.1 I 1 1 i ' 4 I ( i ft OFFERED FOR RENT Ho osea ti Cottages rontlnaed. NEW COTTAGE. ALL KtNl8 FRUIT AND SHAPE. Nf five-room bungalow cutHKc, lo- i -i ! ii rc"jM lonitiiy mie 101, kwii g ;.. . f128, wlih 20 bearing cherry and Z.jle trees, grapes, etc.. lot lip fine and iV In a splendid location; only 2M feet I r im pavement; up high and dry. Very pietty little bungalow cottage, large front porch, vestibule entrance, living room, targe dining room, nicely arranged and convenient kitchen and pantry; two splen did bed room, large bath room, with good low flush water closet, tank flnlehed In golden oak, rlty water, heavy roll rim, one place sink with larg ciosets; bouse, with In maple and yelk xak for waxlnt back, all food grade; two baement under entire nslde entrance; finish oak. low pine; floors of policed good alze; house In something that you have been waiting to ree, and that you seldom can get, a new ano wen duiii, up-io-naie collage on m 101 ivii ' uiuvn urnring irun, biwib and blue grans. Your rent will pay for this attractive home. Trice 12,175; $1M CHSh; 123 per month nr $W0 cash and 126 per month. Bee me today, May 80, am not at home only on Sunday and holidays, so come today. Two cottages advertised Fun day were sold. Also have one splendid four-room for TJ cash and $1$ per month, with bath room and toilet, electric lights etc. Com to my residence today, 115 So. Halcyon Ave., Benson, phone Hanson 132, F. B. Trulllnger. WHAT does a name mean? If you want to know Just try O'Brien's candles. If Mrs. H. L. Joy, lis K. lth St, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Drlen s candy free. '-ROOM house, all modern, at northwest orner 2th and Webster fcts.. newly pa pered and painted, oak floors, cemented basement, paved street and one block to car line. $27. M per month. W. J. PKKMODV INVEST. CO., 1614 City Nat Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 780. To The Bee Want Tad I sent an ad, I had a house for rent; It Is half paat two, I'm not half through Heading the answer he gent PELL F. ALLEN. inos Podge St. This verse receive honorable mention. i; rooms V ; feet long without porches; best lum J. r throughout, and well built; floors all I .ililed. etc. Electrlo light, pretty four I ht electric shower In living room, with Iruih brass ceiling, pan, art glass Vhades: pretty dining room shower. Here HOUSES FOR RENT. $-r., all modern, 1817 S. 32d St., only $23. 4-r. cottage, 14th and Ohio, $12. . , f.m N. lith tit., s-r. cottag mod. ex. n heat, $26. 2225 Podge St., lv-r., moa., close in, suit- le for rooming bouse, 4u. 619 Elm St., 6-r., cottage, with barn, lv tM. 6-r. flat. mod. ex. heeat 1606 N. 24th, $16. 4-r. flat, mod. ex. beat, 2815 Dewey Ave., 13.50. 4 r. flat, mod. ex. neat, 2823 Dewey 8-r.' flat, mod. ex. heat, TOg B. 19th St., $16. N. P. PODGE & CO., lith and Harney. 7-ROOM house, strictly mndera; 4303 Ersklne. Nlco lawn, shade and fruit; $23 per month. Also strictly modern 5-room cottage, 204 Seward. Phone owner, Ben son 264 or Red 653. FOR RENT Hlx-room house, all modern, only $20. $811 Capitol Ave. TeL Red 2177. nh a hustline- lad. ls The Bee Want Tad, To consult him Is time well spent For If he says "yea," It will be a safe guess Your houeee he will rent. MARION M. DENNIS. This verse receives honorable mention.) L- 1 ern except heat Apply $210 Hamilton St. 1MB Burt, (-room house, lust completed: oak floors and woodwork. $30 a month. Harney 4000. ' FOUR large, pleasant rooms, with bath; first floor. 63 So. list. SEVEN-ROOM house, $7th and Manderson streets, $1$. Charles Ij. Saunders, 111 South lath street. Phone Douglas 1T9. 7 SEVEN ROOMS, RECEPTION HALL -and bath: all modern and up-to-date. To be completed by June IB. 001 South 25th ave. Key next door west, or call at 20 Marcy. Telephone Red tUttf. $30. Elegant newly decorated apartment In the Ivy. Private porch) coolest place In .the city In summer. Janitor service; every- Jng strictly up-to-date. ARMSTRONG WAUJH COMPANY, Tyler UM. $10 8. 17th 8t OMAHA has th beet of everything on the market, but Farrell makes the best syrup. If Mrs. Julia Miller, 2431 Parker St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-oent can free. tores aad Offices. FOR RENT Oood $-story and basement store building at loot Farnam Bt; strong floors, eemented basement. Inquire Room (14. First Nat'l bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas UU. TWO efftoe Id floor Crelrhton bloek: llso store at U( N. 15th Bt Alfred Thomas, fgent sue first in ail Bang tiiag. FOR best grocery and meat market la ity, with fixtures; a snap, 220 N. XU. IDE8IRABLH offices in the Continental Hock: either In suits or single. Alfred Kennedy. 2o First Nat l Bank Bldg. h Northwest corner 15th and Harney, 22x98. Two stores (new), 2104-t Cuming St. M N. 24th St. O. C. REDICK. UU Farnam Bt BRICK store building. No. 1214 Harnav street, three stories and basement Charles launders, zu South Uth street Phone Pouglas 17J. AT 70$ 8, lth St.. room tOxSO. supplied Nwlth steam heat; now being put In fins loTinmon. iTice reasonaDie. VrTCH Tnl!ST I1 . 171 K rxA IVn,n OFFERED FOR SALE ssrattare. , FOR BALE At a bargain, mahoranv uiuvi mnuiuni mvw, euiLiuienc lor two rooms; also rugs ana Oliver type writer and stand. Address Box 6a7, Ombi PARTY leaving city will sell cheap kOc bnard, kitchen furniture, muslo ciiOQi. dining table and chairs, range, Cii! 2017 MlaraL Webster I7U. , BJaaleat lastraaaeata. PIAfOSFt7Tl RENT. $1 per month. Player Ptanoa $10. A. Hospe Co.. 1613 pouglas St FOR BALE -Hardman piano, walnut case, reasonable If taken at once, Webster 107. Trsx iters. TTPEWR1TIRS ALL MAKES. Ton eaa own a typewriter by paying oe lOo a day, payable $X&0 to tt 00 a month. All the standard machines; visible writers and others sold and rented anywhere at H to H manufacturer's prices, allowing rental to apply uu pries. Call or write tor bargala list B. F. SW ANSON CO., U14 Farnam Bt Omaha. RENT aa Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Pouglas 29 La BUT u U C Smith 4k Broa typewriter. B. T. Batatas Cu PUUIbuUrs. lilt ar- SECOND-HAND typewriters, sold. ro palrtd. Central Typewriter Kxchaoge, ltwl ramam. MUeellaaeema. SAFE"-Overtocked with second-hand aaXes, all alsea and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co., 1U0 arnau Mt ECONPHAND dreaees, good eondlUoai 7th and Faxoaia. Maudell irelbelbta. New and seoond-band satea l&LS Farnam. IDHAND tools and rubber. 411 N. 18th. A BEAUTIFL'L hand painted china vass. alued at $1. painted bv Mrs. s it k..,,. tMl 8. imh St., who rives less ens and does 1 1 ring, aaa on exhibition at the Corset r hop. Brandeis Theater BUlg., will be given to the lady wriaog the best verse about oes waul iaa atnng real estate, 6ECOND-HAKD fana $13 soT Uth 8t OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, - Brandeis Theater Bldg Katheryn Nikolas. 6M Urandeis Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paiton Blk. TeL Red 71U WILLARD EDPY. V. B. Pat. Office offi cial solicitor. 16JU City Nat. Bank. Tyler 1JJ0 HIRAM A. STL'R;ES. rcg. attorney. M Brandeis Theater Hllg. louglas S4i'.. 4 A PISH of Palzell's Ice cream will re fresh you wonderfully in warm weather. If R. J. Anderson. 2'.' Pouglas Pt., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream free. PERSONAL MECHANO THKRAPT Massage treatment for rheumatism. Pr. Margaret Ilalloran, Neville 131k. p. 7781. BTAM MERINO AND 8TUTTERINQ cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. DRESS pleatlngs. buttons 1 covered, all flies and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. Both phones. Ti rmia Bait glow and massage, 160$ J- A iikj podge, $d floor, opposite post office. Mme. Allen of Chicago. Poug. 7665. PR. BURKE, diseases of women. Omaha. JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 203 a 1M h St Douglas 4311. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse, $08 O Boston Bg WHEN you buy O'Brien's candy you know It Is the best If E. C. Kennedy, 4315 Franklin St., will corns to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a SO-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. W If J SJ and toupee for men. Griffith. " luu IU6 fco. 16th St.. upBtalra. BEST nerve bracer for men. Cray's Nerve Food Pills. $1 box, postpaid. Sher. man A McConnell Prug Co., Omaha, Neb. Much time Tve spent That house to rent. But now from care I'm free. For Bee Want Tad Has made me glad He did the renting for me. ALICE M. KEATS. 120 N. S2d St. This verse receives a prize of half a dozen photographs from Hevn'a studio. If Alice Keats will come to The Bee office she will be given an order for the photos. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braca. Strengthen. COc. BELL DKUO CO. MOHAN & NELSON MANICURING. SCALP TREATMENT, MASdAGE; hair work. 1406 Farnam. Poug. 4m DR. SOGERS, private confinement home. 1518 Martha St.. Omaha. Tel. Pouglas 6240. STRICTLY ' private home for confine ment; excellent care; babies fur adoption. $51$ Pavenport 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY, flladdlsh Pharmacy, Uth and Podge. RATI IS ealt low and massage, 1606 Podge, 8d floor, opposite post office. Mme, Allen of Chicago. Poug. 7U65. NOTICE I hereby notify the public that I will not pay any bills contracted by ray wife, Nellie Finney. (Signed) J. T. FINNEY. TAKE me out to the ball game. If A. Palm, 1707 No. 21st St, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball gams at Rourke Park. YOUNG WOMEN oomlng to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth street and St Mary's Ave. where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoes or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union Station. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing anachlnes. Ind. A-1C03: Pouglas 16tl NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., l&lh and Harney St. ADELIGHT hair food grows hair; see Mine. Frsyer,". Megeath ' Star y ' Co., 13 in and Farnam. MRS. SNYDER, Swedish massage, baths, radiator and vibrator treatment The Dunaany, Flat 8, 10th and Pierce. Doug. 4360. Good Swnaritan-Ssa Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. oapltaL trirst PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Pr. King. 1224 N. 14th, Web. 266; Ind. P-laad. 4 WANTED TO locate C. H. Remlnrtnn of Omaha. Nothing to fear. Everything settled. Writs or coma at onoe. Mabla Remington. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing. In fact, anything you do not need. Ws collect, repair and sell at 1S4 N. Uth St, for cost of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phono Douglas 4Ut and wagons will call. MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ladies, $1; gentle men, $1.60. Apt. 1, Moi Farnam. Hrs., to &, M AONTCTIO treatment, E. Brott, 1911 lVL.il.VJlM.Li A iV Cuming St Ind. R-713A. Also Prof. Harrett. phrenological doctor. MAs!vuriOT s 17th Jd floor room fc POULTRY AND PET STOCK AIREDALE. registered. female, In whelp; fine animal; fur sale cheap. Roy Irewitt, Orrawa, la. ' SILKO CUICK FOOD Is the best In the market for young chick ens. Made from pure grain. For sale by all dealers. A. W. WAGNER, AGENT, m N. Kith St Tela Poug. 1142. Ind. A-34& SAVE THE CLUCKS ! y? of whits diarrhoea. NOW is the time to avs themi give them BOB WHITE'S White Plarrhoea remedy, and avoid loasea Send 6 Do today for a large box postpaid. Bob Whits Co 4704 Ames Ave phone Web. $&. THERE Is only one kind of Ice cream. Palzell's is the best. If Mrs. L. C. Scott tSoa Franklin St., will come to The Bee office we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream free. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier cheap, TeL W. 1021 ORPERS taken for spring chickens. Phone Harney 4M4. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-$620 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16 ih and Capitol Ave. Lew W. Ruber, Printer rS" EKE BLPO. ENTRANCE ON CuURT. RIES HALL Ptg Co.. 10 8.14th. Ind. A-3524. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF TITLE. THE Midland OAT. Co. 1714 Farnam. PETER J ESSEN, Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. 2282 REAL ESTATB DBALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract Office In Nebraska, $0 Braadaia Theater. II. C. Westercraard ,K"J . ' f ,,v Investments, kill City Nat'l Bank Bidg. We have customers for Otnalia Income and reaider.cea LSt your property with us for autuiory re- ' REAL ESTATB TITLE TRUST CO.. FU teenta floor. City Nat Bank Uidg. ttlILUtCHS' INVOatalATlOM. A. J. Ireland, mason. 3921 N. 14 th. B.1971 C. C. THOMPSON, cement and brick work. 1713 N. 26 th. Web. 4UU3. B-14S3. Kj. JLA1101U. u 2043. 113 N, 17i 17th. C1TV PHOPBHTY FOR IALB. 4-ROOM cottage, ?2J and Pacific Sts.. 12,500. F. D. Wead, 1V1 Farnam. OOOP seven-room house. Wtb and Pe catur; modern ex. heat; beet of repair: $2. W0 00. F. D. WEAD, V1 Farnam. REAL ESTATE CITY Pit CI' Kit 'I' FOH SALE (Continued.) West Farnam OWNBR fl"IMl AWAY. OFFERS TJ1B K( iLLOWlN'D CHOICE I'Hol'KRTY AT A SACRIFICE: F'lne bullcltng site. 74 feet frontage on one of the finest streets in the West Far nam district. Mre lot. 45 feet frontage on Podse, near 3Mh avenue; fine location for home or to build to rent. Choice vacant corner. ir2 feet front, sur rounded by Hfvoft) to $Aul0 hnuees. Noth ing finer on West Farnam hill. Elegant new 10-rooin residence, every modern convenience: hot water henting. choice location; splendid neighborhood; can give Immediate possession if desired. A rare opportunity to secure a good building site or a home In the cream of the West Farnam district at a low figure. . HICKS Tel Doug. 8714. 219 Board of Trade Bldg. 4 You Can Buy on Easy Terms A nearly new 7-room house, electric light, good well, cistern, with pump In kitchen, fine chicken house and chicken yard, good barn and shed, some fruit, over an acre of ground, only blocks to car, In Ben son. Pon't fail to call up and let me tell you all about this place. J. A. Fike 819 City Nat'l Bank. Douglas 2I1!. Vacant Lots Southeast corner 40th and Saratoga, 80x125, $m Military Aive., near Patrick Ave., 72x 110, $uo. Easy payments. Bemis-Carlberg Co., 310-$1J Brandeis Theater. 1 Forest Hill Let The most desirable lot in the addition, south front lot 00x128 ft., fronts to two streets. Let us show you and then make an offer. Gallagher 8r Nelsoa, 490 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 2218 N. ISth St., large B-r. cottage home; all modern. Including furnace, less' Than two years old; choice east front lot. This is a fine home in walking distance; will sell on easy terms or take vacant lot as part payment. See owner, 1st door south. Web. 4UtU or Doug. 10u3. STRAIGHT FROM OWNER. Attractive 7-room house, hot water heat, all modern conveniences; built 18 months ago; first floor oak finish; beautiful lawn and fences; walking distance. Sold at sacri fice, If sold at once. 11. 1141, or call lul S. 2th St. 2BTH ST., near Farnam, 10-room house for $ti,2CO.0O; good-size let. F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam. ltt acres near S4th and Valley Sts.; fairly good house, but not finished inside. Phone Harney M01 or Pouglas 4623. 4 DO YOU WANT A HOME? I have a new twj-story house, close to West Farnam district; must be sold, leav ing city. 714 S. 36th St open Sunday p. in. iiarney juys, lioufc'. o-;j. I a i v ,"-. . . . a. . . n .. ' oiA-xwwai inouem nouse, I isortn Znxn Ave. Owner, living in California, here to sell for cash or payments. If you are look ing for a snap call Webster 6870; 2S66 Maple. Investment Chances One of tbe moat desirably located and best apartment buildings In the West Farnam district. All apartments rented to best tenants and a waiting list; earns 16 per cent. We can offer It for a few days at a special price and will arrange terms. Only $7,600 In cash or securities required. . Three fine attached residences, cen tral location; would make an elegant family hotel; car line. Price $16,000. Last chance to buy a block of four downtown stores at $2,000 less than heretofore. Highest bid will get it this week. Thomas Brennan Tel. Doug 1264. 806-10 City Nat Bldg. Nine Rooms Modern except heat, located N. 26th St, near Maple; $2,100. Bemis-Carlberg Ce., B30-313 Brandeis Theater. NORTHEAST corner 22d and Davenport, elegant lo-room modern residence; good re pair: ground 106x115. Trice, $11,000. CON HAD YOUNG, Douglas 1571. 222 Brandeis Theater Bldg. r- A BEAUTIFUL hand-painted china vase, valued at $16, painted by Mrs. S. 11. Smith, 2546 S. lirth St. and on exhibition at the Corset Shop, Brandeis Theater building, will be given to the lady writing the best verse about Bee Want Tad selling real estate. NEW COTTAGE. ALL KINDS FRUIT ANP SHADE. $160 CASH. $23 PER MONTH. NEW FIVE-ROOM bungalow cottage, lo cated on an exceptionally fine lot full atse, 0x128, with 0 bearing cherry, apple trees, grapes, etc.; lot lies fine and is In a splendid location, only 200 feet from pavement. up high and dry. Very pretty little bungulow cottage, large front porch, vestibule entrance, liv ing room, large dining room, nicely arranged and convenient kitchen and pantry, two splendid bedrooms, large bathroom, with good low flush water closet tank finished In golden oak, city water, heavy roll Mm one-piece sink, with back, all good grade; two large closeta, basement under entire house, with In side entrance; finish, oak, maple and yel low pine, floors of polished oak for wax ing, rooms good size, house Is 36 feet long, without porohes; best lumber throughout and well built floors all doubled, eta Electrlo light, pretty four light electric shower In living room, with brush brass celling pan, art glass shades, fretty dining room shower. Here Is some hlng that you have been waiting to see. and that you seldom can get, a new and well built up-to-date cottage on a lot with so much bearing fruit shade and blue grass. Tour rent will pay for this at tractive home. Price. $2,175; $150 cash, $23 per month or $10 cash and JU per month. See me today. May 30 am not at home only on Sunday and holidays, so come to day. Two cottages advertised Sunday were sold. Also have one splendid 4-room for $75 cash and $18 per month, with bath, room and toilet electric lights, etc. Come to my residence today, 115 S. Halcyon Ave., Benson. Phone Beuson 122. F. S. Trul llnger. ( Field Club Home Most convenient home In Omaha; recep tion hall, parlor, dining room, all finished in oak; kitchen, butler's pantry, on first floor; four bedrooms, bath, on second floor; third floor all finished for bllll&i-ri koom; maid's room entirely separate; large cioaeis oxi eacn ueuroom; nice lawn, has garage; two blocks from car. Call us In regard to same. Gallagher & Nelson, 430 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha. Neb. r- FOR SALE All modern Ideal cottage for small family. A real bargain. 2419 Cald well. Poppleton Avenue Building Lot at Ud 6t; beautifully situated, terraced lot rtfexHM. Can be had at a bargain. EARLS A. KAAKE. $13 UcCague Uld Tyler liitt. $U,ft I stores and flats, rental. , $1,800 per year; on N, liith St. corner. J. W. RASP CO., Brandeis Bldg. FOR SALE Roomy bungalow and canoe house; Y. M. C. A. park. Phone Webster 2171 REAL ESTATE CITY IIKllKlirY KO It A U B (Continued.' Must Sell Owner has left the city snd must sell his sil modern dwelling, located in the Kleld club district. lirse corner lot. paved street; dwelling contains six large rooms and reception hall, fully nirxiern. Price, only M.tuO. Immediate possession can be given. Bemis-Carlberg Co., 310-312 Brandeis Theater. VERT desirable small fruit farm for sale by owner. Harney lifcui. THERE Is nothing better than good syrup for the family. If A. E. Bishop, 2..07 FTanklin St., will come to The Bee office within three day we will give him an order for a 60-cent can of Karrell's syrup free. 34th nml Taylor, 100x130 Pouhle corner; will make three fine lots; rhole business for $700. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLPO. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for luslness bargains, mil Omaha Nat I Bank. NEAR FIELD CLUB IN 1IANSC0M PARK 8-room house; gas and electric light; full white enamel bath room fixtures; city water and cistern; furnace heat; corner lot; paved street; cement sidewalks. Price $3.7ii0. Esv terms or discount for cash. The lot if vacant would bring $2,000. C. G. SOMERS, Phone Harney 8H20. BARGAIN CLOSE-IN LOT Full lot, 60 feet front, 26th and Jones, paying paid, $1,500. The Byron Reed Company, Phone Poug. 2U7. i . 212 So. 17th. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE Arkansas. f.MO A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber land; much fine timber yet on land: 6 to 7 ml. from Eureka Springs; fine for fruit; ranch and general farming; $160 8peclal bargain in Improved farms. $10 to $3H. WM. JENKINS CO.. Eureka Springs Ark. 3 A., SMOOTH. IH ml. railway station. 100 fenced. 40 cult, small house, two wells, two publlo roads. $2,5X. Union Bank A Trust Co., Real Est Dent., Searcy, Ark. 1,500 ACRES rich bottom land, sis miles Newark, $10 per acre; terms. Fin orange grove, Florida Forty acres; $7,600. Other Bargains. A A Henderson. Newark, Ar kansas. $0 TRACTS of lsnd la the corn and al falfa district of Delta land; black soil; good schools; lands will double In value In three years; row rent from to to $7 per acra Writs us what you want F. 43. HOLLAND. Pine Bluff, Ark. 160, ml. out M In cult, 120 black alfalfa or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor hood; $S, 200, u-.l. from town of 2.00U. near P. O. and school; nearly ail smooth up land; (6 cult, bal. timber, 6 clover; 4 al falfa, 6 bearing orchard, US fenced hog tight; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge bldg., new barn; dark red sandy Urn; good community; delightful location; abundance good water; JJ.doU, subjeot to e-year loan 100; tar ma easy. WM. OILMORS, anarsnau. BEST fruit and general farming lands for price In U. 8., In Searcy Co.. Ark. Send tor booklet showing $6 to $15 land Bear town. W. M. Hanson, Leslie. Ark. COTTON plantation; 480 acres; elegant 10-room dwelling; - plenty tenant nouses; good barn and out buildings; rich, black loam; will grow bale oottou or W bushels corn per acre; woven wire fencs; 200 acres cultivation; 200 merchantable timber, hard Wood; healthful location:' m)ls from good town; good neighborhood; near' school and church; pries $41,000: reasonable terms. Address Johnston & Willis, cars Southern Trust Co.. Lhtle Rock. Ark. ' OZARK LAND CO.. Oravette. Ark. Stock rancher, fruit farms, berry ' fields, small tracts, installment piartf town prop erty, business houses. Writs us. BEST IN AMERICA FOR FRICB). AH classes of timber, farm and fruit lands In Arkansas, - Louisiana and " Mississippi, from $6 to $26 per acra Writs J. p. Rey nolds, Camden, Ark. V MISSES BURKS & PATTON real es tate dealers. Writs them for Information in regard to Arkansas lands. Montice.Ho, Ark. Canada, f WOULD be glad to correspond with a lew of purchase, with any one owning land along the boo Una In Saskatchewan, Canada, between the towns of Yellow Grass and Koluau. H. A Smith, Uales burg. lit GOLDEN - wheat landl for sals. Im proved and unimproved prairie farms, any kite. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Woodhead Coy, Watroua, Bask.. Can. Colorado. . NORTHEASTERN Colorado wheat lands, $12.60 to $15 per acre. A few Improved farms. $20 to $85. Writs J. tt. Bernhardt Sterling, Colo. 160-ACRE best Irrigated rarra, Colorado; finely Improved, new ten-room dwelling. barn; potato cellar holds 10 carloads; U A. wheat; SO A. alfalfa) no waste land; every foot under old water right; have another larm, can t work coin; to miles north of Denver, ten south of Qreeley. C. A. Gregory. 40 Mack Bldg., Denver, Colo.- $10 PER ACRE, easy terms, 820 acres of good black rich farm land. . West half of section 11-10-62; school house on corner of this land. Adjoining lands Improved; near railroad. Terms, canh; balance, six yearly payments. W. P. GRIFFIN, Owner. 6S4 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Neb. $2,000 ACRES. Timber, farm and graslng land, must be sold soon; will be sold cheap; full particu lars by addressing Box tio. Alamosa, Colo. Idaho. RIVER VIEW orchard tracts In 1 to 11 acres; finest fruit country in the world. For terms address Boons Land and In vestment Co. Boons, la. , IDAHO Irrigated Land In the famous Snake river valley; the land of the big red apple and where crops never fall. There has never been a Better time to invest in lund on the Twin Falls tract than now. A good list of land at from $o0 to $1U0 per acre. Orchard tracts at right prices and on easy terms. F. C. Graves, Filer, Idaho. lews. . FINEST colonization tract In the United States; 122.000 acres very finely located st $3 an acre; make 1.008 per cent to sub divide; have plenty of othara. Bog t4 W tntersat la- IOWA FARMS FOR SALE. Our ml list of Iowa farms In Webster, Calhoun and Greene counties Is lust out If interested write for our new list WOODAKD LAND COMPANY. COWRIE. IOWA 80 ACRES Improved Clarke county, Iowa, to trade for clean stock general merchan dise; good house, barn, orchard, etc.; price S0 per acre. Address owner, D. B. liar rtsoa. Al toons. Ia. EXCHANGES mads evervwhere. Farms, wild lands. Income property, stocks of goods and sthar things desirable for ex change. Several large tracts of western lands for exchange. Write mo full descrip tions of wnat you have. 1. N, Mela lira First Nat bank Bldg.. Sheldon, Ia. , FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 10 acres fins limber land In Lake county. Minne sota. Railroad being built not far from land, lbs umber Is very large on this land. Mostly whits pine, tamarack, bal sam and spruce. Sure to Increase la value fast. What have you to offer I Writs Lcck Bog $1L Dickons, la- A FINE l.-acr farm In Buchanan couRty, Iowa, about i miles from Aurora; Cuod Improvement; eneuuibrai.ee Iu.uuQl Price tua per acra Owner will exchange ler South Pakota land. Prefer Improved Here ia a fine chance to esolisuse your Dakota Und for an Iowa farm. Address UoUsbranda Land Agency, Fella, lav REAL ESTATE FtRsf AMD HAMII Lt.MI FOR SAl.n Ion a Con 1 1 need. TO LAND AGENTS For $t will send sddressee of l.Ouu persons who have sold for $.iAl or more in southwestern Ions Ince January 1 i'.ui. compiled from CJ recorda M. W. Vlolr A Co., Harlan. Ia. I ACItKS, Cass county. Iowa, farm Im proved and well located; price tltf per srre; my equity Is $l6..Vii). Want southern Minnesota or pakota land, clear. No In flated prices considered. One 10-horxe lower portable gasoline engine for what I'sve you? Address O. W. MuCaustland. Cass County. Lorah, la. FUR !ALE Excellent ;4C-acre farm in corn and blue-grass belt, Ada.ns county. Iowa. Farm all well fenced. 60 acres hog tight, l.'"0 acres tiled, and all In excellent cultivation; 12-room house, large brick Cellar with cement floor, cement walks, large new barn and mill, with good Fair banks engine, new hog houve, other out buildings, sil In good repair; good stock and barnyards, larga grove and good orchard, four good wells, excellent water, two windmills. For further particulars address Mr. Annali U. Naah. l&iO High St. Des Moines, la FOR SALIO Sptendld farms, well Im proved, ranging In price from $t'0 to ft per acre. This Is choice Iowa land. In well Improved cotuu.unltlea. near town and schools. There Is more fertile or beau tiful part of the state "lian Osceola county. Write for particulars. T. S. Redmond. 6lWsy. Ia- sM) ACRES and 173 acres of southern Iowa land. Improved, well located, good soli, right price, for sale or trade; 7.0i) equity in brick store building; a first clnss income property fur sale or trade, quick; on land, merchandise or automobiles Ad dress Bos $, Diagonal. Ia. WANTED A good stock of general mer chandise. $,000 to $12,000. In exchange for good farm near Rolte, Ia.. and cash. Farm contains 161 acres, six-room house, barn. !Cx40, price, $100 an acre: subject to U.1v. equity, $8,00; F. R. Loonier. Rulfe. la. Kansas. $20 ACRES, $ miles good town; fenced; a-ell Improved; ail smooth land; rich black soil; good orchard; It F. P.; phone; floe surroundings, !; good terms; will ex change for hardware. Implements or gen eral merchandise. W. 11. Molt Herlngton. Kan- M0 ACRES, siz miles from Mtnneola, tm cres in wheat one-third to buyer; new 4-room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas ture fenced; rick black soil; has raised good crop every year since broken out; great bargain. $.16 per acre. Terms. The Roy C. Beard Land Co.. Mtnneola. Kan. WE have some choice bargains In corn, wheat and alfalfa lands fur aale in Bentoa and Rush counties; write for list of farm bargains. Americas investment Company, Holaington, Kan. $20 ACRES, IH miles out; $90 In wheat 14 to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain and snow assures bumper crop: level as a uoor; xxt.oo per acre; terms, w. u, cul bertson. Scott City, Kan. $40 acres, $ft miles out; 130 acrns In wheat H delivered to buyer; level, rich, deep soil- v .i.l w.ll ar,A Mlnrlwilll. tr.n. . . ' Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all sixes K11U pilVCV. Ari. M . euiUOIOKW, OWUSr, aleade, Kan. $20 ACRES ti In alfalfa; 10-room house, large barn, granary, etc.; two miles te Larned. Pawnee county; 60 acres pasture, balance In cultivation; rich deep soli, abun dance of water, wells and mills; ta.Mt; terms. Bunts Realty Co, Hutchinson. Kan.- Lealilsaa, VERNON parish, 1.; the land of sun shine, soil, climate, markets, water, health, good; prices cheap; write Lsesvllls Real Estate ana improvement Co., c Is. Mo- arlana, eso y, Leesviiie, LOUISIANA farm and timber lands, good for truck, corn, cattle, eta; on ac count of cotton pest, cheapest lands on market Hall. Elder as Benoll. Monroe, Louisiana. Minnesota. BUT from owner and save commission a $00-acre grain and stock farm close to three towns, school and creamery, 120-acre field, about 20 im Okeadow, -remainder Uiaber pasture, fenced and cross fenced, running water and a full set of frame buildings at $46 per acre. Writs for terms C F. Flalg, Wadena. Minn.. R. It No, . FINE FARM HOME. $20 ACRES. I miles from good town, black loam soil. All fenced. Large frame dwelling, barn, granary, machine sheds, etc luO acres in field, 40 acres timber, balance clover and timothy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. $3$ per acre, one-third cash, bal ance easy terms. M. i, Kolb, Fosston, Minn. I HAVE a farm of $20 acres XV. miles from good town, $0 miles from Minne apolis, 100 acres under cultivation; about $4 acres meadow, balance timber. Can all bo opened up. Rich solL good house, barn and other buildings Price $31 per acres. Also M-acre farm two miles front good town. 40 acres under plow; 1& acres timber; good rich soil, t-room house, two barns and other outbuildings, windmill, fine natural grove. Orchard Just com mencing to bear. Price $3,6u0; easy terms Writs owner. Charles E. bwanson. Elk River. .Minn. (0,000 1 acres In SL Louis and Carlton counties, Minnesota, near cities of Du luth and Superior, at price within lite reach of all. 14 to $1$ an acre, easy term Fourteen railroads now entering these two cities furnish chep and quick transpor tation. A ten-inUilon-doliar steel plant now building by United States Steel com pany, near lands. Soil Is fertile and well adapted to diversified farming, dairying and garden truck. No long hauls or trans portation charges, but right at the door of the best markets of the United States, with constant demand and high prices. Write for full information. Boston 4k Duluth Farm Land Co., 1DJ0 Alworth Blag.. Duluth. Minn. LANDS NO. 660, 160 ACRES, 78 MILES Twin Cities; good tillable soil; state map mailed with 4u page book for $0 centa Hobart Land Co., Pnenlx Bldg., Minne apolis. Minn, 1S ACRES It miles from St Paul, t miles from Rosemont; all fencsd; black loam soil; 60 acres cultivated; balance pasture and black oak timber; enly $3 par acre for Immediate sale; halC cash. l$0-acrs Improved farm 16 miles from St Paul, 1 mile from Rich Valley station; nine-room house, windmill, large barn and other buildings, all In good condition; black loam soil, clay subsoil; always been cultivated by owner; loo acre under plow. 7 acres fruit trees, mostly apples; balanoe good timber land. Special prloa and term W. F. a, R. W. Morlty, Pioneer Press Bldg.. St Paul. Minn. It 000 equity in good quarter In soutnara Minnesota; quarters two mile froia good town, having house 2exJo, new barn $2x40, with gable roof, email granary and feucs. Want machine stock or dry good Price $M per acre. BenJ. A Cone. Wtndom, Minn. SEND for list of our fins Improved southern Minnesota land Ws have hundreds of pleased customers, C. k. Brown Land Co., off loss Madella and New Richland, Minn. A SNAP; MUST BO QUICK; XOO-ACRB Improved farm In Murray county, Minne sota; has first class buildings; fenoes; splendid grovs; orchard; two miles from town. Writ John Uolden. Jr., Garvin. Minn. FOR SALE 100 acres of good new hard wheat .land, near Walhalla, Pemblne county. North Dakota. For particular addreKS owner, A. Lucasse, Ml Ihiru Ava. N. MmaoajMll. Mian. Mtssosnrt. FOR BALE 6t farms, large and small, between Mississippi and Missouri river average $4 par acra. Write for big prices list WllUaiu Crews. Wright City. Mo. STOPI Don't go a step furtner thaa Douglas county, down in ths beautiful tiaarks; raise anything; corn 0 to tt bush els per acr all other crope la proportion; cheapest good land on earth. $i iojo per acre. Fiss Informs tlua Globe stsaTAstau Co., Ava. Mu MISSOURI FARMS Mono better OS tarth Highly Improved In) acres; ralae anything. $0. Other decided LargaJna W rite u Gilliam iilty Co., Gilliam. Mo.- THIRTEEN sections la Pawra county, near Sidney, one of ths best towns hi the Yellowstone valley; also have otner lands that we are retailing la any sum farm you want Writs your wants. Price are right lbs llay ward Land Cu Olendina. Mout tJO-ACRE homestead relinquishments (or aale; also one butei. one bakery, oue general store, una saloon, one feed store. Address. Charles . Brown, Ualata, HiniL ' REAL ESTATE FARM AM HAN4.il L1M) FOR HALF. M leeovrl -( ontlnaed. CHEAP STATE LAND About 1.000 000 acres state land to be sold on forty years' time, if desind; only I per rent of pur chase price down; buyers don't have to live on land; not over l. acres sold to one perfon. For further information and description send $1 to Fidelity Investment Co., W. Mil St, Kansas City, Mo. MISSOURI farm. . acres; room house; barn; UO acres wheat. 2UI acres corn; level, black dirt; $ miles railroad, $ acre. Chaa S. Huckslep Realty Co.. Elsberry, Mo. FOR SALE Finest farm tn leaven worth county, Broaddua farm of 100 acres. 1 miles from Fort Leavenworth, $5,000 brick residence, 6O0 4.f-year-old walnuts I'.O sugar maple trees, natural gas, two telephones, free delivery. Ha miles from Santa Ke sta tion; examine premises and write Mrs J L. Klrby. llua Fells St, bt Joseph. Mo.- KO-ACRE farm, all cultivated; tine nous barn, fence tlist-class condition, fins spring water, $ miles from town, i miles (ioiii railroad. Southeast Missouri liurni grstion Co., I'ledmyiit. Mo. Montaaa. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA, the coming farm state. $ll.M to $20 per acre. Writs for description. Shaw A Clark Land Company, Hackney Biug., St. Paul, Minn. FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley $20 acre fine fruit land; old water right; best sec tion of the valley; fine proposition tor sub division; fair buildings; easy term Ad dress owner. E. O. Lewis, SteveusvUl Munt. Nebraska. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN - $40 acres beat Seward, hsward Co.. Neb.; good six room house, ba-n. sheds, well and mill I ne orchard 1$ aoros alfalfa, lOo acres cultivated. 7 acres good hay land, balance pasture; price. ISO per acre; term hall ah. Fettermau Bios. Lincoln, Neb l.Oo-ACRE ranch for em tJu per acr two-thirds cash, remainder five year t per cent interest; all fenced; good Improve ments. For particulars writs Frank bchula. Nurfol. Neb. FOR SALE S00 acres hay land. 1 milk Newport. $17.60; BrtO miles, all new build ings, gprlng water. $22.60. Other L. M. Green Newport, Neb. H pay $100 per acre for alfnlfa land when you can buy the best there la In the whole United Mates of me right here In northwest Nebruska at from $13 to $J5 per acre? We took the prize over ail competitors at the Lund show al Omaha lust fall on our alfalfa seed. Many or our farmers who are working land adjoining this 1 have for sale thresh out from t to 10 bushels of seed to the acre each year and they get from $10 to $l$.ft0 per bushel. One man right here sold $13,0u0 worth of seed from lils 1H10 crop. Come and let me sell yoc a good quarter at from $2.0 ) to $4,000 that will make you rich. Half cash will handle most any of my bargalnx. Come on the next train if you can and get the cream of the list, but If you can t come Immediately, write me for my book i'i uesunpiions ana prices. Aran I Hun gerford, Crawford, Dawes County, Ne braska. 0-ACRE farm, 10 miles from Omaha, IH miles to town; upland, good soil, la good condition; must sell: good terms Owner. Box 2&3. Grena. Neb. 4,360 ACRES, two residences, two barns, complete outbuildings; ttuo acres natural meadow, runs 800 head of stock; net $11 per head per year; 2d miles of fence, 3 natural lakes. 2ty miles to Wagner, Neb.; 16 miles to Dunning, Neb.; near new Callaway line. You can double your money In five years. Usual commission allowed. Mrs. C. A Hamilton, Wagner, , Neb. 45-Bushel Wheat Land for $27 an Acre Buy Land Where It Rains Wo own and control over 20.000 acres of Cheyenne county (Nebraska) choicest farm lands now on the market. The best crop producing cotxntryi -trr the ttate for twelve years. Alfalfa Is a leading crop. Write today for our free literature. Live agents wanted everywhere..; FUNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT COM PANY. -SIDNEY, NEB. KIMBAU4 COUNTY. $20 acres, 10 years' time, $1260 per acre; 200 acres good farm land, 60 acres pas ture; no sand. H. N. Way, 2336 So. 82d Ave., Omaha. orta Dakota. SEVERAL Improved farms tn MeRenr) county, N. Dak., for sals oa easy terms; good soil; 16 to $30 per acr. C A. Stub In GranvlU N. D. WANTED Have good list of lands la James River Valley, Stutsman county, N. D. Correspondence wlta real estate agents solicited. Farmers' fctaia baak. Ypallantl. FOR SALE Renters and Investor If yea want to own ons of our fins Improved grain farms with every modern conveni ence and be Independent, writs mo at ono Little money needed. Wendell Hustu Carrlngton, N. IX oath Crollava. LANDS $600 per acre mads growing flgk for preserves on the Island Orchards os easy monthly payments. Sea Island Orchard Company, Charleston. S. C Oregon, FOR BALE 1M acres choicest appl pear, cherry, grar land In ths west, six miles from town, one mile from railroads ! deep volcanlo ash. Ths Dalles, Or., prise winning fruit ltiO acre 1 mile from town, new, mod ern house, barn, tenement: tbO pear pruna bearing; 1.600 young trees, 1,000 gi ape vines; good water; woodT Or will sell so acres with all improvements. Investigation solicited. C. ti. Webster. The Dalles, Or Sooth Dakota. FOR BALE Section good, raw landi all fenced; good flowing Weill ( miles from planklngton, 8. P. For particulars, writs J. E. O'Malley, Philip, sk D 400-ACRE corn farm, out from Sioux Falla; excellent Improvements, large grovs and fruit; all la cultivation; price for quick sals $i, easy terms; also 240 well Improved, easy terms, and loo acres unimproved. These are bargains for quick, sal It A bilvlu owner. Sioux Falls, 4k P. 10 ACRES IN DEUEL CO., 8. D. Close to ths Minnesota line; heavy blaok soil; clay su broil; lies very level and aU under cultivation. Must be sold within M days to close an estate. Half of this year's crop gaes with the price. $3S per acre; easy terms; $3,000 will handle It and It l a snap. No gravel, no stones, no foul weeds. Address W. F. McCUs, Lake Preston, U. p. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR SAXJO. We have a list of Edmunds county land tor sale at from $1$ and up per acr if Interested writs its for particulars and ws wll lsend our Prices and pocket man. w you own land In South Dakota list It with us. Our motto Is "A Square Deal to Buyer and bailer." Give us a chance to prove our statement Haavold Land Co., Mina. Ed. munds county. South Dakota TUB KINO or ALL FARM PRODUCTS. Thlg tm lha landl .a Ux. X. - as rw a-soHw v , JT rwm tUOalla tjuU; rtllnqulahments iumI d4dxl UuU, For p4xtlculw writ & O. Woadr 6 Co U.iffaln llsn U T ON&rOUKTH SECTION FIVH MlLBt -ttOJkl TOW IN. IT If tmnrflV4mari t a Kt.iA Msm bb l40 Akaska R-i K-ia-: oT'Tw ?,lfr WILL aa.rh ntrsa s FUrr ti CAoiiftl of South Dakota. Tot good Iowa or Nebraska land; what bava kail tri r,ffert U7s I A s-. rL--- V " FOR M. liftJnt V 4 S4asiaT4 alci. Tl.l 11- a arABJTV. It K riin lr T s a. ihi n. : - " " wvssi siiunurj BL. will corns to Ths Bee office within three dsys we will give him aa order for a tuii unv vi iuie tins ico cream. TEXAS IN VESTMENTS. Buy orchard and garden lands Bear Houston, the greatest and most prosper ous city In ths southwest where values are going up all the time and fortunes aiads In rati esiaU la short wbil fcasy term If desired. Addrsss EL C. Robert Vela, Tea., and a io-aore farm In tne Hi a Grande valley, where the farmer's caah In coins Is as perpetual aa the days that come fcd f; Jun- ' First Natioaai bank bldg., Uoueluu, Te. REAL ESTATE FARM AD HA.UCH LAN U POIt ALU Teaaa -(ontlnaed. WB are subdividing 1.100 acres of frtji farm land In Jackson county. Kpleodid crops every year. ttaintaU about right Inch kor description, plat aod Pllass wilts JOHN RICH FT s CO.. . tx$ E. Houston St. Sn Antonio, Tex.- RAN SABA VALLKT, the garden spot o! Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. W can buy land fur )ou or Invest money, I per cent net to luu secured by moi taase on these lands Correspondence solicited. Refer to First Nat I bank, ban Saba Nat'l bank. Ward, Murray at Co., and lbs mem bers In congress from Twxa hielley Burleson Co. ban Saba, Tex. Via. CATITAL Invested In Utah NOW menial lnrge return Get In on the ground floor. Let me (ell ) ou of some alfalfa and fruit lends in the beautiful Fillmore valley that can be bought at a bargain on easy term. Call afternoons, M. Watt 2721 Howard ttu I holm Harney 61 Si. Washington, i ' lfi5 acres on shores of I-aVe Chelan. Im plements and stock go with the place. Beautiful location, fine modern furnished home; about forty acres of young enmmer cl il apple orchard now in bearing and about twenty-five acres broken and in corn and grain. A snap. II, li. Wilson, Lakeside, Wash. , ) Wyoiulaaj. FOR SALE 16.000 acres !n TTamle ounty, Wyoming, tn Golden Prairie dis trict; suitable for farming; now stocked with cattle and sheep,- will sell with ranch; III exchange for eastern Nebraska of Iowa farm J. T. Belt Owner, Cheyenne, Wyu. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit H. H, Culver. $12-12 O, N. B. Bldg.. D, im. FOR SALE A clean stock of general merchandise, consisting of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats and cni'.i, carpets and rug crockery and groceries; also brick store building; Well located in good town of 1.600 people In northeast Nebraska; stork will Invoice about $10,(m0; would discount stock some tor cash or would exchange Stock and building for good farm In south ern Minnesota, Iowa, southeast South Pa kota, eastern Nebraska, northeast Kansas or northwest Missouri: land must be cood and at about real .value; would assume small incumorance. uive mil particulars about land In first letter; Improvements, soil, lay of land, distance from what tow n, numbers and price If land Is rented, what rent. Address Y 29, care of Bee. FOR reliable sales ard exchanges, see D. M. LEAMING. SKS Brande.s Bldg. FINE auto, slightly used, ao-horao power, four-cylinder, excellent condition; will con sider exchanging for cottage worth $l,5o0; must be clear. Address T 417, Bee. i . - , WANTED To trade two acres on boule vard near South Omaha Country club for automobile. Th.s Is a choice tract, worth the money, and will rapidly Increase In value. Answer quick. A. B. C, Stock Yards station. South Omaha. EXCHANGE ' 240 acres good land, 6 miles west of Alli ance, Neb., clear. Price, $15 per acre. Owner wishes to exchange it for a good home In Omaha or South Omaha. If you are looking for something worth the money Investigate this. FARMER'S LAND CO., 1014 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED TO TRADE A dandy ( room house on paved street In best residence dis trict of South Omaha, all modern except furnace, for automobiles. Will take new cars or second-hand ones If In prims con dition ana priced right ihls is a snap. Answer quick. A. B. C. STOCK YARDS STATION. nvuin onAllA, Three-story business block. 720 acres clear land. Rooming house, S3 rooms, in heart of city. Rest paying plcturs show .tn Omaha. Six-room house, clear of lncumbranca. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. COS Omaha National Bank. Persistent Advertising Is th Road to Big Returns. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATB CO., Mil New Omaha National Bank Building, OARVIN BROS, Sd floor N. T. Lif $60$ to $100,000 on Impioved property. No delay. K Jtr. EXotoa cHy and farm property vr. dg. w " MEIK.LE, $0$ Ramgs Bldg. WANTED, FARM LOANS. Co., Omaha. Klok Inv. WANTED City loan Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrant W. Farnam Smith 4k Co., 1220 Farnam St LOANS to horn owners and borne build er with privilege of making partltal pay ments semi-annually. W. H. TiioMAH, Ml First National Bank building. LOANS MADE ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. BUTTON REALTY CO.. $94 BRANDEIS BLDG. .4- IT LOOKS like a big game today. If M. C. Brown, 8102 Seward St., will eoms to Ths Bee office within three days, we will givs him a ticket to the ball gams at Kourks park. CHEAP MONEY. Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ins, Co., with ssaets of over $ll7,0u0,000, I ata prepared to accept all the good loans of fered on Improved Omaha real estate. Business and resldsnoo loans mad wiU out delay. THOMAS BRENNAN. City National Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 mads promptly. F. U. Wead. Wead Bldg., Uth and Farnam, MONS1 TO-LOAN fay no Investment ca. WB HAVE money to loan on Improved real estate In Omaha and suburb NEBRASKA SAVINGS LOAN ASS'N. 1 Farnam Bt Board of Trad bldg. 'CITY and Farm. JOHN N. FRENZEtt LOW RATES. BEMia-CARLBERO CO.. $10-111 Brandela Theater bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have you anything to offer ths tarmet of Iowa Any cheap land fur higher priced! a general merchandise store for laad of any kind of an exchange? Or have yow soma land you want to sell for casbT Ths one paper that reaches ths Iowa farmer la the Des Moines Capital; 42,0u0 circulation dally; rats single Insertion. 1 cent a word; six Insertions, 0 cents a word. pa Molaes DatU Capital. Pes Moines, la. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is becauaa he has mads Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Frank Swear Inger, $10 8. 2M St., Flat $7, will come to Ths Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 6o-cent box free. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE Pwitureiique St. Lswrence Rout Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON, llavr Franc Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow, bplsnuid scenery, shortest paasags, lo i rate Any local agent or ALLAN it CO., General Agent 13R N. Dearborn bt, Chicago. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK. IXWDONDEKrXnO GLASGOW. NEW TOFK AND NAPLES DIRECT. Single or Round 'irlp Tickets between New York snd bootch, English, lrlsn and all principal Continental points at atlraoliv rate Send for book of Information, Superior Acoommouation Excellent Ctti sln Apply promptly ur Reservation to local agents of Anchor Line or RENDER. SjN HUuo., General Agat Chicago. l WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for $d band fumltur carpel clothing and Shoe TeL D. wik GOOD MONEY tor your broken mor menu and old gold. M. Nathan, lot . Ut 6ELNER pays good prices for furnltur. caipets, clothes and shoe D. Uut