10 TTIE BEE: OMAHA. ' TUESDAY, JUNE 13. 1011. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Holderi of Cash Wheat Continue Hedging Operation!. WEATHER ENCOURAGES SELLERS Rrfnrfa from fcutlre Wlilfr tarat Bel A re Ideal for A pprearklaa-lfarril-HMfr for nexeiite. " ' OMAIf A. June 11 ,1911. Th holders of rash , wheat taken In on Vav contract continued heitjint opera tions today, which resulted In attll lower level. The cooler weather encouraged heavy eelllng and reports from the entire winter wheat belt ate Idral for the aiU'roaching harvest. The altiiatlon on the whole la an extremely heavy one. The fist eel a receipts of corn were the healet at thla Reason for manv yearn past. There ha been a replenishment of the storks and shipping demand haa not kept pecu with the advance In cash values, and the change to cooler weather will no doubt cliango sentiment In favor of abort Sellers. Long wheat was again thrown on an un supported market and values took another sharp decline. Cash wheat waa l'(i2c down. Corn, was -steady against the declltie in whear, the market showing remarkable strength owing to the lack of moisture over the belt. Cash corn was c higher. Primary wheat receipts wera 641.000 .bu. and shipments were sw.OhO bu., aKatnst re oeipta last year of M0.000 bu. and shipments of sw.ono bu. I'llinary corn receipts wera 1,1"K.000 bu. and shipments were Ma. 000 bu., against re ceipts last yeai of 729,000 bu and shipments of 653.601) bu. Clearance were 40.OH0 bu. of corn, 2.000 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 194.0O bu. Uverpool closed Tjt'-nd higher on wheat and -Sd lower on corn. The following cash sales were reported: WHEAT No. 2 hard, 1 car, 8c; 2 cara. Kc: No. 3 hard. 1 car. Mc: 1 car. 8u"ic: 2 cars, 83c; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 81c; No. 2 mixed. 1 car. Sic. CORN No. S wlllte, I cara, 53tc; No. white, 1 car. 5:ic; No. 2 yellow. 4 cara, &:V,c; No. 3 vellow, 0 cars. h'i'nc; No. 4 yel low 8 cars, .",l'c; 2 cars, 61,ic; No. 2 mixed, t cars, 62c; No. S mixed, 25 cars, 42c; No. 4 Mixed, 2 cars. olVic; 1 car, froc; No. S color, 1 car. 6Jc; 1 car, 63c; no grade, 1 car, 51c: 1 car. o"c; 1 car, 4c. OATS-Htahdard, 1 car, 37c; No. t white, 10 cara. 37c; No. 4 white, 8 cars. 384c; 2 cara. 36Vjc: No. 4 yellow, 1 car, Mc; no grade, 1 car, 36o. Dusks Cut 1'rlcea. WHEAT No, t;sid. M'.Sdc; No. I hard, Wmo; No. 4 hard, VMi rejected hard. 7ftlc; No. 3 spring, te'WiNSc; No. 4 aprlng, 8:;Vv!7c; No. 2 durum, SlVaSM'c; No. 3 durum, W-to 81V. CORN No. 3 white. 63mg&3c: No. 8 whits, E34raa3Hci No. 4 white. 62Vsi56q bid; No. 1 color. toSc; No. 2 yellow, 52 624C; No. 8 yellow. 61i'8.V2'4C; No. 4 yel low, 6mc; No. 1 61tiMc; No. 3. 61 62c; No. 4, e0Va51Vc; no grade. 4a60c. OATS-No. 2 white, Sl6raMe: standard Zln2iy,c No. 2 white, alfJTc j No. 4 white, i3?icr No. 3 yellow. S6V4i3ttfic; No. 4 yellow. 3336e. BARL12Y-.No. 3. 8a8ei No. 4. 74?84c; No. 1 feed. 0jis5p; rejected, 64rf9c. RTE-No. 2, fc4iflS.1c; No, 3, 833j84c. Carlot Hecelpta. I Wheat Corn. Oats. "... 19 421 178 lis . 294 Oinuha 24 103 96 Liuluth 42 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featurea of the' Trading and Clostasr Prleea si Board of Trade. CHICAGO. June 12. (lavage selling to put an end to louses today tipped the top off tHe market for wheat. With big ship ments from new grain heading for Kansas City and with the harvest area rapidly widening, owners her became ha f frenzied when a hull clique which was supposed to have closed out a load of 10.no0.000 bu.. accumulated In the May deal here, began a freh clllng movemment directed chiefly against the July delivery. That option broke mora than 3c In addition to a ftc decline lust week. and closed unsettled, 2Vc to 24e down, compared with Saturday Bight. Other months at the end of trading were 'Off l(fil'c to 1-lic net lower. Latent figures showed corn c down to o up, oate Wff'ke to He advance and provisions dearer by 2&:c to 27'iC For a while It seemed a If everybody In the pit was frantic to join 1n the selling of wheat. Only when support from In fluential Interests tame to the rescue did the downward plunge receive a check. Even then but Hull reaction took place and there.' Whs a detldedly nervous feeling prevalent when the bedraggled looking brokers trooped, out of the pit. The col lapse of prices had corns as a thorough surprise to all except a few Earlv buying on the part of the bull leaders threw the msflorlty of' speculators off guard. Flood ing of the market with efferlngs, however, turned loose a pandemonium. During the session July ranged from Hft'c to 39y89i.se, closing 21W2,ilc down at SOfiRS'e. Corn displayed a great deal of Independ ent strength In the face of the wheat decline. July fluctuated between 644c and ySc, cloning nervous, but. only Sc off, at MHiC. Cash grades were easy. No. 2 yellow finished at GtHIKWc In oats an advance to the highest price of the season waa made, but not held. Outside limit for July proved S.3SSi38e and S77o and the close He net higher at Parkers and shorts were buvera of pro visions. In the end pork showed a gain ,f lri?,f TC,-"'1 otner Products had risen iifttoo to 7 Prices in Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Grain company, telephone Douaiaa 3473. 70s Urandeia building, Omahai Artlcle. Open. High. Low. Close.j Bafy. Wheat July... Hfii , Sept... 87V8'i Dec... WlioW Corn July..: FvsT dept... MV04 Dec... 647e-6W Oats July... tri-t spt... axw-s Deo,... 4oy, Pork July... 16 l!-tE ' Bi pt... 14 ' Lard July... I SO ' Sept.. (SO Rlba ," July... S 174 Sept... 11&. 8"s! 5T4'86ff4' 64H 6,;4 644 ' 874 MS M4 8t . 644 644 - 64' 64: $9.(if4 404 674 .' 604 D - 644 S74 884 3f 40 S9H'u4 IS 2S li 10 15 174 15 40 16 16 IS 124 14 374 a so a j a 8 174 14 24 a t?4 S74 30 174 a 2s a 26 174! a 2241 Cash quotations wre as Jul Iowa: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, ti-Wt 4.46; winter straights, $3.704.36; spring Straights, $4,004)4.26; bakers, li 40W4.60. R Y 10 Kto. BARLEY Feed 'or mixing, 675o; fair to choice malting. Kx&Wic. SEEDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern, nom inal; No. 1 north we tern, nominal. Tim othy. $100(11100. Clover, $15.75. PHOV1 SIO.NS-Mens pork, per bbl.. $15.50 C'16.76. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8,174. Short rlba, side (loose). $7 S(njtt.I6i short clear 31 (lea (boxed I, $S.134y 35. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 14.0U0 u. Primary receipts were 6.V3.UI0 bu.. compared with 6ao,uno bu the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the Vnited fttate de creased 86T.000 bu, for the week. Th amount of breadstuff on ocean passage de creased 2.684.000 bu. Estimated recelpia for tomorrow : Wheat. 23 csrs; corn 77 cars oats. 18 cars; bogs. 16.0"O bead. ' Chicago Cask Prlcee Wheatt N, 1 red fiHtc: No. 1 red, Hl'iMc; No. I hard' rW'Slci No. I hard, 84tic; No. 1 northern spruig, r4y9c; No. 2 northern aprlng 2i . , w " ... 1 41 , v or n : jo cash, 644; No. t cash, 644644e; No 2 white. Miioc; No. 3 white. i41'gtoc No. t yellow. &t4tifi.i4c: No. 3 yellow, 64',i (ib4c rats: No. 3 cash. 34;i3T4c; No I white. STfenS! lie: No. 4 white. 374a8c- B U T T K R bieady ; creameries, 17fr!le daisies! 16' ,!jnc. EUUS Steady; receipts. 1S.S32 cases; at mark, cases Included, lljjU4c; firate. lie; prime first a, 14c. CHEKSK-Steady; daialea. ll4c; twins loVuSilc: young Americas. 1140114; long horns, lV7'tl4e. POTATor.S strong; choice to fancy. M, $1 7tM 1 78. POULTHY-Turkeya. lic chickens. 134c: V E A L Steady : M to Vb. wt . $4c; 9 -v, o-w-v, oa lO 11V-ID. wis., lVTil4c Receipt Todav Wheat.' 1 cars: corn, 421 . eaia; oats, J7 car, l-jitimated tomorrow Wheat. a Cars; corn, T7 cars; oats, 248 car. Visible Haaply of tirala. NEW TOKK, June ll.-The visible sup ply of grain la the I'ntted htstes Saturday June 10. as compiled by the New York Produce cychang. waa as follows: Wheat .9.1.0uu buhels. iri ttnn, Sa.UjO buheia' Com, $ 3.-3 (l baMhl; lutreane. W.mo bu' Oats. I.4I3.O0O bushels; Increase. SSS.i-ort bushela. Hve. 31.") bnrhels; dM-rease 1 u Dusheia baxlay. .0j buaaeis; decreaee. ;f bushels. The Visible supply of wheat in Cannria last Saturday was 4.WH.(KI bush els, a .decresse of 770.000 bushels. OMAHA GCMHRAI. MARKRT. LUTTKR-Creamery. No. ' delivered to the retail trsde In l-ib. cartons, 23c: x o. I, In k -.!. tuba lie; No. . in 1-ib. cuitous. Zlc; aCKii:g aioi-K. solid pa. k. lie; dsn .. In tiO lb. tups, HtylK. amiki inai.yea aver Tuesday. f tl! r.KSK Twins. HV.Wl : young Amerl css, 16c; liaisief. lic; triplets, lac, Uinberfer, liK. , No. 1 brlcK, lie; imported h-vtsa, Uc; amnestic t-wl, lv; block Hwisa. .ISO. ' POULTKV Dresden In oilers, under 3 Tbs.; InAti per Uoz. ; hens l4c;cocka. IOcj duck. lfcc; geese. Lv; luike. 24c; pigeons, par ouj-eu, tl.M; homer i.abH. per do.. 14; fancy squabs, per dun., 3 0. No. 1, p r dos., UW Alive: broilers, Mc; I Si ta IV Ibc, and to I .bs.. ifvA.-; smooth leg. Ik:, tens, 10c, nld fooaters, c; old ducks, full teatheied, 12c; a -. luii featber-d. ."c; luincl. 12'rC. gji.ie.i fowls, Ah' tach. pife tons, per doz., juc; burners, vr dos., I.ik; an Jabs, Ni. 1. per uor... l.5w; .So s. txir tios., Cc; niti tuikes, lta. HSU tall iruien.t pickerel, ivc; vh ta, lie. pike, )4c; trout. lc; larga crappies, tu2uc; t-puiilnh mackerel, 19c; eel, lac; bad cock. Uu; llounoer. 13c; jcretn can lab. Uj; roe shad, !SJu each; shad roe, per pair, 40c; trog legs, per doz., I&cCaia.uO. salmon, loc: lialimii oc; jellow perch. , buffalo K; bulluatd. 14c. Heef Cuts Hibsr No. 1, 12'ic; No. 2, 1H4C; No. 3. lOVfac. lxjlns; No. 1, 14Vic; No. t llHc; No. 3, 6,ic Chuck. No. 1, c; No. 2, &'c; No. 3. C'c. Round: No. 1. 10 Vic; No. t, IO'mc; No. a, 10c. Plate: No. 1. 6c; No. t, 4'4c; No. 8, 4Vc. FRl.'ITH Kananas:'1 Fanoy select, per burch, ti.Za i a; Jumbo, per bunch, $2 7o S.,6. cherries: Home grwn, per 4-qt. esse, 1-.00. Dates: Anciror branri, new, 30 l ib, pkgs., In boxes, per tmi, 32.00. Q ioee ixirie: Home grown, per 24-qi. case, 12 60. demons: IJmoneira brand, eztta fancy, 300 sice, par box. 37.50; 30 size, per box, 3S.0O; liiimi I.lmoneira. fancy, :X size, per box, $7.00 ; S size, per box. 37.50; 24. and 420 ales, 80c per box less; Cymbal brand, .VO-3'iO slzea, per box, IH.7fKff7.00. Oranges: Canielia Redlands Valencias, all s.aes, per box, $4 00; fancy Valencia, 00 M 12S-1&0 and smaller sizes. 33.7a; California Jaffa, oranges. I'M and smaller sizes, per box. 3.1.76. Pineapples: Florida. 24-SO-3G-42-48 aizea, per crate, 3300. Strawberries: Home grown, per 24-qt. case, $300. VECJKTABkKB Reans: String and wax. per hamper, $2.60: per mkt. bsk., 0c$l 00, Cabbage: Rputhern. rew, per lb.. 4e. Cu cumbers: Hot house, IV and 2 doi. in box. per box, 11. CO; Trim, per bu, hamper, $1.7&. Kjrg Plant: Fancy Florida, per doa., $150 fft 2.4)0. Garlic: F.xtra fancy, white, per lb., Il'c. Iettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per doa., 40c Radishes: Per doz.. 20r. Onions: Texas Rermuda. -white, par crate. 2.23; yellow, per crata, $2.00. Parsley: Fancy home grown, par dox. bunches, 45c. Potatoes- Iowa and Wisconsin, 'white stock, per bu., 11 00; new stock. In sacks, per bu., $1 OS. Tomatoes: Texas, per 4-bsk. crata. $1.7S. MISCKLLANEOUB Almonds. California soft shell, per In., 18c; In sack lota, lc less. Brazil-Nuts: Per lb., 13c; in sack lots, lc less. Filberts: Per lb., 14c: In sack lots, lc leas. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 8o; raw, per lb., 6Hc. Pecans; Iarge, per lb., IBe; In sack lota, lo leas. Walnuts: Cali fornia, per lb., 19c; In sack lota. lo less. Honey: New, 24 frames, 33,7a.. Corn and Wheat Reglo Balletin. Record for the twenty-four hour cndUg at 3 a. m. Monday, June 12, 1911: OMAHA DISTRICT. . . Temp. Rain--Station - Max. Mln. fall. flier. Ashland, Neb M Bs .M Clear Auburn, Neb 92 67 .00 Clear B ken Bow. Neb. 80 4 .00 Clear Columbus. Neb... 84 51 .00 Clear Culbertaon, Neb.. 88 42 .00 Clear Falrbury, Neb... 89 66 ,00 Clear Fairmont. Neb... 88 . 44 .00 . Clear Or. Island, Neb.. 88 58 .00 Clear Hartington. Neb. 78 55 ,00 Clear Hastings, Neb.... 88 K3 .00 Clear Hoklrcge. Neb., so so .w - Clear Lincoln. Neb 86 . M .00 Clear No. Platte. Neb. 82 44 .00 Clear Oakdale, Neb 79 6 .00 Clear Omaha, Neb....... 84 4, 2 .00 Clear Tekamah. Neb... 84 57 .00 Clear Valentine, Neb.. 78 4H .00. Clear. iSioux City, la... 7 6 .no Clear Alta. la 79 54 .00 ' Clear Carroll. la 81! 6A , .00 Clear. Clarinda. Ia 7 68 .00 Clear Sibley, la.. ..A... 74 63 .00 Clear Minimum temperature 'for twelve-hour period ending at $ a., m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain District. Btatlona Max. Mln. fall. Columbua, O.vts. . 17--... 2 - 62 - .20 Louisville, Ky 20 W 08 .40 Indianapolis. Ind..-11 . . 90 ) , . .10 Chicago, 111 25 84 64 ,W 8t. Louis, Mo ... 90 2 .00 De Moines, 1ft.... 21 , -82 68 .20 Minneapolis. Minn. 71 62 .40 Kansas City. Mo.. 24 92 68 .00 Omaha, Neb 18 84 64 .00 The weather waa much cooler In the western portion of the com and wheat region Sunday. It continued very warm In the eastern portion tfunriay, but cooler weather la extending over that portion this morning. Fairly good showers occurred within the last twenty-four hours In the upper Mississippi valley, th lake region and Ohio valley. L. A. WELSH. Local Voraoaater. Weather Bureau. St. Leu la General Market. 8T. LCJ1S, June 12. WHEAT Cash lower; track. No. 3, 8txu8c; No. 2 hard, ebia.. CORN Higher; track. No. 3, 56fc&64c; No. $ white, 6o'.ic. OA l a Hlnr; track. No. 3. 3c; No. I white, tie. it VE unchanged at $6c. rXiOUR bteauy ; led winter patents, $2.40 2.'.u; extra tancy aud straight, $i.ujt.iu; nuid winter viears, 2.60,oJ.lo. ciLEU '1 imolBy, $j.0taV.tpO. CORN MEAL 42.60. RKAN Wtak; sacked east track, $1,003 1.0L HAY Higher; timothy, $19.00)23.00; prai rie, H2UXiilj.ii0. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; jobbing, $16.60. Lard, unchanged; prime ateam, $a.M j-s.lu. Dry salt meat, uncnaxigea; boxed extra aborts, iH.St'; clear rlba, $6.tf74; short clears, $8.16. bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $.374; dear rib, .ai4; short clear, 3U.76. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl. .' .ooo S.luO Wheat, bu 27,000 10,ou0 Corn, bu. 127.0UO 31.000 Uau, bu. 135.000 2J..0V0 Kansas City Grata ast! PrevUloaa. KANSAS CITT. June U. WHEAT Cash. lfetto lower; No. 2 hard, H442lc; No. 3 Bmuv sou; no. a reu, moeuc; no. , awofcdc; tu tu rea, July, a4a bid; npptember, a-te-no bid. CORN Unchanged to 4c higher; No. 2 mixeo, kc; rso. a, mi,o; no. 3 white, Mc; No. 3, 6oib66e; futures,' July; 644c; Sep tember, bee bid. OATb-Hteady; No. I white, 3&38c; No. 3 mixed, Stka'C. RYE un4S)o. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 17.0013.00; choice prairls, $U.2oOi.0a, ' Receipt a. Shipments. W heat 44,000 S7,0u0 Corn 122, uuo H.W Oata . .. 21.000 U,ux Mlearaaolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June IS. WHEAT, July; MINNEAPOLIS, June 12. Wheat, Julv, $240; September, o4u; December, llic. Cssh, No. I hard. tbo; No. 1 north ern. Kfnwiic; No. 2 northern, (Ka14c; No. 3. fcutil4c. R A R LE Y 45a06c. COR-N-No. 3, yellow, 6?84o. OATS No. 3, white. S4o. RYE No. 2, SSC. BRAN $1.67. FLOUK First patents, 34.4&34.7d: second patents, $4.3iKu-4.66; first clara, W-StS-oi; second clears, J2.yuS2.66. t.lverpel Grain Market. LIVERPOOL June 11 WH EAT Spot, weak; No. 1 Manitoba, 7a 6d; No. 3 Mani toba, 7a 3d; No. 3 Manitoba. 7a Id; futures, weak; July. 6a 4d; October, 6a 74d. . CORN fpl. new American mixed, ateady, 4a lid; old American mixed, firm, 6s 4d; American kiln dried, quiet. 4a lod; .fu tures, steady; July, 4s r4d; September, 4s 114d LOL'R Winter patent. 27a Peerla Market. ' PEORIA. June 13 CORN Steady ;, No. 8 white, 64c; No. 3 white, 624c; No. 2 yel low, 634c; No. $ yellow. 634c; Ne. 4 yellow, 614c; No. 8 mixed, 6J'c; No. 4 mixed, 61c; sample. 43'V(HAo. OATS Higiier; No. 3 -whits, 3c; Und ard, $4c Mllwaakee Grata Market,' . MILWAITEK, June 13 WHEAT No, 1 MILWAI KKE. June 1S.-W heat-No. I northern. .!b',c: No. I northern. SiJc; July. fSWe; 8e.iemb- fc4c. OATS Standard, &Sc BARLEY Mailing, gJctjtl 00. Mlsseasell Grain Market. MlNNlAPOLia, June 12.-WHF.AT Julv. 92'o: epiemb r, soc; December. 1V HC. Cash. No. 1 hard. 96i,; No. 1 norih ern. ."tie; No. 8 liortharn, $ut4e; No. 3. kS&yio. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 86111118: Movement Begins After Ad ygnce in Prices. GOULD ISSUES AMONG WEAKEST Conflicting; Maveaaenta In Market Rep. reeeata t'aatlnannee ef Hesitation nd Alternate Periods ef trena-th and Weakness, NEW TORK". June 11. At the nininr of the I stock market today trading waa, active and prices advanced vigorously. Thai demand Included lttually the entire Hat of active stocks and the market appeared I to be well established on a level which ' shewed substantial gains. Before noon selling wss resumed on a heavy scale and the ton of the msrket changed suddenly. United States fit eel and the Gould stocks exhibited marked Weakness and nearlv a, I of the Important railroad and Industrial j issues snared in a reaction. Stocks of the Uould ami southern line were the weakest in the Ust. Reports of continued hot, dry weather In the cotton belt depressed the shares of southern roads. About, the only stocks to exhibit sustained strtngth were those of the cop per group. Amalgamated Coppet, Ana conda, Utah Copper. Tennessee Copper and American Smelting all responded to tho In provement In the copper metal mar ket and reports of larger domestic and for eign demand. The conflicting movements 'in the mar ket today represented a continuance of the hesitation and alternate period of strength and weakness which were preva lent last week. Uncertainty as to the out- I come of Investigations of corporations and as to the maintenance of dividend rates, reports of the effect of drouth in the aouth and southwest and disquieting ac counts of the determination of powerful operator to "break" the market, particu larly United States Steel, are advanced in explaanation of the eenaitiv condition of the market. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par xslue. $3.4X0.000. United States bond wet unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were a follows: Bales. HI IB. Lew. Clsae. Allla-Ctialnsrs st 10 II M tlMi Amalgamated Copper It,4u Amorican Agricultural 4 M4 s 41 Americas Beet gussr T.tto MS 114 M U 4Vi M 11 41 us US MS MS 4S M 114 41 6S ! IIS i Americas Csa an Americas C. t F Americas Cotton Oil Americas H. a L. pM..... Am. Ice Securities Amarlras Ussae American Locomotive ...... Amorican 8.- ft Am. . R. pfd Aui. Btael Foundries Am. 8usar Refining American T. a T Am. Tobacco pr4, ex-tlv. . American Woolaa Anaconda Mining Cs Atchlsoa Atcblsoa pM Atlantic Coast Una Baltimore oV Okie Bathtehom Steal Brooklyn Rapt Tr Canadian Psoitis Central Leather Ontral boat her pfd Central f Now Jerosy Chesapeake St Ohio Chicago Alton Chicago Q. W new C. O. W. pfd Chicago at N. W C, M. a St. P c. c a st. h Colorado F. s I Colorado a Southern...... Consolidated Oas Corn Products Pol a wars Ml Hudson Denver at Rio Oraade....... r. a 11. o. pfd..; , Distillers' Securities Bns Kris lot pfd ., Erie td pfd General Elaotrls Oreat Northern pf Great Northern Ore etfs. ... Illinois Central..... lnterborough Met. ' Int. Met. pfd Int. Marina pfd International Paper International Pump lows Central - Ktnaas Cttr Southern K. C. 80. pfd Laclede Oas Leuiaville 4t Nashville Minn, at St. Louie M., St. P. A a . M M., K. T M.. K. T. pfd Mtaeouri Pacific National Blocult National Lead N. R. R. of M. M td New Tork Central N. T., O. A W Norfolk A western North American Northers Patlfis Pacific Mall ., Pennsylvania ............... People's Oas , P., C. C A St. L. Pittsburg Coal Prease Steal Car I..... Pullman Palace Car........ Rail war Steel Spring Reading Republic 8toel Republic steal pfd Hock laland Co Rock laland CO. pfd St. L. A 8. P. M pfd 8t. Louis 8. W Bt. L. 8. W. pfd Braes-Shorfleld B. A I Southern Pactfle Bouthara Railway So. Railway pfd Tennessee Copper , Texas A Pacific T., St. L. A W T., St. L. A W. pfd t'nloa Pacific Union Paclfte pfd United Slates Realty United States Rubber United Btatea Steel II. g. Steel pfd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical .... V. a bath Wabash pfd Western Maryland Weetlnghoues Klectrto Western L'nlea Wneellng A LT Lehlsh Vallor 40 200 10 10 ino i 13 !S S 11 41 II, WO I2H 1 US 12 fM IMS 1M lMVa m 4iVk 41 . 4i 120" 2.40 1HS 1(1 1614 100 M4 MS n 404 l.ioe 44 41 I.sno iii4a 116 IKS tot 10&S 1S 10 too 130V, 130 13 400 101 lots im 2S 1.(00 US CIS US 3,700 14144 24 S I42S 00 tl lit U 100 101 lots lots wo 1,600 4 13 34 L400 14 . 70 4 1S 4S !3S 4 1,110 1W 14S 140 11,700 130 1IS 13 in Mi MV 00 40 15 "4 44 W 100 14TS 14T 147 I no 15 a 144 144 j in 172e 17! m 4,100 10S4 11 its l.to toS M S .17 n.ioo ITS tS 1?S 6.00 . td 17S 'ITS 1.100 47' 4S S I l.OOO 14- 14 14 M"0 ins is 3s I ino v, :S zs ' 100 1414 141', 141 1,100 US 1 It 00 17H MS MS - let 17S I'S 17S 11 0 its ' 414 414 to it, ' 114 it 1 l,M0 MS k :S to ?' tt 4,100 10 107S 1074 1,100 IMS l't IMS 100 (OS 30 S 3 40 1!S 137S 131 4,10 17S MS ItS 100 St . 7 I.KW SIS ' 44 MS w m lit 13.1 too 6T MS MS 100 MS 10S KS tUO 1104 110 114 1.700 44S oS 44 1,100 10i4 107S 174 190 7S Tt 76S 1,000 137H 144S 1SS 15 4, 70 m4 134S 114S 10O IMS IOCS IMS I ...... ..... ..... 4S "ioo iis 114 11s . to Its MS MS I MIS l.4S 17 ITS 17S 41.111 1(1 S lt4 IMS 0 MS M 10S ..... Ii I. sm 14 sss US 700 MS "4 M M0 1 47 44 44 '4, 10 US US U ..... tt : lot 4 It 4S 4.100 121S lS 121 14.00 t!S US "S 1.400 7iS 71 Tl II, 000 : 4S 4JS 41S l.tot to its 1S too it lis 12 S TO' US tO Mu, II. too ins IMS us ''lO 't74 T7S 71 40S tl," 71 S 77 S TT, . 4oo 11H 11SS HtS 14,700 4S 4i-.S tioo Ml MS sS 1,4 11 17-4 17m 1.7U0 ItS MS II too tt to 4 40 774 Tt 74 to 114 11 . 114 4 1.100 lies 1714 1714 Total sales lor the sy. 4,u shsrasv. Lesdes Itack Market. LONDON, June 11 American securities were quiet and featureless during the early trading today. Price at noon ranged frJtn 04 above to 4 below Saturday' New Tork closing. London closing stock quotation: Consols. money.7tt-16Lou.la ex Nash. ..157 do account 79VMo.. Kan. & Tex. 38H Amal. Copper .... 7U4N. T. Central 1134 Anaconda SNorf. V Weatern.1114 Atchison 11S4 do pfd 82 do Pfd k Ont. Western.. 4tl4 Bait. & Ohio Ill Pennsylvania .... 644 Can. Pactflo rtsNKand Mines 74 Chesapeake tt O.. o4Readlng $24 Cht. Gt. Western 26 80. Railway 324 Chi.. Mil. 4k St- P.1334 do Pfd 44 De Beer 18 '4 So. Paelflo 1344 Denver 0 Rio O. 804 Union Paotflo ....liL'4 do pfd (?4 do pfd 97 Erie M4U. S. Steel 804 do 1st pfd 604 do pfd 1214 do 2d pfd 44Wabash 18 Grand Trunk 29 do pfd 4t4 Illinois Central ..146 SILVER Bar. steady at M t-16d per ounce. MONET lffl4 Pr cent. I The rate of discount In th open market for short bill la 2 $-16 per cent; for three months' bills. 24 per cent. Beetea CaVpper Market. The following quotation ar furnished by lgan ex Bryan, member Boaton Stock exchange. Hi South Sixteenth street. Adventure 4La hall .. ....... 44 Art. Com'l 17VtMsmaobuaett ... 64 Allouea 14Mlaml 204 Atlantic 6 Mohawk .., 44 Cal. et Arisona... roortn outt ahv Cat. 4V Hecla f!i Osceola 103 Centennial U Old Dominion .... 464 Conoer Range ... 61 Qulncy 71 Cumberland, ily.i T Ray Con 174 Daly-West aAShaunon 114 Fast Kutte u-nup. copper 4 First Nat l ISSup. A Boaton... Hancock 4Tamarack 6k Helvetia S. S R 88 Indiana U4.U. 8. 6. R.. pfd 484 Isle Royal U Wolverine 113 Keweenaw 2SYukon Gold 34 LUt coppet ' Ifew Terk Car- Market. Th folio v. lag quotations ar furnished by Imogen 4 Bryan, meinbera New York Stock exchange. US South bixteenth treet: Cactua ai Ohio Clipper l Chief Cona 14Kawhlde Coallt'n 6 n..l..ruiv llhav C.I.. I . Fly Central I Bwift Pkg. Co....inirJ Franklin 15"S"P. ex littsburg. 174 Giroua 1 ionopah alining. 4 Greene Cananea.7 1-161 rlnltji Copper .. 44 Inapiratton t United Copper ... 19 Laroae 44 Laeal aeawrtttee. Quotations furnished by Burn. Brinker 4k Co., 449 New Omaha NaUonal Bank building: - tl- Asked. Cora Cachang weak stack I a, Cetiacll MuKa. la, Sa lilt. Jul Ml M llt of Omau acaoui ta, UB 1m a ),, Cud.b,' Pciog Ce. te. iM a M2 r.i. I C. I l ' levst W tairoMia Oeamory IA g. 4 a. a... i4j let 1 Ftlrmoat rMMKry pti. T s. H t I kih 1 u o. a a 1 a pi ' ten . Kimm (ity lit lot 1041 Marios Co . 1., 4Ha, !- HH 106 uniki Water , lt Ki t os c. n. ft. Rr ta Mi 7i4j Omaha a I B St Hi. l. 1114 11 11 VI, Omaha a I. H. St. Hf. pM I p. t. ... M SK4 Omaha A C. at. St. Kjr. com M 10 Omaha tiat I. S7S Omaha R L 4 F, k, IU1 M N Parkanl Malnr T 9. e I1" t" r-t-m Mill 4 a. ,e. aid tt ' lie thiol, tM'k YarSa tsck SO SI t nloa Stork Yarda to, 1M1 I" aattle 4Via MJS 1011 101. M NEW lOHh 4JKJSERAI. MARKET Qaetatleaa ef tbe Day Tavleos Cossnaedlllea. t NEW TORK, June ll-riX)UR-Qulet ; tpiing patents. t4.H04iS.1l; winter straights. W.9OJ74.0O; winter patents. $4.10'o4 50; spring cleara, 13.75ih4.10: winter extras' No. 1, W S5 i.:.B0; winter extras No. t, $S.K4i3.a5; Kan sas atralghts. $4.1.Vf4 iO; recrlpta. 20,507 bhis ; shipments. 11.(46 bbl. Rye flour, .quiet; fair to good, M-o.i-iji.16; choice to fncy. I2.2V&6.BO. CORNMEAI fit earlv: fine whfte and yel low, $1.1001.20; coarae. tl.lOl.U; kiln dried, $3.10. WHEAT Spot market weak; No. 1 red, Kc. elevator, and 44c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1,014. o. b., afloat. Futures market wa ateady early on covering on lighter World' shipments, but developed decided weakness under heavy selling by bull and on stop-loss orders, due to the absence of cash demand and favorable crop outlook, closing li-S 84o net lower. July closed at W4c; Septem ber at 93c. . CORN Spot market steady; export; new No. 2. 62c. f. o. b afloat. Future market wa without transactions, closing nominal. July closed at 624c; September at 63c; De cember, at 634e. OATH Spot market steady. Futures mar ket wa without transactions, closing nom inal. MAT Easy, prime. $1.40; No. t t $5. HOPS Firm: atate, common to choice, 1910, tf32c: 190, a.22c; Pacific coast, 1910, 22ft IMc: 1W09. lfeflftc. HIDES Easy; Central America, 194 JOc. LEATHER Pteadv; hemlock first. 134 17c; seconds, $2!g234c; third. 1920c; re jects, H((l 15c. PHOVISIONS-Pork. steady; met. $17.75 JlS.fl0: family, $18.(xvffl8.50: ahort clears. $15.7517.00. Reef steady; mess, $11.7Rrri2.00; lamily, IU.50'al:i.OO; beef hams. $26.otVo28.50. Cut meat steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, I04wi3c: pickled hams. 134c. Lard ateady, middle west prime, lH.3txrts.46; refined quiet; continent. $1.70. South Amer ica. $.5: compound. $7.507.76. TALLOW-vjulet; prime city hhd Sc; country, 641JJO0. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, I34c; extra. 224c; firsts, 204i'214c; seconds, 19 ffSOo; thirds, 18c; state dairy, finest. 22c; Sood to prim. Sufi 21c; common to fair, 17 19c: process special, 194c; extras, 184 19c; firsts, 17lSc; seconds, 154lc; fac tor, current make, firsts, 174c; seconds, 164fTf7c. CHEESE Firm; new skims, B094e. EQGS Steady; fresh gathered, extra; It -tic; extra nrets. iwivc; firsts, 14HB'lnc; seconds, 134914c; thirds, 1213c; fresh gath ered dirties. No. 1, 12c; No. J. lOffllc; fresh gathered, dirties, poor to .fair, fcfiSc; fresh gathered, checks, good to prime. 8&9c; western gathered, whites, 1719o. POULTRY Alive, steady; western spring chicken, 30c; fowls, 15fil54c; turkey. 15c; Dressed, irregular; western broilers, l&22c; fowls, 114 14c; turkey. 130160. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Jun 12.-COFFEE Fu ture opened steady at an advance of 2ft6 point In sympathy with European cables. There was aome acattered covering and a little buying by trade Interest with offer ings light and th market showed little further movement. ' The close wa steady at a net advance of 2ft points. Sales, 12.750 bags; June, 10.85c; July, 10.93c; August, 10.86c; September; 10.65c; October. 10.54c; November, 10.61c: December, January and February, 10.49c;. March. 10.50c; April, 10.61c; May, 10.61c. Havre was 4 franc higher. Hamburg unchanged to 4 pfg. nlgher. Rio, 26 reis higher at 22S; Santos, unchanged; 4s 6$750. Receipts .at the two Brazilian ports, 10.000 bags.;, against 13,000 bags last year. JuntTlahy receipts. 10,500 bags, against 13.700 bags last year. New York warehouse delivery. 6,403 be 73. against 6,287 bag last year. Spot coffee, film, Rio, No. 7. 124c; Santos, No. 4, 134c Mild quiet; Cordova, 13Sfl6o. New Yark Money Market. , NEW YORK. June 12. MONEY On call, steady, at 24324. per cent; ruling rate, 24 per cent; cloning bid, 24 per cent; of fered at 24 per cent; time loans, easier; 2S(R'3 pef oent; six months. 3434 per. cent, sixty days, 2ifJfitAii per cent; nirict v'days, PRIME ME1RCANTILK PAPER 444 per cent. STKRLINO FOfCHANqra-Flun. with ac tual bualifrs In bankers' bills wat $4.84 for sixty-day bills and at $4 85 for demand; commercial bills, $4. $34. 1 SILVERr Bar. 5"!4c: Mexican dollar. 45c. BONDS Government, ateady; railroad. Irregular.,,. ,.---.. ,. Dry Gaada Market. NEW TORK, June 12, The cotton good market opened quiet, with prices holding: steady. Cotton yarn were quiet. There was a slightly better demand for staple dress goods- for Immediate shipment to cutter. Raw silk I quiet. " Jobber are doing a very moderate ha.1-to-mouth trade and are finding difficulty In holding price, as , production Is very much re stricted. - Oaska Predie Market. Creamery butter, Jlo; packing butter, 15c; No. 1 eggs. 124c; No. 2 egga, $0; broiler, 20c; rooster, 4c; hens, 84c; duck. 10c; geese, 6c. Bask Cleartasr. OMAHA. June It. Bank clearings for to day were $2,620,403.04 and for the corre sponding date last year $3,089,692.42. . Costly War Vessel to Be Sold as Junk Old Honitor Puritan, Built at Expense Keu that of Delaware, in . v f Discard. -wSsssasetoaWBB w ' WASHINGTON, June 12. -Worthies ex cept a Junk, th old monitor Puritan, which was sunk recently In Hampton Rqf d by a high x plosive teat and aunss queatly raised, will be sold to th highest bidder If th recommendation of aa exam ining board to the Navy department I adopted. The board found that th coat of repairing th veaael would b excessive and recommended that It be sold for not leaa than ,$12,000. ' ' Th Puritan, built about twenty years ago, waa regarded as on of th moat powerful coast defense Teasel In th world. It cost $3,$96,46o, or nearly aa much aa the great battleship Delaware, exclualv of It armor, and armament. HONOR CONFEDERATE DEAD Aaaasl Trikslt of FUvrers aae Balagf raid to Tkeet ( Besatk la Arliaatea Cemetery. WASHINGTON, ' Jun 11-Th annual tribute of flower and eulogy wa paid to day to th aoldler dead of the aouth In Arlington National cemetery. With all It historical and sentimental associations a th bom of General Robert E. Lea, com mander of the confederate forces, th na tional cemetery waa dedicated for th day. to th memory of the confederate. Among th floral offering was a wreath from President Taft. The whole confed erate section, with It 2M graves, wa cov ered with flowers. Despite the extreme heat, several thousand people attended th cereraonle. . v Senator Taylor of Tennessee -delivered aa uiogy on th soldier of th confederacy. SMALL INVESTORS WILL GET THE PANAMA BONDS Bide Will Be Received Uatll After sooi af Jaae tersaleea at Treaaarr. WASHINGTON. Jun 11 The aovem. nient $60.0u0.000 Panama canal loan nmK. ably will be taken la th main by small In vestors. Although th bids will not be opened until next Saturday, mora than oa sealed proposal have been received at th treasury. Bids will b received until i p. so. Juae 17.. ... OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Jfo Very Great Change Noted in Cattle - Price. HOGS. FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Receipts ef fares l.laaltea Largely ta California Rprlagr Lambs, with m tprlMkllaB af Westeras Trad Slow aad Weak, SOUTH OMAHA. .Tun 1J. 1911. Receipts were: . Cattle. Hogs. 8heep. Estimate Monday $ 2"0 S..WI 2 Bame day last week... 4 W4 6.014 S."-" Hame dav t week ago.. I.S30 .4S1 4.1:2 Fame dav 3 weeks ago.. 4.1.13 t.TW l.'-!-' Same dsy 4 weeks ago. 4 74 i,WT 4.214 8ame day last year.... 4 242 o.lil t.160 Th following table anow t'i recelptt of cattle, hoga and aheep at Soith Omaha for th year t date, a compared wltk last yean 111 110. Inc. Cattl 4nl7S 437.11! 14.414 Huge l.fiS,175 70. So 4 bheep 724,249 028.6SS M.M1 lhe toiiowing table shows tn sve.ag prices on hogs at Mouth omana for the last several day, with comparisons; Iater. j 19U. 191O.il9O.1908.liOr.l!K)g ,!. Jun June June June June June June June June .1 1 n?4! t bi t st: s ssi si 1 1 .1 I S 0! 7 341 21 S S H B 8214. I T 301 S 811 i Ml t 241 SI .) S S8il 1 Ml I S 2 S Ml t 301 S .IS Wt.1 I is 7 $21 It m .1 6 82 9 29 7 S S V t 08 87 16 2t .1 t 89UI I 32' 7 371 S 271 I t 371 17 101 S 2V4l S 861 7 0 S 271 061 I s SO t 301 T 85 S S7 t 031 Sl . June ia...f S 904! I T Si S 41 I tl t S6 IS Sundaya Receipt and disposition of llv stock at the Union stock yards for th twenty-four hour ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. eheep.Hse. C. M. A ft. P 4 1 Missouri Paelflo .... 3 1 .. .. Union Pacific 2 " 14 t C. & N. VV, east.... 21 t C. N. W., west.... 32 SO .. 8 C, ft. P., M. ft O.... U I C, B. Q . east 13 1 C, B. A J.. west.... 38 82 C, R. 1. A P., east.. 3 t C, R. I. A P., west.. 1 ..... 4 Illinois Central 1 I C. O. W I S . Total receipts .188 IS DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hosts. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co...... 333 l.OSO Swift and Company - S9 1.895 1,111 Cudahy Packing Co 84 2.238 865 Armour A Co 845 2,01t Sinclair 118 United Dressed Beef Co.. M Hill A Son W F. B.. Lewis ..100 J. H. Bulla 46 8. Werthelmer 188 Other buyers 328 ..... 1 . Total .....S.241 7.227 1,477 CATTLEThere wa a very fair run ol cattle this morning and while receipt wer lighter than on some Monday, they were heavier than on others. The beat beef steer were fully steady to possibly a little strong In spots. On th other hand, the less desirable kinds were If anything a little lower. Thus the gen eral market might be described about steady with last week's close. . 3ood to choice beef steer sold at (8.00 and on up as high aa $6 16 for-the best steers. The offerings of cows and heifer wer not very large -and they sold at steady prices, the offerings for th most part changing hand in good season In th morn ing. While the receipts' of stock cattle and feeder were not large, there waa quite A little sprinkling In the yards- and price were as much ss lV15c lower than last week' close, or 60Q75c lower, than th high time. Quotations on cattle: flood to choice beef, ateers. $5 854J6.16; fair to good beef steer. $5.00r6.60; good to choice heifer, $5.00fi5.80; good to choice cows, $4.606.00; common to fair cow and heifers, $3 604 .16; good to cholc stock ers and feeder, $5.00 iC6.30; fair to good stock ers and feeders. $4.60!S6.; common to fair Blockers antj feeder. $3.604.6O; stock heifers, $4.254J6.25; veal calve. $4.6087.7S; bulla, atae. etc.. $405.15. . .Representative sales: BEEP STEERS. No. 40 It S 4.1 10 tt::: 18.. .'.i 20..., 19 Av. Pr. No. . Av. Pr. ..1054 -6 60" .. 964 ( SO .. 911 5 66 38 ..1318 5 90 ..1124 I 90 ..1113 6 96 ..1324 6 9n ..1433 6 95 ..1390 ton ..1334 8 00 ..13n8 6 00 ..1588 t 10 ..1214 t 10 21.... 26.... 19.... 25.... 14.... 20.... 29....' 48.... '22.... 1258 5 70 ..1040 6 70 ..1197 6 80 ..1345 i 80 ..14S7 6 86 ..1297 t 86 ..U74 6 86 ..1167 6 85 80. 21 12W t 10 1101 t 15 HEIFERS. 1008 6 70 U, 1420 6 85 13 STEERS ATID 18 a so 6 s...... 49 26 18 17 ....... 24 21 4....;. 1...... s 1 675 6 06 740 6 U 3 10... 38... 81... . 964 ft 75 .1102 6 90 . 813 t 00 730 5 60 .874 6 60 COWS. 868 1 (6 ,, 24... ..951 S 04 ..1135 6 00 .... 733 8 70 .... 828. 3 76 S 1116 t 00 4 -.1310 tOO $...-. Mf8 t 30 S 1434 t SO .... 716 8 86 .... 828. 4 00, ....10M0 4 45 ....1165 4 70 HEIFERS. .... 630 4 60 49 .... 855 t 16 34 .... 761 6 15 BULLS. ....1376 4 00 1 ....1140 4 00 4 .... 6S0 4 26 13 ...,1470 4 60 6 744 t SO 809 i 40 ....1800 4 80 ....1316 4 86 ....1604 4 86 .... 963 I 36 CALVES. ( 190 4 25 1 100 T 60 S 210 t 00 2 170 1 60 1 150 7 26 1 110 7 60 1 130 7 60 13 187 7 60 7 218 7 60 1 140 7 60 1.... 200 7 69 i WESTERNS. J. Morris 8, D. . . 83 feeder.. 764 4 40 t feeder.. 764 S 60 11 heifer... 484 S 90 8 cow 967 S 76 8 calve... 241 60, 1 steer 850 2 75 V IJee 8 D 18 heifer... 722 S 90 7 cow 940 2 76 10 calves... 198 4 00 1 calf 800 4 60 1 cow 810 2 60 1 cow 909 1 7 2 ateer.... 740 2 76 Hood Prlcea for hog ruled lower, th main reason for decline being found" In bearish advlcea from other polnta. The local aupply was of usual Monday slxe, around ninety-five loada of various weights showing up. None of th regular buyers appeared very anxious for material and trading had slow action from th start at figure fclOo .lower than those of Sat urday. The break wa general and applied to all weights, but the late market waa th poor eat, closing at the full decline. Shipping and speculative order were hard to find, leaa than 10 per cent of receipts moving Into the hands of buyers not associated with local packing concerna. Long atrlng ranged from $6.05(84.96 and best bacon animals on sale dropped to $4.10, the highest price paid. Clearance at 11 o'clock waa .practically complete Representative sale: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh Pr. 24... 53... 57... .MO 6 70 6 12 73 241 80 190 ... 60 ..846 45. .257 .835 YD 76., 44.. 72., 72., 10.. ...213 80 6 90 43.. ..i JO 240 t 80 ....274 124) t 90 64 315 6 80 ..243 90 67. ,3if7 SO t 0 .. t 80 ,.ZS 200 t 90 67.. 66.. 64.. 68.. ...830 .264 6 90 .2 120 t 85 65 2t3 62 250 67 240 82 250 ... t 90 ... t 90 SO 5 90 ... t 10 SO t 90 ..2S1 100 IM .274 I 85 67 .23 160 t 80 67 27 40 6 86 6.., 43... 70... 80... 77.., 79... ... 71.., 70.., 80... 28.,, 70... 67... 74... 73... 74... 72.., 18... 28... 82.., W... ..247 34.. 68.. 271 40 f 85 .253 6 90 ..233 Is) 186 ...244 UO 6 92H 28. 16. 248 t 86 .2?3 t 96 .22 SO 6 85 ...236 ...223 ...233 t 95 f 96 i 96 f 96 4... 67... 62... 77... .363 6 85 .2S3 800 S 86 ,818 M 5 86 ...'203 .232 80 t 86 ... 6 85 ... f 85 . . . 6 85 2 tU f 96 ...215 ...174 ...208 ...213 ...221 ...240 .1441 ...215 ...153 ...2i ...214 t 96 t 95 t 96 1.2 241 ti6 .242 6S... 65... 64... 30... So... 04... 68... 70... 8... f.... 66... 85... Ta... ...254 80 I 86 40 t 9ft ... tt.'. ... t 96 N i ... t 00 ... too ... t 00 ... 401) 40 t 00 40 t 00 .24 100 t 85 .2M SO 6 86 ..3o7 ..253 ..273 ..2.4 ..259 ... 6 85 40 t 86 40 f 871 ... 6 87' 200 t 87' 80 t 87 80 t 87A ..2b8 ..33 69. 199 .238 ItiO t ' .243 t 90 .248 ... 6 90 40 216 ... too ... too ... t 00 ... 4 00 80 8 00 ... t0 40 00 ... 4 06 ... 06 ... 4 05 ... 4 05 40 t 10 8s 179 :3.,i .246 .216 64. 45. 44. 08. 69. 60. B7. 47. 69. ..W7 180 t 90 72... 84... ... 63... ...20 6 90 .207 6 90 ..213 ..211 ..214 ,.iU5 lt 6 90 ..244 40 t 90 ,.275 80 6 90 ,.2i3 1 no 6 90 ,.2t8 240 6 90 ,.262 1 6 90 73... 78 157 40 86 194 4m .:S to 6 90 SHEEP No business of consequence was transacted in the aheep bara until well along toward midday. All of th regular buyer were Pn hand,, and.- even though supplies were limited, inquiry proved very dull, with the tendency to values lower. About ten loada of stock were received in all; aevga loada of California eprtcg lamb and three double of shorn lambs odd and ends. This Is th first shipment of coast lamb to thla point thus far thla season nd the fact that one or two train loads of California springers show up an nually la a good proof that South Omah figure pr uaually relatively high. When the market finally opened shorn lambs of fair to good quality sold at $6.0 and leva. Indicating a quotable limit of $4.i0. Th spr.nger were held for the aft ernoon session and .n the absence of old sheep this branch of the trad showed no rtusl changea. Quotations on sheep and lambs: " Spring lamb, fair to good. $6.0.; shorn lamba. good to'choic. Mi!64;7.10; shorn lambs, fair to good. SV75'8.26; feeding lambs, shorn, $.1Wii4 60: yearlings, shorn, MSfS; weth er, shorn. $4,009, $0; awes, good to choice, shorn. $4.0004.36; ewe, fair to good, ahotn. $3 6094 00. 8 western' buck lamba. shorn.. M 4 7S 138 western shorn lamba $7 i 76 CHICAGO t-IVK STOCK MARKRT Desaoad for Cattle Str4 Hot Slaw Saeo (Heady. CHICAGO. June 1J.-CATTLK Receipts. 23 too head: market trong for good; other weak; beeves, $6.1.V&4 W; Texae steers. $4 60 et.75: western steers. $4.7.'4i6.:0; sleeker nd feeds--. $3.g6,7j, cow and hrtfer. $2.43r4); calve. $3.fS8.25. IIOQS Receipts, 43.0'X) head; msrket flow and 5c lower; light, $8.004jf6SO; mlrrd, $a 9". tji 36; heavy, $5.S.VU.32',i; rough. $5 SMW.OO; good to cholc heavy, W 00tf.J2V; p;g. $1 W.1T8 20; bulk of sales. $S. 201ft, 30. SHEEP AND I .A MBS Recrlpta. 33 0OO head: market ateady to -Oc lower; rat ve, $2.itVh4H); westerns. .00'o4M; vearlings. $4&fi6.20: native lamb, $4 3Mr60; west erns. $4.35t.76. St. Jeseeh I.lv Wk Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Jun IS. 'ATTl.K Receipts, 1,800 head; market ateadv; steers, $4.60-3816; cows and heifer, $3.6038.00; calves $38007.76. HX!9 Receipt, $ W0 head; market 8e lowef; top, $8 20; bulk of sale. $8.06gtS.16. SHEEP AND TjAMRS Receipts. 1,000 head; market steady; lamb. $5.003.o. St. Joseph Live nt9ft Market ST. IiOUIS. June 12 CATTIjE Receipts, tfOO. including S.70D Texans; market s eady; nstive shipping and export steers, $5 T9 $ 40; dressed beef and butcher stee'-e. $S Xi$ $.00; steers under 1 000 oounds, $."i.f6.2.': stockers and feedera, $8.00(S.2.'i: eows ana heifer. S3.KW8.26; canner. S3.O0flS.00: hulls, $1.60n5.10; calves. $5.Xvff8.2J; Text and In dian M'ers, $4.00t.OO; cow and heifer. $3.MV56O0. HOtlJS Receipts, 11.800 head: market steady; pigs and lights, $6.0O1f.36; pacK- Details of WASwivnTON. Juna 11. Th crop of th United States Department of Agriculture estimate, from th report of the correspondent and agent or tn nuraau. aa ronow.. P . foR THE UNITED STATES. Acreage, till Pet. of ltlO. Spring wheat Winter wheat Oats Barley Ry f" Hay Paaturet .... 104.1 lOt.t . tt.t S7.0 Th fcllowlng give th Indicated production In lttl. 1 h Indicated yield average 10111.11.on on june 1 iw iui tiu by Condition. Bushel. . 16.1 vVlnn.. Spring Mi.eat. Ail wneat.... Oat Baney 18.7 14.7 27.7 24.9 14.1 Ry 0111 for important crop In principal Btatea follow; V COMPARISONS FOB. IMPORTANT W1NTKR WHEAT 8TATE8. Percent . ' of U. 8. Acreage ' ' In titata Kna 16.8 Indiana Nebraska Illinois ...4..i.....;.. Missouri .............. Ohio ................... Pennsylvania t.K. .s.. s. 4 ! f Jr" . . . . V ... a Texas Oklahoma Michigan , California Tennessee Virginia Maryland . ... Kentucky . ... Washington ... North Csrollna Oregon South Carolina, New Tork United State. .100. COMPARISONS FOR IMPORTANT SPRING WHEAT STATES. North Dakota. Minnesota ... Houth Dakota. Washington . . vi.v United Btatea. 164.1 COMPARISONS FOR -Acreac. 1 su per Cent Iowa Illinois Minnesota ... Nebraska ........ Wisconsin Indiana ....... Ohio North Dakota South Dakota Kansae Michigan , New Torki Pennsylvania United Stataa COMPARISONS FOR IMPORTANT BARLEY STATES. Acres rer eni of 1910. ,. 101.0 ,. 90.4) ,. . 97.0 ,. 93.0 Minnesota California South Dakota..., North Dakota. . . Wlaconala ...... 101. t 109.0 101.0 100. t tl.t Iowa Kansas Washington Nebraska ., United States....... 17.1 If Yoii Need Capital PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY CAPITAL In Amonnts of $109,009 to $000,000 to established successful companies owning properties of the character listed below Manufacturing and Industrial Properties Operating Timber Properties Water Powers Railroads For quick action PealjodyEbuglilcling fkilo. (Established 1S4J6) 100 South La Salle Street Chicsf o avy. "" 0O4f'i.!i. ohllu Vli l.iUnit-RorrMl head: market stesdv: native mottona, V 00 i4ho. lamb.-. toflO-ij-J.; citila and buck a V'nZ.:. stockers. $1 fM.0. Steek la glgbt. Receipts' of llv stin k at th five principal western market yesterdv: ,an'e. l S". Dnr'r South Omaha. ft. Joseph Kansas illy... St. Louis Chicago Total 3 1 t Son 3 8 810 lOiTO ...1.410 ...lit Oil) ... 8. , ...U.0CX) i:,.o(s s o 9 ii.) . 43.0m S3. OO .47,40 ' M.40 4L40t rs $i.('rriti.s;'t; butchers Snd beet heavy Kaasaa City (.lee Staek Market. KANSAS CITT. June 12. -JATTLB -Receipt. 18.000 hesd. Including 6.000 south erns: best, steady; top. 18.. I.; common a-rade ' weak to oc lower; stockers and federe, 16c to 30c lower; dreese-t beef and export leer. $o.90ii.3d; lair to good, avOOtjoi 0; western st ;rs, $J.i3810, atockero and fctders, $Xi6tf5.W; aotitnern $t lVjS 40; southern cows, $.0rt!fi4.K6; native rowa, $2 65 ttO.15 native heifer. $4.on.U; bulla, 83.6 ti00; calves. .407.. HOG8 Receipts, IS.OoO head: market, teadv to 6c lower; bulk of sales, W lrf .); heavv.. 6.1'Mi0.15; packers and butch er. $.10i20; heavy. $rVft16; packers and butchers. $8.10(ii.20; lights. $S.l(-fr12. BHEKP AND I. A hH-Rece.pi s, d HK) head; market sleadv to 10c lower; lamba. $S.6 $0.75; yearlings. Il.!fli(4; Wethers. $3.7fi 4 fO; ewe, $A0Ojj3 60; atockcrs and feeders, $2. 76 3.28. . Cettoa Market. NEW TORK. Jun U.-COTTON-FN1-tures opened firm; July, 15 71o; August, ir,.lSc; September, 13.96c: October, 13.86c; November, 13.)to; December. 13.89c; January, ' I3.1lc: Msrch. 18.7?c. Cotton opened firm at an advanc ef t point on August and from 10 to 1$ point on other month. Spot closed quiet: 'middling uplands. l.VOAo- mVdl 11 aulf. 18 10c: sales. 1 halea hi'. l.Ui I.-. June . 14. o'l iuN Ijii c'.ianged; middling, 16iC; no tales; receipt. 138 bale; shipments. 163 bales; stock, t.66V bale. New TorV cotton market. e furnished by Logan Rrj an. members of New Tork Cotton axchang. 315 South Sixteenth treat: Month. I Open. Higlfc Low. Closs.l Te'y. Crop Report reporting board of th bureau of statistic July..1B77 I 15 78 116 8 li 78 15 8S Aug...ll6 17 116 24 16 1 116 17 16 18 Sept. .. 13 96 j 14 04 I 18 94 1 14 01 t3 83 Oct...13 86 113 79 1 8 84 1 13 72 13 64' Dec... 13 70 ( 13 77 I 13 84 I II 72 U 66 s an 1 11 11 ox tue 1 Msyl. J 1911. Condition; June 1 10-Tear Acre. 2t.767.OO0 81.3t7.000 $6,260,o0 1,038,000 1911. 94. t 80.4 86. T 1910. A va ( tt.t 80. t 91.0 tt.t to.t ,84.1 It. 6 98. t 81 .4 88.4 90.1 90.8 II. 1 90. k 88. t 90.0 84. Slit 7t.t 11. 8 S0.T yield par acr and comparison of total tor 1911 I baasd upon th ratio of th ... Indicated Total Tild Pr Acr. 1911 IadtcaUd Production 111, . -Condi tlon- Jun 1, 1911. 16.0 86.0 79.0 " 86. 84.0 , May 1, Jun 1, 10-Tear. 111. 74.0 90.0 68. t a.tj 83.0 , 88.0 " tt.'O 81.0 67.0 91.0 tt.t II. 0 89.0 86.0 92.4 tt.O to.t 1910. Avarag. 67.9 74.0 81.0 86.0 74.0 . .0 71. 0 -73.0 Si:!- to.t t 'tt.t 12.9 ' 90. 0 tt.t . 96.0 9$. 9 79.0 90.0 90.0 92.9 t3.0 tt.t 82.0 ' 83. U ,. 89. U 70.0 80. V 80.0 80.0 S2.0 80.6 82. .0 ' 70.0 44.4 88.0 89.0 86.0 81.0 79.0 81.0 tt.t 89. 96.0 86.0 12. 14.0 89.0 83.0 91.0 S4. tt.O 80. 8t. tt.t 86.0 19. 1.0 10.4 St.l 14.0 11. t Compared With X 1906- Total fioductlota in . 1910 1910 1901-1 1 Final. Avenge. ' 1910. Average, j buatxia. Uusiiei.. Pr Cant,. Percent. 1 16.8 Is. 104. 4 10. ii.i j.e " nt. s ii. 14.1 14.7 ; . 109.9 111.3 I uua tan ejjkju 22.4 24.1 ' ' 108.0 ' 306.1 lt.S It. 4 " f ..... ..... Acreage, Itll Condition, June 1 Percent . i 10-Tear of 1910. Acre. 1911. 1910. Averaga . 106.0 7.682.000 96.0 ' 93.0 9(.0 . 104.0 4.283,000 94.0 91.0 tt.t . 14.0 i, 784,005 93. t 93.0 tt.O .A. A J .. AAA , ... . . .. eva.vvu t. St. St. 20.767,000 tt.t 12. 1 SS.t IMPORTANT OAT STATES. Condition, Jane 1 10-Teae eflllt. Acre. ltlL 99.9 4.763.004 91.0 tt.O 4.410.000 81. tt.O 2,709,000 94.0 tt.t 3.624,000 tt.O 100.9 2,320,000 tt.t . 97. t 1.794.090 83.0 44.4 1.494.000 ' 73.0 100.0 1,421.000 tt.t 100. t 1,626,000 ' 90.0 108.0 1.612,000 63.4) tt.t 1,490.000 16.0 tt.t 1,326,000 tt.t SS.t 871,000 12.0 tt.t 36,260,000 ' 16.7 It 14. Avarag. tt.o tT.t . 87.0 89.0 tt 17.4 17 tl.t 94 83.0 tl.t tt.t tt.t . 90.0 . 94.4 89.0 94. V 84.4 74.0 91.0 SS.t 96.1 tO. 11 tt.O 17. tl.t II. 4 are. Kit . Condition, June 1 . 10-Tear Ace. IIH. 1,298,004 tt.t 1,240,000 80.4 994,000 90.0 918.000 tt.t 875.000 t,0 610,000 tt.O 803,000 84.0 184,000 16.0 132,000 . . $7.0 7,031,000 tO.T 110. 16. t3.4 88.0 tt.t to.o 90.0 94.0 tt.t Averaga tt. 1 44.0 ; 14. t ' tt.O tt.O 78.0 95.0 to.t It. I to.t address us direct 1 t