rjfreeg Hrre Magazine jp)a "The Serious History in Comic Vein B, Fran kJ in. Forecaster. The BEES Junior Birthday Book 1 . -a w m in i."?--yt i i i u i ixn t o iiinni-i w trcv, Bm 1 AwAy oori tNTiae S-tock J CtSMC. accoSS cl 5wtot Pomps a-i A I WTTM TKAT CoiT ALl THE 5MAOCJ 5POCTIM Pt FOM 'HCTTit 1EEN ' M Wit J fai x I AW' LOOKIT l IN Trw. ' J AM? HLtttS -THAT -TMiN(J ' ' AR.E DlS Po3 1 Vv3 of cCi y 'wOtUZy -.tZ The. Jf'-CTt LINIC. OF S HO MVf7 5CKVANT PBoBLSJ-l vHtN MAMO StAY TO AM Ao-rONVrriC HBS' MAKfevtf-; S . r J T KlAiARA. Ar YOO Ow p J MtCHAN'CAL MAi O j ' ! OH CO? ID? H " STtoi 3 I I ED TO Mt. -3-- ftft WOONO. - cj2 - f f ' "Fo:k tht fn't tike thH wth- will have to g back and blame It on Ben Franklin," announce! Pbiw-Me Pmlth. the the Tn:twnt iet-handf historian. "A near a I can figure It out. he was the first Wf-athr, fnrearter. this country ever cad and he introduced the, weather into i-o-converatliin by Jnveijtin the a.manao. 'That h hla nil Una. -Hi regular ousineea ifemi Jo have been to leave hla name for ctber vovle tu use, and they haven't been hy about uaiaa; it, ether. Ever time tbu e a nu with a B. F. bltchwd onto h; nam It'a a hundrd-to-one hot be'i one at 'am. Only B. F. I ever oat on was a man named Beelzebub Fudge Jones. That wfca ha sud. anyway. "Ben started ia - by eating coffee, and Inkers In PhttatUlphka, which was enough to drtva ajiytody -into tha weather busl nia. "TTien he- discovered his flrrt bunch of weaAher by ire Lot u in aa airship and hamxBertns on a cloud with his night key. Ha t a baok. fira for bis trouble that pretty nearly, finished bira, but when he came to they ga him tha eastern agency f"r the lightains; rod Industry, besidee Ins him official foracaatier. When he wasn t Invent in - stoves ha was making almanac jokes, and it was hard to tell which was tha warmest piece of work. Joa Miller once him for infringement of copyright on that ona about the hen crossing the mad. bat Jo lost. "Ben finally laft rhitafleiphia to go over to Paris and -pay am official call on the particular onaafjba nnraerous Looey fam ily which happened. -to be king at that Una. - .-,--- " "Good morning. Bon,' said Looey, 'do yon think ycu- ar abas ia conduct speedy aegotiationa veer hera?"- . " 'Well.' said Ben. "I was considered julte & lightning conductor, back home.' "Thereby astabaehicg, bis reputation at the French court for repartee. ""How lo yw list Parlsr asked the TAPPED A CLOUD WITH A NIGHT KET. "Pretty lively town,' said Ben; 'reminds me of Philadelphia.' " They teJl me Philadelphia is terribly slow, sighed the king. " 'Slow:' says Ben, indignant. "Why. when I left home she was leading the league: we've got the pennant cinched.' "And the king caved in. "Ben stayed long enough to see that the palace wss fitted out with stoves, light ning rods and weather maps, then started for home. " "What's your hurry r aald the king. " The farmers are getting uneasy and I'll have to get out another almanac,' says Ben. " Golng to put any new ones In ItT asked tha king. " 'It wouldn't be an almanac if I did,' said Ben as he ran for a car. (Copyright, 1311, by the N. T. Herald Co.) Loudon Streets and English Signs J Writing of Loodoa.in Mount Tonl. Gerald Stanley Lee says of the stret-ts of London: 'There is a -Kind" of smack and relish, a realneas, almost sometimes a rankness, about tha old Er;;1!'.!! rnti thst Is rerr iJPt -eshlng M Iwn; onpr bs)eV come front the wave that . is p aiming over us in Ajnerlca of faint, polita-fepundlng names and decor-t--'S nonentities. I am .proud to walk down --iiv jew nw( , ctj lanv m Hut lnto Ioppin's; court- or Into Stationer's jf court. I would much rather live on Addle Hill than a street in Massachusetts with out a tree la it, tailed Mapte Dell. It means omethfng to mtr to Toll down through Old Phawr, itr wrtvfrl Ma nitwl M. day street, or Sise Lane. I like to look up and sea on the 'bus. Wormwood Scrubbs or Cricklewood. I like the sign, the direct human, colloquial sign that one sees so often In England. "Wah and Brush up," mJ (he siftu I happened on once or twice. 'Tuppence for Wash and Brush Up and Looking in the Mirror" (especially looking in the mirror). I like the directness of tha sign. "Stick no Bills." Instead of "Post no Bills." And why not call an auditor ium, as they do at Harrow, the "speech halT'T And is It not pleasant and neigh borly along the high road to come on a publlo house called the Load of Hay Hotel? Why not call refrigerators by a strong, sensible, natural came, Lka "Ice safe"! Loretta's Looking Glass-WhiteWoman and Scarlet Woman I 4 The Scarlet woman was the new girl in the Ttitchen.' The WBlta woman was the mistress of the- nouse," and of tha love of her husband and one son. Of course, the ' White woman did not know of the staiti on the other. But night after night ' she9' ieard- the most heart I f i en sobs. smoUenvd by n stance and an ffort to qulefthern. At last she nw-crnded thaT unBer her clean, happy honorable ronf tree there was someone mlseta.tle.' It' was hardly believ able. - - She Watched her rtiald, and red eyes and trembling hands told the truth that the mourning on was actually washing har dishes three tims a da;. She questioned h-r. The Scarlet woman lied. They all da They koow thry hav to protect thems-lvas m the rUbleauS rage of the women they are not harmed, S&a sai4 she was home- Slclc. The sWeet W,te woman was tourbxd Sha was tender.f .Shf was reasuiing. Time would make ber tadi pan contented, she told the (lrL Ani she rhapsodized to har h jsband and son about the sweet nature I and fine heart Of a girl who could bo so ' jtorn with angtnsn at separation from noma The ?carlct womem worked, so f ilthfully Ehe had been throJgft hell a doubly Aark and rainful one brcausa so. lonely. This was hrr chance: She would repair, she would rebuild, aha would live again In self r sport and self-support. - Ehe would keep her baby In the horn till she had saved rough tnoner to have It with bar. The rhllan'.hropy ,ef the place a here her par ch id had sven the light had brought new light Into the girts soul. She was rra4y to take advaetags of every oppor tunity to bo gird. Then, tha Whits woman went to the snee4.tr g of a hospital board. And the dl- V: -vrl,'-?--':",-"-'""-- 1", . ' ..;. ir-: -' Ths osnrlch It Wbra dangwi nsar at Tbal sa sf couns. nrsvidc4 Urn -a ncaa of sae4 of ths Institution uttered ths lov ing words which well like water from ths spring of a love-filled heart. She blessed ths Whits woman for her goodness to the Scarlet woman. As If ths gentle praias had been a hideous curse, ths heart of the Whits woman shriv eled. She rushsd home. Her priceless treasure, her boy, was running the Uwn tnower, and ths Scarlet woman, standing In ths back porch, was absently watcilng him. Maddened by mother fear, all the narrow cruelty that has made woman abuse her sister always rising to her 11ns. she re proached and banished the Scarlet roman. Ths idea that aha protected tha homo pos sessed her till It blinded her to reason. She was removing temptation from her boy, from her husband, psrhapa. With hot heart burning with ths in dig nity, ths Scarlet woman went. All ths good growth of her repentance died in the heat of the Whits woman's cruelty, Ths baby she had cried for, ths work she had tried to do well., ths hops she had had of a future serene with right ambitions, be came Insignificant. The Whits woman had turned loose ths Scarlet one to prey upon her at every chance. Sha had made aa enemy of her sex. Shs had riled a heart with the kind of bitterness which finds no satisfaction sscept In revenge. Ens had exposed her son and husband to ths temptation she had driven from her home. Sha had put her purpose into malevolence. She had forgot that men have only to look to see temptation. Ehe had neg lected to keep In mind that ths Inspiration of a Scarlet woman to livs right ia a weapon of self-defense to ths Whii no man who gives it. Shs bad tb.own h-r on heart In the street for the inthlexs and revengeful feet of the Scarlet v.Qim to trample. Famous Blind People J Henry, the minstrel, of Scotland, who waa born blind. In ISO, was celebrated for his poetical works. He wrote ths "Life of Wallac." Mlaa Fanny Crosby, ths blind author of so many beautiful and widely known hymns, was a resident of New Tork City a few years ago. Rev. W. H. Ml bum, born la and whs lived la Xw Tork City? had hla sight almost destroyed In early childhood. He was a powerful preacher and lecturer. Herman Torrentlus. a Swiss, born la 1 and died In ILXk, although deprived of his visoo, waa a diatlaguished lltsratus and wrote ths "Historical and Poetical Dictionary." Eltertal Hulas. "I bear you actuaUy encourage your boy to send poetry to the --g-r'p-n Lo you want your son to become a postr "No; I merely want him to gst ths eon clt knocked out of him. Lout svtile Cour-taWswrnai. Gg&sfs of Playhouse Tbeepls in S8S B. C, acted Ws plays In a wagon. In B. C-, during jtUs time of Aeschylus, creator of the drama, ths per formances) took" place apod temporary wooden' scaffolds, one of wtilcli, having collapsed during a representation, the Ath enians were Induce to build the great thea ter of Dionyalus,. calMng. Jt ths Lenaion, which was the first permanent vtone struc ture of Its kind. It required "MO years to erect it. . . There waa no scenery, but ther scena was decorated so as to represent the locallity In which the action was going on. Roofless was Una structure, but around the building were porticos, to which the people retreated during rain storms. Some times awnings were nsed to ward off the sun's heat. Invariably ths actors were males, who wore masks with mouthpieces, answering ths purpose of speaking trumpets. Owing to ths vastnees of tha theater metal vases were placed under the seats to serve as reflectors of sound. Performances began In the morning and usually lasted for twelve hours. r. This is fie xxr t f't DAVID P. rAP.QUHAR. Maple. June 1, 191L Testr. . ,103 ..1S98 . .U99 . .1503 ..1899 1905 . PtJBtgg pgRBsMS ?if wnstsiy. trwugt m tear toss pant miaats esnr swg aemj hi m mt ' it f ijj ' Y" enr i .Jjnsj ; e- 1 . iMTTiM-SM I A, I I I fm-l n yg TASy rt, Jk f '" j i ( hit!) y jj . tX -Cf r niog ame and .dlre-. fchooL Vivian Alexander, 3406 Chgrles St Franklin ..... Madge Andrews, 912 South Thirty-seventh St Columbian Perry P. Atkinson, 3017 Meredith Ave Monmouth Tar Raymond Blake, 1417 Emmet St '. ...Lothrop Louis J. Berg. 4844 Lafayette Ave , Walnut Hill ... Fannie Bob, 2115 Burt St Cais Agnes Christensen, 3011 Franklin St Franklin 1901 Sebastiana Distefano, 413 North Twelfth St Cass U95 Dorothy Dahlman, 2901 Hickory St Tark 1898 Gladys Desterhouse, 2799 South Ninth St Bancroft 1900 Willie Esters. 2918 Grant St Howard Kennedy. 1902 David Farquhar. 3206 Maple St Howard Kennedy .!l 897 Harry Ferer, 934 North Twenty-third St K-ellora 1S95 James F. Griffith, 2417 Cass St Central 1S99 Paul Creenhagen, 2943 Martha St Dupont 1H95 Walter Gaunon, 54 9 South Twenty-fourth Ave Mason 1905 Herbert Goldboroifgh, 1543H North Sixteenth St... Cass 1902 Clifford Hatfield, 1518 North Sixteenth St Kllora 1897 Haxel Heaston, 509 South Thirty-third St Farnam 1S98 Gilbert P. Hansen, 2S6 4 Corby St Howard Kennedy. . 1900 Thelma Hanks, 1914 California St .Central 1900 Elmer P. Helslng. 807 North Forty-third St Saunders 1897 Elsa Haarmann, 1324 South Thirty-fifth Ave High 1S92 Robert, Keyt, 1809 Chicago St Ce&tral 1903 Martha B. KJelldin, S709 South Thirteenth St Edw. Rosewater . . . 1900 Grace B. Lawson, 3106 Dewey Ave Long 1S96 Colinetta E. Lear. 4724 North Twenty-eighth St Saratoga 1901 Ethel B. Morris, 1502 South Twenty-second St High 1896 Frances McCoy, 52 4 South Twenty-seventh St Farnam 1898 Vera B. Myers, 2015 Ohio St Lake 1897 Russell Moraine, 2118 Chicago St Central 1903 Matilda Miller. 2322 Paul 8t Kelloin 1904 Harry Melrln, 4609 North Twentieth St Saratoga 190 Flora Marsh, 4157 Davenport St Saunders ........1903 Willie Nemerek, 1257 South Fifteenth St Comenius . . ... 1903 Albert Neaman, 2 220 North Twenty-seventh St Long ..1895 Harold W. Petersen, 2413 South Forty-first St Beals ,'....1902 Arthur Petersen, 2406 North Thirtieth St Howard Kennedy.. 1902 Psul Quealey, 2927 Davenport St mipont 1901 Allen H. Quail. 4952 North Thirty-fifth St Monmouth Park,. .1904 Lew Reynolds, 2219 Maple St Lcthrop 1898 Margery Swett, Madison Hotel High 1895 Maggie SuteJ, Fourth and Spring Sts ..Bancroft 1905 Timothy Swan. 2004 North Twenty-second St Lake 1897 Benjamin Seldeni, 2201 Seward St Kellora , v. .J897 . Jessie Scheaffer, 1419 Sahler Ave .....Monmouth Park.. .1903 Philip Singer, 1018 Pacific St Pacific ....1896 William Singer, 1018 Pacific St Pacific .'...1902 Dorothy M. Sherman, 132 North Twenty-eighth Ave. Saunders ........ 1905 Elmer SewalL 2624 Hamilton St Long..... ..1897 Verna Sage, 2517" South Thirty-third St Windsor 1896 DaTid Thomas, Thirty-fifth and Pinkney St Clifton Hill. 1895 Ben Tatel, 622 South Nineteenth St High 1896 Virginia Taggart, Hotel Loyal Central 1903 Edna Verlautz, 6720 North Twenty-fourth St High 1895 Dalsie A. Wyer, 531 South Twenty-second St Central 1898 Dorothy L. Weller, 1906 Blnney St Lothrop .1904 Wade 'Williams, 1325 South Twenty-fifth St Mason 1904 Ralph Wagner, 1501 Ames Ave Saratoga 1901 Everett Whltehlll, 2101 North Fourteenth St. . . . . . Lake .. . 1901 117 "TrrTi Tabloid History of the Presidents JJ Orover Cleveland, who served two terms as a democratic president, with a repub lican administration intervening, was born at Caldwell, N. on March 18. JJSJ7. and died at Princeton, in the same state, on Jane 24. 1908. On the paternal side hs wss of English extraction, while his heritage from his mother was Irish. Orover Clevelanid's father, who was a Presbyterian minister, accepted a call to Fayettevilie, near Syra cuse, N. T-. where the boy acquired an academic training. He became a clerk in a lawyer's office in Buffalo, read Black stone and In 13t was admitted to the bar. Simplicity, directness and power marked bis rise In this profession. In 1SS1 bs becams mayor of Buffalo sleeted by the largest majority ever at tained by a candidate. In UXL, on the third ballot, hs was nominated for governor of the state and was elected by a large plu rality. In HM he was unanimously nomi nated for president and after an exciting campaign, which was notorious for Its per sonalities, bs was elected. His first In auguration took place March 4. 1&5. Hs was a candidate for re-election In U8S, but was defeated, and retired Into private life for four years. On March 4. VGti. he was Inaugurated for the second time. L'pon ths conclusion of his second term President Cleveland retired Into pri vate life. rv 'V 4 Hs was distinguished for forcible speech and action and his addresses reveal great clarity of thought and powerful directness of expression. He appealed to ths best sentiment of ths people. In June, USX, President Cleveland mar ried, in the Whits House, Prances Foisom, the daughter of his early partner and old friend, Oscar Foisom of Buffalo. Ehs Is a woman of marked abilitv and rhirm m nA her influence in (J rover Cleveland's life was a noble one. (Copyright, Mil. by ths X. T. Herald Co ) jf Long-Lived Persons j Announcement was mads on July H, ITS. of ths death of Charles Roberts, a Vir ginias, who was lit years old. Charles McFlndley, who was a captain under Cromwell, had arrived at ths age of 141 years whan hs died In England In 17-1. According to a Xsw Tork newspaper of March 24. 1774. Antolns Conns was 116 years old at death. Tha same paper on tha eleventh of ths succeeding August. recorded ths decease of John Tics, who was 12fc years old. Latest vital statistics published by ths government cover ths period from 109 to . In that time thirty -one persons In ths United States died at ages exceeding 110 years. Ons of these wss 111, one YJk. one Ut and three lis. while four were 111. Un 113, three 111, four 114, three 11S and ona Ut I wouldn't take anything from them short of an automobile, I should not now be so terribly nagged by the enemy." Harper's. THROWING SOME LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT. At tke Pall sf Trey, Ths last Greek had lust shinned down tha off hind lag of ths Trojan horse. "Ah me!" sighed King Prim, as hs saw what waa going on. "If I'd onlv bail the seass ts tall those busses bearing gifts that t-J-. - it ' ' - "1 .-V"Ua -J- 1 ' -M iliii. ' (' ' . r . - ii