Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Itpnblicu Committeemen Called to
Keet Jane 9.
Btiii11m Act rails Rrynl
mt 014 U Pr-j-rldlsg
Itate Gstkerlsss
la Jlr.
CTrom a Btsff Correspondent.)
UtNCOLW. Kab.. Mar JO (Special.) With
tha announcatnent by Chairman William
Hnxiwtw o the republican stats com
mittaa of the meeting to bs held In this
eJty Xrma e for the purpose of apportlon
tnr delegates to ths atata eon-eotion
eoraas the answer to a vacation which baa
arlaen In many promloent republican's
minde whether or not auch a convention
would b held this rear.
Tha ans-Qu-tarsoa primary law which
waa enacted at tha lata acaalaa of tha legis- .
laturo made no mecUnn of a atata con- !
ratios. Later, however. It waa dlinmml '
that bo actions of tha sew bill repealed
what la known aa aectlon 1183 of tha former
law, which pt-orVSea that political parties
shall bold atata eonrentkma on the lost
Tuesday Jn July of each year. While this
section la not specifically mentioned In tha
repealing clauses of the new law. the bill
pro-rid ra that all acta and parts of acts fn
conflict therewith are repealed. The old
aectlon, so far as It pertains to tha hold
In of state oonrentlons. Is not In conflict
wtth tha new law, therefore by aererai of
those who hre bean Investigating tha mat
ter It la thought to still be effective.
Tha clause of section llflj of the old- law
prorMea that delegates to tha national
eotrrentlon shall be aelected by state or
state and congressional conventions, no
method of such selection, however, being
eapllcitly defined.
This Is In direct conflict with tha new
law which provides that such delegate
hall bo selected at tha primary conven
tion to be held In August, four delegates
at larga from the state and two from each
congressional district. Each, according to
tha terms of the new law. Is to go on the
Primary ballot at tha request of SOO peti
tioners, tha candidates from tha various
districts to have signers from at least two
thtrds of the counties of the state. .,
UwrtA View af Act.
Chairman Hueenetter has consulted As
sistant Attorney General Frank E. Edger
ton. with the result that he has called his
committeemen to gather here to go over
thle matter wtth others' which will be taken
up at tha meeting. Attorney Edgerton be
lieves that part of the old law la repealed,
but that In his opinion that part
of tha old law relating to the holding of
conventlona Is unrepealed while that part
of tha new law relating to the selection of
delegates to tha national convention Is ef
fective. Thta year the primaries will be
held In August and tha state convention
In July, but In presidential years the new
law pro rides for the holding of primaries
lu April soma time before tha state con
ventions. With tha sound of battle from afar goad
ing prospective candidates on to their best
efforts, several who have for soma tlms
past been working quietly have not been
able to restrain themselves, and either
through their friends or they themselves
have announcedheir Intentions as to the
suprenja.coaxrt uol Feral t board of regents
or "railway commission elections. It la
said that all three judges of tha supreme
court whose terms centre this year have a
desire to succeed themselves Judges Rose.
Root and Lretton. Judge 1 Lamer of Kear
ney has already put la his application for
tha position and la letting very little
grass grow under his footsteps la his ef
forts to bag the prise. Judge Albert of
Columbus, who has been pushed forward
by willing friends, is beginning to see a
great light and would occasion no surprise
O ha shortly declared himself. C. A. Ep
person of Clay Center, who waa formerly
a supreme court eommlaalolner, has been
endorsed by members of tha bar of his
county and It la said will turn no deaf
ear when opportunity beckons. Judge H.
a Dungan. of Heatings, who Is at present
on the district bench, it Is said by Adams
county men has designs on a seat oa the
supreme bench, which Is alternating with
urgent requwits from friends to stave off
that ambition until 1912 and then make a
fight for congress from tha Fifth dis
trict. Judge Cobbey of Beatrice, who for
years past has been the man who wrote
and Indexed lawa of the atata, has shown
little hesitancy la tha matter and haa al
ready taken out advance filing papers for
a place.
Cauadiatetea far Kes;eata.
For regents. C A. Knajp of this city
and J. El sillier have algnlfled their In
tentions, the former on his own behalf
and the) Utter at tha earnest and active
solicitation of his friend. Numerous
other names hats been auggested over
the state at tha behest of friends and
near frlenda. but so far no definite Indi
cations aa to the maybe candidates have
beea forthcoming. For railway commis
sioner, JSV. J. Purse, appointed by Gov
ernor Shailenberger, la said to be well
suited with tha place and rather desirous
of holding onto it for three years more,
the length of the unexpired Cowgill term,
benator Ollu of Ord who foaUTed the
stock yards bill until It had robbed the
ago of maturity and had Ua properly
l'sassd upon by the legislature, la said to
be of the opinion that uis aid In Interpret
ing Its provisions In the future might
be a good thing for the state and that
aooordingly might mak the race. Peter
U on season, the republican, who filed and
failed last fail to land the vacuo, a
erted recently that he had no desire to
take up the political biudun further and
that be would not be a candidate this
Detailed Census of Nebraska Counties.
The director of the census has announced the ppu!etJon of Furnas county
according to Its minor civil divisions, ss follows:
11 V
Arapahoe preempt. Including Arapahoe city 1.343
Arapah.i city t"l
Ward 1 ........ 414
Ward t 2'J
Ward t 1
BeeT Citv precinct. Including Bearer city
Btw City f5
Burton Bend preHrrt, Including Holbreok town gat
Holbrook town" 414
Cambridge precinrt.t Including Cambridge village........ 1?4
Cambridge vidage LV5
Edion precinct, including Edison town. 777
f.dlson iowtJ tit
Eureaa predDxt... - 331
Ijnroin pre inct ?"1
Imogen precinct f l
L)odn precinct. Including Hendiey town. 61
Henri ley towel X"
Maple Creek precinct 43
New Era precinct S
Oxford precinct, including Oxford village. 1,M!
Orfnrd vl!lar!! R93
Richmond precii . ?41
Rnckton prerlnc
rbermsn precinoi. ...
Pprtng Green precinct
In Ion preclnrt.
Vincent precinct
Weaver prei-lm-t
Wlleonvllle precinct. Including Wllsonvllle town
WLsonville town
Incorporated as a 04 tv In WTO. Incorporated fn VK.
Medicine Creek In 1!18. Incorporated in 19U7. Incorporated
turned m V as in Furmis and Harlan eounties: charter for that
town (population ZU la 1J0) la Harlan county repealed in 190a,
- n
.. rs
.. m
.. fi
.. TO
.. 385
w-4 ,
changed ft wu
tn 19ui. H Re
part of Oxford
miles north of here. MnlH and Dunning
I ball teams crossed bats and played an In-
t erecting contested game. Score thirteen
1 to six. In favor of Mullen. )
j F. M. Cudebec's barn- was completely
destroyed by fire. It Is thought tha fire
originated from a through freight train.
A four-horse lister tears belonging to
Beyer Brothers ranch became unman eg -able
last week and ran away, breaking
the lister op and tearing tha harness up
so that the horses cam tnta tha ranch
one by one. The driver was unharmed.
Word was received from Oklahoma that
Rev. Thomas Deaton, formerly pastor of
the Methodist church tn this city, was
found dead In bis bed. The body was
shipped to nil note for burlaL
the li- ating on the Wheeler matter la
Egg Dealers te Cfe-r.
Food Commissioner W. R. Jackaon, ex
pects a large number of tha egg dealers of
the state to bo present at tha state cap
ital Wednesday, when a oonfarenca of the
egg dealers of the stats la to be held.
The purpose of the gathering, the com
missioner assarts Is to go into tha pro
visions of the food laws and to discuss
means for carrying them out most effectively.
Body of Miss May McCrtUls Is Browgat
froaa MUwaake few In
terment. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., May JO. (Spe
cial) The body of Miss Mary McCrtllls
reached this city from Milwaukee yester
day afternoon and waa taken to the home
of her slater, Mrs. W. EI Kannecutt, south
of the city, where the funeral services
were held. The deceased has been a resi
dent of this county stnes IffiS and made
her home wtth her sister. Eba was born
In New York.
Buck Keith of Portland. Ore., but
formerly tha Omaha base ball magnate, la
here attending the bedside of his mother,
Mrs. S. H. Parker, who Is seriously llL
D. P. Long of Hamburg, la-, has pur
chased the Watson hotel of Landlord
Henry Thelmaa and yesterday moved his
family here.
Mrs. Sarah Chlvmgton, mother of
Thomas Chlvlngton. base ball magnate
underwent a surgical operation at her
home In this city. In which aha had one
ieg removed, with a hope of stopping the
progress of a cancer. Mrs. Chlvlngton Is
low, but It Is thought by her physicians
that aha will recover.
The annual reception of tha Nebraska
City High School Alumni association waa
held In Eagle ball last evening, and there
waa a large attendance. The address of
welcome was' delivered by Edwin Zlmmsrar
and response made by William T. Utter
back. A very interesting program fol
lowed and all concluded with dancing and
the serving of refreshments
Monday evening the members of the
Bowling club gave a farewell reception to
V. SL Lawrence former-manager of the
Great Western Cereal plant of this city,
who. la company with his family, leaves
Wednesday for Chicago to make his future
home. It waa a very elaborate affair and
one of the finest banquets ever served In
this city was given at the Rathskeller.
Soma fifty plates wars aid and tha affair
lasted until lata In tha evening.
Tha Otoe County Good Roads association
sent out a apodal car yesterday to prop
erly layout and mark the trail fsom this
city as far as Uncoln, where the work
will be taken up by the association there.
This trail Is to connect with tha Wau
bansee trail through Iowa and which con
nects with tha trail through this state to
Denver. The distances were measured and
marked and those members of the asso
ciation along the route all agreed to get
busy at onca and put tha roads in fine
shape where they needed It and keep them
that way.
Formal XeMlag af Bely te Consider
Farm ss Ceautaalt
LINCOLN. May JO. Special Telegram.)
In Its first formal meeting held here to
night the rural life commission took a
decided stand for an active Investigation
of farm and community life In the state.
Plans outlined for tha commission and Its
advisory committees Indicate that a com
prehensive set of recommendations will fol
low tn Its wake. T. F. Bturgess and T. J.
Grumby of Omaha interested In the taxa
tion division of the commission were pres
ent and took part la unusually spirited dis
cussions In this .connection.
While no stringent undertaking waa out
lined, extraordinary developments. It Is be
lieved, will follow the work of the com
mission and will result In considers be prac
tical good to tha stats.
Nebraska ExecntiTe Kaket Address of
Day at Grand Island,
Says State Baa Frevlded Flee lastlrs
ttoa for Comfort of Mea Who
Fwegkt la Kattoa's
WoaWttloa for O'laaarll.
A requisition Issued by Governor Stubbs
for the return of Ian O'Connell of Wy
iire. to Washington county. Kansas,
whe is wanted at Hanover on the charge
uf bank robbery, waa recelvod today by
Governor Aidrica. Frank Wheeler, wanted
at the same place for complicity In the
deed haa retained the services of Attorney
L. W. Colby of eUatnoe, and will resist
the requisition. Sheriff P. t Throop will
take the men back with him as aoua as
rroper c ood y
117 : 1 1 a H
win Aione
Correct Many Ills.
1 iavs and watch results.
There's a Reason"
Twelve-Iaea Pipe Will Be Laid to the
White River Commencement
CRAWFORD. Neb., May . Special.)
At a regular meeting of the city council
It was decided by unanimous vots thst ths
city proceed at once to establish a gravity
water system by laying twelve-Inch
wooden stave pipe from a point drslgrated
by the city engineer on White river, near
tha mouth of tead Man creek, a distance
of S.6U0 feet, to the proposed reservoir cite
on the hill south of ths school house, which
I twenty feet higher than the present
reservoir, ths total cst estimated by the
city engineer being KA.000. and that a spe
cial election be called lor the purpose of
voting bonds for this amount. In denomi
nations of n.OOO each, payable tn twenty
years. Interest at the rate of I per cent,
payable, annually; said bonds payable at
any time after five years. The proposed
system now will extend the Intake rome
distance above Fort Robinson and thejm
purltlrs resulting from ths fort will be
It. H. U. Harmon of Lincoln delivered
the final commencement address at the
opera house Friday night an a large audi
ence. The sublet cf rr. Harm m s ad
dress waa "The Coming Triumph of Right"
and was very Interesting and waa well re
ceived by tha poople and graduatr.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. May Sft. Spedal
Telegram.) From a veranda on tha shady
side of one of the hospital buildings at the
Soldiers' home in this city, this afternoon
Governor A id rich addressed tha members
of the home and cltlsens.
Governor and Mrs. Aldrich arrived here
last evening and this morning ths executive
made his first personal Inspection of the
horns and grounds. He expressed the opin
ion during his address this afternoon that
with the shade trees and the walks and ths
flowers and ths vast lawn In ths summer,
and ths wen constructed and heated and
furnished building tn ths winter, together
with tha broad acres for the boms farm
the Soldiers horns of Nebraska provided
every comfort and that ha was pleased
to know that the atata had provided such
an Institution.
Ths state paid for maintenance along the
lines of plenty and good quality, tn fare
and clothing, and he pledged hia attention
to ths task of seeing that plenty and good
fare continued to be, aa It now clearly
seemed to be. provided.
The governor reviewed the causes of the
war aa the outgrowth. Indirectly, of the
contest that arose back between ths cav
aliers and thtlr dependents, ths latter
bring eventually supplanted by negroes
and slavery being mads more pronounced.
He paid a high tribute to the officers and
the men In the ranks of the civil war, and
closed with aa appeal for the preservation
of the strength of the nation, which lay
in the continued supremacy of the law and
the maintenance of a high standard of the
home and of citizenship.
Tonight ths governor addressed a large
eongrea-atlon under ths auspices of the
Brotherhood of the First Methodist church.
The Day at Wars.
WAYNE, Neb.. May . (Special Tele
gram.) Decoration day was duly observed
hers today, the bualneaa houses of the
city being decorated with flags and banting
tor the occasion. Tha proceedings were In
charge of the Wayne Commercial club.
At 1:30 Casey post. Grand Army of the
Republic, headed by Campbell Bros, circus
band, which had tendered Its services,
marched to the opera house, where a
large audience listened to an address by
Rev. Dr. Caldwell of Wakefield. At the
conclusion of the exercises the procession
formed and moved to the cemetery, where
ths regular ritual Decoration day services
were held.
UeatUaa Talks at Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb., May . ("Special.
Memorial day waa generally observed In
this city today, many of tha business
houses closing in tha afternoon. In the
morning at 10 o'clock ths Grand Army of
tha Republic, members of ths Woman's
Relief corps and Spanish-American war
veteran a. marched to tha Beatrice ceme
tery, where ths graves of ths fallen heroes
were strewn with Cowers. In tha after
noon at tha Christian church J. S. Hoag
land of North Platte, Neb., gave ths prin
cipal address before a largs and appre
ciative audience.
WISNER. Neb.. May . (Special.)
Memorial and Decoration day were ob
served In Wlsner, Rev. Slocumb preaching
the memorial sermon and Rev. Poucher of
Stanton giving the oration.
Scrvlcee at battoa.
SUTTON, Neb., May 3o. Special.) Me
morial day was observed here today.
Obeying the proclamation of Mayor Bender,
ail business places were closed during the
afternoon. The graves of twenty-seven
union soldiers were decorated by a com
miuee of the Sutton Grand Army post in
the forenoon. First in the afternoon the
Grand Army of tha Republic and Woman's
Relief corps held services at the bade of
the soldiers' monument mound. The Sut
ton Independent Order of Odd Fellows'
lodge and the city fire department acting
as escort, marched to the opera house,
where the exercises were concluded. Rev.
G. B. Hawkes, pastor of the Congrega
tional church, delivered, ths oration. The
local music was furnished by the German
Saengervereln, Prof. Wllley, conductor.
Feme Nebraska bet Degrees.
CHICAGO. May M. (Special )--Armour
Institute of technology has just graduated
Its annual class. Among ths graduates
were Harry N. Jarsona and Fred Cum
mins, mechanical engineers, Omaha. Neb.;
G. V. Green, chemical engineer. Amherst.
Neb,; Raymond R. Zack. civil engineer
blelby. Neb,
Teteraae Pick Oat Town.
PIERCE. Neb., ilay Jli (Special. Pierce
has secured the North Nebraska Grand
Army of the Republic reunion, the com
mittee to locate the place of holding same
being unanimous In selecting this city for
the next encampment. The date on whtci
the event will be held will be the second
week In July, commencing Tuesday, July
U. and closing Friday, July 14. The re
union will be held in the large grove of
Ir. J. M. Alden, one-half mile
north of town, luO tents to be placed In
the grove for the tree accommodation of
the Cid soldiers and tha members of their
families In attendance. Speakers of nots
from over the state will be present and
addrffa the old soldiers at the csmpftres.
Amusements of all kinds will be furnished.
W. A. Wildaman of Norfolk la com
mander of tha association and Joseph For
syth of this city senior vice Commander.
The committee having general supervision
cf the affair consists of Captain William
Kelly. George W. LitteU and Joseph Forsyth.
Notes from Mallea.
MULLEM Neb., May. ell. -(Special )
8. L. Dutton, the Mullen. Cherry. Curlew
mall carrier, purchased tha Star Livery
and feed barn of Alexander Kerna. Mr.
Ktras will move onto his ranch, twelve
miles northeast of this city.
The closing of the public school was
observed by a good picnic at Marcy'a
Riverside ranch sa the Loup river, tea
Coatraet for Oh wren Let.
WTSNER. Neb.. May .. gpedal The
contract far tho new Methodist church has
been let to Anton Hausing. This church
will eost between 17.000 and XO.
Artie lee Filed for P reject A ernes the
Mleaeeri at riattantnwtk.
cial. V The Flattsmouth Anto and Waeon
Prldge company filed articles of Incor
poration tn the efflc of ths oonnty clerk
yeeterday. Ths business Is to be the con
struction and maintenance of a brldire for
automobiles and wagons, to be constructed
across the Platte river east of the Pur
llnrtoa Railway company's brl'se across
the Plane liver. TM bridge wll shorten
the route from Omaha to Nebraska City
materially, and will be a rrent conveni
ence to people Irving south of the tivar.
Persistent AdverUsIng Is the Road to FlK
Union Suits
You'll Like
IF YOU tie
underwear, yooTI prefer
'Pknk, Union Suit to
all other. They give yoa
jour true nze without bullti
nesa, They are Eight, soft,
absorbent, ventilated, dur
able, cool, easily washed
and elastic for freedom of
Try ,Poeknir,. Prove
to yourself thai its two rniD
ion weareri are right when
they say that Porosbiit'
hat happily ended their
tmderwear trouble.
b .it'" ' r-"...Yi.J
C.i.11 "i f v.yj
c. t fc. . . ..a
v-. i '".. J
V IHIIH'J t""V i f
'"Mil I"
tv.v.v.v:: 2211
' nairwiar Ummmt Mm iseW at am' "fimfiiiiT"
Leek far tee "PeouW
Shew swi Dsnul
50c 25c
Wi Cake Ssm
On safe ht eewry
Write k m kr Husrmtal fcaatbt
eSowies ail arks
to WssmriisSt, IsNiiilio, H.T.
Kwslly Tr-Sopplie! b)
Ulwts. Mora, Plumes Wetxte,
. J W J f- I F, 1 j Tall J -
To Please You
To Fit You
To Satisfy You
That is our ambition and we realize it in
the clothes we sell Kuppenheim, Schlosa
Bros., Society and Stein-Bloch.
They fit better than any other clothes and they give you
more valne.
With plenty of intermediate prices.
1 wnifT
- - -
Cool Surf and
Sea Breezes for
Low Round-Trip Fares
good 30 days to tbe most
delightful Atlantic Coast
resorts, includinc Atlantic
City and Cape May, with
the chance to visit New
York, Baltimore and
Round Trip from Chicaro
New York . $30.00
Atlantic City . 29.50
Norfolk . . . 27.00
Old Point Comfort 27.00
Such a trip will shorten
the long, hot summer. An
ideal vacation at small
Further information on request.
Travciieg PaBMinei Ageaf
319 Oty Kauoaa! bask Bsiktiag. OMAHA
Cures Dandruff, Stops Falling
Hair and Makes It
"Pull oat one gTtj hair and a docen
win talc its place" is so old saying,
wbich is, to a great eztrat, true, if do
atepa are taken to stop ths cans. Whea
gray hairs appear it Is a sign that Na
ture needs assistance. It is Nature's
call for helpw Gray hatr. doll. Hfelesa
hair, or hair that is falling oat, is not
aefessarily a sign of advancing age. for
there are thousands of elderly people
wtth perfect heads of hair without a
single streak of gray.
When gr7 hairs come, or whea the
hair seems to he lifeless or dead, some
good, reliable hair-restoring- treatment
should he resorted' to at onca. Special
lets say that one of tha beat prepara
tions to nae la the old-fashioned "saga
tea" which our grand parents esed. Tha
best preparation of this kind U Wyvth'a
Page and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a prep
aration of domestic sage and golphar.
scientifically compounded with later dla
corered hair tonics and stimulants, tha
whole mil t are being carefully balsnrss)
and tested by experts.
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Is clean and
wholesome and perfectly narrate-. It
refreshes dry, parched hair, remorse
dsndmff and gradually restores faded or
gray hair to Its natural color.
This preparation is offered to tha
public at fifty cents g botMe, and m
recommended and sold by all druggists
' Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.,"
and Owl Drug Co.
The Bee Prints the News
.m J
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has more to it than mere wetness and sweetness it's vigorous,
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Send for
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ing booklet,
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V x ueii
cious Kefreshing
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you tee an
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