12 THE BEE: OMAltA, THlTRStUY, JUNE 8. 1011. K a mm tmt II f l n a If 1 1 GIRLS' OXFORDS Jo tan, patent leather and gtinmetal calf worth 2.00 snd 2.B0 a pair, basement, at $1.39 CHILDREN'S SHOES In tans and blacks worth 11.60, $1.75; all sizes tip to 8, In base ment, at, pair 98c Great Sale of Umbrellas at 98c ' "" Men's, Women's and Children's black, navy, brown and red, cravenetted, silk warp taf fetas. Thousands of fine imported handles carved, solid ebony, rolled gold, sterling silver and fancy English horn. Best styles and makes, worth up to $2, at. . Extraordinary Shoe Sale We Bought All the Sample Pairs and Odd Lines of Women's, Men's, Misses', Boys' and Girls' Up-to-Date Low Shoes From Hayward Bros. Shoe Co., Wholesale Jobbers, Omaha EVERY PAIR IS THIS SEASON'S NEWEST STrXE Thia great purchase, from the we 11 known Omaha firm, Includes all the shoes In lines that were broken and lots too small to be disponed of In a regular way, as well as samples made up for them by Eastern manufac turers. We secured them at a wonderful bargain. There are about 1,200 pairs In the purchase blacks and tanB all leathers. On sale beginning Thursday In our basement. WOMEN'S VIOI KID OXFORDS 98c Blucher lace styles with patent tips; made of soft leather that will give splendid wear. Made to retail at $2.00, all sizes, at, per pair ...... Barefoot SANDALS .For Boys and Girls Sandals that the Hayward Shoe Co. sold to retail at 76c and $1.00 -n a pair, at. 4 if I per pair vv WOMEN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS In patent kid and tan kid, all new, this sea son's styles; ankle strap and 2 strap pumps, and ribbon tie oxfords, plain or tipped toes; manufacturer's samples, short lines, etc. Re tail usually at $2.50, $3.00 and M Q $3.50 a pair, in basement for yla-Uer Infants' Port Soled Slip, pers and Shoes 50c, 60c and 75c values, fp all colors, at, ZrtC per pair Children's White Canvas Two Strap Pumps all sizes, at, per pair 98c MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS Odds and ends from the Wholesale Stock. Shoes In this lot are worth up' to $3.50, Will frm Vfl Sr";:-. 51.98 WOMEN'S SOFT KID OXFORDS Patent tips, extension edge soles; Hay ward's Arrow Brand; worth $2 a pair, all Aj af peTpaVr' W. THREE DAYS BEGINNING THURSDAY BR AN DEIS BASEMENT of Uhtrimmed Hats greatest opportunity to buy women's up-to-date un trimmed shapes of real horse haiij braid, fine Tagal and French Chip, in black, white and burnt shades, not a hat in the lot worth less than $5.00, many ' worth up to $8.50, at Big Lot of Women's Banded Sailor Hats, worth up to $2.50 each, for 9Sc 200 Lingerie Hats, with that pretty colored em broidery, worth up to $7.00, at $2.98 Lllll..:SaIe rMM0& Thia season's $.198 Special Clothing Sale Saturday Great purchase of men's medium and light weight suits from a New York manufacturer. All the suits worth (bA f All the suits worth up to $22.50, ft i ft up to $18.00, Kir mMm at at $11 Next Saturday we will sell 1,000 benches o! fine French Muslin Flowers and Foliage. Large bunches will be sold on Main Floor, Sat- 4 r urday, at JLtfL S9' BRANDEiS STORE $75.00 for Vacation Trips At Our Expense Omaha people have always treated ua liberally. In apprecia tion of this we're going to give someone a help on their vacation expense. OUR PATRONS NAME THE WINNER When you pay your check hereafter, and until August 1st, ask the caBhler for a Voting Slip. It contains the rules of the Contest and glvea a list of the prizes. From 11 a. m. until 4 p. m., EVERY PAID CHECK MEANS A VOTE nd la good for two votes at all other hours. Attached to the slip Is a Voting Ticket. Weekly Ilulletlna in our Lunch Rooms will tell ;he story. No employe of the Boston Lunch may take any part in the contest. Watch dally papers tor frequent Contest news. THE BOSTON LUNCH ornx ALL XIGnT. 1612 FAKXAM HOH FAKXAM 14CM8 IHH'GLAS COT. C-3 Csm Cvsm& Casv c&Xi& CttO OMAHA' UJ1 SJ) "Specials" in Our Fresh Fruit asi Ye'eUble Department q 10c Fresh GinKer Snaps, per lb. 7c w It bunches new Beets or Turnips 5c Peck Spinach 5c Fancy head Lettuce 5c and 10c Frt6h Cauliflower 10c Salted Premium Soda Cracker, per lb. ., ,...7c Hnusehld sugar fine), per lb. . cookies (very . . .7c Our Best Plain Soda Crackers, per lb 5 He Strictly Fresh Eggs (From Bran deis Model Farm), per dos. 25c Our best Country Butter (in San itary Jars), per lb 241c 4 8-lb. aack "Lotus" Flour fl.20 5ss&0 fEttssO StemO &60 ftex&d Pyr 2c0 Rolfablo Dentistry Tail's Dental Roims Women are the best buyers. The paper that is read by the women pays advertisers best. Oxfords for Women A pretty foot is displayed to the full extent of Its beauty only in a stylish and well built Oxford. But the daintiest foot will lose Its attractiveness In an 111 fit and poorly made oxford. That is why we put the best materials fh and take bo much care In fitting. Our $4 Oxfords are made in Kid, Patent Colt. Dull : Calf, Kussla Calf and Brown Kid, Nobby 3 and S button Oxfords, non-hurtable pumps with or with out straps. We are showing the largest and most complete line of white Shoes In the west. White Bucks, Cravenettes, Linen and Canvas, made up in tht up-to-the-minute lasts. DREXEL HHOE COMPANY 1419 Farnam Street. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best Farm Paper. Cellar a Year. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER l J your Kodak and l-tnan Kodak Supplies i I II L nt a'1- Expert finishing for amateurs. J r Up to $5 Boys' Suits, $3.50 A very special offering for Thursday' selling that will appeal to mothers who nr inclined to economy in the things they buy for the boy. The suits in this special offering are nil new shades and fabrics reduced in price because they are all that is left of some of this season's best selling lines. However, there will be no trouble in fitting boys from 8 to 1(5 years of age. Manv of them have 2 pairs of pants to match Wash Suits from 50c to $3 Boys' Sirictlr Ail Wool Knicker Suits -ith Two Fairs oi Pants to Match, at XOXE OF THEM ARE WOItTII LESS THAN $0.00 AM) MAXY OF THEM VV TO $7.50 All new spring materials in such popular shades as tan, brown and grey; and blue serges and fancy mixtures. Ages S to 16 years in the lot. Ira i! 1 All Women's Suits Are Now $15.00 Which price is for jour choice of all tailored suits in our store formerly marked up to $45.00. All are elegant summer styles that can be worn right through the season every Butt a masterpiece of clever designing, perfectly tail ored; classy and correct. If It's Pictures For Presents you want, it will prove both pro fitable and satisfactory for you to come to this store. Find, here exceptionally wide as sortments suitable for graduation and wedding presents beautiful pastels, oils, etchings, water col ors, prints, etc. pictures that will appeal to those of artistic and re fined tastes. We suggest pictures at prices ranging from $100 to $20.00 Comfortable Summer House Dresses We have just received a new line of women's houso dresses, from which we have chosen the following item as indicative of the values: House dresses made of good Quality percales In checked and plain patterns of medium and light tone; have kimono sleeves and are well made In every detail, $1.25 Each If You Can Wear a Size 2 to 4 Shoe This $3.50 Footwear Will be $1.69 A" are from our regular lines and were not purchased for a "bargain" Ta. A 1 i- i ... . . . uLUHBiuu. 11118 season b neavy selling naa left onlv zea widths AA, A, B and C hence the special price. Pumps and Oxfords made of velvets and patent and tan leathers; equipped with either welt or turned soles. One Lot o! Women's Oxfords at 60c Like the other lot on sale Thursday, these come In small sizes only 2 to 4. Good styles, thoroughly well made from Russian calf and other leathers. QST stopes Sups I INSURED , against fire moths burglary. LL Corner 20th and Farnam. Telephone Doug. 3040. YM'can reach Q ibocna Cfty jr without mtaajn single mirrats v jT at working timo t uw, via the Friaoo'a new sleeper acrrvJc Leaving Kansas City t 3 p. nv at the en & of k buknesa day, you reach Oklahoma Ciryat aercn i extricrning,bcii3rt)thc A- 11:13a m.) With the avliCtio lof thanewatecpcreenrloete Oklahoma Ciry4clcrisha-La"vvica viarftie Hmilef I yon have the choke o two eptet d2d traim daQy, via the I Frisco to Oklahom C ty teavfcg 5 a m. and fcJOp m j This new servk e g vea you t le aSvaotace at The ...A Hustler'a splem Ikltoew todoqe3pmeot ct chair 7. eara, flnet dictrlc liffhtedalecptBr and dtatnar Alll ear aerWHarvey mdala. '' I "Iyx Th' c Beginning June 11th via IMS SAGE Hi SULPHUR CURES DANDRUFF Ai FALLING HAIR Makes Thin, Dry and Color less Hair Fluffy and ' Beautiful. This appllM to Wytth'tf Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy, fur if It does nut de exactly vaat U claimed for it. the lalea would aiturally . drop off. However, Wyeth'a 8tfe and Sulphur Hair Remedy Aoee "iBKke food." a evUleaei by iuf dally tncreaaing sale, Dragfteta tay that this preparatloa glvea the beet aatla faction of any aalr remedy ever sold. Wyeth'a Sage aad Solphar la eleaa and wholesome and perfrrtlj harmleaa. It removee daodraft, treDgtheDa the hair, gives lew life to dull or parched hair, and gradually restore fray hair to nat ural coear. Tble preparation la offered ot the pohtie at fifty centa a bottle, and la rtcommeaded and aoid by all drorti'ta. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., and Owl Drug Co, , a . Men's $22.50 and $25.00 H S. & M. Suits on sale at $18.99. Li Wt ILL, See our "Dis- MiO tinguislied" . L U Trimmed j Hats at! ffetiAnuE $5.00. Unusually Interesting Bargain Hews in Our women s Ready-to-ear Outcrgarment Section for Thursday Tailored Suits worth to $30.00225 of them, in the newest styles ami color ings, splendid assortment of fabric, nil sizes, including misses' suits in this sale nt $10.00 Silk Dresses worth to $25.00 Pretty one-piece designs, in foulards, messa lines, tnffetas, etc.; all the most pop ular colorings; a very choice collec tion on sale at $10.00 Beautiful White Lingerie Allover Embroidery and Marquisette Dresses Values up to $12.00: all si7.es, fine assortment of dainty de signs for selection .$4.9: Silk Rubberized Auto and Rain Coats $15.00 values at $6.50 Pure Linen Dress Skirts In natural and white rep; on sale Thursday at, choice $1.95 Silk Underskirts "Worth to $10.00; taitetas and niessalmes, all colors; on sale at $3.95 Misses' Middy Blouse Waists on sale at 95c Colored Tailored Waists Sold up to $2.50; choice at $1.00 I il 111 , f I Children's Wash Dresses 1.f0 nnrl 5 Of) vnlnra in x ' . sizes 2 to 14 yrs., at. .9801 mm er . a 1 yoc ana uressing .. Sacques, at 49c New Home Made Wrappers All colors and sizes at . 95c to $1.98 - 85c and $1.00 Silks Thursday at 48c Over 100 pieces of fine seasonable ' silks on sale Thursday at the following great reductions: . 83c all Silk Pongee, 27) Inches wide. 81.00 Shower Proof Foul arda, 24 Inches wide. 85c Black Silk Mesaaline, 27 Inrhpn wlrln . f 48c a Yard $1.00 all Silk Menaallne, 27 In. wide In colors. $1.00 Glace Satin de Chine, 27 In. wide. $1.00 Faloome Foulards, . 24 Inches wide. High Grade Wash Goods Specials for Thursday Bordered Batiste, Lawns. 40 Inches wide, neat patterns, at a yd. 25 Bordered Batiste, good assortment of colors and patterns, at yd. 15 Striped Pongees for Shirting, always sells 25c, at a yard lg Madras for Shirtings, one yard wide, regular 39c grade, at yd.. .25 Irish Llnnette, printed, all new patterns, at a yard 18 Scotch Gingham, 32 Inches wide, all good patterns, at a yd 15 Plain and Striped Voiles, good colors, at a yard , 25J mmm "mmm 35c Demi-Flouncings at 12 1-2c a Yard Thursday morning we will place on sale an entire case, over 500 yards, of high grade Swiss 'and Cambric Demi Skirt Tlouncings; regular 25c and 35c a yard 1 01 values; at, per yard La jjC Specials for Thursday in the Domestic Room Batiste, all new neat patterns, at a yard 10c and 7H Organdies, good pat terns, always sold 10c, at a yard . .ftc Foulards, Mercerized, 15c values for ..10c 45-ln. Persian Lawn, extra fine, always sells 25c, on sale, at a yard .18c Checked Dimities, 16c( values, at lOc Apron Checks, 7c value, at a yd. . ,6c Shirting Gingham, in good long lengths, 12 Vie values, at a yard .7 Clover bleached Mus lin, one yard wide, al-. ways aold 8 He, at a yard SHc Thistledown, yard wide bleached Muslin, lOo values, at, a yd. e He A good unbleached Muslin, . always aold 10c, at a yard 7H 8 1 9 0 SnowfltkeV Sheets, regular price I 59c. on sale, each 4d Q X- - r A ft r v. i . n H o- ooo ruiow cases, size 42-36, 12 V4c grade, on sale, each, at ioo Buy Hall-Borchert Dress Forms We have the sole agency for Omaha and the state of Nebraska for these renowned forms. You buy from first hands here. We Save the People 25 to 50 on Housekeeping Expenses wanL ber Sr.k . . f " . W m ATDBWa TP V1TI 48 lb. aack beat Family Diamond H Flour 91.1a 10 bars Beat "Em All or Diamond C Snap SM lbs. beat Hand Picked Navy Beana for S5o Bromancelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, pkr. at 7V4o 1 lb. cana Anaorted Soups 7Vio Large bottles Aasorled 'lcklea, pure Tomato Catsup or Worcester Sauce at 8Ho lt-m. ran Condensed Milk THo 1 lb. pkn. Corn Starch 4o Corn Flukes, pkg SUo Quaker Oata, fikg 7Vo (Jrape-Nutu, pka loo Mclaren's Teanut Butter, lb. .... ISo 011 or Mustard Hardtnea, can 4o BUTTE- BUTTER Creamery Butter advanced tr. per lb. this week on the Klgtn market. We want everybody who uses butter to try our best Creamery Butter vpeclal sale Thursday, per lb... SSo Town Talk Baydan'a Freeh Teg-- table Prices! Freh .lome-irrown Peae, all you want, pel quart Bo reah Home-rown BadlaheaVi' Fresh Home-grown' Onlena", buiiche Fresh Home-sTOwn f urnlpa,' V " nuncnea ror , $0 Fresh Home-rrown Beets. bunches oo II Freh Home' Or'own Lettuce,' buiicliea for bo Freah Home'-a-rowo' PaValey! 'l nuncnes ror ,t Ko Fresh Wax or Green Beans, per pound , . 7140 W advise oar customers to put up Pineapple now. A carload of extra fancy Florida Plneannles on trw ftn,.. wfluium sizs, eacn Medium lre siie,' eaoh '.'.'. rfr aocen 16 size, large, each. Per dozen 10 slxe, extra fancy, each .. Per dozen SO caaea home grown Cherries, parked tune, st, esse II D 14 quart boxes home grown Cherries. per case .... . t . . . . . ... . . ... , . BOO .80 . .0n . . JOo $110 I 2 Ho .11 40 TBI COOLEST 11. A CD TO TUDI XV OMAKA. ScrM IIAYDEH'S FIRST pAYB In Porch Comfort nni xa aoTKXaTO ko sasxmAat.B tmait rn Scott Hammock Swing It gives you the room required for lounging'. It will not tip over. It Is strong end everlasting. r Order one today by phone. We will deliver It to you at pnee. Scott Tent and Awning Co. I Between ruua aiiA Xaraey 314-Slg Si. lath at. Tel. Bong. 3. P. a We also carry Tents, Cou, Camp Btools, Awnlnga. Ask ua for arleee t 4