THE BEE: OMAITA. "WEDNESDAY, TOT3 21. 1911. Nebraska r INSURANCE DEAL IS OPPOSED SUta Auditor Inclined to Resist Com panics' Consolidation. ATTORJTEY GXXEEAL UPHOLDS IT reew t'rM Flr I w aa Meads Rtn Xt TakJa Over ( lalna Sr Wm4mi Fir Detailed Census of Nebraska Counties. The director of th rerus Tnaa announced th population of Kimball county, mj-inrMna in itm minor rlvil devlalone. aa follows! 1 KIMBiMi COUNTY I-- Antelope prclnct. Including Kimball Wag HI m . ; Kimball vi'lase. Puahnell precinct. . In precinct Johnaon prwlnct... Union precinct...... 17 19) im. lf SJ 'rr I.'.' jmontha, but la .till in a td condition. It 1 1 claimed that this I. the third known ru of this dl?cae In America, and If a cure 1. '.effected It m b nothing short of re- maikahle. ( i (From a Staff Correspond en t) LINCOLN, Nb, June 30. tSpeclal Tele s' 'am.) Tba passing of tha management of tiie Vnlon Fir Insurance company Into tha hand a of tha Woodmen Fir Insurance com pany, was today approved In an opinion given ta Auditor Barton by tha attorney general. Tha view taken by the tat legal department In rendering tlia decision la that ther ar bo statutory prorialona pro hibiting a Chang In officials of any com pany nor anything to prevent officials of on company bains officials of another company. Attorney General Martin further says that dissenting policyholders may have gal recourse. It la believed that such Course will b resorted to In tha near future Will Boa BrlnaT Salt. Auditor Barton asserted upon receipt of tba attorney' general's opinion that a policy holder of tha Union Fir company would bring a suit In court alleging a conspiracy against tha company and that an effort might b mad to show that tha Wood men directors now In control of tha Union Fir company would take all the mutual company's big risks to reinsure them and that such reinsurance would bs given by tha Union Fir directors to themselvea as director of tha Woodmen Fir Insurance company, without tha formality of asking for bid from other companies. The result Would ba that tha Union Fir would pay, svoeording to tha policyholder whom it is bellowed, will bring a suit, a high price for such reinsurance and that In the end the raaonreaa would ba greatly Impaired. State Auditor Barton Intimated that .the suit night be brought by one of hla own ampioyea who Is a policyholder of the Dales Fire company. ; '" Lenal Opinion. , ' I The Opinion which was written by Deputy Attorney General Ayera of Attorney Gen eral Martin's aegal department, is la part M follows! I an Inform! that the change In the "board of directors, to which you refer. rame about in this way: Tha dlrectora of the Union Fire Insurance company re filled by parties who were also directors of she Woodmea Fire. I know of no rule of law Which prevent a man from serving: as di rector In two corporations at the aame urne, even tnongd they be competing cor pormuona, aunougn ortentlmes the pro priety of such action mav well he hum. tloned. It ta. I think, probable that at the Time tne constitution and by-laws of th (i nion nr insurance company were adopted It was not contemplated that the entire directorato should be charmed so quickly and their plaoea filled In the way exnd manner they were filled In this in tanoa. 8UH, If I am correctly Informed, th vacancies were filled In strict accord ance with the provisions of the article of Incorporation of this company. In answer to your second question, I will ay that I find nothing In tha articles of Incorporation or In the bylaws of the Union Fir Insurance company, which indicate that In a case of thla kind or In any other case a special mooting shall be called to fill vacancies. Neither do I find any pro vision of the statute which In express terms or by necessary Implication authorizes your office to call such a meeting;. I do ao wish, however, to be understood as asserting that the policyholders of the Union Fire Insurance company, if their rights) are threatened, are without rem-tdy. Afraid to leave their home after nlKht tteonuse they fear they may be attacked by tramps or crooks, who have their rendesvoua in the partially wrecked Wilacam property,, which was Mown up about a year ago by the people who lived In It. re dent of the neighborhood Vre iaaklna; that th house be torn down at Once The recent assault on Mr a Bice. Wife of a traveling man, 1 believed to have been committed by a tramp who had hun around the Wllscam place. Several residents of the vicinity, have seen light In the bcUdlng at various times of the bight, and people Irving near there are Ranarally la a state of terror aa a result. tAaV effort wfll be made to have the build In declared a nuisance and torn down by evdex fit the city council. Davrtdaoa la Candidate. One snore candidate for the republican Vytomlnstlon tor Judge of tha supreme oourt Jiae asserted himself, in the person of Canmel P. Davidson of Tecumeeh, ' who Hied his petition today. The (10 fUing fee which should have been paid to the county treasurer of Johnson oounty was sent along with th jaUUoa to Secretary of Btate Walt W. p. VoCreary of Hasting filed this BnornlnsT for th republican nomination for Duds of the Tenth judical district and will If he obtain the nomination be opposed If by Harry B. Dungaa of th aame city, who maty this morning gave out a statement i a which he said be would seek re-election. Otto Koutoua of Humboldt, who filed Several days ago as democratic candidate for the nomination for regent of the state tmrreratty. filed, today for th populist XuwUaattoa. BSsfsesj Tinea Cesses la J air. rather William Bradley of thla city has returned from Wichita, Kjuu. where he had a eonfsrenoe with Blahop-elact Tinea In regard to his coming- to Lincoln, which ferlil be July IS. A religious Installation will be held at that time to be toUowed by a alvto reception. Bishop Tlhen will travel t thla city la a s pacta! ear la company with several other priests of this and other aUooaeea, Bishop Hennessey of Wichita, who will conduct the consecration; es (or the new bishop, will accompany the party here, also. Of th newly elected bishop Father Brad ley said todays "lis la a western man and a western bishop. He Is domestlo and of easy approach to all comera, of a calm and even, disposition and altogether devoid pt what aome are pleased to call aide.1 Abe-r all things be has tha b'tert In- franssfcaf religion at heart I I Anrieeltarel BaawBltloa. ' Cecal men ere planning for the holdlng- sJ aa agricultural azpoeitloa ta thla city next Winter In connection with the meet ings of organised agriculture. It la the In tention to have florists' products and an extensive display of apples and other fruit tn ontineotlon with the rest of the position. - Vaaae Ceamty Appeals, pretu ceurt from a Judennent obtained by xour town us tne county lor the return f half the road tax collected on city property at no ISO. Th city of Albion ob tained a judgment for K.itis.U. Petersburg (tot judgment for SSZLK, Cedar Rapid had judgment for fetra.Su, and Bt Edwards otwl talned judgment for njffl.a. The town that filed suit alleged that the county bad evtad a county road fund on city property rreea the year 18S3 to th pre.ent time wit! th exception of th year Albion a lCd that th county In that time li. collected HO. 93 W on property In tliat tow' and that half of this amount was du expended In the city under the direction of the city council. It was alleged that th county paid th city of Albion B.3 on October i. 1SKH. Th city demanded a bal ance of" $5.1H.a from the county aa trustee for the city of tha fund collected. Judge R. Henna of the district court save Judg ment In favor of th towns and th county now appeals. ew V. M. C. A. Director. Directors of the Toung Men s Christlar association todsy sleeted officers for the coming year. Th election waa'to have been held In January, but was postponed until the opening of th new building. The new officials are: President J. E. Miller; vice preMdent. W. A. Selleck; secretary. George Tobey; treasurer. O. A. Loveland. Rate lleertee- to Ge Over. Th indications are that the State Rail way commission will postpone the final hearing on rate classification which was set for July t. Tha railroads deslr to submit a great many proposed change! and It will be impossible for shippers and the Omaha and Lincoln Commercial clubs to mveetlpate and check over all of th pro posed alterations by July . If the hearing 1 postponed it may be for an Indefinite time. Apply for Tranafer Switch. An Interesting hearing is expected be fore th Stat Railway commission July U at Lincoln, when the application for a transfer switch to connect the Northwvst em and the Union Paclflo railroads at Albion Is to be heard. Jamee Craig, one of the petitioners for th switch, lives at a town beyond Albion, but all petitioners allere thst they are put to great incon veniences in shipping on account of the lack of a transfer switch at Albion. This Is th first application of the kind mads by shippers who do not Uve at the point of the proposed transfer. Th railroad com panies In former eaee have contended that they are not obliged to bujld transfer saltches for through business and thus be compelled to permit competing rosds to use their terminal facilities. Rancher Hanged for Threats of Death to Girl Who Jilts Him Brother arid Lover Hang; Charlie Seller to Telephone Pole With Aid of Friend. Conductor Pounds Shot by Horsetrader Northwestern Conductor Receives Ballet in Leg at Blair and is Taken to Fremont. TRIPLETT AND JAMESON ARE RELEASED FROM JAIL Two Land Grabbers Oe Free, While Coaastoek Se ta Jell aa Richard in. Mlaaveseta, HASTINGS, Neb., June (Sped! Tele gram.) Report received here today from Rochester. Minn, that Bartlett Richards, convicted land grabber, was In that city ewaltlnr a suralcal operation, was the first intimation that Richards had been released from the county 3 ail where h was serving a year's sentence with W. O. Corn- stock. Aoullla TrlDlett And J. C Jame son. At first Sheriff McCleery today declared that Rlcbarda waa a till In Jail, but later It was learned that Rlcbarda had left the Jail on May SO with the United Btate mar shal, who had orders from the Depart ment of Justice for the transfer of Rich' ards to Rochester. Triplet! and Jameson, sentenced to eight months, earned forty days good thne each and were released yesterday. Cornatnca la still In JsiL VALENTINE, Neb.. June 30 Special Telegram.) Because he mad threats to kill Eunice Murphy, who had rejected him, Charlie Sellers, ranchman, was lynched Sunday by th girl's brother, her cousin and two trienda The ooay was found at noon Monday banging to a telephone pole near the ranch of Jack Hutch. sevnty-Ov miles southwest of here. Kenneth Murphy. Ad Heath and two Weed brothers, who hung the man, went to Cody voluntarily to give themselves up. They roamed the streets of th town all day awaiting- th arrival of the sheriff. The men were placed under vrest late In the afternoon. Heath Is said to be the favorite ta the contest for th young woman's affections, but their relationship has kept them from . marrying. The quartet armed thernaelves Sunday night an! rode to th Hutch ranch, where Sellers waa visiting. When Hutch wee or dered to produce Sellers he thought It was a Joke and made no resistance. The tour dragged their victim from hla bed without any serious objection on his part Then they cut the wires, turned ail of Jerk's horses looee In a big pssture, and rode off. All this took plsce at about 11 o'clock Sunday night It took Jack al most until morning to catch a horse and ride to a neighboring ranch and sand word of the murder Into Valentine. The sheriff Immediately left with th coroner in an auto and reached th seen of the crime at about it. SO Monday, where they found Seller still banging. After making arrangements to have hla body brought Into Cody they drove into Cody where Sheriff Rosseter arrested the two Reed brothers. Heath and Murphy, and as th feeling had begun to get high against them he took them to Nensll. a station east to await the nfftjht train, oa which he brought them to Valentine and put them In Jail to await trial. All the men ar young men cowboys and ranchmen. In an Interview th men who killed Sel lers say that their reason was that they thought they were Justified la doing so, for. they claim, that Sellers had threat ened to kill Mlas EXinlce Murphy and also clean out the Heath family and they thought that threat ample reason for mur dering Sellers In cold blood as they did. Feeling around Code, is running very high against suoh a ilm and the sheriff was lucky In getting his prisoner out of there without any trouble. The murder seemed rather to daae all tne people In Cody and they did not realise the enormity of the crime until after Sheriff Rosseter got the prisoners out of town. BLAIR. Neb.. June 30 f?pfdal Tele- rram.r-Conductor Pounds of the west bound freight on th Northwestern road. leaving Jiere at about 4 o'clock yes terday was ahot by a hore trader named Sherman Richardson. Pounds waa shot In tb leg Jurt below th thigh. The wound was dressed and the conductor taken to Fremont with his train. Th bullet waa not located. Th horse traders had been camping at the stock yards at th edge of town for several days. Pounds says th two men got on his waycar and be told them to get off, when John Richardson pulled him off the train and knocked him down twice. when the elder man, Sherman Richardson, PHARMACISTS HOLD MEETING Nebraska Drasiiita EaJoy eaalea at Falrfcsuvj Meet Xext at Seacrle. STELLA. Neb, June X (Special.) The Nebraska State Pharmaceutical associa tion haa closed th thirtieth. Annual con vention held at Falrbury. Although the atundanee) Iron! Lincoln and Omaha waa very small, compared to the membership In th two cltlee, the general attendance of drug-gist from over the state waa fully np to the average of the meetings of the past two year which has been held In the larger cltlea. A travelling man's anrlUarX Jo the as sociation was organised. Tb -Mil -Flau waajaodooed, y the convention. . The stamp tax WTJ op "before oongiosa. seeking to place a stamp tax on patent medicines similar to the Spanish war tax of former years., waa declared ta be dla- crtminatlng against th druggtata and th convention expressed Itself aa very unfav orable to th same. Th early closing problem waa fufty ffii cussed, and the majority of the drug gist favored closing not later thaa T o'clock. One afternoon waa devoted ta sports and athletlo event la the dty park. Beatrlc waa the choice of tha convwnUoa for next year. The following officers were elected: V. Pease, Falrbury, president R. A, Ly man, Lincoln, O. W, Case, Croft on. Orel Jones, Oconto, Will Brooklay, Edgar, and D, J. Hoy a. Wood Elver, vice presidents ta th order as mod. D, D. artsma, Ne- hawka, treasurer, and J. G MoBrlda Stella, secretary, were re-elected. Lynn Thompson, Gordon. L. W. MoConnen. Mo Cook, and W. Q. Boyer, Tork. were recom mended for the board of pharmacy front which the governor will aeleot one mem ber, for the five year tana of office, NEWS FROM GAGE COUNTY Walter Meyer, Who Waa Bart la Aete Aeetdeat Tea Week A aw. Able te Be Oat, BEATRICE, Neb, June SOu (Special.) Walter Meyer, who sustained a broken Jaw, a broken leg and other Injuria la aa automobile accident south of th dty ten weeks ago tn which Frank Kimball lost his Ufa. was able to leave tha hospital yester day. He has almost recovered from his Injuries. Ons hundred and elghty-elx boys and girls of th eight grade country schools were given their diplomas yestsrady at th graduating cxerclsea Beld'ta the First Presbyterian church. Chancellor . Fulmar PT Wealcyaa university dellverd th dree to the graduate, tad the diplomas were presented by Mia Jessie Pyrtl, oounty superintendent . Floyd A. Green of Stanford, Mont, and Mis Rose A, Letneweber of Adams were married her yesterday by Rev. J. E. Da via They will teak their home a Stanford, where the groom la engaged In the lumber business. Andrew 8. Ratff. aa old resident of Beat rice, died here Sunday afternoon after a brief nine, aged U year. He leave, widow and flv children. A baa ban team from thla dty yesterday defeated th Wymor nine at Wymore by th score or u to . Foley Kidney Una contain Just th la rredlents neeetiary to regulate and ftrengthea the action of tha kidneys and t ladder. Trv them vouraelf. For ml k. wouniy treasurer to tn city to U I il druaglsta District Ceart at Chad row. CHADRON, Neb.. June JO. Speclal.) Dawes oounty district court with Hon. W. H. Westover of Rushvilla presiding Judge and J. D. Scott reporter, started on the second week of Its spring' session tod$ Last week Frank Moor pleaded guilty of horse stealing. In the trial of James P. Cain the oourt Instructed the Jury to bring In a verdict of plain assault and bat tery, to which the defendant had admitted. The court then fined the defendant 10. The tvo other criminal cases were contln ued. Forty -one equity and three Jury esses have been disposed of and th damage esse of fir set by aa engine of H. L Hoffman against the Burlington A Missouri River Railway company is now on trial, with At' tomey 8. L. Kler of Lincoln repi-eeenzluA the defendant Callaway Has Comfeaeea For aery BROKEN BOW. Nsh, June Speclal.) Joeeph H. Harding lie la tha oounty Jail a oonfeeeed forger. He was brought to Broken Bow from Callaway, where th of fens waa committed. Francis Crumb of Callaway was the person whose nam waa forged and th amount received by Harding was MS. He confessed to th'crlm and stated b would again plead guilty In dis trict oourt to which h waa bound over In the aum of 1500. He was unable to glv bond at thla time. H la a young man of about n years and haa been living with an unci tn Callaway. Hla mother lives In th cast Th forged not was discounted Saturday. NOTES FROM MADISON COUNTY Visitor trean Other t eaatlea Will In spect New Oil Road Rlrhar4aoa I Sent te Jell for Asaaalt. MADISON, Neb.. Jun (Spec'ei.)- County Commissioner Burr Taft la author ity fcr ths statement that a large number of visitors from othrr oountlea In the per tlon of th state will be In the county Wednesday to Inspect the oil road whleh Is being constructed out of Norfolk south on Thirteenth street and extending several miles south of ths Elkhom bridge. Several automobile loads, representatives of the Madison Commercial dub, will si jo Join th visitor at Norfolk and assist In mak ing their sojourn In tba county Interesting and profitable. The cae of the State of Nebraska era nvt Nelson Richardson for aseault and battery on the person of Joseph B. Steward was tried before Judge Bates this afternoon and Richardson was fined S25 and costs. amounting In all to SSL In default of th payment of which Steward win be re manded to Jail. Both Richardson and the complainant Steward reside at Tllden. The accused -made no defense. Tb Board of Equalisation today raised the assessment of the following precincts I per cent: Norfolk. Grove, Schoolcraft Green Garden, Madison, and reduced the assessment of Newman Grove vtllare per cent Humphrey and Madison base ball teams played here Sunday. Tb result of the gam was a victory for Humphrey by score of I to L PI0ITCXE HOTEL MAN DIES AT AS OMAHA HOSPITAL. y . - ' .J; V y - ' " ' " '' , .:?'. ... ' I.. II... t I ,11. J. K. MARKEL, Pioneer Hotel Man Expires at Clarkson - aBBaaeaaaaeaai 7. E. Markel, Who Lived in Omaha for Many Tears, Diet Following Operation. J. JH. Market, for many years a hotel man of -this dty, but more lately a resi dent of Chicago, died Monday night at Clarkson Memorial hospital after an ap eratlon. Under the firm name of Markel tc Swobe, Mr. Markel for year did aa extensive hotel and restaurant business In Omaha Hla son. Pry or Markel, Is now enrouta her from Kansas City and arrangements for the funeral will be made after bis ar rival. Mr. Markel leaves a wife and two ehll. dren. P. L. Markel and Virginia. P. L Markel married . a daughter of Ralph Kitchen of Omaha and is a resident of Kansas City. He will arrive in Omaha this evening. The daughter, Virginia, Is a daughter of his first wife and Is a girl of U years. Frlehteeed Into Pits by fear of appendicitis, take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and sway goes bowel trouble. Guaranteed. 2c For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Persistent Advertising Is tn Road to Big Returna Brakes Bow Maa Haa Bare Disease. BROKEN BOW, Neb, Jun S&-SpeclL) T. A. Smith, who for a few year haa been a sufferer from pemphigus, a very rare disease, baa gone to a St Louis, Me., hospital for treatment He will enter th Bernard Free BAla and Cknoer hospital, which make a specialty of akin diseaaea Mr. Smith haa been Improvtng for several Don't dm inferior rpicei when tha umt price will buy quality caaaea aaaaa Toees pepper, rlsger, daae. aoa, eta- eie fntsker, streager, cieaaec la package, toe at groorra. TONS alio. Das Stem, la. STOPS V Toothache Instantly. Doe not dry up, Clnore the cavity. Destroys bed odor. Dent's Toothache Gum AJ Qresewsalae EOT Aid RIaLTb T istcii m CTnifl. kiiWuasVi eooraiwe a rare has Been to ever 1XTT TAARSkv tMlLLiOwaol MOTHS fur taeir C S ILl'SKN WHJL TfcfcThlNO. with rCKFltCT bl CCRSS. It SOOTHES th CHILD. ttOFTKN th CtTMa. f LLAVtiaU ra.Il' : Cl'KBS wINDCuLIC aad i theteat remedy for I1aKKHEA. 11 it enlu!y harmteta. Be ear aw1 ak fee Mra a laaiew'a Swxhiag ayntp," saw take a etaef aiad. Twcat A caau a aetua, Cooling Underwear For Summer Days T3Y absorbing penpinhoa and evaporating k, 'Poroaknk remove a - big oWocofort of warm weather. By being this, elastic and pa led in bt, it give the desired1 freedom (rem weight sod The open texture lets air reach and cool the body it's nrfxrac. Wear 'Poroaknk1 and g acquainted with true comfort. Two Bullion 'Poreaknit1 wearen know k sow. Let the label be your guide Se setting genuine 'Pofoekak.1 . . . rViJiT. On seb in aaavbtewry IW ror ioys r f Wf.-feV-aJba. 50c L 25c J f M. s-u. um fir TPB A.l,n,.c): tey.'U--S-ita,50, 3 , B ."""aL'v II II 1 - ll A . X.'V ALL GENUINE Mj A j POROSKN1T- HAS THIS LABEL ? WOMEN'S HOSIERY SALE Wednesday, 10 A. JI. ' Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. One of the most phenomenal pur chases of Hosiery in our history. Hundreds of dozens of Imported Stockings, in blacks, colors and fancies, plain and lace lisles. Staple stockings selling everywhere at 50c. MAJ,IF IPIRECE 25c IPaii -C mi m a: The Way to Save Clothes Honey is not to buy the cheap stuff that is gotten up so nice but which has no other point of value. You will find it real economy to buy good clothes made from good material by Al workmen versed in style-lore. That is the only kind of clothing this store ever sells. Our Spring Suits demonstrate to n nicety the merits of our clothing from the money saving points of view. SUITS THAT SAVE YOU $3.00 TO $10.00, FOR jJ 310.00 to S34S.OO J 1 I Zf EXTRAORDINARY TWO-PIECE SUITS FOR , SIO.OO to $25.00 . OMaU'l OIIXT aCOSXUr OTXrTarXaTO ITOU Til KOaOl OF QUAUTT CUTXM. Your Summer Vacation Plan It Now! Q In preparing for your Summer Vacation you will be interested in the facts we can place in your possession about the many , delightful lakes, fishing and hunting resorts In Wisconsin, Minnesota and northern Michigan, with their hundreds of hotels, boarding-houses and camps. J Then, there is the big game country in the Rockies. 3 Splendid train service end low rates In effect all summer.- 44 The Best of Everything' The North Western Line Full information and descripdva booklets -free on request. TICKET OFFICES 1401-1403 Farnam Strtet Omaha, Neb. W1JN 'T PULL OUT THE GRAY HAIRS: A SIMPLE REMEDY RESTORES COLOR Cures Dandruff, Stops Falling Hair and Makes It Grow. "Poll oat ob gTy hair and a down will tak Its place" Is an old string, which la, to 1 great, extent, true, if no tep ar taken to stop th cause. When fray hair appear it la a sign that Na ture needs assistance. It is Nature's call for help. Gray hair, dull, lifeless hair, or hair that Is falling out, is not acssaarilj a sign of adranrlng age. for there are thousands of elderly people with perfect heada of hair without a alngie atreak of gray. Whea it a 7 hairs come, or when the hair smoi to be Ufelesa or dead, aoroe I good, reliable h sir-restoring treatment should be resorted to at once. 8 pedal -ists say thst one of the best prepara tions to use la the oM-fashioned aa tea" which our grandparents need. Tha beet preps ration of thia kind la Wyeta'a Bag and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a prep aratioa of domestic sage and sciphur.j acientifically compounded with later al. corered hair tonics and stimnlanta, th whole mixture being carefully btacd and tested by experta . Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur la claaa end ' wholesome aad peifeetly hsnultsa. It refreshes dry, parched hair, remarea dandruff and gradually reatorea faded at grey hair to ita natural color. This preparation la offered ta tha public at fifty cents a bottle, aad la .recommended and sold by all dragrtsta,, Sherman it McConuell Drug C j and Owl Drue Co. HOTELS. (AMERICAN OR CUROKAN PLAN) An Ideal resort delightfully aituated on Lake Michigan, 10 minutea' ride from Chicago's theatre, shopping and business district. It combines the restful quiet of country and seashore with the attractions of a great city. Here, surrounded by beautiful lawns and flower beds, you can obtain every bot weather comfort; you can sleep In cool, airy rooms; refresh yourself In the surf of the smooth, sandy beach, and find beat of food temptingly served. The grounds of This Finest Hotel en the Great Lakes adjoin the great South Parka, famous for their golf links, tennis courts, lagoons, lakes, boulevards, horticultural displays, etc. Those wishing quiet find the secluded nooks they seek, while others enjoy all the turn mer gaieties. The tourist, transient or sum mer guest finds alwaysy beany welcome. lUuatrat keeatst ea roaaaat ta Manager, Slat Bhrd. aaa Lake anor. Chicago TOO WXX ZVOY AST OUTXBTO AT South Dak. HOT SPRINGS, Th Black Hills pleasure and health reaort. Kasily reached, delightful climat and curative mineral waters., THE EVAIIS HOTEL affords visitors an excellent home. Formally opened Jun 14. Renewed throughout. Perfect service at rea sonable coat. Conducted by Midwest Hotel Co., also managing TU IW BT. CHSmT.BsS, 11 IT. B. Z. m WZSatAaTaT, autoaaU, U. 9. TU XAXsTXT, KapM City, U. D. Information on request to B. V. WE LTV, Manager, Hot Spfiaga, 8. 1). Sylvan Lake Hotel Near Cuater, S. Dak. A delightful hotel situated oa a wonderful mountain lak amid moat piciureiue iK.euer-. riSHIwo, SOATZBTO, TBsTBTTB, ixBTxaT avisxa, MOVBTTAZR CUXBXMQ SplenJld tible: cool; freedom from hay fever, ssthma and Irieect. Ante mobile ervlc from Cuatar and Hot bprlng. $14.00 to lis. 00 per wa. OAsUtOZ.iv,. BCgr OaaUa, R. Za, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oa Delia a Yaa