Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1911, Page 7, Image 8

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st jEt rriii si
Electrio Tu-liirrHi-attiln.
Kanimoaa: Oeta a nee; Th Omaha
cl'.i;.tr, PaiiRhters of 1S12. presented
VnMt Hammond, who won th cadet
ntflnl fur competitive drill at th high
sch-ol Tuesday, with ft beautiful American
liai; which measured eta-ht feet acroa.
Dlscass Barber Ordinance A maaa mret
Ium of the barbers of the city will be bald
fliurxday night at tin o'clock at Labor
T(rmi)ln. The proposed ordinance, prohibit
ion Imi boring on Sundays Introduced Into
the city council Tueedar night will b dlS
CUSed. Trtcfc Sstats far Frcbate The tslat
of Andrew N. Frlck. who died Juna 7, la
valued at about M,000, according to a peti
tion fop. lht apotntmnt of a special ad
ministrate filed In county court. Mary K.
1'jlcit, tli widow; II. Louie Frlck, a aon,
M Mr. Cliarlytte Bruenln are named an
lielra. Edward II. Breunlng, a aon-ln-law,
was appointed administrator of the aetata.
rrofesso one 'to England Oa.irh
Hamilton. profettAor In physics and Frmch
. at. Iellpvtuj, haa gone to England to spend
the iimrtirr. returning again in the fall to
Hellevue. He will hla father, J. Mc
t;lnre Hamilton,"" who haa been signally
imnnrd by the Win of England In that he
haa been commissioned to paint hla por
trait In his coronation robes. Hamilton la
n famous portrait painter, bavin painted
portrait of Bismarck, Gladstone and A. J.
toes-re ve Asserts that t lr la Char
with,. Hills It Ikesla
; . J .'. Not Par.
That the rly'h beeti paying telephone
bills which belonged to local corporations
U the opinion of City Comptroller CosgTove.
I'enrflns; an Investigation, an Item of HJ.M
Included In the -monthly bill of (the Ne
braska Telephone company haa been
held up. '.
Four private lines, on running to th
American District Telegraph company, an
other to, the Omaha Water company, a
third to Frank Gardner's workshop and
th oth or to Gardner' sleeping room are
charged to th city.
In m communication to, th council Co
grove stated that these wires arc being
used for commercial purposes and for thla
reason th expenses should not be borne
by th city. . n
' Gardner la an employ of th telephone
company, Copgrovs'a letter ha been re
ferred to tb finance, and claim committee,
Price of New Fotatoei ia Omaha at
Retail U Now $2.40 a Bushel.
Let C'res Is Rat Ki peered to Re
lievo th fltaatlaa for m Coasle
f Weeks -Held Hark r
Drr "pell.
Mr. Ultimata Consumer now haa another
chance to get acquainted with Mr. High
costallvlng. Kew potatoes hare broken all
price recoids. They are selling at the, re-
tall stores at 12.40 a bushel. Thla price Is
higher than ever was demanded before hi
th recollection of men who have been
waiting upon customer In th provisions
stores for year. Under normal conditions
the new tuber crop sells for m the neigh
borhood of U a bushel at this season.
Delayed crops In Oklahoma, Arkansas
nd southern Missouri causes th high
prices. Old potatoes practically are out of
the market, and th dealers depend upon
th Texas fields for th product
According to reports received in Omaha
there is a big gathering of bidders for
nearly every carload of potatoes in Texas
and the crop la sold at th cars for be
tween 1.75 and fl.M a bushel. Relief Is
not expected for at least ten days. By
that time, however, the Oklahoma crop,
which la reported to be abundant, will
begin to come In. Arkansas and eouthetn
Missouri fields will present their offerings
short time after that.
The W-otracted dry spell haa held tip
th local crop and It la not expected that
th vanguard of Iowa and Nebraska tubers
will be in tb market much befor July 4,
Fropewtjr Owners Com Befor It to
. Explain Why Taxea auanld
Nt 8 Raised.
Tales of woe met th ear of th oounty
commissioner Wednesday morning In their
Htlng as a board of equalisation.
' Wherever the schedules returned, are ma-
terlolly lower than those of last year, w.
H. Slirlver, county aaaeasor, haa given
notice, of raising th assessment to th
prior amount. A there ha been about
1,.M0 of these "notification sent out, and
recourse lies only with a showing befor
the board of equalisation, that body bid
fair to be a buir oh for tb twenty day
which it la scheduled to alt.
A representative of Senator Gilbert K
Hitchcock asked that th return of $5,926
be allowed to stand. Th difference of I960
between this year and last, he said, was
represented by a second automobile, whRlri
Mr. Hitchcock no longer owns. The lower
figure will atand. ,.; ,,..
W. J. Kennedy, MS South Forty-sixth
street, mad return last year of $7,350: this
year of only W0. Mr. Kennedy aald that
he had turned all of hi money Into Iowa
Hospital Defending
Action for Damages
Km. Tillie Bros Aika Forty Thousand
of Omaha General for Death
of Hatband.
A human stomach haa been introduced aa
evidence In a case now on trial before
Judge Button In district court and the jury
I being treated to a discussion and an
analyst of It by experts, which, while not
entirely edifying, Is very Interesting. The
organ in evidence Is that of Adolph F.
Bros of Saline county, who died about a
year ago In th Omaha General hospital.
Mrs. Tlllle Bros, his widow. Is suing th
hospital association for $40,000 damages, a!
leglng that through negllgenc on the part
of th authorities, her husband secured
some poison from tb effect f which he
Dr. H. H. Wait of th state university,
called as a witness by th plaintiff, pointed
out that the lining of the stomach had been
eaten away by soma strong corrosive sub
stance, which could easily have been th
poison, alleged to have been secured by
Brother and Slater of the Maraerel
Woman Are Flrat Witnesses
In the rase.
With th examination of Fred and Maud
Walker, brother and sister of the mur
dered woman, the state opened its case
Wednesday morning in th Knott trial ia
district court, where Oeorge Knott.
switchman, 1 facing a first degree murder
charge for the alleged shooting of hi
wife. -
f he Walkers were at the Knott home, 130$
South Fifth street. In th early part of tb
avenln of Anrll SO. when the alleaed mur
der took place. They testified to a quarrel
retwsen husband and wife at supper time,
after which Knott left to go up town, Fred
Walker accompanying him.
Mr. Jennie Urown, an old woman and a
close friend, was with Mrs. Knott during
th evening, accompanying her to th
Brown horn rear th river, at Flrat and
Pleroe streets. There they had soma musio
and Knott came for hla wife at about 11:30
o'clock. At first ah refused to go home.
but In a few minute started out to follow
him. SUoU war heard shortly afterward.
Sir. A. H. Snail Says Body la That
of Her Haabaag, a Feraacr '
Omaha fireman.
' Th body of the man found floating In
th Missouri river near th foot of Mason
street Tuesday evening waa Identified
Wednesday afternoon as that of Arthur
H. Small, a former member of th Omaha
fit department.
The body waa badly decomposed but Mrs.
Small, who 1 employed at th Calumet
restaurant had no dlflcultv la Identify
ing 1L Small wora a blue auit of a Ux
ture similar to th uniform worn by th
city firemen. He 1 survived by hi widow,
mother and two sisters, ail f whom reside
In Omaha.
Small bad bean a member of . Company
No. 1 for a aonslderabl Urn in th ca
pacity of hoaeman. but severed his con
nection with the department five year ago,
Little has been seen of him by bis former
fellow fire fighter during tb last few
Makes Several Great Pnrckaae
Llaverle, Velle, Mara.alsita
Drum, Etew
On page 1 Orkla Bros.' Douglas Street
tore, announce on of th moat Interest In g
sale of ooats and dresses that ha ever
been held In this city.
Oa account ef th backward season, over
stocked maaufacturers were forced to take
big losses, and Orktn Droa. bought thou
sands of summer coats and dresses for
much less thaa regular prteea. which they
will sell, beginning Thursday on th same
low bass as bousbL
Oi kins' Douglas Street store have es
tablished a well earned reputation for sell
Ing high class women's wearing Apparel
at reasonable prices, and their special sale
are especially famous for quality, quantit
and low price. In speaking' of this remark
able coat and dreaa sale Thursday, Mr.
Julius. Oi kin aald: "This will be the great
est sals that we have over conducted
ur Douglas Street etura,"
Merest Bagatelle
of Three Thousand
Prevents Settling
City and Gai Company Are at Vari
ance on Fifty Cents Per
Street Lamp.
Only U cent a lamp per year, a detail of
about $3,000, la all that stands between the
Omaha Oaa company and th city council,
preventing a settlement of th litigation
over gas lighting for th last five years.
Such a statement waa made by a member
of the city council Wednesday morning,
who haa been active In negotiation for a
The gas company ha offered to take
$26.50 a lamp per year and 1 per cent In
terest on the claims. An offer of $2$ and S
per cent Interest haa been mad by coun
cil members, but th tender was refused
by the officials of '.he gas company.
Some member of the council are urging
a settlement on th term of th gas com
pany, contending that as only a difference
of $.1,000 exist this amount will net go
very far in paying expenses which will be
Incurred by a long squabble In the courts.
Settlement la also urged because the
residue left would afford means for better
lighting of th streets, giving each coun
cilman . about fifteen extra lights. The
lighting fund at present has $17.000 to Its
credit, exclusive of the 1AU levy and
money to be received from royalties. 8ev
enteen thousand dollars were transferred
from the lighting fund Tuesday night for
the collection and removal of garbage.
laaaa-orated by Reck Island
Electrlo lighted sleeping car with state
rooms and open sections every night from
Omaha on Rocky Mountain Limited. Open
for occupancy. Union station, f:30 p. m.
For reservation apply City Ticket Office,
1321 Fain am street.
a. . O
direct to
Okltltoma Gty,
Guckaslia &Lawton
Ti"We Hustler
Now jroa can go to Okla
homa withoat t ting seconds
losi of business time -via tb
Lav Kaaaaa City at five p. m.
via The Hastier at the end
of a business dayreach
Oklahoma City befort
AM av snfcmw
SJ .i fn.t
swrvri. wuev.- v -'
kasha 9:15, ) Hlv!'
Latrton 11:15 a.4
m.) Returning, leave
Lawton 6:40 p.mnlr.Okla
homaCity 11:30 p.m-, arr.
Kansas City 1:15p.m. next day."
Travelers to Oklahoma City
and Lawton can now enjoy
i?cifv The Hustlers superb equip.
meat of electric lighted
drawing room sleepers, electric
lighted chair cart and handsome
dining cars serving delicious, whole-
Pink Section Woman
Wants Rent Behind
About Time She Fays Rent in Ad
vance There is a General Exodus
from Ninth Street.
Louise Dejoghe, who left Ninth street
recently with th general exodus brought
suit In county court Wednesday to recover
rent which she paid In advance for the
month or June. Th auit la against the
Alhambra Real Estate company and I for
Th plaintiff was given notice by the
company to vacate her premises at 103
South Ninth street and did so on June 4.
She states that although shs holds a re
ceipt for $125, the company refuses to re
fund any part of it
, The) case la taken as a forerunner of
many Ilk It to follow. Landlord all over
the city are facing th problem of ejecting
these women from the resident districts,
where they have secured quarter by hav
ing house rented for them by some reputa
ble appearing persons.
t . , . ,
DreiKiiK next mora- ry cj u..- I.
tng.a.monuM Sf rry. . addition ta tha nnltn&A
MW through J? nklahama Clrw ororided t
the) Meteor leaving 9:30 p. m. reaching
Oklahoma City 9:50 a. m.
Write or atk for full parti col art.
Dlvislaa Passenger Agent, FrUc Lbs
Jar ens
Marrlasja Lieeaaes.
Permits to wed have been granted the
following couples:
Name and Address.
Ovle E. Addington. Benson
Grace M. Vroman, Benson
Richard Wilson, Omaha
Maude Campbell, Omaha.. v
Clarence E. Hughes, Omaha
Marian I. Chapman, Omaha
Glenn I. Morgan, Florence
Bertha E. Peterson, Florence
Louts M. Rovatsos, Omaha
Elsie Robertson, Omaha
M. Howard Epeer.. Omaha
Meltna Miller, Omaha U
"-fe TtckstOfrlca, Jeretlea Bias
Absolutely g5ss5 Bottled in Bond
Pure v?--"' fnT" Af
111 4i?nl$ftv) (OJkfki W,
:::5 JBWi
ill- jmravrv iLtttrri
The Modern Wash-day
Time was when The Wash was a weekly '
nightmare, wash-day dinner a by-word.
The New Perfection Oil Cook-stove has
changed all that , Once the wash-boiler is
on the stove, it leaves you free to attend to
the dinner or any other work. .
You can move a New Perfection where you please and
light it in a moment It require! no attention after that.
A single gallon of oil lasts all three burners seven hours of
No coal or wood to carry ; no hre to teed ; no soot
nnr trir It kr-rns a kitchen or laundry cool and clean.
It cooks to perfection, with the least trouble and expense.
Mk with I, 2 sd J bmm, wit
Inns. tureuoiM bhn mailt 4 canaoer
HtwhoMrlr iaMftd MWowb.1. "las
2 - nd i-hmnm mm as b lud wiili m
wnlwui wbiiMt to, which ssttad wSj
Srop Aclrw, twl ncki, eke,
I Vln evrynW ; r wrile far
serine circulet Is Iks assnst afaaey
Standard Oil Compaoy
tlacornorsted) '
Cou rtney & Co., Distributors
Omaha. Neb.
The Circulating: Gas Water Heater
A Household ;
Problem Solved '
The Circulating' Oaa Water Heater solved tha problem of
hot water in the home, i v.
No Trouble and Little Expense
No Trouble Yon light the gaa and in a few minutes, have
hot w&ter from any hot water faucet in the house. ...
Little Expense It bums gas only when you uae it .
Price, connected, $10.00.
Bend 5or our representative and let him explain.' ' '
frW s t-jnsasKysfsges
Send the Folks
to Colorado
There are mines of health in the Rockies. Bridle paths, golf
courses, trout streams, tennis courts, glorious vistas, of snow
crowned crags. Why, a single month in Colorado means a year
of renewed youth.
There is no train providing such facilities for reaching Denver,
Colorado Springs or Pueblo as the Rock Island's de luxe
Rocky Mountain Limited
'Omaha almtpmr, with ttafroomt nd berths, rrady for occupancy at 9:3V
This train of train leaves Omaha 10:47 P- m- daily, supplies every travel luxary.
and reach Denver and Colorado Springs in time for luncheon next day.
Sleep in sumptuous electric lighted Pullmans; while away th daylight honrs in th
luxury of a buSst-library-obeervation car and reach yoor destination rested and happy.
"Th Mountaineer" -every morning at 8:01 and "Colorado Express" daily at
1:1 j p. m. are splendid train for Colorado, Yellowstone Park and th Pacific Coast.
Let me tell you about the vsry low fare, lliustrattd booklet frtt forth asAtnf.
W can provide tha accommodations you want.
J. S. McNally, Division Passenger Agent
132a Far nam Street, Omaha
A Harmless Remedy; Make the
' Hair Grow and Restores
Natural Color,
Wait a pity It 1 to obeerv so msaj
neopls with thin and faded hair and then
res lis that th most ef these people
sulfht hare a tins, healthy head of hair
tf taey would but see th simple sf
tea" of our frandmothera, rombiaed with
taer Ingredient for restoring and pre
aerrtng th hair. No one, young or old,
need hav gray hair, weak, thin or fall
ing hair, dandruff or any trouble of the
sect U they would hat nee Wyeth' 8io
and Sulphur Hair Remedy. On th con
trary, ft Is possible to hav healthy, vig
orous hair, ef perfect color, fcy a few ap
plications af thla remarkable preparation.
Wyeth's 8ag and Snlphnr Bitr Bc--dy
qalckly remov dandruff, ler.ves th
scalp eiean and healthy, promote th
growth of th hair and restore th nat
ural color of th hair which ha become
faded or gray. It is a dean, whotesom
dressing, which assy ha sees at any ttm
and with perfect safety. Don't neglect
your hair. Burt today with Wyeth's
Safe and Sulphur.
This preparation Is effered to tha
pnhlir at fifty rent a bottla. and la
Eherman ft McCoauall rug C
and Owl Drug Co,
a?V rW . M i
TO .31.
"i,L,r'l J-TIU IJlilHIiUIIIiHt i U. Jl
M',.',i II Hill If'iy "3 1 'III'"""" "M" H m 11 r
J . 8 fl ", It 'iff
!? lv- W1 !.- 'is
V u r M m When you drink
mywm i.w,
."'Si.. ; l
i. :.
-' f St (II It ' f M r J ' .'.it r -
ViAl: ' ': Mm -it iH fivif iP
nam m-, ,
lllfilflll '
fit at ft'lii'1 Ji f I .
i m
you Utte that delicious tangf of the genuine old Ger
mail lager beer snappy, rich and mellow because it's
made by the old German formula, from crisp barley-malt
and mature hops. . ...
It's aged for months in glass-lined tanks, to give it a de
licious flavor then pasteurized, to make it pure. . ,
Comes in pint bottles of clear glass, so you can see it's
pure and clean. The red or yellow wrapper keeps out the
light,, preserving the snap and the life. .
Ask for it always better still, order A case sent home.
. " Douglas 647 lad. A-1216.
the real old
German lager flavor
Save the Caps '
from bottles of Old Fashioned
Lager Beer and exchange them
for valuable premiums. Ask us
for free book of 2,400 premiums.
I V f -yr -w . . y
my m
MAIL ORDERS for "Old Fashioned Lager Beer" filled the day received. Shipped everywhere.