Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1911, Page 10, Image 11

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High Cablet tad Hot Spell Continue
Bullish Sentiment.
Tker im Sts-eosA Dotmlolloa ta
Ball Cora Wmtmrm oa Tkoerr (
art arm Deo-. tl Dossaglac
Otrertsrlaaj Cof.
With cables higher and a dry. not
weather map over the entire eoantrjr ther
was a continuation 6f the bullish ikiiU
mnt of yeslerdu jr. The winter wheat crop
la belna; favorably barrpated and the aprlns
wheat to data tiaa been In good condltiou.
The altuatlon I belna oloaely watchful be
cauaa of the calamity In the north weat last
year, with the trade bln unduly Influ
noed by prenature report.
Therb la a fttrong denionotratlon made to
bull corn future on the theory of aerloui
drouth damaging the growing crop later a
the eeaaon. with rrporto of aome injury
already done In the extreme eetrthwcMt.
Mora rain i needed, and w:il)e It continue
dry corn values will advance.
Damage reports In tu nciiiiet opened
wheat sharply higher, and short covered,
giving further advance la value and aaewd
back to ooeulntf aiuea m iirotu-taHing
aalea. Co mi wheat waa lWU-Sc higher.
The corn market waa advanced on the
aama features as wheat, and the advance
was well sustained. Cash corn waa lo
Primary wheat reeclpts were 2S4.A00 btmh
! el and rhtpmcnto l.V.ono bushels, against
receipts lant year of 223,000 bushels and
hlpraents of 4X!.iO bitehels.
Primary corn receipts were 1.0A3.000 bush
els and shipments 1.246. mo bushels, against
receipts last year of 67H.O0O bushels ami
shipments of '"2.000 bushel.
Clearances were 2.000 bushels of corn,
Hone of oats, and wheat and flour equal to
147.000 bushels.
Liverpool closed from lid to ld higher
on wheat and Vd to N1 higher on corn.
The following cash sales were reported:
Wheat No. 2 hard: 1 csr, R7c; 1 car, Wc.
Ko. I hard: 1 car, 85V.C. No. 4 hard: 1 -car,
Corn No. I white: 4 cars. MHc No. t
olor; 1 car, 54c. No. 4 yellow: 4 rare,
MHo. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. 52'4c. No. I
tnlxed: 8 cars. 6-tUo. No grade: 1 car, 50c
Oats No. 3 white: 1 car. 40o. No. 4
White: 6 cars, i.ic. No grade: 1 car, 38c.
Omaha Ce- Prices.
WIIEAT-No. 2 hard, 8Ha88c; No. t
hard, 4Mific: No. 4 hard, 7SWS4C; re
dacted hard, 72fg7c; No. I spring, 86(30cj
No. 4 spring, MSint'-jo; No. 1 durum, 82Vi
a4o; No. 3 durum, 81Vk(ff82Hc.
CORN No. 2 whit. M''Ui4': N'O-
white, MV.'&64Wo; No. 4 white, laVfiSftc; No.
i color, b&it($Aci; No. 1 yellow, UMr3&3'rc;
No. I yellow, a'oM'ic; No. 4 yellow, 523
52Ho; No. 3. 63Vuc3c; No. S. MitftJ'c;
No. 4, b'KUVi'c; no grade, 50&61C,
OATS No. 2 white. M.'avf.f. standard.
40iijOV4c; No. 1 white. 3Vif 4c; No. 4 whltv
iw-sttaatxc; ,vo. I yellow, 2hV&Ja; isO. 4
yellow, S4$i39Vie.
BARLEY No. S. 7&3:.c; No. 4. 70080c; No.
1 feed, 65fi75c; retected, 0c&70c.
RYi-No. 2, 091c; No. J. 896o.
torivl 4,-lsi(a,
Wneau Corn. Oats.
Chicago ID 747 lib
MlnneMpollB US ... ...
Omaha 8 44 U
Duluih CO f
Feavtares of the Tradlaajr sod Closlag
Trices on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, June 20. Possibly the wildest
tradliuc of the year turned the grain pit
today into bllain. Hot weather damage to
crop p. it a nerve wrecking strain on
prices. Realizing of profits diminished th
excitement of wheat near the close, lower
ing tba market from extreme figures, but
other cereals held tight. Wheat finished
IWa to le higher than last night, corn
P Inline to IVhIV and oats at IH&lVkc
to IVulTtc advance. Hog products gained
from a shade to 17Vfcc.
As much as 2'.c a bushel waa added
to the cost of wheat before the stamped
to the buying side could be brought to
bait. Aa a matter of fact, tb stacking up
of orders to purchase lifted the local trad
off Its feet and resulted for a while In a
plain case of a runaway market. Finally,
bankers' advices minimising considerably
the alleged injury In South Dakota and
telling of an excellent outlook In the twin
auate to the north had a relatively calming
effect especially when Joined with large
sales. Another sedative was a forecast of
showers and lower temperature In th
drought, belt. I Hiring th session, July
ranged from 89c to Die and closed lVtO net
higher at 90c even.
Commlsion buying kept the corn market
drained corrvnletely from offers. September
fluctuated between 57Vc and 6Si88c, clos
ing firm at bHc, a net gain of lVS'lHo.
Cash grades were strong. No. 2 yellow
finished at teVuMVc
July oats went Into the forties today,
the last of the futures to get out of the
30a c1hs. Trading reached huge propor
tions. Crop news took on a gloomier hue
In regard to South Dakota, northern and
southwestern Iowa. High and low points
for September were 4mignic and 404c
with last sales l"fflHc up at 41o.
Provisions advanced mainly on account
of the grain strength. When the bell
struck pork had risen 17 He, and the rest
of the list from a shade to 12Hc
Prices In Chicago turntshed by the TJp
dlk Grain 'companv, telephone Douglas
2473, 708 Urandels building, Omsha:
Artloles.l Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes'jr.
July... Fept...
July... Ppt .
Julv... 1 Bept...
July... Sept..
r4-'..l H'
n5" W4
57" 5y
6i84 b,
6 IfiT'iW'
40l4Ttl 414
15 35
15 30
8 50
15 35
16 40
15 45
15 40
15 4241 15 75
, a e r 1 7 1 k wv
iu at 711 u v
8 20
8 35
8 2?Vk
8 20 18 12413
8 3241
8 36 IS 25?
I 274
8 M1,
8 30
8 35
8 36
8 30
8 80
8 824!
8 8241
I so
8 85
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Firm; winter patents, 88.809
4.36; straights. 3.&X(i 15: spring straights,
$.1.86if4.1o; spring patents, best advanced
too to 85 40; bakers,
RYE No. 2. 2C.
BARLKY Feed or mixing, 7V3S5a; fair to
Choice malting. HCcj 11.03.
tjilEDH Flax, No. 1 southwestern, nomi
nal; No. 1 northwestern, nominal. Tim
othy, tH.OCVp'11.00. Clover, 815.76.
PROVISIONS Pork, meas. per bbl.. 815.50
C 15 70. I-aid, per 100 lbs., 8815. Bhort rlbo
Idea (loose), $;.60r($.8f; short clear sides
. boxed), U.124tt2fK
Total clearance of wheat and flour were
equal to bu. Primary receipts were
ttti.ouO bu.. compared with 2S3,(M) bu. the
oorrespondlng day a year ago. The world's
visible supply, as shown by Brad street s.
decreased S.Ooti.OtiO bu.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow. Wheat,
!7 cars; corn, 3ha cars; oata, 213 cars; bogs,
83.000 bead.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
8dlUc; No. 3 red. KSiiiHoe; No. 8 herd. DOd
lie; No. 8 hard. &S",,nic; No.' 1 northern
spring. BSi-iill.O.'; No. 2 northern spring,
vtH'fttl.Ol; No. 3 spring, iiit"6o. Corn: No.
3 cash. SSSttfitiVc: No. 3 cah. fkj'i"f.-Vc:
No. 2 white, ivi'i-aofi'.c; No. 3 whits. 56a
fcfco; No. 2 yellow, ooVtic: No. 3 yellow.
V?rno. flats: No, ! cash. sc: No. 3
white, txutic; No. I white, 4H04c; No.
4 whltfw 3S,'(i4K4c; standard, 40'y41c.
BUTTEU Firm; creameries. lEnalte;
dairies, 17i'U21c.
tX-KJS Steady; receipts. 17.M cases; at
mark, cases Included, Il$1l4c; firsts, 13c;
prime firsts, 14c.
CHEKSK Daisies. 114llVc; twins, 10J
11c; young Americas. llVtu-Uc; long burns,
POI ATOES-Steady; old. JLOOllO; new,
POULTRY Weak; turkeys, 12c; fowls,
114c; springs. lVJjlMc
VEAL-itedy; 50 to SO lb. wts., fcffS4e;
0 to l-lb. wts., S'.'uO'tC, 86 to 110-lb. wta,
heoelpts Today Whest, 18 cars: corn. 747
ran; oats, 345 cars. Estimated tomorrow
Wheat, f. cars; corn, 3MI cars; oats, 211
Liverpool Grain Market
firm; No. 1 Manitoba. "s4d; No. 3 Mani
toba, 7s34d; No. 3 Manitoba, is 14d; fu
tures, firm; July. iwI0,d; Oitober, 6s4d;
IJeoemhor a d
COKN Spot, new American mixed,' easy,
4s id; old American mixed, steady. 6s4d;
new American kiln dried, easy, 48d; fu
tures, firm; July, '4s 'd; rptember, 4s
Kaaaaa City Grata and Provisions.
Market 4'jlc higher; No. 3 bard. t!e;
Vn. 3 hard. &3&0c; No. 1 red. otiaM; No. 3,
3Vi, -rNOures. July. 87a, Mdl eUptamber,
1-OR747 Market m hlher: No. 1 mixed,
M4trt4Vfte; No. 8 mixed, tc; No. i
white, bc; No. 3 white, oia4o; July,
Mr, bid; Peptember. S7k,c.
OATS Market Ho higher; No. t white.
41c; No. 2 mixed. K4&a.
KTE 43fc,
HAYbtesdy; chelne ttmethy, tH.WVjat.fl0;
ch Hce prairie. 1A2MT li.Os.
UTTER Creamery, Z2e; firsts, le; seo
onds. 17o ; packing stock. ISO.
hXKi 8 Extras, 17o; firsts, lie; seothds. 8e.
Receipts 8 hi ptn en is.
Wheat. Tftta. ). 5""0
Corn, bu. 70.0i" SI. ooo
Oats, bu. J8,ou0 ' 4.0W0
Qootatloas of the Dor Tarlosui
NEW TORK, June . FLOUR Firm;
spring patents. 84 U'OIO; winter straighu.
U IO-(j.0O-, winter patents, 34 K4 60; spring
clears, IS. tbipt. 00; winter extras No. 1, 83.86
ft 3.50; winter extras No. 8, 8LLi93 85; Kan
sas straights. 84.10i94.2S; receipts. 28.031
blia.; shipments, f.tug bbleu Rye flour,
quiet; fair to good. 85.00(44.36; choice to
fancy, 85 .; 60.
CORNMKAL Steady: fin white and
yellow, 81 Krfal.30; coarse, Vl.I3t.U; kUn
dried. 83.10.
WHTEAT Spot market strong No. I red.
8c elevator, and 7o, f. o. b.. afloat;
No. I northern Duluth, 3106H. f. o. b.,
afloat. The market advanced sharply on
very bullish crop advices , from South
Dakota and general buying, but lost part
of the advance under profit taking In
spired by reports of rain in North Dakota,
closing "i'lf'.c net higher. July cloeed at
840; September, W4c; December, M"o.
corn Hpot market strong; export, new,
Ne. I. 34c, nominal, f. o. b , afloa. Futures
market waa firmer with wheat and on the
weather, closing at 14c net advance. Jfly
cloeed at tc; December, 654c.
OATS Spot market firm; standard white,
48c; No. 2. 4H4c; No. 8. &4c; No. 4. 46c.
Futures nominal. July, 4&Hc
FEED Barely, steady; wi stern spring
bran, 100-lb. sacks, 123.60; standard mid
dling, In sacks. 326.50; city. In sacks, 824.50.
HAY Steady; prime, $1.36; No. 1, 11.30;
No. 2 31.11.15; No. 8. OGo&Sl.OO.
HOPS Firm; state, common to choice.
19K), 24i32c; lix. 202lc; Pacific coast, 110,
24fg27c; 1S09, lfrlo.
HIDES Steady, Central America, 184
30c; Bogota, 214'22fco.
LEATHER Kteady ; hemlock firsts, 244
tfWo; seconds, 22'a'234c; thirds, lig20c; re
jects. l4t!5c.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess. 816.00
U17.50; family. 18 004MS)&0; short clears,
16.6Ot(jn.O0. Beef, quiet; mess. IlLWVall 50;
family. 812 004i12.M, beef liams. 827.60 29 60.
Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, li7i8
14 00. Lard, firm; middle west prime,
f.30S8.40; refined, steady; continent. 3.tj5;
bouth American 89.65; compound, i. 6047. 75.
TALLOW Dull; country, 64c.
BU'lTUH-Firm; creamery specials. 24c;
extras, 23c; firsts, 21622c; seconds, 19ft20c;
thirds, Jsc; state dairies, finest, 23S224c;
good to prime, MCpUc: common to fair, 179
luc; procens special. 20c; extras, 194c;
firsts, 174184c; seconds, 16'4164c; fac
tory, current make, 17'cilao.
CHKKSK Firm; new skims. 5'4S4o.
EOOS Firmer; fresh gathered extras, 19
321c; extra firsts, l&frl74c; firsts, 144t5c;
seconds, U'viiUc; thirds and poor, liil.ic;
fresh gathered dirties No. 1, 12c; No. 3, 11c;
No, 2 poor to fair. 8&9c; fresh gathered
checks, good to prime, turtle; western gath
ered white. 1719c.
POULTRY Dressed, quiet; western broil
ers, I&3250; fowls, 12016c; turkeys, ll&c.
Cora and Wheat (teorlon Ballettn.
Record for the twenty-four hours ending
it i ft, m. Tuesday, June 20, 1911:
Temp. Rain
Ashland. Neb SO 66 .00 Clear
Auburn. Neb 8 62 .00 Clear
H'ken Bow. Neb. 8
. Clear
Columbus, Neb... 91
Culbertson, Neb.. 90
Falrbury, Neb... 94
Fairmont, Neb... 89
Or. Island. Neb.. 91
Ilartlngton, Neb. 90
Hastings. Neb.... R4
Holdrege, Neb... 83
Lincoln, Neb 89
No. Platte, Neb. 88
Oakdale, Neb 89
Omaha, Neb 87
Tekamah. Neb... 90
Valentine. Neb.. 88
Sioux City. Ia.
Alta, la.
Carroll, Ia
Clarinda, la
Sibley, fa...!"!'.'. 91
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. of Temp. Rain-
District Stations. Max. Mln. fall.
Columbus, 0 17 84 58 .00
LoulBvlUe, Ky 20 84 62 .40
Indianapolis, Ind.. 11 84 68 .?0
Chlcngo. Ill 26 86 62 .00
St. Louis. Mo 25 86 - 62 .10
Des Moines, Ia.... 21 88 62 .00
Minneapolis, Minn. 30 94 62 .00
Kansas City, Mo.. 24 90 60 .00
Omaha, Neb 18 88 58 .00
Warm weather prevailed over the west
ern portion of the corn and wheat region
during the last twenty-four hours, snd
temperatures continue to rise over the
eastern portion. A few light and scattered
showers occurred In the Indianapolis,
Louisville and St. Louis districts.
Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau.
t. Loots Geaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., June 20. WHEAT
Higher; track. ' No. 2 red. new, 87c; No. 3
red. old, 8c; No. 3 hard, 90ip96c.
CORN-Hlgher; track. No. 1 5643664c;
No. 2 white, 604g47c,
OATS Higher; track. No. 2. 404o; No. 2
white. 41Vn:c.
RYE Unchanged; 90c.
FLOUR Firm; red winter patents. 34.10
4 50; extra fancy -and straight, 83.5094.00;
hard winter clears, 32.9Kj3i.0o.
TIMOTHY SEED 65.004j.6O.
CORN MEAL 82.60.
BRAN Firm; sacked east track, 97etl.O0.
HAY Steady; timothy, 817.0022.50; prai
rie. $11.0Or-(fl.6O.
PORK Unchanged; Jobbing, $16.50.
LARD Higher; prime steam. IS06tr-15.
DRY SALT MEATS Unchanged; boxed
extra shorts, 84o; clear ribs, 84c; short
clears, 8c.
BACON Unchanged : boxed extra shorts,
4c; clear ribs. 94c; short clears, 8"4c.
POULTRY Firm; thickens, 104c; springs,
l"GP20c; turkeys. 13 154c; ducks, c;
geese. 5c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, ltr224c.
EGGS Firm; 11c.
WHEAT Futures, higher; July, 864
W,; September, 87V.
CORN Higher; July, 66: September. S6e.
OATS Higher; July, 404c; September.
RECEIPTS Flour, 8.5O0 bbl.: whest,
2J.OO0 bu.: com, 64,000 bu.: oats. 63.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 8.800 bbl.; wheat,
17,000 bu.; corn, 75.000 bu.; oats, 22,000 bu.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
96-Vc; September. Mt9.')4c; December,
fXhic: No. 1 hard. M4c; No. 1 northern,
97V,io; No. 2 northern, OtUSWic; No. 8,
tKKD Flax. 12.21.
CORN No. 3 yellow. Wifllic.
OATS No. 3 white, SS'c. t
BRAN 119 Mfi 19.75.
FliOUR First patents, $4 90tt.10; second
patents, 84.7i?4 DO; first clears, 83.?6f3.3;,.;
second clears, 2. 2. t0.
Philadelphia Prod ace Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, 25c; extra
creamery, nearby prints. Jlv.
EGOS Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby firsts, 85.26 per case; Pennsylvania
current receipts, free cases, 84. 80 per case;
western firsts, free cases. per case;
western firsts, current receipts, free esses, per case.
CHEESE Firm: New York full, creams,
fancy new. 124nl2tc; New York full
creams, fair to good, 114 1 12c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, June 20. -CORN-Hlgher; No. 3
white. fvV; No. t yellow, 55c; No. yellow,
644c: No. 2 mixed. 14c.
OATS Higher; No. 2 white, c; stand
ard, 40c; No. 3 white, 394c.
Mllwankee Grola Market.
1 northern. 81 tljj 1.02; No. I northern, fOc
31.01: July. Hoc; September, KTc.
OATS Standard, 40VHlc.
BARLEY Malting, 2ci 81.00.
naloth Orala larket.
DULUTH. June 20. WHEAT No. I
northern. M4'b".4r: July. If74c, bid; Sep
tember. 95 asked.
OATS 40c.
Oils' and Rosla.
TINE Firm, SlfiolV-; sales. 1.236 bar
rels; receipts. 1 4j4 barrels; shipments, 79
bsrrels: stocks. 11.0S4 barrels.
ROSIN Firm: sales. 2.663 barrels; re
ceipts, 3.6:'4 barrels: shipments. Soft barrel;
stocks. 8.i.tf3 barrels. Quotations: B. W 10;
I. 16.65; K. 36.474: F, M.7C4; O 86.75: H.
IK774; I, 86.80; K. 14 W; M. 86.974; N, 17124;
WG. IT.S24; WW, 87.824-
Prices Give way oiowlj to Small
Amount of Selling.
Ireoeat t'aeertalaty mm to Crosi
Pr yeets Is Regarded Largely
Reapeaalble for Thlo Ca
NKW TORK. June 20. Stocks gave way
Slowiy frj"4y to a comparatively small
amount of selling. The market was un
usually dull. A lew stocks, such as Great
Northern preferred, Canadian Padflo,
Denver 4V Rio UraiTTle, the b.rles. Interna
tional Harvester and the electric and tele
phone sbaraa loot a point or more, while
Norfolk and Western and some less ecuva
issues exhibited considerable strength.
in present, uncertainty as to crop
prospects la largely responisble tor this
position. v
The Hill stocks were among tbe weakest
of standard railroad Issues. H.fvever, the
list exbibited considerable underlying
strength as waa indicated bv Its steadinMa
In the face of a decline of nearly 4 points
in ine uay vy American teiepnone.
News that the directors of the telephone
company had recommended an Increase of
SuO.OOO.uuo In capital stocks was the signal
for tbe most vigorous move of the day
by bear traders, who succeeded In driving
it down rapidly.
mere waa further active trading on the
curb" today In the new Panama cjutaJ
bonds more than 83.000,000, of which sold
"when Issued" from 102T4 to 1084. the Dries
tending toward the lower figure following
publlo attention to tb figures at which
awards were mad.
Before the government can market the
remaining 24o,XMW0 Panama bonds au
thorised, bankers believe, the prlos may
com within th rang of what they are
willing to pay.
The bond market waa Irregular. Amerl.
can Telephone Convertible 4s weakened
with th stock. Total sales, par value,
83.268,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Number of sales and leading Quotations
on stocks were aa follows:
Bales, Hlgfc. Lew. Close.
..... .... 10
iiioo "iiio 'Yo 701,
4,) ft4t fti M
too 1114 U 11
tut tt 114 (.14
100 ftoSft iS
tu U t4 14
100 414 414 41 y,
ft. 100 I2 81 12
too 1074a 1074 1074
100 424 41 41
tot 130 120 lift
11,700 lbl4 1414 147H
100 M N 05
m 11 at 124
400 414 404 40S
I.7U0 1144 1114 111
too II 4106 lot
ISO IMS 1114 1314
1400 IDS 1074 1074
too 1414 lavtj 14
00 to o to
I.IO0 I404 8184 1814
Its) IIS . lit 114
100 100 1004 100
1.700 144 114 U
- 4.14
104 444 464 4o4
100 141 141 147 4
4,tm 1214 1274 12744
,) a 144 144
IM 141 1464 144
too 114 14 '"4
1.700 tl 17 M
. 1,600 tl ftft4 ftft
too 17 17 n
lite 314 K4 t4
no t74 H 654
200 44 441 44
200 1U4 IM
l,00 1174 lift 13(4
ino J4 ' 124
tOO 141 140 140 Si
too 14 l4 14
400 t2 tl4 f
I.6110 1214 1204 14
1.H0 11 18 II
10ft 41 41 41
too tf. tf,s us
ino ts (ovt t
l.W 100 1084 108
100 1(14 1M4 161
21W 30 80 80
400 117 187 13t4
tOO 17 17 ' M
100 ft (8 7
8. 100 80 50 80
100 197 187 131
KI0 M M4 14
son 11 114 814
too 110 1M4'104
tOO 46 44 44
4100 10S 107 107
(00 74 74 4 74
1.700 134 4 4 133
100 n 17 11
1.000 1244 14 124
tOO 104 104 104
100 '04 4 044
100 11 114 21
100 14 M4 l4
00 18 87 17
24.1.00 ll IMI14 16t
too 30 30 10
400 13 3 3
1.000 33 134 33
too 4 4. 4- ftft
44 4r, 4'
10ft Tl 71 70
100 60 60 48
4.40 ll'0 120 120
1,000 11 114 11
" O0 7H, 71 71
800 42 41 41
1,100 22 12 21
90S (1 61 60
U.200 1 15 184
400 14 14 ' It
100 7ft 7ft 76
100 40 40 404
U.tOO 78 78 7Kv
ino lift 118 118
4.100 t7 (7 t7
t.800 56 64 14
Kl) 174 17- 17
(00 88 18 81
1.600 77 7ft 7t
1.J0.1 7 78 74
200 4 3 1
t.OOfl 178 171 1714
Alllo-ChaJmert pti
Aj3klftmmstl Copper
Ajaarii'U Agricultural .....
Am. Beet ttussr
Amortcul Ca
American O. 4k F
Am. CottM (XI
American H. U pta
Am. ice seouriiiM
Amorlcsa UaMe4 ...v
Amrlcn IxxxMnotlv
AmertcAD B. tt R
Am. B AR pf4
Am. Btoei Foundress
Am. Buimr Refining
Amortus T. A T
American Tobsoeo p(4
American Woolm
AnsconOa Mining O
Atchison pfd
Atlajitlo Coast tin
Baltimore at Ohio
Bethloham Steel
Brooklyn Rapid Tr.
Unnadlaa Psoitlo
Central Leather
Ontrml Lasiher pfd
Cenlrml of Nw Jnrsoy
Chaaaseaka A Ohio
Chicago A Alton
Chloaco Great Waatsra
C. O. W. pfd
Chicago A N. W
C. M. A Bt. P
C. C. U A Bt. I.
Colorado F. A I
Colorado A Soot born
Coneolldatod Oas
Corn Products
Dalawaxa A Hudaon
DeuTr A Rio Grande ,
O. A R. O. pfd V
Dlatlllars Becurttlas
Brio ltt pfd
Krla td pfd ,
Uaneral Elaotrlo
Oraat Northern pfd
Great Northern Or etfa....
llllnolo Central
lntarborough Mot,
Int. Mat. pfd
International Harraster ...
Int. llarloa pfd
lntarnatlonal Paper
International Pump
Iowa Central
Kansas Cny Southern
K. C 80 pfd
Laclede Oas
Loulallla A Naahrllle
Minn. A St. Loula
M.. Bt. P. A B. B. M
Mlaaourl. K. A T
M.. K. A T. pfd
Missouri Pacific
National Blacuit
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. td pfd. ..
Now York Central, ex-dlv.
N. T.. O. A W
Norfolk A Weetera
North American
Northern Paclflo
Pacific Mall
People' Oas
IP.. C. C. A It. L
Pittsburg Coal
Preaaed Bteel Car
Pullman Palace Car
Railway Steel Spring
Republic Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Rock laland On.,
Rock laland Co. pfd
St. L. A 8. F. Id pfd
9t. Loula 8. W
St. L S. W. pfd
Slosa-Bhefflald 8. A I
Southern Paclflo
Southern Railway
So. Railway pfd .'
Tenneaaee Copper
Texaa A "''
T., St. L. A w
T , St. L. A W. pfd
t'nlon Pacific
Vnlon Pacific pfd
United Stataa Realty
t'nlted Statei Rubber
t'nlted States Steal
V. B. Steal pfd
t'tah Copper
Va. -Carolina Chemical
Wabash pfd
Western Maryland
Westlnghouee Electric-
Wo-tarn Union, ex-dlv
Wheeling U K
Lehlsh Valler
Total salea for the dar. itl. Son aharea
Ken York Sloaey Market.
NEW TORK, June 20. MONET On call
stead v, 24124 per cent; ruling rate, 24,
closing bid, 2-4; offered at 24. Time loans
dull, sixty days. 24 per cent; ninety days,
2Wn2V: six months. 34ff34.
per cent; sterling exchanare, steady with
actual business in bankers' bills at 84 84
for sixty day bills, and at 1U.8585 for de
mand. Commercial bills. 14.834.
UlIiVER Bar, 53c; Mexican dollars. 45c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bends today were
V. 8. ref. ta.
...100 int. M. 14. 4...
...100 'Japan 4a ,
...lti do 4a
...101 K. C. So. 1st Is..,.
...114 U g. deb. 4s 1131...
go coupon .......
V. g. la. re
4o coupon
V. S. 4a. rf
do counoa
Alllt-CTial. 1st ts.,
114 It. AN. unl. 4s....
. 71 M. . K A T. 1st 4s
Aa. A. tt
.101 do srn. 4Wa H7U.
Aiu. 1. m . c. e....- mv. racuic a 7s
Am. Tobacco 4 S N. R R. at M. 4s 11
do 4s 104 N. T. C. 4 !s 7J
Armour A Do. t. M do deb. 4s 13
Atehlaon ton. 4a II -IN. Y . N. H. A li
do cv. 4a 114 cv. 6a )J2
do cv. ts
A C. L. 1st 4s..
Bal. A Ohio 4a..
do la
..111 N. A W. 1st c 4s..
j do cv. 4s 1S
.. No. Pacltio 4a. H
.. : do 3a 71
..II O i l rida. as 4U
do 8. W. Ia..
tsrocj. 1 r. t. 10.... renn. rr. sa int.. 7
('en. of Ga. is 1 do con. fta 103
Ceo. Liealhsr fta M Readlnft gen. 4s 17
I, of N. t. I Is. .11 R L. A 8 P. I(. 411
Ches. A Ohio 4s...l01 da gen. ts
do r.(. it ( Bt. L. S. w. e. 4s... fto
Chlcafo A. 1... 46 do lit grsjd 4s 1
C. B. A Q . 4s.... 17 I A U 4s, 7
do fas 4s 80. Pac. rol. 4s 19
c. at. at n r. s 00 cv. as
C. R. I. A P. e. 4a. 36 I do 1st ref. 4s.
do rft 4s 8 S Railway ta..
Colo. Ind. Is 71 do ten. 4a
.. w
.. 7
Colo. Mid. ts 41 Union Pacific 4s...
C. A 8. r. A a. 4a 8 do ev. 4a
P. A H. ev. 4t 10 do 1st A ref. 4.
D. A R. O. 4a M' l. S. Rubber ta ...
107 ',
do ref.
V S. Steel Id ta...
7 Va.-ar. Chem. ta
ft Wabash 1st ta
18 do 1st ax 4s...
it Weetern Md. 4a
14 West. Elac. cv. It..
ristlllers' as
Kris p. 1. 4a
do aes. ta
do vv. 4a, sr. A. .
do series B
Oen. Eloe. cv. Is.
H? Wia. Central 4a
III. Cen. 1st rat. 4.. t sto. Pac. as.
1st Mat. 4a., Ill
Bid. K) tiered.
New York Cork Market.
Th following quotations sr furnished
by Logan ft Bryan, members New York
ftock exchange. 314 south sixteenth street
Atnr. To banco
Bar State Uaa. .,
Butta Coalltlos
Ily teacral ....
Ely Con
Green a Cananea
la apt ration
. tt ' Nv. Cons
.. 1 N'jwbouea ........
.. U Nvada-t'tah
. H Ohio Copper
. 1 Rasrhlde Coalltloa
,. I Hay Central 1 lit
. ft Swift Pa. C 11
. 1 Beara-Roebuck C . 10
. 7 Superior A Pittsburg 1ft
. Trinity Copper I
. 7 Norl Laas I
. He
local oeorftlea.
Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnktr
A Co.. 44 New Omsha Nations! Bank
building: Bt. aska.
Beatrice OajBrr. pfd t SI
cny National Bank Bids, pfd 11
Cora Kathaas Mat. Baas stock st
. lot 11 n
. 104 104
SB aav.
10 lafi
Fairmont Creafnery 1st g. Is. a. .
rlrment Creamery pfd f . a....
Kansas tltf 4. IS SO
Marina Co., la.. 4a. 1IM
Omaha Water la. 144
Omsha A C. B. at. Rr. (e. in ...
Omaha A C. B. St. Rr. fta. 1814...
Omaha A C. . St. Rr , esas
O A a B. It. r pfd I p, ,
Omaha Oas la, 117
Omaha B. L A P. ta. 111
rsrsard Motor 7 pae cent
Votes Stork Tarda stork ...,..
t'nlon stork TarOa fta. 111
te in
ini 71 14 I
... tftl
let 4
. 4
So. Oalirornls Bdleoa U. 1114
Trl-Oty Rr. A U.. H4
Wlss Meatarlai Hsasyttal (a. lsxi. ..
tesls ftlerk Market.
IX)NrX)N, June 20. American securities
opened quiet and steady today. During th
forenoon transactions a limited but good
tone prevailed. At noon the market was
steady with prices ranging from unchanged
to a point higher than yesterday's New
York closing.
.endon cioslng stock quotstlons
Osntola, money T Laaur4tll A Nash. .HI7
so account ,
Amal. i '09 par
Anaconda ....
... 74 ko.. Kan. A Ten. 14
... 714 Nov York Central.. .114
jverreit m wasters.. iiv
117 so pfd si
do pfd
7lt4 Ontario A Waatsra.. 4t
Baltimore at imis. . ..1114 r-enneriTanta 04
Canadian Pacific ....147 Rand Mines 7
Chesapeake A Ohle.. M Reading 12
Chi. Oreat Western . 14 geathern IVallwar .. 12
Chi., Mil. A St. P.. 181 da pld 71
D Beers 18 lout ham Paclfl ....122
Denver A Rio O t'nlon Pacific 11
do pre 0 4 pfd 17
Erie 17 V. I. Steal 11
do 1st prd 18 da pfd 112
do Id pfd 47 Wahaeh II
Orand Trunk t t pfd IV
Illinois Central 1814
cit-v th-riar, quiu at 244d per ounce.
MONEY 1 per cent.
The rate of discount In the onen market
for short and three months' bill la 34 per
Bostoa Stocks tan Beads.
BOSTON, Jun 20. Closing quotations oa
st chs were as follows:
Alias It Mohawk tl
AaiaJ. Cbpper 70 Nerada Ooo '
A. I. L A 2 Nlplaalng Mines .... 10
Arlaons Com 17 North Butt ........ 14
Atlantlo ! I Nona Lak 8
B. ft C. C. II. K. 14 old Dominion
... 474
Butt Coalition
14 Osceola
. II
. 72
. 114
. 134
. 7
. 17
. 19
. 43
. 18
. 11
Cat. A Arlsoaa.
Cal. A Hacla. ......
lop. Rang a C.
Kaat BuU C. M...
Olroux Con
Granny Con
. II Parrott 8.
A C...
.47ft Qulnoy
. 1 Shannon
. 1:4 Superior
. 11 Superior A B. M.
. II Superior A P. C.
. 1 Tamarack
. 424 V. 8. 8. a. A ftft.
. 7 do pfd
Greene Cananea
lis Royal Copper.. 17 t'tan Con.
K err Lake is, Ttah Copper. Ox.
Lake Copper tt Winona
La Ball Copper t WolTerla
Miami Copper 11
Bi-auv. .
New York Mining Stocks.
NEW TORK, June 20. Closing Quotation
01 mining MocKt
ei c
...tti Uttl Chief
... I
Com. Tunnel stock.. 14 Mexloaa
do bond
t Ontario
Don. Cal. A Vs..
Horn Silver
Iran Silver
Leadvllls COB. .
.14 Ophlr
. 2S 'Standard
.10 Tallow Jacket
. II
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. June 20. Bank clearings for
today were 82,246.734.30 and for th corre
sponding oat laat year 81,982,481.80.
BUTTER Creamery. No. a delivered ta
the retail trad In 1-lb. cartons. 28c; No.
I. In 8C-lh. tubs. 81c: No. 1. in 1-lb. cartons
tic; paCKing atock, solid pack, lie; dairy.
In 80-lb. tuse, 144lt; mark! ctta-gas every
CHKESIS Twins. 14Mr&15o; young Ameri
cas, 10c; daisies, lac; triplets. Uo; Umborger.
18c; No. 1 brick, 16c; imported bwlss, ieo;
dumestlo Hwles. 22c; block Swiss, llki.
HOtlLTRV Urassea broilers, undsr 9 lb.,
15.00 per dus ; beos 14c;cocks, lc; ducka
loc; geese. 16c; turkeys, 24c; pigeons, per
dosen. 81-20; homer squabs, per uoav. 4.V;
fancy suuubs. per doa. 82.60: No. 1 nar
doa. 82.00. Allv: Broiler, 80c; 1 te 1V
lbs., and 1 to 2 lbs.; 2oc; smooth legs, !u;
tens, 10c; old roosters. He, eld ducks, full
feaiheied, 12c, gees, full leatnereu. ic:
turacys, 12Hc; guinea fowls, 20o tasb; pit,,
tons, per dos , -10c; homers, er aoa, eluu;
squab. No. 1. per dos., 8L6u; Mo. 2, tiec ttva,.
Wc; via turkeys, 140.
l-ISil (all Iroseu) Pickerel, lOo; wblt.
lit, plk. 14c; trout. .10; large crappiea,
442Uc; epanlsti mackersl, 10a; el, lc, nsMl
dock, 12c; (lounders, 13c; green cattish. lj:
roe shad, 9Vc each; shad roe, per pair,
46c; liog legs, par doa., e6c2.u0; saltnou.
Ac; baiiAut. c; y allow percu, sc. BuKaiii
Ici buUbead. loo.
Bee! Cuts Ribs: No. J, lVfrci No. t Uc;
No. 2, ltrVjc. Lioins: No. 1, loc; No. 2, 12c;
No. 3, 13c Chuck; No. 1, 4c; No. 2, u;
No. 8, 5o. Bound: No. 1. 10ic; No. X, 10c;
No. 8, 10c Plate: No. 1, 6c; No. t. 4rc;
No. 8, 4c
r'KUii Bananas, fancy select, per
bunch, 2.2W.aO; Jumbo, bunch, M.tb&t.ii.
Cherries, home grown, per 24-vtt, case, ti.w.
L-ates, Anchor brand, new, w 1-lb. pkgs. In
boxes, per box. i.0u. Uoosebernes, noma
1 own, per 24-qu case, 82.60. Lemons,
Linionelra brand, extra fancy, 200 siae, per
box, 4i.50; 360 slxe, per box, 18.00; Loma
litnonelra, fancy, 30u size, per box, fti.uj;
tw sixe, per box, 87.60;. 240 and 420 sixes,
uoc per box less; Cymbal brand, J0o-ji,vi
sizes, per box, .767.ou. urangrs, Camella
ileulunas Vaienclas, all sizes, per 00 x, 14.00.
lancy Valencia, 80-lrtJ126 sizes, Call
loinla Jaffa and Mediterranean sweit
orange:, lbu and smaller tlxes, per box
Vi.'M. Pineapples Florida, 24-2o-2b-42-48 sizes
per crate, ii.. Straw berries. Hood River!
per 24-qt. case, 84-00. Watermelons, Texas,
per lb., 2c. Cantaloupes, California, stand
ard, 45 count, 84-60 per crate; pony crates,
64 count. ij.oO.
VKUETABLEiJ Beans, string and wax,
per hamper, K.60; per mkt. bsk., Uocfeil.Oo.
Cabbage, southern, new, per lb., 4Vic. Cu
cumbers, hot house, 1; and 2 dos In box,
per box, 81.76432. ); Texas, per bu., hamper,
12.60. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz.,
81-bO2.UU. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per
lb., 12c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per
dos., 40c. Radishes, per dos., 20c. Onions,
Texas Bermuda, white, per crate, 82.26; yel
low, per crate, 22.00. Parsley, fancy home
grown, per dos. bunches, 46c. Potatoes,
Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu.,
tl.aotftl.&O: new stock. In sacks, per lb., 4c..
Tomatoes, 'lexas, per 4-bsk. crate, 2126.
MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, California,
soft shell, per lb., loc; tn sack lots, lo les.
Brazil nuts, per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lo
less. Filbert, per lb.. 14c; In sack lots, lo
less. Peanuts, roasted, per lb., 8c; raw,
per lb., 6VitC. Pecans, large, per lb., 18c; In
sack lots, lc less. Walnuts, California, per
lb., 19c; in sack lots, lc less. Honey, new,
24 frames, 83.7a,
Coffee Market.
tures opened steady at an advance of l'fl2
points. In response to steady French ca
bles and scatered covering. Smaller re
ceipts at the Brazilian ports and firm
Brazilian offers for forward shipment
probably tended to restrict offerings, and
the market ruled generally steady, closing
quiet, net unchanged to 4 points higher.
Bales. 16.000 bags: June. 10.89c; July. 10.94c;
August, 10.83c; September, 10.71c; October,
10.66c; November, 10.53c; December, Jtnu
uary, February, March and April, 10.61c;
May, 10.62c.
Havre was Unchanged to higher. Ham
burg was unchanged to higher. Rio,
MKrci higher at 7 1350: Santos, unchanged;
4st 8760; 7s. 8 8300. Receipts at the two
Brazilian ports. 18.000 bags, against 24.000
baKB last year. Jundlahy receipts, 7.800
bags., against ,12,700 bags last year. New
York warehouse deliveries yesterday, 8,836
bags, against 10.706 bags last year. Rain
was reported In all districts of Sao Pa-ila.
Ppot coffee, steady; Rio. No. 7, 1Vc
Fan t os, No. 4. llj'ac. Mild coffee, quiet;
Cordova, 13 16c.
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Jur 20. MFJTALS-Copper
standard, firm; spot and futures, I12X
12.40. London market firm; spot, to7 6s;
futures. 57 17s Id. Lake copper, locally,
l2.251i 13.00; electrolvtlc. 812.62H12.75; cast
ing, fl2.37i&12.b0. Tin. firm; spot and fu
tures. 841. 7i'-46.00. London market firm;
spot, cm 16s; futures. 181 16s. Lead, steady;
84.4oa4.SO at New York; W.3D4M 40 at East
t Louis. At London, 113 fis 3d. Spelter,
strong; 85.70ti6.80 et New York; I8.66rad.75
at East ft. Louis. At London. 24 12s 6d.
Antimony, dull; Cookson's. 9 00. Iron,
Cleveland wsrrsnts. 46s 4d in London.
Locally. Iron waa Irregular: No. 1 northern
foundry. No. 1 southern fonndrv and No.
1 southern foundry, soft. 815 0816.60; No.
2 northern foundry, 814.76igli.26.
ST. I.OCI8, Ho.. Jun J". METALS
Lead, firm at $4. J74.i; spelter, strong at
lot tea Market.
closed quiet. 10 points higher; middling up
lands. IS 4"c: m'r'dllns gulf No sales.
ST. I5U1S Mo., June 30. COTTON I'n
changed; middling. 15r; sales, none; re
ceipts. (MS hales; shipments. 661 bales;
stock. 8.701 bales.
New York cotton trarket. aa furnished by
Logan A Bryan, members New York Cot
ton exchange, 816 South Sixteenth street:
lOwsetl Klafa, la. 4a. mi ....
: Cut of Omaha school 4s. lfttt...
ltudahr Parking t o K 1M
, l)ara A Co. 7 per cent pfd
Month. Open. High. Low. Cloee. Yes'y.
July .... 14 71 14 18 "l4 Tl 14 84 14 l
Aug 14 J 14 70 14 58 14 n It 48
Sept. ... 13 It 59 It M 13 M 13 43
Oct 13 24 13 t IS 20 18 th 13 II
Leo 13 24 11 U 13 21 II 11 It-
Beeres Are Generally Strong to Ten
Centi Higher.
Good KUltoftT kees) oad 1 .a sat la
Good Desaaad, wltk goIy Tery
Mgil aad rrieeo stroB
to Sons It laTker.
BOtTTH OMAHA, fun 1, 1IV
Weeelpts were: Cattle Hotts. Sheen.
Official Monday 8.W7 87 8.W7
Estimate Tuesday 8.800 12.800 , 2.000
Two days this week 4,287 18.47 5.17
Pame days Isst week.... 8.8 2M7 8.125
Fame days 2 weeks ago. 8.8SU 18.878 I.2t8
Ha me days 8 weehi ago. 5.107 20.0O8'4
Pame days 4 weeks sgo. 8,416 22.68 8.80s
Same days Isst year.... 9,030 14,868 18,112
The following tabl shows ths receipts of
cattle hogs, and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to (late as compared with last
year: 1WU 1910. Inc.
Cattle 47fl 446.P8S Kffct
Hogs : h.....1.1.20 1,S,757 T78.44
Bheep 142.481 (64JUU 88.830
1 he folio tng table shows the evarag
prices on hogs at Bouth Omaha for th
Isst several day, with oompavrtaons:
Dates. 1 1911. lB10.r4tXV.lOt.18s7.lM6.lM.
una 101
I M4!
1171 !
(861 I I St
osj W
1 i 1 r 1 ti
I T 8 81 It II
June 11.
8W 188
June 12..
f e
June IS..
June 14..
I 581
I 7S4
ir im
I 821 8 281 8 11
June 15.,
I 6 7BHI 40 7 671
I t I 841 961 I 19
July 16..
June 17..
June 18..
8 Mill .IK
I 841 f 8 881 6 Tl
I 9141 9 21
7 63
I 58
6 57
I 911 I 6 20
5 971 8 89
f 931 6 88 6 19
t 91 80; 8 15
7 11
June 18..
June 20..
6 914
6 99
T 83
t 42
6 88
- . .. . , . . m.iu uiDimniuuii VI II TV Blirvs Ml
the Union stock yards for the twenty-four
nuurs cnaing tt . p. m. yesteraay;
C. M. & St. P. Ry.... 1 1
Wabash It..
Missouri Pacific 6 5 .. ..
Union Pacific ' 48 49 6 1
C. A N. W., east 8 2 1 5 1
C. A N. W west.... 85 tn
C; St. P., A 0 14 10
C. R A Q , east 6 8
C. B. A Q., west.... 42 58
C, R. I. A P., east.. 8 t
Illinois Central 2 t
C. O. W I
Total receipts 162 186
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co.
Swift and Company.
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour A Co...
Sch warts-Bolen Co..
Murphy ,..
Stephens Bros
Hill A Son
T. B. Lewis
Huston A Co
.. 859 lfifl
.. 733 S ODO . 842
..1,008 8.618 828
.. 860 8.358 149
S4 1....
... 88
.. 44
... 30
7 I-ojs.
.. 8
.. 87
.. 41
.. 6 ....
.. 14
.. 261 m
J. B. Root tt Co
J. H. Bulla
L. Wolf
S. Werthelmer
N. Conaher
Other buyers
Totals 8,801 12,717 1.S30
CATTLE There were 160 cars of cattle
reported In this morning as against 218
cars on Tuesday of last week. It waa, in
fact, the smallest run for Tuesday since
three weeks ago.
There was a splendid showing of beef
steers in the yards this morning there be
ing a number of loads that were good to
very good on sale. Fortunately the buying
demand was reasonably active and the
market opened In good season In the morn
ing with prices on the desirable kinds of
beeves ranging anywhere from strong to
as much ss 10c hlger in some cases. Right
good cattle sold up as high as 86.15. The
bulk of the offerings changed hands at an
early hour.
Good fat. cows and heifers were strong
in sympathy with th strength shown by
beef steers, but grass stock was quoted no
better then steady.
There were verv few etwlr itu
"feeders In the yards and the trade on that
aiim 01 came was without any new or
Interesting features.
Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice Haf
steers. 6.854t.16; fair to good beef steers.
o.bora).B5; common to fair beef steers, 86-003
8.60; good to choice heifers, 15 004). 60; good
. vuume cuws, w; i air to good cow
and , heifers. 84.OOa4.60, common to fair
cows snd heifers. $2.6O4.0O; good to cholc
stockers and feeders, 84.W6.2.; fair to good
tockers and feeders, 84.404.80; common to
fair stockers and feeders, 83.6094.40; stock
heifers. 83. 6UZM.2S; veal calves. 44 O04W.26:
bulls, stsgs, etc., 3.2a6.0a
Representative salea:
24. ...
11 ...
Av. Pt.
... tn 1 04
...101 1 20
... 644 4 It
... SJ ft tt
...lOii I to
...1121. I U
...1241 I It
.. .U6S1 ft tt
...1011 ft ftO
...10W I 40
...1110 I 40
711 I ft
...1064 I 66
...1240 ft tt
... 138 t Hi
... 1116 I tt
...lltl I 70
...IMl t 70
...I03i ft 70
...121ft I 70
...124 I 7t
...121 A 71
...1221 I 75
...1141 ft 76
...1171 ft 78
...MO I 71
...1160 I 10
...lit, I 10
...134 ft 10
Av. rr.
1211 I It
1240 I ftft
1184 I ftft
1281 ft tt
1401 I It
110 I If
10 I 86
It4 ft K
1131 I It
It .
24 ,
.1281 ft Kl
.lift I to
.1177 0
.124 I 0
.1124' ft 16
.130 I ftft
.1484 ft ftft
.124 I as
.1161 I 00
.1211 ft 00
.121ft ft 00
.1141 4 00
.l&t I 04
.1244 I 00
.1441 I 04
.1476 4 Oft
.1WM ft 04
.1461 ft 06
.1221 ft Oft
.1471 I 06
.1471 ft 10
ft 10
ft It
14S7 ft II
IM ft 00 ft.
44 ft 00 II.
.101 14'
.41 I 70
. 721 I 7
.771 I 71
.nt IN
.1401 I U
..1211 lit 10
.. 724 4 40
.. 741 I tt 111
..1202 t SO l
..761 I 40
.. 174 I II I
.. 731 I 36 4
..Hl 4 It 4
..1088 4 40 I
..1031 4 10 1
..list 4 75
.... 74 4 M
....1031 4 an
....12 I 0
.... 4 I 00
....1120 I 10
. 421
, t7
1 to 1
I 70 . 4
4 00 1
. 741 4 le
. 7S 4 40
.7IO I St
. 704 I t
.1110 4 71
.1720 4 ftO
74 4 10 11
..1120 4 00 1
4 00 I
It I It 1 12 I ft
110 4 71
1 130 4 SO 1 10 ft 71
1 460 ft On 1 160 7 00
J HO 4 00 1 10 T 00
0" 4 182 7 00
ISO ft 00 1 10 T 00
"I t tO 1 120 7 00
1 HI 4 10 1 IS IN
li I 10 1 110 J 1ft
1 Ml 4 IS 1 7S1 4 40
I Ml 4 10 7 ;72 4 74
JJ - 4 40 14 04 4 7ft
44 4 4i 17 7l I 10
rlOtiij Receipt of nogs this morning
numbered only 188 cars as against 3ul cars
on Tuesday of last week. The market
opened with that feeling that hogs would
sell at steady or possibly strong prices and
a few of the first loads that changed hands
brought very little, If any more money
thau yesterday. However, as buyers noted
that there was an enormous falling off In
receipts aa compared with a week ago,
with prospects that the runs would con
tinue moderate the remainder of the week,
they apparently became very anxious for
supplies, with the result that the trade be
came almost immediately 68 loc higher.
The trade was very sctive st the advance
and the hogs changed hands about as
readily as buyers could get at them. I.ater
on In the morning It became fully ice higher,
closing at the high point of the day.
The hogs sold very largely at 85.96fi8.05
rr is high as 86.16 for ths best
light weights. In this connection it might
. . .... . otiu,i tne country In regard to
I.Uht hogs. While the demand for best
light weights la still very good, and while
hog of mat description are commanding a
lug premium over heavy and mixed loads,
still there are beginning to be a good mini
common and trashy light loads which sr
not wanted. In other words, to command
high prices a load of light hogs must be
even In weight, smooth and ahapely. On
the other hand, rough and uneven light
hogs msy be depended upon to sell wsy
down in the list of price.
Everything In sight had rhanged hands
before 10 o'clock In th morning.
rtepresentu' 've "lee:
iAv. ta, Pr.
..Ml ... IN
..lit 121 8 at
. JW0 .! I s
..314 SO ft fti
. :m soi ft
... ... I It 141 ft tt
...Ie4 ... It
Sa- Pr.
44 4
144 I 00
4 1 no
20 0
I I n
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... I at
t. .
1 .
t .
n tu ... m ... i m
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tO tot ... ft ft M 234 M I ffl
U ... I W C ll 40 to
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l 11 ... in 4 no m ton
m N IN 41 Ml ... I 00
I"l H H W Ill ftfl 4 t
71 21 IM IN T X4 Win,
7 HI ... I M 44 IM ... 4 no
M ... I 10 4ft 14 ... ft 40
M 11 ... ft M M in Ml
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ts ... I tt M Ml ft 11-4
i m ... im n in ... tei,
V ... ft M Tl Ill 44) ft Mi
M M4 40 I H Tft. IN . . ft (K
4 0 ft M 7ft Ill 40 ft M
l IM ... ft H Tl 1U to t Oft
in r I N ft IM ft ft t
1 1 WN 40 ft Oft
HT M ft N U 1ST M ft Oft
1 tht IK IK Oft UI UO ft ft
fti r4 v t n 4 ui ... r
ft MT ft ft to ' 70 12 ... ft 04
1 374 ... ft tl 221 ... ft (HI
1 M t ft M T 147 ... ft Oi
I 140 M ft M "4 Ill 00 ft OS
1 I I Oft I K 74 2S1 100 ft OS
1 M ... ft Oft M 1 00 ft Oft
I 1 Mft ... ft Oft II 40 ft Oft
4 lift 40 I M T4 IT4 ... ft Oft
4 171 140 ft Oft 40 U 00 ft 03
t; ... ft or & :) 4 OS
41 tT 00 ft M to 12t ... ft oft
tl 170 loo i w n i;i ... oft
M IM 110 I to Tl 117 HO ft Oft
40 Ift ft to ft Itl 00 ft Oft
X lift ... ft Ml TO IM (0 ft Oft
4 m ... mi ti ii7 ... oft
ftft T ' M ft M tl 117 (0 ft Oft
01 Ml ... I lit t IM ... ft OS
Oft 2M ... ft to II .IM ... ft Oft
Oft 17 ... n tl IM It ft Oft
00 2f M ft w 71 1st ... ft Oi
II 114 180 ft W tl 114 tO ft Oft
73. 24ft ... ft 74j 77 221 ... ft Oft
'1 1M ft 7V4j Ml 40 ft 07V4.
t0 IM ft ft74j 00 101 ft ft 07(
4 .2. IM ft OA TO 2lt ... ft 10
Tl Ill 4 t 00 (7 JOT ... ft 10
til 40 ft 00 71 KO ... 110
TO Ml 40 ft on 4t 107 ... ft 0
41 141 . . ft 00 Tt Ill (0 ft 10
M tfit tOO ft 00 ' ft! Ill HO ft 10
71 Ml ... ft 0 4 101 KO ft 10
1 II ... ft 00 TT. 114 120 ft 10
Of tftl ... ft 0 ftO 171 ... ft 1ft
70 14ft ... ft 00 M Ill ... ft 10
1 11 10ft ft no to 174 40 ft II
Tl IM ... I 00 Tl Ill ... ft It
114 II ft 00 M IM ... ft II
Tl IM ... ft 00 M 10 ... ft II
SHEEP Reelpt of sheep were very mod
erate thlo morning, only about eight carl
As has been the case several davs ba-k
the quality of offerings was far from good
taken as a Whole. There were four more
cars of Oregon yearlings, th same as have
ueen coming ana the remainder of the re
ceipts consisted of odds and eiie of spring
lambs and ewea Ths demand was fair
and it waa evident that packers wanted a
sow oswint auiers ana anything that would
oome under that head sold very readily
at strong prices. Common stuff, much of It
hardly good enough for killers was natur
ally slow sale at no more than umiIv
prices. There were a few good spring lambs
that sold up to 87.26, the best price paid
In some days and there were two head of
uauve ewes gooa enough to bring 34.16.
Quotations On Sheen Snri lamKe. Urlna
lambs, good to cRblce, 8627.2S;' spring
lambs, fair to good. 86 2iv7?viO; shorn
lewnua, oou to cnoice. n.ouj.a; shorn
Jambs, fair to good, ektoa-W.OO; feeding
ianl"j , norn- W.6034.28: yearlings, shorn,
34.6Oi&tV00; wethers, shorn, 3S.7fx84.00; ewes,
good to choice, shorn, S3.60&4.00; ewes, fslr
good, shorn, $8.0004.50; culled ewes, 31.50
Representative sales:
80 western ewes, culls
801 western lambs
211 western lambs, feeders....
8S spring Iambs
16 spring lambs, culls
64 spring lambs ,
8 spring lambs, culls
41 western ewes
. 87
. 64
. 80
. 78
. 44
. 69
. 48
. 124
. 64
. 62
. 90
. 116
. 63
2 60
4 76
3 76
7 2
4 60
7 00
4 60
4 15
6 no
8 65
2 00
8 76
6 60
116 western lambs....'-.
66 western lambs, feeders
14 western ewes
88 western ewes
66 spring lambs
Demand for Cattle and Sheep Steady
Hogs Stroag,
CHICAGO, June 20. CATTLE Receipts.
2.600 head; market steady; beeves, 14 90
6.50; Texas steers, 84.66i3.85; western steers.
84.StVff6.70; stockers and feeders. 83.6V(f5.0;
cows and heifers, 2.6O6.90; calves, 86.10tf
HOQJ Receipts, 16.000 head; market
strong at opening prices; light, 88.0nty.40;
mixed, 800.42; heavy, $6.803.37'4j;
rough, 36.90t(i".06; good to choice heavy,
86.O54Y0.87H; pigs, 85-6&8.26; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 16.000
head; market steady; native, 82.50r6f-4.36;
western. 32.7504.86; yearlings. 34.10ff4 95: na
tive lambs, S4.004i6.6O; western, 84.25&6.60.
4. I.omls Lire Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. June 20. CATTLE Receipts.
9,400 head, including 3,800 Texans; market.
steady to 10a lower; native shipping and
export steers, 86.76'&1.40: dressed beef and
butcher steers. 85. 2611)6.00: steers under
1.000 pounds. 80.09(6614.26: stockers and
feeders, 83.01X64. 7&J cows and hellers. 83.00
0.25; canners. tL003.00; bulls. 83.50r,f6.2f;
cslves, 86.0Oi36.26; Texss and Indian steers,
$4.006.00; cows snd heifers, 83.00(05.00.
MOOS Receipts. 18.100 head: market.
steady to strong: pigs and lights. 35.004)
6.46; packers. $1.3&f.45; butchers and best
heavy. 8635(fi.46.
SHEEP Receipts, 15,000 heed: market.
10c to 15c lower; native muttons, 83.00fr3.75:
lsmhs. 85.00ip7.ir0; culls and bucks, 12.00-3.76;
stockers, 11.2&133.OO.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 11,000 head. Including 200 southerns;
market, steady to strong; dressed beef and
export steers, 35.8.V96.P5; fair to good, 84.86
tge.SO; western steers, S4.80I&6.10; stockers
and feeders, 33,7636.00; southern steers,
33 856.20; southern cows, 82.80(34.60: native
sows, S2.40rjr5.00; native heifers, S4.009.10;
bulls. 83.001 4.66; calves, 84 0064.75.
HOGS Receipts, 19.000 head; market. 60
higher; bulk of sales, 36.15r96.22Mi; heavy,.
6.1OQ4J.20; packers and butchers. S6.16r6.20-,
packers and butchers, 6.1o4i.26; lights. ftVi lfi
416 25.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12.000
head; market, weak; lambs, 85.2607.00; year
lings, 84.25(34.76; wethers. $3.76H.0f: ewes,
S3.26I&3.50; stockers and feeders, 32.75S.26.
St. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June 30. CATTLE
Receipts. 1.800 head; market slow: beeves.
t4 5O-ff.10; cows and heifers, 33.50(56.65;
calves, S3.500T7.75.
HOGS Receipts 8.500 head: market 5c to
10c higher; top. 86.26; bulk of sales. 84.10flf
6.28. A
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 8000
hesd: market active and strong; lambs,
Stork la Sight,
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
South Omaha 3.300 12.600 2,000
Bt. Joseph 1.800 8.5o0 8.
Kansas City 11. 000 l.0o0 12.XD
St. Louis 9.400 18.100 15.000
Chicago 2.500 16,000 15.000
..28.000 74.100 - 47.000
Evaporated Apples and Dried Pralts.
APPLES Quiet, but firm on the small
stocks; on the spot fancy, 15Sglc; choice,
14 Wc; prime, 13V'12-
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, quiet on the
spot, but prices are firm on the small
storks; 8"&'144c for California up to 30-40,
and ll4til4Hc for Oregons from 80s to Sos.
Apricots, quiet and steady, with small of
ferings; on the spot, choice 15o; extra
choice, lo lc; fancy, 16rjl.c. Teaches,
quiet and steady; choice, 8ifj9c;. extra
choice. S'ar&itMrc; fancy, 9Vir&'10c. Ralnins,
dull, but steady; loose muscatels, tVa;c;
choice to fancy seeded, tltte; seedless, b
44c; London layers, 81.401.46.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, June 20. WOOL-Whlle thefe
Is no general trade In wool, consider
able stsple Is changing hands and dealers
report a strong undercurrent of activity.
The bulk of the transnctlons have been In
the new clip. The market holds firm.
Estimates place the amount of the dip
contracted tn Montana at approximately
60 per cent, the greater part being old at
19a. Territory scoured wools are selling at
51c to 62c for the very best, while three
eighths Ohio Is hanging hands at 26c.
ST. LOCI8. June 30. WOOL-Unchanged.
TVrrltory and western mediums, I'lplirVic;
fin mediums, 16(jjl7c; fine. IKttUMe.
Dry Goods Market.
Th cotton goods markets were quiet for
the day. I'nderwear and hosiery tor
spring delivery are. being offered at laat
season's price. Silks are quiet. House
trade with Jobber I light but steady.
tagar Market.
NEW YORK. Jun 20 BUG A R Raw,
firm, muscovado, 88 test, 8 42c; centrifugal,
86 teat, I Vie; molasses, 88 test, 3.17c; re
fined, steady.
Omaha Har Market.
OMAHA. June 20-HAY-No. t
I 110; packing. 7; alfalfa, 813.
Wheat, 16 60; rye. 14 60. oata 82
111: No.
Reception on Wnit Houi lmwnr !
Ends Moit Notable Fosetion.
Mrs. Tart Boinprteea Re Frlas
Memalalag ky tko lrldewt
Id la Reeet-rloiT Llao (
All ttrealag. rm I
WASHINOTON. June V The slrrsft
wedding celebration of President and Mrs.
Taft. the second that has been held In thft)
Whit House, came to an and last algtit,
with th reception en th Wnita Htruao
lawn. Imitations had been sent to ajmoet
12.000 persons and while th official count
of thoae who shook hands with th preetl
dent was not given out It was alrrratec
that at lesst 8,000 persons were present.
Never in th history of the nation pre
ably has such a function been held tit
Washington. The diplomatic corps, th
t'nlted States supreme court, the enat
find th house of representatives, th de
partment of the government, the men who
are high In political affairs of th country,
the army and navy and almost every walk
In life were represented. The clear, 4304-4
night, making the reception In th open
sir possible, prevented the crush of which)
the White House for days has been afraid
and tnado the reception not only brilliant
and unusual, but delightful In every re
spect. The guests would hare filled th
While House to overflowing, but th Whlto
House grounds are ample and there was tto
crush snd no confusion.
Possibly 15.000 people crowded abevut h
iron fence that surrounds the grounds and
looked longingly at the electric display,
the splashing fountain and the gay throng
within, Washington seldom gets exalted
about sWTthlng. but tontght It showed .Its
Interest in the anniversary of th president
la wamistakabl fashion.
ProeassOaast Boa-Ins Meeeptloa.
Th oasdj said that th reception wjM
begin at t eesook and promptly on ths
hour, to the strains of the wedding march,
the president aa4 lira. Taft walked slowly
down the stalreas of th Whit Hoose,
preceded by th six presidential aide and
followed by the cabinet. Out through the
red room to the rear portico of th man
sion, down th broad steps and out onto
the lawn the procession marched, while
hundreds of guests already In tb grenado
watched their progress. They took tbti
stand beneath two trees Just about tb
center of th lawn, whose branche wore
Joined by an eltsctrio sign flashing 1d86
19U." Th guests entered from th ast front,
passed through th corridors beneath the
Whit House and out onto th lawn. Down
the winding walk they passed In two Mnes
to where th president, his face wreathed,
in smiles, was waiting to meet them all
Above th walks th electricians - had)
touched ' the tree with magic and they),
biased in red and whit and blu bulbs.
From the top of the treasury a monsterf '
searchlight played upon a new American! -flag
upon th summit of th mansion.
Over the rear portico another flas; in
red, whit and blu incandescent lamps,
shimmered and waved. The fountain la th r
center of th grounds, played upon, by
another searchlight, sprinkled forth, all X " j
hues of the rainbow,
Th Washington monument, 1,000 feet to
th south, brought Into sight by th thu
sands of lights, stood out sharply against '
tbe sky, with her and there a star strive
Ing unsuccessfully against ths lights oi
man. (
Presents Beaatlfal Scene.
The White House lawn, clipped and '
shaved to the very quick, made a carpet off
soft dark green over which walked lightly
th gayly clad women, th men in black;
or tn the white of the military service,
Tftf-Dn l-iaao Haa fAiiwt.U aw w r a . s
, -" " ins aianno nana
In scarlet coats played with vigor and In "
the Whit House Itself the Engineer banrt -J.L. .
vied with them. Every, corner of the, ' ' . if A
slon had Its own particular light On th
terraces that extend upon the old man
slon eastward and westward the beauty of
th White House conservatories had been
poured. The tall lamps that stand along
the borders of these terraces had been
shaded by deep red paper, resembling noth
ing so much as monster popples.
Th reception was Just as Informal an
the president could make It- Those who
could waited tn line for hours to shak
hands, but many slipped out of th line)
and sought the shaded walks, tb chair
waiting on the grass or wandered at will
through the lower floors of the mansion.
The presents that numbered In th bun-'"-dreds
and whose money value ran high 1
Into the thousands attracted many, whlla-'
others turned to the east room, whoso pol
ished floor echoed to th tread of th
Preparations hsd been made for 8.000
guests and the refreshment tables
In the state dining room cam as neat
groaning as a perfectly good Labia c.n
come. The president and the members of
10 jaiuny wun tne cabinet and th ajde
were served on the east terrace but th.
sue-is touna tneir refreshments la
state dining room.
Taft Stars lo I.I...
Mrs. Taft surprised even those f.rntii.e
with the Improvement tn health that .,.
hss shown by remaining by tb president s
side In the receiving line aU th evening,
bhe wore a gown of whit satin brocaded
with white flowers, with a court train,
Miss Helen Tsft, who was near at hand,
wore a gown of pink satin with a tu.i. .
pink chiffon.
In spite of the unusual crowd th. e
chlnery had been so perfected that every
thing worked smoothly. The automobile
under the watchful eve r.r .i..
chugged up to the east entrance, deposited
their occupsnt and steamed awa again
a half dozen to the minute. The foot pas
sengers found sccess more difficult but th
police arrangement were good and with a
little rushing now and then, a little di
plomacy kjore and there, they got through
the crowds of th curious. Mors than
100 iollcmen In uniform were on
guard around th fence and the usual plain
clothes men and secret service guards war
within th ground.
W hll o clock had been named as th
hour at which the reception began no Urn
was fixed for the end of ths festivities and
tt was after midnight that the engineer
bsnd struck up "Home. Bweet Home," the
last dancers swept out on the floor of tb
east room ond th president felt that h
could retire.
The president said in part:
"Th prospect of going back to a less
Active life has in it at this tims soma,
phases thst. ar welcome and soms that
ar unwelcome. The necessity ior ubor
which will follow my retirement, however,
relieves me somewhat from anxiety on
that score.
"it will be now. when my son Robert
comes back to practice law. four genera
tions in Cincinnati, and whii It has been
pressed on him and on me to hav him
go to some place where possibly his emolu
ments would b larger, I am determined,
and he sympathises with me, that be shall
so 10 me noms that knew his
granarather and hi
tner and his grandfather and bis -V I
snd there he shall work out his V
er the Influences that I hops wiu J ,
rable to his success-at least t
1189 under
be favora
res-raining mm within th path and to f
limitation of an honorabl in," '