TTTE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21, 1911. PcnSONAL (Continued.; Uitttii. Mn. Rittenhvuse, 80s Old Boa tun atora Bldg. THE boat trat (or wife and baby is a ri -ft of Del tell a (ca cream. If A. W. Sand, W2i fc. 13th Kt. will torn to The Bee cuflc within three dsye we will give him an order (or a quart brick of thla (Ina tea cream Ira. MASSAOE Swedish mov-menl; nothing better (or rheumatism Indira, II; gentle man. $16o. Apt. 1. lam Farnam. Hra.. I to a. ( AONETIfi treatment. E. Brott, 19U prot Herri tt, Pbnurelogloal doctor. MAfSAflFBatha. fl1 Electric VI ANSAULr()ry treatment. Mia Lang, U N. lith St. Upetatra (tood Samritfln Maternity Hospital. Avi., Council Bluff, lowa. STRICTLY private confinement home. W find homes (or babies where mothers not am to cara for them. 218 Devan port St ITARSAfJF TREATMENT. Mra. (Meal. MilOOAUJi 101 g ,;tn M floor( room i. I WIUL not ba responslbe for debts con tract! by my wife, Annie Henke. Oua bank. 823 N. t4th. South Omaha. PRINTING PHONE 1MD. A KM for gooo printing, i-yagslad Printing Co., Mth and Capitol Aa Lew W.Eaber, Printer BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. AN evening at Lake Manawa la well pent If J. M. Ooff 1717 8 loth it., will come to The Bee office within 'three daya We will atva htm a fialr of round trio tickets to Lake Manawa free. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. MIDLAND Guar. A Traat Co., 1714 Far. H. H. Neale, pres.; J. Campbell, ito. D. Z PETER J ESSEN, Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. REAL. ESTATE! DEALERS ui.i. ABSTRACT CO.. oldeat abstract all. a Nabraaka. ft Braadela Theater. "HEAL E8TATB TITLE TRUST CO., Pi l.-otn floor. City Hat. Bank mag. , BUILDERS' INFORMATION cZicl. THOMPBEN. cement and brick .work. ITU N. 86th, Web. m, B-141B. A. 1. Inland, maaoa. SSta N. Mtb. B.u; E. C. MABSTON wYglii n ' Paper banging, wallpaper reduced. H. 104. MoMULLEN cSotractmrniuari6W wlaouinxvx tekino, cement and concrete work, e8timatk8 free. ti. RAYMOND, 111 N. auth. Loug. 774. ri.UAfRTNfr u F- vn Valkenberg. Sattafactlon guaranteed. W-M7. 170 N. 24. SIMONSON eV NORBT, furnace and tin work. D. $440. CITY I ROPERTT FOR SALB Easy Terms Special for Quick Sale New 6-r. cottage. 'n. W. part, tl.MO. $-r., mod., full lot, Dundee, $2,800. S-r., mod., choice, near 36th and Cailfor ia $8,300. S-r., part mod., near $3d and Leaven worth, $2,600. l-r. mod., near lit Charlea, I1.960. -r.. mod., near Ed and Maple. $1,850. Theae are real bargain in value, price and terra, let ua give you full particular. RUSSELL, & McKITRICK CO.. 42S Ramge Bldg. Uth and Harney. Good Home Low Price $3,650 $107 Grand Ave.i a fine, nearly new. T- room, all modern home. Built right and abaoiutely modern and comolete in every way. The owner ha apent a lot of time and money to make thla a good place to live, and you can buy It now for leea than you could buy the bare lot and build the nouae. tie It and you will buy It. Norris fir Martin, Phone Dougla 4270. 400 Be Bldg. Special Bargain V make a apectalty of barraln today tsur baraain oountar offarin im a. mnnA I T-room, modern houae, near SOth and Chi t cago ttta.. within walking distance. Big, . Nt-ner lot, paved atreeu, paving paid; ntoe hade. Plenty of room for flata. double nouae or aingie awaiting. ron-reaident ewner need the money and. aa a conse quence, the prloe ha been reduced to M auu, making ,a clean out of u00. Scott & HilL. Dougla IU&. KJT McCagu Bldg. $400 Below Cost .flutlt hv owner ana a mn Vin t if room, Btiictly modern, hardwood flnlah, (full cement baaemeut, laundry, cement l wailla t Beat looattnn nnrr K Una aaii I thla week; offer attractive terma. $700 caah ana raw in one year, witnout intereet. Thla I a great bargain. Prloe only $1,400. Will ininw ty mi Bwnt ouyer. Iwuglaa ftWO. Independent A-S90L GOOD INVESTMENT New modern bungalow, ( room a, $04C Am Ave., muat be eold. Prloe $$,760; eaay 4 room. S?th Blondo. anaa nrloaL tl Rflfl 1H acre, 4 blocka from car line. New. t rooma, modern, near Leavenworth and $6th. Prloe H.tuO. New, rooma, modern, In Creighton'a 1st Addition on Uth Bt. $6,4no, rooma. modern, on Oeorgla Ave., near La.venworth. $6. Oitt. Three double brick flata, cloa In. Price a,ww WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO.. 411 Karbaon Block. . WANTED A thorough modern f or T-room cottage in Wkvumua), ,w . nvriflf t OrW' ing a pr cent. Toland & Wiley 110 Bee Bldg. WOO CASH tn4 l monthly will buy ipuw vi.kJi brand new 7-roora houaa. ak rtnlah flrat atorr. white enamel on fiue auiu niMiusRiuiw ooore econd atory till eemented baaement; atreet paved and parked; near school, church and car. Ideal nahborhood. L-Wl. Bee. BB A BOOSTER for the national game Cf baa ball. If M. Mathouaer, $U6 So. Ilth wlU oome to the Bee office within tbree daya we win rive him a ticket to tne oau un a. noura para. MODERN little Dairy. IH acre, rented Itaature. good cow and horeee: will uii aa It 1. $ block from oar Una 8. fit JM - POR HALE A bualnee lot .a haraaji. if taken at once. For partleulara addrae M. Ei. r .. dom rri. rremont. Neb. Sacrifice Sale Owner muat cell hi strictly moderm a room houae In Hanacora Park Dlatr'.ct and haa reduced the prloe to tltoe Thla price represent a genuine aaortfloe to the owner fan be bought on eaay terma, too. There la aplendld value la the property at thla price, were reany to anow you Scott & Hill, Dougla ttia. fttf McCagu Bid. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPRRTY FOB. I1LB. (Continued.) IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BAL EVERT ONE A BARGAIN. $5,000 Buys th 4-spartment frama dwell ing at N. E. Cor. Uth and Arbor. A Hood amall Investment bringing aa annual rent of $"36. 5,000 Buya the -room modern cnttg and double lot with t (eat frontage at S. 28th Ht. $4.60" Buy the 74xlW-foot lot wtth -ronm dwelling at f-4 8. 24th Ave. Houaa renta for VW per year. Room for ad moral brick flata. Vary cloee In. U.WO-R'iye tha (-room modern dwelling at Sf'li Chicago Bt. A good home in a splendid neighborhood. Faring all PHld. $2,600 Biivt the -room modem dwelling at 21 a Poppletnn Ave. Paved street IV blocka from Park car Una. A nap. $2,300 Buys the t-room brick and frama dwelling at TM N. Uth St Alwaya rented at $270 per year. Thla prop erty will pay a ateady 10 per cent on Investment and haa good prospects of being valuable buelnaaa property In a few yeara. 31,200B'iys the 7-roora frame dwelling at 3n20 N. 28th St. Lot 40x1. hast front. Small Improvement will make thla a good horn at a bargain price. W. B. MEIKLE, 106 Ramge Bldg. Good Corner Lot ON EASY TERMS Located one block north of Amea Ave.. two blocka weat of Immanuel hospital. Haa aewer, water, etc., In and paid. Surround ing neighborhood now being highly Im proved. Caah prices for neighboring lota range from $400 to $W0. Special prloe for quick aale of thla property, $426. Smell payment down and balance monthly. Call OWNEii Webster 1946. C. Fred harrlaon and Geo. T. Morton fee kualneaa barealna 1 nmaha Nat'l Bear. ACREAGE POR SALE. 130 acrea Imoroved. 4 mile north of Benaon and adjoining land which haa been lilted ana eoia out. trice .'ao per acre. Vill divide. J. H. DtTMONT A SON. Phone Dougla 69v. 10U6 Farnam, Omaha. REAL ESTATE FARM AND MA.NCH LAND POR SALB Arlutaaa. tMO A. UNIMPROVED Cut-off Umber land; much (Ine timber yet on land; 6 to 7 ml. from Eureka Springe; fine for fruit; ranch and general farming; $7.0. Special bargain In Improved farms, $10 to $Mi ' Eureka Springs, Ark. Uli A.. SMOOTH. Ihb ml. railway station. 101 fenced, 40 cult., small houae, two walla two pubilo roads, $Z.6u. Union Bank A T . . . r U 1 T.. . I l . - m v Ark Newark. $10 per acre; terms. Fine orange .. . LMrU- L'r.rfU l,,M 7 Um Oth,, bargalna A. A. Henderson. Newark, Ar- nanaas. SO TRACTS of land In th corn and al falfa district of Delta land; black oil,i good achoola; landa will double In value In three yeara; now rent from $o to fi per acre. writ ua wnat you want. r. tj. UOUiAiNU, Pin BlufX. Ark. ISO. I ml. ouL 10 In cult.. 120 black alfalfa or clover land; fair imp.) good neighbor hood;, a, JM, s mi, irom town or z,uuu; near P. O. and echool; nearly all smooth up land; $6 cult., bai. timber, 16 clover: 4 al falfa. I bearing orchard, 136 fenced hog tight; extra good 4-r. realdence, atore, lodae bid-., new barn, dark red sandy loam; good community; deligntful location; abundance suod water: $3,600. subject to 4- year loan $800; term eaay. WM. U1LMORE, Marahaii, Am. BE8T fruit and caneral farmin lands lor prloe in U. H., is bearcy Co., Ark. Bend tor ooeaiei anowui fu 10 u iana near town. W. M. Henaon, Leaue, Ark. AViDlf T A XI rl f ( A mtr V ttn . . fc . . ww, w.wwv.v, ja n. m . . . .. V. , . . . , j arty, Buainea houaea V rile ua BEAT IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. Ail olaasea of timber, farm and fruit land In Arkanaa. Louisiana and Miaelaaippl, from $6 to $u per acre. Write J. 1. ivoy Doida. Camden. Ark. cu i l Oil p.aniauuu; 4W aoree; elegant 10-room dwelllna: plenty tenant houses; good , barn and outbullalnga; rich, black ioaua; will grow bale cotton or (6 buahela corn per eore; woven wire feooe, $00 acre cultivation; AM merchantable timber, baxd- wood; beaithtui location; 4 mllea irom good town; good neighborhood; near echool and church: price KM.tjOO; reasonable terma Addrea Johnaton at Wellla, ear Soutnern Trust Co., Lit tie Rook, Ark. Canada. GOLDEN wheat landa for sal a Ira- proved and unimproved pralrl farm, any sis. Alberta. Saskatchewan. Woedhead coy. Watroua, Bak., Can REAL. ESTATE I have a laraa Hat of land In the Qooee and Eagle lake district. no better in banana, tx. r. iewen, icoae- luwn. baaa. FARM land In th Canadian weat. town lot In railroad dlvialonal polnta, property In Watroua, the Carlsbad of America, Writ w. M.. uaioraitn, watroua. katcbewan. (00 acrea In orop; good water and build ings, only $2B per acre, write to particu lar. H. E. Uemlnway, Way burn, Baak. tx ACRES, close to town. Saakatchewan: 170 aore In wheat; $1 aore; third cash, balance to ault. . Writ for terma 121 Brodl St.. Fort Wllllama Out-. Can. CANADIAN landaeeker furnished with letters which will save them money. Frank Crawford. War block. I OWN a section of good wheat land situated leee than two mllea from growing town In Saakatchewan. Will aell for $M per acre. Addreaa, M. J. Carrothers, P. O. Boa VI, Winnipeg, Manitoba Colorado, 140-ACRE beet Irrigated farm. Colorado: finely Improved: new ' 10-roona dwelling, barn; potato ceiiar nuiaa iu cariosuie; eu acrea wheat: 60 acre alfalfa: no wuta land; vry foot under old water right; nave SkUuiuvr v mtt . wuri ootni ev mile north of Denver, 40 milee aouth of Greeley. C. A. Gregory, 40 Mack Bldg., Denver, Colo. NORTHWESTERN Colorado wheat landa $12.60 to $16 per acre. A few Improved farm. $20 to $26. Writ J. B. Relnbardt, Sterling. Colo. Iwav, FOR SALE Two lots, number I and 17, block E, . Knglewood addition. Highland Park. Address i. H. Bennett. Oekalooaa, WANTED A good stock of a-neral mar. eh&ndlae. $.W0 to $12,000. In exchanae for good farm near Rolf, la., and caah; farmJ contains 101 wuiu houm, dsa-ii, $ex4a Price. $100 aa acre, aubieot to M.740; equity, $1,000. F. K. Loomer. Rolfe. la. 1 1 no-ACRE farm T miles southeast Baa tt. Rook county, Nabraaka; $U0 aore in eorn thla year, large acreage in timothy and clover; good eet of Improvement Prlc. $22.60 per acre; one-third caah, bai ano aay term at ( per cent, CARL TENNIS, VD F. U T. Bidg., Sioux City. Ia FOR SALE Splendid farts, well im proved, ranging la price from $30 to $t0 per aarev Thla i choice Iowa land, in well Im proved eommunitiea, near town and achoola Thar 1 no more fertile or beautiful part of the etat than Oaoeola county. Write for particular, i. b. tuamona, eibiey, la-- $40-ACRB eatata, all the very cboiceat of laud, noliilng nicer in th aiate, $6.0ug or b.wia of improvamenta ail in good shape. u mllea irom two gooa towns. Must aold and aoon. I have the excluaiv hand )in of thia. Price, $86 per acre, March 1 delivery: rash, balance 5V per cent, v. M. Emery, ISorthwood, lav REAL ESTATE KARM AD RAXII LA.U FOR SALE l,w. Caatlaaetl. A REAL F.6TATB SNAP. $10-cr farm in Pocahontas county; cor ner riant In town: buildln one brck from depot ar.d creamery; ton-room houee nicely lurnished, tine grove and fruit treea. beau tit ul building ate facltig aouth; cattle larn 44m. t4-foot poata, atancliione for about fifty cattle; two alio blim; room for ItXi tona cf hay; alao feed cutter, corn grinder and lt-horee power gaaoitn engine, horee lMia for la horaea. with hay loft and grain bins, windmill and three water lank-; farm fmoed in elx field ; 70 acrea hogtihU Prloe, $106 per acre on very eaey terma. J. A. CARROLL. Holts, la FOR SALE OR TRADE Mr eaultv In U ectlon of raw land. $ mllea of fcorenta, 7 mllea Kit Caraon and mllea Wild Horee. Cheyenne Co., Colo ; on U. P. Ry.; laya good, shallow water dlatrict; 1 mile to river; aiiaila grown aucceaaiully nearby. Price. $Ai per acre; encumbraooe $1.24u. op tional at t pe, cent, due May 13. i14. Will trade the equity, $1 W.0. for realdence of equal vaiue. i also have aection joining thia which 1 clear, to trade for town prop erty, tame price. Would carry back $1,M on i me at par cent. waiter it. iJoya, Newton, la. FOR aALK Excellent 40-cre farm In corn and blue grata belt, Adama county, low; (arm all well fenced, ft) acre hog tight, lb) acrea tiled, and all In excellent cultivation; 12-room house, largo brick cellar with cement floor, cement walks, large new barn and mill, with good Fair banka engine, new hu houae, oiher out buildings, all In good repair; good stock and barnyard, large grove and good or chard, four good well, excellent watr, two windmills, tor further particulars addrea Urs Anna M. Naah, luiH High JH, Dos Molnea, la. $30 ACRES and 17$ acres of southern Iowa land. Improved, well located, good soli, right price, for aale or trade; JT.iXW equity in brick atore building; a flrst-clae income property, for aale or trade. Quick, on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad dress Box I. Diagonal, la. 1W ACRES, Cass county, Iowa, farm Im proved and well lccaied; price. $l2s par acre; my equity la 16.500. Want southern Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No In flated prices considered. One 10-horae power portable gasoline engine for what have your Addresa C. W. McCaufltland, Caaa county, Lorah, la. 1JO-ACRK imoroved farm. 7 mllea from Maaon City, 2 mile from amall town; $73 an acre; easy terras and apiendid bargain; 144-acre unimproved farm 1$ miles from Mason City, miles from two otner towri. only 40 an acre. We have the best bar gains In northern Iowa. Come and aee us. MASON CITY REALTY CO., Mason City, la. 480 acre tract of rich black loam with clay subsoil in Monona county. Iowa, six miles from three good towns. 280 aorea in crops and tame grass. DO acres of rough pasture land well set with young timber. 0 acrea of the paeture land fenced hog tight- ') acres In alfalfa. Land ail fenced. Two sets of good, buildings in pro portion to slse of farm. , Good system of water works. School house on the farm. This 1 a first class stock larm and a fine opportunity for the right man. Price $10u.00 per acre with very easy terms. En cumbrance, $l,0Q0. Might consider part trade for clear western land or Omaha res idence property. T. C. TORRiHON 4k COMPANY. KU2 City National Bank Build ing, umana, iseb, rnoue Douglas lltil. I Kansas. szo ACRES, $. miles good town: fenced, well Improved; all smooth land; rich black aill ..uul .MkB.. II f Tl . . . V. . surroundings, o6; 'good terms; will' ex- viiftofs tor naraware, implements or gen eral merchandise. W. H. Mott, Herlngton, WE have some choice bargain In corn, wheat and alfalfa landa for sale In Benton and Ruah count!; writ for Hat of farm bargaina American Investment company, Holaington, Kan. , 040 ACRES, elx mllea from Mlneola, 600 acrea in wheat, one-third to buyer; new 4-room houae, atable, well, mill, tank, pae ture fenced; rich black soil; haa raised good crop every year since broken out: ureal barcaln. $33 Der acre. Terma. Tha Roy C Beard Land Co., Mlneola. Kan. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP 240 acre. 2 mllea out; 1) acrea in wheat; ?i aeuverea to ouyer, level, ricn, oeep soil; good well and windmill. $6,250: terma Other wheat and alfalfa ' lands, all sises and prices. L. F. Kohuhmacner, owner. Meade, nan. MV ALnAU, 171 H11ICI VUl, AV in W 1161 , H to buyer; balance pasture. The late ram and snow assures bumper crop; level aa a floor! 123.60 Der Sro: terms. W. U I 'i bertson, Scott City, Kan. IJ9 ACRE O in alfalfa! it-mom t,.u larg barn, granary, eta; two mile te Larned. Pawnee eounty; 60 acre paatura balance la cultivation; rich decu aoli. abiut. aanc of water, weiia and sollla; t' t-; wrins e"i, --I i i VfAS, -TWUlBlnawa. Lealalaaa. VERNON parish, t.; tb land of sua bine, soil, ciiwate, market, water, beano, good; price oheap; write Leesville Real Estat and Iiuprovmen Co., C. af. M kariaad, Beo y. Las villa. La. LOUISIANA farm and timber laaoa good for truck, corn, a:tle, (.; oa -w.unt tt cotton peat, cheapeet laaoa larke. Mali, Eider staBtat, saoarkte, --laaaotaw ATTENTION, HOME8EEKER& If you are thinaing ot immigrating weat thla year, writ ua for descriptive liter ature of our lands In Minbeaota, North Dakota and Montana. W can suit you no matter what you want and where you want It, aud can mil you anywhere from 40 acres to l.OOw. William E. Gibltosa, Lock Boa a Cormorant. .Uinn. ISt ACRES 1 milee from St. Paul, $ miles from Hosemont; all fenced, black loam soil; 60 acres cuitlvated, balance pasture and black oak timber; only $tf per acre for im mediate sals; half cash. 130-acre Improved farm It miles from St. Paul, 1 mil from Rich Valley station; nine-room house, windmill, large barn and other buildings, all In goou condition: black loam aoil, olay subsoil; always bead cultivated try ewner; 10 acres under plow, 7 acre fruit treea. moatly apples, balanoe good timber land. Special price and terms W. F. A R. W. Morlty, Pioneer ifrass Bldg., Bt. Paul, Mlnn.- I HAVE a farm of $20 aore iy, milee from good town, 80 miles from Minneapolis 100 acre under cultivation; about Mi aoree meadow, balanoe timber; can all be opened ud: rich aoil. aood house, barn and mh.. buildings. Price, $33 per acre. Alao tO-acr i arm iwv uij,Asffi iruiu uoa luwaj so aore under plow, 16 aore timber, good rich aolL t-room house, two barn and Other ..lit. buildings, windmill, fine natural grove, or chard Just commencing to bear. Prloe $3,600; eaay term. Writ owner. Charles ,. DwajiwHi, a.. fwisr, minn. FOR SALE 160 aore of good new hard wheat land, near Walhalla, Pembina eounty. North Dakota. For particular ad dreaa owner, A. Lucae, Ul Third Ave . N.. Minneapolis, Mian. SEND for a list of our fine Unproved southern Minnesota landa; we have hun dreds of pleased customer. C E. Brown Land Co., Offloe Madelia and New Rich land, Minn. $,000 equity In good quarter In southern Minnesota; quarters two milee from good town, having house gSxJO, new barn $2x40, with gable roof, email granary and fence. Want machln. stock of dry goods. Prlo $30 per acre. Uenj. A. Con. Window. Minn. A 8-NAP; MUST BO QUICK; SUO-acr Im- Kovd farm in Murray eounty. Minnesota: is flrst-clase building, fences, splendid rove, orchard, two milee from town. Writ John liolden, Jr., Garvin, Minn. 60,000 acre In St. Lou I and Carlton eountlaa. Minnesota, near cltlo of Du iuth and Superior, at prlc within th reach of all; $ to $13 an acr; easy terms : four teen railroad now entering theae two olUe furnish cheap and quick transportation. A tlO.OuO.OOO eteel plant now building by th United State Steel corporation near landa Soil la fertile and well adapted to dlvaral fled farming, dairying and garden truck. No long hauls or transportation charges, but right at the doors of the best markets of th United States, with constant demand and high prices. Write for full Information. Boetoo A Duiuth Farm Land Co.. louv a,. worth Bldg.. Duiuth. Minn. FINE farm horns, $20 acre. $ miles from good town; black loam aolL All fenced; larg frame dwelling, barn, gran ary, machine- aheda, etc., 140 acrea in field. 40 acres timber, balance clover and tim othy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. $36 per acre, one-third cash, balance easy term. M. J. Kolb, FoeeioA, Mum.- REAL ESTATE PA Rat AND HA t it LAN U POR SALE Mlaaeaota Coatlaaed. FARM, f NAP 30 acrea level pralrl land, i0 In crop, balance paetura and meadow; good buiidinge. 'b acre. Morehart a Atchleon, Mankato, Minn LANPK-No. 6W. 1 acrea 7S mllea Twin Cltlee; good tillable eoii; atate map mailed with 4-tae book for tu centa Hubert Land Co., Ibania Blag., Mlnneap olia. Minn. Mia rl. THIRTEEN sections In Dawson county. near Sidney, one of the best towns In the Yellowstone valley; also have other lands that we are retail. ng in any else farm you want. Write your wanta Price ara rlxhL The Hayward Land Co.. Glendlne. Mont. FOR SALE Finest farm In Leavenworth county, Brosddus farm of 1W acres, 14 milee from Fort Laavenworth. $6,000 brick realdence, 600 46-year-old walnuts, 100 augur maple tree, natural gas, two telephone free delivery, 14 mile from Santa Fe sta tion: examlna premises and write Mra J. L. Klrby. 1108 Felix St. St. Joseph, Mo- FOR SALE 03 farms, larsa and amalL between Mlaalaaippi and MUeourl rlvera, average $36 per aura Write for big price list. William Crews, Wright City, Mo. M18SOVRI FARMS None better on earth. Highly Improved 180 acres, raises anything, m). other ' decided bargains. Write ua. Gilliam Realty Co.. Gilliam. Mo.- STOPl Don't o a step farther than -' v " ' . u u i. 1 , uvnu .11, u. .u ii i hi Oiaiks, raise anything; corn 30 to 00 bush els per acre, all other crops In proportion; cheapest good land on eerth, $6 to $) per acre. Free Information. Gross Real Estate Co.. Ava, Mo. . x Iti.n -I u . Hnt.n.. .1 . n n Ka V. . . . . t , i i I MISSOURI farm. S60 acres: -room house. barn; WO aires wheat, 2U0 acres corn; level, black dirt; $ miles railroad, $'' acre. Chas, E. Huckstep Realty Co., Elsberrv. Mo. 80-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine house, barn, fences, first-class condition; fine spring water; $ miles from town; 7 mllea Irom railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi gration Co., Piedmont. Mo. Montana. FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley $30 acre fine fruit land; old water right, best aec-vl lion oi tne vaney fine proposition tor auo dlvlalon; fair building, easy torms. Ad dress owner. E. O. Lewis. Btevensvllle, Mont. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA, the coming farm state. $12.60 to $J0 per acre. Write for description. Shaw A Clark Land Company, Hackney Bldg., 6u i-aui. Minn. 820-ACRE homestead rellnaulahmenta for sale; aleo one hotel, one bakery, one general etore. one saloon, one feed store. Aoareea, Charles F. Brown, Galata, Mont. IVebravaka. FINE 640-acre ranch, 12 miles from town, $ quarters tame hay, balance wild hay and paeture; 400 acres level, balance slightly rolling; heavy black aoil; two flowing welis, 6-room house, barn, granary anu chicken house, telephone; S mile to school. This Is an exceptionally fine ranch and a snap. Will sell on easy terms. George E. Collins, owner, Atkinson, Neb. 200 aore 6Va mile from Emerson, Neb.; fine Improvements; land lay good; can make splendid terms, and the price 1 $10 to $25 leaa than adjoining placea are being priced at. For partleulara call on or write J. K. LENNOX. ALLEN, NEB. 100 ACRES In Chase county, Nebraska, 12 miles south of Elsie; If taken soon will take $17.60 an acre; this is a good quarter section and can all be farmed; will take a good ltilO or 1911 automobile on the deal and carry the balance. V. A. Garland, Charlton, la. North Dakota. ONE of the finest farms In Richland ccunty, consisting of 266 acrea of good, firoductlvs land. Joining Wyndmere. Fine arge buildings, lota of fruit, nice grove and never-falling flowing welL Price, $57.60 per acre. Easy term. Martin Paulson Land Co., Wyndmere, North Da kota. FOR SALE An exceptional!?- fine 160, $ mile of elevator, six miles of Wyndmere, good, heavy, black soil. Wild Rice river through pasture Fine new buildings, well f excellent water, windmill, etc., $&S per acre. Thla Is a snap. Lock Boa XX Wyndmere, North Dakota. i 1 TTAf Ranch for sale; 4,300 acres; lo uxixl cated four miles from railroad in Billings county, North Dakota; 800 cat tle, 100 horses, with ranch It dewlred. For prlc and terms address owner, Ed L. ivianausTh, Madura, N. D. AUCTION SALB North Dakota; choice Wells and Stutsman county farms at public auction June s, m, on easy terms. Write for Information. A. F. Belcher, Sale Mgr., Sykeaton. N. D. Oreaoa. FOR SALE 100 acres choices apple, near. cherry, grape land in the weat, six miles from town, one mile from railroad: aoil deep voloanlo aah. The Dalle, Ore., prise winning tanu. lwl acrea, 3V mllea from town, new, mod ern house, bain, tenement: $60 pear prune, bearing; 1.600 young trees. l.OUw araoe vines: good water wood. Or will sell 80 acrea with all Improvement. Investigation souoltea. C. H. Webster, The Dalles, Or. Boats. Carolina. LANDS $600 per acr mad growing figs for preserves on the lelsnds. Orchard on easy monthly payments. Sea Island Orchard Company, Charleston, o. "J. Soata Dakota. 100 ACRES IN DEUEL CO.. S. D. Cloae to the Minnesota line; heavy black soil: clay aubaoll: lies very level and .n under cultivation. Must be sold within 30 day to cloa an estate. Half of this year's crop go with the price, $36 per aore; easy terms, $3,000 will hsndle It and It is m it f. . . . ,A,,t.w . .u . m ,,v mm weu. Address W. F. MoOae. Lake Preston, S. L). ' ' 1' ' ' i BUU1H UAKUTA liU rVH SA-LE. W have a ilat of Edmunds countv in for sale at from $18 and up per acre, if Interested write ua for particulars and ws will send our prices and pocket map. if you own land In South Dakota list It with ua. Our motto Is "A Square Deal to Buyer and Seller." Give us chance to prov our statement, naavoiu lang -o., ulna, Ed muuds county. South Dakota. ONE-FOURTH SECTION FIVE MILES FROM TOWN. Fair improvements. Price, $6.(00. Equity. 1 A.A, 1 llAlltA U.1Dtl Vmtmt ' . I I. 8. D - 400-ACRE corn farm, out from Sioux Falls excellent Improvement, large grove and fruit; all In cultivation; prloe for quick sale $6. easy terms; also $40 well Imvroved. eaav terms, snd 160 acre unimproved. Theae are bargaina tor quioa aai. n. A. bllvlue, ewnar, nwii raua, d. ij. ALFALFA THE KINO OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS. Thla 1 th land we have- rre home steads; relinquishment and deeded landa. For particular writ F. O. Wonder V Co.. WILL exchange ehotc farm land near Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, for good Iowa or Nebraska land: what have you to onerr vei uina to., rierr.a. u. FOR BALE ISO acre lmpioved, vaUey farm land. Brule county. South Dakota; running water, telephone and rural mall; easy terma. Addreaa the Whllbeoa A laumaara Miu, nun Dell. a. o. i run daiaTa section gooa, raw land; all f A.n fAiil 1 uam1 fiinAlnA m. .11 a 1 1 Piauklngtun, 8. D. For particulars writs ai . xu. jaaiiey, ruiup, ak u. To; WE are subdividing; $.$00 aorea of fertile tarra tana in jaoaaon county. BDlendid crop every year. Rainfall about right, 44 inch, For daacripUen. plat and prloe writ JOHN RJCHET CO.. SI K. Houston St, San Antooia Tag BAN SABA VALIaEY. tb garden spot of Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. W can buy land for you or invest money. I per cent net to you secured by mortgage on thsse lands. Correspondence solicited. Re fer to First Nat'l bank. San Saba Nat l bank. Ward. Murray A Co.. and the mem-ba-ra in couarreas from Ttiu. IaIaUav. surieeou ".v., us sava. ' REAL ESTATE FARM ANU HANOI LAND POR SALE Tex nflaaed. TEXAS INVESTMENTS. Buy orchard and garden landa neat Houston, the greatest and moat prosper ous dty In the eoutbweet. where values are going up a'i the time and fortunes made In real eatate In short while. F-aay terma If uesired. Addreaa E. C. Robert son. Vela. Tex , and a 16-acre farm in the Rio Grande valley, where the farmer a cash Income la aa perpetual aa the days that come and go. 8. H. Jackson, 70S First National Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex. Wyoming. . . ..I .I, .im ii" u , im proved, fenced, well wstered. 70 acrea 1 1 - 1 1 1 Ava - - , -1 A..AA . 1 . . . in w ., wi oner rit'Ki ijAiy o,r Writ owner. Andrew Wilson. Parker, Kan FOR SALE 10 ooo acre In Laraml county. Wyoming. In Golden Prairie dis trict; suitable for farming; now stocked with cattle and sheep; will aell with ranch; will exchange for eastern Nebraska or Iowa farms J. T. Bell. Owner. Cheyenne, Wyo. WE CAN show you many thousand acrea where this year' crop will pay for th land; crop failure unknown, beat climate and water, no hot wlnde, present price, $12.60 to $20 per acre, easy terma Beatty, line Bluffs, Wyo. Washlagtew. WRITE for information about th "In land Empire." also Spokane, It metropolln Karma, fruit landa, city property. Make our office your headquarters and Informa tion bureau when in our city. IOWA REALTY CO., 411 Llndell Blk., Bpokane, Wash- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver. $12-12 d N. B. Bldg. D. 7M6. FOR reliable eale and exchange, see D. M. LEAM1NG, 6X8 Brandela Bldg. RAILROAD eating houae doing a monthly business of from $1,200 to $2.6uO, for sale or trade for land. Address A-19, car Bee. Palisade-Colorado I have several choice orchard home to exchange for farma in Nebraska, lowa or Missouri. These orchards ars In the beautiful Pali sade fruit district. Write for particulars. H. R. HOUGH. Palisade. Colo. WESTERN LAND FOR OMAHA PROP ERTY. Jno. L. Barber, 2 City Nat l Bank. S&0, 4-ROOM house; corner lot TeL B-621L FOR SALE or exchance. eaultv In ten room house, fine location, on car line, north side; good repair. For cottages or good vacant property, pnone Harney no. JUST GO out to Rourke park and e that Omaha team play baa ball. If L. N. Carpenter, $41$ So. lth St. will com to The Bee office within three days w will gUe him a ticket to the ball gam at nourae para. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owner and home build er, with privilege of making partial pay. menu semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 601 First National Bank Bldg. CHEAP MONET. Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ina Co., with astets ot over an,,uuv,0uu, 1 am prepared to accept all tne good loan of fered on improved Omaha real aetata Business and realdence loans made with out delay. 1 HUM A a KKKINNAN, City National Bank Bldg. LOANS MADE ON IMPROVED CITT REAL ESTATE. BUTTON REALTY CO., $100 to $10,000 made Dromotlv. p. n. Wead, Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRE.N7E1L LOW RATES, BEMIS-CARLlBEKU CO., 410-614 Ul ano'; i mug. THE best treat for wife and babv la a dish ol uaixeu a ice cream. If Mrs. H Haiencamp, 4107 N. 25th Ave., will com to The Bee office within three day we will give her an order for a quart brick of mi line ic cream tree. GARVIN BROS.. 8d floor N. Y. Llf tMti to iw,vw on improveu property, iso duliiy. 1 .Vr KILcl on city nd farm prooertv. W UWV7JB jj MEIKLE. JU6 Ramg Bldg. WANTED. FARM LOANS. Kluka In. Co., Omaha. WANTED City loan. itera Trust Co. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Land. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., lOlt New Omaha National Bank Building. WANTED City loans and warrant. W, Farnam Smith at Co., 1320 Farnam eu REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have you anything to offer the farmer ot lowa? Any cheap land for higher priced; a general merchandise atore tor land or any kind of exchange Y or have you aom land you want to sell for caabT Tb on paper that reaches tb Iowa farmeis Is th Dee Molne Capital; 42,000 circulation dally; rale slnale Insertion. 1 cent a word: ! Insertions, t cent a word. De Molnee Dally Capital. Dee Molne. Ia. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE Picturesque St. Lawrence Rout. Weekly Salllnse from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON. Havre, Franoe rortniKntiy irom PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glaaaow Splendid soenery, shortest -passags, low rates. Any local nt or ALLAN A CO., General Agent. 127 N. Dearborn Bt.. Chicago. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS HSw luniv, LjujrsusLnJX AND GLASGOW. NEW YORK AND NAPLES ninmr'T Singl or Round Trip Ticket between New York and Scotch. Ennllsh. Irish and principal Continental points at attractive ratea. nena tor ooo ot iniormation. Suparlor Acoommodatlona. Excellent Pi.i lne. Apply promptly tor Reservation to local agents ui Ant nor iine or il ItlN IJElt- BOiM nnua., uenerai Aagenia, umoago. 111, SUMMER RESORTS --- IKi shady place for rest and recreation, oome w villi am Inn w I n a for a n . . I . AW MIIUAVUA Al I.M, U L U A UU1 Ol beautiful mountain atream; fine tlahln r rue to ... mi. ureory, centennial, VV -yo. LAKE MANAWA 1 th coolest place to be found. If C. P. Jensen inn irin, c. will come to Tha Bee office within three u we win ive mm a pair of round trio . I .. I. ... - aa I . , V . A UI.AVIB I IV AA.A, i BI1A -. WANTED TO BORROW $400 FROM private party for one year on vacant property, wiu pay 7 par cent ana expenee. but no commiesion. iriuuv awusih o ,1. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 3d hand furniture. twin!,., uiuumii iiu SUUM. ill, u. Otfll, THE London pay highest prices for second-hand clothing; pants especially, will can lor. aii i. ina. r-uew, couth 777. SELNER pays good price for furnltura. carpet, clothe and ahoea D. 640L WANTED TO RENT YOUNG married couple wanta fumlahed, modern cottage or houae of four or five room permanently. Muat be In good loca tion and reaaonabla Olve all partleulara inciuaing price. neierence exchanged Addreaa care Bee. YOUNQ married couple wanta furnished, modern cottage or bouse ot tour nr five room permanently. Muat be In good loca tion and reasonable. Olve all particular Including price. No objections to Council bluffs. References' exchanged. Addreaa J 6us. car Be. r YOUNG man wanta plere to room h.ra Jlota ot young folks stay, Phon Tylr U07, WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST da practical nura can be a- gaged at one Uou. 743. KXPERENCED Bight watchman, mar ried, atrlctlv sober, now employed, wants position paying better 'wage. Address Watchman, care freoso Sweeping Powder Co., Ul 8. 4th. Beatrice. Neb. WANTsSD situation as housskeeper by refined, middle-aged lady In small family. Mre. Harrington. 7U Mecnanio bw, a. ra pe rl a. Kan. PRACTICAL nurs can b engaged at onoa. Call Webeter 1114. A WILLING working boy wnta position In automobile Co. Call D. 44J3. TOL'NO girl wishes position ss nurse girl. C 61. Bee. WANTED Day work, houaecleanlng or waahlng. Call webeter . LEAQAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. STATE BUILDINGS. Plans snd sueclficslloiis will be prepared and on file In the office of th secretsry of stat and commissioner of public lands and buildings for the state cunnings to o conatructed as provided by appropriations made by the 32d session of th Nebraska legislature, vlx. $ Buildings for Hospital for insane. Lincoln $100.0C) 1 Hospital building for 8. A S. home. Grand Island W,00 1 Laundry building at Hospital for Insane, Hastings r Jo.000 1 School of Agriculture. Curtis 76.000 1 Dining room addition at S. and 8. home, Mllford L600 1 Dining room addition at Feebl Minded Institute, Beatrioe a,vw Plans for the buildings at Grand Island are cow ready for inspection. APOISON WAIT, neernwrr. Board of Publlo Lands and .4uiidlna. J S RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Teats, and Ma ,o I a Ion Pacific Depart. Arrive, a 7:40 pm a 6:46 pm a t:4t am a 6:10 pm a 8 90 pm a 7:27 am all 75 am a 4 60 pm a 8:20 pm a 4:46 pm alO:M am b 1:20 pm San Fran. Overland L..a 9:46 am China and Japan F. M.a 4.06 pm Atlantic Express Oregon Express all:8S pm Los Angeles Limited. ..a 12:46 pm Denver Mpecial a ( 04 am Centennial Stat Ppci.ll :S0 pm Colorado Express a $ SO pm Oregon-Wash. Limited. al2 60 pm North Platte Local a 1:16 am Grand Island Local.... 6:80 pm Stromburg Local ...,,bl2:41 pm Wabash Omaha-8t. Louis Ex. ...a : pm a ; am Mall and Express a 7:02 am an:upm Stanb'y Lei ifrom C.B.)b pm bl0:16 am rklcaao a Northwestern NORTHBOUND. Twin City Ex pre-a a 7:46 am al0:Z0pm Sioux City Local a t:46 pm a $ 2$ pm Minn, at Dakota Ex a 7.00 pm a :16 am Twin ritv Limited a 8:46 Dm a 7:30 am Minnesota Express sll:00 ara EA8TBOUND, Carroll Local a 7:00 am a $ 60 pm Daylight Chicago a T:40 am al2:2S am r-htrjurn Lnaal al2:0B Pm a $:2t pm Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm a $:I8 pm rhi.sirn Snecia.1 a 6:02 pm a 6:49 am Pacific Coast-Chicago... a t:S6 pm a 3:2s pm Los Anaelea l.lmltea...a s:ow pm u i pm Overland Limited a 7:66 pm a 16 am Carroll Local a 4:80 pm al0:0 am Fast Mall a a:w pm a b oo ynu f.ilar Ranlria. Rlnnx Citv ana umana p " . - A . A WESTBOUND. Lona: Pin a :00 am 11:00 m Norfolk-Dalla oo am aiono pm t.nnv PlnA-L.lnooln ....4 1:15 cm a 6:20 pm uiins-Mitnrior b 1:16 Dm b 6:20 pm Deadwood-Hot Spring. a s:w pm a d:w pm Casper-Lander a 3:65 pm all:00 am Fremont-Albion b 6.80 pm b 1:66 pm Chicago Great Western rh,mrn IJmlted a 8:36 Dm Twin City Limited a 8:86 pm a 7:48 am Twin CUy Express a 8:00 am a 8 30 pm Chicago Express-. a 8:46 pm Local Passenger ........a :in pm Chicago, Hock Island at Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd..al2:38 am al0:S6 pm Th Mountaineer a g:4s am a i: am Omaha Day Express a 4:80 pm Chicago Local Pas....bl0:86 am bl0:lB pm Chicago Express a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm Iee Molnea Local Pass.a 4:27 Pm al2:12 pm Chloago-xsebiaska Ltd. .a 6:08 pm a 7:47 am WEST Th Mountaineer a 8:01 am a 8:40 am Lacbi Pass, to Lincoln. a s:4 am Coio.-Cal. Express ....a 1.16 pm a 4:00 pro Okl. A Tex. Express.. a 6:W pm all;46 am Chi. -Neb. Ltd. Lincoln a s;m pm Rocky Mountain Ltd..elO;46 pm a!2:S0 am Cbloasjo, A St. Paul- Overland Limited a 7:50 pm 8:18 am Omaha Chicago Ex....b 7:16 am Perry Local a 4:W am u:oo pm Colo.-Cai. Express ....a 6:00 pm 3:26 pm Colorado Special (1:11 am 6:60 am Perry Local b 6.16 pm 13:0s am Illinois Central Chicago Expreaa a 7.00 am a 8:48 pm Chicago Limited a 4:00 pm a 8:00 am Mlnn.-HL Paul Ex 0 7:00 ara Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 4:00 pm a 6:00 am HlMOsrl Pacific K. C. at St. U Ex.. K. C. A St. L. Ex.. .a 8:20 am a 7:40 .aU;16 pm a 6 .60 am pm Barllagtoa Station lot a and laa Barllngtea Depart. Denver A California.... a 4:10 pm Puajet Bound Expreaa.. 4:10 pm Nebraska point a 8:20 am Black Hill a 4:10 pm Lincoln Mall b 1:20 pm Nortbweet Expree ....aU:86 pm Nebraska point a 8-30 am Nebraaka Express a 8:16 am Lincoln Local Schuyler-Plattsmouth ..b 8:06 pm Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm Plattsmouth-lowa a 8:18 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth...al3:$0 pm Chicago Special a 7:16 am Denver Special all .86 pm Chicago Express a 4.20 pm Chicago Faat Express.. a 1:30 pm Iowa Local a 8:16 am Creston (Ia) Local b 8:30 pm St. Louis Express a 4:80 pm K. C. St. Joseph S10:46 pm K. C A fit. Joseph a 8.16 am K. C. & St. Joseph a 4:80 pm Arrive. a (:46 a 8:46 Pm pm a :io a l:4 f pm i pm al2:16 pin a 7 -on am a t:W a 8:10 Dm pm am bl0:30 a 7:60 a IM a 1:40 all:16 am pm am pm pm pm pm a 7:00 a 8 a 8 a 10 blO all a 6 (A M am am :30 I :) i am 46 am 46 am a t :10 pm Webatca Station 16th and Webster. M laaoa rl Pact fie Depart. Arrive Auburn Local b $:60 pm bll:6t am fbleaao, St. Paal, M Laaeaplls A Usaaha Depart Arrive Bloux City Expree h 2:26 pm bl2 06 pm rm-iaha I-ocal c t:26 pm tuoui y iiy r-ass c 1:26 pm i w in viijr rui .,,.o e:w ara Sioux City Local o 8:26 am Emerson Local b 8:66 pm b 8:10 am (b) dally, exoept Sunday. (c) Sunlay oniy, ia aaiiy. OCEAN STEAMSHIP? HAMBURQ-aAJIERIOAN London Paris rjambarff Clevelaod IPennfTlvsnle ...July lAmalea, July is ..July lleprea Oraat. July Rln Arlton a Ik dart Bssuuruil tx $8soon4 cabin only. JWIU H ,t Bnalosaa ewill asU at rtrnioutfc aad CXmrtrnxtr Cruising two cmiTxgBS XnrayUoa Br the ataassshls (11.40S Teas) Tk first ta laete New York Oetoket II, 11L The amt to leaTe gaa Jrraa alas Fa. 4. Ull 10 DAYS COST $650 aad no. Xaelndiag' -THE- all asTeoeaaarT Aaaaal XTsat Trias IM lCV , ivis. m ' D., Uls. bt Ui- Crn- Bpaa Aboard aad tag A A Vlatorta Lulaa. Aakore. iiauia-iiauoii lua ISO West Svaadolpa Bt Chloagre, tl , ov looal agaata. The thrifty household the In tail I gent family net th Ttirlou aor the stapld ha money to spend with advertiser. Th Be, read by the Intelligent aad thrifty, tnare tor a BDaOat powerful and bublnas getter. Oil OMAHA ICE FOnORTY CENTS Small Peddlers Are Selling for Low Pricei Eterrwhere. INTIMATE THAT PRICE CHANGES For Soaa Caatomer l I Forty, to Other It I Fifty -De-aeadlag; apfta Coiwa petition. Fifty cent lc I 60 cent le. but when it Is necessary, th one price standard whloh th larger companies took pride in establishing In the earlier pert ot th sea son. I aubeerved to the exigencies of com petition. Then th consumer gets his lea for 40 cents. This statement in substance was mad by three Ic dealers yesterday. They are of the type which Is known a the 'In dependents," or "fre lances." With o,n or two team and a wagon they buy from th larger companies and then sell over routea wher they hav driven wedge In the trad of th big Ice corporation. The activities ot this class of dealer are confined In the moat part to the north and northwest part of the city. A reporter for Th Bee asked for th manager at the Weir City Coul and Ic company, 1104 Davenport The manager ot the company w as not In, but a young woman clerk was willing to Inform on on anything pertaining to prices. "You see w get 60 cent In many place. but some of the other companies, Ilk th Omaha Ic and Cold Storage company, sell for 40 cent a hundred where a consumer buy 100 pound at a time. Of course It . Is necessary to aell for 40 cents when this kind of competition Is to be met, and If It s In 100 pound lots that a person buys. then It is 40 cent her. The company ha to meet someone alea's prlc to keep tb customers. Sapplr aad Price, "No, I don't know anything about th i mpply, or why the price Is supposed to be 5 cent. I know what they are charging, owever. and that thle comnanv haa ta charge accordlnslv. Whv. luat leaf niaht we had to let a regular customer , hav his Ic for 40 cents becaus some other com pany had gone In there and offered to sell it ior mat. RT F. Slyter, 1813 Webster street, was not t home. But Mra Rlvter said 'tha lv,v." at made "fair money" gelling at 40 cents. Sh : referred to her husband and a helper, who then were out with their Ice delivery wagon. "When the other cnmnanles nut tha - prlc up to 60 cents, the boys Just kspt on soiling at the old figure," said Mra. Slyter. "There were some threats that thev wnuM not be able to get Ice any more If they kept up at that price, but so far' they have not been stopped from buying. 1 guess from what the boys say that . In many places the other companies and Independents are cutting the price wher they stand a chance of losing a customer." Mr. 8lyter did not know wher her husband bought th ioe which he peddles. rest T'tngr, Yea Know. "Do you deliver?" was asked a man driving a canvas topped wagon with the one word -ice- painted on th cover. He pulled hi two scrawny horse up. "Yep." "Deliver It any placer' "Anywhera" "Hanscom parkT" ' "Nope. Too far out" "What do you chara-a." ha ..k-A- further. "8y. guy. what v'ouaa arlvee.' a gink doesn't com from Hanscom park i w.niy-iourtn and Burdette to buy lea I know yuh. Touse one of them guy from th company, that's whst y'ar. Oh. y. ma wis guy. I sell for fifty cent a hunderd. Does that suit vou? rtr. k.av nd tell them tht. My name T What t en It to yuh. Glddap." And he drov on. 8. R. Sorensen thought ths Ma- ,Mn..i.. were trying to drive the little dealers out of business. Last year. Sorensen said, he bought th supply which he peddles for 10 centg a hundred pound. Thi year i pay 18 csnu for hi supply. Saaall Dealere Give mil Wetgrat. George Harmon reined Ut his hnr a watering trough, and then wanted to know how much lea th Interrogator used escn aay. 'Forty cents Is my price, and I rleiivA. . to you full weight," he observed. "No. many of th companies claim to be Belling for 64 cents, but I know thev ,r, i.,,i.,. ome peopl have Ice for 40 cent a hundred. ui cours. it i could get 60 cent a hundred i wouia cnarge it. But I have to keep the price to keep my customers or some on will come along and cut under me. "No, ther are not so many persons whom these, other, fellows sell to for so i. but when a fellow has a good bunch of eustomers that Is when he ha to look tor ths price cutUng. That Is why some of us charg only 40 oenta I make fair mony oui oi it at that prlc, and have no kick eomtng, even though th company .wher I buy did raise th prloe 6 oents when this seaaon opened. Care for some 40-cent Ice? All right Goodbye." A driver for the Gat City Ic company said that 60 oentk waa the minimum with hi company, aad that wher ih a. 40-cent oompetltlon they did not "mix in." Blsj Dealers Deny ratting. H. A. Colvln. aeneral manavAv nf iaa Omaha loo company, Saturday stated that ms company aid not out prices, and that on prlc waa oharaed lo evarvbndv in tha domeatlo trade, whether twenty-five or 100 pounds were bought at a time. One car of lo a day I being ahlpped Into Omaha from Clear lake, near Mason City, Ia. Statements mad by dealers Saturday were to the affent that thi i, 1 dependent upon shipment from the . AUIiMa fnm I , . A. II,. 1 ' - -wa .... wu w eufpr, Th average shipment In theae ears Is thirty ton. Under normal condition It take In th neighborhood of 426,000 ton of Ic to supply the city during tha hot mom ha REGISTRATION IS VERY LIGHT Bat 5SO New Vetera ReUer sa4 101 Ask for Transfers ( Voting Plaees. Five hundred and elshtv reiri.f-.H.. and 160 transfer wsr msde Saturday whtt the registration lists of the city wer re vised. Th Ninth and Tenth ward showed tne largest number of new voters, each totaling ssventy-thre. Twalva wer mad la th Tenth and fourteen in tne jMintn. Th total coat of th rerlatrattnn in run near th $900 mark, making Saturday registration the moat expensive in many year. riWtLrd Rer Trans. . aa .. a. . .a . .a . .a . u l'l Second 40 11 Third V.a M ft Fourth $7 14 ru-th i ? Sixth 40 Seventh , 26 T fclghtn V a Ninth , 7$ 14 Tentb 7$ u Eleventh 4l Twelfth 6 u Total .60 Persistant Advertising is th Road to Big! Raturna t- 161