! i 12 WANT ADS Wnnt aos reirtrrd at any time t to Insure proper classification must be presented before 12 o'clock m. the evening edition and before 7:30 for morning and Sunday editions. Want ad received after such hours will have their first Insertion under the beading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES "roll WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 11 cenU per word and 1 rent ter word for each subsequent in sertion. Each Insertion made on odd days, 1, cent per word. $1.60 VT line per month. Kates apply to either The Pally or Sunday Ilea. AJways count six word to a Uce. Want ada for The flee may be left any of the following drug stores one is your "corner druggUt" they are all brancb office for The Ue "' your ad will be Inserted Just promptly auu on the same rates Hie main ofllce In The Bee building. Seventeenth and Famaia streets. Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Haura Drug Co.. 20Z1 N. 1Mb St. Berenek. H. A.. 1401 B. 16th St. henson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bcmls Park Fhsrinacy. 33d and Cumin Hlese-L'-acilsh, &U Sherman At. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Af Caughlln. C. H , 4726 Leavenworth St. Crteeey Pharmacy. 8th and Lake fits. Coouoy Pharmacy. ti'Jt Bouth 16tb 8b Cermak. Emit. 1204-8 Bouth 13th Bt. Ehler He Co., tout Leavenworth ML Foster A Arnoidi, Zlt North 26th 9t Freytag. J. J., Kit N. 4tli 8t. Fregger Drug Co., 103 North Mth St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Nab, Creel, s Pharmacy, Park Are. and Pacific. Ureenough & Co., 1026 Bouth 10th Bt. Ureenough Co.. 10th and Hickory Sta Uoldman Pharmacy, 24tn and Leaven--cith Sta. vohrison Pharmacy, 1920 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1M1 B. 28th A' Htnterlong Drug Co., Slat At, and Far' cam M. J l o if t. John. C24 North 16th Bt. Huff. A. L.. J924 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co., 24th and bpaiding. King, 11. iit Farnam Bt. Kountsa place Pharmacy, 2301 N. Mill 81. Lathrop I'harniaoy, Mth and Hamilton. Mates, Frea L.. i0i Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., i02 N. 24th 8L Sui-stoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames At bcnaoicr s Cut Price Drug Store. Uta ami Chicago Sts. Walnut lull Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. niOAfll AMD FtNKllAL NOTICES Cl'KH-Lottie A.. May 2.., aged 77 years. Iirloved wife of J. P. Cuer. Funeral services will be held from the residence of her daughter. Mrs. O. L. Newell. 2113 Locust street, at 3 o'clock p. ni., Friday, May 2ii. Interment will be at Mount Auburn. la. Otihd (iold Wedding feSjjKindftWiTL ." 'J ED HOLM'S t xteenttl M He rney. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, cmbalmcr. 1614 Chicago Bt. D. 1G59; B-1659. DUFFY & llOLAND, undertakers. T. 1G76. MEN WANTED ENJOY THE- SHOWERS PLUNGE AT THE Y. M. C. A. "Get the Password and Try It," FREE. PHOTO SUPPLIES 1 n W anil tn , ptu. 1'h. Hah! H v 1 f, r. lng ami finishing in the city. MEGEATH STATION KRY CO.. Photo Dept., 15th and Farnam Sts. TT Iron and Wire. Champion rCnCP Fence Co., 15th and Jackson wwv' Bta. Tei. DouKlaa 151K). MONEY TO IiOAN LOW l. I E, In sums to ult. 310 Bee Rldg. hurt a 1 Inn j "inkl L At u.N LOAN CO. Vacuum Cleaners For rent. Phone Webster 3409. 0FF1CE STATIONERY 1'.v" Koteta Lt-ary Co., Ijoti Jackbon. u. imX WHEN you spend your money spend It for tho bent there I. If Mrs. C. Vogel, 2-ii So. 21st St., will come to The llee ufiee within thrte days we will give her an order lor a u)-cmt box of O'Brien's candv free. WE LIKE LITTLE REPAIR JOBS. FUELING & 8T1SINLK, Trunk Factory, i.sua Farnam. OREGON RESTAURANT, first-class cafe Tor liidlea at.d gentlemen; ChlneHe coing a speoiulty; open day and night. 140D Harney. IXXK PROSPEROUS! Wear the 'Tie xl can White suijhiro; hus the lu-llllancy, luster and hartlnvks of a genuine diamond. Bond for catalogue. De Long Jewelry Co., 1UM-4 McCague Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED July 4th. Merry-Go-Round, Ferris wheel or octan wave. Come In a wrek before If yo like. Also alrahl-, iruupe pLMlormlng dogs or hogs. Comic ac'r bta. knock-about clowns. Others write. AKi-ncira ktcp iulft. Frea Sununun, Kuvk woll City, la. HOCSK and klt;n painting; also Interior work; eatlmatea free. Win. Uutley. Web. MONEY saved on painting, paper hang ing circulating paper: wholesale: quick Wiile. Call A. C. McGulgan Co., Crounse Block. Opp. P. O. Douglas 3TwJ; A 1863. VIRGINIA HARK VI.n-7Dc a lare bottle. Klein Liquor House. 5.'2 N. 10th St. S. II. Colo S gn Co. D. J7tlS. 1310 Farnam. K. Kit WE, WEIJ, BoKlNG. Benton 245. BKK HIVE CLEANING. & DYE WORKS. 1W1 Vinton St Wuuons call and deliver. I'iione. 1ui ;i 4.V?. Missorm FILTERS a FILTER ke I'.WKs, nnw lotu.tluii. aiS S. &)th St. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Al'.KINS. Jill. S. liTll. Fl'STAIRS. VOl' 1.1. always be I appy if your wedding ling comes fim hrotletiaurd's. 115 S. luth St- At t ic slin of Hie crown. LYNCH BROS. l'uS$$$aASU UEI'AIlt 'UKK. K(t Jackson St. It. 1177. itl'R letter duplicating work is unex- 4 1, i. A trlai will convince you ll th plumes. Westem Duplicating Co., 40-i Bee lilJii Si'HLITZ fumous ATLAS hesr on draught at f?d KuthtrvV 111 S. llth St. 1'ATTON'S SUN PKOOK .lnt cstd free, tuiati.t lrug Co , UUi and .imc. A N C II O R F E X C E C O. Ircn 4nd wire fincf cheaper thun wood; last a lifetime. ?n N. JTth. I'iione Red 814 Iitl'GLAM Trlntlng Co. Tel. Itouglas 641 W S. 1IKATON. Am. lira n furnaces. H. 3M5. CI?K M rdlng ilvgiea brand VI l.liri.l.MA; leading druggists. Haidmg Ice I'jenin Ce. lAVXi COUi CREAMERY COMPANY. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued ) ROACHES. A NTS, BEDBUGS, FLEAS AND RATS exterminated from your prem ises under guarantee contract; estimates free; Bucflead InsectMe, 4t; large can powder. 26c. Call nr write Riley Chemical works. 2J floor, crounse diock, ppo. post. office. D. 8K2. A-1863. MRS. PHARLF.8 C. HUNOATE. China firing. 870 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Web. 6.075. CAT?T TAPI. Loflmmlih. uwn mnwfri jlU O tllJ r,pajr,d and aharpen-d 17f leavenworth. Tel. Ioog. 4377 or A-4AHH. LOANS Salary or furniture; 10 up. J. H. Wasaerburgee, m FARNAM ST. Room 215. Douglas 22. Ind. A -1071. PAPERHANOF.RS ti Snowflake paale. Omaha Pante Co., 71 B. 13th. Hoth 'phones. F.D TJOTITF.RV Srhllts Atlas. Full rai ItUlfLTjIil . of nquorsand clears. Cafe In connection. Ill 8. 14th St. Casady Co , S. W. Cor. 14th and Pour1a. HIIV AND SELLMortnM' Honds IU 1 rvi-i It OXtJLiWrlte e n.urance. ILER (0RAND HOTEL Turkish Rath finest In the West. -IUIK1M1 JJdlll 1tn and Howard Sts. PICTT'RE framing, one-third cheaper than department atoree; mot eelect atock of framed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 8. 16th. Douglas Ki94; Ind. A 2561. WB ALL like the best of everything; this Is aleo true of syrup. If Frank Svojtek. 2332 So. 19th St., will come to The Pee office within three days we will give him an order for a (0-cent can of Farrell's syrup free. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electrlo needle or Injury to the skin; lady attendant 407 McCague Bldg. The New Elk Hotel. Now open; all ouuide rooms; 3.1c and Mc by day; week, $2 up. 817 N. lth. D. 7287. Just Opened ROYAL THEATER, 1211 DOUOLA8. First-class moving pictures, change pro gram dally. Cut out and bring this coupon with you. It will admit one, Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week. AO MIT one free, Royal Theater, 1211 Douglas. HORNBY BLUE PRINT Co., 518 Bee Bldg MAGOARD Van ft Storage. Pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods. ; D. 1406; B 2428. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. IWW'i Farnam. Ind. A 3S21; Doug. 47fiO. Wholesale and retail agents for Sherwin Williams paints. varnlHhes. Carter lead and Keystona. Open Saturday evenings. Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75c by the latest patented machine. WESTERN LOCK A GUN RKPAIR1GCO. 242014 Cuming St. Open Evenings. Phones; Douglas 37F.1 or Ind. B 2302. Cement Blocks p1-rcesrlruhtIald risht' OMAHA CONCRETE STONE CO., 2Sth Ave. and Sahler. Web. &S6; B 3018. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Sts.. South Omaha. DRUGS nt cut prices; freight paid on all 10 orders. Catalogue free. Sherman ft MfConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. AUTOMOBILES "Smnsh up your auto, "SKID into a post, "Tear your top." And bring It to the best place in Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMM0ND Comer 18th and Harney Sts. 1910 40-h. p.. fivs-pasaenger Overland.. II, b en-passenger, 70-h. p. Stearna l.Stw WALLACE AUTO CO. 1201 VAKNAM fll My outo must go. Everybody must know, .- . So the beat and cheapest I'll find. To Bie Want Tad I'll tend my Ad. ' . For sure results will be mine. JUNE GAFFORD. . 1024 N. 32d St., Omaha. This verse gets the prlxe of $5 worth of coda water tickets trom Sherman & Mo Connell's new iScdoaals, 16th and Dodge Et3. If June Gafford will come to The lie oiflce she will be given the tickets. Mnrrnv does auto and carriage painting iiiun aj- Kuaranteed, 2424 Sherman Ave NEW and 2d-hand autos, Derlght, Omaha. FOR SALE Cheap. "Chalmers 30": a-ood condition ; fully equipped. bJa N. 24th St., souin umana. AUTOS Fory storage. 10 mo. 910 N. 16th. ONE month old Brush runabout; liberal discount. 'Phone Harney 2364. LEAVING city, fine auto for sale; only run about 2.0e0 miles; a-pacsenger, So-borne power; tine condition; 11,100; no trades. Address A 360. Bee. J- FOR SALE OR TRADE. My 7-passenger w H. P. Themas Flyer. Vuliy equlppea and in first class condition. Cheap tor cash or would trade for good piece of land. CHAS. HARDING, W8 Harney St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business, call on OANGESTAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tel D. 3307. GOOD BUSINESS for sale; must leave city at once; have good reusons for selling. Call 403 Omaha National Bank. 10OUARANTEED DIVIDENDS Omaha manufacturing company, has paid 20 per cent for aix years. By Increasing facilities and broadening the business can easily make 40 per cent. Limited amount 10 per cent preferred stock offered for short time. Act quick. Address R 252, Bee. SOALES. SCALES Independent Seals Repair Co.. 110 S. 11th St. Ind. A-ja32. FOR SALE Clean stock of hardware. Implements and plumbing goods in county seat town, near southern central Ne braska; further particulars. Address Y 27 caro Bee. FOR SALE To settle estate, fresh, clean 85.OU0 stock general merchandise: good town, two railroads, preaperous farmers, good trade, modern building, rent low. A. K. Stover, adminlatrator, Strang, Neb. MONUMENT worka, good trade , only shop in count) . A bargain. Addreea Y 1S3, care of Bee. FIRST-CLASS grocery for sale; fine lo cation. Phone Douglas M.T. 11-ROOM hotel. 1 block from depot; good business: newly furnished; a snap at M. Mrs L. Chapman, IjuO Lincoln Ave., York, Nb. WANTED A live man to buy an lntereat In well established real estate business. Addreas F 3ii. Bee. A FINE pair or 810 made to measure trousers, of your own choMng, from ihs Larderyou "Tailoring Co., City Nat l bank Hldg.. will be given the gentleman writing the best verso about Bee Want Tad rent ing house this week. LINCOLN vs. Omaha at Rourke park toiiay. If G. Hollander. 2319 North 4.Sth St.. will come to The Bee office within three days wc will give him a ticket to tlio base ball game. WANTED To tiike charge of a small set of books by an accountant. R 349. bee. REIJABI.K rarty to Join in western proposition, that will guarantee '-" Per cent I first year. If taken at ome. Will pay you , to investigate. No fake mine, liefcieu.es required.. Address M 3t. bee. DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE Good town good country, good business; going to larger place, reason for selling. Cum muiiuaie with 1'. T. Harbor Denial Bupply Co., 216 Paxton Block. - Reutulau llaaare I'or Kale. FURNITURE o rooms, strictly mod ern A.-3-381 Look for V rite About Hundreds of people find a You can win a prize if you try renting houses. Rules For Want Tad Contest Everybody in Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Ben son and Florence are eligible, except employees of The Bee and mem bers of their families. You must follow the style not over six lines and it must relate to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address Bee Want Tad Editor,, Omaha Bee. The Bee Want Tad Editor will be the judge. All verses sent in become the "property of The Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES Roomlna Hanses for Bale ContlaieJ. BARGAIN Look this up; everything new and modern; 9-room rooming house at 117 N. 20th St. Party must sell on account of other business. Will sell cheap for cash or eaay payments. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT, 1505 Farnam St. Douglas 6107. MONHE1T. chlropodUt, manicuring, hair dreaclng, hair goods. City Nat 1 Bk. D. 2338. DENTISTS BAILEY tc MACH. Sd floor Paxton. D. 1085. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency, inc., bonded. i2i Paxton Blk. D. 131; A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 817 KARBACH Blk. JAS. ALLAN. KARBACH Blk. Doug. 2832. DRAINAGE J. J. STUBBS. R. 415, First Nat'l Bank. W. J. McEathron, C. E., 301 Ware Blk. J. P. CRICK. 824 Brandels Theater. D. 4210. DRESSMAKERS TERRY'S Dressm'kg College, aoth&Farnam EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omalia's largest and most successful commercial school Day and night sesHion. Students admitted any time. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanahlp. The cata logue is free. Address H. B. Boyles, Presi dent, Omaha, Neb. Y. W. C. A. SHORT TERM CLASSES IN SEWING, COOKING. BIX WEEKS BEGINNING MAY 15. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CHINA letsonH, firing, orders; leave china for firing at corset shop, Brandels theater. Mrs. S. II. Smith. 3737. CUSTOM MADE corset, $5.00; front and back laced; residence fitting If desired. Brock Corset shop. 523 Bee Bldg. D. o.'2S. nrRTATVS LAUNDERED. 2815 VUXl 1.1MO Dewey Ave.. Tel. H. lli8. SWITCHES from combings. 81.60: set puffs free. Mrs. Eck. 1700 Leavenworth St. FINE early aster plants, mixed colors. 10c per dosen; Margaret carnations, mixed, LOc per dosen. Phone Benton 331. Ferguson Bros.. Sta. D. Omaha. lst-class embroidery of all kinds. D. 4i09. DALZELL'8 les cream la in a quality class , by Itself. If J. Harpham, 20a North 20th St., will come te The Bee office within three days we will give him an or der for a quart brick of this quality Ice cream free. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Farnam.. D. 10(11; A-1001. Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam, Douglas 1218. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 2000. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. BRAN DEIS cut flower dept. New store. Nurseries. YELLOW Jersey sweet potato plants, S5c per 100. 82.5C per l.OiO. Tel. Benson 3.U. Ferguson Bros.. Statlor D. Omaha HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents aad ialrswomea, AT ONCE 8 bright, capable ladies over 21 to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers in Kan. and Mo., ti'i to JM) per week: R. R fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., 1JU5-10 Harney St. Omaha. Neb. FIVF achool teachers for traveling work during vacation. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308 10 Harney St . Omaluw. Neb. LADIES WANTED Several ladlea of good appearance to demonstrate the Brock corsets. Salary and commission. Call 623 Bee Bldg. WANTED 1 experienced salesladies for the mlstes' and children's department. The Bennett Co. Clerical aad Office. We want FIVE competent stenog raphers who csn earn Vt 16 per month. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., avis City National Sank Bid. the Winer's Names Amtng the Want Ads. More Bi Prizes Ibis Week Bee V ant Tad Renting Houses This Veek few minutes of pleasure and amusement each day writing a verse about this clever little lad. write a verse on the 6tyle of the one accompanying Bee Want Tad today, only write about him V I 5-. I - I HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical anal Office Coatlnoed. BECAUSE the Remington Typewriter Company's employment department has earned the reputation among stenographers of filling the most desirable office positions, the natural result is that we place the moBt desirable class of office help. May we fill your stenographic vacancy T - No fees charged, 161 Farnam Bt. Phone Douglas 1573. Factory and Trades. GIRLS .to learn halrdresslng. ' Oppen helm parlors. City Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 2396. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERA TION HELP; BEST WAGES. APPLY ORKIN BROS., 318 S. 1TH ST. WANTED Girls to learn . halrdresslng; prices reasonable. Apply J. L. Brandels & Sons Halrdresslng Parlors. . i j . 1 . i , i WANTKtA-fland lroners-and machine girls. Nonpareil Laundry-Co., 1708 Vinton. Douglas 1812. . , . Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED-i-An experienced girl for gen eral housework, seoond girl . and wash woman employed. 137 8. 35th St., Harney 8913. WANTED An experienced caretaker and good laundress at the Creche, 1824 Harney. WANTED A girl for second work 8120 Davenport street. Harney 50. WANTED A good competent girl to go to Lake OkoboJI. 1030 So. 30th Ave. Phone Harney 8125 NICE girl to assist with housework; no cooking; good wages. 406 Cass. WANTED Competent and permanent help for general housework. Apply at once. Mrs. E. A. Benson, 4651 Dodge. WANTED A cook at 2013 Douglas. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply &5 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 899. NEAT girl to assist In housework and care of children; good home and good wages Phone Erhardt, Harney 5672. WANTED A dishwasher. Red 6472. COMPETENT girl for general house work; must know how to cook. Apply Mrs. Dr. Hoetetler, 208 8. 20th St. Tel. D. 779. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; on, car line. Tel. Harney 4912. COMPETENT house maid. 101 8. SM Ave. Mrs. J. J. Brown. WANTED A girl for general housework. Steady work. Tei. Tyler 1545. GIRL for general housework; two in family. References required. Telephone Douglas or call at 415 North 20th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; small family. Telephone liar-, ney 169. li S. 38th St. GOOD girl for general housework. 1126 Georgia avenue. Harney 3371. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, no children, best wages. 3SS S. 35th Ave Harney ZkH. WANTED An experienced house maid. $30 per month. 426 No. 38th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing. 3110 Chicago St. Telephone Harney 2705. COMPETENT girl for general houae work; small family; good wages. 116 N. 3lh Ave. Tel. Harney 2733. WANTED White girl for general house work; family of two. Phone Harney 17&1. Call before 3 o'clock or after 6 o'clock. THERE Is only one kind of ice cream. Dalxell's Is the best. If F. C. White. 4146 Grant St., will icome to The Bee office we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream free. WANTED A good. reliable girl or woman for general housework. Apply at once. Webster 62. A GIRL tor general housework: small family; good wages. 'Phone H. 3141. 3140 Mason. WANTED A good girl for general house work; amah family. 411 N. 21st St. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages; 8 in family. 210 8. 37th St. WANTED A cook; good wagea. 3619 Farnam bt, 1 M larellaaeaaa. LADY of executive ability to take charge of an established custom corset business. Exceptional opportunity. Investment, t'JeU, fully secured. Address M-264 Bee YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young women s Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and Uth St., where they ail! be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. YOUNG women, not over 19 years old. wanted In every town in Nebraska. Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming to take up a money-making proposition In your own town Pleasant, elevating work. Addreas, glviAg a aad town. O 14, Ba For the best verse written by a lady this week, we will give an order for l2 dozen photo graphs, from Heyn Studio, 16th and Howard Sts. These photos are valued at $15 per dozen. For the best verse written by a gentleman, we will give an order for a pair of made-to-your-measure trousers, valued at $10, from Lander you Tailoring Co., City National Bank Bldg. FOLLOW THIS STYLE The Bee Want Tad Has gone Auto mad; But with method as they say. When he has these spells He often sells. A doxen cars a day. MRS. C11AH. W. BIMON, I 2lin rcmmett 8t. This verse receives honorable mention HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Salesmen for Nebraska, Kan sas and Colorado; complete up-to-date cal endars, . leather goods and novelty line; commission prompt: must be a hustler with good references. Address Y 31, care Bee. AGENTS Wanted at . onoe, first clsss proposition; tig commission. Write today. Bartlesa Supply Co., Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. FARRELL stands .for all that is good In syrups; so when you want the best syrup ask for Farrell's. If Mrs. J. Regner. 2101 so. 20th St., will come to The lee oftice within three days ws will glre her an or. der for a 60-cent can free. WANTED Three high grade energetic salesmen and solicitors; not Insurance- or books, but a big proposition requiring a man of ambition, ability and brains; clean work, with a very liberal commission. ' Per manent position to 4hoae who make good. Do not apply unless you have the highest references. Address E 257, Bee. WANTED A. collector for city collection; BOOd flit 11 r fgm 4t. nan.v Mall . n 4U3 Omaha National Bank Bldg. WE . HAVE AN t OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH" A SELLING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN THE WORLD AND LEARN THE BUSINESS. T 271. BEE. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to- making good money. Must be able to approach men of affairs and capable of presenting high-class mat ter. Not Insurance', nor books. Address U 159, car Bee. V THREE good life Insurance men wanted by an old line eastern company for Nebraska- Commission and salary. Give age, experience and. present occupation. Address A 832, Bee. . AGGRESSIVE machinery salesmen wanted to handle Irrigation machinery in Colorado and middle west. Residence agencies considered. Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Call 12G8 Jackson St. WANTED Graphophone salesman for retail dep't; references required. Address J 341, Bee. WANTED Specialty . salesman on com mission. Address C. 352, Bee. - FIRST-CLASS salesman. 60S Omaha Na tional Bank Bldg. Boys. WANTED Five reliable boys with bicy cles; first-class wages Western Union Telegraph Company, 212 S. 13th street. WANTED One delivery boy with wheel; one boy for washing bottles and prescrip tion room utensils; one. boy for soda foun tain room. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sta. WANTED Bright young man. not over 19 yeara old. who is anxious to make good money during the summer. One well ac quainted In the city preferred. Address 11 260, Bee. Clerical aad Office. THE great V. P. R. R guarantees you a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires. Address for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres U. P. Telegraphy school, Omaha, Neb. TAKE me out to the ball game. If Oeorge Hill, Mt Decatur St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball gams at Rourke park. WANTED A competent office man that can Invest fl.500 with thoroughly reliable manufacturing concern. Will give party an Interest In the business of 7 per cent (se cured by real estate) on your Investment. Will give the right man. a salary of 1J60 per month. Bond required. Give names of references In first letter. Addreas. P-347, cars Bee. WHEN you buy O'Brien's csndy you know Is the beat. It Mrs. C. C. Lanoer you, 23J! So. Sf.th St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent boa of O'Brien's candy free. WE HAVE POSITIONS open today for 2 bookkeepers. 175-885. . 1 stenographer (lumber), 15. i 1 hardware clerk. 840, and 1 office clerk, 140. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Factory aad Trades. Drug Stores(snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. MEN Learn automobile trade at school or horns lessons. ESrn 825 to loO per week. Positions Auto School of St Louis. (Inc.), 110S Pine St.. St. Louis, Mo AN all around man to do general black smithing wanted at once. Lewis Maples, Graf. Neb. WANT Eli First-class barber at once; good pay. J. A. Louda, Crete. Neb. FIRST-CLASS spotter. State Dry Clean ing. 120 N. 12th. I WANTED carpet cutter and layer. State experience, age and aaiary expected, snd when can accept- - W. 11. Cooper at aon, Otlumwa, la, The Bee reserves tho right to publish any or all verses submitted. Special prizes for ladies and gentlemen each week. If you don't win this week try again. Write your verse now and mail it to Bee Want Tad, Editor, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Trades Continued. WANTED gasoline engine men. must be experienced. Call at Manawa Park, or Phone 450, Council Bluffs, la. Miscellaneous. SOUND M EN 21 to 40 yeara old. wanted at once for electrlo railway motormen and conductors; t60 to 8100 a month; fine opportunity; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address Y-149, Bee WAMTC.r.ilwo .n i .... ., -t-j uiaii uirrfto; average 1,100; preparation free for coming Omaha ,:V i. . xranann institute. Dept. 218 G. Rochester, N. Y. MEN We have good positions waiting for vnll If vnn wilt I.... . i w . . now. Hundreds of graduates running shops calling on us for help. Only few weeks re- h u . . k u j vu. ticK uiBinuu. uompiete out fit A? t rv.i t irlu.n 1, . . . ... - uKivina HIMIliea, WSgeS Saturdays; great scarcity of barbers this ... ' . r uara mailea -h,-"- urntji- your -circum stances. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. UC m MONTHLY AUTOINO. , J.' AUTO 8CHOOU Omaha, Neb. LARGEST ic BEST. WRITE. MR, MAN Iet Landeryou Tailoring Co. make a pair of trousers for you, or if you write the best verse about Bee Want Tad renting houses this week we will give you a 81 pair of trousers, made to your meas ure, as a prize. WANTED-Competent fraternal organ Isers to establish nests of Owls. Liberal commissions for- services. Write for par ticulars to Lock Box 116. South Bend, Ind. WANTED Keen young man In each town In Nebraska, Iowa, Wyoming and South Dakota; one who knows a great many peo ple In the town he lives In; big money for the right man. Young man not over 19 or 20 preferred. Address, giving name, town and age. F 258, Bee. 5,000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 214-G. Rochester, N. Y. National Auto Training Assn. Omaha, Neb. . Actual experience In shop and road work; competent Instructors. WANTED Reliable single man, with 8150, wages 830 weekly, easy work, experience unnecessary, money secured. Apply 1810 Farnam St., room 10. WANTED Experienced man to take charge of ball grounds as ground keeper. Apply at 316 South 15th. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. HORSES and MULES for sale. 1711 Burt ALFALFA HAT. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. 110. HORSES CLIPPED. 1711 BURT. D. 1657. SIX-YEAR-OLD driving mare, good con dition, l.loO lbs., buggy and harness, all for 175. Webster 1365. HAY. 89 per ton. 801 N. 16th St. The Bee Want Tad Is a hustling lad, For he's always on the go; He'll trade your wheel Or automobile, And in sales he's never alow. FRANCIS M. RODGERS. This verse receives honorable mention. WE make a specialty of TEAMING GEARS snd sell them at wholesale. CEN TRAL IMPLEMENT CO., 1117 Farnam. FOR a dainty deasert use Dalxell's Ice cream. If W. B. Fuller. 2J0 North 19th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream free. PROF. A. B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of horses; sat isfaction guaranteed. 1929 S. 84th. Har. 3W. LOST AND FOUND IXJ8T I.ady's gold watch and fob, with name Inside. Reward. Finder leave at Bee office. 4l10 T?0trnr1 to anv on finding a bet ipiv itc aiu ,er place to have carp,,,,, rugs, mattresses, upholstering, etc., cleaned ly vacuum system. MYERS, Webster til?.'. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omahu & Council Bluffs Street Railway com any to ascertain whether they left It In the street cai s. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48 OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. KYlTTVn The Teddy Bear expert clean- ijttBi jiiesn purre containing money, ke and handkerchief: Hrandeia Pompeian Dressing Room. Reward. Harney 3n4. LOST Roan Shorthorn cow. weight about hoO pounds, picked up st the Union Stock Yards May 17. Address Union Stock Vards company. South Omaha LOST A lady's gold headed stick pin between Seward and Cuming on 251 h. I'h Harney IMi. Reward. BROKE loose Isst nlcat. chestnut bay horss, 1 400 lbs., lung l(d. nswly shod; notify Doug, 141J. Dworak Wracking: Co, MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF TILE (nXKR-IW rem, edy for Itching, bleeding' or protrudlnj FILES, postpaid; samples free. Sherds' mnn MrCVnnell Prug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN UUnV AND (UATIt'U N0T1IIN0BDT MONEY That is All We Loan. i Could you vie $2t or $."0 to a good ad. vantage? If so. come to us; don't go to a friend. We loan money on furniture pianos or teams without removal, small and eaay payments; 9ic la the weekly pav. ment on a t-S loan and 11.20 la the week) I payment on a :0 loan for W neeka Other amounta in ine wnn proportion. Write 01 'phone us and we will call on you at once. All bualneea confidential STATE MOKTUAliE LOAN CC Boom 13. Arlington nik., 15114 Dodga St ' Phones: Douglra W'A. lnrietienrient A-24tj cilttel'lons ' Loweiit ratea and ttrlctiy private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. mo Hee Bklg. Doug, l&rfi. A-IXA MONET loaned salaried people, womei keeping houae and others, wi.hout security) easy payments. Office in 67 prlocip.il cities, Telman. 603 Omaha Nat. iiajik liiu lor. nerly N. Y. L. bldg. DIAMOND LOANS ATlVT en large loans, smaller loana at IS ami h W. C. FLATAU, aj-iK5:.-r! MONEYS liable Credit Co 808 Paxton block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-141L JuONJRAjECLEANlNG ..OMAA VAN & STORAGE CO. cleans"' lour carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. 804 8. 16U; 809 fc I7u! box!?. j EXPRESSMAN 8 DELIVERY CO.-Mov-ing; furniture packing; fireproof stores. City Office. 16 S. 17th. Doug 5.4; I .id IB-?" PIANO moving. Cole's storsge snd e. press. Ibis Capitol Ave D. ,o. A-3.137. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. ONE nicely furnished, newly papered, south front room; modern in every way suitable for two gentlemen; best home cooking. 2114 Harney St. THE BACHE1XJR8, 20th' and Farnam. Rates: Single, 835 to 840; double, 868 to 86a. ELEGANT front Parlor; modern In everyV respect; suitable for two gentlemen or I "'joj u, pieasani ncignoor- hfwJ 9909 1 J ........ .4 B B.vwu. ..Ii. ..WOT U. NICE, quiet home with first class horn cooking; cool rooms; everything modern: hot and cold water all summer: references. Web. 8763. 2i3) Hamilton. , EXCELLENT BOARD And nicely furnished, clean rooms; hoi water all the time. 2472-4 Harney St. NICELY furnished modern rooms, with meals, if desired. 2618 Dewey Ave. CLOSE-IN, centrally located, modernA rooms In delightful neighborhood; hot and cold water all tho time. First-class tabu k board. 618 8. llh St. t arnished Rooms. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 5971 8619 N. 20th St. NICELY furnished modern rooms, with breakfast If desired, sua Jones St. Phone Douglas 496. WANTED Two or three men for large front room, with bath, breakfast and sup. per, 84.50 per Week. 1713 Nicholas. LARGE modern rooms, suitable for twoi 812 per month. 318 N. 83d. 1 DEWEY European Hotel. Uth mt Farnanv ONE large front room; new, modern flat; private family; walking distance, lili Chicago. 'Phone, B-2930. , LOOK A larsra nnrlnr with turn .ihi.. room ensulte or can be rented separate: uisu smaiier lurnisnea room; reasonable rent; beautiful neighborhood, on car Una: everything modern. 1427 N. 17th St. Phona Webster 814. mr.ATTTTITTrr. , .. . w. ., iiiviik . oesir-t . able for summer, 8 windows, modern, Red 48G4. NICELY furnished front room, with bad. room adjoining. 220 N. 19th. FURNISHED rooms, under new manage- !Vlnt I.,.. W-r T. . Knm ...I,.k1- . . , " m " . v. n . i wui, .uiuuuv lur wu also north and east room. 1908 Capitol Ave, W A I.K IVn rilatan,. nrl fa,K4 sinarla or naulr nn Wm.ni nt cool place, shady yard; everything modern. i ci nam dl HOUSEKEEPING and neatly furnished sleeping rooms. All modern; In good neigh borhood. Walking distance. 1622 Burt. BRIGHT, comfortable north front parlon. suitable for two; modern; nice, quiet neighborhood. 1821 Caas St. ELEGANT furnished room: strlotly mod em; private family; no other roomers, U in. win St. 2037 Harney St.. one double and onat single room. Clean and oool. ONE furnished room: all modern. 523 Bo. 25th Ave. THREE housekeeping suites and three) single rooms, well furnished; close In. lsu) Chicago. LARGE front room, suitable for two T', three, large back room, close in, modern. 1814 Dodge St. LARGE front room with alcove, private, family; homelike, modern, cool; large, shady lawn; with board; gentlemen. 1924 Emmet. Tels., Web. 328. B-1336. 2702 Farnam St.. cool, clean, modern rooms, reasonable; breakfast If desired. 116 Large, cool corner room, well fur nished, with or without piano. No objec tion to music or practice. Nlae bath, plenty of hot water; also ice water. Both telephones. Walking distance, Leaven worth car one block. 2663 St. Mary's. NEATLY furnished, all modern rooms. 12 and up; also housekeeping rooms diock rrom postoriice. ziz in. mn St. ONE or two extra fine front rooms, ele gant furniture; all modern; fine, largo lawn; walking distance; no sign on house. 320 N. 20th. STRICTLY modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water; one room suit able for two gentlemen. 316 N. 19lh St. NICELY furnished rooms in private family, all outs.de exposure, large .rch, close In. 2032 Harney. 'Phone Harney t,JS7. NICELY furnished rooms In private hom one south room and one north room, cool for summer, close in, on two car lima. 1919 Dodge St. NICELY furnished, modern, clean room: hot and cold water all the time. 2M0 Dewey Ave. TWO nicely furnished south rooms; mod ern; nice, quiet neighborhood : lo two un furnished front rooms. 403 8. 2ilh Ave. OMAHA has the heat of everything on the market, but Farrell makes the best syrup. If Mrs. J. E OConnell. 14o N. 42d St.. win come to inn line otiice within three days we will give her an order for a 50-cent can free. ELEGANT furnished room for rent. finest location, strictly modern; private family; walking distance. Tel. Harney 6u35. NICELY furnished room, Hanauoni uarK and Field club district, on car luie. Phone Harney 716. THREE furnished rooms, one front room snd one tack parlor, nice comfortable. rooma, three blocks from tows. IMS Cld cago. 118 VERY large, well-furnished, newly papered southeast parlor, with bay win dow; with or without piano; nice bath, plenty of hot water; both telephones; car one block. :'a'J St. Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished outride rooms at 2411 Capitol Ave. Douglas 6s.it FOR RENT A newly furnlshsd nvedsrs room. 34 ft. 2ta Ava. Uareay soli. i i t i T I J I ' C b i ' II T r 2. F J( A fl In T: 4 ar C all Bll Wl o , is ro roc Ha TS ont Lbl Y fan ke i T or goo - T atoi fru: No. Tel i 1 Uu ' i Uc