WANT ADS Want aria rerrlvrtl at anjr tlm, but to Insure pit wr classification must b presented before) 12 u'rliHk m. for the evening edition and lwfor 7:30 for morning and Sunday editions. Want ad received after snrh hour mill have their first insertion under the heading "Too Late to Claaalfjr." DRA1II Aitn riXEKAL NOTICES FINNEY, J T.. age 40, June ISth. Funeral on Wenncsday afternoon from Crosoy C napei at i:jo P. M. Interment at lores t Laan cemetery. Friends invited. 8WOHODA Rudolph E. aged 34 yearn. Kumial will be held fioin residence, 25tn South Twenty-fourth street, Wednesday at 8 p. ni. In. el mem at Forest Lawn ceme tery. LODGE NOTICE. . ST. JOHN'S lodge. No. 25, A. F. & A. M : Funeral ot our lata brother, Ruuolph F. Suoboda. win be held lrom his late resi Oti.o, A bo. 14th ist. Wed., June 21, lull, at 2 p. m. Members of the lodge will aa sembie ac .Masonic temple at 1 o clock. Uuy C. .UcHtnai. Master. IAKD OK THANKS V.'r: DESIRE to thank the friends and neighbor and Danlih (later lodge, Mo. 67, loi iiuir Kinuneas and sympathy and beau lliui, floral oUeringa at the time of the death ot our beloved wife and mothas. C'hrla Peterson and Cytherena Peterson. We wish to thank the Loyal Order of Moose fur their weekly benefit and also my irlends and members of Magic City Lodg jNo. 84. M. B. A. for their kind as sistance In the entertainment for my bene fit iaat Friday evening. A. K. Thrapp and . aiuny. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. nirtha Mike and Julia Marstcek. 144 South Twelfth, boy: August and Bertha Dohee, 84Z South Fifteenth, boy; George and Anna Dolan, 13u2 South Firth, boy; Thomas and Lucy Dwyer, 3309 Ames, girl; L and Lucy Bavage, 911 South Thlrty llrst, girl; Harry and Bertl.a Nugent, 2610 Bristol, boy; Aba and Onidie Forman, 2jJ0 Caldwell, girl; Abe and Beanie Begun, 1423 North Eighteenth, boy; Louie and Mary Yelenek, 116 North Nineteenth, girl; Charles and Mary Williams. 1261 South Sixteenth, girl; V. and Virginia Campio, lot South Thirteenth, girl; John and Johanna Schemenauer, 103 Webster, boy; P. J. and Ona Kirk, 2S08 North Thirtieth, boy; Nels and Emma Haltonburg. RS30 Sew ard, girl. Deaths Mrs Helen Peterson, 44, St. Jo-. Bepn hospital; Oliver S. Phelps, 63. 514 North eighteenth; Olive M. Fltislbbon. 18, 1623 Burt; Jessie F. Heron, 83, Wise Memor ial hoapltal: Martha Dillon. 80. Douglas County hospital; Arthur K. Butler, 63, 100T bourn Twentieth; Helen speuman, is, wis Uandarson. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha following marriage license bay ben Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Frank L. Peters, Cleveland, 0 28 Grace Williams, Cleveland, 0 29 James Tremble, South Omaha 26 Delia E. Jackson, Omaha 23 Joseph H. Hopkins. Perseval, la 42 May Taylor, Bartlett, la 28 William C. Nlckerson, Levonla. N. T....26 Mildred I. Evans, Omaha 30 i LO Sixteenth-Harney; ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, embalmer. 1614 Chicago St. D. 16a9; U-166S. PHOTO SUPPLIES Kodaks and cameras. The best develop ing and finishing In the city. MEUUATH STATION! 1RY CO., Photo Dept. 16th and Farnam St. MONEY TO LOAN LOW Knit, in sums to suit. 10 Bee Bldg. i lione Duu. am. UNION JX3AN CO. VIKU1N1A DARE WINE 76o a large bottle. Klein Liquor House, bia N. 16th bt. tAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AKKLsS, 16 S. lotn. UPbTAlRS. LYNCH BROS. vlA3$2$&"u Jth.l'Allt WullK. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477. Missouri Filters filter re pairs. Sis & ixoh. Doug. 4714; inU. A-2&21. OFFICE STATIONERY ov Kotera at Leary Co., 1606 Jackson. D. leSO. DAIRY MEN, TAKE NOTICE. New milk bottles at cost. 'Phone Doug las S00 or Douglas 2'i34. ODAK88UPrL,lt8 and AMATEUR FINISHING DEMPSTER'S. 31 H. 16th St., U16 Farnam Bt. . DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel Douglas UL ICE(TRRAMH,Lrdln Hyglea brand ltUUIVIiAJUAU leading drugglata. Harding Ice Cream Co. MAGOARD Van ft Storage. Paok, move, lore and ship H. H. goods. D. 14V6; fl 2426. SCALES. SCALES Independent Seal Repair Co.. llo too. 11th St. lnd. A-tooi. Corner 8ho Repair, X23 Leavenworth. LOOK PROSPEROUS) Wear the Maxl su White Sapphire; has tha brilliancy, luster and hardness of a genuine diamond. Vend fur catalogue. Da Long Jewelry Co. lui 8-4 McCaau Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. The New Elk Hotel. Now open, all outside rooms. S6c and 600 by day; week. 12 up. 17 N. 16th. U 7287. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNOATE. china flung. 37u Brandela Bldg. Tel. Web. tyii. DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on all flu ordera Catalogue free. Sherman at XlcConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Nao. OUR latter duplicating work I unex celled, a trial will convince you. Bota pbonea. Weaiera Duplicating Co., 406 Bee uidg. PICTURE framing, one-third cheaper than department store; moat select stock of framed plcturea at reduced price. Omaha Art and Fram Co- Vli & 16th. Douglas 104; lnd. A 2561. YOU'LL always be happy If your wedding ring comes from Brodegaard . 116 8. 16m fel. At the sign of the crown. MONEY saved on painting, paper hang ing, decorating paper: wholesale; quick work. Call A. C. McGulgan Co., Crouns Block. Opp. P. O. Douglas 3662; A-lSoi. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., 1A00H Farnam. lnd. A-3W21. Douglas 475a W do Picture Framing and Glaslng. SPECIAL DISCOUNT this month on Paint. Olass. Vsrnlahes and Wall Paper. : i RVnTfT1 COSTELLO'S Omaha Cut linVHK'M w boring and pump WILLOW SPRINGS beer, liquors, cigar. sandwiches. ALEX JETE9. 1303 Do us las. WE LIKE LITTLR-REPAIR JOBS. FUELING e STEIN I.E. Trunk Factory. lui Farnam. TWENTY per cent less tbsn Omaha price. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L sua., aouih Omaha. ED ROTHFRY h Atisa. f-ii uwiiuiumi . of lluuor, ,nJ igara. Cafe la connection. Ill 8. 14th Si. Caaady Co . 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa BUY AND SI.. FOR CRAWFISH call H 3663. ANNOUNCEMENTS (.Continued I.nrO letterhead!!, good bond paper; l.mo billheads, l.dv bumni trards; f 1 60 per l.OtsJ. Kxtimatra ami sample fi ee. Other printing 'lizard printing Co.. Omaha Commercial College Bldg.. 19th A Farnam. Red it. MRS M. F. MORRILL, china decorat ing. Studio 833 Urand-is Theater Bldg. Cement Blocks XV"1"""' OMAHA CONCRETE STu.NK CO.. ISth Ave. and Sahler. Web. sW; B 8016. DAVID COLB CREAM ERT COMPANT. FOR a dainty rteert use Dalsail's lea cream. If K. J. Huxnlrn. JThS rt sth SC. will come to The Bee office within ihiea days we will give hu.i an order tor quart brick of this fine Ice cream. ROACHES. ANTS. BEDBUGS, FLEAS AND RATS exterminated from your prem ise under guarantee contract; estimate free; Huudead Liiiuor lilaectide. 4c; lar;e can powder, 26c. Call or writs Riley Chemical Works, 2d floor, Crounss Blk., opposite postoltlce; by mail prepaid. Doug. 3662. . H. Cole 8 g:i Co. D. 27f. 1314 Farnam. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "Said Into a posi. "Tear your top." And bring It to the best place In Omaha tor all kinds of repairing. DRUMMOND Coiner liuh ai.il Harney at. I ONE pverland, four-passenger, fully once, . J. L. B tern berg. S10-311 8. 18th Lit "k U. Vlk V! a A ...n..lil , Villas Ilea, aWWM il V ti sUfJ yg UtU51UUII need apply. NEW and Uhand autoa. Derlght, Omaha, FOR BALE A bargain. International de livery machine, first-class order and used three months. 924 N. ltkh St. Phone Doug las IHM. FOB, SALE Mrs. Herman Cohn s Stev-ens-Duryea five passenger automobile, al most new. Enquire at ollice of J. L. Bran deis A Sons. FORD touring car model 84. Rambiar, newly painted, 640u 00. One 46-hcraepower 'bus, f.OD.oo. All in good running order. 2U! Leavenworth. POfl HALF At h.rln R.nM" twelve-pabcengsr sight-seeing car- ci.inp.ete w.in iuuu as new. Clarion Auiouioone Co., 2101-3 Farnaro Su WHAT doea a name mean? If you want to Know jubi try uunen i candies. II H. hi. Hunter, 274 Bo. 9th St., will cotna to The Bee office wllhln three days wa will give him an order for a 60-cent box of u Brten a candy free. FOR SALE Electric BtanhODa In excel lent condition. Never been neglected or abused. win sacrifice In order to sell this week. H. E. Fredrlckaon Auto Co. Phone D 188; A 1313. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET la or out of business, call oa OANGivbXAJJ. 404 Be Bldg. Tel D. 837. WANTED Young or middle-aged man wlia capital to taae an autlv Interest In one of tn bust paying business proposi tions In Omaha. Must be capable of tak ing complete management. For full par ticular auureaa C 6b6, Be. MANAGER wanted to take charge of Sales department for old establishment land company, preier a party who will take small Interest in business. Address K-ew, care Bee. WANTED A party with capital to take charge of wall established wholeeal re tail business. F 6U6 Be. GOOD paying restaurant tor sal or rent or exchange lor real estate. Zee Bros . 610 N. 16th St. WANTED Party with from 860 to 8500 for a flrst-c'ass Investment, paying good dividends. Will stand the closeet Investi gation. Address A 617, Omaha Bee. . ONLY hardware and furniture store In town of 800 In fin country. Invoice about 63,000. Entire stock purchased new a year ago. Did a 833,000 business last year. Look up map and sea trade .territory to draw from. Good reason tor selling. No trade considered. We will assist right party fi nancially. Inquire Farmer Saving Bank Wlnfred, S. D. vjr. .. . m. n miu rvui IOr Omaha. If B. G. Brlggs. 1119 Caatellar St.. Ml ..Am & n TVi. U.. ittn i . v. i Ai win ... - " . " wiiiiiii tnree days wa will give blm a ticket to the base Dan game. RooaalaaT Houses for Sale. 6-ROOM rooming house and furniture for sale; cheap rent; party leaving city. 623 N. 17th St. CHIROPODISTS MONHE1T, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing., hair good. City Nat l Bk. D. DR. ROY, 1603 Farnam St Douglas 6407. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACH. 3d floor Pax ton. D. 1066. THERE la a beautiful new dancing pa vilion at Lake Manawa. if Robert Peter son, 2030 Bprlng SU, will come to The Bee olflce within three day we will give him a pair of round trip ticket to Laa Man awa. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Eervica Detective agenoy. Inc., bonded. 42- Paxtuu Blk. D. 1316; A-131 CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Blk. ZACK ELLIS,. 19 year experience. 804 Neville Blk., lath and Harney. Tyler 1L. JAMES ALI.AN, 306 Neville Blk.. Six teenth and Harney; phona Tyler 1JM. DRAINAGE J. J. 8TUBB3, room 415, First Nat'l bank. DRESSMAKING Terry's Dressmaking College, tOth.A Far. PLAIN sewing and menauig neatly done. 26ug Davenport. B-24&. DRESSMAKER wants work by day, only high class work dealred. '.Phone Douglas 6i7. Call between 7 and I p. ni. EVERY parson knows who D. J. O'Brien 1 because he has made Omaha famous with hla candy. If L. Clauaon, 20, Oak St., will com to The fcoi aftlce within three day we will giv him an order for a 6o-ceni box free. EDUCATIONAL First Summer Term BOYLES UOLLEGE la Now Open. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. Omaha's largest and most succrssf ul Com mercial College. linemen. Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue is free. Ad dress H. B. Boyle. President, Omaha, Neb. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING cured. Julia JS. Vaughn. Raing Bldg. LE&SON3 In French and In grade school subject. Phone Harney 247. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 6ECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamos, motor aud repair. L llron, 113 e. Uth St. Douglas 2176. HARTHUN KLEC. CO.. D. 62S8; 316 8. 14th. SUMMER ONLY STARTED. KEEP COOL WOLFE ELEC. CO., r?STMS.nd iLBENNETT ELEC'L C0.A Electrlo fans, hot point Irons, guaranteed. KITH ELECTRIC CO., repairing dyna mos and ni'itma a) specialty. D. bc47. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CURTAINS LAUNDERED. 2611 Dawey Ave.. Tel. H. Uj WALL PAPER cleaning. D. 6661. A-244. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) WHEELER'S HEADACHE tablets curs or jour money back. 2jc. llalne oruj Co. SWITCHES from romblngs, 11.50; set puffs free. Mr. Eck. 1V Leavnwi.r.h Si. Upholstering, furn. repairlnfr. low price Ekwall Co., 1H13 SL Mary s. D. 601: A 27 W. THE beat treat for wife and baby in a dish of Daliell's Ice cream. If Charles Kubenetelii, &ki S. lth St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream free. PICNIC LUNCHES D 6 Oal. Shogo Ltthla water, Del.. (I. D. it, 2. SLTERFLl'OCS hair permanently re moved without electric needle or Injury to the skin; lady attendant. 4t'7 Mcc'ague Bldg. WILLOW plumes made from old or new feathers. 2.126 So. 12th St. D. K. t FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1801 Farnam. D. 1001; A-1001. J. H. BATH. J62S Harney Douglas 2000. HESS & 8VVOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. L Heriderso.k 1616 Farnam, Douglas 1211 HELP WANTED FEMALE Aateata aa4 aaiaanoaaeak TEN ladle to canvas from nous to nous. Pleasant work and good pay for bustler. The Sperry ft Hutchlnsoa Co., 1417 Harney St. LADIES and schoolgirls wanted for deo orating sola pillows at home; experience unnecessary. Call forenoona. 2307 S. Uth. Clerical and Office). Stenographer, with executive ability 665. Stenographer, out of city (66. Stenographer, drug experience 6i0-I70. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Factory and Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng. Oppea helm parlors. Prices very reasonable. Haauakeepera tat Docacatloa. WANTED Housekeeper for small fam ily; no washing; have no objection to baby In arms. Call Ui N. 16th St. I- QIRL for general housework. 622 N. Uth. WANTED A girl for general housework. one to go home at night; small family; no cnuuren, oiuat ds act to cook. Apply at 411 S. 33d St. , WANTED An experienced cook, 8614 Jackson St. Phone Harney 2934. WHITE girl for general housework, or young girl to assist. 1426 Plnknay St. First class girl for general housework, no cooking, no washing. Wages 66. 417 No. 26th St. WANTED Neat girl to housework. 1801 Blnney St. slst with WANTED Housekeeper, by widower with h 1 1 1 i r n MWMrllnh nruf.r.ul V. , , nn objection to American. Address Ernest nestling, Asniana, iveo. WANTED a good housekeeper on farm at once. Address Box No. 263, Schuyler, Neb. WANTED A middle-aged woman to do general housework; must b able to do good plain cooking. Apply Mrs. -Dr. Hos tetler, 802 8. 20th St. Tel. D. 77. Hotela aad Restaaraata. WANTED Lunch counter girl. Apply, manager, Union Station restaurant. WAITRESS wanted at one. 1623 Leaven worth. Mlacellaaeona. V fi TTJ 11 iAmlN. h a Aww-.v ......... ...... w .v V111W1S Strangers are invltaHl to visit ths Young tt uiiieu wiir-aiiau mbuuikiiuh DUllaing SI St, Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they or otberwl assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. WANTED A manicurist at once. Barhw shop, Omaha Nat Bank. TAKE me out to the ball gam. If John Macher, 2417 So. Uth St. will com to Tha Bee office within three days we will riv him a ticket to the ball gam at Rourk park. wiwrm a . rv., . table. Apply Green Room Cafe, Brandela Stores. HELP WANTED MALE Attests. Solicitors aad lalesmeau LAND salesmen wanted; experience and good past record necessary. Prospects fur nished and all other reasonable assistance given. 404-10 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to snaking good money. SAuat ha aril t , . T.nr,.u,h ....... -" - . ... v u vk Axam and capable of preaenting high-class mat- mi . itvv inauraric nor ooo as. Addras U 169, car Be, WANTED -Stock salesman; salary and commission or big commission; paying divl- rlnrial anri nnli.lt ull.., v. i , . . . , - ..7 7. - , via iiiwiiey LU a producer. "J," Omaha Bee, Council Bluff. AGENTS WANTED. 100 PER CENT profit to sell the Howard HB.nV M a rrtakal Unnb V-. I.. r -vuiw ymnni baxDafl book on th market; somethinc wa VMIIVH TeawAav .U XIaUJ 1111 ilirDeM w... w muviw ib aal 6u MaA iu W aVT ftOi ageaU. 1)AYM0RSE T38 Brandela Theater Bldg. Omaha. Neb. WE HA VH 'AM nprv-Tvn mo . DALESMAN WITH A SEALING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE LI A N TO HI!rnMM I ' KT XJI.. "f -T- i.-ittf J HE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM- lit ihis WUKLU AND LEARN THE BUSINESS. V KU BEE. . ... v .11 v cian t'lopositiou; big commission. Writ today. Bartlsao auppl Co.. Brown Block, Omaii, ND. MR TRiVn.IMrj UiMnru. i for the best stde Hue in tha world. D. 22;3. 1 ll i r rt fliiiir HmrH . . f 'IS-.. .. . L. iH.. , ' i . , uviiwu Opportunity Co. 'SALESMAM vintMl .a h.niiu n.. -' petticoats as side line on commission basis. Must furnish first class reterences. Adler at Duapiro, iu woostcr St., New York. A Inn v .nla 1 - - " . . , u, avu in mi. Salary and expenses paid weekly. Call room 24, Hotel bantord today. Clerical anal Of flee. Ai.icir-ivuni man aa sienograpner, on who want to icarn Ui businea. Call at 216 a. Aim. Bookkeeper, lumber 676. Leager clerk 30. Bookkeeper, wholesale 670. Office cltik. bank o. CU-OPKKA11VE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-16 City Nat I Bank Bldg. Drug 6tor(nap).Jvba. Knlest. Bs Bldg. WANTED A butcher, not on that call Mmaeif a block man, but an all-around butcher of more than average ahiliiv mm not afraid of work, or a young man that i in earnest i learn the businea and where his parents or guardian algn a en train for him staying at leant two years; must lie able to furnish reference. Will pay flrst-claas wages, but don't want to waste my Urns unless he Is ths right kind and willing to work up. I have a flrst claas, modern shop and slaughter nous and I am a man tnat underaianda hia bualneea and willing to teach you. Ad dress Wm. Tlmmerman, Manning, la. r WlNTF.rU-R.riit.Mri ilrii. A ..lv at once. Gladlsh Pharmacy, 13 th and Lodg. W A VTTT1 A flnlwlau ha,k. m 1 . . week luw.i.r ntwl rtAt siinli I . - u ... , I , Campbell. Neb. v ANTED Woodworking mac hine men. Address B 618, Be, stating wnat you do. WANTED Plumber and flttera. 14 rr day, 6 hour. Married men nrefarred. j Steady work. Postolflc boa 232. Ottumwa, jlcaa. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE (Continued.) Hotel and It ret aaraa te. MAN Lunch. dish-washer, at ones. Boston il.crllaaeoe. 6.000 OOVETINMENT POSITIONS OPKN. Write for lUt. Franklin Institute, Dept. lU-O. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to prepare for positions now waiting at top wages. Learn the bar ber trade. Few weeks qualifies. Clean, In side work. No dull season; no strikes; cah every Saturday night. Commission and tips In addition to wse.ts amount to more than most mechanics earn. Tools given; diplo mas granted. Apply personally or from country by mall. Moler Barber college, 114 South 14th St. $100 MONTH AUTOING. UTO SCHOOL, OMAHA, NEB. A KG EST AND BE8T. WRITfi. Nationnl Auto Training Assn. Omaha, Neb. Actual experience In shop and rosd work: competent Instructors. WANTED Railway mall clerks; averag (1.100; preparation free for coming Omaha examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept. Ilk G. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Married man to take care tf a building as janitor. Address M 811, Be. HELP WANTED M ALU OH FtCMALE. EARN good pay copying addresses. Par tlcuiaxs six stamp. Hinchey, lit, Middle- port, w. x. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uoraw aad Veailele. J.A.RYDEN, 42U N. 24th SU Webster 6630. lnd. B-3314. TEN head of good work horse; also wagon and harness, buggies and single harness; cash or easy payments. 617 N Kbtii St., barn. FOR SALE 1 high grade phaeton In gooa condition; cost win sell for 676. lei. n. JOd. PROF. A. B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinus of horses: sat lafactlon guaranteed. 2101 8. 48th. liar. 3686. Cows. FOR SALE Milch cow; fresh In August. Tel. H. 303. BEST family cow In te city, Jersey, 6 ir oiu. cneap; going away, com quick. HsM N. 83d St. LOST AND FOUND O III VKT Cleaning, Pressing and Re- v pairmg. a&u Farnam. D. 37 4i PERSONS having lost soma artlcl would do well to call up tha office of the Omahu ft Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In tb street cars. Many article each day are turned In and the company la anxlou to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 46 OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. FOR a dainty dessert us Dalxell's lc cream. If Mr. C. R. SwarU. 2721H4 8. 16th St., will com to The Bee office within three days wa will give him an order for a quart brick of this fin lea cream. LOST On Saturday morning. In or near nrst National Dank, two keys on a ring; tinder will be liberally rewarded. Address W 6W, Bee. LADY'S small gold hunting: case watch, black fob with silver buckle. Phone Doug. 1633. ADJUSTABLE folding handle umbrella, lost In main corridor postofflce building Saturday. Finder kindly return to 7og Omaha National bank and receive reward. LOST Pearl brooch with diamond set ting, in Miller' park Sunday, or on Street car. Return to Be Office, reward. LOOT Sunday, between Council Bluff and Manawa, alligator purse, containing draft for 170, and other valuables. Reward. Mrs. J. G. Wllloughby. Douglas 2060. LOST Sunday, June IS. red leather memorandum book, containing valuable papers: no value to anyone except owner. Reward. Return to Sanford Hotel, 19th and Farnam. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES, 60c postpaid; samples tree. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. TAKE a boat rid on Lak Manawa. W will give a pair of round trip ticket to Philip Plelses, 2206 S. Uth St.. If he will come to The Bee office within three days. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. NOTICE TO ALL If you war positive that our rate and term were the best In the city, wouldn't It pay you to sea us when you need money T A comparison of our rates with those of other companies will convince you that this 1 the place to borrow. 31.30 1 th weekly payment on a 160 loan for 60 weoks. Other payments in the same propor tion.. If yon need money writ or phona State Mortgage Loan Co., R-12 Arlington Block. 111H Dodx St Phone; Douglas 3466; lnd. A-6466. I t I f I t I I f f I I $ t I t WHY THROW AWAY MONEY? ry not seeing us before you procure a loan on your furniture, piano, ware Lous receipt or salary. We do not publish misleading rates nor misrepresent; our methods are olean; no publicity; excellent aervloe; liberal discount tor payment before due. WE GUARANTEE OUR RATES ARE POSITIVELY THE LOWEST. Call, write or pnone. Our agent will com to you at once if desired CITY LOAN AND TRUST CO., 30-21 Douglas Blk. Opposite Hayden's. Phones: Douglas 316 lnd. A -2686. I I I M H t I II M I I I I CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rate and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1366. A-1666. DIAMOND LOANS AT 1ft ?fe en Isrge loans; smaller loans at IVi and i W C FLATAU Telephone 1 MONEY loaned salaried Peopl. weaas keeping houa and other, wl.hout seourltr, easy psyments. Office la 67 principal itlea Tolman. 601 Omaha Nat Bank xitdg , miD V v l. Hiiig. .MOVING, STORAGE. CLEANING OMAHA VAN ft aTOKAUE Cu uleaat lour earpst ua your flours; eleotrla vasuuisi ieaaara u4 a. )MA( J K, )7tav Douat. 4141 sxriu,Mi4.t a uaUVM.i cw.-ii.c Ua'. furulcu.e tiauklu. fli.Miwuf storase. City U1m. 31 T HiaTbeug. iud. u-IJO. O'BRIEN'S CHOCOLATES ar famous very whr because they ar-s th best. If L. Klpp, -Mi kk. Uth Bt., will cum to Th b offlc within thr day w will giv him an order for a KO-csnt bog free. MUSIC. ART, LANGUAGES FREE Piano tuning. Call Web. tOTt. aad --ak for Special propoaltlwa. OFFERED FOR RENT mb aad , THB BACHELORS, tvta and raraara, ltaiai aUitgi. 66 to 6401 dwubl. IU w M KOUM and board In on of th most de sham locations in Omaha. Suitable for two( private, homelike. 1106 Park Av. LARGE, oool. east and south front rooms, modern home, Kountse place, fam ily of two, no other boarder. Married couple preferred. Term reaauaabie. M N. 34th. Phua WabaUr ML OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard and Itoonta -Conltaard. ONE or two beautitully located room with board; walking distance; litrg yard, Hade trees, vernnda, etc. An lutal piaca lr Bummer. S. :6th Ave. DESIRABLE board and large, f out h-adt, furnlnhei loon-. fii two gentlemen; 6-W e.oh per month; ovtrythlns; mden; prlvute tamlly; walking distance. Iouk. 10h2. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-2f.ll. DESIRABLE summer house, furnished rooms with board. 123 S. 2Tth Ave. TWO laike adjoining rnoms; also two single room; nice lawn, with shsde, board. K N. 25th St. MEALS Horn cooking, 'Pnone Harney 4S81. 2434 Jones. NICE, clean, airy south front room; also board If demred; plenty of hot water. 2iil0 Harney. Phone Harney 94 ;. Furnished Rooms. TWO furnished loom. Tel. Webster 667a, 2618 N. SOth 6t LARGE southenst room with alcove, suit able for two; board if desired; private fam ily. 114 b. lain st. WELL furnished rooms; Walking dis tance; white porcelain bath tub. 101 S. ttth St 2412 DODGE ST.. south front, double par lors; cool and modern. STRICTLY modern southeast larjte room for on or two gentlemen. 2607 Farnam. D. 6366. tVlCE lars room, 112, or amall room, io, In modern apartment, close in; private fain. Ily; lady employed or gentleman. Red f&l. NICELY furnished large front room, suitable tor two. 3ol 8. 26th Ave. r- EVERY person know who D. J. O'Brien Is, because he ha made Omaha famous with his candy. If C. Kamett, 2784 So. 12th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a 60-cent box free. TWO front double rooms, all modern, rented together or separately. 606 North Uth St. 1'hone D-5608. NICELY furnished room, In good locality, all modern conveniences, refined home for lady employed. 220 N. 13d St. Tel. Red 4232. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern, with couple; goud neighborhood; walking distance. 'Phcne H. 4983. CLEAN newly furnished room, $150 per week up; also housekeeping rooms; all modern; everything furnished. 648 S. 26th Ave. TWO east front rooms; nicely furnlsned here; every thing modern; gentleman pre ferred. 602 S. 24th St. TWO nicely furnished room, nice shad and lawn, modern house, private family. 2626 Capitol Ave. Phone lnd. B-2616. 1701 DAVENPORT, cool, neatly furnished front room for gentleman. On block north of postofflce. MODERN furnished sleeping rooms. 417 N. ISth. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th ft Farnam. LARGE ROOM suitable for three, and small back room, clean, cool, reasonable. 1814 Dodge. ONE large and one small room connect ing bath room. Shade and large porch. 601 So. 28th. 605 N. 21st, nlc rooms, everything mod ern, walking distance, cool and pleasant. NICELY furnished room, J 10 per month. Modern, 2664 Douglas streets. TWO furnished rooms, $3 and $10. Strictly private family; good location; references exchanged. Phona Red 6t3. NEWLY furnished large room; also mailer one, 68; thoroughly modern, close In. 616 N. 23d. Red 6823. 640 8. UTH. large, cool front room. Unit able for two; everything modern; walking ttlBianuv. NEWLY furnished. In modern bouse. 2013 tjnicago, r tVAT.VtVrt Sl.t.M. .l I . , . . mnmm ilnr . r an.nll. n n a. . nice, cool place, shady yard; everything moaern. iti r amam du TWO large, clean room; strictly private; bath; walking distance. 26U8 Harney. il-31 13. N1PF.T.V ruenlaheil mnm ..k and Field club district, on 'car Una. Phone narney vis. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, all new and modem. 1911 Douglas St 2126 Dousrlaa. two vanr daalraKl n.lu furnished cool, clean south rooms in private family. Ail ths privileges of a horn. Gentlemen preferred. , Reference rfKf WOtlT A TT W . l M ..... wBii-vivtAuuc puuin nwm ior iaay, light housekeeping privilege. 2306 Orant STRICTLY modern and neatlv furniahed room, plenty of hot water; ona room suit able for two gentlemen. 816 N. ISth St. LARGE, cool, modern room tor rent. 1716 Webster St. TWO large, clean rooms: strlctlv nrlva.ta? bath: walking distance. 2U08 Harnev. Htr. ney 8178. CLOSE-IN. nicely furnished, cool rnnmi for aummer; all conveniences. 1707 Dodge. NEWI.T fumlahiwl In mnAmrn hnn.. 1016 Chicago. Hotela and A part me at. Otrden Hotpl Council Bluffs. Rooms, NICELY FtTKNISHED ROOMS for -ran. tlemen. THE CHATHAM. U0 8. Uth 8t DODGE HOTEL, llth and Dodg; all cooi eutatd room; special weak rate. Farnlahed Hoaea. FOUR-ROOM modern apartment; fur nished. Webster 4468. 7-ROOM, modern, July and August. Tel Web. 4065. BIOHT-room, modern, elegently fur nished house at 2408 Burt, for summer months. Cheap to desirable tennant. A part meats and Flats. SUPERB nothing like It 4 or f room flat, all modern. N. 23d St. TO LET, July 1, for one year or mora. A fine corner apartment ot 8 rooms at SOth Av and Pacific Bargain, 140. Wrttiht & Lasbury, 606 So. 16th Bt Pbon Doug. 153. FOR RENT blx-room modern tlat. 419 N. 16th St FOR RENT Five-room apartment tn Th Uintah. Apply 41 Omaoa Natioaal Uaa bid;., or call Douglaa IamL SIX-ROOM apartmant In th Barnard. Apply 414 Omaha Nai l Bank lildg. D. 1S44. THREE and alx-room flat. Marti Block, 16lh and Webster. 4-ROOM apartments, completely modern, Scargo Bldg.. So. Omaha; above 620 N. tub. 6 rooms, 1809 Farnajn. modern; suitable location for offlcea, studios, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenant wish ing homes adjoining. THOa F. HALL, 433 Ram ga D. 74U6. A-44U6. NEW modern 6-room apartment; walk ing distance on car line; 4ui North Twenty fourtn street TWO 4-room Bt. Louis flats, 820 each; 6-room cottage. 23; the have bath, fine had; 1416-l4l Vinton. Oakrldg Invest ment Co. TL Douglaa 2167. . TAKE ms out to th ball game. If Fred Norton, 1614 So. 6th St. will com to Th Be offlc within three day w will giv him a ticket to th ball gam at Rourk park. THE HUNTER, 26th and Dodg For rant, legant 3 and 6 room apartment. Modern; hardwood finish, brush brass fixtures; hot and cold water; janitor service; laundry, electrlo washer; vacuum cleaner. Walking distance, phona Douglas 4132. THE Sherman, 6-room, ground floor apartment. Web. r6. 6-ROOM, new, modem apartment Bern! a park, pbon Harney 8176. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartment and Flats Contlneed. FIVE or six-room, strictly modern St. Louis flat at 2J.J 8. 16th; rent cheap. Doug. 6iM. FIVE HOOM apsrtment. 1021 So. Joth St. Phone Red ItiM. THE GENOA. USSl Caps. Just competed. Apartment. 6 rooms esrh, servant' room. Finest modern conveniences. See Janitor. ELEGANT 4-room Apartment for rent. Phone Webeter 4x. PRAVTIFI'L 7-room and bsth apartment. The Wynnnn, SVi. Phone Harney M7S. Furnished llonsekreplnar Room. 2T.1 DAVENPORT, furnished suit of modern housekeeping rooms; first floor. NICELY furnished llfiht housekeeping ro ms. 1719 Cuming street. . TWO or three nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping. 2013 Da venport St. 3 FURNISHED rooms, with private fam Ily. In modern hone; good location; walk ing distance. 602 8. 2Sth St. FOUR completely furnished rcms tor housekeeping to couple without children; refeiences tequlred. S'W N. 40th St. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 2013 Chicago. NICELY furnlRhrd llsht liouekoepln rooms, good neighborhood; gas and bath, all modern. 2707 Dodge. H. 66N6. , 8 NICELY furnished room for llpht housekeeping; good neighborhood, close to car. 2611 N. 19th Ave. Phone Web. 63G4. Room for light housekeeping; also single room. 2213 Douglaa. TWO large cool handsomely furnished room modern. Walking distance; shady lawn. 316. 604 Bo. 28th. h TWO room furnished for llaht house-. keeping; go range, electrlo lights. CI.' So. 18. .LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms, 617 So. ISth. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 2719 j season, rnone n. I'nf nrnlahcd Room. LARGE, cool, unfurnished rooms, slncle or ensuite. Good location and aa moUdi n conveniences, ziui nuune. 8-ROOMS, good location, reasonable, no cnuarcn. 4.' liarney. Phone H. 4.6j. THREE rooms. modern oicept heat. t r u'tn M. THREE unfurnished rooms, bath, store ruom, ouiauie porcn, moaern except heat 2617 N. 18th Bt. THREE rooms, modern except heat. 23C6 House and trwttaeea. 616 So. 27th St., 6-r. mod. flit. $30. 612 So. 27th St., 6-r. mod. flat, M BEM1S-CARLUERG CO., 310-312 Biandels Theater. I , . LOW rent for good home; 7 rooms, all modern; three block from Farnam bt. Complete repair; rooms large; three bed rooms, lei. owner. Red 6-64. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Docked, forwarded cheap freight rate: movies and atonn Expressmen' Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. K v.uy oinc. u b. ii La tn., t- uidg. 426 EIGHT room, etlrctly modern, hot water heat, large rooms aim cloteia; large kitchen cabinet; large front and bacK porch; cistern; newly papered; 1613 Vinton. No. 1056 South 29th avenue, 6 room, nioum n, too. 2U21 Paclflo street. 7 rooms, modern, $26. 219 Pacific street, 6 rooms, 620. Wl North 27th street, 6 rooms, tig. 2708 Seward street, 6 rooms, 615. 2710 Seward street, 6 rooms, 315. 2646 Blnney street, rooms, 816. 2644 Blnney street, 6 rooms, $12. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 722. FOR RENT CHEAP. $8 B0--room flat, 1424H S. 16th 8t 812.50 6-room. 2in N. 21st St. $16 6-room, 106T1T. 20th St $L'0 7-room home. 1820 Paul Bt. $16 6-room flat, 2621 lAke St pnniVQOM jt, xrrY e 435 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. .2418. 8-ROOM all modern home. 1010 Arbor St 'Phone jjougiaa ivw. TIniiRPS ln " P" f th olty. I10UHC3 Crelgh Son ft Co.. Be Bldg. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern, at 111 & 44th St., on W. Farnatr-Dundee Una Tel narney omi or uougia m. House, in. Ring wait Brandela Th. Bldg. 2506 MAPLE St, five rooms, modern ex cept furnace, (23 60. Hall Distributor Co. A-4408. D. 7404. SEVEN-ROOM bouse, 27th and Mandsrson streets. $16. Charles L. Saunders, ill South 18tn street, rnona uougias iv. SEVEN-ROOM modern houss. 80 p.rir Ave. Beautiful lawn. J. I. Kemp, 1613 leavenwunu ou xvey at oiuo. both phone. MODERN 7-room house opposite Uan scorn park, $40. 1'hone Harney 1666. Om. Van ft Storage Co. pack.mov,torr bouaehohl good. Fireproof storage; 604 S. 14th. Branuh. SO B. llth. Tel. D. 41i3. A-ltU 4-ROOM cottage, 14th and Ohio, $11 616 N. 17th St., 6-room cottage, modern except heat; close ln; only $26. 161t Elm St, 6-room cottage, modern ex cept heat; good repair; barn; a bargain for $20. The best bargain In Omaha, 1817 B. 32d St., 8-room flat modern xcapt heat, 16W3 N. 24th, $20. 4-room flat, modern except heat. Bit Dewey Awe., $18.60. 8-room flat, modern except heat, tstt Dewey Ave., $7. 8-room flat, modern except heat 70S 8. 16th St, $16. 2423 Cu.nlng Bt,. 8-room, part modern, only $12.60. 2t32 Dewey Av., 8-room, all modern, close ln, $37.60. N. P. DODGE ft CO., Uth and Harney. UNEQUALLED, central. 7-room bouse, ttv N. lud. DOUULE house, 1316-1316 South 3d Bt; six rooms on sach side, $30 each. Tale phone Douglaa 4040. 616 N. 8th. 7 rooms, 832 60. 119 S. 2tth, 6 rooms, $1.00. 2b23 Seward, 8 rooms, $22. 26Z3 Cuming, 4 room, $10. And many others. F. D. WEAD, 1801 FARNAM BT. WANT TO RENT. Th best 6 or 7-room houss that can b had for $16 to $20 per month; small fam ily and best of reference Box 416, cuy. 8 HOUSES, ZOOS 8. 8th. Tel. Red 4668. 6 ROOM house, bath, gas. fine. 2731 Seward. $17.00. Unusually 6 ROOM house. Bath. Qaa. Very fin. 2616 Seward. $17. A NEW modern 6-room cottage, within walking distance, south aide. Key at 660 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FIVE-ROOM cottage, newly papered. 2415 Indiana Ave., $i6. Six-room cottage, gas, electric light and bath, 6X5 N. 2uth St., 4J0. Stoecker Realty Co. Douglas 4404. -i FOUR room house, . modern. $16 per month. 2617 Cass St B. 807 L I : three-room modern fiat. icz N. Kin St.. 115. Five-room modern flat. 618 B. 18th Bt, $17.60. Seven rooms. 8K20 N. 28th St., $10. Three rooms. 34 8. 18th St., 88. Six rooms, modern. 4218 N. 24th St , $17 60. Eight rooms, modern, 4211 N. 24th St, 620. Seven rooms, modern, 2756 Davenport, $6. Nine rooms, modern, 213 Poppleton Ave., $:. Seven rooms, modern, 1806 B. 28th St, $27.60. Ten rooms, modern. 2412 Cass St., $40. W. B. MEIKLE, 206 RAMGE BLDG. 7-ROOM modern, hot water heat 8214 Cal ifornia. Harney H1. 8-KOOM modern house, anth and Corby; Inquire H. Kachman, Webster 1675. . 6-ROOM, strictly modern. 622 8. 84tb Ave. Tel. Red 2177. 3o4 South S8th, 646 a month; all modern. I rooms. Tslephon Douglas 4040. OFFERED FOR RENT llnanra and t oltasea t ontlnnetl. Benson Transfer Mores Furniture. D. IS1!, FOR RENT Slx-ronm h'iie. mo lei n ex cept hi'at. firso p(-r month. 2Mi llinm-y St 'Phone Webster 17tU. NEW, all attioro. modern nsldence-r.l. N. SSth Av.-l'i0. Red 27. t.t; oft-8-room. brick hoie, modern. 11 8. 2Slh St. Tel. Hurney I7i". Store aad Office. TWO office. Id floor Cre'shtna block tlio atore at U N. IMh St. Alfred Thorn Aaent, Flrat Nat l Hank I'lila. BRICK store bullying. No. 114 Harner street, three storlr and haxrmi-nt. Char!. J- Saunders, IU South IMh street. Phot. DotiKlas l?s. FOR bent v rrw.rv Anri m. .. . .i. tl y, wltn fixtures; a snap 2.m n i, ' AT 7 SO. ISTH ST.-Ro vn LVxfi0,' sup plied with steam heat; now I .(Vug put In line condition; price resonsl'le PETEKS TRUST CO., 17th and Farnam DESIRABLE office In the Continental Flock; either In stilt or ungle. Alfred Kennedy, .us First Nat'l Hank Ulilg FOR RENT STOK:. 130 Nice lonre store room and Rood ce mented basement ; good locution for Kto cery and meat market or tailor shop, etc 10..4 South loth St. i 435 Taxton Hlock. Phone Dotiir. 2411. OFFERED FOR SALE Fsrsltsr. FOR SALTS At a bargain, mahogany sfflce furniture, nearly new: sufficient for two rooms; also rugs and Oliver type writer and stand. Address Hot tl)7, Omaha. THE best treat for wife, and baby Is a dish of Daixell'e Ice cream. If L. 1. Welt. 4;ll S. J4th St., will come to The liee office within three days we will give him ail oidHfor a quart brick of this fine ice cream. t- FOR SALE Folding bed. extension tabla snd other furniture. 110J So. llth St. HOUSEHOLD goods & Fur. 2M0 Cumins;. FOR SALE CHEAP nidi-hoard, dlninrf table and tour chairs; good condition. Ad dress I'-t'iH, llee. FOR SALE Six hole Michigan M"ol ranire; rhrai; ac. ount owner li-axiii city. 124 N. 24th St. Phone Red 6649. FOR SALE 5 room, furniture with or without plnnn at reasonable price. In quire 1d10 N. -0th St. Alnalcal Instruments. Put MUSIC In your home, and not The sweet CONTENT It brings, It Influence for GOOD will float Above all other things. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., 1311-13 Farnam St., Typewriter. SECOND-HAND typewriters. old. re paired. Cebiral Typewriter Exchange, IWi Farnam. CLEARANCE SALE TYPEWRITERS Wa have a large stock of all the standard make in sligntly used and rebuilt mi dlines that we want to turn Into canh. Prices 14 to Vi mfgr's. We sell on paymew or rtnt auu ici i mi.nin lent auuiv. ua.ii ur write ior large oarnain list. B. F. BWANSON CO.. INC., v 1314 Farnam St., Omaha. ' BUY an L. C. Smith ft Broa typewriter. B. F. Bwanaoa Co., Distributer Ui Far nam Bt TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES-Sold, rented and repaired. Typewriter Inspection Co., Inc., 634 Brandela Bldg. 'Phone, lnd. 4411; Douglas 4938. RENT an Oliver typewriter from th Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglaa 2319. Miscellaneous. New and secondhand safe. 1818 Farnam. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper s desk, oak fln- Ish, for sal at 310.00. Apply Georg it Wright, Be Publishing Co. ID HAND tools and rubber. 416 N. 16th. BAFtC Overstocked with second-handi !, all le and makes; bargains. Amer lean Buppiy Co 1U0 Farnam UL 98c AWLRITB BAFETY RAZQR, with 7 blades, sells at $2. Abe' Her Grand Pharmacy, 16th Howard. 10-paasngr, I horse-power motor boat, las than 1 year old; cash, terms or trade D. 170. A-8S87. 1616 Capitol Ave. NICE trash oharrtea for Bala In an amount 8402 Av. O, Council Bluffa W TTB.R1FR tl rmA mnAr V. , at. 4m . condtlon; alao slngl nam. Tel. Harney an, SET light doubl harness, chean. Bar. no 424. THOROUOHBRJCD AlrdaJ terrier, rvii 423 N. 28th Av. A COOL plunge In Lak Manawa will overoomo that hot faellnar. It Mrs. F. An. derson, 1111 Arbor Bt, will coma to Tha cm oinc witmn tnre day w will giv her a pair of round trip tickets to Lak Manawa. FOR BALE Whit Persian rabbit, loa ach. 74 N. 26th Bt 178 RTHMnt.T .WW a Umr.t.T.ITB -A bond. 1728 Dorcaa. Douglas 4164. OSTEOPATHY Alio Johaaoa. 306-6 BrandaU Tbcataw Blda Katherm Nikola. 664-4 Brandela Thaatar. f PATENTS V. O. BARN ELL. Paxtoa Blk. TL R4 Till WILLARD EDDY. U. & Pat Offlc offi cial solicitor. 1630 City Nat Bank. Tyler 164a HIRAM A. STURGES. re. attorney. 646 Brandela Theater Bldg. Douglas 340. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY 1 treatment stomach trouble. Dr. Margaret Halioran. 222-8 NevUl Blk. D.T761. n ATT 1-4 Bait 6Tlow and maag. 109. iXrVAJlO b. 17Ui Bt, lt floor front, room 1. Mma Allen of Clilcago. Douglas rt& I DR. BURKE, disc ass of women, Oinaba. , Tames corr electric compajkc i aneved to 803 n. lSH.o bt Douglas 1811. YOUNG WOMEN com In to Omaha a ftianger ar Invited to vtst. Ui Teund women i.nriatiaa assooiatitat ouuoin ai Sevsnteeiith street and St. Mary's A vs. whar they will be directed la auitaoi boarding place or otherwise asalatsu. Look for i( uavalar's aid at tb Uuiu Station. WHEN you spend your money spend It for the best there la If U. C. Edwards, blk Bancroft St.. will coma to The Be of fice within lbr day w will giv bun an order for a 6o-cnt box ot tbriea candy free. MRS. SNYDER. Swedish massag, baths. radiator and vibrator treatment. The , Dunsany, Fiat 8. loth and Pierce. Doug. Mk , UNITED Brethren church servlc 10.30 . m., 8 p. ru. lKth and Iothrop. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brae strengthen. 60c BELL DKUO CO. 68-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Oladdlsn Ptiaruiacy. Uth and Dodge, A DELIGHT hair food srrowa hair: Be Mma Frayer, ktegeatn Stat y Co., Uth and r arnam. THE SALVATION ARMT BOllclls raat-oft clothing. In fact anything you do not seed. W collect repair and sell at 134 N. llth Bt, for cost of toilectlon. lu me wor. iuy poor. Call 'pbuoe 4oua(ia Sis aa4 agons wiu call. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing machines. lnd. A-lui, Douglas 1M4. M t. I1KABK A LllXli o., Uth aud Harney Sis. BE8T nerve bracer for men. IQraya Nsrv Food Pills, l box, postpaid.' sr.sr tuaa alcConnell Drug Co., Oiuaba, aSsaa, y. J