12 11 IK OMAILA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 18,. 1911. B BEE RESENTS NEWS.' SLANDER ' Starts Suit for Damages at Beiult of Libelous Campaign. ADVERTISERS TO BE PROTECTED False ta trmenta Made by Kollrltore for the DrrmdHl Blade the Baals of Petition Filed In Court. The Bc Publishing mmpiny has com menced suit acainat the Omaha l'nlly News Puhllfhlng company for damages, the reault of Uheloua reports circulated by the adverstlalne; aollrltora of the defendant company. For a Ion time aollcltori for other newa jSspers have perflated In circulating among the local advertlaers atatements that The He vii dealing unfairly with It patrons, lliat It was giving robnten, cutting Its lutes, and In other ways slandering the bualnrsa methods of The Bee. A number of large advertlaera have brought this matter to the attention of The Bee's man agement, and It has decided to atop the annoyance. The men who are responsible for the malicious yarns will be given an opportunity to prove in court their state ments, or will have to pay the penalty the law visits on slanders. For this purpose The Bee Publishing company is taking cognizance uf statements made to several of the big advertising patrons of this paper by solicitors for the Omaha Dally News. These solicitors have boasted that they had the Information direct from - large dealers, who have denied that they ever made such statements. Dasla of the Salt. The b&Ms of the suit 1b thus told In the petition which was filed In the dis trict court on behalf of The Bee: "The said plaintiff (The Bee Publishing company) further alleges that both plain tiff and defendant herein, as owners and publishers of suid newspapers, and as part of their businoft of publlKhing and circu lating said newxpaperir, are engaged In securing advertisements from merchants, manufacturers and dealers in goods and merchandise, and in such line of business It Is required and is necessary that uni form rates of advertleing should be given and furnished, and that no discrimination should be made In favor of or against ad vertising patrons of the same class. "The said plaintiff further alleges that In pursuance of and In accordance with tho conditions applicable to newspaper ad vertising, as set forth In the last preceding paragraph, this plaintiff has . given and furnished to its patrons advertising rates that were Just, reasonable and .uniform, without discrimination, discount or rebate, and by reason of so doing and .rendering and bringing about remunerating, returns to its advertising patrons the, said plain tiff has built a large and valuable adver tising business for Its newspapers, espe cially its said Omaha, Dally Bee and the Omaha Evening Bee, and by reason of such dealings and returns the said plain tiff until recently has eujoyed the absolute confidence of the community In which said newspapers are circulated, and all adver tisers, paHt, present and prospective, and would continue so to do, but for the wrong. ' ful and Injurious acts and doings of the said defendant herein complained of. Damaged by Dally- News Solicitors. "The said plaintiff further alleges that said Dally News Publishing company, Its authorised agents and representatives, for the purpose of Injuring the said advertis ing business of the said plaintiff, and wrongfully diverting and securing the ad vertising patronage of patrons and ad vertisers in The Omaha Daily Bee and The Omaha Evening Bee, have falsely, untruly and greatly to the damage andi Injury of said plaintiff, represented and stated that the said plaintiff had discrim inated among Its. advertising patrons, ' and In some cases had allowed and given rates to certain advertisers and patrons below the regular and uniform rates charged and required to be paid by Its patrons for advertisements in said Dally Bee and said Evening Bee, and by reason of such false and unfounded statements this said de fendant through its said authorised repre sentatives and agents has wrongfully and unjustly succeeded In preventing certain patrons and advertisers from furnishing and giving to plaintiff their advertisements, greatly to the wrong and damage of said plaintiff. "The said plaintiff further alleges that by reason of the said false representation of said defendant. Its authorised agents and representatives concerning Its business of advertising as aforesaid, the said plain tiff has been damaged In the sum of 16,000 Wherefore, said plaintiff prays Judgment against said defendant for said sum of I&.0W and costs." ONE OF OMAHA "S YOUNG AND VIGOROUS WORKERS. V s ? CHARLES E. FlKLKa. Attorney and Publisher. Omaha, Douglas County. RELIEF FROM BUNIONS Foot troubles are usually Shoe troubles. Any woman who suf fers from bunions cannot get foot comfort in the ordinary shoe. In fact we only know of one shoe that will give positive relief from bunions It Is DRKXEL'S ANTI-BUNION SHOE. This shoe Is made one size smaller at the instep and two sizes wider In the sole, letting the foot rest wholly on the sole as it should. They are made of fine, soft kid, flexible soles, in both button and lace. The acme of comfort for any, woman. Turned soles Welt soles . , $3.50 $4.50 DREXEL SHOE COMPANY 1419 Farnam Street Z urn ABOVE ALL 111 QUALITY illilpCT' For Home Consumers -PHONE- Doug. 119; lnd. A-2119 I'Jm. J. Doekhoff Retail Dealer. Office, 803 So. 7th St. NATHAN MERRIAM, Pres. BARTON MILLARD, Secy. MERRIAM & MILLARD COMPANY United States Reciprocity, Our Motto OMAHA BAILEY MACH DENTISTS Best equipped dental ef flea la the middle west. Highest trade dentistry at reasonable prices. Poroelaln ftlllnss, Just Ilka the too lb. AU laatrumaou carefully sterilised after eaca uateat, THIRD FLOOR. PAXTON BLOCK Corner 10th sad fr'arnani Streets. Omaha, Neb, Lc 1 Jf A CUT GLASS n Vaae to hold June Roses would make a handsome wed- ,yJf " uiiik kiil . w uuvw auinv vtry mny vases, aa wen as other articles In cut slass. Spend a few minutes In our ature. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street 'V4' () ILsiinidl Oupeaio Leara Where It's Best to Farm Thinking about buy las land? Want to know the soli and climate best suited lor certain farming! Our Land Bureau elves tree information about . soil, climate, conditions in all parts ot the country. We have gathered data and can tell you what you desire to learn. Write the Land Information Bureau, The Twentieth Century Farmer. Omaha. Neb., today , and your Questions win get prompt attention. FVee Irafion inflation Hake the Most of the Values This Week at the Manufacturers Overproduction Sale While these extraordinary values continue, all should make the most of them. It's a matter of getting them while they last. Never, have such values been given; never has so much satisfaction gone with purchases of Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. All High Grade Goods I .do not wonder at the crowds who come day after day, many of whom return again and again. It's a remarkable opportunity to buy to the limit of one's pocket book. It's tie time of all times to buy Wedding and Birthday Gifts, or gifts for any occasion. These goods are now on sale , At Half the Usual Prices Note the following values. They're only a few of the many. You'll appreciate them better when you personally inspect these articles. 1 " 1 " DIAMONDS. Our assortment of stones is complete in sizes, s Here are two specials (or this week: Carat stone, mounted in Ladies' 14-K Tiffany Ring, special price $42.50 Misses' Diamond Ring, Tiffany Mounting, regular price $18.00; ale price $11.75 WATCHES. Ladles' 400 size watch, .the small est ladles' watch made, Hampden movement, fitted in 20 year Solid Gold Filleu Case, special sale price $12.40 BRACELETS. A beautiful assortment of high grade gold filled Bracelets, in plain Roman gold, and engraved finishes, regular prices 4.50 to $16.00, special sale prices at $2.25 to $7.50 SOLID AND GOLD FILLED LOCKETS. Solid Gold plain and Diamond mounted Lockets, regular prices 18.00 to $75.00, sale prices ....$4.00 to $37.50 High grade Bolld gold filled plain and stone set Lockets, regular prices $2.00 to $10.00, sale prices $1 to $5 MESH BAGS. Don't fall to see these high grade German Silver, Sterling Silver plated Mesh Bags; regular prices $4.60 to $14.00; sale Pes $2.25 to $7.00 PEAIUi HANDLED FRUIT KNIVES., Regular $7.00 quality Pearl Handle Fruit Knives, while they lat, for $3.50 CUT GLASS. Beautiful Wedding Gifts in Cut Glass 8-ln. Berry Bowls, regu lar price $ff.00; sale price . .33 Creamer and Sugar, regular price $6.60. sale price .. $2.75 6-inch Nappies, regular price $7.60 sale price $3.75 doz. Glasses, regular price $7.76, sale price $3.00 Water Jugs, regular price $7.60, sale price $3.75 Many more articles reduced In same proportion. SILVER CHESTS. Nothing Is more appropriate for a wedding gift. 26 Pieces, including 6 knives, 6 forks, 6 table spoons, 6 tea spoons, a butter knife and sugar shell in satin lined oak chest, regular price $13.50; extra spe cial Bale price $5.00 REMEMBER . The Sterling Silver little - finger Pinkey Rings; il.00 each; 3 for .-$2.75 MONDAY. ONLY . Any Sterling . Silver Souvenir Spoon, values up to $2.00, for 7 .7Q "At the Sign of the Crown" 51 115 South Sixteenth Street OPPOSITE B&AVDEI9J BTOKXg. It DOESN'T Cost Much To Keep Summery Clothes CLEAN. Read on White dresses, $1.50 up; white waists, 60c up; linen suits, $1.50; lawn and mus lin dresses, $2.50; collars, 10c; fans, 26c; gloves, 10c to I6e; lace handkerchiefs, 60c; neckties. lOo; parasols. 60c; plumes, per inch. 6c; sashes, 25c; skirts, 76c to $1.26; slippers, per pair, 26c; sweaters, 60c; silk underwear, per suit, 75c; veils, 25c; men"s two-piece suits, $1.25; straw hats, 76c and up; corsets, 50c; silk hose, 15c up. Dresher Bros., 2211-13 Farnam f ss " " 'tVi I W1 ffOSTLAHU r -tLJl a' moss & ipV At'M Ih 2Sf xKV if THE 1VIAF SHOWS how one who holds a Burlington ticket can tour the Pacific Coast, over routes that include all of the interesting cities and much of the industrial development and scenery of the West. rCoast tourist tickets, including California, Port land and Puget Sound, June 10 to 22d, June 27 to July 5th,. August 7 to 11th, August 14 to 17th. e Coast tourist tickets, direct routes, Ari ra rCoast tourist tickets every . June 10 to 22d, J une 27 to J uly 5th. JJ) if iK J day, including California, August 7 to 11th, August 14 to 17th. U I Portland and Puget Sound. N. E. A. membership additional on tickets sold to San Francisco June 27th to July 5th. Denver and Coast Trains from Omaha at 4:10 P. M. and 11:35 P. 11. Let me help you plan the most attractive coast tour at the lowest rates. - J. B. REYNOLDS, 0. P. A., 1502 Farnam St.. Omaiia. Neb. The Thing To Do WW j s , .TIT, 1 i Ii If you U your pocketbook, umbrella, watch or acme other article of value, the thin to do U te follow the example of many other sople and adver tise without delay In the Lost and round column of The Bee. That Is what most people do when they lose articles ef value. Telephone us sad tell your ' lose to all Omaha in a slnsle aftenaoo. Put It In The Bee Xtio Omaha Dec's Great Booklovers' Contest ' MO. 75 8TJMDAT, JUNE 18. Vhat Does This Picture Represent? Title Author Your Name , Street and Number City or Town Rules of the Contest are Uslklr te nt.r lals aootaat acept mid lor, ac the Omaha Bwe es4 mam Mr et IMi UmiliM. (uk ear, tor mntr-lT can. than wul tea (ubllaaee is Ts e e picture vdis wtu inrniw tee nana at a too. - iMnaaia auk al.u there wlU be a blank lor tke coaieataut ta flu la tke title o( the book. Cut eet both tke atetare ana blank end All la tke name and aatker at taa soak and add rear name ana adar.M neatly ana plainly ta tke aaaoa sroTldea. No reetrleUene n be ela.ee an the war la whlofc anewera to tke aletarea mar be teoerea, Each picture reareaenta only ane Utle of a beak. It pea are not avra ut a title and wiak to aend In aaore than ane answer ta eeak plotara, ram mair d. ea. BUT XOT MORS TrW( CIVS ANSWSAS Wlkb BS AOCCPTBO TO AST UNI PIOTUH. Ineorrax anewera will net be eewatja atalnat aoateataata U aarreet anawer la alw siren. More tbaaf eaa eaewer akaald net be pat on the suae eoupen. Katra eoupona ehsula be head far at Ira eJieware. Ail aaawara te tat earn, nam bar ekeuld be kat tea .iktx is aendlnt la taa.eM." ( While Bat ekaalstatr Baaaaeary. It te deelrable tkat the plotarea ahoal4 In ensk aaae be mat ha with the anewera ,1a order that all anewera be nnitbna. Additional pietarea and eoupeoa map be eblaiaee at the a (Ilea ot The Baa br mall or la pareon. Whan ya here all aerantr-tlTa pletarae. mat.n them tocaUier end brine or mall tkem te The Omaha Baa, aodraeaee la the BaeaJavere' Oontaat Ml tor. Prlaea will be awarded ta the eeerteeunta aanaiaf la tke larceet number ot eorract eulutloaa. In erant at twa or mere pereone knrlni tke tame aamhar of eorraet eolaUone, tke aaraon" ualng tka emaUar aumbar et extra oeueene In kte ml ot anaware wtl be declared winner, in of two aaraeaa banns the aama aamaanatDerrest ana Bains the eame nuiiioer ut the paraon whoee eat et aaawera la aaaat naatip prepare. In the opinion et fall iutatnc oommlttee. will reeelTa the lint prlaa. ' Only oua Hat ef auewere may be eubmltted by a oaataatant. The eaa at taa eoupona la aot obllaacary epan the eonteatanl, and SB saewer anay be auamltted In any lectble maBnar the eoataaiaat mar eeleet, Awarda wlU be mad. atrtetly aaaaraisp u the marlt of eaoh aeparata I tat. The name ef more thaa one peram meet not be written upoa any ana eoueea. Til. awarda wll be made by tka Contact Baiter and a aemmlttee ef well-kaowa ait laane wkaaa aamae will be anneunaad later. The Ooalaat a Umlled te tka toUewlne terrltary! Mebreaka, Wyamlns, that portion et Iowa weal et bat net I baled! Of O Mutaae, and that naetlea ef South Dakota known ae the Black Hlll( tHutiit. First Prize Value $2,000 A 12,000 Apyetsou Jack Ksb bit" Touring car, Model Four Tulrty, with, five passenger capac ity. It is a great car iu a great contest. It has many speed aod road records, and today rank! among tne leading motor cars. For both service and speed, this suta will make au excellent possession. It Is a real joy-maker. It Is fully equipped aud Is Just like accompanying Illustration. The fatuous Apperson warranty goes with this car. The prize may be inspects at the Apperson Sales Rooms. 1102 Farnam Ut. Second Prize Value $750 Not everybody can play a plane but everybody would like ta Tho It-note Kimball player-piano, worth ?60, which Is the second grand prise, will furnish music for you whether you play or not. It Is a wonderful Instrument, and will make some home a tidppv limn tor every member of the tamlly. Kven Grand ma can play this Instrument. If sister wants to play It without the menhanlam. aha allllDlv has to lift a lever. This player Is exhibited at ttospe store. i'- the A awpliai WiapnamwgryipM'.alB 17 SMS Third Prize Value $300 This prize Is a beautiful lot In A. P. Tukey & Son's Her addition, adjacent to Hanscoin park and Cen tral boulevard, it U. lot 4 of block elKht. on Tblrty-thlrU street and Is ibitiao feet The sticet oar Hue runs aionic Thirty-second Avenue. Just a block from the site of the lot Borne youn couple, perhaps, wll, here erect a little cbttaxe In n.ch to live far years and years. Who can tell what lucky person will net this Ideal lot: You may lie the one. Fourth Prize Vsluo $233 A f00 Columbia "Kctcent" Orafoa. ela and (au worth of record term the fourth jtraiid prise. '1'hle eiuel ient Instrument is una of the beat uiunufa.-tuitii. It Is built of finest inahuKuny . throuithout Kor any tamlly this luatruiuent Is simply a musical a cm. It U sure to Increaae the bliae of any home. It will draw the family closer together and tuna means of entertainment night ufter nlcht. This Uraionoia is now ex hibited at the Columbia Phonos haul company's agency. iii-li( taiuaiu Street. Thirty-Five Cash Prizes VALUE $140.00. . Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $2. Watch for the Daily Picture in The Bee After you nave written la the title of tne book, save tne coupon and picture. Do not send any coupons until the end of the contest la, an. nounced. Remember the picture represents tne utle oi a book not a sceus or character from It Catalogues containing the names ot all the books on which the pruzle pictures are based are for sale at the Business Office ot The Bee 25 centa By mall. SO cents.