Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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4 a
' CContfnrjed )
..OOOrii.ys the 4-sirim-nt frame dwell
ing at jx. ri. i or. uin ana Arnor. A
good email ltfimfnt bringing n
annual rant of to-i.
5.4nO Buys tha ft-raom modfrn cot tag and
double lot with f oet frontage at
vw ft. fsth t.
4,Hr-BuyB ht 74xlSA-ft lot with -rom
dwelling at 60s 8. 34th Are. Houae
rents for Mu pr year. Room for
actional brlrk flala. Very close In.
$.1,nnoBuy tha l-rontn modern dwelling at
via i ntcaro at. a rood home In a
snlendld neighborl
f Hi's tii t-room r
it V Poppleton A
spienaia neighborhood, raving ail
modern dwelling at
kva. Ptvwl Mtrmt.
1V4 tllock from Park ra.r lino A
k snap.
I'Vo-If" tha t-nnrn brick and frama
V 1 dwelling at T N. 18th St. Always
rented at 1270 per year. Thla prop
erty will pay a steady 10 par cent on
Investment and has good prospects
of being valuable business property
In a few years.
tl,20Btiy tha 7-room frama dwelling at
30 N. tMh Ht Ix)t 4nxlJn. East
front. - . HtnaU Utrproramonta will
make thla a good home at a bargain
Wprlo.. .
. B. MEIXLia. 306 lUunga Bids.
Small Home
Easy Payments
rooms, modem except heat, 3904 N. 22d
nice residence; district.
Prlre 32.0: t200 cash: balance leia than
the rental value of tha property,
150K Farnftm Street
Tela. Tyler. 1024. Ind. A-33T3.
A thorough modern or 7-room cottage
In exchange for a KM - Mortgage draw
ing par cant.
Toland & Wiley
B10 Baa Bldg.
V'iUCH $2,2WV-Seven-room house, mod
ern except neali nrt payment, -au; oai
ance like rent; Immediate possession;
newly repaired. Phone Harney 1401. Una
block to car ana school
Bcmis Park
rl Almoat new 7-room, strictly modem
hoiiw; oak and hard plna finish; fine baae
f ment; furnHca heat; paved street; cement
rl walks;'shsde trees; half block to car. THE
tFOR SALI3 Ten-room house. Modern ex
Pt heat;'eut front,'6uxl40 ft.; large barn
and chicken house: good neighborhood:
If . OH) cash, balance on liberal terms,- Apply
Uvnar ltl7 ttinney tt,
FOR SALE A business lot ,a bargain It
taken at once. For particular address
M. E- F., Box 7H. Fremont. iNeD. k
... -. . It.lU. U . .. . l
kod bouae, but hot finished Instil. ftiuue
liarney UlbX or Liouglaa a&Ia
C. Fred Harrison and Oeo. T. Morton fat
business barga:na. 1114 Omaha Nat l Baak,
133 A.. SMOOTH. IVi mL railway staUon.
V tenoed, 40 cult.; small bouae. two wella,
two publio roaaa, atmu. union nana a
Trust Co., Baal Eat- LepL. Searcy, Ark.
!4D A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber
laud: much fine Umber yet on land; 6 to I
UiL from Eureka Bprlngs; fine for fruit;
ranch and general farming; $7.60. Spatial
bargain In Improved farms, (10 to 40.
WM. JfcNKINti A OO.,
Eureka Springs, Ark.
L&00 ACREa rich bottom land, six miles
Newark, $10 par acre; terma Hne orange
grove, Florida, Forty acrea; 7,o00. Other
bargaina. A. A. Uendoraon, Newark, Ar
kanaaa. . ... ...
60 TRACTS of land In the corn and al
falfa district of Delta land; black soil,; good
ohools; lands will double In value in three
years; now rent from u to $7 per aura.
Write us what you want.
. 1'lne Bluff. Ark.
' p, 6 ruL out. 10 In cult., 13) black alfalfa
or clover land; fair imp.; good iiaghbur
hrxi. tu, 200, 8 ml, from town of 2,0uu; near
l'V 0. and school; nearly all smooth up
larN, t& cult., bal. timber, 25 clover: 4 al
falfa, 4 bearing orchard, 1 fenced hog
tight; extra good 4-r. residence, atore,
lodge bklg., new harn, dark red sandy
loam; good oommuniiy; delightful location;
abundance good water; IU.ouO, subject to 6
yaar loan &00; terms easy.
WM. CilLiMuKE,
Marshall, art.-
BE8T fruit and general farming lands
for price In U. S., In Searcy Co., Ark. Sand
for booklet showing 16 to $15 land near
town. W. M. Hanson, Leslie. Ark.
"waJZABK LAND CO.. Oravette, Ark.
ranches, fruit fariuj, berry fialda,
alnall tracts, mstallment plan; town prop
erly. Buainea housea Writs us
All classes of timber, farm and fruit lands
In Arkansas. Louisiana and MlsaiSBippI,
from to to J.S per acre. Write J. L. itoy-
rioids, wamoen, r.-
Ii ul'TuN ulaniauou; 4S0 aorea; elegant
i io-rooin dwelling; plenty tenant bouses;
' good barn and outbuildings; rich, black
loam; Will grow bale cotton or V6 bosbels
corn per acre: woven wire fence, 200 acrea
cultivation; 0 rueachantable timber, hard
wood; healthful locaUou; 4 milea from good
town; good neighborhood; near achool and
church; price t-V.ww, reasonable tenua
Addreas Johnston A Weill, care Southern.
Trust Ca, Little Ruck, Ark.
GOLDEN wheat lands for sale. . Im
nroved and unimproved prairie farms, any
slit. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Wowdhead
coy. atroua, c , liw.-
REAL F.8TATE I have a large list of
lands in ine ui anu r.a s ito uvirici,
no bettsr in Canada. 11. 1'. Leecb, Hose
town. Saak.
FARM lands In the Canadian weat. towa
lots In railroad divisional points, property
In Watroun. the Carlsbad of America.
Write W. M. Ualbraith. Wstrous. Sas
CANADA LAND-i-Fine half section; ovtr
tOO acres in crop; good water and build
ings, only tX per acre. Write for particu
lars. H. E. Hsmlaway. Way burn, baak.
(20 ACRE, close to town, Saskatchewan:
t-.a crm in wheat: lis acre; third cash.
balance to suit. Write lor terms.
Brodl St., Fort W illiunis. Ont., Can.
r.tNiniAK landBeeker furnished with
letters which will save thern money. Frank
Crawford, ware block. -
I OW N a suction of good wheat land
situated kg) ihaa two miles from growing
fiowa In sWakauhewan. Will all for tJo par
cr. Auarvas, id. J. Carrolhers. 1'. O. Boa
L.i, Winnipeg, Manitnba.
11V-ACRB best Irrigated farm. Colorado;
finely Improved; new 10-room dwelling
barn; potato cellar noms l" carloads, o
wheat; to acrea ajraira; no waste
ind; every foot under old water right
j-w sv anoiner iwrm. w'i, wnn, w
y tiiilea north of Denver, 40 miles south of
cmreeiey. c A. tiregury, sua aiaca xuag..
1 nver, Ctilo
TCORTHWEFTTCRN Colorado wheat landa.
li M to lib per aore. A few lmprewd
farms. to 12a. Write J, B, Baaunarut,
i I loa. toiov
t.KKV-ACTAB farm t tnlln aouthaant Baa
aett, Rnrk coucty, Nebraska; X) acres In
corn thta year, large acreage in timothy
and clover; good aet of Improvemenia
Prlca, tZJ.U) per acre; one-third cash, bal
ance easy terms at 6 per cent.
220 V. U A T. b.dg,
eioux City, la.
Mo-acre farm In Pocahnntaa county; cor
ner right In ton: buildina ana block from
depot and creamery; ten-room house nicely
ivinusnea: line grove ana trull tree; beau
tiful building Site facing south; cattle barn
44iS4, 24-foot poats; stanchions for about
fifty cattle; two alio bin; ruom for lie tons
of hay; also feed cutter, corn grinder and
l-horse power gasoline engine; horse bain
for li horses, with hay loft and grain bins;
windmill and three water tanks; farm
fenced In six fields; 70 acres hogtighL
Price, IHJ4 par acre on very twr terms.
J. A. CARROLL Ilolf.. la.
aectlon of raw land. 1 miles of borenta, 7
miles Kit C'araon and miles Wild Horse,
Cheyenne Co., Colo.; on U. P. Hy.; lays
goud, shallow water district; 1 mile to
river; alfalfa grown succensfully nearby.
Price, HJ er acre; encumbrance H.JS0, op
tional at t per cant, due May 13. 114. Will
trade the equity, I1.96U, for realdenoe of
equal value. 1 also have ! section Joining
this which Is clear, to trade for town dtod-
erty. Sam price. Would carry back ll.ano
on tnia at 6 per cent. Walter 1L Boyd,
Newton, la.
FOR BAI.B-Splendld farms, well Im
proved, ranging in price from t to t.'O per
acre. This ia choice Iowa land. In well Im
proved communities, near town and schools.
There Is no more fertile or beautiful part
of the' state than Onceola county. Write
for particulars. T. 8. Kedmond, Blbley,
50 acrea fine, smooth upland, with new
cottage, barn and other outbuildings, a
little fruit, 10 aores alfalfa, 4 miles of
business center Council Bluffa; a pretty
place and cheap at M.M; cash, balance
long time at t per cent.
M Pearl bu Council Bluffs.
KOU 8A IJC Excellent 240-acra farm In
corn and blue grass bolt, Adams county,
Jowa; farm all well fenced, Su acre h.'g
tight, to acrts tiled, and all In excellent
cultivation; 12-rooni house, large brick
cellar with cement fluor, cement walks,
large new barn and mill, with good Fair
banks engine, new hog house, other out
buildings, all In good repair; good atock
and barnyards, larae imvi and unnri nr.
chard, four good wella. excellent wat. r, two
wiiiuinuiB. r or iui tner particulars addrena
ira Anna M. Iaon, itti iiigh bt., Dea
Moines, la.
2i0-ACRE estate, all the very choicest of
'""i iiuiiiiim nicer in tne stale, xrj.uiio or
more of Improvements all in good shape;
miles from two jtood towns. Must be
sold and Boon. I have the exclusive hand
ling of this. Price. S5 per acre, March 1
delivery; caeh, balance BH per cent. Q.
M. Emery, Northwood, la.
IV) irRRN rA 17
Iowa land. Improved, well located, good
soil, right price, for sale or trade; 7.UW
equity In brick store building; a flrab-clasa
lucerne property, for Bale or trade, quick,
on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad-
'" oox . uiagonal, J.
180 ACRES. I'm imimiv Tn. r-.
proved and well located; price, 126 per
acre; my equity Is l.iii0. Want southern
Minnesota nr llaU.a ianA i .. x-
fLated prices conalderod. ' Ohj" 10-horse
h .' " erasouna engine for what
rtuuress u. y. wccauslland
" vumiiiji, j,oran, la.
FOR. Sit.I!T.. i,... . . . .
- - - ' " v 1 , iiumuvri o ana II.
DIOCK 1' . KliFlaunnH .1 .1 . . . i 1 1 . . .
v f ..-.w.-v. ..muioii, nigniana
Park. Addresa J. li. Bennett, Oskaloosa,
1 ?)- A PT? F; Imnrnvui fam t MnH- . M
Maaon City, 2 mi lea from small town; 7S
- ma; lennu ana spienaia bargain;
1.14-acre . umnirtroveri r.rm ij
Mason City. 2 miles f r im two other towns.
" r ' nem. vj e nave tne cast bar
gains In northern Iowa. Come and see us
. Mason City. Ia. u
WANTED A e-oed stock of nannril m.
handlse, fc,0n0 to 12,u00, In exchajiga for
S20 ACRES, i. miles good town; fenced,
well Improved; all smooth land; rich black
soil: uoorl nrrhoH- 11 V J . i
surroundings. ; good terms; will ex-
"o" uwi?i iioiJiBiiieiiis er gen
eral luerchandlsai W. 11. Mott, llerlngton,
WE have Some Cholca hanrnlna In
wheat and alfalfa lands for Kula in ian,..n'
and Rush counties; write for Hat of farm
unrsauns. American investment company,
40 ACRES, six mllea from Mlnenla. HOD
acrea in wheat, one-third to buyer; new
4-room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas
ture feneed; rich black soil; has raised
good crop every year since broken nut:
great bargain. $3i tier acre. Terms. Tha
Boy C. Beard Land Co., Mineola, Kan.
.1.11 HI'I1.. 'f.ltm nilluH f.llt' a ma n .l .. L'hi-mI In hnvo, local .l.h .1 .
- - - - J . 1 1 . iv.l, Ullll SOU.
good well and Windmill, tu.260; terms.
w ilea, tnu ajiau lanus, ail sixes
um infers, i. c . Dcnunniacner, owner,
Meade, Kan. '
!4n ATRli'S 11. mil.. .., 1- , ..
.-w. , - .... w u 111 wuasi:
Vi to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain
and snow assures bumper crop; level as a
floor; $2 50 per acre; terms. W. B. Cul
bertaon, Scott City, Kan.
12 ACRES X In alfalfa: lO-raom
large barn, granary, etc: two mlies ts
Larned. Pawnee county; M acraa pasture
alanee In cultivation, rich deep soil, a bun.
dance of water, wells and mills: xu aa
VIMtNON nartah 1 t th. 1.
shine, soli, ciluiats. marksta. water, heaita.
iW! nrllM a.l.aia.1.- k. n t ,
m p.. t uwaruia steal
aatale and Improvement Co.. C M. Ma
i.,l.nil alaw.-u 1 . . I
LOUISIANA farm and tin. a
good for truck, vera, tialtle, at.; en a
iuiil u vuiiuu yesL, cneapeat lands ua
suarkct. Hail. iuUai- 4k atauuil, Muayva.
If you are thinking of ininigratliui
thla year, write us for descriptive liter
ature of our landa in Minuusola, North
Dakota and Montana Wa can suit you
no matter what yon want and where
you mil it, ana csn evil you anywhere
from 40 acrea to l.iku. William E. Ulbbuaa,
Lock Box k. Cormorant, Minn,
160 ACRES 15 miles from St. Paul. 3 milea
from Bosemont; all fenced, black loam soil
60 acres cultivated, bulance pasture ami
black oak timber; only $oa per acre for iiu
maoista sals; half cash.
li-acre Improved firm It mllea from gt
Paul, 1 mlie from Rich Valley station;
ulna-room house', windmill, targe barn and
omr building, avl in good condition;
black loam soil, clay subsoil; always baen
eultlvated by owner; 10 acrea under Plow,
f acres fruit trees, mostly apples, balance
g'Od timber land. Special price and tenua
W. P. 4k R. W. Murlty, Iloneer lies
Blrig., 6t. Paul, Mlnu -
- FARM. BNAP-OO acrea level prairie
land, too In crop, balance pasture and
meadow; good buildings, $76 acre, Morehart
A Atchison, Mankato, Minn.
I HAVE a farm ef 330 acres TH mlle
from good town, 30 mile from Minneapolis
lot soias under cultivation; about M acres
meadow, balance Umber; can all be opaned
up, rich soil, good house, barn and other
buildings. I'rioa, $-2 per acre. Auto to-acra
farm two miles from good town; 40 acrea
under plow, 16 aorea timber, good rich aolL
6-rouin house, two barns and other out
buildings, windmill, fins natural grove, or
chard Just commencing to bear. Prices,
$.1,500; easy terms. Write owner. Charles)
E. Swanaon, Eik River, Mlun,
UNPs-Ko. 650. ISO acres 7S
Twin Cities; good tillable soil; state map
mailed with 45-page book for 30 cauls.
Hobart Land Co.. Phcnix Bldg- Mlnneaa
olls. Minn.
$9,000 equity In good quarter In southern
Minnesota; quarter two miles trout
good town, having house 2rx30, new barn
t.. with gable root email sraaary and
fence. Want machine, atock of dry gooaa.
iTtce 3S0 par aVLre. hnj. A. Coav W'laUu.
,uu mill um uiah, ia., ajia casn; rami
contains 154 acrea, six-room house, barn,
3ix0. Price, fluO an acre, subject to Vi.740;
equity, li.OtiO. F. R. Loomir. Rolfe. la
Tire BEE:
RCil PST-Tr'
ontln erd.
FOR F ALE ltirt seres of good new hard
heat land. near Walhalla. Pembina
county. North Dakota. For particulars ad
dress owner. A. Luaase, 111 Third As ,
N., Minneapolis, alien
SEND for a list of our fine Improved
uihern Minnesota lands: we have hun
dreds of pleased customers. C K Brown
Una in., offices Madelia and Nr Rich
land. Minn.
A SNAP; MUT BS) QL'ICK: 2 are Im
proved farm In Murray county, Minnesota;
has first-class buildings, fences, splendid
grove, orensra. two miles nom town.
Write John iiolden, Jr., Garvin, Minn.
60.000 acres in Bl. lxuls and Carlton
countlea. Minneaoia, near citiea of lu
Iwth and Superior, at price within the reach
of all; t to $12 an acre: easv terms: four
teen railroads now entering these two oftles
furnish cheap and quick transportation. A
$10.i")0.o00 steel i lent now building by the
liuim Biaits oteei corporation near lands.
Soli Is fertile snd well adapted to diversi
fied farming, dairying and garden truck.
No long haula or transportation charges,
but riant at the doors of tha heat marUpta
of the Culled States, with constant demand
and high prices. Write for full Information.
Boston A uuluin Farm 1-enfl Co., lwO At
worth Bid.. Duluth. Minii -
FINE farm home, SM acrea, J mllea
from good town; black loam soil. All
fenced; large frame dwelling, barn, gran
ary, machine sheds, etc., luO acrea In field.
40 acres Umber, balance clover nnd tim
othy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. $30
per acre, one-thtra cash, balance easy
terms. M. J. Kolb, Fosslun, Minn.
FOR SALE Finest farm In Leavenworth
county, Broaddus farm of ISO acres. I
mllea from Fort Leavenworth. $ju,000 brick
residence, 6u0 4&-year-old walnuts, liU sugar
maple trees, natural gus, two telephones,
free delivery, n, miles from Santa Ke sta
tion; enaminn premises and write Mrs. J.
L. Klrby, 110. Felix St. St. Joseph. llo
FOR SALE 66 farms, large and small,
between Mississippi and Missouri rivers.
average $36 per aere. Write lor big price
list, wiiuam crews, Wright City, Mo.
THIRTEEN sections In Dawson county,
near Sidney, one of the best towns In the
Yellowstone valley; also have other lands
that we are retail, ng in any slxe farm you
want. Write your want. Prices are right.
The Hay ward Land Co., Glendlne, Mfcnt.
MISSOURI FARMS None better on
earth. Highly improved ISO acres, raises
anything, $0. Other decided bargaina.
Write ua Qilliam Realty Co., Ullliam, Mo.
STOP! Don't go a step farther than
Douglas county, down In the beautiful
Osarka, raise anytnlng; corn' $0 to 00 bush
els per acre, all other crops In proportion;
cheapest good land on earth, $5 to )J0 per
acre. Free Information. Gross Real EBtate
Co., Ava, Mo
MISSOURI farm, 350 acres; 6-room house,
barn; lOo acrea wheat, 2uu acrea corn; level,
black dirt; 3 mllea railroad, tt acre. Chaa.
Ev Huckstep Realty Co., Elsbarry, Mo,
TO-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine house,
barn, fences, first-class condition; fine
spring water; I miles from town; 7 miles
from railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi
gration Co., Piedmont, Mo.
FOR BALE Bitter Root Valley 330 acres
fine fruit land; old water right, best sec
tion of the valley fine proposition for sub
division; fair buildings, easy terms. Ad
dress owner. E. O. Lewis, Stevensvilie,
the coming farm state, $12 50 to $20 per
acre. Write for description. Shaw A
Clark I .and Company, Hackney Bldg., 6U
Paul, Minn.
820-ACRE homestead relinquishments for
sale; also one hotel, ope bakery, one general
store, one saloon, one feed store. Address,
Charles 7. Brown, Oalata, Mont.
$40 acres 54 miles from Emerson, Neb. ;
fine improvements; land lays good; can
make splendid terms, and the price Is $lu
to $26' less than adjoining places are being
priced at. Fnr particulars call on nr writs
100 ACRES in Chase county, Nebraska.
U miles south of Elsie; If taken soon will
take $17.60 an acre; this Is a good quarter
section and can all be farmed; will take
a good If 10 or 1911 automobile on the deal
and carry the balance. V. A, Garland.
Charlton, lev
FINE 40-acr ranch, 12 miles from town,
I quarters tame hay, balance wild hay and
patiture; 400 acres leval. balance slightly
rolling; heavy black soil; two flowing
wells, 6-room house, barn, granary anu
chicken house, telephone; 't mile to school.
This Is an exceptionally flna ranch and a
snap. Will sen on easy terms. George E.
Collins, owner, Atkinson, Neb.
North Dakota.
ONE of the finest farms In Richland
Bounty, consisting of 2 acres of good,
firoductlve land. Joining Wyndmere. Fine
urge buildings, lots of fruit, nice grov
and never-failing flowing well. Prlca
$57.50 per acre. Easy terms. Martin
Paulson Land Co., Wyndmere, North Da-,
FOR BALE An exceptionally fine 1C0. t
mllea of elevator, six miles of Wndmera
good, heavy, black soil. Wild Rlue river
through pasture. Fine new buildings, well
of excellent water, windmill, etc., toS par
acre. This Is a snap. Lock Boa U,
Wyndmere, North Dakota,
TTf Ranch for sale; 4.300 acres; lo-vi-Al
cated -four miles from railroad In
Billings county. North Dakota; 00 cat
tle, 100 horses, with ranch If desired. For
price and terms address owner, Ed L.
alanaugh, Medura. N. D.
AUCTION SALE North Dakota; choice
Wells and Stutsman county farms at public
auction June 9. liU, on easy terms. Write
for Information. A. P. Belcher, Sales Mgr.,
Sykeston, N. D.
FOR BALE Its) acres choices apple, pear,
cherry, grape land In the west, six mllas
from towu, one mile from railroad; soil
deep volcanic ash. The Dalles, Ore., prixe
winning land.
laO acrea. B1-. mllea from town, new, mod
ern house, barn, tenement; 350 pear prune,
bearing; 1.600 young trees, 1.0UO grape vines,
good water; wood. Or, will aell M acre
with all Improvements. Investigation
boiiclted. C. 1L Wahstsi, The Dalle, uc
th Carolina.
LANDS $61 per acre made growing figs
for preearvts on ths Islands. Orchards on
easy monthly payments, lea Island Orchard
Company. Charieaton, S. C
oath . Dakota.
Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black
soil: clay subsoil; lies vary level and all
under cultivation. Must Ixi sold wlihin JO
days to close an estate. Mali of this year's
crop goes with the prloe. (36 per acre;
easy terms, $4.0u0 will handle it and It Is
a snap. No stones, no foul weeds'.
Address W. P. McGee, Lake Preston. S. P.
We have a list of Ldmuuds county land
for sale at from $m and up per acre. If
Interested write ua for particulars and we
will saria our prices ana pocket map. If
you own land In South Dakota list It with
us. Our motto Is "A Square Deal to Buyer
and Seller." Give ua a chance to prove our
statement. Has void lauid Co., Mine, Ea
rn una county, Bouin vakotsv. .
Fair Improvements. Price. $S.sQ0. Equity,
fl4l. Akaaka Real Estate Co.. Akaska,
B. D.-
400-ACRE corn farm, out from Rtoux Palis,
excellent Improvements, large grove and
fruit; all la cultivation; prtae for quick sale
$hk easy terms; sUao tt wall Improved, easy
terms, and ISO acrea unimproved. Ttee are
bargaina for quick sale. It. A. Silvtus,
wnar. Sioux Palls, 8. D
This Is the land we bar. Pre bome
steads; relinquishments snd deeded landa
For particulars writ P. U. d ossier A Co,
BuJCfai Uaia, kk LV-
Anal k Dakota lealleaed.
W ILL exchange choice farm land riear
Plerie, the canal of Soulu Haaoia, lur
giiixl Iowa or Nebraska rand, wnat l.a
ou to ullei ? West Land L'n. I'ieiie.S. D.-
FOR SALE-10 cre Improved, valley
farm land, 1-ruie couuiy, roulh Dakota;
tunning water, teieiliona and rural mail,
ta.) terms. Aui'.ie., the WiMlbeck a
Luinburd Bank, Kimball, S. D.
KOR SALE Sei tmn good, raw land; ail
fenced; goiq flowing wall; 4 nil las Iron,
I'laiikington. S. 1 For tarUcuiaia write
J. E. O Malic, . PhUiU. B. D.-
Buy oicuaid and garueu lands near
HoiiM.011, the greatest and most prosper
uus lily 111 the southwest, where values
me fcunig up all Hi thue and fortune:
inaila in real estate In short while. Easy
lei ma if oeaneu. AOdi E. C. Robert
noil, Vela, lex., and a lii-acre farm In Hi
H o Grande v alley, w iiere the farmor
cuh Ineoiiio is us peipetual as the days
that come and go. 8. ii. Jackaon, toti First
National l.unk ltldg., - Houston, Tex.
WE are subdividing 2.300 acres of fertile
farm land - In Jackson county. Splendiu
crops every year. Rainfall about right, U
inches. For uesoriptipn, plat and price
w 1 no '
213 E. Houston SL. San Antonio. Tex
SAN SA HA VALLEY; the garden spot of
Texus. home of the paper afit il pecan. t
can buy land for you or .Invest money, ',
per cent net to ou seemed by mortgage ou
these lands. Correspondence solicited. He
for to First Nat l bank, can Suba Nat 1
bank, Ward, Murray & Co. and Hie muiii
bers In coiTgrci Iruni' Texas. 1 Kellcy
liurleson Co . .an Saba. Tex
WRITE for friformatloit about the "In
land Empire." also Spokaj1!. ta metiopolia
Farms, fruit lands, city property. Make
our office your headuuurtera and informa
tion bureau when In our city, IOWA
REALTY CO., 44 Lindello Blk., Spokana
WYOMINO farm and stock ranch; Im
proved, fenced, veil watered, D-0 acres
Will be sold best offer n.'Xt Sixtv daya
Write owner, Andrew 'Wilson, Parker,
Kan . ) . ' ,
FOR SALE 10.000 , acres In Laramie
county, Wyoming. In Golden Prairie dis
trict; suitable for farming; now slocked
with cattle and sheep; will sell with ranch;
will exchange for eastern Nebraska or
Iowa farms. J. T. Bell. Owner, Cheyenne,
WE exchange propciUea of merit. H. H
Culver, 512-13 t. N. B. Bldg. D. 7565.
FOR reiiable salea and exchanges, see
D. M. LEAM1NQ, 688 Brandeis Bldg.
RAILROAD eating house doing a monthly
business of from $1,300 to $2,500, for sale
or trade for land. Address A-10, care Bee.
I have several choice' orchard homes to
exchange for farms In Nebraska, Iowa or
These orchards are In the beautiful Pali
sade fruit district.
Write for particulars.
H. B, HOUGH, Palisade, Colo.
WELL Improved 140-acre farm, 2i mllea
from tnis c.t 10 exchiMS lor a geueiai
stock of merchandise. $125 per sere. Mort
gage, ai.aou, 6 per cent Interest, to run to
1.116. 120 acres of this farm -under culti
vation. J. O. Cooper. Osceola. Ia -
ERTY. Jno. L. Barber, 9M City Nat'l Bank.
7 V room brick hotel, $30414); for. any good
$150,000 fine apartment, bldg. in Chicago,
Ilu. mtg. i0.ouo; for western tana,. .
$6,000 .-apartment brlekv, bldg., for real
denne. ' 1 KM-
Several tracts good western land for
merchandise. -. tifo ;
SILAS RrHBlNff,Mllbi 16th Hr '
Rooms 30 anl13-i
SIW-ACRE farm, all tilrte ! smooth land;
three sets of buildlngs; 6 wells, 1 stock
pond, one of the best farms In southwest
ern Missouri: A. 8. Bkrlvtn; PurdJ, Mo.
ICVi, 4-ROOM house; Onffier lL Tel.
LOANS to home owners and home build
ers, with privilege of. making partial pay
ments semi-annually. V. M. THOMAS, 601
First National Bank Bldg.
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
Always on hand and . for sale in
amoiint from $300 to 3, 000. .
412 New York Life Bldg.
Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ins.
Co., with as-ets of over $,tyt. I am
rjrenared to accept all the good loans of
fered on Improved Omaha real estate.
Business ana residence loans maae with
out delay.
City National Bank Bldg.
$1U0 to $10.0u0 made promptly. F. D.
Wod, W'ead Bldg., 18th and Femam. .
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
CITY and farm. JOHN- N. FKKNEit.
llu-ili Brandeis 1 neater Hint.
GARVIN BROS , 3d floor N. Y. Llfa, iM
to luiu.ouo on Improved property. No delay.
5. r.UK on city and farm property. W.
ti. J20 u MEIKLE, AJe RaniKe Bldg.
Co., omaha.
WANTED City loans. j?eters Trurt Co.
OMAHA Property snd Nebraska Lands.
uiis r. e w jjman pruoiidi ptu .Auiiaing.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith ar Co., Uii Farnam et.
Have you anything to offer the farmer
of lowaf Any cheap land for higher priced;
a general merchandise siore for land or
any kind of exchange? Or have you some
land you want to sell for cashT The one
taper that reaches the Iowa farmeia Is the
lea Moines Capital; 42,000 circulation daily;
rate single insertion, 1 cent a word; six
insertions, 0 cents a word. Dea Moines
Dally Capital. Des Moines). Ia.
Picturesque Bt. I.awrence Rout.
Weekly Sailings from
Fortnightly from
PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Olasge-w.
Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low
Any local agent or
ALLAN i Co., General Ag-euts.
127 N. Dearborn St,. ChUiago.
NEW YOKK, lAJri ihjin uairttt x
Single or Round Trip Tickets between New
York and Hootch. Encash, Irish and all
prtnorpal Continental points at attraoUve
rates. Send for book of information.
Superior Accommodation, Excellent Cui
sine. Apply promptly for Reservation to
local spents of Anchor Line or HENDER
SON MUM.. General Agents, Chicago, III.
BEST price paid for 14 hand furniture,
carpeta, clothing and sb-vs. Tel. p. ten.
THS labnaon pays hlghaat price for
end-hand clothing; pants eapecially. Will
call lur. au . And. -XHa. Sutua, 701.
lfl. 1011.
KI.NKR pavs g-iod prlres for f irnlture,
carpets, clothes and shots. D. 5"i.
WANTEIv-Young couple wants one or
two furnished rnnnis for light housekeeping
In private family. Address. A 21. Bee.
WANTED To rent private garage; cm- ,
venlent to 2i'th and Douglas Sis. P. O. Box
.tot. . '
YOl'Ntl married couple wanta furnished,
modern cottage or house of four or five
.ooms permanently. Must be In good loca
tion and rrHSonable. Give all particulars
including price. References exchangid
.Addresa J-nos, care Bee.
WANTED by a lady, email, pleasant
room; will be away much of the time.
G 406, Bea.
SIX or 3-rnom modern house, furnished
in West Farnam. Dundee- or tianacotu
i'ark District. Phone Doug 3li9.
FIRST class practical nursa can be en
caged at oiiott. Doug, iikig.
WANTED line of cigars as side line;
sell on commission. Box Y. DM. lHuld City,
EXPERIENCED night watchman, mar
ried, strictly sober, now employed, wants
position paying better wages. Address
auiuiiaii, care Creoao Sweeping Powder
Co., 121 S. 4th. Beatrice. Neb.
WANTED Situation as housekeeper by
refined, middle-aged lady In small family.
Airs. Harrington,- 713 Mechanic St., Epi
piiia, Kan.
DENVER. Colorado. June 10, 1311
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of The Field. Fellow & lllnderllder
Engineering Company, Denver, Colorado,
until 2:W p. ru., June 2ti. lull, for the excava
tion of canals and the consi ruction of head
works, wood stave pipe, flumes, pumping
machinery, etc., for tha Grand Valley Ir
rigation District, at Grand Valley, Colo
rado. ,
This work Involves the expenditure of
more than $l..000.
Plans,' specltlcatlons and other particulars
may be obtained at the office of The Held,
Fellows & Hlnderlider Engineering Com
pany, 4.I0 Century Bldg , Denver. .Colorado
A deposit of $.'i.00 will he required for each
Ht of plans and specifications taken from
the ornee.
. Junel3d7t By J- A. Smith, Secretary.
Notice Is hereby given that under and
hv virtue of an order issued to me by H.
W Smith, Referee In Bankruptcy, I will
on Tuesday, the 37th day of June. 1M1. at
2 o'Moclt p. m., at the last plare of business
of Fred A. Corhln, in Reynolds, Nebraska,
sell to the highest bidder for cash, the
stock of merchandise In said building, con
sistlng of Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes,
and so forth, together, with the fixtures,
notes snd open accounts belonging to said
Bankrupt, said stock having been, ap
praised for the sum of $3,570.
Copies of said Inventory are on tile In
my office, at Fairbury, Nebraska,
R. E. RILEY, Trustee.
Plans and specifications will he prepared
and on file In the office of the secretary
of rtate and commissioner of public lands
and buildings for the state buildings to ne
constructed as provided by appropriations
made hy the 32d session of the Nebraska
legislature, vis.
Buildings for Hospital for Insane,
Lincoln N-0
1 Hospital building fqr S. & P- home.
Grand Island V,m
1 laundry building at Hospital, for
Insane, Hastings ),000
1 School of Agriculture, Curtis 76.000
1 Dining 1 pom addition at 8. arid. S.
home, MHford .1.500
1 -Dining room addition at Feeble,,
Minded Institute. Beatrice,, 4..W
- Plana (or. th buildings at Giji.d Island
are now ready for inspection. . ,
Board of Public Lands and Buildings.
UNION- STATION Tent aa Masea
t'ntoa pclfte
a 7.40 pm
a 6.46 p
a t:4i am
a 6:10 pm
a :3U put
a 7:27 ana
al2:26 am
a 4.50 put
a 8:20 pm
a 4 .45 pm
aV0:20 am
M Lav put
San Fran. Overland L. a 9. to am-
China and Japan F. M.a 4:0 pm
Atlantic Expreas
Oregon Express ...all:36 pm
Loa Angeles l,imitea...ai2: pm
Denver Huecial -a 7:04 am
Centennial Slate Spec'I.all:30 pm
Colorado Express. a .J pin
Oreaon-Wasb Limited. sl2. 60 pm
North Platte Locali a 8:15 am
Grand Island Local.... a 6 :iM pin
fctromsburg Local UU.U put
Oinaha-St, Louis Ex. ...a ( 30 pro a
Mall and Express a 7:02 in all
Slaub'y Lei tfrpin C.Bjb 6:00 pm blO
26 am
It pip
Is avta
Twin Cltv ExDress.... t:4a am a 10
30 pm
28 pm
16 am
to am
cioua City Local a 3.40 pin a I
Minn. A Dakota Ex....a 7:uo pm at.
Twin City Hunted a t:4a put I-
Mliiuesuta axpreas U4.
Carroll Local 7;w am a 3:
50 pm
.26 am
:a put
:2 pu
:49 am
:2S pm
: pm
.15 am
.oil am
Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am alt
ttictbu Local alx:u put ii:
Colorado-Chicago a t:U. pin a 3:
Chicago Special a :v pi" a
pacific Coaat-Chlcago.. put at
ly,. Angelas Limned... a k:5o uni al2
Overland Limited a 7:6i pin a. 9
Carroll Local 1"" 10
Fast MaU ,....! a.
r-iir ItaDlda. Sioux City
and Omaha I;
Long Pine a 1:00 am all
NoiioU-ualiaa a 6:00 am ale:
36 pm
:40 am
15 pm
20 Dm
Long pine-Lancoin vm
u-.iinna-fciuuarlor b 3:15 pm b 6
:M pm
.20 pm
;U0 am
- poi
Deadwood-Hot Springs. a t.66 pra kt
Casper-Lander a 3;i pm all
Frsuiont-Albion ........ b :au pui bl
t hlraao-Grcat W rater
Chicago Limited a 80 pm
Twin City Limited a t.36 pm a 7
Twin City Express. a :00 am a t
Chicago Express at
Local Passenger a 6:16 pm
43 am
30 pin
41- pm
Cblcaao, Book Island A. Paclfl
Rocky Moun'.aln Ltd...al2:38 am alO
Ths Mountaineer. .a e.45 am a 7;
Omaha pay Express a 4
Chicago Local l'ao....blO;86 am blO
Chicago Express a 4:10 pin a 1
Des Moines Local Pass. a 4:27 pm ai2
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a 4. OS ipm a 7
The Mountaineer a 8:01 am a
Local I 'ass. to Lincoln. a f :4b am ....
Colo.-Cal. Express a 115 pm a 4:
Okl. & Tex. Express... a l:U pin all
Chi. -Neb. Ltd. Lincoln a 6
Rocky Mountain Ltd... alO. 45 pra ali
tbleago, Mil - A ft. Peal
Overland Limited a 7:10 pra
Omaha-Chluago tCx b T :16 am ....
Perry Local ,...a 59ain U
Colo -Cal. Expreas ....a J.00 pin 3
Colorado Special a 7:42 a:u
Perry Local b 6.15 pm 12
llllaela .tra
Chicago Expres a T:K am a I
Chicago Limited a 4 w pm a U
Mlun -bt. Paul Ex b IM am ....
klluu -St. Paul Ltd a 1.00 put a
.lUsoart rsnllls
K C. A St- L. Ex a :M am a 7
H, C. st SL L. Ex all: la put at
:M pm
45 am
.30 pin
.19 pm
10 pm
.12 pm
.47 am
:40 am
:09 prri
.45 tul
:68 pin
30 am
U am
Oo pm
2b pm
is) am
06 am
46 pm
00 am
40 am
.50 put
Brllat ttl ot svatat Maav
.a 4.10 pm
.a 41 pm
.a 1.20 am
. 4.1 pi
,.b 1 20 pm
.all pm
Jk .v am
..a 8.1 am
a l i pm
l a pm
a 4:10 put
a .5 pta
all' li put
a 1:00 am
a b-10 put
a 4 10 pm
b l:0t am
blft.JO fjg.
a 7:60 ii
I 54 m
a t 40 pm
all. 16 pm
a 7:4 am
a 1 65 pis
10 20 BIQ
bJ0.46 m
il.t em
a I II am
a t.w pm
Denver 4V California.,
puget Suuiul alxpreas
Nabraaka points
brack til I Is
Lincoln Mail
Mnrlhaait aUXDre ..
I Nabraaka point
. 1 1 1
UUCUin a" ..........
laiaooin ua ...
, 1:15 pm
. I ll am
.ait ao ptu
. T-1R a
plattsatouut-tow .....
S. 1, lil.,l.nilllllll
Chicago Special ........
..alLJt pm
tianrfr mr-
OUcag c-xpss
Cblcaao t luxpree.
law Lcl
Creetoa tla.) Local.,..
1 k.nrcat
.a t.w r'Q
.a 15 am
,b M pm
.a l l pm
1.1 : ...
K. C JW 'joeePh...
K. C. St- Jeaepn....
H. C At bt, Joseph. ...
,.a,w,w MM
.a li am
..a 4 JO pm
1 '1MHUIIItt1W,WVt,t'lf'mH"",'tTTW
Standing of
Bee's Ad-Getter Contest
Inn V. Bets. Ml S 34th St $
Frank Squires. 1615 Madison Ave. 2i
Hesa Tobln, VR0 No. 2th St 24
Esther Knight. .V1 Dawtipoit St.. .22
Win. Campeu. ill S. 26th si II
Clarence stock. 1!4 N. : dh St. ..17
Warren Ege, 114 So. 31st tit . !
Daniel Gruelling, iiii N. . Uli St. li
Jacy Allen. 1124 Su. lutli St 11
J an ma UKi, 724 N. lath St. ,.i2
1. eland Siiiliu, 904 Su. 8J1I -t 13
Lucy Oaivln, 1;4 60. Sotli m la
liowaru Douglas, 4412 Douglas .... I 3
lima Howard, 472.' I apllol A. . 11
Mildred fttraitord, 12u bo. 2atn St. U
Alherl Anthony, 2)12 Ames 10
OUVo Alkliisim, 11)0. Eiliinol Ml. ..10
Josie Aukluiid, tijt N. .'mil St.
-Liillaii Audciaon, 2218 Maple SI. 10
Dewey Beats, 811 S. 84 til St 10
Louise Bailey, liens-j-i 10
Elsie Bluom, 4221 Callfuriia St .10
norence Harher, 3542 N tMli St.. 10
eien n.iaier, n tttli M....10
l.eal'e B.iukuI, 24.10 Spaldiun St. ..10
: Wilson Hran. ltlll Kinmcl St.. .10
Walter G. Hi lining, 1 452 S. 11 III.. 10
Adali Harrljk. 401 N. 37lh St. ...10
M. 1, Bieaae, Ml. Ayr., la 10
t runk Bin h. 2115 t'uniuen Ave ..l"
lii He liruder, lli'iisoii 10
Heil Brisbane. 14.10 Iarih ol !0
tadlle Bernstein ..s 10
Itryali Ctmplieil. 22u2 N. 21st St. 10
Margaret l ain. 1917 Grace St 10
Louise Craighead, 2228 Buidette St., 10
lieralduie Cassidy, 4su8 Douglua
St 10
Lydia Crosby, 1812 Burdptte St. ..lo
ham Cohen, 1208 N. 24th St 10
Margatle ClHip. W est l.timun . ... 1 it
Anna Chlstaiihen. lleiiiuu 10
l.m a Culhoisun, Hensoii 10
Edward Coops. 546 S. 21th SL ..10
Violet Cain, 2lli liruwn St 10
Amcta Cai-ow. 821 N. 14th St. ..10
liny fee, 3217 N. 25th St 10
Ruth Critclifield, 2,"i24 Tcmpleton 10
Mary Deane. Benson 10
Nina Dixon, 622 Evans St., Benson 10
John Dwitfy, 45 Ji Hunlette . , . . . l'
Elixabeth De Lor. 2725 Ames Ave 10
Diirwanl le Buse. 4104 N. i'Stli
Ave. 10
Mary Doherty, 5100 Florence Blvd. 10
la Verne Eiersoii. (7S S. 28th SL 10
Fred Eyler, 2114 Blnney St 10
Guy Eldiidge, IS 05 Hinney St ....iO
Florence tills. 2114 Spencer St ..10
Edward Frlckson. r. 1, 19 N 14th St. 10
Ccrlnne Elliot. 2919 N. 24th St. ..10
Roy Elmer, llenson 10
Howard Furbush, 1211 Main SL
Benson , 10
Alpha Field. 8440 North 28th St 10
Clyde Pratt, 2606 Emmet Ht 10
June Grove, Hensonh urst, Benson 10
Glen Gardner, Benaon 10
Paul Gaines. Benson 10
James Gallagher. 1823 Grace St. ..l'l
Dave Gieenherg. 517 So. 24th Ave.. 10
Esther Garrard, 3411 Sherman
Ava -. 10
Adam Gould, 1919 Blnney St 10
Walter Gllsln, Neb. City, Neb 10
Dlna Groaa. 1923 N. 27th St 10
Victor Graham, 473'J N. 81HI1 St. ..10
Ernest Hansen, 809 N. 47lh St. .. 10
E. C. Harvey, 1523 Missouri Ave.,
South Omaha 10
Ervln Helm, Hamburg, Iowa 10
Oscar Hedwall, Benson 10
William Hamilton .2318 N. S2d SL 10
Louise Hoffman,. 1020 Military
Ave 10
Heater Hilllgaa, Benson 10
Erwln Hinckley, 21P6 Locust St. 10
Endrlcia Hansen, 604 Main St.,
Benson 10
Ralph Henderson, 3020 Chicago St. 10
Vlo Halllgan, North Platte, Neb. ..10
Dennis Hogan. 8122 Q St 10
Harry Holxman, 1923 Paul Ht. ...10
Helen Helnxman, 4104 N. 27th St. 10
b:il.abetli Hart, 2504 Sherman Ave. 10
Erwin Huh, 1621 Manderson SL ..10
Walter Halsey, 37SO N. 2th St. ..10
1'earl Iseby, Benson 10
Jessie Innes, 2769 Fcrt EL 10
Minnie Jacobson, Irvington. Nob. 10
Cora Jones. 342 Reed St., Benaon 10
John Jenkins, 1931 Blnney St 10
Marllda Jannscn, 3710 N. 17th St. 10
fiehna Jerpe. 1SZS pent-ef St. ....10
Harry Johnson, 1627 Locust St. ..10
Vernle Johnson, 2313 N. 37 Ava 10
Kistler Josephine. Benson 10
Big Prizes Are
There i yet time to get Btarteci. Secure nomination atjcl make
up your mind to win one the big prUeg offered. Ttin per cent commJB
Bion on every ad; Mich day the ad appears, counts one vote. See Sun
day Dee for rules and instructions.
These prizes will be given to the winners: - - re
The first prize is a 7 60 baby grand Ludwig piano Uayden
Brothers. The other prizes are: Second, $14.0 graduation iliolaruhii
course. in thq Omaha Commercial college; third, 1 G graduation
scholarship course in the Omaha Commercial college; fourth, luiiies' or
gentlemen's solid gold watch, sold by T. L. Combs; fifth and. sixth,
ladies' tailored suits, valued at $50 each, sold by. Novelty Skii't'coniT
pany, 214-216 North Sixteenth street) seventh and eighth, two National
bicycles, value, $50, sold by the Omaha Bicycle company, WTxtreryh and
Chicago street; ninth and tenth, value $12 each, two full tiieiuUnrshipB
In the Young Women's Christian association; eleventh and twelfth,
value $13 each, two full memberships in the Young Men's'. Christian
association. - ' -
Come to The Bee office and see Bee Want Tad editor, he will tell
you how to start right. ..' :
Injured Husband in Galacia Takes
Unique Method of Revenge.
II Attempts to Throw the Infernal
. . Maehl from Window aad
It Explodes In HI
BERLIN, June IS. (Special Cablegram.)
An amazing story of vengeance wreaked
by a husband upon th lover of his wife
was revealed during the course of a trial
at Stanislau. Galicla.
The feature of the husband's revenge
was a bomb concealed In a basket of
flowers with which it was Intended the
lover should be blown to pieces.
As It turned out, however, when the in-
T.ebater Stte
Mlsaearl Plo
Auburn Local
Calcaao, sU P
-lOtk a Wrbtlt.,
Depart. Arrive.
....b 1:50 pra bll ti am
1, HUatif.ll.
.b 1.36 pta
bit .05 pm
c 4:26 pm
b t-26 pm
b : 'l am
Ploux City Expreas,
Omaha Local
Sioux City Pass
Twin City pas....
eioux City Local ...
Emerson Local .....
p) dally except
,...b 4 45 am
.... 24 am
...b l'.6a pm
Sunday, to
only, (a) dally.
Ixyndonraxis Hamburg
Pluwhar Juna H, I l. a. .risralapg July 1
Kal. Aug. Vie, Juu 11. 1 tPoQ;lajil ....July 4
10 . di. I
Klti-rarltoa a Is Jn Rsaiaurant.
Souc4 Cabin only (Will call at Houlogn-
IM Wees ataadolph ML, Cnloago, I1L, or
local agents.
Two OBPzass
Br U atsaauaJB
(17,sot Tea,
Tha Um ta laava
Hit fa Oatebar
U. till. Tha aaasBi
ta la gaa Fraa
eiaa Fk. 4. ULt
luul gnat Trip
U Oct.. iHX. Fab.,
isit, br Unja Cniia
bis a. A trtavacts
itii. .ij-i i"
Alherl Kiiudseii, nr A,c. Gru
ert . Beii.-on
'aldcnlHl KiiHo-som-. Benson
A net h muineii. llensiin i.,
lioieino Kelly. 247 l'iskiiip ft.'
r'OMsru rvniK. N iihr ri
Henry Kiene. 27tij I'm t St.
. l
Karl laaiHMSinr, 2i0s M.Lrii,.m Ave. 10
Kay Lewis. 12' N. l?tli St. ,.... 10
M.nnla l.nli 11. lt limton. Net I'1
l.i nest l.siicHler, HtiiHuii in
Emily l.eir. 4i'2i N 2Mli SI ....10
llclell I..1I1111.111. ;i0.M Morn AM'. 10
ll-iuy 1 . 1 i.l 1 n it; r atuJ Elliaon tot. 10
1 1 .me I l.uiiite 1. Slt.l'uul St, ....10
MauiUe McMU-Url. Hclixoii 10
liiiloiiiou.i .Mi i-Hiii'y, .U4 How -
aid St 10
Mary i M.irtnony, 13," N 41 ,St, 10
Kuehen Melchoir. !'0I H. Slid St. . ,rt
l.rddla Maislt. 1K1I t'lil I t'orniH St. 10
Isabel Muler. 428 N 114th St 10
Dm e Miii hncek, i24 Ae. A. t'oun-
cll Bluffs 1 1". . 10
Irene Murpnv. -07 . N. SOth St. . . lo
tiiiudf Morrow, htils N. 7th A It
Sylvta Moakotitz, 20)4 N liltirst 10
John Murphy. 45(12 llinMi-tle Sr: . ,'
Marloiie ilnnilij. lull XVIIiis Ate 10
Hhii-n M-iloiiHii, l!.il"i Ijitlitop t. ..10
Wllllaiii Miller. I'( N. LKili St. ..10
Margaret Moms, N. I'td St ..10
lioilna M. llcr. 27 17 Meteilitli Ae 10
Vei iia Matl'iewa. 4 110 N,- 'Jti.l St. ..(0
Winifred Mail, :'f..'3 N 20tli St. .
Mailt- Muxeii. i'lHK Lfike Pt .....
Aalton Miner, "SHJ KnliVi- S"t. '. . ,
ll.izel NeiMoii. ;ii;.t tin Hit Ave. .,
Oleuti Oit. Meuson . . . .1
Louise Peterson, 4!2 tmrfiohl St.
Henson -. .'. v ..'...
Chmirs 1 1. Peyton, N 24T(, St
Roliei t l'atteu. I Mtl I ,ihwi Kt .
(iuule-ji l'nuvltx, liTlli -:und(ir 4
Friink Peterson, 2-li'Jl ,M.ui'lrsnn.'
Ali.-e I'orteiiiclil. S3I2 I'liplctou A.
John Peterson, 2111 Moplc
Oscar Peterxnn. Mh 11ml Loi-ust St. 1
1-M ward O11I1111, l; Dm , St., , , . 10
John S. Reed. 204 S. I'.'lli St 10
Joe Kulienitelii. Mil N. Ibth St. ..1ft
Xhh Ruehen, S23 N. lath St. ...... 10
Kloient e V. ltussell, 4 I I N. 4flth St 10
W. B. Bulla, Superior, Kl- 10
Clare RotVky, 24 17 . 1iUi St. ..10
Madeline Itosaitt-ij 2. ')() N 'i.i St. 10
I. mils ltohhina. 12u N ;1S .Ve in
haymoin! Rlnhard, 1 'gileit rt 10
Myrua Koherts. Jil:t N. il.lli St. ,.10
Elizabeth Itedinan. L.'i2 t-pruce St 10
Clarence Sterna, Kennedy St., Blk.
62 ,.10
Erna Schmidt, Keneuli 1 0
Helen Snow, Itensou 10
.1. 11. Siurt, lli-nm.ii .....10
Marie Slcgele, 4 106 ft. f.t.. S. Omaha. 10
E. II. Saner!, Norfolk. IseU. , . . . . 1
llaiiiet Sherman, 132 N. r,Ktfi Ave. 10
Alfred M. Si-hung. 10 N. 40th St.
George St oi l, 2M I Dodco ........
Sun sweagey, Lenox. na,
Frederick Stnrx, 1901 Wirt
ill Scores, I'fiolcr, Nob.
George Sorensen.
llouievard 10
Sumner Stehhina. 2113 Drtdy St In
Milium Sic-pliens, 401! Hanillion
t 1. ,,,,,, ,.iv
Frank SHmmm, 1418 Kiiiiiki
Edna Sluiman. North I'liUle
. 10
Kom Schll lineyer, 21C t owiyr
Ernest Stage, 2123 Ami's
Hilth Spaiton. 2S50 Allies ..
Helen Santord, 4H30 lim-nce Blvd.
Esther Tatle. 1122 So. Huh St...
Bennle Telknor. 1715 Webster .
Mary Tolnn. H69 No. 35th Ava .
K 1. Vaeeltuny. lirand laUii'l
. l'
, 10
Herbert Vosa, Bry.iu SL, Hlk. 23,
Benson . . ,10
E. L. Vogeltatix. Gratia lalmnl Neb. 10
tiall Wright. Benson 1J
Buth Watson. 1513 Miulisun Ave 10
Albert C. W edenieyer. 4402 N. 2Stlt
Ht . - -. H
Gull Webster, 4035 Capitol Ave. . .
Owen J Wilson. 1J1 N. -i t i Ave. 1)
Doris Whlted,.;i.r19 C'rby , ......10
Howard Widenor, 25V8 Mandelann 1 0
Dale Williams, 2210 Bancroft ....10
Agnes Weaver, 2119 i'liimel 10
Margaret Woodward, 2,r,05 Mnnder-
Arthur Walker. 3927 N. 221 St. ..10
Arthur Walker, 854 J N. -Mh Ave. 10
Grace Welber. 1U Locust .19'
Butt, W Wilier. jiOfi Blnpey ,.-..10
Helen W'atcott, 24 .Utntrr -j .t . .'. 1
Morris Wurris. 2208 Maple; SL ,., .10
Offered Those
fernal machine exploded the .rcsulLs were
not fatal, but the unfortunate victim was
terribly mutilated. ' ' ' .
The accused man was Feflx Hwursky, a
railway servant. For aonte time ha had
reason to suspect his wifea' fidelity and
eventually made certain, she was unfaith
ful to him. Thereupon ha But about de
vising his echemo of revenue. The wife,
however, suspected there wag a'irn scheme
afoot to Injure her lover. She did not
know for certain what ii was, but shrewdly
sunpected the means, her. hau.bu.nd would
employ. ...
Therefore she warned her loypr 'not to
sleep In his usual room at home lest eom
harm might overtake him.. The man
laughed at her tears. He HuOuUd the tdaa
that, the husband would dare to attempt
to Interfere with him. That night when
he was In bed he was aro'u.sed'by a alight
explosion .in tha room. JumpuiK. up he
saw clouds of smoke rising from a flower
basket bn the window 111, II.,' the
basket and just at the- inunieat. a 'bomb
concealed among the flowers exploited with
terrible violence, destroylnn his left hand
and three fingeni of his right hand.
When Dw'orsky wat arrested he ad
milted he hud placed ha bomb In the
basket with ths intention of blowing the
old man to pieces, but he denied, that the
motive of the cjIums was Jealousy. ie al
leged he had pla ed rha bomb at tlwt order
of a secret society 1 ' '.
The trial lusted five days, but 'finally the
jury sympathized .with Dworsky marital
troubles and acquitted htm.
Famous Fight . Century Ago Nrr
Wabaeli, Indian! toCUe
WABASH, IruL,; June IS -(Spct iaI.-The
famous battle of 1K12 belwean the Dnlto.l
State troops and Miami Imllhnn will be
reproduced here next year. The battle was
the last engagement, with the rtkin In
Indiana. Five hundred men and women,
Including 100 Miami Inniuna,' still livini?
here, will particlpala.
F. B. Bex ford. 61fl New Tork Life Bldg ,
Kansas City, Ho., nays: "I had a severe
attack of a cold which settled In my back i
and kidneys and I was In great pain from
my trouble. A friend lacomnuindtd Foley
Kidney Pills and . used .livv tollies of
them and they have, dime' me k world of
good." For sale by all druggists,
prrsi.tcnt Advertising Is the Koad to Big