1 II Hi lirtit UMAI1A, riVlL'Al, iLl 1711. in X.. 0 The gee'g jjitne oMaja z 1 1 v 1 f " i- 1 t T ' a.:-' i 7 r. r Lay of the Hotel Lobbyist Is SJrtting tat tjm lnua satretr. that Chasr Vim. amairr. "Also the offloe stretch, the factory . stretch, the elans room stretch and street V ear stretch," yawned the Hotel Lobbyist ATn nay nothing of tin hotel corridor . I tretch. Why, anybody should believe that fitretehlng la confined to the hom In spring ' lira I Aoa't know. .There something in th Ur at this time of the year that makes .- any landscape we look at one vut, Ultmtt- ante stretch, "The world Is open fared. Tou w - notice an Inclination to stretch on the part of tree limbs. The woods put on s new line of scenery e penally twin ted for this production. The . little birds pipe their lays and the plumbers lay their pipes. Base bail fans art rain checks snd poeta 'don't pt try kind. . "W all were going, to start In exercising this spring- and we are keeping our word, are-n't we? Isn't H Brand esei-cise to lean bark In chair and stretch the arms above one's bead and slghT "X trow It is. ' The habit of stretching, holding the arms tip In the air, is so strong at this time that we can't even Induce the Mexicans to put town their arms. But the ar scare Is setting awfully languid ai the sultry season approaches. We're toe much Interested In the Increased heavy batting of the big league the photographs of the styles of bathing Butts which will ''-'not be permitted on the beaches this sum mer, the exciting plots of the summer roof shows and the fsscinatlng snort of reading the railroad aiders to pick the various places to spend our vacations but never reach. - ' - f "Some of us Just fs.ll -asleep nsturally and ethers read the supreme court decision. The young engaged people or those who are easily Induced Into that comatose con dition think the world la populated by ex- Long-Lived Persons Marry Ellis, aged 11 years, died in New Tork in July, 1754. A mulatto slave died In Fredericktown, Vs.. In August, 179?. agi-d 130 years. Wywarch . Hen, poet and ' contemporary of ancient King Arthur, is said to have lived to the -age of 1H0 years. William Billings died in England in 1751 kt the age of 111 years. He was the last k: Queen Anne's officers. N'imaa de Cupna, a native of Bengal, 'J idted in the year lflc at the incredible ase Loretta's Looking Girls are queer! I resent having men aay It; but I-am forced to a conclusion that they know whereof they speak even If they display bad taste In . speaking. There are some things that ought not to be mentioned. - '' You know those shoot-tbe-coa arrange ments that tiarrteade r tha sidewalk and esnpty the contents of a tlg black wagop Into the coal cellars? A girl In a hobble and oaa of them met! Ebs stood meditat ively watching the Iback stream rushing oellarward, But she was doing a little mental arithmetic Her skirt was a scant two yards wide. The chute wss a gener--aoui three-auarters - And the point of con- I Jslderatlon was whether In the quarter of . orer us onstacia , - With the. black Oblivion, that enables them to get a good many wagon loads a day delivered, the two coal men A'.i not see her. They, let the black diamonds sweep uninterruptedly to the setting that awaited them. The girl had a choice of being swept Into the coal cellar with them If she stepped Into ths chute, or of going . Aut In the street ana dodging automobiles or she could hop! f Fhe hopped.' Ths rubloon was crossed 1 sait-ly, but. barely. But the pedestrians A who had lined up to watch the Issue were treated to a 'eight that was funnier far ... than Lrfrd Dundreary's famoys skip. Noth ing in fact or fiction, on hei stage or off, has ever approached the hobble-hop as an The Woman With Nerves Many women confuse the words "ner vous" and 1emjeraroental," and try to affect the ons by practicing the other. Thre seems .to be an accepted idea that temperament Is attractive, and so It Is to a degree, when .lt la real, though there is a doubt whether It is ever ss pleasing as the gentleness and poise that go with an even disposition. Rut the rasping ner vousness burn of affectation, and which rapidly becomea a reality. Is enough to dim the beauty of a Venus de M!lo Eventually It means pervishnean, illness sad the com- LOST OR STOLEN A WHITE DUCK SUIT. 0 illffc 1 j "8TRETCTH." actly two persons them. "The explanation of the matter is that the earth has one of those rubber cork centers at this time of the year. It makes the sphere light, giddy and lively. The little hills leap for Joy even James X withholds his prophecies of gloom, while David Jayne finds this land much nicer than Germany. "Tep. spring is the home stretch and the workshop stretch and tha all day stretch Even when the girls In the hobble skirts climb aboard the open cars there's the In clination to mbbe" "Aral the poeta," reminded ' the Chair Warmer. "Pon t forget the poets are post ing. " "Yes, the poets and Alfred Austin agreed the? Hotel Lobbyist. (Copyright, 11 L by the N. T Herald Co.) of S79 years, so Maffeus, a Portuguese author, has declared. The Newport Mercury (which Ts-as founded by Benjamin Franklin's brother James) of April St, 17K8, contained a no tice of. the death of Daniel Cullen, who had attained the age of 15 years. -Jennne Fitsgerald, countess of Desmond, passed away when she was 145. At the age of 140 she traveled from her home In Ireland to London to urge some claim against the government. Sir Walter Ra- leiirh once said: 'I myself knew her. Lord Bacon mentions that she had thrloe renewed her teeth. New Tork Daily Advertiser of November 7. 17Wt, records the demise of the Rev. Thomas Sampson, aged 114. years. Glas s-Held Up to the exhibition of eccentrlo boraor! New Tork has Just been shaken down to the very bottom of Its natural rock foundation by a horrible catastrophe In which over 100 girls were burned to death. And a perfect flood of sympathy has flowed from the hearts of girls and women to the bereaved faxnillea of the victims, walls a feminine rage has protested against the willful disregard for human Ufa Tot here we are deliberately getting ourselves Into skirts that make it Impossible for us to run fast enough to get away from an automobile. Jump high enough to escape a stumbling block, or get on a street car without risk of being Jerked . down ana mutilated by a feature to- calculate our skirt allowanca We grow eloquent about the criminal cruelty of not arranging adequate escapes from danger of fire; and then, we carefully get ourselves Into skirts that have no safety devices attached. Aren't we funny, though?' Cfne thing, though we are as mean to ourselves as we are to others. We do not endanger the lives of fellow travelers with our .hatpins without Inflicting upon ourselves some iurm of torture. Ws run our risk of the death we deal by curtailing our pedal ability to get away from harm. Indeed, we abuse ourselves Just as we do othera We do not burden them with terrors snd unkindly (o scot free our selves. We may be queer, but we cer tainly are fair! plete loss of any natural beauty thst may have preceded it- There are women who take a certain foolish pride la being "so nervous." They talk of the continually, and when the slightest opportunity presents they put It iate effect. They develop hysterics upon the slightest provocation, and when an unpleasant duty lies in their oath they have "a dreadful nervous headache." As s result they sre avoided by the women of their acquaintance, while the men, who have little patience wltn women's nerves, are sure to dub them silly and shallow. What is more Important, they mar their features, and this should be enough to cure any. case of Imaginary nerves. . Re garding this fact, a noted teacher of buauty culture, who is herself marvel ously lovely, says: "For your complexion's sake, keep your nerves under control. Nervousness is one of the chief causes of roughness of skin and of pimples. Womea with real ner vous affections hsve teamed this Is thetr sorrow. Nervousness causes fine lines to be drawn around the eyes, which take on ra staring appearance while the figure apeare rigid and tha voice harsh and strained. "Do not credit nervousness to overwork. If you atft the case carefully you will find it is worry, not nork. that is breaking down the system. Continued worry la me foster mother of age sod ngsnesa It not onlv harms a woman's beauty, nut it les sens her chances of success fer burning up energy and brain force. There Is not a case on record where worry brought any definitely good results. "The woman who Is the complete mas ter of her nerves is doing more to make herself attractive than eoald the greatest beauty doctor la the world." . A Tender HH4 Between angtns and bag car Judge. S tn (Mi ccoorri A COVfXt OfTJMCJ l7TLY. fYt A VMTIJH FOR 4 cvs ntfotertn, ft CA$st I atxrr. THC sVMOCX BUT wiu, tu TO a frvotn LEAVE rrTh M W YOU RVH AC MM AWI' Trtltftir THAT LOOKS HKC A HOW 3 THAT STKKt revf Queer ness of Girls "I should like it," he exclaimed. And I fell into a re very. It seemed clear that It was ths girl's to choose whether she would be a playmate or a helpmate. It was an engrossing thought. Some of you girls might try it as a mental exercise. .1 11 I 1 III OTFBI t I IV i iiiut jiniK i i tup i i u. it i r. urn jl THe Weekly bumble Beep VOL. L TUB BV BIBLE) 1KB. A, STINGER Editor Communications welcomed, and neither signature nor re turn postage required. Ad dress ths tdltor. NO BAD MONET TAKEN. NO AD8 AT ANT PRICK. Crafty. . Did you notice it? The gov ernor calls on the county at torney to take the steps to en force ths law, and the county attorney turns around and calls on the police to get bim the evidence on which to pro ceed. Is it not a beautiful garnet The outcome of this ought to be of much real con cern to the public as a test of law enforcement. I fare. If the vigilantes will direct thetr efforts aatnat the loaf ers who Infest the downtown street corners, and compel them to keep moving, the will do a real publle service. Omaha suffers more because of the eongregation of cigar ette amoklng boys on tha street comers than on account of highwaymen or burglars. Others. It will be well to keep in mind that Omaha is not the only place In the -world where footpadi and burglarious per sons operate. It seems tliat Omaha Is the only place w here certain persons seek to ride Into public notioe by bragging of the petty crimes against property. somewhere, where, but where. tbea you ana tell 1U and Parade. W11. now you have seen the parade what do you think of the city's payroll? Its a pretty fine looking lot of men who draw thetr wagea from Omaha's coffers. Isn t it? And they weren't all In line at that. to all the snd the story the Novell r. It was a novel sight to see President Tuft walking up to the elephant s rage and hold ing out his hi no after what the elephant did to his mahuut last fall. But It Is hopeful. Artl little Artie might almost be called "Artless Artie." were he not so confoundedly crafty. But he Is just s trifle deep. Weather. Tou haven t heard the ice man comi'laln about the weather, have you? Proad. Iid you e Tom Flynn the dsy? Marshal Tom it will be forever new. rrw a ttf -eswrrs $0HlTpiH(f TNATi LOOKS VMte I ircooP! f I'll BE GREAT! Automatic Stores Automatic shops for the poor districts , are advocated by Thomas A. TCdleon, not only as a philanthropic measure but also as a business proposition. The great In ventor dams that ths poor people are greatly overtaxed because of the: neces sity of .buying In small quaiitftles. This would be the means of . oliiittnatlng the ward charity to a great -extent "and would pay a profit to the nrojectori of ' S per cent or more. In an Interview in the Phila delphia Inquirer Mr. BUI son says: 'With the purchasing power these stores would have they could buy everything at wholesale. Then let them dispense only the necessaries, put up in penny and S-cent lota We already know what ean be done with automatic vending machines,- and these could be adapted to the sale of pack ages of tea, coffe, beans, pear, flour, sugar and all other staple foods, as well as fuel. OMAHA. MAT 26, 1911. a- 1 m V V 1 1 I i-XX a W VIGILANTES THE ONE SURE WAY TO CURE THE FOOTPAD Short-Oard Ike Endorses the Move and Tells Just the PUn Will Work In Detail Practice. "Bpeakln about vigilantes," said Snort-Card Ike, "1 surely do admire the term. It has been a favorite expression o( mine for well, 1 hate to own up, but you'll remember that 1 wasn't so durn far sway in thoee days when X. Bled ler and his friends were doing the finest ptecs of vigilante work that was sver pulled off In this country. Also, 1 know iust what 7-7-7 meant to the eniscas of Ban Pran, and that was some, too. "Bo, as 1 was eayln' I'm strong for this here vigilante move. It goes double with ma Here's the system: "You're walking home at night, ssy along about :30, or thereabouts. Just about the most lonesome spot on ths trail soms gent sticks a six gun into your face, and while you tremble with your hands up and your nose ltchln' aay, did you ever notice how your nose always Itches when Its got a gun sticking about an inch away from its end? Mine always does. Well, this man, as 1 say, sticks his six-gun into your face, and goes through your pockets, and then he ducks, and you get on the stlcktip In which you were the party of the second part, they 11 go out and patrol the regiua, and. If the gun man comes back that way he 11 be up against It If ths vigilantes get him. "At ths regular weekly ses sion of the executive council of the vigilantes, the affair will be presented along with other similar cases, and ths proper reference to committee will be made, and at the next regular meeting the committee will make Its report, and for mal action will be taken. "Of course, as soon as the holdup man finds out he Is being indexed and card cata logued by the vigilantes, he'll b mighty careful about bow he operates. "Then, tnere's the alter, native plan of notifying the fire department. After you've been ransacked by the festive footpad, all you've got to do is to hiks to the nearest fire barn, arouse the foreman and give him the sad, sweet Story of the last few minutes of your Ufa He'll give over at once the business of fighting fires, and start his men out on horseback to ride around the block and see If the hoi Sup man la waiting to be rauuht. Of course. It mlcht be awk ward if a fire should by any mischance break out while the firemen are pursuing one an other around the townslte looking for footpads. but that's a detail to W worked out. "Then the parson had a good idea. It's the shotgun In ycur own home. . If you are stuck up, or your neighbor is. Just lump to the shack, grab the scattergun from its phtce in the closet, put It together, being careful to see that it Is set! oiled and in good condi tion. Then scurry back to where It happened, and If th. srtckup is still sticking around you can get him. About ten feet rise is proper on these fellows, and it isn't consid ered unsportsmanlike to shoot 'em on the ground. "The vigilante idea sure does look nod to me. sr wsy you take it. What will the footpad be doing after he's cleaned out his victim Well if he's anything like the foot pads who got me. hell he making hla git-away. but that'a also a detail." your breath back and tear for you don t know you tear for some Byrueby your wits be gin to work again, and you holler for help and police and the customary things, and git to a telephone tee ponce all about they send out a call coppers on the beat. newspapers (,'et the next day, and maybe the holdup man laughs when he reads It snd thinks about how you acted. At any rate, it's a little better than 10 to 1 he s ever caught. "Now, all this Is going to be changed. Instead i t running and hollering poline. what ou'U do is to go quietly along to the first drug store and call up the chief vigilante on 'pbona You tell hun yeur story, and be II decide In whose district the outrage oc curred. Then he'll get con nection with the high card In that precinct, and give hltn the tip, and he'll call out his forces. It may be that the top card In that precinct is down town at a lodge meeting, or the theater or something of that sort, but wherever be Is. as soon as be gets Word, he'll call his trusty band together, and they'll go Into solemn ses sion over It. "Tou II fell them all about it. Just where It happened, and how it felt and every little detail. and finally, when they've got all the oops Ahsraya, That Incident in Pennsyl vania was merely corrobora tive of the law long known In the west that five aoes In a poker deck always means work for ths naaertaksr. VJ AX van I P Ag 79 oiwrr. KrMT OftR CORN CKia! for Small Buyers "At present the market for such wares Is Just the reverse of what it should ba The rich, with their ability to buy In quan tity, are able to purchase their foods and fuel at a little more, than a fraction of the prices paid by the poor, and by our pres ent methods this may not be obviated. - "The automatic, store and It will Just as surely come as will new designed to reduce band labor through the adoption of more efficient machinery will not only . save through Its ability to make quantity pur chases, but will do away with clerks and cashiers, will - In fact demand only the presence of a single person, whose duty will be that of a general overseer. "These stores, built of concrete, will de mand little if any fire Insurance,, and may be kept sanitary even in ths most congested dlstr!r.a by giving them a tho rough washing witii a hose at night. NO. 238. EVIL OUS POET'S C0B5ZE. x JoaqslU Oh, Jonquil, you rs a daring creel ur , Too set my nerves all tottar- teeter for your thoughts are as crippled as your meter. 1 must confess you are a dandy; Tour hair must be in hus bright sandy; No doubt you think you are the csndy. And be you lady or be you gent, I spy your purpose and in tent Thou target for a compli ment. Tour measure and your dare I've taken; I bope your purpose la un shaken About those promises you're makin'. And now I take you try ths collar Just figur'tlvely and to yon holler, "Now. Mr. Dare Me, I want that dollar." Just cough it up before I drub you; I'll tell you now before I snub you. I want it for the new T dub U. Oh, Jonquil, Hopper and Teter begone yeu From thlH land of stings where your follv hss drawn you; If you don t I'll tell Loretta on you. Q. R. O. Cumbsck. How Fswaey. Pear Mr. Btingar. I'm perplext, 1 approach you for novice. I hoi with ms you'll sot be vext. Bnt treat me rather nice. Mon t you ask that Wat.t Tad F.ditor And please don't you forget If a Isriy s verse w ins second prise. Will she win a trouserette , -Iaffy Mil. Yes? Oh, Peter, bright Peter. Could anything be neater. Than yotir method of put ting the question? My purse is so thin Just a trace of the tin While A. Stringer's shows signs of congestion! Oh. Peter, friend Peter, This life would seem sweeter (Now be'ieie me, I speak with emotion) if Stinger old Honey, Came across with the money And gave Curio and me due proportion! -F. R T. .v-J 3 ' The BEE'S Jumor This is (he I DayWe Celebrate May 26, 191L Name and AddrrsM. Jessie Abond, 1314 Pierce St Frances E. Axtell, 2203 Lothrop St..... Louise I. Babde, 2417 Elm St Maynard S. Buchanan, 3820 Charles St John BHoyed, 708 Center St Thomas B. Barnette. 2216 Binnt-y St Katherine Burdin, 4608 North Twenty-second Lester Bruce, 2802 Franklin St Edmond Clark, 812 South Thirty-fifth O. Comlne, 1019 South Nineteenth St Lillian Carpenter, 4504 Hamilton St Irene Craved. 4415 North Fortieth St Albert Carlyle, 4510 Seward St Ruth Foran. 1007 South Thirty-fourth Amy Fitrwilliam, 645 Georgia Ave... . . . High 189( Russell E. Ganta, 3314 Taylor St Monmouth Fark....l90C Mildmay Glveen, 1705 Laird St .....Lothrop M89E Robert Gearfoss, 2811 Spalding St "..Lothrop . 1 S9S Marion Heller, 310 Bancroft St Bancroft 1897 Lee Henry, 1064 H South Twentieth St...- Mason .....1903 Helen A. Houck, 1612 Fort St. . . , Sherman . 1898 Jameg Hogarth, 2901 South Twenty-sixth St Vinton 1904 Ida M. H or sens, 2916 Seward St Long 1905 Gertrude M. Hanting, Forty-seventh and Burdette Sts. Central -. . .1905 May Johnson. 2217 Cass St High ...1892 Elvira A. Johnson, 3348 South Nineteenth St Vinton .......... 1889 Helen A. Janicek, 1301 South Twelfth St Pacific 1904 George Johnsen, 2433 Burt St Kellom 1899 Edith Krantz, 610 North Eighteenth St Cass 1900 Martha Kraft, 2707 South Twentieth St CasteJlar 1897 Walter Kanger, 2905 Elm St Im. Conception... .1900 Klsslah Lennon, 1023 South Twenty-second St (Mason . . . 1902 Walter H. Marrow. 4648 Cuming St Walnut Hill !'.190J Edward Mollner. 2415 South Nineteenth St St. Joseph ..1903 Elsie Mandel, 1820 North Seventeenth St Lake .!..-..' 1904 Charlotte Marquardt, 1820 Vinton St High ' 1893 Artrld Nelsen, 4120 Wirt St Clifton 'Hill! 1 900 Ralph N. Pratt, 1521 Park Ave ...1. High 1894 Emma Petty, 672 North Forty-fifth St Saunderg .' '. '.' '. 1901 Richard Raynolds, 104 North Thirty-first Ave Far-am ia01 Bessie Schlvemer. 3729 Marcy St t Columbian V.V.V.1898 Arnold W. Smith, 3408 South Thirteenth St Edw. Rosewater.-..1903 Leona Stepheng. 2016 Center St Castellar i902 Vara F. Sadler, 4021 North Twenty-fifth Ave Saratoga .... ' . 1904 Lerog Stoke. 1620 North Twenty-first St . , Kellom 1899 Lillian Volence, 2421 South Nineteenth St .'. . . C5.it.llmr. wV.'i." 1904 Abraham Wllliama, 1219 Pierce St PaclfIc . . . . CTiarloa Waflrlna ccit irn.. , , ... ,wiui luiuj-BwoDu Sylvia P. Whlsler. 2913 Mason 8t r How to Treat "Someone asked me the other day why a certain married couple In our set didn't get on very well together," said the WTse Wife. "The answer was easy too much ready-to-eat food. "J never thought Edith Jnrdnn w& genius until I observed her ability to dodge nuusenoia duties. She knew of more pre pared foods and ready made dishes than an ordinary woman ever dreamed of, while her knack of assembling old canned meats. Prepared salads and lndlreatlhia hi.n. pies and cakes was little short of marvel lous. "Bhe used to run over here la the after roon to 'sit awhile.' Sometimes she brought a bit of needlework, but usually she Just chatted about clothes, mutual acquaint ance, pleasant jaunts, past or to be. About half after ( o'clock sbs would sud denly Jump to her feet with the exclama tion: Mercy! I had no idea It was so lata. 1 haven't ths slightest idea what to get for dinner and John comes at o'clock." " 'Ham and eggs wouldn't take long,' I would suggest. " 'No-o-o-o let me see, this Is Tuesday. Oh, fine! They have hot devilled crabs at ths delicantnssen's today. I'll run up and get those and some potato salad. That will bs enough, won t It. with soms canned peas? They won't take long to cook.' "Poor John! For him It is always cold f Gentle Cynicisms J The gilded youth feels that he la on his mettle if he Is fashion-plated. The honest taxpayer supports lots of people who are not In the almshouse. Never Invite a person to dine with you who Is mean enough to steal your cook. Love may be blind, but its olfactory or gans are all right when It comes to snif fing orange blossoms. If a man calls you a fool, call him another that Is If you want to hear something worse about yourself. When women whisper srsndal snd ssy a little bird told them, It's a safe bet that the little bird was a lyr. A married woman might be referred to as a peach, but she hss to be divorced be fore she becomes a peach o' Reno. Some men are not satisfied to be the architects of their own fortunes unless they sre constantly adding extenalona. At any rate the husband of the suf frage! ts can't taunt her with not getting Uie votes his mother used to get. ' The bore is not neceessrHy a person of deep penetration. There are some men so constituted thst they con get uaed to anything except being married. If a man doesn't want his wife to be lste he shouldn't hurry her. Borne people are not satisfied to give the devil his cue. They wsnt to pay him over time. Instance lends enchant snent to the view unless you are lasy and have to walk there. Wheat a woman learns to sharpen a pen1) Birthday Book nr lUx W) MS Cuming. School. ..'' Pacific ,.10 Lothrop ..1900 Vinton 1903 Franklin ..1901 Train ,1M Sacred Htart. ... . .1900 St Saratoga 1S88 Long ...1908 St Columbian 1896 SL PhUomena 1908 Walnut Hill 1891 Central Turk 1899 Walnut Hill. .... .1898 St High .............. 1896 bi Webster loot , Park .......,,.1899 a Husband it J sliced turkey, devilled crabs, summer sausage and some of the execrable mix tures that pass for salad In ths shopa No wonder be looks dyspeptic and is subject to spells of warped disposition. "When Edith wants something from th market she never happens to think of It until the vlery last moment,, and then shs has to pay a messenger to rush it over In time. And yet her case is only one of hun dreds wherein Incomes are taxed and pal ates Jaded by ready-to-eat food. "I used to e a devotee of the delicat essen myself," the Wise Wife went on remlniscently. "Then one day I realized how much of Bobs Ineome went by ihe prepared food route. We bad a lltt! n of bad luck and I had to retrench for ; v monthe. When I found how much better food I could have for less money by mixing a little thought with It. 1 discarded the ready made dishes and nav kept to the home mads articles ever since. If I hav a maid I place the day's menu on ths kitchen table the evening before, and if I am alone I arrange my menus and am at the front window watching for Bob. "A wife doesn't Ions, anything by taking Interest In her home home meaning ths kitchen as well as ths music room. Every husband appreciates such Interest.. I'd like to advise Kdlth Jordon to try the maglo of the words 'home mads' as a dispeller of domestic gloom." bs feels that shs is equipped to con quel worlds. Pleasure always knocks louder than Op portunlty. There is no virtue in being good ti mi you hava to be. Some women are alnost as impervious to flattery ss T. R, is to having his pictures taken. Those who mfilrj, (hlp , ...... luwiiry pi, King way exjerience some difficulty In letting it go at an. It pains a girl terribly after she is mar. rled to discover that her husbaid really prefers corned beef and cabbage to those delightful little chafing dish thlnss.rhll delphia Ledger. Q D. BUT NOT WIRELESS. ?-!ii:i';!!!l'V,i',i',!i'"t mm ' H'l '' .' . 1 )v,i' V:w if kl ' M- 1 ff 'W '.a- ' -i -V Tin I" I V -4e4de. I