Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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Sentiment Prevails that Weather Con
dition! Are Discounted.
HiTf SltaattoM I Cash Cera, Which
la Brims Off by Coatiaaatloa
f Dry Weather Dfipltt
.OMAHA. Jan II. 1911.
Whether or not the cash wneet hedging
la complete In the feature that I worrying;
the wheal trade. 'I ha eentiment prevails
that the Improved weather conditions have
been discounted and values should react
from the recent sharp decline.
The northwest situation Is at a climax
of perfect condition and any chanae would
naturally be unfavorable to th final crop
outcome and help advance the market.
There Is a heavy situation in cash corn,
which la being offset by the continuation
f dry weather, regardless of the cooler
temperatures and at tha same time the
Iminedlst crop outlook li considered favor
able. The trading sentiment Is bullish and
unless rains ra received soon corn futures
will advance. I an early bulge at tha opening
wheat eased off again, selling "pressure
coming out Or tha advances. Cash wheat
waa lo lower.
torn receipts were lighter and this
helped to hold the market firm. Kaln Is
needed and strength will be shown until
relief comes. . , r
Primary wheat receipts were 31,000 bush
els and shipment were 322.0U0 bushels,
against receipts last year of 3S5.00O bushels
and shipments of 4"1.0 bushels.
Primary corn receipts were 1.1S7.000 bush
els and shipments wera wrj.noti bushels,
against receipts last year of 657,000 bushels
and shipments of 366.000 bushels.
i!i'aranc" wer 1ono bushels of com.
2 000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour
equal to 5S.0OO bushels.
Liverpool closed 1 lower on wheat ana
Hd lower to "d higher on corn.
The folio. In lasii kales were reported:
WHEAT-No. 2 hard, 1 car, 84c.
( ORN-No. t white. 1 cars. 53; No. i
yellow. 1 car. t,2c; No. 1 yellow, cars.
82c; No 4 yellow, 1 car, 614c; No. S mixed,
8 cars. 52c; no grsde, 1 car, 49c.
OATfl No. I white, I cars. 370; No. 4
white, cars, 37c; 'No, I yellow, 1 car. 37c;.
no grade, 1 car, SCKc.
Onsaha Cash Prima.
WIHEAT-No. 2 hard, (34457140; No. I
hint fc" b.; 1 . . v; . . - i .. . . .. .
Jjcted Iiaid, 7078c; No. t aprlng, MwftSSc;
No. 4 spring. MftMo; No. 2 ourum. Wntf
824c; No. 8 durum, 7Vo''ic.
C'ORN-No. 2 white, 634liM4c; No. 2
white, 6363V.c; No. 4 white, 62'4i2,c; No.
I color, ft;Qac; No. 3 yellow, UyiZo;
No. 2 yellow, Ht8Mc; No. 4 yellow, 61
XlVic; No. 2, &lVu:-c; No. 2, Slavic; No.
4, tOVuSl'aC; no grade, sR'aSlc.
.-?AI,8 No- J white. 37&37e; standard,
8.V37Vc; No.- 3 white, 37fr37We; No. 4
white, lMii37c; No. 3 yellow, 8tifc37c; No
4 yellow, 3tVa36ic.
BARLEY-No, 3, 82(8Sc; No. 4, 74S84c;
No. 1 feed, 88C0fc; rejected, 646Pc.
RYE No. 2, ttfS&c; No. I. Sa&84c.
larlot Mecelpts.
, Wheat. Corn.Oats.
Chicago 30 ill 311
Minneapolis 143
Omaha 8 89 17
Duluth 39
Featarea of tha Trading; and Closlngr
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, June 13. Drouth In Missouri
and reports of blasted fields In southern
Illinois gave a final upward twist today
in me wneai market alter an earlier ad'
vence had been more than wlrad out. Tt.
at figures showed a net gain of HHyo to
o. The close for other cereals was also
higher than that of last night. Corn, o to
WftVtO. and oata a shad to Mc Hog
products finished at 2!o to 16c decline.
A bullish Influence In wheat was the fact
m imcago miners bought more cash
wheat today than for some time. In ad.
dltlon crop advices from Hnrope were lew
reassuring ana a substantial decrease ap
peared In the world's visible suddIv. On
iha other hand purchaaea of new wheat for
arrival here in July were being made, and
a prominent crop expert estimated tha total
yield In Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma
as almost a million bushels in excess of tha
amutint harvested a year ago. Throun
out tha day a good deal of nervous tension
was caused by the leading longs reversing
ncuci ana giving support 10 me July de
livery, but veiling other months, mainly
September. High and low points reached
by July were fJ'e and 840, with the close
o up at M47l4a
Corn advanced on account of vigorous
local speculative buying but reacted in
view of steady commission selling. July
varied from MWc to MVaC and closed steady
fco net higher at Mc. Cash grades were
weak. No. 2 yellow finished at &4fe66c.
Croo damage complaints from Illinois and
Iowa punched up the price of oats, but
realising of profits cajsed a reaction.
July ranged from 32 to 8Hc, closing with
a shade advance at a'g.Uio.
Belief that the cool weather would In
crease ahlpmenta of hogs, weakened the
market for provisions. The outcome was
lower prices all arounl pork down lie;
lard, 7 Wo to 'lOtaUSto, and ribs 20 to a
, nickel.
Prices In Chicago, furnished by the Up
dike Grain company, .telephone Douglas
2478. 708 Brandeis building, Omaha:
Articles. I Open. IIIgh. Low. Close. Tes'y.
Wheat-) T i I i
July...6t87, 87V, KiS!'SS&
Kept,..sV7V ' Kit stSe S0
lec....l8W3Wt ' T-i 89 88toi
Corn I I I 1
Juiy...f644gaif . kW'J 84H, S4f 64.
Bept...WSUl Wi66Tfo6rrv W-4
E...661iWj 6o id j 66VI 6SV
juiy...aW,i " 28H , 38VSr as
Bept...l3iV9l-! 5S 381 39 39ffl3U
eo...! 401,1 '40. 40 40l 4o
July!.. 15 17V IB 30 15 12 15 26 1 15 40
' Sept... 16 00 1616 14(6 U 00 U 15
July...(B rTS2 IS7H IK 8 25 (28
Sept... 12 X.itU 137. I 26H a I u
July. ..I 1174 2 26 ' 2 15 2 20 ( 25
Sept. -.12 16t17 2 30 W I Wty 2 li
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLiOUH Steady: winter patents, '21KV9
446; winter- straights. 2S.70rt4.26; spring
Straights. HOiHci.if.; bakers, 13 40U 60.
RIE-No. 2. 01c
BARLKY Feed or"Vnixlng, Oa75c; fair to
choice malting. 87&6c.
BKKD-llmothy, 18.00911.00. Clovwr. 316.76
PROVISION a Mess pork, per bbl.. 115 25
016.76. Lard, per 1 lbs., 8.12V. Short ribs.
Bides (loose). f7.60a8-2i; short clear sides
(boxed), 33.120126.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to &3.0U0 bu. Primary receipts were
Stf.OuO bu.. compared with 255,0u0 bu. tha
corresponding day a year ago. The world's
visible supply of wheat, as shown by Brad
street's, decreased 4. 564.0X1 bu.
Uaticoated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
at oars; corn, 612 oars; oats, 2t0 cars: hogs.
U.Ou head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat, No. 2 red,
eVu;V5; No. 8 red, 85i)6; No. 3 hard,
MVuftko; No. 2 hard. tku7c; No. 1 northern
spring. Mottle; No. 1 northern spring,
tMB-soc; No. 2 spring, ta3c t'orn, No. 2
eaah, tBvc; No. 3 cash. 64MJ64,c; No. I
white, sMVUHe; No. 8 white, fcV(t64c; No.
2 yellow, Mttt⪼ No 3 yellow, 644c.
Oats. No. 3 cash. SV&37c: No. 3 white,
SdtjSSc; No. 8 white, 37ti3S4c; No. 4
white. STMjax'ic:, standard, Stxplttic.
BUTTER Firm; creameries 'Oc; dairies,
iXi Steady; receipts 20,817 cases; at
mark, casea Included, ll&imc; firsts, 13c;
prima firsts. 14c.
CHEES: Steady: daisies, UVifllc;
twins. Hu'llo: young Americas, llillsc;
long horns. llViillUio. '
POTATOES Strady; choice to fancy, old,
8t-:.yl .(tu; new, l.ual 90.
pjUL,TKY-asy; turkeys, 12o; fowU, 11c;
Springs, ZaJbo.
VLr-bteady: 60 to HO lb. wtl., 8Sfce; 00
10 to id wta., t'MW; SB to li lb wts.,
Cariot Receipts Wheat. 30 cars; corn,
811 cars; oaur, 311 cars. Estimated Tomor
rowWheat, 21 cwi; corn, 618 oars; oats,
M cars. s
Llversvsel Ural a Market.
steady; No. 1 Manitoba. 7a M; No. 3
Manitoba, 7a 2Hd. No. 8 Manitoba. 7a Wd:
future, steady. July, Md; October, s
CORN Spot,. American mixed. new,
firm, 4s Amerttan mixed old. firm,
is 4td; new Amvriraa kiln dried, steads.
4a 10Jd; futures, strsdy; July, 4s d
ctepteiuber, 4s lUd, .
Kansas Clr Grata and Prs)-rlalons.
unchanged; No. t hard. a4$yic: No. 3 too
sc; No. 2 red. 84-7oc: No. 3. 80igg3c; July
lie: Heptember, IU'sjiac, sellera
CORN bt-ady to lie higher; No. 3 mixed
aic; No. 3. Mc; Ne. 3 white, 6≻
No. 2. 66ttb;c; July, b4",yus, sellers; 8-p-
limber. frtiii.Vic, sellers.
A1S H'glc higher: No 2 white, W9
Vc; No. i mixed, 3Srr.T7'c.
H AY ftesdy; choirs timothy, 317.009
18 00; choice prairie. I4 2iq IB. 00.
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat tin...
23,0k) 28000
47. 47.
O.iWO v 14.0HO
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
ttaatatlans ef th Oar .Vaurlaas
NEW YORK, June 13.-FIXJUR-lulet;
spring patents. I4.8!4i.10: wlntT stralghta.
W ii4 0; winter patents. 84 ltKtf4 50; spring
clears, H.Sfa4.ul; winter extitus iNO. 1.
3 5u; winter extras No. 2, 23.1fd3.35; Kan
sas strsights, 84.10ru4S; rvc-ipk, tu.if'i
bhls.; shipments. ll.54 bbls. Rye flour.
quiet; fair to good, 248&'o5.16; choice to
fancy. 2.i;t6.50.
CORNMKALr-Steady; fine white and yel
low, 31.15iil.20: coarse. 81.104x1.16: kiln dried.
wHBAT-Spot market firm; No. 2 rea.
t)4o elevator and 96c f. o. b. afloat, bom
nominal; NO. 1 northern, Duluth. ll.WH.
f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was steaay
at the start on covering, due to the cables,
but eased off under renewed selling on
poor cash and export demand and hoeral
offerings of new wheat, cloning ' Sc net
higher. July. V3Va4c, closed 94 1-lnc;
September. 92Vtf93c, closed at 93V:. Re
ceipt. 27.000 bu.
CORN Spot market easy; export new
No. I corn, lS4c, nominal, f. o. b. afloat.
Futures market was without transactions
closing nominal. Receipts, 27,000 bu.; .ship
ments, 9.4X7 bu.
OATS Spot market, steady. Futures
market was without transactions, closing
nominal. July, closed ilc. Receipts, tl.Oou
bu.; shipments, 720 bu.
HAY Steady; prime, 3140; No. 1, II. B.
HOPS Stesdv; slMte, common to choice,
1910. 2!vgrc; ion. 2og22c; Pacific coast, 1910,
22;n.Hc; IH09. liktjlSc.
HlUEW Steady; Central America. 1V
LEATHER Steady; hemlock firsts. 22H9
27c; seconds, 2223'4c; thirds. 19r920c; re
jects, H&I60.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess, 117.75
ft 18 00: family, 18.00319.50: short clears,
I16.75fil7.00. Beef steady; mess, 111.7512.00;
family, 12.50i 13.00; beer hams. 336.60i28.Mi.
Cut meats steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14
pounds, 10V8'l3c; pickled hams, 13ttc.
lrd. steady; middle weft prime, .2.Vn.Jo;
refined quiet; continent, 18.70. South Amer
ica, :.65; compound, 7.50i3i7.76.
TAL.MJNV Dull; prime, city hhds., 6c;
country. 54Sc.
BUTTER Firm; cresmery specials. ISc;
extras. 22Hc; firsts, 2o$21Vtc; seconds, 19
f20c; thirds, 18c; state dairy, finest, 22c;
good to prime, 2021c; common to fair, 17
419c; process special, 19Vsc; extras, 18 'Vl
19c; firsts, 17.18c; seconds, 15W4fl6c; fac
tor, current make, firsts, 17Hc; seconds,
CHEESE Firm; new skims, 6$04e.
EGGS Steady; fresh gathered, extras. 18
iSOc; extra firsts, 1617c; firsts, UWgVvi
seconds, 134 14c; thirds, 12ft lie; fresh gath
ered dirties. No. 1. 12c; No , 2. lOtiiflic; fresh
gathered, dirties, poor to fair, 8Wc; fresh
gathered, checks, good to prime, 8i9c;
western gathered, whites, 1719c.
POULTRY Alive, steady; western spring
chickens, 80c; fowls. 1515Hc; turkeys. 15c;
Dressed, irregular; western broilers, 18 22c;
fowls, 111V314C; turkeys. 13k16c
Cora and Wheat Region Balletln.
Record for the twenty-four hours endtug
at 8 a. m. Tuesday, June 13, 1911:
Temp Raln
Stations. Max. Mln. fall. k.
Ashland, Neb 84 63 .00 Clear
Auburn. Neb 87 63 .00 Pt. cloudy
B ken Bow, Neb. 80 46 .00 Clear
Columbus. Neb... 82 61 .00 Clear
CulhertHon, Neb.. 87 53 .00 Clear
Fairburv, Neb... 8 61 .00 Pt. cloudy
Fairmont, Neb... 82 47 . Pt. cloudy
dr. Island, Neb.. 84 62 .00 Cloudy
Hartlngton, Neb. 80 61 v .00 Clear
Hastings, Neb.... 82 64 . 00 Pt. cloudy
Holdrege. Neb... 8.1 60 .00 Pt. cloudy
Lincoln. Neb 82 66 .00 Cloudy
No. Platte, Neb. 84 62 . .00 Clear
Oakdale, Neb 70 60 .00 Pt. cloudy
Omaha, Neb...... 8 61 .00 Cloudy
Tekamah. Neb... 84 54 .AO Clear
Valentine, Neb.. 80 60 .00 Pt. cloudy
Sioux City, la... 80 64 .00 Clear
Alta, la. 80 - 65 .00 Clear
Carroll, la 81 61 .00 Clear
Clarlnda, la 72 62 .00 Clear
Minimum temperature for twelve-bour
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. of Temp.- Rain-
District. Stations. Max. Mln. fall.
Columbus, O IT , 78 60 .00
Louisville. Ky 20 8 0 .00
Indianapolis, Ind.. 11 7 ! ' 68" ' .00
Chicago. Ill 25 - 72 M .10
St Ixuls, Mo 25 - 80 68 ' .00
Des Moines, la.... 21 78 . 6 .00
Minneapolis. Minn. 30 76 '62 .10
Kansas City, Mo.. 24 . 86 . 64 .00
Omaha, Neb X 62 62 .00
Cool weather Is general over the entire
corn and wheat belt this morning. Llft-nt
showers occurred during the last twentv
four hours at a few stations In the Chicago
district and at one station in the Minneapo
lis district. M. V. ROBINS,
Temporarily In Charge, Weather Bureau.
St. Lonls General Market. "
ST. LOUIS, June IS. WHEAT Futures,
higher; July, 837,bc; September, 85Va85'c.
CORN Higher; July, 64c; September,
OATS Steady; July, S8Tc; September,
FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, 14.20
4.70; extra fancy and straight, 23.0i2j4-10;
hard winter clears, 12 tt.l6.
SEED Timothy, 35.0US9.60.
CO RN M BA L 82. 50.
BRAN Lower: sacked.' on aaat track.
HAT Firm: timothy. IU.00(S23.00: prairie.
PROVISIONS Pork. lower: lobbing.
115.25. Iard. lower; prima steam, 87.92W9
ft.iKVj. Lry salt meats, unchanged; boxed
extra shorts, 8.874; clear ribs, 38.37H;
short clears, 88.76. Bacon, unchanged;
boxed shorts. 19.37; clear ribs. 39S7V4:
short clears, 38.76.
POULTRY Steady; chickens. 10Hc;
springs, 3023o; turkeys, 1216c; ducks, Oo,
geese, 6c. .
BUTTER Finn; creamery, 18 22c.
EOGS-Qulet, at lie.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls. 8.200 8.800
Wheat bu. 22.000 27,000
Corn, bu 42.000 04.0H0
Oats, bu. 80.000 46.000
Available Sappllea mt Grain.
NEW YORK, June 12. Special cable and
telrsjraphlo communications received by
Bradstreet's show the following changes In
available supplies as compared with pre
vious aocounia:
Wheat. United States east of Rockies.
decreaaed 075,000 bu. Canada, decreased
1.170,000 bu. Total United States and Can
ada decreased 2,164.000 bu. Afloat for and
In Europe decreased 4,400,000 bu. Total
American and European suddIv decreased
1554,000 bu. Corn. United States and Can
ada, 1.859,000. Oats, United States and Can
ada, Increased 974. The leading decreases
reported this week follows:
increases N
Manitoba, 407.000; Louisville. ,000; Mil
waukee, private elevators, 66.000.
Philadelphia Prdaee Market.
Firm, lo higher; extra western creamery,
25c; nearby prints, 26o.
EOUS Finn: Pennsylvania and other
nearby first, free casea, 86.26 per case;
current receipts, 34 80 per case: western
first, free cases t.2o per case; oarrent re
ceipts, free cases, 84.C0 per case.
CHEESE tHeady; New York full creams,
fancy new, UVallVc; fslr to good, 10
Uc; old as to quality, ll$12c
Minneapolis Grain Market.
Sc; Beptember, Olc; December, OlHc;
cash. No. 1 hard. Kc; No. 1 northern,
WVt.i474c; No. 2 northern. 0tHfiJ3,c; No. 3,
CORN No. 3 yellow, 6H,562c
OATS No. 3 white. 3it.Vc.
RYE No. 2. 8Hp.
BKAN-818.754J 18-75.
FLOUR First patents. H.55a4.75; cecond
patents, 14. 354 So; first clears 3i2&4Ki.3o
second clears, 82 OOtjA &.
Prl Market.
PEORIA. III. Juns 13. -CORN-Active:
No. I yellow, &3Vc; No. 2 yellow, ⪼ No.
8 mixed, 63', c; No. 4 mixed, 61c
OATS Firm; No. I whits, 39c; standard,
38c; No. 8 white. 38c.
M llwsskee Grain Market.
northern, tr, rune; No. 2 northern, 06j9fc;
July. 87kio: September, Seise
OATS Standard, ZiWo.
BARLEY Malting, (SJHD,
Oasaha Pradnes) Market.
Creamery butter, 2lVc; packing stock.
15e; No. 1 eggs. l!Hc; No. 2 eggs, 8c;
broilers, 20c: roosters. 6c; hens, 8c; ducas,
loc; gees. 6c; turkeys. 13c. 16c. .
Oalath Grain Market.
DULT'TH. June I8.-WHEAT-N0. 1
northern. 94i; No. 3 northern. OISc to
JSc; Julv. mij to Mc; Septembsr, 7o.
Bean Make Determined Effort
Demonitrate Their Strength.
Tone Reeoraes Firmer aad Storks
Oradaally Make I n l.oesee Sprr-
latlr Finish, with Gnod
Frartlnnal Gains.
NEW TORK. June 13 A determined ef
fort was. msrie today to' demonstrate the
etreogth'of the bear position In the stock
market, and speculative Issues, especially
United States 6tel, were subjected to
heavy pressure. Prices tfecllned rapidly
during the early part of the dav and the
movement was accelerated by the circu
lation of various disquieting reports, but
the downward movement was checked al
most before the day's trading waa fairly
under way,- and a revo;-cry set Irt,
The tone became firmer and stocks grad
uallv made up the lossea. The speculative
leaders over-topped yesterday's closing
prices on the rebound, finishing the day
with good frsctlonal gains.
The copper stocks were the most prom
inent snd about duplicated yesterday's rise
nt .a point or more. The buying move
ment In these stocks was based ostensibly
on the improvement in the copper metal
market, but it waa regarded aa probable
that tha movement was largely spevui
live . ,
One of the few noteworthy events of
the day was the suspension of dividends
on Denver It Rio Grande preferred, which
had been on a 6 per cent basis sines 1901.
The action of the directors occasioned no
surprise as the course of the stock dur
ing the Isst few days had foreshadowed
such an event. It was accepted aa an
Indication that the Oould interests have
embarked on a policy of extreme conser
vatism .
Bonds were easier. Total sales, par
value, 33.010,000. United States 2s declined
, on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
alas. Hlra. I. Clss.
Ains-raiaimer via
1M t: t tl 4
H,M0 70 41 70S
6V. t
3,100 44 MVi W
mo iivs ns 11
100 Mt is Hi M1
on n:, im (j
700 U4 14 Si
m 11 n4 it
100 4IH 41 41
14.I0S MVl it tl4
, lean
100 4IH 42H 42
1.SO0 in ltt
l.sttO 161 161V. lilS
, u
t,4fl 414 OH 41
14,000 114 1164
inn )06t4 V ion
too io 110 110V4
M0 107 1014 1074
, m
t.too tra, at lis
1.4O0 14144 340 J41S
1,600 US tt lit
100 ii4 101 101
1,400 U Wii
400 14 IS't
100 44 4 4c
100 14 141. 14H
14,400 Its 17
100 40 40 61
104 34 14 14
, 44
1.404 144 140 147
1,404 15 14 14
100 171 171 171
1.4IO 20 11
11,100 41 ht 61
600 17 10 17
14,600 14 M 14
1,100 47 67 47
1,400 40 44 44
40 104 103 104
3,no 111 111
, 100 4 41 41
100 141 141 141
4O0 lv 14 14
04 61 61 41
1,100.111 112 112
100 17 11 17
404 4? 41 42
100 14 111 lit
6.100 17 6 1
400 4M4 4- 4
4.100 1011 147 101
TOO 161 161 161
100 10 10 14
1O0 1U 111 114
4.000 17 . M 17
100 4S 47 47
4. 4O0 40 40 10.
100 134 114 114
1.S00 47 44 47
100 40 104 44
400 110 114 110
8.400 4 44 44
404 107 17 107
, 14.700 14 116 1M
'. itMO 126 124 IS
404 104 104 100
' TOO ' '" 11
409 34 34 16
40 11 47 17
, n.sno le 16 lso
o at 10
. .-. M
, 14.404 14 11 44
, 1,700 47 46 47
404 47 44 4
: 4
, 1.400 10 110 12
, 1.400 11 11 11
, 1.404 71 71 72
. 4,400 ' 44 41 41
200 21 12 21
. 1,000 61 46 ' 41
. M O00 117 1W 144
100 40 40 0
, 84,200 71 77 76
100 114 111 111
, 31.000 61 44 41
, 1.1 ' 40 40 4
400 17 17 17
, 1.400 ! 1 14
400 40 SO 40
, 3.104 77 74 74
, 1.104 tt 41 11
. 4,000 1B ' 1T4V 174
81L60 snares.
Amalgamated Opper
American Agricultural ....
Americas ftt Ssgmr
Amancsa tkn ,
Amerlraa C. A 9
American Oitton Oil
American HAL pit....
Am. Ice ReeurUlae
Amerlcao Linseed
American Locomotive
American B. A R
Am. 8. R pt-1
Am. Rteel Found r tea
Am. Sugar Aeflntng
American T. A T
American Tobacco ptt.
Amarlcan Woolen
Anaconda Mining Ce.
Atchlaon pfd
Atlantic Oust Line
Baltimore A Ohio
Bethlehem Steel
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pactflo v
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
t. antral of New Jersey
tueeapeaaa St Ohio
Chicago A Altos
Chicago O W., new
C. O. W. pfd
Chicago A N. W
C, M. A St. P
C. C. C. A St. L
Colorado r. A I
Colorado A Southern
Consolidated Gas
t era Product
Delaware A Hudson
Denver A arte urande...,
D. A It. O. pfd
Distillers' Securities
Erie 1st pfd
Erie td pfd
OeneraJ Bleetrto
Great Northern ptt
Great Northern Ore etfs. .
Illinois Central
Interhoronsh Met
Int. Met. pfd
International Harrestar ...
Int. Marine pfd
International Paper
International Pump
Iowa Central
Kansas City Southern
K, C. Bo. fd
Laclede Gas
Louisville A Nashville....
Minn. A St. Louie
M , St. P. A I. A M
M., K. A T
M , K. A T. pfd
Miaaoarl Part Me ,
National Biscuit .V
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. td pfd...
New York Central ,.
N.'T.. O. A W ...1
Norfolk A Western
North American
Northern Paolfle
Pacific stall ,
People's Oes
P.. C, C. A St. L.. ......
Pittsburg Coal
Pressed Steel Car
Pullman Palace Car
Railway Steel Spring
Republic Steel
Republic stM pfd
Rook Ialand Ce
Rock Ialand Co. pfd
St. L. A 8. F. td pfd
St. Loula S. W
St. L. S. W. pfd
loaa-Sheffleld S. A I
southern Pactflo
Southern Railway
Se. Railway pfd
Tennessee Cooper
Taxes A Pacific
T , St. L. A W
T., St. L. A W. pfd
Union Pacific
Vnlon Pacific pfd
United States Realty
t atted States Rubber
United States Steel
U. S. Steel pfd
Utah Copper
Vs. -Carolina Chemical ...
WabaehJ pfd
Western Maryland ,
Weetlnghouae K4actr1e ....
Western Union
Wheeling A L,
Lehigh Valley
l.esdo Stock Market.
LONDON. June 18. American securities
opened steady and about unchanged today.
Trading was light during ths first hour
and prices moved Irregularly. At noon the
market was steady and from above to H
below yesterday's New Tork closing.
1 London closing stock quotations:
Consols, money ...74 11-14 Leulerlll A Nasn..lt4
do account
!Ma Ms.. Ran. A Texas.. 1744
AmaL Copper
Anaoonda .......
de pfd
Baltimore A Ohio...
Canadian Pacific ....
Chesapeake A Ohls..
Oil. Ureat Weevera.,
Chi., Mil. A St. P..
De Beers
Denver A Rio 0)
de pfd
de 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Grand Trunk
Tl New York Central. ..111
, 4 Norfolk A Western.. Ill
.11. de pfd 41
.104 Out. A Westers 4
.110Peana7lTaala 4
,W Rand Mines T
. 4 Readlns 11
. 44 Southern Railway ... 11
141 do pfd 74
, 14 Southern Paeltlo ....114
, 40 Union PaoKio ll
.44 de pfd 47
, 1 C. 8. tool 74
40 de pfd 121
44 Wabeaa ,.. 14
. 14 de pfd 40
Illinois Central
FILVER, steady at StMid Per ounce.
nunn;i uei per cent.
Ths rate of discount In ths open market
for short bills is 3 per cent; for three
months' bills, 3il2 5-1 per cent.
Local eemrtttee.
Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnksr
A Co., 44 New Omaha National Bank
IMS. Asked.
See trice Creaaterr pfd as si
Cora Kxchanra Bank etook 44 M
Couseli Uiulta, la.. 4 141S lot 101.11
CUr ot Omaha school 4s, 141 104 14
Cudahv Packing (Jo, 4s. 144 M tt
Deere A Co. T p. e. pfd lue iot
4slmiont Creanierr 1st g. 4 p. a 4 10
Fairmont Cioamery pfd. I p. a 44 100
kaaaaa O. A H. I p. a. p4 ' lee
kaiieaa U1t7 4a. 1 101 78 104.M
Marlon Co.. Iowa, 4, 1414 104 las el
New Tork Ceatral 4a, 1414 lot loou
Omaha Water 6s, 1H1 4 at
Omaba A C. A St. Rj. 4s, l3t M 17
Omaha 4 C. B. It Rr. 4a, 14U 101 101 w
Ouaha A C. B. St. Br. pfd. 4 B. a... U um
Omaha A C. B. St. Hi., torn 44 74
Omaha teas 4s. HIT S7 4S
Omasa I. k 4 r, It 1IU M M
Packard Motor I p. a Url mt
Peters Mill 4 p. a. pfd ae lue
Lnloa Stock Yards Block. so pj
Cnloa Stock Tarda 4a. Mil 40 100
Wise ale mortal Uoepttal 4a, UxL lot lul
New Tork Cere Market.
Ths following quotations are furnished
by Logan A Bryan, members New York
Stock exchange. 316 South Sixteenth, street:
Bar State Oas 2inroas 4
Butte Coalllloa 1 N. Ceaa sou
Cactus 11 Newaenee 74
t'hlse ttVlOhle Copper 1
rtilef Cods 1 Rawhide Coelttloa .. 4
DaTls-Dalr 1 Bar Central 1
Rlr Central 1 Swift Pus. Co lot
Frank Ita It Superior A PltUburs 17
tWrwaa . 1 Tosovak attain, ....
Belmeat t43 Trtulir Copper 4
O'dfretd Florence .... 1 failed Cooper 11
- iene Las p
iBspiratioa ...
.- 3
Dry Creeeta Market.
Stocks of American cloths at China are
reported as 4u0 bales, the smallest In
some years. Bleached cottons were ad
vanced Sc a yard In some houses during
the day. Demand continues steady for
small lota. Broad silks and drees goods
are generally quiet.
BUTTKR-Creamery, No. a delivered to
I be retail trade In 1 lb, cartons. 33c; No.
8. In 80-lh. tuba, 31c; No. 3, in 1-lb. cartons,
111.; pacsirg siock. Solid pack, lie; datr -
In SO lb. tubs. 14ltc; market chaegss every
1 uesu a'.
CHKfcSi:; Twins. UVtilSc; young Amerl
raa, 16c; daisies. Loc; triplets, lac; llmbeii;er.
lsc; No. 1 brick, 16c; imported bwiss. Jtx-;
dumest.c Swlas, itc; block riwlss. 19c
POULTRY Dressed broilers, under I lbs..
35 Jv per do. ; bens' 14c;cncks, 10c; duckj,
Ike; seese. l.ic; turkejs, 31c; plseona, per
dosen, 3130; homer squabs, per dos.. 34 vx;
fancy squabs, per dos., 8X00, No. L, p.r
ttoa, 3301). Alive: broilers. Kvc; 1 to 1S
lbs., snd 1H 10 1 lbs.. loc; smooth less, !lc,
hens, 10c; old roosters, tc; old ducks, full
feathered, l::c; seese. full feathered, ic;
turaeys, l'o, guinea fowls, 30c tacb; pig
eons, per dot., iou; homers, per doa. 8i-0u;
squetbs, No. 1. per dos.,; No. 3. pr dos
tOc; old tut keys, l4o.
HSU tall iros-ii-Pickerel. 10c; whits,
15c; pike, 14c; trout, ale; large crApples,
4tfWc, opanlsh mackerel. 19c; eel, lxc; bad
dock, lUc; tiotindera. 13c; grea catfish, lj;
roe ahad, !0c each; shad roe, per pair,
40c; 1 1 ok legs, per dos., Soctjtt.uO; salmon,
luc; uannui, sc; yanew percti, SC. DUIIalo.
c, bullhead, 14c.
Beef Cuts-Ribs: No. 1, U4c; No. 8, HHc;
No. 3. lO'.tc Loins: No. 1, 14c; No. 3,
UVo; No. 8, 6Vo. Chuck. No. 1, c; No. 1
6'c; No. 3, 6c. Round: No. L lOtc; No.
I. 10c; No. 3, lOo. Plate: No. L 6c; No. 8,
4ic; No. 3. 4V.C
FRUITS Hananas: Fancy elct. per
bunch, 82.2Tj4i2.60; Jumbo, per bunch, 82 75'f
3.76. Cherries: grown, per 4-qt.
esse, 32.00. Dates. Anciror brand, new. 30
1-ib. pkgs.. In boxes, per dos, 82 00. Ooose
bkirles: Home grown, per 24-qt. case, 82 60,
Lemom: Lltnoneira braeid, extia fancy,
300 size, per boa, 3'' 60; 3b0 site, per box,
$8.00; 1oma I.linonelra, fancy, 300 else, per
box, 87.00 ; 360 size, per box, 37 50; 240 and
420 sixes, 6O0 per box less; Cymbal brand,
300-3ti0 aixes, per box, 3.7b7.00. Oranges:
Camelia Redlands Valencias, all aixes, per
box, 34 00; fancy -Valenclaa. 80 M-126-150 and
smaller sixes, 3175; California Jaffa
oranges, 150 and smaller sizes, per box.
83.15. Pineapples: Florida. 24-30-30-42-43
sixes, per crate, 83.00. Strawberries: Home
grown, per 24-qt. case, 33.00.
VEGETABLES Beans: String and wax,
per hamper, 33.50; ptr mkt. bsk., 80c3100.
Cabbane: Southern, rew, per lb., 4c. Cu
cumbers: Hot house, 14 and 3 dos. In box,
per box, 31.50; Texas, per bu. hamper, 31. 75.
Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dot.. 3150
&2.00. Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb.,
lie. Lettuce; Extra fancy leaf, per dox.,
40c Radishes: Per dos., 20c. Onions;
Texas Bermuda, white, per crate, 3Z.2o;
yellow, per crate. 32.00. Parsley: Fancy
home grown, per doz. hunches, 45c Pota
toes' Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock,
per bu., 31 .00; new stock, in sacks, per bu.,
3165. Tomatoes: .Texas, per 4-bsk. crate,
MIRCKLLANKOIT8 Almonds. California
soft shell, per lb., 18c; in sack lots, lo less.
Brazil Nuts: Per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lo
less Filberts: Per lb., 14c; In sack lots,
lo less. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 8c;
raw, per lb., 6c Pecans: Large, per lb.,
18c: in sack lota, lo less. Walnuts: Cali
fornia, per lb., 19c; in sack lots, lo Irss.
Honey:- New, 34 frames, 33.76.
Cotten Market.
NEW TORK, June 1. COOTON The cot
ton market opened steady at a decline of
4 points to an advance of 8 points snd dur
ing the first few minutes sold off to a
net decline of 1&6 points,
changed; middling, 15c; no sales; receipts,
4113 bales; shipments, 418 bales; stock,
9,596 bales.
Futures opened steady; July, 15.7Sc; Au
gust, 15.16c: September, 14.02c; October,
13.72c; December, 13.74c; January, 13.69c;
March, 13.72c.
New Tork cotton market.' as furnished
by Ixigan A Bryanj members of New Tork
Cotton exchange. 815 South Sixteenth street:
Month.' Open. High. lxw. Close. Tes'y.
15 75
15 16
15 78 15 66
15 1 15 10
14 0i lit mi
73 7 13 67
13 78 18 67
16 6
16 73
bent. .
16 10
14 Ho.
13 67
13 67
16 17
14 Ul
13 72
13 72
14 uz
October .13 72
December 13 73
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. June 13.-METAL8 Stand
ard copper, firm; spot and futures, 312.003
12.25; London market steady; spot, 56. 2s
6d; futures, 56 15s; lake, locally, 812-tami1
12.87Vi: eltctrolyUc.. 312.50011.62; casting,
312.26'12.50. Tin, weak and unsettled; spot
and futures, 341.00(347.60; London. steady J
spot 230; futures, 1H8 10s. Lead firm;
34.454.60, New Tork; 84.27H4.35, East St.
Louis; London, 13 6s.- Kpelter, steady;
35.35$6.46. New York; 3o.25lg6.S24. East St.
Louis; London.. 2 13s 6d. Iron, Cleveland
warrants, 40 1ft assndon; locally Iron was
quiet; No, 1 fouisisy, northern. No. 1 foun
dry southern ancKNo. . 1 foundry southern
soft, 316.0015.6008, northern, $
Never Yrlt Master Market',
NEW TORK, June 13.V-MONET On call,
steady; 22H per cent;, ruling rate, 2
per cent; closing Md, 2 per cent; offered
at 2H per cent. Tims loans, steady; sixty
days. 22 per ent; ninety days, 2&2T4
per cent; six months, 8&3ft per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers bills at 84.84 for
Blxty-day bills and at 34.6590 for demand.
Commercial bills, 84.83
SILVER Bar, 63ic; Mexican dollars, 46c.
BONDS Government, easy; railroad,
Waol Market.
BOSTON. Mass., June U. -While the
wcol market has been quiet during the
last week, tits re has been a fair movement
in wool at last week's prices. Buying of
ths new clip In the west has grown a little
less active, but prices are unchanged. In
Montana growers are getting 18&18, with
small record sales at 19c. The goods mar
ket remains In an unsettled condition.
ST. LOUIS, June 13. WOOL Steady ;
territory and western mediums, 1719c;
fins mediums, ll&14ttc; fine, 164J17'iO.
N Tarpeatlae and Reals.'
TINE Firm at 60ofi60o: sales. 1.103; receipts, 1.318 bbls.; shipments, gut
bhls.; stock. 19.683 bbls.
ROSIN Firm 1 sales, 2.419 bbls; receipts,
4.863 bbls.; shipments, 1,630 bbls.; stock,
82.503 bbls. Quotations: B, f612H15; D,
86.62; E, 86.87; P. 36.77: O, 34 803.62H;
H. 36.86: I, 38. 85(3)6. 87c; K. 36.8MHS.90: M.
36.S5; N. 17.00; WG, 7.164f7.17tt; WW, 87.200
Coffee Market. .
tures closed steady at ajpiet decline of 1 to
4 points. Hales. 7,250 bags. June. . 10.83c;
July, 109Zc; August, 10.84o; September,
10 63c; October and November, 10.60; De
cember, January and February. 10.46c;
March and April. 10.48c; May, 10.49c. Soot
coffee, steady; No 7 Rio, mo; Santos No.
4, 13c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, l&15o, nom
inal. t. I. eels Lire Steek Market.
ST. LOUIS, June It. CATTLE Receipts,
7,600 head. Including 2,300 Texans; market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
15.7&'a'4.40; dressed beef and export steers,
35.256.00; steers under 1.000 lbs., 33.0Cid 36:
atockers and feeders, H.&3 26: cows and
heifers, 83.50if6.25; canners, 82.O0tcT2.36; bulls,
315CKS6.10; calves. 85 008.26: Texaa and In
dian steers, s4.OO43v6.OO; cows and heifers,
HOGS Receipts, 3.400 head: steed v; pigs
and lights, S5.00r8.30; packers. 86.206.26;
butchers and beet heavy. $6 20rrp,S0.
KHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipt a 7 9tM)
head; market steady; native muttons, 83.00
t4 00; lamba. 86.O04r7.25: culls and bucks,
32.00vJ2.76; stockers, JI1.2&63.00.
Kaaaaa City 4.1 ve tteek Market.
ceipts, 16,000 head. Including 8,000 southerns;
market steady to 10c lower; dressed beef
and export steers, 36.86176.36; fair to good,
8u.006.80: western steers. 34 65ot.10; Block
ers and feeders, 33.7tai5 25; southern steers,
84.005.60; southern cows. 32.50tt4.60: native
cows, 32 50rr6 26; native heifers. 8450u6.26;
bulls, Sj.ofVfi5.00: caJves. 84 007 60.
HOGS Receipts, S6.0U0 head: market IQ
15c tower; bulk of aalea, ISSftig-tlO: hearv,
3G !tytf.O0: packers and butchers, 36.95il6.10;
lights. SCOOyii.nVs.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10.000
head; aheep steady, lambs Wt'wo higher;
lamba. 85 50.00; yearlinga. 84 00(04 66: weth
era. 83.60to4.0O; ewes, 33.2wj3.60; stockers and
feeders, 82 263.00.
t. Jeeepk Live .Stock Market.
Receipts. 2.700 head; market steady to 10c
lower; steers. 4 5nl(.; cows and heifers,
33 fOn 00; calves. :! &(K,r7.75.
HOOS Receipts. 15.500 head; market fcjflOc
lower; top, 8i.l5; bulk of salea, 86.95A10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7.00&
head; market dull and lower; lambs, 34 tottf
Stack la) Slarkt.
Receipts of live stock at the five principal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle Hon. Sheen.
South Omaha 4 .
St. Joseph J.TtiO
Kansas City 16.010
St. Louis 7 )
Chicago 8.600
18 00)
86 4in
3 4n
23 4)10
Total receipts... A..S3.100 84.400 46.1W
Tke Key to the ntaatloaBee Want Ads.
Receipts of Cattle Very Liberal for a
Mere Knees) aad Lasake Here Teeeday
Tkas far feme Days Bark, evltk
tke Oeaeral Trade Rest
Tee Active.
SOUTH OMAHA. June 13. 1M1.
Receipts were: Cattle Hogs. Sheep.
Oiin iai Monday !) . ..6 t.soi
Estimate Tuesday 4.3U0 18.500 3.00
Two days this week.. '.60S 24.976 8 .962
Same days last week.. 8.6.11 16.678 6.2K6
8ame daya 2 weeka ago.. 6.107 20,006. 3 556
Same days 8 weeks ago.. 8.415 SK.tivi
Kima dav 4 weeks an .lO.fluS 16.WO 10.39tl
Sams days last year 7,625 lt.83 16.113
Ths following table Shows fis receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, aa compared witk
last year: 1U1. 1418. Inc.
Cattle 458.ir9 431.384 24,'i76
Hogs 1.244.820 975,773 2 047
Sheep 727.392 633.848 94,644
Ths following table shows the aversss
firlces on hogs at South Omaha for the
ast several days, with comparisons:
Dates. I 1911. 1910,19W.1908.1907.1906. 11906.
6 MUi
( 88
6 R2i
t K 821 T 871 I 271
t 92HI t 851 7 4l ( 271 6 OK'
s It 86 T 85 13 37 It 03 8
( 0 1 39i 6 48 ! 6 91 6 S 6 18
June 13.
79 9 23 s U (21 t 79 8 81 I IS
Receipts and disposition of live stock At
the Union stock yards for the twenty-four
hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday:
Cattle.Hogs. Sheep. H'ses.
C. M. A 8t P 6 12
Wabash 8 1
Missouri Pscifie 12
Union Paelflo 89 60 6 1
C. AN. W east.... 18 11
C. N. W., west.... 65 89
C, St. P., M. A O.... 27 14 1
C, H. A Q., east 37 1
C. B. A y., wee'.... 42 68 t
C, R. I. A P. east.. 8 8
C, R. I. A F., west.. 2 2
Illinois Central 2 3
C.Q.W 3 6
Total receipts 213
Omaha Packing Co
eiwirt and Com pan-' .
Cudahy Packing Co .
Armour A Co
Cudahy, Sioux City.
Stephens Bros ........
Hill A Son
F. B. Lewis
Huston A Co
J. H. Bulla
8. Werthelmef
Other buyers
. 847
.4.84 19,704 ' 8,740
CATTLE Receipts of cattle ware liberal
this morning, but still the total for the
two days shews a falling off of 1.000 head
as compared with the same days last week,
but is almost Identically the same as the
total for tha corresponding two daya of
last year. The aupply consisted very
largely of corr.fed steers, with only a mod
erate sprinkling of cow stuff, stockers and
Owing to the number of beef steers on
sale buyers were- able to take their time
In filling orders, so that ths trade as a
whole was a little slow from start to fin
ish. Cattle that Just hsppened to suit buy
ers' ideas sold In many cases at about
steady prices. On the other hand the tend
ency was a little lower on the bulk of the
offerings. Perhaps the general market
might best be summed up as slow and
steady to 510o lower.
The supply of cows snd heifers waa very
moderate and dry-lot stuff was In good
demand at fully steady prices. On the
other hand the feeling on Inferior and
grass stock Is slow and weak every day.
Still the quality, according: to buyers' state
ments, is deteriorating, so that although
prices are working downward tha beef en
the hook la really no cheaper.
There wera only a few scattering loads
of stockers and feeders, hardly enough to
make a market The feeling Is very slow
and dull and weak In the feeder division. -
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beef steers. - 35 8&g,15; fair to good beef
steers, 35 006.0; good to cholcs heifers,
85 05 60; good to choice cows, M rV.OO;
common to fair cows and heifers, 82.50tf4.15;
good to choice stockers and feeders, 85.08
flfy.W; fair to good stockers and feeders,
V4.5tvg6.00; common to fair stockers and
feeders. 83.534 60; stock heifers. 84 2505.36;
veal calves, 8407.76; bulls, stags, etc,
M 0006.16.
Representative sales:
Ne. At. Ft. No. At. Tt.
40 1044 t 44 14 1064 I tt
It 1044 t 40 U 1311 t 44
11 , 1104 I 44 It lMf 8 4S
14 IMS t 44 11 1074 t 40
14 1111 8 46 10 1441 f 10
It 11H 8 46 It 1111 f 40
14 11(4 4 44 17 1474 4 44
44 1121 t If ' tt., 1MI 8 44
IT 1221 6 40 14 1404 I 44
14 144T f tt 10 1441 I tt
11 14M 8 40 IT 1444 f M
11 1441 I H 11 U44 4 44
11 1204 4 16
tt 474 t If St.,
744 6 46
1134 3 44
.......1044 4 tt
II 114 8 40 4
14 771 4 40 IT
10 til 8 ft
4 9M 8 to 8
II 421 4 Si 6
1 10 4 41 t
11 Ml 4 60 4
8 '.1220 4 40 t
6 1UI 4 41
It tit 4 14 I
f 42 4 10
1 1044 8 tt 1
1 1634 4 44 1
1 1604 4 Tt 1
1 1120 4 H
8 ltt 4 44 t
8 Ill I 71 8
3 140 4 40 1
4 1M 4 74 1......
I lit 4 76 1
8 M IN 1
....Mil 4 TO
lilt 4 Tt
404 4 74
464 4 74
1144 4 tt
t4f 8 44
...1T0O 4 Srt
...IMt 4 40
...170 4 tt
.. 1SS T OS
..124 T tt
..100 T 40
.. 174 T Tt
.. 114 T 74
..let I 78
1... 1 164 T 40
6 6M 4 It f 404 4 44
I ,.. 624 4 40 t 404 4 tt
HOGS Receipts of bogs this morning
were the largest of any day since the mid
dle of March, and an oftlcia1 'ecount of
tha receipts may show the day s run to
have been the largest of trie year to date.
The total for the two days foots up almost
15,000 head, about 8.0X10 larger than for ths
same daya last week, and 8.000 head larger
than a year ago. More than that all the
river markets had excessively heavy re
ceipts, some of them showing better runs
sven than Chicago. With such a large sup
ply of hogs on sale, the market naturally
opened weak and lower at all points.
At this point buyers stsrted out bidding
loftlSo lower, and although sellers mads a
hard tight to maintain prices, the moat
of tbs bpgs sold a big lOo lower, with the
close as much as 10u.l6o lower. While the
trade waa slow in getting started, pretty
much of everything changed hands by 11
o'clock In the morning.
Representative sales :
No. At. th. Pt. Na.
41 ..Ill ... I Tt T7..
41 4ut 44 f TO II.
04 11 40 I 74 Tl.
4 '.l 104 4 14 Tl.
41 O0 40 f TO 44.
It 1S4 tt I Tt It.
44 ... 4 TO .
41 .M 140 4 TO . 40..
At. In. Pr.
....131 44 I 41
Ill ... 6 46
117 110 I 40
U4 tt 6 IS
Ul 44 I 40
MT ... 1 M
ltt 130 4 M
.-...Ml IN IN
..'...111 st I tt
14 14 I tt
1st ... lit
IN lit I St
4 tvt I IV
BI ... IN
lot 44 t It
Ill ... I M
KM ... St
tU ... I 40
Mt ltt I It
M 40 ! 40
24 ... IM
,...,114 tt I 41
171 41 I 41
lit 44 I It
.....tvt ... I 40
....Ml ... I tt
.. ...! ... I tt
....14 II I to
......I ... I M
111 ... 140
...lul ... I 41
....lot US I 44
....txl 44 I M
41 lat ... f T4
171 tOt 8 71
44.. 1
44........U4 ...' f 74
U 224 It 8 TH
41 .144 ... 4 71
44 Hit ... til
It 14 ... I 74
00 1(4 t 74
04 M4 44 I 74
44. ....... 141 40 4 74
44 16T ... 4 74
Tl Ml 111 t 74
-,4 264 144 I T4
44 lit ... f Tt
17 let ... I Tt
Tl 167 ... I Tt
44 174 M 111
41 20 40 t Tl
44 11 . I Tl
41 1st I Tf
It U0 ... I Tf
44 tat ... 6T4
tl tot ... t Tf
44 let ... f Tf
tt tut 40 6 T4
44 ITT 11 6 Tf
40 M4 40 f If
44 t4 ltt f Tt
... I 44
... I 44
... I M
141 6 M
... I 44
... I 44
14. .
44 'l ... 8 Tt
4T. .11 144
i4t 1 n
is in
41 B4
44 4
4t let
44 M
47 tvt
M tal
It 1
...Ul .
6 Tl
6 TT
I rr
t ttJ
f Tlia,
8 as
... I St
... I II
... I to
... I to
... I tt
.. I to
M I 40
... I 41
.. I tt
t 06 T 34 K 26 8 991 6 20)
I T 801 I 811 6 981 241 S 21
W f I 261 S 9 301 I 22
In 7 33 I I 0Z f 8H t .e
9 T I T It 08 It 87 It 2S
6 87 t IT
I 6 20
Tt M IS 8 tt 81 146 ... 6 St
44 341 tt I tt
HHKLP-There wss a ralr run nf theep
this morning, ths receipts being the larg
est of any doy since Wednesday of last
week. All told, about a dosen cars were
received, six of them Oregon grass vear
lings, ths first of tha season to arrive
at this point. The remainder of ths re
ceipts consisted of clipped lambs, ernes
and a few spring lambs. In addition to
the fresh receipts there were five care of
Oregon spring lambs carried over from
1 he trade was rather slow and dull, the
tame OS usual at this season of the year,
when the receipts ars changing from corn
feds to grassers. The flrat grass sheep and
lambs that arrived on the market are usu
ally slow sellers, aa buyera .re inclined
to go slow until they sre better Informed
as to how the stuff will kill out.
Another fact that contributed to the dull
ness of the market was the fact thst the
southern markets ars alresdy receiving
very large supplies of srsasers. and ih.i
prices sre very much tower thsn those that
have been prevailing at thla point.
Ths feeling here was Just about steadv
with yesterday, and auch stuff ss changed
handa did not ehow much change. Clipped
western lamba of pretty decent quality
brought 86.00 showing that It would take
something right good to sell tip to 86 26
Shorn ewes brought S3 85, snd a little bunch
of spring lambs 3636. Ths California Inmbs
sold at 86.7t), which was loo higher than
they brought yeeterday,
quotations on sheep and lambs: Spring
lambs, good to choice. 36.507 25: spring
Ismbs. fair to good. S5.60i3 50; shorn Ismbs.
good to choice. 36.00t66.40; shorn lambs, fair
to good, S5.HWf6.00: .feeding lambs, shorn,
33 50(7 4 Ml; yearlings, shorn, 34 66015.26; weth
ers, shorn. 84 OOflH 50; owes, good to choice,
shorn. 34.004.36; swss, fslr to good, shorn,
83 5077-4 00.
Representative sales:
12 western shorn swes 145 4 00
74 spring lambs 1 47 6 35
241 California spring Ismbs 68 6 70
218 California spring lambs ..,. 68 6 70
613 California spring lamba 63 6 70
632 California spring iambs ...... 67 6 t
7 spring lambs as 7 00
133 western ahorn lambs 82 6 25
288 western shorn Ismbs 79 600
15 western shorn lambs, culls.... 64 4 80
Dernaad for Cattle Steady Hews aad
keep Weak.
CHICAGO, June Receipts.
J" head; market steady; beeves, $5. IMt
6.60: Texas steers. 84.50r5.76: western steers,
84.7&5.i6; stockers and feeders. 13 AVa f :
cows and heifers, 82.40ti.8o; cslves. 8d.0iji
.H9osRec,nt"- m n: nk to V
10c lower; light, 85.8.VS6.26; mixed. 85.!fr
126; heavy.; much, 85.rg6.!rV, good
to choice heavy. 36 . 26; pigs, 86.6015;
bulk of sales. 36.UVff6.20.
8HBEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18.000
head; market weak; native sheep. 82.6nf
sheep. yeaMlnms,
YZ.&. wtern
American Army
Men Satisfied with
Showing at Olympia
Horses Perform Well and Men and
Animala Secure Training for Mili
tary Contest!.
LONDON, June 13. The most Important
event At tha opening of tha Intemaiinnai
horse show at Olympia today was ths ap
pearance In tha ring of ths American army
officers. Major Frederick 8. Felts, -Fifteenth
cavalry, U. B. A., and ths othsr
American onicera, while ths performances
of their horses In ths opening Jumping
competition over the course ware h nn
mesns perfect, expressed themselves as
satisfied. The competition, they said, had
given horses and men training, so that
when It comes te the mlllterv ivmii.
the main object of their coming over to
""won, tney would be able to do their
Ths Americans failed to win prises, but
some of their performances were com
mendable. Several of the Americans took
part In the day events and In tha v.MiR.
Captain Ouy v. Henry of West Point ap,
pearea on Enchantress and Lieutenant
Adna R. Chaffee on Cygnet. Ths latter
showed good form, but unfortunately
svrinu 01 tne lances the first
time up. ,
Tonight Major Polts, la reply to a ques
tion, said that the quality of tha, horses
exhibited by other countries was sufficient
answer to the charge that the Americans
had scoured the country for tha bast
Ths veteran footman. Tuppin. who has
thrjee been successful at Olvmnla ar.,4
sight times at ths Richmond show in ths
horn blowing contest, was beatsn today by
ths 16-year-old footman of H. C. Moors.
4,000 to Be Invited to'
Taft Silver Wedding
Physician- Will Not Permit Wife of
President to Be Present and
Daughter Will Take Place.
WASHINGTON, Juns lt-The reception
which President and Mrs. Taft win ri
on June U, the twenty-fifth anniversary
of their marriage, probably will be ths
most largely attended function ever gtven
in the White House. More than 3.000 Invi
tations already have been sent out and
each day tha president Is suggesting more
names, so that ths lowest estimate Is that
4,600 will be Invited and thst of tbess at
least three-fourths will attend.
Refreshments will be served anA
will be dancing In tha Esst room and an
overnow" garden party In the Whits
House grounds. i
Ths gueat Hat will Include friends and
acquaintances of President and Mrs. Taft
from all parts of the country. Practically
everybody In official life in Washington
has been invited and invitations have been
sent to persons who havs entertained the
president on his trips, members nr h.
republican national committee, members of
ins notification committee which notified
ths president of his nomination, to many
clergymen, editors and hundreds of others.
Mrs. Taft will not be present, for ths
physicians still require her to avoid excite
ment. Helen Taft will stand hv har e. ..
aids to receive ths guests. This will be ths
intra stiver wedding reception of a prest
dent of the United States and his wife.
Subpoenas Served '
in Lorimer Probe
Well Known Chieag-oani Will Giro
Testimony Before Senate Commit
tee Conducting Investigation.
CHICAGO, Juns 11 Subpoenas were
served today on a number of Chlcagoans,
many of then well known, to appear in
Washington aad glvs testimony before ths
senate committee conducting ths Investiga
tion as to ths election of Senator William
Lorimer. F. N. Webber, special officer
of the govarnment, served ths papers.
Those on whom subpoenas wsrs served
wers: Edward TUden, president of ths
National Packing company: Edward Hlnas
lumberman; C. B. Wleha. brother-in-law of
toward Htnee; Clarence S. Funk, general
manager of the International Harvester
oetnpany; Cyrus H. McCormick. Drearident
of the International Harvester company;
S&Ogar A. Baa croft, general counsel for ths
International Harvester company; John
Broderlck. state senator and Chicago sa
loonkeeper; Robert B. Wilson, state repre
sentative: oeorge w. Hlnmsa, publisher
of ths Chicago Inter Ocean, and H. H.
Kohlsaat. publisher ef the Chicago Record-
Atkins Tell of Protestinj lgiu jif
Aidiaf Industry.
Artiag Prewldeet nf Treat rteejalreel
Effarta te Aeejalre Peea
sylvaala t'easpeay.
WASHINGTON, June 11Ths houss
committee of investigation Into the sugar
trust's affairs' today required Acting Pres
ident Bel In P. Atkins of the American
8tigar Refining Company to Answer ques
tions regarding Its attempts to acquire the
1 nw,rwiii ruar jnining oornpsvnr ma
Philadelphia. Counsel James H. Beck, tor
tha company, Ineffectually appealed td the
committee not to go into this matter on
the ground that former officers of the'
con. pan y ars awsltlng trial In November
on a charge of conspiracy to acquire the
Pennsylvania property and that their tn
tcrests wculd be prejudiced If ths commit
tee prejudged the case.
Chairman Hardwick and the committee
overruled this objection, saying ths com
mittee wsi directed to Investigate every
phase of ths company's operation, adding
thst there was no Intention of prejudging
the esse.
Mr. Atkins testified he had no direct
knowledge regarding the Pennsylvania,
transaction, which, hs said, wait negoti
ated under the preaidency of Henry O.
Objects te Aiding Beet Interests.
Hs ssld hs protested years a0 to Mr.
Havemyer against the policy of ths cora
psny scquirlng beet sugar plants. s The
company officials point out thst ths com
pany has undergone a thorough ehsngs
qf management and policy since ths Have
mysr regime.
Discussing the relations between the com
pany and the beet sugar Intsrestt. Mr.
Atkins tsld: ,
"I afked Mr. Havemyer If It was lo be
his policy to build up ths best sugar In
dustry st ths expense of ths cane sugar
refining industry.. His answer was evasive
snd I told him that If that was to be his
policy I would sell my 'stock In the Amer
ican Sugar Refining company. !' subse
quently did aell considerable of my stock."
Atked why hs wss opposed to ths com.
pany extending into ths beet sugar field,
Mr. Atkins declared that he foresaw In
ths western field a beet sugar Industry
growing which would become a formidable
coirpetitor of ths American company, and
as an Investor ha did not think it a good
proposition to aid a rival enterprise to a
position where It would havs Important
effect upon business of ths Industry In
which he financially was Interested Mr
Atkins said that he did mt know at ths
tims hs talked to Mr. Havemyer that the
former head of ths sugar; trust had al
ready Invested in western beet sugar con
cerns. Sleek Widely Scattered.
Mr. Atkins testified that the American
sugar Refining company's stock Is scat
tered all over the globs, with 19,859 stock
holders In November, 1910. The average In
dividual holding of stock was said to be
less than fifty shares, and mors thsn 9 600
shareholders own ten shares or undsr. ,'
Mr. Atkins submitted . ..... .
show that during 1910 ths company manu
factured slightly mors than 42 per cant of
ths total consumption of sugar In the
United States, while ths beet sugar com
panies manufactured, 14 per cent Of the
twenty-one cans sugar refineries In the
United States the
aee. A, ..- 1- 1 " "Wn
or uirougn subsidiary torn- '
panles, and has a stock Intsrest, less than "
a majority. In four. Of ths sixty-eight
rectories which produce beet sugar the
American company la Interested through
stock ownership In thirty-three.
"While In 1900." the statement said. "th. U
American company refined about 67.1 per -r
cent of ths sugar consumed In ths United
States, In 1909 It refined only 4314 per cent,
end In 1910. 49.14 per cent."
The statement referred to the govern
ment litigation against ths company,
tatesaeats Denied!.
"In ths bill brought by ths government
to dissolve ths company." it read, "no act
of any officer of the company since Jan
uary 1. 1909, s even alleged as being in rs
strslnt of trads. Many of the averment.
In ths government's bill are either inac
curate of havs reference to transactions
ended prior to January t 1808, or adjudged
as lawful In tha proceedings brought In
1893 by the - 1 .
- - -awiei wis com
pany. In which the United States supreme
court sustained the legality of the com
pany as then constituted.
"Since this decision f .h- -
; upreme conn,
the company, in expanding the production
of sugar and promoting commerce therein,
has acquired stocks la various beet .uatajr
"Ths company has a reasonable eonfl
dencs that ths validity of th.M holdtogg
will b. sustained as In expansion, rather
than In restriction of trads. These bold
lngs have, however, steadily been reduced
in the last three year, by Lr
to tlm. and with two unimportant woip.
tlons ths company has only a minority in-
fill f th' bMt compLue.
to which reference Is mad.. All of these
companies havs Independent Wd. 0faJ-
by the American Sugar Refining company!- J
i-esier Weeeeaary.
WASHINGTON. June IS-An attack uoon
he protective tariff system by a
loan manufacturer who claims to v....
tlons'l M4 JSE
Hons In many countries held ths aTta
tlon of th. house of repreeenutlve.
rnliher a"' Brk,s'n' democratj;
tonr m"u,ctu"'- ' machinery M4
. WKh "Port trad..- w
that American manufacturers ars aban
donlng the protective prlndpl. ain
necsssary a. th.y d.v.lop mors .dentin,
management of their own plants.
foreign labor bslng cheaper. Amerl...
at'no V eh1"
that no labor produced a, much prtM,uc
Proportion t, the wage. ,t recefrsd J
Will Net Bay Whetker He will rreee.
ente Tobetee Officials, .''
WASHINGTON. Juns li-rollowlng the
refusal of Attorney General Wlcktrsham
today to furnish tha hmiaa t.r. .1
. Hi.v,iuaumj a m
to whether criminal actions ars being pre
pared against officials r .eh. a
Tobacco company, Representative Byrnss of
innHSH iniroauc.4 g concurrent resolu
tion directing Mr. Wlckershsm to proceed
at ones against thass officers under the
criminal section of tha .mi.i.n.i i.
The Information which Mr. Wlrkershant
reiusee was asked la a hosts resolution
Introduced by Mr. Bvme. u, ni-i
"" replied that he did net believe It
compatlbls with ths public , Interest to
make public the plans ef the Department
VI t lAsVUajSjT.
Persistent Advertising Is tea RaaA 4 tit.