8 TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JtTXE 1, 1911. IBS'" Women's $1.25 WAISTS AT 69c Including lingerie and tail ored waists, low neck and short sloeves; ex- A tru PHrial sale on flVIa main floor, nt. . . 45-inch Fine Swiss ' EMBROIDERED SKIRTINGS In the new wide band effects; also 27-inch fine Swiss em broidered flouncings; Eng lish eyelet, floral designs also combination Japanese, crochet and filet effects; worth up to $1.25 per yard, J)Jf 75c and $1.00 Quality EMBROIDERIES AT 49c 27-inoh fine Swiss and Ba tiste embroidered flounc- i ings; also 24in. fine Swiss batiste and nainsook all- . over embroideries for dress es, waists, etc., all this sea- ' son's newest designs ;dainty leaf pattern, baby AQp patterns, etc, yard..' PURE MILANESE LISLE GLOVES Long GloTes Tan, browm and black; also 2-clasp gloves in white, black, tan and grey; worth 60c main floor, per ir. pair, at l.C PRINTED VOILE Also dainty blue and white, pink and white, ' small checka, black and white stripes, etc.; 27 inches wide; basement special, per yard, at 10c SILK JACQUARDS Also dotted and plain Japonika Bilks, a pretty material for even ing wear, party dresses, etc.; 27 Inches wide, basement, per yard, at ZC .WASH DRESS FABRICS Main floor, silk aisle Our entire foreign collection of high class fabrics, 42 to 48 Inches wide, wort up to 2.00 a yard, per yard, at $8c n 10-K Gold Filled Signet Rings Worth up to $4.00, Main Floor $1.69, $1.98 Brandeis Stores ALUMNI RECEPTION MONDAY High School Graduates Prepare for Big Time at Field Club. LITTLE TIME FOR BUSINESS After the Election of Officers the Oeaeral Baalaeaa Will Be Taraed ' Over to the Emecattve Committee. On account of the larg-e attendance as sured for the High school alumni reunion at the Field club Monday evening-. It hai been decided- that . only a brief business meeting for the election of new officers will be held. Any other business will be handled later by a committee, as the at tendance at the reunion will be too larg-e to make a prolonged business session pos sible. Ben Cherrlng-ton, '04, who graduated this year from the University of NebraPka, Is being prominently mentioned by his friends for the next presidency of the association. Bo far as Is known, no other candidates are yet In the field. Besides the office of nreflldtint. tha nnxltlnna nf virm nrfiHliUnt secretary and treasurer are to be filled. A number of out-of-town alumni 'are ex pected to attend the reunion and many let ters from others. Inclosing the annual dues of fifty cents, have been reoelved by Pres ident Samuel W. Reynolds, '08. ' Good work was done by the boosting, committee of the association and the strong support being given the affair by Folly of Fat Easily Overcome W.BNUKK Margaret Knolly, now, it you please. The fascinating leading lady of the BUou, now more taaolnattng than ever, astonished ail her friends on Broadway the other day by presenting to their admiring gase a avelt and willowy form In plaoe of the plump, not to say fat. outlines with which she gaily sailed away to new tri umphs and foreign shores Isst January. After a good deal of diplomatic cross-examination from Interested fat acquaint- aacea the secret was cautiously whispered to a few dear friends, with the result that everybody knows It now. It was not ex ercise, nor fasting, nor sea air, nor worry about her new venture that had brought about tbla wonderful willowy rhanga In the charming Margaret; no. none of these; nothing but a simple mixture which all good druggists are familiar with and can supply at small oost, to-wit: One-half ounce Marniola, one-half ounce Fluid Ex tract Cascara Animate and three and one aaJf midcm PeDLwrmlnt Water. trawii folks B-ed a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime." explained the now slender Mar garet. lt la s mpty woadcrfaL It takes eft Ura fa: quickly, as murh as a pound a gar. eod kerta it off. Too raa eat what yew sVks, ua. In that reewtat It Is nnlike ajrytatac 1 the kind I rw heard of., and siasrfia It has another si'Umd d feature It is tiMfcratr hsrmicsa, and wLU not uiw arraakkM. I think It Is ahout as eawmial a SMiit ssticU. fur the wunian who is tat asad wins t gat thinner as race powder, ha ewteir ri trot the bant rntults. however. en wtmUld buy ttie Harnulla'm the origtnitl )mittHw mill nili It with ttie other tu In- ginaitmiiMi iirnir ymi gal nam.' av. 15c quality LAWNS , Light and me dium grounds in floral de signs, dots and stripes, at, yd. BAazMJEirr Double Fold 10c quality GINGHAM For dresses and children's w?nr, on sale Monday at, . a yard GERMAN SIL VER MESH DAGS Embossed frames 44 to 6 4 in. size, worth up to I.3."-.$1.98 EKOtSEUO Edgings and Insertions All kinds; next, new designs, ex reliant needle work: up to 5 In. wide; worth up to 1 Oc yard, 3VaC (H To) EAT FROM OVERSTOCKED EASTERN MANUFACTURERS We have gathered many lots of desirable new merchandise from these immense purchases which we will bring forward Monday for the first time priced at the most extraordinary bargains. This sale is meaning thousands of dollars saved to the women of Omaha, and Monday's specials are among the greatest of the sale. 85c Silk Poplins at 49c Yard On bargain square, main floor All silk and wool dress poplins in all the fashionable shades. The manufacturers wholesale price on these silk poplins is 85c; entire surplus stock M A offered at aBHitaaiiiiiHBaMMaHiMBasMaMBaaHKaiBanBaawaiaHaaM LINENS SPECIALLY PRICED 100 Tine Irish Linen Pattern Cloths, beautiful satin finish, size 2x2 and 2x2 M yards, worth up to $3.00, each at ......................$1.98 All Pure Linen Breakfast Cloths, hem med, ready for use, worth up to $1.75, each at -08 Our Best Grade Double Satin Table Damask, full 2 yards wide with all the new floral and stripe designs, worth $1.50 yard, per yard, $1.10 Beautiful Irish Linen Table Damask, very fine satin finish, 2 yards wide, all choice patterns, worth $1.10, per yard, at 89 All of Our Fine Irish Linen Napkins, worth up to $3.50 dozen, at $1.98 Extra Large Turkish Towels, long white fleece hemmed ends, worth 29c, each, at .jr Any of Our Beautiful Turkish Bath Rugs, worth $1.60, each, at.. 9, the entire alumni body has encouraged the committee to make more elaborate prep arations than before. A program of spe cially selected music for the dancing will be rendered by Olmmlck's orchestra of six pieces and the field club steward Is en deavoring to outdo himself In the 'matter of refreshments. A reception committee of almost 100 prominent members of all classes has been deemed necessary to meet the hundreds of alumni who are expected to be present to renew their old acquaintances. i - The hour of the affair Is anounced as t o'clock. Tickets for the reunion, includ ing the annual dues of the association and the refreshments, are on sale at Beaton's drug store. Snoozing is Tabooed in Jeff erson Square Burnt Who Make Practice of Wallow ing in Mother Nature Must Sit Up Like Men. No more sleeping on the grass. No mors loitering in Jefferson square. Hereafter the visitors to the "hoboes' home," as Act ing Chief of Police Dunn characterises the little patch of ground between. Cass and Chicago streets, facing on Sixteenth street. will have to sit up like real gentlemen or move on. To accommodate those who are Inclined to sit up the Board of Park Commlisloners will furnish enough sea's to go around. Rotns Miller, president of tha board, has agreed that the seats wilt be put an the ground. ' A conference between Sergeants Cook and Vanoua of the police department and Mr. Miller has resulted In an agreement that tf the Park board will furnish seats the police will see that the hoboes ait la them. "Bo many complaints have been received at this office regarding the tactics of th Weary Willies that something had to be d ne to preserve the dignity of the park," said the acting chief of police". "Oftentimes citlsens like to go to ths park for a rest. But when they see a lot of dirty hoboes strung out all over the park, taking life easy In their own fashion, they desist The park has become a congregating pUoe for these who are taking the open-air ours through necessity. "In no park in the world are hoboea per mitted to sleep on the graaa, Be - why should they at Jefferson square? . "The police will keep 'no moving from bow on. Daaao Released frwsa Caatody. WASHINGTON. June 17.-Wllllani j-mnne, a former nma Antonio, Tex-. n paper man. who had been held a prlsoaer at Monterey, Max. was liberated by tfcd Mexlcr: federal essirta to Stala utnel charged wa trisMa, slant a jagg Francises X. hUtam. c CHICAGO, dinrs IT. The will in Km. MatUe ft. aUnsirtt. wtf of CharhMi W. Min ard. prUuslnal of tha akarqueue High sutiooj In Maywood. whuae autlcien daath atat Sun day during tha aaaaiiae of her huseand haa not yut hewn explained hy the uuliue. wua ilrd tedav. alT. llinsrrd wan aula benaiiciary of the will whmh disiiueed of en a tare valued at lUMm Mr. Mmtud was issnssd executor without CHILDREN'S DRESSES In figured lawns, trlmnind with bordered effect, ages from 6 to 14; on sale In Chil dren 'a Section, at Many BOOBS FLOOB. 18c White Persian Lawns On bargain square,, at, yard. 6c ! MORE ' EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN OUR CASH 'If BRANDEIS g FILM SHOWS LAST PICTURE Seventy-Five Puzzlei Published and Answers May Come. ALL EXTRA COUPONS TOMORROW gale Expected tor Be Large, for Many Contestaats Desire to Give More Thaa One Reply to the Drawings. - With this Issue the last picture in the Booklovera'. contest of The Bee Is published. Two weeks yet remain for the preparation and mailing of answers. All solutions must be In ths office of The Bee by o'clock Sunday evening, July 2. No answers that come after thla time will be counted In the contest. Contestants who have their answers pre pared may begin sending them In at once. They should be addressed to The Book lovers' Contest Editor, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. In case there should be a tie, two or more contestants having the same number of correct answers and the neatness of all being the same, the answers that bears the earliest poBt mark will be awarded the first prlxe. For Instance, If one set of answers were mailed at 9 o'clock In the morning and another set sent at 3 o'clock In the afternoon of the same day, both containing an equal number of correct solutions and were being judged equally neat, the one that was sent at t o'clock would be awarded a higher position than the second arrival. All Coapons Heady Monday. AU coupons and pictures for the total of seventy-five pictures will be on sale at the business office of Tho Bee tomor row marning. Contestants who desire ex tra coupons will be able to secure them for once cent each. Mew contestants may Join the game now and stand just as good a chance of winning as those contestants who began with the first picture. Ail tha coupons are ready and It will not take any of the contestants long to solve the puzxles. Some of the. participants In the game have not tried to figure out all the pussies. One man who came to the office of The Bee yesterday said he had all the pictures; but that he did not Intend to start work on them until today. He preferred to wait the publica tion of the total of seventy-five before trying to solve any. He said he felt be could get all the answers In lees than two weeks. Other contestants will find the same thing to be true In case they enter the contest now. A few catalogues have been kept for thla oixassum, thoa -won tr -flu) (prai" now will be able to get a catalogna and have Its help In aufcrlug the puxxttni. ant of ooujiuna and a catalogue bought fm- alJel. B oxttured fey madU I asnts jnuai be jtdthril fur nuHtaga. P ranae TMd jawaw lluta ' The ftrax prise m the cunraat hi a mart- sflZioant Ajuazaon -"-aflk XtatniK" touring oat. wtttmi Is extlthrbul att the Jtiiyersuu comjamy s aaeas uunsi. IfOtd furaanii atawat, jmd s -luad Kt (JNU- It lis one of the heat oars naute anil hi gaud for both ruad and aiaraall wut. Ttw .Ananraon car Is enjoying great popusartt- vigitt icow. Tha sasniid pxna a a fme fW Kinrbali 50c EMBROIDERIES AT 25c 18 and 22-inch fine Swiss nainsook and cam bric, embroidered flouncfngs, skirtings, cor set coverings; endless variety in pretty new designs of all kinds. worth oOc yard; bargain square, main floor, yard ft. a a u r v j 1 nbjw iTaiaim Women's Apparel For Midsummer Reversible Silk Coats are the newest thing Ma do of cloth of gold, satin or mescaline combinations, and the combination colors, the most practical creations for J1 summer, at MpXc Fine tailored linen suits with nobby jackets, sailor collars and reveres of the new Aus trian linen ,at $10.00 and $15.00 Beautiful new Lin- Pretty 'new wash gerie dresses; a spe- dresses; a special cial group $15 group $3.98 Women's Long Shantung Coats With pretty new collars of black satin and com bination silks, at $5.00 Women's Up-to-date New Wash Skirts at $1.98. $2.98 up to $12.50 Women's Light Weight Tailored Suits, worth up to 20.00, at .-$7.50 Women's New Watsh Voile, Marquisette and Lingerie at $1.50. $1.98 and $2.98 The New Jap Silk Waists, in tailored shirt and fancy lace trimmed effects, are very popular at $2.50 and $7.50 A Special Lot of Very Fine MI(lMumaiiorVlnts, 98J player-piano, which is at the A. Hospe store, 1613 Douglas street, where It plays In concert every afternoon from 2 to S o'elock. As the third prize a building lot In A. P. Tukey & Son's Iter addition is offered. This Is located In one of the bent section of the city and Is an Ideal site for a home. This lot is valued at $500. The fourth prize Is a grand Columbia Grafonla "Regent," which Is worth $200. and G0 worth of records. This machine plays in concert every afternoon from S to 4 o'clock at the Columbia Phonograph com pany's agency, 1311-13 Farnam street. Kind-Hearted Judge Helps pandering Tar Survivor of Missouri Explosion Be fore Him, but His Plea of Guilty is Refused. Hermann Schults, sixteen years a sea' man, a survivor of the Missouri, was be fore Judge Kstelle Saturday on a charge of forgery. The prisoner entered a plea of guilty, asserting that he desired to go to the penitentiary, where he could be treated for rheumatism. After the Judge questioned him he decided to entr a plea of not guilty, and the judge ordered that he be given the proper treatment In the mean time. Schultc Is accused of- attempting to pass a forged check for t&SO. He said that he had been given the check by some stran gers with whom he had been drinking with the Instructions to get It cashed. With ths intention of being obliging he tried It at a drug store and the police were railed. fichults exhibited an abrasion on his head which, bo says, was received In the ex j loaion on the Missouri. Morgan and Emery Proud as Peacocks Police Department Provides Them with 'Cycles Designed to Burn ... Up Space. Policemen Morgan and Emery of the fly ing squadron are as proud aa a span of peacocks over the possession of two new motorcylns which are calculated to oat run anything on wheels In Omaha. The machines were found necessary be cause the old ones that have been In use were a little out of date and Inclined to go too slow to overhaul the high power autos and latest type of motorcycles which have a habit of fracturing the speed laws. The new motorcycles were given their first Umbering up Saturday morning and the manner, In which they "eat up" distance Is calculated to strike terror Into all speed fiends. FuMliatiBit Advertising is Cue Xkvad Is atg Vta.Bj.ua, BnlldlasT Permit. George ftanrent. 2O0-Z2 North Sixteenth, brick store building, M.oOO; N. Parsons. 1JG Lmthrop. frame dwelling. Stutt; Nels T. Swanberg, h.vf North Twenty-fifth, frame dwelling. -. Carl ii. Johnson. North Twenty-ninth, frame dwelling. Fine Embroidered Galloons and Galloon Beading Sheer Swiss ' and Nalnsoolt, up to 3 4 Inches wide; a hundred pretty designs to select from, worth 20c, per yard. at 0U lOc maib ruoi Children's M Waist Union Suits All slies . from 4 to 14 years; 50c quality, at each 29c RAIN HELPS GROWING CROPS Entire State Given a Most Thorough Soaking- Friday Night ENTIRE CORN BELT GETS IT Farmers Rejoice that Small Grains of All Kinds Will Re Benefited by the Recent Downpour, Which Was General. Millions of dollars' worth of rain fell over Nebraska Friday night and Saturday morning, soaking the parched soli and re viving millions of acres of crops, wheat, oats, corn and other growing things of the farmer. In hundreds of localities many farmers had given up parts of their plant ings as a partial or total loss, but the down pour will save the day. The rain . was also general over Iowa, eastern Kansas, western Missouri, eastern and touthern South Dakota, eantern Wyoming, and It also touched -part of Illinois. Spring wheat and oats are the crops benefited the most by the downpour; 364.UU0 acres of spring wheat In Nebraska and 2.6?4.000 acres of oats were in a dry condition before the precipitation and Sat urday morning the heads looked out on the world with a new life. The great crop of winter wheat, nearly 4,000,000 acres, Is ripening now and the rain will fill, out the heads and make a plump, ripe grain. Corn Jn Nebraska was not Injured by the ho weather, but haa had a great growth by It. However, the need of rain was, felt even with this crop and the moisture will place It In a strong condition to meet any further hot spells. ' Central Nebraska received the heaviest precipitation, although .41 of an Inch fell at Omaha. It ports of the weather bu reau, and of the Burlington, Northwestern and Union Pacific railroads give Ashland .40 Inch, Hartlngton .SO Inch, Oakdale .60 Inch. Tekamah 1.15 Inch, Aurora 1 Inch, Fremont and Lyons hard rains, Uneola good rain, Ravenna U Inch. Central City Inch. Greeley Center IVi Inch. Norton Inch. Orleans. Inch. Arapahoe snob. Kustls 1 inch. Curtis 1 Inch. Madrid 1 Inch, drover 1 Inch, Cheyenne, Wra.. 1H Inches. LAfayette and Oxford good rain a Benkelman, 3 Inches. Rain fell along the Union Paelfle lines except between Grand Island and Kearney, where the showers were very light. Ser grant. Crete, Sutton and Broken Bow re ceived little rain. Scattering showers were felt In northwestern Nebraska. Carroll. Ia., had a precipitation of 1) Inches moisture, and at Eaton, B. D., LT9 inches was the report Western Webraefca Soaked. BRIDGEPORT,' Neu., June IT. (Special.) Tha long continued drouth which has af flicted westers Nebraska has been broken. A general rain extending throughout tha entire wast part of the state commenced last night at t o'clock and has continued unabated, there having fallen to thla time about three Inches of water. No rain ever came at a more opportune time and crops are now assured, especially small grain, of which there la the largest acre age la ' the history of this section of the state. .... POTTER, Neb.. June 17. (Special.) It Yard wide Dress Percales Plain colors and fancy . checks and stripes, at 5c BABEMEKT Fine French and German Val Laces And Insertions, also dainty cro chet and cluny effects; many to match, worth 10c yd., per yd., at maib rrooB GOLD FILLED BRACELETS Guaranteeu to wear 10 years worth up to $6.50, at Dutch Collars Stocks and Jabots Alo embroidered Bin! tare trimmed, laundered rollnrs; main floor, each 10c $1.98 TRAVELERS' SLIPPERS Are you going away on a vacation or a long trip? If so, a pair of our Traveling Slippers means added com fort. They are put up in leather, canvas and satin cases. They are soft, comfortable and take up very little room. Monday they will be priced for both Men and Women as follows: $3.00 ones will be marked $1,0; $2.50 ones, $1.40. all other prices, Including odds and ends will' be marked 98c. This Includes the Case. . . 98c Drapery Dept. Specials Monday 1,000 Lace Curtains in white, ecru and Arab color, worth up to $3.00 a pair, special for Monday, at, each .49c 60 Pieces of 40-inch Drapery Swiss. These are full bolts, worth up to 10c a yard, Monday, per yard, 3H Stencil Etamlne, worth up to 40c'a yard, Monday, per yard, at. . . -25 Chamber Curtains in very fine Swiss with colored borders, worth 1.50, Monday, per pair, at. .... . .$1.25 Porch Shades, worth $5.00, Monday, at $3.98 Hammock Couches, worth flS.OO, monaay, at has been raining here for twenty-four hours almost continuously, and there haa been over three inches of waterfall during this time.' It means millions of dollars to the farmers and stockmen of this part of the state,' who are how sure of a good yield of all kinds of small grain; and corn never looked better here at this Urns of the year. There is a large acreage of pota toes and they also look good to make a bumper crop. The wheat and other small grain had began to need rain badly, but It is still raining hard with no sign of let ting up, bo we are assured of an all-around bumper crop. . Haln In Missouri. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 17.-A light rain fell over western Missouri and eastern Kansas lust night and early today, helping ths crops very little, but reducing the tem peratures materially. The heaviest precipi tation was a half Inch In southwest Mis souri. The temperatures in Missouri, Kan sas and Oklahoma at 7 o'clock this morn ing were from 10 to 15 degrees lower than at the same time yesterday. . . BENKELMAN, Neb., June 17. (Special.) Dundy county' was the recipient of a two-Inch downpour of rain Friday fore noon. The rain came in time to materially benefit spring wheat and barley in the northern part of the county. Most corn Is over a foot high and looks promising. KIMBALL. Neb., June 17. (Special. Commencing Thursday afternoon rain fell steadily over ail Kimball county until late Friday night. Crops have not suffered as yet. but this will be very beneficial, CHAPPELL, Neb., June 17. (Special.) Deuel county has been blessed with an other good rain general all over the county and since last night between two and three Inches of moisture baa -fallen. The email grain ! crop was in need -of rain, and this came In an opportune time. Corn la look ing good, pasturea are green and the farmer la faring well on the whole. BRITISH SUBJECTS TO CELEBRATE CORONATION Baaejaet Is Rente to Bo Held at Hotel Ta Breda y EvemiaaT. the The coronation of King George and Queen Mary will be celebrated In Omaha by all ex-BrlttEh subjects and friends of England by an Informal banquet to be held In the Rome assembly room, Thurs day, June 22. With John I Kennedy as toastmaster and the following men aa speakers, Robert Cowell, Colonel T. W. McCullough, John L. Webster and Ed A. Hlgglns. there will be fitting expression of the loyalty of those who have lived at one time or another under tha British flag. A number of the people who expect KODAK FILM3 ec Developed for ALL S1ZKS SIX-EXPOSURE KODAK FILMS developed' for 6 cents a rolL All sixes 1 2-extmsure, 10 cents a rolL Must Careful and Satisfactory work guaranteed. 8x19 Bromide Enlargements from any of your favorite Negatives, 25 cents each, fiend for our complete Price List and a Handsome Photograph KKtC. hCARLtTT NTUDIO 46-47-41 N. 1JTH ST.. PHILADELPHIA. "i.Hi.liMBi I'lSIMMfHWL'MyBg'aXHJK aVff Dress Linens at lOo & Yard worth 25c, 35c and 45a All the natural shades with pink, blue, brown, rod grern and black checks and silk strifes will make cool dresses for street wear, also for boys' suits and children's romjxrs, and jnst the thing for stylish long coats, at, yard A1EMXBT 10e BEAUTIFUL NEW 32-IN. TISSUES Many pretty plaids, checks and strips in light colorings; some' with em broidered dots nnd fig ured. Every yard worth t a t A -oc, noni t lie boll, at, per yard BASEMENT g-ifcagjansTiyanpjHsr 45-inch Fine Sheer Swiss EMBROIDERED ' SKIRTINGS Elegant new designs in dain ty English eyelet, floral arm blind effects; ex net repro ductions of fine Frond i hand needlework. Actually worth up to $2.5) ji vard; embroidery depart rfi ment, at. ." )J)lP Women's Pure Thread SILK HOL flam nna emurotaeren Loot pat Urns, viii'e Hale garter tops an soles main llot.r, per ltn pair, at .UjC Men's Negligee and Outing Shirts orth up 7C to $2.00, at; wt S Men's Negligee and Outing Shirt3 Worth up rnrt to $1:25, at OtJL SUPERFINE ORGANDIES llest quality in dainty floral and Persian designs, also tinted grounds, 30 inches wide, f per yard at ISC Women's Black and Brown CORDUROY VELVET PUMPS ' Flat Silk Bows, all sizes, at, pair ...$2.9S Brandeis Stores to attend are Caaatus-D.ii and one of the subjects for a toast Is "Canada and the Mother Country." , MEMORIAL VOLUME ON LIFE OF JOHN ROSICKY Fitting Trieste to the JHeisaary of the DUtlnaraUacd Bohemian Journalist. .A memorial volume In honor of the late John RoHicky of Omaha, the distinguished Bohemian Journalist, haa been Issued by the family from the press of the National Printing company, with which Mr. Roaloky was Identified up to the time of his death. The memorial contains a detailed sketch of his business activities, bis devotion to his fellow countrymen, and his unwaver ing teal In promoting their welfare In tha new world and molding them Into patriotic American citizens. How well and worthily he advocated their cause and biased tha iray to the prosperity they here nroa la (he west, ths volume fitting! sets fwrrk in the Bohemian and the Ehghah tenguagva.' to trhich Is appended the obituary notbres of the preea, both local and national. ' Trial te ISMtaaaed. CHICAGO, June IT. -John at. Taylor. Fiaiik tt. Harrlmen. Otnrira U Mwiuc aad .V.jwdIi Fuker. former lilinola I n flclala. Indloted on a charge of mulcting tho iia oik ot neaitv $i.0.s) . i'j-m-v .iint car repair bills, today obtained a pnstpnao uienl of thnlr trials '.mill j;l wo. EnSMJEMjT Women who bear children and re main healthy are those who prepare their systems in advance of baby's coming. Unless the mother aula nature la its pre-natal work the crisis, finds her system unequal to the de mands made upon it, and she is often left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy is so truly a help to nature as Mothc'a Friend, and no expectant mother should fail to use it. It relieves the pain ami discomfort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles which nature la expanding, prevents numb ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam mation of breast glands. The system being; thus prepared by Mother's Friend dispels the fear that the crisis may not be safely met. Mother's Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she is) left a healthy woman to enjoy tho rearing' of her child. Mother's wATllDlaC Friend is sold at 1'lU I iliiliO Wdtf for our free FRIEND book for expect- ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. tRADFlELD REGULATOR CO., AAoaI-j, G 15c ) 1 ( n