAIIA, TIIUKSDAY, JUNE 22,1911. L- SPECIAL OFFERING SPLENDID BATISTES 7cYd. ATST ONE-HALF PRICE Fancy striped, checked, fig ured aod floral pattern ba tistes, colorings and styles that are suitable for mid summer wear,' saving ot more X. g than half, yd 2 o dVAP bK feu Ihoco.atc Day in Svveetland Delicious bitter sweet Choco lates, with soft, rich, creamy centers, pure fruit and crushed nut flavors 40c chocolates, at, per lb .. . 25c "A Most Extraordinary Purchase of Women's, Misses5 and Juniors DAINTY WASH B1ESSE The manufacturer had made his season's profit and was willing to take any price for his surplus. The dresses are of ginghams, percales, cambric and lingerie, In many pretty combinations of embroidery and laces. Our prices are so little that the finished dress costs little more than the necessary materials. There are three big lots PRETTY WASH DRESSES I I PRACTICAL WASH URESSES Will come fresh and crisp from the tub, values up to 17.60 at. 3.05 Cool, graceful styles that are worth up to $6.00 t 81.05 STUNNING WASH PRESSES For every occasion, all the lat est features, values up to $10, at $5 LINGERIE DRESSES . Of allover embroideries, laces, Aets, etc., charnir lng styles, worth up to $17.50; at... $10.00 LONG SHANTUNG COATS With the large sailor col lars very stunning and practical $5.00 UNDERMUSLINS . Fine gowns, skirts and combinations actually worth $2.00 each -t 08t WAISTS A splendid assortment all the, late summer styles, at.' $1.50 08 New Arrivals in Exquisite Embroideries and Flouncings 811k chiffon auto scarfs. veils and hat drapes, satin stripe borders, dew . drop beaded, etc., all colors worth $1.00, at, each ( 39c 27-inch fine sheer Swiss and batiste, embrold ered flouncings, also 24-lnch fine allover embroideries elegant new designs in Eng lish eyelet, floral, blind relief and new com bination effects, actually worth up AQn to 75c a yard; big bargain square, yd. fiVC Fine embroidery galloons and gal loon headings, also medium and wide embroidery edgings and In sertions, hundreds of pretty de signs, worth 20c 10r yard, at yard 1UL . ; Brandeis Semi-Annual Offer Greatest Clothing Event Held in United States 9 AityM One Day Only am s In Our Entire Stock atu Suit raay June 24 th $40 Suits $35 Suits $30 Suits $27.50 Suits $25 Suits $22 Suits , We are holding this semi-annual event earlier this sea son than ever. You can buy your new suit now and get a full season's wear. P3DEIS ST ORES mi in mm mi l. i nmmJiman,tt,f I 1iiu nrra mil - I Particular Young Men - . . AVe have been the favorite fitters with the young men of Omaha as long as Omaha has had young men. There is a reason we fit shoes perfectly and if there is any new style you can always get it at DrexeFs first. Our oxfords are always correct and pleasing to the tastes of ' well dressed young men. We unhesitatingly recom mend our line of $3.50 Special Oxfords this year. They are the cream of shoedom built on special lasts styles and shapes found only in higher priced shoes elsewhere. See them and you will wear them. Porch Hammock Swing Just, the thing for Porch comfort in the hot days and sweltering nights. The price is so low you cannot well afford to be without one or two. $7.50 to $12.00 Phone order for one today. Douglas 338. It will be delivered at once. SCOTT TENT & AWNING CO. 314-310 So. 12th' St., between Farnam and Harney. We also have a full line of tents, cots, camp stools for out-of-door living. Ask for prices. Wt)ST -remodels' furs Special summer prices expert work. Corner 20th and Farnam. Telephone Doug. 3040. DREXEL SHOE COMPAXT 1419 Farnam Stroet. li Wedding Presents. We have everything; new In of Cut Glaa and silverware. the line alau 141c and 18k Weddlnir Rlnea. Honest Goods and Honest Prices. FRIT2 v- t Velk soaso, 15.TH3T ANDWM 3 OMAHA NCB. RcIIablo Dcntifitrv Tafi's Dental Roims p5 MARRIED? Not yet. until you buy the wedding- gift. When you get the invitation st?o In and ee uu nothing nicer than allver or cut glass fur a wedding gift. Look for the name. , S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street QtsuucU f-9uAr fJ-4UlrA (ovuVu J- WIUl'..... V. r t "Specials" for ; Thursday Barrel Crisp Glnnger Snaps 20c 3 pkga. Quaker Oats or Rice f Flakes 25c V 4 cans Eagle Milk ..BOc3 White or Yellow Meal, per I sack 12Hc O Package Grape-Nuts 10c t s Quart Manzanilla Olives. . .85c 3) Imported Swiss Cheese, per pound 35c 1 trictly ' Fresh Eggs (from ,f the Hrandels model farm), y$ per dozen 80c Watermelons (Iced), each, m from 40c to 60c 1 r: Sweet each. auieiuupcB, at, ,f lOe and 15c Qa-iji wAr CwVTJ g-oudak TWENTIETH CENTURY FARWER Biacktf tke Live Stock Ilea. j NINJM I J " lniect our lines of flreless cookers, refrig- f II J J era tors ajid other I tot weather neveenitle for 1 it the home. S. A H. stamps with erery pore haae. y smi ff -lr We Are Going to Sell a Lot of Men's Shirts Thursday Because we are going to give them the best shirt bar gain they have had this season. $2.00 to $2.50 Soft Shirts at $1.39 Every one was purchased new this sea son and they represent the height of per fection in shirt making. Made of the very finest silk and linen mixtures some with fine stripes and others in solid colors all with the popular French cuffs attach ed. Choose from white, cream, grey. tan, lavender and blue. All sizes in the assortments Men's $1.50 Soft Shirt, Vf wnn collar, Men's $1.50 soft shirts with French cuffs and collars to match, $1.15. Men's $1.50 halbrlRgan union suits, Thurn-, day. the suit. ftl.OO. Men s regular il.uo Forosknit union suns, inursuay, rC Men's 60c Porosknlt shirts and drawers, the garment. 39S Men's 60c balbriggan shirts and drawers, Thursday, 39 Men's new wash ties, very special at 16c each, or two for 25. Also Big Reductions on Jill Our Straw Hats AH the straws that are good and all the styles that are favored may be had at these reduced prices $2.50 straw hats at $1.50; $3.00 straw hats at 92.00; $3.50 straw bats at $2.50; and $4.00 straw hats at $3.00. All 90.OO genuine Panamas at $5.00, and all $5.50 genuine Panamas at $4.50. Save Money by buying Boys Vacation Clothing Thursday For the one day only we will place on sale ft large lot of boys' extra Quality,, all wool suits, made of cheviots, cassimeres and worsteds in every new color and style of the season. They will fit boys from 6 to 16 years of age and most of them, have two pairs of pants to match. Regular $4.00 and $4.50 values, fori Thursday only, at How About Separate Trousers for the Boy? Boys' all Wool Knickerbocker Pants in ft great variety of the wanted patterns that have been selling up to $1.60 the. pair all Blzes are divided into two lots and priced for Thurs day's selling only, at 89 and 48tf. Boys' 7Sc Khaki Pants, t 501. Women's White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps Are Underpriced at the Right Time of the ' Season for You All New Styles Women's 'Ankle Strap Canvas Pumps, with leather Cuban heels made from' the same quality canvas as the regular $3.00 lines ev ery pair fitted, Thursday. $1.95. ) All of our 'Women's White Canvas Oxfords In two and three-eyelet styles, worth up to $2.60 the pair, sizes from 2 to AM, Thurs day. 980. . . .. Inspect the Children's Summer Footwear when you come to the sale above mentioned We have provided all of the newest and most comfortable styles In children's instep and ankle strap 'pumps of patent colt and dull calf leathers and make special note of t&em simply to give you an idea of the breadth of the children's stocks. Oxfords, pumps, shoes and barefoot sandals are priced according to the article, size and quality, at 500 to $3.00 the pair. ' . S3.45 Thursday Will Be a Great Day in the Women's Ready-to-Wear Store There will be bargains, too, for all summer Deeds and to fit all pocket books. We can give only & synopsis of the more important ones in this advertisement but come with your expectations, high for we promise you will not be disappointed. ' - $19.50 to $25 Pongee Coats at $12 This price is for your unrestricted choice ot each and every pongee coat in our store selling at and in between the above figures. An ample size range for all requirements. Women's $6.50 Rubber Raincoats $3.95 About one hundred women's slip-on rubber rain coats that are cut loose and full so they will be easy to slip on and off and afford plenty of room for a heavy coat underneath if desired. They button high at the neck and come in grey and tan. All sizes from number 34 to 44. $19.5J to $25 Silk Dresses at $10 Which price includes all of the odd lines and broken assortments of our finest ' $19.50 to $25.00 foulard silk dresses. There Is a good range of colorings and patterns for your choos- Women's $2 House Dreasta at $1.25 -Made of the best quality percales Id small, fig ured and checked patterns. All have low necks and elbow length sleeves and are finely finished In every detail. We are positive you cannot find their equal. $5 and $6 Silk Underskirts at $2.95 About one hundred taffeta and mcutllni alllc pet ticoat with cither plaited or plain tailored ruffle trimmed flounces are marked tor Thursday's selllng at 2.5. They were good value at the former prices of $6.00 to IG.00. Embroidery Flouncings for Summer Garments Three apeclal Items chosen from a stock that recognizes no wiual In quality of goods and fairness of pricing. Swiss embroidery flouncings In an exceptionally wide range of conventional and floral patterns' of both eyelet and French design, priced according to the width and quality as follows: 45-lnch widths, at $1.50. 27-inch widths, at G9. 27-inch widths, at 49 Cool Knit Underwear for Women and Children Wbmen's Empire Style Union Suit, trimmed with lace, regu lar $1.50 values, at 9S. Women's SOc t'nlon huita. In both regular and out sixes, Thursday. 35. Girls' 85c Lisle Thread Union Suite, to close, 15. Boys' Porosknlt Shirts and drawers, regularly priced at 26 cents the garment, Thurs. 21s A Clearance in the Picture Store To reduce our stock and to make room for other things now coming In we offer A Discount of 25 Per Cent on All i Framed Pictures now priced at $1.00 and upwards. The stock consists of about 2,000 . etchings, pastels, oils and water colors artistically framed in the most handsome woods and designs Just such pictures as you want for the home, for the office and for the club or for wedding presents to the brides of June. Sale Is for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only Sweeping Reductions in June . Sales Distinguished Trimmed Hats at $5 Always Lead, Best Line 01 uv Children's If Hats in Omaha. Manufacturer's Stock Sale w o IY1 E N 7 s w A S H D R E S S E S IY1 I S S E w A s H D n E S S E S SIO.OO SUMMKR COATS 4.95 -150 of them In linens, reps, pop lins, all sizes, with large shawl or sailor collars, great snap, at, each $4.05 200 llKAUTIFtti SILK DKK8SK8 In foulards, taffetas, pongees, in pretty checks, stripes, dots and plain colors, clever designs, snap, t. ech $10.00 NEW SPRING TAILORED SUITS that sold up to $25.00, choice, t. each $7.50 Your choice of over 200 gar ments in this special lot. ICo Embroideries 3 Jo A big line of Edges and Insertings in Swiss and nainsook, regular values to 10c, yard, at . . . ; ,3Vc 25o Embroideries lOo Extra wide Demi-Floun-cing8 in Swiss, , cambric and nainsook, regular 25c to 30c yard values, at 10c Val Laces lie, 24c, 3ic and 4ic Yard A clean up sale of our entire stock. Values are more than double sale prices. Some Exceptional Furnishing Bargains IN CORSET DEPT. I IN HOSIER YDEPT. $2 W. B. and C. B. la Sprite Corsets, extra long hip models, with six garters at tached, all have draw tape ' in bust, sizes from 18 to 30, fit eeeaaeeeee e Fine Coutil and Batiste Cor sets, long hip models to $1.50 values, at 75c Batiste and Netting Corset3, with garters attached, in .six models, choice . . . .49c $1.50 Silk Avia Cloth Broa siers, at, choice 50c Ladies' Silk Stockings, $1 and $1.50 values, pure silk gauze weight, plain colors or embroidered 49c 69c Ladies' 25c and 50o ' Hose, silk lisle andjace in ,all col ors, on sale Thursday, at, pair . . . . .lZy2c and 25c Children's Pure Silk '.Socks, white, pink or blue ; and plaid tops, at . .. .. . . ,25c Ladies' $2.50 and $3.00 Umbrellas, big specials, at 08 and $1.50 Children's Parasols, values to $1. t 39t nd 49 In the Domestic Room for Thursday 36-inch Percales, neat patterns, 12 He grade, at, a yard ...... 7 Mf 27-inch Ginghams, good grade, at, a yard Lawns and Batiste, good, assortment of colors and patterns, at,' per 10 7M and 5a Nearsllk Foulards, good patterns, at, a yard lOf? 15c PJaln White Lawn, 86-inch Long Cloths, Nainsook. Checked Dim ities, eto., all at one price,, at, a yard 104 86-lnch Bleached Muslin, extra fine, our 10c muslin, at, yard . -7tt Good Unbleached Muslin, always sold at 10c, at, a yard 7 Ha 9-4 Bleached Sheetings, nice and fine, Thursday, at, a yard 20 12 c Glass Toweling, Thursday, for -....OHaJ 1 Oc Crashes, at, a yard 7 H a Good 15c Bath Towels, each 11a All 12Vc Towels, each ....10 THE TALK OF or, inn A The Home of Low Prices and High Quality Hayden's Grocery Department Largs si is, each ,10c Largs all, per dozen $110 Extra large alze..auch 12 He Extra large size, per doxen ..I1.4U The Brat Family Diamond H Flour, per it pound neck $1.1. 10 bars Heat 'Km All or Diamond C 8oa.p. for 2c Bro-nangelon Jellycon. or Jello. per package Grape-Nuts, package 10c Corn l'"laka. package J He Condensnd Milk, per can 7 Vic Potted Meats, per can 6c The beat Boda Crackers, lb to S lbs Bent Hulk laundry Starch 26c 011 or Muatard Sardine, can ....4c The beat Creamery l.uttar, lb !5c Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, lb. 16c McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb luo Fm ATFI.B S1U inem up nu.. m it.s scarce and higher. , Medium size, ech ''H Medium slae. per doxen ...80c Medium large alx, each . ...t.SVsO Meulum large size, per doxen . .0c The Talk of Omabai Hay dsn's JTresB . Vegetable Vrloee. Freah Peas, per quart '. .... 6c I bunches Freth Kadlshes 6c Frenh Home Urown Cauliflower, at. each 5C hunches Freah Onions, for ...... 6c heads Freah J-ef Lettuce ...... 6c t bunches Fresh Beets, for ...... ,1c 4 bunches Freah Carrota, for ,.,.6c 4 buiichM freah Turnips, for ...,c Large Cui'umhers, each fic 3 Ureen Peppers, for '..So Fancy Hlpe 'lomatoea, lb. ..JUc I laige bunnhes 'resh Pie Plant ..so t busche Fresh Parsley ...Tie Fancy Wi Heaos. lb. ..10c If Yea Want a 4food Back of knout, try Hayden's .Diamond 11, par 48 lb. Back tl.15 DC TRY .MYDEN'S FIRST 375 DAINTY WASH DRESSES AT $1.50-Valuer $5.00. Lawns, linens, ginghams, plain colors and fanciVs, all the new summer styles, grand bargains Thursday, at, sale price . .' :.. $1.50 425 WASH DRESSES Made to sell up to $10.00, choice $2.95. White and all colors, trimmed with dainty laces, insertions and embroideries, all most wanted materials, colors and styles. Trimmings alone worth, in most cases more than the sale price $2.95 $30.00 AND $30.00 BILK 8 ITS In pongees and - Rajahs, Just the thing for summer wear, very newest styles, at. . . ..$10.50 DAINTY LINGERIE "WAISTS High and low neck styles,' beau tifully trimmed, are worth regu larly to $6.00, Thursday, choice, t, each $1.05 $8.00 LONG CREPE KIMONOH Light and dark colors, on sale, at. each $1.45 LAD1KS' GINGHAM UNDER SKIRTS Regular $1,00' values, on sale, at, choice 40a 1 I V