Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    TTIE BEE: (5MATIA. ' WT.DXESfDAT. JUNT, 21. 1911'.
Li".--1- I
Rourkes Hand Out Blank to the Grizzlies; Giants Lessen Distance From Cubs-'
Uobimon and Kett of the Bourkei
Hand Oat Whitewtth.
Pn's Twlrler ftkewe foesld.
era hie Class All Ike Way 1hrgk
Last Gam with Dearer.
Pa Rourkes nw pitcher. Robinson, hunv
. the medicine sign on thi Orizz'les for fel,
yesterday afternoon, In the second gam--of
the series, and for nine Innings admin
Istered goose eggs lo the hungry bear
The game endrd with the score to .
with the Fto'jrket at the long end.
It waa Robinson, first, loit and i!wavi
He waa Invincible and had the Denver t
atlng out of hit hands. He handed ou
Such a mesa of ugly looking ones that th
Crlzzllra were afraid to tackle them. E:gh'
Ihf a narked up dUi In? the gtmi and fann?
the wind. Free transportation waa not In
hi line and only two men got to thi
Initial sack on aid onea. Hla teammate
were not up to snuff either, and twice he
had th bases full, but managed to Cleai
O Fiien was sent to tha box for th
Grlisllts and walked Into a enag. Thri;
Mts wpre pounded out on him In tha fin
and two mure In the second, totaling flv
runs. However, three errors on tha pai
of the Denver crew contributed to th
number In the aeeond Inning. Harris rr
lleved O Brlen In tha third and held tha
Rourkes to one run.
Omaka Steal Plenty. V
Arbogaat was right and held the OrlM
lies at hla mercy, when they were luck;
enough to get on baa. Three men at
tempted to (teal on him, but they wcr.
nipped by good margins at second, and to
wards the latter part of the game they
hugged their , bases. On the other ha:. 1
McMurray was off. In tha second Innlni
one of his errors brought In a run. an
his poor pegging helped matters, for th .
Rourkes. With Kneaves on third and Pic
on first In the aeeond tnnlng, doub ,
steil was worked succeaefully and Kneave:
scored. In all eight men atola on th
Gristly catcher.
Omaha opened Its half of tha first, wit
Pick getting to first on an Infield hit. H
want to second when Kane grounded out
OBrlea, to Lindsay. Williams follows,
with single to center and Pick scored.
In the second, Kneaves hit aaie to right
was sacrificed ito second and took thin
when Pick landed on first safely on Co'
feye error of his groundor. Knean
scored on a double steal. Pick stole thir
and came home when McMurray droppt
Kane's pop-up. Williams landed on fire
on Coffey's second error and Kane ecortf
Williams stole second and scored whf
Schoonover hit safely to right.
No more runs were made until the ec
enth, when the Rourkes got their elxt.
end last. Nlehoff took first on Qulllln',
error and scored on Kneaves third hit oi
the day, It going to deep center. Score.
t- u AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Pick, 30 - 6 J 1 0 1 J
lb .. ft i i i, o c
Williams, rf . 4 1 t 0 0 ' 0
Pchoonover. If t 0 1 1 0 0
King, cf 4 0.1100
Nlehoff. ib 4 1- 0 4 fl
Kneaves, sa 4 '1 8 i 4 j
Arbogast. o 1.0 1 g 1 0
Robinson, p 4 0 0 0 1 0
Totals M 6 U 27 u "4
. , ... w AB. R. M. O. A. E.
Lloyd, 2h 4 0 0 1 3 0
Qulllln. 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1
Caseldy, rf 4 0 0 1 1 0
f 4 0 110 0
Lindsay, lb 3 0 0 10 1 o
Coffey, ss S 0 1 J
pllmore. of 8 0 0 1 A 0
McMurray, 0 3 0 0 8 0 1
i' Bri. P 0 0 0 0 1 0
Harris, p S 0 1 0 t 0
Totals H
2 24 U
J J I 2 0 0 2 0 11
ij;1" 000000000-0
ft 000000110-2
Bases on balls: Off Robinson, 2. Paused
ball: McMurray. Struck out: By Rob
inson, 8; bjt o Brlen, 2; by Harris, 6. Kao
rltlce hits: tSchoonover, Arbogaat. stolen
VJ!"am" Schoonover, KneJvea,
1'l.k (2), King. Kane. Hits: Off Robinson.
2; off O Brlen, I; off Harris, 8. Left on
bases: Omaha. 8; lenvr, 8. Double plav:
Kneaves to Nlehoff to Kane. Time: 1:40.
Vmplre: Clarke. Attendance, 1,200.
Notes of the Game,
today thlrd last (mt of the series
Topeka cornea tomorrow to take a try
now"1 KourkM- w,n thy u !oo aUlk
Lindsay Is some first baseman, and It
takes a mighty hlgh.Ufcll to get pat bis
r't'h ' T-iXii
'.J1. w? !?m" Il8hnln(r like double pla?
that the Rourkes pulled off in the fifth
.I'il.1. tolr,n bu lB on " It looks
something Ilka a record for this year In
the Western.
Clarke umpired a good game yesterday,
whu h goes to show that umpires also have
their off days.
Nlehoff traveled feat In the aeventh In
ning when he scored from first base on
a. ingle to center.
Pa'e youngsters were sure there when
It came to running basea, and many long
chances were taken.
Joe Kneaves waa there with the big stink
L'll'Mr 111 follr ,,mM t0 bl h ot away
with three clenn hits.
Not a two or three base hit was made
during the game, and several of the singles
weie confined to the Infield.
Jt looked ll Rohlnsnn waa going for
a record for awhile. In the first four
Innings only twelve men faced him.
It looks.! uke a run for Denver in the
seventh. ut uood fielding and Robinsons
rm did the rest after the bnaes had been
Niehoff played some game at second. He
took aeven chances without a boot, be
sides covering some ground between first
ana second.
Robinson sure hl the kibosh on 'the
C?rlfslles yesterdsjr and at no time was he
In danger. The first hit did not corae until
the seven (h inning.
The management announced last night
that Hall would be pitched today and every
Indication points to the Rourkea taking the
third and last gnme.
Des Moines Once Mere Gets Beating,
Five lo Poor.
DES MOINES. la., June 10. Lincoln took
the second game of the series to.lsv from
Des Moines bv a score of 8 to 4. Thomas
eluted two balls to the hack fence this
b4ng the first performance of the kind on
the Des Moines grounds this season
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Anderson, rf 8 10 10 0
Colllsan, ss 4 0 0 1 1 1
Cuitls. If 4 1 1 1 0 e
MStticks, cf 4 0 8 1 0 0
Dwyer. lb I 0 0 I 1 1
Kores, Sb.. 4 0 3 1 2 0
Oraham. 2b 3 0 0 8 8 0
Vltowskl, e 8 1114
Northup, p I 0 0 1 10
Pachant I I 1 0 0 0
Herche, p..,.. 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lynch 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 81 4 I 27 18 "
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
flagnier, ss... 8 1 8 110
I'nglaub. 2b 6 1114 0
Cole, ct 4 18 10 0
McCormlck. It 4 ,01400
Dundoo. &b 4 0 0 1 1 0
Cobb, rf 4 0 8 1 0 0
Thomas, lb 4 1 I 12 1 0
Secretion, c I 0 0 8 0
Standing of Teams
Denver 87 18 7J: ChlcSgo 13 .8
Pueblo SI 30 .(us. New York ..Hi tl .425
Lincoln M 21 WiiPitisburg ....82 28 .00
Klnui ( It ..a t), .137, Philadelphia U 34 .bit
St. Joseph... iA !7 .fi; tt. Louis ....30 26 .Mo
Omaha M 29 47J, C'tnc.nnatl ...2S 81 .441
Topeka it & J( Brooklyn M .J;
Pes Moines. II M ,1W Boton 11 U 2i2
W.LM.I W I. Pet.
Columbus H .i Detroit 40 1 .K)
Kansas C. I '.U 3 t(M t h.ladelphle 84 18 .664
Minneapolis aft 41 .M1 :ew York ..29 23.W
M wtukej ..suxi ,8chicaga tl 4 .
i ; I v II o ....V 81 5o! Huston, 1 29 28 .627
Paul 2 33 .4C8i Cleveland ...24 i, .W
Toledo ...... .28 If .411 ne. h.ngton. 20 84.870
indlanapnlli. 21 89 Jsl gt Luis ....18 41 .281
H'LPrtl WL.Prt.
uptrlor -...22 11 .7iFalla City ...18 10.848
ld Island . W17 .Ml!,r1nda ....18 18.51
Fremont ...18 18 .d23, Aubu:n 15 14 .817
svr 17 18 .48, Mary Ills ...IS 18 .448
-olumbus ...17 10 .42kiD. uty ...12 18 .42
jjearrt-y ... 18 18 471 ,.h and-.ah. 12 17 411
Hastings ....18 20 .4441
Voik i4 21 ,4t
1 calerdar'a Ressjlts.
Donver. 0: Omaha. 8.
Pueblo, I; Bloux City. 7.
Lincoln, 4: Dea Mo, net, 4.
Topeka, 0; gt. Joseph, 1.
New York. 2; Boston, 1.
Philadelphia, 8; rrooKlyn, E. Ten Innings.
Pittsburg, 3; Chlcaxo, 2.
f-t. Louis, 8; Cincinnati, 4
Chicago. 8-13; St. Louis. 1-6.
( levelsnd. 8: Letroit. .
Wah.ngton-Phlladelph1a, rain.
Lot ton. 8; Nw York, 8.
' ' - Tork. 4.
Grand Island, 1; Superior, 1
Kearney, i; Seward, 0.
Fremont, 7; Haatlngs. .
Nebrsska City. 3; Hhenandoah, IS.
Flls CUy, ; Clartnda. 2.
Maryville, 2; Auburn, 4.
tianaes Today.
Western League-Den vei at Omh
. . . -.iv, ..ncom at De
..if., lopeka at Ml. Joseph.
National League New York at Boaton
.'luudeipbia at Brooklyn. Pittsburg at Chi
o. bt. l,oula at Cincinnati.
Ameilcan League Chicago at St. Loula
-leveiand at Detroit, Waikiington at Phlla
.elphla. Bnaton at New York.
American Association St. Paul at Co
umbua, Kansas City at T-ledo. Mlnneap.tlU
it Indianapolis, Milwaukee at Louisville.
Nebru&Ka istate L.eague Columbus a
t'ork, Orand Island nt bupenor, Kearne
.t Keward, Fremont at Hastings.
Mink League Nebrsska City at Shenan
Josh. Palls City at Ciarlnda, Maryvllie
Fox. p 4 1 i 0 i 1
Totals 37 5 14 27 IS "I
Batted for Northup In the eighth.
Batted for Herche In the ninth.
Des Moines 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 04
Lincoln 0 0 ) 1 0 0 0 1 14
Two-base hlta: Thomaa, L'ltowakl. Three
beasi hit: Thomas. - Base on balls: Oft
Pox, t. Struck out: By Fox, i; by Northup,
t. Stolen bases: Uagnier, Korea, iuatucii.
Hit in runs: MattioK, 1; Bauuant, 1;
giauD, 1; iobb, i. ftaumiuu 11. i: Ue.
Curi.s, Uraham, Htrat.on. Left on base.
Des .dolnes, 6: Lincoln, 8. Hlta: o.
Northup Li in etgiu Innings; oft Herch
2 In one Inning. Time: 1:40. Umplrt
Champions Overeoiue Lead of Flv I
eveatlt aad Elghta.
BIOUX CITY, June 20.-S.oux City wi
from Pueblo in a grand up-hill fight t
day, overcoming a lead of five runa In tl
seventh and eighth. Ten hlta were mm
ff Ellis In these Innings, totalling
uns. Eage was hit effectively, but w.
.aken out after the aeventh Inning.
AB. R. H
Andreas, 2b. ,.
tlteni, lb
jieen. if
Neighbors, rf.
Hartman, ss. .
Wagner, cf. ..
Relliy, 8b. ...
Miller, 0.
dege. p
P. Miller, p. ...
Barber, p
1 I
y v
85 7 14 27 14
AB. R. H. O. A. I
Mlddleton, cf. 4 0 3 0 0'
Berger, ss 4 1 1 1 J .
Belden, If S 1 1 0 0
Koerner, lb 4 0 t 15 0
Hughes, lb 4 0 0 1 1
Davis, rf 4 1 1 0 0
CUIre. 8b, I t 1 1 6 , .
demons, 0 t 1 1 8 1 '
Ellis, p 4 0 1 0 6 (
' Totals . '.... ' W 24 16 "
Batted for Sage In seventh.
Pueblo 2 1000800 0'
Sioux CUy 1 0 0 0 0 0 I I "
Sacrifice hitt: Stem (2), Hughes, Middle
ton. Two-base hits: Belden, Berger, Wag
ner, Reilly, Andreas, Breen. Stolen bases:
Andreas, Hartman. Hits: Off Saga, I It.
seven Innings; off Miller, I In one inning
Double plays: Claire to Hughes; Claire t
Koerner. (-.truck out: By Sage, 8;. by Mil
ler, 2; by Ellis. 8. First baae on balls: Of
Sage. ft. Passed ball: demons. Umpires.
Gardner and Shoemaker, Time: 3:00.
S. Joseph. Take Second Game of,
Series, (1st to Notklnsr.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 80. Freeman held
Topeka to two hits today and St. Joseph
t ok the second game of the series, 1 t 0.
Fast fielding kept St. Joseph's score down.
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Ittckert, If 4 0 0 2 0 0
Moore, ss I 0 0 8 8 1
Hafford. Sb 4 0 1110
Toms-son, cf 3 0 0 1 0 0
Whitney, lb 4 0 1 0 u
Crompton. rf I 0 0 1 0 0
Breitenateln, 2b I 0 0 2 1 0
Frambes, o 2 0 0 i t 0
Clark, p I 0 0 0 0 0
0 3 84 I I
AB. R. H. O. A. K.
Kelly, rf 4 0 1 I 0 0
Powell, If 8 1 1 I 0 J 0
Jonea. lb I 0 1 8 0 0
Zwllling. ct 4 0 1 1 0 1
Reilly, 2b 4 0 1 t t '0
Kerni. c 8 0 0 T 1 0
Meinke. aa 8 0 0 3 1 0
Hamilton, 8b 8 .0 1 10
Freeman, p 8 0 1 0 t 0
Totals 29 1 7 37 I 1
Topeka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
St. Joseph ;..0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
fcecrUlce hits: Hafford, Whitney. Btolen
baaee: Powell, Junes. Three-base hit:
W huney. Struck out: By Freeman, 6; by
Clark. 7. Bases on balls: Off Freeman, 3;
otf Clark. 3. Paaaed ball: Fra-mbea. l-ert
on bases: Bt. Joseph, 7; Topeka. 8. Um
pire. Haskell. Time: 1:46.
Veteran Cateker to Be Take Care
of Inlll Ho Lands Good
Wat vert have been ask J by Pa Rourke
on Johnny Oondlng and, Blaine Durbln,
Omaha veteran catcher and .the only left
handed twlrler on the roster, respectively.
Gondlng bee teen on the Rourke teem
for so long that things will not seem
right without him behind the bat or on
the coaching Una. He has been here for
ten years. He will have things easy, how
over, around the Rourke oamp un tilths
has landed k good place.
Pa Rourke announced laet Bight that he
would remain oa the Rourke payroll until
he waa satisfied with any pUee or team
he settles with. A (new will be kept on
oC7. 1 WT
"-4 ..V- " . 4
1 i
jbion and Morse, Both in Fine Form,
( Play Like Stars.
fork Losee to Colnaabos by Seren
to Poor, Through Costly Errors
and Inability to Hit 1st
SUPERIOR. Neb. June 20. Special Tele--.ram.)
Gibson and Morse were both In
fine form today and with superb support
rom both teams put tin the fastest game of
the season on these, grounds. Gibson
finally won his game In the eighth with a
two-sacker, scoring Orr from first. Score:
Alls, tt 4 1 0 rank, ef I 1 0
Hlrhul, ss.. 8 I Pmtth, tt.... 4 0 1 I A
Cottle, rt.... 4 114 0 MrKlhben. It 4 1 0 0
Morrwell, lb 4 8 4 0 McLmt, tb.,4 1 I I I
r.B'ke'ts, If 4 0 8 0 Annur't. Ik 4 0 II 0 e
Spauauui, e.. 8 I 4 1 Jokortt, o ... I 0 8 I 0
Ott, lb 1 08 1 Won), lb ... I 0180
D B'ke'ts, lbt 0 It 1 9 Wittns, rt... I 0 8 0 0
OIdsob. 1110 Mors, p 8 1 .0 0 0
Totals. 88 8 1 M I Totsls 10 7 iT 14 l
Irand Island 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
superior 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3
Sacrifice bit: Gibson. Stolen base: Coyle.
Two-baee hits; Morse, Gibson, Coyle.
Bases on balls; Off Morse. 8; Off Gibson,
L Struck outs By Morse, 8; By Gibson, 8.
ft on bases: Grand Island, 8: Superior, 4.
Double plays: Gibson to D.
Bockewlta; D. Bockewtts to McDowell;:
Ward to Armstrong. Passed ball: Spell-1
man. Hit by pitched ball: By Qlbson, 1.
Time: 1:20. Umpire; McDermott
Bkotont for toward.
SEWARD, Neb., June 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Seward was shut out today by
Kearney. Score:
AB H.O A . AB.H.O A.K.
Or j, et 8 18 1 Iftuloy, as.. 8 1 t 1 1
Dewoey, ss.. 8 8 I 8 I Cmu. 8b... 8 8 18 4
Psilea, 8b... 4 Ilk 0 Nalt. it 8 1 t 0 0
Jarrott, rf... 4 1 0 0 0 Henry, lb. ...4 0 11 0 0
rislr. Ib-e. 8 0 110 Robinson. If 8 1 10 0
Hart-la, If.... 8 1 4 0 0 Fvllan, lb... 4 10 10
Ma"iurtn. el 1 0 0 ltt, f 4 8 8 0 0
foater, lb... 4 0 8 4 1 l.ucaa, c 4 0 T 8 0
Oram, p 4 f 0 4 0 Millar, p....O 0 0 8 0
Black, lb.... 8 0 8 0 1 Whaeler, p.. 8 0 0 8 0
Totals J4 11 IT II I Totals 81 T 87 18 1
Kearney A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
Seward 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Three-base hit: Green. Two-base bit:
Pullen. Bases on balls: Off Wheeler, l;
Off Green, 8. Struck out: By Wheeler, 6;
By Green, 1. Double play; Downey to Fos
ter to Claire. Batteries: Kearney, Green
and Magerkurth and Claire; Beward. Miller,
Wheeler and Lucas. Umpire: Thlel.
HASTINGS, Neb., June 20. (Special Sele
gram). Hastings won from Fremont with
a score of 8 to T. Both teams played . a
good game, but Hastings showed more
class. Fortman pullod off a one handed
grandstand piay and broke up a hit that
might have cost two scores. Hcore:
Wataon. rt... 8 I 1 0 0 Bennett, cf .l 0 1 0.0
Fortman. aa. 8 I 8 I Fullan, lb... 8 1111
Bromlrr. ef. I 0 1 0 0 Bohnar. rf . I 10 0 0
Kata. lb 4 8 I 1 0 Thompson, ss I I I 0 0
l ook., lb.... 8 8 7 0 0 Naff, a 4 10 0 0
Garten, If.... 4 1 0 1 1 Bonrtoao, lb. 4 I I I 0
Kilns, lb.... 8 14 1 0 Turpln, If... I 0 111
Hoarnla. e... 4 I 10 0 I firr, lb.... 4 18 10
Orth. p 1 1 0 8 0 Rouas. p..... 8 1111
Casey, p 10000
Touts .84 0 84 10 8
Totsls 88 II 87 10 4 ,
rremont 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 1 0-7
Hastings 0 10 0 11110-8
Struck out: By Caaey. 4; by Orth, 6; by
Rouse, 4. Bases on balls: Off Casey, 2;
off Orth. S) off Rouse, S. Two-baee hlta:
Thompson, Hoernle. Three-baee hits:
Bohner, Watson. Home run: Neff. Stolen
bases: Bohner, Turpln, Conk, Watson.
Sacrifice hlta: Cook. Umpire: McKee.
Time: ' 8 SO.
York's Woskseu Coats Game.
TORK, Neb., June SO (Special Tele
gram.) lor lost to uoiumnin today
through costly errors and Inability to hit
In the plnohea. Wetsenberger made a
brilliant one-handed catch of a fly from
rarren s bat in me eigntn. score:
AB.H.O.A.B. AB.M.O.A.k
Matiell, rt.. 8 110 0 rarrsll, 8b... i 1110
Itopeia. id... sue uaia. n. .
rf 8 10 0 0
onvbani. lb . I 118 H.nnUaar. II 8 f 8 8 0
k. Brovn, as 4 8 1 1 I Harm, cf.... 4 18 0 0
K. Brawn, lb 4 0 1 I 1 r.rna. la.... 10 0 11
VMrrr, etl I I I 0 Dya. aa 8 18 8 1
Laera. If.... 4 0 I 0 8 Johneoo. ... 8 0 8 0 1
Asnew. s.... 4 8 8 1 I Stewart, 4... 1 0 8 8 0
kalworta. p. 4 8 0 4 0 Braabf k. Sb. 8 1 8 1 1
HanaM. p... 8 0 0 8 1
Totals 80 Ufltt I Fw. p..
10 0 10
Totals 80 8 tl 10 8
Columbus 00800080 01
Tork 1 8 8 0 1 4
Homo runa: FkrreU, Hkrom. Two-base
1 u
His Wiles Too Much for
1 Vwi
.... : . i-
U f
e""-" '- ' sail jKisiiww
ISM ( fj CMiLtmf Ml
SV.STVNT 4.oj V4l.e,
hit: Melxell. First on balls: Off Wal
worth, 6. Struck ou'.: By Hansen, B; by
Fox, 2, by Walworth. 8. Hit by pitched
ball: Dye, Copple. Wild pitch: Walworth
U. t-uKnea nans: Agnew, 3. Time: J..W. um
plre: Held.
Official List for Notional One
Chanaplonsblp Made Pnbllo.
NEJW YORK. June 20 The official llet
of the entries for the National open golf
championship to be played on the links of
the Chicago Golf club next Friday and
Saturday was announced today by Secre
tary Wataon of the United Statee Golf as
sociation. The list In part follows:
Alexander Ross, Braeburn.
C. L. Ames, Chicago.
O. R. West, Chicago.
Mason Phelps, Midlothian.
Peter Robertson, Oakmont.
R. A. Gardner, Hinsdale.
G. O. Simpson, Whea toning.
H. C. Egan, Kxmoor.
Harry Turple, Edgewater.
W. A. Alexander, Chicago.
George Sargent, Chevy Chase.
S. R. Simpson, Kenosha.
J. M. Sellers, Chios.
S. J. FoulM, ChlcaRo.
C. B. Devol, Chicago.
Alexander Smith, Wykagyl.
George Braid. Midlothian.
Alex Campbell, the Country club.
Republicans Object.
to Reciprocity Bill
Opponent Deolare Measure is Open
ing" Wedg-e in Protective
Tariff Wall.
WASHINGTON, June JO. Republican op
position to the Canadian reciprocity bill
in the senate reached the stage of open re
volt todsy. Led by Senator Dixon of Mon
tana, who again failed In his demand for
an explanation or a speech In favor of the
bill from some of the republican leaders,
who champion the measure, the republican
opponents declared that if the bill passed,
many republicans would join the democrats
in an attempt to lower the duties on all
manufactured products. j
"We want to niake one killing," declared
Senator Crawford of South Dakota. "We
find the senators from Pennsylvania, New
York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and
Maine, states that have always reaped the
greatest harvest of protection, advocating
this measure that proposes to put on the
tree list every single article raised In the
northwest. I want to deal with this metier
In its entirety. If Pennsylvania, Missis
sippi atid Mkaaachuaetts have joined bands
in a new political propaganda. It Is time
for the rest of the country to strike out
on a new track."
President Taft's Chicago speech Ik sup
port of Canadian reciprocity and against
the Root amendment to the bill now before
the senate came In for criticism in tne
senate today.
. A snertcma Tnckts Wis AaraJa.
KIEL. Germany, June 80. The second
event In the international yacht races for
sondes boats was wen today ky the Amer
ican racers In one, two. three order. Clma
as first, bililot aeooad euie Beaver UUV
i I
:f VHet-4M I.
High School Alumni
Meet at Field Club
in Annual Reunion
Many Members of Early Classes At
tend Dancing Following Busi.
new Session.
Alumni of the Omaha High school, from
the classes of 1871 up to the present grad
uating class, joined In a happy reunion at
the Omaha Field club last evening. Over
800 graduates of the Omaha High school
were present, many of wnom reside out
of town.
,A short business meeting was held, after
which the evening- was spent In dancing.
Bamuel Reynolds, '08, president of the asso
ciation, presided. It was decided to adopt
constitution to govern future meetings
and reunions.
A telegram from Prlnnlns.1 v. tt t4
Mrn. Graff, offering their congratulations
on tne success of the Alumni association,
was read.' Dr. W. M. Davidson, retiring
superintendent of publlo schools, gave the
announcement that the Board of Educa
tion had decided upon Miss Kate A. Mo
Hugh for the new principal. Miss McHugh
was Immediately surrounded by a host of
her former students, who tendered their
Former officers were honored by re-eleo-tlons,
Btanlsy Rosewater. chosen -vice pres.
Ident, being ths only one newly elected.
The officers are:
Presldent-8ajnuel Reynolds.
Vice President-Stanley Rosewater.
feecretary Martha Bliss.
Treasurer otto Bauman.
livsrythin was nimnui
. v mi cum-
rort and pleasure of the old BtudenU, and
vi veupie irom different states were
present. Mrs. Ondfrev u... e.
. www mom PDUDI
OUrnS. Of the r.lann a too? . , . .
- - uavaiaa irom
Louisville. Ky.. purposely to attend the re
"n' O- N. Peek of the claas of
ISM, who waa to join Mr. Peek In Molina,
111., remained over several days for the
reunion. Other out-of-town alumni were
Many students from Dartmouth, Prince
ton, Armour Institute, Mlohlgan and Ne
braska were present, axd a few gave evi
dence by their college yells throughout the
Mrs. P. R. McConneU, a member of the
first graduatln; class of the school, was
present, and waa a-rx v...
. - j hi nor
'd Acquaintances. Mrs. Burns of th.
class of 1878 waa the only representative
of her class. Martin Cahn of ths class of
UTS attended.
A vote of thanks was tendered the com
mittee in eharga, which lncjuded Sam Rey.
nold8. 'OS. Hawthorne Daniels and Ralph
Doud. for their services.
Detrwto Driving; Clnfc Olve, Or4e, at
r B," Ribbon Meetln.
e-uSIT" Jun The Detroit Driving
tnty seve0""'4. the Program fTr ltS
InV Julv ?, ? 1numl B,u" Rlbbon "et
Oriss . J rt0 August 4. at which the
wmncompne1t..Grat We"Urn Mt b"-
The Chamber of Commerce pacing stake
v?d. tor"',? ll th op",n " P "
vide for the Horseman futurity on the
I" M" Md M whlth "ed. anion
"rL wlU " rc " WedneJ:
fy-,.Fdt. the last two days the two free-for-alls
are scheduled, each with an In
ereased puree, Entries clone on July is.
the program being aa follows:
iJe ?r' ho"' ,ulJ' trot, t
ta S heats, purse. H.000; i u pace. 8 In 8.
n;rr vt' (cioMd)- -,j
6eoon4 day, Tueeday, August L l:U pane,
' . ,8i,0U0i 8:U trot. I It i, teloeed).
5,M)i tbe Horseman luturtty, 8 yeeus old.
8 beats, (closed), (lOOOO; 8 year -old pace,
I beau (cloned). $8,600.
Third day. Wednesday. August 8. 1:18
paoe. 8 In 8. tL030; 8.M trot. Merohaou and
Manufacturers stake, (cloeed). 810,000; 8:04
paoe, I la I (olueed). 88.000; the Horee
Diaa futurity, t ynexa old. trot. S In 8,
(cloeed . 82.000.
Fourth day, Thursday, Avgust 8. I 18 trot.
8 In t. 8UOU0; 8:S pare. 8 la a. 8L0UU; free
for all trot. I la t, 8U00; 108 pace. I In
4-a-,-.. '
s 1
Detroit Gets Seyen Rum la Two Firit
Brilliant Base Manning on Part of
Locals Assists In Visitors' De
feet Jackson Gets Tkree.
Ttae Hit.
DETROIT, Mich.. Jui ). Detroit
knocked Mitchell out of the box in less
than two Innings today and th's. coupled
wrn nrni'sri rae runn-ng. ra.ised Cleve
Innd s defeat. 8 to 8. Krar.p. who relieved
Mitchell, pitchfd tnltndl.1l' In fielding
practice before the game, Turner wrenched
his back and will be out of the game for
some time. Score:
All. H.O A K AB H.O A
rrik. If ... l 1 o 6 nnntj. if... t I
Jona, 1( I Ott 0 Olaon. ta.. . 1 I t 1
Bush, w .... I I I I I Jarkonn, ef. . I I t 0 0
Cobh, cf 4 1 I t 0 Ktarly, rf . 4 I 1 t 4
Crfrrfl, rf 4 t I 4 Stnvall, 1 . 4 1 10 I 0
Palah niy, lb I I IS I t nirm'n'm, It I 4 11
Morlarfy, 3b 4 0 I 1 t ln, Jh 4 0 S 0
O Lrary, It) . 4 I t 4 0 l.ra. c 1 0 0 0 1
ii"f, e ... t I Flrhar. 0....I 8 14 1
Llvntr. p.... 4 I 4 I 0 M.tch.ll, p.l 1 0 I 1
Krapp, p 11110
Totala :l 10 IT 14 8
Totals It 14 14 11 4
Cleveland 0 u . v v i 1 u o-i
Detroit i 8001000
lx-ft on bases: Cleve.and, luj Detroit, 4.
Two-ba luts: usiehainy, ijilerly. ihree
buse hit: jacivin. m,b. vu Macheii, (
In one and l.vj-.iuitis Innings; o.t ivrapp,
a in six a..u une-thlid liimnHS. kloieu
bases: i.iw (2;, Oawtora Uunu.
Lioulue piaj : bull to btot'all to Oison.
bUuca Oui: By ivraop. 8; By Wveiy, i.
Bases on balls: Olf Iviapp, t; off Livuiy, i,
Wiiu pitch: k.Kciie.1. inue: Umpires.
Ptsrrlne and JUlueen.
liiaUiu.udi'1'a Pound Unit.
NEW VOIUv, June W. .New York
pounued oui nine hits ar.u scuied so.i
tun. m inn ia. i two Innings a.iu
nosed OUt Boston, t to h. Lnase timva .n
the winning run with a hit wnic.n wouiu
have L.oi. a run If 11 hu not Sv...
a man In from third and endtd the gari'S.
The visitors did some brunant iitiding.
rord waa hit treel a.. a lameu omy tmte
Innings. 8coit:
AB..H.0.AE. AB.M.OA."
Daniels, cf-rf L. 1 1 0 0 Hooper, rf . .. 4 I I I 0
Woker, rf...ri 11 0 0 LOnrd'ar, IU I I 1 I
Fltifrrald, f I 4 t 4 0 tpaakar, cf..4 1 0 0
Uaruall, lb. I I I I 0 u;i, if I I I 0
One, If-cf... 4 111 0 Yerkee, lb... I 1110
vuiaui, ... 1 1 1 1 warnsr, la. .1114 1
Chan, lb.... 8 I 10 1 1 Bnala, lb.... 4 OHIO
B.Oard-v, 384 1 I I 0 N nun'kar, a 3 I 4 1 0
Swaouejr, 0.. 4 1 t I 1 Hall, p I 0 0 I 0
rrt. 0 0 1 4 fape, p 4 0 i 0
Vnutbn. p.. .10010
, -7- Totals 84 10 ll18 8
Touts tl 15 IT II I
iwo out wneii winning run was made.
Boston ...1 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 1-8
New York 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 6 i)
First base on errors: Boston 2: New
York, 2. Left on baao: Boston, 6: New
York, 7. First baae on bails: Olf Hail. 4;
Otf Ford, 1; O.'t Vaughn, 4. btruok out:
By Hail. 8; By Ford, 1; k.y Vautftn, 7.
Homo run: Wagner. Three- bu..-;e hits:
Daniels, 2; Cree, Knight. Two-baee hlta:
Hooper. Lewi:), Hartxcll. Sacrifice h.ts: L.
Gardner, Vtagner. harucli. Btolen bases:
Houper. ere, Sateney. Double plays:
Lewis and Nunamaker. Hits: Off Hall, 14
In eight and two-thirds Innings; Of! Paps
1 In ninth inning; Off Ford, t In three in
nings; Off Vat gian. 5 In s'.x Innings. ITm-
flree; Connolly and OLoughli.i. Time:
Sox Win Doable-Header.
ST. LOL'19, MO.. June lO.-Chlcago hit
the local pitchers hard, took advantage of
errors and won both ends of the double
header with bt. Louis today. Boor, first
CHICAGO. sr. LOl ig.
w , . AB.H.O.A.E.' , AB.H.O.A.E.
Mclntyre. rf. 6 8 0 0 1 Batten, sf . . 4 1 1 t 0
Lord. Sb 8 I 1 1 0 Auttln. 3b... 4 1 4 8 1
Callahan, cf. B 0 1 0 0 Malnan. rf... 8 1 10 0
Bodia. lb.... 4 14 1 0 Lapona, lb . I 1,1 8 8
rouhrty, If 4 I 1 0 0 Hoitan. If 8 0 I 0 0
Collins, lb... 4 1 4 1 0 Stephens. 0.. 1 4 4 4 1
Tanneblll, sa 4 1 I I 0 Krlehell, 0 . I 1 I 0 0
Blork. c I 0 I 0 0 Rowan, lb... 4 4 10 1
OlmaUMd. p.. 8 1 1 I 0 Wallace, aa. . I 0 1 I 0
. Halllnan, aa. 0 0 0 0 0
Totala 81 10 87 11 1 Lak. p 1 0 0 1 ft
Hamilton, p. I 1 0 I 0
Mltcball. d.. 0 0 n a
Murray .... 1 8 8 0 0
CriM 1 8 0 0 ft
Totals IT 11 17 I 8
Batted for Wallace In the eiKhth.
Batted for Hamilton In the lhh
Chicago 1 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 -8
St. Loula 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-3
Two-base hits. MFelntyre. Dougherty,
Oltnstead. Secriflce hits: Austin. Hogn,
rltv,ta,4 . Tu,KI. . - . n.Ji. rr. , ,
v ...... L u . . vUWIO pim.,. m . uuu j r, lannaniil
and Collins. Stolen bases: Call&han. Bodlo
M'' -'""snerty. nases on nans: Off
Olmstead, 1; off Hamilton, 1: off Lake, 1.
Struck out:- By Olmstead. 7: by Lake, 8:
. .....(, W,., .. H 4T.ILWIITJII, 1. nilV.
Lake, sis In four Innings; off Hamilton. 4
n iour inningn; on Autcneii, none In one
inning. Left on bases: St. Louis. 10; Chi
cago. 7. Time: J:0S. Umpires; Hvans and
Mullen. '
AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A g.
Mrtntyrs, rf. 4 8 1 0 0 Shottan. rt. . I I I 0 0
Lord, lb I 1 1 I 0 Austin, lb... 4 1 1 1 0
Callahan, cf. 8 1 8 0 0 Maloan, rf.. 4 0 0 0 0
Bodls. lb.... 4 111 1 Imports, lb.. I 1810
Poufbartjr, 118 1 10 0 Hos.n, If.... 8 18 0 8
Colllna, lb... 4 1 8 1 1 nark. C....4 14 10
Tannehlll, ss 8 8 4 1 ft Bla.-k, lb. ...4 1 8 8 I
Payne, s 4 1 8 8 0 Halllnan, ss. 4 1 4 1 0
Baker, p 4 8 8 4 0 Geor.. p.... 0 ft 0 I 0
. , Mitchell, p.. 8 0 ft 8 ft
Totals II 18 87 10 8 Harpar, p.... 1 ft 0 1 ft
Clancy, Is.... 1 ft 8 ft 0
Totals 84 1 87 11 "l
Score, second game:
Batted for Harper In ninth.
Chicago ...0 8 3 0 8 1 0 0 0-13
St. Louis 0 00008000 8
Two-base hits: Austin, Dougherty,
Hogan. Mclntyre, Tannehlll, Pavne. Home
run: Lord. Bases on balls: Oft George,
1; Off Mitchell, 2; Oft Harper, 1: uft
Baker, 8. Struck out: By Baker, 7; By
Harper, 4; By Mitchell. 3. Hits: Off George,
6 In one and two-third, Inning i Otf Mit
chell, 8 In three and one-third Innings; uft
Harper, 2 In four Innings. Time: 1:60.
Umpires: Mullen and Evans.
Arapahoe Gets GtMteo Eat).
AllAPAHOB. Neb.. June k0. tSoeclal Tel
egram.) In one oT the fan teat and most
hotly contented ball games ever played on
the Arapenoe diamond, the Beaver City
Boosters put it over the Arapahoe Braves
today Dy a score 01 8 to 0. The game was
well attended and sxcitlng from start to
finish. Score;
Beaver City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1-3
Arapahoe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Batteries: Beaver Cltv. Wvnrnon anil
Warner; Arapahoe, Tull and Carrol. Hits;
Beaver City, 6; Arapahoe. 8. Struck out:
-y wyncoop, 7; by Tull, 5. Errors:
Beaver City. 3: AraD&hoe. A Umolra:
Llnwooel Dereete teknyler.
LINWOOD. Neb., June .-Special.)
Llnwood defeated Schuyler' in one of the
fastest games of tbe season on the local
grounds Sunday by a score of 3 to 3.
Llnwood 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 8
Schuyler 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 02
Batteries: Llnwood, Quads and Shanberg;
Schuyler, Peeek and Bures.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big
Family Tranter SaipuUetX tt
Chaa. Htora,.
tUtiU; Uult)T7ndmt. B-8811-
New York Scores Winning; Run After
Two Are Out
Devore lnlee and Makee Nice Steal
of Second Base, Scoring om
Doyle's Doable Over
Ffeffer's Mend.
POfTON. June .-New Tork defeated
Potion. I to 1. in a well plwd gam this
sfterno n. The visitors icrrd the win
ning run in the ninth Inning, after two
were out. Pewe tingled and made a ntce
teal of second, ecyirlng on Doyle's double
over Pfeffer's heed. Score:
fiaora, rf...4 I 0 t ft Bwesner. 10 4 I I I ft
Trnyia. Jh . . ft 1 I 4 4 Tnn. lb 1 in o ft
Snorlsraaa. rf 4 I I 1 ft Mrtn aa .11114
Murray. If . 4 A 1 ft Mlllrr H 1 a a a a
M'-kla. lb .. I I t 0 Interton. lb. 4 1 4 I 1
r-aidOl at I I I t Kline, e .... 3 0 I ft ft
palln. IS.. . I A 0 A Joia. cf 1 ft 0 ft ft
rr r. ... I A I I A r'ffr, ..f...! 0 0 0ft
Mamuard, p 4 A A I 0 Kalart. If ... I A I ft ft
Matiern. p . l 0 0 I ft
Total. II 517 18 1 !
Totala II I IT II I
Poefin 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
New York 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 13
Two base h'ts: Crandall. Dovle. Rne
rl'lce hits: Crandall, Devlin. Stolen basi:
Heixoir (2), Devors. Left on bases: Mot.
ton. C; New To-k 10. Bases on balls: off
Matrern. 8; off Marquord. 5 First bate
cn errors: Bjs'on, 1. Struck out: Hv
Mettern. 1: by Ma-quard. 1 Time; 1:58.
Lmi::s: Flnneran and Rigler.
Phillies Score In Teatk.
BPOOKLTN. June 30.-Phlladelph!a won
out in the tenth on Luderus' double, a
force out and Doolan's saurlflce fly. Score:
.w AB.H.O.A g. A9.M O.A K.
Knha. lb... 4 0 1 I I Hurl, of.... I I I 0 0
Pakrt, of.. 4 110, It . I 0 I I ft
U..rt, lb... 8 I 4 I 0Wb.i, If.,.. 4 18 0 1, U....8 0 4 0 it ltummal, :b, 4 0 1 I ft
Uidarua It.. I I 10 1 0 Stark aa 4 1 I I 1
Walih. rf ...I 1 0 0 4 raulton, rf.l 1 I 1 8
rinola i, aa... I ft 1 riui'mas, lb. 4 8 4 I ft
Moran, a.... 114 11 D win. . .. I 1 I 1
"re. 8 8 4 1 8 ft Ufer, p.... I 10 4
Alaaandir, PO08I0 'r
Tjtala 3 T SO 14 I
Totala IT 11 M U I .
Phllafs'phlk 0 1 0 0 0 1 (I 8 0 1-8
Pro.iklvn 0 0 0 0 10 110 C-
iwo-bsaa h!ts: Lobert, Luderus. Three-
.oTo n t: wnoar. nomt run: LiU.leri's
i-i win. Bks.s on balls: Off Moore. 0; O.f
Baiger 2. Struck o:t: By Moore. 4: lit
Alerar?crr. 1: Pv aTaia.A s 'rim.. a.4
Hits. Off Moore, J in seven and otia-tiuid Umpires: ODay m.J Emslle.
Cardinal Win In Seconal.
CINCINNATI. O. Ju .-rrommea
wliinftss and retchers costly muff of it,
Tv n t s-eord gsve Lou's five rife
nd permitted them ti win an xoltln h're toiav. 5 to 'reeie oilcceedrd
Fromnie In the thlid and held his opronrf i
s-f. r-itfibllshlnT the H:aon's isojid h
striking out six conec tlvri men Hnb.
lltrel was put out of tb gsms fo- d
Putin a de!-l:n by U:-4N:.e ion. 3soiei
8T. Lorts CTXC7fNTt
Hutsina, lb. i 0 I 4 0 Catcher. If I 1 4 0 1
Hauatr. at... I 1 A i 0 Hohimrl 'i a i t A
Bills. If 4 4 I 0 0 IMtaa. rf.. . 4 1 0 0 1
nonincnr, in t ill l n Bock, rf 4 1 I 0 Jl
rr.t. rf ... I 0 A ft tair.enft. aa I ft I 0 ft VI
j,, j I j I ; nriBt, lb..., I t 1 1 ft
OakKt, of..., I 0 A 0 ft Ita. lb 4 (411
Dlla". t I 1 I 1 ft McLaan, ...4 4 7 1 1
Stttlt, f 4 ft 0 I ft Fromat. p.. n 0 ft ft ft
Altltr 1 0 0 ft ft
Tottli it I IT 14 0 Kaaf. p I 0 I I ft
n-tr, li.. ft A I ft ft
Stvaro 4 ... 1 1 ft
Totala tl "ft IT 1 l
Ratted for Promina n tha sscond.
"2at:d for Koe.'e In thi ninth.
Bt. Louis 0 8 0 A o 0 0 0 03
Unclr.nati 1 0 1,0 1 0 0 0 1-4
Two-bae hits: Mowrv, Hauser, Mo
Lean. Hits: Off Fromme .two in 3 In
nings; oft Keefe, three In 7 Innnlncs. Sac
rlfloe hit: Bllrs. Double playi Orant,
Esmond and Hob'ltrel. Teft on hjiei !
Cincinnati, 4; 6t. Louis 8. F.rst on balls;
Oft Sieelo, 3; off Fromme. 1; eff Kea:, I.
F'rst on errors: fit. Louts, 1. Hit hv
pitched ball: By Fromme: Rvant and
Oakes. Struck out: By fi.eele. 8, tv Ksefe,
7. Time: 3 15. Umpires: Eaten and Jch.i
atone. Pirates Skade Cobs.
CHICAGO, June 50. Pittsburg defeated
Chicago, 8 to 3, here today by bunchlns;
hits off Richie. Adsms was effective and
kept the locals' hits scattered. S:ore:
AB H O A S. AB H.O. A S.
Caray, cf ... 4 ITO 4 Bhaokarft, If. 1400
Clark, If.... 4 1 ft 0 OSihulia, r?..l 110 8
Brrnt, 8b.... I 1 I ft 0 Hofman. lb . 4 1 I ft ft
Vaanar, sa..l 1 t 0 ft Sim man. tt. I 1 1 4 ft
Millar, lb.... I 10 1 0 Doyle, lb. ... I 0 I I ft
McKaoh't. Mil I I 0 fthaan, at.... I 0 I 1 8
Wllaon. rf... 4 0 I ft 4 Oooa, cf 4 1 4 1 ft
Olbeon, S....I 0 4 1 0 Archar, C....I 0 110
Adama, p.... 8 10 1 0 Klcnit, p.... I A 4 0 ft
Tooar, p 0 ft 0 ft 8
Totals II I IT I ft tsalar 1 0 0 0 0
Totala It I IT ft 9
Batted for Richie in seventh.
Chicago 0100 0 100 0-3
Pittsburg 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0-3 .
Adams, 3; oft Richie, 1. Struck out: By
Two-base hits: Soheckard, Hofman, Mo- V
Kechnle. Three-bane hit: Zimmerman. 1
Hits: Off Richie, in seven innings; otf I
Xoney. 8 In two Innings. ie.,e on Ott
Aom, 8; by Kichie, l. Time: l:i. um
pires: Klem and Brennsn.
ARAPAHOE, Neb., June M -(Special Tel
egram.) Arapahoe took everything In the
ARAPHOIS. Neb., June I'a (Special Tele
gram.) Araphoe took everything in the
ball game at McCook last Sunday. Seore:
Araphoe 1 0 1 3 0 8 0 0 410
McCook 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 24
Three-base Mta: Araphoe (8). Two-base
hits: MoCook (2. Batterien: Araihoe.
Arnold and Carroll; McCook, Reynolds and .
llannun. Struck out; By Arnold, 8; by ,1
Reynolds, (. Umpire: Muller. f
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