WANT ADS Want aft rTlcd at any time to .Insure proper clMlftctlo must, be Iirrevented before 12 o'clock m. to th aiming edition and bofor 7: SO for aiorniug end bnutlay edition. Mant ) rertirrd after smb. bourg will bar their first Inenttloaa tender heading. In Lt to Claaalff' CASH HAfE"ruV. WAN't ADS. ll-aWt'LAIt CLASSIFICATION Ob Insertion 1J4 cant per word and I eut per wonl for each aubeevjMent In keitiun. fcsub Insertion mad on odd lh cent Pr word. P"r tiuo per axomii. Uate appl to either Tb Daily or bandar lie. Always count U word! m li a. Want ada for The lice rnaj b lef at buy of Hi following druif Jarp ou ia onr "roruee drugi" be' re all branch oitivea for ! na our ad will be Uwerted Just prooipUy anu on the aaui Hie main office la lae Uee buiUIUiK. evcieieenU. and taroam ireH. Albach. W. C ln an raroaia. kauu Drug Co.. ll lth t Berantk, B. A.. 1W , Mia at.. ; iojo Pharmacy, aensoa. Neev , Ueiut Park pnarmecy, d ar.d Cumin uak-B-aulsu. a, enerroaa Are. . Cllitoa rilll Pharmacy, luis Military AT cauanlln. C. v. Lnworlh . Crlssey Pharmacy. 3th sad t-s ' Ceonoy Pharmacy. South 1Mb at ; Cermak, kmk, lane- South 1X1 . Ahler Co., aw Leave a earth ftt. Fustsr Arnoidi. 21 Nertn Hh a Freyteg, J. J.. 1J4 N. 4ta Bt. w ; Fregger lnif Co., l2 Nertn lh Floraoco Drug Co., Florence, Ne. . bnwk a Pharmacy, f"' Ave. and F810 ' Greaaouga C., lo Soma lth at. ureenuuan i Co., Win and Hickory Bin uoiaman fuumuy, Mttt and Lsaavaa aoun Hta. Juhnaoa Pharmacy, tTN FernaraSt Hancora Para Pbarsscy. 1W1 a. 8m A Hliitariong Drug Co., 4it Ave, and nam t Hoist John, B4 North ttth at. Uuii. A. U, 24 Liaavanwortb "t. iunuuna Lima Co., mo and ttpaidlaa. Kln, U. a., UM Varnam at. KouuUa Piaoo I'barmaoy, aot N. t4tb St l.atbroii Pharmacy, cub and Hamilton, iiaraa. Frad 1. Mi Cantral ulvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, 3d and Cuming, t-atnea fru co., 4WM is. io (L baratoaa Urag Co., Mtb aad Amaa Aa Mcaaaxora Cut aTica Drug atora, lta aiiu Cbicago ata. Walnut Mill i-aarmaoy. 40tb aad Cuming, UIEATH AMD rilMBHAI. NOTICKb RIORDAN Mary, agad.U uontha. family realdenoa, Bavanth and webater air acta, interment Holy Bapulcnar cam tary. BIRTH! AMD DEATH!. Birth Joaeph and UIdxiI Adler. Flor ence, boy: . Junta and Mabel Cain, 1917 Craoe, girl; Paul and Minnie KlmmaL 26M North Fourteenth, boy; Iavld and Grace Love, 2422 6prague, girl; John and Anna Hwoboda, 1712 Mouth butaenth, girl; M. and Lt. Zoth, Fifth and Ixard, boy. JJeatha Mary Rlordan, 1 year, Seventh and Webater: mma M. Carter. 41 yeara. 2u South Clinton avenue, Uenaon; Waid mlr McCunt, U yeara, UM North Twenty- eighth; Helena Olendenlng, 24 yeara, 204 Mouth Tuenty-tirth;; Charlea Helgren, 46 y tare, 623 south Hixteentb; William a: Mats. 23 yeara, 4124 North Twenty-eighth; Lola Mabary,. 16 yeara, Methodiah hospital; Andrew Meyer, I. yeara, Mathodlat boa- pitai. . .-.... ' MARRIAGE LICSSOBf. The following llcenaea td wad war teamed yeeterday: ' Name and Raaldenoe.' .;" - ' Age, Carl C. 'Jensen, Oma(u ...... i...... 27 Eva O'.aan, Omaha i..... 26 John F7 Becher, "South' Omaha..... 23 Olga Olaen, South Omaha ...21 Charlea R.4 KawleV, Omaha M Irene M. O'Meaxa, Omaha 22 3. Leonard. Sutton,-Omaha M Anna Jorgenaon. Omaha 20 Arthur Miller,' Omaha J..... IS Lena Jorgenaen, Omaha 22 Bohumll Kovaa. South Omaha 22 Emma Hubacek, South Omaha 18 Otia M. Ketchum, Omaha ,...14 Oretchen B. Tucha,. Omaha 20 August Caviar, Omaha 29 Ethyl Halllm, Fort Dodge, Ia 21 Louis J.- Duvtgnaaud, Chicago 24 Oertrud Q'.Connell, Omaha , M 5911 D 6CID VEDDIKGRI NG3 C& Sixteenth- Karnes ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, embalmar. 1QI Chicago Bt. D. ii-laok. PU0T0 SUPPLIES Kodaks and camera . - The best develop ing ana untuning in me our. MEQKATH STATIONERY CO., Photo lapc. I6U and Faraam Sta, MONEY TO IXXAN - LOW rat Hi, in sums to J sul t. 119 Be Bldg, Pbone Douar. UNION LOAN CO. FOR RENT Hlbbeler-s park and hall to lodgea, societies, clubs and pleasure seek ers; come and investigate, H. L. Hibbeler. 444 Leavenworth u. VIRGINIA DARE WINE-760 a large bottle. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th be EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKIN8, 816 & lith, UPSTAJRH. LYNCH BR0Sv1Ti!?iONQAWD REPAIR WORK". 'l7fe 'Jackson 6t- D. 1477. MUSIC All Of ths late, annular and up-to-date Music at Bargain Prices. If you have a Piano or Drain end your name on postal card end get our monthly bulletin of new music WESTERN Jt!it Pubi.ibhl.Nti COM 410 Be Bund ing, Omaha. Neb. ANCHOR FENCE 00. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; lant a lifetime. 2U7 N. 17th. Phone Red 614. MISSOURI FILTERS 4V FILTER RE PAlKd. lis & Mil. Doug. 4714; lnd. A-2aiL CELEBRATE the Fourth at Papllllon; would like to hear from attractions; alao want a good band. . Charlea Walker, PapU lion. Neb. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices, HOME mjRNITCKB CO., Twanty-fuurth add L Sis., South Omaha. Cement Blocks rrfhhY OMAHA CONCRETsi STONE CO., fHh Ave.. and Mahler. Web. kM; B 1012. A. HOWK, WELL BOR1NCW Benson 24&. DAVID COLE. CXBAMKRT COMPANY B. H. Cola Sign Co. P. 27W. 1113 FarcAm. LiiU'ClS at cut price; freight paid oJi all lie ordera Catalogue free. Sherman A jjcvonneu irug o., unana. nao. WE LIKE LITTLE REPAIR JOBS. FREL1NO A 8T1T.1NLR. Trunk Factory. , . . . lsut Pamam. " OREGON RESTAURANT, llrst-alass cafe fur ladies and gtitlatnen; Clilaaae cooking a SeciMlty; opep day end nlabl. lo Haraay. KnnAKfi8U",i'i" and AMATEUR FINISHING DEMPSTER'S. It o. 16th fee. Ui fuum C DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa tax BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. le'4 Karnam. Ind. A SCI; Doug. 4?M Wholaaale and retail agents for Sharwtn Wllilauia paluts, varruah.-a. Cartnr lead and keystone. Opea liaturday evealnga. WH.I-OW SPRINGS beer. liquors, cigars, andolciiea ALEX JETES, ljttt Doualas. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) . IfTKfn?FAMHr,ln Hyg1a brand OltfAJM A iin, dmgglaia. Harding Ic Cream Co. MAOOARD Van A Storage. Pack, WW, atore and ahip H H. gooda. D. !; O K BCALE8. STALKS Independent Praia Repair Co., 110 tfo. 11th til. Ind. A-fcui. FOR CRAWFISH call H ED EOTHEKY "-f etgara. Cafa in conneotion. 1U o. Hth 81. Caxady Co., S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa, U U A -IH C oXjCjU write lira Lnauranca. ' ROACHES, ANTbT BEDBUQS, FL.KA8 ANU RATa exterminated from your prem Ifiea under guarantee contract; eatlmatea 'rpe; uuicdeaa i.lj'Jor Inaectide, 4c; larae can powder. 26c. Call or write Riley Chemical Work a, 2d floor, Crounao Bile, oppoaite poatottlec: by mail prepaid. Iug. 62. WOK PltOSPEROUSI Wear the ran White tipphire; haa the brilliancy, luater and hardneaa of a genuine diamond, fend fur catalogue. Ua Long Jewairy Co., 102-M MCCaaue Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. The New Elk Hotel. . Now open, all outside rooms,' 36c and 60o by day; week, 12 up. 17 N. 16th. U 7287. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNGATE. china firing. 170 U rand els Bldg. TeL Web. BEE HIVE CLEANINQ DTE WORKS, 1N1 Vinton St. Waeons call and deliver. Pbone Daug: 43S7. J. H. Boonstra, Br. Prop. 1,000 letterheads, good bond papers VOW billheads, 1.0UO business cards; $1.6 per Eatlmatea and samples free. Other printing. Tlsard - PrtntinsT Co.. Omaha Commercial Collega Bldg., lfUi Far nam. Red Mo. OFFICE STATIONEBY f"!"" Kotara Laary Co., 1606 Jackson. D. 1M& OUR letter duplleattna work la unex celled. A trial will convlnoa you. BolB phones. Waaiara Duplicating Co., 404 Bee tildg. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric needle or Injury ta the skin; lady attendant. 407 McCague Bldg. PICTURE framing, one-third cheaper than department atores; most select stock of framed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 a lath. Douglas 1UW; lnd. A 266L CORNER Shoe Repairing. 2622 Leaven worth YOU'LL always be happy If your wedding ring comes from Brodegaard' s. 116 8. Utn St. At the sign of the crown. - MONET ' saved on Dalntlna". paper bang ing, decorating Paper; wholesale; quick work. Call A, C. MoOulgan Co., Crouns Block, Jpp. p. o. uougias z; A-uea. RMniTIi' COSTELLO'S Omaha Cut """U Plug. 606 No. loth. BO A booster for the national gam of baa boll. If Prank Janak, 2310 Bo. 16th St., will come to The Bes office within three daya we will give him a ticket to the bail game at Rourka park. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "Skid Into a post, "Tear your top." And bring It to the best place In Omaha tor an kinds or repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner 18th and Harney Mia. NEW and 111 hand autos. Derlgbt, Omaha. FORCED SALE Rambler, two-cylinder, perfect condition, top and fully equipped; biggest bargain yL tm Writ C. U epencer, )iancuarn, ia. . . , SECOND-HAND cars, all , kinds. 914 Dodge. FOR BALE A bar sain. International de livery machine, first-class order and used three months. 224 N. 16th St, Pbona Doug las IVMt , , ;.' ,' .' f . Motorcrelas. - - . . . . , - WrT I 'I'll' for list of used motorcycles. torcyci parts. NbtiHAKKA CltLii CO, LAKE MANAWA la the coolest place to te found, lt ur. m. o. Wilson. 118 No. Central Blvd., will oom to The Be office within three daya we will glv him a pair or round trip tickets to JUak Maaawa. BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of business, call on vAMi M11A1, Ut BO Bldg. Yel !. I37, A Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer will eairy a U-or4 elanltiad A4. late a nllllea ama on lima lany oar) la aetlra llati Boatoa Herald. Buffalo Kxprtiaa, Bdilmsrs Nava, Kocbut.r baaaeerat. Sjrraouae Harald, i)m&lia aae, rittaburs Dlapauav Pioleaoe TMaaaa, Naw Him ladar. Clmlul Ll t. Loula Oloba-Daaa., Ve aioloaa R. Laaaer, MllwaukM Fraa Preaa, tu ITraa. chmloel, Clnelnaall Boqulrar, Atlanta OraatltuUaa, MlBDMaolla Irlbiiae, lllu Nawa, txtrolt tVM Praaa, Chlcase RaooH MaralC lnaiaaapolla Nawa, Kaaaaa City Jearaal. uiva this uai A rocket Oolaa Hiirtnlnh I liianthav 111 BroaSwar.N.Y. at arcana any suBllaalloa ea taia lu. RECEIVER'S NOTICES OF BALK. Pursuant to the order of th district court of Labette county. Kansas, 'the un dersigned will offer for sal t th highest bidder lor caan or on sucn terms as may be approved, subject to the approval of aald court, on Thursday, June 2a, 1211. at I p. m., at the plant. I1 mllea west of Mound Valley, Kenrea, th entire property of th Parsons Vitrified Brick company. Th capavclty of said plant belug 100.000 per day, -with gas field, gaa leases and pipe line, steam shovel, water line and pump ing plant, down draft kilns. Full details of plant may b aeoured upon request from the undersigned. Lester Wad a. Receiver, Mound valley, Kansas. ; The One Best Business Chance t . . . 1 u'nll ..( A. sanarss srsn (a a. eiUas. ki.al. ns that you can m-k from on to two hundrfel dollar pr week; inveaUgate thla; amall pask iiarwalf aaan 1 1 1 rswl - A let " araBBs -vjrwwi. axisj v ss vve . aa nai em Wf Vi. WANTED Young or middle-aged man with capital to take an active interest la ons of ths best, paying business proposi tions in Omaha. Must be capable of tak ing complete management, i'or full, par ticulars aa areas c too, cte. FOR a dainty dessert us Dalsell'a Ice cream. If J. A. Hamilton, 2822 Davenport St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will glv him an order for a quart brick of thla line to oream. WANTED LIVE YOU NO BOOK KEEPER TO INVEST 81.600 TO 22,600 IN GROWINO, WEL.L ESTABLISHED Bl'SINEBBS, CAPAHLH OF FILLING PO SITION OP ASSISTANT MANAGER. ADDRESS A-, BEU. VARIETY STORE Cash business: bodu laUon of town, 10,000; financial difficulty reason lor selling. Aaaress x s, tita, PARTNER with small capital to help nnane gold and silver pvaperty in Max loo. A Is, Be. GOOD restaurant for sale: doing first class business; would oonslder a trad with a moving picture theater. Caus of trade. deatn in ramiiy. Address, a 10, car Be. WANTED A Coot or. regular school, or a dentist to share offices with doctor In the new City Nat. bank building. Apply between 8 and 6 p. m. at 711-12 new City n at. pank Bldg. Reoaalaa; Koaso for Bale. -ROOM rooming house and furniture for sale; cheap rent; party leaving city. 22 . tan et. CHIROPODISTS DR. BOY. 1606 Farnam St. Douglaa 6407. MONHEIT. rhlropodlat. manicuring, hair dreaalng. hair gooda City Nat I bk. D. Xms, The Winner's a) Names in the Bee Want Tad Verse Contest Will Be Found Among the Want Ads. DENTISTS BAILEY at MACH. 2d floor Paxton. D. 100& DETECTIVES omaha Secret Service Detective acency. Inc. bonded. 42s- Paxton Blk. D. UL; A-121. OPT. T. CORMACK. hiT KARBACH Blk. WHEN you spend your money spend lt for the beat there la, If J. B. Ryder. 2Sw Ohio St., will com to Th Bee office within three oaya w win give mm an order for a SO-cent box of O'Brien's candy free, lYinir ITT.T.Ta OS vmm ,rn,HanM Snfi Nsvllls Blk., 16Ui and Harney. Tyler lUe. JAMES ALJ.AN. 308 Neville Blk.. Six teenth and Harney; phone Tyler 112. DRAINAGE W. J. MoKathron, C E., 610 Paxton Blk. J. P. CRICK. 824 Brandos Theater. D.4204. J. J. STUBBS, room 416. First Nat'l bank. DRESSMAKING Tsrrya . Dressnaklng Colleg. 20th Far. THERE is a beautiful new dancing pa vilion at Lake Manawa. If U. C. Mo- Intyr. 8002 Dodg MC, will come to The Be office within three daya we will glv him a pair o round trip ticket to Lake Manawa. PLAIN sewing, mending and rough-dry Washing. 26U Capitol. Piion Harney 6ol. EDUCATIONAL First Bummer Term BOYLES COLLEGE i Is Now Open. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAT. Omaha's largest and most successful Com mercial College. Business. Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. Ths catalogue is free. Ad dress H. B. Boyles, President, Omaha, Neb. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Retng Bldg. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS. dynamoa. motors and repairs. L Bron, 212 b. 12th bU Douglaa Hit, . HARTHUN KLEC. CO.. D. (298; 816 S. 14th. SUMMER ONLY STARTED. KEEP COOU WOLiE ELEC. CO., S.r.lu.d? a IT LOOKS like a big gam today. If B. H. Welbley. 2024 So. lSlh Bt.. will come to Th Be office within three daya wa will arlve . him a ticket to th ball gam at Rourk park. BENNETT ELEC'L C0. Electrlo fans, hot point Irons, guaranteed. OftTU v.T.m-nilf! f'O Mnalrina rfva. moa and motors a specialty. D. M37. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CURTAINS LAUNDERED. 2S1 Dewey Ave., Tau U. lUe WHEELER'S HEADACHE tableta eur or your money back. 2to. Haines Drug Co. WALL. PAPER cleaning. D. (661. A-245. IDEAL lawn mower machine sharpens perfect. Called for and delivered. Modern shop. 2220 Lak. Webater 412. J. W. Foley. THE beet treat for wife and baby la a dish of Dalseli's ice oream. If Mra. Rosa Secord, 2421 Binney St., will com to Th Bee office within three daya. we will give her an order tor a quart brick of this fins ice cream free. SWITCHES from eomblngs, 21 60; set puffs free. Mr. Eck. 1760 Leavenworth Be Uphnlstsrlng, furn. repairing, low price Ekwall Co., 1S13 HL Mary's, U. 601& A 2739. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1697 Farnam. D. 1601; A-U0L J. H. BATH, 1626 Harney. Douglaa 2080. HE8S a SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam BL BRANDEIS cut flower dept. Nsw store. L. HndrsoA 161 Farnam, Douglaa 1101. HELP WANTED FEMALE Areata aad Baleswesaea AT ONCE 8 bright, oapable ladles over 21 to travel, demonatrat and sell dealers in Kan. and Mo. io to M par week; n. R. tur paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. LM-ii Harney ML, Omaha, Neb. FIVE school teachers for traveling work during vacation. Goodrich Drug Co., Uus-ls Harney fee. Omaha, Neb. TEN ladlea to eanvaae from bouse to bouse, pleasant work aad good pay for hustlers. Th Sperry A Hutchinson Co.. 1417 Harney Bt. WANTED School teacher for nice pl ant (ummar work; all or part time; big pay. Write quick. Address G HI, Be. WANTED An xper1enoed corset sales lady, for position outside of olty. Apply Hotel Loyal. 12 noon. ' , Clerical aad Oftle. CASHIER ,'. M Two office clerks K Bookkeeper 76 Hteno;rapher U WESTN REFERE7VCE A EOND ASS-N., 762-2-4-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. BILLING Clerk, 218 80 per week. Cashier, retail and wholesale, 84. Telephone operator, 8--6-CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., loib-16 City National bank Bldg. Factory aad Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdreaslng. Oppea helm parlors. Prices very reasonable. EXPERIENCED skirt operator wanted at once. Apply Paxton Blk. 1 1 I HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued Hoauaekeevera aad Domestics. WANTED Competent girt for general housework. Apply aU6 Farnam 8U TeL Harney VD9 WANTED A girl to help with house work; no washing. 2443 Manderaon St. COMPETENT cook, small family, no washing. 622 8. 40th St. Phone Harney 481 WANTED A woman for clean cooking and housework; good wages. Phone Har. tiU7, or call at 8021 Gold St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. Taiuiase, 4V4V Cass Bi, phone Harney 2818. GIRL to assist wits general housework, no washing. Call 608 So. 2Hth 8C WANTED A housekeeper to go to Sioux City, la. Very small family. A good bom for a good woman. Apply to Orkin Bros. Store. GIRL for general housework. ' 6326 N. 20th St. Web. 0077. I , EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; three grown-ups In family. 224 N. lMh. 'Phone Douglas 62. WANTED Woman to assist In house work and care two children; no laundry work;' good home for .right party. A 11, care Bee. WANTED A good girl for general house wora; good wages. 208 8. 26th St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, small family, best of wages. Call B l&'Ji or Harney 1S92. WANTED 31rl for' second work. . Apply 3618 Farnam. . ,,.,- , . WANTED A girl to do general house work, at 86 per week, for a man and wife on a ranoh where four hands are employed. Edwin R. Chaee, Jr -Stanton, Neb. WANTED A . oookb "good wages. Apply S6Xt Farnam. . , ' GIRL' for general housework; small fam ily. 1145 Georgia .Ave',.:,.... . GOOD girl for gerieral housework; small house. 2140 Mason. 'Phone Harney 241. WANTED A young girl to assist In light housework. 2t04 N. 27th St. Web. 6SL WANTED Girt for general housework, no washing, 87 per week. 3604 Harney Bt. 'Phon Harney 890.'" WANTED An experienced nurse girl to accompany family to, Lak OkoboJL 137 8. 86th. ' r - WANTED Young girl for work In family of two. Mrs. Coffey. 1936 S. 12th St. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wagea. 623 8. . 26th Ave. WANTED A klrl for genera housework. one to go home at night; small family; no children; must be able to cook, Apply at 411 8. 83d St. - Hotels aad Ilestaaraata. WANTED Experienced linen room wo men. ' Apply housekeeper, Hotel Roma. Mlacellaneeaua. YOUNG women coming to Omaha s stranger ar Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building si St. Msry'a Ave. and 17th 8c, where the) will be directed to suitable boarding place or otberwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at th Union station. GIRLS WANTED .Nonpariel, Doug. 1812. WANTED A girl to answer telephone and help In laundry. Omaha Wet Wash Laundry, 2619 N. 24tb fit HELP WANTED MALE AareetSa Soltoltora am at laltanas, WANTED Hlgh-grad man aeeustomad to soliciting and to making good money. Must be able to approach men of affair and callable ol presenltna btsh-cla tcr. Not lnauranca nor books. Addri U Hi. car Be. WANTED Agents very where to sell ad vertising wall pockets to merchants; lib eral comic Isston; references required; sam ples tree provided you pay express. Hugh H. McCleery, 616 Main St., Washington, Iowa. . t . AGENTS WANTED. 100 PER CENT profit to sell the Howard Handy Harnaes Hook, th only patent harness hook on th market; something every horseman wants to ban hla harness un. To show lt Is to sell It. .We are sots tn Is. DAY-MORSE 72s Brandeia Theater Bldg., Omaha, Nab. WANTED School teachers, for nlcs, pleasant summer work; all or part time, big pay. Writs quick. Address i' 641, Bee. "WB HAVE AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH A BELLING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A UV1 MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN 'irltl WORLD AND LEARN THE BUSINESS. T 271. BEE. INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER LEARN ADVERTISING. I W teach you advertising and glv yon a thorough training; a few hours each day will qualify you tor a big salary. We have given hundreds of advertising men their training. W help you to a position. For full particulars address E 640. Bee. 1 WANTED Broom salesman to ell beat line on market, priced risbt; permanent position for rlht party; must be able to get the bualnesa. . Address Y 4L car Be. THREE good men with selling exper ience, capable of handling a big money making proposition. . Must be neat dressers and ambitious. Call mornings, ul City Na tional Bank Bldg. AGENTS Wanted at once, first class proposition; big commission. Writs today, baitlssa siuppiy Co., Browa Block, Omaha, Nab. WANTED A live salesman; experience end reference; cepacia of earning li.uuu to H.rO annually, for undeveloped territory; no aide line; men'a neckwear and lewelry; liberal comiuiasiuo. Nertawestera Mfg. Co., Waterloo, la, HELP WANTEDMALE Ageats and Baleanaea Coatlaaed. HIGH class men to travel, salary and ex penses paid weekly; personal interview. Room 24, Hotel Sanford. WANTED FOR ROAD Several cleancut intelligent young men for COLLIER'S. Special premiums. Increased commission;, demonstrators furnished, expenses ad vanced, 130 to 250 a week easily made. Call before 10, after 1p.m. Watson, 22a Paxton Bldg. - WANTED Two bright young men to travel; experience unnecessary. Apply 310 Karbach Bldg. . LAND AGENTS Western Louisiana Highlands now offers the best field in the south to locate homeaeekers. Its health, climate, rainfall and sure crops are an ab solute guarantee of ready sales. Our well developed farming community at Pickering, Louisiana, Is advantageously located near th Gulf coast, on th Kansas City South ern railroad. Now Is the time to make yourself familiar with this section; liberal commission. For particular address J. D. LaBrle, 608 Keith ds Perry Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ' AGENTS wanted; male or female, to travel; 818 to 826 a week and expenses. Call 191S Farnam. Bora. WANTED Flv reliable boy with blcy clos; flrst-clsss wagea Western Union t elegraph Company. 212 8. 13th street. WANTED Good office boy, on who wants and will appreciate position. Mo-Cord-Brady Co.,-Ulh and Leavenworth Sta. ClerlcaU aad Office. WANTED LIVE TOUNO BOOK KEEPER TO INVEST $1,800 TO 22,600 IN GROWING, WELL ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, CAPABLE OF FILLING PO SITION OF ASSISTANT ' MANAGER. ADDRESS A-6 BEE. . THE great U; P. R. R guarantee you a telegraph position after training;'' practice on railroad wires. Address for particulars, H. B. Boyles. Pres U. P. Telegraphy school. Omaha. Neb. 1, t BOOKKEPER, experienced. 7, BOOKKEEPER, creamery, 275. S LEDGER clerks, 865. Ob KICK CLERK, railroad, $56. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale. $50. $ OFFICE CLERKS, $16 per week. SALESMAN, Bohemian, $60 and commis sion. OFFICE CLERK, statistical, railroad, $30-$56. See us IMMEDIATELY about th above as they must be filled today at once. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg7 Factory aad Trades. Drug 8tores(snaps).Job. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Ruler. One familiar with automatic feeder preferred. LeFebure Ledger Co., Cedar Rapfds, la. WANTED Experienced wash man; no booser need apply. Omaha Wet Wash Laundry. 261 N. ,24th Bt THERE Is only on kind of ice cream. Dalxell's Is th best. If Mrs. Christ Lar sm, 8018 Bo. ltth St., will come to The Bee office wa will give her an order for a quart of this fine ice cream. UlseeUaaewaa. WANTED Railway mall clerks; avsrag 11,100; preparation free for coming Omaha (xaralnationa. Franklin Institute, Dept. il G. Rochester, N. Y. 8,008 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Writ for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 2U-G, Rochester, N. Y. National Anto Training Assn. Omaha. Neb. ' Actual experience In shop and road work: competent instructors. MEN W have good positions waiting for you if you will learn the barber trade now. Hundreds of graduates running shops call ing on ua for help. We must supply them. Only few weeks required by our new method. Complete outfit of tools given. Diplomas granted. Wagea Saturdays. Great scarcity of barbers this season. Per sonal Interview or card mailed will explain how to better your circumstances. Muler Barber college, 110 B. 14th St. XT f-i 2100 MONTH AUTO I NO I S AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NER wa T.ARflRH'P Avn mRT wm-rw WANTED For U. B. army, able bcdled unmarried men, between the aifes of 18 and 83, cltlsens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write in l-.nt.imli lAn- fiuage. For Information piI to r.-i,ilt-ng officer. Thirteenth and Douglas atretts, Omaha, Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg., Bioux City, la.; 130 N. Tenth street, Lincoln, Neb.; 110 E. Third street. Grand Island, Neb. CARPENTERS and laborers wanted at 1407 Douglas St. Thursday morning. 9 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hers aad Vaatel. PROF. A. B. ELROD break and trains all kinds of horses; sat isfaction guaranteed. 2101 8. 48th. Har. T A RVnFW HORSESHOEING, J , A. a X , BLACKSMITHING. 4212 N. 24th St. Webater 6tU0, lnd. B-2314. GOOD driving hors cheap. 223 N. 87th St, WHEN -you spend your money spend It for the best there la It O. Morris, 227 8. 2th Ave, will corns to Ths Bee office within three day w will glv him an order for a 80-cent box of O'Brien' candy free. HORSE. I year old, weight 1.800; delivery wagon and harness. Wi B. Heat on, 8607 Hamilton. Deer, Oat aad Otaee P gtoek. TWO pit buH pup, male- Call H. 8211 LOSTjAND FOUND TWENTY-FIVE dollar rsward for th return of an old-fabhloned twlstsd sold bracelet, valued as sn heirloom. Lost from an automobile either on the streets of Omaha or on the Dod street rosd to Fremont Mr. L. Mouilun. 606 Karbach BU. LOST ND FOUND (Continued.) rr.RNONS having lost snra aHtrls wou'd do well to rail up ths office of th Omaha, c Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether tbey left It la the Street csrs. Msny article each day ar turned In and ths coitii'sny is snxlous to restore them to the rlkhtful owner. Call Dousla 4a. CM AHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. FOUND Th Teddy Bear expert dean ers ar.d dyers. A-26. IX K. IST-A gold belt buckle, Tuesday night. Address J 644. care Bee. that Omaha tum r.1 -v. . . . w.n t . .,, .. unil. II V, II- I Ham Foley, XHb So. 19th St., will come to i T" ti r i i.i i . i . ... . , uitu-e wnnia inree nays we will Rive him a ticket to th ball gam at Rourk park. LOST On csr. Monday evening, whit silk embroidered shawl. Return to 1542 B. 34th St. Reward. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES. 60c postpaid; samples free. Mher mnn McConrell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CIIATTFXS. $ t I I t I t $ t t $ I I t I t I Why Throw Away Money? By not seeing us before you procure a loan on your furniture, piano, ware house receipt or salary. We do not publish misleading rate nor misrepresent; our methods ar clean; no publicity; excellent service; liberal discount for payment before WE GUARANTEE OUR RATES 8 ARK POSITIVELY THE LOWEST. $ Call, write or phone. Our agent will 8 come to you at once If desired $ CITY IjOAN AND TRUST CO., $ 20-21 DourIss Blk. Opposite Hayden's. $ Phones: Douglas 31&0 Ind. A -2586 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ j $ NOTICE TO ALL If you were positive that our ratea and terms were the best In the city, wouldn't it pay you to see us when you need money 7 A comparison of our rates with those of other companies will convince you that this is the place to borrow. $1.20 Is ths weekly payment on a $60 loan for 60 weeks. Other payments In th name propor tion. If yon need money write or phon State Mortgage Loan Co., R-12 Arlington Block. 1611H DoUg St Phones: TJnuela SMJf Init CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private, NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 220 Bes Bldg Doug. 12M. A-li5. DIAMOND LOANS AT lVaJt en lorxe loans; smaller loans at IH and 6 W G FLlATAII Telepbons Rsd 6flt II.V.iLiainlJ, uu Locate -u,. MONEY loaned salaried people, woman keeping bouse and others, wl.hout seourlty; easy payments. Office la 67 principal ejitiea lot man, 608 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg., lor Bieriy N. Y. L. Bldg. MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA Van m. Hmuini.' i-n tour carpets on your flours; alec trio vacuui oeauiera ava m. jam; SUV SV lit. UOUg. 414. EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY CO.-MuV tus:. furniture packina; fireproof atorage City trie, lit H. ma. Toug. M; lnd. s-uk MUSIC. ART LANGUAGES PTH'l' Piano tuning, Call Web. 2078, and i. awcjaj for Special proposition. TAKKjim out to the hall fums.- Jf J.J, Murphy,' ailSOMi California St", will come to The Bee' office within three days wa will give him a ticket to the bail gam at xtourks park. OFFERED FOR RENT ateard aad 8BBi - EXCELLENT BOARD And nlcciy furnished, clean rooms; .hot water all in Urn, stli-4 Harney to. THE BACHELORS. 20th and Farnam, Rata: Sing!, fcss to $40; double. $6$ t $a t. I.' a WA kaanKflllltf la-Va f wl Ji Kd VI eoaiiaaiaaa mnm.-m m wviaaav, with board; walking distance; larg yard, sliau trees, veranda, ate An Ideal piao tor summer. 2u 8. 26th Ave . NICE, clean, talry aouth front room; also board If desired; plenty of hot water. 3Hit Hamey. 'Phone H-21M7. DESIRABLE board and room for gentle men. SU8 N. UKh Bt' O. M. IS. haul trunks. D. IU. A-ldl. BOARD and room, 142 N. 87th, for ons, gentleman. DESIRABLE summer houae, furnished rooms with board, 123 S. 26lh Ave, TWO nice, cool rooms, with board; mod ern; walking distance. 128 8. 26th St D. SbZS. ' MEALS, horn cooking. 2424 Jones. Tel. Doug. 4661. Varnished Boons. TWO furntshsd rooms. Tec Webster 17$, ttl N. 20 th Bt LARGE southeast room with alcove, suit able for two; board if desired; privet fam ily. 114 8. 19th St ONE nicely furnished front room. (31 8. lMh Bt, WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; whit porcelain bath tub. Ml B 26th Bt. ONE furnished room: all modern horn; walking distance. 810 8. list Bt STRICTLY modem southeast large room for one or two gentlemen. 2607 Farnam. D. 636. $14, LARGE, cool, well furnished south east room with bay window, with or with out piano, gas, nice bath, hot and ice water, both telephones; waUklog distanc Leavenworth car, on block. 2608 Bt Mary's Ave L NICELY furnished rooms. Meals served If desired. Everything new and modern. Fin location, 618 N. 23d. NICELY furnished room, Hansoom perk and Field club district n oar line. Pbon Harney 71a. NICELY furnished large front room, SUlUbls for two. 201 8. 26th Ave FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 191 Burt Bt, nlo lawn around th house. CHEAP housekeeping rooms. 1616 N. 17th. ' COMB TO THE DOUGLAS for cool rooms. CMi luwa d. TWO front double room, all modern, rented 'toe-ether or separately. 08 North lsth Bt Phon D-fi60s. ONE or two beautifully furnished rooms, oloss in; no sign on house iM North 20th. CLOSE-IN, nicely furnished, cool rem for summer; all conveniences. 1707 Dodge STRICTLY modern and neatly furnlsned rooms, plenty of hot water; on room suit able for two gentlemen. 2U N. 12th Bt COO I a nicely furnlshsd rooms, some suit able for two persons. All modern con venience. Fin neighborhood. 24Z7 Dodge TWO cast front rooms; nicely furnished bare; avery thing modern; gentleman pre- twrod. 602 a 24th St NICE, large room, tn apartment with two girls; hot water, electrlo light, close in, 816. To lady employed permanently. Reference. L-610. car Bee. TWO nicely furnished rooms, nice shads and lawn, modem house, private family. 2t2i Capital Ave Phone Ind. B-16. ONE single and two connecting reoma, 01 modern, FaraaJO. Pnoa Uarnay lest. OFFERED FOR RENT rralskea Rmmi :.atlaae. TWO large, olean rooml; strictly r.rlvat. bath; walking distance, We Harney. H-217A CLEAN, cool rooms, best board for 4 boys. 86. (7 N. Mth St. NICELY furnished cool room, modern, private family, walking distance, excellent neighborhood. 818 S. 27th. H. 6WJ. TWO larg south modern rooms, parlor floor, newly papered, clean and cool; lsv story. refrigerator. 2662 SU M4ry Phone Red 4300. 1701 DAVENPORT, cool, neatly furnlhed front room for gentleman. On block north of postofflc. 2412 DODGE Elegantly furnished south parlors, modern, lawn and trees. WALKING distance, wpll furnished rooms single or eneulte on Farnam St.; nice, tool place, shady yard; everything modern, 222 Farnam St NICE furnished front rcom for rent U21 N. linn. LARGE east front room, with board, in private family of two; terms reasonable 830 S. 2&th St Gentleman preferred. NICE modem room, ultabl for two. 218 N. 19th St. ' "MODERN furnished Bleeping rooms. 7 N. 19th. LARGE elegantly furnished k room, strictly modern. In private family. F t gen tlemen. Phone Hamey & or 60 South 28th St DEWEY European Hotel. ISth A Faraata, ana J ! M,ma vf-rfMn mod am, swalklng distance, oool and pleasant NICELY furnished room 411 N. 16th Bt. TWO finely furils'jsd cond-floor front rooms; gas, hath, us of phin, and Ice box; also nice hall bedroom. 2707 Dcdg Bt. H. 6S8. NICELY furnished room, $10 per month. Modern. 2664 Douglas streets. NICELY furnished room and board, 317 Douglas Bt LARGE front room, neatly furnished; 822 N. 18th; walking distance. STRICTLY modem and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water; on room suit able for two gentlemen. 31 N. 18th Bt COO I a well .furnished Bleeping roosna, 1S21 Cass. 2212 DOUGLAS, nice, cool, south room. . NICE larg room, $12, or small room, $10,. In modern apartment, close in: private fam ily; lady employed or gentleman. Red 6 A 7. TWO furnished rooms, $8 and $10, Strictly private family; good location; references exchanged. Phone lied 64J. 640 8, ISth. Large, cool front room, suit able for two; everything modern; walking distance . NEWLY furnished -large.' room; also smaller on, $8; thoroughly modern, cloas in. 616 N. 23d. Red 6823. ' NEWLY furnished, in mod am house. 201$ Chicago. - Hotela aad Aaartmeata. , Ogden Hotel ge rB,trufw.k,loom', NICELY FUKNIHHKD ROOMS for gs-.. tlsmeav THE CHATHAM.. 110 8. 11th .u DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Doda; all coot utaid rooms; special week rate F era la bed Hoaaes. FOR RENT Furnished oottag at Lak Okobojl. la. 'Phon Harney 1326. NEW West Farnam home, furnished, for July snd August Phon Harnry 27L - FOR RENT For July and August -. room furnished apartment , 'Piion Har ney 6680. , SIX-ROOM furnished cottage, modem, bot water heat. 1S14 Clark He; -will .rent' unfurnished.' inquire at 1607 Howard St. Aaartsaeat aaeV Flats. ,.' . ' . . SUPERB nothing life it 4 ar I raong flat all. modern. UI IS, 23d Bt FOR RENT Six-room modern flat, $40; 412 N. 16th bt FOR RENT nve-reom apartment la The Uintah. Apply 411 Omaha National Baa Bldg.. or sail Douglas it. SIX-ROOM apartment In th Barnard. Apply 41 Omaha Nat l Bank pldg. D. UH. 80th AVE, and Pacific, modem eight room flat $36. Poaseuelon June L Wright a Laabury. 608 So. lth Bt Phon D. lii. THREE and six-room fiats. Martta Block. 16th and Webster. 6-ROOM apartments, completely modern, . Scergo Bldg., So, Omaha; above 420 N. Hth. 6 rooms, 1800 Farnam, modem; suitable location for office,- atudios, dental or dressmaking rooms, tc, for tenanui wish lag homes adjoining. THOS. F. HALL, 4S8 Ramge ' -D. 7408. A-440C NEW modern (-room apartment; walk Ing distance on can line; 4ui North Twenty fourth street " FOR RENT, NORTH SIDE. ROOMS, ground floor, Sherman apart ments, on famous Bhermaa Avenue sueavs way. Webster 6766. , FINK 4-ROOM APARTMENT IN THS CAXXFORNIA. SEE JANITOR. D. 6237. COSY $ room modem flat $30$ 8. 24th. $26. TeL Webster . . FIVE-ROOM apartment In Brinvlllier. $37.68. Oak ridge Inv. Co. Ixiagias '!. FIVE or six-room, strictly modem Bt Louis flat at 2281 S. 1Kb.; rent oheap. Doug, am . , Feralsaed UenselaeealaaT Reosse. THREE elegant rooms furnished or un furnished, all modern, close In; no alga oa bouse. U0 No. 20th St 26i DAVENPORT, furalshad sulu modern housekeeping rooms; first floor. THREE partly furnished light house keeping rooms, good neighborhood; gas and bath; all modern. 2707 Dodge TWO neatly furnished room for light housekeeping. Everything modem, 2X11 Chi cago Bt. TWO or three nicely furnlshsd rooms; complete for light, housekeeping, toil Da venport Bt $ FURNISHED rooms, with private fam ily, in modern home; good location; walk ing distance. 602 8. 26th Bt SUITS of four furnlshsd housekeeping rooms oa ground floor. Also furnished alaeping rooms. 1214 Capitol. Douglaa 661$. THREE housekeeping room. Mi Deca tur, $12. FOUR completely furnlshsd reoma (or housekeeping to couple without children! ref stances required. 868 N. 40th Bt, Th Manual and Howard apartment. $4 to $d6. 21st and Howard,. ROOMS for light housekeeping; modern. 2213 Douglaa. ELEGANT suit, modem front, house keeping room. . 2001 Burt Bt NICELY furnished spartment - for housekeeping, modern, gas range, re frigerator, phone UU2 Chicago Bt - LIGHT housekeeping room. SOU ClUoage. rjafaratshad Reosaa. ' ' '' IhhKB rooms, modem exoept beat. 2324 Uih St THREE rooms, modern, walking distance. 2023 California. 8 ROOMS, good location., reasonable, no children. 4229 Hamey. Phone 11. 4-ae. . LARGE, oool, unfurnished rooms, slngls or enaulta Good location and all modars convenience. 27ul Dodtf. Mease Aa Colt a ares, , HOUSEHOLD OOODS pecked, forwardedf Cheap freight rates; movies aad otvrtac. tvapresemen's Iailv.ry Cv Tsl. Dana, AvL ti auuta. tit sV UiA Si, saa ix