Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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" sjne rive sppikat.ts tr.k
tr. r;vii service ilmititl In the federal
ynDutriy t erlrai! r momlnf for district !
in;nnT rf lornmott hnitarB.
IcniMtwT Backraptcy A:irt G. Bork
Wker. an Crmarie barber, tiled an tn
filtinary petition for bankrupt re In the
fl"T pmirt Verlneariay rmrmtnt mlr.
hi liabilities at rLWrr.D ana hla assets at
"ree Wrcee Oraated Three divorce
were ara tiled m fUrtrlrt court Tuesdav. x.
U F-.hsneT was rtven a decree from Jane
K. Khaner; Jesse Anderson from Myr-tle
Anflerwm. ana Mary E. Ftuart from Mar.
Inn Buiart.
fee Intuit Death 1oa Han
sen, tf Frank Hansen, sued the
Mieaouri rarrfic Railway com parr fur
for the Oeath of her bul.nn) In dis
trict court yesterday. Hanaro wae kilted In
a rolhutm between a tram and a troller
car at Forty-firth and Dodre streets on
Mi; I". JHHi.
-teal Batata Mee Talk Cowsolidatioa
rotin!ldatitm of flout b Omaha with Omaha
and the institution of the cotuaunaion pian
of rnvenirrifnt were discussed at a mee tin f
of the Cmaha Keal Estate excnanre Wed
nesday. T. i. O Neill of bSould Omaha
asked that ft cmrnltte be appointed ta
boom the pTfpotiition No action was taken.
tolas Watch ia rawed Captain John
fin vase of the crtectite force Ui discovered
the hiding- j.lare of a bandatma Glamrmd
set ladies' gold match which he will present
to May tvemiert whenever he aaoertarn her
addreaa. The captain baa not the remote!
idea who May beunett la, but aa her full
nam ia engraved on the tiroerdeoe ha ta
confident tt baa been stolen, becauae of
the mtnnw in hick lis hiding, place waa
Kearney Man Chosen
to Highest Office
Grand lo&gt of Ancient Free and Ac
cepted XLoni Holds Anneal
Henry Gibbons of Kearney waa hon
ored at the swoond day meeting of the
oommuntcattoa of the Nebraska Orand
Lodge. Ancient Free and Arwepted Masona.
by belli elected to the big-best Maaonic
office In the elate, that of grand master.
Mr. Olb'brai Was. prior to the election
Weflmaday nnmlns, deputy Brand master.
Francis JB. White, the only Omaha man
to be honored with aa offloa la the grand
lodga, waa re-elected aa grand secretary.
Other results of the el notion were Jamas
B- Caia, Stella, deputy grand master; Al
pha Morg-aa, Broken Bow, grand aenlor
warden; Thomas M, I lvla. Beaver City,
grand Jflaior warden; Charlea &. Bumbam,
grand tiixurnj, Every man pat ta office
'Wedneaday held aa otflua la the grand
Joflga Jaat yeac. wlih the exoeptloa of Mr.
Bum ham.
The appoint) effloeia sow la the grand
ledge are ft.. P. Xiaridaon, grand chaplaia;
Ejkhert K. French, grand cuatofliaa; 'Wil
liam T. Bourke, graztd tnarabai; Samuel a.
Waiting, ATraad aenlor deooa; Andrew H.
Tlela, grand Junior deacon; Beuben Fbrbea,
grand trier.
Aa anproprlatioB of t6,S00 waa voted to
the Kebraaka Maaonle home at Fiatta
aaonta. The Kebrakka Teterana of Free Maeonry,
f which there ra Lhout SO pmoent. held
their annual dinner aa4 tneetlng at noon.
The veteran are Maaona who have been
member of the order for twenty-one year
or more. Two hours were taken up by
peech-makmg and the exchanging of old
toriea. They adjourned ta meet when the
next grand lodge soaeta.
The grand lodge will hold Its next meeting-
ta Omaha, the first Tuesday after the
brat Monday la i una.
Pool is to Run for
Governor Next Year
Zmparta tie JErri to Some Friends
"While Attending the Edi
tors' Contention.
Among the political aeoiets divulged
through the meeting- of the editors is the
candidacy of Charles W. Pool, former
speaker of tha bouse, tor the democratic
nomination for g-wernor next year. This
piece of news is Imparted to his Intimates
by Mr. Fool htmaelf. Be is editor of
tii Teoumsnk Jaurnal-Tribana. and waa
speaker by grace of th democratic ma
jority In tha legialalure two years ago,
and amirht have had a aeoond term except
lor the tact that be was lured Into "eking
the race for secretary of atate and beatea
by ao narrow a margin that It only gave
him a relteh for more politics, which he
will seek on tha fbernational raoo track.
and the rVe J
rateh Fkeatr
The Eagles are auooeedtng la attracting
hie crawoa ta the circus grounds at
Twentieth and Paul streeta with their car
nival and aaaembled midway attraotiona
The aeuond night of the carnival waa a
aierry affair and hugs crowds eemed
taorougtily te enjoy the alxteea ahows and
the four tree attraction. AU sorts at shows
ever Invented to please merry makers are
ta be found on the grounds and the E&g-le
are ezoMient and enthuaiaatlc hotna. The
money to bs obtained from the project is
fur the very good cause of a new aerie at
Bfimon. The grounde will be oen all week.
Tonifc-ht la "Fraternal" tught m besidas
th attendano of fraternal aocietlea there
will be a crowd of newsboys, wb will be
taken In charge by Mogy Bernatein and
admitted tree.
Three Fast arllasTta Tralaa Lee
Oady tnln kt La a tee rer.
The BurUnrtoa snade another record for
runctuallty of its paaaanger and anall trams
from Obi car ts Omaha during the atootk
of May.
The Chicago-Omaha limited trala arrivtd
on time twenty-nine days out of thirty-tt
and luet a total of but twelve snmulas fur
the entire month.
'J be night Omaha exiires arrived aa am
verr day durmg tha month.
FauMtus faat mail Kt. I arrived a Umt
every day during- the month.
Th three train mentioned ran ta th
aggregate during May e&je miles and the
total time lost was twelve nunutea
SALE OP kt l Kl BthlSHIKCa.
Kaut Um
rewHk Retail
new T
ale tataraay
ReaaarawWle atederttetaa.
The eaur stock Is treah and new ell
tfcut aeaaoa's oorrect styles. ecu-d at a
tracOnn of its actual value ant offered
Saturday, June lot a. at one-third ta
aaiz the regular prioea.
StpenEtendett Go to Waiting
ton by End of June.
Or. navideoa Ha Pealttewe ea Mur
Moerda, tlr He Will Keelva
at Oare Oeaelaa- t p
H In W erk.
if William M Zwridaon. who ia ac- I
repted the r-!l to the upf nntTiflencv of i
S' hoola of Wajihinrton. 11. C can clear np !
hi humrifw hfre in connection with the j
erhoole. he win Irave for his nvw field of
luimre the latter part of the In.
IavidKon. bowewr. will not move hte fam-J
i'y to Washington until about the first of
The dfpsrture of Ir Parlflson will leave
many hole to fill in various public bodies
and committees. He ts a member of the
hoard of truste- of the Omaha university,
one of the flireHmn of th Toung Men s
Christian association. pr -eiflcrit of the Ne
braska Ptate Teachers' association, whit-n
holds its annual meeting here thi fall, and
hairmao of the committee of one hundred,
which ba charge of the arranpementa for
the program and entertainment of delegates
ti the National Prison congress.
His renlgnatione from these positions will
be forwarded to the proper officials as soon
aa they can be written.
The question of electing a successor to
XT. liavidnon has not been taken up by the
board as jet. Rumors connect E. V. Graff's
name with the supertntfmdency and many
stats that they would not be surprised to
see him elected. Mr. Graff ia princlial of
the Hlrb acbool. lr. tavidson stated that
he would make no recommendations as to
his successor.
AndyFrick is Dead;
Prominent in Omaha
Since PioneeFDays
Engag-cd in "vvholesale Liquor Busi
ness, cut in Former Tears
- Was a Railroader.
A. N. Frlck, 123 South Tenth street,
president of the A. N. Frlck Ac Son whole
sale liquor company, succumbed to a short
llinee at bis home at J0 o'clock this
Following service throuphout the civjl
war, Mr. Frlck came to Omaha in
He was one of the crew that unloaded the
first locomotive that ever came 1o Omaha
from a Mlseouri river steamer in 1R. and
was one of th first engineers to run a
train over tb short stretch of track that
was laid in that year. Mr. Frlck was Is
the fnlon FBtrific rerviee for nineteen
vears before going Into business. He had
been an influential figure In the back
ground of democratic politics for years.
Hs served as state committeeman from
this district and had been Importuned at
various tiroes to enter races for oounty
offices. However, he preferred to remain
out of the "Fame," as he termed it, insofar
aa an active re4eclty was concerned.
Pneumonia w-as the cause of Mr. Frick's
death. Bis Illness covered a period of ten
days, but It waa not until Monday morn
ing that his condition became alarming.
Be leaves a widow, a son, Iouis E. H.
Frtck, and a daughter. Mrs. E. H. Brue
ninc. also of 13 South Tenth street.
Mr. Frlck wee fit years old. Hs was bom
in Alsaoe-Ijorratoe In IMS and came to
America when he waa 4 years old, settling
with his parents Is Ohio. During the war
he served m aa artillery regiment. In which
he waa ttsofl."ifc St. Louis aft the out
break of that confin.
Cwar ef Stesolatlon Sarsaally fedlea.
Ia Sfidwsvrd Bemrater fkehewl
A 1m Baaa- la Baildln.
Engrossed copies of the resolution
adopted by the Board of Education, for
mally dedicating the Edward Rosewater
school, have been finished and delivered
to the members of Edward Knae water'
family, and one copy hung In the school
building. Ths workmanship Is particularly
admired by those who have awen It, the
design artistically grouping the text under
a heading set out with a portrait of Mr.
Rosewater and a picture of ths school
building at ths bottom. The work was
executed by J. W. Lampman of the
Moaher-ta.mpman Business college with
pen and Ink and air bruah.
Soewdr as Two Old
to learn that the sure way te cure a cough
or cold Is with Dr. King's New Dlsoovery.
sue and Sl.W. For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
a eewerfol suss
fear Opw-e iJaa.
ta rasa of (atsh.
How to hold him
A man can't get
away from the attrac
tion of a wholesome
dainty borne tible.
He doesn't want to.
He forgets half his
troubles while he is
US el I'll 1 si sin li yn
It is so delicious to tb
taste and so wholesome
and satisfying that the
pleasing effect lasts
through the whole meaL
He a looks forward to it
again. So do you. And
there's no worry over pre
paring it either.
Why not errjoy it today f
21 Lands lOcacAn
Just mii kot ttatOT,l
rttij f g loH,
V V -. . i V . xr
Sale of High Grade Oriental Rugs
TWTONDAY rnorning we begin a week's sale of high
1V1 grace Orientals at the lowest prices we ever have
offered on these excellent rugs. We make this state
ment because it is absolutely true the lowest Oriental
prices we ever have made. Certainly, there is a reason
for these startling concessions. We must clear our stock
rooms for early fall shipments they are crowded now.
We sacrifice profit for space. The rugs are not several
seasons old they include all latest importations in all
the most popular colors. A rare assortment of those
desirable Belouchistan and Daghestan rugs will be in
the sale. It is the opportunity for the June bride to
furnish her home inexpensively the opportunity for
you to give the bride a lasting, useful present, or to get
a high quality covering for your own home at prices
that positively cannot be equaled in any reliable house
in the city. Details will be published in The Sunday
Bee. Some of the rugs may be viewed in bur south
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.,
The Tag Policy House
Established 1884 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street
When You Cook
on a Cabinet Gas
Each oven and the warming' closet is at
convenient heig-ht amply wide and
amply deep, but light throughout
There is no need to stoop or kneel to see
if things are "going right"
See how easy it is to watch everything on
A Cabinet
Gas Range
and bear in mind the fact that both ovens
and the warming closet are all heated by
the one set of burners,
insuring ECONOMY.
Price Connected
Attractive Terms
if Desired
. - - l. 4
ilk wy'
Sit ' 1
You can boil, broil,
bake and roast at
the same time on a
Cabinet Gas Range
oarra CahpoUX
Oastass a a
Look for the
Peopile like to visit Business and Pro
fessional men -who are sufficiently thought- '
ful of the public's comfort to use
Electric Fans
No one likes to buy poods in a super
heated room filled "with nasty, vitiated air.
Professional men -who perspire look
And if there is one invention -which
paralyzes the ambition of flies, it is the
mac-Line Tre are talking about, namely, the
Electric Fan
You can keep FANS running all day
for a very small cost
Male a hit vith your customers and
clients by calling up our Contract depart
ment today. They will tell you where to
pet them.
Omaha Electric Light &
Power Company
The Bee Prints the News
tee ccnauERCR cp RKaKi"nsa
It yon bar tried arery other knosra
reznacy lor rheumatism da not de
spalr. lou sUU liave Uricaot, tha
practical certainty of CUR K, and tha
alisolnte certainty of Tr.mTi t
lusting benefit to Xall back. on.
(jricaoi ia not a cureaU. its cpedal
Cela is rbenm&tle diseases ana it
cures them by removing the causa.
erybo!y soiradays kaoars tnat
rbenmatlBin la cauaed by aa ai cieas at
Trie Acid la ths blood. Local appB
cations may relieve, bat tbey caaaot
poaaiUy get at tb seat ox the dia-ease.
UricBol Is Just -srbat Its aaote txn
pliea, a aolTent and e'lmlnainr at
Uric Acid.
Bemort ths causa and tha flleeaac
la rone.
Vricaol sot only cures tbe eonusoo
forms of rbeumatism, bat It does irbat
no other remedy baa before aocosa-
tecords are In oar pceaesrtoa of
not one but many caaea a hare tbe
joints of tha fingers were ao thick
ened as to be practically aaeleas;
vhere tbe bip or tbe knee Joints vera
ao filled iih the deposita as to ren
der tbe rlctlffi wholly unable to eraik;
yet tbe patients were completely re
stored to beaitb and activity by the
systematic use of FricaoL
In this e-ty Uricaol baa been a
We eaa trntbrnlly claim tha remark
able record of DO. per cent, of cures
where a proper opportunity ia glvea
our remedy ta eooompliab tbe result.
We win fladly supply tesUmonlala.
Write tor folder.
If your drurpist does not bare tt.
Bead ene dollar to The California
CKemicat Co, 22$ New High SU Lae
Angeles, Calif, and M ii aeiJ yoa
a Uu'ia prepaid.
for sale ana recommended by
Sherman McConnell Drus Co., Oal
Drts Co., Omaba, Nth.
XIic Omaha Dec's Orcal
Booklovcrs' Contest
sm. as a-xxaexaiLX. rm a, ssu.
T7hat Does This Picture Represeat?
Toet Xzme ................
Sirred anJ Xnraber -Cilr
orTom ....
rtwr ja srrKTsja la tke vaJm eC the bank, aave
and y&riLiuev
tto ul and mvj casqaaea t3sc eatd ea As) eaa
EnmIT the pintnr jsjresenis the tlije of a back'
rx tiaLTscaa- tram 2L
CzJjbZngmsm cCTlaTnTny; Uie rwiri of an lie anakx ea Wkacki tbe
Tn-n nELrn aura isued are for aaie sdt tbe Js-jsatacsai OeQeat
Bre Ti ccxlx. Bjr snail. 3 cestts.
Rules of the Contest
ai ui'.iji to ur ikM aitKt waaut esisUw et te
a aaak u, aw eevanir-im an taera vtu a paeuaka la
timk viu tmvmmmt ta iiana at Sua, an ma amah saasa
UI M a kl&uk lor taa aantaatant a IUI u taa Uta at taa kaaa.
Cat out katk ua tiriin aa kiaaa an tui at taa auua ana aaxaar at Se Seat aa
ea raw am an asaraai eaatif aa awuur la tfca aievtaaa.
Na nau-iauaua rU ka ktaaa aa tfaa la vktak wmri ta taa atotsrai sar a
aoiua. um sietur innma aula ana titta of fcaaa. U aa ara aot aara at a
UUa ant oat XL (and In Bora tbu sna auawar ta auk akatara, yum bm a aa. BtT
nlit moke iiv. rivm aseks rux as aocemo to aat oke ricrraa.
lniMMia anawara arlli tiat k aauntj aaalnat analaaimnta tf
Mot taw au iaiaar skauM aal ka p at aa u
aa lor aaum nninia. all iaii 1 e aha aaana at
asiidtna )B tka aau
VttU aot in i latalr nmaui. a m aaWa that ta ktiiwa aaaaX ta aaok eaaa
k aast tat vita tka anaaar .ia mmm thai all aaaaai ka eaUaraa. aaatuoaal sialeiai
eaa atuauna mar k aniaiaa at ua atliaa ai Tka eaa as snaii ar ta karaaeu
a'kaa ro all aaatr-iia inum, atataa ma toaatbar aa arttw ar art
tbam -ta Tha Omatia la. Mtniii 1 tlm Bookla air Oontaai Klur. eitaa will fc
awaraaa la tka caniaaianta aonaws la tka laraaBt aiimkar af aorram aajlatlnea la aaaaa
of tar ar atora paraitti aalas to am aaoatiar af una aulvuatta. tka awaiai mmlimj
tb anaaller aamfcar al aaum aoaaaDa la a) sat ex
a-Mit at tea aarauaa ka'Uaa tka ama kwiiiaar um. ajat in Ska aaaw aaati
awiknna. tk na atkaaa mm mt mm
torn tall JaOctiic aanunltlaa, will n
Ool7 ana lut of aawwai mmmr aa aaoaiua
Tka eaa af lac uaaiM k est aal
ka aukmltla la aar laatfcle aturiiar I
Imra will k maaa autaur eaa aula i tka aaaru at aaah ianli 1
Tta nam af mora tkaa a aara-m mum not ka vritkaa dn mmy mmm
Tk award U ka maaa ar tb Ctauaat SaUiar aa a lamanim al MU
kaao wkaas namal wlU a linaakBll later.
Tka Ountaat M ikalta la tka ka ovlk tamtarr: Mabraaka. Wramlaa. tkat mUmm
ar laara waat af but not naiianins amiia.
aa Ik aiaak Hlla tnatflat.
at SBaat aaaur nn 1 1 . as tk
Uaa itpal snaa.
First Prize
Va!u $2,000
A 11,009 Appersoa "Jack IU
btt" Touring car, Model Four
Thirty, with live passenger capac
ity. t la a great car la a great
contest. It bat many speed and
road records, and today ranks
among tbe leading motor care. For both aerrice and speed, this aute
all mcXt an excellent possession. It is a real joy-maker. It is fully
equipped and Is Just like accompanying tUustratlaa. Tbe famous
A p person warranty goes alih this car. Tbe prise may be Inspected
at the Apperson Sales Rooms. 1102 Far&am St.
Second Prize
Value $750
Not prerybody caa pls- a plane
tint everybody would Use ta The
tg-noi KlmbhJl t,laj er-plano, worth
t'lll. which la the second grand
lirtse. will furnish music Xor you
whether you play or noi It Is a
wonderful Instrument, ana wwl make
torn tioriie a happ P'ac lor every
member of the lamil. iiven Graasl
ma can flav till lnBtruruenl. If
aister wanta te plmr It without the f-?
nie:hanlani. ehe umplr has ta Uit r m ,
a lever. J ti 1 piayor ia eiiuouw at
tha A. Hubk ature. ill. Lxiusias Eu
CLir " IZLe -Tl. I I Uk? 1 j ' i
mnqri r
Third Prize
Value $500
This rrise Is a beautiful lot la
A. r. Tuksy A Sous Iter edaitloa.
adjacent te Hanacoin jaark anfl Cea
trai bouievara it la lot a ef blocs
eltrht ra Thirty-third street aad la
auailt feel. Th sueet nar lim runs
alone Thlrty-aex-end aveuue. Just a
block rrom th ti cif tr.e lot. rome
youny couple, perhaps, will bars erect
a titti cottaca la v. tucn te ii-e (ur
rear and yeara Wba eaa tell a bat
ucky r.i-aiio win ret thia IrVaal let!
tvu may be the oaa.
Fourth Prize
Value 123 D
A 1200 Columbia "Regnt Orafoa
ela and lib rui of ruor6m form
tia li.un.ri rut ariaa. Thi aaovt
Jeut lnstruuient is on of trie best
mauula.iti.re4. It is built of finest
Btahocuxiy thrournout For aoiy
taiiiily this lusu-utuent Is simply a
Uiusical st.m. It la sure te Increase
tbe biiaa of any borne, it will craw
tbe Jaim y cioaer tosethar and lorra
tueana of entertainment night after
tiicht Thia Cxialunuia ia tut aa
himted at the Coltunbia I'honuchapB
Company s asaucy. 1111-11 iaruaxa
Thirty-Five Cash Prizes
VALUE jno.oa
Tin Pruei of 110. Ten Print of 15. Twenty Priiei of tZ
AVatch for the Daily Picture ia The Bee