Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1911, Page 5, Image 6

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Winning Company High School Cadets
XI10 Omnha Dec's Grcol
Booklovcrs' Contest
Graduating Exercises to Be Held at Thursday.
( - 71 '
Class of Over Two Hundred to Re
ceive Diplomat.
Geaeral Pro-ram to Be Ul?n by ta
"Indent Vh liar Wen th
" Ceeasetltloa wltk
the Ratli Class.
Diploma to more than 200 eraduates will
be delivered to the mcmbfti of the 1911
elass of th hlh school Friday evening by
Alfred H. Kennedy, president of the Board
of Education..
The program for the annual exercises vn
announced by Dr. W. M. Davidson, super
intendent of schools, Wednesday moraine.
Th Invocation will be delivered by Rev.
James A. Tancnck, dean of Trinity cathe
dral. "Back to the Boll," la the mibject
of an oration by Edwin Partridge; Mis
Emily Bridges will read an eseay on "Or
ganised Play,' while "Attraction! and Die
traotlona" la the aubject chosen by Mlaa
Agnes Nielsen.
Cadets to Get Certificates.
ateniey P. Bostwlck of the Board of
Education will present the cadet certifi
cates, Her U the program:
Overture Orchestra.
Invocation Dean James A. Tancock.
Presentation of Cadet Certificates fltan
lay P. Bostwlck, chairman of the teachers'
Oration "Back to the Soil"
Edwin Partridge
Piano Duet "Valse KrllUante"
Mamie Buiesberger and
Hortanse Bplesberger.
JEssay "Organised Play" ,
Emily Bridges.
ICasay "In Memorlam"
Blanche Brotherton.
Selection Orchestra,
Violin Solo "Legende" Carl Bohra
Grace Leldy.
Essay "Attractions and Distractions"..
Agnes Nielsen.
Essay "The Melting Pot"
Ella Fleishman.
Vooal Solo "A Message from the King"
Carl Plnsutl
William Roe.
Oration "The Triumphs of Peace"......
Edwin Alderson.
' Selection Orchestra.
Presentation of Diplomas Mr. Alfred C
Kennedy, president Board of Education.
All the graduates have signified their in
tention of attending the high school alumni
reeeptlon at the Field club.
Autoists Undertake
Road Improvements
Omaha Club Will Alio Seek to Hold
All Auto Drivers Down to the
,. Speed Limit
XL H. Bprague was re-elected president of
the Omaha Automobile assoolatlon at the
Annual meeting , bald at the Rome hotel
Tuesday evening, and from now on the
iub will take up a new polloy of work.
Instead of promoting olub runs and social
functions work of building good roads will
be taken up. A1m tbey will endeavor to In
duoe all to obey the speed laws.
President Sprague outlined hit views on
Speeding and good roads at the meeting
and a general dusOusslon followed. The
first step la both eompeJgn will be to en
list mere members Into the association.
Co-operation with other1 automobile or
ganisational of Nebraska will be taken up
ae the next step.
Following la the list of officers elected:
XL H. Bprasu. president W. R. KoXaan,
first vice president; Oould Diets, seoond
vloe pr seel dent; I O. Nash, secretary and
tireasuiwri -dlreotet-a,' Edward Qeorg. Koine
Miller, Frank Furay, B. A. Bearle and Dr.
Xord. - : t
New . Deaver Train to Peas Tbresgk
, Omaha at Klevea-Trreatr Ota. or ..
Tralas .Move Factor.
sow Denver train, shortened time In
the Oregon-Washington train, and time
changes in the local trains In Nebraska
have been announced by the Union Pacific
to be in operation, June It.
The Chloago-Drr.ver train make a trip
, of twenty-eight hours and fifteen . minutes
from Chicago to Denver. It leaves Chicago
10 a. m. Sunday and Omaha at 11:30 p. m.
the earn day. Denver la reached l:li p. m.
the next day. It la celled 'The Centennial
Stat Limited." ,
The time of the Oregon tt Washington
train, to be known as ths "Oregon Ex-
press," hat been reduced ten hours Instead
of six as was annouuoed before,. The first
train leaves Chicago over the North-
4 western th tame at the Denver train, 10
a m, Sunday, arriving at Omaha at 11:15
p. m., gad leaving Eve minute later. Cher
anna ta reached t p. m. the next day. Green
hlyr 1:10 a. m. early the next morning.
Mid rooateUo 10:9 a. m. It draws Into
N trope 0:14 p. m., Into Pendleton 4;tB a, m..
Into UmateUa t:lS a. nu, and arrives at Its
destination, Portland, at l:ej noon. The
trip takes seventy-six and one-half hours.
Ns. U, leaving Omaha at 11:68 p. m. and
going to North Platte, will hereafter leave
at I'M p. m. to go to Orand Island.
No- it. leaving Omaha, at t:U a. m. and
going to Grand Island, wtll hereafter leave
the same time, arriving at Orand Island at
l:rt p. m. and reaching North Platte at
10 p. m.
ta Dastvtaa Says He ta tVstbed f
. tBO by Three Near Woaaea
Late Last illgkt,
Three nego women, assisted by a colored
iivrb. held up H. A. Oary of Hayes. S. D
robbed htm of 1160 Tuesday nigt, according
' to Gary's account as told to the polloe.
He laid he got off a atreet car at Four
teenth and Cass streets at a late hour
and wae beld up a short distance from that
point Hymea Ecker, tot North Eighteenth,
complained to the police that hs wag
robbed of 171' by a couple of boon' com
l.nljns wtth whom hs went to Benson In
order to better .satisfy a consuming thirst
lis said the-robbery took place In an alley
in that villaga
, Larr-Brawa.
.Mist 'Anna M. Brown and Mr. Peter B.
Ki were married by Rev. Charles W.
' Eavidgs at his residence Wednesday sven
lug at t 80.
Mtee Augusts Kutoher, daughter of Rob
ert Kutcber of South Omaha, and Mr. Earl
'Short were married by Rev. Charles W.
Pavldge at his reeldeso Wedneeday even
ing at a
, Oraaaltt Wiwka BaUalnas
as completely as coughs and colds wreck
lungs. Cure them qulos with Dr. King's
New Dieoovery, too and H 00. For eal by
Beetoa Drug Co.
BatlHtasr fereatta.
nyde C. Piuidblad, Rees, repairs.
il. H Moftinaa, 4-1 Kreklne, frame
dwelling, tl.S(M; fella About Thirteenth
aitd Ulikory, frame ch
.' Hume, mi Spauldlug,
uroh. H.6W; O. O.
frame dwelilag,
I V . !""! :
Persistent Adverdelng Is th Road to Big
, mw-wmm v .. ei if
'1: pi ii3 !d ' "J
m.-"?7'J- -.' '-: ;--:JJKJ "feser-A-v-'"" "-"W .. Jl' Y'i'xC :ipY .VTV. -"
Iteliminary Hearing' it Poitponed Va
til Thursday Morning'.
Will Not Be Moved to the Coiatr Jail
VatU After Heart Mar
Waive Hie Prellmla.
arr Trial.
When the case of the state against Po
lloeman Harry 1 Wooldrldge charged with
murder In the second degree for the kill
ing of William Met at Sixteenth and Chi
cago streets Saturday night was called for
for a preliminary hearing In police court
Wednesday morning. Judge Crawford
granted a oontlnuanoe until Thursday
Attorney A. W. Jefferls, who represent
Wooldrldge, requested a postponement on
the plea that the policeman Is si.l la an
extremely nervous condition, and was un
able to stand the strain of being taken Into
court. Mr. Jefferls did not Intimate what
line of defense he would offer. He stated
that Wooldrldge will waive examination
and have the oase sent to the district
Wooldrldge la still tinder the care of Dr.
T. T. Harris, polios surgeon. The , bodily
Injuries sustained by the acoueed officer
while scuffling with the prtsonsr who es
caped before he shot into the crowd, are
only a memory now, and the only thing
the matter with Wooldrldge la said to be
that he la suffering from nervousness. Hs
will not be confined in the oounty Jail un
t after being arraigned In police court. He
hi still in the quarters of Matron Olbbons
la the police station. Mr. Jefferls Intends to
make a motion that Judge Crawford fix
the amount of ball In case he decided to
hare-Wooldrldge released on bond pend-
aim u-uu in tne district oourt.
Fireworks Must Be
Kept in Glass Case
Another Order Itsned to Prevent
' Fires in Down Town District
Jnlj Fo.irth. .
Dealers, who will offer fireworks and
firecrackers for sale on the Fourth of
July will have to keen their wares In
cased . in glass show casee. or they will
not be permitted to offer them for sale.
To prevent fires, which often result In
the downtown i districts. Ed Morris, ctty
fire warden. stated Wedneedav morning
that all dealers would be notified to keep
the combustibles under glaas.
"The order will apply more to dealers,
who erect stands . In front of their place
of business on the holiday and there dis
play their fireworks. A match or sometimes
a lighted cigar ; or . glgarette will start a
blase which the fire department is called
on to extinguish. To piohlblt such th
dealers will be directed to keep combustible
materials under cover."
Taeaday Nlajht's thowers Were Not
Oeeirl Over tae State Irri
gated Crope A re Good.
The rain whloh fell over Omaha and this
vicinity Tueeday night was no. genera
throughout the state. Omaha to Columbus
received good rain along ths Union Paclfto
line, and rain fell In the neighborhood of
Wahoo. Denver and Cherenne had light
bower, which extended over the western
part of Nebraska. Between North Piatt
and Roecoe, light rain were reported.
Sprinklings of rain were felt over various
part of the state.
D. Clem Deaver. 'colonisation agent of
the Burlington, returned to Omaha Wed'
Th highest point of woman s hap
piness is reached only through motn
erhood, in the clasping' of her child
within her arms. Yet the mother-to-be
is often fearful of nature's ordeal
and shrinks from the suffering- inci
dent to its consummation. But for
nature's ills and discomforts nature
provides remedies, and in. Mother's
Friend is to be found a medicine of
great value to every expectant mother.
It is an oily emulsion for external
application, composed of ingredients
which act with' beneficial and sooth
ing effect on those portions of the
system involved. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisis, and
thus relieve, in great part, the suffer
ing through which the motherusually
passes. The regular use of Mother's
Friend will repay any mother in the
comfort it affords before, and the help
ful restoration to health and strength
it brings about after baby comes.
Mother's Friend
Write- for our V-s -.
free book for VW
expectant moth- K-VW
era which contains much valuable
information, and many suggestions
of a helpful nature.
kv-tUA -t im- :. alt:
, u t ' . r S: . r " - a r at
nesday and declared that rain was needed
badly west of Tork and Ravenna. His
trip extended into the big Horn Basin,
where he said big Irrigation crop were be
ing raised although the rainfall was ex
ceedingly small and hard on the dry
Cool at Dulutb hottest yesterday 74
average 63 with fins breese. Adv.
I A . rJ ! M s IstTfi
S- Who - Appreciate . .p
mAinlV fcfoocl tlungs to eat and drink tlicre Wi
JpsssV , . Pafost i
f BlueRiT&cm f
I V ' TLiBa-rofQnalit- , Jj
. Tkerc-xs -ometlixng 00 distinctive, to I Jl
yT'mSk. delicious about it tnat tne man ZHP
IV wko drinks it is never quite fpm
1 a"C(
!l0 a case toy
The Centennial State Special
New Fast Train to Colorado
Commencing June 18, 1911, this train will leave the Union Station,
Omaha, daily at 11:20 p. m., and arrive at Denver 1:15 p. m. next day.
Standard Road of tha West
f New and Direct Eoute to Yellowstone National Park.
1 . , . ... . ...
rrotectea by
Best roadbed;
Equipment of
P 'ii Baggage Car, Chair Car, Standard Sleeping Car,
xsuiing tar.
- This new train,
gives the traveler the choice of three plendid, fast, electrio lighted
trains to Colorado.
Ask for beautifully illustrated booklet, "Colorado for the. Tour
ists." For information relative to fares, reservations, etc., call on or
m wuQ
. JT U : h I
i f !
Sixteen Teams Will Start on Eonndi
of City on Monday.
Clrealare Will Be Sent Oat la a Few
Day Olvlaar Hoasebolden t Hint
oa Mow ta Treat th Gar
bage Man.
Oet your garbage ready for free collec
tion for the wagons will start on their
rounds next Monday morning. This an
nouncement was made Wednesday morning
by Dr. R. W. Connell, health commissioner.
The health commissioner and J. W. Mc
Donald, who was appointed superintendent
of the garbage department Tuesday night,
held a conference and decided to start the
new system next week.
"Sixteen teams will be put to work at the
start," Said Dr. Connell. "It will only be a
short time until we will have matters
thoroughly systematized for the new super
intendent is thoroughly familiar with this
sort of work.
Circulars, which are being prepared by the
health commissioner will be sent out to
every householder In the ' city the latter
part of the week. Full Instructions wtll bs
given, telling the housewives how to pre
pares the garbage for collection.
The eo-operatlon of cltlsena Is urged by
Dr. Connell, who says that unless they give
him . every assistance the driver will be
handicapped, a detail which can easily be
overcome If residents will work with him.
The Key to the Situation Be Want Ada.
iaectno Block Signals.
excellent dining cars' on all trains.
this electric lichted train unll
in addition to the
rarnam Street.
T. J. Makeaey aaa Herbert J. Cnaaell
Will Bpeak krraarle Waller le
Valedictories leader of
Gle Clak to Sin;.
The college of arts and sciences of
Cre'ghlon university will hold Us com
mencement exerrlees at the Orpheum
theater Thursday evening. In anticipation
of a large crowd the Orpheum was pro
cured. This year's clam t composed of
twenty-one graduates . for the degree of
bachelor of arts, one of the largest classes
In recent years. Eight others will receive
the degree of master of arts.
T. J. .Mahonev will be .the principal
speaker of the evening. To Herhprt J. Con
nell Is given the honor of the hjicctilaureate
addrees. and Francis P. Wallace will de
liver the valldlctorv. Francis P. Matthew
will sneak for the masters. R. T. Kedsey,
the popular leader of the University Qle
club, will sing.
Nearly all the bachelors will receive first
grade teacher's certificates and ' many of
these have already secured engagements
to begin on the pedagogical career. Several
will continue their study In the departments
of law and medicine.
The .following twentv-one will reoelve
the degree of bachelor of arts: Herbert J.
Connell, James J. Connolly, Rov A. Coun
ley, 1.. E. Day. Thomas 8. Donnelly. Austin
F. Emery, Robert -F. Farrell. Perry J.
Frlmann, Walter C. Hronek. Leo E. In
elchen, Paul L Kellv. Ravmnnd Mo
Namara, Francis E. Marrln. Clement Mar
tin. Francis R. Mullen. Francis P. Mur
phy, Charles W. Peaeingor. Klmer Read
ing. E. Oeorge Shirley, John K. Sullivan,
Francis R. Wallace.
The following will receive the degree of
master of arts: Francis P. Matthews, John
W. Delehant. Charles J. Thlelen. Hugh t?ll
lespie, John J. Oalllsan. Francis N. Flem
ing, Vernard Lanphter. 8. A. Zaworskl.
The following will receive first grade
teecher's certificates enabllnr them to
teach In any primary or secondary school
In the state: t,. E. Day. Thomas S. Don
nelly, Austin F. Emerv. Robert F. Farrell.
Perry J. Frlmann. Walter C. Hronek, Io
E. Inelchen, Paul U Kelly. Ravmond Mc
Nimara. Francis E. Marrln. Clement Mar
tin. Franrts R. Mullen. Charles W. Peas
John E. Sullivan. Francis R. Wallace and
James J. Connolly.
Olsen Faces Judge
for Selling Liquor
Drug-gist is Held to District Court,
While John Britt, His Clerk,
is Discharged.
Henry 8. Olsen, proprietor of a drug
store at Nineteenth and Harney streets,
and his cierk, - John Britt, . were before
Judge Crawford In police court charged
with selling liquor without a license and
after hours.
The drug store was raided by the police
late Saturday night, when three barrels
of bottled beer and a bunch of steins were
carted off to the police station. Th "vt
dence" Is now carefully stowed away at
th station.
Britt convinced the court that he was
Just an employ of th place and he wa
discharged. Olsen was held to th district
court undsr $250 bail each on two charge?,
on for selling liquor without a license anl
th other for selling after hours. He Tar
nished bond.
Observation Car, !
T. A-,
Oinaha, Nebraska.
VA. ' 1
aro.Ts rinrsvaBAT, nm is.
What Dees This Picture Represent?
Title r .......
Author , ? .,. , ... . . . .
Your Name 1
Street and Number
aty or Tovn ,
After 70a har wrltun U tha wU of taa book, aata tH coupon
and picture. , . ' '
Do not send any coupons until the end of ths contest la aa
Remember the picture represents the title of a book -not a scene
or character from It
Catalogue containing the names of all the books on which th
ptistle plcturea are based are for sal at the Bualseaa Office ot Tbe
Bee 26 centa Br mail, 30 cent. .
Rules of
at ellctkl te eater Ule
t tMtr bualllM. Sua ae, tut
Tke ae sutere M.k wiU iurina
n win ke a atuk tf ta.
Cat eat keta tke tere see Meak u4 ful ta tke aa e aa4 eatker o ike bsek s4
a44 iwr as e ea4 nm bwtlr eaS 1 air la tke a. sraetaea. .
No netrtatlees w il mm elMeS ea tbe war Is klk mimwrm te tke sietane sasr b
CMareS. Beok eietwe nenjMtu ealy a. title et e kMk. It jmn we art sere mi a
title aas -tea te sen In son tkea en see-er le iwk ,Mn, joe awr ee ea axn
Nur Moaa t&an riva answbju win. as aoosrid to srr oni rtcTDaa.
Ina.uw enaem wilt Bet k. Menu esUaet eeata Muu II on.t anmrnt la ela states
Mora nu eae aaeeer unit set se tat
ma tar extra aneeara U i si nan I
eaneans a tka art.
- While set aiiatateir Sim irr. It a
mm Ml la wltk tka a nrata ,1a ni fkat
aa eninM au ka aktalp at tka ettlce
- Wkaa re kin all amatr-ne' statu e, autea tkaia taeeikar aa4 krtaa er Skall
tkem- ta Tke On ka In, Mtiiiiil te eke BMfclevara' Ceeueac BtMmr. fvtaaa will mm
aara te the eaataauata aMMlec la tka kusJt Baaakar et aamat aotetteaa. laievaat
et tea er aaara Mraana aavtBS tka aa. aamkar el earrast aaliHIaaa. tke oiim kaln
lamkar et asue aaaeeea la
Ml et tne punmrnm kavla tka a ae easisar aa Mill tka aa e Baatkar et
a. a ww. Ike aa aM Mi et aaaw era la saaet bmiIt ; jm mtmm kk -Cke eelall - at
tke (all iatalBs MenaaittM. will rmln tka Itrst srtaa.
Oalr eee Uat et aaa ms bhi mm aakmltla kr e .aalaatasji. ."....
Tka bm et tke eoasana la Bat eklln.iy aaaa tae aoaiiaMaai, 4 , nw BM
ka aakeaitte la ear tasteM amaaar tha eoataacaat av ulin. ,
Awarea will ka au ae atrtatlr eMartla la tka BMiit et eeefe Maarala tka. I
Vm uan at siiiii tkaa eae prnttna meat aet ka avMtaa ear eae aemaes,'
Tke aw&rea w II ka ! kr tke Can at Mltac aa a iianiililn ee waa-eaeea efc
Il - wkaM aasMS will ke araiaaul later. J 1
The Oaalaat la UmUtmt te tae Uawls lailllil I MiSriiSi. . WraBateay the kaeVea
et lewa waat et ka aet lulaala Bes alatasa, aa UMt aaauaa t Saaeklkalasna bean.
auue OattM. .
road recorda, - and today ranks
among tbe leading motor cars. For bota service and speed, this auto
will make au excellent posaesaloa. It is a real joy-maker. It, is fully
equipped and la Just .like accompanying lllustratlsa. , Tbe famous
' a p person warranty goes with tbls car. Tbe prize may be Inspected
at tbe Appersoa Sales Rooms, 1103 Farnam St,
Second Prize
Value $750
Not everybody can plr a plans
but ever j body would Has
ta- Th
e. worta
t . arand
ll-oot Kimball player-plane,
1760. which 1 th seoom'
prise, will furnish muslo for you
wbtbr you play or now It Is a
wonderful Instrument, and will make
sero hom a happy place for every
member el th family. Even Grand
ma can play this Instrument. It
sister wants to play It without th
mechanism, ah simply baa to lift
a lever.
This player I exhibited at
Heap tur. IS 13 LMusia 8b
ti ..11 .J LA
Fourth Prize
Valu 1230
A I JO Columbia "Rnt Orafos.
la and 160 worth ut recorde torn
Ik fourth arand prise. This excel
at Instrument 1 on of th beet
Dianufaotuted. It I hulit of flneet
mahotaoy throughout. Vor any
family this Instrument I simply a
inualoal sam. It Is sure to Increaa
th bliss of any noma It will drew
the family cloeer tocether and form
Bueans of atartainiuent nlht after
nliciit This Orefooola Is now ex
hibited at th Columbia fhonoshasa
touipanjr' asaooy. lll-ia karuaia
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes cf L s , Twenty Prizes of $2.
Watch for the Daily
. n
the Contest
eentaet asMft aal.iM at tae O
wntr-nwm tara taere wttl I
tk mmn at e eee. leiwt
flll la tae title 1 tae Ma.
ea ta. auae
eke mum ae
eaalrakl tka tke etotetee
keeM'ta esek aaa
MoKat ttetert
aU aaa ara ke
o Tn. M ar
kia aat et .naa.n wU ka laear. la
,.,4 .. 1
First Prize
. Valu 92,000
A f 1,000 Apperaoa "Jack Rab
bit" Touring car. Model Four
Tbirtr, with fir paaaenscr capao
Itr. It. is a ereat ear la a (Teal
contest. It baa many speed and
Ai x--e4-"-.,ii
p '.
Third Prize
Valua $800
This prise la a beautiful tot tn
A. P. Tukey Bon'a Iter addition,
adjacent to Hanseoin park and Cen
tral boulsvard. It Is lot ot blocs
Uht. on Thirty-third street, and 1
40x116 feet The etieet ear Uu runs
alonr Thirty-second Avenue, Just a
block from th sit of th lot. born
younc coupl. perhaps, will here ereuc
a little cotteae la -vnioh to live for
year and ara Who can tell what
laeky pereon will cat this Ideal loll
leu may b th an.
Cash Prizes
mom -
Picture in The Bee
sin m i ii ii aaau "JtiiW" 1 mmTmM FH 0f
'11,. win
i t -a.. . , . .
I'nones: Douglas 1828; led. A-323L
1 t