X r i A f ) OFFERED FOR RENT He aad Uttti Contlaaod. -ROOM modern North Win. houae. Inquire 1844 S-ROOM cottate mod era except h?at 1 block south ot CratKblon college. Jbut "es. Houses tn at I parrs ( to eity. Cretan Mobs Ca.. Bee Bma NINE-LOOM modern home, ISIS Oh I. ElOHT-ROO-t bourn, modern, it 111 I. 44th St., on W. Farnan Dundee line. let, rtarney -am or Douglas M4. Uouaaa Ine. Rlngweit Ft ends la Th. Bid. SMS MAPLK St, Ore room. modern ex cept furnace, a Ml. Hall Distributor Ca 4-40. t. :(M, . UNEtjUAjJUED, central. I -room bo us W 1- ML SEVEW-ROOM houM, J7th and Menders on v u i iw ia oaunuere, a i e3uu uu street. Pboa LuuiM 17V. TOR HUNT New 7-room house. Day en port St Phone Harney tUVL 1717 PKVKN-ROO.M modern houee, ' Park Ave. Beautiful lawn. J. 1. Kemp, -XI Ufw th. St, Key at etCoe. Both phonee. FOR RENT oly S2260, ta goad tenant; seven rooma. all modern, one eiory, fine condition, lst and J ack.au a. Tel. Red e-M. A COOL plunge In Lake Manawa will vsrcomw that hot feeling. IX Mrs. Edgar Leavrston, 2141 Ohio St, will come to The Bee office within three daya we will give ber a pair of round trip ticket to I ko Manawa (raa, . -ROOM modern houee. oak finish floor. Just completed, face boulevard. 130 par month, 'it Burt est. Tel. Harney euue. MODERN T-room houea opposite Hea com park. S- phono Harney 1MB. On. Van A storage Ce paoks.movee.stn e tteueehold good. Fireproof atorage; got a. 16th. Branca. Sot ft, ma. lei. li. u . A-uaa e- FOR RENT Six-room house, modern ex cept heat, $tS.M per month. 2616 Blnney bl 'Pbona Webster 17 A NEW 4--oom cottage. Inquire Ml S. .4th bt. - ! per month. FOUR large pleuant rooms and bath at bM Bo. tlat. only (15. NEW, all atucco, modern reaideno N. 4rUv- a-a' Red 247. -ns 7-ROOM bouae, modern except nuat, ftret claaa condition, cheap rent to perrraoent tenant !: Caldwell. Webeler 37116. i , , . I e-KOOM,' atrlotly modern. Ava. Tel. Red -177. . K3 B. Mth NKAT 4-roont houea COO tin Bu N IN B ROOMS, CLOSE) IN, 60. m N. tint Bt., fine new brick terrace, newly papered throughout, atrletly modern, oak finleh, " tile bath: owner furnlahea ahadea, gaa range and laundry stove. - PAINK A BUTtR CO., Bole Aganta, ih toor Omaha Nat'l Bank. TENANTS READ THIS Wa have IS rental bargains, 4 to I rooms, 7 to t. on which we will make special conceaetona to deelrable tenant a. , jf -r - 1 I iT 423 Rarojja Bid.. '. letH and Harney St. WALNUT HILL BAROAIN. 424 Burdetta HU an g-room, all modern houee, in flratHolava condition; big yard; fine, big barn, special price to right party. PAYNE SLATER CO., - Bole'Agenta, Blxth Floor Omaha Rational Bank Bldg. i ; : FOR RKNT. f le f.th and Pratt, -4 rooms and H aefa 14 66th and Plnkney, ( rooms and 1 acra $) gfcli - Decatur Bu, k rooms, modern, hot water beat. r' IJ7.W if78 Webeter St, 7 rooma all mod. 114 8. 18th St.. 4-room apartment; flue. fj 114 8. lath t, &-r6om apartment; fine PA 1 N B IN VK8TMENT COMPANY, 8. S. Cor. l&th and Farnam, - Doug. 1TO., A-US8, J Ba, ' Sfth -Bt, .-! TtiaA.-flat," Hi fee, t7tn Ht., i-r. mod. fiat, UD BKM I-C ARLBER CO . 310-1L2 Brandela Theater.' - gtarea ajadT Offleee.' , FOR F NT flood t-eturr and baaamanl -rgjL, store building at kU Faraam H.t strong i tioors, cemented basement. vq-lre Hoout 14. First Kati Joa B - 'ieiepaeas Duugiaa I2i , TWO offlcea. td floor Crelghtoa blocki alto store at US N. l&th St. Alfred Thome, Agent. auS Fust Matl Beak Bldg. . . BRICK atore bulldtng. No. 1214 Harctf Street, three etoriva And baeement. Charles L. tiaundvra, U buuth lath aueec Phoas Dougiaa 17a - , 1 .. , . FOR b gToeery and meat market, la al.y. with tixi- at a auap. 1 a N. -td. DKelRABLI- efrtcee In tbe CoaUaeBtal Block,; either tn suite- or elngla Alfred tweiuMidy, ruat at'l Baaa ilidg. - . AT 70S BO. 18TH BT. Room 10x80. siiP plled with eteam heat; b ixilug iut In Jtme condition; price reasooabl'i. r-ETEKS TKUsC. CO.. 17th fnd Farnam. V OFFERED FOR SALE Faraitara. FOR BALE At bargain, mahogany a f floe furniture, nearly new: sufficient for twu rooma; alee rus and OUver type writer and stano- Auuieea atox w7. Omua If you will look in every ooaa. . i home furniture to sell you'll find; ihe Bee want lad call. He wnl sell it ail. - - A buyer t.e li always find. BLANCH JOHNSON, KM Cass Bt. This verse wine the prise of one-half do-en phoiographa from Hayn Studio, lwh and Howard but. If Blanco Jonnaon' win cuuie to ine bee of lice she Wul receivs aa uruer lor the photos. EVERY person knows who D. J. 'Vivien Is becaua ke kae made Omah. tunous with bis candy. If hi. W. Cano, 1414 N. 1Mb fit., wm come to The Bee otlioe within U.ree oaa we will give him aa order tor a eU-oeni box tree. HOUdEHOLD goods at Fur. tUO Cuming. ItoCND mUsioa d in leg table; s chalra M-lM. , . , ,.. ' Maalcal laairaaacata. SIT on your lawn at bight and play the BEdT OKAtliAPHuNE on the market luday. OOLL'MolA PUO.NOGKAPlt CO., UU-ii Farnam bt. B-FI-AT York cornet, silver with gold bell; aood ss new; coat l.o. will well tor Lo. 21a N. MAh. , t Tyg-ew rltera. SECOND-HAND IJ pa writer a aold. re pairvd.. Cebural 1'ypewrilar a-acbanaa, lu taiuJU. CLEA1LVNCE SALE TYPE W1UTEKS Wa have larse stock of all the standard a.aaaa m alishtiy used and rebuilt nv ihln-a-that we want la turn into cash, trices M ta V mfgr a We sell on paymeu.s r rant and lei I months' lent apply, call ar wine tor laSge bargain hat. B. K. bWANBON CO., INCH 1314 remain bt., Omaha. BUT u L C Bmita ioro . typewriter. jr. Baaasna Ca- Dtstriauier-, L-S aa TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES Sold, ranted and rep-ired. Type writer InapacUon Co., Ino., e4 Bia-tdela Bldg. 'Phoue. ind. ll; Deua--s KENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter ce. i si. Dougiaa -!. M laeeliaaaae Near aad aaoaodhand safes. Ull Farnam. DOLL aad caaa rack, cheap, at eaoa Jt-H Baa. - ' SIX-XKT bookktreiier's desk, oak fln- twr sale at tiouu Apply George R, right. Bee Publishing Co. Arts-Ovaretex-aed with' seeoad-baag ealea, ail -) aiakee; baraaiaa AtueN aaa b-Parfjr Co. 1LS aaraaoa aA ID HAND Uwla aad rubber. 41C N. lata. a lah OFFERED FOR SALE' Mteeellaaeaaa Caatlaaea. SECONDHAND nM, good eendltiesu I7Ui an 4 Ferwaen, Ma-dell DrelbelMa. to-FOOT partition. constructed with look ing glasses. 410 N. 14th. B 23f.l. IECOND-HAND fuse. Ill Be. ma St AWLRITE SAFETY RAZOR, with 7 blecee. sells at H. Abes II. Grand Pharmacy, ltth Howard. l-paser.g or. ( horse-power motor boat, less than 1 rear old; caaa. terme or trade. D. t.Q. A.-BJ1. 1(11 Capitol Ave. OSTEOPATHY AUoe Jobaaoa. koa-t Brandsia Tkaatar Bldg Kalherra Mkolaa, (844 Brandela Theater, PATENTS V. O. BARN ELL. Fax ton Blk. Tat, Red TUI WILLARD IDDT, U. a Pat Office atO- cial souci wr. law city nab ataxia, i tar aa HIRAM A. iTURGfta, reg. attorney. Brandels Theater Bid. Douglas u- PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY atnmaj'h trouble. Maseaae treatment. Dr. Margaret Ualioran. 2- Neville Blk. D.T7U. Ul'l'llsl Bait glow and aiaasage, Met j-a.aw DodKft fcl loor, oppoelia poal stfiv a Mma. Allea of Chicago, ooug. laoa, DR. BLiRK i -laeaaea of woen, Omaha, J AM Ed CORK ELECTRIC COMFAn I Mvea to svi . lM.a bb Douglaa alU. MASSAGE baths and alectrlo vibratory treatment. Mlas Lang, all N. lata. Up- atalia at-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. C lad-lea paariuaor. Uta aaa -tedga, HINDOO TABLkiTB) WUI buUd. Uengiaen. toa B CkUu CO. breoe. AN evening at Lake Manawa la well spent. If Mra N. Kearney, fcei N. luih kit., 111 come ta The Bee otiloe within three daya we will give her a pair of round trip ucaeta to atanawa xraa. YOUNli WOMfclN ooming la Omaha as ttiaowera are invited to vtaU the lauag wemene w ra iviaa aa vwwuaa awiwuug at aavanUMinta aireat nd at. Mary's ava. where they will be directed ta a I table boarding ylavee W uinerxisa a iatanL Look fur w r uavaior'a aid at the Uikii ataUea. MRS. SNYDER. Swedtan maaaaga. baths, radiator- and vibrator treatment. The D-nsaay, k iat a, baa and Pkerea. Doug. f 1 MataralUr HoanltaL Ava. councu Blulla, la MASHAGE TREATMENT. Mrs. Btaala, WANTED School teacbera far nice pleas ant summer work; all or part time; big pay; write quica. aoarees x ea, -tee. ADEImOHT hair food grows hair; aee Mma Prayer, Megeata Btat y VoH leth and a am THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cmst-oCt clothing. In tact, anything ton Oo no need, wa coUeou repair and sell at lit N. Utk Bt for euat at uaueouea, ta toe wo tay lvor. Call 'ptwaa Douglas auaS aa4 eg one wiu aau. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing Miuiaee. ion. a-iou , ougiaa iw, -NEuKABKA CYCLkl CO, loth and Harney Sta. BEST nerve bracer for men. Orey Nerve sood fins, it doz, postpaid, bber i MuCounell Drug c. ouu a, Nea. MASSAGE owed lah movement; aothlng belter for rheumail-m. Ladies, 1; geotle tMa, ILM- Apt. L UuJ Farnam. Hi-, ta a. MAflNETIG f aatment, E. Brott. 1BU Prof Harntt. Phneuraloglcai doctor. Maaaage. Mrs. Rltteabouee,- MS Old Bos ton store Bldg. - - - POULTRY AND PET STOCK PEDIGREED Beaton terriers for sala R, 3. aaunders. Carter Lake Pharmacy, 16ta ana tspragua. THE best trtat for wife and baby Is a tan or Daiseu s loe cream, it airs. C . aantar, mi Chicago bt will coma to The Bee olflce within three days ws will give her an order fur a quart brick of this tiue ice croanv tree. - PRINTING PHONE 1ND. A-Kat for guoa prtauag. Lyagatad Printing C KUi aad Capital Ava TW IfoUr Prnloi. Telephone aven n,uauvi,iii-i, Dougiae loi. BEE BLDG. .ENTRANCE ON COUKi KiEa) HALL Ptg Ca M SJeta, lad. A-t&M. REAL ESTATE AUSTHACr or TIT-.B. PETER JE'EN. Jr., Co. TeL Deug. SBS MIDLAND Guar, at Trust Co, 1711 Far. 1L li. Naala, pres.; J. Campbell, sea. D. (aSS kBil, .BITATB OMALEHa, REED ABSTRACT CO.. eldest aba treat affiea la Nebraska, W BraaOele REAL KcfTATK T1TL TRUST CO- F-e taeata Hour, city nat. ata-a auag. M01LUSRB' UIFOaMATlOK, CARL THOMP8EN, cement and brick work. 1711 N. SH Wee, tw. B-l-O. irovp trimrMng and tree removing. V. Hoover. BUi arn-co. A. J. Ireland, t-aaoa. aa ti. Mth. B.117 Paper hanging, wallpaper reduoed. H. 1304. THnifT VM Job work and repairing muiiuun eontraetine. Doua. a XrASOVliV bricklaying, plas- 1 XtClX A t i Li i k:. l rcuvMT inn CONCRETE WORK, ElTIATE FREE. N. KAi MOND, 117 N. Mth. Doug. 774. LANDSCAPING and unique gardenlhg, by an expert. Flower beds deelKued. V, al. Hoover can do your grading right and iinian it up with a pretty laa aecape alleot. urn ifarnam. PLUMBING L. r. Van Valkenberg. Work and Material A-1 Satisfaction guaranteed. W-SC7. 170 N. 14. C1TT rROPERTr FOR BALB1 MUST SELL, EASY TERMS . 11.000 Nw 4-room cottage on large corner lot, lus cash takes It. ll.SIiO New t-room cottage on corner lot. Best offt-r this week takes it. 1.D-Nearly new t-room bouae near West Ieavenworth car line, SNAP. V.leO Flue 4 room cottage near Kountsa l-iace. owner leaving cUy and sacrificing fur a quick sale. Mengedoht & Co., S BEE BLDO. Doug. Mut; A-C48. $500 CASH fnd f mon,th'Y will buy s vy-i.ai brand new 7-rooro bouae. oak finish nrst story, white enamel on pine and mahoganlaed doora aecond story: full cemented baeement; etreet paved and parked; near achool, church and car. Ideal neighborhood. l-Oo. Bea BT OWNER, modern five-room home terse Bleeping porch: walking distance. aaaraas A is. care tset1 tx CA8H. balance 110 per month buva M) ft lot 4bth and Capitol Ava Price le&O. P. O. NIKLbON dt CO.. , 70S Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phona D. 1304. 1 S-ROOM. new oottaga. 1 lots near 41st and Spratrua Big barsaia at Si Wa. P. O NIKLSON at CO.. WO Omaha Nat'l Bank, Phone D. SMH. FOR 8 ALE. . Ons of ths newest and most complete, modern. 10-room houses on West Farnam Still st s bargain. HICKS, tut Board of Trade Bldg. IS, acres Bear s4th end V all or Ste.. fairly tewd house, but not finished tu Ida Pauae Uaraey a-d ar lo-gias e k REAL ESTATE CITT PROriCKTY roil SALaV (Continued.) SPECIAL BARGAIN Must Be Sold This Week 5 Rooms New $2,350 - - SS2S Amaa Ava. a splendid barraln In a oew t-room modern cottage, on full aouth front lot. mxl2t ft. on paved etreet and eat Una Has sewer, water, aaa and alee- trlii ILcht. beet of plum bin fixture, double floora Outalde walla are covered with shlp lap, tar felt building paper and red oedsr aiding. Haa good cemented baaement and I area floored aula. This houee waa built by a good carpenter for a permanent home and la built right from top to boto . Cloee to achool and stores. Only IMS tsh re quired and the balance ran bo paid i eaay monthly payments. Tola la good. it la vacant now. ready to ba occupied. Let ua how It to you today. IS ORRIS MARTIN, J. JO Bee Bid. PhoneeDouglaa 4270, Independent A -427. Buy - X Lawndale Acres We have for aale acres In this beautiful addition, two at SooO each and one corner sera for fWO. One will make six 40-rt. city lota. Thee lay high and sightly, only two blocks from oar and macadam road and terms only 3 cash and IIS a month. Will sell one, two or all three together. These prices are only about one-half the price you would hava to pay for acres so close to oar and macadam road. Theea acres are lo cated In Florence, a good plaoe to Invest part of your savings. If you' want further information call Douglas lGua. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney Bt. HOW MUCH WILL YOU GIVE for one of the flnewt five-room cottages on the north side? Strictly modern Including hni water heat: leaa than two years old; nice lawn and shade; two additional rooms uM ha finished off In attic It Is located on Laird 8C near 17th; all good, new homee around It. Owner bM been asking a-tw for It, but wants an offer. What will you g1ve7 Any reasonablo proposition as to price and terms will os oonsiaereo. Scott 6c Hill Phone Doug. eglS. SVf MoCague Bldg- Big Lots in Flerence $175, $200, $300 T w... t rl within two block a of Car link and macadam road on terma of flu down -mi sa e month. Bnme are only one block to car: high and aigntiy grouna, mi . 60-ft. frontage. These prices are far be low what they are actually worm, n yo want to look at these lots today, call up 'phone Doug. ltX. HASTING at HBTDEN, 1814 Harney Bt New Bungalow T offer for Immediate aale new (-room bungalow, containing largs living room, dining room, kitchen, refrigerator, room, I bedrooms, bath room with Bret class nickel plumbing, gaa and electric lights, cemented cellar, cement sidewalks, east front lot, convenient to two car line. Just com pleted at a coat of I2.S60.; owner will sell for l.v7 on account of change In business. Hia loss ta your gsln. Ths property Is all completed and ready ta move (Into. I wish to make It a point mat um-m-ixr be sold at a bargain, either for av bom or Investment. " ERNEST 8WEKT, - 123S City Nat Bank. TsL Doug. 117-' Something Fine in HanscomPark District Win- anit ferentlon halt all OH 0n4 floor, oak finish, now nearlng completion. A thoroughly satisfactory horns In every respect We aold a boms In this -m neighborhood reoently without any delay. II interested investigate qmuaiy. Scott & Hill Phona Doug, tela, 807 MoCagua Bldg- ONLY $200 DOWN, m e month Including Inter- ... h nd aaw S-rootn cottags At KlS Baji craft St. Pries only Sl.sOO. This la certainly an opportunity ior imo Payne Investment ix., Uth and Farnam 8ta. Doug. 17S1; A-UW. . 1 , $600 cash, balance easy terms ouys ins s-room, modern house at MM Bouth Thirty-fourth. East front lot, SOxlW feet, paving paid. Doly H.760. SELBY D. 1510. 4M Board of Trads Bldg. Ground for Flats At Kth Avs. and Harney, I offer for im mediate aale a choice piece ot ground suit able for fiats for ll.tou; also a corner for $1,060. It la seldom that one is able to buy a small tract In a cloae-tn location. The wise buyer will make a note oi! these two efferinae and will cloee for one or both of them immediately, as they are lioed much lower than surrounding ground Is selling for. ERNEST 8WEET, 128 City Nat Bank. TsU Doug. 1471 New Dundee Bungalow Just completed, aix rooma. Including sun room, hardwood finish, full Bias baeement, full lot, nice lawa; thla la your opportunity to buy a home In thla beautiful auburb at a rock liuur.m pries, 13.300. Make a note cf this fre the property at once, as It solas' to be sold. i-HNEoT SWEET, C2 City Kiiv Bank. TeL Doug. 147X RARE BARGAIN PRICE) t2,-)0 eveaaroom house, mod em s-cept nest; nrst payment. 4-0; bal ance like rent; Immediate posscaeiun; nea ly repaired. Phone Harney 14L One block to car and school. Btx-roocn cottage, modern except heat tn good condition; close to car and school; rant 17; water paid, all N. ust W. FRANK, Phoaee; D. KjO; A ML 1014 City Nat'l Ba. FOR SALE A b tut In aaa lot ,a bargain U taken at once. For particulars addra M. K. F.. Box 77. Fremont. Neb. C. Fred Harrison and Oea. T. Mertoa tat t-aineae barcaiaa (l Ooaaha Nai l but. OO OUT to Rourke park and root for Omela. If F. I. Wilson. 117 No. Setk Bt.. will coma to The Bee office within three daya we will give him a ticket to the baae ball gam a REAL ESTATE FARM AMD MA CM LA B FOR BALM Arkansas. 131 A.. SMOOTH, i mL railway station. lua fenced, at cult., small bouae, two we us two public roads. C ju. L'nloa Bank A Trust Co., Real Est Dept, Searcy, Aia. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LA 3D FOR BALK Arkaaa satlaaed. IM A. UN I Mr ROVED eviVoff timber land; much fine timber yet on land; S to 7 mi. from Eureka t" prints; fine for fruit; ranch and general farming; ;.6A Ppeciai bargain In Improved farms. j to 11 WM. JENKINS 4k CO., . Eureka Springs, Ark. 1.60S ACRRS rich bottom lacd. Mi! miles Newark, lie oar acre; terma Fins orange grove. Florida. Forty acres; tT.fctO. Other bargains. A. A. Henderson, Newark. Ar k an aaa 6S TRACTS of land la the corn and al falfa district of Delta land; black soil, good schools; lands will double In value In three years; now rent from B to $7 per acre. Write as what row want. F. C. HOLLAND. Pins Bluff. Ark. COTTON plantation; 40 acres; elegant 10-room dwelling; plenty tenant houses; good barn and outbuildings; - rich, black loam; will grow bale cotton ar c4 bushels oorn per acre; woven wire fence, SuO acres cultivation; 2u5 merchantable timber, hard wood; healthful location; 4. miles from good town; good neighborhood; near school and church; price IaI.Ouv; reasonable terma Address Johnston JV elite, cars Southern Trust Co- LitUs Rock. Ark. IM. S diL out. 10 In cult., 120 black alfalfa or clover land: fair Imp.; good neighbor hood;. 3M, S ml, fror.'i town of louo, near f. o. ana school ; neany ail smooth up land; S cult., bal. timber, to clover; 4 al- taira, bearing orchard, is fenced nog tight: eftra good 4-r. residence, stora lodge bldg.. new barn, dark red sandy loam; good community; delightful location; aounaancs good water; w.cwu, subject to s- year loan fiw; terms eaay. WM. UlLatiHE, Marabail. Ark. BEST fruit and general farming lands for Dries la U. 8.. In Searcy Co.. Ark. Send fur booklet showing to to He land near town. w. M. uenson, Lasua, Ark. OZARK LAND CO.. Gravetta Ark. Stock ranchea fruit farms, berry fields, small tracts. Installment plan; town prop erty, suamees no sea n rue ua. BEST TV AMERICA FOR PRICK. All classes of timber, farm and fruit lands In Arkansas . Loulaiana- and Mississippi, from 16 to IX per acre. Writs J. D. Key- noiaa, camaen. Ark. . Caaada. GOLDEN wheat lands for sale. Im proved and unimproved prairta farms, any rise. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Woodhead coy. Watroua. bask., Can. REAL ESTATE I bavs a largs list of lands In the Goose and Eagle lake district, no battel In Canada. H. p. Leach. Ross- town, oas-. FARM lands In the Canadian west, town lots In railroad divisional points, proper! In Watroua, the Carlsbad of America. write w. M. oaJbraltn, watroua. Baa katohswan. . CANADA LAND Fine half section: over no acres In crop; good water and build ings, only t2S per acre. Wr.te for aarticu. lara, H. &, Heminway, Wsyburn, Bask. I OWN a aectlon of good wheat land situated less than two miles from growing town In Saskatchewan. Will sell for 4-0 per scrs. Address, M. J. Carrothers. P. O, Box in, vtruimpeg. a nitooa. t- ACTtxa, close to town. Saskatchewan; 170 acrea In wheat; tl acre; third cash. balsncs to suit Writs .for. terma 134 Brodki Bt, Fort Williams, Ont Can CANADIAN landseekere furnished with lnte-a which will oavs ihaot money. Frank cranrcora, ware eioca. : s.f., . Caliierata. - P.tOFITABLia who'.eaala land Inveet menta! Tracts of whatever also deeired along new lias of railway In California and Oregon at prioea that will afford rich. quick returns by subdivision; wa are ad vertising svna bringing in wettiers; investi gate this golden- opportunity. For full par ticulars writs L. F.i. Curtis, land coi-mis- sloner, IN . CO. jty-ijteoo, Nsv. . ; . . i Cioe-a --: i . . teo-ACRB beat lrrlgated',ann, .Colorado; finely Improved: hew "10-room dweillne. barn; potato cellar holds 10 carloaos; atl acres wheat; eq acres .ajraifatt ho waste land; every fool" under old water light; have another farm, can't work both; 40 muee north el. Denver, -40 mile aouth of Greeley. C. A, Gregory, 4u Mack ' Bldg., Denver, coh.. NORTHWESTERN Colafado wheat lsds, '1 60 to tU per acre. A - few Improved farms, 30 to 13. Write J. & Rein hard t. oterung, voia. t- . ".M-.r ' lawa. 1.100-ACRE farm T miles- Southeast Ttaa sett Rock county. Nsbraeka; SU0 acres in corn this year, largs acreage In timothy uid ' clover; good set' of Improvements, lrlee, i'Ct.iO per acre; one-third cash, bal- auoe easy lerme at e per cent. . CARL TENNIS. .. X2S r. U A T. B.dg., auoux city A REAL ESTATE) SNAP. HO acre farm In-Pocahontaa ouuntv: cor ner itgat in town; ouuawg one block from dpot and creamery: ten-room house nicely lurnisnea; line grove ana iruit trees: . beau tiful building site facing aouth; cattle barn 44xw. M-root posts; stanchions for about fifty cattle; two silo bins; room for 100 tons of nay; also feed cutter, corn grinder and 14-horee power gasoline engine; horee barn tor is norses, with nay ion and gram bins windmill and three water tanks; farm fenced in six fields; .70 acres hogtlght Price, sun per acre on very easy terms. J. A. CARROLL, . Rolf e, la, ATTENTION. LAND BIITEK8 AND SPECULATORS. Hera wa are again with a larger list ot lanes tnan aver before, bth unproved and unimproved, at prleee radxlna from lau to tHO per acre, accord, ng to location. I in Drove menta, -letance from tewa, ate. Our lands nsvs good. rich, black loam soil with dar subsoil that eaanot be excelled In the a Lata. and. svsrytbicg considered, we have the nest ana cheapest lands in lowa today for ths monsy. Our land Is mostly all drained. ciose to town, school and in good neigh borhoods. For the beet af everything to be had In bargains in land some and see as or writ a FLYNN BROS.' LAND AOBNCY, Buffalo. Center, la. FOR BALE Splendid farms, well Im proved, ranging in price from $M to J0 Per sore. This is cholo. lowa land. In well un proved communities, near town and echoes. There ts no mors fertile or beautiful part of the stats than Osoeola county. Write for pertioulare. T. B. Redmond. Slblsy, S3 ACRES and ITS acrea of southsrn Iowa land. Improved, well located, good soil, right pries, for sals or trsde; ;,uv0 equity In brick stOrs building; 'a first-class Income property, for sals or trade, quick, on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad dress Box S, Diagonal, Ja. UO-ACRS Improved farm, 7 miles from Mason City, I miles from small town; I7 an acts; easy terms and splendid bargain; lM-acre unimproved farm U miles irom kiaaon City, V miles fr jm ti other towt.a, only 40 aa acra We have the beat bar gains In northern Iowa. Come and sea us. .MASON CITT REALTY' CO., . Mason City, la, FOR SALE Excellent 140-acre farm tn corn and blue grass belt. Adams oounty, lowa; farm ail well fvoced, eu acres hug tight 150 acres tiled, and all '.a exue'.ient cultivation; U-room bouse, large brick cellar with cement floor, cement wa ks, largs nsw barn and mill, with good Fair banks engine, new hog 'bouae, other out bulldinga, all in good repair; good etuck and barnyards, large grove and sood or chard, four good wells, excellent waur, two winomitia lot further particulars address Mrs Anna M. Nash, li High St., Des Moines, la. HO-ACRE estate all thj vary choicest of land, nothing nioer In the state, jt.Vjt or more or improvements ail in good sh&pe SW miles from two good towns. Must be aold and Boon. I bavs ths exclusive hand ling of t:ia. Price, Sat per sra. Msruh 1 (led vary; cash, balance b per cent O. M. l-mary. Northwood, Ia . . 1S ACRES. Caaa county. Iowa, farm Im proved and wcil located; price, ll per acre; my equity la lid 4o. Want southern Minnesota or Dakota land, .clear. No in flated prioea cunaldered. One iO-horee power portable gsaoiiue engine for what have you? Address C. W. MoCausiland, Cass county. Lor ah, la FOR BALE Two lots, numbers S aad 17. block E. Lnglewood addition. Highland lara. Address J. li. Ben-ell, OaaabHie-, REAL ESTATE FARM AKD RASCH -.AMD FOR SALB) laws Mtlaaed. WANTED A good s?-Hk of general mer- chandlse. S9.000 to IH.oCO. In exchange for good farm near Rolfe. la., and eaah; farm contains L4 acres, elx-rowm house, nam, ImW. Price, tuo en sera, subject to K.740; equity. S8.080. F. R. Loomer, Rolfe. la FCR SALE OR TRADE My equity In U section of raw land, S miles of Horenta, f miles Kit C arson and S miles Wild Horse, Cheyenne Co., Colo. ; on U. P. Ry.; laya good, shallow water district: 1 mile to river; alfalfa grown successfully nearby. Price, M per acre; encumbrance II. -4, op tional at S per cent dvi Msr U. 1014. Will trade the equity. 114, for reeldenoe of equal value. I also have section joining this which Is clear, to trade for town prop erty. Sams price. Would carry back IL00 on tnia at par cent Walter li. Boyd, Newton, la. Kaaaaa. I?0 ACRES. S ml lea good town: fenced. well Improved: all smooth land; rich black soil; good orchard: R. F. D. : phone: tine surroundings. tt; good terms; will ex change for hardware. Implements or gen sral merchandise. W. li- Mott, Her In (ton. tw.an. WE have some choice bargains In corn wheat and alfalfa lands for sale In Benton and Rush counties; writs for list of farm cargaina American -nvssunent company, Holsington, Ivan. M0 ACRES, six miles from Mlneola, (OS acres in wheat one-third to buyer; new 4-room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas ture fenced; rich black Boll; baa raised good crop ivery year since broken out great bargain. IX per acre. Terma. The Roy C Beard Land Co., Mlneola. Kan. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP 140 acres. Its miles out; 130 acres In wheal; H delivered to buyer, level, rich, deep soil; kood well and windmill, ss.ilaw; terms. CM her 'wheat and alfalfa lands, all slses and prices. L. F. Bohuhmachar, owner, Meade, Kan. S3 ACRES, m miles out In wheat; U to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain and anow assures bumper crop; level ae a floor; I-2W per aero; terms, w. B. Cul bertaon. Kcott City, Kan M ACR lie M a alfalfai M-roora aoase. largs barn, granary, eta. ; two mUas ts Larned. pawnee couatyi es acres vesture. balanoe la culUvailon; rich deep saU, sbua daaoo af Water, wells and Bull la; 4-1. fc. ternaS. Bunie Itaaltr . Ca- Muichiasea, Law lasu , VERNON parish, ta.; the land ( sun shine, soil, cumu, markets. Water, beans, geod; prioea cheap; write Lees villa Meal a Late ana improvement vs., v. M, k aria ad, Mao y. -eeTUie LOUISIANA (arm and timber laada aood for truck, oorn. cattle, ete.1 aa ae- i-unt of cotton peat cheapest laada ea wket -taxi, aueer a ateaat, aavaree, Louisiana. ATTENTION. HOMESEEKJERS. If you are thinking of immigrating wt this year, writs us for descripuvs liter ature of our lands la Minsesota, North Dakota and Montana. Wa can suit you no matter what you want and where you want It and can sen you anywhere trom ev acroa to j.wv. uhkhi m 'auwau s Louk Box a cormorant, ai.. .. MINNESOTA! ME-VDO WLANDS AND FLOODWOOD ' Bbil'1 LEMEM'd, Si'. LOUIS COUNTY, NEiAR DULUTH Farmers, gardnera and dairymen wanted. Ideal climate, rich soil, abundant rainfall, a re At crops. Horns of red clover ou our own line frequent train service. Best mar kets In America . rrlces low. Terms eaay. Homeseekers assisted. Illustrated litera ture Free.' Write LAND COM R.r D. A L. R, R. R. ISO tvoivin Bidg.i Dtuutn, Minn. i- SRND for a list of our fine tro Droved scuthsrn Minnesota lands; ws have hun dreda of pleased customers. C. Brown Land Co., Offices Madelut and New Kloh land, Minn. A SNAP: MUST BH QUICK: fJO-aere Im- oroved farm ia Murray county. Min-ieBota haa first-class ' buildings, fences. " splendid KTove, orchard, two miles .trpm .towj- Writs John Holdan, jr., O-rvln, Minn. I HAVE a farm, of 130 acres 24. mil from good town, 30 miles from Minneapolis, 100 aores under cultivation; about W acres meadow, balance timber! can all ba opened up; riin soil, good house, barn and other buildings. Price, t-t2 per acre. Also SO-acrs -run two miles from good town; 40 aores under plow, IS aores timber, good rioh soil. S-room house, two barns and other out buildings, windmill, fine natural grove, or chard Just commencing to bear. Prtoe, 12,600; tasy terms. Write owner. Charles E. bwauson, .ik River, Minn. e- 18S ACRES IS miles from St Psul. 1 mites from Roseinont; all fenced, black loam soil: SO acres cultivated, balance pasture and black oak timber; only t- per acre for Im mediate tale: half cash. 130-acre improved farm IS miles from 8t Paul. 1 mils from Rich Valley station! nine-room house, windmill, largs barn and cither buildings, all tn good condition: black loam soil, clay subsoil; always been cultivated by owner; Its) acres under plow, 1 aores fruit trees, mostly sppies, balanos good timber land. Special price and terms. W. F. A .R. V. Morlty, Pioneer Press Bldg., Bt Paul, Minn. FARM. SNAP 130 acres level prairie land, toO In crop, balance pasture and meadow; good buildings, 7 acre. Morehart A Atchison, Man it a to, Minn. ,00 equity In good quarter In southern Mlnneaota; quarters two miles from good town, having house KxSO. new barn S2xt0, with gable roof, small granary and fence, want machine, a coca oi cry gooaa fries U0 per acre, aienj. A. cone, window Minn. 60,000 acres In Bt. Louis and Carlton counties. Minnesota, near cities of Du luth and Superior, at pries within ths reach of all: I to ill ta acre: easy terme: four. teen railroads now entering these two cities furnish cheap and quick transportation. A tlu.ouu.uM ateel plant now building by the United Statea Steel corporation near land a toll la fertile and well adapted to dlveral fied farming, dairying and garden truck. No long baula or transportation chargee, nut right at the doors of ths best markets of the Uuited b tales, with constant demand and high prices. Write for full Information. Boston Duiutn f arm Land Co., leu At worth Bldg., DuiutO, Minn. FOR BALE 160 acres of good caw bard wheat land, near Walhalla, Pembina county. North Dakota. For particulars ad dress owner, A. Lucasss, -77 Third Ava., N., Minneapolis, Minn. i LANDS No. S50. 180 acres 78 miles Twin Cities; good tillable soli; stats map mailed with 4-page book lor so cents. Hutiart Land Co., Phsuix Bldg., Minueap oils, a linn 1. . .1UIIID, -V Wl C , 1 11 t..M VAJl Aiun. V. 1 . . 1, I.... .A J VTV'CT f..n m ,i lea . . u ... ,v .. , vi.k ... vu. Alt All leiiceu, terse trams oweuing, earn, gran ary, machine sheds, etc.. loU acres In field. AA - ... . V.. K.I. t . . . . - mt v. w wi. i k viuvvr UU 11 II 1 - uuiy ana rueaaow. laeai aairy iarm. S3T v. una li.ii i v. ii , uaia uia terms. M. J. Kolu. Fosston, Minn. easy BUY from owner and ssvs commission a 00-acre grain and stock farm closs to three towns, school and, creamery, i-V-ecre field, ubout JO acrea meadow, remauider timber paature, icnoeo ana croea lenced; rwt-ang water; sun a iuu set oi trams ouildiuga at Hi per acre. Write for terms. C. F. r iaig, vtaaeua. Minn., it rt no. S. Jdiaaowrl. FOR SALE Finest farm la Leavenworth county, Breaddus farm of ItW acres, IV miles from Fort Leavenworth. 15. Ou brick residence, WS eS-ye-r-old walnuts, 100 sugar maple trees, natural gas, two telephones, trcs delivery. IV miles from Ssnta Ke sta tion; examine premiaee and write Mrs. J. L. Klrby, Llus Felix bt St Joseph, Mo. FOR BALK ei farms, largs and small, between Vliaaiasippi and Missouri rivers, avarase lie per acre. Write for big price list William Crews. Wright City, Mo. , THIRTEEN sections In Dawsoa county, near Sidney, one of tha best towns In ths Yellowstone valley; also havs other lands that we ars retail.ng In any else farm you went. Write your wanta Prices are right The Hay ward Land Co., Olendlne. Mont MISSOURI FARMS None better on earth. Highly Improved INK acrea. raises anything, fa). Other decided bargains. Write ua Gilliam Realty Co.. GUI lam. Mo. STOP! Don't go a - step farther than Douglas county, down In ths beautiful Osarka, raiae anything; corn Su to 40 bush els per acre, ail other crope in proportion; cheapest good land on earth, li to I'Ju per acre. Free Information. Gross Real Estate Co.. Ava, Mo. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RAMCH LAND FOR SALB Mlaaoer eattaaed. KVACRR farm. eH cultivated: fine house. barn, fencee, flret-claaa condition; fins prlng water; S miles from town; 7 miles from railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi gration Co., piedmont Mo. MISSOURI farm. C4) acres; S-room house. barn; U acres wheat, o acrea corn, level. bier-K dirt; miles raiirosd, p acre. Chaa. E. Huokstep Realty Co., Elaberry. Mo. Montana. i - - ' 130-ACRE homestead relinquishments for sale: also one hotel, one bakery, one general tore, etie saloon, ons feed store. Address, Charles F. Brown, Galata. Mont WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA. the ooming farm state, til 60 to 130 per sera Writs for description. Shew A Clark Land Company. Hacknsy Bldg., Bt Paul. Minn. FOR BALE Bitter Root Valley 130 acres fine fruit land: old water rlsht best oc- tin Af tha vail fine nrnnouitinn for a lib. division; fair buildings, easy terma Ad- areas owner. j o. lbwis, sjtevensvuia, Mont N ebraak a. FINE (40-acre ranch. 12 miles from town; S quartera tame hay, balance wild hay and pasture: 4CH acres level, baianes sugniiy rolling; heavy blajk soil; two Towing wells, S-room house, barn, granary anu chicken house, telephone: w mile to school. This Is an exceptionally fine ranch and a snsp. win sen on eaay terma ueorga Collins, ownsr, Atkinson. Neb. FOR BALE School leass. S20 acres, nesr Lynch, Boyd CO., Nsb. Addrees s. 11. Kampmsysr, 111 Court St., Sioux City, Ia SOS acres 6 4 miles from Emerson. Nsb.; fine Improvements: land lavs good: can make splendid terms, and the pnoe is lit) to tl leas than sd Joining places ars being priced St. rnr particulars cnll on'or writs J. K. LBuNNOA. Al an, N-US. 160 ACRK8 In Chase county, Nebraska, U miles south of Elsie; If taken soon will take 117.50 an sere; this Is a good quarter section and can all be farmed: will take a good 1910 or 1911 automobile on the deal and parry the balance. F. A. Garland, Charlton, In. Saw Mexico, GET THE FACTS ABOUT NEW MEXICO, Act while land Is cheap; tdial climate: we sell no - land. Write today tor free book B with map. Btate Immigration Board, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Nsrta Dakota. AUCTION SALE-North Dakota: choice Wells and Stutsman county farms at nubile auction June . 111, on sasy terme. Write for information. A. F. Belabor, Bales Mgr., ny Boston, rs. u. I JIM Ranch for sals; 4,100 acres! lo cated four miles from railroad In BlUlnrs county. North Dakota: MOO rat tie, 108 horses, with ranch If deeired. For price and terma address owner, Ed L, Manaudh, Med or a, N. D. ONE of tha finest farms In Richland county, consisting of Z45 acres of sood. productive land. Joining Wyndmere. Fine large oiaiainas. lots or I run. nice grove end never-tailing flowing welt Prica 157.6 per acra Easy terma Martin rauisoa ana Co., wyndmsre. North Da- Koia. FOR BALE An exceptional! fine M. 1 mues ox elevator, six miles or wyndmere good, heavy, black soil. Wild Rice river through pasture. Fine new buildings, well ef excellent water, windmill, etc., St per awe. iuu ta a snap. oa a log la, nrynomere. norm Daaota. Oregon. i FOR BALE 190 -area choices ancle, near. cherry, .grape lend In the; weet six miles from town, one mile from railroad; soil deep volcanic ash. - Tha Dallas Ore., prise winning land. WO acrea. Stt miles from town. nsw. mod. era house, barn, tenement: S60 pear prune, bearing 1.500 young trees, 1.000 grape vines; good water; wood, or irlll sell 80 acres with all Improvement. Investigation solicited. C. H. Wsbster. Tha Dalles, Ore ' 'South Carolina. LANDS toOS per acre mads stow In r for preserves oj tbe Inlands. Orchards en easy monthly paytnentn. Sea Island Orchard company, cnarieston, a. c. loath Dakota. 0O-AC:.E corn farm, out from Bloax Fells excellent Improvemunts. larse rravi and fruit; all In cultivation; price for quick sals SS5, easy terms; also 240 well Improved, easy terms, und 100 acres unimproved. These ava bargains tor- quicx sale. K. A. Hllvlua, earner, Sioux Falls, S. D. , 1 WITH PAKU1 A LAND FOR BALE. Ws 'have a list of Edmunds countv lsnd lor sale at from tllS and up per acra If Interested write uii for particulej-a and we will nend our prices and Docket mau. , if you own land in Bouth Dakota list It with us. Our motto is "A Square Deal to Buyer and fleller." Olve us a chance to prove our Btatstneat Hasvold Land Co., Mina, Ed- munds county, south Dakota. ONI1-FOURTH SECTION FIVE MILES FROM TOWN. Fslr Improvements. Price, S5.600. Equity, 2,40). Akaska Real Estate Co., Akaska, W ILL exchange choice farm land near Pierre, tha capital of South Dakota, for good lowa or Nebraska land; what havs you to offer? West Land Co., Pierre. 8. D. IM ACRES IN DEUEL CO., S. D. Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black soil; clay subsoil; lies very Isvel and all under cultivation. Must bs aold within SO days to cloee an estate. Half cf this year's crop goes with ths price, (36 par acre; easy terms, 13.000 will handls It and It Is a snsp. No gravel.no stones, no foul weeds. Address W. F. MeOee, Lake Preston, B. D. VOB SAT D fii . . .11 fenced; good flowing well; S miles from Pianklngton, 8. D. For particulars writs J. E. O MaJIsy. Philip. B. D. FOR BALE ISO acres Improved, valley farm land, Brule county. South Dakota; running water, telephone and rural mall; easy terme. Address ths Whltbeck 4x Lumbard Bank. Kimball, a D. ALFALFA ' THE KINO OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS. This Is ths land wa have. Frea home steads; relinquishments and deeded lands. For particulars writs F, O. Wonder 4k Co., Buffalo Gap, 8. D. Teaae. . . . TEXAS INVESTMENTS. Buy orchard and garden lands near Houston, ths greatest and most prosper ous city In ths southwest where values ars going up all ths time and fortunes mads In real estate In short while. Kasy terma If dealred. Address E. C. Robert son. Vela. Tax., and a 14-acre farm la the Klo Grands valley, where the farmer's cash Income Is as perpetual ss the days that corns and go. S. 11. Jackson, 7uS First National Bank Bldg.. Houston, Tex. r RIVIERA GULF OOABT, TEXAS; fine rarming, iruii trucx section, unsurpassed health resort. For Information write ow ners, Theo. F. Koch Co., Unity Bulg, Chi sago, lit WK ars subdividing 2,300 acres ot fertile farm land In Jackson county. Splendid crops every year. Rainfall about right, 44 Inches. For description, plat and prices write JOHN RICHEY CO.. HI K. Houston St. San Antonio, Tex Wyelag. WYOMINO WANT8 WliOO FARMS-,; Ws have over 1 OuO.Ou acres of Irrigated land from tii to : per sere, on easy terms, resdy for termers to select from, that will grow pumper crops of alfalfa, grains, sugar beets, vegetables and frulta Ideal climate; close to good towns, schools, churches and markets for your producta ne nei- you locate wnnout cnarge. SEND FOR STATE BOOKI.KTH and Resource Msp. giving reliable, official Information. FHLE. about general farming. oairying. trun growing, poultry ana stock. THE WYOMING 6TATE BOARD OF IMMIGRATION. 17 Capitol Bldg Cheyenne, Wyo. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RAMCH LAN D FOR SAI.nl . WrsMlnr roetleaed. WTOMINO Tana and ntack ranch! Ima ' proved, fenced, well watered. ICO acrea. will be sold beet nf'er next sixty days. Writs Owner. Andrew Wilson. Parker, Kan. ' - FOP. P AI.K-10.Kjn'" seres in Laramla county, VNyomlnk, In Uolden Prairie die-, trlct; suitable for farming; now stocked with cattle and sheep; win sell with ranch: will exchange for e a tern Nebraska or Iowa farms. J. T, Bell. Owner. Cheyenne. Wyo. , ; FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit H. H. Culver, SU-1I A N. B. Bldg. D. TMS. FOR reliable sales snd exchanges, sea D. M. LEA Ml. NO, US Brandels Bldg. Palisade-Colorado . I bavs several choice' orchard homes to exchange for farms 1 Nebraska. Iowa or' Tii" sour! These orchards are, la ths beautiful Pall , Bade fruit district. Write for particulars, j ' U. It HOUUH.' lal leads. Colo, WELL Improved ltO-aera farm. 1 mUea from tnis c.i. o ntum i lor a asneral stock of meronandisa Si;5 per acre. Mort gage, s.i.7km, a lf ceat interaat, to run to lsUs U0 acres of this farm under culti vation. J. O. Cooper. Osceola. I a. S1S.00O rllt edge Inooma property for rood farm. Ownera write A 4. care Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANB to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. .- . ti. iiiomab, sot First National. Bank; .Bldg. '. CHEAP MONEY. Representing the Penn Mutual Ufa laav Co.. with aateta of over 4lli.O4.0U0, I am prepared to accept all tha good loans of fered on Improved . Omaha real aetata. Business and reaMance loans made with out delay. THOMAS BRKNNAN, . . . City National Bank Bldg. LOANS MADE-ON IMPROVED CITt REAL ESTATE.- BUTTON REALTY CO., VH UltAMIMS CtiUKirU. 1100 to 110.000 made sromotlv. F. D Wead, Weed Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. CITT and farm. JOHN N. FRCN7BH. LOW RATES, BEMIS-CARLBEKO COH Slu-Sli Brandels Theater Bidg. ... OARVIN BROS.. Sd floor N.-T. f-fe. SOOO to 1100,000 on improved property. No delay. 5 .P. sri w on city and farm property. W. X OY20 B UEIKAJB, JOS Karnes Bldg. WANTED. FARM LOANS. Kloks lav. Co., Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O'KEEFE REAL EST ATM CO.. 101S Nsw Omaha National Ban Building. WANTED City loans and arrafite. W. Farnam 8mlth A Co., lS.W Fnttiem ?t REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARM&ft WANTS. Have you anything to offer tha farmer" of lowaf Any cheap land for higher priced; a general merchandise store for land or any kind of exchange? Or have you soma land you want to sell for cashr Tha ona ' paper that reaches ths Iowa farmsrs Is tha ; Des Moines Capital; 42,0u0 circulation dally . rate single Insertion, 1 cent a word; six Insertions, S cents - a ' word. Dee Motnea Dally Capital. Des Molnsa, Ia. ' O'BRIEN'S chocolates are famous every where because they are tha beet if J. H. Mlnefelter, 1107 N. 17th Bt, will coma to Tha Bee office within three days ws will give him an order for a SO-cent box frea. steamships:. ALLAN LINE) -. ' - .if.. i Picturesque St Laerrenoe Rout. . . Weekly 'BsJllngs from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL, OLASOOW' MONTREAL TO LONDON,' Havre, Franoa Fortnightly front . . PHILADELPHIA and -ioatan So Ola-goW. Splendid' aosnary, shortest pesaage. . low ratss. . t . Any local agent or ALLAN A CO., General Agenta, UJ N. Dearborn St( CHIoagw. ' J ANCHOR LINK STEAMSHIPS - NEW YORK. LONIiOiVPaiRRY -AND GLASGOW.. . NEW TORK AND NAPLES' DIRECT. Single or Round Trip Tickets, between New York and Scotch, Engllah, Irish aad all prinoipal Continental points at. attraoUvs . -rates. Send for book of inforhtaaon. ' Superior Acoommcdatlons. Exeellent Cul- V. aijie. Apply proiupity lor iweniion to local agents of Anchor Line or HENDER SON BROS., General Ageota, Chioago, 111. WANTED TO BUY BEST prica paid for 2d hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. ..Tel. D. S47L. SELNER pay a good price for furniture. carpets, clothes and shoos.. IX 64CO. To Tha Bee Want Ta4 -I aent an ad; vTt. I had aome furnltura for Bale, i nava no aiak, . : i i .. - . ; - For he turned the trick; - .iX . . ' ne never was known to nut D. F. ALLEN, lk Dodge St. City. This vers wins ths Prise f a fancy vest mads to your measure fnom Lander. " you Tailoring Co., S14-14 City .Nat, Bans: Bldg. it U. r. Alien will com to Ths Be office bs will rscelva an order for tha vest . .'-... I WANT to buy a rood second-hand hie. cle, oas with coaster brak on it; it must bs reasonable. C eut. Baa FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell a laa cream. If George C. Brown. SU.T Cass Bu. will corns io Ths Bes office within three days w will give him an order fur A quart wick ot i m a iins ice ream. WANTEQtTO RENT WANTED To rent neatly furnished southeast room within xsaeonable walking distants. A J,, See.' ..... 4 1 BY GENTLEMAN, two Urge Until ished connecUng rooms in pilvalo isiolly, on. car line,, flat must be In aood locaiioa snd modern in every renuuct: rafaianc. Ad dress A U, Bss. ROOM for gsntleman. modern, orivata fauiliy; also good car earvloev A 16, Bee. TAKE a boat rale on Lake Manawa. W will give a aalr of round trio tickets to Harry Pettet,. Binney at.. If he will coma to Xt4 v ft tee within three daya. WANTED Reflnrd couple, will ventilat houie sumiuer monv ia for use of aame, or be housekeeper for remuneration, a 17. Bee, . 1 tt- 1 -an s 11 wj-aa WANTD-SITUAT10NS FIRST- elans .practical nuraa can be saw gaged at ouca DsMig. . ieaa - WANTEDA j position sj ttousakeeper. . . . .... i. ... aoereaa xtru vtw u, siu , WANTED posuion as night watebmaa by middle age man In coal' yard or wheie sals houea. Caii Douglas 44-4. FAMILY WASHING, JL 'Phona Har ney 4. ... .' , 1 .. . . MIDDLE AGED ldy wlahes a position as housekeeper. Mrs. J. L. bnurt. 4o4 Last Broadway. . . " . . . -: - A WANTED Situation as practical book keeper, accountant, clerk or other clerical work. College and personal refereooea J. W. Nleweo.de. Oea. Del.,. Omaha. WANTED Plain sewing to do at home: reasonable. IStlO S. lHh tit WHAT does a nsms meant- If you w-st. to know Just try O Brlen's candles. If Mrs. A. Johnson. 1114 Miami Bt. will corns to Ths Ba offke within three days ws will give i.cr -n crur for a ao-ceot bog of O'Brien'a candy, free. LADY wants position at (weeping and cleaning. B-fw,ll . MIDDLR AGED man wanta position aa Janitor lp office building. . Call Doug!- 441. DAY work wsnted, housa cleaning ag washing. CaU Web. fjea. . I t