Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 18, Image 18

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    i J
Action of "Wheat Market Such as to
Diioouisje Traders.
rncnT3 disappear quickly
There Han Ilee-n I.lltle Data Over the
Corn llflt anil lllaler Tempera
(are Are Forerofil
Market la Sympathetic.
OMAHA. June U. 1P11.
Tlirre In sMlt no relief III the southwest.
hlle rsln were more general0 In the
northwest. The action of the w'.ieat mar
ket ha been such a to discourage traders
staying on either side, ai profits on both
B des disappear quickly.
Conditions In the spring wheat belt re
main bearish and unless sonr vevy poor
yields develop In the harvesting of the
winter rrop the liberal offerings of new
wheat will prove to be another bearish fea
ture. There wag little rain over the corn belt
and higher temperatures were foreensted.
The cash demand shows some Improvement
w hile the country movement Is still liberal
enough to supply the requirements. The
msrket Is very sympathetic with wriest
and Rood rains would cause heavy profit
taking pales.
Wheat whs very quiet, ruling In narrow
ranges, traders being Indisposed to take
either side, news larking any feature. Cash
wheat was weak and sharply lower, selling
1U 1 Vic lower.
Continued liberal country selling and
prospects for rain, couplod with easier
wheat market and lower corn values. Cash
corn sold lc lower.
Primary wheat receipts were 2KJ.0') bu.
and shipments were 24."00O bu.. against re
ceipts lost vear of 3fi0,000 bu. and shipments
of SHOoO bu.
Prlmarv corn receipts were 802.W) bu. snd
shipments were 479 000 bu., against receipts
!at year of W7.O0O bu. and shipments of
eufono bu.
Cles ranees were 7.'..000 bu. of com, rone
of oats and wheat and flour equal to lU.Oyfl
bu. '
Uverpool close1 4d higher on wheat and
id higher on corn.
The following cash sales were reported:
WHEAT-No. t bHrd, S cars. 83c; No. I
hard. 80c; No. 2 spelts, $1.05 cwt.
ConN No. 2 white. 1 car, 534c; No. t
white, 1 car, MVJc; No. 2 yellow, B cars,
lic; No. 2 yellow, 6 cars, (tc; t cars,
Ei-I No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 52c; No. t mixed,
1 car. Sic; No. 2 mixed, 4 cars, 62c; 2 cars,
, eic; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 61c; 1 car, 6uc;
1 car, SOc.
OATB No. 2 white, 7 cars, 3Sc; 1 car.
fic; No. 4 white, 5 cars. 31e; No. 4 yel
low, 1 car, 37Vc; no grade, 1 car, 37c.
'" Oninbs CsvaU Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard S24R.-; No. 3
hard, BlVkSoo: No. 4 hard. 73(iiS2Hc; re
jected, hard. "(i7Mic: No. S spring, ftt
f"c; No. 4 sprtni.-, .sityg-stHc; No. 2 durum,
79Hi"ilc; No. 3 durum. ?"-?7!c.
CiiRN'-No. 2 while, Mtf-JPic; No. white,
(RWiy; No. 4 white, 2'.rfi2c; No. 3 color,
62'Vj'5.V; No. 2 velloW. G2!.".2'ic: No. 3 yel
low, M?52Me; o. 4 vellow. 61Vr?c: No.
2. 61'n'.2c; No. 3, hl'Mi,2t; No. 4, 5H51c;
no grade. GWtc.
OAT No. 2 white. SSfflKVto; standard,
3738'.c; No. 3 white. S7t4S-38c: No. 4
white, S7V4fjT74c; No. 3 yellow, 37V37c;
No. 4 yellow, 37(037ic
BARLEY No. 3. IMlKir; No. 4. 70(ff80c;
No. 1 feed, CSTKc; rejected. flOWOc.
RYK No. 2. 87(9(c; No. 3, 8670.
Carlot Hecelpts.
Wheat Corn. Oata,
Chicago ....
Omaha .....
.... 20 624 1
.... 85
.... 17 73 31
Features of the Trailing and Closing
Prleea on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, June 16 Stubbornly bullish
prices maintained In Europe, notwithstand
ing decline on this side of the water, were
responsible largely for an advance today
in the wheat market here. Closing figures
showed a gain of a shade to V4c over
last night. Corn finished Afio to o up;
oats 1-lrtc to Vc dearer, and hog products
more expensive by. 24o to i7Hc
Support by the principal longs In wheat
was forthcoming on all depressions, despite
the fact that rains were reported precisely
where needed In the spring crop , region.
Foreign strength appeared chiefly as a
basis. Dispatches were at hand telling of
excessive moisture In southern Russia and
in Roumanla. sharper demand in Germany
and a big falling off In shipments from
the -Argentine. As the end of the day ap
proached, the volume of trading seemed
to diminish, but nevertheless, the closing
tone was steady. During the session July
ranged from 8f.c to 87e, with last galea
Woc up, at 87f? S74c.
Hot. dry weather In (he southwest, put
up the price of corn. The September option
varied between 5r7.ff6Sc and 6VrflW&4c( clos
varled from 5CiSA5o and efiVMcGCSo. Cash
grades were ,easy; No. 2 yellow flnUhed
at 64V4355c.
In oats, there was good buying support
on the breaks and free selling on the
bulges. Heat damage reports were numer
ous, particularly from Iowa. High and low
points for September delivery were 39c
and 39c, with the close Vfco net higher, at
The semi-monthly report of the stocks of
provisions exhibited a llbersl decrease. In
the end pork was 12Hc to 17Hc above last
night's figures, and other product up 2o
to 10c. .
Prices In Chicago, tarnished by the Up
dike Grain company, telephone Douglas
2473, 708 Brandels building, Omaha:
Articles.) Open, j lllh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat - I j j
July... 87 afWi.OTHtm 8714
Sept... SVfcK.1 87 861j87Vi'14 87Vs
Deo.... K)v K 8KVi 89 89i
Corn I
J uly . . . 54WVG3 :Vi(?4 54Ht&4'4SrS5 64H
Sept.. . 5i MV 66l4jiS'S &5SG6i66KJ) 66
Uto....Ktt'3 o5V 64Vi 66 64
Cats- 1 ) .
July...f3KJf 3 SSVi'sRH'g'H WW.
Sept... 39VUI 89 88 K $(( 2
Dec. . . . 40Mi 40(& 401, 4014 40
July... 15 25 15 V 15 25 15 27 15 15
Sept... 15 10 15 25 15 10 U 17 IS 00
July... 8 15 8 20 8 15 8 12 8 10
Sept... 8 SO 832 837 827 an
July... 8 27 8 32 8 26 8 27 8 17
Bept... 8 25 8 27 8 17 22 t 12
Cash quotations were as follows-
FMH'R Rarely steady; winter' patents,
$1904.45; winter straights, $3.70Si4.:5 spring
ixttetits. best hard offered at $5.20; spring
traights $4.0tKri4.2S; bakers, $3,4'ti'4.60.
' RYE No. 2, WHc.
WARIJiY Keel or mixing, 70Ta5c; fair
to choice malting, MKftttsc.
SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, nomi
nal ; No. 1 north western, nominal. Timothy.
$,, u.oo. Clover. $15.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $15 50
t 14.75. Lard, per 1(0 lbs $8.07. Short
ribs, sides (loose), $7.50fiS,a. Short clear
aides (boxed), $H.12w.2!.
Total cleitruncea of wheat and flour were
qual to lll.OuO tu. ExporU for the week,
as shown by Urndstrwt s were equal to
2.071, bu. Irimary receipts were 283.000
bu., compared with 8'tt.onu bu. tha cor
reopondlng day a year ago.
l-tiniat'd receipts for tomorrow: Wheat
21 ears; corn, iTi cars; oiis. 1S3 cars; hogs.
8.000 hea4.
Clitcago Cash Prices: Wheat, No. 2 red,
STVfiWic; No; 3 red, RSi7c; No. 2 hard
HSiiii9Ve; No. 8 hard, 85ti87c; No. 1 north
ern spring, T)Ji!9c; No. I northern spring.
!Uc; No. 8 spring, 8SU92c. Corn, No. 2
cath. SlViffMc; No. 3 cash. ffj4c; No
3 white, 54iu65c; No. 3 white. M'pfHc;
No. 3 yellow, MMtt4c; No. 2 ca.h, 37c
No. 2 white. KfcrW4e; No. 1 white. Sw
38c; No. 4 white, $7(tr3Sc; standard. 8S
BUTTER Steady; creamerlea, 18 22c:
dairies. Ifi20c.
KXKiS Steady; receipts, 11763 cases; at
mark, cases included, lltfll'xc; firsts, 13c;
prime firsts, 14c.
CHEESE Steady; daisies. HHfillc
twins, 10fc lie; young Americas. Hl2e;
long horns, U,4il2c.
POTATOES Steady ; old. $1.0001.10; new
POULTRY Uve weak: turkeys, lie
fowls. 12c; springs. SOtMo.
VEAL Steady; 50 to 60-pound weights,
1jKc; 60 to 85-pouml weights. 80c; 85 to
llo-pound weights. lOulOStC
RYE No. 2. 81 c.
BAULKY 70fiv
HAY-Tlmothy, $6.00tjllCO; clover, $1000'
Chicago Receipts Wheat. 20 cars; corn.
(24 cars; oata, 195 cars. Estimated for to
Ynorrow: Wheat. 21 cars; corn. 472 cars;
oats, 153 ears.
CUy Grata mm Provisions.
rhsnged; No. $ bard. 85fi92r: No. 3, 81S0c;
No. 2 red. JaVic; No. 3, KfiMc. Futures
July, M,e. sellers; September, 83c bid
OATS ?lc higher: No. $ while, 40V9
41 W; No. 3 mixed. 87G39o.
RYK 82iinao. i
CORN Steady; No. 3 mixed. Bc: No J,
Kc; Iso. I white, 6iliu5tic; No. 3, fr&tio.
Futures. Jnly, Me, sellers; September, 66
ifir, sellers.
11 A Y I'ni hanged; choice timothy, $17.W
ei; choice prairie, 114 iMMS Oft.
Ht.'TTKH 'reamer y. 21c; firsts, ISc; sec
onds. lc; packing stock. 15'o.
KtlOrt Extras, 17c; firsts. He; seconlTsT 8c.
Ileeelpts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 24 l
Corn, bu fi'.mio M.)
Oats, bu .OH0 WO
(notations of the Day oa Varloas
NEW, YORK, June 14. FLOUR Quiet;
! tig i n. eiitx, H IviiA In; winter stranhls.
M KOiMOO; winter patents, 14 WM SO; spring
r'rnrs, .r.i4.Mi: winter ext-sji No 1. 3 To
ft.7.60; winter extras No. 2, $3.1VS3Z5; Kan
fas itraihls, 44.1"?i4 25. receipts, ;ti.ti?
bhls : shipments. Il.t4 bbls. Rye flour,
steady; fair, to good, 34.S5ti5.15; choice to
fancy. tt.rrfiS.uO.
COrtNM KA L Steady ; fine white and yel
low. 1.1D(S1.20: eoarse. ILlOfgl.lS; kiln dried.
WHEAT Ppot market steady; No. 2 red,
St'siC, elevator, and ft'iMc. f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 northern Duluth, $1 034, f. o- b. afloat.
Futures market waa Inactive with small
price changes. There was a moderate de-
J cllne early on weather, but the market
imiicu uii 0)iiim. lenn iHvuraiiio crp auices
and a brtter export demand, closing c
net decline to Vic advance. July. 93 3-lWf
Pi a-itjc; closed at S 7-lc. Beptember. 9S
(tfiWW; closed at 93"S,c. December closed at
6ic. Receipts, 31.2iO bu.; no shipments.
CORN Bpot msrket firm; export, new
No. 2, 61c. nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Futures
market was without transactions, closing
'-de net lower to He net higher. Julv closed
at 61V and December at 62V4c. Receipts,
8i.5C0 bu.; shipments, 38,844 bu.
OATS Spot market steady. Futures
market was without transactions, closing
at He net advance. July closed at 43rc.
Receipts, 111,325. bu.; no shipments.
HAY-8teady; prime, tl.35; No. 1. $1.84).
HOI'S Firm; state, common to choice,
1910, !tfi3Jc; l!H). mi22c; Pacific coast, 1910.
22u2c; 1909, lllHe.
HIDES-Steady; Central America 194
LEATHER Steady ; hemlpck I'lrsts. 23WJ
re; seconds, S2(&-23S4c; thirds. 19020c; re
jects. 14fil6c. ,
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mesa, $17.00
17.50; family, $18.0ivgii9.50; short clears,
$Ui.7r-5J17.O0. Reef, easier; mess, $11.7Wrl2.0ft;
family, $12.3)'r13.00; beef hams, $27.502.6O.
Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, 10 to 14
potinds, WVi'ii'lHc; pickled hams. lmc.
iJird, firm; middle west prime, $8.30tft.40;
refined quiet; contlnent $s.7(). South Amer
ica, $9.65; compound, $7.MKa7.75.
TALLOW Dull; piitue, city hhdi., tc;
country, 6'4"iCc.
POULTRY Alive firm; western spring
chickens. 2fi(ii2Sc; owls, lfrSlfiVio; turkeys,
15c. Iressed Irregular; western broilers,
18ffi2oc; fowls. HViai4S4c; turkeys, 1216c.
BUTTER Firm; creameries, specials,
CHEESE Firm: state, whole milk, large
colored, averaged fancy, 11c; state daisies,
best. 12124o.
EClUS-Steady;, fresh gathered, thirds,
11&13C. .
Corn and Wheat Beaton Bnllettn.
Record for the tyenty-four hours endkifl
ut 8 a. ni. Friday, June 16. 1!U:
Temp. Rain
Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Skv.
Ashland, Neb 96 69
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Auburn, Neb 97 (!3
B'ken Bow, Neb. 94 62
Columbus, Neb... 93 63
Culbertson, Neb.', 98 60
Fairbury, Neb. ..100 72
Fairmont, Neb... 91 63
Gr. Inland. Neb.. 99 69
Harttngton, Neb. 94 61
Ha.-ttngs.. Neb.... 96 A
Holdiego, Neb... 9S F4
Lincoln, Neb 96 70
No. I'latte, Neb. 94 62
Oakdale, Neb 94 63
Omaha. Neb 92 69
Tekamah, Neb... 92 65
Valentine, Neb.. 90 62
Sioux City. Ia... 8i 70
Alta, Ia 89 66
Carroll, Ia 86 65
Clarinda, Ia S 64
Sibley, Ia 87. 65
.12 Cloudy
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
V No. of 'Temp. Rain-
District BUUIon. Max. Mln. fall.
Columbus, 0 17
Louisville, Ky 20
Indianapolis, Ind.. 11
Chicago, 111 25
St. Louis, Mo 25
De Moines. Ia.... 21
Minneapolis, Minn. 30
Kansas City, Mo.. 24
Omaha, Neb 18
W 63 .00
54 68 .00
82 60 .00
55 58 .20
9Z 66 .00
88 6 . - .10
82 6S .40
96 70 .20
94 64 .30
Temperatures were much higher in the
western portion of tha oorn and wheat
region during Thursday, and warmer
weather la extending over the eastern por
tion this morning. Good rain were gen
eral In the Dakota and Mi.i"-ota within
the last twenty-four hours. Lighter show
ers were scattered throughout the western
portion and In the lake region. A fall of
una inch waa recorded at Rochester. Minn.
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
St. I.ools General Market.
ST. LOUIS, June 16. WHEAT Cash,
steady; track, No. 2, red, 88c;, No. 3 hard,
SH&93c. Futures, higher; July, 84c; Septem
ber, 85S85C.
CORN Cash lower; track No. 2 6455c;
No. 2 white. 65c. Futures, higher; July,
64c; September, 6Go.
OATS Cash unsettled; track. No. 2, 39c;
No. 3 white, 40o. Futures, higher; July,
8c; September, 39c.
RYE Unchanged, 90o.
F1JL'K uStnuly ; red winter patents. $4.10
fr-4.60; extra fancy and straights, $&604-O0;
hard winter clears, $2.80t(iJ.OO.
SEEI Timothy, $5.0049.60.
BRAN Lower; sacked east track, 87c
$1.00. .
HAY Steady; timothy, 319.00a'23.O0; prai
rie, $i2.oof(i
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; jobbing,
$15.60. Lard, lower; prime steam, 17. M(
8.06. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed
extra shorts, $8.37; clear ribs, $8.3714,;
short clears, $S.7G. Bacon, unchanged';
boxed extra shorts, $9.37; clear ribs,
$9.37; short clears, $9.75.
POULTRY Firm; chicken. 10c: springs.
21(Q24c; turkeys, 12itflEc; duck, vc; geeap, 6o.
jji'-i i n,tv meaay; creamery, I8a'2!c
EGGS Firm; lie.
Receipt. Shipments.
Flour, bbl. 6.400 8.300
Wheat, bu 35,000 22.000
Corn, bu 126.000 21S.0O0
Oats, bu 78,000 37,000
Philadelphia Prodaeo Market.
Firm; extra, western creamery, 26c; nearby
prints, 2tH
EGGS Steady: Pennsylvania and other
nearby firsts, free cases, per case, $5.26;
current receipts, free case, per case, $4.8o;
western firsts, free cases, per case, $5.26;
current receipts, per case. $4 80.
. CHEESE Firm; New York creams, fancy,
new, 124il2Vic; fair to good, ll(jjlle.
Liverpool Grain Market.
steady: No. I Manitoba. 7s6d; No. 2
Manitoba. 7s 3d: No. 3 Manitoba. 7s Id. Fu
tures, steady; July. 69d; October, 68d.
CORN Spot, new American mixed,
steady; 4s Sd: old American mixed, steady..
5s 4d; new American kiln dried, quiet.
iwa. futures, nrm; July, 4sTa; Sep
tember, 4s lld.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. June 18 CORe-Flrm; No. 8
white, Mc; No. 2 yellow, 63c; No. 3 yel
low, 63fifc; No. 4 yellow, 514c; No. 2
mixed, 63c; No. 3 mixed, 63c3c; No. 4
mixed, 6140.
OATS No. $ white, 39c: standard. 38c;
No. 3 white, 3Sfi3sc; No. 4 white, SSo.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
ket closed July. 3c; September, lc;
December. lc: No. 1 hard. 6c: No. 1
northern, 8SV(ia6c; No. 3 northern, 0
9c;. No. 3 wheat, 8Si2c.
Mllwaake Grain Market.
northern, 97g9Sr; No. 2 northern, 86697c;
July, 87c; September, 87fS87c.
OATS St andard, 38Vlfi38c.
BARLEY Malting. 8Sy7c.
Turpentine and Koala.
T1NE Firm, 61c. Sales, 4 bbls; receipts,
Mi4 bbls.; shipment, 1,10 bbls.; stocks.
ROSIN Firm; salea. 2.991 bbls.; receipts.
.3su bbls.; shipments. 2.330 bbls.; stocks.
M iH bbls. Quotations: B, f.00i.10c; D.
C.Kfuft.Ai'tc; E. A STHis TiJc; F. .62ti 6c: G,
6.67;. ! T7'c; H. UTTViS Tdc: I, 6.T04i4c;
K, .7briS7c: M. 6.so4.90c; N. 7.027.06c;
WO. 7.12c; WW. 7.2nc
Dry Good Market.
cotton goods market hold firm. Export
himlntss continuum saHv ....t.u
trade with Manila being reported. Local
wool market are quiet. Jobber are still
doing a Itfcbt nuus trade.
;nt nuu
prices Move Up and Down Within
Narrow Limits.
Money I Still Flowlns; Into New
York from the Interior on Large
Scale Heavy Gain for
i Meek.
NEW YORK. June IS Stock smoved up
and down within narrow limits today In
response to the varying whirrs of specula
tion. The end of the market came when
prices were on the downward swing, so
that small lorses were numerous, but the
trading was so largely prof rsnlonal that
the outcome of the day gave no Indication
of the trend of sentiment -
Ieh'gh Valley was the weakest of the
Important railroad stocks. The copper
group showed marked strength at times
and Amalgamated crossed 71 for the first
time this year. Advices from London re
ported a considerable decrease In the Euro
pean visible supply of copper despite a
gain In the export movement. Further
efforts to depress United States Steel
failed and it lost only a small fraction.
The outcome of the government's sale ol
Panama bonds will not be known until
next week, as It does not close until late
tomorrow. From the activity of this Issue
In the local market, where It has been
dealt In extensively, sailing "when Issued"
as high as 103, It Is a foregone conclusion
that the offerings will be altogether suc
cessful. Money Is sUU flowing Into New York
from the Interior on a large scale and
known movements for the week Indicate
a heavy gain. Tomorrow' bank statement
will Include the figure of the sixteen trust
companies admitted under the new agree
ment with resources estimated at $7O9.00O,0i.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par
value, $3,128,010. United States bonds were
unchanged on call.
Number of rales and leading quotation
un blocks were as loiiows:
., , - Sales. High. low. Clone.
Alll-Chlmr pfd 400 30 10
Amilfamited Copper 1&.600 7l4 ?o 70
Ammon Agricultural loo 174, tl't B7
American Meet Sugar I.IVK) 6 6 '4 H't
American llvl Jlvt n
American C. A r 400 tl &H 6
American Cotton Oil 2c it (l1 ILVa
American H AL. pM loo ' MH )l(4 it
Am. Ira Sacurltlca 400 834a 13 21
American Unaetd n
American Locomntlrs IfN) 424 42a 41
American 8. K 7,700 834. M'4 24
Am. S. ft R. pt(t 100 10a 10714 107
im. Bievi rounariea
Am. Suaar H.flnlng mo 120H ljfl 120
American T. & T. 1,100 1M 151 161
Amertran Tohacco p(d WSj
American Woolen 4m 114 is is
Anaconda Mining Co loo 40 i ' 40
Atchison 10,(K0 114 111 111
Atchlann pfd loo lot 10s 106
Atlantic Coaat Una r 1,12 J1 1.10
Paltlmors A Ohio 400 10ii4' 101 108
Bethleham Steal 700 8.1 8.1 SI
JjhDoklyn Rapid Tr 1,(00 tv 0 M
f aoaillan Pariri 1.200 1404 140 1SD
Central Leather 1,100 11 11 11
Ontral Leather pfd 100 101 100 100
Central ot New Jaraay 280
Chesapeake Ohio 1,100 14 U 81
Chicago & Alton 10
Chlraio O. W 200 13 13 13
C. O. W. pfd ..... 4B
Chicago & N. W 100 14S 14 lt8
C M. St. P 4,100 128 127 127
C C, C. St. L 61
Oolnrado F. A 1 100 1( 14 14
Coh-irado AV Southern - 65
Conaolldatcd Oaa 100 14 144 14S
Corn Products 1,101 ii4 is 15
Delaware ft Hudaon 200 172 171 171
Denver A Klo Grande. inn 1 18 28
D. A R. O. pfd to 6 69 61
'Dlatlllera gecurltln loo 17 - 17 10
Erla .' 1.800 33 3o 16
Krle 1st pfd.. 1,700 6 66 66
Brie 2l pfd (00 46 4 46
Omeral Electric l.aoo im ins 163
Orcat Northern pfd 1,300 lh 137 137
Great Northern Or ctra... loo 63 63 (3
Illlnola Central 100 141 141 141
Interhoraush Met 100 18 18 18
Int. Met. pfd 61
International Harreeter ... 300 12S 121 122
Int. Marina pfd 4,000 18 18 18
International Raper ...... 10
International Pump 41
Iowa Central 18
Kanaaa City Southern 800 M . 16 ' 86
K. C. 80. pfd 9
Laclede Oaa 1,000 109 10B 109
Loulsvtlla A Naahrllle 700 lot 161 161
Minn. A St. Louia 100 10 10. 10
M , St. P. A 8. 8. M 186
Mlaaourl, K. A T 1,400 17 17 17
M , K. A T. pfd , 100 8 (8 IS
Mlaaourl Paclfto l.tno 60 60 60
National Blacult 100 187 117 136
National Lead - loo 67 66 66
N. R. R. of M. Id pfd.... 100 11 11 80
New York Ontral .1.400 111 110 110
N. T , O. A W 600 46 45 44
Norfolk A Western 1,700 107 107 107
North American 100 74 74 74
Northern Pacific 1,600 136 114 184
Pacific Mall 100 17 17 16
Pennsylvania t.900 114 114 114
People's Oaa 1 100 106 108 106
P . C, C. A St. L 100 5 96 96
PlttabuT Coat 100 11 21 11
Preased Steel Car 100 17 17 16
Pullman Palaoe Car.... 161
Railway steel Sprint 100 17 17 87.
JiMdlnc 7 18,400 160 169 169
Republlo Bveel 100 M 80 80
Rep. Steal pfd, ei-dlT 1100 93 98 9.1
Rock Island Co 6.200 14 1.1 11
Rock Inland Co. pfd. ...... 1,900 68 47 87
St. L. A 8 F Id pfd 48
St- Louts 8. W : 11
St. L. 8. W. pfd 69
Sloaa-BhafTleld 8. A 1 60
Southern Pacific 1,400 1!0 110 120
Southern Railway 14.700 82 11 31
So. Railway pfd ... 800 72 71 - 71
Tennessee Copper (,600 ,41 41 41
Texas A Pacific '. 19
T.v St. U A W 100 18 18 11
T . St. L. A W. pfd 100 61 61 60
Union Paciflo 16,100 186 186 186
rfnloo Pacific pfd..... 100 94 94 94
runlted States Realty 77
rnlted States Rubber too 40 40 40
'United 8taU Btewl 4,00 79 78 78
U. 8 stsel pta 200 118 118 118
Utah Copper, ex-dlr 1.400 61 6fl 60
Ve. -Carolina Chemical .... ,lu) 67 66 65
Wanaah 17
Wabash pfd 400 19 88 88
Weetern Maryland M0 69 6 69
Weetlnahouee KlactrIC 1,30 75 75 75
Western Union 1,100 80 10 80
Wheeling A L. E 4
Lehigh Valley 11.000 178 in 177
Total Bales for the day, 110,400 share.
I.ondosi Stswlc Market.
LONDON, June Its. American securities
were quiet and steady during the earlv
trading today. Llgnt covering caused a
fractional advance and at noon the market
was steady, with prices ranging from un
changed to higher than yesterday's New
Tork closing.
Console, mousy 79 Louisville A N 166
do account 19 16-16 M , K. A T 18
Amsl. Copper........ 72 N. T. Central 114
Anaconda 8 Norfolk A W ill
Atchison , 117 do pfd 91
do pfd.. 1 108 Ontario A W 46
Baltimore A Ohio... 111 Pennsylvania 64
Canadian Pacific. -.147 Hand Mines 7
Chesapeake A O...... 87 Heading )
Chicago O. W 14 Southern By 11
Chi., Mil. A St. P. .182 do pld 74
D Beers 18 Southern Psclfic 122
Denver A Rio 0.... 10 tnlon Psclfic 191
do pfd 11 do pfd 97
Erie 16 V. S. Steal 91
do let pfd 67 do pfd..., 121
do M pfd 47 Wabash 18
Orsnd Trunk !s- - do pfd 44
Illlnola Central 146
MLA'EK liar, steady at 34d peV ounce.
MONEY livl per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bill la 2 per cent; for three
months' bill,' 24j2 5-10 per cent.
Looal tteearitlea.
Quotation furnished by Burns, Brlnker
at Co., 441, New Omaha National bank
building: Bid. Asked.
Beatrice Crssmerr Pfd 90 91
Cora Kxcbsng Ilsak stock 96 96
Council BluIIs, Is., 4s, 1916..... 11 101.11
Cllr of Uiusbs scbool 4s, 1931.. L.... ll4 104
Cudabr Packing" C. 6s, 1914 1..... 99 9
iMers A Co. I p. s. pld 106 lu
Ksinnont Cream err 1st g. P- 99 100
Fairmont Cresmerf pld 1 p. 99 MX)
Ksnaas O. A B. 1 p. c pfd 94 100
Kaliasa CUT 4s, 1910 104.01
Marlon Co., Iowa, 4s. 1911 104 106.01
New York Central 4s. 1914 109 100
Omaha Water 6s. 1944 9 99
Omshs A C. B. St. Rjr. is, 19U M 97
Oius.Ua A C. B. St. Br. 6s, 1914........ 101 101
Oaishs a C. B. St. Hy. pfd. I p. .... 61 jy,
Omsha A C. B. St. Hy., com 66 10
Omaha Oas Is, 1911 97 96
Omshs L. A P. 6s, 1911. ..y. 94 96
Pstssrd Motor I B. s 17 lot
Peters Mill 6 0 S. pfd 99 10
Union Stock Ysrds slock 90 91
l otos Stock Tsrds la. 1M1 19 109
Wis Usmorlal Hospital 6s, 19a lis) 101
New Tork Csrk Market.
Tha following quotation are furnished
by Logan A Bryan, member New York
Stock exchange, 31a South Sixteenth street'
Aiuer. Tobacco 4o8 Lsraso 4 6-16
Us- Stale Uss U Not. Cons 11
Butts CosllUon 19 Newhouse g
(. situs U Nsvsas-tuh 14
Chins . , 4 Ohio l otper 1
tlatls-Dsljr 1 Kswblds CosJUIoa., 1
Kly Csatrsl I Rer Central 1
Blr Co Swilt Pkg. Cs 101
Krsnkllo 11 Superior A Plttsbsrg 17
Olrous 1 1 Trinity Cupper 41
BelnW 1-14 I oiled Copper l
Orss Csasnes 7 Nfrth Lsko 1
Bank t'learlags.
OMAHA. June 16. Bank clearing for to
day were and for the corre
sponding date last year 2,ju,51J.&l
laagtorta at "lew York.
NEW TORK. June 1. Import of. mer
chandise and dry goods at the port of
New York for the week ending Junj 10,
were valued at tla.6V2.6hl.
Import of specie for the port of Maw
Tork for the week ending today, were
M.oftf silver, and I7M.1M goiw.
Kxports of specie for tha week were
$s!.SM silver, and $100 gold.
Wew York Money Market.
NKW YORK, June Id MONEY On cell,
2(fi2 per cent; ruling rste. 2 per cent;
closing hid, 2 per rent; offered at 2 pr
cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days, !
per cent; ninety days, t per cent; six
months, 3fi34 per cent.
per cent.
tual business. In bankers' hllH at I4.RI for
sixty-day bills and at $4.S"rf4.V5 for de
mend ; cnmmrrclal hill. $4.K1.
SIl,VF.llr-Har. Mc; Mexican dollar. 4.V
RON! '8 Government, steady; railroad.
Closing quotations on hon! today wer
0. 8. ref. K re....ino Int. M M. 4s 7
do coupon loo Japan 4s 6
X- 8. 2s, r. 101 ed 41,1 M
do coipen 1 101 K. C. So. 1st So 14
V. 8. 4s, re Ill L. . deo. 4s 19S1.... 91
do coupon 114 L. N snl. 4s 9H
Am. As. &s lOIS M . K. A T. 1st 4s.. 97V
i T. A T. e. 4..ltl do gen. 4s 87
Am. I ODSCCO 4S W Mo. Psclfic 4e 7
dn s Il N. R. Ft. of M. 4l 90
Amour A Co. 4s. 92 N. T. C. g. ls 17
Atchison sn. 4s 99 do deh. 4a 93
do ct. 4 113 N. Y.. S. H. A H.
' do ev. 6s 114 tr. 6 132
A. C. L. 1st 4s 96 N. A W 1st c. 4s.. 9
Bsl. A Ohio 4s 9 do cv. 4s 107
do !e 92 No. Pacific 4s 100
do 8. W. !s 91 do 3s 71
Biok. Tr. ct. 4s..., 86 o. S. L. rfdg 4e... 94
On. of (is 6s 108 Penn. ct. 1s 1915.. 97
Can. Leather 6s 99 do eon. 4s 10.1
C. of N. J. g. 4s... 122 Reading gen. 4s 97
Ches. A Ohio 4s...l01 St. L. A 8. F. ff. 4s 61
do ref. 6s 9 do gen. 6s 69
C. A 'A. !s 68 St. L. S. W. c 4s.. 80
C. B. A Q. j. 4s.... 97 do 1st sold 4a 91
do gen. 4s 96 8. A. L. 4s 79
C. M. A 8. P. g !s 92 So. Psc. ool. 4s 91
C. H. I. A P. c 4a. 16 do ev. 4s 94
do rfg. 4s y do 1st ref. 4s 9F
Colo. Ind. 6s 76 So. Hallway 6s 108
Colo Mid. 4s 64 do gen. 4a 79
C. A 8. r. A s. 4i 98 Union, Pacltlo 4a 111
D. A H. fv. 4s 99 cv. 4s 107
D. A R. (J. 4s 98 do 1st A rat. 4s... 98
do ref. 6s 90 C. 8. Rubber is 1"6
Dlstlllsrs' 6s 78 V. 8. Steel Id 6a 10S
Krle p. 1. 4s 88 Vs -Oar. Chero. 61.. 100
do gen. 4s 78 Wsbaeh 1st 6s 108
do cv. 4s, ser. A.. 96 do let A sx. 4s.... 68
do series B 77 Western Md. 4s. 87
Uen. Klec. ct. 6s. .165 West. Eleo. ct. 6a... 94
III. On. 1st ref. 4s. 9 Wis. Control 4s 93
Int. Met. 4s 78 Mo. Psc. ct. 6s. 94
Bid. Ottered.
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON, June 10. Closing quotation on
stocks were as follows:
Alloues 1! Mohawk 61
Amal. Copper 70 'Nevada ePon. .- 19
A. g. L. A 8 10 Niplssing Mines .... 10
Arlsons Com 17 North Hulls 1S
Atlantic 6 North Lake t
B. AC. C. A 8, M. 14 Old Dominion 48
Butte CosllUon ...1 19 Osceola 105
Cel. A Arlsons cn psrrntt 8. A C 11
Csl. Heels 470 Qulncy 71
Centsnnlsl 11 Shannon 4. 11
Copper Range O. C. 61 Superior U
East Butts C. M 14 Superior AB M... 7
. Kranklln 11 Superior A P. C... 17
niroux Con 7 Tamarack 16
Oranby Con 40 V. 8. S. R. A M ... 19
Oreene (nsnes .... 7 do pfd 49
Isis Roysls Copper.. IS t'tah Con 1
Kerr Lake 6 t'tah Copper Co.... 60
Lake Copper 16 Winona 6
La Salle Copper 1 Wolverine Ill
Miami Copper 10
New York Mining- Stocks.
NEW YORK, June 16. Closing quotation
on mining stocks were as follows:
Alice 190 Little Chief I
Com. Tunnel stock.. 17 Mexican 440
do bonds 16 Ontsrlo 1.17
Con. Csl. A Vs 146 Ophlr 1 196
Horn Sliver li Htandard 100
Iron Silver 90 Yellow Jacket 60
J-advllle Con 14
BUTTER Creamery, No. a delivered to
the retail trade In l ib. cartons, 23c; No.
I. In tO-lh. tuba. Hie; No. 2, in 1-lb. curtuus,
lie; pacKing stock, solid pack, lac; dairy.
In 60- lb. tuba, limine; tutu-ket cHabgea every
Tuesday. .
. CHEUSE-Twlns, 1415c; young Ameri
ca, 16c;. daisies, 16c; triulsis, lao; llmltei-ger,
lec; No. 1 brick, l&o; imported bwlss, sJc;
dumestlc Hwlss, 22c; block Swiss, ISo
- POULTRY Dreamed broilers. undr I lbs
to.dU per do.; beua' 14c;cocka, iOo; duulu,
lec; geese, lie; turkey, ii4c; pigeon, per
tlosen, tl.20;. homer snuabs, per do.. 84. oV;
fanoy syuubs, per do., 3.U); No. 1. pt,r
Cos., 83.00. Alive: broilers. 20c; 1 to 1
lb., tuid 1 to 2 lbs., aoc: smooUi legs, lie;
tens, 10c; old roosters, to; old duoks, full
feathered, lto; goose, full feathered, ic;
turaeys. 12c; guUiea fowl. 20P, sach; pig
eon, per do., vOc; bomer. per doa.. tluo;
squab. No. L per Cos., sxiw; No. 2. vr Uox
kCc; old turkeys, lie.
FItili (all froen Pickerel. 10c; whit,
lie; pike. 14c; - trout, ic; large,
Ha-Mo; epanlsh mackerel. 18c; eel. lac; Had
dock. 13c; flounders, lie; green caUisn, 16j;
roe alUMl, . OOo each; shad roe, per pair,
40c; Irov leg, per do., s&ctts.oO; salmuti,
luc; liaitout, bo; yellow parco, be; UiUalu,
6c; bulfiheAd. 14c
Beef'Cuis Ribs: No. L 12c; No. 2, Uc;
No. 8, loc. i-oins: No. 1, 14c; No. 2,
llvtc; No. 2. 6c. Chuck. No. 1. uc: No. 2
bc; No. S, 6c. Rounu: No. 1, loc; No.
t, 6ukc; xmo. , ivc. flute: Mo. L be; No. i
tc; No. 8, 4c.
FRUITS Bananas: Fancy select per
bunch,; Jumbo, per buncn, 82 vW Cherries: grown, per vi-qu
case, 82.00V Uates: Aiicisor branu, new; 30
1-lb. pkgs.. In boxes, per cox,. 82.00. Ouoss
berries: Home grown, per 24-gi. case, 82.6J.
Lcmoni: Llmouelra brueid. extra fancy
300 size, per box, i.60; so0 le, .per box!
8e.00; Lome LJuionoira, fancy, HM else, per
box, 87.00 ; 300 sUe, per box, 17.60; and
4'0 slices, 50c per box less; Cymbal brand.
soO-300 sizes, per bos;, tti.7u7.0U. Oranges:
Canielia Redlands Valencia, all sixes, per
box, 4.00; tanoy Valencia, 80-i-12b-150 aud
smaller slzea, 8H.76; California Jaffa
orange. 160 uud smaller sizes, par box,
eJ.'iS. , Pineapples: Florida, 21-tu-86-42-4o
sizes, per ciate, 83.00. Strawberries; Uom
giown, per 24-qt. case, 83 00.
VEGETABLES Beana: String and wax
per hamper, 2.6o; per mkt. bsk., WcJloo.
Cabbage: bouthern, new, per ib., 4c Cu
cuuibeis: Hot house, 1 and 8 doa. in box,
per box, 81-60; Texasrper bu. hamper, tl 6.
tgg Plant: Fancy Florida, per do.,' 81.60
(B2.V0. Uarlio: Extra fancy, white, per lb.,
12o. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per do.,
40o Radishes: Per doz., 20c. Onions:
Texas Bermuda, white, per crate, 12.26;
yeliow, per crate, 82.00. Parsley: Fancy
home grown, per do, bunches, 4&c, Potatoes-
Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock,
per bu., $100; new stock, in sacks, per bu.,
81 65. Tomatoes: Texas, per -bsk. crate.
MISCELLANEOUS Almonds. California
soft shell, per lb., 18c; in sack lots, lc less.
Brazil Nuis: Per lb., lie; in sack lots, lo
less. Filberts: Par lb., 14C; In sack lots,
lc leas. Peanuts: Roasted, yer lb., be;
raw, per lb., 6c Pecans; Large, per lb.,
16c; In sack lots, lo less. Walnuts: Cali
fornia, per lb., 19c; In sack lots, lo It.
Honey: New, 24 frame. 83.75.
Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlts.
APPLES Scarce and very firm, but the
demand I small; on the spot, fancy, 16tf
16c; choice, 14c; prime, 13i13c.
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, inactive, but
price are firm on the email stocks. Quo
tations range from &14o for California!
up to 30-408, and 11S'140 for Oregona,
from 8 to 30. Apricots, firm, but Inactive;
choice. 16c; extra choice, 1616c; fancy,
16 Mi 17c. Peaches, quiet and steady;
choice, 8ii?9c; extra choice, 19&yc';
fancy, 9yl0c. Raisins, dull, and only
about steady; loose muscatels, t'.ify'ic;
choice to fancy seeded, Mic; seedless, 6
fc-bc; London layers, $1.42iL15.
Cottosi Market.
cotton market opened steady at a decline
of three points to an advance of four points
and during the first few minute sold up
lo a, net advance of 1112 point on. ne,w
crop month and of 1 to 4 point on the old
Futures, opened steady; July, 15 60c; Au
gust, 14,Sc; Beptember, 13.68c; October,
13.42c; December, 13.44c; January. 13.34c:
March. 134te; May, 13.52c bid.
NEW YORK. June 14. COTTON Bpox.
closed, quiet: middling uplands, 15 6uc; mid
dling gulf, 1586c; no sales.
ST. LOUIS. June 16. COTTON I 'n.
changed; middling, 15c; no sales; receipts,
1VU K.Ia. . t ., ... . 'J 1 n I . 1. J r.J
bales. v
i.Ew iwi. tuiiuu iiisi sci, ska lurnisnea Dy
Logu A Bryan, members New York Cot-
. . . AVMb.An.A tit . . I . . L . .
Month. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y.
July 15 2S 15 10 H 10 , 15 20 15 26
Aug 14 89 IS 96 14 7 14 M 14 90
Bept IS 67 13 87 13 fig IS 79 13 72
Oct. ...... 13 43 13 59 13 43 It 4 13 40
Dec 13 44 13 61 13 44 13 3 13 42
Metal Market,
NEW YORK. June 14. METALS Stand
ard copper, steady; spot and futures. L2 1J
iil2.39. London market, firm; spot, i64
lis sJ; futures. f57 2a td. Lake copper, lo
cally. 311 iBVtrl2.87V4,; electrolytic, 812.DOi
12.75; casting, i2. 26)12. 50. Tin,. weak; spot
and future. 841.00 to 646 00. London market,
steady; spot, 1S8 5s; future, 188. Bale
In the local market, 8 tona . Lead, firm;
spot ,84.46H 56. New York; 84 H.40. East
Hi. Louis. Ixndon spot, 113 4s. Hpeltor,
firm; 85 6664 5. New York; li4ut; .60. hmt
Bt. Louis. London, 24 12 6J. Antimony,
dull, tJookaon', 8jf-oO. Iron, quiet.
Another Day of Extremely Light Cat
tle Receipts.
hogs"mostly TEN CENTS HIGHER
Very Few Sheep and Only 91 gprlok
ll'l Lamb on "ale, While
Price Remain Abost Steady
with Lost Week.
SOUTH OMAHA, June 1, 111.
Receipts .were: Cattle. Hogs. theep.
ornt'lal Mondav ., 6 475 I.ifi
Cieflclril Te-Hv 6 li-) 'l 1 its.
I Official Wednesday 4.17 13 9T.7 8.1
tirriclal Thursday Jim !.,14H 1.477
i.stlmato Friday 1.173 0.249 1.G3S
' T.'l n .. ,L 1 . . d p- n , . r .(W,
- .. linn wrrK,,in,Ml on,t..i i(,vo
Same days last week... .17.04 61. M 14.91!)
fame days Z weeks ago.. 14.775 Sr.OfiS 1MW
Same days t weeks ago. .17.371 b5.'H Z2.VM
.srime dsyg 4 weeks ago..24).4A2 47, W 22.rai
isame days last year 14,864 41,822 18.W0
The following table shows tne receipts of
cattle, hoxs and sheep at Pottth Omaha
ior tne year to date as compared witn last
vear: isii. 1910. Tnc
Cattle 4fi4.K3 440.W1 23.R29
l.Z7ft.07 1.0tH,nS 27S.4HO
heep t 73.S6o 646,694 0,17i
.us following table shows the average
I 'i ires on hogs at South Omaha for the
test several day, with comparisons:
Dates. 19U. 1910.1909.1908.19O7.19O.!19Ce
June 7... I
.Tune ft... I
June! 9... I
June 10 I
June 11..)
June 12...I
June 13. ..I
June 14. ..
June 15... 1
July 16...
6 MH
$ W
1RI T Ril - I WI Ml 6
291 7 : K Hi 6 061 7I f M
0. 3?! 7 S7I . 171 I 371 6 1
ki 9 sol x o-ri s AR1
a tAI T KI K 7I nil K
8 90
I 7 S9I t 41 f Ml
8 1
6 7SS
6 84
9 2.1! IS 621 6 791 SI
o 9tl 1 eel s I K 11 a 9fi
6 16
8 11
9 ) 7 B7J Mil 8 84) 6 35 6 19
9 8 7 6ft 5 M I ( S8 5 22
Receipts and disposition 'nf live stock
the ITnlon stock yards for the twenty-four
noura ending at p. m. yesterday:
Cat tl e. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses.
C. M. 8. P. Ry.... 1 ,
Mo. Pac. Ry 4 8 .. .,
Union Pacific Ry 15 19 4
C. A N W., east .... 3 4
C. & N. W., west. ...12 v 32 .. 1
C. S. P. M. t Ry.. 6 8 1
C. B. & Q., eaat .... 14
C. B. A Q., west .... 7 24 8 .
C. R. I 4 P., east.... 1 ,
Illinois Central Ry 1
C. O. W. Ry 1 1 ..
Total Receipts 50 97 8
s Cattle. Hoes. Sheen,
Omaha Packing Co lis 852 145
Swift A Co 219 1.312 392
Cudahy Packing Co, 90 1.652 1,091
Armour & Co 800 1,895 139
Murphy 692
Stephen Bro. is
Hill & Son 23
F. B. Lewis 10
Huston & Co 10
Joe Degan 6
Other Buyer 227
Total 1,035 41638 1,767
CATTLE Receipt of cattle looked very
SnUlll t H I m fl .1 i r ,T nnl.. . . -. 1 .
" ...... ), vuijr ,U vjr -llllio LSIS
neLiir rsnnpt In Tf v. n A. . . v. n . . .
-., - - .wv a.,. . L nwn, till rt , -, . Ml.v.ll ,
as many a could be expected under the
.vu.i.moiiOTii on rriuay. ine Dig DUIK
of the arrival consisted of eornfed steers
there being thirty or more car of that
kind of cattle on sale.
Beef steers were In very fair demand
steady and possibly a little stronger. On
wnicr iiuim me neavy cattle or Which
there were a number of right good loads
were a 11 ft 1 a air,w v, . .. . .
satisfactory prices, still the trade, as a
. V. 1 n.aa n .. . f M ... . .
" iiui stir iruin eieaay. ii look
good cattle to bring t6.00, but a fancy full
blood Scotch teer, the kind that would
art for th, ahfioi rini. . r.A
- ...'B av,, m .
There were not enough cow or heifers
In .the yards to talk about, but the feeling
was Just about steajly with yesterday.
There were only a few scattering loads
, .iuvsciisuu seeuers on sale, tne market
on that kind of cattle" being In about the
same condition a It wa yesterday, that
Is. slow anil tha tU j.Tn -j ,
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef
7; eu.ooiuo.iu; iair to gooa beef steers.
so.60cao.85: common tn tnl h..t er J.
- . - v . tl , pi.wuji
5.60; good to choice heifers IK OflftiK .ii-
to choice cows, S4.505.00; fair to good cows
and heifers, S4.00t4.50; common to fair
cow and heifers. 82.504.00; good to choice
stockers and feeders, 34.90g5.2o; fair to good
stocker and feeders, 34.40Q4.S0: common to
fair stockers and feeders, 33.&08i4.4O; stock
heifers, t3.6CK&4.i6; veal caives, . 84.OftW7.26;
bull, stags, etc., 83.25(&.O0.
Representative sales:
No. ( ' At. Pr. jjo. ' . Tr.
U 1140 I 60 66 1J I M
11 ...1100 I 66 68 1.71 66
.'! vl 1 1241 I 16
19.... lilt 8 60 11 mi 190
14 930 6 66 66 .....1624 I 96
""I ...1417 6 00
11 1210 6 76 1 1030 60
i fl 6 8 101 7
s... aw s ev
t 914 1 64 7...,
4 976 t 60 4....
1 176 I 76 . 4....
1 1040 t 76 (....
3 960 t 76 1...,
..1096 4 04
..1026 4 00
..1U60 4 16
..1016 4 40
..1166 4 64
490 60 4 I1T 4 74
1 10 76 1 431 4 16
1 691 4 10 860 6 16
8 460 4 60 1 too 4 40
1 1"1 t 16 - 1 ......100 I 76
..1M 0 1 1186 1 90
1 966 I 66 ' 1 70 4 00
1 120 1 64 1 120 4 10
1 1196 I 76 1 1940 4 60
3 110 4 16 1 140 4 18
1 141 4 16 1 120 71
1 ISO 4 60 1 186 4 76
1 166 6 00 1 170 7 00
1 220 4 00 3 196 T 00
8 K 4 00 1 160 7 16
4 610 4 m 760 4 16
1 666 4 14
HOGS Receipts of hog were still
mailer tills morning, only ninety-five cars
being reported In. This 1 the smallest day,
barnng a Monday, since three weeks ago
when only eighty-five car were reported.
A feature of the receipt thla week waa
the extremely heavy runs during the first
three days and the rapidly decreasing re
ceipt during the following two day. A
the market waa high at the close of last
week It would look very much a if the
high prices had stimulated shipments.
While the lir.Q W In nri.u .in.. i ..
-. ... . . - .'i.v, iiicii una
caused the country to hold back supplies. ....... I . . . .
luuiiiins uuuer me inriuence of
moderate receipts here and at other mar
ket point a well, and with a good buy
ing demand, hogs sold 6o-loc. mostly lOc
higher than yesterday. The trade waa ac
tive at the ailvsnps mil ..... . .
yards waa cold before 10 o'clock in the
'.,," " proportion ot tne hog
old at 85.o0ttr6.9o, and on up as high as
36.00 for the beat llgfct weight. Extremely
heavy hog even though good, are selling
at the bottom figure. Yesterday the most
ot l11088 b',o"ht 85.7Uo.iiO. with a too
at 85.85. After allowing for the advance
todav the market Is still 1(1,. 1 r:., i.. . . ,
. - .vjiw. iucr 1 11 till
It was at the close ot last week.
xirprweniaijve sales:
o. at. 8b. Pr.
At. 8b. Pr.
14 411 80 6 60
11 416 ISO 6 60
62 179 liO 6 77 U
68 294 1M 6 77",
81 1S8 1 JO 6 80
68 260 160 4 60
76 216 140 66
71 lol 80 I 86 .
fj 160 40 6 si '
70 148 ... 86
64 176 120 4 61
81 236 luO 1 SIU.
6 80
48 If
U 248
66 t4
68 Ml
68 us
... 6 so
80.6 st
40 6 0
80 4 st
. . . a mi
128 160 4 60
11 ial
4 60
5 S2U
61 2.16
240 . a fi,.
..Ill 160 6 82 w
. .211 80 6 85
..17 80 6 86
..221 120 4 86
. .li'7 ISO 6 86
..121 40 6 86
..121 19 6 86
..149 160 I 86
.,K1 si l
. .161 69 I 86
.1.(6 "120 6 61 V
.840 120 6 87 St
6 90
40 ( 90
40 4 90
... 4 90
... 4 90
... 6 94
... I 90
90 6 90
... 4 90
,.. 4 90
... 4 9
so 6 as
204 120 6 116
80 It
... 6 si
2si ... a at
.121 ... i 17V,
.114 SO 6 S7U.
.189 140 1 70
..HI 120 I 87tt
..121 .,. 6 76
..11 40 6 76
..190 90 I 75
..1M 80 4 76
..190 160 4 76
..ls7 ... 4 76
..111 ... 6 76
..121 160 4 76
..261 ... 176
..146 120 6 76
..161 1st 4 76
..119 ... 4 76
..luO ... 6 90
..2 140 6 90
..174 160 6 st
..191 80 6 so
..816 ... 6 90
..lit 144 4 90
..2b8 ... 4 10
..869 160 90
..let 60 6 SO
..184 ... 4 at
26 181
61 1.. 11,1
... I 87
40 I 17
... 6 11V,
... 6 90
160 1 9
68 221
74 126
41 16i
.III 1st I 90
.146 ... 6 90
.227 114 6 ft.1
Its) 1J0 I 96
40 6 94
40 I 94
90 6 96
... I 96
64 6 96
117 120 6 96
214 ... 4 14
8o ... I 96
lit ... (Ot
l"l 160 6 00
sua SO S OS
..lot 80 I M
SHEEP Receipt of sheep were moderate
this morning, but s'lll the total for the
week compare very favorably with last
week, the run having averaged a little
isvi r uuiiiia titw tisoi , c us.? m. sua) sup- I
ply oa sal tbls morning consisted of XvurJ
cars of California spring lambs, the sam
k;nd tht hss been coming this week, and
three cars of mined stock, yearlings, ewes
and spring lambs. The market was with
out any especially new or Interesting fea
tures.. There were not, In fact, enoush of
any one kind, with the exception t'f the
spring lambs, to rtaily make a tei-t of in
market, but so far ns could le judged tne
feeling was about steady with yesterilav.
Csllfornla spring lambs sold around ti.7.,
with a lew very good natiye fpilng
up to 87. and with a few od Is ami ends . f
twrs as Hi as 83.76 and wethe s
at 34.2.-..
-The qunllty ot the receipts this we-k his
not bren very good. The fei stock nrril g
has been mostly in the nature of ixhls hiiu
ends of old ewes and lambs, the cleanup
of winter feed lot. At the snm time
vefttrn grass stock, both lamb, and yraf
llngit, have cdmmoncrd nrrlvlng in csltl
ertil le numbers. Thus owing to the clii ngo
In llie character nf the iccelpts It Is ni
eay matter to make comparisons tetwetn nt w prevailing and those of a wrk
ago. Ftlll In a geneial wa.- it l-t rnifo to
'' ll'St the general run of stuff at leaM1
Is ZTatfrOc lower for the wek. Reports fio-n'
rne west Indicate that there are
grassers on the rond. snd the pomlnir we
will doubtless witness the arrivals of mjie
or lees stock of trmt description.
Quotations on sftoe,) an.- lambs: Spring
lambs, good to choice. t!.50'ti 7.041 ; spring
11,11.1,, mir to goon. iii.zi.',fi,.Mi; shorn lambs,
good to choice. 31.O0ii4.40: shorn lambs, f.ilr
to good. SJi.fi04iC.flO: feeding lambs, shorn,
H.5Va-4.25; yearlings, shorn, 34.nnriif,.l.:
w-ethers, shorn. 3.1.7MT1.00; ewes, good to
choice, shorn, 13.5014.00; ewes, fair to gootl.
shorn, 33.0n()3.v; culled ewes, 91.6063.50.
Representative sales:
570 California spring lambs
90 spring lambs
10 spring lambs, culls
13 spi ing lambs
M spring lambs-
43 spring lambs
101 western shorn lambs....,,...
10 western shorn lambs, culls..
145 California spring lambs
50 Cal. spring lambs, culls
6S5 California spring lambs
2-43 California spring lambs
S9 western shorn ewes
9 spring lambs
44 western shorn lambs
23 western shorn lambs, culls..
59 western shorn lambs
Av. Pr
71 6 50
fiO 4 50
69 00
6S 7 00
65 7 00
73 5 60
6S 4 50
, 60 6 10
,73 6 75
61 6 40
l(i 3 iVi
57 6 35
70 6 50
69 2 75
79 6 25
Demand for Cattle Steady lings
Slow -Sheep Strong-.
1.000 head; market steady; beeves, $-4 ieOrf
6.55; Tcxans. t4.WiiS.R0; wrstern steers. 14. M)
rt.75; stockers ard feeders. 81.7rii i 00; cows
and heifers, 82.fmn.8t); calves, 8'100iS.0.
HOGS Receipts, 15.000 head; market slow
and weak: light, 35.90g6.30; mixed, 85 9 ii
t.X; heavy, 95.7rfi6.25; rough. tT.7."y .9.'i;
good to choice heavy. sT.n.Vfrt.25; pigs, 9'
&6.Z0; bulk of sales, 86 10ftS.20.
SHEEP AND lJMUS-Rece pts. ,C0)
head; market strong; natives, f2..Wff l.3Ti;
westerns. S2.75(fif4.40: yearlings, 14.0fli4 90;
native lambs, 84.0Of76.4O; westerns, 3 6Yf
4.75; sptlng lambs, 81.6067.10; ewes, 2 25y
Kanaaa City Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 1,6')0 head, Including 900 soutlrerns:
market steady to weak: dretstd beef ami
export steers, 83.76'rV6.40; fnlr to good, S.i.01
&7.00; western steers, t4.TiVf7it.10; stockers
and feeders, 83.2&6.O0; southern steers,
t3 75tfjo.50; routhern cows, 32.50frS4.50; nauve
cows, 32.2r.(f5.00; native heifer. S4.26fyv.10;
bulls. 83.0Vd4.60; calves, 84.OOTi7.BO.
H008 Receipts, 7.0i)0 bead: market tiff
10c higher; bulk of sales, 86.00ra4.10; heavy,
35.9fyo4.0r; packers and butchdrs, t5.95.10;
lights. 8R.00e8.17Vx.
SH HEP AND L.AMB8 Receipt", 1.400
head; market steady; lambs, 3" 507i7.00:
yearlings. S4O04.KO: wethers. 83.60fi4 00;
ewes, 83.0093.50; atocker and feeders, 32.50
St. I.ools llve Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS, June 1. CATTLE Receipts.
2,200 head, Including 1,100 Texans; market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
85.75(80,40; dressed beef and butcher steers,
$3.2jHi.0O; steers under 1.000 pounds, 85.00
6.25; stockers and feeders, 83.00-ji5.O0; cows
and heifers, 83.50in6.25; canners. 32.00$ 5.10;
bulls. tH.6tWj-j.10: calves. 8a.00Hifi.25; Texas
and Indian Steers, 84.00()6.00; cow and heif
ers, 83.505.00.
HOGS Receipts, B.900 head; marKet was
steady: nig and lights, 34.75Ai.:fi; packers,
86.2a6.85;t. botchers and best , heavy, 36.25
40.26. -. '
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.400
head; market steady; native muttons, 83.00
$(3.75; lambs, 85.00(7.60; culls and bucks,; stockers, tL2Ofj3.O0.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 1,000 head; market steady; steers,
85.25iS4.S6; cows and heifers, 82.60(6.00;
calves, 840i3v7.,6.
HOGS Receipts, 6.600 head; market 10a
higher; top, 86.15; bulk of sales, S5.95y.10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS R ;elpts, 1,000
head; market steady; lambs, 35.6O&7.00.
Stock In Slirtat. .
Receipts of live stock at the five principal
western market yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 1,100 6.200 1.603
6t Joseph ,.1.000 6,500 1,(00
Kansas Cltv 1.600 7.000 1,00
Bt. Louia 2.zu w.ju ..-.VJ
Chicago .1.000 15,000 8,000
.6,900 44,600 16,400
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK. June ' 1.6. COFFEE Fu
turea obened steady at an advance of StiS
point In response to ravoraoie r.uropean
cablea and sold about &i9 points above the
closing figures of last night during the
middle of the day on talk of a better
demand for spots, bullish private oables
from Europe claiming that Brazilian ex
norters had sold freelv for new crop ship
ment and scattered covering. Realizing be
came rather more active toward tne close,
however, and price eased off slightly from
the best, with the final tone steaay at a
net advance of 30-8 points. Sales, 31,500
bags. June, 10.85c; July, 10.88c; August. 10c;
Saotember. 10.64c : uctODer,; covetn-
her. 10.47c: December. January. February
and March. 10.45c: April. 10.4c; May. 10470
Havre wa V franc nigner. namnurg
waa U Dfg. h Kher. Owing to tne uraainan
hnlidav the usual cables from the primary
markets were lacking, but a special cable
renorted Santos 4s unchanged at 8750 and
firm offer here from Brasil were about
unchanged from yesterday, bpot steady;
Rio No. 7. 12"c: Santo No. 4. 13Vc; mild.
dull; Cordova, fSU,c: New York warehouse
deliveries yesterday, 10,800 bags, against
8,230 bags last year.
Omaha Prod sloe Market.
Creamery butter, 22c; packing stock.
154e. No. 1 fresh eggs, 12'-i;c; No. 2 fresh
eggs, 8Hc. Broiler. 20c; hens, 10c; roosters,
4c; trucks, 10c; geese, 6c; turkey l&ijl3c.
Dnlath Grain Market.
DITLUTH. June 16. WHEAT -No. 1
northern, &4Hc; No. 2 northern, 91H&
July, tMWc bid; September, Hl'tc bid.
OATS 37c .
Omaha liar Market.
OMAHA. June 16. HAT No. 1. 3UO0; No.
t, 310.00; packing, 37.00; alfalfa. 313 00. Straw:
Wheat, J5.W; rye, ti.t: oat i.w.
Proll'fle Maker of Snake and Bear
Stories I Accidentally
Wallace B. Wheat, the real and acknowl
edged nature taker for many years, fell
down stairs In bis home at Port Jervis,
N. J., and was killed.
The snake and bear stories that came
from Port Jervis for many year all were
created In the fertile Imagination of Wheat.
All hi tale- were kindly and innocuous,
never giving offense, but written with a
seriousness that made many person be
lieve them and caused them to be copied all
over the country.
HI bear, too, were almost human, and
always showed originality snd a streak of
cuBednes In circumventing the mighty
hunter of Port Jervis, who were supposed
by the outside world to be always waging
a war of extermination on the bruins
warming tha bill around that town. Even
the humble barnyard fowl waa "copy" for
Wheat, and the truthful author always had
an affidavit handy when too severely ques
tion about the remarkable things they did.
Wallace B. Wheat waa not only fancied
by the millions of hi amused readers, but
wa well liked and respected In Port Jervi.
desplt the fact that he could hold rival
story teller speechless by hi audacity and
originality. New York Press.
t Persistent Advertising 1 the Road to Big
Returna, -
Sijni of Eeco very from Depression
Evident in Steel Trade.
Foreign Trade l In Kcsj sf
liat Yrir, Combined vtllh Oood
Crop Prospects, Most f'tror
able Asttnrr,
NEW TOUK", June 16. Dun's VeeV,!jr Re
view of Tradtv tomorrow will say:
Kor the firs: time Iti r.i.niy weeks thera
are rlyns of recovi rv front the d -preaslor,
in the Iron an 1 stiel ttaie and, while pig
;ri n tont nues very tlu.l, there are In
ert a-, d orders for finlfhrd steal, notably
In the structural and t'lvislont. T-t
railroiiil tlemnnd alsu H better, which
Tl i mites well for the future. A leading
trunk I nc hns suthorlzt d the purchase of
sixty locomotives.
In dry goods there Is more Improvement
In sentiment tl-nn In activity and the In
creased CTifdenee Is bafed upon strength
imparled to the situation by the low stneka
ai d uron the effect of bright cr p pros-IH-cts.
The act it'll demand Is much below
the normal p Int. but Klvcs evidence of
some expansion.
Foreign trade Is largely In excess of ls
vesr, and tl Is l, next t agricultural con
ditions, tbe btlghte.t spot In the whole
bus ntss situation.
The strong statistical position of stork.
In first hands and the notnble curtailment
in production which s-tlll prevails In dry-ro-ds
lln'-x ctifrm tl feeling f confi
dence In the ftituio, al'h-'Ugh present busl
t.ess Is very quiet. D.-mnml for future d
llvrrv Is slowlv Increasing nnd sellinif
agrnts sre making rra-lv for op-rstions of
new siring lines In woolens, worsteds. an-1
underwear. The firm maintenance of
values, despite an acknowledged 'Ub
nornii.l (l.-niiin l In retail nnd jobbing de-
partnirnt. Is becoming a more noticeable
leattiro. . , . '
Stirplementarv fall orders for rootwear
In the hands of shoo manufacturers are of
nlr volume, but new business Is slow in
devel H'lng. There 's a stradv trade In both
sole and upper leather, which In the ag
gregate Improves liom week to week.
I'nrtoubtedlv more hiislres would be ron
summnttd If tanners would mke con
cesrlons from the advanced pr ces asked,
ss a nttmhrr of buveis a:e holding ort at
the full 'ncrrsse demanded.
The hide market continues to show a
rather sharp advance on most vartetle.
nnADSTnr.KT's iirvikw of tuadb
Trade anil Industry Appear
to no
Slack Ilnrlusf Week.
NEW YORK, Juno ir,.-Hradstreet' to
mesryow will soy:
Trade and Industry appear to be slack
and the only change Is found In a slight
fading of cereal crop prospects In tha .
Retail trade has been favored by gooa
weather in most sections and stimulated
by reduction sales, but distribution Is still
hardly up to expectations. Jobbing trad !
of a between-seasons chnrncter, with fill-
Ing-ln orders the main business.
Buslners failures In the United State
for the week ending June 15 were 218,
againrt 232 last week.
Business failures for the week In Canada
number 27, which compares with 23 for
last week.
Wheat. Including flour, export from tha
T'nlted States and Canada for the week;
ending June 15. aggregated J.OIO.UOS bu.,
airalnst 2.432 R20 bu. Inst week.
Corn exports for tho week aro 4)2,000 bu.,
against 1,035.144 bu. last week.
The Key to tne Situation Ree Want Ad.-
United States
Panama Canal
3 Per Cent Bonds
Dy the issue of these bonds ln
x vestors, particularly small Invent"
ors, ate given an opportunity to
place at least a part of their
savings or surplus In the most
solid security in the world.
It is an opportunity that every,
one should improve to some ex
tent. Even if you are thoroughly
satisfied with all of your present
investments you should have aa
' an infallible anchor, readily avail
able in the severest stress of fl
' nanclal weather, a few of these
absolutely unquestioned securi
ties. The Government has wisely pro
vided for the demands or requlre
. ments of small investors by Issu
ing these bonds in demoninations
of lUO nnd t500 as well as the
usual $1,000, and they have
the further advantage that they,
are exempt from taxation of any,
kind or description. The income
you receive from the Government
is absolutely net as well as ab
solutely sure.
We are prepared to supply you
with these bonds at the lowest "
market price and to give you the
benefit of our knowledge and
experience In suggesting what
securities it might be advisable
to sell if necessary to acquire a
few of the Panama Canal 3'g.
Moreover we will undertake to
sell them for you at the best
prices obtainable.
Our circular 96, giving full data
on the new Panama Issue, also
full particulars of our method
of exchanging other securities
for them, sent upon request.
Beyer 8c Company
62 William St., Nw York
05,000 BOTTLES Ol
TK. Toll Quart
100 Proof Straight
Whisk, roll Quart
Oallf jrnla Vert Wine,
also Ola and Cork
screw ygii,
Z6.OV0 bottle of this
100 Proof Straight
Whiskey aged In bond.
4 full HH.rlu
O o 1 .1 t r o in fc'elect
w :uuky,
1 Kull Uuart Kin,
California port
Win 60a
Regular price . .14.60
All for $3.75
Express Prepaid
-. - -
Sol. S. Goldstrom DIs. to.
Address Box Sa. Store BStb and O Bta.
Opp. Stock Tarda, Soata Omaaa, bd.
,,;,'(fij Pres. prepaid. ,4.40.
f T'',Vr- 'ull Quart Oold
'A 'V'i-.JJi strum Pure Hye
; " " - ' '1 Proof btralght
fU ... .J Whiskey 124
r s