Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 11

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BenUlAg-enciei Are Troubled by
Fonner Pink Section Dweller.
l-re Namfeer mt Bma aalea Art
ne4-ordd Darlaa; Wrk Balld-
im Aetlvlty la C'oaflaed Mora
to Dwelllaa; Iloaaea.
Blnca the closing of the pink section,
real estate companies which also do a ren
tal business hare been confronted wiyi a
problem that hu cauaed them a ip-eat
mount of worry and trouble. While re
port that a certain proportion of the denl
lena of the proscribed district bar left the
city wera true In part4 real eetate men say
that, nevertheless, a majority of them
hava remained In Omaha.
Tha question of a lease to a tenant now
la Involved with a stipulation as to what
rurposea the tenant will put the place on
which he or she obtains a lease. One com
pany has drawn up a form which all lessees
re required to sign. It stipulates that on
ny evidence that a property Is being used
for an Immoral or doubtful purpose, the
lease contract becomes void. Much trouble
has been experienced by one dealer In
particular, who conducts a Urge rental
agency. Several tenants have been removed
from new places af abode' on complaint
of neighbors that susplolous acts had been
going on In th houses. One of these evic
tions was in a hou on Twenty-eighth
"When th news that the vie district
was to be closed cam out, we expected a
certain amount of trouble. But th reality
la worse than our expectations," said an
agent. "It seems that w hava to Investi
gate every deal that la made to th very
last resort. Many of th leasee are made
through second or third parties, and It Is
difficult to tell Just what sort of a tenant
a man Is getting. It Is a certainty that
thos persons who lived In the district
have to live somewhere, and our problem
Is to keep from housing them and their
business knowingly."
A firmer ton prevailed in th real estate
market In th last week, a condition, due, In
all probability to th tendency of th
thermometer to remain 'coyly at a distance
from record-breaking heights. Most every
dealer reported an Increased number of In'
qulriea, and a growing Indication of Interest
lr. property for speculative purposes. While
no deals of not were closed, there has been
a noticeable Increase in Interest In down
town business property.
Th building reports showed no structures
of particular moment contracted, but at
th Building exchange are reports of plans
tor various bulldlna-tf which would Indicate
that the summer season will not be re-
, markabl for an absence of activity along
this line. Th Interest of contractor at
present Is confined mostly to figures on
school houses, new ones and remodeling,
which the school board will contract for
completion In time for the opening of th
school yesr.
- A small brick store building, on story
high, at 10 North Sixteenth street, was
sold last week by C. Schaub to J, C
Visard. George & Co., who. mad this deal,
also sold a house belonging to Mrs. C. K.
Coman at 1806 Shirley street, to T. Almen,
the consideration being $1,500.. Other deals
mad by this company were the transfer
of a two-story house at 801 Fiftieth avenue
from Clyde W. Drw to Thomas F. Doyle
for $6,900, and a lot on Cass street, near
the boulevard to J. A. Beaton for $1,150.
Mr. Beaton plans to build a horn there.
"Th Bunkers," th horn of A.J. Love
on Rose Hill, near th Country club, baa
been sold to J. Clark Colt for a, considera
tion of $10,000. The Colt family will move
Into th new horn this week. Mr. Lev
has bought th old home of Dr. J. E. Burn
ers on Thirty-second avenue. "The
Bunkers" Is on of th most attractive
homes In Omaha. It was th first nous
built on Rose Hill, three years ago, whan
th Country club was organised.
Among th deals listed last week were th
and DOOR
. s if
kTo I sscrtaM
m r m '
"We aro distributers for
xaouauio nail jjaiiiia
Flattono and Kcystona
IMlAV rrn rY 111.A noSnt
i gv n paiuk,
are cneaper tnanwnue lead and can be washed.
CJolor cards and information "cheerfully given.
Y Everything in the paint line.
I Barker Bros. Paint Co.
1600 V Farnam Street
following by the O'Keefe Real EMa com
pany. In the Omaha National bank build
ing: Th horn of C. I Waldron waa sold
to B. H. Kendall for M.MO. William Quald
beiiaht the heme of II. W. Dunn for $.".,250
and Dr. A. R. Hull sold a residence to W.
A. Gordon for fs.5fl0.
Improvement of the outlook from 'three
apartment houses st Sixteenth and Tates
streets prompted R. O. Btrehlow to buy the
lot and three housea at the northeast Inter
section of th same streets. The lot Is
ordinary slsed. The three bouses will be
remodeled and repaired. Mrs. Margaret C.
Dodge was the former owner of this prop
erty. The deal was for a consideration of
$5,7GO, through th Payn aV Slater com
pany. Joseph Janoua now la erecting a small
brick store on Sherman avenue north of
Clark street on a 1st slxty-slx feet wide
which, he bought of E. P. Bosbyshell for
$2,200. Including a small house. Among
other deals made by 'the Payne Slater
company were the following: Miss Blanche
Westgat to Corliss F. Hopper, a lot In
Dundee for $800; the Pantel Realty com
pany to Miss Eleanor Bluvall, a small
house at 460S Hamilton street for $1,430;
Erhard Comeer to Andrew Petersen, a
cottage at $404 South .Twenty-fourth street
for $2,150.
The Omaha Concrete Stone company has
bought five lota at Twenty-eighth avenue
and the Belt line from B. A. Johnson. The
deal Involved $6,000.
Fred Mengedoht will Improve- several
brick house In the 1600 block on Maple
street at a cost of $10,000.
John M.i Walshe, manager of the new
Woodi!sn afhe World building, who came
to Omaha to accept .the position with the
Woodmen of th World, has bought from
V ....... Kb - tH 1 fc J III
U.V.IM JIl . L J 1 1 m IUI III I1VH nuw RUU1'
n on wnicn ne win ouua a noma ai
one. Th lot la fronting on Miller park
and cost $800. R. H. Van Husen of the
Bankers Life Insurance company has
bought from Norrls at Martin a beautiful
comer one block east of Miller park In
Norwood addition. The consideration waa
$2,000. Harry W. Dotson has bought from
Norrls & Martin a lot on Thirtieth street
between Blnney and Wirt streets, consid
eration $460.
Omaha Flraa Secures Contract for la-atalllna-
n Sew System of Light
la th Corridors.
Th Burgeaa-Granden company has se
cured th contract for Installing new light
ing fixtures In th Bee building. The sys
tem which they will Install Is known as
Special Inductive Llghtng and Is th first
work of this kind don In Omaha. Th
halls and corridors will have these new
lights and they will be mad especially to
order to conform with th new interior
finish of th building.
Rich Man is Killed
While Picking Coal
Christian Miller, . While on Illinoii
Central Tracki, is Eon Down
. by a Train.
NEW ATHENS. I1IM June 17. Although
th possessor of hundrflgpf .acres of val
uable Illinois farm lands and an inde
pendent fortune, th parsimonious habits
of Christian Miller, 81 years of age, of
this place, cost him his life on th Illinois
Central railroad tracks today as he picked
stray places of coal
While he bent at his task, Miller's Im
paired hearing prevented him from noting
th shriek (Of th Illinois Central flyer as
It bore down ion, him. , ,
Florida, to Go Into Commission.
WASHINGTON. Juno 1T.-Th battleship.
Florida, now nearlng completion at th
New Tork navy yard, today was ordered
placed In commission on September 15. Its
sister ship, th Utah, la expected to be
ready on August L These two dreadnoughts
will be the greatest In th American navy.
than for othora, there might b some
reason for buying others, but when
you can buy th Alaska from us at
$9.50 to $36
there would seem to be no reason for
buying th cheap, unsanitary kind.
Tha Alaska refrigerators aro known
th world over as
The Sanitary Kind
Agents for Acorn Gas stoves, glT.OO
to $a0.0O. ana Tox rsjrnaeee. Th
Comfort uiversw
407-00 Cuming mt.
"Xt yoa buy it of Hassle It's rig-nt."
do Up snd Put Up
Omsha Window Screen Co.
W tak aaeaaaraautata iM gin ssttmatea frea.
Uaeinot ea4 Nrth lStb Street, Omaha,
Telephone Douglas 4602.
m m m mm n
Wall Paint
the two leading brands of
IaaI. I, i A 11 11
uvia. uciLUi uiau wnu paper,
Dour. 4750; Ind. A-3821.
HE two most popular styles of
a H I domestic architecture In this
I country are the colonial or
uuurgian style, ana the Eng
lish half-timbered style, both
of them of English nrlarln.
The colonial style gets Its most popular
name from the fact that It was extensively
used during the colonial period of this coun
try, it being a popular fad In England at
that time. England, however.returned to ita
half-timbered style of domestic architec
ture and since th colonial days, for the
sake of variety, it has been extensively
used in this country.
Since England and American tastes, hab
its, mode of living, religion and Ideals
are practically the same, It la quit natu
ral that the English half-timbered style
should appeal to Americans as being an
ideal style In which to design homes suited
to American family llf.
In colonial architecture and other classical
styles a certain symmetry must be retained
which sometimes makes It difficult to fill
certain requirements with reference to the
arrangement of rooms and windows. In
ths English style. It Is not necessary to
oonslder the exterior to aa great an extent,
while arranging th rooms to meet all
family requirements and th requirement
of location. It Is a style which permits of
many bays, unique entrances, towers and
dormers of many shapes. Thes things can
not. of course, be designed so as to present
a conglomerate appearance, and must bear
Building Notes
Th heatlnr plant for the ham Is an
Item that Is frequently very carelessly pur.
Chased by the horn builder. Frequently
It Is let In the general contract without
regard to the slse or kind of furnace or
th proper location of pipes and registers.
The scientific- Installation of a furnace Is
a great part of Ita value as a heater.
The John Husale Hardware company of
iW Cuming street, give this branch of
their buslneas special attention and furnish
estimates and advice free of charge to
proapectlr builders. -
Th beautiful home of Mr. Jerome Magee
is being artistically decorated by Mr.
Charles U Benowa; Barker Bros.' Paint
company are furnishing the material.
The elegant country horn of Mr. George
U. Payn In Falracres Is being tastefully
Batchers and Grocer to Hold Joint
Session on Thursday.
All lorts e Atkletle Sports, wlta
Prises, ta th Program, with
Moale ana Daaclasj Also a,
Tag of Was.
A half holiday ono a week Is to be given
to ths grocers' and butchers' clerks. The
half day off will be started soon after the
annual plcnlo of those tradesmen next
Thursday, and will continue until soma
dat in September.
Incidentally, th houaewlf should lay in
a good supply of comestibles neit Wednee
day. Every butcher and grocer shop In
th city will be closed all of Thursday.
For on that day field sports and a general
good tun are to be experienced by ths
employers and their clerks It will be the
seventeenth annual plcnlo for th' grocers
and tha fifth annual Joint gathering of th
butchers snd grocers.
Concordia park, at Fifty-ninth and Center
streets. Is ths plcnlo place this year. - Most
every one of the 400 grocery and meat Shops
la the city will be represented by em
TTTTT . : . ' . fl , ' fl
j:.; .... . . : m . -X i M
I . , . AartU.. Jlw.'l ., ARCHITECT -rout- oor
I 1 few JglNBATQt,l't 'lAtAi PlpoK
T-n;tT 'T"Lj&d4 ' i . ' I ,.
M " -'-I ,
-K. CZ 1EZ
English Domestic
Arthur O. Claussa, Architect.
a certain relative harmony to each other,
for even the Romanesque style made so
popular by the late H. H. Richardson, can
have a prominent feature on one side of
the front without repeating it on the op
posite side, for like the Romanesque archi
tecture, all appendages, prominent features
should be proportioned to the main build
ing, In a way which can only be accom
plished by a man of experience and talent,
who has that Indefinable sense of propor
tion that makes all thlngsl designed pleas
ing to the eye. Homes, like beautiful
women, can be of many types and styles,
and stilt be attractive and beautiful. Beauty
Is defined by the dictionaries as an as
semblage of features pleasing to the eye,
and this broad definition Is as close' as one
can come to defining anything that la
beautiful whether it be In nature or In the
works of man.
In the English style wo find the use of
cement construction reduced to both an
artistic. and, practical basis. English archi
tects discovered more than a century ago
the Inadvisablllty of covering an entire
wall surface of a wood frame, with a
veneer of cement, hence the origin and
development into architecture of the half
timbered construction, which divides the
cement work Into panels, the divisions of
wood strips so placed as to make a pleas
ing design. The lower part of the house
In this atyle Is often some plain form of
masonry construction most commonly of
brick or stone, although In recent years
th lower part of th walls Is sometimes
of the Week
decorated. Barker Bros.' Paint company
are furnishing the material,
Fenc was supplied by the Anchor Fenoe
company during the past week to the fol
lowing: James Augeltar. 1456 South Twelfth
Street; John Kramer, 1402 Bouth Seven
teenth street; A. B. Thor, Twenty-third
and Vinton streeta; E. 8. Hall, 3214 Corby
atreet; J. C. Klnnard. 833 Sherman avenue;
Carl .Peterson, 3019 Cass street; R. Yechout,
South. Omaha; C. U Cosle, Council Bluffs.
Window and door screens were furnished
by th Omaha Window Screen company
In th past week to the following: Dreeher
Bros.. Twenty-second and Farnam streets;
Hlldreth, 117-W South Twenty-sixth ave
nue; D. I Shane, 119 South Thirty-fifth
avenue; K. C. Hopkins. 6110 Cans street;
T. O. Putman, 6002 Ixard street; T. F.
ployers, clerks and their families. It Is
expected that 4,000 persona will attend.
One of the featurea of the athletlo pro
gram will be a tug-of-war between the
commlBolon men and the gardeners. Then
there will be pi-lsea for the oldest woman,
and the dean of the men, the largest family
and racea for women, pink lemonade and
luncheon standa will be In abundance, and
they will be answerabl to pur food laws,
the grocers say. Ths park has plenty of
shade, so that basket luncheon parties will
find a place to spread their table linen.
An orchestra will provide music for dan
cing throughout th afternoon and early
evening In the park pavilion. The dancing,
however, will close at o'clock.
Ceroaattoa ttalpa.
Rubber, Britannia:
Uod save the king from bis admiring
I care not who makea the laws of ths
nation, but let Ait Austin write no coro
nation aunga.
Lesj we forget, what about another
Kuayerd recessional T
Ungland expects every man to do like
bis daddy.
Good morning I Have you seen my new
What's In a name? The prince of Wales
nr left any prints in Wales.
All men are toadies.
Thrones deferred meketh th prince
about M before he gets a chance.
It a a long reign that has no burial ode.
Th early scandal catches th king.
Be eur your in on the divine right,
then go ahead with your Indiscretions.
Juo -
mi -.i i - . I
"The Art, Selene and Sentiment of
30 chapters. $00 Illustrations. It
covers a wide range of subjecta, in
cluding the planning of bungalowa.
suburban snd city homes, costing -from
$2,000 to IV.OOO, Icttlnn con
tracts, choosing materials, proper de
sign of entrance, winnows, fire
places, etc. New third edition. Price,
postpaid, $1.W.
Address. Arthur C. Clausen, Archi
tect, llie-37-30 Lumber Sxobaage.
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
constructed of concrete blocks or hollow
clay tiles coated on the outside with a
veneer of cement, surface to be given a
rough cast dash, to relieve the monotony
of the sameness In a smooth wall.
The mlllwork in the English design. If
true to original conceptions should be very
simple, and for this reason, Inexpensive.
The American idea seems to be Inclined to
have more or less carved ornamentation
upon the cornice work, barge boards, doors,
etc., taking the very few examples existing
In England of elaborately carved wood
work as a model. It la questionable, how
ever, whether elaborately carved panels
Increase the beauty of the half timbered
English style and the average man who
builds with limited means should cer
tainly eliminate this excess ornamentation,
for it is very expensive. LJke art glass
work, it only looks well when done by
skilled artists, whose prices are Justifiably
much higher than those received by the
ordinary artisan.
The Interior of an English home should
do very piam, unless one is building a
home of Tudor Castle style, in which a
great deal of wood wainscoting, beamed
ceilings and carved ornaments are per
mitted, for buildings of this description are
very expensive, and should not be consld
ered by those whose means would not per
mit them to do It Justice.
The English domestic style, although ap
propriate to any lot of suitable width, la
th only styl which can be harmoniously
adapted to a hillside location. Bungalows
and colonial homes, also homes of the
Mission and Craftsman style, can be lo
cated on level ground or ground made level
by terraces, but homes In th English style
Is adaptable, of any location, owing to the
eaay adaptability of the exterior, designed
to any or all conditions within or without
th bom.
Parker, 6011 Davenport street, and about
fifty residences fully equipped with win
dow and door screens for the Cassel Realty
The Ideal Cement sttnn Vnmn.n u' .
. . . j ivywi
a large business for the last week.
For the lastvten days ths Omaha Van
and Storage company has been receiving
many household goods at Its fireproof
The department of Interior decorating at
Miller, Stewart & Beaton's store has sev
eral experts who are daily consulted re
garding the best means of making home
cool and comfortable during ths summer.
The business of R. E. Long, plumber, has
grown rapidly this spring, and the last
month has witneesed a record breaking
The Modern Home Conatructton company
has a profitable investment offer In which
It is Interesting many Cmaha people
Documents of Title to Property la
Los Angeles Taken front Charles
Charles Lauenberger. 8903 Ames avenue,
has reported to the police that he has lost
deeds and abstracts of valuable property
in Los Angeles. He believes that they have
been stolen by some one who hopes to taks
possession of th property. He has not seen
the papers since Sunday, when they were
taken from hla coat pocket. Lauenberger
has been In the city only a short time.
0. R. Heflin Co.
161 Douglas, Op stairs.
We anpUoat Ail Kinds of Keys.
Trunk keys aa4 door key fitted at
yeas home
TeL Douglas 2074.
"We build modern homos to order nnd in the location
you solet. You ran iay for the snmo in monthly install
ments. In other words, you get the style of house you want
in the location you want with payments to suit your income.
Cora talk It over with us and we will start your home at once.
Modern Homes Construction Co.
639-640 Paxton Block, Omaha
-Home Comfort
during the hot mornings or scorching afternoons can
be yours if your house is fitted with SCOTT AWN
INGS. You can work or lounge about the houso with
the awnings down and windows up, keep out the sun
and let in the fresh air you get comfort if you have
Scot! Awnings
Phono Douglas 333 and we will send our Awniug
Estimator to see you at once.
Scott Tent Gl
Phone Douglas 338.
Between Farnam and Harney Streets.
P. 8. We also have tents, cots, camp chairs everything for outdoor living!
Let Experts Do Your Moving
We'll do It quickly. We'll do It quietly. You'll hare no regrets.
Our methods are complete la every detail. Our men are competent.
We've had
25 Years of Actual Experience.
Store your goods in our Fireproof Warehouse. Phone us for rates.
216 South 17th Street. ' Ground Floor Dee KUg., 17th St. Side.
l'hones: Douglas 304; Ind. A-1314.
Ideal Cement Stone Co.
Anchor Fence Company
207 N. 17th St., Omaha Telephone Red-814
Time and Place to Buy Fencing
ntnuinxa that wx&xi bavb koitet s
4004 Worth Twenty-fourth Street
When we do your work you ar not constantly discovering leaks. . A trial Is
what ws should have from you..
Estimates on work gladly furnished. Phone Webster' ti.
Summer Freshness In Every Home
To make your home a cool, inviting place for this sum
mer and secure at the same time ;a distinctive atmosphere
it is necessary to have your decorating plans placed in the
hands of experts. We call attention to our department of
interior decorating that you may know what here may be
done to create a new cheer in your home.
Our wall papers, curtains, upholsteries, draperies, etc.,
have been selected from the most artistic productions of
the leading designers of Europe and America. All our de
signs have been chosen with careful thought and expert dis
crimination. Experts of this department will draw up plans, give
helpful suggestions and make for you a home that will bo
attractive, cool, refreshing and cheery.
We invite you to come here, compare our prices and
judge for yourself the beauty of our decorations and the
wisdom of letting our men do your work.
Miller, Stewart &c Beaton Co.
Established 1884. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street.
stala OffUie. tog ma. lstk mt. Smashes, SOS Bo. I7tk and liao Ve. lttn Bte.
Telephone I Douglas 413 and. Xad A-1330.
Awning Co.
314-316 3outh 12th St. i
Tor Beat Quality ta
Cement Stone.
Main Oi'floe and Tard,
17th and Coming eta.
Fhoneai Song. 44381
Ind B-2313.