THE BEE: OMAHA, - TirUTiMMY, JUNTl 15. 1911. GREAT DISPLAY OF JEWELS NEW LIEUTENANT COLONEL OF TEE HIGH SCHOOL CADETS. Makeri and Jobbers Exhibit Wares at Dei Moines Convention. FIGHT OVEU PAROLE LAW State Board Will Not Admit that J ad sea Hare . RUM I'.tM Statate to l imit Sea. WW Sr 'V. a 11 11. ... Vacation Fool wear For Children Vacation days 'are bard on children' shoes -how hard every mother knows. Shoes for summer playtime must be strong, , while tbey are comfortable1. ' They must be ehoes to stand the wear and tear of lake-shore pebbles and the sharp rocks of mountain ramps; of the damp grasses of yard and field and the mud of river banks. Your beys and girls will be "everywhere" this summer, scamper ing over all sorts of .places heedless of results so far as footwear, Is concerned. . . :.J . -. . ' For their own eomfort, and your own peace of mind, the children must be well shod.' - We -are especially well prepared to protect them and you against vacation shoe troubles. Barefoot Sandals, sizes 6 to 8. $1.15: 8 to 11, $1.35: 11 V4 to 2 : .v$1.50v Outing Shoe's fori boys to play ball In; made of black duck, with strong elk soles; sUcs 9 to 2', 85S Vs to 6 J, . . . . ,t. .05 Athletic shoes for boys and girls; made of strong, soft kangaroo" leather with elk sole ,VJr, . .$1.25 Rubber Soled Tennis' Shoes In black and white '70tf Coy Scout Shoes, tan. elk leather with welt soles of elk leather, the most durable outjng shoe or boys; sizes 9 to 13V4. $2.25:1 to 6 $2.50 Just received a new shipment of Children's dress ankle tie slippers and pumps In White Sea Island canvas and black velouie.- , - m YOBM OWN U"?, 1513-1520 FABNAM STREET proved hy conditions la Mhr Industries, dus to the tariff. i J y; "Tour srgumqata and- ofshonest policy have failed to put tSreafr'lnto the mouths of the people," Mr. Martin fatly shouted. "You save us a doee of your theories fti 17,V. imiponae4 tlieV JioVuf Dakbtan, "amd, by Jingo,-we dotit-want-any more of It." FOUB HUNDEED GIVEN DEGKEES (Continued from Firet Page.) always open to fluctuation through the hostility or favor of) those who, for the time being, were In power, always open to manipulation by thfe trusts themselves." Fljty Jt.ew Lawyera., The largest UaV of candidates for de grees was ,thst-tf the applicants for the legre xt bachelor of arts, of whom there Sere 159. 'The oaths were administered to fifty new lawyers by Justice Eirilln Mo tlaln of tha. Iowa bench. Honorary, degrees' ton'' conferred upon lumeroua Candidates -byf Z.: D. Murphy, fclkader. la., of the few, Stats Board of education.' A portrait in oil of. the. lata President Eteorse Thacher, Lr. ir a presented by Hie alutuhl and old' taculty members to (he utUvwulty, the,, presentation speech kelng made by jpv. O. "1 F. Parker of Jrlnnell, formerly professor of history at tie university. rJ ftaorae; Edwla Mo Lean, president of Iowa university, re ponded.''VV. The oandldates f or'aegrees In the Various lollegrs were presented to President Mac lean and other officials by 'the respective leans. s follows: Liberal arts, Prof. W. ?. Wilcox; -i law. Prof. Charles Noble tregory; medicine, Ir. Jamea H. Outbrle; lomeopathio medicine. Dr.; George Rayot; lentistry. Dr. ;W. 8. HoaforO pharmacy, rof. Vf. J. Teeters; Dr. Carl B. Seashore; ipplled science, "tf'rof. W. O. Raymond. MEEvDNtYlIKESS' STAHD ! - 7 (Continued frem 'Flrsf Page.)' !o examine tfcem. Mr. Garrett was ' pari Irularty ipsi&tent upn rtlir ,mforma libit n regard to tb purchase of Baltimore eflnary la jsat , - ;. ,, .... ,., Mr. Helke. said he" had never heard the port that control, of H : was- gained iirough a loaikby . "dummy." whoTreBrei tented the Ames ,Stigaf .filng; com any.. ' ; i'. ..v.. '':i ., Secretary Ft tan a prodiu-rJ' the -minute tooka 4f the com puty, nhowl"y the out tght purchase f a' majority f Uie-stock tf the Baltisrari refiaenr far SJSJ - ; i "WUare is .the-' rewluMoft showing' the Ibaadoament of tiUlOnore p1antr"lri-. lulrcd nepri'seBUmMny,;, t -'.f; -A-, "I am not sure thr le'one, "; replied Mr. rreeman. ' ." '. '. : Mr. Helke aaid that 'the Old not know" ht Iter any sugar baft bean refined s.t the aaitiiuora plant af las' lu purchase fcy tba Vraeiicao. V . -,t y. i . ,. , .: .. ', Reoraaeatatlva Garrett " 'queiflla,ne4 .Mr. Ileike- closely a'boat.,.h - puruhas and dosing of the Penaeylvanla Sufar ReCAlns ompany's plant t Cftroaen, H. . .. "It was poorly Woated." s&ld Mr. Helka -Tat you wars' willing; rw.OOO dus or nr . . .- j k,. "Tea. sir." i ' :v i ',', c - Ha waa unable t threw UKht- on tha ranawcUoas by wbWjh tha Alnriaa galnd tntral of tha Pennsylvania company. The raaasylvanta refinery, be said, was not tttrated after It flf lirta the hands of the Imertean. ; . Madlaaa ta latereeted. RepraaanUUva Madison expressed inter- t la tha statement herm was not such dSKuasloa of business at. .directors' eaeuoa-s. lie asked U, hera were . not ther strong men , on the board besides 'resident Hstemeyer, euvh. as John Jfi. Vraon. Mr. 11 elks said Mr. Paraottav was a law- ar ua anew ciua about rfinltur sugar. 'tint baaat the wt merles a maSalts mooay M of nanlpulatloa of stock and. organica hia of eorpuratlons. rather Lhsa out of re ining sugar?" Inquired Mr. Madlsn, Mr. Hoiks was not wlllig to agree to bat. nor ta acksowtedg that, stuck kad tees water by tae AnMirtoaa, oftliaala. That the Amaricaji oompaay, undsr Prea lent Havamayer's admiiristratlaa,' frowned the giving of Inform kt rsgardlng the Mnpaay avea to stockholders waa brought Mt. r : ,:.-.'.- v. Tha toilowtng raoUutloa adopted at tha tockboMers' maetlng Jaauary IX Wi, waa uroducad: "Rasolvad, That I any uiforroatloo 1 of a oaral obaraotar which tha directors nay a fit to make uUlo saay be furnisitad to II Block hold ra mod that ' bo Turther la annaUaa is to be glrvo. to tba Individual tockaoldatw.- (. . y v Narasaa Mm rieaSa Oatltr. BOSTON, Juaa ll,A ulna of gDHy waa ttrred In tha midat of his tsailinuoy In the tnlted Statea distriat court tdss by Rev. ormsn Plasa, kwUmA of the td-raabla lnvetiutkt ootniMUiy, who la trkU tur tudng tha aoajta In, turtberanoa f a fraudulent sc hsoMr. Cbartca) H. lUvokm. prssidsoi. and J4ia t . Traihaen, as tro&mrsr. plslw1 sU(!T to "Iwdnl.-al- ru. JkU tlrva vtil Vs fined Instead of --' t, 44 id builrrstootl. " r i none STORC LHLPW.M KYi Winnebago Indian Bill Reintroduced by Senator. Brown Measure Will Allow; Tliem to Present Claims '"Against Gorernment to 1 the Court of Claims. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, June 14.-(Spscral Tel gram.) Senator Brown today reintroduced his bill of the last session authorising the Winnebago tribe of Indians to submit claims to the court of claims. 'This bill was favorably reported to the senate dur ing the closing hours of tha last session, but was not passed upon. . f ' Representative C. H. Sloan, who delivered the memorial address last night at ' the ceremonial session of the Knights of Pythias lodges of this city, was today .'the recipient of many congratulations from those .who attended the exercises,. including a numbet- of Sloan's colleagues who are knights, and who, without any particular announcement, were' In the audience. W. E. Andrews also delivered a hor addrens and It looked as If Nebraska was running' things In Pythian circles. Presidentto Pass; ;r ,1 ; on-Chomas Oliarges Executive Will Give final D.aeCaioji; ; la tie OmanaPqstmas-,,, .. ,.v; ' " ter'CaTe.T ".. " '"'"' WASHINOTON., June I4.-,Th. matter of the charges against Postmaster Thomas of Omaha have been referred to President Taft for final settlement.-according t6 the report that Is current here.M -i :.'" -..! It Is stated that tha. Civil. Service com mission reached a Scotch verdict in the case, ."guilty, but not proven." while i-ostmaeier uenerait Hitchcock found, an opposite verdict, holding the Charges were sustained by the proof. -i As .the- appointment i in, th; hfends f the president, the matter bas txten yef erred to- him ;,for vdecteionl r' ' HYMENEAt-n r -v-j" .! Walilrnn-Ta7lrr... it ,Tha wedding ..of , Miss .ornna: Taylor, dayghten it Mrt atHf Mrs. ;Ja4tas II. Tay- Jor.tOjafr. Clement JWaldran took place Vsdnesdsy.wvenlus at,.'tb -Ptrsi Chrstlan tburoh -Bv. Ji'-Jil'. kersey officiating. lTba bride wore White jnrAI(trrd ohlf- f on over ' astln, and .cslrrjeo Ullas of tna vaney. The briae's.long.veU: was held la plaoa, by ;a .peci, elacp, and : she wore peDl, and diamond Javaller, icglft of the groom'.' '- .' . ' . v , . iM'ss' jvru..Creevy,'.Vma'jd.t..tnor, vore ypuow ilfron ovef yellow. atij. trimmed with,' pearl' trimming's , and carried white Mies. The bridesmaids Miss. Ittlen Pat terson .and Mis Jeasls Spanca, ora white cnnipn over white satin -wjth. paaijl trim, mlpgs and carried armf uls - of . 'greens. Aftvr the 'wedding a iarpe. jecpytlon was hld St the .bride's ome .wlijoh -was deoor- Mea With 'srreens and lilies ot Tie. valley Those aaslstliig throughoat (b ioms wars m . nix-. :i. ' j. .ur-reiuiina j'Jt'bOUtn' mayd and Mitr Vlrslnl. Eliit3y t .AttttfL short wedding trip east tha bride and. groom will return snd, peri4 a' couple of weeks In -Omaha;' tefore" going to tbeir home hi Beach. N. D. ':'(i ; 1 A Krtanttal EiNrlcsea with biliousness, metlaria and etfnstlpatlon ts quickly overcome by. taking Dr. King's New Ufa Fills. 26c Foi a by Beaton uru Co. Hobeeea, Le4ge BtewtaV.. -'' BHUBERT, Neb.. June 14 (Special.) At tha district convention ' of ths hebekah lodge held in Bhubart tha following ffjoaro ware elected: President, Mrs. Grace Bhu bert, Shubsrt; lce'prsldent. Mrs. Boal. Auburn; warden, Mrs. ' Charlotte Imlar. Shubert; treasurer. Miss Flora New saan, Auburn; secretary, Mrs. Kile. Taylor, Bhubert; chaplain, Mrs. Mattla Rhodes. Auburn. ; The convention will be held In Auburn next year. Tha district embraces the lodges In Richardson and Nemaha counties.' One hundred and twenty-five delegates were In attendance at tShubert. (Brown for Jsd( ot Porta Rico. WASHINGTON, June -14. -President Taft has appointed Foster V. Brown oSTennaa Ja. at present attorney general for Porto Hloo. as , United Ktstes district Judgn of Porto lileo, succeeding John J. Jenkins of Coipewa Falls, Wis . deceased. Mr. Brown's pom i nation was aant to tae eenata today. Doautlful Tooth Thare are bat'-few people who' have thain. Oood teath everyone might have If they would so to. lr. Kradtiury. Tba quluksst,. anil est and Uaat painful are the only methods omphiyed by as and handrails of our pallauia, both In and out ot trie elty. will sley tall you abotu. u.uiu wui a AJu our up-to-oata ways ef dujns; thtoga Crowns- aneyrte wurk froul & 6 bar tooth. Plates that fit from 4 0 to lll.ili.. pataJasa wtrao tion of toath. Narvea of ttto'.U remuvaU without burUag -you. WoiV warranted ton years. LI t2!ZZZTt9 TnE TEHTlST IT Taara aVaote rttoav... 1S04 auaass v mm DE3 MOINES, June 14. (Special Tele gram.) The State Association of Jewelers, In sesoion In the Coliseum, brought to the clty-ihe finest display that ever accom panied any state association meeting. Man ufacturers snd Jobbers sre in rivalry for the most brilliant exhibitions of their wares and diamonds and fine jewelry worth a vitst sum Is on display. It has been decided that 11) easBoclatlon will come to Des Moines again next year for the convention. Howard Carpenter, sales manager of the Rockford Watch company, talked on the subject, "Tact, It Importance In the Busi ness World." Discussions followed and then a talk on the subject, -Time and Its Tendencies," by.George B. Irving of Chicago.- Joe Ooldstone of Bennett talked on th subject, "The Country Jewelers' Bat le" Louis Tredo of Durant on Taking In Repairing," and C. R. Runkle of Lisbon on . "Cost of .Doing Business In the Smaller Towns." r. W. Heron of Omaha, president of the Royal Indemnity company, opened the afternoon session with an address on the subject. "The Model Salesman." In every respect the convention is the best ever had by tha jewelers. right Ortr Parole Law. Chairman Howe, of the state parole board, in reply , to criticisms of the board which have been made, ststed today that ths board will 'hot recognise the right of Judges under the Iowa tiw to limit the time of sentences under the Indeterminate sentence law In any way different from mat contemplated by the law. The board and the county judses have ri.h . great deal on this point, but soma of tha Judges suit Insist on deciding In advance how long tha sentences shall last. At torney general Cesson nas threatened the enerui or Ureene county with removal unless he CompZv's with aft -order of a justice court. It appears that Sheriff Wll own, in accordance with Past custom. In. stead of sending an offender to jail for inirty days, permitted him to run at large, taking personal responsibility for him- The attorney -general has notified him tht this cannot now be. done under Iowa law. Guernsey Breeders Meet. The annual summer meeting of the Iowa Guernsey Breeders" "association was held today three miles southeast ot Des Moines. ADout eighty members of the association were present. They were gueSta of owenrs of the farm, at luncheon. Judge W. B. Quarton of Algona, president of the as sociation, presided at tba business meeting. A constitution and by-laws was adopted and plana discussed ior the winter-meeting at Ames, - - iarago4it Lincoln Hatnrd LINCOLN, June . 14. (Special.) Fire which broke out early this morning In the Wunderlich tt Havllk garage at Twettty Fourtkv'and O "streets destroyed automo biles and supplies to the amount of $12,000 and damaged the large building, belonging senior member of the firm, to .the etent of $8,000. The fire department, only halt a block away, was compelled to make a fight for a few minutes, but finally got the fire' under control. ,."J: . Ball mi .UIlaa tirabnaa- RedoreaVi ' ' 'IfEW'TORK. June 14.-BftlI In the ees Of LIUisn Oralium. a, chorus girl, and Hihel Conrad, an Illustrator, charged with: the shooting of W. K. L). stokes, a millionaire hprseman. was reduced today from JS.OW ,a - ie ikvk -, n u i , v. . en ,i ,v ,u,vv 'ctwai in in tt csl muQ ui u r L. Stokes Is rapidly recovering. l..LMaum An Automobile ;T Accident AND WHAT IT COST THE William Porter, of the New York Stock E cHaage firm of Erickson, Perkins &' Co., was returning to New York from his country home on May 22d with a party of friends. Just outside of Patcrson, New Jersey, in avoiding a drverless horse and cart his automobile ran into a ditch and upset. H Ilia friends escaped serious injury, but Air. Porter was crushed under the machine and died June 1st. - On Feb. 5, 1908, Mr. Porter bought a 25,000 Accumulative Accident Policy of the ETNA LIFE, on which lie paid four annual premiums of $125. Under the ten per cent, yearly ACCUMU- LATION FEATURE the insurance increased to $32,500. - , - On Oct. 22, 1910, he bought a second Accu mulative Accident Policy for $25,000, paying a single premium of $125. . w m So for $625 the ETNA LIFE oa June 2d paid $57,500. "Weekly indemnity and surgical operation fees added $1,107 more, making $58,607 lin all. $58,607 $250 How can an automobilist with any business foresight go a day longer without Accident Insur ance? The ETNA LIFE has paid over $16,000, .000 because of accidents. t . tna Life Inscrasce Co. haetford, com, i JOHN DALE & SON, 310 Eamge Building, Omaha, Neb. ,Q,vzttZ3 (?f3rtvQk qw BfA,i.a,,ai Specials for it-b. sack "Lotua 4 lbs. (10c) Jap Rk, for - 6 fakes Fere- Msptr.a Soap . .25c I 1 lb. fresh crisp Pretiels .... n :t' lb. Soda Crackers Te q Blrlctly frsh V.jt. per dos. Soc uur ost courm-y noiier, in saui- Ury jars, ,em lb. . i 20o 3 pkKd. Told Rice, Flaked 85 Qt jar Quwn Ollvea 50c fTts 47rt.,rT? 20-.toO f. : I i 1 i MAijtOIIl BALDRIQE. Golden Jubilee is Still Drawing Big Crowds to Yankton Indians andT gullet Pierced Stage uoacn Typical of fioneer Dayi Attract Attention of AIL YANKTON, 8. D., June 14.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Dakota's golden Jubilee continued to draw crowds of pioneer settlers to Tank' ton. A great clvlo and Indian parade was the main attraction today. An old stags coach that was 60 years old before the territory was organised, half' s century ago,' was in the procession. ;t has kept on going west until replaced by the steel rails. . For many - years ' It ran between Sioux City and Yankton, and from here to Dead wood. It Is s . battle-scarred vehicle and shows on Its venerable sides many punctures By bullets -and -even rents In Its cover .caused -by the-shafts of arrows hav ing been attacked - by bostlls Indians or murderous white men. . ' . - , There are more Indians, cowboys and cowgirls in Yankton tharr have been seen In years. With these relics of other days appear the smart rigs of today, automo biles, beautifully - trimmed,-' firemen, and fanciful -creations of business houses. In a hard foughtr bait'- gome, Yankton de feated a Wagner"- team, drawn- from the reservation country, the score being 10 to 7. 'A Mid-Sunrmer Night's Dream,'' by ths college, I to be given tonight In ths open air on the college rampos." A great hit of the week -Is a women's minstrel, given by fifty young socfety women of the town, who have ' produoeP 'the bones, tambos, cake-walks, skirt danttoe and children's dance. . ... .j,.:..-y ..;,-.. The returning pioneers come . from all parts of the union, and Canada.. Former Governor William Jaao,.wlth his remark able memory .and .unimpaired faculties. Is a center of attraction, .aVways ready to tell of the days when he was the Intimate of Abraham Lincoln and,as Dakota's first governor. Vy v. -,.,. A The remaining tbreetjdays of the Jubilee promise to bv vej;ijb,usy1 ones and still greater crowds -aretes pa ted, as many, spe-cWl,tinbveoejl-(e"raBge,d ton.HV ' '. i ' ' a ; E . A DaageroHs ,Woand ..... , rendered antiseptic by. J!ucl(len's., .Arnica Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns, piles, ecesma and salt rheum. 3S. For sale by BeStoh'Drug Co: ' C-U G&3f& trmB Thursday Ql. jar Iaree ilansanllli Olives, H ; lor ............ I ....... .5c ! SOo Valencia ftweet Oranges, pr V doi. ..... ... , . ...... .JSOc ( watermeiona (on Vice), each d0 to 75 10c Lmona, per dou ..... .20c tj S bunches Turnips or Beets ..Be . Celery, Fancy , HWd Lettuoe, ' Mushrooms. Cantaloupow, Mint. I Limes. U 2siO SasftO iftosao Mm l 4 Look for this Sign on Leading Garages You cannot know what a good tire is an- P til you try a Michelin properly Mated rf NEBRASKA-BUICK AUTO COMPANY, Wedding Silver ' If you are considering the purchase of a wedding gift of silver you are urged to ; visit the EdholnT6tore before making a final decision. Gifts 'of silver should have a pei manent value they should .be cherished for generations. The broad selection of silver pieces and sets diversity . of styles .and patterns range, in price at the Bdbolm store affords opportunity for getti'ngf juBt such gifts aa will be monuments to mark the wedding. Bont Merely Bay Xavest Albert Edholnv -Jeweler Sixteenth . and Harney Stop at any aqda fountain, dub, bufftt cafe, lunch room or hotel. Fcr-f.'iUss is ths Great Seller Everywhere rsr-aOl-X-ae lss't like say other sonuaet drink. It oosls the blood hy eleanstas; It ef Imparities, tosio yolsons, eto., thereby saafelns yea aala to so tare ash the hat saramer aaaatos la ootnf art. Cold drinks shock the stsmaoh marvas and when tha reaction aosoas yea are "hette than eTar.n rir-Wl-Uo Is served eaol not chilly. It oools tha blood trada ally and naturally. That's beoaase clears the blood ef latBurltias, toxle poisons, jtto. It's the . rreeteet ' sammer drink eves produced and It baa the saost deliolvas naves ever pat Into any drink. rsmUy sine -bottles daUvsrad dally ta any heme by Atemito Sanitary Dairy Co. (htfr. Ueansae.) rhoas XXnur. 411 Ante A-4411 ISIS ranasa St. What Is an ' A person who is scientifically qualified to measure the defects of eyesight and to prescribe the proper glasses therefor. The following are the Optometrists of Omaha: COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., B. B. COMBS, H. R. CEONK, The only bunch ot retailers that of business at noon Saturday during Coat and Pants to i OUR GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL PREVIOUS TO INVOICISO BALE IS NOW ON. We Lave reduced the prices on every Suit in our store. How ever, the workmanship, linings and fit are not reduced one bit 40 Suits reduced to $30 50 8ults reduced to $40 1 15 Butts reduced to f,liS 45 Suits reduced to $3JJ Every garment guaranteed perfect in fit and style. u MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-SO8 South 16lh Bt. Five Steps South of Fai-aam. ..lli,g,,,..iW,J,i.Ili.l,, i i,,.iim. winwaji, ,.i ...!um!! J M U HUJ D u eIiJ LjJ i K , ,' ; . Eat Sundgren's Malted Milk Bread Children Need Healthy Energising Fobd Malted WHOM Bread Rives seat to the child s appetite because it is aa near predlsested aa It Is pos sible to mske bread tnd it IS therefore easllj ana quickly as similated and built Into new tis sues. It tastes aa food aa it looks. Try It Ee and lOe per Z.oaf. SUNDGREN'S BAKERY Have the I.lls Thrr'rs TalnaUe 7 SO Booth sstli at. Phones I Barney assej lad. A-13817 FresU Every Day at Your Grocer a. I " ' 1 ii ' i, 1. 1 it If you believe that the women of this community have self re spect and Intelligence yon must admit that most of them read The Omaha Bee. Optometrist GLOBE OPTICAL CO., GREGG OPTICAL CO., HUTES0N OPTICAL CO. have the nerve to close their places June, July and August. Order $17.50 ? leaslar ill. is 111 set. i . .mp-mmmtmiitumiimmmaw-fl yd. bottft i 1912 Farnam St., Omih: TRAD! MAn - THE DEADLY FOE ; AND CONQUEROR OF RHEUMATISM . . ,, . .. Uricsol Is not aa expert- ' men t, not a cure-all, but a ' tried and proved rcmedf A that has been performing " wonderful work for years, j Ths formula la that of a , chemist of forty years perience, 17 WILL NOI OSLT CCEB 3 EfiECIATlSX M tiX.Q?i Ef5 EXCESS OF CWC ACQ) . . ' IS TOE BLOOD, EOT IT . EISSOLVES AND ELKI- . BATES DEPOSITS EI TE? . JOINTS. ':" Uricsol positively has no injurious effects upon the stomach, but rather assists digestion and strengthens the digestive organs. Don't waste another day before investigating UricsoL If your druggist does not have it, send one dollar to the California Chemical Co, Los Angeles, and a bottle will be sent you prepaid. CaS tr Seat far Fret BaoUrf CaBfcrnla Chcmiral Co. . 32S New Ai(k St, Las Aalei. CaL roraleaseeaimea4eB9 "" Saenuu ft IcCmmII Dnf Ca, ' OwlDniifX Qm&M,M,J' The Sunday Bee Is anxiously waited by those who ar specially' J Interested la lands, i tha sort that buy and sell and encourage others to ' V do likewise. . AMUSBM BNTS. Theater Cooled by lead Atr. VUMAM MOW LLOYD INGRAHAM ASSl klrst Time In any Omsha Theater or tSar. The LOTTERY MAN No Tears, No Blffhsj Just Ha-Haa. VfB.10-a&afawaao Skirl -Waist SKass. Ium, Taura. an Bt 10, ao Sun at Week "Tba Uoa4 to Tester day." MANAWA More Popular Than Ever This ' Season. H. M. Barnett Manager . Thousands are Overjoyed at the Beautiful New Ballroom. Other ' Attractions are Equally; '- Pleasing. Oo for a Cool, Pleasant Evening-' at Lake Manawa. FREE UANU CONCERTS At. TEIINOON AND EVEMNQ UX (XIV ALT'S BAND. ' Admission to Park FREB.' " ROME SUmiER GARDEN VaiidevIHa znl Photo Plays- Orchestra kerresha&eat Br err jsvaaias; It ASmlsaloa 10 Casta t M e.T- H i