TITE OMAILA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE IS, I31L HELP WANTED WALE EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT M tow 11 Hawa aad Ct rat la . W'ANTTTV Men to fwpere for jww!1tmi o waaf si t-p Learn the bar- '" treA r r twIii qnelins Cieer,. ln ssrte nr 4)r1 o-fi-'Ti ; no stri- cesn rvery Staie-twar nuri.t Cmwtii-K and ttpa tii eflfliti..n 1c. rifw amount tr not than mehenlrs earn. Tome trtven; dlplo triaa puiM Aj pry porwrnaiiy er from c-nintr-t e -maii. Mulor Barber college. LB twutk 4: k bu OotRRNVEVT positWie-Regular fall eawmlnsttmis win fc, ln e,f.ry Tboaaentts of a7.iKrtntm0r.ts tn l . FtuM particular free a is date pieces snfl salaries, with Mirinr questions previously used po, tu,.,,m anfl positior. '"'J't explained. Nend tor circular 8.T7 jvat l Cor. Institute, 1. ashing-ton. D. C. WANTED For T srmv. able bodiefl tmtnarriee Bn. between the aye of IP and rm"rns the I nitfl Stales, of r"od character and lerntw-aie habit, -who can Trm.K, reed and wrtie the English lan For h.fnrmetloe M,y to recrint tng nfTlr-r. Thliffli and Ivitflaa Pin., 'rnatia.. Net, ; Mao-arhusetts R.dg, Sioux ,n.rWU.j V N Tenth St . Lincoln. Neb.; DO E. td St, Grand Island, Nob WEEKLT una .. vorlhy people to travel and diHtrtbiile eam Ir",,foL" wboleaale house. C. H. Henry. WANTED Married man to tare ra.ro of builcllnr aa Janitor. Address M 611. Boa. WANTED Sfc ir,o.n with enerrv ta applv lor steady positions; no labor troutilo: reference required; enclose stamp lor ' Address T 47. rare Boo HELP WANTED UI OR rGMILE tt FEJl PAT aadreeminr envelopes: aond e for trial unk of Mart and sample work vminn at kmn. Werti Pub. Co., C loam. m. uamairioa foe bum knra Hrnditi riruA rmriLn pt HELP WANTED (ALB OH rtHAlE. KARJf rood pay ooprins adarrwom jar. Wculara t aiatupa. Hmttit, 17a. Midaie- lOT"t, T. AJCT lntolhront mtnj iriar earn rod inofim eorreoiiondliiir for now rjib im ; o Iortfinoo unnoooaHary ACdroas J'roaa Cor rayownK iHiroan. WaMhlnrion, 1. c.' LIVE STOCK FOR SALE J. A. E YDEN HOr-PEFrTOmNQ. M V. MUi Bt. X obotcr tare. Ind. B-sai. TKJt hoad of pond work nnraes; alao J91" harnoaa. burclea and atnrle li!7Mr?: rh m Jr pajmonta. P17 N. "th nam. ty brofca. irfoctly aound and a perfort tnatrh In color and f tze. E H Oioon. 13 6 xMQi Birwin, Benaon. Neb. Thune I-en-oo Si&. FOR BALK 1 hlph frrado phaoton in J?"4 eoKdtticm; eoat t:St); wlU neU lor 7B. iw. H. SOB. temjn ,or s1; alao a tnnt. 1146 K. Cra. '1 W ILw j i freah cowa and ton aprtnefira. J. Jauam. iU and A ailej-. Harnor ja, TOa BALE-Tw, froah row, two horaea. fhone Karnoj- 6. B. CurroU, Dlfc loaTen 'Ot"Lll Bt. LOST AND FOUND QUTVTETC1?Tn' 'r' and Ro- TTTKNTT-riTE! flollara rrntrd for tha ratnra of an nld-f aahionad twiatad rold kraeatct. vaJnod as an bBlrtoom. Loat rrora an autiunublla either on tua atraota fOBjaaa or n tha Ikxu atreet ruad ta rrwnuau Airs, u atouiton. (0a Karbaoh rtlB - ... rERSONS bavin toat aoma article would i? call up tba olfio. of tha Oman Council B)uH. Btiot PuOJway oomilny to "certain aueUiar the, Jtott ft u, u,, atroot cara, Manr artlolaa acb day ara turned in and tha om.a.,jr i anxlou. to reatore them ta tha rlrutTuJ CMrnr. Cail wunu v. CC1 .KCIL, Pl.l,fs STREET Railway cMFAJcr. A GOOD REWARD ' to offered tor the return of the bicycle taaea from KS Bt. Mary s Ave. Lu-crlp-rt10!',' Shsrploigrh Hard- , St- lula. 1M1 Wonder model. "i: iu1' tub Ur"- cyclometer at tached to front wheel. 1 wiu g-'ve a good reward to tha party returning the blcvcle and wlU say nothtnr atmnt h A " E. Htitchlnra. Nit Bt. Marys Ave. Fbons I-ouglaa fcTXL L till, Bee , LOST-O. H. B, drill medal: name Fred kelson oa back. Ratum to ffitii Cass 8t. Ileward FOUND T"asr Bw wport cloao era and dyera A-aa. D. LtiT Ptod cow. wearing ltiather halter and Ova or atx feet of chain. c:all Bo. mr. THE partsss who picked tip ladies' puree tn ool worth a 10 cent atore are knom n Vnleas purse and outitetua are returned at aaos e Mrs. M. Harry. K34 Iiecatur BU Jiroaeoution will follow liOPT Aa envelope, with pajwrs. deeds to. C. Leuenbeiger, tmtt Ames Ave. aW ward 15BT K. K. Fraternity tiln. o),.r ant and star, name on bark T a , . - Bee office and reoeive reward. MEDICAL HAZEL XJCAF FILE CONES beet rem edy fur Itching, bleeding or protruding flLXS. alio postpaid, a ample trea ber tbaa dt MoCunnaU Lru Ctk. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALABY AID (UATIEXt. N0TICET0 ALL If rwa were posJtree that our rates and terms were the best la the city, weulda t tt pay you ta eae ua when su need money? A eenipartsoB of our nut with ihuee of tber eomionlea will ouovlnoe you that thla Is the plaua to borrow, ti & la the anatV pavmeat oa a taS loan for a weeks Other laiweDU la the sanie prot or XI oa. If ron need money wnu or ttione State Mortwage Loan Co., R-lf ArllngtciB Block lElltj Duln Bt Fbuaes. Ieug ja S4at; lnd. A-iiu, IIIMIIIIMIIIUII ! "WHY THROW AWAY MONEY? Bv Bot seeing us before you procure a I loan ob your furniture, piano, ware- bouse reoetja or salary. i t t do pot publish misleading rates I smw misrepresent ; our methods are t clean; na publioity; cxoollent aervioe; I bbaral disoouiit fur paiment btJure due. I WE OrARANTEK OUR RATES t ARE POSITIVELY THE LOWEST. CaU. write or pbone Our arent will some to you at onoe f doatre CITY LOAN AND TKL'fT CO., fA-21 rougiaa Rlk. Opposite Harden s. Fbones. Iourlas Las lnd. A-2iab. mill uniniiin . CHATTEL LOANS lee aai rates and strictly prlraie. tutUtivABXA UiAA Cu, Xoug UaC, A-12S1 DIAMOND LOANS AT e larae Inaat. smaller soaaa at 1 and i Xf. C. JT-ATATl, Lr..4.1.' MOk-EY Baamag aauea ass i a i , w. .tum eamriti . eaar eaymeem. Office la ft la-iacisij euuea laiau, et laieM Nw, fceiis - . ss Yes or No Are TPB CPTTert In r.rnref? Can Ton Tram' a t-ooA fccsiuwi letter? Can yon make ont an Invoice or SLatemeiit? Can Ton make out A croon t Sales? Can ron make out Check and Drafts? Cm yon Craw up a PromlBiiory Not? Can ron make out Bills of Lading? Are yon an expert Bookkeeper? Io yon nndcrstand DonMe-entry tborongnlyT Can yon keep a Caan Apcount? Can yon make tip Partnership Settlement? Do yon know how to transact business with tanks? Do yon know Commercial Arithmetic? Cau yon Calculate Interest and Percentage? Do yon understand Trade Discount? Do yon understand Commercial Law? Caa you draw up Business Tapers? Can yon write Shorthand? Can yon operate a Typewriter? Are yon paining ground and securins; Independence? Are you using any part of your income or devoting any cf your tlma to prepare lor aming a higher salary? Do you know -when out or work yo cannot auecessfnlly compete with others unless yon are their superior ln attainments? All these drills and many others are being given DAILY IN Boyles Summer School NOW IN SESSION. Students admitted any day. Bgin NOW. Our 160 page Tear Book Is yours for the a&king. BOYLES COLLEGE BOTLE3 BUILDING Telephones: Douglas SUMMER TERM Omaha College 19th and Faraam Sts. Begins Monday, Jnne 19. All Commercial Branciies. A, N. CAIiSTENSEX, Sec E. A. 2ASTMAN, Pres. CAN I AFFORD To do without training; T the MoshBT-Larapman CAN I AFFORD to work for from IS to t ler week, when the Masher-Lampman training wlU qualify me to earn from S12 to LJU.MI7 Can I afford to work long hours for little pay. when. b taking the MORher-Latnp- mui training. I can double my salary, have snore pleasant , empioynxint. and better opportunities for advancement? when you answer these questions you should remember that Mother at Lamp- man have assisted iiuiidreuK oi yours ple to occupy a better plaoe in life. Let tbarn help you. Address M0SHER & LAMPMAN, , 17TH AND FARNAM BTS. W.0VJNQ, STORAGE, CLEANING four carpets on yeur floors; electric vacuum sleanara Ma B. Mta; tut a. X31A. Lous. 4iKL tLAJ-'RiibMaA' m K1.-I.1 v. wv C'J.MwV' leg;, furniture packing, fireproof store City erfloe. tit S I7tb loug 3m. lnd. e-ixi. IfiUSiC ART. LANGUAGES PT?VP Piano tuning. Call Web. 207J, and 1 lM x-ask lor Bpenlal proposition. TAKE a boat ride on Lake Manawa We will give a pair of round trip tickets to H. Raamusaeu. lult So. 11th Ht , if he will come to The Hee office within three days. OFFERED FOR RENT THE BACHELOKH. Sth and Famanv Katss. skUMCML att to ttu. aoubia. ON or two beautifully located rooms with board; walking diaianoe; lurge yard, suads trees, veranoa. etc. Aa saeai piece lor summer, tuc e. tub Ave NICE, clean, airy south front room; alao board if dt-sirud; plenty of hot water. lftxUV Harnat . I'hons H H7. DESIRABLE board and large, southeast, furnished room for two gentlemen; t eaob per month; everything modern; private y; wiuxuig aistauoa. xniug. ivm. a M. E. hauls truiixa D. 6U. A-J6IL BOARD and room, 1C N. gentleman. 27th, lor one. I'EFIRABLE summer bouse, furnished rooms with board. LM a. Sab Ave. TWO large adjoining rooms; also two stngie rooms; nioe iaan, with shahe, board. pit N. 2M.h Bt. M EALB Home cooking. 2424 i mea. Phone riamey 4tKL ' JtCX 'M and board ln one of the moot de sirable locations in Omaha Suitable for two; private, homelike. Tel. Harney 142&. LARGE, cool, east and south front rooma. modem borne. Ktmtitao p.ace, fam ily of to. no other boarders. Married oouiie preferred. Terms reasonable. MJC K. 4th- I'nuna Webster SHI. Fwrmlsara tleoeaa, TWO fumlKbet rettoie. Tet Webster K Kit N. ta bt kiUMT nioely furnished rooms, all renisd. bath room ana in-- f basement, in ail modern f au Will sell rhwap on acoouni of leaving city. Cail 4'JK N. nd Si LARGE southeast room with amove, suit able fe- two: board if desired; private Xam- lif. 114 . Is'-h Su ONE niosty furtnelied front room. Isth Bu cai W wt t- furnished rooms : walking dis- taaoe : e, bile puroelain tuts fH iiB a ONE furnished room; all modera boms, waiamc diaiamis. am a. gist Bu STKlCTLt suuaara eouUteast larre fur oiis st twe sti l "tr m XM iar D- 15M; Ind. A-19S4. OMAHA, NEB. Young Men and Young W omen There are Three De cisions for You to Make Flnrt WThat oocupatton shall I chonaa? fcoound Whon shall I enpRra upon It? Third Where ahail I ret my special training-? Here are the Answers Firat !temirrathy holda ucocjuallod op portunities for you a an ltioomo producer and a atejjlnr atone to better thinra. ISeoonfl Thla year la bettor than nort year, for the aooner you enroll the quicker you reach the maximum nolnt of rour ef ficiency; thla summer le better than next fall, for you will then finish your course when there are the fewest seekinc employ ment. Third Ti pan rive yon tn return for your dollara the moat thorough training ln the Stenopraphlr Course, for we have ejwnt twenty yean and all our enerelea In building- up thia one department of bualneac education. Lt youroolf t frulded by the Judpment of experionoed stenographers and the budlnees men of the city. The Van Sant School Teachea EVERYTHING a orrapher should know. Bten- lons C. IufTy, Proprietor. Klizabcth Van Bant. Principal Comer lKth and Farnam Sts., Omaha STAMMERING AND FTUTTERINO cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramr Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT rwrataaeel aatisiaedu 2412 DODGE BT., south front, double par lors; cool and modern. NK'iL large room. tC or small nom, HO, in modem apartment, oiose ln; private 1am ily; lady employed or gentleman, ited MSI. CLEA.N, oool boys. to. tG7 hi. rooma best board tor 4 Xitb M. NICELY furnished cool room, modera, private tamiiy, waiting- distance, excellent neighborhood, fit S. tih. tL tOtis. NICELY furnlahed , rooms. Meals served n desired. LvorytLtlig xiew and modern. Fuie location, tit N. liitA. NICELY furnlahed large suitable for two. ail S. 2b Lh front room. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 181 Burt Bt, nioa lawn around the house. CHEAP housekeeping rooms, ttlfc N. 17th. TWO front double rooms, all modem, rented together or separately. Wt North ifciii tst. Phuna l-ii0h. CLOBE-IN, nicely furnished, cool rooms for summer; ail conveniences. 1707 Dodga THE best treat for wife and baby Is a diKh of Iialsell s ioe cream. If Mis. N. E. liolan. Kim St., will enroe to The Bee cilice within three days we will' rive her an order for a uuart brick of this fine loe cream free. OOOL. nloely furnished rooma. some suit able for two persona. All modern uon vanienues. Fins neighborhood. l Doaga MODER-N. m private home, walking dis- lauc!e, went rvi'ituiu; piioes reaso.,aiie. I'liune Hamey (Uteii. NICELY furnished room, ln rood locality, all modem conveniences, refuted borne for lady employed. 22u N. 2nd St. lei. Red 4232. 2S N. 2DTH. larre. llytit and airy, newly papered and furmsned, good dosei; ahadsd; modem; relereneea. Red 7Wi. ONE nloely furnished room, all modem, with coiipie; red neighborhood; walking distance. 1 'hi lie H. 4:si. COOL rooms, nloely furnished, 2th. SOT B. CLEAN newly furnished rooms, ti.Hl per week up; also housekeeping rooms; all modem; everything furnished, sib 6. HbUi NICELY furnished front rooms, town. a2 B. 2Jd dose to TWO east front rooms; nloely furnished here: every thing mouern; gentleman iire terred. au: B. 24th BL NiCE. large room, tn apartment with two girls; hot water, electric ligtit, cioae In. tU.. Ts lady employed permanauUjr. kelei-enoea L-Liu, care Lee. TWO nicely furnished rooms, nice shade and lawn, modem house, private family. Jti2fc Capitol Ave. Fhuiie lnd. B-tlu. ONE alngls and two connerttnr rooms, all modern. 312 Famun. Phone Hurney i407. TWO large, clean rooms; strictly private; bath; wauung distanca. 2ut Harney. H-3I7S. TWO large south modem rooms, iiarlor flour, nraiy papered, clean and oool; inv atory. ref rigerauo-. iiits u Mary a Phuna Red 4300. Tim DAVENPORT, coot, neatly furnished front room tor sentluiaa. One block north of poslulDua. KICK furnished frost room tor rent. "i N lwa. NICE modern room. eis n. itth su suitable fur two. MOIiJN furnished aleepuuj rooma. N lstiu 413 PEWIT Xiropeaa HetsU. tath raraaox 272U Ll'KT FT, oool room, with or with out board ; modem home; lirtvaie family. 1 eu Adsrney 4lCi. LARGE itOuM a ul table tor tiirtw. and ennui back ruum, cieaa, oool, reasonabia 1m4 Docg. ONE large aud otie small room awiai tng bath ruuaa, bosle and larae jmstcA sol fitk. 2SIL, LAP.GS south frtmt room. 1 Faraam B Jf Sat. tiioe rootna. e wi thlr.ir mod ern, walkiuc dwtanca. cool amd ttwaacL X1CE1-T furnlnbod room, tit pw mouth. UoOnrn, JtnA Lou:iaa atrarta. KICE.LT farniabad rooms and board, 2KU Doufiaa St. LARGS front room. HMt!r IZt N. Ulh; walnc fliataooa. rttmiBbot. FTRJCTLT mndnra and Boat r f umtahod rootna. iionty of hot wator. oit room aun abia lor ti fcnuemm. Sit K. Uth I TWO fumlahod rooma, tt and Sib. Ftrirtly prtvai fanulj ; rood lucation. reiarnnnaa axcn&nsoo. t noua km Km i-T fumtahod larra room: alao amalier one. tl. thorough modern, ciuas m. ta x. an tea tfcx M B. lf-TH. Jar-pro. oool front room, ault ablo for two; everything modern.; wailung die tan oa KETWLT f urn La bed. Is modern bouse, sou Chicago. ONE small and three larre wo II furnished rooma. Uti X. 17Ui BL I'bone Uoug llulT. r- MALKINO dlstanoa. wall furnished rooma. aingie or enaulta, on Farnam Bt. ; nine, cool place, shady yard; ever;-thing modern. Z2X Farnam 1 MOrERN furnished rooms suitable for two or three persons; rates reaaonakue. tii N. 17th. N1CELT furnished room, private family; Do other rooms. Waiamg distance. 1M S. th Bt. NICELY furniiined room, Hanacom park and Field olub Aiatrict. on car lice. I'bone Harney 716. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, all now and modern. 1SU Loug:las fiL Baorla at Armrtaae-ata. Offden Hotel c KICELT rTKVOTED ROOMS tor rB- ins uiaiiiAJs. us a uta bl lOLG HOTEL, 18th and Loc.ce; ail eoai euiairta ruuma; avoal aeak raia. Pwrwlaaie Haaaea. FOR FTMMER Hmctlv modern t-room reeidence; piano. References required. tTeb. 17BS. FOUR- ROOM modern apartment fur- hlfchod. -Mobster 7-ROOM. modern. July and August. Tel Web. 4uu6. BIX rooms, modern In all respects, cloao tn; will rout furnished for two months to reliable partv. J. H. DT-MONT BON 'Fnone ourlas IMA 1M6 Farnam. Omaha. t-R. new apartment at tBth Ave. and Cass, furnished complete till Sept 1 at taO imr monuk. OKEEFE REAL EFT ATE CO., 1016 Omaha National. Doug, or A-Zld. Aaeurtaaeata aat Flats. SUTERB not bin g like tt 4 or t roan flat, all modera. IX K. 2nd Bt. FLATS BT'ocial lnduoemenls on any of the tol lowmr: lifl4 Spruce, t-r, partly mod, newly dec orated; CO. Bherman Are-, t-r, strictly modern, IL'.SO. 2iil(i Kherman Ava, t-r, strictly modern, C7.B0 B12 William. 4-r., strictly modern, close to B. t 11 depot; S31.M). E12 S. IKth. fc-r, strictly modern, three blocks from center of city; til. B. tm.h. t-r, ntrlctJy modern, Hans enra Park district: Ufa. J6W Bt. Mary's Ave-, 7-r, strictly modern, first-class condition; choice residence dis trict: HO. S N. zad, 10-c, within easy walking die tan oe. t0. Payne a- slater no. Bole Agenta, th Floor, Cm. Nat. Ek. Bldr CLOSE IN APARTMENT IN THE BTERLIKH3. fComer TKth St. and St. Mary's Ava.) Apartment No. 7, 4 rooms, 2S6. Apartment No. SS, t rooms, t:-.aO. Apartment No. 2Ti, 6 rooms, M5. Theao apartments are strictly modem and up-to-date, with gas rang-e, shades, curtain rods, bot and coid water and Janitor ser vices furnished. PAYNE & FLATTER CO, Sole Agents, Sixth Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg ivT Four rooms, choicest ln the city; tHU summer; lib winter; close-in and up-to-date. AJLBATlAN 1J South rth Bt, Just one left; south aide; firnt noor; ft0. ST. GEORGIA lit North 21st Su first floor; north side; party purchased a home and wacta to rent for the unexpired term of his lease. Full particulars on application at the apartment. 602 Bouth tin Five rooms, modern, new; tflO summer; tSi winter. All ttie above have heat, hot and eold water free. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler ltt- 21 Bouth 17th EL FOR RENT, APARTMENTS. To lease, three beautiful five-room apart ments ln the Maples Annex, 2bth and Har ney streets. Janitor eerrloa, steam biau hot and cold water, shades, curtain f.x turea, gas ranges, refrigerators and awn ing furnished. Price, t4H and t4b. fete lain tor or N. P. BERGERS. BT7 BRANI'EIS BLDG. THL DOUGLAS itita APARTMENTS, rift S-r, 321 Douglas St. gai.tn 8-r 17i Burt Bt. tlC.ho t-r Laiayetta, 17th Ave. and Jack son St. . , , IMi 4-r Lafayette, 17th Ava and Jaiik- soa fit. GEORGE tDllTAM, tth Fioor City Nax J Bank Bldg NEW, B. W. coruer 24th and California, third floor, t rooms. Kxoellent: roomers; t-room brick. IKE Chicar o ; toll. u KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO, loit ciuiaiia Nauunal. Dougiaa 2ii2- TO LET. July 1, for one year or more. A fine corner apartment of t rooms at 3th Ave and Patiific. Bargain. t40. Wirhi et Lasbury, tufa So. 16th Su Phone Doug, lit FOR KENT Six -room Oiouern flat. tu. 41 N. lktb Su FOR RENT Five-room apartment ln Tha f In tat. Apply 41S Omaba Kauonai Baas sua., or vail Douglas last. EIX-KOOM apartment tn the Barnard. Apply 4it Omaba Nat 1 Bank BIOc. D. m NEW 6-room, finely arranged apartment, strictly modem, steam heat. Cornihb aiart menta, soulbwest corner 10th and William Sts. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., ls) FarnaJn THREE and six-room flats. Viartis Block, UUi and V ebster. -ROOM apartmenta, eoir.pletolr m-'flem, Bcargo Bldg, Se. Omnha; above &2n N tub. tuoma. lM)1' Farnam. modem; sui talus looatien for offioea, studios, denial er dreesniaklng ruoma. etc, tor tatiania wlsh t.g iiuniu ailjouung. liiOa. r. HALL. 431 Ramga U. SA A-4Mut. IN THE HAMILTON. 24tb and Farnam Sta.. 4-rm stiartment, t3E. J. H lH'MONT sr W'jN, 'Phone Duuias faao. lbut f am. t-L, Omsiia. KIW modem t-room apartment; walk big distance oa car ima. au2 Nurta Tweiity lourta etraet COSY t-room modem fuiU tt. Tel. Webeter 7k. 23uk 6. 24th. FIVE or six -room. Louis fiat at XUi ft. striotly modern Bu Ittih; rent cheap. Doug. FlVE-ROoM apartment is Brlnvllller, WiM. Oakriag lev. Co. Douglas 2iS7. TWO 4-room St Louis flats. fctf each; trnoa eottare, tl; these tiave bath, fine shade ; ii-Hll t in ton Oakridga lnveet meiit Co. Tel. Iwugias 217 t-KCiOM furnished apartment, steam heat ana every mooem eonvetuenoe; c orniati eiiartments, southwest eomsr lith and M unara sua W. JAiiNAM EMITH OO, iae Famam. Ayartan ta aA riali C-ttaaA. rcTB-RCOM apartment. t w Hamil ton. I'boaa Kod 771. THE HUXTER, .;h and XKtdra Jr root ohonant atid rtrnm a.iuT.mi'ta. Modern; hardaood ftnlrh. bruab braaa f.rturea: hot and cuid air; janitor aerrioe; Iaundi-y, eiectrie waobor; vacuum cloanar. M acting Oiaianoe. I'hune Lwugiaa alfiL FIN K S-ROOlt APARTMrVT IN TWTC CAXXFVR.N1A. fLC jAislTuR. D. THE Sbermaa. t-room. atartmnt. Web. ETtu. ground Coar FTRJCTLT modern I or t-room apart morta. laidoc hail and bath room: newly deooratod and lair rooma. la Xavidice block. lKth and Farnam; low rent lor the summer. oo me now. JuKN W. RatBlN. int FAJtKAM ET. 6-ROOM. new. modem apartZDcau, Benin park, i'bone Hamey E.7S. HV ROt'M atartiuent. llQ Do. MKh BU Thone Red "M. THE GENUA. fX Cam, Juat oomploted. Apartments, t rooma each, aerrant a room. Flneat modem conveniences. Bwe janitor. raralakot Bei r a. rot XXAVENPORT. fumiahod snlta af saiKicrii housekeeping rooms; first Coar. tli, LARGE, cool, well furnished south east room with bay window, with or with out piano, gas. nice bath, bot and loa water, both telephones, walking distance Levenworta oar, on biock. 3tmi est. alary s Ava TWO neatly furnished rooms for llg-ht bonewfcefcptaA. BveryUilig modern, illi Chi cago tn TWO or three nloely furnished rooms, eompleta tor llgbt tiouseaeeplnc. JQU La venpert Bt. FURNISHED rooma. with private fam ily, in BiMB-a boat; good location; waiS lng distanoa. Wi a. 28th ex. FOUR completelr f urn la lied remi for house-keeping to couple without children; relei-encea legulred. SSS K. 401b Bt. NICELY furnlahed apartments tor housekeeping, modoni. gaa rangs, re frigerator, phone. Chicago 8t LJGHT houaekeepliut rooma 2uQ Chioaro. CLOFE In. Twa nice oool furnlahed rooms for light housekeeping modem. CaU 'JaK Capitol Avs THREE partly furnished bousekeopinr rooms, or lour on The zirst r.uor; modern; references ei chsngad 27IA VooJ worth Ave NICELY furnlahed llirht rot ma. 171 Cuming street. housekeeping NICELY furnished light houeokeeplng rooms, pood nnlghborhooo; ran and baUi; all modem. r707 1 lodge. H. 6CKC I NICELY furnished rooms for light housekeeping; good neighborhood, close to car. 2SU. N. 19th Ave. Phone Web. 63tM. FOR lig-bt housekeeping Two modem rooms, furnished or unfurnished, ground floor. One block from Sherman Ave. oar. 4i40 N. tVth Bt. Tel. Web. E13L. Room for llpht housekeeping;; also single room. 2211 Douglas. TWO largo tart! handsomely furnished rooms mooom. Walking distance; ahady lawn. tlL. W Bo. 2Kb. t af su-silabea steesaa. LARGE, oool, unfurnished rooma single or ensuite. Good location and all modem conveniences. 2701 Dod-e. I-ROOMS, good location, reasonable, so children. 422B Harney. Phone H. 4isV THREE rooms. ZZX Ullh Bt. modera axoept beat THE MANUEL AND HOWARD. Two-room Hsvely aiuutmenta, Pullman style, rood aa four rooma. K!b to t32-iu. One t-room flat, furoifched, t, oool In summeir and warm ln winter. 21PT AND HOWARD. Four Blocks from New Court House. THREE unfurnished rooms, bath, store room, outside porch, modem except beat. 2C17 K. Utth St. 1KU Lothrop, pleasant unfurnished rooms; light housekeeping. Web. 62tV FURN1EHED or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; sleeping rooms at 7bo to tL tab 6. Zist Ave WHEN you spend your money spend tt for the best there is. If Ed. Cassldy, 2SU2 S. 11th Bt, will come to The Bee office within three day we will give him an order for a o-oeut pox oi o linen i candy free. Bvsi sat OottaaTee. OS Bo. 27th Bt, t-r. mod. fiat, OO. C12 So. Z7th St, t-r. mod flat. UU BEM1S-CARLBERG CO, tis-ail Brandeis Theater. No. 1C South 2Mth avenue, t rooma, modern, tlu. 2ua Pacific street, 7 rooms, modern, E2. iitii Pacific street. rooms. tJti. ma North 27th street. 6 rooma, 116. 270fc Seward ftreet, 8 rooms, fit. 271U Seward street, t roonis, f Id. 2MD Binney street, t rooms, tli. 2M4 Binnoy street, I rooma. t-2 ALFRED C. K.E-NNEUT. 2W First Natioual Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 722. FOR RENT CHEAP, ft. to t-room fiat B. Kith Bu tl2.5(i--Tiom. ;' N. 21st Bt. fas t-room, lOiTT. 20th Bt. AJO 7-room home, 1UU Paul St. fio o-room flat. liO Lake Bt. ROBINSON 4t WOLF. 4K Paxton Biock Phone Dour:. 241B CLOBE-IN SNAP. I rooms, strictly modern, that means: new furnace, new combination lighta, new plumbing, nicely aecoraled; close down' town, at only X27.&U per month. Bpedal lnaucements to right party. PAINE 4i SLATiSR CO, Bole Agent. Sth Floor Om. Nau Bk. Bldg r- OOOJJ UUlfES lUK iUCNT. 7 r, modem. 123 N. tiKh Bt, nice lawn shade and shrubbery, well located. liu. 7 r, modem. Ml S. 77th St.. within easy r, 2mm N. Zfth Ave, city wsaer and comer lot, lis. john w. bobbins, ie farnam bt t-ROOM all modem house. 1010 Arbor Bt. r-nune i-iougias mua. FOR RENT t-room baoemenu 2J7 Mar tha SU i'hon ind. S-Uui.. 2017 JACKSON BT. Seven rooms, all muaern. first-class condi tion; close to oar line. tX.su. Suitable for large tamiiy. PAYNE ft SLATER CO, Suie Agenta. Sixth Floor Omaha National Bank Bide 2ot Farnam St., t rooms, modem, tab Jl Clark St, I rooma, $10. 1211 Su. lith Bt, t-room fisu tl7.su. This may be rented to s colored family. RINGWaLT titur... Brandeis Theater Biug HOCEEHOLD OOOW gtackea. torwarteaj cbat freight rates; suovirg aud sturina kxpreasiiiea s Deuvery Ca- Tel Doug. 24, Cuy oLLoa. XAfc a 13iA au. nee Baa. s-ROM houae fur rent; water. Tyler lis. Call House ta all parte of the Oeuth ftons Ca, Be city. ti(U E1GHT-ROOM bouse, modern, at lit B. 44th et, ou U. Fariianr-Dubdse liua. Tel Hsrnry iUul or Dougiaa eaA. 4 ROOMS. MODERN. Ki4 . SD ST Bouses. Ins Ringsrait. Brandeia Th. Bida tn MAPLE St, five rooma modem ex cept furnace. (22 tt. Hall Distributor Ca A-4t. I 740k fcEVEN ROC id bouse. 27th and Maadsrsua streets, tit- Charles L Saundera Zil SuuiS Uth streeu pbuna Dougiaa 17k. FOR RENT New 7 -room bouse, 1727 Iievenpurt St Phone Harney tuo. fEA'EN -RCsTiM modem bouse. sUt Park Ave. Beautiful lasn J. I Kemp. KU Lssvesworta Bu key at eftiee. Beth pn imea MODERN 7-room bouse opposite Haa soom para, tau. phone Hamey fciaa, 7mb. Vaa ft tererw Ce sees a bo ueebma gooes Fireproof surara; sat . inarch. ft. 17 ut. Sea id. asvt A-AkAi RTTIAL rNT'UCTTM ENTP rV ANT OF THE FOLLOWINC. f Oiarloa. 6-r, partly mod., tit. ri O'ant. -r.. part'v mnfl., t 1.3H- B lih. tr all mod. ox boat, V". Kit V th. t-r.. all rrv.d. n. hoa-.. tlK 7 Frai.kMi t-r., all mod. raot-pt bat. Jarre yard; 13. fit C'htu. t-r., all mod. ercept beat. I W. X Hra-ard. i-r.. all mod ; tm-pajti at lli Kit Capitol Ave., 7-rv with is efcf.v walk ing d siance; t- 7 Haguo, a t-r. strictly modem anfl vp-ia-date cottage; tT..bu. wm oecma.t to suit tenant, tori locuot t-r.. all modern: tW 3RH loctur. 7-r., all modem, fjn. B yth. 7-r., ail modem; 13. i. Hit N. t4ih t-r, all mod. esooot boat; a bar-rain at f.W). lfj. Tales. T-r., strlrtlr mooom: t lful Fjiruce. -r.. strict ljr modem; Hit IMS N. JOth. t-r.. all modem, first-ciaas condition: a bargain at tii. m6 B (Vntral Boulevard,. 7-r strictly modom; t Cl-ti Farnam. t-r.. strlctlr mooem, tit 4iH Boa-d. t-r, striotly modem; oholoo location; IX M. HUBS Fa-tiam, t-r., all modem; Ma. m maKe ropRlra to suit tenant. 1SI1 S ai.th Ave., an C-r etrtrry irroom dotuched bonne, ln Field Club district: i 1W S. Sth Ave., an t-r. strictly modem brick dwelling. wUhin walking diHtanoe, PAYNE B"LATER C'O.. Bole Agenta. tih Floor. Om. Nat. Bk I lflt HOUSES ANP FLATS 6U Bo. It.tb Ave., very oholoe, t rooms, Bt. Loulu fiat, tri lEil Bo. antn, good 7-room modem bouas ins Be. SRth, good 7-room modem h li.'a Na. 1"th. good t-room bouae, walking ffietanr-a. git. a tm So Mth Bt., rood t-room oottaga, - 19 Na. IS. 4-room cottage, tit N. K. oornor Wh and Uouri", t-rooro houae, larre comer lot, tit. 2234 T Bt., Bouth Onialia, 4 rooms, g. fi4 Hlckorv. I rnomi. tM. GARVIN BROB., X4 Omaha Natl Bank Elflg 4-ROOM cottage. 14th and Ohio. H2. CIS N. 17th Bt.. fc-room cottftfe, modem es oept heat; close tn: only ti'- J6L" Elm Bt t-room cottage, mooom ei oem heat; good repair; barn; a bargain '"The boat bariralu Is Omaha. 1K7 S E3d Bt., t-room flat, mooem except beat. MOB Is. 24th. t. . 4 . , 4-room flat, modem axoept beat. 2S16 Iry Ave- t-room flat, modern axoapt boat. 2- rowey Ave., V- . . t-room flat, modem sxcopt nraU 71 lftth Ht.. tit. . Sua Cuming BU, t-room, part modern, ontv tU M. 32 lewoy Avs, t-roam. au mouern, close In. tir.MI. . T, N. P. i'OIKSE CO, lUth and Harney THREE-ROOM tnodern flat. 11!3 N. 17th Five-room modem Cat, Sit B. 12th BU E7.. Seven rooms. IT.J0 N. lth Bt, HO. Three rooms. 1WH4 B. Wt h Bt, tt. Hlx rooms, modern, 421S N. 4th Bt, SL.RO. Eight rooms, modem. 4111 N. 24th St, - Seven rooms, modem, 27at Davenport, 13.. Nms rooma. modern, 2aU r-oppieton -. tn Seven rooms, modem, 1886 B. 2Rth Bt, 227.60. Ten rooma, modern. 2412 Cass Bt, L W. B. MEIKLE. 206 RAMGE BLDG WALNUT HILL BARGAIN. 424 B lire me Bt, sn t-rm.m. all modern v.-,,..- i. oirat-nliiaa concition. oia " fine, big barn. Biwclal price torlgbt party. FAYNIt 61,Jr.n v., Einl. A r.M t Sixth Floor Omaha Natioual Bank Bldg. ii-12 N. ad Bt.. modem and very de sirable. M7.SC. and IM. . m me S. tlst Bt, 1 rooms, ' - i: 6 oth Ave, t rooms, modern. lis Grace Bt, 10 rooms, modern, t-i-au. 2ti2 N. lKlh St, D rooms, tl7.n0. 2tiOS and 2010 N. lth SU. modem. t25. 24 Hamilton, t rooms, parUy mod. P6. W42 Case Bu. I rooms, new and strictly modem, tits 3028 E 22d Bt, 1 rooms, td and Bprlnr Bts, 4 rooms, tan. r w.v to. a. tUe C wrsnrWTia ttl L W. FARNAM SMITH at CO., rarnam DUMONTB LIFT. a Mnnni and bath, water, sewe north part of the city, tie.ao. t rooms, all modem, northwest part of the city, Xo. rooma Iwautiruiy wctwo, ,"0. hoi-a. Knunts. wJTi'svTother houses to all parts of the city for sale or renu Ws write all kinds of Insurance. J. H. IX'MOVT ft BUN. Phone Douglas WO. 1 ram. Su. Omaha, Stot vaTLNAM D1BTRICET. ! . . -11 wwuiMm hnuae it bedrooms) nloely decorated; east front in heart of West Farnam district and clie to car onlv t3fc. with big inducements to right party. &c us about it quick PAYNE BLATER CO, Sola Agenta, eth Floor Om, Nau Bk. Blag- CNEKJU ALLED. central. 1-room house. Ob N. 2sd. t-ROOM, strictly modern. Ava Tel. Red 177. 622 B, 24th FIVE-ROOM cottage. 221k Charles; t . Bans on Transfer Moves Furniture. D. 1SHB. DOUBLE house, 121-1S1 Bouth W St; six rooma on each' side, $ each. Tele phone liougias 4U4U. tot South tsth, t46 a month; all modem, I rooms. Telephone Douglas 4MU. FOR RENT Blx -room house, modem ex cept heat. tl.v per month. 2U1 Binney Bu 'Phone Webster 17uZ. XEW, all stucco, modem resldenos Sit N. tsth' Ava toil. Red 2147. Iffi.fco t-room, brick house, a. 2sth BU Tel. Hamey 17CI. modem. IDA WEST FARNAM vtt7 ruiAn an fc-room strictly mod brick dwelling In a select residence districU Price Hi-aO- viTKX sl RLATER CO, Bole Agents, tub Fluor Om. Nau Bk Bldg. 1. 11W rent for rood home; 7 rooms, all m,riaen' i t.roe blocks from Farnam St niimuiatt repair; rooms large; three bed rooma Tel. Owner, Red 62b. CIS N. tetb, 7 rooma tsi.to. lid 6 2iTih. t rooms. t2l 00. 2K28 Seward, t rooms, t22 21123 Cuming, 4 roonis, HO. And many others. F. D. WEAD, UD1 FARNAM BT. A MXE-RrifiM modem iuee at 114 E. 2Hth Bt, for 12b per month. SVEA REAL ESTATE CO, 12 Omaha Nau Bank Bldg. Red 232C ' -ROOM, modem house; close in; ranpe. llnoieum, shades; water paid.. Inquire 212 N. 2Eth. WANT TO RENT. The bent C or 7-room house that ran Ye bad for tit to 20 per month ; small fam ily and pest ox mereiiues. xu . i " j . 1J21 SCL'TH 2sth modem f rooms, large. Phone Hamey twic LARGE, roomy cottage. 2S21 Ctilnapo St.; wiii be vacant July 1; rent jir;.Wi. See owner at 2L22 Chicago St. NINE ROOMS. CTCiPE IN. M). 602 N. 21st St, fuie. new, brick terra oe; newly .pered tiiroughout ; strictly mod- era, oak finish; Uie batn. owner rur nlshes ahadea, gaa range and laundry slove. PAYNE ft ILATXtt CU, Sole Agents, Sixth Floor Cmiaha Nauonul Bank BlOg. 2 HOUSES. 2Mt B. Rth. Tel. Red 4MZ t-ROOM houee modem except heat. 2.711 Corby Bl ; rent. $22.as. Phone ln.urlaa 27s. '-ROOM bouse, modem except heat, flrst clasa condition cheap rent to permanent tenanU 2U Caldwell. Webster trtft t-R. bouse. 7o N. Bid. $10 1. H PARROTTE, fad. Trade FOR RENT. feKK Bpencer street, six rooms ful'y mod ern, garat't, nearly new. $lfa. Key at m4 Wirt street. Will decorate to suit tenant t tit " M bouse, bath. gas. Unusually fins 2711 Seward. $17.00. t RuoM bouse. - Seward. $17. Bath. Gas. Very fine. 7 ROOM all mod err bouoe fc flnlah. sVtrloltr bign graa tuiuia. tfall North ttih. Open. Mi tW 00 N o IKT Fark Ave.. 7-rrn modera bouao. laitiiig litliwxlu Jtik $M-..mSu 4)4 .o uii o.t. e bave raduoed thif f tie mom, a i nuKiorn house f"om f to V' Jt 1 a largala. UtMk Na in fro a.-.h Ai.. ' rc-unis, all modVrn. liartood finlnh. CT.l .No I7JJ jackaon M., rooms all modem, nom piumbitK. now furnace., l fixturea very oeairabia at tha price. Wi-No at Bo. nh Bt Thi la a 7-rootn houae, ail modern eicept aleotrie light. GtKd noighhorhMd. tlS No I4S Kmniot Ht etnrv bouse a'th gas fur cooking and iirli; H.g; cltr water; toilet, in fins oandtuoa; la-are yard uYS No. 9r, (edar Bt.. t-room cottar a with bath In rood condition. C4k-No. mo l-aciftc bt. a-roam oottars; gas for conking tits No. fjs North 3th tt 4 rooms and hkth. ln brick fiat. fa No 2f.it North RiSt, I rooms with bath. In brick flat. I t.Sft- v aikttir ewtauoa. rooms with toi let and fas. reter Truat Co., Omaha Nat. Bank ITIflg MR. RENTER: Ton iisve been readlrir adK in thla column for Benson Homes for some time Box-oral times yon hsv made up your mind that you would go out and look into It. w lien j ou rot around to It. Meantime, every piece of propextv ad-rer-tisod ban boon sold and you are stJU par ing out j-mir good money in rent ta some landlord and you have received nothing but a hunch nt wmthlesn rent receipts. Others have thouyht It worth while to In vestigate, and tn1 lnvewtigattnr have foimd everythine to he lust af advertised and nav purchased, until eo-erythtnr is sold, and cannot have anv more ready for about two weeks. You are afraid all the time that you win be el;ea for a hirber rent, or that the iace will be sold over yeur head .you want some papnrtnr and repair ing done, but the own or sava be can do nothing for the rent he ts reoerrtnr. al though you may hsve paid htm mourn rent te buy the plane. Think about thia. talk It ever with your famitv. then come out In about two weeks; hv that time will have some rood things readv. Or 'phone Benson lit Sundny or eveninrs F. B. TRULLlNGETt HOTFER rt fPP Vinton Bt, eight rooma, mod ern: barn anfl two lota 122 2f2i North Itth Bu, seven rooms, modom except heat. tl.p rr il Howard Pt, ton rooms, thor oughly modern. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler lite. lit South 17th Su ron rent. F14 nm.h and Piiikney, t-r. cottars an4 one acre. Kn-tw TVeatur. t-r, all modem. 127. to 27t Mrliff 7-r, all modem APARTMENTS, tr-t rooma 1J4 N. lhth Bt. Tory fine. t40 4 rooms, 114 N. IMh K Very fine. Payne investment co, S, E. Cor. lbih and Farnam. Doug. 17BL A-llst THE STANDARD 223 BUMMER BARGAIN. Blx hie. oool rooma thick walla, extra ventilauon; hut water, gas ranra, shades, private hall, fine finish, steam heat. Janitor. Very desirable. PAYNE & SLATER CO , Bole A rents, Sixth Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. I HOUBE8 FOR RENT. t-room cottage, 14th and Ohio, newly papered and painted, 112. UI6 N. 17th St, fc-room eottare, modern -oept beat; close in. only t2u. li.l iblra St, b-room eottare. mod. beat: rood repair: bam. A barraln for tu. The best bargain ln C'maha. lilT ft. SKd Su, R-roimi. all niounrn house, only I2&. t-roora flat, modem except heat, 1002 N. 24th. $20. 4-room flat, modem eioetit heat- 2E11 Dewey Ave, $1S.M). t-room flat, modem exoept beat. 22S Ieey Ave, $7. t-room fiat, modem exoent neat. 7CB Fa lllth Bt, tla MS Dewey Ave- t-room. all modem, close in. tl!7.u0. 71 E. 27th, t-room flat tmly $7. N. P. DoDGE ft CO, lslh and Harney. A GOOD LIFT TO SELECT FROM, sll-li 6. 11th SU, It rooma. $50. Seward, 4-r, -with barn, $12.80, 1S21 Howard. 2d floor. 7 rooms, tax 24S Cap. Ave, B-r. close ln oottaga.' C7J4 WMt Seward, t-r, city water, ras. bt. 2U2B Siiruoe. 6-r, rood, exoei-t heat, wltlt large, thady yard, just put In first class oonuitlon, $lt. M7 E. 2.ith Ave, 7-r, mod. exoent beat. lose in. $20. 2.x Bristol. 7-r. mod. ex beat. 122. ST.22 Caaa. 7-r, large yard, tit. tao Dewey Ava, fc-r, all modern, $40. 145 B. 2ttth St, t-r, mod. ex. heat, $17.tu. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Phones. Doug. 2OT, A-3KH4. 20! 6. 17th Bu HOUSES. t23.to--r, modem exoent heat. 42S0. Cum lng St. t- 7-r, modem. 2810 Grant Bt. t;i. fc-r, modem, ta N. ICid Bt. tii--r, -all modem fiat, PC6 Park Ava tJa fc-r, all modern, 4U4 WehfOer St. GEJORGE ft COMPANY, th Floor City Nat l Bank Bldg. IT LOOKB like a big rams today. It John Tracoy, ia27 B. loth St, will oome to I'be Bee office within three days we will rive turn a ticket to the ball $um at llourke park. 222 E. STH AVE. Eight-room, etrictiy modem, detached house: newly decorated throughout; bot and cold water furnished the year around, A bargain at t.H. PAYNE ft SLATER CO, Sole Agents. Sixth Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg XEW modern 6-room eottare, within walking diBUiBoe, south el da. Key at ,60 Omnia Nat"! Bank Bide EN B 22d St, 10-r, all mod, $40. 1UOK I'acifrc, 4-r, part modem, tit. ZM Evanh, 7-r, new, all modem, $1 4222 Harney Bt, fc-r, all modem, $2L 27i4 Lake Bt, b-r. and bath, $ik; tor ored.) BIRKETT ft TEfftBDNS, 422 Bee Bldg. D. 47u; A-17M 22Jfa CRAKLKS, t rooma. lit. 'Ji.'Jt CAliforuia, 10 rooma. mod, $40. 1127 South lllat Su. 10 ruoma, f A. 1 o 4 room sartmeuta clone ln. JOHN N. l-KENZLK, BOTH PHONES. , . FOR RiENT rooms, large reoertlo hall : oak floors and finish; strictly modern. LTb S. 2ALh SU t-ROOM borne for rent; fairly modem! g uarter-sa wed oak floors; located within, easy walking disiatice; flue nugbuorhood. hot water beat; ie-tric lights and gae nioe ard and lots of shaos. 222 K. 2Stti Bu Cail Hamey i4Ut sturee l f floss. BTOREB. CM B. lftth Bt, fine store room and base ment, mooem front, will lease on tavorahia terms. tilt B. Hith St, will t imodeled with new front, has good baeemenu Rental $100 per month. U.7 S. liitb Bt, rKd store room and base ment, tin per month. 1211. Farnaui Su, 22x110 feet, t store. $1 per month. 2711) Leavenworth St. Good store room. IX.iMi per month. GEoKGE ft COMPANY, tth Flour City Nax'l Bank Bldg TWO offioea. td ror Crcightea bssskj tiro atore at 114 N. lbth Su Alfred Tbomaaj Asenu aa First Nat l Bank Hid. BRICK slurs buiifilng, Ke 1214 Haraey street, three stories and basemeuU Cbarsst 1- Saunuera, 211 South lkta strasu Pir l DoL.s.aa 17k STORE P.lXiM AND WAREHOUSE. 14i4 Harney Bireet. 4 stories and basement 32vlJC feet. WTll sub-clivide. electric eie aloi , stoain beat, modem show windows, and steel ceilings. Rental i;:.o for entire bulidu.g bee us tor rale on single floors. "JWiR'iE ft COMPANY, f.h Flour City Nat 4 Bank Bldg FOR beet froeary ad a d y. wlui f jtiuree. a suap eat market ut 1UU ki. 2BH. DES1KABLB ofrioes m ths CoutlBental tiiuck; either la suite er single s ifreA a-suiscy. rm at I for rent store lis Nice large store room and good ce mented basement; good locatiua for gro cery and nrtiat market or uuior shop, etc IU.4 Bouth MHU Bt. KcrtaNSON ft WOLF. 43t Pax ton Biock. Phuna Dour. 2411. AT 7 SO If TH BT. Room toxin, sup plied with pteera heat: now being put la fine condition: prtue reasonabia PETLRo ThUc'T CO, 17 and Famam.s 4