V fa f ( OFFERED FOR SALE iCost rued ) At Aea-eltaaeees, S - wl BIS Ml BltM: 1 t tee a Supply C. i rtrwn bat. CHE A3. TWO Shew Ae-e TM K. lTA ru t d Ferae. Ma rap ait itOnrtl tDHAXD toe As end nbtar. 414 X. stta. WHEN ye-s rrwnd yvr taosey erBd ft fir the best there ex. It Jc-er-t A Vuu t-e-e I itnfl Ave . wi;l ccme to Tbe Be efYice within three cAys w win a-vs hjm aa r.r far a oset box ef O Brie A candy we ttCOND-HAXD liu ni So. IBA at v passenger, c fcn -power anotor beat, ae. tbaa 1 year nd: eak. umi or trad. . a-b .-. . uni nt, ad oomutaad Mlu. ICS F-xrnam. a-i'E VfniM p-leno tor sale for cha . " - m lava. ONE tw-e seated sainy and one Frajaar ran. lsa rA. Bata Ave. Do. HQ, CHEAP. Iowa law library as afOre rjturee la very beet at pa. 11 C.e.-k. M rhetor test BABT onuii for eel cheap at LA Be. t Ave, TWO balr lA-re h lne toldj-ne; doors and on pair of vert-lbnl doors with p ia giass; very reasons r. . ana cicta ce ge, greet bargain. H. JrTV FKOONIVK AVI EL.FX TUC FA!f& dynamoa mm-ore and repairs. Le Bros. t a -.a bl ixki c-a FOR -SALE A Bibcock -flepcat wares la fi-rrt-c-Aes condition; price only til A;-r4y Am HtnlwiM Ava, Ebon Harney FOR SALE I rw!r ef large pin alldlr- eoo-rs witn tare e ere, to per pair: bjbo one chsrrr stairs By. tiA rp J Ex Hawthorns Ave. Ffcob 1 ravy Ss-"L EIRT.E FETLRA. taacbar ef p bo. Wan. i t or -rior-toc . WNtt S i TP Phj-tr?aa pl'ce fuilit. wp.nirtlEC ff urnnars, rnun, orr k aurrcai coair. prBad a!r tack and puma, tboranauuc iarrp Luv4vaol i. alrtre Tlbratar. in- m Mma Hjoch, ctntc;l B.'urTa la. Tta Kay U tba artuaa- Wut da. OSTEOPATHY Ailea J H Braata Taaaxar Kids Kathfi-a Nlkolaa. CM-I Bran Ada Taaaiar, PATENTS t. O. BAB'KI rutM BUl TbL Bad Till WtLLARXJ EDDT. V. aV Pat. Offica ata ciai wuciur. wOty Nat. Ba k. Xylar lUa HIRAM A. TUKC.Efi r. att lay. w Braseata Tiaaver Ml. Xauriaa h. PERSONAL JLDCEJLNO therapt RiTUC f)t lew aad anaaaata. J OAAXXO Ixadra, M floor, atxxlia po . - ... 1 tU rTW II f ia J B WaV VMV 'Va, . I i iAHU CORB EI.ECTB UC COVSPAJJT savad a Bd 1A ac rwxtaa U Varaiya. Mra. RlttraaiXMa, Mi O MOEAN & NELSON MAK1CUPJNO. BCAXP TBKATKKXT. AHA6i mat wora. 1M jraraaak. vwus. RIWARD wUl bapald for leforatki roooarainc Mirhaal W. Waiah. BaUisroba. Caunty Maya, lralaad. Uia sxxar. tux Bndaat bbnia. u w Kraadmolbcr. Ha died aear Omaha. Ha waa la tfaa raal aa taia biwmrxa. Mra. B. Cuaoa. CbaAaawcWt TOCXO WOXM ttraAccra ara tsntad aa vtati tJka 1 acnaa a ( truuu aaif one uias at Bavactaacth atraat aaA St. Mary'a Ara. a bar taay will ka dlraotad la aaliaaaa fcaardix p)cia ar arwlaa aaafA m tor r travara Aid aa Ua Lsiaf MRS. ANTPER. wadlah Ha -. aatlia. radiator aad ribraur traaunrxt. Tba Lmaaasy, rt L lutA aad Piaroa. Lxus U. Good SaEoxitanfl;, Ava, CaoAi b-Klta. La. PR1VATB wtarty aama. kLra I. KmiA, U- K QM.A. V aa. ; laA ! f A C 4 C;V. TREATMZXT, Mja. Btaa JkLAaJVUxV j- i:ui M room A R. BVBJiE, tliiim of usn. On ta. OMAHA baa lb boat f rer-th ( aa tba a rkrt, but far raj n ke ua baat rrvp. HE. M. S:Laa. Uld Cr.ioafa et, aXl ccmi to Tba Ba offuia wimia thraa davs aa d f.va ta aa ardcr tor A Ut px I caa traa. I WANTED fee hol tracbani tor nlt' aiaaa. tc; uir.-T.cr work, aJl or art time, bn Ba' ; ar.ia stuck. AC&raas 11 MA, , APEUGHT hair food irrawa balr; ara Vim. Prayer. McA-aara KlAt'y Ca, liAh al T acil raal aatata, taa l tttauiatt Tba bM Want Tad ta try. What ba caa da By arierit Wiacy aa buv. WK4 P. E. CRLMBTX V.:l Bart Btraac Omaha. -Ttua -vrraa rceiv aa a arU tha baan- tifu) chma vaa palsied by lira. a. H t-rutK. 4S bout Tao ;ti nraL it lira luwiria w.U ocma to Tba Baa alte ata :11 ta cur tb aa. Ijtlie 'aot Tad. 7t.t bum.r.r lad. Lwrs b h bath r.y And lata; 11 crratts a dartre In tba beart of tba buyer Ta rcrc&aeA your real artate rMt Pealer Aicnua Jiui reree receive as a pr.H warth af d warar tickrta from rhrr aa A WeCcmr:i doi.:, lateacth aad Dofga If L. W. BotaeJ am nM ta Tba Be fr.c b w-Ul ba ftva tba ockata. THI AALU Jrwib la, ta a 4 U'a i THE AALVATlON ARMT u eaattf a . aartaiac ra a bx awl act, repair and aeU at 1M X. ar euat af cMlac-uoa. la tba war. ajtoBA a W B REXT a I repair a 1 kind ef aeao-g an l, aa lna. a .kA. I-p-. ImA. EbAAtKA CTCLS tX, lb al Haiwev Bia. BEST ear broer for wn. Gray Kart rood "'-'. 11 baa. aoripaid. rf.rr aaaa A MoCblJ LTu4 C, us i, NA DR BflJiU. pnvaa ccfiBasaBt boma . Manba Au, Cn ba. Tai Lk 1 DAT BLOOD RLMEDT ClaaAi ab Kl r acr. tftb al .Uin HINDOO. TABLET" U! aviid. u A-tAwa. s. BA U DKLXi CXX MABSAGE ad)b aaormrat: atb!i Wrilar fur the a mm Lad O; u Ua o X pia Apt. 1. Ikul ra--ajn Hr . t ta A V d "5 VFTIf! Uatw, st. E Brtt. i4 Sfc R-r.B. A. Praf Hdt.U. Paajra rral donor. POULTRY AND PET STOCK PEDIGREED rayA::y bred finely marked tvut Cc-.u PLt;. Erack Mncbe. btth aed Graar. oaahA. PfR BALE T Arjrnr k'tteSA tES . '. n.'rf AL Phone Harcry e.T THERE ta rouvg ltir U.aa cae4 Tu to tba tUl;. If A. P. F.rnacder. V CAforaia bi . wtU ooma ts Tba Bee TSca :UJi Ura dara mm anU riv h:ra ab arder for A a-a&t CAA of VArrcll rrup fraa. PRJNT1N3 i .r rpHOKB rxr a tor V. AV -t A PriauAd Ca, baa al CAtaiai Are. LA HALL PtA Ca, S-letA. laA A -ASM. !w T I?ir Printsr Tapbwa rv.u t it AXK XL A TBJL AJCS a CwtBt- REAL ESTATE iiimrr or titlm. KTIR JtMEX. Jr . da Tat. Pn THE M4.itJ O T. Ca 1714 Ftnaa BBAk KtTATB DEiUU. ETt APrrBACT CO. atdaM abatraM afttea M Xcaraaaa, K Braadala TaaaXM HALXSIlIE TtTXB TKftT CQl. MstA Caor. Citjr KaA. Base BxtA. CILUERI (JirwBatATIOB. LIBERAL TORNADO POLICIES Iwuad ty it Orient InmrAnc Co. t current ntea. Horca Ownera Protoct yor pre- trtj aftiiiit load by Tor&AAoat ADd Wlodnorma by lat&rlas 1b t& Orient lKAurm.Bc Co. Alfred C Kennedy &o! Agent, 301 rtrt NaUodaI Back Bit- TdiectoBd ;:z. rrii ipn DITOi All kisOa of taam work, loA. b PI.TTMRPCfr U r- v" Vaikacberg. I UXL.AU' vi ork and ViatrnaJ A 1 fcatllactl:a ruarastaed. Vt-Kt. 10 N. M. CARL, THOMPEEV. eatnrat and brick work. ITU N. BXk. Wakv. tza. B-lisS. f r r i RCmV Currmw. Bulidar irAVrlY U Wnda PRJCXAT JiVO.MVA jNO PLABTKRIXQ. CS MEVT AVP COVCPFTH wr.RK EPTI NATH FREE. N. RATMOKD. 117 or Alb 6u toa. 77U. A. J. Ira .ana. tnaaoa. Bn K. B 1T e. g Mcmullen 3uzz tractU. Iou.aa AMti. XT?W, trtitiBJ te and tree rKaorg.. AX U v Hoear. & 13 ran na. A N DBCAPLV 3 and unique rArdenlbg. by aa expert- Flower bwda deaXTed. V. E. Heorer eaa do your rad.nt' ritrfct and finlah It up with A pretty Aa iacape efface Bi; i -nam. arr faopcbtt fob ialb TWO . - 1 DESIRABLE HOMES TN DUNDEE Blx-rewm beuee. Voce led at VQi Cab fit, doe ta car. eouth frest. ltrce lot. I err ahad treea. In flrat claae aelrbborbooA Houee lk atrlrty rendem throughout; flrat claa plurobinc Aid beat s. Al caly dao orated. Price It.aitQ . S: i -room bouae. located At tba aoulb west comer of eatb aad Capitol Ave. ea vrt. eorver let: large tree; Cret r.laa pi uw. btbg and beattr j; eerooct waikk; beuaa Bloey daoorAtad ttroughout. WUl mek Bo me ee A beantjful Boat, Prloa H WUl ba pleaewd ta arraaga ta ebow yen tbreura aitber cea of eaa Bouaea At My HaITIXGI HETTEN. HC Harmay L Two Fine Homes at Sacrifice Prices $5,500 Bora AA elegant t-reom all modern noma ta tba Bazciia Park dinnot; oak tmk do ern ta lr. Blrcb and anapla cpatAtrA Tba rootna ara large And ooaee enuy arranged. Hot water beet $6,500 Fer a A-raora all Dadem real dance, near Mr. Joal-B ovru. la tba Weet Famaia diatrtrt. Irga tract and aid porch. Lt t ebcw you rougn tbls bouae; you U LA The Byron Reed Co. Botb Pnooea. EL I a lTtA Bt Strictly Modern Alnioet sew t-roosi bouaa, aH ea ground foor, boAdrt two haHwarA lAr batb room with linen eteeet and targe elota full baaemeat trllA large m4 try room, etc; boi a-r beat, comw .uoa gaa and electric 1 gl t; full lot. Bxl& tart, asuia front. All kind ef yeuna" true enema. peacbBA grapea, rhubarb, eta. Ccmrat eaka in front and around he nee. G-ood location oa n.-n-th aide Handy ta car Una and etore. Pnoa. 11.10, Sl.Wd eaah. M a Lara a large Urt of A or 7 -room betters and a few splendid buya front LLB and vp Let B eoir yea the rood" OBIX B MERRILL COMPAXT. Roome lLl'Xt Cuy at I Ba eA Bldg. $100 OR $200 WILL DO I SfiA-A-roos ootiage. city water And gms; lot dfxlM. tl.AA rooni cottage, weet aide, la A Caa coax; large lot. 7-roora bcuee oa 8. bib BL, Bear Is; la a bera-ala.. KMC room cottage, la walking cietanea; modera. exoect beat, t! ltd I room cottage oa Fpauldlnc 8t-; large lot and la a bargain. MENGEDOHT & CO., - CU Bee Bl. Doug US.. A-Um 4 Hanscom Park Home Good aix-roera houee atrletly mod era, bAi"Uig te badrooRia and batb cpataira. so aa east front lot, 60x13 ft. ; pic laen And hade; g-nod location. Price only tLMKL A fre hundred dollars dears, ba ao prac Ucally the aajna as rent wU baai it Thta bargAia is wrvtb AcvesiaLing;. Scott & Hill . Phone Douglas mi. AT McCaaus BidA. West Farnam Oaner goir.g aasy offers ors of th new. eet and nvoet roriipiete modern tearoom rrs)denoes e. West Pwrnara Hill At low aacrlfre Fer inici.!ars sns HICKS. Z. Board of Trade Bldg -r BEST LOT IN KOUNTZE TlACE I,2o0 Bourh front ej f-pencer St. betereen E)d and ttih -.; iirxlZt feet: fine abaJ. pa.ed sir rm paing all paid, pern neat l.A HaETIN'OS A HETTES let Heresy Be $100 FREE To ths tarty buyirg this t rwm cottAga. me tn a but beat: full lot; located near HiLam Park Ben cfler taxes 11. Caa erratics aasy ierns. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., Tld Omaha Vatloaal Babk. Pnaes t. ttt- Lare Omaha Plant k AuaUl for snaBxifacturiag or wholesaling. P-.ae ssua re feel tVaer STwce, fully ec uippat Ample tracaaga aet-Suu. Harrison L Morton. lw aorea nr sriA and VaUey BtA' faArty gaud beuae. but But tiiuahed tasioa hm V raey Al or leug i I REAL ESTATE riTT rnorr.tTT rtn tAt-i ACRES EN BEAUTIFCL F.VTR ACRES joining Hrr7 Hollo- Golf course on the west. TERMS ONE-FOURTH CASH. Lots in Happy Hollow and Dun dee jnsX east of Happv Hollow Gub TERMS ONE-TENTH CASH. All deferred payients easy. NO BETER PLACE TO LIVE. No SAFER PLACE to INVEST. than in Omaha 'i best new resi dence district which includes FATRACRES. HAPPY HOL LOW And DUNDEE. Plat, prices and full informa tion at office of GEORGE & COMPANY, City National Bank Bldg., 9th Floor. Fine So. Side Home Fi rocraa and reretnloB kaTl: ktrlcUy (modern and t good as ic, b vir.c recer.tlr bera patBied. LArre eart frott let. 4il? rt Looted rear Sv.h and Caa tellar. Prlca reduoed to IX Mb. Can tnake rood temiA e 11 ba pleAted to abow you ibxoutb. Scott & Hill Phoo Ioi.r''A itii. "C McCar-j Bide. NICE Suburban Lot Bo-uta trout, comer lot tSxlS. on grade, on.-y 1 block from car. Haa eeaer. aater, it On of U be ibieet looaUotik la lb city. Thje lot haa every eaaeat 1 ta a rapid advance in ealua. a jrrcundir.g eagbborhood A bow bii.g highly Improved. Pno ttf. Ttu U te CK1 cheaper thaa aurrounoint property. Pbona Wabaia r leek BEST PLANNED HOUSE IN CITY VTe would liA to tAka 700 to look at tfctg p1ac If ron Are lntereta In A dcirAba Field club district borne; It 1 complete Lcrou(bout; Bio Utra, Lab eataaa; 112.600. Gallagher fir Nelson 410 BrABdelf Bide. OaAaa, Neb. NINE BOOMS AS tneoera cottage ef t rooma; wwH o eaied ta good aeigbberbeod. full lot, ahad treea; A-I beuee for tba reoney. - Prlca tUB- Terma. KM oaeh: balanoe frKfthly. BENSON CARMTCTTAEL U Paxtoo Block. $6 200 WEST FARNAM HOME Brian room and large re- oepiios nail, four bedroomA KoulA front lot. VilJ-6 feet. Ot-ly etia bieok ta Farnam car line. Located la a dia trtrt of excelietit homes ea Harcey Bt., between X and Mb B-t GEORGE & COMPANY Exrlurire Ag-it. t boii Dougiaa TU. W-U Cuy Nat i Bank Bid. Phew! It's Hot! Bat rerardleea ef the weather, yoa can't help being latererted In buying one of our baaeeorne homes tn tierr Place, the pretty bonaeoa oe a iiUon near ttb and f-pruo 9t, If you ara la ih market for aa at traerjee berae at a reasonable prlca. W bara eaa f;ve-rocni bungalow and on five reoni oottaga. ctnctly nxxSom in every re spect, oak f:niab In llemg rooms, big, roomy attle. Cn cemented baaemeat. whicn will bs flniabed ta about a weeA Tbeee bouaes are bonesuy buiit. not thrown to gether to sell at A large profit. OrJy IS ta tt mlBuue' walk ta poetoffloa Just be ngbt distance te fumiab proper exarelae. Reai Ktnabl terma Scott & Hill AT McCarua Bl&g. PBosa Ioug 1 6E.L Tower Corner SUOOO K W. comer tlb and Websier fhaet residence comer la Onaaaaj; Aot offered before. Harrison & Morton iBols AentAi. LOOK at tba bouaa, XU1 Lake St.; If yoa Uas At. buy C FOR SALE Five-room cottsga, modern, axoept tumaot, Awt a lita rt. EEVEX-room reendenca Ben: it park; mod era la every respect; alas good earn oa p party. Inquire owner, au. X. OH Bt f bar. Uartiey X2J6. LAKE M AXAWA 1 the eooleet place to he found. It . R Wniilock. 1 bo lTta Bt.. will coma to Tb Bee bffioe w.imn tares dara we will give him a pair cf round trip bueia ta La ks Manas a. South Side Home Bts-room bouaa. modern except beat, big lot. a-xiat, room for another houee, on laved street, pavibg (Jd. Located near li. h and L-orcaa. A gwd. substantial hum, ann nice shads treea end iaaw. Can givs poaeeasiun this wsek- Tbu proiioaiuon ci b baadled IU a fear hut.dred dollars doe t- taianca easy montbl) paymebta. Scott & Hill AT MoCAgua B g. Phone DougUt CClL vacaat rtorEtrr. Dundee Lots Two fir.e Ints a grade; eeaer, water, fas, cm. eet esixs all in. Pnoa. CKiu. Benson & Carmichael H Faxtea Bloc A ACREAGE FOB IALC THL WEEK ONE ACRE. HT3HL.T IM TROVES?. ' One ef ths anas. beaJtbfaL productive, and life-sureOy-wanb-uvit p.acs around OnLa. Bair.ar bandy to good school, car line and pared street It has a Aroura a-iodara hoe. this land Is enutely eet out In grapea aad ad Linos of s all fruit and eo n cy S3U tnin-rs u maxe up a home la-.n l ate.y adjoint g On ba oa a aeav Pnoa. At rt If you want something yoa cannot get every day. t t.n let ua abow yu tbia. as 11 la ae'.l aorta wMVe ORRIS S MLRRII CnUPAXT. Baoaua -l I Ctiy jiaA i i A frif PABBt ABDREALCESTATE trtaw !) A. yaTrxTTT?. TH rt ranway atefSe. Ia feared. ! rut e-naii bouea twe wwlka twa pvhbe raada Vnit-a Ftank A Tr t Ca. Baal Bat : Lwct, bearer. A'k- !bA rimcFkonD ewtrr Trb pi ur umi tpmfi, lui Ear rear a aaf c-reeral famine; I" M. A baraa-Aa la tTrrvTed tarraa. (A ta PA bpex i i a CXA, Buret Fprraca. Arkv lAat ACRE r k bottota taad. ata awtea b-'ewarb. tit par acre; terma n arena rrora. piortda Forty aorea. fAoA Oer aarraca. A. A. Uewdaraaa. Bawarb, Ar- TRACTS rf land la tba ewra a I J (a:fa d atrtct ef r-e:ia ad; b cb aoil; food aehaola; la. ada wta omb la rataa ta ibree Viara. raw rant trora U ta R per Bare nta Me wbat yaw ul r. c Hoi vo. PUw Blaf T. Ark- COTTON PantaUoa: M arrea : )ea t It-room dwanirc: pety te tat bauaaa, aaod bara a I aatb idlttca; rtca. b rt team; will frew b&.le eotiaa ar Tk b-nabew twra par acre: wevea wire tenoe; AA arrea ruluvauoa; Ad oercbao bia uisbar. bard eed; bea:tbfia lecauaw. t a a treea awed brwa: rood Mtabborbawd; bear ec mm aad cburcb. prloa lAtHr; reaai.iinb. uraa Addraa Jobnataa A Wtlua oar Baa ara Iruat Ca, IM. ua Ba w Aa MA d ad. eet. M la awn, tat blaeh alralta ar rtoeer land; fair Imp.; road sa'rbber bewd; K. M I from toe af LW Bear P. O, aad acbowU Beej-ly all aaMA ap la. ad; H cult, baX tu tar, B cwver; 4 ai (a .la, f bean.14 arcbard. i tewoad bc tvbt; extra aewd ar rea eaoa etore, )ede b As, ate bara; dark red aa ty A .on: caed eecam i ity; delicatful loauau ab oe teod iur; awbje-t ta a-) aw Ae i teat; tejBM aaay. W Oil ! ORB, arabAO. Ark MIofEw J3t"RKa A PATTON real Be lli dr rXA "iVrna tbftn for lrf orrpt.oo In retard ta Ark mat iir.r Atcibuoelia, Ajk. BEST fruit and feaaral nnaif laaat far price la U A. la t rry Co, Ark. Bead for booklet aboWBS e ta tli land aear W. At. He t, a. ATA OEAJLK UlSV CO. Qravette. Arm. ft oca raneber. trull tarnaa. berry f.eidu a an J tracta las llem plan; tan prx srty. bus eaa bnv.aea Mriie aa BEST IN AMERICA FOR FR1CB. All nil rasa of timber. Iva and CruM esaas In AriA u, Lo na aad W ii.pm. tram KuU per acre, tkrue svay- Boliia Cam den. Ark. GOLDEN wheat lands far sale. 1b- preved and unimproved praina Lars, say aisa, AiberuL . auxueees key, Vi alro . b . Oa a. I OWN a section of good wheat Aaal 1 aiiuated leas aa ta o uea from gre tr.g town in Basxa tcbewaav W1J aeil for I per acre Adareas At 3. Carrotnara, P. O. Box xTi. Vliai ulpeg, MAaltobA FARM cos la ths Canadian wast, town lots in railroad divisional -pernis, property In tVairous. the Carlted of America, Writ W. M. Galbraita, -wairo . t katchewan. CANADA LAND Fme hajf aectlon; orer TD acres la crop; good water and bubd lr.r orJj t!f per acre Wnl for Inicu. ra, H. E iiemmga ay, M burn, t sk Z3U ACRiS, cloee te town. Baskstcbewan; I" ac-es ta a beat: tl acre; third earn, balance to suit. Wnta for term Bzodis St, Fort Wiilian Oat-. Caa REAL ESTATE I havs a large list of lands ta the Goose aad E f is As district, no better ta Ca Ida. li. t". Iear Iv. Rose toe a, Baaa, tellleraUi PRO FTT ABLE rinolea e land iBrast ments: tracta f whatever six desired Aiong Btew Aiba of rail way xa Ca Ufomla and oregoa at prices tnat am anoru run, quick returna by subdlwlalo-a. We are ad verus g aad b-rlngjng - . setllera. lnves t (Ale this GOLDEN - OP1UKTUMTT. For fall parbcuisra . write , L F. Curt , Laved Cooi r, K. C. C jrie'Sea. Nee. t te NOBTHEABTEBN Oelsrade wneal Isu bts, CLAD s tii per acre- A few tmprwved Urot IX w IA -art i. Beiahardt, Bieriliig. Cois MB-ACRE beet smgated tana. CesoreAs; Oa y tmpreveA. aew tea ream dwelaa g. barn; pviate oa v r ta Aa AS ear ada. 14 A. wbeat; is A alts a; ne axis Aaad; every toot uaoer old axiar rigai; bar aae er farav cast work both; ar ea Berth ef Denver, tr-a aoctk of Gremry. C A. taresury. As) a CA BAAA. L aavavr. FOR AaLE Bquars socuoa, sell acres, ta Philips county, Colorado; " miles from H'jlvoxe, county Seat, F-s -miles from Pro. cn Ho'drefs abd oterilnA branch of C, B. tc Q. SL R- Eitrhl-room house, hardwood tnlxh, cement oebar, granary, AM0O bu., shecded oa both aides, all built last year; stable for t t.ve horses, ons Pasture ef M seres; the rest of 1-4 ace In one pasture; surlece water in jl If auid before harvest one-hs-f of crop gi.es with ths place. Ererytblrg Is new And flrst-claas, Price. A per acre: 1 era; ft. Oa-ber 7k years old and cu t run (i A. G. Aeymour, UuiyeAs. COiO. FOR BALE or Trade My equity ta socuoa ef raw land. I sniies of roreata, I miles Kit Caisob a I auiles Wild lioiae. Cheyenne Co, Colo.; ea P. By.; lays g-od, abaliow water district; 1 mile ts river; sixAJta groan aurt-e fuHv nearby. Pnoa. Lw per Acre; emcumbranca SL j, cp uonai At ft per oeat. due May 1A la. A WiU trace the equity. E,Koi i. fur recidenc ef ewuxj taiue. I Also have 1 aecuoa join lr.g Oils ahlch 1 clear, te traae far to a 1'rc.r-erty. Sams price W ou d carry bfcx x tl.euk on tAia at 4 lr et-aL Waiter li. Bold. Neatua. la- l.rud-acrs farm 7 miles southeast Paa sett. Hex A ec'uaty. Nebraska; AS) acres la corn this year, larg Acre la umothy and clover. Good art of lmproverxiecta. Price. LUlst tr acre, cne-third caah, bal -sacs easy terms at per cent. CAL TENNlo. I F. L. A T. B.iig, Sioux City, la, WE G-J to W x'.aon. Car la. May B; w ill mi ke a rate of 1 ceni. per tn-ie each way to our lands Crops growing fine: ge see fcr youreeif. as this is tr time ' to eee Just wbat la aoibg. la this way )cu caa mx k our fununs by gt-tiibg ia on the ground noor. as we are w-ho.eea. dealers Write ua Farmers' riaiiu a Hanx, Gnmas. la MO-ACRE eelxir, all the very cboioest of .and. nothing nicer tn ths state, ttev or more of lmprovamenta all ia good abape; e-e mi.ea from two good xowaa. Must be Buid and soon. I bsve tb excJ iv hand ling of this Price. P per ax-re. MarcB 1 oeliver) , V caab, bxlanoe w Per cent. G. M. lrr.erj , Nurxhwooo. la. FOR BALE I lota, a embers and IT. biock E. Lr.giewood aaaiuoa, Hun. and Park. Address J. It Bnaett, OxxAioofcx, A BEAL ESTATE BNAP. 136-acre tArm in pocahen" county; cor ner right In loan; buiadmg o-.e block frt.rn depot and crearonry; l?s-rom bout-e norlr furnlsbod: fins yrtv and fruit treea: beau tiful bunding a t facing south; rsni bara etiifti. It-foot t-oats. sianrbieas for about fifty cat tie; twe tdio bins: room for lu toes ef nay; aiso teed cutler, eora gr-ndtr sad l-bure toaer gas-Ll;ne engiae. - bars fcr U horses, w ih bar loft and graJa bans; 1 ml aad three water Let-ax; faim tesKvd is aix fieid. " acres hcag tigbt. Praoa. t. per acre ea very easy terms. 1 A CARROLL. Rolf a Is ATTENTION. LAND BUTEKS AND r?r"ECT'LATORa. Here we are a-r as wita a larger 11st of laad tiaa eiar befvara, both lmprsied and un-snprevvd. at prtcea ranging from Lab to ke per acre, according ta local. ax, ia&prev. mtnts. d.s ncs from tosm. etc Xr lands have good, net- b ca aoam soil w:tb cxi aub-eoli that cannot be excelled in tbe state, aad. evernhmg or-naidered . we haa ins beat and cheapest land u lows tudav fear tne rraor.ey. Our land la m'.:y aU -Cramed. riuat to tewa. scbool and lia goud aei-rbbcrboods For tb best of e-tarrtbrng te Ve bad ae barga a IS land, come And see us. ear write FLTNN 1-liOS LAND AGENCT. Bufta '9 Center. Ix fid ACRES, fifieea ibouaand di-ai.xrs: Fra-tm.-nt couriiy. loax, yow baaceigs. sr. c-riard. t-.aw caab.. 1 r xru a Cral-d, oabtr. REAL ESTATE FARM A "AD RCH LA.tD FOB ttlB lewi atlaaeA. t ACRES and n arrea rf ewslbe-i i la Aard. trrprc-Ted. wail located r-cd ami. riM prto. far eate or t -. t" eoJite in brick Bcr bundir-a"; a firet e-'e kirrr.e pre;ertT fur ea e or trada autre, u land nrfc a.r- . cr aule ki a AA draea bet A Loaot I. la. rvR AL6-Bmoetlent PBVa. rana ta eora and h . ue-riM t-eJt. Ada.n reunty. loea. Farm al e l fesoed. at arrea net tM i acrea Cied. and ail I- eAoelleet eu Uviioo. U-rwa beuee. iArte brKA ee; 'ar wth remet ff-wr. re?teTit wa'ka bvrre M bara and antiL wtb (read F r beaki e' a . r.e. new bog bouea I'lJFver eut buiiiilata a.l la rood repair, food ateek and baj roarda larye gr l ve atd food arcbard. four n4 ea'lk exoelieat water, tve TlDimlili For further peruou - ddreea Mra A area M. Naab. ) tAt t, Daa Mataaa. . 1 ACRE. . aaa eouaty. leaw. tana ta prcved aad au loceiej. rnce t k per ere; my eeuuy U Aii.. Waat aoetbera fct;u letota or I.koia A. riear. K a le ft ted rra oooaiaered. Ca lAberee peaar portable teeouoe ens-.ae tor waal tare you Add,-ae C atcCAueui A Oi ty. Lo raa. le, XR fALE Fpnodld Tama wall lav prared. rax-i-n ta pnoa tro U li M ir acTw. 1 Si M cbotoa lea tend, la eau IDpreead oob . t)a. ear tewa aad art.eoia Tbere w more fertile ar beau t.!ul part ef tb elate aa Kwoia really Vnte for parue a re. T. A iieiimo . bey, 'a, likVACRE trsproved farm. 7 miles f ro-o Mason City. I miles from s-t.aJI town; 171 an acre; easy terras and splendid bargain; l-ecree urun-i-r ed farm 11 miles from X.a-a Cit.v, i' tniiea from io other to-e-ca Or.:y ted an acre. We Laxe the beat bargains la northera Iowa. Com aud M SOX CTTT REALTT CO, Mason City, la, "vAXTED A good stock ef gesterwl aar ch aadiea. tr em to t.I.iwt ta exchange tee gtiod farm aear Had, la., and eaaa, Fara eon ics let Mm ta-roos beuae. bars. Kx. pnea. tied aa acre, sub-teet te K'e, eeuity. MW. V. b mer. Helta, La, LeaUlaaa. TKRNON part A L ; the land ef eua abtne, SiAi. cue ta. a lets, eater, be a. in, geoo; prlcee cheap; emta tesnlie rxe Lstai aad Improvement Co.. C kL s Far bA Bee . Leeevma. 1 . LAC1SLaNA farm aad Umber laada good for true A eora, cattle, eta ; oa ee bcuat cottoa Peel, c be a pest Asa ) ee sua rare hxu, tear A swoib earoa BARGAIN, AO-acre teprcved Urn. bo ir.iles from M.nneacolia. k miies lroro gocd railroad loan. A acre under L-ch siai of cuiti vatiAi, baixr.oe fenoed and crcies fenced, need for iasiurs and meadvw iand; fr"t arres of tlu farm can be put under cuiti uoo: gcod act of buading-x, coriastlr.g of bouse, on large burn and several err.aJer bunt, grat ry. etc. Price, fct per acre; L". e.e cash, long time on balance, t per ct-it tea ba ias;-ecved by leaving Mmneapoli in the morning and returning the ump sveiimg. aebwab Bros . 1I Guar Aaiy Axn Biog., M-nnuapout t. Mina. TAilVNEPOTA! XEArCWLA.VI'8 AND FLOOD WOOD bli.TTLEMIiNTi. cT. DoUiS COUNT. NEAR DUDUTH fxrmerA, garcaneni and daTtbea a anted. Ideal c.imtie, run son. abundant ra.nl i, great croj.. Home of red ciover oa our ca n line lreouant train service. Best our- t keis In Aa-erica. Prices kw. Terms easy. HomeeetAars assisted inartrsted litera ture Free. Wr.-.e LAKH COM R, D. A L K. B. K, 1U Wol.m Bidg, Dulula, Minn, southern Minnesoia .and; we have cub- oreoe ox pieaeeo cuewoiera v. n- xr-eei 1 nd Co.. OfSoea. Biadei.a s 1 New Klcb ia t, Minn. ATTENTION. HOMESEEKERB . If you are think g of Immigrating wort this year, nit ua for deeuipbiva liter ature of our lands ta Mim ,ero , North T-...M. . .4 A i a, Tt ee atlft v.. no matter what you want and where you V UJl 1 1. t ii rw ijawf-m from s acres to 1 , WUIlxm Gib Am a. Lock Boa L Cormorant, At a. sat ACRES at anBea trees bl PawL S amies Crera Bosemoat; au fenced : black Is a eetl. at acres eulo.ated; be .no paaxure aad bvck oak taker; cauy aat per acre lor Itr.n Meie sale; umiZ caaa. IBaci ra Improved I era M mllee treea Bt, PaaL 1 BBile from Ktch Valley eta tAoa: kAne-rwom bouse, wtndj miU, large barn a I eiber bu unca. ail la od ouxtdiuoe, LcA Lea al , day aubsi ; aJaaya bees ctuuvat i by owner; lav aortas ua der Suae. I etwee tr I treea, moauy a; pace, tils nee good ta Par no. B-ecial pnoa and tarax VT. r. e B. W. MurilS. stOBuer sTS B A, Bl Pat Mina M oa equity xa gooa quarter ta aeutaera Micassoia; qua ner two mliea ft a good loe-B, baling bouse AiAi . aew bara ttx SL 1th gal kls root, ua 4 graaary aad teaoe. Waal abacb e a er at pin ti Ba per ar. Beaj. A. Cone. WAaaom. slirs FINE FARM HOME. Xtt AC EB 1 mi.es from good town, black sua aoU, All feaoee. Large trams dweii g, bara, grkJ iy. mark iti abed a etc Aae ata-eg Aa fiead. eh acrea timber. I nana clover aad sotay a t a ew. Aaeai aau-y ixrra. ts per acre. a-iA Ird oasA t-aj-aese eaag rnua. . J. a a. aVeasioe, A SNAP; MUST BE QUICK: SKa-ACBB Ba.pred farm Aa Murray county. Mini ia . aeia; Las first c aa build ga, teaces; aplea d grave, ere u-d; twe a ea treat lea a Write iotm xvtuaea, jr, hrvta. I HAVE a Carat ef SJ aorea PA from good tows. B xui;ea troex 1 spoua. Mai acre a a - cuiUvataoa; aaoul ae epacnaa up. Kaaa al . ae i i . bara and eiber buiiO.nga. Frc aU pet acres. Aim sk-acre I aria twe a ea treat good lee li. ev aaes taer pise-, is acres umber; goad rich al. A-roya bouse, tas barn and ottvar outbuiartiiiga, ftjidam 4, tm e naiural grsre. Ore v rt fua 1 eta. meitribg tu tae-. Pr-loa tu . easy taraaa . Wnle eaats. Caaraaa B liana, a rJtar, tk.Su tar Aist el our riae tw-eved souinetra Mibaeati la la W ear c lomcrs, C- tundreoa vt 0 trees Lead Co, xtaeeii al Be r FARM.. SMP-1 acres lei A prairie laiau. Aa in crcp, baiaxice pasture atid meadow; good buiiair-sa, tTi. acre. morebtLTt A AULA eon. Manaaiu. ALbn. eiaa acres ta Bu Lean and Can a ceun uea, Minaeaeta. a ear aues of law. aula aad auptraor. ai a-rice wit a 1 -t leach vf all. as 10 t aa sua aaay ler a teurteea raairuads Aw eatering aae tea dues tai aa t be ana tau ira ip. Aaiien. A icb-iLM u oa-eoiifr s ai 1 11 1 aew pulkung by t. mi 1 a La lee a at oass paay, aear aa e 1 is teruis an I weal aaa p 3 is a versified tare 1 saury tag ana sj -dea Unu . Ne ie-ug as er traas IMlt'ioii r .r.aa but ngxl at Aaaor ef lb e beai u taeas of Uaa Lai i I A- a, walk oui ua-i era rid and sua a pra a, a rile to t ti AAftarinai a uaa I fc r r.. Bacg, DuiulA . At a. FOB BALE 1st f good asw bard a beat tana Maubaaa, pematas A For Ir , -are. cvumy. Narta 1 k aaareaae ewxier, A. I iiisssa, kef I a-re Are, B FOR SALE aj tan. rge aad an a, between Mi iaptu anal .weo,i neera aaeraae t per eora W rile lut big prase A. m kaiasi irtta Mrul Ctl. Jaw aTOP: Dos 1 . a step tuiuaar aa D4 a tea .isx ti u 11. wt uulu li ta, rata a evbitxaii, c -a It m l . a aaa per awm. a-i tali 1 croe pa-oi u-i. t.eapeaai goe as aaiU. av lu gs per acre, rte aa inelnaa t , A -a a. a . MlaauLAU FA lea Is Ken bet r ea t A; IX. r-uax.Jy .avrea 1 atue. rxaa att i uui. fa ivaer set ra uiiai a aaiiiei uuitD)ua.ur ,''. AI u MlAaOCKl teres. Bs aorea; A ream beuae. bat a. Aaaa tuw waeal, aa ataras aura. tana. b.e k tun, t a taw raur . , a acre Caaa, b Axu-aataa' bee is la. k aal arry kae. ia-ACXA aoauesoaaA r i-'rtai-naia r aa , a tn a a, ties baaa ry, mm a a area aiet a. a a ttNa a tees e re. t rn-ia. t tier tee s. kwewa. uia. at CHEAP bi Af At LND About Lwaa aa BJcres s-ais aaxtd to be aa on forty years' I At eeaurtd; tax .y k per 1 it ef pur er a pnoa eves, ouyere a 1 1 baae ts itts ea aa-i , Blh iu A tue sj.d ia eta pen oa. For laruri txvferu uti a a I r iir ta iftrau. 1 oa u: .utii sr aa ai t W. a BL, t , i, REAL ESTATE PA BM AD BA.-ACM LAA D EOB tt arl raaHaae THTRTEEX aectJera la twrw rewaty. bear Aideey, one ef the beet loe-ee ta lb Tailewwtooa valiey; ae baes etoer teas lb we are retauirg la any else tarax yea aat W rile year war Prtoes are right, tba Hay ward 1 ad Oe, OAewda Meat. FOR AALE PlBjset farm ta i it county, Breeedus farm at lf ar-ea It BUie from Fort L eeee wertA. at e bnct rewdewce ASt eV-year-ed wavts set esgar Biepie Uvea, t-alural gas. tee teierbt'bee, trr delivery. aulee treea CAbux Ft bia Use; axaaune premises and ernte Mra A L. Barer. A FeA B S4. JeeepA sla- B-ACRE tarax, ail cuiuva d. r.ne be see. barn, ttBuea, flra t-c w cone; l ft. C spring aster, I mikes trees tee a, I aa.e tiea raiiroaA. bostneast grat a la, P MB-enfe Ua WHOLE&ALB TRACT l.W MO-XT A" V tbe eem.Bg larra s la. fJAS is tat per acre. Writs for Aeaartpura. Abaw A Caere t aa Ceanpaay. Beck xS B , Aa PauA. at in a. FOB AALK Bitter Beet Valley gJB aorea fine trnu ed. au water rtaat. beet eee new ef in e va,ley. tine crapaaiuia for eub- waer. a. . Be k acres eH miles from Emerson. Neb.; fine tmprweemea's, land leys good, tea rnaxe rpiendd terms, aad tbe ptioe is t- to l& Aeae tnaa aootoing places ar Iwci prioed at. For puikia r iau on or a rile i. A L NNOA, A L . N&B. FINE tes-acr ranch. U miles from town. 1 s nara tarn Lay, baiBAre a-ud hay aad px. lure, a acre level, be nee anghuy roiULg. heavy b.atk eoti, ie lieaing t A-room bouee. barn. gr xry and rtiiexen bouaa, taierbone, i Hu la school. Th. A aa axcepuunai.y f.bs ram.h and a nap. W 1.1 eeli on r) imij.i ieorga a. . Cbiiina. owner. Aix si . NeA 1W A URLS la Cbass county, Nebrasxs. 11 mi.e south cf LlSie. 11 taxra Buon tiu lake L.7.-M aa auc. Ibia is a good -g rter e. utiti Ai d can all t-e txi n ea ; ulj tax a gfed Jim or iU auiomi.:.!. on tb deal ana carry 1-be A ace. i". A. uxt A, v. bxr.U'b. la. FOR SALE School lfAse, acres, bear Ljnch. Boyd Co. Neb. Aodrees J. H. KAmprxr)er, M C-oiut S-L 6.9 ax City, Is. S rve Mes tew. GET THE FACTS ABOUT NEW MEXICO. Act Ui rid is cbtxp; ideal cirx.kte; a seU ro aand. Write today for tree bin k a with nisi . ?iAie 1-nm.gralion Board. AibuguerQa. New jiltxica. Berth DeAets, AUCTION E.tiE Nonh rakota: choir Wei; and Stvisr-cea oountl' farm at publia auction Jens A IslL on easy term Wiii lor information. A. F. Beicb er. Baies Mgr., sikestoa, N. IX ONE of ths finest farms in Richland ccutity. coas-istlng of 2-jj. acres of good, productlwe land, yoimcg Wyn Imrre. Ftas large bulidlngA lots tf fruiL nice grovs and bever-laiilng rowing welL Price, tf: I tier acra Easy terma Marua Paui on Lav nd Co, Wjndmere, North Da kota. FOR SALE An exoeftlona-iy fine ISO. I miles of elevator, six mile of Wvndmere, good, heavy, black sou. Wild Rice rtvrr ibiougb l-asiura. Fine new building, wail of excel iem water, w-lndmLX etc, te per acre. This is a snap. Lock Box ii, W yndaera. North DakcnA. FOB BALE 1 acres choicest apple, year, cherry, g-ravpe la I la the wrest, a. a aniiee trees tewa, acae anils from railroad; sea deep vol caj aaa. lbs tea. lare. arte winn! ng fruit. lei acre. 1 aal les trotm tewa, asw. mee era Beats a. bara. tenemeBl; Sat pear pruaa bear-In g; LM yeuag uewa. Law grape via. as, Sutad aa r; wood. Or wtlt sell St acres wita Ail taaprweemeetA veetAgauea btalicttaa. C at. Wetasxac. Tata Las lies, tare. LAKDB Wat per ears Bnede tor iMirvee on tba lalanoa Slewing- Bga OfwaarAa ea sy saaaeibly payaoeala Aea ax I Kreeard l Ariastna. 1 AwwtA OO HORSE RANCH Best ranch la corthwesierB BeuUi Da kota is tor sals, unumited range and plenty of waber; leu Acres pat ent ixxid IcDoed, three reservoirs, twelve-room ranch houae, barn, oorraus and o ar buildings; fifty acres caa be irr.gxted. Prices ar nrht. I a an gold mining property and caj 1 t handle bo -Lb- If you want to raise stock wnta to day for full description of ths place and at.y oiher lEforma uu a. Addrexs John X. Be rd. Belle Fourcbe, tv D. Box TA FOR AALE eaectioa good, raw tea It all fenoed; good flawing well: S files tresi FiSXiAingUan, A Ix For pej -Ueuia ra, emta i. OAtA ey. FBI Ha. 5a D. ALFALFA THE ETa OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS Tb s Ike laad we Aata Free beoa. vtea 1; re aQuisnaoents aad deeded Aa la For panicu rs wrlLe WMe) st Oa. Bi.Ua Gap. A iX eaVACBB etsra (at -av ewt trosx atetu 1 Fane, xeeiaent laprovementa, large grove ad tr t; all Aa cul tlvaoea; prloa car qulcA eaaa lab. easy terms, a set w 1 A proved, easy lerwaa , aad lac acres a icprca ed- Tbeae era barga a far quick aa , B. A. BUvtita aw aer. aus Fa s. La. WITH DAXOTA LAND FOB BALK. We aave A Hat of EAmuada eouaty aaad for sai s at trem Sit aad v per acre, if aiat eeled wma ua tar sar-ucur aad w a Aeend our pnoes sad eoceet aaaa. Lf I en ova laad la bouts Daaota laat At wttA ua Our otts As "A Bquare Deal te Buyer and a aer." Give us A ca toe te prove saw sia tern ent. Hasvotd Laos Oe, Mia a. Bav aaa As eouaty. ecu faakota ONaVFOUBTH fECTION FIVB MILAt FROM TOWH Fan- imprevemaaia. Price IVSM Equity LaA A a aala A ai AAte Ca, aaaaas, i, ta. WILL exchxraTs cb 0A0 a tarta laad aa Pwsrra, the ra ja.ial of Bouia rT-k. aW gtao d Iowa er Neoraaxa iaad; w aat aave isu te a ert West l.er.g Cta, Pierre, a. D. 1st ACRES IN DEUEL TO, B D Close te tae Miaaaaota 1ms; beat y b ok sob. day bubt-bU; Lea very lev el and ad uader cultiiauoa. Must be aoid en uaa g days ts ck a aa estata. Half ef Hue years snap BTaea aat tba prv. i acre, say ler ma; tt M will b ad ae It aad it As a aaap. Ne X ravel aa atar a a fui K - aa. a aa arras, A IX W are auWrvtaiag LSW acres ef tereiis fa-rax Aaad as JacAeaa eouaty. apl adag crops every year, r lata al aAowt r.m el tat-new. fer eeeoripu.es, ptat aaa p. are a-riie JOHN RICHET A CO, L E haw uaa -s aa Aaiuaie. Tex.- TEXAB xXTESTMALVTB Bwy erci rd and gareea land nous-ion. tae greaiev at ana axe st eus city la tas south weat, wbera values are sbg us ail tae time and fortuaae baas la reai exte ta aaart walla F ty l arms if a eared, add roe c. Beberv eaa. Tex and a aa-acr tajs la tu e a GraDda valley, wbere tne tare r a oasa la soaw ae aa perpettaai as me daya - at e aa Abd ga A H Jar . tut rust Bet ae Bans La-dg. lie bus. Tea. BAN SABA V A LET, tbe garaaea spot et Texas, tatame of Ms 1 tj eaeii were a re caa buy aan( fer yvti ar in rest n aey t t-er ceat ae te yoa earurwd by aaoriaiags oa tbeee lends Ce--repoxaaeo.os eo.tritea Beler le First Nat I bank. A a Al Natl bans. Warm. Murray A Ca-. at tae aaeua bei ta c agrees fruat Tax k Be ty B.raeeoa t a .be. Tax. 1-4 AT ERA; Gulf coast. Texas; fin farm. lr.g; fruit. truck section ; una urpaaeed health resort; for lrlormavxan wn-.e own ers. Theo. F. keck Co, Laity Bid, Cbi CAga. LU. Waaklagtss. WRITE for lnfomistioa about the "In laad a jpirs." a.o Bpoxaaa its meLropo.ia Fartr fruit lands oiy proprny. Mass eur office your b m diyua rters and ir.fcri:;a t.na bureau when m our cuy. IOW'a P-EALT V CO, ca Lindeiis fc-x, epoAae, A asb. W yeaala. WTOMT NO farm and stork ranch- Int. fareved. fenced a. ell watered ljt r I r 'r,w' "l xtT it I w nta kibw, Aadrew Vnut, iAer, JAA-- REAL ESTATE FARM A WD RA!CM LAID FOB SAl t ye tag- Frist bALtt Me Arrea Ba tatrae ty, rmlit bt lAoaoea r-rairte t-v-t; euttstua foe f er nf 1 taew ateekeq erth ce'ti and abeew: wt.l aeU wlih raarbi anu escbaaaw l wast era Ksbraaaa ee lee-a ra i. 1. BaA Owaer. t eysaa FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange p-epe-Uee ef sberlt H. B. Cult sr. t- O. K. B. BtCA, U Tm ax AN vrr.'t-g at Lake Msnawa ia wel epetb If A. 11 R-j-rerf-vd. IT, Ne lata rt . will com to Tbe Bee office witnia three days t wlU g.ve b!m a pair ef r-cund ir:p tickets to I It Manas a free. S ACRES IMPROVED Do yoa want a snap in a S acra lm proted tract. rot-e la J For a short fme only. Easy terms, or will trsde for food A I O-rara or S'-rth Omaha p-openy. CR1N S MERRILL CvxFANT, Rooms LJ-Xl Uly Natl Bank B:dg t Much reai en ate Has tven eo.d cf late by Att a Bee x-al fad; His work As fine, xa every uaa. A wcDder is thts lad MKS JOHN IX 6ULLTTAN. TT t Douxlxa ctreet. Tt.is verse is v wry good and receives Bow ers hie Bttiuea. W fc.9TF.KN LAND rf'R OMAHA POP ERTT. Jne. Barber. Aa City Naa Baas. FOR reMsbte eaVee an a rcbna-ee, see t. M. LAMING, aa Braadska kvAa rOR SALE OR TRADE Twe Jewsry storaw la Nebrat x Adareas V Iv. care of Bee. FOR RALE OR TRADE A Harda a plxrao for (bonograph. Harney Xta, REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS ts borne ewaera aad borne Band. era. wiib artel rg ef anxklr.g partriai pay reeeis aesal-aaauaily. W. H. It aa aa, eel First Ksiaa aaa Baab building LOANS MADS ON IMPROVED CITT REAL I STATE. BITION BEALTT CO, Bw tkAMT-U ELIXiv CHEAP MONET. Re-preeeat g the Peaa Muttael Lafe BwA Ce.. wtth easels of ever AUt.atia.ewi. I est prepared ta accept all tb Baaed Aeaas or tared ea Improved Oa be real euxxa Bua.neas aad real it en oe Ilia as Pi da iu eui a iay. THOMAS FTtA, Oty Ka aaal A Bats- OAUKA arepertv aad NebraebA tea oa. OKEE1K BEAL EATATB CO, and Nsw On AA BatAoi uv 1 Baaa Bail Adla a. MONEt IO LC B Payne Lb vesta tent Oa. Cjot 10 Htm Biase pretmptiy. B. IX WaaaV Weed B s, U aad Faraaaw, CITT aad Farav J OHM K. FBJLNf LOW RATES, BEat -CARL BEBO OTA, tie-Jul Breads Tl x r avds, OARTLN BROtt, sd f er X. T. Ufa. tea) as lusXtxaV oa imprered property. Me txeiay. 5 tt SK,, LSSEb: WANTED. FAB LOANS. Kita Is. Ca, aairxiA WANTED City Ice . r-wtera Trust Oa"" w ANTED City loaaa aad warn W. Pari ta ea eeaitb Ce , U Faraacs At- REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FA BM KB WANT A Hat you auriamg le offer tae fai aaa ef lee at Aay cb aaa Aaa 4 tar Alt bar prAoeS; A sex mere ri tit a re tar ad ea AAA A d of aa exrhaaget Or aave yee aoaos teas yoa waat be aaal Awr eta aat The eats pap- that reevebea tae lewa fa 1 aaai is lbs Aaes at Qiaos l pi I; Sat earcu a aaAi; raxe a gas laaei-uew, 1 taeat a wterA. Si iBaariiaaa. a easts a wor. Lea Meia.s FOR A Aalsty dessert use DalaetJ-s toe crwa , Lf O. Baaiin, BA Dongs IM, anil oame to Tb Bee office wit a xnrea Ax a we will givs Bint aa order tur a quart aw-Acit of Uu s tine Ice cream. STEAMSHIPS A LAB' LANK Past uieequs Bt. La wreDca Biiete W eekly B mrgs frasa MONTBEA Tu La VEKPvJOL. G tSOOwy At 1st ai, TO LON DON. xiAvre. trraaos y unmsbuy trora PUlLADELPxxLA Ar t Bos a te Axy too agent er ALLAN A CO, araerel AgwatAV UE K. xMsxraera aat, C tt ta. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIP NEW VOX, LONDONLAiA X ANA GlBGOW'. NEW TOFK ANA .-v A LES DIRECT. Amgas or Koun d 'Ins ticxeui betweea New 1 era sad bootcb, jlTiglisA. lr and aA fartnclpal Coat eat poiaia at atvasuve liar eeaas tx uuerDax (una App.y prspuy for BtwarvaOes as lee agenia of Aaoaar I aa or x-AANDEAs buK akux. -Geserai Aaeats. .raaoaga, xw WANTED TO BUY BEST pries pe,d tor sd aaad taw rare, exa-pela aie ia, g aad kntea Tai. AA. s.'A OoOD MONET tor your b-r-oka aitri aaebta aaa otd gall. AL Nat ba av UlA THE children ami enioy their brea if it is spread uiii 1 arreli s Si rup. Lt H, B tAliabir. O S. in tiv, all ooms to The Lee oifice wiUhia three days as will g-lva him an order fur a B-oant A free. bELNER paya good pnoes for fur lure. Ik'VaLa. c es ana e-uoee. lA AL I WANT to Buy a good eecoQd-hxnd alcy. cie, oas wita ooasier braks oa 11, it must be reasonable C eu., t ea WANTECT-TQ RENT W'ANTED By a young couple, oa or twe mo furnished rooms wiin bxbh and board. Can give beat relet tatea Ad Cress E Ik iec O'BRJEN S cbocolstes ar famous evary wtere bees use they art trie brat, lf v A. Vi Bison, a 1 Grant Ab. will come to Tbe Bee office within three dsys ws will gits b:m aa order for a aVcest bna frea. W ANTED Desk and space; siaia price. location. Aoareaa, p ua. . WANTED SITUATIONS FlRsT elaas bractical ours caa gaged at Obce. Doug - CHAUFFEUR at liberty; one that cats Stan her wben ab rtj ea. Call x. J AcA bun. lad. B-I.uL NB ivuth Xrth : e anted. rtjii!-a as r.r- lure baaeamari or otner work; ca far a .1 beat if relerenoex. ii. Lew a. HANDT MAS' wants day work. HsVf Waj worth, ? N. lVih Bu Deug s TEL. TV LER 1. . Ax for Paine. Fir at c as aal esman. A CTOL piurre in Lsk Vanvt er cteroome tr.xt beat feeing If Mrs E, Lerant 3 Ni Uxh bt. wUl come to TM Bee office wltbin tr.ree dxa w will ti fctr a pair of round tnp t-cxtis to Ixt Mans we im, MAN t. apeak Germsa and Ecyllea. e ar.ia poaitiun- Leon WciskolL 3Mt V ia Ate. FIRST CLAaa prscdcal Bursa Cs sngaged at om Phone Webster LUt. TWO young men attendir.g scbaol desire work kfter p. tn. Address Bract, das, Capitol Ave. W' ANTED Pe-1 tic as buyer er aaals-tAwt tn drai-ery and lace cunxn busmeaa Caa snginaie. dna.gn and cut draponfaj and am cx-eraant with madera merer. and ts ing Addrexs Norrnaa G. Poeocks. Coa a tua. O. HOl'f EKEEPER warte position, been- or or wiljaer, imm rd-ateiy . Add.' ess O bU. Bee. SITUATION we-ved by genilerr.aa as poner or wajter. can altaa do e,l ta us ers, ata. uoraa C 1 . Lee. I